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Growing Like Jesus Growing Up Smarter

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Shine Time 1

Growing Like Jesus

Show Him IN Everything!

Growing up smarter Luke 2:41-52

What's the Point?
Growing Up is something that treasure it!
everyone can relate to. Jesus grew up too!
We don't know much about Jesus before Luke 2:52
He begun His ministry. We know that He
was part of God's plan from the beginning,
that He was born and then we come upon Jesus grew in wisdom and in
this time when He was 12 years old. stature and in favor with both
Growing up smarter is the first of four God and all the people.
lessons about the passage of Luke 2:41-52,
focusing on verse 52.

Warm Up!
Worship Him!
Play various line up type games.
They need to line up according to
*Any worship songs you like
height, birth months ,names you
, can
play as long as you want, but end up *Jesus Grew and Grew
with them lining up according to age. (song at the end of the lesson)

Play It!
Make a powerpoint game of various questions like Jeopardy
Include Biblical, non-Biblical, entertainment trivia, super easy to
the super hard that you know they won't be able to answer. See
who got the most right and commend them on being so smart.
Ask the winner how they knew all of their answers.
Hear It!
The Bible tells us many great stories about Jesus. Lets ’ learn about one when
He was a boy. Every year, Mary, Joseph and Jesus traveled to Jerusalem from their
home town of Nazareth for a celebration to worship God; called the Passover, this
year Jesus was now 12 years old. Not only did Mary, Joseph and Jesus went, but
they traveled with a big group, of friends and family. This celebration lasted for
several days and it was to remind them of everything that God has done for them
and their people, the Jews. They had lots of good food and told God how much they
loved and thanked Him. When the celebration was over; Mary, Joseph and the group
traveled back to their homes in Nazareth. After a while, Mary and Joseph realized
that Jesus was not anywhere to be found at first they thought he may have been
with some other friends or maybe playing with some of his cousins. They started to
ask all their friends and family, but no one had seen Jesus. Mary and Joseph rushed
back to Jerusalem, looking all along the way. They looked everywhere for Jesus,
don't forget he was only 12 years old and they couldn't find him at all. Finally, they
found him- Whew! What a relief! After 3 days of looking, Mary and Joseph finally
find their son! He was in the temple with the Rabbis; or the teachers. They had been
there talking together the whole time! The teachers were amazed at what Jesus
knew. It's like you getting up in the 'big' church on Sunday mornings and you begin
teaching all of the adults, he must have been very smart. When Mary found him she
said, “Son, why did you do this to us? Your father and I were very worried about
you!”Jesus asked, Why “ did you have to look for me? You should have known that I
would be where my Fathers ’ work is. ”But they didn't understand what he meant.
What do you think Jesus meant by that? (allow them to answer) Jesus meant that
he had some special things to do for God. We now know that he was going to teach
more people about God and then he was going to die for our sins, but at that time no
one really knew what he meant by that. Have you ever heard an adult say
something that you really didn't understand, but when they explained it to you- you
finally got it? It's like the same thing here. Jesus was starting to focus on his work
that God wanted him to do, but it wasn't going to fully begin now. At this time Jesus
was still learning who he was, who God was and just the normal things that kids
learn. But one of the most important things that Jesus was learning was obedience.
You want to know how I know that? It says that Jesus went with Mary and Joseph
to their home in Nazareth and He obeyed them. Get that? He didn't yell at them, he
didn't whine and complain or beg to let Him stay. He listened and did what His
parents asked Him to do. Jesus continued to grow up. People liked him and he
pleased God too.

Connect It!
How can I grow up and smart like Jesus?
**I need to make the wise choice.
*I need to listen and obey my parents
*I need to learn and talk about God whenever
I get the chance to and with whoever I can
Play It!
The Listening Game

Play a game of Simon Says

The Point: In this game we had to carefully listen

to 'Simon' in order to know what to do. Jesus had Create It!
to listen to some people in his life to know what
to do. Jesus listened to the teachers about God. Have the children create
He listened to his parents about when to go. And
he most importantly listened to God, not only their own temples and have
when he was 12, but throughout his whole life, and them design things that they
that was sure smart!. would learn if they were with

Supplies: paper, crayons or

markers, etc.

Worship Him!
Jesus Grew and Grew
(to the tune of "Mary Had a Little

Jesus grew and grew and grew;

Just like me , just like you.

Jesus grew and grew and grew;

Just like me and you.

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