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Rabbi Frand On Parshas Chayei Sarah

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Parshat Chayei-Sarah

TORAH Artscroll 106 Hertz 80 HAFTORAH Artscroll 1136 Hertz 90

Mevarchim Chodesh Kislev Rosh Chodesh Thursday Nov 15 Molad Wednesday 3:25:10 am

November 10, 2012 25 Cheshvan,

Seeing The Silver Lining Of A Challenging Situation: A Great Accomplishment The Ramba"n writes that the Torah elaborates on all the details of Avraham's purchase of the burial plot for Sarah "In order to inform us of the mercies of G-d with Avraham, who became a Prince of the L-rd in the land into which he came to live." The Chitites treated Avraham with great respect and were honored to give his family a prime burial spot in the finest part of their territory. The entire populace gave him the title Adoni [master] such that yet in his lifetime we witness fulfillment of the blessing "I will Bless you and I will make your name great". [Bereshis 12:2] The Ramba"n continues in the very upsetting and difficult, but as a test, they are very anti-climactic. Is this an appropriate climax to the tests that Avraham endured during his life of devotion to the Almighty? Rav Simcha Zissel Brody says that there is no contradiction in the Ramba"n and in fact the Ramba"n coming to answer this very question of why the purchase of a burial plot Are these two comments of was considered a "test". the Ramba"n not selfcontradictory? The The tests presented contradictions to Ramba"n begins the comment by saying that Avraham. Avraham was the parsha is written to tell told to go to the Land of us that the story illustrates Canaan and good things the great respect everyone would happen to him. had for Avraham. But then But as soon as Avraham the Ramba"n says that the arrived, "there was a famine in the land". This parsha documents a test that Avraham endured was an apparent expending great effort and contradiction to G-d's great expense to find a promise. G-d told Avraham he would have burial spot for his wife! Furthermore, how can a son who would be the founder of the Jewish there be another "test" after the test at the end of people. Then G-d told Avraham to take the son last week's parsha the nisayon of Akeidas and slaughter him. This was an apparent Yitzchak? The events in this week's parsha may be contradiction to G-d's same paragraph: And our Rabbis say that this was one of Avraham's tests that he sought a burial place for his own wife in the land that he was promised by G-d and yet he was not able to acquire the land until he purchased it at a great price with great effort. He did not question G-d about this and thus passed his final nisayon [test].


Candle Lighting Friday Mincha Hashkama Parsha Shiur Main Minyan Beit Midrash Teen Minyan Gemorah shiur Mincha Shabbat Ends Sunday, Nov. 11 Monday Tues., Wed., Fri. Thursday Mincha Late Maariv Mon-Thurs

4:24 pm 4:25 pm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:15 am 9:15 am 3:45 pm 4:15 pm 5:30 pm 7:30/8:30 am 6:35/7:45 am 6:45/7:45 am 6:30/7:45 am 4:20 pm 8:15pm

Latest Times for Shema/ Shmoneh Esrei November 10 November 17

9:08/9:59 am

9:05/9:56 am

Next Shabbat Toldos Candle Lighting Mincha 4:18 pm 4:20 pm

Kiddush Is Sponsored by Great Neck Synagogue

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

Shabbat Announcements Parshat Chayei Sarah 5773

promise. The burial of Sarah contains that element as well. Avraham was promised that the entire land would be his and now he has difficulty even buying a plot for his beloved wife. This too is a contradiction. However, this test has an added element. The test was whether, while undergoing stress and distress of nisyanos, Avraham would also simultaneously be able to perceive the great mercies and kindnesses that G-d had wrought for him. There are 3 ways that a person can handle life's tragedies. He can suffer troubles and tragedy and then throw away religion. Alternatively, he can suffer these fates and stoically accept it all as punishment. Finally, he can see the trouble and tragedy, but even within the tragedy, he is able to see the Mercy. This is the ultimate test of a human being's faith. This is why the test of Sarah's burial was even greater than the previous tests. It contained the element of contradiction that was also present in the previous nisyonos, but it also contained another element. It contained the challenge to be impressed by the way the Bnei Ches treated him (even while they were giving him a hard time) and the challenge to recognize the Divine Providence which allowed him to be valued and treated as a "Prince of the L-rd in their midst." Seeing the Chessed and the Favors of G-d while in the midst of one's troubles is a tremendous attribute and indeed amounted to the pinnacle of Avraham's spiritual accomplishments.

***NewJr.HighGirlsChesedClub TheclubwillmeetweeklyatGreatNeckSynagogueonTuesdays from7:007:45pmtoplananddiscussvariousorganizationsto contactandeventstorunthatwillbenefitthelargerJewishcom munity.RabbiLichterwillsupervisetheclubandactasanadvisorto formoreInformationandtosignupyourdaughterforthisChesed opportunity. ***NewJr.HighBoysTefillinClass AclasstaughtbyRabbiLichteronThursdaysfrom5:306:15pmfor BarMitzvahagedboyswhowouldliketolearnaboutthelawsand reasonsbehindthemitzvahofTefillin.Theclasswillmeetinthe BraunYouthCenterandapizzadinnerwillbeserved.Pleasecontact RabbiLichteratilichter@gns.orgtosignyoursonupfortheclass. Parsha&Pizza Thisclass,taughtbyRabbiLichter,focusingonParshatHashavua willcontinuetomeetthisyearonWednesdaynightsfrom7:00 7:30,gearedfor2ndgradeto5thgrade.Pizzadinnerisserved,prizes andseforimareawardedtoattendees.ContactRabbiLichterfor HighSchoolClass OurhighschoolersmeetwithRabbiLichteronThursdaynightsfor dinnerandlearningfrom6:307:30pm.Theclassfocusesonthe dailyissuesthatHighSchoolteensconfrontintheirlivesandpro videsforbothasocialandeducationalatmosphere.Dropinon Thursdaynightsandyoullbehooked.

This year for Thanksgiving You can really give thanks and be giving! Buy a Thanksgiving Dinner for a resident at Arrandale Senior Housing and make your parents proud of you. $18 can sponsor a dinner in honor of/in memory of your parents

Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,zl, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, zl, Cantor Emeritus Rabbi Sholom Jensen, Youth Director Zehava & Michael Atlas, Youth Directors Mark Twersky, Executive Director Rabbi Avraham Bronstein, Program Director Dr. Scott Danoff, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Name:__________________________________________ Phone #_________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Meals purchased in memory/ in honor of:______________ ________________________________________________ Amount enclosed:______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ We are also looking for a limited number of volunteers (ALL AGES) to help serve the dinner, clean up, play music, sing & talk to the residents I would like to volunteer on Thursday, Nov 22nd 11:30 -2 pm Food Server:_______________ Other Talent:__________ Volunteer Names & Kids Ages:

Co-Sponsored by: GNS Hunger Initiative, Sisterhood & Womens Tefila For more info: call Nechama at 516-773-3572 or email Please return to: GNS, 26 Old Mill Road ,Great Neck, NY 11023

KristallnachtCommemoration, Shabbat,November10 OnSaturdayafternoon, November10, Dr.OliverSchnakenberg, DeputyConsulGeneral oftheFederalRepublic ofGermanyinNewYork willmarkKristallnacht atSeudahShlishit. Dr.Schnakenbergwillupdatethe congregationonthe GermanJewishcommunity, anddiscusscurrenteffortsto countertheriseofAntiSemitism andracialbigotryacrossEurope.


WITHIN OUR FAMILY Mazal Tov to Nechama & Billy Liss-levinson on the birth of a grandson, born to their children Bluma & Jeff Sussman, a new baby brother to Marc & Sadie. Mazal Tov to Jamie Wolf on passing the NY Sate Bar Exam. Mazal Tov to Hedva & Ed Kessler on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Kayla Ray Lieb.
NSHA PTA ANNUAL BOOK FAIR NSHA is holding their annual Book Fair on Sunday, November 18th from 11am-4pm and Monday November 19th from 6:00pm8:00pm at 16 Cherry Lane. We will be offering a full range of best-selling books and Hebrew books for toddlers through adults. We also will be selling novelty and gift items. There will be free arts and crafts projects for children, food for purchase and story time. As always we will also have a wonderful children's raffle. Chanukah is around the corner come shop for yourself, buy a gift, grandparents come with your grandchildren! All are welcome! In addition the NSHA 6th grade girls Chesed club will be collecting clothing and coats (gently worn for men, women and children) to be given to needy families through Chabad - please bring your donations with you and leave them in the bin by the entrance to the school. The clothing drive will continue through Monday the 19th and Tuesday the 20th at Cherry Lane and at Old Mill campuses. CHAI LIFELINE GNS member Donny Steinberg, will be running in the in the ING Miami half Marathon on January 27th, 2013, to raise money for Chai Lifeline. Chai lifeline is an international organization that provides year-round emotional, social, and financial support to more than 3,000 children with cancer and their families every year. Donny will be raising money and dedicating his run in memory of his grandfather, Philip Steinberg, who died of cancer. Donations can be made online a or by sending a check made payable to Chai Lifeline and sent to Donny Steinberg, 2 Sands Court, Great Neck, N.Y. 11023. Lets show our support for Donny's efforts as he represents the Great Neck Community in this worthwhile cause.

On Saturday afternoon, November 10, Dr. Oliver Schnakenberg, Deputy Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in New York will mark Kristallnacht at Seudah Shlishit.

GNS MENS CLUB On Mon., Nov. 26, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Barry Fox, a College Financial Aid Consultant, will be speaking on "Financial Aid and Grants available to College Students". GNS MENS CLUB UPCOMING EVENTS: Wed. Dec. 5 at 7:30 PM: Dr. Mildred Pollner, president of Cinema Verite International, will present a 30 minute documentary which she directed, Brave Children of Israel, and will speak on Global Jihad. Dr. Pollner is an accomplished filmmaker, former professor at Columbia University and has lectured worldwide. The documentary has been acclaimed at film festivals in Europe and Israel. RAFFLE PRIZES WANTED We are now collecting raffle prizes for the GNS Annual Dinner scheduled for Sunday. Dec. 16. We strongly encourage you to donate credit card points for prizes that can include airline tickets and hotel accommodations. We are also looking for prizes such as timeshare vacation places, beautiful jewelry, fur, electronics, judaica, gift certificates, internship opportunities, theatre and sports tickets, camp discounts, as well as other prize donations that you might have that will make our dinner extra special! Please submit your raffle prize donations to Mark Twersky at Thank you very much! HAVE YOUR PIE AND EAT IT TOO!! ORDER PIES FOR THANKSGIVING (homemade and pareve) and ALL of the funds raised will go to Sharsheret to support young Jewish women and their families with OVARIAN CANCER. Check it out at THANKSGIVING IS COMING. You can show your THANKS and be GIVING by buying a Thanksgiving dinner for a resident of Arrandale Senior Housing. $18 buys a dinner and you can sponsor it in honor or in memory of someone you love. Volunteers are also being recruited to help serve the dinner or to PERFORM in our talent show at Arrandale House on Thursday November 22nd, from 11:30-2:00 pm. Contact Mark to sponsor a dinner and contact Nechama to become a volunteer. ( Thanks. COMMUNITY UPCOMING EVENTS RABBI LAU IN GREAT NECK Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, shlita, former Chief Rabbi of Israel and current Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and Chairman of Yad Vashem will address the community at 7:30pm, Saturday night, November 10, at the Young Israel of Great Neck, 236 Middle Neck Road, in remembrance of almost 75 years since Kristalnacht,

RAISING MONEY FOR ALYN HOSPITAL Team GN will once again cycle in Israel to help raise money for the Alyn Hospital, which specializes in rehabilitating children who are the victims of terrorist attacks, congenital diseases, developmental defects and other debilitating disorders. This year a group of 11 from GN, including Milt Mitzner and Drs. Laura and Scott Danoff from GNS, will either volunteer to help or ride over 300 miles in the Negev to show their support for this most worthy cause. If you would like to help by making a contribution, please send a check made out to Friends of Alyn Hospital to Dr. Scott Danoff at 49-33 Little Neck SAVE THE DATE Parlor meeting for Renewal Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 8:00 pm at Jamie & Michael Katz home 25 Clover Drive. Renewal is a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting people suffering from various forms of kidney disease, saving lives by supporting kidney donors, matching them with recipients, and supporting patients and their families at every stage of their journey towards health. Since its founding in 2006, Renewal has facilitated over 180 kidney transplants in four countries.


Saturday, 25 Cheshvan Andrew Allen for Harriet Allen Murray Honig for Sylvia Honig Daniel Williams for Herbert M. Williams Sunday, 26 Cheshvan Yve Fouladi for Michael Fruhling Nina Gourdji for Ezra Nuriel Osnass Shein for Hode Pinsovitz Monday, 27 Cheshvan Stanley N. Lupkin for Sylvia Lupkin Paul Marcus for Sylvia Marcus Leon Miller for Symma Miller Paul Weinberg for Jerry Weinberg Millie Werber for Jacob Werber David Werber for Jacob Werber Martin Werber for Jacob Werber Tuesday, 28 Cheshvan Elana Flax for Janie Matzkin Shulamid Gavronsky for Bertha Kopelowitz Cheryl Sneag for Janie Matzkin Wednesday, 29 Cheshvan Gilbert Aronowitz for Betty Luchansky Evelyn Henis for Fannie Noah Judy Hoffman for Benjamin Karbowitz Stephen R. Karbowitz for Ben Karbowitz Jeffrey Kaufman for David Lawson Kaufman Gerald Nathel for Fannie Nathel Marvin Rotman for Edith Solomon Rotman Thursday, 1 Kislev Jeffrey Bilfeld for Murray Bilfeld Joseph Hecht for Pinchas Hecht Elizabeth Ort for Lawrence Suss

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