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Admixtures are ingredients other than water, aggregates, hydraulic cement, and fibers that are added to the concrete batch immediately before or during mixing. A proper use of admixtures offers certain beneficial effects to concrete, including improved quality, acceleration or retardation of setting time, enhanced frost and sulfate resistance, control of strength development, improved workability, and enhanced finishability. It is estimated that 80% of concrete produced in North America these days contains one or more types of admixtures. According to a survey by the National Ready Mix Concrete Association, 39% of all ready-mixed concrete producers use fly ash, and at least 70% of produced concrete contains a water-reducer admixture. Admixtures vary widely in chemical composition, and many perform more than one function. Two basic types of admixtures are available: chemical and mineral. All admixtures to be used in concrete construction should meet specifications; tests should be made to evaluate how the admixture will affect the properties of the concrete to be made with the specified job materials, under the anticipated ambient conditions, and by the anticipated construction procedures.

Mineral Admixtures
Mineral admixtures (fly ash, silica fume [SF], and slags) are usually added to concrete in larger amounts to enhance the workability of fresh concrete; to improve resistance of concrete to thermal cracking, alkaliaggregate expansion, and sulfate attack; and to enable a reduction in cement content. Fly Ash Silica Fume Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

Chemical Admixtures
Chemical admixtures are added to concrete in very small amounts mainly for the entrainment of air, reduction of water or cement content, plasticization of fresh concrete mixtures, or control of setting time. Seven types of chemical admixtures are specified in ASTM C 494, and AASHTO M 194, depending on their purpose or purposes in PCC. Air entraining admixtures are specified in ASTM C 260 and AASHTO M 154. General and physical requirements for each type of admixture are included in the specifications. Air-Entrainment Water-Reducing Set-Retarding Accelerating Superplasticizers

Fly Ash
Fly ashes are finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of ground or powdered coal. They are generally finer than cement and consist mainly of glassy-spherical particles as well as residues of hematite and magnetite, char, and some crystalline phases formed during cooling. Use of fly ash in concrete started in the United States in the early 1930's. The first comprehensive study was that

described in 1937, by R. E. Davis at the University of California (Kobubu, 1968; Davis et al., 1937). The major breakthrough in using fly ash in concrete was the construction of Hungry Horse Dam in 1948, utilizing 120,000 metric tons of fly ash. This decision by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation paved the way for using fly ash in concrete constructions. In addition to economic and ecological benefits, the use of fly ash in concrete improves its workability, reduces segregation, bleeding, heat evolution and permeability, inhibits alkali-aggregate reaction, and enhances sulfate resistance. Even though the use of fly ash in concrete has increased in the last 20 years, less than 20% of the fly ash collected was used in the cement and concrete industries (Helmuth 1987). One of the most important fields of application for fly ash is PCC pavement, where a large quantity of concrete is used and economy is an important factor in concrete pavement construction. FHWA has been encouraging the use of fly ash in concrete. When the price of fly ash concrete is equal to, or less than, the price of mixes with only portland cement, fly ash concretes are given preference if technically appropriate under FHWA guidelines (Adams 1988).

Classifications and Specifications

Two major classes of fly ash are specified in ASTM C 618 on the basis of their chemical composition resulting from the type of coal burned; these are designated Class F and Class C. Class F is fly ash normally produced from burning anthracite or bituminous coal, and Class C is normally produced from the burning of subbituminous coal and lignite (as are found in some of the western states of the United States) (Halstead 1986). Class C fly ash usually has cementitious properties in addition to pozzolanic properties due to free lime, whereas Class F is rarely cementitious when mixed with water alone. All fly ashes used in the United States before 1975 were Class F (Halstead 1986: ACI Comm. 226 1987c). Fly ash which is produced at base loaded electric generating plants is usually very uniform. Base loaded plants are those plants which operate continuously. The only exception to uniformity is in the start-up and the shut-down of these plants. Contamination may occur from using other fuels to start the plant, and inconsistencies in carbon content occur until the plant reaches full operating efficiency. The ash produced from the start-up and shut-down must be separated from what is produced when the plant is running efficiently. In addition, when sources of coal are changed, it is necessary to separate the two types of fly ashes. Peak load plants are subjected to many start-up and shut-down cycles. Because of this, these plants may not produce much uniform fly ash. The most-often-used specifications for fly ash are ASTM C 618 and AASHTO M 295. While some differences exist, these two specifications are essentially equivalent. Some state transportation agencies have specifications that differ from the standards (Admixtures and Ground Slag 1990). The general classification of fly ash by the type of coal burned does not adequately define the type of behavior to be expected when the materials are used in concrete. There are also wide differences in characteristics within each class. Despite the reference in ASTM C 618 to the classes of coal from which Class F and Class C fly ashes are derived, there was no requirement that a given class of fly ash must come from a specific type of coal. For example, Class F ash can be produced from coals that are not bituminous. and bituminous coals can produce ash that is not Class F (Halstead 1986). It should be noted that current standards contain numerous physical and chemical requirements that do not serve a useful purpose. Whereas some requirements are needed for ensuring batch-to-batch uniformity, many are unnecessary (RILEM 1988).

Mix Design
The substitution rate of fly ash for portland cement will vary depending upon the chemical composition of both the fly ash and the portland cement. The rate of substitution typically specified is a minimum of 1 to 1 pounds of fly ash to 1 pound of cement. It should be noted that the amount of fine aggregate will have to be reduced to accommodate the additional volume of fly ash. This is due to fly ash being lighter than the cement. The amount of substitution is also dependent on the chemical composition of the fly ash and the portland cement. Currently, States allow a maximum substitution in the range of 15 to 25 percent. Effects of fly ash, especially Class F, on fresh and hardened concrete properties has been extensively studied by many researchers in different laboratories, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, PCA, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. The two properties of fly ash that are of most concern are the carbon content and the fineness. Both of these properties will affect the air content and water demand of the concrete. The finer the material the higher the water demand due to the increase in surface area. The finer material requires more air-entraining agent to five the mix the desired air content. The important thing to remember is uniformity. If fly ash is uniform in size, the mix design can be adjusted to give a good uniform mix. The carbon content, which is indicated by the loss of ignition, also affects the air entraining agents and reduces the entrained air for a given amount of air-entraining agent. An additional amount of airentraining agent will need to be added to get the desired air content. The carbon content will also affect water demand since the carbon will absorb water. Again uniformity is important since the differences from non-fly ash concrete can be adjusted in the mix design. Fresh Concrete Workability. Use of fly ash increases the absolute volume of cementitious materials (cement plus fly ash) compared to non-fly-ash concrete; therefore, the paste volume is increased, leading to a reduction in aggregate particle interference and enhancement in concrete workability. The spherical particle shape of fly ash also participates in improving workability of fly ash concrete because of the socalled "ball bearing" effect (Admixtures and Ground Slag for Concrete 1990; ACI Comm. 226 1987c). It has been found that both classes of fly ash improve concrete workability. Bleeding. Using fly ash in air-entrained and non-air-entrained concrete mixtures usually reduces bleeding by providing greater fines volume and lower water content for a given workability (ACI Comm. 226, 1987c; Idorn and Henrisken, 1984). Although increased fineness usually increases the water demand, the spherical particle shape of the fly ash lowers particle friction and offsets such effects. Concrete with relatively high fly ash content will require less water than non-fly-ash concrete of equal slump (Admixtures and ground slag for concrete, 1990). Time of Setting. All Class F and most Class C fly ashes increase the time of setting of concrete (Admixtures and ground slag 1990; ACI Comm. 226, 1987c). Time of setting of fly ash concrete is influenced by the characteristics and amounts of fly ash used in concrete. For highway construction, changes in time of setting of fly ash concrete from non-fly-ash concrete using similar materials will not usually introduce a need for changes in construction techniques; the delays that occur may be considered advantageous (Halstead 1986). Strength and Rate of Strength of Hardened Concrete. Strength of fly ash concrete is influenced by type of cement, quality of fly ash, and curing temperature compared to that of non-fly-ash concrete proportioned for equivalent 28-day compressive strength. Concrete containing typical Class F fly ash may develop lower strength at 3 or 7 days of age when tested at room temperature (Admixtures and ground slag for concrete, 1990; ACI Comm. 226 1987c). However, fly ash concretes usually have higher ultimate

strengths when properly cured. The slow gain of strength is the result of the relatively slow pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. In cold weather, the strength gain in fly ash concretes can be more adversely affected than the strength gain in non-fly-ash concrete. Therefore, precautions must be taken when fly ash is used in cold weather (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). Freeze-thaw Durability of Hardened Concrete. On the basis of a comparative experimental study of freeze-thaw durability of conventional and fly ash concrete (Soroushian 1990; Virtanen 1983; Lane and Best 1982), it has been observed that the addition of fly ash has no major effect on the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete if the strength and air content are kept constant. The addition of fly ash may have a negative effect on the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete when a major part of the cement is replaced by it. The use of fly ash in air-entrained concrete will generally require an increase in the dosage rate of the air-entraining admixture to maintain constant air. Air-entraining admixture dosage depends on carbon content, loss of ignition, fineness, and amount of organic material in the fly ash (ACI Comm. 226, 1987c). Carbon content of fly ash, which is related to the coal burned by the producing utility of the type and condition of furnaces in the production process of fly ash, influences the behavior of admixtures in concrete. It has been found that high-carbon-content fly ash reduces the effectiveness of admixtures such as air-entraining agents (Joshi, Langan, and Ward 1987: Hines 1985). Alkali-silica Reaction of Hardened Concrete. One of the important reasons for using fly ash in highway construction is to inhibit the expansion resulting from ASR. It has been found that 1) the alkalies released by the cement preferentially combine with the reactive silica in the fly ash rather than in the aggregate, and 2) the alkalies are tied up in nonexpansive calcium-alkali-silica gel. Thus hydroxyl ions remaining in the solution are insufficient to react with the material in the interior of the larger reactive aggregate particles and disruptive osmotic forces are not generated (Halstead 1986; Olek, Tikalsky, and Carrasquillo 1986; Farbiarz and Carrasquillo 1986). In a paper presented at the 8th International Conference on alkali-aggregate reactivity held in Japan in 1989, Swamy and Al-Asali indicated that ASR expansion is generally not proportional to the percentage of cement replacement by fly ash. The rate of reactivity, the replacement level, the method of replacement, and the environment all have a profound influence on the protection against ASR afforded by fly ash. Several investigators (Mehta, 1980; Diamond, 1981; Hobbs, 1982) have stated that ASR expansions correlated better with water-soluble alkali-silica contents than with total alkali content. The addition of some high-calcium fly ash containing large amounts of soluble alkali sulfate might increase rather than decrease the alkali-aggregate reactivity (Mehta, 1983). The effectiveness of different fly ashes in reducing long-term expansion varied widely; for each fly ash, this may be dependent upon its alkali content or fineness (Soroushian, 1990).

Blended Cements
The following will discuss on the Type "IP", "P" and "I(PM)" cements. The specifications for these cements are in AASHTO M-240 and ASTM C-595. Blended cements can be manufactured by either intimate blending of portland cement and pozzolan or intergrinding of the pozzolan with the cement clinker in the kiln. Type "I(PM)" (pozzolan modified cement) allows up to 15 percent replacement of cement with fly ash. The Type "IP" and Type"P" are pozzolan-modified portland cements which allow 1540 percent replacement with pozzolans. The differences in the two types of cements is in the ultimate strength and the rate of strength gain of the concretes. Most States specify limits on the pozzolanic content on Type "IP" cement. These limits are between 15 and 25 percent.

Restraints on the Use of Fly Ash Concrete in Highway Constructions

It is well known now that both classes of fly ash improve the properties of concrete, but several factors and cautions should be considered when using fly ashes especially in highway construction, where fly ash is heavily used. In a report prepared by the Virginia Highway and Transportation Research Council

(VHTRC) and summarized by Halstead (1986), several restraints relating to the use of fly ash concrete for construction of highways and other highway structures were discussed. These restraints include the following: 1) special precautions may be necessary to ensure that the proper amount of entrained air is present; 2) not all fly ashes have sufficient pozzolanic activity to provide good results in concrete; 3) suitable fly ashes are not always available near the construction site, and transportation costs may nullify any cost advantage; and 4) mix proportions might have to be modified for any chance in the fly ash composition. Since the cement-fly ash reaction is influenced by the properties of the cement, it is important for a transportation agency not only to test and approve each fly ash source but also to investigate the properties of the specific fly ash-cement combination to be used for each project (Halstead 1986).

1. The standard specifications for fly ash (ASTM C-618 or AASHTO M-295) should be used. The included optional specification for uniformity as described below should also be required. This concerns the variation in the amount of air entraining agent to maintain an 18 percent air content in the mortar. A maximum variation in the amount of air entraining agent of 20 percent is specified. 2. The State highway agencies should develop certification programs similar to those in existence for portland cement. This program should include testing by the supplier with check tests on grab samples taken by the agency. The plan should also require that the supplier's laboratory participate in the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) program which includes inspection of facilities and testing of comparative samples. Until the certification programs are in place, it is suggested that the States test the fly ash and use sealed silos and transports. Five tests per silo should be run to insure uniformity of the fly ash. Once uniformity of a source is established, sampling could be reduced to one per 400 tons as specified in ASTM C-311. It is recommended that 10,000 tons of fly ash be tested before reducing the testing frequency. 3. The air content of each load of concrete should be monitored at least in the beginning of production. This would indirectly monitor the uniformity of the fly ash. 4. Specifications should contain strength requirements with minimum substitution ratio and maximum replacement. This would allow maximum substitution without sacrificing strength. The water cement ratio should be based on the total cementious materials, i.e., the portland cement plus the fly ash substituted. 5. Substitution ratios on a minimum of 1 to 1 on a mass basis with a maximum substitution should be specified. A substitution rate of 15 to 25 percent maximum is currently being specified for typical concrete production. These values should be established based on the actual fly ashes and portland cements that are available. 6. Mix designs should be performed by the State on each combination of materials, or by the contractor with the requirement to provide the test data to the State for verification with trial batches. Since the chemical composition of fly ashes and portland cements vary considerably, substantial problems could result if fixed rates and percentages of substitutions are used for all combinations of fly ashes and cements.

The EPA guideline on the substitution of fly ash requires the State highway agency to document the reasons for not allowing the substitution of fly ash for cement if it feels that it is technically inappropriate. The following two cases will not require documentation.

A. Fly ash should not be substituted for a portion of Type "IP", Type "I" (PM) or Type "P". B. Substitution should not be specified for high early strength concrete. In this case, concrete that contains fly ash gains strength slower so it would not be capable of having high early strength.

Silica Fume
Silica fume, also known as microsilica, is a byproduct of the reduction of high-purity quartz with coal in electric furnaces in the production of silicon and ferrosilicon alloys. Silica Fume is also collected as a byproduct in the production of other silicon alloys such as ferrochromium, ferromanganese, ferromagnesium, and calcium silicon (ACI Comm. 226 1987b). Before the mid-1970s, nearly all Silica Fume was discharged into the atmosphere. After environmental concerns necessitated the collection and landfilling of Silica Fume, it became economically justified to use Silica Fume in various applications. Silica Fume consists of very fine vitreous particles with a surface area ranging from 60,000 to 150,000 ft^2/lb or 13,000 to 30,000 m^2/kg when measured by nitrogen absorption techniques, with particles approximately 100 times smaller than the average cement particle. Because of its extreme fineness and high silica content, Silica Fume is a highly effective pozzolanic material (ACI Comm. 226 1987b; Luther 1990). Silica Fume is used in concrete to improve its properties. It has been found that Silica Fume improves compressive strength, bond strength, and abrasion resistance; reduces permeability; and therefore helps in protecting reinforcing steel from corrosion. Specifications The first national standard for use of Silica Fume ("microsilica") in concrete was adopted by AASHTO in 1990 (AASHTO Designation M 307-90). The AASHTO and ASTM C 1240 covers microsilica for use as a mineral admixture in PCC and mortar to fill small voids and in cases in which pozzolanic action is desired. It provides the chemical and physical requirements, specific acceptance tests, and packaging and package marking. Mix Design Silica Fume has been used as an addition to concrete up to 15 percent by weight of cement, although the normal proportion is 7 to 10 percent. With an addition of 15 percent, the potential exists for very strong, brittle concrete. It increases the water demand in a concrete mix; however, dosage rates of less than 5 percent will not typically require a water reducer. High replacement rates will require the use of a high range water reducer. Effects on Air Entrainment and Air-void System of Fresh Concrete. The dosage of air-entraining agent needed to maintain the required air content when using Silica Fume is slightly higher than that for conventional concrete because of high surface area and the presence of carbon. This dosage is increased with increasing amounts of Silica Fume content in concrete (Admixtures and ground slag 1990; Carette and Malhotra 1983). Effects on Water Requirements of Fresh Concrete. Silica Fume added to concrete by itself increases water demands, often requiring one additional pound of water for every pound of added Silica Fume. This problem can be easily compensated for by using HRWR (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). Effects on Consistency and Bleeding of Fresh Concrete. Concrete incorporating more than 10% Silica Fume becomes sticky; in order to enhance workability, the initial slump should be increased. It has been found that Silica Fume reduces bleeding because of its effect on rheologic properties (Luther 1989).

Effects on Strength of Hardened Concrete. Silica Fume has been successfully used to produce very highstrength, low-permeability, and chemically resistant concrete (Wolseifer 1984). Addition of Silica Fume by itself, with other factors being constant, increases the concrete strength. Incorporation of Silica Fume into a mixture with HRWR also enables the use of a lower water-tocementitious-materials ratio than may have been possible otherwise (Luther 1990). The modulus of rupture of Silica Fume concrete is usually either about the same as or somewhat higher than that of conventional concrete at the same level of compressive strength (Carette and Malhotra 1983; Luther and Hansen 1989). Effects on Freeze-thaw Durability of Hardened Concrete. Air-void stability of concrete incorporating Silica Fume was studied by Pigeon, Aitcin, and LaPlante (1987) and Pigeon and Plante (1989). Their test results indicated that the use of Silica Fume has no significant influence on the production and stability of the air-void system. Freeze-thaw testing (ASTM C 666) on Silica Fume concrete showed acceptable results; the average durability factor was greater than 99% (Luther and Hansen 1989; Ozyildirim 1986). Effects on Permeability of Hardened Concrete. It has been shown by several researchers that addition of Silica Fume to concrete reduces its permeability (Admixtures and ground slag 1990; ACI Comm. 226 1987b). Rapid chloride permeability testing (AASHTO 277) conducted on Silica Fume concrete showed that addition of Silica Fume (8% Silica Fume) significantly reduces the chloride permeability. This reduction is primarily the result of the increased density of the matrix due to the presence of Silica Fume (Ozyildirim 1986; Plante and Bilodeau 1989). Effects on ASR of Hardened Concrete. Silica Fume, like other pozzolans, can reduce ASR and prevent deletrious expansion due to ASR (Tenoutasse and Marion 1987). Availability and Handling Silica Fume is available in two conditions: dry and wet. Dry silica can be provided as produced or densified with or without dry admixtures and can be stored in silos and hoppers. Silica Fume slurry with low or high dosages of chemical admixtures are available. Slurried products are stored in tanks with capacities ranging from a few thousand to 400,000 gallons (1,510 m3) (Admixtures and ground slag 1990; Holland 1988).

Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag

Although portland blast furnace slag cement, which is made by intergrinding the granulated slag with portland cement clinker (blended cement), has been used for more than 60 years, the use of separately ground slag combined with portland cement at the mixer as a mineral admixture did not start until the late 1970s (Lewis 1981). Ground granulated blast-furnace slag is the granular material formed when molten iron blast furnace slag is rapidly chilled (quenched) by immersion in water. It is a granular product with very limited crystal formation, is highly cementitious in nature and, ground to cement fineness, hydrates like portland cement (Admixtures and ground slag 1990; Lewis 1981; ACI Comm. 226 1987a). Specifications ASTM C 989-82 and AASHTO M 302 were developed to cover ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete and mortar. The three grades are 80, 100, and 120. Mix Design The use of grade 80 ground granulated blast furnace slag should be avoided unless warranted in special circumstances. The grade of a ground granulated blast furnace slag is based on its activity index, which is

the ratio of the compressive strength of a mortar cube made with a 50 percent ground granulated blast furnace slag-cement blend to that of a mortar cube made with a reference cement. For a given mix, the substitution of grade 120 ground granulated blast furnace slag for up to 50 percent of the cement will generally yield a compressive strength at 7 days and beyond equivalent to or greater than that of the same concrete made without ground granulated blast furnace slag. Substitution of grade 100 ground granulated blast furnace slag will generally yield an equivalent or greater strength at 28 days. However, concrete made with grade 80 ground granulated blast furnace slag will have a lower compressive strength at all ages. To provide a product with equivalent or greater compressive strengths, only grades 100 and 120 ground granulated blast furnace slag should be used. However, in mass concrete, the heat of hydration may be an overriding factor, and the use of grade 80 slag may be appropriate. Ground granulated blast furnace slag is a cementitious material and can be substituted for cement on a 1:1 basis. In the absence of special circumstances or mix specific data, the substitution of ground granulated blast furnace slag should be limited to 50 percent for areas not exposed to deicing salts and to 25 percent for concretes which will be exposed to deicing salts. While substitution of ground granulated blast furnace slag for up to 70 percent of the portland cement in a mix has been used, there appears to be an optimum substitution percentage which produces the greatest 28 day strength. This is typically 50 percent of the total cementitious material but depends on the grade of ground granulated blast furnace slag used. Also, research has shown that the scaling resistance of concretes decreases with ground granulated blast furnace slag substitution rates greater than 25 percent. These guidelines on ground granulated blast furnace slag substitution rates are intended to provide a starting point for designers with little or no experience in the use of cement and concrete containing ground granulated blast furnace slag. If local data shows good performance at greater percentages, this information can be used in lieu of the recommended guidelines. Section of ACI 318-89, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete," indicates that substitution rates of up to 50 percent may be acceptable for concretes exposed to deicing chemicals. In addition, in mass concreting operations, the heat of hydration may be an overriding factor and substitution rates greater than 50 percent may be appropriate. Effects of Slags on Properties of Fresh Concrete. Use of slag or slag cements usually improves workability and decreases the water demand due to the increase in paste volume caused by the lower relative density of slag (Hinczak 1990). The higher strength potential of Grade 120 slag may allow for a reduction of total cementitious material. In such cases, further reductions in water demand may be possible (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). Setting times of concretes containing slag increases as the slag content increases. An increase of slag content from 35 to 65% by mass can extend the setting time by as much as 60 minutes. This delay can be beneficial, particularly in large pours and in hot weather conditions in which this property prevents the formation of "cold joints" in successive pours. The rate and quantity of bleeding in concrete containing slag or slag cements is usually less than that in concrete containing no slag because of the relatively higher fineness of slag. The higher fineness of slag also increases the air-entraining agent required, compared to conventional concrete. However, slag unlike fly ash does not contain carbon, which may cause instability and air loss in concrete. Effect on Strength of Hardened Concrete. The compressive strength development of slag concrete depends primarily upon the type, fineness, activity index, and the proportions of slag used in concrete mixtures (Malhotra 1987). In general, the strength development of concrete incorporating slags is slow at 1-5 days compared with that of the control concrete. Between 7 and 28 days, the strength approaches that of the control concrete; beyond this period, the strength of the slag concrete exceeds the strength of control concrete (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). Flexural strength is usually improved by the use of slag cement, which makes it beneficial to concrete paving application where flexural strengths are important. It is believed that the increased flexural strength is the result of the stronger bonds in the cement-slag-aggregate system because of the shape and surface texture of the slag particles.

Problems occur when slag concrete is used in cold weather applications. At low temperatures, the strengths are substantially reduced up to 14 days, and the percentage of slag is usually reduced to 2530% of replacement levels; when saw cutting of joints is required, the use of slag is discontinued (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). Effects on Permeability of Hardened Concrete. Incorporation of granulated slags in cement paste helps in the transformation of large pores in the paste into smaller pores, resulting in decreased permeability of the matrix and of the concrete (Malhotra 1987). Rose (1987) indicated that significant reduction in permeability is achieved as the replacement level of the slag increases from 40 to 65% of total cementitious material by mass. Because of the reduction in permeability, concrete containing granulated slag may require less depth of cover than conventional concrete requires to protect the reinforcing steel. Effects on Freeze-Thaw Durability of Hardened Concrete. Freeze-thaw durability of slag concrete has been studied by many researchers. It has been reported that resistance of air-entrained concrete incorporating Ground granulated blast furnace slag is comparable to that of conventional concrete (Malhotra 1987). Malhotra (1983) reported results of freeze-thaw tests on concrete incorporating 25-65% slag. Test results indicate that regardless of the water-to-(cement + slag) ratio, air-entrained slag concrete specimens performed excellently in freeze-thaw tests, with relative durability factors greater than 91%. Effect on ASR of Hardened Concrete. Effectiveness of slag in preventing damage due to ASR is attributed to the reduction of total alkalies in the cement-slag blend, the lower permeability of the system, and the tying up of the alkalies in the hydration process. There have been many studies of Ground granulated blast furnace slag that has been used as partial replacement for portland cement in concrete to reduce expansion caused by alkali-aggregate reaction (Yamamoto and Makita 1986; Moir and Lumley 1989; Mullick, Wason, and Rajkumar 1989). Handling, Storage, and Batching Ground granulated blast furnace slag should be stored in separate watertight silos (such as those used for cement) and should be clearly marked to avoid confusion with cement. In batching, it is recommended that portland cement be weighed first and then followed by the slag. Slag is like cement in that normal valves are adequate to stop the flow of material. Curing Care should be taken to ensure that proper curing is maintained for concretes in which ground granulated blast furnace slag has been substituted for a portion of the Portland cement. The reduced heat of hydration and reduced rate of strength gain at early ages exhibited by ground granulated blast furnace slag modified concretes reinforces the need for proper curing of these mixes. With an increased time of set and a reduced rate of strength gain, concretes containing ground granulated blast furnace slag may be more susceptible to cracking caused by drying shrinkage. Additionally, the set retardation caused by ground granulated blast furnace slag is temperature sensitive and becomes more pronounced at lower temperatures. During cold weather concreting, favorable curing temperatures should be maintained until the concrete has reached a sufficient strength to resist the effects of freezing temperatures and allow safe form removal. The use of matched curing or non-destructive testing can be used to determine in-place concrete strength for determination of removal of cold weather protection and safe form removal. Recommendations 1. In the absence of special circumstances, the use of ground granulated blast furnace slag as a cement replacement should be limited to grades 100 and 120 ground granulated blast furnace slag.

2. In the absence of special circumstances or mix specific data, the substitution of ground granulated blast furnace slag should be limited to 50 percent for areas not exposed to deicing salts and to 25 percent for concretes which will be exposed to deicing salts. 3. The necessity of proper curing should be emphasized with the use of ground granulated blast furnace slag.

Air entrainment is the process whereby many small air bubbles are incorporated into concrete and become part of the matrix that binds the aggregate together in the hardened concrete. These air bubbles are dispersed throughout the hardened cement paste but are not, by definition, part of the paste (Dolch 1984). Air entrainment has now been an accepted fact in concrete technology for more than 45 years. Although historical references indicate that certain archaic and early 20th century concretes were indeed inadvertently air entrained, the New York State Department of Public Works and the Universal Atlas Cement Company were among the first to recognize that controlled additions of certain naturally occurring organic substances derived from animal and wood byproducts could materially increase the resistance of concrete in roadways to attack brought on by repeated freeze-thaw cycles and the application of deicing agents (Whiting 1983; ACI Comm. 212 1963; Rixom and Mailvaganam 1986). Extensive laboratory testing and field investigation concluded that the formation of minute air bubbles dispersed uniformly through the cement paste increased the freeze-thaw durability of concrete. This formation can be achieved through the use of organic additives, which enable the bubbles to be stabilized or entrained within the fresh concrete (Whiting 1983, ACI Comm. 212 1963). These additives are called air-entraining agents. Besides the increase in freeze-thaw and scaling resistances, air-entrained concrete is more workable than non-entrained concrete. The use of air-entraining agents also reduces bleeding and segregation of fresh concrete (Whiting 1983; ACI Comm. 212 1963; Rixom and Mailvaganam 1986). Materials and Specifications. The most commonly used chemical surfactants can be categorized into four groups: 1) salts of wood resins, 2) synthetic detergents, 3) salts of petroleum acids, and 4) fatty and resinous acids and their salts (Dolch 1984; Whiting 1983). Until the early 1980s, the majority of concrete air entrainers were based solely on salts of wood resins or neutralized Vinsol resin (Edmeades and Hewlett 1986), and most concrete highway structures and pavements were air entrained by Vinsol resin. Today, a wider variety of air-entraining agents is available and competes with Vinsol resins. Requirements and specifications of air-entraining agents to be used in concrete are covered in ASTM C 260 and AASHTO M 154. According to these specifications, each admixture to be used as an airentraining agent should cause a substantial improvement in durability and none of the essential properties of the concrete should be seriously impaired. This provides a means to evaluate air entraining admixtures on a performance basis. Factors Affecting Air Entrainment. The air-void system created by using air-entraining agents in concrete is also influenced by concrete materials and construction practice. Concrete materials such as cement, sand, aggregates, and other admixtures play an important role in maintaining the air-void system in concrete. It has been found that air content will increase as cement alkali levels increase (Pomeroy 1989; Whiting 1983) and decrease as cement fineness increases significantly (ACI Comm. 212 1963). Fine aggregate serves as a three-dimensional screen and traps the air; the more median sand there is in the total aggregate, the greater the air content of the concrete will be (Dolch 1984). Gradation has more

influence in leaner mixes. Median sand ranging from the No. 30 sieve to the No. 100 is the most effective at entraining air . Excessive fines, minus No. 100 material, causes a reduction in air entrainment. Because the use of chemical and mineral admixtures in addition to air-entraining agents has become common practice, concrete users are always concerned about the effects of these admixtures on the airvoid system and durability of concrete. Effects of water reducers, retarders, and accelerators were widely investigated by many researchers. In regards to gross air content obtained when water-reducing and retarding admixtures are used in concrete, numerous studies have shown that for most of the materials, less air-entraining agent is needed to achieve a given specified air content (Whiting 1983). Chemical admixtures should be added separately from air entraining additives. When lignosulfonate water reducers are used, less air-entraining agent is required because the lignosulfonates have a moderate air-entraining capacity, although alone they do not react as airentraining agents (Dolch 1984; Rixom and Mailvaganam 1986). For a fixed amount of air-entraining agent, the effect of added calcium chloride is to slightly increase the air content (Edmeades and Hewlett 1986). The effect is more pronounced as amounts greater than 1% of the weight of cement are used. Some HRWR (superplasticizers) interact with cements and air-entraining agents, resulting in reductions in specific surfaces and increases in air-void spacing factors (Whiting 1983; Whiting and Stark 1983; Whiting and Dziedzic 1990). Mineral admixtures such as fly ash and silica fume also affect the formation of void systems in concrete. Gebler and Klieger (1983) showed, in their study on the effect of fly ash on air-void stability of concrete, that concretes containing fly ash produced relatively stable air-void systems. However, the volume of air retained is affected by fly ash types. In mixtures containing fly ashes, the amount of air-entraining agent required to produce a given percentage of entrained air is higher, and sometimes much higher, than it is in comparable mixtures without fly ash (Gebler and Klieger 1983). In a series of papers, researchers presented the results of a study on factors that affect the air-void stability in concretes (Pigeon, Aitcin, and LaPlante 1987; Pigeon and Plante 1989). They found that silica fume has no significant influence on the production and stability of the air-void system during mixing and agitation. Bunke (1988) also indicated that silica fume has no detrimental effects on the air-void system. Temperature can also have a significant effect on air entrainment. Air entrainment varies inversely with temperature. The same mix will entrain more air at 50 F (10C) than at 100F (38C). Air Content Control. Measurement of air content is an important checking "sensor" for the concrete user to know whether concrete will resist freeze-thaw damage. Because average void spacing decreases as air content increases, an "optimum" air content at which void spacing will prevent the development of excessive pressure due to freezing and thawing will exist. It is important to check the air content of fresh concrete regularly for control purposes. Air content should be tested not only at the mixer but also at the point of discharge into the forms, because of losses of air content due to handling and transportation.

1. Air entraining admixtures should be specified when concrete will be exposed to freeze/thaw conditions, deicing salt applications or sulfate attack. 2. Although air entraining admixtures are compatible with most other admixtures, care should be taken to prevent them from coming in contact during the mixing process.

Water-reducing admixtures are groups of products that are added to concrete to achieve certain workability (slump) at a lower w/c than that of control concrete (Rixom and Mailvaganam 1986). Waterreducing admixtures are used to improve the quality of concrete and to obtain specified strength at lower cement content. They also improve the properties of concrete containing marginal- or low-quality aggregates and help in placing concrete under difficult conditions (ACI Comm. 212 1963). Water reducers have been used primarily in bridge decks, low-slump concrete overlays, and patching concrete. Composition. Water-reducing admixtures can be categorized according to their active ingredients. There are the following: 1. salts and modifications of hydroxylized carboxylic acids (HC type); 2. salts and modifications of lignosulfonic acids (lignins); and 3. polymeric materials (PS type). The basic role of water reducers is to deflocculate the cement particles agglomerated together and release the water tied up in these agglomerations, producing more fluid paste at lower water contents. Effect of Water-reducing Admixtures on Concrete. Use of water reducers usually reduces water demand 7-10%. A higher dosage of admixtures leads to more reduction; however, excess retardation may be encountered (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). Many of the water-reducing admixtures tend also to retard the setting time of the concrete. This effect is counteracted in Type A and Type E chemical admixtures by adding other acceleration chemicals such as calcium chloride (Admixtures and ground slag 1990) or triethanolamine (TEA). HC admixtures tend to increase bleeding and should be used with care in high-slump concrete. Lignosulfonate-based admixtures perform better in this regard because they entrain air; normal dosages of lignin admixtures may add 1-2% of entrained air to the concrete. All water-reduced concretes usually lose slump more quickly than do equivalent concretes without the admixtures. However, this loss generally does not create problems when conventional water reducers (HC, PC, and lignins types) are used (Admixtures and ground slag 1990; Previte 1977; Collepardi 1984). It is well known now that using water-reducing admixtures increases concrete strength. Increases in compressive strength are as much as 25% greater than would be anticipated from the decrease in w/c (Mindess and Young 1981). For flexural strength, an increase of 10% for concrete at 7 days to 1 year has been reported for lignosulfonate and hydroxycarboxylic admixtures (Collepardi 1984). Freeze-thaw resistance and other durability aspects can also be improved when water-reducing admixtures are properly used in concrete. Although using admixtures in concrete improves concrete's properties, misusing any kind of admixtures will negatively affect these properties. It is therefore important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations whenever admixtures are used.

1. Verification tests should be performed on liquid admixtures to confirm that the material is the same as that which was approved. The identifying tests include chloride and solids content, ph and infrared spectrometry. 2. Water reducers and retarders may be used in bridge deck concrete to extend the time of set. This is especially important when the length of placement may result in flexural cracks created by dead load deflections during placement. 3. Increased attention needs to be placed on curing and protection due to the potential for shrinkage cracks and bleeding when water reducers are used.

Retarding admixtures (retarders) are known to delay hydration of cement without affecting the long-term mechanical properties. They are used in concrete to offset the effect of high temperatures, which decrease setting times, or to avoid complications when unavoidable delays between mixing and placing occur (Mindess and Young 1981). Use of set retarders in concrete pavement construction 1) enables farther hauling, thus eliminating the cost of relocating central mixing plants; 2) allows more time for texturing or plastic grooving of concrete pavements; 3) allows more time for hand finishing around the headers at the start and end of the production day; and 4) helps eliminate cold joints in two-course paving and in the event of equipment breakdown (Amer. Concrete Pavement Assoc. 1975). Retarders can also be used to resist cracking due to form deflection that can occur when horizontal slabs are placed in sections (Mindess and Young 1981). Because of these advantages, set retarders are considered the second most commonly used admixtures in the highway industry, especially in the construction of bridge decks (U.S. Dept. Trans. 1990). Composition and Mechanism of Retardation. Many water reducers have a retarding tendency. Therefore, some of the ingredients in water reducers, such as lignosulfate acids and hydroxycarboxylic acids, are also a basis for set-retarding admixtures. Other important materials used in producing set retarders are sugars and their derivatives. Mechanisms of set retardation were studied by many researchers. Several theories have been offered to explain this mechanism. A review of these theories was presented by Young (1972). The role of retarding admixtures can be explained in a simple way: the admixtures form a film around the cement compounds (e.g., by absorption), thereby preventing or slowing the reaction with water. The thickness of this film will dictate how much the rate of hydration is retarded. After a while, this film breaks down, and normal hydration proceeds (Fattohi 1958). However, in some cases when the dosage of admixtures exceeds a certain critical point, hydration of cement compounds will never proceed beyond a certain stage, and the cement paste will never set. Thus, it is important to avoid overdosing a concrete with a retarding admixture. Other factors influencing the degree of retardation include the w/c, cement content, C3A and alkali contents in cement, the type and dosage of the admixture, and the stage at which the retarder is added to the mix. The effectiveness of retarder is increased if its addition to the fresh concrete is delayed for a few minutes. Effect on Concrete Properties and Application. In addition to their role in controlling setting time, retarderslike any other admixturesinfluence the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Air entrainment of concrete is affected and fewer air-entraining agents need to be used because some retarders entrain air (see water reducers). Slump loss might increase even when abnormal setting behavior does not occur. Because of retarding action, the 1-day strength of the concrete is reduced. However, ultimate strength is reported to be improved by using set-controlling admixtures. Rates of drying shrinkage and creep could increase by using retarders, but the ultimate values cannot increase. One of the most important applications of retarding admixtures is hot-weather concreting, when delays between mixing and placing operation, may result in early stiffening (Fattuhi 1958). Another important application is in prestressed concrete, where retarders prevent the concrete that is in contact with the strand from setting before vibrating operations are completed. Set retarders also allow use of hightemperature curing in prestressed concrete production without affecting the ultimate strength of the concrete. Recommendations

1. Verification tests should be performed on liquid admixtures to confirm that the material is the same as that which was approved. The identifying tests include chloride and solids content, ph and infrared spectrometry. 2. Water reducers and retarders may be used in bridge deck concrete to extend the time of set. This is especially important when the length of placement may result in flexural cracks created by dead load deflections during placement. 3. Increased attention needs to be placed on curing and protection due to the potential for shrinkage cracks and bleeding when water reducers are used.

Accelerating admixtures are added to concrete either to increase the rate of early strength development or to shorten the time of setting, or both. Chemical compositions of accelerators include some of inorganic compounds such as soluble chlorides, carbonates, silicates, fluosilicates, and some organic compounds such as triethanolamine. Among all these accelerating materials, calcium chloride is the most common accelerator used in concrete. Most of the available literature treats calcium chloride as the main accelerator and briefly discusses the other types of accelerators. However, growing interest in using "chloride-free" accelerators as replacement for calcium chloride has been observed. This is because calcium chloride in reinforced concrete can promote corrosion activity of steel reinforcement, especially in moist environments. However, the use of good practices, i.e. proper proportioning, proper consolidation, and adequate cover thickness can significantly reduce or eliminate problems related to corrosion. Calcium Chloride. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is a byproduct of the Solvay process for sodium carbonate manufacture. CaCO3 + 2NaCI Na2CO3 + CaCI2 limestone brine solution Calcium chloride is available in two forms. Regular flake calcium chloride (ASTM D 98 Type 1) contains a minimum of 77% CaCl2; concentrated flake, pellet, or granular calcium chloride (ASTM D 98 Type 2) contains a minimum of 94% CaCl2 (ACI Comm. 212 1963). A 29% solution of CaCl2 is the most frequent form of liquid product commercially available. In solid or liquid form, the product should meet the requirement for ASTM C 494, Type C and ASTM D 98 (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). Calcium chloride has been used in concrete since 1885 (Rixom and Mailvaganam 1986) and finds application mainly in cold weather, when it allows the strength gain to approach that of concrete cured under normal curing temperatures (Rixom and Mailvaganam 1986). In normal conditions, calcium chloride is used to speed up the setting and hardening process for earlier finishing or mold turnaround. Effects of calcium chloride on concrete properties are also widely studied and quantified. Aside from affecting setting time, calcium chloride has a minor effect on fresh concrete properties. It has been observed that addition of CaCl2 slightly increases the workability and reduces the water required to produce a given slump (Ramachandran 1984) and reduces bleeding. Initial and final setting times of concrete are significantly reduced by using calcium chloride. Effects of calcium chloride on initial and final setting of cement paste are shown in Figure 2.4 (Ramachandran 1984). The total effect of adding calcium chloride depends on dosage, type of cement used, and temperature of the mix. Compressive and flexural strengths of concrete are substantially improved at early ages by using calcium chloride. Laboratory tests have indicated that most increases in compressive strength of concrete resulting from the use of 2% of calcium chloride by weight of cement range from 400 to 1,000 psi (2.8 to 6.9 MPa) at 1 through 7 days, for 70 F (21 C) curing (ACI Comm. 212 1963). Long-term strength is

usually unaffected and is sometimes reduced, especially at high temperatures (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). There is evidence that drying shrinkage of mortar or concrete is increased by using calcium chloride, especially at early ages. The large shrinkage at earlier periods may be attributed mainly to more hydration. Some work has shown that it is possible to reduce drying shrinkage by the addition of sodium sulfate (Ramachandran 1984). At early ages concrete with 2% CaCl2 shows a higher resistance to freezing and thawing than that without the accelerator, but this resistance is decreased with time. It has been found, however, that addition of CaCl2 up to 2% does not decrease the effectiveness of air entrainment (Ramachandran 1984). Because of its corrosion potential, calcium chlorideespecially in prestressed concretehas been strictly limited in use. ACI Committee 222 (1988) has determined that total chloride ions should not exceed 0.08% by mass of cement in prestressed concrete. British Standard CP.110 strongly recommends that calcium chloride should never be added to concrete containing embedded metals. Nonchloride Accelerators Although calcium chloride is an effective and economical accelerator, its corrosion-related problem limited its use and forced engineers to look for other options, mainly nonchloride accelerating admixtures. A number of compoundsincluding sulfates, formates, nitrates, and triethanolaminehave been investigated. These materials have been researched and successfully used in concrete. Triethanolamine (N(C2H4OH)3) is an oily, water-soluble liquid with a fishy odor and is produced by the reaction between ammonia and ethylene oxide. It is normally used as a component in other admixture formulations and rarely, if ever, as a sole ingredient (Rixom and Ramachandran 1986). Calcium formate is another type of nonchloride accelerator used to accelerate the setting time of concrete. At equal concentration, calcium formate (Ca[OOOCH] 2) is less effective in accelerating the hydration of C3S than calcium chloride and a higher dosage is required to impart the same level of acceleration as that imparted by CaCl2 (Ramachandran 1984). An evaluation study of calcium formate as an accelerating admixture conducted by Gebler (1983) indicated that the composition of cement, in particular gypsum (SO3) content, had a major influence on the compressive strength development of concretes containing calcium formate. Results showed that the ratio of C 3A to SO3 should be greater than 4 for calcium formate to be an effective accelerating admixture; and that the optimum amount of calcium formate to accelerate the concrete compressive strength appeared to be 2-3% by weight of cement (Gebler 1983). Calcium nitrate and calcium thiosulfate are also considered accelerators. Calcium nitrite accelerates the hydration of cement, as shown by the larger amounts of heat developed in its presence. Calcium nitrite and calcium thiosulfate usually increase the strength development of concrete at early ages (Ramachandran 1984).

1. Verification tests should be performed on liquid admixtures to confirm that the material is the same as that which was approved. The identifying tests include chloride and solids content, ph and infrared spectrometry. 2. Calcium chloride should not be used where reinforcing steel is present. 3. Calcium chloride should not be used in hot weather conditions, prestressed concrete or steam cured concrete. 4. In applications using calcium chloride, the dosage rate should be limited to 2 percent by weight of cement. 5. Care must be taken in selecting non-calcium chloride accelerators since some may be soluble salts which can also aggravate corrision.

S uperplasticizers
The use of superplasticizers (high range water reducer) has become a quite common practice. This class of water reducers were originally developed in Japan and Germany in the early 1960s; they were introduced in the United States in the mid-1970s. Superplasticizers are linear polymers containing sulfonic acid groups attached to the polymer backbone at regular intervals (Verbeck 1968). Most of the commercial formulations belong to one of four families: Sulfonated melamine-formaldehyde condensates (SMF) Sulfonated naphthalene-formaldehyde condensates (SNF) Modified lignosulfonates (MLS) Polycarboxylate derivatives

The sulfonic acid groups are responsible for neutralizing the surface charges on the cement particles and causing dispersion, thus releasing the water tied up in the cement particle agglomerations and thereafter reducing the viscosity of the paste and concrete (Mindess and Young 1981). ASTM C 494 was modified to include high-range water-reducing admixtures in the edition published in July 1980. The admixtures were designated Type F water-reducing, high range admixtures and Type G water-reducing, high-range, and retarding admixtures (Mielenz 1984). Effect of Superplasticizers on Concrete Properties. The main purpose of using superplasticizers is to produce flowing concrete with very high slump in the range of 7-9 inches (175-225 mm) to be used in heavily reinforced structures and in placements where adequate consolidation by vibration cannot be readily achieved. The other major application is the production of high-strength concrete at w/c's ranging from 0.3 to 0.4 (Ramachandran and Malhotra 1984). The ability of superplasticizers to increase the slump of concrete depends on such factors as the type, dosage, and time of addition of superplasticizer; w/c; and the nature or amount of cement. It has been found that for most types of cement, superplasticizer improves the workability of concrete. For example, incorporation of 1.5% SMF to a concrete containing Type I, II and V cements increases the initial slump of 3 inches (76 mm) to 8.7, 8.5, and 9 inches (222, 216, and 229 mm), respectively. The capability of superplasticizers to reduce water requirements 12-25% without affecting the workability leads to production of high-strength concrete and lower permeability. Compressive strengths greater than 14,000 psi (96.5 MPa) at 28 days have been attained (Admixtures and ground slag 1990). Use of superplasticizers in air-entrained concrete can produce coarser-than-normal air-void systems. The maximum recommended spacing factor for air-entrained concrete to resist freezing and thawing is 0.008 inch (0.2 mm). In superplasticized concrete, spacing factors in many cases exceed this limit (Malhotra 1989; Philleo 1986). Even though the spacing factor is relatively high, the durability factors are above 90 after 300 freeze-thaw cycles for the same cases (Malhotra 1989). A study conducted by Siebel (1987) indicated that high workability concrete containing superplasticizer can be made with a high freeze-thaw resistance, but air content must be increased relative to concrete without superplasticizer. This study also showed that the type of superplasticizer has nearly no influence on the air-void system. One problem associated with using a high range water reducer in concrete is slump loss. In a study of the behavior of fresh concrete containing conventional water reducers and high range water reducer, Whiting and Dziedzic (1989) found that slump loss with time is very rapid in spite of the fact that secondgeneration high range water reducer are claimed not to suffer as much from the slump loss phenomenon

as the first-generation conventional water reducers do. However, slump loss of flowing concrete was found to be less severe, especially for newly developed admixtures based on copolymeric formulations. The slump loss problem can be overcome by adding the admixture to the concrete just before the concrete is placed. However, there are disadvantages to such a procedure. The dosage control, for example, might not be adequate, and it requires ancillary equipment such as truck-mounted admixture tanks and dispensers. Adding admixtures at the batch plant, beside dosage control improvement, reduces wear of truck mixers and reduces the tendency to add water onsite (Wallace 1985). New admixtures now being marketed can be added at the batch plant and can hold the slump above 8 inches (204 mm) for more than 2 hours.

1. Verification tests should be performed on liquid admixtures to confirm that the material is the same as that which was approved. The identifying tests include chloride and solids content, ph and infrared spectrometry. 2. If transit mix trucks are used to mix high slump concrete, it is recommended that a 75 mm slump concrete be used at a full mixing capacity to ensure uniform concrete properties. 3. If transit mix trucks are used to mix low w/c ratio concrete, it is recommended that the load size be reduced to to 2/3 the mixing capacity to ensure uniform concrete properties. 4. If freeze-thaw testing as described by ASTM C 666 indicates this to be a problem, it is recommended that the air content be increased by 1 percent.

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