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OMB EA Assessment Framework v3 1 June 2009

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(Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework v3.


Improving Agency Performance Using Information and Information Technology

June 2009

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 1 2 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT LIFECYCLE......................................................... 3
2.1 ARCHITECT ...........................................................................................................................4 2.2 INVEST .................................................................................................................................5 2.3 IMPLEMENT ...........................................................................................................................6 2.4 MEASURE, ASSESS AND IMPROVE .........................................................................................6 2.5 AGENCY SUBMISSION DATA QUALITY.....................................................................................7

3 FEDERAL ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW ........................................... 8

3.1 FEA REFERENCE MODELS ....................................................................................................8 3.2 SEGMENT ARCHITECTURE .....................................................................................................9 3.3 FEDERAL TRANSITION FRAMEWORK.....................................................................................10

4 FRAMEWORK STRUCTURE .................................................................................... 12

4.1 CHANGES IN THE 3.1 FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................12 4.2 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA OVERVIEW .....................................................................................12


5.1 EAAF VERSION 3.1 IMPLEMENTATION TIMING ......................................................................15 5.2 AGENCY EA ASSESSMENT & REVIEW ..................................................................................16

6 ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK 3.1 CRITERIA.......................................................... 18

6.1 COMPLETION CAPABILITY AREA ...........................................................................................18
6.1.1 Target Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Transition Plan...............................................................19 6.1.2 Architectural Prioritization.......................................................................................................................21 6.1.3 Scope of Completion..................................................................................................................................22 6.1.4 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)............................................................................................................24

6.2 USE CAPABILITY AREA ........................................................................................................26

6.2.1 Performance Improvement Integration .....................................................................................................26 6.2.2 CPIC Integration.......................................................................................................................................28 6.2.3 FEA Reference Model and Exhibit 53 Data Quality .................................................................................29 6.2.4 Collaboration and Reuse...........................................................................................................................31 6.2.5 EA Governance, Program Management, Change Management, and Deployment ...................................33

6.3 RESULTS CAPABILITY AREA.................................................................................................36

6.3.1 Mission Performance ................................................................................................................................36 6.3.2 Cost Savings and Cost Avoidance .............................................................................................................37 6.3.3 IT Infrastructure Portfolio Quality............................................................................................................39 6.3.4 Measuring EA Program Value ..................................................................................................................40

APPENDIX A: ARTIFACT DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................. A-1 APPENDIX B: STRATEGY FOR MEASURING DATA QUALITY.............................. B-1 APPENDIX C: AGENCIES INCLUDED IN THE EA ASSESSMENT PROCESS ....... C-1

June 2009

OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

1 Introduction
The Federal Government is focused on delivering solutions and achieving results grounded in the principles of transparency and open government. In the course of managing the Presidents budget, with over $70 billion in annual spending1, there is an inherent responsibility to manage information technology (IT) investments wisely. This investment, and in particular the $23.7 billion in Development, Modernization, and Enhancement (DME, BY2010) funding, represents a key resource for improving agency performance, closing performance gaps and achieving government-wide transformation. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework (EAAF) Version 3.1 identifies the measurement areas and criteria by which agencies are expected to use the EA to drive performance improvements that result in the following outcomes: Closing agency performance gaps identified via coordinated agency strategic planning and performance management activities; Saving money and avoiding cost through collaboration and reuse, productivity enhancements, and elimination of redundancy; Strengthening the quality of agency investment portfolios by improving security, inter-operability, reliability, availability, solution development and service delivery time, and overall end-user performance; Improving the quality, availability and sharing of data and information government-wide; and Increasing the transparency of government operations by increasing the capacity for citizen participation and cross-governmental collaboration.

While agencies have clearly demonstrated a degree of maturity and competency in developing and using their EAs, EAAF Version 3.1 seeks to advance the practice of EA, particularly through the development and use of agency segment architectures, aimed at driving the kinds of government-wide outcomes described above. EAAF Version 3.1 features the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of EA relative to the three EA capabilities areas of Completion, Use, and Results. It also moves agency EA submission to a template-based model aimed at improving reporting and assessment via an automated process and delivery mechanism. Artifacts will be posted on the MAX collaboration environment. EAAF Version 3.1 also changes the assessment and reporting process. Instead of a single annual assessment, Version 3.1 moves to posting relevant artifacts for the Completion, Use, and Results capability areas in order to better align the use of EA with agency planning, investment management, and budget formulation and decisionmaking processes relevant to the annual budget cycle.

$75,829M total, $23,686M in DME. This represents the IT crosscut across the Presidents BY10 Budget. Please see for more information.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

The EAAF supports policy implementation and assessment when meeting the EA and related requirements set forth in OMB Circulars A-11 and A-130. EAAF Version 3.1 is closely aligned with the methodologies, reporting templates, and tools such as the Federal Transition Framework (FTF), the Federal Segment Architecture Methodology (FSAM), and OMBs IT Spending Dashboard.2 Six key success factors for agencies with the EAAF v3.1 will be their ability to: Align with agency performance improvement to quantitatively plan for and support measurable delivery of agency performance improvement. Collaborate with other agencies to deliver common architectures for shared cross boundary mission, business, and technical requirements. Contribute to the definition and implementation of the target Federal Enterprise Architecture. Leverage bureau and program architecture activity to build out the agency EA and ensure that agency-proposed IT spending is well-architected, implementing the target agency and Federal Enterprise Architecture, and demonstrably driving agency performance improvement. Integrate with agency IT Governance to ensure effective use of the agency EA to support delivery of agency performance improvement. Through the above, establish buy-in with mission and business owners, and complete the evolution to results-focused architecture.

OMB is committed to working with agencies through the annual assessment and quarterly reporting process to successfully implement the EAAF v3.1. For more information on the quarterly reporting process, see Section 5 below.

Additional information on these tools and methodologies can be found at , Note: IT Spending Dashboard was previously referred to as VUE-IT.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

2 Performance Improvement Lifecycle

Government agencies are continually assessing current performance, identifying opportunities for performance improvement, and translating opportunities into specific actions. Enterprise architecture is an integrated management practice that maximizes the contribution of an agencys resources to achieve performance goals. Architecture describes clear line-of-sight from strategic goals and objectives, through investments, to measurable performance improvements for the entire enterprise or a portion (segment) of the enterprise. The focus of this document, and the discussion in this chapter, is information and ITenabled performance improvement. Agency EA programs are one of several practice areas that must be effectively executed to achieve improvements in agency mission performance and other measurement areas.3 EA helps to organize and clarify the relationships among agency strategic goals, investments, business solutions, and measurable performance improvements - it is but one link in a chain of integrated practice areas. To achieve target performance improvements, other practice areas ~ such as strategic planning, capital planning and investment control (CPIC), and program and project management ~ must be strong and fully integrated with an agency EA practice. Results-oriented architecture is developed within the context of the Performance Improvement Lifecycle. The Performance Improvement Lifecycle comprises three phases: Architect, Invest, and Implement. Each lifecycle phase is comprised of tightly integrated processes that combine to transform the agencys top-down strategic goals and bottom-up system needs into a logical series of work products designed to help the agency achieve strategic results. Through practice area integration, the Performance Improvement Lifecycle provides the foundation for sound information and IT management practices, end-to-end governance of IT investments, and alignment of IT investments with an agencys strategic goals. The Performance Improvement Lifecycle defines a simple value chain linking enterprise architecture with IT investment management and program and project execution. Figure 2-1 below illustrates the logical integration and sequencing of key architecture, investment and implementation activities, as well as feedback from program assessment and performance measurement.

Other stakeholders, many of whom are the actual drivers and owners for program success, include the Chief Financial Officer and Budget Officers, Chief Performance Officers, Chief Acquisition Officers, Congress, agency leadership, business owners, program managers, and the public.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

Agency Strategy
Develop and maintain EA Prioritize Segments (ETP) Develop Segment Architecture

Allocate Resources

Create Program Management Plan Execute Projects

Agency Results

Measure, Assess, and Improve

Figure 2-1: Information and IT-Enabled Performance Improvement Lifecycle

Continuous performance improvement is the principal driver connecting EA program staff with key business stakeholders across each phase of the Performance Improvement Lifecycle. Agency Chief Architects and EA program staff play important roles supporting business stakeholders during each phase of the Performance Improvement Lifecycle to: identify and prioritize enterprise segments and opportunities to improve mission performance, linked to agency goals and objectives; plan a course of action to close performance gaps, using common or shared information assets and information technology assets; allocate agency resources supporting program management and project execution; measure and assess performance to verify and report results; and assess feedback on program performance to enhance architecture, investment and implementation decisions. Opportunities to improve mission performance are prioritized in terms of their relative value to the agencys strategic goals and objectives in the enterprise transition plan (ETP) and segment architecture. Prioritization underscores the importance of considering cost savings and cost avoidance commitments and delivery in this step, as well as year-over-year cost and schedule performance of IT investments. In particular, agencies should utilize feedback from performance measurement mechanisms to evaluate and adjust their prioritization of enterprise segments.

Enterprise architecture describes the current (baseline) and future (target) states of the agency, and the plan to transition from the current to the future state, with a focus on agency strategy, program performance improvements and information technology investments. Agency EAs are organized by segments core mission areas (e.g., homeland security, health), business service (e.g., financial management, human resources), and enterprise services (e.g., Information Sharing). Segments are defined using the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) reference models, described in subsequent chapters.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

The purpose of the target enterprise architecture is to develop a set of blueprints, using the FEA reference models, that when implemented can effectively achieve the strategic goals of an agency or agencies, The enterprise transition plan (ETP) identifies a desired set of business and IT capabilities, and highlights the performance milestones that need to be met along the path to achieving the target enterprise architecture. It also defines logical dependencies between major activities (i.e. program/project, investment) and helps to define the relative priority and sequencing of those activities. This can be represented at the enterprise level or across segments within the EA. Agencies should prioritize segments within the EA using performance improvement opportunities captured in the enterprise-wide performance architecture. The prioritization process should also consider further opportunities to increase costeffectiveness in service delivery, to enhance IT portfolio quality, or to improve the quality, validity, and timeliness of mission performance and cost accounting metrics. To achieve the target performance improvements, the agency EA should fully integrate with the capital planning and investment control (CPIC) step, as well as the agency system (solution) development life cycle (SDLC). OMB Circular A-130 states: Agencies must establish and maintain a capital planning and investment control process that links mission needs, information, and information technology in an effective and efficient manner. The process will guide both strategic and operational IRM, IT planning, and the enterprise architecture by integrating the agency's IRM plans, strategic and performance plans, financial management plans and the agency's budget formulation and execution processes The FEA Practice Guidance4, provides more information on techniques and best practices for EA Practice Integration.

Performance improvement opportunities identified during the Architect process are ideally addressed through an agency portfolio of IT investments5. This step defines the implementation and funding strategy for individual initiatives identified in the Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP) and described in the segment architectures. Program management plans are created to implement the individual solutions identified in the implementation and funding strategy. Agency investment proposals captured in the agencys Exhibit 53 and portfolio of Exhibit 300s need to be aligned with the agency EA. To show alignment with the agency EA and transition plan, the Exhibit 300s and Exhibit 53 line items for each investment are mapped to the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Reference Models and agency-defined segment architectures. This creates a linkage from agency strategy to EA to segment architecture to IT investment, thus ensuring resources are utilized to support the strategic objectives of the organization. It is recognized that, more often than not, funding is provided by Congress in advance of program design or the development of an architecture.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

During this step of the Performance Improvement Lifecycle, agencies should carefully evaluate and adjust their prioritization to ensure investments are aligned, via highpriority segments, to agency strategic goals and objectives. Further, the prioritization should be refined to reflect additional opportunities for cost savings and avoidance, as well as other approaches to improve agency performance. Agencies should also incorporate high priority national objectives identified as part of the FTF within its EA and investment portfolio. The FEA Practice Guidance provides more information on techniques and best practices to align agency enterprise architecture and investments.

Projects are executed and tracked throughout the system development life cycle (SDLC). Achievement of the program / project plan within acceptable variance for schedule and budget is measured and reported through Earned Value Management (EVM) process. Performance is measured to determine how well the implemented solutions achieve the desired (process) outputs and mission outcomes, and provide feedback into the enterprise and segment architecture development processes as well as the cyclical strategic planning process.


Information and information technology, as critical enablers of program performance improvements, must be assessed and evaluated in the context of agency missions and outcome-oriented results defined in the enterprise-wide performance architecture. Performance improvement plans and priorities, including those previously gathered under the PART and Performance Assessment Report (PAR) programs, should be reflected in the agency EA, particularly the performance architecture and ETP. Performance metrics previously gathered under the PART Program are used to evaluate agency program performance and results in agency performance improvement plans, identifying a programs strengths and weaknesses and addressing ways to improve the program performance. PAR metrics and measures provide specific information on agency mission performance, and often monitor and regulate agency strategy. The FEA Practice Guidance6 provides more information on techniques and best practices to align the agency ETP and performance measures and outcomes. For segment architecture development, the EA Segment Reporting v1.2 guidance provides an explanation of using performance data from the PAR, PART, and Exhibit 300s to inform segment level performance measures and metrics. Invariably, transformation at the enterprise level, cannot occur without the measured performance improvements and outcomes demonstrated within each of the segments.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1



OMB collects a significant amount of IT investment data and other related data from executive agencies during each phase of Performance Improvement Lifecycle. OMB officials use this information to guide the development of an efficient and effective IT investment portfolio as a part of the Presidents budget request to Congress. Within OMB, the Office of E-Government and Information Technology considers a variety of different data sources and inputs in the analysis of proposed IT investments. These data sources include but are not limited to: Agency EA submissions, plans, and milestones Agency-submitted IT investment portfolio (Exhibit 53) Investment business cases (Exhibit 300) Prior year agency IT budget Reports from the General Accounting Office and Inspector General Program oversight data including earned-value management and other reports Agency management commitments and results

This data helps OMB decision-makers select IT initiatives and investments that promise to deliver the highest value and performance impact for the Federal Government within a constrained budgetary environment. In order to make informed decisions, OMB is dependent upon agencies to provide high-quality data submissions. EAAF Version 3.1 outlines expectations for high quality submissions through transparency on KPIs and associated algorithms and heuristics. Appendix B describes OMBs strategy for using the KPIs defined within the EAAF Version 3.1 to enforce high standards of data quality for agency EA and IT investment portfolio submissions.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

3 Federal Enterprise Architecture Overview

The Federal Enterprise Architecture is a business-based framework used by Federal Chief Information Officers (CIOs) to develop IT investment portfolios aligned to their agencys business functions and processes and cross-agency needs. The Federal Enterprise Architecture provides several discrete artifacts including: The FEA Reference Models; The Federal Transition Framework (FTF)7; and An Assessment Instrument (OMB EA Assessment Framework). OMB Circular A-118 sections 53 and 300 require Federal agencies to align their IT investments to the FEA Reference Models and segment architecture. EAAF Version 3.1 is designed to assess agency responses to this policy and gauge the extent agencies are using their EA and ETP to implement cross-agency initiatives and achieve measurable performance improvements.



The FEA Reference models include the Performance Reference Model (PRM); the Business Reference Model (BRM); the Service Component Reference Model (SRM); the Data Reference Model (DRM); and the Technical Reference Model (TRM). Together, these models comprise the FEA Consolidated Reference Model (CRM) as illustrated in Figure 3-1.
Performance Reference Model (PRM)
Inputs, outputs, and outcomes Uniquely tailored performance indicators

Component-Based Architecture Component-Based Architecture

Business-Driven Approach
7 8

Business Reference Model (BRM)

Lines of Business Agencies, customers, partners

Service Component Reference Model (SRM)

Service domains, service types Business and service components

Data Reference Model (DRM)

Business-focused data standardization Cross-agency information exchanges

Technical Reference Model (TRM)

Service component interfaces, interoperability Technologies, recommendations

Figure 3-1: FEA Reference Models

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

The Performance Reference Model (PRM) provides a framework to use EA to measure the success of IT investments and their corresponding impact on strategic outcomes. This model links internal business components to the achievement of business and customer-centric outputs. The Business Reference Model (BRM) provides a comprehensive blueprint of the federal government around common business models. By focusing on common business models spanning multiple agencies, it promotes agency collaboration and facilitates the alignment of business functions with common FEA solutions and E-Gov strategies. The Service Component Reference Model (SRM) classifies service components according to their support for business and performance objectives. This model improves efficiency by exposing opportunities for the reuse of business components and services to support business functions across the Federal Government. The Data Reference Model (DRM) enables information sharing and reuse across the Federal Government through the standard description and discovery of common data and the promotion of uniform data management practices. This model provides guidance on the implementation of consistent processes to enable data sharing through Federal Government-wide agreements. The Technical Reference Model (TRM) categorizes standards and technologies to enable the delivery of service components and capabilities. This model provides a foundation to advance reuse and technology standardization from a government-wide perspective. It allows agencies to realize economies of scale by identifying and reusing the best solutions and technologies to support their mission and business functions.



Enterprise segments are subsets of the overall agency enterprise architecture, describing core mission areas (e.g., homeland security, health), business services (e.g. financial management), or cross-cutting enterprise services (e.g. Information Sharing). Core mission and business service segments are aligned with the FEA BRM and enterprise service segments are aligned with the SRM. Agency Enterprise Architects define enterprise segments as a component of their EA planning activities. Segments are classified as one of the three fundamental segment types (core business, business service, enterprise service). In turn, investments supporting a given segment reflect the target segment architecture and are aligned with the agency enterprise architecture. Agencies should use their strategic goals and objectives, EA and ETP as the basis for identifying and prioritizing enterprise segments. The process to identify and prioritize enterprise segments should reflect the following key characteristics: Use performance gaps, identified by the agencys strategic plan, IG or GAO reports, and/or performance improvement assessments, as the driver for segment identification and prioritization;

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

Identify new requirements and opportunities within the agency strategic plan and use these new requirements to expand existing segments or develop new segments; Integrate cross-agency initiatives using the FTF described below; and Measure the value of and results from enterprise architecture to stakeholders.

Cross-agency teams, chartered by the Federal CIO Council, are working with OMB to develop step-by-step step guidance documents serving as a road map for architects developing segment architecture.



The Federal Transition Framework (FTF)9 provides agencies with information on how to align their enterprise architecture and segment architecture to various policy-driven cross-agency information technology (IT) initiatives using a simple and familiar structure. The FTF contains a catalog of cross-agency initiatives in a format easily incorporated and is comprised of sections corresponding to specific cross-agency initiatives. Each initiative is described using a standard structure including layers corresponding to the five FEA reference models. Agencies should use their Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP) and segment architectures to align and integrate appropriate cross-agency initiatives from the FTF with their enterprise architecture10. Relevant cross-agency initiatives are reflected in agency IT investment portfolios (Exhibit 53) and business cases (Exhibit 300s). Segment architectures provide the integration point between cross-agency initiatives, performance improvement goals, and agency improvement commitments, as illustrated below in Figure 3-2. The FEA Practice Guidance and Federal Segment Architecture Methodology (FSAM) provide additional information on segment architecture and the ETP. The burden of proof lies with the agency whenever that agency includes architectural segments that are identical OR similar to initiatives that are included in the FTF. For example: Since there is a governmentwide financial management initiative identified in the FTF, any agency that proposes a new financial management effort that does not reuse, share, or comport with the FTF initiative must provide written justification on why that agencys requirements are so divergent from the FTF financial management initiative as to warrant separate development and funding. For the most part, if a service component exists within the FTF, agencies are required to consider reuse or share services, and replicate the architectural segment from the FTF, including the Lines of Business.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

Enterprise Transition Plan

Project Project Project Project Project 1 2 3 4 5

Major IT Investments
Line of Business Segment Architecture

Exhibit 53
(All IT Investments)

Program A
Baseline Segment Architecture

Target EA with Segments

Current EA Baseline

Exhibit 300 Exhibit 300

53 Line Item 53 Line Item 53 Line Item 53 Line Item 53 Line Item 53 Line Item 53 Line Item

Program B
Project Project Project Project 6 7 8 9

Baseline Segment Architecture

Project Project Project Project

6 7 8 9

Baseline Segment Architecture

Project Project Project Project

10 11 12 13

Performance Improvement Summary

Interim Target 1

Interim Target 2

Interim Target 3

Program and Project Milestones:

Performance Improvement Cost Savings / Cost Avoidance
Cross-Agency Initiatives (FTF)

Figure 3-2: Enterprise Alignment and Integration

As part of the architectural planning process, architects in conjunction with segment and investment owners should evaluate opportunities to incorporate FTF initiatives to deliver measurable performance benefits. Benefits should be quantified in terms of component reuse, improved collaboration, information sharing, cost savings, cost avoidance, and mission performance improvements. In the event an FTF initiative cannot be integrated with the agency enterprise architecture, architects should provide feedback to the FTF initiatives Managing Partner and OMB on the aspects of initiatives not satisfying agency requirements. This guidance will allow initiative owners and managing partners to effectively reengineer the scope of FTF initiatives to bridge these gaps and thereby expand the potential audience and cross-applicability for the initiative.

Segment Architecture

Program D

Segment Architecture

Program C

Exhibit 300

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

4 Framework Structure
EAAF Version 3.1 moves to a template-based submission process one for each agency defined segment architecture, identifying enterprise segments and aspects of the target enterprise architecture.


The template-based submission process is designed to facilitate ease of submitting agency EA data and improving the assessment, review, and feedback of agency EA, IT investments, and performance improvements. Agency artifacts will be posted on the MAX collaboration sites. The MAX environment is intended to promote information sharing and transparency among agencies, particularly those with shared mission areas, business services, or enterprise services. MAX allows agencies to work together to identify, diffuse, and adopt best practices, and improve the quality and use of agency EAs throughout the year. The framework continues to reflect Architecture Principles for the US Government located at www.cio.gov11, and provides support for OMBs focus on cost-effective agency mission performance.


The framework uses assessment criteria to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of agency enterprise architecture programs. Each criterion consists of five performance levels, scored from 1-5. Related assessment criteria are grouped into three capability areas: Completion, Use and Results. A summary outline of each of the three capability areas is provided below. Completion addresses the following key performance indicators: Target Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Transition Plan Measures the degree to which the target EA is positioned to serve as the agencys blueprint that describes its future state from a performance, business, service, data, and technology standpoint. It measures the inclusion of performance goals and transition milestones within agency segments and the broader EA. The target enterprise architecture will be the comprehensive set of agency segment architectures, as well as enterprise/cross-cutting services identified in the enterprise transition plan. Also, the target EA determines how effectively and efficiently the transition plan drives reuse of shared services within and across agencies. Architectural Prioritization Measures the degree to which an agency has in place the requisite processes and mechanisms in place to prioritize its segments.


The complete URL is

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

Scope of Completion Measures the percentage of the agency enterprise IT portfolio funding amount covered by performance improvements and completed segment architectures. Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) - Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) milestones must be incorporated into the agencys IT infrastructure segment architecture and related IT investment portfolio. The agency must have concrete plans to deploy IPv6 enabled mission services and applications in its environment.

Use addresses the following key performance indicators: Performance Improvement Integration Measures how effectively the agency has aligned its performance improvement plans with its enterprise transition plan. Major investments in the agency IT portfolio must be represented in the enterprise transition plan and align with a performance improvement program and approved/submitted segment architectures. CPIC integration Measures the alignment between the enterprise transition plan and the agency Exhibit 53 and portfolio of Exhibit 300s. FEA Reference Model and Exhibit 53 Part Mapping Measures the completeness and accuracy of the primary FEA reference model mapping and Exhibit 53 Part (1-6) specification of the IT investments in the agency IT portfolio. Collaboration and Reuse Measures agency progress in migrating their target applications and shared services portfolio, and creating a services environment within the agency. EA Governance, Program Management, Change Management and Deployment Measures the degree to which the agency governs and manages the implementation and use of EA policies and processes.

Results address the following key performance indicators: Mission Performance Measures the extent to which agencies are using EA to drive program performance improvement. Agencies must show measurable improvements in program improvement scores of supported programs. Cost Savings and Cost Avoidance - Measures the extent to which agencies are using EA and IT to control costs. OMB will review earned value management reports to assess the effectiveness of agencies in controlling costs. In addition, OMB will analyze steady state spending, which ~ all things being equal ~ should go down over time as legacy systems are consolidated and retired. Measuring EA Program Value Measures the direct benefits of EA value to agency decision-makers. EA value measurement tracks architecture development and use, and monitors the impact of EA products and services on IT and business investment decisions, collaboration and reuse, standards compliance, stakeholder satisfaction, and other measurement areas and indicators.

Examples of representative artifacts are included to assist agencies in demonstrating their maturity for each assessment criterion. It is important to note, the description of the artifacts is not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive. Moreover, agencies may

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

decide to develop additional artifacts or elaborate upon them further than described here. Appendix A provides a description of the artifacts in more detail. Additionally, for each assessment criterion, a rationale and a mandate are provided. The rationale explains why OMB considers it important to collect information about each criterion and the mandate links the assessment criterion to law and/or policy, as applicable. The FEA Practice Guidance provides more information on techniques and best practices for EA Practice Integration. All documents listed as mandates are available for download from the OMB E-Government website on the following pages: Legislation: OMB Memoranda: Federal Enterprise Architecture: Federal Transition Framework: IT Spending Dashboard: Federal Segment Architecture Methodology (FSAM): EA Segment Report:

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

5 Agency EA Assessment Submission and Scoring Process

The EA assessment submission process for EAAF Version 3.1 has been updated from a single annual submission and assessment to submissions throughout the year, as indicated below, for each of the capability areas: Completion, Use and Results. This change coincides with the quarterly EA Segment Reporting submission requirement. The change is intended to enable agencies to more effectively focus on using and demonstrating the results of using the EA at key stages in the annual planning, investment, and budget cycle. The submission and scoring process are discussed below. The list of agencies to be assessed using this Framework is included in Appendix C.


The Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework Version 3.1 features increasing integration among the EA assessment, capital planning and investment control, and project/program performance management processes. Accordingly, this level of integration is accompanied by changes in the EA reporting standards and reporting schedule. EAAF Version 3.1 will be phased in over the next two EA budget preparation cycles, with full implementation and accountability required for the budget year (BY) 2012 cycle (submissions starting in Q3 FY10). KPI levels are provided in the EAAF v3.1 criteria portion (Chapter 6) and interim KPI thresholds for the BY 2011 cycle are identified via footnotes in Chapter 6. The general schedule for the submission process is: Submission Completion Use Results Submission due to OMB Last business day of May Last business day of August Last business day of November

Figure 5-1: OMB EA Assessment Schedule

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

OMB will provide feedback following the review and assessment of each of the agency EA submissions. The following diagram depicts the timeline for the EA reporting activities over a fiscal year:
Q2 Jan EA Segment Reporting Agency EA Self Assessment and EA Submission Updates OMB Review and Assessment of Agency EA Snapshots OMB Feedback to Agency on EA Assessment Figure 5-2: Consolidated Segment Reporting and EA Assessment Schedule Feb Mar Apr Q3 May June July Q4 Aug Sep Oct Q1 Nov Dec






The updated assessment process provides for a comprehensive review of the state of an agencys enterprise architecture program. As such, the assessment process serves both as an internal diagnostic for agencies as well as an oversight mechanism for OMB to monitor agency program progress. Agencies will use the framework to perform a self-assessment and update their architectures throughout the year. OMB will assess agency architectures and provide a final assessment rating and feedback. OMB may request additional artifacts from the agency during the assessment process if further documents are needed to validate and confirm agency architecture maturity levels. The assessment focuses on three capability areas of EA: Completion of an enterprise architecture; Use of EA to drive improved decision-making; and Results achieved to improve the agencys program effectiveness. Agencies will receive an average assessment score in each capability area, calculated by summing the score for all criteria within the capability area and dividing by the number of criteria. Scores will be rounded to the nearest tenth. The results of the overall EA assessment will be provided to the agency.

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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

The following table describes how agency EAs will be assessed: Maturity Completion Average score equal to or greater than 4 in the Completion capability area Score equal to or greater than 3 in the Completion capability area Score less than 3 in the Completion capability area Use Average score equal to or greater than 4 in the Use capability area Score equal to or greater than 3 in the Use capability area Score less than 3 in the Use capability area Results Average score equal to or greater than 4 in the Results capability area Score equal to or greater than 3 in the Results capability area Score less than 3 in the Results capability area


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OMB EA Assessment Framework 3.1

6 Assessment Framework 3.1 Criteria

This section provides a description of the key performance indicators (KPIs) for EAAF Version 3.1. This includes a definition of each KPI, how the KPI is measured, the standards for achieving each level, and the specific artifacts and/or data sources used to measure the KPI. Unless otherwise noted, the scoring and the associated activities/artifacts for all KPIs are cumulative. For example, to achieve the next higher level for a given KPI, an agency must meet all requirements of previous levels in addition to the requirements of the level in question.


Description: This category measures the completion of an agencys EA artifacts in terms of performance, business, data, services, and technology. The agencys baseline and target architectures are well-defined, showing traceability through all architectural layers. Using its enterprise transition plan, the agency is able to achieve its desired target state. Outcomes: o Identifies specific reporting the agency needs to provide to OMB to support data-driven analysis and decision-making around EA and IT portfolio management. o Describes the future capabilities (via enterprise transition plan and target segment architectures) to enable the agency to achieve its performance goals. o Identifies the magnitude of the gap between the baseline and target architectures and possible improvement strategies to realize its target state. o Effectively integrates relevant cross-agency initiatives into the agencys target architecture and enterprise transition plan, including all applicable FTF initiatives. o Produces segment architectures describing agency lines of business to be used to assist agency managers in decision-making tasks. o Identifies duplication and opportunities for consolidation and reuse of information and technology within and across agencies. o Provides a framework and a functional view of an agencys lines of business (LoBs), including its internal operations/processes. Notes: o The Completion capability area assesses agency maturity in developing baseline and target architectures in terms of the five FEA reference models: performance, business, data, service component, and technology. However, this should not be construed as a requirement for agencies to restructure their EA frameworks into five corresponding layers or views. OMB does not require agencies to adopt one specific EA framework, unless specified in OMB budget guidance. In their submissions to OMB, agencies are simply

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required to demonstrate the availability of the content described in each assessment criterion within their EA. o Unless specifically authorized by OMB, agencies must consider and fully utilize relevant cross-agency initiatives, including shared services and documented completed segment architectures. Cross-agency initiatives are not limited to the Federal Transition Framework. Other opportunities include utilizing GWACs and BPAs for acquisition, where applicable. 6.1.1 Target Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Transition Plan Description: The target enterprise architecture (EA) is the agencys blueprint describing its desired future state from a performance, business, service, data and technology standpoint12. Cross-agency initiatives documented in the FTF catalog provide a model and resource for defining shared services. The target enterprise architecture will be comprised of a comprehensive set of agency segment architectures, as well as enterprise/cross-cutting services identified in the enterprise transition plan. The agency enterprise transition plan describes the agencys activities for migrating from its baseline architecture to its target architecture, and is culled from the segment architecture transition plans. Agencies should submit an enterprise transition plan, encompassing at a minimum all major IT investments (organized by segment, where applicable) and non-major investments requesting DME funding for the BY, with relevant action steps required to achieve performance goals and milestones across the segments and enterprise. Rationale: Agencies are required by OMB Circular A-130 to develop a target enterprise architecture. The target EA is an essential work product in enabling the comparison of the desired future state with the current IT portfolio and environment, identifying gaps, redundancies, and costs. This allows the agency to conduct efficient and effective transition planning and develop segment architectures and an IT investment portfolio aligned to the agency's statutory mission and strategic goals and objectives. The enterprise transition plan defines projects, programs, and timelines/milestones and is the foundation for modernization and transformation activities from the baseline to target architecture. Mandate: OMB A-11, section 300; GPRA; OMB Circular A-130 Activities: The agency must have a target enterprise architecture that is a consolidated representation of all agency segments. The agency must submit their segment architectures as EA Segment Reports. The agency must submit an enterprise transition plan. There is no indication of reuse. Artifacts: Target EA, Enterprise Transition Plan, EA Segment Report

Level 1 Practices

The FEA reference models (PRM, BRM, SRM, DRM, and TRM) are typically used as a "common language" to articulate target capabilities - although many agencies can and do customize these models to meet their evolving needs.


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Level 5 Practices

Activities: The target enterprise architecture must address all FTF cross-agency initiative areas within scope for the agency (i.e. comply with all statutory and policy requirements promulgated by the initiatives). EA Segment Report transition milestones13 demonstrate reuse, within the agency. EA Segment Report transition milestones are evident in the Enterprise Transition Plan Artifacts: Target EA, Enterprise Transition Plan, EA Segment Report, Exh. 53 Activities: EA Segment Report transition milestones14 demonstrate reuse and/or information sharing with appropriate initiatives within the FTF catalog. Plans exist to address to mature agency segment architectures. Artifacts: Target EA, Enterprise Transition Plan, EA Segment Report, Exh. 53 Activities: EA Segment Report transition milestones15 demonstrate reuse and/or information sharing with other government agencies. EA Segment Report transition milestones clearly demonstrate line-ofsight to Agency performance goals and commitments (as identified in the EA Segment Report v1.2 - Performance Section. The Agency has defined segment architecture for its major mission areas and cross-cutting services. Artifacts: Target EA, Enterprise Transition Plan, EA Segment Report, Exh. 53 Activities: All of the agencys segment architectures are in-progress or complete maturity stages. EA Segment Report transition milestones16 demonstrate reuse and/or information sharing among sub-units of the agency and/or other agencies. EA Segment Report transition milestones clearly demonstrate line-ofsight to Agency performance goals (as identified in the EA Segment Report v1.2 - Performance Section. Artifacts: Target EA, Enterprise Transition Plan, EA Segment Report, Exh. 53

13 14 15 16

EA Segment Report transition milestones are identified in the EASRv1.2 Segment Transition Planning Section Ibid Ibid Ibid

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6.1.2 Architectural Prioritization Description: The agency should prioritize the use of its architecture resources towards high priority needs (defined by statutory requirements, agency strategic plan, IRM strategic plan, etc). Agencies should have a structured process for determining high priority segments and demonstrate initiation of segment architecture development after final approval. The agencys prioritization process should consider input from OMB (via passback, assessment review, and periodic feedback) to minimize redundant segment architecture development of cross-agency initiatives and to maximize alignment with agency priorities. All segments will be submitted using the standard EA segment report template. Submission of a formal documented/approved segment prioritization process is recommended but not mandatory. Mandate: FTF Catalog, EA Segment Report Activities: The agency must have a process in place to prioritize and initiate the development of segment architectures. The prioritization process contains prioritization criteria including mission performance and cost efficiency opportunities. The agencys prioritization process must yield proposed high priority segments approved by the agency CIO. The agency registers its segment(s) with OMB. Artifacts: Segment architecture prioritization process, identified high priority segment approved by CIO, EA Segment Report Activities: The agencys prioritization process has matured and contains quantitative prioritization criteria including each segments financial spending data, existing performance plans, and performance assessments such as the Performance and Accountability Report. Artifacts: Segment architecture prioritization process, identified high priority segment approved by CIO, EA Segment Report Activities: The agencys prioritization process must include the identification of mission performance gaps tied to specific segments. The agency prioritization process should be factored into segment prioritization along with the performance and financial spending data available for segments. Additionally, the prioritization process should include consideration of IT security opportunities. The agency must show evidence of segment business owner(s) signoff. Artifacts: Segment architecture prioritization process, identified high priority

Level 1 Practices

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Level 4 Practices

Level 5 Practices

segment approved by CIO, EA Segment Report Activities: The agencys prioritization process must yield proposed high priority segments aligned with upstream mission performance improvement planning and approved by the agencys CIO. These high priority segments should also incorporate OMB input and be approved by the agencys Investment Review Board and respective business owner. The agency must demonstrate initiation of segment architecture activities within 3 months after approval. The prioritization process must include the identification and review of mission performance gaps, the prioritization of segments, and the understanding of how these priorities will impact the IT portfolio. The agency must show evidence of segment business owner(s) signoff. Artifacts: Segment architecture prioritization process, identified high priority segments approved by CIO and business owner(s), EA Segment Report. Activities: The agencys prioritization process must yield proposed high priority segments aligned with upstream cross-mission performance improvement planning and approved by the head of the agency (or designated chief management officer. The agency must show evidence of segment business owner(s) signoff for all submitted segments. Artifacts: Segment architecture prioritization process, identified high priority segments approved by head of the agency, CIO and business owner(s), EA Segment Report.

6.1.3 Scope of Completion Description: This KPI is measured by the percentage of the agency enterprise IT portfolio funding amount covered by a completed segment architecture. Agency EA programs should leverage bureau-level EA efforts in the development and completion of segments in accordance with agency-level standards and governance, as well as integration of shared cross-agency segments. This KPI also measures the degree of usage of FTF initiatives in the development of segment architectures. Finally, this KPI addresses the accuracy and consistency of segment architecture codes reported on the agency Exhibit 53 portion Note for future submission cycles: A portion of designated segment codes will be required to be consistent with segment architecture definitions and scope agreed upon with OMB and with primary FEA Reference Model mapping, where applicable. Mandate: FTF Catalog; OMB Circular A-11 section 53

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Level 4 Practices

Activities: All agency IT investments must have one and only one associated segment architecture identified on the agency Exhibit 53 expect for limited instances.17 These segment architectures should come from the list of agency segment architectures provided by the agency to OMB. These segments do not have to be fully built out. Artifacts: Exhibit 53, EA Segment Report, and agency provided segment architecture codes Activities: All of the Agencys Major IT Investments, and non-majors with DME spend must be associated with a segment architecture. At least 70%18 of agency Exhibit 53 DME spending must be represented in In-progress or Completed segment architecture, and represented on the Enterprise Transition Plan. At least 10%19 of the DME funding amount of the entire agency Exhibit 53 must be aligned to completed segment architecture(s). The agency provides a full accounting of the usage status and rationale for non-use of Federal Transition Framework initiatives for all segments. Artifacts: EA Segment Report and Exhibit 53 Activities: At least 80%20 of agency Exhibit 53 DME spending must be represented in In-progress or Completed segment architecture, and represented on the Enterprise Transition Plan. At least 40%21 of the DME funding amount of the entire agency Exhibit 53 must be aligned to completed segment architecture(s). The agency can demonstrate the planned usage of at least one Federal Transition Framework initiative within a segment reported to OMB. Artifacts: EA Segment Report and Exhibit 53 Activities: At least 90%22 of full agency IT Portfolio (Exhibit 53) spending must be represented in In-progress or Completed segment architecture, and represented on the Enterprise Transition Plan.

The exception to the one and only one rule is for investments such as an ERP system which the investment is the key data system for multiple segments, as stated in the EA Segment Report v1.2. This should not be used where an investment provides a service that is utilized or consumed by multiple business areas. 18 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q3 FY09), the level 2 KPI is 50%. 19 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q3 FY09), the level 2 KPI is 5%. 20 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q3 FY09), the level 3 KPI is 60%. 21 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q3 FY09), the level 3 KPI is 20%.


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Level 5 Practices

At least 70%23 of the DME funding amount of the entire agency Exhibit 53 must be aligned to completed segment architecture(s). The agency can demonstrate the complete usage of at least one Federal Transition Framework initiative within a segment reported to OMB. Artifacts: EA Segment Report and Exhibit 53 Activities: 100%24 of agency Exhibit 53 IT Portfolio funding must be represented in In-progress or Completed segment architecture, and represented on the Enterprise Transition Plan. At least 90%25 of the DME funding amount of the entire agency Exhibit 53 must be aligned to completed segment architecture(s). The agency can demonstrate the complete usage of at least one Federal Transition Framework initiative within more than one segment reported to OMB. Artifacts: EA Segment Report and Exhibit 53

6.1.4 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Description: The agencys EA (including enterprise transition plan) must incorporate Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) into the agencys IT infrastructure segment architecture and IT investment portfolio. Mandate: OMB Memorandum M-05-22 Activities: The agency has performed a cost and risk impact analysis for migrating to IPv6. Agency has also completed a second inventory of IP-aware devices. Artifacts: IPv6 impact analysis document using guidance in Attachment B of OMB M-05-22; second IP-aware device inventory (Attachment A) Activities: The agency has met all of its IPv6 transition milestones, and is on schedule to complete transition per OMB M-05-22. Artifacts: IPv6 transition milestones (included in the enterprise transition plan) through completion date showing projected and actual completion dates, evidence of milestone completion (agency should determine the artifact(s) constituting evidence of completion for each milestone), documentation of successful execution of deployment test criteria

Level 1 Practices

Level 2 Practices

22 23

For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q3 FY09), the level 4 KPI is 70%. For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q3 FY09), the level 4 KPI is 50%. 24 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q3 FY09), the level 5 KPI is 80%. 25 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q3 FY09), the level 5 KPI is 70%.

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Level 5 Practices

(once transition is complete) Activities: The agency has incorporated IPv6 modernization activities into its IT infrastructure segment architecture. Artifacts: IT infrastructure segment architecture Activities: The agency has made concrete plans (e.g., stood up an IT investment with an Exhibit 300 business case, etc.) to deploy IPv6 enabled network services in its environment. Artifacts: IT infrastructure segment architecture, Exhibit 53, Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency has made concrete plans (e.g., stood up an IT investment with an Exhibit 300 business case, etc.) to deploy IPv6 enabled mission services and applications in its environment. Artifacts: IT infrastructure segment architecture, Exhibit 53, Exhibit 300s

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Description: The agency has established the necessary management practices, processes, and policies needed for developing, maintaining and overseeing EA, and demonstrating the importance of EA awareness and the value of employing EA practices within the agency. The agency uses its EA to inform strategic planning, information resources management, IT management, and capital planning and investment control processes. Outcomes: o Establishes strategic objectives and programs the agency needs to meet citizens needs. o Demonstrates the relationship between EA, strategic planning, and capital planning processes. o Provides the ability to make better management decisions, and as necessary, the ability to assess and re-assess the path forward.

6.2.1 Performance Improvement Integration Description: This KPI measures how effectively the agency has aligned its performance improvement plans and its enterprise transition plan, in terms of process and outcomes. Mandate: OMB A-11, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300; OMB Circular A-130 Activities: At least one major IT investment in the agency portfolio should be aligned to a program that undergoes periodic performance improvement evaluations. This specific IT investment must have an Exhibit 300 business case and must be on the agency's enterprise transition plan. Alignment is measured using IT investment/program alignment information reported in the Exhibit 300, Part I, Section A, question 14b. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, Exhibit 300s, program improvement assessment data26 Activities: The agency must demonstrate alignment between approved/submitted segment architectures and at least one program that undergoes periodic performance improvement evaluations per segment. Alignment is measured through IT investment/program alignment information reported in the Exhibit 300, Part I, Section A, question 14b, compared to segment alignment reported in the agency Exhibit

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This report is collected as part of the PART process. OMB will correlate the PART program data with the EA data and the IT portfolio data

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Level 5 Practices

53 or via equivalent agency processes for business services such as IT Infrastructure or Financial Management. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, EA Segment Report, Exhibit 300s, program improvement assessment data Activities: At least 70%27 of agency DME spending must be aligned to IT investments to remediate program performance gaps. At least 50% of major investments in the agency IT portfolio must be aligned to a program that undergoes periodic performance improvement evaluations. Alignment is measured through IT investment/program alignment information reported in the Exhibit 300, Part I, Section A, question 14b, compared to segment alignment reported in the agency Exhibit 53 or via equivalent agency processes for business services such as IT Infrastructure or Financial Management. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, EA Segment Report, Exhibit 300s, program improvement assessment data Activities: At least 80%28 of agency DME spending must be aligned to IT investments to remediate program performance gaps. At least 60% of major investments in the agency IT portfolio must be aligned to a program that undergoes periodic performance improvement evaluations. Alignment is measured through IT investment/program alignment information reported in the Exhibit 300, Part I, Section A, question 14b, compared to segment alignment reported in the agency Exhibit 53 or via equivalent agency processes for business services such as IT Infrastructure or Financial Management. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, EA Segment Report, Exhibit 300s, program improvement assessment data Activities: At least 90%29 of agency DME spending must be aligned to IT investments to remediate program performance gaps. At least 70% of major investments in the agency IT portfolio must be aligned to a program that undergoes periodic performance improvement evaluations. Alignment is measured through IT investment/program alignment information reported in the Exhibit 300, Part I, Section A, question 14b, compared to segment alignment reported in the agency Exhibit

27 28

For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 3 KPI is 50%. For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 4 KPI is 60%. 29 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 5 KPI is 70%.

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53 or via equivalent agency processes for business services such as IT Infrastructure or Financial Management. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, Exhibit 300s, EA Segment Report program improvement assessment data 6.2.2 CPIC Integration Description: This measures the alignment between the enterprise transition plan and the agency Exhibit 53 and portfolio of Exhibit 300s. It also measures the accuracy of agency classification of IT investments by investment type on the agency Exhibit 53. Rationale: Investment decisions should be made to achieve a more efficient and effective target state. Mandate: OMB A-11, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300 Activities: All major IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 must be represented on the agency enterprise transition plan. At least 40% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate investment type of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s30 Activities: All major IT investments and at least 50%31 (in dollars) of non-major investments in the agency Exhibit 53 must be represented on the agency enterprise transition plan. At least 50% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate investment type of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s Activities: All major IT investments and at least 50%32 (in dollars) of non-major investments with DME spending in the agency Exhibit 53 must be represented on the agency enterprise transition plan. There must be at least 50%33 agreement between milestones in the enterprise transition plan and milestones reported in Part II, Section C of the Exhibit 300 business cases for major IT investments. At least 70% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have

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This data is collected as part of the OMB Circular A-11 process. OMB will correlate the EA data with the IT portfolio data 31 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 2 KPI is 30%. 32 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 3 KPI is 30%. 33 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 3 KPI is 30%.

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been mapped to the most appropriate investment type of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s Activities: All major IT investments, all non-major investments with DME spending, and at least 50%34 (in dollars) of the remaining non-major investments in the agency Exhibit 53 must be represented on the agency transition plan. There must be at least 90%35 agreement between milestones in the enterprise transition plan and milestones reported in Part II, Section C of the Exhibit 300 business cases for major IT investments. At least 75% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate investment type of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s Activities: All major and non-major IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 must be represented on the agency enterprise transition plan. There must be at least 90%36 agreement between mission performance gaps and remediation reported in the enterprise transition plan and performance information reported in Part I, Section D of the Exhibit 300 business cases for major IT investments. At least 80% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate investment type of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: Enterprise Transition Plan, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s

6.2.3 FEA Reference Model and Exhibit 53 Data Quality Description: This KPI measures the completeness and accuracy of the primary FEA reference model mapping of the IT investments in the agency IT portfolio. This KPI also measures the completeness and accuracy of the part specification of the IT investments in the agency IT portfolio. Rationale: The agency is required to designate a primary FEA reference model mapping for each IT investment in the agency Exhibit 53. This mapping allows OMB to identify opportunities for cross-agency collaboration and reuse. Inaccurate mappings inhibit the ability of OMB to perform quality analysis. The agency is also required to designate which of the six parts of the Exhibit 53 an IT investment belongs to. IT investments should be placed in the most appropriate part using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53.

34 35

For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 4 KPI is 30%. For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 4 KPI is 70%. 36 For the FY11 submission cycle (due Q4 FY09), the level 5 KPI is 70%.

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Mandate: OMB Circular A-11, section 53 Activities: The agency must map 100% of the IT investments in its IT portfolio to a BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 75% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate part of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifact: Exhibit 53 Activities: The agency must map 100% of the IT investment in its IT portfolio to a BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 60% of the IT investments must be accurately mapped given the title and description of the IT investment and the description of the mapped BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 80% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate part of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifact: Exhibit 53 Activities: The agency must map 100% of the IT investment in its IT portfolio to a BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 70% of the IT investments must be accurately mapped given the title and description of the IT investment and the description of the mapped BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 85% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate part of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifact: Exhibit 53 Activities: The agency must map 100% of the IT investment in its IT portfolio to a BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 80% of the IT investments must be accurately mapped given the title and description of the IT investment and the description of the mapped BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 90% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate part of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifact: Exhibit 53 Activities: The agency must map 100% of the IT investment in its IT portfolio to

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a BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 90% of the IT investments must be accurately mapped given the title and description of the IT investment and the description of the mapped BRM sub-function or SRM service component. At least 95% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to the most appropriate part of the Exhibit 53 using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifact: Exhibit 53 6.2.4 Collaboration and Reuse Description: This measures agency progress in migrating to their target applications and shared services portfolio, and creating a services environment within the agency. Measures agency progress in sharing information, with a focus on (re)use. Measures agency results with SmartBUY and similar arrangements in consolidating requirements in the procurement process. Measures agency progress in creating a services environment in order to either produce or consume common data, infrastructure and component services. This KPI also measures the accuracy of investment category mappings reported in the agency Exhibit 53, as well as the accuracy and consistency of SRM service component and TRM service mappings in the agency Exhibit 300s. Rationale: Effective enterprise architectures should identify opportunities for sharing, reuse, consolidation and standardization resulting in improved financial and mission performance for the agency. Higher levels of IT spending are justified when an agency is achieving superior levels of mission performance through these practices. Mandate: OMB Circular A-130 Activities: The agency must show evidence of implementation of required interoperability standards documented in the FTF catalog for cross agency initiatives. This evidence comes in the form of specifications in the TRM table in Part I, Section F of the Exhibit 300s for IT investments within scope of the various cross-agency initiatives. At least 80% of investments reported in agency Exhibit 300s include valid UPI codes for reused SRM service components and report accurate SRM service component funding percentages. At least 80% of SRM service components identified in Table 4 of the agency Exhibit 300s are mapped to an appropriate TRM service standard and include detailed and accurate service specifications. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency must show evidence of compliance with E-Gov initiatives

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Level 5 Practices

and associated OMB budget pass back through avoidance of DME funding for legacy systems except to migrate to shared solutions. At least 85% of investments reported in agency Exhibit 300s include valid UPI codes for reused SRM service components and report accurate SRM service component funding percentages. At least 85% of SRM service components identified in Table 4 of the agency Exhibit 300s are mapped to an appropriate TRM service standard and include detailed and accurate service specifications. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency must show, for at least one of the approved/submitted segment architectures, the reuse of SRM service components, infrastructure, information, or other services within scope of the segment architecture or an increase in overall service sharing at least within the segment. At least 90% of investments reported in agency Exhibit 300s include valid UPI codes for reused SRM service components and report accurate SRM service component funding percentages. At least 90% of SRM service components identified in Table 4 of the agency Exhibit 300s are mapped to an appropriate TRM service standard and include detailed and accurate service specifications. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency must show the reuse of SRM service components, infrastructure, information, or other services across the agency architecture or an increase in overall service sharing at least within the agency. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency must show the reuse of SRM service components, infrastructure, information, or other services or an increase in overall service sharing with other agencies. In addition, the agency exhibit 300s must show use of consolidated buying power through reuse of procurement/contract vehicles for acquiring required services. This data is obtained from Part I, Section C of the exhibit 300s. All investments reported in agency Exhibit 300s include valid UPI codes for reused SRM service components and report accurate SRM service component funding percentages. All SRM service components identified in Table 4 of the agency Exhibit 300s are mapped to an appropriate TRM service standard and include detailed and accurate service specifications.

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Artifacts: EA Segment Report, Exhibit 53, and Exhibit 300s 6.2.5 EA Governance, Program Management, Change Management, and Deployment Description: The agency must govern and manage the implementation and use of EA policies and processes. This includes the appointment of a chief architect (CA), allocation of resources and the sponsorship of EA at the executive level. The agencys EA program management office governs the development, implementation and maintenance of the EA. The agency should have the ability to effectively manage changes to EA artifacts, including documents and any EA repositories. The agency should have the ability to deploy EA content out to their user community, including the deployment of a repository, communications, and training. The agencies should provide the required artifacts listed in each of the levels or justification for not providing the artifacts. Rationale: Effective governance and program management assures agency compliance with EA processes and procedures and facilitates executive support. Change and configuration management is essential to ensure EA work products and processes remain current since EA serves as a tool for strategic planning and IT investing. EA products and processes must be clearly understood by, and available to, business stakeholders and IT stakeholders. Mandate: OMB A-11, section 300, OMB Circular A-130 Activities: Agency has developed a vision and strategy for EA. The agency has begun to identify EA tasks, and resource requirements. Agency has appointed a chief architect, has seniorlevel sponsorship of its EA program, and has funded an EA program. The agency has developed an EA policy to ensure agency-wide commitment to EA. Policy clearly assigns responsibility to develop, implement and maintain the EA. Artifacts: EA Program Plan, EA Policy Activities: Agency has established an EA governance committee or other group for directing, overseeing, or approving EA activities. Internal and external stakeholders are identified based on their involvement in EA related activities and needed information. The agency has selected an EA framework. The agency has deployed an EA tool/repository to manage EA artifacts and models. The tool/repository supports the agency's EA framework. Useable EA content from the tool/repository is communicated

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Level 4 Practices

through various means and available to EA users. EA changes and updates from components/bureaus are reflected in the department EA repository. Artifacts: EA Governance Committee Charter, EA Change management Plan Activities: The EA governance committee or another group meets regularly and makes decisions related to directing, overseeing, and approving EA activities within the agency. The committee follows a formal process for holding, conducting and recording meetings. The agency has established an EA baseline serving as the basis for further development. The EA baseline and other EA artifacts are updated, versioned and archived using change control procedures. Useable EA content from the tool/repository is communicated through various means and available to EA users and the agency's CIO community and users are informed of changes, as necessary. EA changes and updates from components/bureaus are reflected in the department EA repository. Artifacts: EA Governance Plan, EA governance committee meeting minutes, EA change management reports Activities: The EA governance committee manages and monitors the agencys EA using the enterprise transition plan and IT investment project plans. The EA governance committee identifies issues with achieving the target architecture and develops plans to address them. The agencys CIO has approved the EA governance plan in writing. The agency's architecture is communicated to users throughout the agency (outside of CIO/IT community). The agency can demonstrate comprehensive awareness and understanding of EA concepts and processes throughout the agency (e.g., through training / communications / outreach programs, etc.). Useable EA content from the tool/repository is communicated through various means and available to EA users throughout the agency (including business users) and users are informed of changes, as necessary. EA changes and updates from components/bureaus are reflected in the department EA repository. Artifacts: EA Governance Plan, EA Governance committee meeting minutes, governance plan approval, EA communications plan and training plan and materials

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Level 5 Practices

Activities: The EA governance committee ensures EA compliance throughout the agency. If non-compliance is identified, the committee is responsible for developing a plan to resolve the issue. Alignment to the EA standards is a common practice throughout the agency. The compliance process is reviewed and updated when deficiencies or enhancements to the process are identified. The agencys head, or a designated operations executive has approved the EA governance plan in writing. The EA repository and its interfaces are used by participants or support staff for the CPIC, SDLC, and strategic planning processes. Current EA information is readily available to participants in these processes, as well as the broader agency user community. Users are informed of changes, as necessary. Artifacts: EA Governance Pan, EA governance committee meeting minutes, governance plan approval, EA communications plan and training plan and materials

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Description: The agency is measuring the effectiveness and value of its EA activities by assigning performance measurements to its EA and related processes, and reporting on actual results from the enterprise to demonstrate EA success. Outcomes: o Demonstrates the relationship of IT investments to the agency's ability to achieve mission and program performance objectives. o Captures how well the agency or specific processes within an agency are serving citizens. o Identifies the relationships between agency inputs and outcomes. o Demonstrates agency progress towards goals, closing performance gaps, and achieving critical results.

6.3.1 Mission Performance Description: This KPI measures the extent agencies are using EA and IT to drive program performance improvements. Mandate: OMB Circular A-130 Activities: The agency is not able to demonstrate EA activities have resulted in program performance improvements. Specifically, the average major IT investment in the agencys portfolio is either a) not aligned to a mission program, or b) is supporting mission programs not demonstrating results. Artifacts: Mission program performance data, Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency IT investment portfolio shows strong alignment to mission programs, but the supported mission programs are, on average, are not demonstrating results or are ineffective. Artifacts: Mission program performance data, Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency IT investment portfolio shows strong alignment to mission programs and the supported mission programs are, on average, providing adequate results. Artifacts: Mission program performance data, Exhibit 300s

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Level 5 Practices

Activities: The agency IT investment portfolio shows strong alignment to mission programs and the supported mission programs are, on average, providing moderately effective results. Artifacts: Mission program performance data, Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency IT investment portfolio shows strong alignment to mission programs and the supported mission programs are, on average, providing effective results. Artifacts: Mission program performance data, Exhibit 300s

6.3.2 Cost Savings and Cost Avoidance Description: This KPI measures the extent agencies are using EA and IT to control costs. Cost savings and cost avoidance are best reflected in the steady state spend, which should go down over time as legacy systems are consolidated and retired. Evidence of cost savings and cost avoidance may also be identified in earned value financial analyses. This KPI also measures the accuracy of mappings of previous year UPI codes to investments in the agency Exhibit 53. Mandate: Clinger-Cohen Act, OMB M-06-22 Activities: The agency is not able to demonstrate the EA program has resulted in cost savings or cost avoidance. Every investment in the agency Exhibit 53 includes a prior year UPI code. At least 80% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to an accurate UPI code for the previous year using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, program improvement assessment data, Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency must have a process and report on cost savings and avoidance. Every investment in the agency Exhibit 53 includes a prior year UPI code. At least 85% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to an accurate UPI code for the previous year using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, program improvement assessment data, Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300s Activities:

Level 1 Practices

Level 2 Practices

Level 3

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Level 4 Practices

Level 5 Practices

The agency must show year-over-year decrease in IT steady state spending of at least 1% or the IT steady state spending should be at least 1% below the federal government average adjusted for the size of the overall agency budget. The year-over-year calculation can be adjusted for inflation and normalized for new capabilities or solutions entering into their first year of steady state operation. The savings do not need to be harvested, they can be redeployed by the agency per normal planning, EA, CPIC, budget formulation and execution processes. Every investment in the agency Exhibit 53 includes a prior year UPI code. At least 90% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to an accurate UPI code for the previous year using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, program improvement assessment data, Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency must show year-over-year decrease in IT steady state spending of at least 2.5% or the IT steady state spending should be at least 2.5% below the federal government average adjusted for the size of the overall agency budget. The year-over-year calculation can be adjusted for inflation and normalized for new capabilities or solutions entering into their first year of steady state operation. The savings do not need to be harvested, they can be redeployed by the agency per normal planning, EA, CPIC, budget formulation and execution processes. Every investment in the agency Exhibit 53 includes a prior year UPI code. At least 95% of the IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to an accurate UPI code for the previous year using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, program improvement assessment data, Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300s Activities: The agency must show year-over-year decrease in IT steady state spending of at least 5% or the IT steady state spending should be at least 5% below the federal government average adjusted for the size of the overall agency budget. The year-over-year calculation can be adjusted for inflation and normalized for new capabilities or solutions entering into their first year of steady state operation.

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The savings do not need to be harvested, they can be redeployed by the agency per normal planning, EA, CPIC, budget formulation and execution processes. Every investment in the agency Exhibit 53 includes a prior year UPI code. All IT investments in the agency Exhibit 53 have been mapped to an accurate UPI code for the previous year using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Artifacts: EA Segment Report, program improvement assessment data, Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300s 6.3.3 IT Infrastructure Portfolio Quality Description: This KPI assesses agency progress toward developing a high-quality portfolio of infrastructure investments in terms of end user performance, security, reliability, availability, extensibility, and efficiency of operations and maintenance. Mandate: TBD Activities: The agencys IT infrastructure portfolio is outside the committed service performance levels or exceeds cost levels by a factor of 10% or more. Artifacts: IT infrastructure EA Segment Report, Exhibit 5337, IT Infrastructure agency 5 year plans Activities: The agencys IT infrastructure portfolio is outside the committed service performance levels or exceeds cost levels by a factor of less than 10%. Artifacts: IT infrastructure EA Segment Report, Exhibit 5338, IT Infrastructure agency 5 year plans Activities: The agencys IT infrastructure portfolio is outside the committed service performance levels or exceeds cost levels by a factor of less than 5%. Artifacts: IT infrastructure EA Segment Report, Exhibit 5339, IT Infrastructure agency 5 year plans Activities: The agencys IT infrastructure portfolio exceeds the committed

Level 1 Practices

Level 2 Practices

Level 3 Practices

Level 4 Practices

This data is collected as part of the OMB Circular A-11 process. OMB will correlate the EA data with the IT investment portfolio data. 38 Ibid. 39 Ibid.

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Level 5 Practices

service performance levels and is inside cost levels. Agency has defined specific IT infrastructure portfolio quality gaps, has specific commitments in its target enterprise architecture and enterprise transition plan to improve, and these commitments are reflected in its Exhibit 53 and the performance information and comparison of plan vs. actual performance tables of the 300s. Artifacts: IT infrastructure EA Segment Report, Exhibit 5340, IT Infrastructure agency 5 year plans, Target Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Transition Plan Activities: Agency can demonstrate increasing year-over-year results in closing the IT quality gaps identified above. Artifacts: IT infrastructure EA Segment Report, Exhibit 5341, IT Infrastructure agency 5 year plans, Target Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Transition Plan

6.3.4 Measuring EA Program Value Description: EA value measurement is a continuous, customer-focused process integrated with each phase of the performance improvement lifecycle. The principal goals of EA value measurement are to document EA value to agency decisionmakers and to identify opportunities to improve EA products and services. EA value measurement tracks architecture development and use, and monitors the impact of EA products and services on IT investment decisions, collaboration and reuse, standards compliance, stakeholder satisfaction, and other measurement areas and indicators. For detailed guidance concerning the establishment of an agency EA program value measurement initiative, please refer to the FEA Practice Guidance at 7.pdf Rationale: Agency EA programs should deliver results-oriented products and services to inform business decisions and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of IT investments, program management and agency operations. Mandate: OMB A-130 Activities: The agency has identified stakeholders and goals for EA value measurement. Artifact: Agency EA Value Measurement Plan Activities: The agency must meet the criteria for the previous level.

Level 1 Practices Level 2 Practices


This data is collected as part of the OMB Circular A-11 process. OMB will correlate the EA data with the IT investment portfolio data. 41 Ibid.

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Level 3 Practices

Level 4 Practices

Level 5 Practices

In addition, the agency has identified EA value indicators and data sources, and has created a survey/feedback form to be used for the value measurement initiative. Artifact: Agency EA Value Measurement Plan Activities: The agency must meet the criteria for all previous levels. In addition, the agency has conducted an EA value measurement initiative. Artifact: Agency EA Value Measurement Plan Activities: The agency must meet the criteria for all previous levels. In addition, the agency has conducted an EA value measurement initiative and has generated a report summarizing the findings of the initiative. Artifacts: Agency EA Value Measurement Plan, Agency EA Value Measurement Summary Report Activities: The agency must meet the criteria for all previous levels. In addition, the agency is able to demonstrate it has updated the EA program plan based on feedback documented in the EA value measurement summary report. Artifacts: Agency EA Value Measurement Plan, Agency EA Value Measurement Summary Report, EA Program Plan

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Appendix A: Artifact Descriptions

This table provides a list of the descriptions of the type of artifacts typically a part of an agencys EA planning efforts. These artifacts can be used to demonstrate specific maturity levels within the EA assessment framework. OMB does not require agencies to submit all of these artifacts. Agencies should prepare these documents in conjunction with their EA planning and implementation efforts and should be prepared to submit these documents in the event they are requested by OMB. Note: The description of the artifacts is not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive. OMB is interested in the content of the artifacts and does not prescribe the format, as long as the artifact can be reviewed by OMB without requiring the use of proprietary software products (such as EA modeling tools). Moreover, agencies may well decide to develop additional artifacts or elaborate upon them further than described here. Artifact Name Annual Performance Plan Artifact Description The agency annual performance plan as required by the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) (1993), section (4)(B). Minutes from the body responsible for reviewing IT investments as evidence to demonstrate the EA is ensuring conformance of proposed IT investments with agency EA standards and guidelines. Note: The body does not have to be called the Architecture Review Board. The Business Architecture is a functional perspective of the overall agency EA providing the information about the agencys baseline and target architectures. Examples of elements include: Agency business processes, aligned to business subfunctions within the FEA BRM; Internal and external participants (roles) within these business processes; Linkage between agency business processes and agency-specific performance measurement indicators; Linkage between business processes to agency service components; Agency programs, linked to business processes; and Offices and facilities. The Data Architecture is a perspective of the overall agency EA providing the information about the agencys baseline and target data architectures. Examples of elements include: Agency data model describing the key data elements of the agencys business domain, and the relationships between them. The data model may include data dictionaries, thesauri, taxonomies, and topic maps; An inventory of agency data stores, including the specific

Architecture Review Board Meeting Minutes

Business Architecture

Data Architecture

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Artifact Description data elements it manages; A description of any data and data exchange standards existing within the agency, including data exchange packages and messaging formats; Linkage between the agency data model and the service components accessing the data elements; Documented data management policies and procedures for data/information quality; and OMB M-05-04 compliant agency websites and search engines; and/or metadata registries, repositories, and/or clearinghouse. An EA Change Management Plan describes the process of how changes to the agencys EA artifacts and repository will be managed. An EA CM plan may include rules for how changes are to be approved, how artifacts are to be versioned, and any EA Change relevant technical standards for implementing change Management Plan management. Note: if the agency already possesses an overall CM plan the EA initiative conforms to, there is no need to create a specialized version for the EA initiative. To demonstrate effective EA change management processes, agencies may submit one or more examples of EA change management reports from the agency. These might include EA Change change logs for EA artifacts, minutes from an agency committee Management responsible for overseeing EA change management, or reports Reports from any change management tool used to manage changes to EA content. To demonstrate effective EA communications and training EA processes, agencies may submit one or more examples of Communications materials. Examples might include training plans, course books, and Training Plans presentations, newsletters, workshop materials or other training and Materials content. An EA Framework Document (sometimes called a meta-model) fundamentally describes three aspects of an enterprise architecture: The types (or classes) of information the EA will concern itself with; EA Framework The acceptable relationships between these types; and Document Views of the architecture showing selected elements of the EA in a meaningful context Agencies may elect to wholly adopt an existing EA framework (such as Zachmann or DoDAF, for example), extend an existing framework, or create an entirely new framework as the needs of the agency dictate. To demonstrate effective EA governance processes, agencies EA Governance Committee Meeting may submit one or more examples of meeting minutes from the

Artifact Name

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Artifact Name Minutes

EA Governance Plan

EA Governance Plan Approval

EA Policy

EA Program Plan

EA Program Results Analysis

EA Repository

EA Segment Report EA Value Measurement Plan EA Value Measurement Summary Report

Artifact Description agencys EA governance body. A document describing how the development and evolution of an agencys EA is to be governed. Typical elements may include: Description of EA governing bodies or individual roles within the agency; Responsibilities for each governing body or individual role; A description of the governance lifecycle, i.e. the process by which governance decisions are made; and Relationship between the EA governance process and those for related IT governance bodies, e.g. Capital Planning, IT Strategy, or others. A document signed by the appropriate official (CIO or Department Head, depending on maturity level) indicating formal approval of the agency EA Governance Plan. A document expressing agency commitment to develop and utilize an enterprise architecture and assigning responsibility for EA development and management to specific roles and groups within the agency. A document describing the goals and objectives of the EA program and defining the scope of the initiative at least at a high level. It may identify key stakeholders of the EA program, the relationship of the EA to other agency initiatives and performance objectives for the EA. It is intended to be a nontechnical document validated by the agency business managers, not just IT personnel. A document clearly demonstrating the improvements to agency IT investment performance attributable to the EA program. It explains how the EA program activities resulted in cost savings or cost avoidance for the agency. This artifact should be created in conformance to OMB Memorandum 06-22. An EA Repository is a mechanism for storing all of the relevant content within the agencys EA in a readily retrievable form. The implementation of a repository may be as simple as a common shared directory with agency EA artifacts, or it may include databases, web portals or EA-specific modeling tools and repositories. Report submitted to OMB by which agencies document specific reporting requirements associated with the maturity level of the segment. A report is submitted quarterly per agency segment. A step-by-step process to define EA value measurement areas, identify measurement sources, and monitor and track value measures during each phase of the Performance Improvement Lifecycle A document showing the outcomes of an agencys EA Value Measurement process.

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Artifact Description A document listing and describing all of the IP-aware hardware and software in an agencys network core (aka backbone). Agencies were required to complete this inventory (and submit it IP Device Inventory to OMB) by November 15, 2005, per OMB Memorandum M-0522. The Memorandum provides a template for documenting the inventory. A document describing the cost and risk impact (on the agency) for the adoption of IPv6 into its network core. This impact analysis includes a list of all risks, with the following information for each identified risk: Date identified Area of Risk Description Probability of Occurrence Strategy for Mitigation Current Status

Artifact Name

IPv6 Impact Analysis

Agencies were encouraged to use OMB Circular A-11, Exhibit 300 Section I.F (Risk Inventory and Assessment) from 2005 as a guide for the completion of the risk analysis. Additionally, agencies were required to provide a cost estimate for the IPv6 implementation. Agencies were required to complete this cost and risk impact analysis (and submit it to OMB) by June 30, 2006, per OMB Memorandum M-05-22. The specific activities (e.g. planning, acquisition, implementation, testing) involved with IPv6 implementation. Each milestone has a planned completion (target) date. These milestones are included in the agency IPv6 Transition Plan and the Enterprise transition plan. A document describing an agencys plan for the adoption of IPv6 into its network core. This plan includes, but is not limited to, a detailed project plan (with milestones and target dates) for the IPv6 effort. Agencies were required to complete a first version of this plan (and submit it to OMB) by February 28, 2006, per OMB Memorandum M-05-22. Minutes from the body responsible for selecting and prioritizing IT investments used as evidence to demonstrate a mature CPIC integration process with EA. Note: the body does not have to be called the IT Investment Review Board. The agency Information Resource Management Strategic Plan, as required by 44 U.S.C 3506 (b) (2). The Performance Architecture is a perspective of the overall agency EA providing the information about the agencys baseline and target architectures. Examples of elements include:

IPv6 Transition Milestones

IPv6 Transition Plan

IT Investment Review Board Minutes IT Strategic Plan Performance Architecture

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Artifact Name

SDLC Guide

Segment Architecture

Segment Architecture Authorization

Service Component Architecture

Artifact Description Agency strategic goals and objectives (as per the agencys Strategic Plan and IRM Plan) and linkage between performance indicators and business processes; Agency-specific performance measurement indicators, aligned to the generic measurement indicators described in the FEA PRM; and Linkage between the agencys strategic goals and investments. A System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) guide describes the agencys approved policies and methodology for software development projects. Subjects covered by an SDLC guide may include relevant industry or government standards, approved software development tools and languages, policies on reuse of existing components, and a methodology or framework for software development. Provides detailed results-oriented architecture and a transition plan for a portion or segment of the enterprise. Segments are individual building blocks in the enterprise transition plan describing core mission areas, and common or shared business services and application services. Segment architecture comprises a series of work products describing baseline architecture, target architecture and a transition plan. Work products document segment-level change drivers, describe baseline and target performance, business, data, services and technology architecture, and provide a roadmap to enhance business operations and achieve measurable performance improvements. The FEA Practice Guidance provides further information regarding the development of segment architecture and is available at: A document signed by the relevant business owner indicating formal authorization and use of the segment architecture to drive the future direction of the business. This document should remain current and reviewed annually (signature by business owner should be within 3 months of EA submission). The Service Component Architecture is a perspective of the overall agency EA providing the information about the agencys baseline and target architectures. Examples of elements include: Agency service components, aligned to the FEA SRM; Component interfaces; Linkage between service components and technology infrastructure, products and standards; Linkage between applications and the agency business processes they automate; Linkage between service components and the data

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Artifact Name

Target EA

Technology Architecture

Enterprise Transition Plan

Artifact Description objects accessed by these components; and Linkage between service components and facilities where they are hosted It is the high level master plan for the agencys optimal state as defined by the business, data, service, technology and associated performance measures. Although it is high level, the target architecture translate the business strategic plan into architecture planning which is vital to the overall enterprise IT directionbut is not the complete solution architecture design blueprint. The Technology Architecture is a capabilities perspective of the overall agency EA providing the information about the agencys baseline and target architectures. Examples of elements include: Agency technical reference model documenting technology products in use, aligned to the FEA TRM; Agency standards profile documenting applicable agency technology standards, aligned to the FEA TRM; and Linkage between technology products and standards to service components. High level solution architecture diagram showing the target technology architecture including all technologies and technical service components that fulfill the target agency business and performance architecture objectives The enterprise transition plan is a critical component of an effective EA practice. It describes the overall plan for an organization to achieve its target EA within a specified timeframe. It clearly links proposed agency investments to the target architecture. Also, the enterprise transition plan includes a sequencing plan to help define the logical dependencies between transition activities (programs and projects) and helps to define the relative priority of these activities (for investment purposes). Section 4 of the FEA Practice Guidance (available at: provides further guidance regarding the development and components of a transition plan. A document signed by the appropriate official (CIO or Department Head, depending on maturity level) indicating formal approval of the enterprise transition plan.

Enterprise Transition Plan Approval

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Appendix B: Strategy for Measuring Data Quality

Each year, OMB collects a significant amount of IT portfolio data from executive agencies. OMB officials use this information to guide the development of an efficient and effective IT investment portfolio as a part of the Presidents budget request to Congress. Other desired outcomes include: Closing agency performance gaps identified via coordinated agency strategic planning and performance management activities; Saving money and avoiding cost through collaboration and reuse, productivity enhancements, and elimination of redundancy; Strengthening the quality of agency investment portfolios by improving security, inter-operability, reliability, availability, solution development and service delivery time, and overall end-user performance; Improving the quality, availability and sharing of data and information government-wide; Increasing the transparency of government operations by increasing the capacity for citizen participation and cross-governmental collaboration.

In a data-driven environment, the quality of the data determines whether the right decisions are made; poor quality data leads to inadequate decisions. To make the right decisions, OMB is dependent upon agencies to provide high-quality data submissions. Quality encompasses both the utility of the information (i.e., the usefulness of the information to its intended users), the objectivity of that data (i.e., whether the data are presented in an accurate, clear, complete, and unbiased manner and the accuracy, reliability, and bias in the underlying data source). This data quality effort can be viewed within the larger context of OMBs focus on information quality for both information disseminated to the public and for information used internally to make important investment decisions. Furthermore, this effort embraces the principles upon which the OMBs Government-wide Information Quality Guidelines42 are based. Specifically, it recognizes high quality comes at a cost and agencies should weigh the costs and benefits of higher information quality. The principle of balancing the investment in quality commensurate with the use is generally applicable to all data the federal government generates. Within OMB, the Office of E-Government and Information Technology considers a variety of different data sources and inputs to help OMB decision makers determine the most high-value and high-impact IT projects to invest in a constrained budgetary environment. These data sources/inputs include:


67 FR 8452-8460. B-1

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GAO and IG reports describing policy or management issues with a particular IT program. Strategic planning documents providing a high level roadmap of goals, objectives, performance measures, policies, and initiatives designed to guide agencies in accomplishing their statutory missions and delivering high quality services to citizens. Enterprise Architecture (EA) submissions and quarterly EA milestone reports. IT investment portfolio data reported by agencies to OMB under the provisions of OMB Circular A-11, sections 53 and 300. Performance indicators such as citizen satisfaction scores, PART scores, PAR results, and cost / schedule performance (e.g., EVM). E-Gov implementation plans/reporting. Agency FISMA reporting.

One of the roles of the OMB Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework (EAAF) Version 3.1 is to ensure high quality agency information technology portfolio data submissions, especially pertaining to data collected via the OMB Circular A-11 processes (e.g., Exhibits 53 and 300). This appendix describes OMBs strategy for using the KPIs defined within the EAAF Version 3.1 to enforce high standards of data quality for agency EA and IT investment portfolio submissions, thereby improving the quality of downstream analytics performed on these data sets. Data Quality Focus Areas The EAAF Version 3.1 KPIs are focused on improving data quality in several particular areas. These areas have been habitual problem areas from a data quality standpoint for several years now. These areas include: Exhibit 53 Primary FEA Reference Model mappings Exhibit 53 segment architecture mappings Exhibit 53 Part organization Exhibit 53 type of investment Exhibit 53 UPI year-over-year mappings Exhibit 53 Investment category Exhibit 300 PART program data (Part I, Section A, Item 14) Exhibit 300 SRM table (Part I, Section F, Item 4) Exhibit 300 TRM table (Part I, Section F, Item 5)

Each section below discusses the strategy implemented by this version of the EAAF to use the EAAF as a tool to help OMB improve data quality for each respective area. Exhibit 53 Primary FEA Reference Model Mappings Agencies are required to designate a primary FEA reference model mapping for each IT investment in the agency Exhibit 53. This reference model mapping can come in the form of a BRM sub-function or SRM service component. OMB uses these mappings to

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create a horizontal (functional) view of the Federal IT investment portfolio. This allows OMB to identify opportunities for cross-agency collaboration and reuse. In the past, OMB has used this analytic technique to identify candidates for E-Government initiatives such as the E-Gov Lines of Business. When agencies provide inaccurate mappings, this inhibits the ability of OMB to perform quality analysis. Accordingly, the FEA Reference Model Mapping KPI has been crafted to perform the following quality checks and adjust the agency score accordingly: Every IT investment in the portfolio must have a valid primary mapping. For example, a Mode of Delivery sub-function cannot be a primary mapping for an IT investment; Primary mappings must be consistent with sub-function/service component definitions found in the Consolidated Reference Model document.43 OMB uses various analytic techniques for checking this. Mappings must be consistent with other reported data. For example, IT investments reported as financial management systems on an Exhibit 300 business case (Part I, Section A, Item 19) should be aligned to a sub-function in the Financial Management FEA BRM LOB.

Exhibit 53 Segment Architecture Mappings Agencies are required to designate a segment architecture mapping for each IT investment in the agency Exhibit 53. This allows OMB to track, among other things, the extent to which agency enterprise architecture planning efforts are informing the capital planning process, per OMB Circular A-130. Much like the FEA reference model mappings described above, it allows OMB to rapidly construct an architectural view of an agency IT investment portfolio. When agencies provide inaccurate mappings, this inhibits the ability of OMB to perform quality analysis. Accordingly, the Scope of Completion KPI has been crafted to perform the following quality checks and adjust the agency score accordingly: Every investment must have a valid segment architecture mapping. In other words, each investment must have a mapping and this mapping must link to a segment architecture code provided by the agency to OMB prior to budget submission. The exception to the rule of mapping to one segment is in the case of an ERP system which directly supports multiple segments (per EA Segment Report v1.2). Mappings must be consistent with segment architecture definitions and scope agreed upon with OMB. In other words, the segment to which the investment belongs should be a good fit given the title and description of the investment (e.g., it makes sense for an accounting system to belong to the financial management segment). Segment architecture mappings should be consistent with primary FEA Reference Model mapping, where applicable. For example, an investment

43 B-3

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mapped to the accounting FEA BRM sub-function would be a good fit in a financial management segment Exhibit 53 Part Organization Agencies are required to designate the part of the Exhibit 53 an investment belongs to. There are six parts to the Exhibit 53: Part 1. IT investments for Mission Area Support. Part 2. IT investments for Infrastructure, Office Automation, and Telecommunications. Part 3. IT investments for Enterprise Architecture and Planning. Part 4. IT investments for Grants Management Systems. Part 5. Grants to State and Local IT Investments. Part 6. National Security Systems IT Investments.

IT investments should be placed in the most appropriate part using definitions found in OMB Circular A-11, section 53. Investments placed in an inappropriate part have a detrimental impact on portfolio analysis performed by OMB. For example, an IT infrastructure investment placed in Part 3 would be an incorrect categorization. Accordingly, the Exhibit 53 Part Mapping KPI has been crafted to perform the following quality checks and adjust the agency score accordingly Exhibit 53 Type of Investment Agencies are required to designate a type of investment for an Exhibit 53 line item. There are four investment types: 01 = Major IT investments 02 = Non-major IT investments 03 = IT migration investment portion of a larger asset and for which there is an existing business case for the overall asset 04 = Partner agency funding contribution

When IT investments are designated an inappropriate type, this has a detrimental impact on the ability of OMB to provide oversight of the IT investment portfolio. For example, one occasionally finds instances where large, complex, high-risk IT investments are categorized as non-major. Not having an Exhibit 300 business case for these investments detracts from the ability of OMB to efficiently manage these investments. Accordingly, the CPIC Integration KPI has been crafted to perform the following quality checks on this area and adjust the agency score accordingly. Exhibit 53 UPI Year-Over-Year Mappings Agencies must disclose the previous years UPI code for all IT investments in the Exhibit 53 IT investment portfolio. This provides the ability to perform year-over-year analysis of IT investment performance. Occasionally, this is not performed accurately, and OMB must attempt to manually match investments from the budget submission with investments on the previous years portfolio.

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Accordingly, the Cost Savings and Cost Avoidance KPI has been crafted to perform the following quality checks and adjust the agency score accordingly. OMB will use various analytic techniques to check data quality in this area. If OMB finds an inordinate number of IT investments not accurately disclosing the previous years UPI code, this will negatively impact the agency score on some KPIs. Exhibit 53 Investment Category Agencies are required to designate an investment category for an Exhibit 53 line item. There are five investment categories: 00 = Total investment title line 04 = Funding source or appropriation 07 = High-Risk Project 09 = Any subtotal 24 = Approved E-Gov initiative

The biggest issue in this area concerns the correct use of the -24 investment category. This should be used for approved E-Gov initiatives only. Any misuse of this code will negatively impact the agency score on the Collaboration and Reuse KPI. Exhibit 300 PART Program Data (Part I, Section A, Item 14) Agencies are asked to disclose information about Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) programs supported by the IT investment on the Exhibit 300 (Part I, Section A, Item 14). For effective analysis, this information must exactly match what is in the PARTWeb database. Specifically, the PARTed program name must match a valid mission program from PARTWeb, and the program rating must match program rating data in PARTWeb. This will be measured by the Performance Improvement Integration KPI. Exhibit 300 SRM Table (Part I, Section F, Item 4) Agencies are required to provide a listing of SRM service components funded by a given investment in Exhibit 300 business cases (Part I, Section F, Item 4). This disclosure allows OMB to determine service component funding levels and reuse within and across agencies. To help OMB perform effective analysis, agencies should ensure the following: SRM service component funding percentages must not exceed 100 A valid UPI code must be provided for a reused service component (to ensure proper identification of the investment provisioning the service)

The score of the Collaboration and Reuse KPI will reflect this quality check. Exhibit 300 TRM Table (Part I, Section F, Item 5) Agencies are required to provide a listing of TRM service supporting a given investment in Exhibit 300 business cases (Part I, Section F, Item 5). This disclosure allows OMB to determine interoperability standards supporting service component implementation, as well as specific product/standard specifications/profiles within a given agency with a

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mind toward reuse (e.g., identifying SmartBUY opportunities). To help OMB perform effective analysis, agencies should ensure the following: Each SRM service component in Table 4 should have an appropriate TRM service standard associated with it To the maximum extent possible, detailed and accurate service specifications should be provided.

The score of the Collaboration and Reuse KPI will reflect this quality check.

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Appendix C: Agencies Included in the EA Assessment Process

All agencies evaluated by OMB will be assessed, namely: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Department of Commerce (DOC) Department of Defense (DoD) Department of Education (ED) Department of Energy (DOE) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department of Interior (DOI) Department of Justice (DOJ) Department of Labor (DOL) Department of State (State) and US Agency for International Development (USAID) Joint Enterprise Architecture Department of Transportation (DOT) Department of Treasury (Treasury) Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) General Services Administration (GSA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Social Security Administration (SSA) Small Business Administration (SBA) Smithsonian Institution (Smithsonian) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

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