Altitude Tolerances PDF
Altitude Tolerances PDF
Altitude Tolerances PDF
Although the navigation display automatically identifies the tuned ADF, VOR, ILS or GLS station (auto ident decoded), the flight crew must, in the following cases, confirm the correct tuning of the desired station via the audio system : A station has either been automatically tuned, or manually tuned by a crewmember that enters the associated ident on the MCDU RAD NAV page ; and the decoded ident appearing on the ND is the wrong one. A crewmember manually tunes the station on an RMP, or enters the frequency on the MCDU RAD NAV page. Note: For GLS , the audio signal may be inaudible. However, the GLS identifier displayed on ND and PFD is raw data. Consequently, for GLS , no audio check is necessary. WEATHER RADAR
Ident.: PRO-SUP-34-00001978.0001001 / 16 MAR 11 Applicable to: ALL
The values below apply to aircraft in symmetrical flight (no sideslip), in clean configuration, and in straight and level flight. ALTITUDE TOLERANCES PFD 1 or PFD 2 at ground check : plus or minus 25 ft MAXIMUM DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ALTITUDE INDICATIONS :
SPEED GND CHECK FL 50 FL 100 FL 200 FL 300 FL 410 250 250 300 .82 .82 ALTITUDE (ft) COMPARISON BETWEEN ADR 1 and ADR 3 and ADR 1 or ADR ADR 2 (on PFD) 3 and ADR 2 (on PFD) 20 20 55 55 60 60 95 100 120 130 145 150 ISIS and any ADR 1 or 2 or 3 60 90 130 220 320 380
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