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C-141C Dash 1 005 1 - 151-200

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TO 1C-141C-1 AWLS CAT I Coupled Approach (Typical). 1.

Verify that the FLT DIR annunciator bar is illumi nated on'both MSPs. If not, select FLT DIR. 2. Tune and identify ILS 1 receiver. 3. Set heading marker on pilot's HSI to the aircraft heading. 4. Set published front course on pilot's HSI. 5. Set radar altimeter to published RA/HAT. 6. On pilot's DAMU STATUS menu: a Select-NAV PTR 1 (1) Select-VOR/ILS 1 b. Select-AP/FD (1) Select-HDG 7. Engage API: (2) Select AWLS prior to glide slope inter cept point. 10. When localizer capture occurs, verify that: a The PFD AP ROLL annunciation changes from HDG SEL to LOC CAP and then to LOC TRK. b. TliefhgbX director ran bar facades proper 11. When glide slope capture occurs, verify that: a. The PFD AP pitch annunciation changes from ALT HLD to GVS CAP and then to GTS TRK. b. The ight director pitch bar provides proper steering. 12. Marker beacon annunciations. Visual annunciations appear in the upper portion of the ADI as the aircraft passes over the outer, middle, and inner markers. 13. Monitor ILS progress on the ADI and HSI on the PFDs. When DH annunciates on the PFDs, the aircraft is at decision height based on radar altimeter setting. NOTE GCAS nicde6caitout*lklINjMUMS -MMMUMS" is issued at the point where the aircraft passes through the decision height based on the radar altimeter setting. 14. Disengage the autopilot(s) at decision height and land or go around. WARNING ARM


NOTE Autopilot must be engaged prior to GS TRK, or sudden pitch changes could occur.

The annunciator bar above the API pushbutton illuminates. a. API ON annunciates in the upper right comer of both PFDs. b. Both PFDs annunciate as follows:


(yellow) (green) (green)* * Green if both ILSs are tuned and ight directors are active. 8. Engage ALT HLD to maintain a constant altitude. Verify that: a. The PFD AP pitch annunciation changes from ATT to ALT HLD. 9. Rotate the heading marker to the desired intercept heading on the pilot's HSI. a. Once established on base or dog leg, from the pilot's DAMU STATUS menu: (1) Select- LNAV or AWLS as desired. WARNING If AWLS is selected and the glide slope beam is intercepted prior to intercepting the localizer beam, the autopilot will capture glide slope, which may result in descent prior to entering the cleared de scent zone.




AP10N (green)

The AFCS will perform an automatic landing with only one autopilot engaged. However, failure to engage the second autopilot may result in a haz ardous situation if the engaged autopilot fails during autolanding. AWLS CAT II Flight Director Approach (Typical). The ight director provides lateral and vertical steering commands to allow the pilot to manually steer the aircraft to a CAT II ELS approach. 1. Verify that the FLT DIR annunciator bar is illumi nated on both MSPs. If not, select FLT DIR. 2. Tune and identify both ILS receivers. 3. Set heading marker on pilot's and copilot's HSI to the aircraft heading. 4. Set published front course on pilot's and copilot's HSI. 5. From the pilot's DAMU STATUS menu: a. Select-NAV PTR 1 (1) Select-VOR/ILS 1 b. Select-AP/FD (1) Select-HDG

Change 2


TO 1C-141C-1 6. From the copilot's DAMU STATUS menu: a. Select-NAV PTR 1 (1) Select-VOR/ILS 2 b. Select-AP/FD (1) Select-HDG 7. Set radar altimeter to published RA/HAT. 8. ILS annunciates in green under ARM and HDG SEL annunciates under FD ROLL on the pilot's and copilot's PFDs. 9. Determine the desired intercept angle and rotate the heading marker on the pilot's HSI to the desired inter cept heading. a. Once established, on base or dog leg, from the pilot's and copilot's DAMU AP/FD menu: (1) Setect-LNAVorAWLS WARNING If the glide slope beam is intercepted prior to intercepting the localizer beam, the Flight Direc tor will provide steering to capture glide slope, which may result in descent prior to entering the cleared descent zone. 02) Select AWLS prior to glide slope inter cept. 10. When localizer capture occurs, verify that: a. The PFD FD ROLL annunciation changes from HDG SEL to LOC CAP and then to LOC TRK. b. The ROLL Steering Bar provides proper steer ing commands to intercept and maintain localizer track. 11. Verify that at glide slope capture the pitch bar is displayed and provides proper steering commands to in tercept and maintain glide slope. NOTE At 900 feet AGL, the ARM ILS changes to ARM LAND (green). 12. Marker beacon aimunciations. Visual annunciations appear in the upper portion of the ADI as the aircraft passes over the outer, middle, and inner markers. 13. Monitor ILS progress on the ADI and HSI on the PFDs. When DH annunciates on the PFDs, the aircraft is at decision height At approximately the same time, *T* annunciates momentarily above DH, indicating that the aircraft is over the Inner Marker. NOTE GCASlncde6caltout'MuNIMUMS-M^NIMUMS', is issued at the point where the aircraft passes through the decision height based on the radar altimeter setting. 1-152 Change 2 a. Visual cues must be siifdent to c^teimiiie that the aircraft is within, and tracking to remain within, lateral connes of the runway extended. If cues are sufcient, die pilot may continue. If cues are insufcient, execute missed approach. AWLS CAT II Coupled Approach (Typical). 1. Verify that the FLT DIR annunciator bar is illuminated on both MSPs. If not, select FLT DDL 2. Tone and identify both ILS receivers. 3. Set heading marker on pofs HSI to the airaaftlieadmg. 4. Set published front course on pilot's and copilot's HSL 5. Set radar altimeter to published RA/HAT. 6. Engage API. NOTE Autopilot must be engaged prior to GS TRK, or sudden pitch changes could occur. 7. On pilot's DAMU STATUS menu: a. Select-NAV PTR 1 (1) Select-VOR/ILS 1 b. Select AP/FD (1) Select-HDG 8. On copilot's DAMU STATUS menu: a. Select-NAVPTRl (1) Select-VOR/TLS 2 9. ILS annunciates in green under ARM and HDG SEL annunciates under AP ROLL on the pilot's and copilot's PFDs. 10. Engage ALT HLD when a constant altitude is desireATheALTHLDannundaiiybarcntoFCPwf nate and ALT HLD annunciates on the PFD under AP FITCH. 11. Determine the (lesired intercept angle and rotate the heading marker on the pilot's HSI to the desired intercept heading. 12. When on base or dog leg, from either DAMU AP/FD menu: a. Setect-LNAVorAWLS 13. Engage AK after mterceptmg localizer. a. AWLS annunciates in the upper right corner of both the pilot's and copilot's PFDs. WARNING If AWLS is selected and the glide slope beam is intercepted prior to intercepting the localizer beam, the autopilot will capture glide slope, which may result in descent prior to entering the cleared de scent zone. b. Select AWLS prior to glide slope intercept 14. Select A/Ton MSP, if desired.




TO 1C-141C-1 15. Prior to LOC/GS capture, the pilot's and copilot's PFDs annunciate as follows: v^/ Pilot's PFD AT ARM ARM ILS AP ROLL AP PITCH AWLS HDG SEL ALT HLD (green) (green) (green) cient, the pilot may continue. If cues are insufcient, execute missed approach. b. If the approach is continued to landing, verify that the AT SPD and GS TRK annunciations change to FLARE (at 45 feet AGL) followed by AT RTD on the PFD. c. The pilot may allow the autopilot to remain engaged to touchdown. At touchdown, disengage the au topilot and complete roll out manually. NOTE The pilot must manually decrab the aircraft prior to touchdown. Rotation/Go-Around (Executed From an AWLS Coupled Approach). 1. Press the GO-AROUND button once on either control wheel. a. The autopilot enters control wheel steering mode and autothrotdes, if engaged, advances to go-around EPR. b. The LAND annunciation ceases and both LOC TRK and GS TRK annunciations change to G/A. c. The ight director positions the pitch steer ing bar for an AOA of 1.1 Vs until climb rate has been attained, then transitions to 1.3 Vs. 2. Pressing the GO-AROUND button a second time causes the autothrottle (if engaged) and the AWLS an nunciations to change to AT OFF (red) and AP OFF (red). AP OFF ashes until acknowledged. 3. When Go-Around is completed, pressing the GOAROUND button a third time takes the ight director out of the Go-Around mode. 4. Deselect AWLS on both the pilot's and copilot's DAMUs. Back Course Localizer Approach (Typical). 1. Tune to and identify the localizer facility on both VOR/ILS receivers. 2. Engage API or AP2 (if desired). 3. On pilot's DAMU STATUS menu: a. Select-NAV PTR 1 (1) Select - VOR/ILS 1 4. On copilot's DAMU STATUS menu: a. Select-NAV PTR 1 (I) Select -VOR/ILS 2 5. Set me published localizer front course m the pilot's/ copilot's HSI course. 6. Set published Height Above Touchdown (HAT) on the radar altimeter. 7. Using the RSP, set the heading marker on the pilot's/copilot's HSI to the aircraft heading. 8. On either DAMU's AP/FD menu: a. Select - HDG

(yellow) (green) Copilot's PFD AT ARM ARM ILS (yellow) (green)

AP ROLL AP PITCH AWLS (green) (green) (green)


16. When stabilized at nal approach speed, engage autothrotdes, if desired. a. On PFD, AT ARM (yellow) changes to AT SPD (green) when the autothrottles engage. 17. When the AFCS captures the localizer and glide slope, it drops out of heading select and altitude hold modes. 18. On PFD, HDG SEL and ALT HLD annunciations change to LOC CAP and GS CAP. 19. As the AFCS acquires localizer and glide slope track, both PFDs should annunciate as follows: % ^ / AT ARM (green) ARM ILS (green) AP ROLL AP PITCH AWLS LOC TRK GSTRK (green) NOTE At 900 feet AGL, the ARM ILS changes to ARM LAND (green). 20. Marker beacon annunciations. Visual annuncia tions appear in the upper portion of the ADI as the air craft passes over the outer, middle, and inner markers. 21. Monitor ILS progress on the ADI and HSI on the PFDs. When DH annunciates on the PFDs, the aircraft is at decision height. At approximately the same time, "I" annunciates momentarily above DH, indicating that the aircraft is over the inner marker. NOTE GCAS mode 6 callout '*Mn>riMUMS - MINIMUMS" is issued at the point where the aircraft passes through the decision height based on the radar altimeter setting. a. Visual cues must be sufcient to determine that the aircraft is within, and tracking to remain within lateral connes of the runway extended. If cues are suf (green) (green)

Change 1 1-153

TO 1C-141C-1 9. HDG SEL is annunciated on both PFDs. 10. Press the ALT HLD pushbutton on the FCP when constant altitude is to be maintained. 11. Use the heading marker on engaged autopilot side to turn the airplane to the desired intercept angle. 12. On either DAMU's AP/FD menu, select: a. Select - LNAV NOTE If aircraft heading is <105 from die front course, the aircraft may intercept the front course in stead of the desired back course. 13. LOC annunciates under the ARM window on both PFDs. 14. When the aircraft heading is greater than 105 from the front course that is set in the HSI course window, BCRS (yellow) annunciates under the ARM window on the PFD. NOTE If AWLS is selected, the autopilot may at tempt to intercept and y a false ILS glidepath until the autopilot recognizes the back course localizer. It will then revert to LNAV BCRS and disregard the false glide slope. 15. BCRS annunciates (green) under AP ROLL on the PFD when the autopilot captures the back course localizer. The yellow BCRS annunciation under the ARM window will extinguish. All localizer course in dications will be the same as a normal ILS. NOTE GCAS Mode 6C smart callouts annunciate at 500,300, and 50 feet. 16. At the FAF, disengage ALT HLD and use the FCP pitch wheel to establish and maintain the desired rate of descent. 17. When published minimum descent altitude is reached, MDA annunciates on the upper portion of the ADI. Level the airplane with the pitch wheel. 18. Disengage the autopilot at the visual descent point (VDP) or the missed approach point (MAP). The Dual Displacement Gyroscope Unit consists of a vertical gyro and a directional gyro. The vertical gyro provides attitude signals to the CDS and other aircraft systems. The directional gyro provides alternate head ing signals to the ight directors, autopilot and other aircraft systems. AHRS POWER CONTROL PANEL. The AHRS Power Control panel has two switches. The ON-OFF power switch is used to supply power to the AHRS. The FAST ERECT-NORM switch is used to erect the gyros. In "NORM", the erection rate is nor mal; in "FAST ERECT", the gyros will erect within 2.5 minutes. COMPASS SYSTEM CONTROLLER. SYN IND Indicator. In the SLV mode, the SYN IND indicates magnetic system alignment. When the needle is centered, the directional gyro is aligned with the earth's magnetic eld. Mode Switch. The mode switch is a three-position switch which per mits the selection of "SLV", "DG", and "COMP" modes. LAT Control. The LAT Control is set to the aircraft latitude. N/S Switch. The N/S Switch is set to "N" or "S", as appropriate, for northern or southern hemisphere operation. MAG VAR Switch. The MAG VAR switch is a three-position rotary switch which provides an approximation of the magnetic variation to derive true heading for proper earth-rate correction. HDG/PUSH TO SYNC Control. The HDG/PUSH TO SYNC control is a push-to-tum control. In the slaved mode, pushing in on the control commands automatic magnetic synchronization. In the DG mode, pushing and turning the control perntits agning the directional gyro to die desired heading. The con trol is spring-loaded to the disengaged position. AHRS OPERATING MODES. The AHRS can operate in three major modes: Direc tional Gyro (DG), Slave (SLV), and Compass (COMP). Directional Gyro (DG). In the DG mode, the gyro acts as an independent di rectional gyro not slaved to any magnetic source. Slave (SLV). In the slaved mode, the AHRS uses the signal from the ux vdvetoslave me directional gyro tomeearth'smagnetic eldto produce gyro-stabilized magnetic heading output.



The AHRS consists of three major components: the Dual Displacement Gyroscope Unit die Hectromc Control Amplier, and the Compass System Controller. An AHRS POWER CONTROL panel, containing the PWR ON/OFF switch and die FAST ERECT/NORM switch is located on the copilot's right-hand console (gure 1-229).


TO 1C-141C-1 Compass (COMP). In the COMP mode, the AHRS provides magnetic heading without gyro stabilization, and as a result the heading output is unstable. The COMP mode is an emergency mode and a warning ag is provided along with the heading output to the using systems. No directional stabilization signals are provided for the Flight Direc tor Systems in this mode. The AHRS provides an alternate source of heading and/or attitude signals to the following aircraft equip ment: 1. CDS 2. Pilot's BDHI 3. Copilot's BDHI 4. AFCS 5. Flight Recorder 6. VOR and TACAN 7. Radar Computer No. 2, landing gear position sensors, Weight on Wheels sensors, Pressure Indicator, Environmental Control Panel, Fuel Flow Indicator, Anti-Ice Control Panel, and Auxiliary Power Unit Figure 1-232 shows the interfaces between FMS components and other systems. Two redundant navigation processors (NPs) use data from aircraft navigation systems, aircraft sensors, da tabase information, and ight crew inputs to compute required navigation solutions. The navigation proces sors can operate independentiy or in combination with each other. Flight prole information, system status, and warnings are provided to the ight crew through the control display system, Multifunction Control Dis play Unit, and annunciators. FMS COMPONENTS. The FMS is composed of two GPS antennas with inte gral signal ampliers, two Navigation Processors (NPs) with embedded GPS receivers, one FMS Power Panel, one Data Receptacle Unit (DRU), one GPS Key Fill panel, and three Multifunction Control Display Units (MFCDU) (gure 1-230). NOTE Onside is dened as the side associated with the position; offside is dened as the opposite side. For example, if an individual is performing a task from the pilot's seat then NP 1 is the onside processor and NP 2 is the offside pro cessor. GPS Antenna. Two GPS antennas are mounted on top of the airplane on the aerial refueling fairings. The low prole anten nas receive LI and L2 band GPS signals from NAVSTAR satellites. Each antenna houses an integral RF signal amplier. Each antenna is connected to only one navi gation processor and its embedded GPS receiver. Navigation Processor (NP). Two navigation processors (NP 1 and NP 2) are in stalled in the left-hand underdeck rack. Each NP and the associated systems connected to it comprise two identical and redundant navigation systems. Within each NP there are non-volatile memory storage areas for storage of the operating software, Navigation Data base, and Mission Database. Aircraft systems desig nated "No. 1" (e.g., TACAN No. 1) are connected to NP No. 1, and systems designated "No. 2" are con nected to NP No. 2. The Guidance Master is dened as the navigation processor that provides both vertical and lateral navi gation data to the autopilots and ight directors. Upon power-up, NP 1, if available, will be desig nated as the Guidance Master, with NP 2 desig nated as the Slave. If NP 1 is unavailable (e.g., powered off), NP 2 will be designated as the Mas ter. When NP 1 becomes available it will be desig nated as the Master by default.




NAVIGATOR'S MFCDU NO. 3 (MAIN DC M F C D U AV I O N I C S 2 ) NP NO. 1 NP NO. 1 (MAIN DC AVION ICS 1) NP NO. 2 NP NO. 2 (MAIN DC AVION ICS 2) FMS RELAY FMS RELAYS (MAIN DC AVIONICS 1) FMS REF- FMS REF (ISOL AC AVIONERENCE ICS) D I U D I U ( M A I N D C AV I O N I C S 1 ) DATA LOADER DATA LOADER (MAIN DC AVIONICS 1) The FMS is an integrated system that provides the ight crew with centralized control of the aircraft's navigation, ight management communication, and display systems. The FMS capabilities also include Global Po sitioning System (GPS) navigation, enhanced naviga tion modes, and uploading and downloading mission dependent data. The FMS interfaces with die Control Display System, both TACANs, both VOR/ILS, both Inertia! Naviga tion Units, both Mode Select Units, both VHF Radios, Station Keeping Equipment, Standard Central Air Data

Change 1 1-165

TO 1C-141C-1 When both NPs are available and both have valid navigation solutions, the FMS will designate NP 1 as the Guidance Master. When an autopilot is engaged and FMS is selected for the onside PTR 1 navigation source, Guidance Master designation will follow the selected FMS source. If FMS 1 is selected as the nav source, NP 1 will be designated as the Master. If FMS 2 is selected, NP 2 will be Master. If the Master's nav solution becomes invalid, the FMS will select the other NP as Master. When the autopilot is disengaged, NP 1 will be desig nated as the Master by default. NAVIGATION DATABASE. The navigation database is capable of containing woridwide navigation data. The navigation database is provided in NP memory-image format MISSION DATABASE. The Mission Database contains custom data and pa rameters specic to the current mission. The Mission Database is composed of the following components: Custom Waypoints, Inhibited NAVATDs, Stored Routes, Comm Radio Presets, Parachute Ballistic Data, and ight plans. CUSTOM WAYPOINTS. Custom waypoints are userdened locations stored in non-volatile memory. The NP supports up to and including 200 custom waypoints. INHIBITED NAVAIDS. Inhibited Navaids identify Navi gation Database Navaids that are either permanendy or temporarily non-operational. STORED ROUTES. Stored Routes are basic ight plans stored in non-volatile memory. The NP supports up to and including 100 stored routes containing up to and including a total of 1,200 Stored Route Legs. COMM RADIO PRESETS. Up to 40 Comm Radio presets may be stored in non-volatile memory. PARACHUTE BALLISTIC DATA. Parachute Ballis tic Data denes parachute ballistic characteristics in' support of the airdrop function. The NP supports Para chute Ballistic Database data for up to and including 20 parachute types. FLIGHT PLANS. The ight plan provides informa tion necessary to construct the lateral path and verti cal prole. Mission ight parameters and initializa tion parameters are included as part of the ight plan. Two ight plans may be processed as Route 1 and Route 2. FLIGHT PLAN WAYPOINT CAPACITY. The NP allows for up to 127 waypoints in a ight plan. When a waypoint or waypoints are to be inserted into the ight plan and the number of waypoints after the in sertion will exceed the maximum number of waypoints allowed, the NP issues FLIGHT PLAN FULL annun ciation on the MFCDU. FLIGHT PLAN HISTORICAL WAYPOINT CAPACITY. The NP stores up to and including ve historical waypoints in non-volatile memory. The active waypoint will be come historical when it is sequenced by Lateral Guid ance. The NP uses the last ve active waypoints se quenced as the historical waypoints. FLIGHT PLAN MISSION FLIGHT PARAMETER (MFP) FUNCTIONS. The NP allows the inclusion of up to 10 computed air release points (CARPs) into a ight plan. The NP allows the inclusion of up to four approaches and the inclusion of up to ve rendezvous intercept points into a ight plan. ALTERNATE FLIGHT PLAN WAYPOINT CAPACITY. The NP allows for at least 127 waypoints in the alter nate ight plan. ALTERNATE FLIGHT PLAN MFP FUNCTIONS. An alternate ight plan allows the inclusion of all MFP functions. MAINTENANCE HISTORY DATA. Maintenance History data is collected by the NPs and provides information on equipment failures. GPS ALMANAC DATA. GPS Almanac data provides a means of predicting sat ellite coverage over a specic geographic location. GPS. Each NP also contains an embedded GPS receiver. The GPS is a six-channel single board receiver that processes the LI and L2 C/A components and En crypted Precision (P/Y) components from signals trans mitted by NAVSTAR GPS satellites. The GPS receives navigational messages broadcast by the satellite dur ing tracking. As a minimum, the almanac and ephemeris parameters are collected. This data is periodically recollected in order to maintain current data. GPS INITIALIZATION. GPS POWER-UP PROCESSING. Power-up pro cessing allows the GPS to begin acquisition of satel lites as soon after NP power-up as possible. Ten sec onds after NP power-up or RECEIVER RESET, die GPS initiates acquisition. LOADING ALMANAC DATA. The almanac provides a means of predicting satellite coverage over a specic geo graphic location. When the aircraft is on the ground, the NP is capable of loading almanac data for up to 32 satel lites.



1-156 Change 1

TO 1C-141C-1 MINIMUM OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE (MOPS). MOPS for Airborne Supplemental Naviga tion Equipment using GPS requires that GPS equip ment must be capable of detecting when the errors in its navigation solution exceed limits using RAIM (Re ceiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring). Addition ally, the GPS must be capable of detecting and ex cluding a failed GPS satellite. If the signals are de tected to be out of specication for any reason, a warning is provided to the user. RAIM is dened as the ability of a GPS receiver to assess the integrity of its navigation solution without depending upon information from other systems, or without requiring other elements of the GPS system (e.g., the Control Segment or the satellites) to detect and report an error. RAIM requires redundancy, and to do a self-consistency check on an instantaneous ba sis, there must be at least ve satellites in view and the receiver must be tracking them all. RAIM MONITORING. When the GPS is tracking ve or more satellites and determines that a satellite signal is faulty, the NP issues a RAIMn ALERT that is dis played on both SFD's CWA and MFCDU GPSn STA TUS page 2/2. If the GPS is tracking four or less sat ellites, the NP issues a RAIMn UNAVL that is dis played on both SFD's CWA and MFCDU GPSn STA TUS page 2/2 (gure 1-34). NO SPOOF MONITORING. When the GPS is not keyed or is receiving a channel that is not protected, the NP issues a NO SPOOFn alert that is displayed on both SFD's CWA. The MFDCU GPSn STATUS page 2/2 should show 2 C under the FC Column for that satellite. NOTE Spoong is the deliberate transmission of in correct information. GPS STATUS MONITORING. If the NP BIT de tects a GPS failure, the GPSn FAIL message annunci ates on all MFCDUs. RECEIVER RESET. When RECEIVER RESET (5R) is selected on the GPSn STATUS page 1/2, the NP causes the GPS to reset, perform power-on BIT and restart satellite acquisition. When primary power is removed, each GPS utilizes a backup battery power to preserve critical memory data and crypto keys, if loaded. Data Receptacle Unit (DRU). ^ ^ / The DRU is installed at the navigator's station. The DRU consists of a receptacle to receive and read a Data Transfer Device (DTD) and the interface connec tions to the FMS. The DRU facilitates uploading preplanned mission data from a DTD cartridge to the navigation processor's internal memory and downloading mission activity to the cartridge. Data uploading and downloading can only be performed with aircraft weight on wheels. GPS Key Fill Panel. (See gure 1-230.) One key ll panel is installed at the navigator's sta tion. The key ll panel is used to key and zeroize the two GPS receivers. A locking GPS zeroize switch is installed on the panel. Multi-Function Control Display Unit (MFCDU). Three identical and interchangeable MFCDUs are in stalled on the airplane (gure 1-230). Two are installed on the center pedestal, one for the pilot and one for the copilot. The third MFCDU is at the navigator's station. The MFCDUs provide the interface between the ight crew and the FMS. The MFCDU provides alphanumeric data inputs to the navigation processors and displays pertinent information to the crew. Data display is performed through the use of the MFCDU display. Alphanumeric inputs are obtained through the use of a keyboard. Line select keys provide the ability to transfer data to and from the scratch pad, to transfer between display pages, and to select various functions. NOTE When switching MFCDU pages, it is possible to encounter a blank page momentarily due to the page refresh rate. MFCDU COMPONENTS. MFCDU DISPLAY- (See gure 1-231.) There are 14 lines of 24 characters each on the display. Line 1 is used for page tides. Each page is shown with the ap propriate tide and page numbers on the top line. Lines 2 through 13 are associated with the line select keys and data elds. Line 14 is used for data entry and is referred to as the scratch pad. The lines associated with the line select keys are referenced in pairs. The format of the data elds is displayed as either box prompts (D ) or solicit dashes (-). The data elds displayed with box prompts require data entry in the given format The solicit dashes are displayed on op tional elds that have default values. LINE SELECT KEYS (LSKs). There are six LSKs on each side of the display. For reference, the keys are dened one through six from top to bottom on each side of the display. A left and right designator is also assigned to dene the side of the display that the key is located. For example, 1L is the top left line select key. DIRECT ACCESS PROMPTS/MODE SELECTS. In displays other than index pages, 6L and 6R are primarily used for direct access to other modes in the FMS. The crew may also access these modes via the main navigation and performance menus if so desired. The modes that are most likely to be accessed from the present page are displayed as prompts.



TO 1C-141C-1 SELECT TO SCRATCH PAD. Data can be copied to the scratch pad through the use of a line select key. Pressing a line select key when there is no data in the scratch pad will copy the data from the selected eld to the scratch pad. Exceptions to this will be noted in the individual page descriptions. SELECT TO DISPLAY PROMPTS. Once data has been entered into the scratch pad, either via line selec tion or manual keyboard entry, it may be up selected to any of the allowable data elds on a given page. This can be accomplished simply by depressing die key adjacent to the line in which scratch pad data will be inserted. KEYBOARD DESCRIPTION. ALPHANUMERIC KEYS. The MFCDU provides an alphanumeric keyboard to allow crew inputs to the scratch pad of the MFCDU. A key is provided for each letter of the alphabet (A-Z), for each number (09), and for a decimal point, minus sign, and slash. CLEAR Key (CLR). This key has the following func tions: 1. When a message is present in the scratch pad, depressing the CLR key will delete that message. NOTE Cautions and advisories will be displayed in inverse video in the scratch pad. 2. When an alphanumeric entry resides in the scratch pad, one character will be cleared from the scratch pad (from right to left) for each time the button is depressed. 3. When an alphanumeric entry resides in the scratch pad and the CLR key is held down, characters will be cleared from right to left for as long as the key is held down. DELETE FUNCTION. When there is no message .inthe^cratch pad and the CLR key is depressed, 'Q^B^Hwill appear in the scratch pad. Delete canthenbe used to delete items on the MFCDU pages by using the line select keys. Items deleted by this method are replaced with the default value or with entry prompts. If an event causing a mes sage occurs while Delete is displayed, the Delete is stacked and the message is displayed. MODE KEYS. The mode keys enable the crew to select the various pages as listed below. When a mode is selected, the MFCDU will display that mode's in dex or primary display page. The MFCDU has 12 mode keys. | MAIN MENU Pressing results in displaying of the MAIN MENU 1/2 page. FPL B4 COMM TUNE - Pressing results in displaying of the COMM TUNE INDEX page. From the COMM TUNE INDEX page, the comm radios (VHF1/2) can be tuned and lower level comm radio control pages can be accessed. NAVTUNE. Pressing results in displaying of the NAV TUNE INDEX page. From the NAV TUNE INDEX page, the nav radios (VOR/ILS 1/2 and TAC 1/2) can be tuned and lower level nav radio con trol pages can be accessed. Pressing results in displaying of the INAV CONTROL SOLUTION 1/2 page. From the INAV CONTROL SOLU TION pages, control and status of the navigation function and sensors is dis played and can be controlled. Pressing results in displaying of the PROGRESS 1/3 page. The PROGRESS page displays progress information rela tive to the active ight plan (waypoint fuel, crosstrack, winds). Pressing results in displaying of the LEGS DIRECT TO page. From the LEGS DIRECT TO page, either a di rect to a waypoint or a direct to a course intercept can be initiated. Pressing results in displaying of the active LEGS 2/X page. From the LEGS page, changes to the active ight plan can be made and other Flight Plan construction and status pages can be accessed (LEGS HISTORY LEGS TO , ALTERNATE, LEGS AT HOLD, WAYPOINT DATA, DEP/ARR, ROUTE). Pressing results in display of the fol lowing:

^ J




a. PERF INIT RTE n if Gross Weight or Per cent CG is not available on that page. Otherwise dis play the following pages. b. Based on ight phase. (1) Preight, takeoff, or climb, TAKEOFF INTT RTE n 1/4 is displayed when Outside Air Temperature, Baro Setting, or El evation is not available; otherwise TAKE OFF DATA RTE n 1/2 is displayed. (2) Cruise, Descent or Approach, LAND ING INIT RTE n 3/4 is displayed when Outside Air Temperature, Baro Setting, or Elevation is not available; otherwise LANDING DATA RTE n is displayed.

1-158 Change 1

TO 1C-141C-1 NOTE When Route 2 is active n = 2, otherwise n = 1. MSN - Pressing results in displaying of the MIS SION INDEX page. From the MISSION INDEX page, a present position hold can be initiated, CARP and RND27 INTCPT, CHUTE LIST, and Approach/ Landing Zone pages can be accessed. VNAV - Pressing results in displaying of the VNAV XXXX page. XXXX can be ehher CLIMB, CRUISE or DESCENT, depending on the phase of ight On the VNAV pages, the VNAV modes and target speeds can be selected and other VNAV data is dis played. EXEC - Pressing results in acceptance of new ight plan or a change to a previously accepted ight plan when the annun ciator above the EXEC key is lit. If the annunciator is not lit pressing the EXEC key results in no action. BRT/DIM - Pressing the BRT half of this key re sults in brightening of the MFCDU display. Pressing the DIM half results in dim ming of the MFCDU display. PAGE KEYS. The PREV and NEXT keys provide the method of changing pages on the MFCDU. The num ber of pages in a particular mode or menu display are shown in the upper right-hand comer of the display. The format is AA/BB. AA signies the number of the current page that is displayed. BB signies the total number of pages that are available for crew viewing or modication. For example, pressing the NEXT will change the displayed page from 1/3 to 2/3. Selecting PREV key will change the displayed page to (AA mi nus 1). The pages operate in a circular fashion such that the page after 3/3 is 1/3. ANNUNCIATORS. The MFCDU incorporates two an nunciators beside the keyboard. These annunciators are used to alert the crew about operations as specied below. MSG - Anytime a message is in the scratch pad, this annunciator is iUuminated. When all messages are cleared, this annun ciator is turned off. MIX - This annunciator is lit whenever SKE Zone Marker data or TACAN data is being received and used to update the INS navigation solution. If the SKE update mode is selected, the MIX annunciator will ash. If the TACAN mode is se lected, the MIX annunciator will illu minate steady. GENERAL OPERATIONAL RULES. This section describes general rules of operation that are independent of the pages displayed. SCRATCH PAD. The scratch pad, which is the bottom | line of the display, is used for data entry, messages, the delete function, and data transfer using the line select keys. Display of caution messages is rst priority fol lowed by advisory messages, the delete function, and then an entry from the keyboard or line select keys. The alphanumeric keys are used to enter characters into the scratch pad. Alphanumeric keys do not make en tries to other lines on the MFCDU. All numeric entries are assumed to be positive. If the entry is to be negative, the key can be used. LINE SELECT KEYS. The line select keys are used to provide various functionality for data associated with that line select key. Functions may include, but are not limited to: 1. Data Upselect - Data from the scratch pad is placed into the data eld(s) associated with the line select key. Typically, lines that accept entries are indi cated by solicit dashes or box prompts, showing that there is a possible entry and indicating input format. Normally data which is enterable will be displayed in large font. Data which was entered on one page and is displayed but is not enterable on another page will be displayed in small font. Data which is computed, de fault or extracted for the Navigation Database will be displayed in small font unless specied otherwise. Mis sion Database data loaded via the Data Loader System will be treated as though the data were entered from the MFCDU keyboard. If a system or data is unavailable, that system or data will also appear in small font 2. Data Downselect - When a data eld is associ ated with a line select, selection when the scratch pad is empty typically results in the data in the data eld be ing placed into the scratch pad. 3. Page Branching - Typically, when a data eld associated with a line select is of the form page_name> or <page_name, selection results in a branch to pagejoame. 4. Function Execution - If a data eld associated with a line select contains a function name, its avail ability will be indicated by its font. Large font indi cates the function is available, and small font indicates the function is not currendy available. Selection when the function is available will result in that function be ing performed. Selection when the function is unavail able results in no action. 5. Mode Switch- A line select may also serve to control a mode switch associated with that line select key. A switch


Change 1 1-159

TO 1C-141C-1 may have any number of possible positions. The switch po sitions are shown on the page descriptions, and the positions are described as position a, b, c, etc. Selection of the line se lect increments the switch position (for example, from po sition "b" to "c"). The switches operate in a circular fash ion, so that when the last switch position is active, selection results in the rst switch position being selected. The active switch mode is displayed in inverse video, large font, while the inactive modes are displayed in small font 6. Momentary Switch - A line select may serve to control a mode by providing a momentary switch. Mo mentary switches always have two possible states. Pressing the line select and holding it down causes a change in states. When the line select is released, the switch re turns to its original state. POWER-UP CONDITION. The FMS displays the POWER UP page on power up. If the NP does not contain a navigation database, the error message NO NAV DB is displayed. NP Source Indication. The top left comer cell of each page display is re served for an indicator of which NP is supplying the MFCDU display data. A "1" indicates NP1 and a "2" indicates NP2. This indicator is always displayed in small font If the NP that is supplying the MFCDU data is Guidance Master, the number indicating the source NP is displayed in inverse video ( [|or Q). NOTE After power transfer or transients, conrm DPU and NP selections. Active Route. The MFCDU contains two independent routes. These routes are referred to as Route 1 and Route 2. At any time, only one route may be active and providing guidance information for the aircraft. Upon power-up, neither route is active. Route States. There are three possible route states: active, provi sional, and inactive. ACTIVE. An active route is indicated by ACT being placed in the page tide of the route or legs page (for example, ACT ROUTE 1). Only one route may be active at one time. An active route is capable of providing guidance for the aircraft. INACTIVE. Upon power-up, both routes default to the inactive state. The route and legs page tides will indicate, for example, "RTE 1". Flight plan changes that are made to an inactive route go directly into the route; no pro visional route is created. A route changes from the inactive state to the provisional state when the "ACTI VATE" function is selected for that route. PROVISIONAL. The purpose of the provisional route is to provide for a two-step process in making route changes that affect the guidance of the aircraft. A provisional route is indicated in ight plan page tides by placing MOD in front of the page name (for example, MOD ROUTE 1). There may be only one provisional route at a time. When a route is provisional and being displayed, the execute light is itiuminated, and the corresponding route pages will display ERASE in 6L. A provisional route is created in one of two ways. First selecting the "ACTIVATE" function in an inac tive route creates a provisional route. This provisional route can then be modied, and as this is done, it remains a provisional route. Second, an active route can be modied, at which point a provisional with the modications is created. When this occurs, the origi nal active route remains intact to provide guidance to the aircraft. Changes may be made to this provisional route and it remains a provisional route. Selecting the ERASE function when the provisional exists deletes the provisional route. The page being displayed reverts to displaying the route without any modications made to the provisional. Selecting the EXEC key when a provisional exists changes the route state from provisional to active. If, for ex ample, Route 2 is active and Route 1 is provisional, Route 2 will be placed in the inactive state and Route 1 will become active. If one of the routes is in the provisional state and the operator forces the other route into the provisional state, the original provisional route will be erased be fore the other provisional route is created. Erase/EXEC. The ERASE function and the EXEC key allow for erasing or executing ight plan changes. These func tions operate the same across all ight plan pages, unless specied otherwise on the individual page de scription. The ERASE function will be selectable and the EXEC key iUuminated and selectable only when a route is provisional and a page displaying information for that route is displayed on the MFCDU. Selecting ERASE will delete the provisional route and restore display of the active route. Selecting EXEC will change the provisional route into an active route, and the Execute annunciator will be extinguished.





TO 1C-141C-1 Selection, Entry and Deletion. The specication of line select operations will often refer to the line select as being NON-OPERATIONAL under certain conditions. Unless noted otherwise, a NON-OPERATIONAL selection, entry, or deletion pro duces no action. No messages are generated, any scratch pad data remains intact, and no functions are performed. Unless noted otherwise, pressing a line select key when selection is permitted and the scratch pad contains data leaves the scratch pad intact and the selection opera tion takes place. Power Transfer. If power interruption is less than 1 second, the NP will warm start and all data will be saved (i.e., active ight plan, PERF INIT data). If the power interruption is more than 50 msec, the EGR (not the NP) is going to perform a "cold start" by nmning a power-up BIT. This cold start is indi cated by a "GPSX FAIL" in the scratch pad for approxi mately 10 seconds. It will take about 50 seconds for the EGR to restart and reacquire the Satellite Vehicles (SV) and produce a solution. If GPS has been manually se lected as the Nav Solution, during a power swap the sys tem will revert to "NO NAV" condition because of the EGR power-up BIT, which will invalidate the nav data supplied to the displays (i.e., red bearing pointer and lost stick map). If the system is left in AUTO on the INAV page during die power swap, the system will revert to another nav source with the next best FOM, most likely KNS. With the sys tem in AUTO the nav data sent to the displays will always be valid (green). Display/Entry Conventions. Each entry made to the MFCDU is checked for correct syntax at the time the entry is line selected from the scratch pad. The following lists the format for each type of entry. Symbols used for the entries are: X Indicates the eld for display. N Indicates that the entry is a number. A Indicates that the entry is a letter. C Indicates that the entry is a letter, num. ber, or sign. no entry. " " Indicates The font for each type of display is indicated on each page description. The font applies to the actual data in each data eld, but not to the units (if they apply). All units, unless noted otherwise, are displayed in small font Also, unless noted otherwise, the solicit dashes ( ) and box prompts (D ) used to indicate possible entries are displayed in large font. An asterisk * to the left of a waypoint indicates that it is a temporary waypoint Temporary waypoints PLACE/ BEARING/DISTANCE (*PBXX) and PLACE/BEARmG/PLACE/BEARTNGf*RJRX30vdienstored in route will result in ariliTiTOHffTOBBBnS being annun ciated when the route is retrieved. To enter *PBXX and or *RRXX waypoint into a route for storage, rst assign the waypoint a name, enter the name and *PBXX and/or *RRXX into the custom data base. Enter the alias name in place for the *PBXX or *RRXX waypoint into the route. Next, store the route. AHEAD/BEHIND INDICATOR. 1. Display Format: "AHD" or Ahead "BHD" Behind 2. Entry Format: None ALTITUDE (ANY ALTITUDE ENTRY). 1. Display Format: Altitude below transition altitude "FL"XXX Altitude above transition altitude 2. Entry Format: NNNNN Altitude "FL"NNN Where "FL" means ight level 3. Entry Description: Altitude: Entry in feet with one to ve numbers. Entry in ight level with "FL" plus two or three numbers, leading zeros not re quired, may have a minus sign. Mini mum display for altitude is three num bers without leading zeros. NOTE Altitude entries above the applicable transi tion altitude or transition level are displayed in ight levels if the entry is divisible by 100. If not the actual altitude is displayed 4. Range: Altitude: FLOOO to FL600 -1300 to 60000 ALTITUDE CONSTRAINT. 1. Display Format: XXXXXXX 2. Entry Format: /CNNNNNC /C"FL"NNNC Altitude with constraint


Entry Description: Altitude: See Altitude Entry section Trailing C: "A" designates at-or-above Altitude "B" designates at-or-below Altitude " "designates at Altitude Leading C: "C" designates Climb phase constraint "D" designates Descent phase constraint "S" designates a step climb or step descent


Change 1 1-161

TO 1C-141C-1 4. Range: Altitude: See Altitude Range section Trailing C: Leading C: BANK ANGLE. 1. Display Format: XX "" 2. Entry Format: NN Angle 3. Entry Description: Angle: One or two digits, leading zero not required. 4. Range: Angle: 0 <= NN <= 30 BAROSET. 1. Display Format: XX"."XX"IN/"XXXXMB 2. Entry Format: NNNNor Millibars or inches of mercury NN"."NN Inches of mercury 3. Entry Description: Millibars: Three or four digits, leading zero not required. Inches of Two to four digits, Decimal mercury: point not required. 4. Range: Millibars: 940 to 1050 Inches of mercury: 27.80 to 31.00 BRAKES / REV ENG. 1. Display Format: X/X 2. Entry Format: N or Number of Brakes Operational N/N Number of Brakes Ope rational Engines to be in Reverse /N Engines to be in Reverse 3. Entry Description Brakes: Engines: 1-162 Change 1 One Digit One Digit A or B or "C" or "D" or "S" 1 . 4. Range: Brakes: Engines: Display Format: XXX7."XXXor "."XXX"/"XXX 2. Entry Format NNN"/."NNN "."NNN"/"NNN NNN "."NNN 3. Entry Description: CAS Mach 4. Range: CAS: Mach: CHANNEL, VHF. 1. Display Format: XX 2. Entry Format: NN Channel: 4. Range: Channel: 1. Display Format: XXXXXXXX Chute Name only XXXXXXXX'VX Chute Name/Number 2. Entry Format: CCCCCCCC Chute Name only CCCCCCCC7" Chute Name only CCCCCCCC"/"N Chute Name/Number "/"N Number only 1 to 28 and 60 to 88 CHUTE NAME/NUMBER. Maritime Channel Leading zeros not required. 3. Entry Description:

6 or 8 0,2or4


\^s/ CAS/Mach Mach/CAS CAS only (available for updates after the rst entry Mach only (available for updates after the rst entry) Three numbers One to three numbers prexed by a decimal point 100 to 350 in 1 increments .100 to .825 in .001 increments


TO 1C-141C-1 3. Entry Description: One to eight characters in length for the Chute Name. One digit for the number of parachutes per element. 4. Range: Number: 1 to 9 parachutes CLIMB GRADIENT. 1. Display Format: X"."XX"%" 2. Entry Format: N"."NN Percent 3. Entry Description: Climb Gradient Entry of one to three numbers. If one number is entered, then decimal is not required If more than one number is entered, then the decimal is required after the rst number. 4. Range: Climb Gradient Entry and display range is 2.50 to 3.30 in 0.01 increments. COUNTRY CODE. 1 Display Format . XXXXX Country Code 2. Entry Format: None
ipcc JKOC.



1 Display Format . XXX"0" Course Magnetic XXX"T" Course True XXX"G" Course Grid The units, "", "T" or "G" are displayed in the same font as the course data. The units **", "T" or "G" are selected to be consistent with the Heading Reference selected by the pilot for display on those MFCDUs controlled by NP1 and by the copilot for display on those MFCDUs conn-oiled by NP2. Entry Format: NNN or Course Magnetic NNN'T" or Course True 3. Entry Description: Course: Entry of one to three numbers, leading zeros not required. Course followed by "T" indicates the course is referenced to true north. 4. Range: Course: Entry range is 0 to 360 Display range is 0 to 359 DATE. 1. Display Format:

XXXXXXX 2. Entry Format: NNAAANN Date Entry Description: Date: Entry in Day Month Year, Day entry is one to two numbers, leading zero not required, Month entry required to be three alpha characters, Year entry re quired to be two numbers. Range: 1 to 31 (dependent on month) Day: Month: 1st 3 characters for one of the twelve months "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" 00 to 99 Year: DATUM DELTA OFFSET. 1 Display Format: . XXXXXX 2. Entry Format: NNNNNN Delta Offset meters 3. Entry Description: Delta Offset meters: leading zeros not required 4. Range: Delta Offset: 0 to 99999 meters DATUM DELTA RADIUS. 1. Display Format: XXXXX.XXX 2. Entry Format: NNNNN.NNN Delta radius, meters 3. Entry Description: Delta radius, meters: leading zeros not required 4. Range: Delta radius: 0 to 9999.999 meters DATUM DELTA FLATTENING. 1. Display Format: X.XXXXXXXX 2. Entry Format: N.NNNNNNNN Delta attening 3. Entry Description: Delta attening: entry is true value * 10*4; leading zero not required 4. Range: Delta flattening: 0 to 0.99999999 DESCENT ANGLE. 1. Display Format: XX"."X"" 2. Entry Format: NN"."N Degrees

Change 1 1-163

TO1C-141C-1 3. Entry Description: Degrees: Entered in tenths of degrees, lead ing zero not required, trailing decimal and zero not required. 4. Range: Degrees: 0.1 to 15.0 in 0.1 increments DESCENT ANGLE OR IAS. 1. Display Format: "XX"."X"7" Descent Angle XXX'7" IAS Unless a descent angle has been entered as a constraint, the predicted or entered IAS will be displayed in the format XXX'7". 2. Entry Format: NN"."N"/" Descent Angle NNN"/" IAS 3. Entry Description: Descent Angle: See Descent Angle Entry Description IAS: See Speed, IAS Entry Descrip tion 4. Range: Descent Angle: See Descent Angle Range IAS: See Speed, IAS Range DIRECTION. 1. Display Format: XXX"/"XXX"T/" XXX"G/"XXX"T/" 2. Range: Direction: See Course Range DISTANCE, (CARP). 1. Display format: XX"."X"NM" 2. Entry format: NN"."N Distance, NM 3. Entry Description: Distance, NM: One or two numbers, optionally followed by a decimal and an other digit 4. Range Entry: Distance, NM: 0.1 to 99.9 nautical miles Display: Distance, NM: 0.1 to 99.9 nautical miles DISTANCE, (NM). 1. Display format: XXX"."X"NM" XXXX"NM" 2. Entry format: NNN"."N Distance, NM 3. Entry Description: Distance, NM: One to three numbers, option ally followed by a decimal and another digit. 4. Range Entry: Distance, NM: 0.1 to 999.9 nautical miles Display: Distance, NM: 0.0 to 9999 nautical miles DISTANCE, FEET 1. Display Format: XXXXX Distance 2. Entry Format: NNNNN Distance 3. Entry Description: Distance: One to ve digits, leading zeros optional, may be preceded by a minus sign. 4. Range: Distance, feet: (-9999) to 99999 feet DISTANCE, VERTICAL. 1. Display format: XXX"FT" or XXXXTT* 2. Entry format: NNN or NNNN Distance, Feet 3. Entry Description: NNN Distance: One to three numbers. Lead ing zeros not required. NNNN Distance: One to four numbers. Leading zeros not required. 4. Range Entry/Display: NNN Distance, Ft: 0 to 999 feet NNNN Distance, Ft: 0 to 9999 feet



TO 1C-141C-1 DRIFT ANGLE. 1. Display Format: XXX""A 2. Range: Drift Angle: 0 to 90 A: "L" (left) or "R" (right) \ ^ / ELEVATION. 1. Display Format: XXXXX"FT" Elevation % / 2. Entry Format: NNNNN Elevation 3. Entry Description: Elevation: One to ve digits, leading ze ros optional, may be preceded by a minus sign. 4. Range: Elevation: (-2,000) to 32,500 feet HHMM:SS 0000:00 to 5959:59 FIGURE OF MERIT (FOM). 1. Display Format: X FOM 2. Range: FOM: 0 to 9 FLIGHT PLAN NAME (ANY ENTRY). 1. Display Format: XXXXXXXXXX 2. Entry Format: CCCCCCCCCC Flight Plan Name 3. Entry Description: Flight Plan Name: Entry of six to ten alphanu meric characters in any combination. 4. Range: Flight Plan Name: First character may not be numeric or a "-". FREQUENCY (TACAN CHANNEL). 1. Display Format: XXX"X"orXXX"Y" 2. Entry Format: N N N C TA C A N C h a n n e l 3. Entry Description: Channel: Leading zeros not required '" assumes C: "X"or"Y"or< "X" 4. Range: Channel: C: 1 to 126 "X"or"Y"or


1. Display Format: PARALLEL Parallel Entry DIRECT Direct Entry TEAR DRP Tear Drop entry EPR. 1. Display Format: X.XX Engine Pressure Ratio, "truncated" to the second decimal point not rounded. 2. Entry Format Not Allowed 3. Range: EPR 1.00 to 2.30 ESTIMATED HORIZONTAL ERROR (EHE). 1. Display Format: X.XX 2. Range: \ ^ / EHE


FREQUENCY(VHF). 1. Display Format: XXX"."XXX 2. Entry Format NNN"."NNN Frequency VHF 3. Entry Description:

EHE: 0.00 to 9.99 nautical miles ESTIMATED TIME ENROUTE. 1. Display Format XXXX":"XXC 2. Range:

Change 1 1-165

TO 1C-141C-1 Frequency: Minimum entry is the three digits left of the decimal, trailing decimal and/or zeros not required. When a "2" or "7" is entered in the hundredths decimal place, entry of "5" in the thousandths decimal place is not required. 4. Range: Frequency: AM Receiver is 108.0 to 115.975 AM Receive/Xmit is 116.0 to 151.975, 156.000-158.000 Frequencies are in steps of 0.025MHz FREQUENCY (VOR). 1. Display Format: XXX"."XX 2. Entry Format: NNN"."NN Frequency VOR 3. Entry Description: Frequency: Minimum of the three digits left of the decimal required for entry, trailing decimal and/or zeros not required. 4. Range: Frequency: Range of frequency is 108.00 to 117.95 MHz. FUEL FLOW. 1. Display Format: XXXXX"LB/HR" 2. Entry Format: NNNNN Fuel Flow 3. Entry Description: Fuel Flow: Minimum of two numbers, lead ing zero not required 4. Range: Fuel Flow: 0 to 16,000 pounds/hour FUSELAGE STATION. 1. Display Format: XXXX Fuselage Station 2. Entry Format: NNNN Fuselage Station 4. Range: Grid Factor -1.00000 to 1.00000 HOLD LEG DISTANCE/APPROACH FAF DISTANCE. 1. Display Format: XX"."X"NM" 2. Entry Format: NN"."N Leg distance 3. Entry Description: Leg Distance: Entry in nautical miles and tenths of miles, leading zeros not required, trailing decimal and zeros not re quired. 4. Range: Leg Distance: 0.1 to 99.9 HOLD LEG TIME. 1. Display Format XX":"XX 2. Entry Format: NN or NN.NN Leg Time 3. Entry Description: Leg Time: Entry m minutes and seconds, lead ing zeros not required. 4. Range: Leg Time: 0.30 to 99.59 in 0.01 increments 3. Entry Description: Fuselage Station: One to four digits, leading zeros optional. 4. Range: Fuselage Station: 975 to 1400 GRID FACTOR. 1. Display Format: X.XXXXX 2. Entry Format: N.NNNNN Grid Factor 3. Entry Description: Grid Factor: Decimal and trailing digits not needed for entries of "1" and
-1 .


>e -J


1-166 Change 1

T01C-141C-1 IDENTIFIER. 1. Display Format: XXXXX 2. Enny Format: CCCCC 3. Entry Description: Two to ve alphanumeric characters in length, where the rst character cannot be numeric. 4. Range: None INBOUND COURSE/DIRECTION. 1. Display Format: XXX"/"X" TURN Course Magnetic XXX"T/"X" TURN Course True XXX"G/"X" TURN Course Grid 2. Entry Format: NNN"T/"A NNN"T/"A NNN NNN"T" NNN"/" NNN"T/" "/"A 3. Entry Description: Inbound Course: A: 4. Range: Inbound Course: "R" or "L". ISA TEMPERATURE DEVIATION. 1. Display Format: XXX"0C"orXXX"F" 2. Entry Format NNNC Temperature Deviation in C NNNF Temperature Deviation in F 3. Entry Description: Temperature: Enny of one to three digits, op tionally preceded by "-", leading zero not required. Appended with a C indicates degrees Celsius; Appended with an F indicates degrees Fahrenheit. See Course Enny Description Turn Direction, may be "R" A: CourseM ^/Turn Direction Coureejm/Tum Direction CourseMagBetic Course^ Course^g^ Course^ Turn Direction 4. Range: Temperature (C): -100 to 80 C Temperature (F): -148 to 176 F L/R INDICATOR. 1. Display Format: "L" "R" 2. Entry Format: "L" "R" LT/RT INDICATOR 1 Display Format: . -left " LT ' "RT" -right 2. Entry Format: "LT" "RT' LATITUDE. 1. Display Format: XXX""XX"."XX 2. Range: Latitude: Degrees range is 0 to 90, minutes range is 0 to 59, hundredths range is 0 to 99. "N"or"S" -left -right

LATITUDE / LONGITUDE. 1. Display Format: XXX"XX"."XX XXXX""XXtt."XX 2. Entry Format: ANNNN".TWANNNNN"."NN Latitude Longitude

Change 1 1-167

TO 1C-141C-1
3. Entry Description: Latitude: Entry in degrees, minutes, and hun dredths of minutes, alpha entry required to be "N" or "S", minimum numeric enny is one digit, rst two digits are interpreted as de grees, next two digits are interpre ted as minutes, nailing zeros not required, decimal and fractional minutes not required. Longitude: Entry in degrees, minutes, and hun dredths of minutes, alpha entry required to be "E" or "W", mini mum numeric entry is one digit, rst three digits are interpreted as degrees, next two digits are interpreted as minutes, nailing zeros not required, decimal and fractional minutes not required. Range: Latitude: Longitude: Examples: Entry NOWO N1W1 N12W12 N123W123 N1234W1234 N1234.5W12345 N1234.5W12345.6 N1234.56W12345.67 Display N0000.00 W00000.00 N0100.00 W00100.00 N1200.00 W01200.00 N1230.00 W12300.00 N1234.00 W12340.00 N1234.50 W12345.00 N1234.50 W12345.60 N1234.56 W12345.67 See Latitude Range. See Longitude Range. Length, Yds: 4. Range Entry/Display: Length, Yds: LIST POSITION. 1. Display Format: XX 2. Entry Format: NN List Position 1 to 20,000 yards One to ve numbers.


3. Entry Description: List Position: One to two digits, where lead ing zeros are optional. 4. Range

List Position: 1-40 LOAD WEIGHT/QUANTITY.

1. Display Format: XXXXX"/"XXX 2. Enny Format: NNNNN"/"NNNWeight/Quantity "/"NNN Quantity only 3. Enny Description: Weight: Weight per load element in pounds, one to ve digits, lead ing zeros not required. Quantity: Number of load elements, one to three digits, leading zeros not required. 4. Range: Weight: Quantity

NOTE For coordinate entries of 1 to 5 characters where a waypoint name may also be entered, the waypoint list is examined rst for an occur rence of the entered character suing. If found, the entry is interpreted as a named waypoint For coordinate entries of 6 to 10 characters where a ight plan name may also be entered, the ight plan list is examined rst for an occurrence of the entered character string. If found, the entry is interpreted as a ight plan name.

See Weight CARP 1 to 155 elements

1. Display Format XXXXK0"XXU."XX

1. Display format: XXXXX"YDS" 2. Entry format N N N N N L e n g t h , Ya r d s 3. Entry Description:

2. Range: Longitude: Degrees range is 0 to 180, min utes range is 0 to 59, hundredths range is 0 to 99. "E"or"W"


TO 1C-141C-1 I MAGNETIC VARIATION (MAG VAR). 1. Display Format: XX""X Magnetic Variation XXX""XX.X Display on INS STATUS page only. Entry allowed on INS STATUS page only: AXXXXX.X 12. Entry Format: 3. Entry Description: Entry in degrees, minutes, and tenths of min utes, alpha entry required to be "E" or "W", minimum numeric entry is one digit, rst two digits are interpreted as degrees, next two dig its are interpreted as minutes, trailing zeros not required, decimal and fractional minutes not required. 4. Range: Magnetic Variation: 0 to 180 A: "E" or "W" MAP DATUMS. 1. Display Format: ADINDAN.05 ARC 50 AUS GEO 84 BUKIT RIMPAH CAMP A ASTRO DJAKARTA EUROPEAN 50 GEO DAT GHANA GUAM 63 G SEGARA G SERINDUNG HERAT NORTH HJORSEY 55 HU-TZU-SHAN INDIAN IRELAND 65 KERTAU LIBERIA 64 USER DEF LUZON MERCHICH MONTJONG LOWE NIGERIA NA 27 CON US NA 27 ALCAN MAUI OAHU KAUAI ORD GB 36 QORNOQ S LEONE 60 SA PROV 56 SA C ALEGRE SA CAMPO IN SA C ARTRO SA YACARE TANANARIVE TIMBALAI TOKYO VOIROL SPECIAL INDIAN SPECIAL LUZON SPECIAL TOKYO SPECIAL WGS 84 WGS-72 WGS-84 MILITARY GRID REFERENCE SYSTEM (MGRS). Display Format: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Polar MGRS (from UPS grid)

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Non-polar MGRS (from UTM grid) (Polar MGRS applies north of N84 and south of S80 latitudes) 2. Enny Format: Polar MGRS:


Non-polar MGRS:


3. Enny Description: Polar MGRS: A Grid zone designation AA 100 km square identication NNNNNNNNNN Eastmg/Northing Non-polar MGRS: NN Grid zone designation AAA 100 km square identication NNNNNNNNNN Eastmg/Northing 4. Range Polar MGRS Grid zone: "Y" or "Z" for north pole, "A" or "B" for south pole. Polar MGRS 100 km square: Grid Zone First Character Y R S T. U X, Y,Z Z A, B,C F. G Second Character E to K except 1 C to M except 1 B to N except 1 & O A to P except 1 & O A to P except 1 & O B to N except 1 & O



Change 1 1-169

TO 1C-141C-1 Grid Zone First Character H J A J K L P Q R. S T. U.X .Y,Z B A, B C, F, G H.J K L P Q R Second Character C to M except I E to K except I L to P except 0 H to S except I & 0 F to U except I & 0 E to V except I & 0 D to w except I & 0 C to X except I & O B to Y except I & 0 A to Z except I & 0 A to Z except I & 0 B to Y except I & 0 C to X except I & 0 Dto W except I &0 E to V except I & 0 F to U except I & 0 H to S except I & 0 L to P except O 1. Display Format: "KNSl"or"KNS2" "GPSl"or"GPS2" "INSl"or"INS2" OAT/ALTITUDE. I. Display Format: XXX"C/"XXXXX XXX"F/"XXXXX XXX"C/FL"XXX XXX"F/FL"XXX 2. Entry Format NNN"C/"NNNNN NNN"F/"NNNNN NNN"C/FL"NNN NNN"F/FL"NNN NNN"C/" NNN"F/" "/"NNNNN "/FL-WIN

Altitude below transition altitude. Altitude below transition altitude. Altitude above transition altitude. Altitude above transition altitude. Temperature in degrees C/Altitude. Temperature in degrees F/ Altitude. Where FL means ight level. Where FL means ight level. Temperature in degrees C when altitude is already present. Temperature in degrees F when altitude is already present. Altitude entry when tem perature is already present. Where "FU means ight level and temperature is already present


Non-polar MGRS Grid zone: 01 to 60 Non-polar MGRS 100 km square: First character is "C" to "W" excluding "I" & "O", second character is "A" to "Z" excluding *P & "O", third character is "A" to "Y* excluding "I" & "0" Easting/Northing: Dened as pairs of numbers, zero to ve digit pairs, each digit range 0 to 9. Examples: Entry AYN0000 AYN003005 AYN12345678 AYN0123456789 11SMK3849 11SMK380499 11SMK38014993 11SMK3801249934 NAVIGATION SOURCE. Display AYN0000000000 AYN0030000500 AYN1234056780 AYN0123456789 11SMK3800049000 11SMK3800049901 11SMK3801049930 11SMK3801249934


^ /

3. Entry Description: Altitude: Entry in feet with one to ve numbers. Entry in ight level with "FL" plus two or three num bers, leading zeros not required, may have a minus sign. Mini mum display for altitude is three numbers without leading zeros. Temperature: Entry of one to three digits, optionally preceded by "", lead ing zero not required. Entered value is displayed. If neither temperature nor altitude is already displayed, then both must be entered. If a temperature and altitude ^

\ ^ f

1-170 Change 1

TO 1C-141C-1 are displayed, then temperature only entry or altitude only entry is allowed. 4. Range: Altitude: -1300 to 60000 feet FL00O to FL600 PERCENT 1. Display Format: XXX"%" Units of "%" are displayed in the same font as the data. 2. Entry Format: NNN Percent 3. Entry Description: Percent: One to three characters in length, lead ing zeros not required. 4. Range: Percent: 1-100 PERCENT MAC CG, (TOLD). 1. Display Format: One to ve digits, leading zeros not required XX.X% Percent MAC CG 2. Entry Format: NN.N% Percent MAC CG 3. Entry Description: Three digits 4. Range: 15.0 to 34.0 PLACE/BEARING/DISTANCE. 1. Display Format: OFFSET. 1. Display Format: XXX.XNM 2. Enny Format: ANN.N Offset 3. Entry Description: Offset: Entry of direction plus nautical miles and tenths of nautical miles, leading zeros not required, trailing decimal and zero not required, alpha enny required to be R or L. 4. Range: Offset: A: 0.1 to 99.9 in 0.1 increments "L" (left) or "R" (right) XXXXX"/"XXX"/"XXX"."X Place/BearingMagnetic/Distance XXXXX"/"XXX'T/"XXX"."X Place/BearingTnie/Distance 2. Entry Format CCCCC"/"NNN"/"NNN"."N Place/Bearingw gj^/Distance

Temperature (C): -60 to 80 Celsius Temperature (F): -76 to 176 Fahrenheit OBSTACLE DISTANCE, (TOLD). 1. Display Format: XXXXX"FT"/X.X"NM' 2. Entry Format: NNNNN or Feet "/"N.N Nautical Miles 3. Enny Description: Feet:

Nautical Miles: Two digits with decimal point, leading zero not required. 4. Range: Feet: 0 - 6 0 , 11 3 Nautical Miles: 0 - 9.9 OBSTACLE ELEVATION. (TOLD). See Elevation.


Place/BearingTnie/Distance NOTE When a magnetic bearing enny is attempted and the current PBD WAYPOINT is in a polar region (FP WAYPOINT LATITUDE is greater than 72.0 N or less than 59.0 S) that MFCDU will annunciate a "BEARING MUST BE IN TRUE" message. If in polar region, enter PBD data in the CCCCC/NNNT/NNN.N format

Change 1 1-171

TO 1C-141C-1 3. Entry Description: Place: See Identier Entry Description. Bearing: See Course Entry Description. Distance: See Distance, NM Entry. 4. Range: Bearing: Distance: See Course Range. See Distance, NM Entry. POSITION. See Waypoint Name, MGRS, Latitude/Longitude, Place/Bearing/Distance, Place/Bearing/Place/Bear ing. QUADRANT/RADIAL. 1. Display Format: XX"/"XXX""Quadrant/RadialMaBnetic XX"/"XXX"T" Quadrant/RadialTru. XX'7"XXX"G" Quadrant/Radial0rid 2. Entry Format: AA or Quadrant NNN or RadialMagnetic NNN"T" RadialT AA'TNNN Quadrant/RadialMa tic AA"/"NNN"T" Quadrant/RadialTnfe 3. Entry Description: Quadrant: One to two alpha characters, eight possible entries which &rc* N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW. See Course Entry Description. 'N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW". See Course Range.



Place/BearingMagne,ic/Place/BearingMagnetic XXXXX"/"XXX"T/"XXXXX"/"XXX Place/BearingTnie/Place/BearingMagnetjc XXXXX"/"XXX"/"XXXXX'7"XXX"T" Place/BearingMagnetic/Place/BearingTruc XXXXX'7"XXX"T/"XXXXX"/"XXX"T" Place/BearingTrne/Place/BearingTrue 2. Entry Format: CCCCC"/"NNN"/"CCCCC"/"NNN Place/BearingMagnetic/Place/BearingMagne,ic CCCCC"/"NNN"T/"CCCCC"/"NNN Place/BearingTrue/Place/BearingMagnetic CCCCC"/"NNN"/"CCCCC"/"NNN"T" Place/BearingMagnetic/Place/BearingTnie CCCCC"/"NNN"T/"CCCCC"/"NNN"T" Place/BearingTrue/Place/BearingTrue NOTE When a magnetic bearing entry is attempted and the current PBPB WAYPOINT is in a polar region (FP WAYPOINT LATITUDE is greater than 72.0 N or less than 59.0 S) that MFCDU will annunciate a "BEAR ING MUST BE IN TRUE" message. If in polar region, enter PBPB data in the CCCCC/NNNT/CCCCC/NNNT format. 3. Entry Description: Place: Bearing: 4. Range: Bearing: See Course Range. See Identier Entry Description. See Course Entry Description.

Radial: Range: Quadrant: Radial:


REVERSE LIMITER SETTING, (TOLD). 1. Display Format: XX.X Reverse Limiter Setting 2. Range: 0 to 10.9 ROUTE NAME. See Flight Plan Name. ROUTE STATE. 1. Display Format: "ACT" "MOD"


1-172 Change 1

TO 1C-141C-1 2. Range: Route State: "ACT" - active "MOD" = provisional " " = inactive RUNWAY. 1. Display Format: "RWNNA (Where A=C, L, or R for Center, Left or Right respectively) "RW"NN RUNWAY LENGTH. 1. Display Format: XXXXX"FT" 2. Entry Format: NNNNN Runway length in feet. 3. Enny Description: Runway length: Four to ve digits, leading zeros not required. 4. Range: Runway length: 1,000 to 16,000 feet RUNWAY SLOPE. 1. Display Format: CX"."X"%" or -X"."X"%" Units of "%" are displayed in the same font as the data. 2. Entry Format: N"."N Slope -N"."N 3. Entry Description: Runway Slope: Entry in percent, minimiim of one digit for entry, decimal and tenths not required, entry of"-" optional. 4. Range: Runway Slope: 2.0 to -2.0 percent SH/LG INDICATOR. 1. Display Format: "SH" - short "LG" - long 2. Entry Format "SH" "LG" SINK RATE. 1. Display Format XXXFPM 2. Enny Format: Not Allowed 23 12 3. Enny Description: Skin Rate: 360 to 600 FPM SPEED/ALTITUDE. 1. Display Format: XXX"/"XXXXXXX 2. Entry Format: Change 1 1-173


2. Entry Format: NNA Runway "RWNNA Runway / " N N TO L D PA G E S O N LY "/"NNA TOLD PAGES ONLY 3. Entry Description. Runway Number NN = runway number (leading zero is required) A: Indicates Left, Right Center or none. 4. Entry Range: Runway Number: 01 to 36 RUNWAY CONDITION READING (RCR) / RUNWAY SURFACE COVERING (RSC). 1. Display Format: XX"/"X.X (When both RCR and RSC are dis played) XX (When only RCR is displayed) 2. Entry Format NN RCR only NN'VN.N RCR/RSC "/"N.N RSC only 3. Entry Description: RCR: One to two digits, leading zero not required. R U N WAY ICAO CONDITION REPORT D r y. Wet ^ / Good Medium RCR

Icy Poor 5 RSC: One to two digits, leading zero not required. Entry is in tenths of an inch depth. 4. Range: 3 to 23 RCR: RSC: 0 to 1.0

TO 1C-141C-1 NNN'TCNNNNNC Speed/Altitude NNN"/"C"FL"NNNC Speed/Altitude "/"CNNNNNC Altitude only '7"C"FL"NNNC Altitude only 3. Entry Description: Speed: See Speed (IAS) Entry Description. Altitude: See Altitude/Altitude Constraint Entry Description. 4. Range: IAS: See Speed (IAS) Range. Altitude: See Altitude Range. SPEED TRANSITION. 1. Display Format: XXX'VXXXXX 2. Enny Format: NNN"/"NNNNN Speed/Altitude NNN Speed Only "/"NNNNN Altitude Only 3. Entry Description: Speed: Entry in CAS with three numbers See Altitude Entry Description Altitude 4. Range: 100 to 350 in 1 increments CAS: See Altitude Range Altitude SPEED. 1. Display Format: XXX or "."XXX 2. Entry Format: NNN or *'.NNN"Speed (knots) 3. Enny Description: Speed: Two or three numbers, leading zeros not required, prexed by a decimal point for Mach. 4. Range: Ground Speed: IAS: CAS: TAS: Mach: 75 to 750 0 to 350 0 to 350 10 to 585 0 to 0.825 X is "-" or blank 2. Range: (-2.0) to 7.2 TEMPERATURE. 1. Display Format: XXX"C/"XXX"F" XXX"C" XXX"F" 2. Entry Format: NNN C Temperature in NNN"/" Temperature in NNNF Temperature in "/"NNN Temperature in 3. Enny Description:

degrees degrees degrees degrees C C F F


Temperature: Entry of one to three digits, op tionally preceded by "-", leading zero not required. 4. Range: Temperature (C): -60 to 60 Celsius Temperature (F): -76 to 140 Fahrenheit TIME. 1. Display Format: XXXX":"XXX 2. Entry Format: NNNNA Time (HHMM.SS) NNNN":"NNA 3. Entry Description: NNNN or NNNN.NN Leading zero not required, except when entering seconds less than one minute (when entry must be "0.NN" sec). 4. Range: HHMM.SS HH dened as 0-23, MM as 0-59 and SS as 0-59. Time Zone, "A"-"Z" NOTE Time Zone only applies to the POWER UP page. On the GPS STATUS pages (1/2 and 2/2), GPSSupplied time is always supplied as ZULU time, and "C" is always Z.

^ J


STABILIZER SETTING, (TOLD). 1. Display Format: XX.X or -X"."X Stabilizer Setting


1-174 Change 1

TO 1C-141C-1 TIME (CARP). 1. Display Format: %/ XX":"XX 2. Entry Format: NN Time NN"."NN rMM:SS] TIME (TIMERS). 1. Display Format: XXXX'V'XX 2. Entry Format: NNNN (HHMM) NNNN.NN (HHMM.SS) NN.NN (HH.MM) 3. Entry Description: See Entry Format 4. Range: Same as TIME. NOTE For time entry less than one minute, a leading zero is required (e.g., 0.55). VERTICAL POINT TITLE. 1. Display format "TO "TO "TO " " TOC" To Top of Climb TOD" To Top of Descent BOD" To Bottom of Descent invalid or out of range

3. Entty Description: NN or NN.NN Leading zero not required. 4. Range: NN:NN 0 to 59:59, digit one and three range is 0 to 5, digit two and four range is 0 to 9. TIME (HOLD). 1. Display format: XX"+"XX (HOLD Page) Time (HH:MM) XX":"XX (All other pages) 2. Entry Format: NN"."NN Time [HH.MM] % & / 3. Enny Description: NN.NN Leading zero not required 4. Range: HHMM.SS HH dened as 0-23, MM as 0-59 and SS as 0-59. TIME (SECONDS). 1. Display Format XXX Time seconds and tenth of seconds 2. Enny Format: NN N N.N NN.N .N 3. Entry Description: See Entry Format 4. Range: XX.X 0.1 to 99.9

VERTICAL SPEED (VS). 1. Display Format: XXXXX 2. Entry Format: NNNN "-"NNNN V/S

3. Entry Description: V/S: One to four digits, leading zeros optional, optionally preceded by a minus sign. 4. Range: V/S: Integers in the range -9999 to 9999. VERTICAL SPEED (F/S). 1. Display Format: XXX"."X"FT/SEC"

Change 1 1-175

TO 1C-141C-1 2. Entry Format: NNN.N Feet/Second 3. Entry Description: Vertical Speed: One to three numbers, optionally followed by a decimal and another digit. 4. Range: Vertical Speed: 0.1 to 999.9 Feet/Second VIA.TO. 1. Display Format: XXXXX NOTE Even though the enny is VIA.TO, the display after entry is only a waypoint. Enny Format: CCCCC"."CCCCC Airway .waypoint CCCCCCCCCCV'CCCCC Flight Plan Name, waypoint CCCCCCCCCC Entry Description: Airway: Entry of one to ve alphanumeric characters in any combination. Entry of an airway must have an ending waypoint See Flight Plan Entry Description. See Waypoint Entry Description. Flight Plan Name 2. Enny Format: C C ' T Wa y p o i n t L a b e l 3. Entry Description: Waypoint Label: Enny of one or two alphanumeric characters, followed by a "/". Dened waypoint labels may be used in place of the waypoint to which it refers. WAYPOINT LABEL/NAME. 1. Display Format: XX/XXXXX 2. Enny Format: CC/CCCCC 3. Entry Description: Waypoint Name or /Waypoint Name Entry from two to ve alphanumeric characters in any combination, except rst character may not be a "-". The Waypoint Name may be pre ceded by a "/". WAYPOINT NAME. 1. Display Format: XXXXX 2. Entry Format: CCCCC Waypoint Name 3. Enny Description: Waypoint Name: Entry from two to ve alphanu meric characters in any combination, except rst char acter may not be a "-". First character is assigned a "*" when the NP names the waypoint, and then one to ve alphanu meric characters may follow. ^ J


FPL Name: Waypoint:

VOR/TACAN IDENTIFIER. 1. Display Format XXXX 2. Entry Format C C C C V O R / TA C A N 3. Entry Description: VOR/TACAN: Entry of one to four alphanumeric characters. WAYPOINT LABEL. 1. Display Format: XX/

WAYPOINT NUMBER. 1. Display Format: NN 2. Entry Format: Not Allowed 3. Range: Waypoint Number: 01 to 79 ^ )

1-176 Change 1

TO 1C-141C-1 WEIGHT 1. Display Format: XXX.X Leading zeros not displayed. 2. Entry Format: NNN.N Weight in 1,000's of pounds. 3. Entry Description: Weight: One to three numbers with a decimal number, leading zeros not required, trailing decimal and zero not required. 4. Range: Operating Weight: 140.0 to 170.0 KLbs, in 0.1 increments. Cargo Weight: 0.0 to 95.0 KLbs, in 0.1 increments. Fuel on Board: 0.0 to 153.4 KLbs, in 0.1 increments. FUELOVHD: 0.0 to 153.4 KLbs, in 0.1 increments. BRGW: 140.0 to 344.9 KLbs, in 0.1 increments. WEIGHT CARP. 1. Display Format: XXXXX 2. Entry Format: NNNNN 3. Entry Description: Weight: 4. Range: Payload: 0 to 92,000 Lbs. WIND (ANY WIND ENTRY). 1. Display Format: XXX"/"XXX One to ve numbers, leading zeros not required. Weight in pounds Leading zeros not displayed. 3. Enny Description: Wind Speed: Wind Bearing: 4. Range: Wind Speed: Wind Bearing: WIND, CARP. 1. Display Format: 0 to 200 knots See Course Range. One to three numbers, leading zeros not required. See Course Entry Description.

XXX"T/"XX XXX"G/"XX 2. Entry Format: NNN"/"NN NNN"T/"NN NNN NNN"T" NNN"/" NNN"T" NNN'T NNN'T/" "/"NN 3. Entry Description: Wind Speed: Wind Bearing: 4. Range: Wind Speed: Wind Bearing: WIND, SURFACE. 1. Display Format:

Wind BearingMagnetic/Speed Wind BearingTfue/Speed Wind Bearings/Speed

Wind BearingMagIietie/Speed Wind BearingTrue/Speed Wind BearingMagnetic Wind BearingTroe Wind BearingMagnetic Wind BearingTroe Wind BearingMagnetic Wind BearingTnie Wind Speed One to two numbers, leading zeros not required. See Course Enny Description 0 to 99 knots See Course Range

XXX"G/"XXX 2. Entry Format: %^/' NNN"/"NNN NNN'TrNNN NNN NNN"T" NNN"/" NNN'T/" "/"NNN

Wind BearingMagnttic/Speed Wind BearingTnte/Speed Wind Bearings/Speed

Wind BearingMagnMfc/Speed Wind BearingTnie/Speed Wind BearingMagMtic Wind BearingTree Wind BearingMagnetic Wind BearingTroc Wind Speed

XXX"/"XX"-"XX"KT" Wind BearingM^^Speed XXXX"T/"XX"-"XX"Kr Wind BearingTnie/Speed XXX"G/"XX"-"XX"KT" Wind BearingQrij/Speed 2. Enny Format

Change 1 1-177

TO 1C-141C-1

NNN"/"NN"-"NN Wind BearingMagnetic/SpeedGusts NNN"TrNN"-"NNWind BearingTnie/SpeedGusts NNN WindBearingMa tic NNN"T" Wind BearingT " NNN'T WindBearingM tic N N N ' T / ' W i n d B e a r i n g Tr ^ NNN'TNN WindBearingMa(mette/Speed NNN"T/"NN Wind BearingTni7Speed "/"NN Wing Speed 'TNN"-"NN Wind Speed-Gusts "-"TN Gusts Entry of any entry except Bearing/NN-NN or Bearing/ NN can only be made when a Bearing/NN-NN or Bearing/ NN already exists. Gust enny must be greater than speed entry. 3. Entry Description: Wind Bearing: See Course Enny Description. Wind Speed: One to two numbers, leading zeros not required. Wind Gusts: Range: Wind Bearing: Wind Speed: Wind Gusts: One to two numbers, leading zeros not required. See Course Range. 0 to 99 knots 0 to 99 knots

Power-Up. The FMS enters the power-up mode immediately after the application of primary power to the FMS compo nents or after a loss of primary power to both Naviga tion Processors for greater than one second. The FMS automatically transitions from the power-up mode to the operational mode and can process operator com mands and performing NP-to-NP synchronization within 60 seconds when on the ground, and within 15 sec onds when airborne. Normal power-up mode processing is bypassed for an interruption of primary power to the NP of duration of less than one second and no data is lost. BIT PASS Page. This BIT PASS page is momentarily displayed upon successful completion of MFCDU built-in-test.


Cr LE C B C D C) E C E C E L T) LT









- -I



Figure 1-22. MFCDU BIT PASS

TIMEOUT Page. The TIMEOUT page will be displayed continuously if the MFCDU cannot communicate with either Naviga tion Processor.









There is no direct access to WAYPOINT SE LECT page. However, attempting to upselect an identier that has more than one location to the 4L eld will cause an automatic branch to WAYPOINT SELECT page. Figure 1-21. Power-Up Menu Hierarchy
1-178 Change 1


Figure 1-23. TIMEOUT

T01C-141C-1 POWER UP Page.

The POWER UP page displays information about the Navigation Database, date/time, INS alignment posi tion, Map Datum, and the current Navigation Proces sor software. The POWER UP page is displayed when any of the following conditions are met. 1. Displayed upon POWER UP. Selection while "ALIGN" is in a large font will result in the displayed position below it being sent to the INS(s) in the STBY mode. While the INS(s) is loading the position, ALIGN will be displayed in large inverse video. ALIGN will be displayed in a small font when no position is displayed in the two data elds below it, when neither of the INSs are in the STBY mode or when the INS Loading mode was activated from the INS STATUS, POSI TION UPDATE, BIT or INS MAINTENANCE page. Selection while data eld is in a small font is non-operational. Enny and delete are non-operational. Selected Initialization Position/Reference Waypoint. 4L data elds display the Lati tude/Longitude (lat/long) selected by 5L. 5L selections are GPS, LAST, and REF. Selec tion appears in inverse video. If GPS is selected, and the GPS position is valid, the current GPS position will be dis played in the 4L lat/long data elds, and 'TOM x" (x is the GPS's current Figure of Merit) will appear above the GPS annunciation. If the GPS position is not valid, these data elds areblan c. FOM Estimated Horizontal Error Value (EHE) <25M 1 2 >25 MS50 M 3 >50 M 75 M 4 >75 MS100 M 5 >100M 200M 6 >200MS500M 7 >500M1000M >1000M5000M 8 >5000M 9 If LAST is selected, and the last valid INAV present position is available, the last valid present posi tion will be displayed in the lat/long data elds, and "FOM x" will disappear. If the last valid present position is not available, these data elds will be blank. If REF is selected and a valid position entry has not been made, 4L data field will display " -" in a large font. Upon entry of a valid lat/long position into the 4L data elds, the data eld below the lat/long entry will display the position as it was entered (waypoint name, MGRS, PRD, lat/long, etc.). Entry of a valid position when GPS or LAST is selected will result in 5L data eld automatically selecting REF and its associ ated data elds displaying the reference po sition latitude, longitude, and position entry string, respectively. If more than one waypoint with the entered identier exists in the databases (navigation and custom), the NP will branch to ihe I WAYPOINT SELECT page if the Waypoint | Select Page Exclusion is not active.


2. Selection of the POWER UP prompt on the MAIN MENU 1/2 page. 3. Selection of 1L-5L on the WAYPOINT SELECT page when the WAYPOINT SELECT page was ac cessed from the POWER UP page. 4. Selection of the POWER UP prompt on the DATA TRANSFER, MAP DATUM, and USER DEFINED pages. 5. Selection of 6L or 6R on the CONFIRM AC TION page when the CONFIRM ACTION page was accessed from the POWER UP page.



N AV OB R AY T H E O N e 4 r S E P M O C To t e SOCTS1NOVoe

C 1 4 t C N P CP IN 8 5 2 3 2 * 1 - 11 8 D AT E 2 5 OCT O T I ME

A L I G N N3 4 1 3 . 7 8 W B 5 * 1 9 . 8 9 POM 3 . / L A S T / R E F

master av 18133 ' on

M A P O AT U M S >
WG S 8 4

1 4 S 3 : 3 S Z





03166401 F

Figure 1-24. POWER UP






Navigation Database Identier. This data eld displays the identier of the navigation database. Selection, entry, and delete are nonoperational. Nav Database Cycle. LSK 2L data eld dis plays the active Navigation Database Cycle in a large font. The inactive Navigation Da tabase Cycle is displayed in a small font above the active cycle. When the aircraft is air borne, selection generates the error message "NOT ALLOWED," and no database cycle takes place. Otherwise, selection results in display of the CONFIRM ACTION page to allow acceptance or cancellation of the Nav Database cycle change. Entry and delete are non-operational. ALIGN (INS). This LSK provides a means to command the NPs to send the alignment position displayed below the "ALIGN" an nunciation to the INSs. "ALIGN" will be dis played in a large font when a position is dis played in the two data elds below "ALIGN" and at least one INS is in the STBY mode.

Change 1 1-179

TO 1C-141C-1 Upon return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page with a waypoint selected, the NP will use the selected waypoint in the reference waypoint eld. Upon return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page when a waypoint is not selected, the NP will display the waypoint identier in the scratch pad. Selection of 4L results in the displayed data being placed into the scratch pad Entry is non-operational for 5L. Delete is non-op erational for 4L and 5L. 6L Branch to DATA TRANSFER page. 1R NP CPIN. The upper data eld displays the aircraft type as dened by the hard ware program pins and the tide "NP CPIN." 1R data eld displays the NP Computer Program Identication Number (CPIN). Se lection, entry, and delete are non-operational. 2R Date. The date may be manually entered or sourced from the GPS receiver and naviga tion database effectivity period. An entered date is displayed in a large font GPS/navi gation database effectivity period sourced date is displayed in a small font GPS sourced day and month and current navigation da tabase effectivity period year is displayed whenever the date eld does not contain an enny and the navigation database is valid When no date is available, the date eld displays dashes " ." If a manually entered date is deleted, a GPS/ navigation database sourced date is avail able, and the navigation database is valid, the GPS date will then be displayed. In all other cases, delete is non-operational. Se lection is non-operational. 3R Time. The time may be sourced from the NP, GPS receiver or manually entered Time received from the GPS receiver, is always appended with a "Z" to indicate Zulu time. Time entries may be appended with a single character in the range A-Z to indicate a time zone. Entered data is displayed in a large font, while NP and GPS data are dis played in a small font GPS data is dis played whenever it is available and the time eld does not contain an entry. NP data is displayed when GPS is not available and no time entry is present Upon power-up, if GPS time is not avail able, die time is started to midnight, and time starts counting from there. No time zone character is appended, and this time is displayed in a small font. Otherwise, de lete is non-operational. Selection is nonoperational. 4R MASTER AV OFF/ON. This LSK pro vides a means to power on or off all VHF, VOR, and TACAN radios. Upon powerup, theeld displays "OFF/ON" defaulted to QEjQ Entry and deletion are nonoperational. 1-180 Change 1 5R Branch to MAP DATUM. Selection re sults in a branch to the MAP DATUM page 1. Entry and delete are non-operational. The data eld below the MAP DATUM > an nunciation displays the selected map da tum. 6R Branch to ROUTE 1 page. CONFIRM ACTION Page. The CONFIRM ACTION page allows acceptance or can cellation of a nav data base change. The CONFIRM AC TION page is displayed when 2L on the POWER UP page is selected. When the CONFIRM ACTION page is accessed, the FROM data eld displays the proposed inactive cycle of the navigation database and the TO data eld displays the proposed active cycle of the navigation database.







D3262401 Figure I-24A. CONFIRM ACTION 1L-5L Non-operational. 6L Acceptance prompt Selection results in acceptance of the change and return to the POWER UP page. Entry and delete are non-operational. 1R-5R Non-operational. 6R Cancellation prompt Selection results in cancellation of the change shown and re turn to the POWER UP page. Entry and delete are non-operational. WAYPOINT SELECT Page. The WAYPOINT SELECT page is displayed when a x identier entry is made and duplicate records of the identier exists in the database. However, if the Waypoint Select Page Exclusion (WSE) is active at the time of tipselection, die WAYPOINT SELECT page will not be displayed. Waypoint Select Page Exclusion. The Waypoint Select Page Exclusion (WSE) allows same name identiers to be down-selected and then upselected without displaying the WAYPOINT SELECT page as follows:

TO 1C-141C-1 1. When a named WAYPOINT IDENTIFIER that is dened in more than one location in the navigation database is downselected from the following locations, WSE become active: a. Waypoint via line selects 1L-5L on the LEGS HISTORY, LEGS PRIMARY, LEGS TO ALTERNATE, and DIRECT/INTERCEPT pages. b. Origin via line select 1L on the ROUTE PLAN page. c. Destination via line select 1R on the ROUTE PLAN page. d. Alternate Destination via line select 2R on the ROUTE PLAN page. e. Waypoint via line selects 1R-4R on the PRIMARY ROUTE page and ROUTE TO ALTER NATE page. f. Last Waypoint via line select 1L on the PROGRESS 3 page. g. First Waypoint via line select 2L on the PROGRESS 3 page. h. Last Nearest Airport via line select 1R on the PROGRESS 3 page. i. First Nearest Airport via line select 2R on the PROGRESS 3 page. j. Fix Identier via line select 1L on the FIX INFO page. k. Down Track Fix via line selects 2L-4L on the FIX INFO page. 1. ABEAM Intercept via line select 5L on the FIX INFO page. m. Waypoint via line select 1L on the NAV DATA page. 2. For any downselected named WAYPOINT IDEN TIFIERS from step 1 that are modied to form a PBD or PBPB entry, WSE remains active. However, if the actual identier is modied or the identier is removed from the scratch pad, then WSE become in active. If the databases contain more than ve entries of the x displayed on the page, the following applies. 1. Selection of the PREV key will display the previous WAYPOINT SELECT page. If WAYPOINT SELECT page 1/X is displayed and the PREV key is pressed, then the last WAYPOINT SELECT page is displayed. 2. Selection of the NEXT key will display the next WAYPOINT SELECT page. If WAYPOINT SELECT page X/X is displayed and the NEXT key is pressed, then WAYPOINT SELECT page 1/X is displayed. 1L-5L, 1R-5R Fix Occurrence Data. LSK data elds contain x data, consisting of the Identier, the Country Code, the Latitude and Longitude, and, possibly, the Frequency or Channel.
i WAY P O I N T N - Z E

11 3 . I TA LY 11 7 . 0 0




S 4 0 3 . 11 E 1 7 1 a 5 9 . 8 0 N 3 3 5 4 . 3 1 W 11 7 1 6 , 4 5
11 0 . 0 0 BO

K+J" 59. 70 E 0 1 3 OS. 3 2 H3S47.98 E01305.32




Figure 1-25. WAYPOINT SELECT The Fix Identier is displayed in the data eld above each LSK. The Country Code is displayed to the right of the Fix Identi er. Latitude and Longitude are displayed next to each LSK. If the x is a navaid, the frequency or channel is also displayed. If the Navaid is a VORTAC, then the channel is displayed. If there are less than ve xes to display on the page, the remaining lines are left blank. Selection is made by pressing the line se lect key next to the desired record regard less of the scratch pad contents. When this is done, the process that was interrupted to display this page will continue where it left off using the selected x. Any attempted selection of entry to or deletion from a blank line is non-operational. Entry and deletion functions are non-operational. 6L Non-operational. 6R Branch to calling page. This data eld dis plays the page that resulted in the WAYPOINT SELECT page being displayed. Selection results in a branch to the page being dis played in the data eld. Entry and delete are non-operational. DATA LOADER SYSTEM (DLS) MANAGEMENT. The Flight Manager System provides the capability to read from and write to the Data Loader System. Up loading and downloading of data to/from the Data Loader System is allowed only when the aircraft is on the ground. DATA TRANSFER Page. The DATA TRANSFER page stores information to and loads information from the Data Loader System and controls Crossload operation. The DATA TRANSFER page is accessed when any of the following occur: 1. Selection of the < DATA XFR prompt on the MAIN MENU 1/2 page.

Change 1 1-180.1/(1-180.2 blank)

2. Selection of the < DATA XFR prompt on the POWER UP page. ( ^ 3. When the two Navigation Processors are oper ating in independent mode, the DATA TRANSFER page will be displayed automatically. NOTE blanked, the onside NP is receiving a crossload, or the onside database is invalid. The eld below 3L displays the onside NDB identi er if CROSSLOAD NDB is displayed. Oth erwise, it is blanked. Selecting "TRANSMIT" when in large font results in the database displayed in the 3L title eld being transmitted to the offside^H^When transmit is in progress, BagffHWlH is displayed. Oth erwise, selection in non-operational. 4L Non-operational. 5L Data Transfer Status. If a data transfer is in progress, this data eld will display "TRANSFER xxx% COMPLETE," with the completed percentage of the transfer displayed in place of "xxx." If an upload is being per formed, the percent complete is dened by DL UPLOAD PERCENT COMPLETE. If a download is being performed, the percent complete is dened by DL DOWNLOAD PER CENT COMPLETE. If a Crossload is being performed, the percent complete is dened by RM DB XLOAD PERCENT COMPLETE. If a fault occurs while a transfer is in progress, the transfer will be aborted and a message will be displayed in this data transfer status line. If a fault occurs while a transfer is in progress, the transfer will be aborted and a message will be displayed on the data transfer sta tus line. Messages are listed in priority order. A higher priority message will overwrite any existing lower priority message. If a mes sage ceases, it will be removed and either a lower priority message will be displayed or the eld will be blanked if no mes sages are queued. Selection, entry, and delete are non-opera tional. 6L Branch to POWER UP page. "< POWER UP" is displayed in a small font if a data transfer is in progress or if the NPs are op erating in Independent mode. Otherwise, "< POWER UP" defaults to a large font. Se lection, when displayed in a large font, re sults in a branch to the POWER UP page. Otherwise, selection is non-operational. Entry and delete are non-operational. 1R Store Maintenance History to DLS. "STORE HIST" is displayed in a small font if the aircraft is in ight or iht DRU is not pow ered on. Otherwise, "STORE HIST" defaults to a large font.


When either NP detects a data base miscompare, all MFCDU displays automatically switch to the DATA TRANSFER page. If conditions al low, crossload data. Otherwise, select the re quired MFCDU page, perform required action, and then crossload data at your earliest conve nience. 1 D ATA T R A N S F E R







Q 8 L O I O O - 0 0 1

RECEIVE G B L 0 1 0 0 - 0 0 1





F1013801 A


Figure 1-26. DATA TRANSFER Load Database from DLS. This data eld will display "Load DB" in a small font if the aircraft is airborne, the DRU is not powered on, or the controlling NP is not the Guid ance Master. Otherwise, this data eld de faults to a large font. Selection when "FROM DLS" is displayed in a large font will result in loading all da tabase information on the DTM into the Guid ance Master Navigation Processor. Other wise, selection is non-operational. When a database transfer is in progress, this data . eld is displayed in a large font, inverse video. Entry and delete are non-operational.

2L 3L

X ^ i / '

Non-operational. Transmit Crossload Data. Title eld dis plays "CROSSLOAD NDB" if the two NPs have a mismatch in their navigation data bases (NDBs). "CROSSLOAD CUSTOM" is dis played if the two NPs' NDBs match and their custom databases have a mismatch. Other wise, the eld is blanked. "TRANSMIT" is displayed in large font when either "CROSSLOAD NDB" or "CROSSLOAD CUSTOM" is displayed in the title eld and the onside data is valid. "TRANSMIT" is displayed in small font if the title eld is

Change 1 1-181

T01C-141C-1 STATUS MESSAGE ABORT DLS FAILED DTM NOT INSTALLED ABORT INVALID FORMAT ABORT NO DB ON CART ABORT DLS READ FAILED ABORT DLS WRITE FAILED ABORT NDB CLEAR FAILED ABORT NDB WRITE FAILED ABORT INVALID HEADER ABORT INVALID SYS ID ABORT INVALID REV ABORT INVALID NDB CRC ABORT INVALID CUSTOM WPT ABORT INVALID STORED RTE ABORT INVALID NOTAM ABORT INVALID COMM ABORT INVALID CHUTE ABORT INVALID FPL1 ABORT INVALID FPL2 ABORT INVALID ALMANAC ABORT INVALID THREAT DESCRIPTION Displayed if the DLS is not responding. Displayed if the DTM is not installed Displayed when there is a DRM ash memory format error. Displayed if the DTM does not contain uploadable data. Displayed when an error is detected while reading from the DTM. Displayed if an error is detected while writing to the DIM Displayed if an error is detected while erasing the existing NDB from Flash Memory Displayed if an error is detected while writing the NDB to Flash Memory Displayed when the cartridge contains an invalid header CRC. Displayed when the cartridge contains an invalid system idenier. Displayed when the cartridge contains an invalid software revision number. Displayed when the uploaded Nav DB failed the CRC test. Displayed when an error was detected in the Custom Waypoint Mission DB segment (either CRC or processor) Displayed when an error was detected in the Stored Route Mission DB segment (either CRC or preprocessor). Displayed when an error was detected in the inhibited Navaid Mission DB segment (either CRC or preprocessor). Displayed when an error was detected in the Comm Presets Mission DB segment (either CRC or preprocessor). Displayed when an error was detected in the Parachute Ballistics Mission DB segment (either CRC or preprocessor). Displayed when an error was detected in the Flight Plan 1 Mission DB segment (either CRC or preprocessor). Displayed when an error was detected in die Flight Plan 2 Mission DB segment (either CRC or preprocessor). Displayed when an error was detected in the GPS Almanac Mission DB segment (either CRC or preprocessor). Displayed when an error was detected in the Thrust Database Mission DB segment (either CRC or preprocessor). is valid and a load is not in progress. "RE CEIVE" is displayed in small font if the 3L tide eld is blanked, the onside NP is trans mitting a crossload, or die offside NP has an invalid database. The eld below 3R displays the offside NDB identier if the eld dis plays CROSSLOAD NDB. Otherwise, the eld is blanked. Selecting "RECEIVE" when displayed in large font results in the database displayed in the 3L tide eld being received from die offside NP. When a transfer from the offside NP is

Selection of 1R when "STORE HIST' is displayed in a large font results in storing all maintenance history information from both NPs, if available, to the DTM. Otherwise, selection is non-operational. When a main tenance history transfer is in progress, this data eld is displayed in a large font, in verse video. Entry and delete are non-op erational. 2R 3R Non-operational. Receive Crossload data. "RECEIVE" is dis played in a large font when the offside data


1-182 Change 1

(5|UB|qr28l.-t)/L38L-L L66uet|o

(8Z-I ornSg aas) a8sd wniVO OHNIdHC 'HHSfl 8m no P^-rawa 9JO aq Abui sumi -Bp nruopippv 'S/S q8nonn g/j saSsd uo paisri snnqep detu reooj fr are ajaqx surniBp reooi uaaMiaq suopeui -joisireu pue ui suoptugap uopisod sapiAOjd SYii 3ILL

>8-SOM. * pwjaj A*pu3Jjno sjb qorqM sumiBp onapoaS reoo| AOl are *am ABidsrp puB Anno puonisod aDiW J0J pspsps umiBp am jo ssarpmS -a* '(>8-SOA0 t>86l nsXs opapoao PI-ioaa oi paoua -J3J9J are smaisAqns paoajjaiut 01 sWi am ^1 PaP!A -ojd uonBuuojtn uoqB8iAeu puB suopainduioo reuopB8 -iabu reuiaiui -dBui Are uo saiBurpjooa am aremoreo oi piasn qyea aqi jo [apoui reapBUiaqiBui am si amiBp v



wniva dvw
reuorjtuado-noN H9"Ht' [BuopBjado-uou 3jb aiapp puB Xnug -TBuopBiado-uou si uopoaps 'aswi -jatpo -paABidsrp st gQggggj *ssaj3ojd ui

reuopeSiABU ssojS ut jmsaj itma fr8-SOM "^l* jsqio surniBp dam jo uopoajas nruopuainniQ


TO 1C-141C-1 MAP DATUMS 1/5 Page.

I /5 6

The MAP DATUMS 1/5 page allows selection of the map datum to be used for position entry and display. All map datums on the MAP DATUMS 1/5 through MAP DATUMS 5/5 pages are mutually exclusive (i.e only one may be se lected at a time).








I 0






MAP DATUMS 1/5 page is accessed by selection of the MAP DATUMS prompt on the POWER UP or MAIN MENU 1/2 page. MAP DATUMS 1/5 page is also accessible by pressing the NEXT page.



The USER DEFINED DATUM page allows entry of a userdened datum that will be used for position entry and display. For example the datum for Iran is: Continent Europe Local Geodetic Datum Reference Ellipsoide and Parameter Difference Name International 1924 Aa(m) -251 AfxlO4 -0.14192702 -117 9 -132 12 -164 11 AX(m) Transformation Parameters AY(m) AZ(m)

Name EUROPEAN 1950 Iran

To enter this datum, enter the following in the scratch pad: 1. -117 and press 1L. 2. -132 and press 2L. 3. -164 and press 3L. 4. -251 and press 4L. 5. -0.14192702 and press 5L. The page should resemble gure 1-32.
03185301 B



I USER D E LTA x -I 17 u D E LTA r -132 H D E LTA Z -164 U D E LTA A



LEH ~251 ooom

D E LTA F X 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 .14 192702 <P0WER UP

r-LE E

6. Press 6L and branch to the POWER UP page. Note that 5R annunciates MAP DATUMS USE_DEF.



The USER DEFINED page is accessed by selection of the USER DEF prompt on the MAP DATUMS 2/5 page.

1 L

Delta X Offset. This date eld displays " " (6 dashes) if a delta X offset has not been entered. Entry of a valid delta X offset from the default (WGS-84) datum results in the entered value being used in the calculation of the datum shift for the


TO1C-141C-1 user dened datums. Selection and delete are nonoperational. 2L Delta Y Offset. This data eld will display " " (6 dashes) if a delta Y offset has not been entered. Entry of a valid delta Y offset from the default (WGS-84) datum results in the entered value being used in the calculation of the datum shift for the user dened datums. Selection and delete are nonoperational. 3L Delta Z Offset. This data eld will display " " (6 dashes) if a delta Z offset has not been entered. Entry of a valid delta Z offset from the default (WGS-84) datum results in the entered value being used in the calculation of the datum shift for the user dened datums. Selection and delete are nonoperational. 4L Delta A Offset. This data eld displays " " (9 dashes) if a delta A offset has not been entered. Entry of a valid delta A offset from the default (WGS-84) datum semi-major axis results in the en tered value being used in the calculation of the da tum shift for the user dened datums. Selection and delete are non-operational. SL Delta F Offset. This data eld displays " " (10 dashes) if a delta F offset has not been entered. Entry of a valid delta F offset from the default (WGS-84) datum attening value results in the en tered value being used in the calculation of the da tum shift for the user dened datums. Note that the delta F value entered is the nominal delta F times 10M. Selection and delete are non-operation al. 6L Branch to POWER UP page. Selection results in a branch to the POWER UP page. 1R-6R Non-operational. SENSOR MANAGEMENT. Management of the navigation sensors consists of mode con trol, sensor data handling, and sensor evaluation. INS Management. The FMS controls and monitors both Inertial Navigation Units. Each NP interfaces to one INU. The following capa bilities are provided: 1. Entering an alignment position. 2. Entering a manual update position or an update posi tion from the TACAN or SKE Zone Marker. 3. Display of INU status and mode of operation. 4. Monitor/control of an INU built-in test. 5. Monitor and display of an INU inertial data. 1-184 Sensor Data Checking. The FMS performs tests on the sensor data to determine validity and to provide early detection of sensor failure. When the data from a particular sensor is rejected consistent ly, the sensor is omitted from the navigation solution. Integrated Navigation. The Integrated Navigation (INAV) function performs man agement of the navigation suite and top level control of the navigation solution. The functional modes of the INAV subsystem control the navigation solutions and allow for selection of navigation parameters. The INAV modes arc divided into Operational Modes and Functional Modes, and are described as follows: OPERATIONAL MODES. The INAV system operates in either the Manual mode or the Auto mode. GPS Management. The FMS controls and monitors two embedded GPS receiv ers. Each NP hosts one GPS receiver module and the follow ing capabilities are provided: 1. Entry of GPS receiver initialization data. 2. Display of receiver status and mode of operation. 3. Loading the GPS receiver crypto keys. 4. Zeroizing the GPS receiver crypto keys. 5. Monitor and control of the receiver built-in test. 6. Loading GPS almanac data into the GPS receiver. 7. Monitor and display of the GPS-dcrived information. GPS Acquisition and Tracking. In normal operations, the GPS initiates tracking functions whenever the receiver has current almanac data for four or more satellites visible ve or more degrees above the GPS sensor horizon. If precision-encrypted signals cannot be obtained, the GPS reverts to the Coarse Mode. Without a valid almanac, the GPS sensor enters a search-the-sky mode. SCADC Management. The FMS receives inputs from SCADC No. 2 directly. Inputs from SCADC No. 1 are received via the DPU. SCADC No. 1 is the default air data source. SCADC No. 2 data is used when SCADC No. 1 data is invalid. Data from both SCADCs can be viewed on the MFCDUs.



TO 1C-141C-1
1. Manual Mode: In the Manual operational mode, the selection of the functional mode is made by crew selection on the MFCDU. Manual mode is the default operational mode. 2. Auto Mode: In the Auto operational mode, selection of the navigation solution is made by the FMS based on the best Figure of Merit (FOM) and Estimated Horizontal Error (EHE). The order of preference in selecting a naviga tion solution is as follows: KNS INS only GPS only No Nav INDEPENDENT INS MODE. Independent INS Mode is selected via the MFCDU or when selected by the Autonav function. This mode uses the INS with inputs from the SCADC, if available, to produce the navigation solution. GPS-derived data is not used in generating the navigation solution while in this mode.


The mix lamp annunciation is side dependent. This will result in MFCDU being controlled by NP 1 displaying the MIX status of INS 1 and MFCDU being controlled by NP 2 dis playing the MIX status of INS 2. Position updates are provided from the following sources: 1. A position entered via the MFCDU. INS solution corrections derived from the manual update are removable via the MFCDU. 2. TACAN range and bearing information, when se lected via the MFCDU. The TACAN update is performed continuously as long as valid TACAN range and bearing are available. The FMS provides an annunciation via the MFCDU when a TACAN update is being performed. INS solution corrections derived from the TACAN update are removable via the MFCDU. 3. SKE Zone Marker (ZM) range and bearing informa tion, when selected via the MFCDU. The FMS provides an annunciation via the MFCDU when a SKE ZM update is being performed. SKE ZM updates to the INS solution are performed continuously while in this mode. INS soludon corrections from the SKE ZM are automatically zeroed when the Drop Zone Escape point is sequenced. 4. The KNS solution, when a manual or automatic transi tion from KNS mode to Independent INS mode is performed. INS solution corrections derived from the KNS update are removable via the MFCDU. INDEPENDENT GPS MODE. Independent GPS Mode is selected via the MFCDU or when selected by the auto mode. This mode uses the GPS with SCADC inputs, if available, and INS inputs to produce the navigation solution. The GPS data continues to be used to derive INS error esti mates while in this mode. These error estimates are not applied to the navigation solution unless the KNS Navigation Mode is selected. INS attitude and position aiding data is used to produce the navigation solution and to aid the GPS tracking loop. NO NAV MODE. The FMS is in the No Nav mode when no functional mode has been selected while in the manual operational mode. If the crew-selected operational mode subsequently becomes unavailable, the FMS sets the func tional mode to No Nav. The FMS is in the No Nav mode when no functional modes are available while in the auto mode and warns the crew via the NO NAV 1/2 system adviso ry message.


Attitude/Heading Selection.
Normally, the NP uses its onside INS, attitude, heading, and navigation data. If the onside AFCP selects AHRS as its attitude source, the onside NP then uses the AHRS pitch, roll, and heading (this includes converting AHRS MAG heading to TRUE). Otherwise it uses the respective INS attitude, heading, and navigation data.

The INAV subsystem operates in either the Kalman Naviga tion Solution (KNS) functional mode, the Independent INS functional mode, the Independent GPS functional mode, or the No Nav mode, as described in the following paragraphs. No Nav is the default functional mode. KNS NAVIGATION MODE. The KNS Navigation mode is entered when selected via the MFCDU or when selected by the Autonav function. KNS Navigation mode uses the INS with ltered GPS correction terms and SCADC inputs, if available, to produce the navigation solution. A Kalman lter is used to provide the correction terms. When GPS operation is degraded, the FMS uses the INS with the last available ltered GPS correction terms from the Kalman lter and SCADC inputs, if available, to produce the naviga tion solution. When only three satellites are available, the FMS will use GPS position and time and INS velocities to generate the navigation solution. When operating in the KNS mode and the integrity monitor ing system indicates that the GPS operation is degraded or if the GPS becomes unavailable, the FMS suspends GPS inputs into the Kalman lter. When the integrity monitoring system subsequently indicates that GPS data is valid or the GPS otherwise becomes available, GPS correction terms are restored. The navigation solution, while in the KNS Navigation Mode, is not less accurate than the solution derived from the Inde pendent GPS Mode or the Independent INS Mode. The integration does not allow less accurate sensors to degrade the accuracy of the basic GPS navigation solution.


T01C-141C-1 NOTE No Nav mode will disable the following: SFD stick map, groundspeed readout, ETE, ETA, grid heading, PERF predictions, autopilot and ight director VNAV, and FMS autothrottles. Navigation Accuracy. KNS SOLUTION/GPS ONLY/INS ONLY SOLUTION. The FMS monitors the Estimated Horizontal Error (EHE) as stated below. PHASE OF FLIGHT Enroute (ENR) Terminal (TERM) Non-Precision Approach (NPA) EHE 0.54 NM 0.27 NM 0.054 NM 7. Estimated time from the aircraft present position to the selected waypoint with a precision of at least six seconds or 0.1 minutes. 8. Cross-track distance with a minimum range of 200 NM. At distances equal to or less than 9.9 NM, the precision will be at least 0.1 NM. At distances greater than 9.9 NM, the precision will be at least I NM. 9. Relative bearing with 0.5 precision. The relative bearing may be either true, magnetic, or grid. Fault Detection. The FMS uses RAIM to determine the integrity of GPS navigation signals. The FMS noties the crew via the MFCDU whenever RAIM is unavailable or satellite geometry constraints or equipment fail. Coordinate Systems. The FMS uses navigation information referenced to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84). The default coordi nate system is WGS-84 latitude/longitude. Data entry of lat/long waypoints via the MFCDU is in degrees, minutes, and hundredths of minutes. Lat/long waypoints are displayed on the MFCDU to a resolution of a hundredth of a minute, regardless of source data resolution. The FMS accepts entry of waypoint positional data in Mili tary Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates. The FMS accepts MGRS coordinate locations using the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid for waypoints between Lat itude 80 South and 84 North and accepts MGRS coordinate locations using the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grid for waypoints south of Latitude 80 South and north of Latitude 84 North. MGRS coordinates displayed on the MFCDU have a resolution of one meter, regardless of source data resolution. Internal storage of waypoints within the FMS are in WGS-84 ^ J lat/long coordinates only. Waypoints stored to the Data Load er Subsystem as part of the post-mission processing function are in lat/long coordinates. 5. Minimum 4-character range display with a precision of at least 0.1 nautical miles (NM) for ranges up to 99.9 NM and a precision of at least 1 NM for ranges of 100 NM or greater.


6. Ground speed to the nearest one knot

NAVIGATION ACCURACY ANNUNCIATION. If the selected nav solution accuracy exceeds the current phase of ight threshold, ACC annunciates on Ihe PFD. Navigation Data Display. The FMS provides separate capabilities to observe data and to amend navigation data. Observing the navigation data does not interrupt or affect the navigation guidance. The FMS continuously provides an indication of the aircraft devi ation right or left from the selected or computed courses. To-from information based on the current waypoint, current aircraft position, and course is provided. Display Data Resolution. The following information is provided for display. 1. Aircraft position with a precision of at least 0.1 min utes of latitude or longitude, or the equivalent precision for another coordinate system. 2. Waypoint position with a precision of at least 0.01 minutes of latitude or longitude, or the equivalent precision for another coordinate system. 3. Selected bearing to the nearest one degree. Bearing may be either true, magnetic, or grid. 4. Desired track to the nearest one degree. Desired track may be either magnetic, true, or grid.




- 1 jj]
i L

% & /

1L KNS 1 status, if the navigation source is displayed in a large font, it is available for use. A small font indicates it is not usable. The two data elds under the KNS 1 navi gation source display the FOM and EHE, respectively. Selection of the navigation source, when it is available, will result in the selec tion being displayed in a large font, inverse video. Entry and delete are non-operational on the navigation source LSKs. 2L GPS 1 status. If the navigation source is displayed in a large font, it is available for use. A small font indicates it is not usable. The two data elds under the GPS 1 navi gation source displays the FOM and EHE, respectively. Selection of the navigation source, when it is available, results in the naviga tion source being displayed in a large font, inverse video. Entry and delete are non-op erational on the navigation source LSKs. 3L INS 1 status. If the navigation source is displayed in a large font, it is available for use. A small font indicates it is not usable. The two data elds under the INS 1 navi gation source displays the FOM and EHE, respectively. Selection of the navigation source when it is available, results in the naviga tion source being displayed in a large font, inverse video. Entry and delete are non-op erational on the navigation source LSKs. 5L Automatic Navigation Selection. When AUTO is selected, the NP is permitted to choose its navigation source, and to re-select its source at any time. When MAN is selected, the NP is prohib ited from changing the navigation source. When the switch is changed from AUTO to MAN, the current navigation source remains selected. Enny and delete are non-opera tional. 1R KNS 2 status. Function same as 1L.








Figure 1-29. SOLUTION Menu Hierarchy INAV CTRL SOLN Page. The INAV CTRL SOLN page displays information for the navigation sources and displays the selected navi gation source. Selection of the SOLN Mode key or NEXT or PREV page from the INAV CTRL INDEX 2/ 2 page results in display of the INAV CTRL SOLN page. The INAV CTRL SOLN page can also be ac cessed by selecting 6L on the INS POSITION UPDATE page. The data eld below the page tide displays the lat/long navigation position for the Navigation Proces sor.

I N AV C T R L S O L K i / 2
N2932.00 WO 9 8 2 3. 20



2R GPS 2 status. Function same as 2L. 3R INS 2 status. Function same as 3L. 4R-5R Non-operationaL 6R UPDATE >. Selection results in a branch to the INS Position Update page. Entry and delete are non-operational.


2 0.09










|PREV| |nBCt| j CLR ) |tOU)]


VNAV D3186801 A

Figure 1-30. INAV CTRL SOLN 1-187

T01C-141C-1 INS POSITION UPDATE Page. The INS POSITION UPDATE page allows updating of the INS solution and is displayed when any of the following conditions are satised: 1. Selection of the UPDATE prompt displayed on any of the INAV pages. 2. Selection of a waypoint on the WAYPOINT SELECT page when the WAYPOINT SELECT page was accessed from the POSITION UPDATE page. 3. Selection of the return prompt on the CUSTOM DATA page when the CUSTOM DATA page was ac cessed from the POSITION UPDATE page.
i - I N S P O S I T l O N U P D AT E P POS


F R E E Z E M A N / Z M / TA C / Q U E
INS POS N3138.19 W0 7 04 . S 4 REF POS: I NS 1 CLEAR 2 7 .0 10.0 279.0 U P D AT E % q.q U P D AT E




03186901 E

Figure 1-31. INS POSITION UPDATE 1L Position Freeze. When the INS position is 4L not valid or when "ZM" or "TAC" is the se lected Position Update mode, 1L data eld displays "FREEZE" in a small font Other wise, the data eld displays "FREEZE" in a large font If "FREEZE" is displayed in a large font, men selection results in the position freeze operation. Entry and delete are non-operational. INS Position. This data eld displays the current INS Present Position Lat/Long. The position freeze operation will be performed when the LSK 1 data eld is selected and a valid INS Present Position exists. The position freeze 5L operation will record the current INS Present Position and display the Freeze Position in this date eld When a Freeze Position is displayed in the 2L data eld, delete will result in the display of the current INS Present Position Lat/Long into this data eld. Otherwise, delete is nonoperational. Selection and entry are non-op erational. Reference Position. The Reference Position is the Target Location in the Manual mode, 6L the data eld to the right of the REF POS tide displays the Reference Position Identi er, if entered. The Reference Position Lat/ Long is displayed in the data eld below the REF POS tide. In the TACAN mode,

the REF POS data eld displays the valid TACAN 1 Station ID, the data eld below REF POS is blank, and the valid TACAN 2 Station ID will be displayed to the right of the valid TACAN 1 Station ID. In the ZM mode, these three data elds are blank. Also, when the Target Location Data is invalid, these three data elds are blank. Valid entries of a Reference Position will be of the form Position. If more than one waypoint with the entered identier exists in the databases (navigation and custom), the NP will branch to the WAYPOINT SE LECT page. A return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page with a waypoint selected will result in the selected waypoint being dis played in the Reference Position elds. A return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page when a waypoint is not selected will result in the waypoint identier being displayed in the scratch pad. Valid waypoint entries that are not contained in a database will result in the display of the CUSTOM DATA page. A return from the CUSTOM DATA page with the waypoint dened will result in the custom waypoint being displayed in the REF POS data elds. A return from the CUSTOM DATA page with the waypoint undened will result in the waypoint iden tier being displayed in the scratch pad. Se lection results in the lat/long displayed in the data eld below REF POS being placed into the scratch pad. INS 1 Clear Prompt. When an offset is ap plied to the INS 1 position and an update is not active, me 4L data eld will display "CLEAR" in a large font. Otherwise, this data eld will display "CLEAR" in a small font If "CLEAR" is displayed in a large font se lection will result in "CLEAR" being displayed in a large font, inverse video. If "CLEAR" is displayed in a large font, inverse, video, se lection will result in "CLEAR" being displayed in a small font. Entry and delete are non-op erational. INS 2 Clear Prompt. When an offset is ap plied to the INS 2 position and an update is not active, the 5L data eld will display "CLEAR" in a large font Otherwise, data eld will dis play "CLEAR" in a small font If "CLEAR" is displayed in a large font, selection will re sult in "CLEAR" being displayed in a large font, inverse video. If "CLEAR" is displayed in a large font inverse video, selection will result in "CLEAR" being displayed in a small font. Enny and delete are non-operational. Branch to INAV CTRL SOLN page. Selec tion results in a branch to the INAV CTRL SOLN page.




1-188 Change 1

TO1C-141C-1 1R Position Update Mode. The update mode type is displayed in the 1R eld and con trolled from this LSK. This LSK allows se lection of four update mode types: "MAN" (manual), "ZM" (SKE Zone Marker), "TAC" (TACAN), AUTO. WhenQJjjg is selected, the INS position will automancaly be up dated with the selected KNS or GPS posi tion. Entry and delete are non-operational. \ ^ / 2R-3R Non-operational. 4R INS 1 Offset Update. In the Manual mode, if a freeze position exists in the Selected Position, a Reference Position is available, and the INS 1 solution is available, the data eld above 4R displays the INS 1 Offset Distance and Offset Direction. Otherwise, these data elds are blank. Once armed and activated, the ZM update mode will stay active until the CARP is ex ited or deselected. In the ZM mode, if SKE ZM input data is valid, the aircraft is within 22 nm of the ZM position, and the INS1 solution is available, then the INS1 Offset Distance and the INS1 Offset Direction is displayed in the data elds between 3R and 4R respectively. Otherwise, these data elds are blank. When INS1 Update is ac tive, the MIX annunciator ashes. In the TACAN mode, if TACAN input data is valid and the INS 1 solution is available then the INS 1 Offset Distance and Offset Direction is displayed in the data eld be tween 3R and 4R. Otherwise, these data elds are blank. If an INS 1 Offset exists and has not been applied to the INS 1 solution, then the 4R data eld displays "UPDATE" in a large font. Otherwise, "UPDATE" is displayed in a small font In the MANUAL mode, when "UPDATE" is in a large font, selection results in the offset position being applied to the INS 1 solution. The 4R data eld will revert to a small font and the two data elds between 3R and 4R will be blank. Selection when "UPDATE" is in a small font is non-opera tional. In the ZM or TAC mode, when "UPDATE" is in a large font, selection results in "arm ing" of the update to INS 1, and the 4R data eld reverts to a large font, inverse video. Selection when "UPDATE" is in large font, inverse video results in "disarming" of the update to INS 1 and the data eld reverts to a large font When the 4R data eld is large font, inverse video and the MFCDU "MIX" annunciator is on steady (TAC) or ashing (ZM) because of an INS 1 ZM or TAC update, the update will be applied to the INS 1 position and data eld between 3R and 4R will be blank. 5R INS 2 Offset Update. Function same as 4R. 6R Non-operational. INAV CTRL INDEX Page. The INAV CONTROL INDEX 2/2 page provides a menu to access the various navigation sensors. Selec tion of PREV or NEXT key from the INAV CTRL SOLN page, or selection of INAV CTRL prompt from the SCADCx, INSx, STATUS or GPSx STATUS pages, results in display of the INAV CTRL INDEX page. The data eld under the tide displays the navigation position for the NP.
N 2 9 3 2 . 0 n098'28. 2


<GPS1 <l NS1 <SCA0C1



^ J

Figure 1-32. INAV CTRL INDEX 2/2 1L Non-operational. 2L Branch to GPS 1 STATUS 1/2 page. 3L Branch to INS 1 STATUS page. 4L Branch to SCADC 1 page. 5L-6L Non-operationaL 1R Non-operationaL 2R Branch to GPS 2 STATUS. Function same as 1L. 3R Branch to INS 2 STATUS. Function same as3L. 4R Branch to SCADC 2. Function same as 4L. 5R-6R Non-operationaL GPS STATUS 1/2 Page. The GPS STATUS 1/2 page monitors the GPS indi cated in the page title. The GPSx STATUS 1/2 page is accessible from the GPS 1 and GPS 2 prompts on the INAV CTRL INDEX and from the GPSx prompt on the GPSx STATUS 1/2 or GPSx STATUS 2/2 pages. The GPS number for the page is displayed in the tide. The Figure of Merit (FOM) and Estimated Horizontal Er ror (EHE) for the GPS is indicated below the tide. The 61 Change 1 1-189

T01C-141C-1 data eld contains the number for the GPS that is not contained in the tide data eld. Other data elds on this page show the current navigation source position, date, time, ground track, ground speed, altitude, key state, and mode for the GPS indicated in the tide. The possible values for the 4R data eld are "KEYED GOOD," "KEYED UNVER," "KEYED BAD," "KEY FAILED," and "NOT KEYED." The possible valves below the 4R data eld are "NAV" and "NO NAV".
1 CPS1 S TAT U S 1/2 FOM 1 EHE 0.00 N3328.55 W 111 3 1 . 2 4 |1 7 F E B9 * I 6 54: 32 Z

5R Receiver Reset Selection results in the GPS receiver, specied in tide, being reset While the receiver is in reset and POBIT, "RCVR RESET" will be displayed in a small font. When the receiver completes POBIT "RCVR , RESET' will be displayed in a large font. Entry and delete are non-operational. 6R Branch to INAV CTRL INDEX page. GPS STATUS 2/2 Page. The GPS STATUS 2/2 page monitors the GPS indi cated in the tide. The 3R data elds display the FOM and EHE for the GPS indicated in the page tide. The 6L data eld con tains the number for the other GPS, whose data is not contained on this page. The lat/long coordinates below the tide show die current navigation sources position. The two data elds for 1R display the date and time for the GPS indicated in the tide. The AVAIL and ALERT data elds show the RAIM Availability and Alert Status.
i 0PS1
N 3 3 * 2 8 . 5 5


GTRK 29 5 A LT 2 5 0 0 0 F T ST AT E3 2 S TAT E S 6 <GPS2










Figure 1-33. GPS STATUS 1/2 1L-3L Non-operationaL 4L State 3 and State 5. Data elds for State 3 and State 5 are the operation indicators. State 3 is the code track only mode and as such provides position data only. The number ad jacent to state 3 indicates the number of satellites in code track only mode. State 5 (costas track) is the more desirable mode tracking carrier and code. In state 5, posi tion and velocity data is provided. A mini mum of four satellites are required. If car rier and code tracking is not achievable (due to jamming level), the GPS will attempt to code track. Selection, entry and delete are non-operational. 5L Non-operationaL 6L Branch to GPS STATUS 1/2 page. 1R-3R Non-operationaL 4R Crypto Variable (CV) Status. KEYED GOOD: indicates CVs are loaded and veri ed KEYED BAD: Insufcient CVs. KEY FAILED: Invalid CV entry (e.g., parity failure). This message is displayed if there is an un successful attempt to load CVs, and is cleared after one second. KEYED UNVER: CV veri cation failure. This message is displayed if a CV is loaded, but the verication pro cess involving satellite signals fails. It is cleared after one second NOT KEYED: There is no valid CV loaded. Entry and delete are non-operational.

LE S V S N LE - 1 0 4 4 4 4 4 0 C E 4 4 a. o C E 40 4 4 LE LE - < 0 P S 2
4 A

I P I P 1 c 2P 1C 2P I P I P

W 1 1 I 3 I . 2 I 7 F E S 9 4 16 5 4: 3 2 Z



-LE -3 LD -LEI -LE








1 L

Figure 1-34. GPS STATUS 2/2 SV SN FC ST. SV is the satellite number, SN is a signal to noise ratio, FC is the fre quency tracked/tracking code, and ST is the channel state. A good unjammed satellite signal to noise ratio is normally better than 38. Frequency tracked (F) are "1" or "2", tracking Codes (C) are "P" Precision code or "C" Coarse acquisition code. Channel states (ST) are "S", "P", "T", "R" or blank. "S" = Searching, "P" - Protected, "T" = Track ing, and "R" = Reacquisition and a blank entry indicates no channel is being tracked. Selection, entry and delete are non-opera tional. Shows the SV, SN, FC, and ST infonnation for up to eight satellites in use by the GPS. Selection, entry and delete are non-opera tional. Branch to GPS STATUS 2/2 page.

^ J




T01C-141C-1 1R-5R Non-operational. 6R Branch to INAV CTRL INDEX page. INS STATUS Page. The INS STATUS page monitors and controls the INS. The INS STATUS page is accessible from the INS 1 and INS 2 prompts on the INAV CTRL and INS STA TUS pages. Selection of either prompt displays the INS STATUS page for the INS indicated in the prompt The selected INS is displayed by a number in the page tide. Displayed adjacent to 1L is "CIV" which stands for Carousel IV. After the latitude and longitude are transferred from the MFCDU to INU, the latitude and longitude are displayed to the right of CIV. The data eld under "CIV" displays the selected navigation so lution (KNS, INS, GPS) and its latitude and longitude. The 6L data eld contains the INS number for the INS data that is not contained in this page. The 4R data eld displays the text "ALIGN ST' followed by the alignment FOM during the Align mode for the INS indicated in the title. The 1R data eld displays the INS inertial position. Also displayed on the page are the INS ground track, ground speed, drift angle, head ing, and INS Mode. The 4L INS mode values are OFF, STBY, ALIGN, NAV, and ATT. The data eld under the INS inertial position displays the present position of the currendy selected navigation source. When a NP detects that the associated INU has logged a fault code, CDU MSG annunciates on the DAMU, INS x ACTION CODE annunciates in the MFCDU scratch pad and INS WARN is annunciated on the appropriate INS STATUS page. Refer to 5R.
CIV N 4 5 ' 0 0 . 0 0 KNS N 4 5 ' 0 0 . 0 0

scratch pad contains a valid magnetic variation entry will result in loading it into the INS and displaying it for 60 seconds. When a valid MAG VAR entry is made, the NP sends the magnetic variance data to the INS, then reads the MAG VAR the INS is using. 6L 1R-4R 5R Branch to INS STATUS page. Non-operationaL TEST. Selection of the test key will initiate the INS TEST function. Upon page entry, the data eld below 5R will display the fol lowing text when an INS ACTION CODE exists: TEXT CODE 6 1 SET INS OFF 01 DEGRADED NAV/ATT 02 0 2 0 3 CHECK HSI/AP 03 0 4 RESTART ALIGN 04 AIRDROP INOP 05 0 5 Following completion of the INS TEST func tion, and while the page is still being dis played, if malfunction codes exist, this data eld will display the text "MALF' followed by up to the rst ve malfunction codes retrieved. 6R Branch to INAV CTRL INDEX page. SCADC Page. The SCADC page displays the data being received from the SCADC indicated in the page tide. The prompt at 6L will provide access to the SCADC not being dis played in the tide.

\ ^ :


U5'00.00 WI45"00.00 GSPD HOC 2 30K T 120*












CAS/MACH 50K T /.400 P R E S ALT

50 OOF T
6 A R 0 A LT

TA S 3 0 OKT V / S 4 5 0 0 F /M T OE V S T D


SAT 1 0 ' C


i r e


N AV I N D X >



Figure 1-35. INS STATUS 1L-4L Non-operationaL



5L MAG VAR. The MAG VAR data eld will be blank upon page entry. Selection of the MAG VAR key when the scratch pad is empty will result in display of INS mag netic variation for 60 seconds. Selection of the MAG VAR key when the


Figure 1-36. SCADC CAS/MACH. This data eld displays the CAS and Mach being received from the in dicated SCADC. Selection, entry and de lete are non-operational.


T01C-141C-1 2L Pressure Altitude. Displays the pressure al titude being received from the indicated SCADC. Selection, entry, and delete are nonoperational. 3L Barometric Altitude. Data eld displays the Barometric altitude being received from the indicated SCADC. Selection, entry, and delete are non-operational. 4L Static Air Temperature. Data eld displays the Static Air Temperature being received from the indicated SCADC. Selection, en try, and delete are non-operational. 5L Non-operationaL 6L Branch to SCADC. The 6L data eld will indicate a "2" if the page tide contains a "1" and vice versa. Selection results in the display of the SCADC page for the SCADC displayed in this data eld. 1R TAS. Displays the True Airspeed being re ceived from the indicated SCADC. Selec tion, entry, and delete are non-operational. 2R Vertical Speed. Displays the Vertical Speed being received from the indicated SCADC. Selection, entry, and delete are non-opera tional. 3R Temperature Deviation. Displays the Tem perature Deviation calculated from the data being received from the indicated SCADC. Selection, entry and delete are non-opera tional. 4R Total Air Temperature. Displays the To tal Air Temperature being received from the indicated SCADC. Selection, entry, and de lete are non-operational. 5R Non-operationaL 6R Branch to INAV CTRL INDEX page. COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT. The FMS provides control and processing necessary to manage the communication radios as described in the following paragraphs. VHF Radio Tuning. The FMS is capable of tuning the VHF radios to fre quencies in the AM frequency range of 116.000 to 151.975 MHz and in the FM frequency range of 30.000 to 87.975 MHz. The receive only AM frequency range is 10S.000 to 115.975 MHz (frequency spacing of .025 MHz within each range). Channel selection is accom plished by manual entry of a valid frequency, a valid preselect list identier, or a valid preselect list posi tion. Up to 40 VHF Identier/Frequency preselects in non-volatile memory are provided for tuning selection by the two VHF radios via selection through the MFCDU. On power-up, VHF radio is tuned to the last set fre quency. 1-192 Change 1 VHF Radio Control. Control of the VHF radio's power, squelch, and tone generation is provided via the MFCDU. Selection of the emergency AM, emergency FM, and normal oper ating modes are accomplished through the MFCDUs. The FMS relinquishes control of the VHF radio when the VHF backup control panel is activated. COMM TUNE COMM TUNE INDEX TOD -^UHF1/2 ^

COMM TUNE VHF2 Figure 1-37. COMM TUNE Menu Hierarchy COMM TUNE INDEX Page. The COMM TUNE INDEX page displays information on both VHF communication radios and provides ac cess to the individual (VI or V2) COMM TUNE pages. If the COMM TUNE VI page is selected and the VHF backup control panel is manually activated, the display reverts to the COMM TUNE INDEX page.
I D 6


| -e>| |pbog| |soln| [ fpl |











14 8/ 4 / 12

2.975 129375H 7 1 SS






Figure 1-38. COMM TUNE INDEX F1017901 1L Branch to COMM TUNE VI page. This data eld displays "<V1". "<V1" will be displayed in small font if the radio controlled by the VHF backup control panel, the NP controlling this radio has determined that the radio is unavailable, or the controlling NP is unavailable. Otherwise "<V1" is dis-

T01C-141C-1 played in large font If the VHF 1 radio is powered off, "OFF' is displayed in small font. If emergency has been selected on the VHF 1 page, date eld 2 will display, in large font, inverse video, either "E_AM" if AM has been selected on the VHF 1 page, or "E_FM" if FM has been selected (nonoperational). If no identier is present, "- - - - -" will be displayed. Otherwise, the identier currendy being commanded is dis played in large font. The data eld under the identier currendy being commanded (large font), displays the previously commanded identier for VI in a small font. When no identier is present, blanks will be displayed. Selection results in a branch to the COMM TUNE VHF page for VHF 1. If VI is being controlled by the backup control panel, se lection is non-operational. 2L Branch to COMM TUNE V2 page. Func tion same as 1L, except operations apply to the VHF 2 radio. 3L-6L Non-operational. 1R VHF 1 List Position and Frequency. Two data elds under "CH" and "FREQ" apply to the VHF 1 radio. The currendy selected frequency and its set channel are displayed in the upper two data elds in large font. If the selected frequency is not in the preset channel list, the channel eld will be blank. The two lower data elds display the previ ously commanded frequency with its asso ciated channel in small font. If no previous frequency exists, blanks will be displayed. If a previous enny exists and that entry is deleted from the VHF preselect channel list, the previously commanded identier for VI is displayed in a small font and its preset channel will be blank. The frequency will continue to be displayed. Valid entries are an identier contained in | the VHF Comm preselect channel list, a list position contained in the VHF Comm preselect list, a valid VHF radio frequency, or an iden tier/frequency. A valid enny results in com manding the VI radio to the entered identi er/frequency. The identier/list position/ frequency that has been previously commanded gets placed into the lower data elds. If the radio is powered off, tuning requests result in the radio being powered up and tuned. When an identier or list position/frequency is entered and is not contained in the VHF Comm preselect list, the error message "NOT IN DATABASE' is displayed Selection results in commanding the previously commanded identier/frequency. The currendy commanded identier/frequency is placed in the previ ously tuned elds. Selection results in com manding the previously commanded identi er/frequency. The currendy commanded iden tier/frequency is placed in the previously tuned elds. If the VI radio is being controlled by the backup control panel, all four data elds will be blank. Selection and entry when blank are non-operational. Delete is non-operational. 2R VHF 2 list Position and Frequency. Function same as 1R, except operations are performed on VHF 2 radio. 3R-SR Non-operationaL 6R TOD XMIT Switch. The TOD XMIT leg end is displayed in a large font if a valid GPS time is being received Otherwise, the TOD XMIT legend is displayed in a small font The key is inactive when it is dis played in a small font Selection of TOD XMIT toggles {SQ > transmits the TOD signal to the UHF radios and then returns to teiaa. Enny and delete are non-operational. COMM TUNE VHF Page. The COMM TUNE VHF page displays the VHF ton ing list and information pertaining to the control of the VHF radio. Selection of the VI or V2 prompt from the COMM TUNE INDEX page results in display of the COMM TUNE VHF page. If access was via the VI prompt, the tide line will display "VI", and all opera tions on this page will apply to VHF 1. If access was via the V2 prompt, the tide line will display "V2" and all operations will apply to VHF 2. If VHF 1 is turned OFF or die NP determines the radio is unavailable while the VI page is being displayed, the display will return to the COMM TUNE INDEX. The page number is displayed in the upper right cor ner. Each page in this sequence will display the identi cal control information on the right side of each dis play and in the 1R data elds. The multiple pages dis play me VHF radio stations in the VHF preselect pre set channel list When the COMM TUNE VHF page is rst displayed, the 1/10 page is shown.


I l j









1 / 1 2 2 . 500 2 / 1 2 2 , 875 3 / 1 1 8 , 600 4 / 1 2 7 , 155


OFF /0/F





15^^ 03187601C

Figure 1-39. COMM TUNE VHF Change 1 1-193

T01C-141C-1 1L Commanded VHFn Identier/Frequency. The 1L data elds display the identier, channel, and frequency of the commanded radio station. Valid entries are an identier or list position contained in die VHF preselect list a valid VHF radio frequency, or an iden tier/frequency. A valid entry results in tuning the VHFn radio to the entered identier/ frequency. If the commanded frequency has no identier, " " is displayed for the identier. If a commanded radio has no list position, the CH data eld will be blank. If the radio is powered off, tuning requests result in the radio being powered up and tuned. When emergency tuning has been se lected, the emergency identier is displayed in a large font inverse video. If an identier is not contained in the VHF preselect list and is entered with a frequency, the error message "NOT AVAIL" is dis played. Selection and delete are non-opera tional. 2L VHFn Identier/Frequency. Three data elds display the following data: VHF identier, list position (sequential position in the VHF preselect list) of the radio frequency, and the radio frequency. If the list position does not contain an entry, the identier and ra dio frequency data elds will display dashes. The identier data eld will also contain dashes if no identier has been entered along with the radio frequency. A valid entry is an identier/frequency as long as the identier is not already con tained in the list If it is already in the list the error message "DUPLICATE ID" is dis played and the new entry is not allowed. New entries will replace the data currendy existing in the identier and radio frequency data elds. A "/frequency" is a valid .entry as long as the identier is not already contained in the list If it is in the list, the new entry will replace the data currendy existing in the identier and radio frequency data elds. Selection results in the list position being placed into the scratch pad if a frequency is associated with the list position. Otherwise, selection is non-operational. Delete results in the frequency/identier being deleted from the VHF preselect list, if it is not currendy being commanded, and that list position displaying dashes in the identi er and radio frequency data elds. If the frequency is currendy being commanded, the message "INVALID DELETE" is dis played, and no deletion takes place. If no frequency is here, delete is non-operational. (Operation of 3L, 4L and 5L is the same as 2L.) 6L Branch to COMM TUNE INDEX page. 1R VHFn Power Control. This LSK controls the VHFn radio power. In the "OFF" posi tion, the radio is turned off. In the "ON" position, the radio is turned on. When the VHFn Emergency frequency "A" (AM) or "F" (FM) is selected, or the radio is tuned using 1L. The VHFn radio is turned "ON." Entry and delete are non-operational. 2R VHFn Emergency Frequency Selection. 2R selects AM and FM emergency frequencies. In the OFF position, emergency tuning is turned off. In the "A" position, the VHF AM Emergency frequency is commanded, and the identier "E_AM" is displayed in the 1L data eld under the IDENT annun ciation in a large font, inverse video. In the "F" position, the VHF FM Emergency fre quency is commanded, and the identier "E_FM" is displayed in the 1L data eld in a large font, inverse video. Enny and delete are non-operational. NOTE While EJFM is selectable, it is not operational. 3R Non-operationaL 4R VHFn Squelch control. The commanded VHFn radio squelch status is displayed and controlled with this LSK. Selections are ON and OFF. Entry and delete are non-opera tional. SR VHFn Tone control. The commanded VHFn radio tone status is displayed and controlled from this LSK. Selections are ON and OFF. Enny and delete are non-operational. 6R Non-operational. RADIO NAVIGATION MANAGEMENT. The FMS provides the control and processing neces sary to manage the navigation radios as described in the following paragraphs. TACAN Transceiver Tuning. The FMS can tune both TACAN transceivers up to 126 X and 126 Y channels. On power-up, the transceivers are set to the last tuned frequency. The FMS provides the tuned channel of the TACAN transceiver to the AFCS. Independent tuning capabilities are provided for each TACAN transceiver as follows: 1. Remote Tuning. The TACAN transceiver is tuned (Navaid identiers, valid TACAN channels) through the MFCDU.



TO 1C-141C-1 2. Paired Tuning. When paired tuning is selected for a receiver, and the onside VOR receiver is not being con trolled by the VHF backup control panel, that TACAN trans ceiver will select the channel that is paired with the VOR frequency currendy tuned in the onside VOR receiver. NOTE When pairing is selected, P annunciates be tween TAC and VOR on the appropriate DAMU. See gure 1-11. 3. Ground/Airborne Navaids. The FMS provides the capability to specify ground-based or airborne Navaids for tuning by a TACAN transceiver. TACAN Transceiver Control. Transceiver power and test initiation is provided by the MFCDU. Selection of the TACAN radio transmit/receive (T/R-REC) mode, air-to-air (AA) or ground (GND) mode and VOR paired/not-paired operation is made via the MFCDU. VOR Receiver Tuning. The FMS can tune both VOR receivers to 160 channels between 108.000 MHz and 117.950 MHz with 50 kHz chan nel spacing. The localizer frequencies make up the frequen cies in the odd tenths MHz from 108.000 to 111.950 MHz. On power-up, the VOR receivers are tuned to the lasl tuned frequency. When in control of the receiver, the FMS provides the tuned frequency of the VOR receiver to the AWFCS. The following independent tuning capabilities are provided for each VOR receiver: 1. Remote Tuning - VOR receivers are tuned to valid identiers or frequencies through the MFCDU. 2. Paired Tuning - When paired tuning is selected for a receiver, and the VOR receiver is not being controlled by the VHF backup control panel, that VOR receiver will select the frequency paired with the TACAN channel current ly tuned in the onside TACAN transceiver. VOR Receiver Control. Control of the receiver's power and test initiation is accom plished via the MFCDU. Selection of marker beacon sensi tivity and TACAN paired/not paired operation is made via the MFCDU. The FMS relinquishes control of the VOR 1 receiver when the VHF backup control panel is activated. Figure 1-40. NAV TUNE Menu Hierarchy NAV TUNE INDEX Page. The NAV TUNE INDEX page displays information on the navigational radios and provides access to the individual (VOR 1, VOR 2, TAC 1, or TAC 2) NAV TUNE pages. The NAV TUNE INDEX page is displayed when any of the following conditions are satised: 1. Selection of the NAV TUNE Mode key. 2. Selection of the NAV TUNE INDEX prompt from either the NAV TUNE VOR or NAV TUNE TACAN. 3. Selection of 1L-5L on the WAYPOINT SELECT page when the WAYPOINT SELECT page was accessed from the NAV TUNE INDEX page. 4. If the NAV TUNE VOR 1 page is selected and the VHF backup control panel is manually activated. NAV TUNE TAC1 NAV TUNETAC2


\ > i ^






TO 1C-141C-1

4L Branch to NAV TUNE TAC 2 page. Function same as 3L, except operations apply to the TAC 2 radio. 5L-6L Non-operational


<VOR 1 <VOR 2 <TAC 1




11 0 . 2 N M


11 3 . 2 0 11 0 . 6 0 79X 1 02X

<TAC 2
0 1 5

1 9. 3NM

uhR ecu
|h I CH


1R VOR 1 Frequency. The currently commanded VOR 1 frequency is displayed under the CH/FREQ data eld. If no frequency is being commanded, the eld will be lled with dashes. Valid entries are an identier contained in the VOR database, a VOR frequency, or a VOR identier/frequency, both of which are in the database. A valid entry results in commanding the VOR 1 radio to the en tered identier/frequency. If an identier or fre quency is entered and is not contained in the data base, the error message "NOT IN DATABASE" is displayed. If more than one VOR with the entered identier exists in the databases (navigation and custom), the NP will branch lo the WAYPOINT SELECT page. Upon return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page with a VOR selected, the NP will use the selected VOR in the identier eld. Upon return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page when a VOR is not selected, the NP will display the previously entered VOR identier in the scratch pad. When the VOR 1 radio is determined to be unavailable, this data eld will be blank and entry will be non-operational. Selection and delete are non-operational. 2R VOR 2 Frequency. Function same as 1R, except operations are performed on VOR 2 radio. 3R TAC 1 Channel. Function same as 1R. Operations are performed on TAC 1 radio. The bearing and distance being received from TAC 1 will be dis played in the lower data eld. Valid entries are an identier contained in the TACAN database, a VOR frequency, a TACAN channel, or a TACAN identier/channel. If the TACAN was commanded by entering a VOR frequency, the equivalent TA CAN channel is displayed. 4R TAC 2 Channel. Function same as 3R. Operations are performed on TAC 2 radio. 5R Non-operational. 6R Marker Beacon Sensitivity Switch. The com manded VOR marker beacon sensitivity status is displayed and controlled from the 6R data eld. Selections are LOW and HIGH. NAV TUNE VOR Page. The NAV TUNE VOR page displays information pertaining to the control of the VOR radio. If page access was via the VOR I prompt, "1" will be displayed in the page title and all operations on this page will apply to VOR 1. If access was via the VOR 2 prompt, "2" will be displayed in Ihe page title and all operations will apply to VOR 2. The NAV TUNE VOR page is displayed when any of the following conditions are satised.






Figure 1-41. NAV TUNE INDEX 1 L Branch to NAV TUNE VOR 1 page. This data eld displays "<VOR 1". This will be in a small font if the VOR being controlled by a VHF backup control panel or if the NP determines that the VOR is unavailable. If the VOR 1 radio is powered off, "OFF" will be displayed in a small font in the data eld under IDENT. If the radio is turned ON and no identier is associated with the entered frequen cy, the data field will display "". Otherwise, this data eld will display the identier in a large font. Tuning requests when the radio is powered off re sults in the radio being powered on. Selection of 1L branches to the NAV TUNE VOR 1 page. If VOR I is being controlled by the VHF backup conlrol panel, it will be unavailable. 2L Branch to NAV TUNE VOR 2 page. Function same as IL, except operations apply to the VOR 2 radio. Branch to NAV TUNE TAC1 page. The 3L data eld displays "<TAC1". This will be in small font if the radio is powered off or failed, and in large font otherwise. If ihe TAC 1 radio is powered off or determined to be failed, the data eld under IDENT will display "OFF" in small font. If ihe radio is powered up and no identier is associated with the commanded channel, then this data eld will display "". Otherwise, the identifier current ly being commanded is displayed in large font. Tuning requests when the radio is powered off result in the radio being powered on. Selection when "<TAC1" is displayed in large font results in a branch to the NAV TUNE TAC1 page. Selection when "<TACI" is displayed in small font is non-op erational.




TO 1C-141C-1
1. Selection of the VOR I or VOR 2 prompt from the NAV TUNE INDEX 1/2 page. 2. Selection of IL-5L on ihe WAYPOINT SELECT page when the WAYPOINT SELECT page was accessed from the NAV TUNE VOR page. If the VHF backup control panel is turned on while the VOR I page is being displayed, the display will return to the NAV TUNE INDEX page.
i N AV

PAIRING sets the TACAN to the channel paired with the VOR frequency. Any further tuning opera tion on either the VOR or the TACAN is performed on both. Deselecting PAIRING separates any future tuning operations. Entry and delete are non-opera tional.

When pairing is selected, a "F* annunciates between TAC and VOR on the onside DAMU (refer to gure 1-12 or 1-13). 5R-6R Non-operational.




^ OF F /EI31



11 3 . 2 0



The NAV TUNE TAC page displays information pertaining to the control of the TACAN radio. If access was via the TAC 1 prompt, the title data eld will display "1" and all operations on this page will apply to TAC 1. If access was via the TAC 2 prompt, the title data eld will display "2" and all operations will apply to TAC 2. The NAV TUNE TAC page is displayed when any of the following conditions arc satised. 1. Selection of the TAC 1 or TAC 2 prompt from the NAV TUNE INDEX page. 2. Selection of 1L-5L on the WAYPOINT SELECT page when the WAYPOINT SELECT page was accessed from the NAV TUNE TAC page.




- < N A V


D3187701 A

Figure 1-42. NAV TUNE VOR


Tuned Station. The IL data eld displays the VOR IDENT and Frequency tuning information for Ihe selected VOR. Valid entries arc an identier contained in the VOR database, a VOR frequency, or a VOR identier/fre quency, both of which are in the database. If an identier or identier/frequency is not contained in the database, the error message "NOT IN DATA BASE" is displayed. If the commanded frequency has no identifier, "" is displayed for the identifier. When the radio is powered off. tuning requests result in the radio being powered up and tuned. If more than one VOR with the entered identier exists in the databases (navigation and custom), the NP will branch to the WAYPOINT SELECT page. Upon return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page with a VOR selected, the NP will use the selected VOR in the VOR identier eld. Upon return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page when a VOR is not selected, the NP will display the previously en tered VOR identier in the scratch pad.



o r r / E B I -C E


PA I R l N O




Figure 1-43. NAV TUNE TAC

2L-5L Non-operational. 6L Branch to NAV TUNE INDEX 1/2 page. 1R VOR Power Control. The commanded VOR radio power status is displayed and controlled from 1R. Entry and delete are non-operational. 2R-3R Non-operational. 4R VOR/TACAN Pairing. VOR/TACAN Pairing sta tus is displayed and controlled from 4R. Selecting


Tuned Station. This data eld displays the IDENT and Frequency information for the selected TACAN. Valid entries are an identier contained in the TAC database, a TAC channel, a VOR frequency, or a TAC identier/channel, both of which are in the database. If an identier or identier/frequency is not contained in the database, the error message "NOT IN DATABASE" is displayed. When the commanded channel has no identifier, "" is dis played for the identier. If the radio is powered


TO 1C-141C-1 off, tuning requests result in the radio being powered up and commanded to tune. If more than one TAC with the entered identier exists in the databases (navigation and custom), the NP will branch to the WAYPOINT SELECT page. Upon return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page with a TAC selected, the NP will use the selected TAC in the TAC identier eld. Upon return from the WAYPOINT SELECT page when a TAC is not selected, the NP will display the previously entered TAC identier in the scratch pad. 2L-5L Non-operational. 6L Branch to NAV TUNE INDEX page. 1R TACAN Power Control. The commanded TACAN radio power status is displayed and controlled from 1R. Entry and delete are non-operational. 2R TACAN Transmit/Receive. The commanded TA CAN radio Transmit-Receive mode is displayed and controlled from 2R. Entry and delete are non-opera tional. 3R TACAN Ground/Air-to-Air mode. The TACAN Ground/Air-to-Air mode is displayed and controlled from 3R. Entry and delete are non-operational. 4R VOR/TACAN Pairing. VOR/TACAN Pairing sta tus is displayed and controlled from 4R. Selecting PAIRING sets TACAN to the channel paired with the VOR frequency. Any further tuning operation on either the VOR or the TACAN is performed on both. Deselecting PAIRING separates any future tuning operations. Selections are "ON" and "OFF." Entry and delete are non-operational. NOTE When pairing is selected, a "P" annunciates between TAC and VOR on the onside DAMU (refer to gure 1-12 or 1-13). 5R-6R Non-operational. FLIGHT PLAN MANAGEMENT. The ight planning function constructs a lateral ight plan and provides the altitude, speed, time, fuel, and descent angle denitions for the vertical prole denition. Flight planning function provides the lateral and vertical ight plan to the Conlrol Display System (CDS) and the autopilot system. The following terms will be used to describe the ight plan functionality. 1. The active ight plan is the route (1 or 2) in use. The active ight plan will be selected by the user through the activate function and the execute (EXE) function key. Only one route may be active at a time. When route 1 is active, route 2 will be inactive and vice versa. 1-198 2. The provisional ight plan is a copy of the active ight plan with modications, i.e., the "MOD ROUTE" de scribed on the Route page. A provisional ight plan will be created anytime a modication is made by the user to the active ight plan. A provisional ight plan will not be created for modications lo the inactive ight plan. 3. The selected ight plan will be ROUTE 1 when the operation is to be performed from a ROUTE 1 or LEGS 1 page. The selected ight plan will be ROUTE 2 when the operation is to be performed from a ROUTE 2 or LEGS 2 page. The selected ight plan is the provisional ight plan when the operation is to be performed from the MOD ROUTE or MOD LEGS page, or the page is displaying Ihe active ight plan. 4. The primary ight plan is the part of the route (1 or 2) from the origin to the primary destination and may contain the following: Origin Standard Instrument Departure (SID) Airways/Jet Routes Holding Pattern/Refueling Pattern Approach/LZ Airdrops Rendezvous Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR) Destination 5. The path to the alternate destination is the part of the route (1 or 2) from the waypoint following the primary destination to the alternate destination and may contain the following: Airways/Jet Routes Holding Pattern/Refueling Pattern Approach/LZ Airdrops Rendezvous Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR) Alternate Destination 6. The selected waypoint will be the waypoint on the line next to the line select key used in the operation. The selected waypoint originates from either the ROUTE or LEGS page. 7. The preceding waypoint will be the waypoint before the selected waypoint in the ight plan. 8. When matching waypoints within a ight plan and FP WAYPOINT LABELS exist, then the FP WAYPOINT LABELs must be the same. Flight Planning. Flight planning for the FMS consists of dening a series of waypoints that will be used as navigation legs. A ight plan may consist of up to 127 waypoints and the associated speed, altitude, and descent angle constraints arranged in sequence. The active ight plan will be partitioned into ight plan waypoints and historical waypoints. The ight



T01C-141C-1 plan size is the number of waypoints currendy in the ight plan, including the waypoints to both the primary and al ternate destinations. When a waypoint is inserted into the ight plan and the number of waypoints after the inser tion will exceed 127, the originating MFCDU annunciates "FLIGHTPLANFULL". FLIGHT PLAN HISTORICAL WAYPOINT. % ^ Up to ve historical waypoints may be stored in non volatile memory. The active waypoint will become historical when it is sequenced by Lateral Guidance. FLIGHT PLAN MISSION FLIGHT PARAM ETER FUNCTIONS. I Up to 10 Computed Air Release Points (CARPs), four approaches, and ve rendezvous intercept points may I be inserted into a ight plan. When an MFP is to be inserted into the ight plan and the number of MFPs exceeds me maximum, MFCDU annunciates "LIST FULL." Flight Plans. The FMS can dene two ight plans, route 1 and route 2, each consisting of a primary ight plan and, if de sired, a path to an alternate destination. Arming the alternate destination incorporates the path to the alter nate destination into the active ight plan. Flight plans can be entered via the MFCDU alphanumeric keyboard, via recall from non-volatile memory, and via the data loader subsystem upload. The MFCDUs provide the capability of previewing the ight plan. Both ight plans are retained in non-volatile memory. Separate capabilities are provided to observe and to amend ight plan data. Observing the ight plan does not interrupt or affect the navigation guidance. Amending the ight plan affects navigation guidance only when
ihe amfndnwrrf is rnrnmamtoH hy the ojieiainr Amendments

next 14 offset waypoints of the active ight plan, the current To parent waypoint, and the next two parent waypoints in sequence. WAYPOINTS. Use of a navigation database stored waypoints, a cus tom database stored waypoints, temporary waypoints, and computed waypoints are provided. Each custom waypoint is described by an identier and a position. Custom waypoints are retained in non-volatile memory. The FMS supports operator entry of waypoints dened as follows: 1. Position in latitude/longitude or MGRS. 2. Range and bearing from an existing waypoint. 3. Bearings from two existing waypoints. 4. Identier for a waypoint contained in either the navigation database or the custom database. An origin waypoint and a destination waypoint may be inserted into the primary ight plan. The alternate ori gin waypoint is the destination waypoint of the pri mary ight plan. The FMS provides the ability to in sert a destination waypoint into the alternate ight plan. An altitude constraint may be entered for each waypoint via the MFCDU. The precision of the constraint will be less than or equal to 100 feet for enroute and termi nal phases and less than or equal to 10 feet for the approach phase of ight NAVIGATION LEGS. The use of the following parameters in specifying a given leg are supported by die FMS: 1. Leg Type 2. Waypoint Position 3. Leg Speed 4. Transition Type 5. Leg Length 6. Leg Course DISCONTINUITIES. The FMS provides for a discontinuity in the ight plan where there is no lateral ight plan denition.

\ ^

to the active ight plan waypoint are not permitted Individual waypoints or strings of waypoints may be inserted into the ight plan as follows: 1. Waypoint or Mark Point 2. Airways (or portions thereof) from the naviga tion database. 3. Stored Routes from the custom database. 4. Terminal area procedures, including SID (Stan dard Instrument Departure) and STARs (Standard Ter minal Arrival Routes), from the navigation database. 5. Non-precision Approach (NPA) procedures based on crew-entered data. ^ Z The FMS provides the current To waypoint, the cur rent From waypoint, and the next 14 waypoints of the active ight plan in sequence. When operating in a parallel offset mode, the FMS provides the current To offset waypoint, the current From offset waypoint, the

The FMS will cause the autopilot to switch from LNAV to BASIC mode without operator intervention after sequencing the last waypoint prior to a discontinuity.

Change 1 1-199

T01C-141C-1 LEG TRANSITIONS. The following types of leg transitions are provided and are selectable on WAYPOINT DATA page 2/2,3L. 1. The Radius of Turn Transition overies the. current leg's waypoint and then ies direcdy to the next waypoint. 2. The Curve Path Transition begins the turn to the next leg before reaching the current leg's waypoint The curve path provides a smooth transition to the next leg. 3. The Point-to-Point Transition overies the cur rent leg's waypoint and then captures the track dened for the next leg. DIRECT-TO AND INTERCEPTS. Flight planning capabilities for issuing a direct-to any waypoint and for issuing an intercept to a course into any waypoint are provided. PARALLEL OFFSETS. The FMS provides the capability of dening a ight path offset from the dened ight plan. The parallel offset distance is adjustable from 0 to 99.9 nautical miles in 0.1 nautical mile increments. FMS PATTERNS. Flight planning capabilities for Holding patterns/Refu eling Orbits and Computed Air Release Point patterns are provided. HOLDING PATTERNS/REFUELING ORBITS. The FMS provides ight planning capabilities for a single holding pattern per ight plan. The holding pat tern may be specied at either the present position or a down path waypoint Refueling orbits are specied as extended holding patterns. COMPUTED AIR RELEASE POINT. Flight planning capabilities for up to 10 airdrops per ight plan are provided. RENDEZVOUS/INTERCEPT. into a ight plan. They are "*Rznn", where nn are numbers rendezvous/intercept points may. I Up to vefrom 01 to 05 assigned by the NP be inserted NAVIGATION MODES. TO-TO and DIRECT-TO modes of operation are al lowed. Tne DIRECT-TO mode functions may be imple mented as a sub-mode that incorporates the display requirements of the TO-TO mode. AAA -** TO-TO NAVIGATION MODE. TO-TO navigation is navigation along a great circle path dened by two waypoints. The FMS provides instantaneous desired track (IDTK) for the TO-TO mode. The magnetic variation used to determine the magnetic values of the course and bearing to the destination waypoint is the value at the aircraft present position. The Desired Track (DTK) is the IDTK along the great circle path. DIRECT-TO NAVIGATION MODES. DIRECT-TO Navigation is navigation along a great circle path de ned by the aircraft present position and a single waypoint When selected, the FMS provides steering commands to turn the aircraft toward the waypoint Once the air craft is headed toward the waypoint and no turn is required, the FMS executes the DIRECT-TO mode. DIRECT TO-TO NAVIGATION SUB-MODE. The navigation path is dened in accordance with the DI RECT-TO mode. The magnetic variation for the course and bearing is in accordance with the TO-TO mode.


__J"> DDD


Original Flight Plan _. __ _ Modhled Flight Plan


Figure 1-44. Direct To Waypoint DIRECT TO-FROM NAVIGATION SUB-MODE. The capability to intercept a course to a waypoint is pro vided. The course and the waypoint are designated via the MFCDU. The DTK for this sub-mode is the desig nated course. The magnetic variation for the course and bearing is the value at the designated waypoint. MARK POINT. The FMS has the capability of recording and storing the current aircraft position based on the selected navi gation solution, date, and time in non-volatile memory for use as a waypoint in the ight plan. A list of up to 10 mark points may be maintained. RENDEZVOUS/INTERCEPT, Based on crew entry of intercept targets, the FMS can generate intercept locations. The computed intercept point is available for insertion into the ight plan. The FMS can compute up to 10 intercept targets and their corresponding intercept locations.

1-200 Change 1

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