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Engr. Saleem fakhar

Plain & reinforced concrete
Admixtures used in concrete



Admixtures for Concrete
Admixtures are those ingredients in concrete other than Portland cement, water, and
aggregates that are added to the mixture immediately before or during mixing.
Admixtures can be classified by function as follows:

1. Air-entraining admixtures
2. Water-reducing admixtures
3. Plasticizers
4. Accelerating admixtures
5. Retarding admixtures
6. Hydration-control admixtures
7. Corrosion inhibitors
8. Shrinkage reducers
9. Alkali-silica reactivity inhibitors
10. Colouring admixtures
11. Miscellaneous admixtures such as workability, bonding, damp-proofing,
permeability reducing, grouting, gas-forming, anti-washout, foaming, and pumping

Concrete should be workable, finish able, strong, durable, watertight, and wear
resistant. These qualities can often be obtained easily and economically by the selection
of suitable materials rather than by resorting to admixtures

Reasons for Using Admixtures

The major reasons for using admixtures are:

1. To reduce the cost of concrete construction

2. To achieve certain properties in concrete more effectively than by other means
3. To maintain the quality of concrete during the stages of mixing, transporting,
placing, and curing in adverse weather conditions
4. To overcome certain emergencies during concreting operations

Air-Entraining Admixtures

Air-entraining admixtures are used to purposely introduce and stabilize

microscopic air bubbles in concrete. Air-entrainment will dramatically improve the
durability of concrete exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing. Entrained air greatly
improves concrete’s resistance to surface scaling caused by chemical de-icers.
Furthermore, the workability of fresh concrete is improved significantly, and
segregation and bleeding are reduced or eliminated.
Air-entrained concrete contains minute air bubbles that are distributed uniformly
throughout the cement paste. Entrained air can be produced in concrete by use of an air-
entraining cement, by introduction of an air entraining admixture, or by a combination
of both methods. Air-entraining cement is a Portland cement with an air-entraining
addition interground with the clinker during manufacture. An air-entraining admixture,
on the other hand, is added directly to the concrete materials either before or during
Specifications and methods of testing air-entraining admixtures are given in
ASTM C 260 and C 233 (AASHTO M 154 and T 157). Air entraining additions for use
in the manufacture of air entraining cements must meet requirements of ASTM C 226.
Applicable requirements for air-entraining cements are given in ASTM C 150 and
AASHTO M 85. See Chapter 8, Air-Entrained Concrete, Klieger (1966), and Whiting
and Nagi (1998) for more information.

Water-Reducing Admixtures
Water-reducing admixtures are used to reduce the quantity of mixing water
required to produce concrete of a certain slump, reduce water-cement ratio, reduce
cement content, or increase slump. Typical water reducers reduce the water content by
approximately 5% to 10%. Adding a water-reducing admixture to concrete without
reducing the water content can produce a mixture with a higher slump. The rate of
slump loss, however, is not reduced and in most cases is increased. Rapid slump loss
results in reduced workability and less time to place concrete.

An increase in strength is generally obtained with water-reducing admixtures as

the water-cement ratio is reduced. For concretes of equal cement content, air content,
and slump, the 28-day strength of a water-reduced concrete containing a water reducer
can be 10% to 25% greater than concrete without the admixture. Despite reduction in
water content, water-reducing admixtures may cause increases in drying shrinkage.
Usually the effect of the water reducer on drying shrinkage is small compared to other

more significant factors that cause shrinkage cracks in concrete. Using a water reducer
to reduce the cement and water content of a concrete mixture—while maintaining a
constant water-cement ratio—can result in equal or reduced compressive strength, and
can increase slump loss by a factor of two or more(Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

Water reducers decrease, increase, or have no effect on bleeding, depending on

the chemical composition of the admixture. A reduction of bleeding can result in
finishing difficulties on flat surfaces when rapid drying conditions are present. Water
reducers can be modified to give varying degrees of retardation while others do not
significantly affect the setting time. ASTM C 494 (AASHTO M 194) Type A water
reducers can have little effect on setting, while Type D admixtures provide water
reduction with retardation, and Type E admixtures provide water reduction with
accelerated setting. Type D water-reducing admixtures usually retard the setting time of
concrete by one to three hours. Some water-reducing admixtures may also entrain some
air in concrete. Lignin-based admixtures can increase air contents by 1 to 2 percentage
points. Concretes with water reducers generally have good air retention.

The effectiveness of water reducers on concrete is a function of their chemical

composition, concrete temperature, cement composition and fineness, cement content,
and the presence of other admixtures.


Mid-range water reducers were first introduced in 1984. These admixtures
provide significant water reduction (between 6 and 12%) for concretes with slumps of
125 to 200 mm (5 to 8 in.) without the retardation associated with high dosages of
conventional (normal) water reducers. Normal water reducers are intended for concretes
with slumps of 100 to 125 mm (4 to 5 in.). Mid-range water reducers can be used to
reduce stickiness and improve finishability, pumpability, and placeability of concretes
containing silica fume and other supplementary cementing materials. Some can also
entrain air and be used in low slump concretes (Nmai, Schlagbaum, and Violetta 1998).


High-range water reducers, ASTM C 494 (AASHTO M 194) Types F (water
reducing) and G (water reducing and retarding), can be used to impart properties
induced by regular water reducers, only much more efficiently. They can greatly reduce
water demand and cement contents and make low water-cement ratio, high strength
concrete with normal or enhanced workability. A water reduction of 12% to 30% can be
obtained through the use of these admixtures. The reduced water content and water-
cement ratio can produce concretes with (1) ultimate compressive strengths in excess of

70 MPa (10,000 psi), (2) increased early strength gain, (3) reduced chloride-ion
penetration, and (4) other beneficial properties associated with low water-cement ratio

High-range water reducers are generally more effective than regular water
reducing admixtures in producing workable concrete. A significant reduction of
bleeding can result with large reductions of water content; this can result in finishing
difficulties on flat surfaces when rapid drying conditions are present. Some of these
admixtures can cause significant slump loss. Significant retardation is also possible, but
can aggravate plastic shrinkage cracking without proper protection and curing. Drying
shrinkage, chloride permeability, air retention, and strength development of concretes
with high-range water reducers are comparable to concretes without them when
compared at constant water-cement ratios (reduced cement and water contents).

Concretes with high-range water reducers can have larger entrained air voids and
higher void-spacing factors than normal air-entrained concrete. This would generally
indicate a reduced resistance to freezing and thawing; however, laboratory tests have
shown that concretes with a moderate slump using high-range water reducers have good
freeze-thaw durability, even with slightly higher void-spacing factors. This may be the
result of lower water cement ratios often associated with these concretes. When the
same chemicals used for high-range water reducers are used to make flowing concrete,
they are often called plasticizers or super-plasticizers


Plasticizers, often called super-plasticizers, are essentially high-range water reducers
meeting ASTM C 1017; these admixtures are added to concrete with a low-to-normal
slump and water-cement ratio to make high-slump flowing concrete. Flowing concrete
is a highly fluid but workable concrete that can be placed with little or no vibration or
compaction while still remaining essentially free of excessive bleeding or segregation.
Following are a few of the applications where flowing concrete is used:
1) Thin-section placements
2) Areas of closely spaced and congested reinforcing steel,
3) Tremie pipe (underwater) placements,
4) Pumped concrete to reduce pump pressure, thereby increasing lift and distance
5) Areas where conventional consolidation methods are impractical or cannot be
used, and
6) For reducing handling costs.

The addition of a plasticizer to a 75-mm (3-in.) slump concrete can easily produce a
concrete with a 230-mm (9-in.) slump. Flowing concrete is defined by ASTM C 1017 as
a concrete having a slump greater than 190 mm (71⁄2 in.), yet maintaining cohesive
properties. ASTM C 1017 has provisions for two types of admixtures: Type 1—
plasticizing, and Type 2—plasticizing and retarding. Plasticizers are generally more
effective than regular or mid-range water-reducing admixtures in producing flowing
concrete. The effect of certain plasticizers in increasing workability or making flowing
concrete is short-lived, 30 to 60 minutes; this period is followed by a rapid loss in
workability or slump loss.

Retarding admixtures are used to delay the rate of setting of concrete. High
temperatures of fresh concrete (30°C [86°F]) are often the cause of an increased rate of
hardening that makes placing and finishing difficult. One of the most practical methods
of counteracting this effect is to reduce the temperature of the concrete by cooling the
mixing water and/or the aggregates. Retarders do not decrease the initial temperature of
concrete. The bleeding rate and bleeding capacity of concrete is increased with
Retarding admixtures are useful in extending the setting time of concrete, but
they are often also used in attempts to decrease slump loss and extend workability,
especially prior to placement at elevated temperatures. Retarders are sometimes used to:
(1) offset the accelerating effect of hot weather on the setting of concrete; (2) delay the
initial set of concrete or grout when difficult or unusual conditions of placement occur,
such as placing concrete in large piers and foundations, cementing oil wells, or pumping
grout or concrete over considerable distances; or (3) delay the set for special finishing
techniques, such as an exposed aggregate surface.

An accelerating admixture is used to accelerate the rate of hydration (setting) and
strength development of concrete at an early age. The strength development of concrete
can also be accelerated by other methods: (1) using Type III or Type HE high-early-
strength cement, (2) lowering the water-cement ratio by adding 60 to 120 kg/m3 (100 to
lb/yd3) of additional cement to the concrete, (3) using a water reducer, or (4) curing at
higher temperatures. Accelerators are designated as Type C admixtures under ASTM C
494 (AASHTO M 194).
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is the chemical most commonly used in accelerating
admixtures, especially for non-reinforced concrete. It should conform to the
requirements of ASTM D 98 (AASHTO M 144) and should be sampled and tested in
accordance with ASTM D 345.
The widespread use of calcium chloride as an accelerating admixtures has
provided much data and experience on the effect of this chemical on the properties of
concrete. Besides accelerating strength gain, calcium chloride causes an increase in
drying shrinkage, potential reinforcement corrosion, discoloration (a darkening of
concrete), and an increase in the potential for scaling.

Calcium chloride is not an antifreeze agent. When used in allowable amounts, it
will not reduce the freezing point of concrete by more than a few degrees. Attempts to
protect concrete from freezing by this method are foolhardy. Instead, proven reliable
precautions should be taken during cold weather.
When used, calcium chloride should be added to the concrete mixture in solution
form as part of the mixing water. If added to the concrete in dry flake form, all of the
dry particles may not be completely dissolved during mixing. Undissolved lumps in the
mix can cause popouts or dark spots in hardened concrete.
The amount of calcium chloride added to concrete should be no more than is
necessary to produce the desired results and in no case exceed 2% by mass of cementing
material. When calculating the chloride content of commercially available calcium
chloride, it can be assumed that:
1. Regular flake contains a minimum of 77% CaCl2
2. Concentrated flake, pellet, or granular forms contain a minimum of 94% CaCl2

Applications where calcium chloride should be used with caution:

1. Concrete subjected to steam curing
2. Concrete containing embedded dissimilar metals, especially if electrically
connected to steel reinforcement
3. Concrete slabs supported on permanent galvanized steel forms
4. Coloured concrete

Corrosion inhibitors are used in concrete for parking structures, marine structures,
and bridges where chloride salts are present. The chlorides can cause corrosion of steel
reinforcement in concrete. Ferrous oxide and ferric oxide form on the surface of
reinforcing steel in concrete. Ferrous oxide, though stable in concrete’s alkaline
environment, reacts with chlorides to form complexes that move away from the steel to
form rust. The chloride ions continue to attack the steel until the passivating oxide layer
is destroyed. Corrosion-inhibiting admixtures chemically arrest the corrosion reaction.

Shrinkage-reducing admixtures, introduced in the 1980s, have potential uses in
bridge decks, critical floor slabs, and buildings where cracks and curling must be
minimized for durability or aesthetic reasons. Propylene glycol and poly-oxyalkylene
alkyl ether have been used as shrinkage reducers. Drying shrinkage reductions of
between 25% and 50% have been demonstrated in laboratory tests. These admixtures
have negligible effects on slump and air loss, but can delay setting. They are generally
compatible with other admixtures (Nmai, Tomita, Hondo and Buffenbarger 1998 and
Shah, Weiss and Yang 1998).

Natural and synthetic materials are used to colour concrete for aesthetic and
safety reasons. Red concrete is used around buried electrical or gas lines as a warning
to anyone near these facilities. Yellow concrete safety curbs are used in paving
applications. Generally, the amount of pigments used in concrete should not exceed
10% by weight of the cement. Pigments used in amounts less than 6% generally do not
affect concrete properties.
Unmodified carbon black substantially reduces air content. Most carbon black for
colouring concrete contains an admixture to offset this effect on air. Before a colouring
admixture is used on a project, it should be tested for colour fastness in sunlight and
autoclaving, chemical stability in cement, and effects on concrete properties. Calcium
chloride should not be used with pigments to avoid colour distortions. Pigments should
conform to ASTM C 979.

The passage of water through concrete can usually be traced to the existence of
cracks or areas of incomplete consolidation. Sound, dense concrete made with a water-
cement ratio of less than 0.50 by mass will be watertight if it is properly placed and
Admixtures known as damp-proofing agents include certain soaps, stearates, and
petroleum products. They may, but generally do not, reduce the permeability of
concretes that have low cement contents, high water-cement ratios, or a deficiency of
fines in the aggregate. Their use in well-proportioned mixes may increase the mixing
water required and actually result in increased rather than reduced permeability.
Damp-proofing admixtures are sometimes used to reduce the transmission of
moisture through concrete that is in contact with water or damp earth. Many so-called
damp-proofers are not effective, especially when used in concretes that are in contact
with water under pressure.

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