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Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete Made With High-Volume Fly Ash Blended Cements Using A Coarse Fly Ash

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ASH by N. Bouzouba1*, M. H. Zhang1, and V. M. Malhotra1 International Centre for Sustainable Development of Cement and Concrete (ICON) CANMET/Natural resources Canada 405 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0G1 Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 31, No. 3, Oct. 2001, pp. 1393-1402.

Keywords: Blended cement, Compressive strength, Concrete, Durability, Fly ash.


ABSTRACT This paper presents a study on the mechanical properties and durability of concrete made with a high-volume fly ash blended cement using a coarse fly ash that does not meet the fineness requirement of ASTM C 618. The results were compared with those of the HVFA concrete in which unground fly ash had been added at the concrete mixer. The properties of the fresh concrete determined included the slump, air content, slump loss, stability of air content, bleeding, and setting time; those of the hardened concrete investigated included the compressive strength, flexural- and splitting-tensile strengths, Youngs modulus of elasticity, drying shrinkage, resistance to abrasion, chloride-ion penetration, freezing and thawing cycling, and to de-icing salt scaling. The results show that except for the resistance of the concrete to the de-icing salt scaling, the mechanical properties and the durability of concrete made with this blended cement were superior to the concrete in which the unground fly ash and the cement had been added separately at the mixer. The production of HVFA blended cements, therefore, offers an effective way for the utilization of coarse fly ashes that do not otherwise meet the fineness requirements of ASTM C 618.

1. Introduction In the mid 1990s, CANMET undertook a major research project to develop blended cements incorporating high volumes of ASTM Class F fly ash. The objectives of the project were to reduce CO2 emissions from the production of cement clinker, to reduce the consumption of raw materials such as limestone and clay, and to contribute to a cleaner environment through the recycling of waste materials such as fly ash. The blended cement developed is made by intergrinding approximately 55% (weight percentage) of ASTM Class F fly ash and 45% of ASTM Type I or Type III cement clinker together with a small amount of gypsum, and in some cases with a small amount of dry superplasticizer [1-6]. The results from previous investigations [6] had shown that, in general, the compressive strength and resistance to chloride-ion penetration of the concrete made with high-volume fly ash (HVFA) blended cements were superior or equal to that of the concrete in which the cement and the unground fly ash had been added as separately batched materials at a concrete mixer. For high-volume fly ash blended cements made with fine fly ashes, the improvement in the mechanical properties and durability characteristics was marginal, while for the HVFA blended cements made using a coarse fly ash, the improvement was significant. This paper presents a study on the mechanical properties and durability of concrete made with a high-volume fly ash blended cement using a coarse fly ash that does not meet the fineness requirements of ASTM C 618. The results are compared with those of the HVFA concrete where unground fly ash had been added at the concrete mixer, and control portland cement concrete. The control mixtures were made with a commercially available ASTM Type III cement and, a normal-portland cement (LPC) produced in the laboratory that meet the requirements of ASTM Type III cement. The properties of the fresh concrete determined included the slump, air content, slump loss, stability of air content, bleeding, and setting time; those of the hardened concrete investigated included the compressive strength, flexural- and

2 splitting-tensile strengths, Youngs modulus of elasticity, drying shrinkage, resistance to abrasion, chloride-ion penetration, freezing and thawing cycling, and to de-icing salt scaling. 2. Materials 2.1. Portland Cement Clinker Portland cement clinker was obtained from a cement plant in Montreal area, and this clinker is used by the cement company to produce ASTM Type III cement. Its specific gravity and chemical composition are given in Table 1. 2.2. Portland Cement A commercially available ASTM Type III portland cement from the same company that provided the clinker was used for the control concrete. Its chemical composition and physical properties are given in Table 2. 2.3. Fly Ash A fly ash from Genesee, Alberta was used in this study. Its physical properties and chemical composition are given in Table 1. The fly ash has a relatively low Blaine fineness of 2120 cm2/g, and the amount of the ash retained when wet sieved on a 45 :m sieve was 36.5%. This ash, therefore, fails to meet the fineness requirement of ASTM C 6181. The ash has a relatively low specific gravity, and this is primarily related to a large numbers of plerospheres that are hollow particles filled with smaller spheres in the sample. The ash has a CaO content of 5.8% and an alkali content (Na2O equivalent) of 3.6%. This ash meets the chemical requirements of ASTM Class F fly ash.

ASTM C 618 requires that the amount retained when wet-sieved on a 45:m sieve be less than 34%.

2.4. Superplasticizer A sulphonated, naphthalene-formaldehyde condensate type of superplasticizer in a powder form was used in all the concrete mixtures. 2.5. Air-Entraining Admixture A synthetic resin type air-entraining admixture (AEA) was used in all the mixtures. 2.6. Aggregates A crushed granite with a maximum nominal size of 19 mm was used as the coarse aggregate, and a local natural sand was used as the fine aggregate. Both the coarse and fine aggregates were separated into different size fractions and recombined to a specific grading shown in Table 3. The coarse and fine aggregates each had a specific gravity of 2.70, and water absorptions of 0.5 and 0.8%, respectively. 3. Production of the Cements The production of the HVFA blended cement that meets the requirements of ASTM C 1157 GU involved two stages; these consisted of producing a portland cement with a Blaine fineness of 4000 cm2/g (LPC), and then intergrinding 45% (by mass) of the above cement with 55% of the fly ash for 80 minutes. The cement LPC was produced by grinding 97% clinker together with 3% gypsum. Before the clinker was fed to the grinding mill, it was crushed and sieved so that all the particles were less than 0.6 mm in size. The two cements produced are designated as follows:

Blended cement produced using Genesee fly ash = Laboratory-produced, normal-portland cement =


A ceramic grinding mill, 420 mm in length and 500 mm in diameter with a grinding capacity of approximately 10 kg material, was used for the production of the cements. A combination of 35 kg of large ceramic cylinders (30-mm thick and 30-mm diameter) and 35 kg of medium ceramic cylinders (20-mm thick and 20-mm diameter) was used for grinding. The weight ratio of the materials to be ground to the grinding media was 1:7. 4. Mixture Proportions Two high-volume fly ash concrete and two control portland-cement concrete mixtures were made. For the HVFA concrete, one concrete mixture was made in which unground fly ash was added at the concrete mixer, and the other mixture was made with the blended cement. The proportions of the concrete mixtures are summarized in Table 4. For all the mixtures, the coarse and fine aggregates were weighed in a room dry condition. The coarse aggregate was then immersed in water for 24 hours. The excess water was decanted, and the water retained by the aggregates was determined by the weight difference. A predetermined amount of water was added to the fine aggregate that was then allowed to stand for 24 hours. A water-to-cementitious materials ratio of 0.32 was used for the fly ash concrete mixtures. The water-to-cement ratios of the control concrete made with the commercially available ASTM Type III cement and the LPC cement were 0.42 and 0.40, respectively; these water-to-cement ratios were chosen to obtain concrete with a 28-day compressive strength similar to that of concrete made with the HVFA blended cement.

5 5. Preparation and Casting of Test Specimens All the concrete mixtures were mixed for five minutes in a laboratory counter-current mixer, and for each concrete mixture two batches were made. 5.1. Batch A Twenty-four 102x203-mm and six 152x305-mm cylinders were cast for each concrete mixture. The 102x203-mm cylinders were used for the determination of the compressive strength and the resistance to the chloride ion-penetration of the concrete, and the 152x305-mm cylinders were used for determining the splitting-tensile strength and the Young's modulus of elasticity. One container of approximately 7 L capacity was filled with the fresh concrete for determining the bleeding, and one 152x152x152-mm mould was filled with mortar obtained by sieving the fresh concrete for determining the setting times of concrete. 5.2. Batch B Three 102x203-mm cylinders were cast for the determination of the compressive strength at 28 days. For mixture 1, six additional 102x203-mm cylinders were cast for the determination of the compressive strength at 7, 14, 28, and 91 days. Eight 76x102x390-mm prisms were cast for determining the drying shrinkage and the resistance of the concrete to freezing and thawing cycling. Four 76x102x406-mm prisms were cast for the determination of the flexural strength of the concrete, and three slabs, 300x300x75 mm in size, were cast for the de-icing salt-scaling test and for the determination of the abrasion resistance of concrete. 5.3. Consolidation and Curing of Test Specimens All the cylinders and prisms were cast in two layers, with each layer being consolidated using an internal vibrator for the 152x305-mm cylinders and a vibrating table for the other specimens.

6 After casting, all the moulded specimens were covered with plastic sheets and water-saturated burlap, and left in the casting room for 24 hours. They were then demolded and transferred to the moist-curing room at 23 2C and 100 % relative humidity until required for testing. The only exception was the prisms for the drying shrinkage test that were stored in lime-saturated water for 7 days prior to be transferred to a chamber at 20 2C and 50 % relative humidity. 6. Testing of the Specimens The schedule of testing is shown in Table 5. 6.1. Mechanical Properties For each mixture, the compressive strength2 was determined from batch A at 1, 7, 14, 28, and 91days, and will be determined at 365 and 730 days; The cylinders from batch B were also tested for the compressive strength3 at 28 days for control purposes. For Mixture 1, two extra cylinders each were also tested for the compressive strength at 7, 14, 28, and 91 days. For each mixture, the flexural strength was determined on two prisms from batch B at 14 and 28 days; the splittingtensile strength was determined at 28 days using two cylinders from batch A. The drying shrinkage of the two prisms from batch B was measured at 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, and 224 days after an initial curing of 1 day in the mould and 6 days in lime-saturated water, and the measurements will be continued for 448 days; the other two prisms were stored in the lime-saturated water 1 day after casting and their length changes were measured for control purposes. All the above tests were carried out following the relevant ASTM standards.

Three cylinders were tested at each age.

7 6.2. Durability For each mixture, the abrasion resistance of the concrete (ASTM C 779) was determined on one of the slabs cast from batch B after 91 days of moist curing. The other slab was used for the deicing salt scaling resistance test (ASTM C 672); the test was started after an initial moist curing of the slabs for 14 days, followed by 14 days drying in laboratory air. The top surface of the slabs were exposed to 50 cycles of freezing and thawing in the presence of a 3% NaCl solution. The performance of the concrete was evaluated visually and by determining the cumulative scaling residue. The resistance to the chloride-ion penetration (ASTM C 1202) was measured at the ages of 28 and 91 days, and will be determined at the age of 365 days using the top portion of the cylinders. The resistance to freezing and thawing cycling (ASTM C 666 Procedure A, freezing and thawing in water) was determined on test prisms; the changes in length, mass, pulse velocity, and resonant frequency of the two prisms were determined after every 50 cycles. The flexural strength of the test prisms was also determined after the completion of the test, and compared with that of the control prisms cured in the moisture room. 7. Results and Discussion 7.1. Characteristics of Laboratory-Produced Cements The physical properties and chemical compositions of the laboratory-produced cements are presented in Table 2. The laboratory-produced normal-portland cement (LPC) meets the general requirements of ASTM C 150 Type III cement. Its initial- and final- setting times were 130 and 240 minutes, respectively, that were within the range of 45 to 375 minutes as specified in ASTM C 150. The air content of the mortar made with the LPC was less than 12%, and the compressive strength of the mortar at 1 and 3 days was 15.3 and 24.2 MPa, respectively. This was higher

8 than the minimum strength of 12.4 and 24.1 MPa at 1 and 3 days, respectively, as specified in ASTM C 150. The HVFA blended cement BCG meets all the requirements of ASTM C 1157M. The initialand final-setting times of the HVFA blended cement were 275 and 380 minutes, respectively, and these were within the range of 45 to 420 minutes as specified in ASTM C 1157M. The 3and 7-day compressive strength of the mortar made with the BCG cement was 13.1 and 18.0 MPa; this was higher than the minimum strength of 10 and 17 MPa at 3 and 7 days, respectively, as specified in ASTM C 1157M. Table 2 shows that the air content of the mortar made with the HVFA blended cement BCG was 3.9% and that of the mortar made with the commercially available ASTM Type III cement and the LPC was 6.9 and 6.6%, respectively. This indicates that the use of the fly ash increased the packing density, and decreased the air content of the mortar made with the blended cement. 7.2. Properties of Fresh Concrete The properties of the fresh concrete including the slump, air content, and unit weight are given in Table 6. 7.2.1. Dosage of the superplasticizer and slump The dosage of the superplasticizer in all the concrete mixtures was adjusted to give a slump of approximately 100 to 150 mm, and ranged from 0.9 to 3.6 L/m3 of concrete (Table 4). The parameters that affected the dosage included the composition and the fineness of the cement used, and whether the fly ash was used as is, or after being interground with the cement LPC. In order to obtain similar slumps, Mixture 2 made with blended cement BCG required more superplasticizer than Mixture 1 that was made with the laboratory-produced normal-portland

9 cement LPC and unground fly ash. The increase of the superplasticizer was from 2.5 L/m3 for Mixture 1 to 3.6 L/m3 for Mixture 2. This was due primarily to the intergrinding of the fly ash with the LPC that resulted in the increase in the fineness of the fly ash and the LPC in the blended cement. To obtain similar slumps, the control concrete made with the commercially available ASTM Type III cement required an average of 0.8 L/m3 more superplasticizer than that made with the laboratory-produced portland cement LPC, even though the water-to-cement ratio of the former was higher than that of the latter. This was probably due to the fact that the fineness and the C3A content of ASTM Type III cement were higher than those of the LPC. 7.2.2. Dosage of the air-entraining admixture and air content The dosage of the air-entraining admixture (AEA) required for obtaining an air content of 5 to 7 % was influenced primarily by the composition and fineness of the cement used, and whether the fly ash was used as received, or after being interground with the cement LPC. Mixture 2 made with the blended cement BCG required more AEA than that for Mixture 1 in which unground fly ash had been added at the concrete mixer. This increase in the dosage of the AEA was due to the intergrinding of the fly ash with the LPC cement that resulted in an increase in the fineness of the fly ash and the LPC in the blended cement. For similar air content for the control concrete, the concrete made with the commercially available ASTM Type III cement required higher dosage of the AEA than that made with the LPC cement; this was probably due to higher fineness of the former. The air content of concrete Mixture 1, Batch A, was 8.5% and this was outside the targeted range of 5 to 7%. The dosage of the AEA was, therefore, adjusted for Batch B of the mixture to obtain an air content of approximately 7%.


7.2.3. Slump loss and stability of air content The results on the slump loss and the stability of the entrained air in the fresh concrete are summarized in Table 7. There was significant loss in both slump and air content with time for all the concrete mixtures. For example, the air content of the concrete Mixture 2 (Batch B) made with the blended cement BCG decreased from 5.7 to 3.2% after 65 minutes. 7.2.4. Bleeding of concrete Table 8 gives the results of the bleeding of fresh concrete. The total amount of the bleed water was very low for all the concrete mixtures, and ranged from 0.004 to 0.032 mL/cm2. It appears that the use of the blended cement decreased the bleeding of the concrete compared to that of the concrete in which unground fly ash had been added at the concrete mixer. This is probably due to the increase in the fineness of the fly ash and the LPC in the blended cement by the intergrinding of the two components. The bleed water of the control concrete made with the commercially available ASTM Type III cement was lower than that of the control concrete made with the LPC cement, and this was due to the higher fineness of the former cement. 7.2.5. Setting Time of Concrete Table 8 shows that the initial- and final-setting times of the concrete ranged from 3 h:55 min. to 8 h:00 min., and from 5 h:15 min. to 10 h:30 min., respectively (Table 8). The setting times of the high-volume fly ash concrete were 3 to 5 hours longer than those for the control concrete; this was expected considering the high fly ash content in the former concrete mixtures. The use of the blended cement reduced both the initial- and final-setting times of the high-volume fly ash concrete by 30 to 40 minutes; this was probably due to the higher fineness of the ground fly ash.

11 7.3. Compressive Strength The compressive strength test results for the concrete are given in Table 9. As mentioned above, the air content of concrete Batch A of Mixture 1 was 8.5%; this was outside the targeted range of 5 to 7%. Additional cylinders were, therefore, cast from Batch B of the concrete (air content = 7.1%) to determine the compressive strength at 7, 14, 28, and 91 days, and to compare these results with that of the other concrete mixtures. The results showed that the use of the blended cement resulted in a significant increase in the compressive strength of the high-volume fly ash concrete ranging from 30% at 91 days to 45% at 7 days. At one day, the compressive strength of the HVFA concrete was lower than that of the control portland cement concrete. After the first day, the strength development of the control concrete was slower than that of the fly ash concrete. At 7 days, the compressive strength of the concrete made with the blended cement (Mixture 2) approached that of the control concrete made with the LPC. At 28 days, all concrete mixtures had somewhat similar strengths except for the highvolume fly ash concrete made with unground fly ash (Mixture 1). The control concrete made with ASTM Type III cement developed higher compressive strength at early age than the control concrete made with the LPC cement due to the higher fineness of the former cement. 7.4. Flexural- and Splitting-Tensile Strengths The flexural- and splitting-tensile strengths of the concrete are given in Table 10. The 28-day flexural strengths of the control concrete made with the LPC and the commercially available ASTM Type III cement were 6.3 and 6.7 MPa, respectively; the corresponding strengths of the concrete made with the LPC in which fly ash had been batched separately, and that of the blended cement BCG were 4.0 and 5.1 MPa, respectively. The 28-day splitting-tensile strength for all the concretes were approximately 3 MPa except for concrete Mixture 1 (2.2 MPa). The above results show that the use of HVFA blended cement improves the flexural- and splitting-

12 tensile strength of concrete, and this increase was due to an increase in the fineness of the fly ash and the LPC in the blended cement resulting from the intergrinding of the two components. 7.5. Young's Modulus of Elasticity "E" Table 10 presents the data on Youngs modulus of elasticity of concrete. The E values at 28 days for the concrete made with blended cement BCG (Mixture 2), and the concrete in which the laboratory-produced portland cement LPC and the fly ash had been batched separately (Mixture 1) were 34.4 and 22.4 GPa, respectively; the corresponding values at 91 days were 38.7 and 30.6 GPa, respectively. The values at 28 days for the control concrete made with the LPC and the commercially available ASTM Type III cements were 30.3 and 33.0 GPa, respectively; the corresponding values at 91 days were 31.6 and 32.5 GPa, respectively. Previous published data [7,8] show that the "E" values for the high-volume fly ash concrete are generally higher than those of the normal-portland cement concrete with similar 28-day compressive strength. The lower E values of Mixture 1 (Batch A) was due mainly to its high air content and low strength. 7.6. Drying Shrinkage The drying shrinkage strains for the concretes investigated were low, and did not exceed 450x106

at 112 days (Table 11). The highest value of 450x10-6 was for the concrete made with blended

cement BCG, and the lowest value of 312x10-6 was for the control concrete made with the LPC cement. 7.7. Resistance to Abrasion Figure 1 presents the results of the abrasion resistance of the concrete. The depth of abrasion of the concrete ranged from 1.3 to 1.6 mm after 20 minutes of testing. The lowest value was for the concrete made with HVFA blended cement, and the highest value was for the concrete in which

13 the unground fly ash and the LPC had been added separately to the concrete mixer. These results are a function of the compressive strength of the concrete. 7.8. Resistance to Chloride-Ion Penetration The resistance to the chloride-ion penetration determined according to ASTM C 1202 was significantly higher for the concrete incorporating fly ash than for the control concrete (Table 12). At 91 days, the total charge passed, in coulombs, was less than 400 coulombs for the HVFA concretes compared with > 2000 coulombs for the control concrete. The concrete made with the blended cement BCG (Mixture 2) showed higher resistance to the chloride-ion penetration at 28 days than the mixture in which fly ash had been added as a separate ingredient at the concrete mixer. However, at 91 days, the resistance of these two HVFA concrete mixtures was similar. 7.9. Resistance to Freezing and Thawing Cycling The durability of the concrete to the repeated cycles of freezing and thawing was determined from changes in length, mass, resonant frequency, and pulse velocity of the test specimens before and after the freezing and thawing cycling, and by calculating the durability factors (Table 13). At the end of the 300 freezing and thawing cycling, the flexural strength of the control and test prisms were also determined (Table 14). The test data indicated that all the test prisms had excellent performance in freezing and thawing cycling with durability factors ranging from 95 to 102. The residual flexural strength of the prisms also demonstrated good resistance of the concrete to the freezing and thawing cycling with values ranging from 72.6 to 93.0 % of the control prisms (Table 14).

14 7.10. Resistance to De-Icing Salt Scaling The slabs made with the HVFA concrete exhibited severe scaling (Table 15 and figure 2), and with a visual rating of 5 according to ASTM C 672, and cumulative scaling residues of 4.1 0.4 kg/m2. The scaling of the slabs cast from the control concrete made with the LPC cement was negligible with a visual rating of 1, and with the cumulative scaling residue of 0.1 kg/m2. The concrete slabs made with the commercially available ASTM Type III cement showed moderate scaling with a visual rating of 3, and with the cumulative scaling residue of 1.5 kg/m2 that was above 0.8 kg/m2, a value specified by Ontario Ministry of Transportation for satisfactory performance in the de-icing salt scaling test [9]. 8. Conclusions The coarse Genesee fly ash that fails to meet the fineness requirement of ASTM C 618 was successfully used to produce a HVFA blended cement. Except for the resistance of the concrete to the de-icing salt scaling, the mechanical properties and durability of the concrete made with this blended cement were superior to the concrete in which the unground fly ash and the cement had been added separately at the mixer. The production of HVFA blended cements, therefore, offers an effective way for the utilization of coarse fly ashes that otherwise do not meet ASTM C 618 requirements for fineness.

15 Acknowledgments This investigation was jointly funded by Environment Canada and CANMET, Natural Resources Canada. The fund from Environment Canada was originated from PERD (the Federal Interdepartmental Program of Energy Research and Development). Grateful acknowledgement is made to Donald Rose and Caroline Blais, Environment Canada for their helpful comments during the investigation, Inland Cement Limited for supplying the Genesee fly ash, Lafarge Canada Inc. for supplying the clinker, and to Pierre Carrire for performing various aspects of the laboratory investigation. References 1. N. Bouzouba, M.H. Zhang, A. Bilodeau, and V.M. Malhotra, Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete Made with High-Volume Fly Ash Blended Cements, ACI SP - 178 1 (1998) 575-603. 2. N. Bouzouba, M.H. Zhang, A. Bilodeau, and V.M. Malhotra, Laboratory-Produced HighVolume Fly Ash Cements: Physical Properties and Compressive Strength of Mortars, Cem Concr Res 28 (11) (1998) 1555-1569. 3. N. Bouzouba, M.H. Zhang, and V.M. Malhotra, Effect of Grinding on Physical & Mechanical Properties of High-Volume Fly Ash Blended Cements, World Cement 29 (11) (1998) 96-101. 4. N. Bouzouba, M.H. Zhang, and V.M. Malhotra, Production of High-Volume Fly Ash Blended Cements Incorporating a Superplasticizer: Optimization of the Grinding Process, 13th Internat Symp on CCPs. 2 (1999) (37)1-25. 5. N. Bouzouba, M.H. Zhang, and V.M. Malhotra, Optimization of the Grinding Process in the Production of High-Volume Fly Ash Blended Cements, CANMET Report MTL 99-10 (TR), Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, (1999) 34 p. 6. N. Bouzouba, M.H. Zhang, and V.M. Malhotra, Laboratory Produced High-Volume Fly Ash Blended Cements: Compressive Strength and Resistance to The Chloride-Ion Penetration of Concrete, Cem Concr Res 30 (2000) 1037-1046. 7. V.Sivasundaram, G.G. Carette, and V.M. Malhotra, Properties of Concrete Incorporating Low Quantity of Cement and High Volumes of Low Calcium Fly Ash, ACI SP-114 1 (1989) 45-71.


8. A. Bilodeau, and V.M. Malhotra, Concrete Incorporating High Volumes of ASTM Class F Fly Ashes: Mechanical Properties and Resistance to De-Icing Salt-scaling and to ChlorideIon Penetration, ACI SP-132 1 (1992) 319-349. 9. Material Specification for Precast Concrete Barriers, Ontario Provincial Standard Specification, Metric OPSS 1352, November 1989.

17 Table 1 - Physical properties and chemical analyses of the materials used Fly ash Clinker** Physical properties Specific gravity Fineness -passing 45m, % -specific surface, Blaine, cm2/g -median particle size (:m) Water requirement, % Pozzolanic Activity Index,* % -7-day -28-day Genesee 2.01 64.1 2120 21.2 95.8 76.0 90.5

3.23 -

Chemical analyses, % 22.3 62.6 Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 4.5 20.9 Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 3.4 4.5 Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) 65.5 5.8 Calcium oxide (CaO) 2.9 1.5 Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.4 2.5 Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.8 1.7 Potassium oxide (K2O) 0.9 3.6 Equivalent alkali (Na2O+0.658K2O) 0.2 0.1 Phosphorous oxide (P2O5) 0.2 0.7 Titanium oxide (TiO2) <0.01 0.1 Sulphur trioxide (SO3) 0.01 0.3 Loss on ignition * using ASTM Type I cement ** obtained from a cement producer, and used for the production of cements in the laboratory

18 Table 2 - Physical properties and chemical composition of the cements used

ASTM Type III cement Physical properties Specific gravity Fineness -passing 45:m, % -specific surface, Blaine, cm2/g Compressive strength of 51 mm cubes, MPa -1-day -3-day -7-day Time of setting, Vicat test, min -initial setting -final setting Air content of mortar, volume % Chemical analyses, % Silicon dioxide (SiO2) Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) Calcium oxide (CaO) Magnesium oxide (MgO) Sodium oxide (Na2O) Potassium oxide (K2O) Equivalent alkali (Na2O+0.658K2O) Phosphorous oxide (P2O5) Titanium oxide (TiO2) Sulphur trioxide (SO3) Loss on ignition Bogue potential compound composition Tricalcium silicate C3S Dicalcium silicate C2S Tricalcium aluminate C3A Tetracalcium aluminoferrite C4AF * minimum Coarse aggregate Sieve size, mm 19.0 12.7 9.5 4.75 Passing, % 100 70 32 0 + maximum 3.15 93 5070 30.7 38.8 115 210 6.9 21.2 5.0 1.8 63.6 3.0 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.3 2.0 2.1 55.5 19.0 10.3 5.5 LPC BCG ASTM requirements C 150 Type III 3.15 88.5 4000 15.3 24.2 31.0 130 240 6.6 20.9 4.8 3.3 62.4 2.8 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.2 0.2 3.4 0.7 48.5 23.3 7.1 10 2.70 99.4 13.1 18.0 275 380 3.9 39.6 11.8 3.3 36.9 2.1 1.3 1.4 2.2 0.2 0.5 1.9 0.9 12.4 (min)* 24.1 (min) 45 (min) 375 (max)+ 12 (max) 6.0 (max) 3.5 (max) 3.0 (max) 15 (max) C 1157 GU 10 (min) 17 (min) 45 (min) 420 (max) -

Table 3 - Grading of coarse and fine aggregate

Fine aggregate Sieve size, mm 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.600 0.300 0.150 Passing, % 100 90.0 67.5 42.5 20.0 6.0

19 Table 4 - Proportions of the concrete mixtures

Mix. no. Batch W (C+FA)* Water, kg/m3 Cement type 1 2 3 4 A B A B A B A B 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.40 0.40 0.42 0.42 120 122 125 125 154 154 164 162 LPC LPC BCG BCG LPC LPC III III kg/m3 168 170 391 391 385 385 389 384 Fly ash added in the mixer source Genesee Genesee kg/m3 206 209 0 0 0 0 Fine aggregate, kg/m3 701 710 740 740 729 729 729 720 Coarse aggregate, kg/m3 1052 1066 1111 1111 1094 1094 1093 1081 AEA,** mL/m3 SP,*** L/m3

486 305 509 509 116 106 174 172

2.5 2.5 3.6 3.6 1.0 0.9 2.2 1.4

* Water-to-(cement+fly ash) ratio ** Air-entraining admixture *** Superplasticizer. The superplasticizer was used in a dry form. The values reported in this Table is the corresponding volume of liquid superplasticizer that was calculated assuming its density of 1.21 kg/cm3 and solid content of 40% by mass

Table 5 - Testing schedule of concrete

Mix. no. Batch Type of testing 0 Compressive strength (ASTM C 39) 1 3 cyl. 7 3 cyl. Age of testing, days 14 3 cyl. 28 3 cyl. 2 disks 2 cyl. 2 cyl. 91 3 cyl. 2 disks 365 3 cyl. 730 3 cyl.


Resistance to the chloride-ion penetration (ASTM C 1202) Splitting tensile strength (ASTM C 496) Young's modulus of elasticity (ASTM C 469) Bleeding (ASTM C 232) Fresh Concrete Setting times (ASTM C 403) Fresh Concrete Slump loss Air content stability Compressive strength (ASTM C 39) Flexural strength (ASTM C 78) De-icing salt-scaling (ASTM C 672) Abrasion Resistance to the freezing and thawing cycling (ASTM C 666, Procedure A) Drying shrinkage (ASTM C 157) Fresh Concrete Fresh Concrete 2 cyl.* 2 cyl.* 2 prisms

2 cyl.


3 cyl. 2 prisms 2 slabs

2 cyl.*

1 slab After 14 days of moist curing, two prisms were exposed to freezing and thawing cycling. Two prisms were kept in the moist-curing room until the end of the freezing and thawing cycling. Two prisms were exposed to air at 50% relative humidity and 23C after 7 days in limesaturated water curing. Two prisms were kept in water for control purpose.

*tested for mixture 1 only.

21 Table 6 - Properties of the fresh concrete

Mixture no. 1 2 3 4 Batch W/(C+FA) Cement type Source of fly Unit ash added in the weight, mixer kg/m3 Genesee Genesee 2250 2280 2370 2370 2362 2362 2376 2348 Slump, mm 190 160 200 215 70 90 70 75 Air content, % 8.5 7.2 6.2 5.7 6.9 7.1 5.9 6.2


0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.40 0.40 0.42 0.42


Table 7 - Slump loss and stability of the air content of the fresh concrete
Mixture no. W (C+FA) Cement type Source of fly ash added in the mixer Immediatly after mixing Slump,m m 1 (Batch B) 2 (Batch B) 3 (Batch B) 4 (Batch B) 0.32 0.32 0.40 0.42 LPC BCG LPC III Genesee 160 215 90 75 Air content, % 7.2 5.7 7.1 6.2 35 min. after the mixing was completed Slump,m m 80 140 65 40 Air content, % 6.0 4.1 6.2 5.6 65 min. after the mixing was completed Slump, mm Air content, % 70 105 50 30 4.4 3.2 5.4 4.2


Table 8 - Bleeding and setting time of concrete

Mixture no. 1 2 3 4 W/(C+FA) Cement type Source of fly ash added in the mixer Genesee Total Bleeding Water, mL/cm2 0.032 0.004 0.023 0.006 Setting Time, h:min Initial 8:00 7:25 4:15 3:55 Final 10:30 9:50 5:35 5:15

0.32 0.32 0.40 0.42


Table 9 - Compressive strength of concrete

Mix. no. 1 2 3 4 Batch W/(C+FA) Cement type LPC LPC BCG BCG LPC LPC III III Source of fly ash added in the mixer Genesee Genesee Compressive strength, MPa Density of hardened concrete (11d 7d 14 d d) kg/m3 2248 2385 2381 2376 7.7 13.1 21.4 30.5 15.9 20.9 30.5 32.5 39.1 19.6 27.1 37.5 34.4 41.0

28 d 24.0 30.5 43.8 43.3 38.6 38.8 46.3 42.1

91 d 32.7 41.6 53.7 43.4 50.4

365 d 40.3 61.9 n.a n.a

730 d n.a n.a n.a n.a


0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.40 0.40 0.42 0.42

n.a.: data not yet available


Table 10 - Flexural, splitting-tensile strengths and Young's modulus of elasticity of concrete

Mixture no. W/(C+FA) Cement type Source of fly Flexural ash added in the strength, MPa mixer 14 d 28 d LPC BCG LPC III Genesee 3.2 3.9 5.6 6.5 4.0 5.1 6.3 6.7 Splitting-tensile strength, MPa 28 d 2.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 Youngs modulus of elasticity, GPa 14 d 22.4 34.4 30.3 33.0 28 d 30.6 38.7 31.6 32.5

1 2 3 4

0.32 0.32 0.40 0.42

Table 11 - Drying shrinkage test results after 7 days of curing in lime-saturated water
Mixture no. 1 2 3 4 W/(C+FA) Cement type Source of fly Drying shrinkage strain, x 10-6 ash added in the 7d 14 d 28 d mixer Genesee 142 254 109 196 258 330 178 287 272 385 283 388

56 d 341 435 290 396

112 d 414 450 312 388

224 d 403 428 n.a n.a

448 d n.a n.a n.a n.a

0.32 0.32 0.40 0.42


n.a.: data not yet available


Table 12 - Resistance to the chloride-ion penetration

Mixture no. 1 2 3 4 W/(C+FA) Cement type Source of fly ash Total charge passed, coulombs added in the 28 d 91 d 365 d mixer Genesee 1170 333 2580 2432 320 290 2140 2100 110 105 n.a n.a

0.32 0.32 0.40 0.42


n.a.: data not yet available

Table 13 - Summary of test results after 300 cycles of freezing and thawing
Mixture no. W/(C+FA) Cement type Source of fly ash added in the mixer Genesee % change at the end of the freezing and thawing cycling Length 0.004 0.002 -0.002 -0.030 Weight -0.587 +0.007 -0.126 -0.055 Pulse Velocity +0.20 -1.30 -0.24 +0.54 Resonant Frequency -2.36 +0.92 -2.35 -0.22 95 102 95 95 Durability Factor

1 2 3 4

0.32 0.32 0.40 0.42



Table 14 - Flexural strength of control prisms and test prisms after the freezing and thawing cycling
Mixture no. W/(C+FA) Cement type Source of fly ash added in the mixer Flexural strength, MPa 14 days 3.2 3.9 5.6 6.5 Control prisms* 6.2 6.5 7.2 7.1 After 300 cycles of freezing and thawing 4.5 5.7 5.4 6.6 Residual Flexural Strength, % 72.6 87.7 75.0 93.0

1 2 3 4

0.32 0.32 0.40 0.42


Genesee -

* Control prisms had been put in the moist-cured room and were tested at the same age as the prisms which had completed 300 cycles of freezing and thawing

Table 15 - Test results of de-icing salt-scaling

Mixture No. W/(C+FA) Cement type Source of fly ash Visual rating* added in the (ASTM C672) mixer Genesee 5 5 1 3 Total scaling residue (kg/m2) 4.5 3.7 0.1 1.5

1 2 3 4

0.32 0.32 0.40 0.42


* Rating (ASTM C 672) 0 No scaling 1 Very slight scaling (3.2 mm depth max, no coarse aggregate visible) 2 Slight to moderate scaling 3 Moderate scaling, (some coarse aggregate visible) 4 Moderate to severe 5 Severe scaling, (coarse aggregate visible over the entire surface


Depth of Abrasion, mm

1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time, seconds

HVFA concrete made with unground Genesee fly ash Concrete made with blended cement BCG Control concrete (ASTM Type III) Control concrete (LPC)

Fig. 1 - Depth of abrasion vs. duration of wearing of concrete

Cumulative mass of scaling residue (kg/m2)

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0

HVFA concrete with unground Genesee fly ash Concrete made with blended cement BCG Control concrete (ASTM Type III) Control concrete (LPC)



30 Number of cycles




Fig. 2 - Variation of the cumulative mass of scaling residue vs. the number of cycles

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