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Oracle® Credit Management

User Guide
Release 12.2
Part No. E48901-07

September 2018
Oracle Credit Management User Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E48901-07

Copyright © 2003, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Mathew Daniel

Contributing Author: Essan Ni, Kristin Penaskovic

Contributor: Kinjal Joshi, Jean-Raymond Naveau, Karthik Ramachandran, Bijoy Sarkar, Amit Vohra, Kathy

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1 Overview of Oracle Credit Management

Overview of Oracle Credit Management..................................................................................1-1
What Initiates a Credit Review?............................................................................................... 1-2
Oracle Credit Management Process Flows............................................................................... 1-2
How Automation Works........................................................................................................... 1-5

2 Implementing Oracle Credit Management

Defining Credit Analysts.......................................................................................................... 2-1
Maintaining Customer Data..................................................................................................... 2-3
Populating Transaction Data.................................................................................................... 2-4
Defining Credit Management System Options........................................................................2-7
Defining Lookups................................................................................................................... 2-10
Updating Customer Profile Classes........................................................................................ 2-12
Assign Customer Credit Classification Program....................................................................2-12

3 Setting Up Your Credit Policies

Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup....................................................................... 3-1
What is a Credit Data Point?..................................................................................................... 3-2
Defining Checklists.................................................................................................................. 3-5
Adding Dun & Bradstreet Data Points to a Checklist.............................................................. 3-9
Defining Scoring Models..........................................................................................................3-9
External Scoring...................................................................................................................... 3-15

Assigning Automation Rules..................................................................................................3-17
Setting Up Credit Recommendations..................................................................................... 3-19
Setting Up Credit Decision Approval Policies....................................................................... 3-22
Reviewing Credit Management Performance........................................................................ 3-26

4 Using Credit Management

Processing Credit Reviews........................................................................................................4-1
Initiating a Credit Review.........................................................................................................4-2
Collecting Credit Data...............................................................................................................4-3
Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data....................................................................4-4
Creating a New Credit Application..................................................................................... 4-5
Searching for Saved Applications........................................................................................ 4-7
Searching for In-Process Applications................................................................................. 4-7
Entering Data into a Credit Application.............................................................................. 4-8
Submitting a Credit Application........................................................................................4-11
Using Case Folders to Collect Credit Data............................................................................. 4-12
Retrieving a Case Folder.................................................................................................... 4-14
Entering Data into a Case Folder....................................................................................... 4-15
Manually Creating a New Case Folder.............................................................................. 4-16
Analyzing Credit Data............................................................................................................ 4-16
Using the Case Folder........................................................................................................ 4-18
Calculating a Credit Score..................................................................................................4-18
Adding Analysis Notes to the Case Folder........................................................................ 4-19
Viewing Case Folder Attachments.....................................................................................4-20
Refreshing Case Folder Data..............................................................................................4-20
Viewing the Credit Summary............................................................................................ 4-20
Making a Recommendation.................................................................................................... 4-21
Implementing the Recommendation..................................................................................4-23
Periodic Credit Review Program.............................................................................................4-24

5 E-Business Suite Integration

E-Business Suite Integration Overview....................................................................................5-1
Oracle Order Management Integration.................................................................................... 5-2
Oracle Lease and Finance Management Integration................................................................ 5-3
Oracle Loans Integration...........................................................................................................5-6

6 Workload Management
Credit Analyst Assignment Rules.............................................................................................6-1
Reassigning Credit Reviews..................................................................................................... 6-2
Reassign Credit Analyst Program............................................................................................. 6-3

7 Additional Implementation Considerations
Defining Credit Usage Rule Sets.............................................................................................. 7-1
Defining Credit Hierarchies..................................................................................................... 7-3

A Oracle Credit Management Profile Options and Profile Option Categories

Profile Options and Profile Option Categories Overview...................................................... A-1
Profile Option Category and Profile Options Descriptions.................................................... A-1
Credit Policies Management Category................................................................................ A-2

B Credit Management Application Workflow

Credit Management Application Workflow............................................................................ B-1
Setting Up the Credit Management Application Workflow................................................ B-2
Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities..................................B-3
Manual Subprocess............................................................................................................. B-6
Automation Subprocess...................................................................................................... B-6
Approval Subprocess.......................................................................................................... B-7

C Credit Request Business Events

Credit Request Business Events............................................................................................... C-1
Credit Request Events.............................................................................................................. C-4

D Oracle Credit Management Data Points

Oracle Credit Management Data Points.................................................................................. D-1
Business Information and Credit Data Points......................................................................... D-2
Financial Data Data Points....................................................................................................... D-4
References Data Points............................................................................................................. D-8
Guarantors Data Points.......................................................................................................... D-12
Venture Funding Data Points.................................................................................................D-13
Collateral Data Points.............................................................................................................D-14
Billing and Payments Data Points..........................................................................................D-15
Aging Data Points...................................................................................................................D-21

E Additional Data Point PL/SQL Guidelines

Guidelines for Deriving Data Point Values.............................................................................E-1

F Credit Management API User Notes

Overview of Credit Management Public APIs.........................................................................F-1

Major Features...........................................................................................................................F-2
API Usage.................................................................................................................................. F-3


Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Credit Management User Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E48901-07

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle Credit Management User Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area.

• Computer desktop application usage and terminology

If you have never used Oracle E-Business Suite, we suggest you attend one or more of
the Oracle E-Business Suite training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1 Overview of Oracle Credit Management

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Credit Management.
2 Implementing Oracle Credit Management
Complete the tasks in this chapter after installation, but before setting up credit policies.
3 Setting Up Your Credit Policies
This chapter describes setting up and administering credit policies, as well as reviewing
the performance of the policies.
4 Using Credit Management
This chapter describes how to use Oracle Credit Management.
5 E-Business Suite Integration
This chapter describes how other Oracle E-Business Suite applications integrate with
Oracle Credit Management for their credit needs.
6 Workload Management
This chapter describes managing credit analyst assignments.
7 Additional Implementation Considerations
This chapter describes additional setup steps to consider when implementing Oracle
Credit Management.
A Oracle Credit Management Profile Options and Profile Option Categories
This appendix describes setting profile options for Oracle Credit Management.
B Credit Management Application Workflow
This appendix describes the workflow in Oracle Credit Management.
C Credit Request Business Events
This appendix describes business events that you can use with Oracle Credit
D Oracle Credit Management Data Points
This appendix describes the seeded data points in Oracle Credit Management.
E Additional Data Point PL/SQL Guidelines
This appendix describes guidelines for PL/SQL packages and functions that derive data
point values.
F Credit Management API User Notes
This appendix describes public Oracle Credit Management APIs.

Related Information Sources

This book is included in the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library, which is
supplied in the Release 12.2 Media Pack. If this guide refers you to other Oracle E-
Business Suite documentation, use only the latest Release 12.2 versions of those guides.
Online Documentation
All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• PDF - See the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library for current PDF

documentation for your product with each release.

• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.

• Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.

• Oracle Electronic Technical Reference Manuals - The Oracle Electronic Technical

Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of
database tables, forms, reports, and programs for each Oracle E-Business Suite
product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applications
and integrate Oracle E-Business Suite data with non-Oracle applications, and write
custom reports for Oracle E-Business Suite products. The Oracle eTRM is available
on My Oracle Support.

Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle Alert User's Guide:
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle E-Business Suite data.
Oracle Application Framework Developer's Guide:
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite
development staff to produce applications built with Oracle Application Framework.
This guide is available in PDF format on My Oracle Support and as online
documentation in JDeveloper 10g with Oracle Application Extension.
Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide:
This guide covers the design-time and run-time aspects of personalizing applications
built with Oracle Application Framework.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide (Oracle
Application Server Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide):
This guide covers the use of Adapter for Oracle Applications in developing integrations
between Oracle E-Business Suite and trading partners.
Please note that the user's guide can be found in the following documentation libraries:
• As part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware and SOA Suite in 11g, Oracle Fusion
Middleware Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide is available in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware 11g Documentation Library.

• As part of the Oracle Application Server in 10g, Oracle Application Server Adapter for
Oracle Applications User's Guide is available in the Oracle Application Server 10g

Documentation Library.

Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide:

This manual contains information on implementing and administering diagnostics tests
for Oracle E-Business Suite using the Oracle Diagnostics Framework.
Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts:
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the
Oracle E-Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics,
giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the
installation and configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle E-Business Suite CRM System Administrator's Guide:
This manual describes how to implement the CRM Technology Foundation (JTT) and
use its System Administrator Console.
Oracle E-Business Suite Desktop Integration Framework Developer's Guide:
Oracle E-Business Suite Desktop Integration Framework is a development tool that lets
you define custom integrators for use with Oracle Web Applications Desktop
Integrator. This guide describes how to define and manage integrators and all
associated supporting objects, as well as how to download and upload integrator
Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide:
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite
development staff. It describes the Oracle Application Object Library components
needed to implement the Oracle E-Business Suite user interface described in the Oracle
E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. It provides information
to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that they integrate
with Oracle E-Business Suite. In addition, this guide has information for customizations
in features such as concurrent programs, flexfields, messages, and logging.
Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide:
This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle
E-Business Suite implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle E-Business Suite product data. This guide also provides
information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install:
This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, or as part of an upgrade
to Release 12.2.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide:
This guide describes the high level service enablement process, explaining how users

can browse and view the integration interface definitions and services residing in
Oracle Integration Repository.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide:
This guide explains how integration repository administrators can manage and
administer the Web service activities for integration interfaces including native
packaged integration interfaces, composite services (BPEL type), and custom
integration interfaces. It also describes how to invoke Web services from Oracle E-
Business Suite by employing the Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and how to
manage Web service security, configure logs, and monitor SOAP messages.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide:
This guide describes how system integration developers can perform end-to-end service
integration activities. These include orchestrating discrete Web services into meaningful
end-to-end business processes using business process execution language (BPEL), and
deploying BPEL processes at run time.
This guide also explains how to invoke Web services using the Service Invocation
Framework. This includes defining Web service invocation metadata, invoking Web
services, and testing the Web service invocation.
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide:
This guide contains information about the strategies, tasks, and troubleshooting
activities that can be used to help ensure an Oracle E-Business Suite system keeps
running smoothly, together with a comprehensive description of the relevant tools and
utilities. It also describes how to patch a system, with recommendations for optimizing
typical patching operations and reducing downtime.
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide:
This guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related topics,
including access control, user management, function security, data security, and
auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite can be integrated into a single
sign-on environment.
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide:
This guide contains information on system configuration tasks that are carried out
either after installation or whenever there is a significant change to the system. The
activities described include defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling
Oracle Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help.
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide:
This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests
using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. It includes information on
setting preferences and customizing the UI. In addition, this guide describes
accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products:
This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle E-Business

Suite development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle E-Business Suite products and
how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle Forms.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide:
This guide describes the functionality of Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the
necessary setup steps in order for Oracle E-Business Suite to conduct business with
trading partners through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also describes how to run
extract programs for outbound transactions, import programs for inbound transactions,
and the relevant reports.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Implementation Guide:
This guide describes implementation details, highlighting additional setup steps needed
for trading partners, code conversion, and Oracle E-Business Suite. It also provides
architecture guidelines for transaction interface files, troubleshooting information, and a
description of how to customize EDI transactions.
Oracle iSetup Developer's Guide:
This manual describes how to build, test, and deploy Oracle iSetup Framework
Oracle iSetup User's Guide:
This guide describes how to use Oracle iSetup to migrate data between different
instances of the Oracle E-Business Suite and generate reports. It also includes
configuration information, instance mapping, and seeded templates used for data
Oracle Report Manager User's Guide:
Oracle Report Manager is an online report distribution system that provides a secure
and centralized location to produce and manage point-in-time reports. Oracle Report
Manager users can be either report producers or report consumers. Use this guide for
information on setting up and using Oracle Report Manager.
Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator Implementation and Administration
Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator brings Oracle E-Business Suite
functionality to a spreadsheet, where familiar data entry and modeling techniques can
be used to complete Oracle E-Business Suite tasks. You can create formatted
spreadsheets on your desktop that allow you to download, view, edit, and create Oracle
E-Business Suite data, which you can then upload. This guide describes how to
implement Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator and how to define mappings,
layouts, style sheets, and other setup options.
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide:
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any product that
includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how to manage workflow
processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager, how to monitor the
progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer notifications sent to

workflow users.
Oracle Workflow API Reference:
This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access
Oracle Workflow.
Oracle Workflow Client Installation Guide:
This guide describes how to install the Oracle Workflow Builder and Oracle XML
Gateway Message Designer client components for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide:
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle E-Business Suite-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how
to define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide:
This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and
monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide:`
This guide describes Oracle XML Gateway functionality and each component of the
Oracle XML Gateway architecture, including Message Designer, Oracle XML Gateway
Setup, Execution Engine, Message Queues, and Oracle Transport Agent. It also explains
how to use Collaboration History that records all business transactions and messages
exchanged with trading partners.
The integrations with Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and the Business-to-
Business transactions are also addressed in this guide.
Oracle XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide:
Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety
of business needs. Using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat as the design tool, you can
create pixel-perfect reports from the Oracle E-Business Suite. Use this guide to design
your report layouts.
This guide is available through the Oracle E-Business Suite online help.
Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide:
Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety
of business needs. Outputs include: PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF, and eText (for EDI and
EFT transactions). Oracle XML Publisher can be used to generate reports based on
existing Oracle E-Business Suite report data, or you can use Oracle XML Publisher's
data extraction engine to build your own queries. Oracle XML Publisher also provides a
robust set of APIs to manage delivery of your reports via e-mail, fax, secure FTP,
printer, WebDav, and more. This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle
XML Publisher as well as how to use the Application Programming Interface to build

custom solutions.
This guide is available through the Oracle E-Business Suite online help.
Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2:
This guide provides information for DBAs and Applications Specialists who are
responsible for upgrading a Release 11i Oracle E-Business Suite system (techstack and
products) to Release 12.2. In addition to information about applying the upgrade driver,
it outlines pre-upgrade steps and post-upgrade steps, and provides descriptions of
product-specific functional changes and suggestions for verifying the upgrade and
reducing downtime.
Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide:
This guide describes the multiple organizations concepts in Oracle E-Business Suite. It
describes in detail on setting up and working effectively with multiple organizations in
Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement Functional Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to
Release 12:
This guides provides detailed information about the functional impacts of upgrading
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement products from Release 11i to Release 12.2.
This guide supplements the Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide Release 12.0 and 12.1 to
Oracle Financials Concepts Guide:
This guide describes the fundamental concepts of Oracle Financials. The guide is
intended to introduce readers to the concepts used in the applications, and help them
compare their real world business, organization, and processes to those used in the
Oracle Financials Glossary:
The glossary includes definitions of common terms that are shared by all Oracle
Financials products. In some cases, there may be different definitions of the same term
for different Financials products. If you are unsure of the meaning of a term you see in
an Oracle Financials guide, please refer to the glossary for clarification. You can find the
glossary in the online help or in the Oracle Financials Implementation Guide.
Oracle Financials Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement the Oracle Financials E-Business
Suite. It guides you through setting up your organizations, including legal entities, and
their accounting, using the Accounting Setup Manager. It covers intercompany
accounting and sequencing of accounting entries, and it provides examples.
Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide:
Use this guide to learn how to implement Oracle Approvals Management (AME). AME
is a self-service Web application that enables users to define business rules governing
the process for approving transactions in Oracle Applications where AME has been

Oracle Loans User Guide:
This guide describes how to set up and use Oracle Loans. It includes information on
how to create, approve, fund, amortize, bill, and service extended repayment plan and
direct loans.
Oracle Receivables User Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Receivables. Use this
guide to learn how to create and maintain transactions and bills receivable, enter and
apply receipts, enter customer information, and manage revenue. This guide also
includes information about accounting in Receivables. Use the Standard Navigation
Paths appendix to find out how to access each Receivables window.
Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to implement Oracle Receivables.
Use this guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use,
including how to set up customers, transactions, receipts, accounting, tax, and
collections. This guide also includes a comprehensive list of profile options that you can
set to customize application behavior.
Oracle Receivables Reference Guide:
This guide provides you with detailed information about all public application
programming interfaces (APIs) that you can use to extend Oracle Receivables
functionality. This guide also describes the Oracle Receivables open interfaces, such as
AutoLockbox which lets you create and apply receipts and AutoInvoice which you can
use to import and validate transactions from other systems. Archiving and purging
Receivables data is also discussed in this guide.
Oracle HRMS Documentation Set:
This documentation set includes these books:
• Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide:
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to manage your total compensation package. For
example, read how to administer salaries and benefits, set up automated grade/step
progression, and allocate salary budgets. You can also learn about setting up
earnings and deductions for payroll processing, managing leave and absences, and
reporting on compensation across your enterprise.

• Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide:

Learn about extending and configuring Oracle HRMS, managing security, auditing,
information access, and letter generation.

• Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide:

Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your enterprise. This includes setting
up your organization hierarchy, recording details about jobs and positions within
your enterprise, defining person types to represent your workforce, and also how to

manage your budgets and costs.

• Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide:

Learn about the setup procedures you need to carry out in order to successfully
implement Oracle HRMS in your enterprise.

• Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide:

Learn about wage attachments, taxes and social insurance, the payroll run, and
other processes.

• Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide:

Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your workforce. This includes
recruiting new workers, developing their careers, managing contingent workers,
and reporting on your workforce.

Oracle Order Management Documentation Set:

Use the Oracle Order Management User's Guide and Oracle Order Management
Implementation Manual to learn about credit checking and credit usage rule sets.
Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide:
This guide describes the Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) and how to
use features from the Trading Community Manager responsibility to create, update,
enrich, and cleanse the data in the TCA Registry. It also describes how to use Resource
Manager to define and manage resources.
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide:
This guide describes how to administer and implement Oracle Trading Community
Architecture (TCA). You set up, control, and manage functionality that affects data in
the TCA Registry. It also describes how to set up and use Resource Manager to manage
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide:
This guide contains seeded relationship types, seeded Data Quality Management data,
D and B data elements, Bulk Import interface table fields and validations, and a
comprehensive glossary. This guide supplements the documentation for Oracle Trading
Community Architecture and all products in the Oracle Customer Data Management
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide:
This guide explains how to use the public Oracle Trading Community Architecture
application programming interfaces (APIs) and develop callouts based on Oracle
Workflow Business Events System (BES). For each API, this guide provides a
description of the API, the PL/SQL procedure, and the Java method, as well as a table of
the parameter descriptions and validations. For each BES callout, this guide provides
the name of the logical entity, its description, and the ID parameter name. Also

included are setup instructions and sample code.

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As
your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content
appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Overview of Oracle Credit Management

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Credit Management.

This chapter covers the following topics:
• Overview of Oracle Credit Management
• What Initiates a Credit Review?
• Oracle Credit Management Process Flows
• How Automation Works

Overview of Oracle Credit Management

Oracle Credit Management provides a global, standardized system that lets you make
and implement credit decisions based on the collected credit data of your business-to-
business customers and prospects. Credit reviews are automated by the Credit
Management workflow process.
Automated periodic credit assessments include all activities from the initial credit
review request and creation of the credit application, to credit scoring and analysis, to
the final implementation of credit decisions.
Why is this useful? First, an automated credit review process employs standard
guidelines that you define, for a consistent approach to credit decisions across your
entire credit department.
Additionally, an automated process that continuously evaluates and manages less risky
credit decisions leaves your credit personnel free to concentrate their efforts on higher
risk credit assessments. For example, your skilled credit analysts can focus on selected
customer portfolios, such as those customers driving revenue or licenses above a
threshold of $250,000, as well as on credit reviews that fail the automation process.
Credit Management facilitates these manual credit reviews through features such as
online case folders, easily generated what-if scenarios, and integration with Dun &

Overview of Oracle Credit Management 1-1

As a result, you can increase the scope of your customers' portfolios without increasing
your credit personnel overhead. And, because all credit reviews are administered
according to your own established credit policies, your business can continue to grow
without compromising your own overall portfolio risk and financial stability.

What Initiates a Credit Review?

Oracle Credit Management integrates with other Oracle applications, so that business
events across the E-Business Suite can initiate a request for a credit review. For example:
• An order entry clerk places an order in Oracle Order Management that causes a
customer to exceed its current credit limit.

• A sales representative or leasing agent enters a new lease application in Oracle

Lease and Finance Management for a customer.

• Six months have passed since a customer's last credit review date, automatically
initiating a periodic credit review.

• A credit analyst manually enters a new credit application for a prospect.

Once initiated, a credit review can either be completely automated, or managed by a

skilled credit analyst. You control how credit reviews happen when defining your
credit policies.

Oracle Credit Management Process Flows

Oracle Credit Management's business solution is comprised of these main process
1. Credit policy management

2. Completion of the credit application

3. Credit analysis and implementation of decisions

4. Risk and revenue management

1. Credit Policy Management

Before credit analysis can begin, you must define your credit policies. In Credit
Management, you model your credit policies around the intersection of two user-
defined dimensions: the credit review type and the customer credit classification:
• The credit review type refers to the type of credit reviews that you perform at your
enterprise, such as Credit Checking, Periodic Credit Review, or Lease Application.

1-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

• The customer credit classification refers to the credit relationships that you have
with your customers and prospects, such as High Risk or Low Risk.

For each credit review type and credit classification combination, you assign a set of
credit review tools that will vary according to your requirements. Credit review tools
• Credit checklists
Credit checklists specify which data points are required or optional during a credit
review. Examples of data points are Days Sales Outstanding and Percentages Of
Invoices Paid Late. When defining checklists, choose from a universe of almost 200
data points, or define your own.
See: Defining Checklists, page 3-5.

• Scoring models
Scoring models include the data points and scoring method that are appropriate for
a particular credit review. When defining scoring models, for each data point, (1)
indicate a score for each range of values and (2) optionally assign a relative
weighting factor.
For example, will you use this scoring model to determine a credit limit increase for
an existing customer who has years of credit history with your enterprise? In that
case, you might assign a higher weighting factor to the Percentages Of Invoices
Paid Late data point, and a lower weighting factor to the Credit Agency Score data
See: Defining Scoring Models, page 3-9.

• Automation rules
Automation rules guide the implementation of credit recommendations without
user intervention. Optionally define automation rules and assign them to a scoring
model. If a score is above a certain threshold, for example, you might want Credit
Management to automatically approve and implement a higher credit limit, or
release an order hold.
See: Assigning Automation Rules, page 3-17.

During setup, you model your credit policies by assigning the appropriate credit review
tool to each combination of credit review type and credit classification.
For example, for the combination of Increase Credit Limit credit review type and High
Risk customer credit classification, your credit policies might dictate a conservative
approach. In this scenario, you would use a conservative policy (scoring model) to
determine whether to grant additional credit and what the credit limit should be.

2. Completion of the Credit Application

Credit Management provides a modular, online credit application, which can either be

Overview of Oracle Credit Management 1-3

manually completed by a credit analyst or automatically populated by business events.
See: Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data, page 4-4.

3. Credit Analysis and Decisioning

In Credit Management, credit analysis can proceed with the partial or full participation
of credit personnel. Using an online case folder, the credit analyst has all the
information needed to make informed credit decisions.
More typically, credit analysis will proceed automatically. Credit recommendations can
be implemented without user intervention through the use of automation rules, Oracle
Workflow, and Oracle Approvals Management.
For example, at the conclusion of a credit review, Credit Management can automatically
implement these recommendations:
• Establish a new credit limit

• Revise an existing credit limit

• Remove an order hold

• Put a customer account on hold

• Put a customer party on hold

If an automated credit review fails at any point during the process, the workflow will
stop and the credit review will be routed for assignment to a credit analyst for manual
processing. See: How Automation Works, page 1-5.

4. Risk and Revenue Management

Are your current enterprise credit policies effective? Credit Management provides the
tools to help you analyze the results of past credit reviews, so that you can manage your
assumed credit risk on an ongoing basis. Such analysis can help you to decide if existing
credit policies require adjustment, or if you are right on track. See: Reviewing Credit
Management Performance, page 3-26.
You can also manage risk from a receivables perspective, in terms of revenue
recognition timing. Credit Management integrates with another E-Business Suite
application, Oracle Receivables, to provide automation around revenue management.
Depending on your Receivables setup, you can manage revenue recognition based
upon the customer credit classification assigned by a Credit Management credit review.
For example, if a customer has a High Risk credit classification, you can defer revenue
recognition on that customer's orders until payment is received. This helps you to
comply with stringent revenue management requirements.

1-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Note: Setup around revenue management is completed in Receivables,
not in Credit Management.
See: Defining Your Revenue Policy, Oracle Receivables Implementation

How Automation Works

Credit Management uses automation rules, Oracle Workflow, and Oracle Approvals
Management to automate the credit review process.
If the automated review process fails, then the credit review is routed to the Credit
Scheduler role. A manager logs into the Credit Scheduler responsibility to review and
re-route credit reviews to the appropriate credit analyst for manual processing.
See: Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1.

Overview of Oracle Credit Management 1-5

Implementing Oracle Credit Management

Complete the tasks in this chapter after installation, but before setting up credit policies.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Defining Credit Analysts
• Maintaining Customer Data
• Populating Transaction Data
• Defining Credit Management System Options
• Defining Lookups
• Updating Customer Profile Classes
• Assign Customer Credit Classification Program

Defining Credit Analysts

Credit analysts assist in the resolution of credit-related issues and evaluate the
creditworthiness of your customers and prospects. Credit analysts can view credit
applications and case folders in Oracle Credit Management, and can submit
recommendations after concluding a credit analysis.
You must define employees as credit analysts and credit managers before they have
access to view and update data in Credit Management.

Note: In addition to defining true credit personnel as credit analysts

and credit managers, you can also assign the role of credit analyst to
other interested parties who require view-only access to credit
applications. For example, a sales representative who initiates a credit
review request by submitting a lease application might want to view
the credit application details.

To define credit analysts:

Implementing Oracle Credit Management 2-1

1. First define your credit analysts as employees in Oracle Human Resources
Management System (HRMS).
See: People Management Overview, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment,
and Talent Management Guide.

2. Next, import employees from HRMS into Resource Manager and assign roles.
Two seeded roles exist for Credit Management:
• Credit Analyst

• Credit Manager

Note: A credit manager has access to setup functionality. You can

assign the credit manager role to a credit analyst.

See: Overview of Setting Up Resource Manager, Oracle Trading Community

Architecture Administration Guide and Overview of the Oracle Resource Manager,
Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide.

3. Finally, when defining your analysts as E-Business Suite users in the Users window,
link each analyst to his or her HRMS record by selecting:
• The analyst's name in the Person field

• The analyst's Person ID for the Oracle Self-Service Web Applications

ICX_HR_PERSON_ID and TO_PERSON_ID securing attributes

See: Users Window, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security.

After you define a credit analyst, you can modify any of the analyst's information,
except the employee and user names.

Tip: Non-employees can also initiate (from an application outside

Credit Management) the creation of credit applications. Non-employees
are users who are not in Oracle HRMS and who are not assigned a
credit analyst role in Resource Manager. For example, a non-employee
might be a vendor or a contractor. To enable this integration, the
passing application must send the requestor_type of FND_USER and
the requestor_id of FND_USER_ID to Credit Management when calling
the Credit Request API.
See: Overview of Credit Management Public APIs, page F-1.

2-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Maintaining Customer Data

Integrating with Dun & Bradstreet

Oracle Credit Management integrates with Dun & Bradstreet, which maintains a
growing global database of more than 60 million businesses worldwide. With this
integration, you can retrieve D&B credit information for a customer or prospect, thereby
extending the accessibility of critical credit information beyond your own historical
Information that you purchase from D&B can be added to credit checklists as data
points. During a credit review, Credit Management automatically includes those D&B
data points in the case folder. See: Adding Dun & Bradstreet Data Points to a Checklist,
page 3-9.
D&B information is available in the form of Global Access Data Products. If the
information that you have in your system is outdated or does not exist, then you can
purchase the information online from D&B.
Before you can purchase products from D&B, you must first enable the integration
between the E-Business Suite and D&B. See: Setting Up Third Party Data Integration,
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide.
To allow users to purchase D&B data, set the HZ: Allow Access to D&B Online
Purchase profile option to Yes.

Setting Up Data Quality Management Search

Oracle Credit Management employs the Data Quality Management (DQM) match rules
to identify how search results should be displayed in the application's search screens.
See: Data Quality Management Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture
Administration Guide.
To implement DQM in Credit Management:
1. With these profile options, specify the seeded or user-defined match rules for
determining the search criteria and results. The match rules must have the Search
• HZ: Match Rule for Organization Advanced Search

Note: This profile option defaults to the seeded match rule

HZ_ORG_ADV_SEARCH_RULE, Oracle Trading Community
Architecture Reference Guide.

• HZ: Match Rule for Organization Simple Search

Implementing Oracle Credit Management 2-3

Note: This profile option defaults to the seeded match rule
HZ_ORG_SIMPLE_SEARCH_RULE, Oracle Trading Community
Architecture Reference Guide.

2. Set the HZ: Enable DQM Party Search Determine profile option to Yes. DQM search
is enabled only for searches that has an assigned match rule, based on the above
profile options.

3. Run the DQM Staging program from a Trading Community Manager

The DQM Staging program uses the match rules that you selected to create the
indexes used in Oracle Credit Management search screens.
See: DQM Staging Program, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration

Populating Transaction Data

To enable faster performance and greater processing efficiency, Oracle Credit
Management populates two summary tables with Oracle Receivables data, such as the
amount of open invoices and the percentage of invoices paid late.
Later, during credit reviews, Credit Management examines the data in these
prepopulated tables, thus saving processing time and delivering faster results.
The tables are:
Stores current balances, such as the amount of open invoices and open receivables.
Balances are stored as current snapshots and are not dependent on any time

Stores data, such as the count of open invoices and total invoice value, that is
summarized for a specified period of time.
You specify the period of time using the Period for Time Sensitive Data system
option, which controls how data is stored in this table. Why specify a time period?
Depending on whether your business is cyclical or seasonal in nature, you may
want to look back at customer data for a short or long period of time. See: Defining
Credit Management System Options, page 2-7.

Note: Another application in the E-Business Suite, Oracle Advanced

2-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Collections, also uses these summary tables.

Two methods exist to populate the summary tables with data:

1. Initial load (manual implementation step):
During implementation, set the AR: Allow summary table refresh profile option to
Yes. Then, run the Credit Management Refresh AR Transactions Summary Tables
concurrent program from the Submit Requests window.
This program calculates and loads summarized data from Oracle Receivables for all

Note: Once the concurrent program successfully completes, the

profile option is automatically set back to No. If you ever want to
reset the summary tables, then you must first set the profile option
back to Yes. See: Profile Options and Profile Option Categories
Overview, page A-1.

2. Continuous updates (automatic process):

The initial data load is only a snapshot of customer data at a point in time. To
ensure that credit reviews access the most current data, all subsequent transactions
for your customers must be captured in the summary tables. This data capture is
automatically enabled through a series of workflow business events.
What is a business event? A business event is an occurrence in an internet or
intranet application or program that might be significant to other objects in a
system or to external agents. See: Events, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
As business events occur in Oracle Receivables, those events are enqueued in the
seeded WF_DEFERRED queue, which is the standard queue for deferred
subscription processing in the database. As events are enqueued, a seeded PL/SQL
agent listener service component named Workflow Deferred Agent Listener runs
on a scheduled basis and executes the event subscriptions (already seeded by Credit
Management) by updating the summary tables.
See: Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1.
For instance, a receipt application is an example of an Oracle Receivables business
event. Credit Management considers this business event significant because receipt
applications impact customer data. Accordingly, Credit Management provides a
default subscription to this event, so that when receipt applications are recorded in
the system, the Workflow Deferred Agent Listener automatically updates the
summary tables during its next scheduled run.
The business events that can be triggered to populate the summary tables are:

Implementing Oracle Credit Management 2-5

























2-6 Oracle Credit Management User Guide













Frequently Asked Questions

The summary tables are not getting updated. How can I troubleshoot this problem?
To run the seeded agent listener, you should ensure that the Workflow Agent Listener
Service container is running using Oracle Applications Manager for the version of
Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, or ensure that the WFALSNRSVC
container is running using Oracle Enterprise Manager for the standalone version of
Oracle Workflow.
To manage agent listener service components, use Oracle Workflow Manager, which is
available as a component of Oracle Applications Manager if you are using the version of
Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, or as a component of Oracle
Enterprise Manager if you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow. For
more information, please refer to the Oracle Applications Manager online help or the
Oracle Enterprise Manager online help.
See: Scheduling Listeners for Local Inbound Agents, Oracle Workflow Administrator's

Defining Credit Management System Options

Define these Oracle Credit Management system options.

Implementing Oracle Credit Management 2-7

Aging Bucket
Specify which aging buckets to use when presenting aging data in Credit Management.
Credit Management presents aging data as data points in several pages, such as from
the Aging Details and Credit Summary pages.

Note: To ensure that credit review comparisons display consistent

aging data, you cannot change this system option once you have saved

See: Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my Credit Management aging data not match my Oracle Receivables aging
Credit Management calculates its own aging data after pulling certain pieces of
information from Oracle Receivables tables.
In Credit Management, the primary concern is around credit and collections. For
example, what are the due dates and collection dates? In Receivables, the primary
concern is around collection. For example, what are the effective dates, when was the
receivable booked?
Due to this difference in focus, Credit Management and Oracle Receivables aging data
can be different.

Default Customer Credit Classification

Credit classification assignments can either be assigned by a previously completed
credit review, or assigned on the customer profile.
For those customers or prospects who do not yet have credit classification assignments,
use this system option to select the credit classification that you want to use as the
default on credit applications.
The default is High Risk.
See: Defining Customer Profile Classes, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Period for Time Sensitive Data

Select the period for which credit data will be collected into the summary tables and
used in scoring during a credit analysis. Reviewing summarized order, invoice, and
payment data over a period of time can provide you with an overall picture of a
customer's past credit relationship with you, and can help to predict future

2-8 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

A narrower time period shows short-term trends, while a longer time period shows
long-term viability.
The default is 12 months.
See: Populating Transaction Data, page 2-4.

Application Numbering Option

Indicate if you want Credit Management to automatically assign a number to each
credit application.
The default is Yes.

Caution: Carefully consider your business requirements before setting

this system option to No. For example, credit review requestors from
outside Credit Management can include a credit application ID in the
credit review request itself. However, if the incoming credit request
does not contain the credit application ID and the Application
Numbering Option system option is set to No, then the workflow will
fail, requiring manual intervention. A credit analyst will need to add a
credit application ID to the application.

Exchange Rate Type

Select the default exchange rate type that Credit Management will use to convert
foreign currency data points to your credit currency during a credit analysis. You can
select Corporate, Spot, or User.
The default is Corporate.
Credit Management uses this value to convert data when data point values are
calculated, and also for reporting.

DSO Days
Indicate the time period that Credit Management uses to calculate Days Sales
Outstanding (DSO) and Delinquent Days Sales Outstanding (DDSO).

Note: Credit Management uses its own DSO calculation; this value is
not populated from Oracle Receivables.

The default is 90 days.

Appeal Days
Other applications integrating with Credit Management can appeal a credit

Implementing Oracle Credit Management 2-9

recommendation. You control the appeal period by entering a default number of days,
after which an appeal is no longer allowed. Credit Management calculates the appeal
expiration date as the recommendation date plus the Appeal Days value that you select

Defining Lookups
Credit Management uses lookups to help speed data entry and increase accuracy. You
can use the predefined lookups that Credit Management provides, or you can create
additional lookups where required.
For example, to identify an applicant's potential credit risk, you must select a credit
classification, if not previously assigned, when entering a credit application. The credit
classification describes the type of credit relationship that you have with the applicant.
Credit Management provides you with High Risk, Low Risk, Moderate Risk, and New
Prospect, but you can optionally define new credit classifications to fit your business
Use the Oracle Receivables Lookups window to define any additional lookups that you

Tip: After you add new credit classifications or reason types, bounce
the apache server to make sure that the new values are available for
users to select in the application.

The following table lists lookup types used for Credit Management.

Meaning Type Where Used

Credit Analysis Topic AR_CMGT_ANALYSIS_TOPIC Case folder

AR CM Collateral Category AR_CMGT_COLLATERAL_CATEGO Credit application, case folder


AR CM Collateral Valuation Type AR_CMGT_COLLAT_VALUATON_ Credit application, case folder


Credit Classification AR_CMGT_CREDIT_CLASSIFICATIO Credit application, checklist

N setup

Business Entity Type AR_CMGT_ENTITY_TYPE Credit application

AR CM Financial Data Monetary Unit AR_CMGT_FIN_DATA_MONETARY_ Credit application, case folder


2-10 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Meaning Type Where Used

Financial Reporting Period AR_CMGT_FIN_REPORTING_PERIO Credit application, case folder


Credit Recommendations for Trade AR_CMGT_RECOMMENDATIONS Case folder, automation rules


Review Type AR_CMGT_REVIEW_TYPE Credit application

Credit Recommendations for Term AR_CMGT_TERM_RECOMMENDATI Case folder, automation rules

ONS setup

Credit Management Internal Trade AR_CMGT_TRADE_RATINGS



Asset Quantity Type for Class Other OCM_ASSET_QNT_ASSET_OTHER

Asset Quantity Type for Machinery and OCM_ASSET_QNT_MACHINERY_EQ

Equipment PMNT

Asset Quantity Type for Real Estate OCM_ASSET_QNT_REAL_ESTATE

Asset Quantity Type for Securities OCM_ASSET_QNT_SECURITIES

Asset Reference Type for Class Other OCM_ASSET_REF_ASSET_OTHER

Asset Reference Type for Machinery OCM_ASSET_REF_MACHINERY_EQ

and Equipment PMNT

Asset Reference Type for Real Estate OCM_ASSET_REF_REAL_ESTATE

Asset Reference Type for Securities OCM_ASSET_REF_SECURITIES


User Data Point Categories OCM_USER_DATA_POINT_CATEGO Additional data points setup


Implementing Oracle Credit Management 2-11

Related Topics
Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Updating Customer Profile Classes

In the Oracle Receivables Customer Profile Classes window, use the Collectors region
on the Profile Class tab to assign credit information to your customer profile classes:
• Classification
Or, use the Assign Customer Credit Classification program, page 2-12.

• Periodic review cycle

See: Periodic Credit Review Program, page 4-24.

• Analyst
Optionally assign credit analysts to indicate who is responsible for monitoring the
creditworthiness of the account and for assisting in the resolution of credit-related

Note: Credit Management looks for an assigned credit analyst at

the customer profile, only after other locations fail to provide an
assignment. See: Credit Analyst Assignment Rules, page 6-1.

If a credit applicant does not have an assigned credit analyst, or is a prospect, then
any credit review for that applicant is routed to the Credit Scheduler for analyst
assignment. See: Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1.

Related Topics
Defining Customer Profile Classes, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide
Defining Credit Analysts, page 2-1
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

Assign Customer Credit Classification Program

Use the Assign Customer Credit Classification program to add or update the credit
classification on a customer.
Use this program when you first begin using credit classifications, or whenever you
want to update multiple customers at once.
Otherwise, assign the credit classification at the customer profile class level, or at the

2-12 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

customer or address level.

Selected Parameters
Update Existing Credit Classification: Select Yes to update the credit classification for
all customers who are assigned to the specified profile class.
Select No if you do not want to update the credit classification for customers who
already have existing credit classifications.
If you select No, then only customers who have no existing credit classifications are
assigned the new credit classification.

Related Topics
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1
Defining Customer Profile Classes, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide

Implementing Oracle Credit Management 2-13

Setting Up Your Credit Policies

This chapter describes setting up and administering credit policies, as well as reviewing
the performance of the policies.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup
• What is a Credit Data Point?
• Defining Checklists
• Adding Dun & Bradstreet Data Points to a Checklist
• Defining Scoring Models
• External Scoring
• Assigning Automation Rules
• Setting Up Credit Recommendations
• Setting Up Credit Decision Approval Policies
• Reviewing Credit Management Performance

Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup

The flexible setup procedures that follow reflect Oracle Credit Management's ability to
meet the demands of your enterprise's particular credit policies.
During setup, you define your credit policies that determine the data used for analysis,
the credit scores that are calculated, and the credit recommendations that are made.
First, design the credit review tools that Oracle Credit Management uses to assess
• Define checklists, page 3-5

• Define scoring models, page 3-9

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-1

• Assign automation rules (optional), page 3-17

Then, define credit recommendations, page 3-19 and approval policies, page 3-22.
Finally, use the tools on the Performance tab to ensure that your credit policies are
adequately assessing the creditworthiness of your customers and prospects. See:
Reviewing Credit Management Performance, page 3-26.

Related Topics
Chapter 2, Implementing Oracle Credit Management

What is a Credit Data Point?

A credit data point is a single piece of credit information, such as the number of late
payments or DSO days (days sales outstanding), which Oracle Credit Management uses
during credit analysis.
Credit Management pulls various credit data points from a multitude of sources to
assess the creditworthiness of your customers and prospects. Sources include:
• Seeded data points
Credit Management provides almost 200 data points that you can include in credit
reviews. These data points are pulled from other applications in the E-Business
Suite, such as Oracle Receivables and Oracle Order Management. See: Oracle Credit
Management Data Points, page D-1.

• Dun & Bradstreet data points

You can purchase credit information from Dun & Bradstreet and include D&B data
points in credit reviews. See: Maintaining Customer Data, page 2-3 and Adding
Dun & Bradstreet Data Points to a Checklist, page 3-9.

• User-defined data points

• Internal
You can define additional data points and associate a PL/SQL package and
function to derive a value for that data point.

• External
You can include data points from other sources from outside the E-Business
Suite, such as credit bureaus that are not currently integrated with Credit

Important: During a credit review, Credit Management will not

automatically populate values for external data points upon

3-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

case folder creation. Because these data points are missing
when the case folder is created, the Credit Management
workflow will fail and a credit analyst must manually enter the
missing data point values.

See: Defining Additional Data Points, page 3-3.

Defining Additional Data Points

When setting up your credit review tools (credit checklist and scoring model), you
indicate which data points to include for credit analysis. Later, during a credit review,
Oracle Credit Management pulls the data points specified on the credit checklist and
analyzes the collected information based on the scoring model parameters.
Credit Management provides you with an inventory of almost 200 seeded data points
on which to base credit reviews and decisions. Data points from other E-Business Suite
applications, such as Oracle Order Management and Oracle Lease and Finance
Management, are also provided for your use.
But what if the seeded inventory of data points does not cover your business
requirements? You can extend the menu of available data points within Credit
Management by defining your own data points to be selected during checklist and
scoring model definition. To do this, use the Additional Data Points page off the Policy
Management tab.

Tip: Remember to enable newly-created data points. Data points that

are not enabled are not available during checklist and scoring model

Note: On the Additional Data Points page, you can view and update
only the user-defined data points, not the seeded data points.

When defining new data points, you can:

• Add existing or user-defined PL/SQL packages and functions to automatically
derive a value upon case folder creation. This ensures that the entire credit review
process remains automated.

Caution: Carefully consider your business process before leaving

the Package and Function fields empty. If you choose not to have
Credit Management automatically derive a data point's value, then
the value will be missing upon case folder creation. In this case, the
workflow will fail and a credit analyst must manually add the data

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-3

point value.

If a data point has an associated function, then the data point value is not updatable
in the case folder.
For PL/SQL guidelines, see: Guidelines for Deriving Data Point Values, page E-1.

Important: Please consider the following points while adding

PL/SQL functions.
1. Do not include PL/SQL package or function names in an ADP
unless the package function exists in the database and is valid
and operational. If an invalid package name is included, it will
not create the case folders.

2. If you define a PL/SQL function for an ADP, make sure that the
function will complete normally and successfully for all
customers or scenarios. Make sure that you handle all ORA-
1403 or ORA-1422 (no data found/too many rows) issues which
return null or zero values inside your package.

3. All ADPs are executed for all customers on all case folders.
While you may not use the ADP in all cases, it should calculate
or handle exceptions for cases where it cannot compute a value.

• Define hierarchical relationships between data points by selecting a parent data

Hierarchical relationships can involve one parent and many children, or multiple
levels of children.
For example, during a credit review of a customer who is applying for a new lease
agreement for a tractor, you will probably want to include in the credit analysis the
tractor's rental fee. In this case, the asset is the parent data point, and its child data
point is the rental fee. If the rental fee is different depending on the lease term (0-12
months vs. 13-48 months), then the lease term becomes a child of the rental fee data

Note: During checklist definition, child data points are not

available for selection. If a parent data point is required, then its
child data points are also required.

• Specify a data point category. A data point category acts as a filter to classify your
user-defined data points. For example, you might want to organize data points by
external source, such as by credit bureau name.

3-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

To implement categories, you must first define them using the
OCM_USER_DATA_POINT_CATEGORIES lookup. See: Defining Lookups, page 2-

• Indicate if a data point is scorable.

If a data point is scorable, then you can define ranges and scores for that data point
during scoring model definition.

Tip: If a data point is associated with a PL/SQL function that

returns multiple values, then this data point is not scorable.

Frequently Asked Questions

When defining an additional data point, is there any impact if I do not assign a
PL/SQL function?
If no package is associated then the value will be defaulted to NULL, and your credit
analysts must manually enter values in the case folder. This means that upon case
folder creation, the workflow will fail and the credit review will be routed to the Credit
Scheduler for assignment to a credit analyst.
What happens if an assigned PL/SQL function fails during case folder creation?
The workflow process will fail and the case folder will be routed to the Credit Scheduler
for assignment to a credit analyst.
How can a credit review include data points in a foreign currency?
Set the AR: Default Credit Management Currency profile option to identify the currency
in which you want to conduct your credit reviews. Credit Management checks this
profile option, then converts foreign currency data points into the stated currency. See:
Profile Options and Profile Option Categories Overview, page A-1.
You must also define multi-currency credit exposure usage rules. See: Defining Credit
Usage Rules Sets, page 7-1.

Related Topics
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

Defining Checklists
In Oracle Credit Management, you document your enterprise's credit policies via user-
defined credit checklists. Using various checklists, you manage the credit analysis
process by defining the required and optional data points that are included in the credit
Defining a checklist is a multi-step process, during which you can select checklist

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-5

criteria in the form of data points from a multitude of sources. Credit Management uses
these checklists in two places:
1. Credit application - The checklist determines which fields are required on the

2. Credit analysis - The checklist identifies what data should be automatically

collected and displayed in the case folder.

When defining a checklist, you select a credit review type and credit classification
combination. During a credit review, Credit Management uses the intersection of the
credit review type and the applicant's credit classification to select the appropriate
checklist to use for the credit analysis. The higher the customer credit classification risk,
the more stringent the credit policy (scoring model).
For example, your enterprise defines these credit review types:
• Credit checking

• Credit review

• Periodic credit review

• Credit application

• Lease application

Additionally, your enterprise defines these credit classifications:

• High Risk

• Moderate Risk

• Low Risk

For each combination of credit review type and credit classification, define a checklist
based on your credit policies. For example, during a lease application credit review for
a High Risk customer, the assigned checklist might require additional collateral and
bank reference data points on which to base a credit decision.

Note: For any combination of credit review type and credit

classification, only one checklist is active at a time.

This table lists the pages from which you select data points that you want to include in
the checklist.

3-6 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Checklist Definition Page Data Point Description Data Point Source

Select Credit Data Points Indicates which credit-related data Receivables and user-entered
from Receivables and user-entered
business information to include in
the credit analysis

Select References Data Points Indicates the number of bank User-entered

references and trade references to
enter in the credit analysis, as well
as guarantors, venture capital, and

Select Payments Data Points Indicates which historical order and Order Management and Receivables
receivables data to include in the
credit analysis

Select Aging Data Points Indicates which aging data to Receivables

include in the credit analysis

Select Dun & Bradstreet Data Points Indicates which data points from the Dun & Bradstreet
specific Dun & Bradstreet Global
Access Data Products report to
include in the credit analysis

Define Additional Items Indicates if the credit analysis User-entered

requires additional information
from an outside source

You must first define your enterprise's credit classifications as well as credit review
types. See: Defining Lookups, page 2-10.

To define a checklist:
1. On the Define Checklist page, enter a name and description for this checklist.

2. Select the credit classification that you want to associate with this checklist.

3. Select the credit review type that you want to associate with this credit classification
and checklist.

4. In the Notes field, optionally enter comments about this checklist.

5. The Start Date field defaults to the current date, but you can change it to a future

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-7

If your credit policies change, then you can end date a checklist for a combination
and create a new checklist.
After you designate an end date for a checklist, you cannot change or remove it.

Note: If you enter a future end date, then you can associate a
second checklist with this same combination of credit classification
and credit review type, provided that the second checklist's start
date is after this checklist's end date.

6. Optionally assign a scoring model to this checklist.

Whenever Credit Management uses this checklist for a credit analysis, the scoring
model that you assign here will be the default.

Note: During a credit analysis, you can generate various what-if

scenarios by changing the scoring model that is attached to the
checklist. See: Calculating a Credit Score, page 4-18.

Important: Before assigning a scoring model, ensure that the

scoring model's selected data points are also included by this

7. Use the Credit Policy Statement field to optionally enter a description of the credit
policy that this checklist enforces.

8. The following group of pages display various data points that you can select for
inclusion in this checklist.
Select the data points that you want this checklist to include.
If you do not select either check box, then the checklist will not include the data
point at all.
Data points that are user-entered or from an external source can be designated as
required or optional. See: Defining Additional Data Points, page 3-3.
For additional information about selecting data points from Dun & Bradstreet, see
Adding Dun & Bradstreet Credit Data to a Checklist, page 3-9.
On each page, you can view the checklist criteria that you have saved up to that

9. Click Submit to freeze the checklist.

Once you have submitted the checklist, you cannot modify it. If modifications are

3-8 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

necessary, then you must end date the checklist and create a new checklist.

Related Topics
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

Adding Dun & Bradstreet Data Points to a Checklist

When you first set up a checklist, the Select Dun & Bradstreet Data Points page
provides you with an overview of Global Access Data Products that you can purchase.
From this page, select the data product whose data points you want to include on your
checklist. You can select more than one data product, but you would typically include
only one product on a checklist.
Later, during a credit analysis, the case folder displays the D&B data points that you
included on the associated checklist.

Purchasing All Data Points from a D&B Data Product

When you include a Global Access Data Product on a checklist, all data points for that
report are displayed.
During a credit analysis, Credit Management checks to see whether the data exists in
your database and is current:
• If the data is not available and you selected the All Data Required check box, then
you must purchase the data. Credit Management will not complete the credit
analysis and make a recommendation until the data is imported from Dun &

• If the data is not available and you selected the All Data Optional check box, then
you will receive a notification that the data does not exist. However, Credit
Management will still complete the credit analysis and make a recommendation.

Related Topics
Third Party Data Integration Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

Defining Scoring Models

A scoring model is one of the primary credit review tools that Oracle Credit
Management uses to assess the creditworthiness of your customers and prospects. See:
Overview of Oracle Credit Management, page 1-1.

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-9

Scoring models include the data points and scoring method that are appropriate for a
particular credit review. When defining scoring models, for each data point, (1) indicate
a score for each range of values and (2) optionally assign a relative weighting factor.
During a credit analysis, Credit Management uses the scores that you assigned to each
data point range of values to calculate a score. The lower the credit score, the greater the
credit risk.

Note: Credit scores are calculated as whole integers, with decimal

values .5 or greater rounded up. For example, 70.5 becomes 71, and 70.4
becomes 70.

The power of the scoring model lies in its ability to facilitate the automated credit
review process, because you can attach recommendations to each score range. Once a
score has been calculated, Credit Management can automatically determine the
appropriate credit recommendations without user intervention. See: Assigning
Automation Rules, page 3-17.
Credit Management provides you with the ability to define multiple scoring models.
Define a different scoring model for each type of credit review that you need. This lets
you apply standard and consistent scoring guidelines across your customers and
You can assign a default scoring model to a credit checklist. See: Defining Checklists,
page 3-5.
Later, during credit analysis, you can generate various "what-if" scenarios during a
credit review by selecting different scoring models from the case folder. See: Calculating
a Credit Score, page 4-18.

Tip: You can ignore Credit Management's scoring model altogether and
use an external scoring engine to derive a credit score. See: External
Scoring, page 3-15.

Defining Scoring Model Formulas

You can assign different scoring attributes to each data point in your scoring model.

Assigning Scores
For each data point that the scoring model includes, you must assign a range of values
and a corresponding score for each range. The ranges of values for a data point typically
represent levels of credit risk.
Numeric ranges can be positive or negative, and you can use decimal points. Scores
must be numeric values, either positive or negative.
For example, this table illustrates sample ranges and scores for the Percentage of

3-10 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Invoices Paid Late data point:

Credit Risk Range Value Score

Low 0 to 20 15

Moderate 21 to 50 10

High 51 to 100 0

This table illustrates sample ranges and scores for the DSO data point:

Credit Risk Range Value Score

Low -999 to 9 8

Moderate 10 to 24 5

High 25 to 34 2

Highest 35 to 999 1

Assigning Weights (Optional)

Assign a weighting factor to each data point to indicate the relative importance of each
data point in the scoring model.
For example, will you use this scoring model to determine a credit limit increase for an
existing customer who has years of credit history with your enterprise? In that case, you
might assign a higher weighting factor to the Percentages Of Invoices Paid Late data
point, and a lower weighting factor to the Credit Agency Score data point.
Or, assign no weights at all to produce a raw score. If no weights are assigned, then the
calculated score could fall outside the 0 to 100 range.

Tip: You can view the minimum and maximum potential raw scores on
the Review page during scoring model definition. This is helpful to
know when defining automation rules. See: Assigning Automation
Rules, page 3-17.

Continuing the previous example, this table illustrates the possible weighting factors for
the Percentage of Invoices Paid Late and DSO data points:

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-11

Data Point Weight

Percentage of Invoices Paid Late 65

DSO 35

Note: If you assign weights, then the sum of all data point weighting
factors must equal 100.

Score Calculation Example

This example illustrates how the credit score is calculated, based on the scoring model
defined in the previous examples. This table shows the values for each data point.

Data Point Value

Percentage of Invoices Paid Late 75

DSO 15

1. For each data point, the score for the value's range is divided by the largest possible
score for the data point.
• Percentage of Invoices Paid Late: 0 / 15 = 0

• DSO: 5 / 8 = .625

2. The result from step 1 is multiplied by the weight.

• Percentage of Invoices Paid Late: 0 * .65 = 0

• DSO: .625 * .35 = .13671875

3. The results of step 1 and 2 are added for each data point.
0 + .13671875 = .13671875

4. The result of step 3 is multiplied by 100.

.13671875 * 100 = 13.671875

The credit score is 14.

3-12 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

To define a scoring model:
1. On the Define Scoring Model page, enter the name and description of this scoring

2. In the Currency field, from the list of values, select the currency for this scoring
The selected currency indicates the currency in which the data point range is
expressed. Credit Management uses the Exchange Rate Type system option during
currency conversion.

3. Use the Notes field to optionally enter comments about this scoring model.

4. The Start Date defaults to the current date, but you can change it to a future date.
If your credit requirements change and you want to define a new scoring model
that is more in line with your revised credit policies, inactivate the outdated scoring
model by entering an end date. The only valid end date is the current date.

Tip: Inactive scoring models do not display on the scoring models

search page, unless you select the Show Inactive Scoring Model
check box as a search parameter.

When you create a new case folder or attach a scoring model to a credit checklist,
you can select only a scoring model that has no end date, or an end date that is
greater than the case folder or checklist creation date.

Note: Once you enter an end date and save your work, you can no
longer change or remove the date. This ensures that your credit
policies are strictly enforced, and also that comparisons across
scoring models remain meaningful.

5. Use the Convert null values to zero values check box to indicate how Credit
Management should treat data points with null values.

Tip: Carefully consider your business requirements before leaving

this box blank. If you do not select this box, then a scoring model
will not calculate a score if a data point contains a null value. In this
case, the workflow will stop and the credit review will be routed to
the Credit Scheduler for credit analyst assignment.

6. On the Select Data Points page, select the data points that you want to include in
the scoring model.

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-13

7. For each data point that is included in this scoring model, assign a range of values
and a corresponding score for each range.
The ranges that you enter should include all possible values. You can enter up to 15
characters for each value in the range.

Note: If you enter alphanumeric values for a data point, then both
range values must be the same. This table illustrates an example:

Range Low High Score

Range 1 A2B A2B 10

Range 2 B3B B3B 5

8. When you have completed assigning ranges and scores to the data points in this
scoring model, optionally assign a weight to each data point. The weight that you
assign indicates the relative importance of the data point in the scoring model.
See: Assigning Weights (Optional), page 3-11.

9. Review the scoring model.

Tip: If you have not assigned weights, then the scoring model will
calculate a raw score. Note the minimum and maximum potential
raw scores on this page, because you will need to know this range
if you define automation rules. See: Assigning Automation Rules,
page 3-17.

You can still update a scoring model after you save it. After you submit a scoring
model, however, you can no longer update it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a null data point value and a zero data point value?
A null data point value indicates no activity, while a zero data point value indicates that
activity has occurred in the past, but there is no value for the particular data point. For
example, let's consider the Count of Invoices Paid Late data point. In this case, a null
value might indicate that no payments have been made, while a zero value indicates
that all invoices were paid on time.

3-14 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Related Topics
Assigning Automation Rules, page 3-17
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

External Scoring
You can bypass Oracle Credit Management's scoring functionality and score a case
folder's data points using a third party scoring engine. This process involves:
1. Exporting case folder contents outside Credit Management, and scoring the
contents using your own scoring engine

2. Importing the resulting credit score, and storing it in the case folder

What Initiates External Scoring?

To determine whether a case folder's data should be externally scored, Credit
Management reviews the scoring model that is associated with the checklist in the case
folder. External scoring is initiated if the scoring model includes the seeded External
Score data point.
See: Defining Scoring Models, page 3-9.

Export Process Flow

If the scoring model includes the External Score data point, then the Credit
Management workflow bypasses the assigned scoring model and instead automatically
submits the Extract XML Case Folder concurrent program. This program extracts the
case folder data points in an XML file, which you can retrieve for processing in your
external system by subscribing to the business event,
Upon extraction of the case folder data points, the Credit Management workflow locks
the case folder to prevent manual updates and sets the case folder status to In Process.
Additionally, the workflow sends a notification to the credit analyst assigned to the case
folder, or to the Credit Scheduler if a credit analyst has not yet been assigned. The
notification indicates that the case folder was submitted for external scoring.

Import Process Flow

After your external system completes the scoring process, you must then import the
final score back into Credit Management for storage in the case folder. To import the
score, use the Get Score API.

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-15

Additional Information: For API usage information, see: Overview of
Credit Management Public APIs, page F-1.

Upon import, Credit Management records the score as the value for the External Score
data point, and also includes the score in an XML file attached to the case folder for
audit purposes.
To unlock the case folder and resume workflow processing, you must ensure that the
Submit Case Folder API runs after the Get Score API.
The Submit Case Folder API unlocks the case folder and removes the In Process status.
The case folder is now ready for credit recommendations:
• If automation rules are associated with the scoring model, then credit
recommendations are automatically assigned according to the automation rules and
the externally derived credit score. The case folder is then submitted for approval.

• If no automation rules exist, then a credit analyst must manually assign a credit
recommendation and submit the case folder for approval.

Once approvals are processed, the case folder is closed.

Note: In addition to importing an externally derived credit score, you

can also import credit recommendations, as well as additional data
points. See: Importing Credit Recommendations and Other Data, page

Importing Credit Recommendations and Other Data

When using an external scoring engine, you are not limited to importing only the final
credit score. You can also optionally import additional data points that you want to
capture in the case folder, as well as credit recommendations.

Important: Before you can import credit recommendations, the

recommendations must already be defined in Credit Management. See:
Defining Lookups, page 2-10.

To import additional data points and credit recommendations, ensure that the Include
Data Points API and Get Recommendations API are run after the Get Score API. As
always, the Submit Case Folder API must run at the end of the process to unlock the
case folder for processing.
Upon import, Credit Management refreshes the case folder with the additional data
points and credit recommendations.

3-16 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Note: Credit recommendations that are imported take precedence over
any automation rules that might already exist on the scoring model.

Additional data points and credit recommendations are stored in the same XML file
(attached to the case folder) where the credit score resides.

Related Topics
Appendix F: Credit Management API User Notes
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

Assigning Automation Rules

For any scoring model, you can define a set of automation rules to guide the
implementation of credit recommendations without user intervention. Automation
rules let a credit review proceed uninterrupted through the workflow, during which a
credit recommendation is automatically implemented based on the score that the
scoring model calculates.
To accomplish this automatic implementation of credit recommendations, you associate
credit score ranges with recommendations when defining automation rules. For
example, if the credit score is below 50, you might want to automatically reject a credit
Such automation is preferable when the credit risk, as defined by your enterprise's
credit policies, is minimal and the credit score can drive the credit decision. This lets
your credit personnel focus their efforts on higher risk credit reviews.
When you define automation rules, you can also indicate approval options for each
decision. Credit Management lets you decide if you want to skip the required approval
on a credit decision. See: Setting Up Credit Decision Approval Policies, page 3-22.
You can define a set of automation rules for any of your scoring models, provided that:
1. A checklist and scoring model are defined and assigned to a credit review type and
credit classification combination

2. Automation rules do not yet exist for the combination

To define automation rules:

Create a scoring model. See: Defining Scoring Models, page 3-9.
1. On the Automation Rules page, search for a submitted scoring model to view its
existing automation rules, or search for a saved scoring model to view and update

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-17

automation rules.
Select a scoring model and click the View Details to navigate to the Automation
Rule Details page.
The Automation Rule Details page displays all credit decisions that are defined for
the selected scoring model.
Otherwise, to define new rules, click Create Automation Rule.
The Create Automation Rules page displays the scoring models that are eligible for

2. Select a scoring model and click the Add Rules icon to define a set of automation

3. Enter the effective dates for this automation rule.

The Start Date defaults to the current date, but you can change it to a future date.
In the End Date field, optionally enter the end date for this set of automation rules.
Enter an end date if your credit requirements change and you want to define a new
set of automation rules that are more in line with your revised credit policies.
If the End Date field is populated, then this set of automation rules is inactive. Any
credit analysis using these rules will require user intervention.

4. Use the Low Score and High Score fields to define the score range for this
automation rule.

Note: Credit scores are calculated as whole values, so enter only


5. Select the Skip Approval check box if you want to automatically implement credit
recommendations without the defined approval hierarchy.
See: Setting Up Credit Decision Approval Policies, page 3-22.

6. Click the Add Recommendations icon to assign automation rules (automatic credit
decisions) to this score range.
• Use the Overall Credit Limit or Transaction Credit Limit fields to define the
credit limit for this score range. Or, use the Change Overall Credit Limit by
Percentage or Change Overall Transaction Credit Limit fields to indicate a
percentage increase limit.
You can assign additional values for a recommendation. For example, for a
recommendation of increase credit limit to CAD $800,000, value 1 is currency =
CAD and value 2 is 800,000.
Do not enter a value in any field if you do not want Credit Management to

3-18 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

automatically implement credit increases.

• From the list of values, select a credit classification that you want to
automatically assign to the applicant if they receive a credit score in this range.

• Select the recommendation or recommendations that you want to automatically

implement for an applicant who scores in this range.

7. You can add another row to enter another score range and associated automation
If the scoring model uses weighting factors for each score range, then the credit
score is always a complete range from 0 to 100. If not, then the scoring model will
produce a raw score that can be outside the 0 to 100 range.

Warning: When defining automation rules, be sure to enter ranges

for the entire potential range of credit scores. Later, during a credit
review, if a score falls outside the automation rule score ranges,
then the workflow will fail and the credit review will be assigned to
an analyst for a manually selected recommendation.
Alternatively, you might want the workflow to fail for a particular
score range. For example, if a credit score is below 20, then you
might want to assign a credit analyst to this credit review for
manual processing. In that case, you can skip of range of scores
when defining automation rules.

8. Click Submit to freeze this set of automation rules for the selected scoring model.
After you submit, you can no longer update these automation rules.

Related Topics
Defining Scoring Models, page 3-9
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1
Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Credit Recommendations

Credit recommendations are made at the end of a credit review in one of either two
• A credit analyst enters one or more recommendations in the case folder, on the
Recommendations page.
See: Making a Recommendation, page 4-21.

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-19

• The automation rules associated with the case folder's assigned scoring model use
the calculated credit score to select one or more recommendations.
See: Assigning Automation Rules, page 3-17.

Oracle Credit Management provides you with a seeded inventory of credit

recommendations, but you can define your own.
Credit Management distinguishes between trade credit and term credit.
Seeded trade credit recommendations include:
• Change Periodic Review Cycle

• Assign Credit Classification

• Assign Overall Credit Limit

• Place Customer on Credit Hold

• No Change

• Change Overall Credit Limit by Percentage

• Change Transaction Credit Limit by Percentage

• Remove Customer from Credit Hold

• Remove Order from Hold

• Send Credit Reference

• Assign Transaction Credit Limit

Seeded term credit recommendations include:

• Approve

• Authorize Appeal

• Extend

• Increase

• Reject

• Terminate

3-20 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Defining New Recommendations
You define recommendations using user-extensible lookup codes. Define your
recommendations for both trade and term credit using these lookup codes:
• AR_CMGT_RECOMMENDATIONS (credit recommendations for trade credit)

• AR_CMGT_TERM_RECOMMENDATIONS (credit recommendations for term


See: Defining Lookups, page 2-10.

Note: User-defined recommendations are available for business event


If you are using Oracle Lease and Finance Management or Oracle Loans and want to
define application-specific recommendations, see: Defining Recommendations for
Integrated Applications, page 5-1.

Adding Conditions to Recommendations

You can add a condition as an attribute of a user-defined recommendation. A condition
will launch a new page where the user can document a large set of data points.
To add a condition to a recommendation, you must build a custom page first where
condition fulfillment details can be recorded. You then add the new page's OA function
to the recommendation's lookup type, in the Tag field.

Tip: Use the ability to add an OA function to recommendations to

further extend the implementation of credit policies that require more
complex information than a set of single data points.

See: Approving a Credit Review with Conditions, page 5-6.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many values can I associate with a recommendation?
When you define automation rules for a scoring model, you assign one or more
recommendations to a credit score range. See: Assigning Automation Rules, page 3-17.
Recommendations can have up to two associated values. For example, for a
recommendation of increase credit limit to CAD $800,000, value 1 is currency = CAD
and value 2 is 800,000.

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-21

Related Topics
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

Setting Up Credit Decision Approval Policies

In Oracle Credit Management, credit recommendations are made in two ways:
• Automatic:
Oracle Workflow can create a credit application and case folder, calculate a score
using the assigned scoring model, and use the scoring model's automation rules to
arrive at a final credit recommendation, all without user intervention.

• Manual:
A credit analyst can make a credit recommendation at the conclusion of a manual
credit analysis.

But how are those credit recommendations actually approved and implemented?
During setup, you decide which recommendations require approval. For example,
certain risky credit recommendations might require approval by a defined list of
On the other hand, you might want less risky credit recommendations to be
immediately implemented without approval.
This decision about whether to approve credit recommendations is another dimension
of credit policy management:
• For credit recommendations that do not require approval, you implement this type
of policy using the Skip Approval check box during scoring model definition. See:
Bypassing the Approval Hierarchy, page 3-23.

• For credit recommendations that require approval, Credit Management works with
Oracle Approvals Management (AME) to manage the list of required approvers.

Credit Review Approval Process Using Oracle Approvals Management

When a credit review is submitted for approval, Credit Management passes the credit
analyst ID to Approvals Management.

Note: If no credit analyst is assigned to a credit review, then the credit

review must be routed to the Credit Scheduler first, before Credit
Management can initiate the approval process with Approvals

3-22 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Approvals Management uses the HR hierarchy to determine the appropriate approver
for that particular credit review, and returns the approver ID to Credit Management.
Credit Management uses Workflow to send a notification to the identified approver.
Upon approval, Credit Management passes the approver's ID back to Approvals
If an additional approver is required, then Approvals Management returns the next
approver's ID. The cycle repeats until Approvals Management returns a null value; this
tells Credit Management that the approval sequence has concluded. At this point,
Credit Management implements the recommendation, assigns a status of Approved to
the recommendation, and closes the case folder with a status of Closed.
See: Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide.

Bypassing the Approval Hierarchy

Depending on the associated risk, a credit recommendation typically requires approval
from one or more persons in your enterprise. As described above, Approvals
Management derives the list of approvers based on approval rules set up in that
If the associated risk is minimal, however, then you might decide an approval flow via
Approvals Management is unnecessary.
To accomplish this, select the Skip Approval check box on the Create Automation Rule
Details page for each recommendation that does not require approval. If a
recommendation has Skip Approval enabled and the recommendation is selected
according to the calculated credit score, then Credit Management automatically
implements the recommendation without calling Approvals Management for a list of
This Skip Approval option lets you automatically implement credit recommendations
without the defined approval hierarchy in all but the riskiest of cases.

Tip: Typically, all scoring models will have automation rules. For a set
of automation rules, you might enable the Skip Approval option on:
• the lowest credit score range, to automatically implement the
rejection recommendation due to high risk

• the highest credit score range, to automatically implement the

approval recommendation due to low risk

You might require approval, however, for the mid-range credit score.

Example of Automated Credit Decisioning Implementation

Consider Company ABC:

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-23

• Credit classification is Medium Risk

• Existing credit limit is $100,000

• Pending orders and outstanding invoices equal $95,000

Also consider the following credit policy that your enterprise defines for Company
ABC, should ABC surpass its existing credit limit:
• During a credit review, if the customer scores 71 or higher, then the credit limit is
automatically increased to $200,000.
Implementation: For this credit score range, the Skip Approval check box is

• If the customer scores 50 or higher, but below 71, then the credit limit is increased to
$150,000, but approval by the sales department is required.
Implementation: For this credit score range, the Skip Approval check box is not

• If the customer scores less than 50, then the workflow fails and the credit review is
automatically passed to a credit analyst for manual processing.
Implementation: This credit score range does not exist on the scoring model's
automation rules.

What actually happens?

When ABC places an order in the amount of $10,000, the order is automatically placed
on hold and a request for a credit review is automatically generated.
The scoring model calculates a credit score using the included data points, with a higher
credit score indicating less of a credit risk. Below are examples of outcomes based on
the calculated credit score:
• A credit score is calculated between 71 and 100:
• A recommendation to change the credit limit to $200,000 is added to the case
folder, and is assigned a status of Approved.

• Credit Management initiates the process to change the credit limit.

• The case folder is assigned a status of Closed.

• A credit score is calculated between 51 and 70:

• A recommendation to change the credit limit to $150,000 is added to the case

• Credit Management works with Approvals Management to notify the

3-24 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

appropriate people in the sales department for approval.

Once approval has been granted, the recommendation is assigned a status of

Approved, Credit Management initiates the process to change the credit limit, and
the case folder is assigned a status of Closed.

• A credit score is calculated between 0 and 50:

• The automatic process stops and a notification is sent to the assigned credit
analyst or credit manager for further action.

More Complex Credit Approvals Policy Management

Approvals Management is set up with Credit Management to use the HR hierarchy to
determine the approval chain.
However, you can leverage Approvals Management to accomplish other, more complex
approval list functions. For example, you can set up a list of approvers based on:
• Credit request amount

• Job role or level, as defined in Oracle HRMS

You also have the flexibility to define a list of either parallel or sequential approvers.
For example, for orders placed on hold, perhaps your enterprise defined the following
credit policy:
• For orders $500 or less, the approval list should be Jane, a credit analyst, and Bob,
her credit manager.

• For orders over $500, the approval list should be Bob, the credit manager, and
Mary, the vice-president of Finance.

You can define the above approval lists in Approvals Management.

In Credit Management, you might also define the following exception to the above
Approvals Management rules:
• If the customer credit classification is Low Risk, the credit review type is a periodic
credit review, the credit score is above 80, and the order on hold is less than $500,
then no approval is required to implement a credit recommendation. In other
words, the Skip Approval check box would be enabled for this particular

Related Topics
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-25

Reviewing Credit Management Performance
Credit Management provides you with comparison tools that help you to determine if
your credit policies have adequately assessed the creditworthiness of your customers.
On the Performance tab, you can access simple views into the workload and
effectiveness of the checklists and scoring models that you have set up and used in
credit reviews.

Credit Workload Quick Check

The Credit Workload Quick Check displays a summary of:
• Number of Credit Reviews in Process

• Number of Automatic Reviews Processed

• Number of Customers on Credit Hold

The Quick Check provides you with a view into the amount of work that is
outstanding. A high number of in-process reviews can indicate that a delay exists in
meeting credit review completion goals.

Top Ten Customer Credit Exposure

The Top Ten Customer Credit Exposure report provides you with an overview of the
top ten customers with the greatest receivables balance.
By drilling down into the Aging details, you can see whether there is cause for concern.

Customer Trends
Use this comparison to view pertinent trend data from one credit review to the next for
an account. Comparison data from each case folder includes the receivables balance,
weighted average days paid, and days sales outstanding.
This is particularly useful for accounts who have a long-term relationship with you and
are assigned a periodic review cycle.
To perform this comparison, the account must have more than one case folder for a
credit review type, and the case folders must have a status of Closed. The credit reviews
must also use the same credit currency.

Policy Usage by Month

Use this comparison to determine whether your credit policies have adequately
assessed the creditworthiness of your customers.

3-26 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

This page displays the checklists that were used in completed credit reviews during the
past year, broken down by month.
In addition, this page compares the checklist and credit score objectives with related
recommendations, and identifies where the credit limit recommendations were above
and below acceptable thresholds.
An average risk factor for each checklist is displayed, and is a ratio of the credit limits
implemented vs. the calculated credit exposure for the customer.
The risk factor ranges from positive to negative:
• A positive number indicates that the credit limits might be set too conservatively

• A negative number indicates an aggressive credit policy

The absence of a risk factor indicates that a risk factor could not be calculated due to
missing data.

Scoring Model Usage by Month

Use this comparison to determine whether your scoring model ranges are correctly
scored to ensure accurate recommendations.
The risk factors for each scoring model, calculated similarly to the checklist risk factors,
provide intelligence about your enterprise's credit reviews that included a scoring
model with credit limit recommendations.

Customer Credit Reference

Use this outbound credit reference page to respond to trade requests from other
Search for a customer, then create a printable credit reference that contains payment
history and high credit.

Related Topics
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Setting Up Your Credit Policies 3-27

Using Credit Management

This chapter describes how to use Oracle Credit Management.

This chapter covers the following topics:
• Processing Credit Reviews
• Initiating a Credit Review
• Collecting Credit Data
• Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data
• Using Case Folders to Collect Credit Data
• Analyzing Credit Data
• Making a Recommendation
• Periodic Credit Review Program

Processing Credit Reviews

Use Credit Management to process credit reviews for both your customers and
Depending on your setup, some types of credit reviews might require the assistance of a
credit analyst, while other types might not require any user intervention at all. See:
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1.
You can divide the credit review process into four stages:
• Initiating a credit review, page 4-2

• Collecting credit data, page 4-3

• Analyzing credit data, page 4-16

• Making and implementing the recommendation, page 4-23

Using Credit Management 4-1

During the credit review, the Credit Management Application workflow, page B-1
manages the process flow of credit data collection and analysis, as well as the
implementation of credit decisions.
In addition, Credit Management provides various tools that you can use to determine if
your credit policies are effective. See: Reviewing Credit Management Performance,
page 3-26.

Initiating a Credit Review

All credit reviews begin with either a manual or automatic request:
• Credit or other personnel can manually initiate a credit review for a customer or
prospect by submitting an online credit application, or by creating a case folder
without a credit application. A case folder is an electronic representation of a
hardcopy credit file.
See: Collecting Credit Data, page 4-3.

• Certain business events can automatically initiate a credit review by calling the
Create Credit Request API. This type of request creates a credit application and case
folder without user intervention.
For example, if a sales order is put on credit hold, then the credit hold process in
Oracle Order Management passes this information to the Create Credit Request
API, which automatically initiates a credit review.
Other events, such as a quarterly review or a lease application submission, can also
trigger a credit review.
If a change to the sales order amount occurs during credit review processing and
the case folder is still open, then Oracle Credit Management updates the existing
case folder with the new order amount and initiates the case folder data refresh,
rather than creating a duplicate credit request. If the case folder is closed, then a
new credit request is created.

Note: You can also use the Create Credit Request API to initiate a
credit review from a non-Oracle system.

Assigning a Credit Analyst to a Credit Review

You can configure Credit Management to complete the review process without
assistance from credit personnel. In such cases, a credit analyst is not assigned unless a
failed validation step prevents the automated process from successfully completing.
For credit reviews whose workflow processing fails, Credit Management uses the Rules
Engine to determine the appropriate credit analyst for assignment. See: Credit Analyst
Assignment Rules, page 6-1.

4-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

If an analyst cannot be determined, then a notification is sent to the Credit Scheduler to
assign a credit analyst to complete the credit review. See: Credit Management
Application Workflow, page B-1.

Related Topics
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Collecting Credit Data

During a credit review, you collect credit data for your customers and prospects. The
type of credit data that you collect for every credit review is determined by the credit
The credit checklist indicates which data points are required for different types of credit
analyses and decisions, and can optionally indicate which scoring model will be used
for the review. In this way, the checklist enforces your enterprise's credit policies. See:
Defining Checklists, page 3-5.
Credit Management uses credit checklists in two places:
• Credit application

• Case folder

If the checklist identifies required data points that already exist within Oracle
Applications or are calculable, such as available credit, aging, and so on, then Credit
Management automatically inserts that information directly into the credit application
and case folder.
If the checklist requires data points that must be manually supplied, such as bank and
trade references, then a credit analyst must enter the required data into the credit
application or case folder.

Credit Checklists for Credit Applications

When you create a credit application, you first specify the credit review type, as well as
the customer or prospect's credit classification if it is not defaulted from the customer's
profile class. Credit Management identifies the credit checklist that corresponds to this
combination, and uses the checklist to build the rest of the application.
This means that the data points on a credit application vary according to its associated
credit checklist. See: Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data, page 4-4.
For example, a new customer wants to establish credit with your company. Based on
the credit checklist that you defined for the combination of credit review type (New
Credit) and credit classification (New), the credit application will most likely emphasize
external data and trade references, because historical receivables data will not exist for
this new customer.

Using Credit Management 4-3

When you submit a credit application, Credit Management compares the application
with the associated checklist to confirm that you are not missing any required data
points. See: Submitting a Credit Application, page 4-11.

Credit Checklists for Case Folders

Whenever credit or other personnel submit a credit application, Credit Management
always creates a case folder. Credit Management also creates a case folder whenever the
Create Credit Request API initiates a credit review.
You use the case folder as a repository for the credit data that you collect. See: Using
Case Folders to Collect Credit Data, page 4-12.
Additionally, the case folder is an important tool that you use during the credit analysis
and decisioning stages of a credit review. See: Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16.
Credit Management associates a credit checklist with a case folder in one of two ways:
1. When Credit Management creates a case folder upon the submission of a credit
application, the case folder inherits the credit application's credit checklist.

2. When a business event, such as a periodic review or a credit hold on an order,

initiates a credit review, Credit Management creates a case folder without a credit
application. To associate the appropriate credit checklist with the case folder, Credit
Management derives the credit review type from the business event itself, and the
credit classification from the customer profile or the Default Credit Classification
system option.

The checklist that Credit Management associates with the case folder ensures that, for
this combination of credit review type and credit classification, all pertinent information
is available for the credit analysis.

Related Topics
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data

The credit application is one of the primary tools that you use in Credit Management to
collect credit data about your customer or prospect. After credit and other personnel
complete and submit the credit application, Credit Management begins the credit

Note: You can also use the case folder to collect information. See: Using
Case Folders to Collect Credit Data, page 4-12.

Use the Application tab to create or search for one of three types of credit applications:

4-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

• New application

• Saved application

• In-process application

For all three application types, you must first execute a search in order to proceed.
Credit Management provides you with robust search capabilities that minimize both
the possibility of creating duplicates in your system, as well as the amount of manual
data entry that is required for a new application.
Search criteria is based upon the Data Quality Management (DQM) setup. See: Setting
Up Data Quality Management Search, page 2-3.

Note: Credit requests with the Appeal, Rejection Appeal, Re-

Submission, or Withdrawal reason can only come from another E-
Business Suite application, as indicated by the credit request source.
You cannot, for example, withdraw credit requests in Credit
Management. See: E-Business Suite Integration Overview, page 5-1.

Related Topics
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1
Collecting Credit Data, page 4-3
Creating a New Credit Application, page 4-5
Searching for Saved Applications, page 4-7
Searching for In-Process Applications, page 4-7
Entering Data into a Credit Application, page 4-8
Submitting a Credit Application, page 4-11

Creating a New Credit Application

To create a new credit application, you must first enter your search criteria and then
select the credit applicant. This procedure capitalizes on the data that you already
maintain by automatically populating the credit application with basic information
about the applicant.
When you open a new application, Credit Management automatically prefills the
application with certain basic information from the account record that you selected,
such as account name, account number, address, requestor name, and so on.
Only those parties (both customers and prospects) who are defined with the customer
type of Organization are included in the search results.
If you select a customer at the top organization level, then data for all accounts that are

Using Credit Management 4-5

related to the organization will be consolidated for the credit analysis. Or, if you select a
specific customer account from the search results, then the data for all sites that are
associated with the account will be consolidated.
The required fields on the application vary according to the combination of the
applicant's credit classification and credit review type. See: Collecting Credit Data, page
4-3. For more information about the general contents of a credit application, see:
Entering Data into a Credit Application, page 4-8.

Window Reference
• Click the View Accounts icon to view a customer's accounts. You can view an
account only if the address is All Locations or if the address type includes a bill-to
business purpose.

• Click the Create Credit Application icon to create a new credit application for this
prospect, customer, account, or site, depending on which search results are in view.
Credit Management opens a new application and automatically updates the
application with the relevant applicant data.

• Click the View Existing Applications icon to view the open credit applications that
exist for this prospect, customer, account, or site.

• If your customer search returned no results or you wish to purchase Dun &
Bradstreet information for an existing customer, then you can click Search D&B to
purchase a Dun & Bradstreet Global Data Product report for this prospect or
customer. If a new party is created, then you will receive a message indicating the
new registry ID for the prospect.
When you return to the New Application Search page, type the new registry ID into
the Search field. Simply click Go and the newly created customer appears in the
search results. You can now create a credit application for this customer.

Note: With the Dun & Bradstreet for Oracle Applications feature,
you can import D&B information and maintain that information
directly in the application database, without installing additional
software or performing additional data imports. This functionality
enables easy access to already purchased D&B credit data during
credit reviews.

Related Topics
Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data, page 4-4
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1
Third Party Data Integration Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User

4-6 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Searching for Saved Applications
You can use the Application tab to search for a work-in-process credit application with
an application status of Saved.
Any applications that you create automatically assign you as the requestor. When you
first begin a search for a saved application, Credit Management automatically displays
all applications where you are the requestor.
You can display all saved applications by clicking Go, or you can display a subset of
saved applications by using the Advanced Search. You can update only those
applications, however, that you initially created.
To continue working on a saved credit application, click the Update icon for the desired

Window Reference
• Click the Update icon in any row to make changes to the related credit application.

• Click the Delete icon in any row to delete the related credit application.

Related Topics
Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data, page 4-4
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Searching for In-Process Applications

You can use the Application tab to view credit applications that have an application
status of Submitted, In Process, or Processed. These statuses are defined as follows:
• Submitted indicates that the credit application cannot be updated by the requestor.
Only the assigned credit analyst can modify this application.
If the application has no assigned credit analyst, then the Credit Analyst field will
be blank, which means that the Credit Scheduler has been notified for a credit
analyst assignment.

• In Process indicates that Credit Management is currently reviewing the credit

application and performing the credit analysis. Modifications to the credit
application are not permitted at this stage.

• Processed indicates that the credit application was submitted and the credit analysis
has been performed. Recommendations were made in the case folder and have been
approved. Modifications are not permitted at this stage.

If you are a credit analyst, then all applications assigned to you are automatically

Using Credit Management 4-7

displayed in the search results.
You can search for all credit applications with any of the above statuses simply by
clicking Go. You can further refine your search by searching for a specific credit analyst
or by using the Advanced Search options.

Window Reference
• After you execute a search, optionally click the column headings for Application
Number, Registry ID, Name, and Status to sort the search results by the selected
column's data.

• Click the Update icon in any row to make changes to the related credit application.
Only credit analysts assigned to the application are permitted to make changes.

Related Topics
Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data, page 4-4
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Entering Data into a Credit Application

To create a new credit application, execute a search for the credit applicant on the
Application tab. See: Creating a New Credit Application, page 4-5.
You can create a credit application for a party (customer or prospect) or for a customer
account or site. The row at which you click the Create Credit Application icon
determines whether the credit review will be conducted for the party, account, or site.
Note that Credit Management prefills the application with some basic details about the
selected credit applicant. Address information is automatically populated when you
save or submit the credit application.

Note: If the applicant is a party, then Credit Management does not

populate the account name and number on the applicant page, and the
prefilled address refers to the party site, not to the address location.

The credit application's contents vary according to the credit classification of the
applicant and the type of credit review that you are conducting. You specify these
values on the first page of the credit application. If the applicant has a predefined credit
classification assigned from the customer profile class or from a previous credit review,
then the credit classification is prefilled on the application. Use the left-hand menu to
add information, such as bank references and financial data, to the application.

Tip: If a newly defined credit classification or review type is not

available, make sure that your administrator has bounced the apache
server after adding those values. See: Defining Lookups, page 2-10.

4-8 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

The structure of the credit application is modular, so you can record credit data at
different points in time. Simply click Save for Later to save each credit application page
as you progress through the credit data collection process. To retrieve your saved credit
applications, see: Searching for Saved Applications, page 4-7.
You can optionally attach a document, URL, or text to sections of the credit application,
including bank references and trade references. You can access these attachments from
the case folder during credit analysis. See: Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16.
When you have entered all required and optional data, click Submit to submit the credit
application. When you submit a credit application, Credit Management reviews the
credit application for possible credit analyst assignment, and creates a case folder for
the application. See: Submitting a Credit Application, page 4-11.

Tip: You must enter required data in the Create Credit Application:
Applicant page, but you can submit the credit application without data
in the required fields of other pages such as Create Credit Application:
Financial Data.

Selected Field Reference - Applicant Page

In the General Information region, enter the currency requested. Or, optionally set the
AR: Default Credit Management Currency profile option to automatically assign a
default currency for each new credit application.
You can optionally enter the amount requested on the credit application.
Credit Management refers to the values that you enter here when establishing the initial
credit limits for the prospect or when changing the credit limits for an existing
In the Applicant Information region, the contact information is optional. You can select
a contact from the existing lists of contacts for the customers. Any modifications to the
following fields will update the TCA Registry:
• Contact Name

• Contact Telephone

• Contact Fax

• Contact E-mail

In the Business Background region:

• The DUNS Number field, while optional, is important because Credit Management
can use this number to request credit data from Dun & Bradstreet.
The DUNS number comes from TCA, and is not an updatable field on the credit

Using Credit Management 4-9

Selected Field Reference - Financial Data Page
Use the Financial Data page to enter pertinent data from the applicant's income
statement and balance sheet. Although you can attach financial statements to the case
folder during credit analysis, entering values directly into Credit Management provides
you with data that you can use for future comparisons.
You can also select previously entered financial data from closed case folders, and copy
that data to the current credit application or case folder. Then, you can run comparisons
to assess positive or adverse trends. This is helpful because credit reviews are more
effective if you have a comprehensive view of financial data, spanning multiple years or
On the Financial Data page of the credit application (or case folder), you can:
• Copy financial statement data from closed case folders.
You can copy financial data from the organization or party level, from the account
level, or from the account site level. Typically, however, financial data is stored at
the party level.

• Select and compare financial statements that are saved with the current credit
review. This lets you view a side-by-side comparison of balance sheets and income

Note: Select at least two objects to compare.

The capability to analyze the trends of your credit applicants' financial results provides a
powerful analysis tool, which your credit department can leverage to increase the
quality of their credit decisions, and diminish the risk of poor credit recommendations.

Selected Field Reference - Funding Source Page

Optionally use the Funding Source page to enter information about the applicant's
additional funding sources. For example, if the applicant is receiving venture capital
funding, you might want to know certain data items, such as funding amount, capital
stage, and burn rate. The Funding Source page includes information about:
• Venture Funding Data

• Collateral Data

• Guarantors
Assessing the creditworthiness of customers can include structures by which the
debt obligation is reduced through participation of guarantors. However,
guarantors also carry credit risk. On this page, you can add a new guarantor, or
select an existing guarantor, by leveraging Credit Management's integration with
Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

4-10 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

When you add a guarantor to a credit application, Credit Management
automatically creates a case folder for the guarantor. This means that you can assess
the creditworthiness of the guarantor, in addition to the applicant.

Selected Field Reference - Bank References Page

Optionally use the Bank References page to capture initial bank account information
from the applicant. The credit analyst assigned to this credit review typically verifies or
supplements bank account information during the analysis stage of the credit review
On the Create Bank Reference page, you can attach a file, URL, or text message that is
associated with the bank. This is often used to document authorizations from the
customer allowing for the use of bank information, as well as the customer's bank

Selected Field Reference - Trade References Page

Use the Trade References page to gather and store multiple trade references for the
applicant. Trade assessments from other creditors can provide you with useful insight
into the applicant's creditworthiness.

Related Topics
Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data, page 4-4
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Submitting a Credit Application

When the credit application contains all required or available credit data, the credit
analyst or other personnel clicks Submit Application to submit the credit application for
When you submit a credit application, Credit Management compares the application's
contents against the associated credit checklist to confirm that you are not missing any
required data points. Even if data points are missing, however, noncredit personnel can
still submit the application.
Since additional work is required to finalize the application, the application is routed to
the assigned credit analyst for completion, or to the Credit Scheduler for analyst
assignment. The credit application appears in the In-Process Applications search results
and the assigned credit analyst can click the Update icon to complete the application
and resubmit it for analysis.
The Credit Scheduler is a workflow role that Credit Management uses to assign credit
analysts to credit reviews. See: Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1.
Once the application submission is confirmed, Credit Management creates a case folder
for the credit applicant and begins a workflow process to determine whether to assign a

Using Credit Management 4-11

credit analyst to this credit review:
1. Credit Management does not assign a credit analyst to a credit review if automation
rules exist for the combination of credit classification and credit review type on the
credit application. If automation rules exist, then Credit Management attempts to
complete the review process without assistance from credit personnel.
Should a validation step fail, then Credit Management routes the credit review to
the Credit Scheduler for assignment if a credit analyst is not assigned to the
customer's credit profile.
See: Assigning Automation Rules, page 3-17.

2. Credit Management assigns a credit analyst to a credit review if:

• A credit analyst submitted the credit application, or

• A credit analyst is assigned to the customer's credit profile

3. Credit Management routes the credit review to the Credit Scheduler for assignment
if the person who submitted the credit application is not defined as a credit analyst,
• The customer's profile does not have an assigned credit analyst, or

• The party under credit review is a prospect (a party with no customer accounts)

Related Topics
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1
Collecting Credit Data, page 4-3
Using Credit Applications to Collect Credit Data, page 4-4

Using Case Folders to Collect Credit Data

In addition to the credit application, the case folder is another tool that you use to
collect credit data about your customer or prospect.
The case folder is an electronic representation of a hardcopy credit file. Credit analysts
use the case folder as the central repository for collecting, viewing, and analyzing credit
data. After Credit Management creates the case folder, you can begin the credit
After you submit a credit application, Credit Management creates an associated case
folder. Or, you can manually create a case folder without submitting a credit
application. In either case, you can continue to add data about the credit applicant
directly into the case folder until you conclude the credit review.

4-12 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Note: Aside from serving as a data collection tool, the case folder is also
an important analysis tool. See: Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16.

Credit Management also creates a case folder when a business event calls the Create
Credit Request API to initiate a credit review. However, the manual addition of data to
a case folder is typically not required because, in such cases, Credit Management
attempts all data collection, analysis, and decisioning on its own. See: Credit
Management Application Workflow, page B-1.
When a business event initiates a credit review, both the Update Case Folder: Summary
and Case Folder pages display the originating source application, as well as additional
details. For example, if a sales order hold initiated a credit review, then Credit
Management displays details such as the order number and order ID.

Note: Credit requests with the Appeal, Rejection Appeal, Re-

Submission, or Withdrawal reason can only come from another E-
Business Suite application, as indicated by the credit request source.
You cannot, for example, withdraw credit requests in Credit
Management. See: E-Business Suite Integration Overview, page 5-1.

The Credit Request Information region on these pages also allows you to navigate to
other case folders in the same chain. A chain exists when:
• A case folder is automatically created for the guarantor that is added to a credit
application. The chain links the original applicant and the guarantor. See: Entering
Data into a Credit Application, page 4-8.

• There is at least one appeal or resubmission, from another E-Business Suite

application, in response to an original credit request. See: E-Business Suite
Integration Overview, page 5-1.

The case folder you navigate to depends on the credit request reason, and other
conditions, as described in this table.

Field Credit Request Reason Case Folder

Original All but Guarantor Assessment The first case folder in the chain.

Original Guarantor Assessment The case folder that the guarantor

was requested for.

Using Credit Management 4-13

Field Credit Request Reason Case Folder

Current All but Guarantor Assessment The last case folder in the chain that
is not withdrawn, unless there is
only one case folder and it is

Current Guarantor Assessment None.

Previous All but Guarantor Assessment The previous case folder in the chain
that is not withdrawn.

Previous Guarantor Assessment or None.


Next All but Guarantor Assessment The next case folder in the chain that
is not withdrawn.

Next Guarantor Assessment or None


Related Topics
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1
Collecting Credit Data, page 4-3
Retrieving a Case Folder, page 4-14
Entering Data into a Case Folder, page 4-15
Manually Creating a New Case Folder, page 4-16

Retrieving a Case Folder

On the Analysis tab, locate the case folder that you want to update by using one of the
three queries that Credit Management provides:
• Customer: From the search results, you can view a summary of case folders that
exist for a customer or prospect. You can also use the inline icons to view the
customer or prospect's accounts and credit summary. The credit summary reflects
credit data in real time.
• Credit analysts can view and update specific case folder details, provided that
the case folder status is either Created or Saved.

4-14 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

• Noncredit personnel must use the credit summary to view pertinent credit data,
such as billing, payment history, and aging details, because they cannot view or
update the contents of a case folder.

• Case Folder Number: From the search results, you can use the inline icons to view
or update details for a specific case folder, provided that the case folder status is
either Created or Saved. Use this query to view a case folder's application number,
assigned credit analyst, and folder status.
This query is available only to credit personnel. Only the credit analyst assigned to
the case folder can update it.

• My Case Folder: This query is identical to the Case Folder query, except that it
returns only case folders that are assigned to you. Use this query to quickly resume
work on an in-process credit review, or to consider previous research that you
performed. To update a case folder, the case folder status must be either Created or
This query is available only to credit personnel.

Search criteria is based on the Data Quality Management (DQM) setup. See: Setting Up
Data Quality Management Search, page 2-3.

Related Topics
Using Case Folders to Collect Credit Data, page 4-12
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Entering Data into a Case Folder

After you locate the case folder that you want to update, click the Update Case Folder
icon to view the Update Case Folder: Summary page.
If certain credit data was not captured in the credit application or from existing account
information, then you can use the links in the left-hand menu to manually provide the
required data. Although the links take you to pages that resemble the credit application,
any information that you add at this stage is stored in the case folder itself.
The left-hand menu contains an additional link for Recommendations that does not
exist on the credit application. Also, the case folder provides you with the ability to add
analysis notes. You use these two pages during credit analysis. See: Analyzing Credit
Data, page 4-16.

Related Topics
Using Case Folders to Collect Credit Data, page 4-12
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Using Credit Management 4-15

Manually Creating a New Case Folder
You can manually create a case folder for a prospect or customer, even if you did not
submit a credit application. However, the customer or prospect must already have an
existing case folder. This is because Credit Management uses preexisting case folder
data to create the new case folder.
To create a new case folder, first search for the credit applicant by executing a Customer
query from the Analysis tab. The search results return a list of parties only.
From the search results, click the View Case Folders icon to see a list of case folders that
exist for this prospect or customer. Then, click Add Case Folder to manually create a
new case folder.

Tip: To copy a case folder from the account or site level, first click the
View Accounts icon, then the View Case Folders icon.

After clicking Add Case Folder, you must then select the credit classification, if not
supplied, as well as credit review type and credit currency. You can also optionally
select a scoring model. Finally, click Apply.
Credit Management prefills the case folder with any available data, such as party
information and data points from the credit checklist that matches the specified credit
classification and credit review type. If you selected a scoring model for the case folder,
then Credit Management displays the score elements, as well.
You can continue to add credit data to a case folder after you create it. Note that you
must enter any required data points before Credit Management will make and
implement credit recommendations.

Related Topics
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1
Collecting Credit Data, page 4-3
Using Case Folders to Collect Credit Data, page 4-12

Analyzing Credit Data

After initiating the review request and collecting data, the third stage of a credit review
is the credit analysis. Credit Management provides you with Credit Analysis data pages
that help you to make appropriate credit recommendations.
The Credit Analysis data pages comprise the universe of data points for the applicant.
The Credit Analysis data pages that are available off the Analysis tab include:
• Update Case Folder: Summary

4-16 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

• Credit Analysis: Credit Summary

• Credit Analysis: Billing and Payment Details

• Credit Analysis: Aging Details

See: Viewing the Credit Summary, page 4-20.

Two audiences use these data pages:
1. Noncredit personnel are restricted from viewing the contents of the case folder
because the folder might contain information that is pertinent only to credit
personnel who are analyzing and approving credit decisions. Therefore, in order to
provide a current credit snapshot of the applicant, noncredit personnel should use
the Credit Summary, Billing and Payment Details, and Aging Details pages.
Access these pages by searching for a customer, then selecting the View All Data

2. Credit personnel who want to view all point-in-time data for an active analysis.
Typically, a credit analyst performs a credit analysis based upon the data in the
case folder, determined by the checklist associated with the customer credit
classification and review type. If the credit analyst views the universe of data in
addition to what is contained in the case folder, then he might notice something that
could impact the outcome of the analysis. In such a case, the analyst could manually
add one or more data items to the case folder.
To add data points from the database that are not specified in the checklist, click
Add Data Points from the Checklist section of the Update Case Folder: Summary
page. Access this page by searching for a customer, then selecting the View Case
Folder > Update Case Folder icons.
For each category, only the data points not already selected in the case folder are
displayed with their corresponding value.
See: Using Case Folders to Collect Credit Data, page 4-12.

Related Topics
Using the Case Folder, page 4-18
Calculating a Credit Score, page 4-18
Adding Analysis Notes to the Case Folder, page 4-19
Viewing Case Folder Attachments, page 4-20
Refreshing Case Folder Data, page 4-20
Viewing the Credit Summary, page 4-20
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Using Credit Management 4-17

Using the Case Folder
The case folder is an electronic representation of a hardcopy credit file. Credit analysts
use the case folder as the central repository for collecting, viewing, and analyzing credit
data. After Credit Management creates the case folder, you can begin the credit
Select the Analysis tab to locate or create a case folder. See: Using Case Folders to
Collect Credit Data , page 4-12 and Retrieving a Case Folder, page 4-14.
You can also view the credit summary for the applicant from the Analysis tab. See:
Viewing the Credit Summary, page 4-20.
Credit Management attempts to calculate a credit score and submit credit
recommendations for approval and implementation without assistance from credit
personnel. If a credit score cannot be calculated due to missing data, then the analyst
must manually review the case folder's contents and make a recommendation. See:
Making a Recommendation, page 4-21.
The case folder includes:
• Credit data

• The credit score, if one is required

• An Analysis Notes section where you can document conditions of influence and
justify credit recommendations to approvers

• Any attached electronic files or scanned images

• An up-to-the-minute status of the credit review

Note: The exposure amount is displayed as the requested amount. For

example, if the sales order that corresponds to this credit request has an
order amount of $4,000, and there is a previous balance of $4,700, then
the requested amount is $8,700.

Related Topics
Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Calculating a Credit Score

The credit score, which is a point-in-time score, is always tied to a case folder. The data
points included in the credit score can include any combination of automatic, user-
entered, or Dun & Bradstreet data. If all data points on the checklist are automatically

4-18 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

supplied or have been supplied from Dun & Bradstreet, then Credit Management
automatically calculates a credit score.
If credit personnel must manually supply data points used in the credit score, such as a
bank account balance from the applicant's bank references, then on the Update Case
Folder: Summary page, click Recalculate on the scoring model to recalculate the score
after all data point values have been added.
Access the Update Case Folder: Summary page by searching for a customer, then
selecting the View Case Folder > Update Case Folder icons.
A scoring model is optional when defining a checklist. If you do not assign a scoring
model to a checklist, then the credit analyst must manually complete the credit analysis
and generate a recommendation. See: Defining Checklists, page 3-5.
Even if a scoring model is assigned to the checklist, you can still generate a credit score
by selecting a scoring model from the Update Case Folder: Summary page and clicking
Go. Use this method to generate various "what-if" scenarios for the applicant.
Credit Management refreshes the case folder page to show the new data points in the
scoring model and recalculates the credit score.

Note: If some required data point values are missing, then Credit
Management cannot generate a score.

Related Topics
Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Adding Analysis Notes to the Case Folder

During a credit review, you can record notes in the Analysis Notes section of the case
folder. The case folder displays a summary of analysis notes in chronological order.
Analysis notes assist both the credit analyst and credit reviewers to document and
justify why certain recommendations were made, or to identify areas of note. These
notes are also useful if a new credit analyst is assigned to an active credit review and
wants to review the work that the previously assigned analyst completed.
You can select a topic for the note from a user-definable list and assign an importance
level. You can choose whether to publicly display a note, or create a note that only you
can view.

Related Topics
Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Using Credit Management 4-19

Viewing Case Folder Attachments
You can attach one or more supporting documents, such as a web page, fax, image, or
scanned report, to a credit application or case folder. Credit Management displays any
attachments previously created during the credit application process.
From the Update Case Folder: Summary page, you can view attachments from these
case folder pages:
• Add Collateral Data

• Add Bank Reference

• Add Trade Reference

Related Topics
Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Refreshing Case Folder Data

If an active credit analysis has been in process for some time, the historical data
collected from the system might become outdated. You can repopulate all automatically
derived data point values in the case folder by clicking Refresh.
Oracle Credit Management will display the concurrent request number of the
background process that is used to refresh the data. Upon completion of the concurrent
request, you must refresh or requery the case folder to reflect the updated data.

Note: Only the case folder data, and not data in the Credit Summary
Data pages, is refreshed. However, you can click Refresh Data in the
Credit Summary Data pages to update the values displayed there.

Related Topics
Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Viewing the Credit Summary

To view the credit summary for a customer or prospect, execute a query on the Analysis
tab by customer name, then click the View All Data icon. Or, when viewing the Update
Case Folder: Summary page, click View All Data.
The credit summary displays the most pertinent credit data for the selected credit

4-20 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

applicant. Some data points reflect real-time information, while other data points are a
snapshot of a single point in time. Use the credit summary as a quick reference during
the credit review.
The Credit Summary page consists of several regions, comprised of the most important
data points from several areas. The regions are:
• Account Information

• Billing and Payment Summary

• Credit Summary

• Aging Summary

From the Credit Summary page, you can also use the links in the left-hand menu to
view additional billing and payment details, as well as additional aging details. Both
the Billing and Payment Details page and Aging Details page are view only.

Note: No data values are shown on the Credit Summary page until an
initial case folder has been created for the applicant. After that, you can
view and refresh Credit Summary data at any time.

Related Topics
Analyzing Credit Data, page 4-16
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Making a Recommendation
At the conclusion of a credit review, either Oracle Credit Management or a credit
analyst makes a recommendation in response to the original credit request:
• If a credit review is using a scoring model with assigned automation rules, then
Credit Management looks at the calculated credit score to automatically select the
appropriate credit recommendations, all without the assistance of credit personnel.

Note: If recommendations are not inserted in the case folder, it

could be that values were not provided for all required data points
from the used checklist. In this case, you need to manually enter the
If all scoring data point values were provided, a credit score is still

• If a credit analyst is managing the credit review, then the analyst records

Using Credit Management 4-21

recommendations in the case folder, based on the credit analysis and resulting
credit score, and submits the case folder.

Tip: The credit analyst can select only those credit

recommendations that are relevant to the type of credit application
under review. For example, during a credit application, only trade
credit recommendations will display for selection; during a lease
application, only term credit recommendations will display.

Generally, a recommendation is specific to the type of review that was just concluded.
For example, a credit review that an order hold originally initiated would most likely
result in a recommendation to:
1. Increase the credit limit to accommodate the amount of the order and remove the
order from hold.

2. Deny the request for an increase in the credit limit and leave the order on hold.

Other recommendations might also put the customer on credit hold so that no new
orders could be processed. In such a case, Credit Management works with Oracle
Receivables to place all pending orders on hold, as well.
Credit Management confirms that multiple recommendations are complementary. For
example, you would not recommend to place the account on credit hold and increase
the applicant's overall credit limit at the same time.
After the case folder is submitted, the Credit Management workflow determines
whether the recommendations must be routed through an approval hierarchy. For
example, if automation rules on the scoring model have the Skip Approval check box
selected, then no approval is required. However, if no automation rules exist on the
scoring model, or if the Skip Approval check box is not selected, then the Credit
Management workflow calls the Approvals engine to route the recommendation
through the approval hierarchy. See: Setting Up Credit Decision Approval Policies,
page 3-22.
Each person in the approval hierarchy receives a notification that they must approve or
reject the recommendations. Upon final approval, the credit analyst receives notification
that the credit recommendations have been approved. See: Credit Management
Application Workflow, page B-1.
Upon approval, the Credit Management workflow evaluates the recommendations and
performs one of two actions:
• Implements the recommendation
For example, increase create limit by 10% and change the customer credit
classification to Moderate Risk.

4-22 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

• Creates a workflow business event that tells other E-Business Suite applications that
the recommendation was approved. This method is generally used if the original
credit review request came from another application, such as Oracle Lease and
Finance Management. By subscribing to this business event, Lease and Finance
Management can then act upon the recommendation.
For example, let's say that a term credit review is approved in Credit Management.
Upon approval, a business event for the recommendation, Approve Term Credit, is
raised. Lease and Finance Management subscribes to this business event and can act
upon it by approving the lease application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Credit Management support conditional approvals?
Yes. See: Approving a Credit Review with Conditions, page 5-6.
Let's say that an incomplete credit application causes a credit review to be routed to a
credit analyst for manual processing. After the credit analyst fixes the issue, can the
analyst re-submit the credit application or case folder for continued automation? Or,
does the analyst need to manually complete the credit review, including the manual
selection of the final credit recommendation?
In this case, after the analyst re-submits the credit application or case folder, Credit
Management will evaluate whether automation rules exist on the scoring model in use.
If automation rules exist, then the credit recommendations are automatically derived. In
this way, Credit Management allows continued automation to improve your credit
department's processing efficiency.
If the analyst already manually documented credit recommendations, then the manual
recommendations supersede the automation rules.

Related Topics
Implementing the Recommendation, page 4-23
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Implementing the Recommendation

If additional approval is unnecessary or the approval was already obtained, then the
workflow calls the appropriate APIs to implement the recommendation.
Oracle Credit Management automatically implements the recommendation after all
required parties have approved it. For example, if the recommendation indicates that
the order should be removed from credit hold, then the workflow will call the Remove
Credit Hold API and pass the necessary information, such as order ID, account ID, and
so on, to initiate the process.
When a customer is released from hold, Oracle Credit Management works with Oracle

Using Credit Management 4-23

Receivables to ensure that the customer's pending orders are released from hold, as
See: Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1.

Related Topics
Making a Recommendation, page 4-21
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Periodic Credit Review Program

Use the Periodic Credit Review concurrent program to schedule time-oriented credit
reviews that comply with your enterprise credit policies. Periodic credit reviews help to
establish historical comparisons of a customer's creditworthiness.
For example, you might require credit reviews on an annual, biannual, or quarterly
basis for all parties, accounts, or sites.
To be eligible for periodic credit reviews, customers must have an assigned periodic
review cycle, either at the profile or customer level.
The Periodic Credit Review program uses the assigned review cycle, in conjunction
with the attributes in the Credit Reviews window, to control which customers are
selected for periodic credit reviews. You can manually update these attributes. Or, let
Oracle Credit Management automatically determine customer eligibility.
Access the Periodic Credit Review concurrent program from the Run Credit
Management Programs and Reports window, available from any Oracle Receivables

Determining Customer Eligibility

The Periodic Credit Review program uses a customer's assigned review cycle and the
attributes on the Credit Reviews window to calculate the next review date.
To access the Credit Reviews window, query a customer on the Oracle Receivables
Customers workbench, navigate to the Profile: Transaction tabbed region, and select
Credit Review Dates from the Tools menu. This window contains two attributes that
help to determine which customers are selected for periodic credit reviews:
• Last Review Date (view only)

• Next Scheduled Review Date (updatable)

Tip: These attributes also help you to decide whether a review cycle
reassignment for a customer is necessary, because you can easily view
when a customer is next eligible for a periodic review.

4-24 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Oracle Credit Management reviews the assigned review cycle and last review date to
calculate the next review date.
For example, if the assigned review cycle is monthly, and the customer was last
reviewed on August 24, then the next scheduled review would be September 24.
To manually control customer eligibility for periodic credit reviews, change the
assigned review cycle or update the Next Scheduled Review Date field.
Changing the review cycle forces the program to adjust the next review date:
• If a last review date is specified, then the program adds the number of days in the
review cycle to determine the next review date.

• If no last review date exists, then the program keeps the next review date as is, if
one exists, or leaves it empty, if null.

When the Periodic Credit Review program is submitted, the program automatically
selects those customers whose next review date is less than or equal to the system date.

Selected Parameters
Enter your selection criteria using the following parameters:
• Review Cycle

• Review Cycle As of Date

Optionally use this parameter with, or instead of, the Review Cycle parameter, as
an additional filter for determining customer eligibility.
The program uses the review cycle and the attributes in the Credit Reviews window
to determine the next review date:
• A customer is eligible for selection when the Review Cycle As of Date is greater
than or equal to the next review date, provided that other entered parameters
are not in conflict.
The next review date can be entered, or automatically calculated using the
review cycle and last review date.

• If the program cannot calculate a next review date, then the customer is eligible
for selection, provided that other entered parameters are not in conflict. This
occurs during an initial periodic review.

• Currency Code
Specify the currency that you want to run a periodic credit review for.
When you submit this program for a specific currency, the program first checks if a
previous case folder with a Periodic source exists for the entered currency.

Using Credit Management 4-25

If such a case folder is found, then the program calculates eligibility by using the
case folder's review date as the last review date. See: Customer Selection Example,
page 4-27.
If no case folder is found, then the program uses the standard guidelines to
determine eligibility. See: Determining Customer Eligibility, page 4-24.

• Customer Level
Indicate which level of customer is selected for periodic review:
• Accounts

• All

• Bill-to Sites

• Parties

Note: No credit requests will be created if other parameters conflict

with the value entered here. For example, if you select Parties but
later specify an account number, then the Periodic Review
Eligibility report will display no individual data.

• Checklist

• Party Name

• Account Number

• Credit Classification

• Profile Class

• Processing Options
• Generate Report Only
This option only prints the Periodic Review Eligibility report, so that you can
preview which customers will be selected for processing.

• Process Reviews
This option only creates credit requests for eligible customers, and does not
print the Periodic Review Eligibility report.

• Report and Reviews

This option both prints the Periodic Review Eligibility report, and creates credit

4-26 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

requests for eligible customers.

Customer Selection Example

Consider this scenario for customer Vision Operations, which has a weekly review
First, run the Periodic Credit Review program for USD currency on April 12.
1. Vision Operations has no previous USD periodic reviews. Therefore, a last review
date and next review date do not exist.

2. The program uses standard guidelines to calculate the next review date, which is
April 19.

On the same day, run the Periodic Credit Review program for CAD currency.
1. Vision Operations has no previous CAD periodic reviews as well, but now, the next
review date is April 19.

2. The program will select this customer for processing, but will maintain the next
review date of April 19.

On April 20, run the Periodic Credit Review program for USD currency.
1. Vision Operations has a next review date of April 19.

2. The program will select this customer for processing, and will update the next
review date to April 26.

On April 22, run the Periodic Credit Review program for CAD currency.
1. Vision Operations now has a next review date of April 26, which is greater than the
system date. This customer fails the first test of eligibility.

2. Next, the program checks if a previous CAD case folder with a Periodic source
exists. A case folder with a date of April 12 is found.

3. The program uses the review cycle (weekly) and previous date (April 12) to
calculate the next review date, specifically for CAD currency. The newly calculated
date is April 19, which is less than the submission date of April 22. The customer is
selected for processing.

Related Topics
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Using Credit Management 4-27

E-Business Suite Integration

This chapter describes how other Oracle E-Business Suite applications integrate with
Oracle Credit Management for their credit needs.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• E-Business Suite Integration Overview
• Oracle Order Management Integration
• Oracle Lease and Finance Management Integration
• Oracle Loans Integration

E-Business Suite Integration Overview

Other Oracle E-Business Suite applications integrate with Oracle Credit Management to
incorporate the credit review process in their business flows. These applications are:
• Oracle Order Management, page 5-2

• Oracle Lease and Finance Management, page 5-3

• Oracle Loans, page 5-6

Defining Recommendations for Integrated Applications

For a list of seeded recommendations, see: Setting Up Credit Recommendations, page 3-
19. Or, follow these steps to define your own recommendations for use with Lease and
Finance Management or Loans:
1. Define the recommendations that credit analysts will enter for credit reviews
initiated from Lease and Finance Management or Loans. Credit analysts manually
enter these recommendations in the case folder.

E-Business Suite Integration 5-1

See: Defining Lookups, page 2-10.

2. Re-enter the recommendations defined in the previous step using a second lookup
code, AR_CMGT_RECOMMENDATIONS. Credit analysts access these
recommendations when defining automation rules.

Tip: (Lease and Finance Management only) Use the Tag field in the
Receivables Lookups window to assign a URL or OA function to a term
credit recommendation. Later, when a credit analyst picks a
recommendation that has an assigned URL or OA function, the analyst
is presented with a new page where data can be entered and stored in
Lease and Finance Management. This is used when an analyst is
making a conditional approval. See: Approving a Credit Review with
Conditions, page 5-6.

Oracle Order Management Integration

Process Flow of an Order Management Credit Review

This sequence of events describes the process flow of a credit request that is initiated
from Oracle Order Management.
1. A new order in Order Management violates the customer's existing credit limit. For
example, perhaps the customer's Overall Credit Limit (plus any tolerances) has
been exceeded. Order Management puts the order on hold pending credit review.

2. A credit review request is sent to Oracle Credit Management via the Create Credit
Request API.

3. The Create Credit Request API creates a credit application.

Using the Credit Management Application workflow, Credit Management attempts
to submit the credit application and create the case folder for credit analysis
without user intervention.
If, at any time, the workflow processing fails, Credit Management assigns a credit
analyst to the credit review for manual processing.

4. Once a credit score has been calculated by the assigned scoring model, either Credit
Management or a credit analyst assigns one or more recommendations to the case
folder. The case folder is submitted.

5. If approval is required, then recommendations are sent to Oracle Approvals

• Credit Management sends the credit analyst ID to Approvals Management

5-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

using the AME Get Next Approver API.

• Approvals Management executes its own rules engine.

• Approvals Management determines the next approver and returns the

approver ID to Credit Management.

• The Credit Management Application workflow sends a notification to the

• If the approver rejects, then Credit Management closes the case folder and
the recommendation has status of Rejected.

• If the approver approves, then Credit Management starts the approval

process again.

• Credit Management sends the previous approver ID to Approvals Management

using the AME Get Next Approver API.
Approvals Management can return a next approver. Or, Approvals
Management can return NULL, which means that either no rule exists or the
previous approver was the final approver.

• Once approved, Credit Management closes the case folder and assigns a status
of Approved to the recommendations.

If approval is not required, then the recommendations are automatically

implemented and the case folder is closed.

6. Upon approval, Credit Management raises a business event indicating if the

recommendation was implemented or not.

7. Order Management subscribes to the business event and, depending on the final
credit decision, can take the order off hold or not, increase the customer's credit
limit, and so on.

Oracle Lease and Finance Management Integration

Oracle Credit Management integrates with Oracle Lease and Finance Management to
provide functionality around credit reviews that are initiated by lease application
updates in Lease and Finance Management.

Process Flow of a Lease and Finance Management Credit Review

This sequence of events describes the process flow of a credit request that is initiated
from Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

E-Business Suite Integration 5-3

1. A new lease application is created in Lease and Finance Management.

2. A credit review request is sent to Oracle Credit Management through the Create
Credit Request API.

3. The Create Credit Request API creates a credit application.

Using the Credit Management Application workflow, Credit Management attempts
to submit the credit application and create the case folder for credit analysis
without user intervention.
Data points from Lease and Finance Management are listed as Additional Data
Points, and can use PL/SQL functions to automatically derive data point values.
If, at any time, the workflow processing fails, Credit Management assigns a credit
analyst to the credit review for manual processing.

4. Once a credit score has been calculated by the assigned scoring model, either Credit
Management or a credit analyst assigns one or more recommendations to the case

Note: The credit request can be appealed if the Authorize Appeal

recommendation is selected. This authorization expires based on
the appeal days set in system options. See: Defining Credit
Management System Options, page 2-7.

5. Recommendations can carry conditions that can request changes in certain terms of
the lease application. For example, perhaps the credit analyst disagrees with the
offered payment plan.
In this conditional approval flow:
• The credit analyst tells the sales representative to fix the lease payment plan.
The analyst assigns the case folder to the sales representative via the Credit
Scheduler (provided that the sales representative has been assigned the credit
analyst role).
The sales representative views the case folder and add the recommendation,
Update Payment Plan, for example. This recommendation immediately opens a
new user interface where the payment plan details can be updated.
Updates are stored in Lease and Finance Management.

• If the sales representative does not have access to the case folder, then the credit
analyst and sales representative discuss internally, then the credit analyst
updates the payment plan details accordingly.

6. Once the conditions are fulfilled, the case folder is submitted for approval.

5-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

7. For a description of the approval flow, see: Process Flow of an Order Management
Credit Review, page 5-2.

8. Upon approval, Credit Management raises a business event indicating if the

recommendation was implemented or not.

9. Lease and Finance Management subscribes to the business event and implements
the final recommendation for the lease application.

10. In Lease and Finance Management, the sales representative can also:

• If allowed, appeal the credit decision or credit application rejection.

• Resubmit the lease application due to pricing parameter changes on the quote.

The sales representative accordingly selects the Appeal, Rejection Appeal, or Re-
Submission credit request reason.
The appeal or re-submission from Lease and Finance Management creates a new
credit request, which undergoes the same general process in Credit Management as
the original request.
• A new lease application records the data of the appeal or re-submission.
References to the application being appealed are passed into Credit

• A case folder associated with the appeal or re-submission is generated in Credit

Management. This case folder is a duplicate of the closed case folder from the
original credit request, plus additional data for the new request.

Note: There can be a number of review and appeal/resubmission

cycles for a given original lease application. Only the latest version
that is not withdrawn can be appealed or resubmitted, and each
version can only be appealed or resubmitted once.

At any time in the entire credit review process, the sales representative can withdraw
the lease application in Lease and Finance Management. The selected withdrawal
reason is passed to Credit Management.
The credit review request is automatically frozen in Credit Management, regardless of
the stage of the process and whether the credit review has completed or not. The
withdrawn credit application or case folder is purged from the credit analyst's work
queue; the pending approvals are deleted from the approver's queue, or the approvers
are notified of the cancellation of the lease application.

Important: There is no return back from a withdrawal, and the lease

application cannot be reopened and altered or resubmitted.

E-Business Suite Integration 5-5

Approving a Credit Review with Conditions
When working with credit reviews that were initiated by a lease application, some
credit analysts might want to approve a credit review, provided that certain conditions
of the lease application are fulfilled.
Oracle Lease and Finance Management already provides some seeded conditions, but
you can add your own.
To add a condition to a recommendation, you must build the separate page first where
condition fulfillment details can be recorded, then add the new page's OA function to
the Oracle Lease and Finance Management lookup type,
OKL_CR_MGMT_RECOMMENDATION, using the Tag field.
For example, perhaps a lease cannot be processed with the current payment plan.
Instead, a new payment plan must be documented before the credit analyst can
evaluate the risk associated with the proposed lease.
In this example, either the credit analyst or sales representative can enter a
recommendation that carries a condition on the case folder, such as Update Payment
Plan. The recommendation will open a separate page where new payment plan details
can be added.
The credit analyst is not responsible for the verification of whether conditions are met.
For example, lease application conditions are evaluated and confirmed by the sales
representative during the lease booking and funding processes.
In Credit Management, the case folder is frozen until the condition is fulfilled outside
the credit department.

Frequently Asked Questions

My credit department is not familiar with leasing functionality. How can I give the
leasing department access to credit reviews?
Assign the credit analyst role to the members of your leasing department. See: Defining
Credit Analysts, page 2-1.

Oracle Loans Integration

Oracle Credit Management integrates with Oracle Loans to provide functionality
around credit reviews that are initiated by loan applications in Loans.

Process Flow of a Loans Credit Review

This sequence of events describes the process flow of a credit request that is initiated
from Oracle Loans.
1. A new loan application is created in Loans.

5-6 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

2. A credit review request is sent to Oracle Credit Management via the Create Credit
Request API.

3. The Create Credit Request API creates a credit application.

Using the Credit Management Application workflow, Credit Management attempts
to submit the credit application and create the case folder for credit analysis
without user intervention.

Note: The case folder number is the same as the loan number. Co-
borrower details are totaled with the primary borrower's data
points in a single, combined case folder.

Data points from Loans are listed as Additional Data Points, and can use PL/SQL
functions to automatically derive data point values.
If, at any time, the workflow processing fails, Credit Management assigns a credit
analyst to the credit review for manual processing.

4. Once a credit score has been calculated by the assigned scoring model, either Credit
Management or a credit analyst assigns one or more recommendations to the case
folder, and submits and closes the case folder.

5. In Oracle Loans, the loans agent reviews the case folder, especially the
• If the credit request is approved, the agent reviews the loan application and
submits it to the loans manager for approval.

• If the recommendation is to reject the loan application, the loans agent can
continue to seek approval from the loans manager, or resubmit the loan
application for credit review after making modifications to the loan application
based on the recommendations.

6. If the loans agent decides to resubmit for credit review, the re-submission from
Loans creates a new credit request, which undergoes the same general process in
Credit Management as the original request.
A case folder associated with the re-submission is generated in Credit Management.
This case folder is a duplicate of the closed case folder from the original credit
request, plus additional data for the new request.

Note: There can be a number of review and resubmission cycles for

a given original loan application. Only the latest version can be
resubmitted, and each version can only be resubmitted once.

E-Business Suite Integration 5-7

Workload Management

This chapter describes managing credit analyst assignments.

This chapter covers the following topics:
• Credit Analyst Assignment Rules
• Reassigning Credit Reviews
• Reassign Credit Analyst Program

Credit Analyst Assignment Rules

If, after the submission of a credit application, the Credit Management workflow cannot
successfully proceed through the analysis phase, then Oracle Credit Management
assigns a credit analyst for manual processing.
How does Credit Management determine which credit analyst to assign? Credit
Management uses the Rules Engine, a component of the E-Business Suite, to let you
define rules that control the correct credit analyst assignment.
On the Credit Analyst Assignments page, use the Rules List tab to:
• Select a default credit analyst. Credit Management uses this default when no rule
either exists or applies during a particular credit review.

• Define the rules that indicate how credit analysts are automatically assigned to case
folders. Credit Management evaluates the rules that you create in sequential order.

Use the Create Rule page to create your credit analyst assignment rules.
On the Create Rule page, enter the matching criteria for the rule. Then, in the Result
region, enter the credit analyst who will be assigned when the rule criteria is met.
When a credit analyst is required, the appropriate assignment is determined using the
following sequence:
1. The assignment rules that you defined using the Rules Engine are executed.

Workload Management 6-1

2. If no credit analyst is identified, then the default credit analyst, selected on the
Rules List tab, is used.

3. If no default credit analyst exists, then Credit Management uses the default credit
analyst on the assigned customer profile class.

If, after the above steps, Credit Management fails to identify a credit analyst, then
Credit Management automatically routes the credit review to the Credit Scheduler. A
credit manager must log on using the Credit Scheduler responsibility to manually select
a credit analyst.

Testing Your Assignment Rules

Use the Test Cases tab to confirm that the rules behave as expected. This is especially
helpful if your assignment rules are complex.
To create a test case, enter the parameters that you want to test credit analyst
assignment for, and click Get Results to have the Rules Engine evaluate the rules and
automatically supply the result. Or, manually enter the expected results.
You can save the test case to run again later, which you should do whenever the rules
are modified.

Reassigning Credit Reviews

Use the Reassign Credit Reviews page to move selected credit applications and case
folders among credit personnel. Reassignment might be necessary to rebalance
workload between credit analysts. You can also use this page to assign credit analysts to
unassigned credit applications.

Tip: This process is different from the Reassign Credit Analyst

program, which moves the entire work queue of one credit analyst to
another. See: Reassign Credit Analyst Program, page 6-3.

Reassignments made through the Reassign Credit Reviews page do not modify credit
analyst assignments in the customer profile classes. As a result, the assigned credit
analyst from the profile will default on subsequent case folders or credit applications
submitted for the customer.
To change the credit analyst default for future credit requests, manually update the
customer profile classes. Or, submit the Reassign Credit Analyst program.
Access the Reassign Credit Reviews page using the Credit Scheduler responsibility.
Enter search criteria, then select one or more reviews for reassignment. Reassigned
reviews appear in assignees' queues without additional notification.

6-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Reassign Credit Analyst Program
Over time, personnel changes might require a change to the credit analyst who is
assigned to an account, credit application, or case folder. For example, a credit analyst
might take a personal leave of absence, or leave the organization entirely.
Use the Reassign Credit Analyst concurrent program to specify the required analyst
changes. This program executes a mass update on a batch basis, moving a credit
analyst's entire work queue to another credit analyst's work queue. This program also
updates the credit analyst assignment in the related customer profile class, so that
future credit reviews automatically reflect the new credit analyst assignment.

Tip: This process is different from using the Reassign Credit Reviews
page, which selectively moves credit applications and case folders
between credit personnel, and does not affect the customer profile class.
See: Reassigning Credit Reviews, page 6-2.

The Reassign Credit Analyst concurrent program makes permanent changes. To

accommodate temporary changes, such as vacations, run this same program when the
temporary period has ended to reinstate the original credit analyst.
Access the Reassign Credit Analyst concurrent program from the Run Credit
Management Programs and Reports window, available from any Oracle Receivables

Selected Parameters
Credit Analyst From: Select the credit analyst that you want to remove from
Credit Analyst To: Select the new credit analyst that you want to use for this

Workload Management 6-3

Additional Implementation Considerations

This chapter describes additional setup steps to consider when implementing Oracle
Credit Management.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Defining Credit Usage Rule Sets
• Defining Credit Hierarchies

Defining Credit Usage Rule Sets

Credit usage rule sets are used as follows:
• In Oracle Order Management, credit usage rule sets define the set of currencies that
will share a predefined credit limit during the credit checking process, and enable
the grouping currencies for global credit checking.

• In Oracle Credit Management, credit usage rule sets ensure that all transactions for
the specified currencies are converted to the credit currency and included in data
point calculations in the case folder.

For example, if a customer is assigned the Default profile class with a credit usage rule
set that includes USD, EUR, and CAD, then any transactions of those currencies are
included in that customer's case folder for data points such as Count of Open Invoices
or Amount of Open Invoices.
In Oracle Credit Management, credit usage rules are required. Even if you perform credit
reviews in only one currency, or conduct your business in only one currency, you must
still set up one credit usage rule.

Usage Examples
Example 1
The most typical usage will be as follows:

Additional Implementation Considerations 7-1

• Set up one credit usage rule set with a main currency, such as USD, and attach the
currencies that you need, such as USD and CAD.

• In this case, the credit application currency can be either USD or CAD.

• Credit limit currency is expressed only in USD.

• If you enter a CAD credit application, then all transactions in both CAD and USD
are included in data point calculations.

• Data points are automatically converted to USD. The credit recommendation is

expressed in USD.

Example 2
Perhaps you would like to maintain two different credit policies for a single customer,
based on territory. In this case, credit usage rules let you set up two different credit
policies and have two different credit limits. To accomplish this:
• Set up one credit usage rule set with a main currency, such as USD, and attach USD
and CAD. Set up another credit usage rule set with a main currency, such as EUR,
and attach EUR, CHF, and SEK.

• Let's say an order hold occurs on an order in SEK. The resulting currency on the
credit application is SEK.

• Due to the credit usage rules, Credit Management selects transactions in EUR, CHF,
and SEK.

• Data points are automatically converted to EUR. The credit recommendation is

expressed in EUR.

Note: The previous example also applies in the case where a particular
currency fluctuates to a great extent. In such a case, for the purposes of
a credit review, you should isolate that currency's transactions from the
rest of your customer's transactions. Otherwise, what might be a high
credit score on one day could be drastically lower on another day,
simply due to the one fluctuating currency.

After you set up credit usage rule sets, you then assign the rule set to a credit profile
class, which you can finally assign directly to a customer.

Credit Usage Rule Setup

During setup, confirm that credit usage rule sets are properly defined and assigned to
your customers:

7-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

1. Confirm existing credit usage rule sets, or define new ones, in the Define Credit
Usage Rules window.

2. Then, use the Assign Credit Usage Rules window to assign a credit usage rule set or
sets to each combination of customer and currency, as necessary.
The currencies default from the profile amounts in the assigned customer profile

Note: Credit usage rules are mutually exclusive for a customer. For
example, if you assign credit usage rule A (USD and CAD) to USD,
then you cannot also assign the same credit usage rule to CAD.

3. Assign the same credit usage rule sets to the customer's sites if you plan to create
credit applications for individual customer sites. Otherwise, a case folder might not
be generated when you submit a credit application for the site.

See: Defining Credit Usage Rule Sets, Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual
and Assigning Credit Usage Rule Sets, Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual.

Related Topics
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1

Defining Credit Hierarchies

To provide global credit limits that are shared by some or all entities within a complex,
multinational organization, you can define credit relationships between parties using
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Relationship Manager.
Relationship Manager lets you easily build, view, and edit relationships between
entities. Using Relationship Manager, you can:
• View a single party and all its relationships

• Create new relationships and edit existing relationships

• Focus on a particular portion of a hierarchy and edit the hierarchical structure

You can define a credit hierarchy of parties, party relationships, hierarchy levels,
accounts, and account sites. Typically, the party object and party subject in a credit
relationship represent a parent and child, or HQ and division hierarchy. For each entity
in the hierarchy, you can view credit information, such as credit hold status, credit
limits by currency, and credit review cycle.
Using Relationship Manager, you assign to your entities an existing relationship type,
such as Global Ultimate, or your own user-defined Credit Management relationship
type. You then link the relationships to Credit Management by assigning the

Additional Implementation Considerations 7-3

relationship type to the AR: Credit Hierarchy Type profile option.
When you conduct a credit review for an entity that has hierarchical relationships,
Credit Management consolidates and displays all data for the entire hierarchy.

Related Topics
Profile Options and Profile Option Categories Overview, page A-1
Overview of Oracle Credit Management Setup, page 3-1
Relationship Manager Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide

7-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Oracle Credit Management Profile Options
and Profile Option Categories

This appendix describes setting profile options for Oracle Credit Management.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Profile Options and Profile Option Categories Overview
• Profile Option Category and Profile Options Descriptions

Profile Options and Profile Option Categories Overview

During implementation, set a value for each Oracle Credit Management profile option
to specify how Credit Management controls access to and processes data.
See: Setting User Profile Options, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide -
Profile options are grouped into one or more profile option categories enabling you to
view only the profile options that pertain to your application or function.
Credit Management Categories
• Credit Policies Management, page A-2

Credit Management Profile Options

• AR: Allow summary table refresh, page A-2

• AR: Credit Hierarchy Type, page A-3

• AR: Default Credit Management Currency, page A-3

Profile Option Category and Profile Options Descriptions

This section describes profile options by category.

Oracle Credit Management Profile Options and Profile Option Categories A-1
The tables in this section provide profile option information as follows:
• The Default column displays either the default profile option value in italics, or No
Default if none exists.

• The User Access column indicates whether you can view or update the profile

• The System Administration: Site, Application, Responsibility, and User columns

indicate at which levels the system administrator can update these profile options.

The key for each table is:

• Update: You can update the profile option.

• View Only: You can view the profile option but cannot change it.

• No Access: You cannot view or change the profile option.

Credit Policies Management Category

The table below lists the profile options that affect credit policy management.

Credit Policies Management

Profile Default User System System System System

Option Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
Site Application Responsibility User

AR: Allow No Update View Only View Only Update View Only
Summary Default
Table Refresh,
page A-2

AR: Credit No Update Update Update Update Update

Hierarchy Default
Type, page A-

AR: Default No Update Update No Access No Access Update

Credit Default
page A-3

A-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

AR: Allow Summary Table Refresh
Set this profile option to Yes if you want to allow the data contained within the
transaction summary and balance tables to be initialized or reset. After setting this
profile option to Yes, run the Credit Management Refresh AR Transactions Summary
Tables concurrent program from the Submit Requests window. See: Populating
Transaction Data, page 2-4.
After the Refresh AR Transactions Summary Tables concurrent program populates the
summary tables, the profile option is automatically reset to No. If you ever want to reset
the data in the summary tables in the future, then set this profile option back to Yes.
Use this profile option for added security to ensure that the summary tables are
refreshed only when necessary.
This profile option can be set by the system administrator or user at the application
level only.

AR: Credit Hierarchy Type

If customer relationships defined in Oracle Trading Community Architecture
Relationship Manager are used for Credit Management, then you must set the AR:
Credit Hierarchy Type profile option to the relationship type that you are using in
Credit Management.
This profile option is used for determining the party relationship hierarchy when
generating the case folder.
This profile option can be set by the system administrator at the site, application, and
responsibility levels but cannot be updated by the user.
See: Defining Credit Hierarchies, page 7-3.

AR: Default Credit Management Currency

If you typically use one currency when entering new credit applications, set the AR:
Default Credit Management Currency profile option to automatically default the
currency for each new credit application.
This profile option can be set by the system administrator at the user and site levels, and
can also be updated by the user.

Oracle Credit Management Profile Options and Profile Option Categories A-3
Credit Management Application Workflow

This appendix describes the workflow in Oracle Credit Management.

This appendix covers the following topics:
• Credit Management Application Workflow

Credit Management Application Workflow

The Credit Management Application workflow manages the process flow of gathering
and analyzing account or prospect credit data, and making and implementing credit
The workflow always attempts to automatically make and implement credit decisions
without user intervention. If the workflow stops due to conditions such as missing data,
then the workflow routes notifications to the appropriate credit analyst for resolution.
• If a credit analyst was never assigned because the credit review was automated,
then the workflow assigns the credit review to the appropriate credit analyst.

• If a credit analyst cannot be identified, then the workflow notifies the person
assigned to the Credit Scheduler role that a credit analyst assignment is required.
The Credit Scheduler is a workflow role used in Credit Management to assign
credit tasks to credit analysts.

To determine if credit recommendations require approval, the workflow checks the

automation rules that you previously defined. If approval is required, then the
workflow uses the approval rules that you defined in Oracle Approvals Management
Oracle Approvals Management is a self-service Web application that you can use to
define business rules that govern who must approve transactions in other Oracle
applications. Once you define the rules for a given application, the Oracle Approvals
Management rules engine manages the approvals for that application's transactions.
See: Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide.

Credit Management Application Workflow B-1

• If the recommendation is approved by the appropriate personnel, then the
workflow automatically implements the decision and closes the case folder.

• If the recommendation is rejected as it is routed through the approval hierarchy,

then the workflow sends notifications to the appropriate personnel and closes the
case folder.

This section describes the unmodified workflow program.

Related Topics
Setting Up the Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-2
Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities, page B-3
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Setting Up the Credit Management Application Workflow

To set up the Credit Management Application workflow:

1. Install and set up Oracle Approvals Management (AME).
In AME, you define the rules that Oracle Credit Management should use to
determine who the appropriate approvers are for a credit decision.
If you use HR hierarchies to generate your lists of approvers in AME, then you
need to provide logic so AME can identify the starting approver. For Credit
Management, the starting approver is always the credit analyst's supervisor.
For information on defining rules in AME, see: Oracle Approvals Management
Implementation Guide.

2. Install the Oracle Workflow Builder client component program if you want to
modify the Credit Management Application Workflow. For more information on
workflow installations, see: Overview of Setting Up, Oracle Workflow Administrator's

3. Set up Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer.

You can set up Notification Mailer so the Credit Management Application
Workflow can use e-mail, and your system administrator can grant approvers
access to view notifications from the Oracle Workflow Notification Worklist web
See: Setting Up Notification Mailers, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

4. (Optional) Complete additional Oracle Workflow setup steps.

Credit Management does not specify a timeout value for notification responses.

B-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Specify a timeout value if you want to set the time period in which an approver
needs to respond before sending a reminder notification, or escalating the request to
the approver's manager.

5. (Optional) Modify the Credit Management Application Workflow.

For example, you can modify the message text that appears on your notifications.

6. Set up a designated person who receives notification of workflow errors through

the Oracle Workflow Default Error Process.
For example, the person who receives AME error notifications could also receive
Oracle Workflow process error notifications.

7. From the Submit Request window using the System Administrator's responsibility,
schedule the Workflow Background Process concurrent program to run on a
regular basis:
• Choose the AR Credit Management Application Process item type.

• In the Process Deferred field, enter Yes.

• In the Process Timeout field, enter No.

The Workflow Background Process launches the Credit Management Application

If you schedule this process to run more frequently, then upon the submission of
credit applications, the resulting case folders will be created more quickly.
See: To Schedule Background Engines, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

Related Topics
Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1
Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities, page B-3
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities

This section provides a description of each activity in the main process, listed by the
activity's display name.

Receive Credit Request (Node 1)

When a credit request is generated, either by the submission of a credit application or
by the Credit Request API, the workflow starts.
The workflow continues to Node 2.

Credit Management Application Workflow B-3

Create Case Folder (Node 2)
This function creates the case folder, which stores all analysis data and recommendation
(s) for the credit review, whether the analysis is performed automatically or by a credit
The workflow continues to Node 3.

Check Automation (Node 3)

This function checks for the existence of automation rules based upon the combination
of credit review type and customer credit classification:
• If automation rules do not exist, then the workflow routes the credit review to the
credit analyst for manual intervention. This function then calls the Manual
See: Manual Subprocess, page B-6.

• If automation rules exist, then the rule validations are executed, leading to
recommendations. This function then calls the Automation Subprocess.
See: Automation Subprocess, page B-6.

Send Recommendation for Approval (Node 4)

This function calls the Approval subprocess to send a recommendation, either from a
credit analyst or automatically generated, for approval.
See: Approval Subprocess, page B-7.

Implement Recommendation (Node 5)

A recommendation has two sources:
• A credit analyst can submit a recommendation after performing the credit analysis.
The workflow continues to Node 6.

• The Automation Engine can generate a recommendation(s) based upon your

automation rules.
The workflow continues to Node 7.

Credit Management provides the following recommendations that can be implemented

without user intervention:
1. Remove Order from Hold

2. Adjust Credit Limit

Credit Management can increase or decrease a credit limit, based on the outcome of

B-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

the review.

3. Set up Credit Limit

Credit Management can assign a new credit limit to the account or prospect.

4. Put Account on Credit Hold

Credit Management uses this recommendation if the outcome of the credit review
indicates that too much risk is associated with the account. This recommendation
prevents the acceptance of additional orders.

Inform Credit Analyst (Node 6)

This function sends a notification to the credit analyst if the Implement
Recommendation function fails for any reason.
That function could fail if, for example, the order to be released from hold does not
exist, or if a credit limit already exists for an account that you are granting a new credit
limit to.
The workflow continues to Node 8.

Inform Sysadmin (Node 7)

This function sends a notification to the system administrator if the Implement
Recommendation function fails for any reason.
That function could fail if, for example, the order to be released from hold does not
exist, or if a credit limit already exists for an account that you are granting a new credit
limit to.
The workflow continues to Node 8.

Retry Recommendation (Node 8)

If the source of the failure is determined and corrected, then this function allows the
credit analyst or system administrator to resubmit the recommendation for
If the resubmission is successful, then a Success notification is sent to either the credit
analyst or the system administrator.
The workflow successfully ends at Node 9.

Related Topics
Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1
Manual Subprocess, page B-6
Automation Subprocess, page B-6

Credit Management Application Workflow B-5

Approval Subprocess, page B-7
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Manual Subprocess

Check for Credit Analyst (Node 1)

This function checks whether a credit analyst was assigned to the credit application. If
the workflow can identify a credit analyst, then the workflow continues to Node 3.
If not, then the workflow continues to Node 2.

Notify the Credit Scheduler Role (Node 2)

This function sends a notification to the Credit Scheduler role, if the workflow cannot
identify a credit analyst for assignment to the credit review.
The workflow continues to Node 3.

Notify Credit Analyst (Node 3)

This function sends an assignment notification to the assigned credit analyst.
The workflow continues to Node 4.

Perform Analysis (Node 4)

Once the credit analyst is notified, the credit analyst conducts a manual analysis using
the case folder. The workflow continues to Node 4, Send Recommendation for
Approval, listed in the Main Process Activities section.
See: Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities, page B-3.

Related Topics
Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Automation Subprocess

Build Checklist & Gather Data (Node 1)

This function selects the data points and values on the associated checklist, according to
the credit review type and credit classification combination, and stores the results in the
case folder.
The workflow continues to Node 2.

B-6 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Calculate Score (Node 2)
This function calls the scoring engine to calculate the credit score.
The workflow continues to Node 3.
If no credit scoring model exists for the associated checklist, or if a scoring model exists
but data points are missing, then the workflow routes this function to a credit analyst
for further processing.
This function calls the Manual Subprocess. See: Manual Subprocess, page B-6.
A manual credit analysis does not require a credit scoring model.

Recommendation Generation (Node 3)

This function generates a recommendation(s) based upon the automation rules.
For example, an automation rule indicates that a calculated credit score of 75 has a
credit limit of $100,000 USD. Credit Management will assign a credit limit of $100,000
USD to the account if a credit limit does not yet exist, or will update the existing USD
credit limit to $100,000.
The workflow continues to Node 4, Send Recommendation for Approval, listed in the
Main Process Activities section.
See: Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities, page B-3.

Related Topics
Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

Approval Subprocess

Approval Engine (Node 1)

This function calls the Approvals Management Engine (AME) and routes the
recommendation through the approval hierarchy. For information on how to set up the
approval hierarchy, see: Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide.
If approval is not required, then the workflow continues to Node 2.
If approval is required, then a call is made to the Approvals Engine for routing:
• If approval is granted, then the workflow continues to Node 2.

• If approval is denied, then this function calls the Manual Subprocess.

See: Manual Subprocess, page B-6.

Credit Management Application Workflow B-7

Update Case Folder with Approval Status (Node 2)
This function updates the case folder with the status of the approval request:
• If rejected, then the workflow does not implement the recommendation. The
workflow updates the case folder with the rejection reason, comments, and the
person who rejected the recommendation. The workflow also updates the status of
the case folder to Closed.

• If approved, then the workflow automatically implements the recommendation and

updates the case folder.
The workflow also sends notifications to interested parties when a recommendation
is approved or rejected. For example, the workflow can send an appropriate
notification to the requestor of the original credit application, if possible.

The workflow successfully ends at Node 3.

Related Topics
Credit Management Application Workflow, page B-1
Processing Credit Reviews, page 4-1

B-8 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Credit Request Business Events

This appendix describes business events that you can use with Oracle Credit
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Credit Request Business Events
• Credit Request Events

Credit Request Business Events

Oracle Credit Management leverages the Business Events System available in Oracle
Workflow Release 2.6 to create business events during the life cycle of a credit request.
This lets customers/consumer products perform custom processing.

Note: Credit request events are raised by the Credit Request processing
workflow engine; users should not manually raise them.


The Event Subscription

1. Log on to Oracle Applications with the System Administrator responsibility.

2. Navigate Workflow > Add subscription to Event.

3. Every Credit Request event follows the same naming convention:


For example, if you want to subscribe your business process (such as custom
recommendations) to the implementation of the default recommendations for a credit
request, then you should subscribe your routine or custom program (also known as the

Credit Request Business Events C-1

rule function) to the

Deferred Subscriptions
The Workflow Release 2.6 Business Event System allows subscriptions to be executed in
deferred mode so that no overhead is added to the process raising the event. For Credit
Request business events, it is recommended that user subscriptions be executed in the
deferred mode.
One of the mechanisms to defer a subscription would be by setting the phase number of
a user-defined subscription to greater than 99. For additional details on different
mechanisms for deferring a subscription, see: Event Subscriptions, Oracle Workflow
Developer's Guide.
When the credit request processing flow raises an event for a deferred subscription, the
event message is sent to the deferred queue.
Subscriptions will be executed when the "Workflow Agent Listener" with the parameter
"WF_DEFERRED" is executed. When this concurrent program is executed, every
subscription from every instance of events in the DEFERRED queue at that moment will
be executed.
This concurrent program is seeded in the request group of the System Administrator

Coding a Subscription

How to subscribe
Per Oracle Workflow coding standards, two kinds of subscriptions exist for use:
• Oracle Workflow Release 2.6 rule function (which is a PL/SQL function)

• Workflow processes

For information about the standards for the event subscription rule function, see:
Standard API for an Event Subscription Rule Function, Oracle Workflow Developer's

The parameters provided by events

Oracle Workflow uses the object type WF_EVENT_T to store event messages.
WF_EVENT_T defines the event message structure that the Business Event System and
the Workflow Engine use to represent a business event.
For more information about this Event Message structure, see: Event Message Structure,
Oracle Workflow API Reference.
As part of the event message, the raised event can pass a number of parameters to the
subscription rule function in a named varying array WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T. The

C-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

credit request event passes 13 parameters, listed in the following table:

Parameter Name Description

CREDIT_REQUEST_ID The unique identifier of the credit request

USER_ID The user ID of the initial session that had initiated the
credit request

RESP_ID The responsibility ID of the initial session that had

initiated the credit request

RESP_APPL_ID The application responsibility ID of the initial session

that had initiated the credit request

SECURITY_GROUP_ID The security group ID of the initial session that had

initiated the credit request

ORG_ID The Operating Unit ID of the initial session that had

initiated the credit request

SOURCE_NAME The source name on the credit request, which is used to

identify the source product that initiated the credit

SOURCE_COLUMN1 The unique identifier of the entity for which the credit
request was created

SOURCE_COLUMN2 The unique identifier of the entity for which the credit
request was created

SOURCE_COLUMN3 The unique identifier of the entity for which the credit
request was created

The org_id, user_id, resp_id, resp_appl_id, and security_group_id parameters let users
re-create the application environment at the moment the credit request was raised. This
is useful if your business logic depends on some application context parameters, such as
for a multi-organization environment.
<RESP_APPL_ID>, <SECURITY_GROUP_ID>) to re-create the original application
context in your process.

Example of a PL/SQL rule function subscription

For example, for a particular requirement, consumer products in Oracle eBusiness Suite

Credit Request Business Events C-3

need to implement their custom recommendations after the Credit Request workflow
has implemented its own recommendations for a particular credit request.
Here is one example of rule function.
If the following rule function is subscribed to Credit Request event: "
FUNCTION Rule_Credit_Recco_Impl
(p_subscription_guid in raw,
p_event in out wf_event_t)
l_key varchar2(240) := p_event.GetEventKey();
l_org_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter('ORG_ID');
l_user_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter('USER_ID');
l_resp_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter('RESP_ID');
l_resp_appl_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter('RESP_APPL_ID');
l_security_group_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter
l_credit_request_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter
l_source_name := p_event.GetValueForParameter('SOURCE_NAME');
l_source_column1 := p_event.GetValueForParameter('SOURCE_COLUMN1');
l_source_column2 := p_event.GetValueForParameter('SOURCE_COLUMN2');
l_source_column3 := p_event.GetValueForParameter('SOURCE_COLUMN3');
l_party_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter('PARTY_ID');
l_cust_account_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter('CUST_ACCOUNT_ID');
l_cust_acct_site_id := p_event.GetValueForParameter
fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_resp_appl_id,
--Implement custom recommendations.

Credit Request Events

Credit Request events follow this naming pattern:
This name contains three parts:
1. means that the event belongs to Credit Request
entity in the Credit Management application.

2. <Phase> indicates the current stage in the life cycle of a credit request in which an
action is going to be performed.

3. <Action> indicates the action performed in the current phase of the credit request.

This table lists the possible phases and actions.

C-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Credit Request Phase Action Description ID Parameter Name

Automation Failure Failure of an automated credit request CREDIT_REQUEST_ID

processing because of non-availability of
the required data-points on the checklist or
the scoring model.

Recommendation Implement Implementation of the recommendations, CREDIT_REQUEST_ID

coming out of the analysis performed on
the credit request.

Credit Request Business Events C-5

Oracle Credit Management Data Points

This appendix describes the seeded data points in Oracle Credit Management.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Oracle Credit Management Data Points
• Business Information and Credit Data Points
• Financial Data Data Points
• References Data Points
• Guarantors Data Points
• Venture Funding Data Points
• Collateral Data Points
• Billing and Payments Data Points
• Aging Data Points

Oracle Credit Management Data Points

This appendix includes a list of the seeded data points that Oracle Credit Management
• Business Information and Credit, page D-2

• Financial Data, page D-4

• References, page D-8

• Guarantors, page D-12

• Venture Funding, page D-13

• Collateral, page D-14

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-1

• Billing and Payments, page D-15

• Aging, page D-21

Business Information and Credit Data Points

This table includes the Business Information and Credit data points. The data point
category is Credit.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Source User-entered, If Automatic,

Setup Table Column Automatic, or Time-Sensitive?

Bond Rating No Yes ar_cmgt_cre bond_rating User-entered


Business No Yes ar_lookups lookup_code User-entered

Entity Type

Count of No Yes ar_cmgt_cre pending_litiga User-entered

Pending dit_requests tion_count

Credit ? ? ? ?

Current Yes Done ar_trx_bal_s OP_INVOICE Automatic No

Receivables ummary _VALUE
Balance +OP_DEBIT_

D-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Source User-entered, If Automatic,
Setup Table Column Automatic, or Time-Sensitive?

Current Stock No Yes ar_cmgt_cre User-entered

Price dit_requests

High Credit Yes Yes ar_trx_sum op_bal_high_ Automatic Yes

Amount mary water_mark

High Credit No Yes ar_trx_sum op_bal_high_ Automatic Yes

Date mary water-

Industrial No Yes hz_parties sic_code_type Automatic No


Industrial No Yes hz_parties sic_code Automatic No

Code Number

Last Credit No Yes ar_cmgt_cas Automatic No

Review Date e_folders

Last Yes Yes ar_cmgt_cas Automatic No

Calculated e_folders
Credit Score

Last Case No Yes ar_cmgt_cas Automatic No

Folder e_folders

Last Checklist No Yes Automatic No

Used ar_cmgt_cas

Market No Yes ar_cmgt_cre User-entered

Capitalization dit_requests

Number of Yes Yes hz_parties employees_tot Automatic No

Employees al

Order Yes Yes OM_API

Amount On
Credit Hold

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-3

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Source User-entered, If Automatic,
Setup Table Column Automatic, or Time-Sensitive?

Overall Credit Yes No hz_credit_pr overall_credit_ Automatic No

Limit ofile_amoun limit

Requested Yes No ar_cmgt_cas User-entered

Amount e_folders

Stock No Yes ar_cmgt_cre stock_exchang User-entered

Exchange dit_requests e

Stock Symbol No Yes ar_cmgt_cre User-entered


Tax Name No Yes hz_parties tax_name Automatic No

Transaction Yes No hz_credit_pr trx_credit_limi Automatic No

Credit Limit ofile_amoun t

URL No Yes hz_parties url Automatic No

VAT No Yes

Year Yes Yes hz_parties year_establish Automatic No

Established ed

Related Topics
Oracle Credit Management Data Points, page D-1

Financial Data Data Points

This table includes the Financial Data data points. The data point category is Credit. All
data points are user-entered and none are time-sensitive.

D-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Reporting Currency No Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN reporting_currency


Monetary Unit No Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN monetary_unit


Financial Statement No Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN curr_fin_st_date


Reporting Period No Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN reporting_period


Cash Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN cash


Net Receivables Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN net_receivables


Inventories Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN inventories


Other Current Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN other_curr_assets


Total Current Assets Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN total_cur_assets


Net Fixed Assets Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN net_fixed_assets


Short-Term No No

Intangible Assets No No

Goodwill No No

Retained Earnings No No

Common Stock No No

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-5

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Preferred Stock No No

Other Noncurrent Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN other_non_cur_asset

Assets CIAL_DATA s

Total Assets Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN total_assets


Accounts Payable Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN accounts_payable


Short-Term Debt Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN short_term_debt


Other Current Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN other_cur_liabilities

Liabilities CIAL_DATA

Total Current Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN total_cur_liabilities

Liabilities CIAL_DATA

Long-Term Debt Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN long_term_debt


Other Noncurrent Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN other_non_cur_liabil

Liabilities CIAL_DATA ities

Total Liabilities Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN total_liabilities


Stockholder's Equity Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN stockholder_equity


Total Liabilities and Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN total_liabilities_equit

Equity CIAL_DATA y

Revenue Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN revenue


Cost of Goods Sold Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN cost_of_goods_sold


D-6 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

General & Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN sga_expenses

Administrative CIAL_DATA

Operating Income Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN operating_income


Operating Margin Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN operating_margin


Nonoperating Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN non_operating_inco

Income CIAL_DATA me

Nonoperating Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN non_operating_expe

Expenses CIAL_DATA nses

Income Before Taxes Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN pre_tax_net_income


Income Taxes Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN income_taxes


Net Income Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN net_income


Earnings Per Share Yes Yes AR_CMGT_FINAN earnings_per_share


Depreciation No No

Amortization No No

Extraordinary Gains No No

Extraordinary Losses No No

Interest Income No No

Interest Expense No No

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-7

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Dividends No No

Cash Flow from No No


Current Ratio No No

Quick Ratio No No

Net working capital No No

Gross Profit No No

Operating Profit No No

Profit Margin No No

Related Topics
Oracle Credit Management Data Points, page D-1

References Data Points

This table includes the References data points. The data point category is Reference. All
data points are user-entered and none are time-sensitive.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup

Number of Bank References No Yes

Number of Trade References No Yes

Guarantors No Yes

Venture Funding No Yes

Collateral No Yes

D-8 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Bank References Data Points
This table includes the Bank References data points. The data point category is
Reference and all data points are displayed in the case folder. All data points are user-
entered and none are time-sensitive.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Bank Name No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d bank_name


Bank Address No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d address


City No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d city


State No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d state


Postal Code No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d postal_code


Province No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d province


Bank Routing No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d bank_routing_numb

Number ata er

Country No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d country


Contact No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d contact_name


Contact Telephone No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_d phone


Account Number No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_a account_number


Account Type No Yes ar_lookups lookup_code =


Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-9

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Date Opened No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_a date_opened


Balance Date No Yes ar_cmgt_bank_ref_a balance_date


Current Balance Yes No ar_cmgt_bank_ref_a current_balance


Average Balance Yes No ar_cmgt_bank_ref_a average_balance


Trade References Data Points

This table includes the Trade References data points. The data point category is
Reference and all data points are displayed in the case folder. All data points are user-
entered and none are time-sensitive.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Reference Name No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d reference_name


Last Transaction No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d last_transaction_date

Date ata

Payment Terms No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d payment_terms


Number of Years in No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d number_of_years_in

Trade ata _trade

Credit Currency No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d currency


Report Date No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d report_date


Credit Type No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d credit_type


D-10 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Credit Limit Yes No ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d credit_limit


Credit Balance Yes No ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d credit_balance


Amount Owed Yes No ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d amount_owed


Past Due Amount Yes No ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d past_due_amount


Address No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d address


City No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d city


State No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d state


Postal Code No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d postal_code


Country No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d country


Province No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d province


Tax Number No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d tax_number


Contact No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d contact_name


Phone No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d phone_number


Fax No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d fax_number


Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-11

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Email No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d email


URL No Yes ar_cmgt_trade_ref_d url


Related Topics
Oracle Credit Management Data Points, page D-1

Guarantors Data Points

This table includes the Guarantors data points. The data point category is Reference and
all data points are displayed in the case folder. All data points are user-entered and
none are time-sensitive.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Order Identifier No No ar_cmgt_guarantor_


Currency No No ar_cmgt_guarantor_ currency


Guarantee Available No No ar_cmgt_guarantor_ funding_available_fr

From Date data om

Guarantee Available No No ar_cmgt_guarantor_ funding_available_t

To Date data o

Primary Flag No No ar_cmgt_guarantor_


Guaranteed Amount Yes No ar_cmgt_guarantor_ guaranteed_amount


Order Amount Yes No ar_cmgt_guarantor_


D-12 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Related Topics
Oracle Credit Management Data Points, page D-1

Venture Funding Data Points

This table includes the Venture Funding data points. The data point category is
Reference and all data points are displayed in the case folder. All data points are user-
entered and none are time-sensitive.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup

Country No No

Venture Capital Name No No, Required

Address No No

Province/State No No

Postal Code No No

Key Executive No No

Contact No No

Phone No No

Fax No No

Email No No

Funding Amount Yes No

Burn Rate Yes No

Currency No No

Percent Invested Yes No

Describe Future Funding No No


Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-13

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup

Notes No No

Capital Stage No No

Balance Yes Yes

Related Topics
Oracle Credit Management Data Points, page D-1

Collateral Data Points

This table includes the Collateral data points. The data point category is Reference and
all data points are displayed in the case folder. All data points are user-entered and
none are time-sensitive.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Description No Yes, Required ar_cmgt_collateral_d description


Category No Yes, Required ar_cmgt_collateral_d category


Value of Collateral Yes Yes, Required ar_cmgt_collateral_d value


Currency No Yes, Required ar_cmgt_collateral_d currency


Valuation Type No No ar_cmgt_collateral_d type


Valuation Date No No ar_cmgt_collateral_d valuation_date


Previous Valuation No No ar_cmgt_collateral_d previous_valuation_

Date ata date

D-14 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Setup Source Table Source Column

Appraiser No No ar_cmgt_collateral_d appraiser


Appraiser Phone No No ar_cmgt_collateral_d appraiser_phone

Number ata

Location of No No ar_cmgt_collateral_d location

Collateral ata

Notes No No ar_cmgt_collateral_d notes


Related Topics
Oracle Credit Management Data Points, page D-1

Billing and Payments Data Points

This table includes the Billing and Payments data points that are not time-sensitive. All
data points are automatically derived. The data point category is Invoice.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Column Calculations


Days Sales Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su (sum FROM SYSTEM OPTIONS

Outstanding mmary (current_receiva SETUP. (Sum of all opening
bles) * Balances * Number of days
cer_dso_days) Days Sales Outstanding
/sum from
(total_dso_days_ ar_cmgt_setup_options ) /
credit) Sum of all transactions
based on DSO days(from
from ar_trx_summary

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-15

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Column Calculations

Delinquent Days Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su SUM(DSO) - SAME PERIOD AS DSO.

Sales mmary SUM ((Sum of all opening
Outstanding (BEST_DSO) Balances -
amount_due_remaining on
open payment schedules
(installments) of all
transactions )* Number of
days Days Sales
Outstanding from
ar_cmgt_setup_options ) /
Sum of all transactions
based on DSO days(from
from ar_trx_summary

Unapplied Cash Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su unresolved_cash sum of unresolved cash

Amount mmary _value available on all the Cash

Unapplied Cash Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su unresolved_cash count of unresolved cash

Count mmary _count available on all the Cash

This table includes the Billing and Payments data points that are time-sensitive. All data
points are automatically derived. The data point category is Invoice.

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Column Calculations


Weighted Yes Yes ar_trx_summa sum Summation of the product

Average Days ry (inv_inst_pmt_d of number of days to make
Paid ays_sum)/sum payments against invoice
(COUNT_OF_T installments / Sum of the
OT_INV_INST_P amount applied against the
AID) closed payment schedules
(installments) of all the

D-16 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Column Calculations

Weighted Yes Yes ar_trx_summa sum Summation of the product

Average Days ry (sum_app_amt_d of amount applied and the
Paid Late ays_late)/sum difference in apply date and
(sum_of_app_am due date for all cash receipt
t) applications against the
Invoices Installments / Sum
of the amount applied
against the closed payment
schedules (installments) of
all the Invoices

High Credit Yes Yes ar_trx_summa op_bal_high_wat This column value contains
Amount ry ermark the highest Open
Receivables Balance for the
specific Account, Site,
Currency and date
(identified by as_of_date).

High Credit No Yes ar_trx_summa op_bal_high_wat Highest Open receivables

Date ry ermark_date date

Weighted Days Yes Yes ar_trx_summa sum Summation of the product

Credit Granted ry (days_credit_gra of amount_due_original
nted_sum)/sum and difference of the
(COUNT_OF_T due_date and trx_date /
OT_INV_INST_P Sum of the
AID) amount_due_original on
payment schedules
(installments) of all Invoices

Last Payment Yes Yes ar_trx_summa last_payment_a Amount of the most recent
Amount ry mount cash receipt (based on
receipt date)

Last Payment No Yes ar_trx_summa last_payment_da Date of the most recent cash
Date ry te receipt (based on receipt

Cash Receipts Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_cash_receip Sum of the amounts of all
Amount ry ts_value Cash Receipts

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-17

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Column Calculations

Cash Receipts Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_cash_receip Count of payment

Count ry ts_count schedules (installments) of
all cash receipts

Invoices Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_invoices_va Sum of the

Amount ry lue amount_due_original on
payment schedules
(installments) of all Invoices

Invoices Count Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_invoices_co Count of the payment

ry unt schedules (installments) of
all Invoices

Bills Receivables Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_bills_receiv Sum of the

Amount ry ables_value amount_due_original on
payment schedules
(installments) of all Bills

Bills Receivables Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_bills_receiv Count of payment

Count ry ables_count schedules (installments) of
all Bills Receivables

Debit Memos Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_debit_mem Sum of the

Amount ry os_value amount_due_original on
payment schedules
(installments) of all Debit

Debit Memos Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_debit_mem Count of payment

Count ry os_count schedules (installments) of
all Debit Memos

Chargebacks Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_chargeback Sum of the

Amount ry _value amount_due_original on
payment schedules
(installments) of all

Chargebacks Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_chargeback Count of payment

Count ry _count schedules (installments) of
all Chargebacks

D-18 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Column Calculations

Adjustments Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_adjustment Sum of the adjustment

Amount ry s_value amounts on the payment
schedules of all the debit

Adjustments Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_adjustment Count of the adjustments

Count ry s_count on the payment schedules
of all the debit items

Deposits Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_deposits_va Sum of the

Amount ry lue amount_due_original on
payment schedules
(installments) of all

Deposits Count Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_deposits_co Count of payment

ry unt schedules (installments) of
all Deposits

NSF/Stop Yes Yes ar_trx_summa nsf_stop_payme Count of all cash receipts

Payment Count ry nt_count having a status of Reversed
with a Reversal Category of
Non Sufficient Funds

NSF/Stop Yes Yes ar_trx_summa nsf_stop_payme Sum of the amount on all

Payment ry nt_amount Cash Receipts having a
Amount status of Reversed with a
Reversal Category of Non
Sufficient Funds

Pending Orders Yes Yes ar_trx_summa

Amount ry

Credit Memos Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_credit_mem Sum of the

Amount ry os_value amount_due_original on
payment schedules
(installments) of all Credit

Credit Memos Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_credit_mem Count of payment

Count ry os_count schedules (installments) of
all Credit Memos

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-19

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Column Calculations

Largest Invoice Yes Yes ar_trx_summa largest_inv_amo Transaction amount

Amount ry unt corresponding to the largest

Largest Invoice No Yes ar_trx_summa largest_inv_date Transaction date

Date ry corresponding to the largest

Percentages Of Yes Yes ar_trx_summa ((count_of_inv_i (Count of the payment

Invoices Paid ry nst_paid - schedules (installments),
Promptly count_of_inst_in that have been paid off
v_inst_paid_late) completely - Count of the
/count_of_inv_in payment schedules
st_paid)*100 (installments) that have
been paid late) * 100 / Count
of the payment schedules
(installments), that have
been paid off completely

Percentages Of Yes Yes ar_trx_summa (count_of_inst_in (Count of the payment

Invoices Paid ry v_inst_paid_late/ schedules (installments)
Late count_of_inv_ins that have been paid late *
t_paid)*100 100) / Count of the payment
schedules (installments),
that have been paid off

Percentage of Yes Yes ar_trx_summa count_of_disc_in (Count of the payment

Invoices with ry v_inst schedules (installments)
Discount Taken with earned or unearned
discounts applied to
Invoices * 100)/Count of the
payment schedules
(installments), that have
been paid off completely

Invoices paid Yes Yes ar_trx_summa inv_paid_amoun Sum of the total amount
Amount ry t paid against closed invoices

Installment Yes Yes ar_trx_summa count_of_tot_inst Count of the payment

Invoices Paid ry _inv_paid schedules (installments),
Count that have been paid off

D-20 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Column Calculations

Earned Discount Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_earned_dis Sum of the Earned

Amount ry c_value Discounts that were given
on the closed payment
schedules (installments) of
all invoices

Earned Discount Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_earned_dis Count of the Earned

Count ry c_count Discounts that were given
on the closed payment
schedules (installments) of
all invoices

Unearned Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_unearned_ Sum of the Unearned

Discount ry disc_value Discounts that was given on
Amount the closed payment
schedules (installments) of
all invoices

Unearned Yes Yes ar_trx_summa total_unearned_ Count of the Unearned

Discount Count ry disc_count Discounts that were given
on the closed payment
schedules (installments) of
all invoices

Related Topics
Oracle Credit Management Data Points, page D-1

Aging Data Points

This table includes the Aging data points that are not time-sensitive. All data points are
automatically derived. The data point category is Aging.

Note: Aging buckets and their values are available for the checklist, but
the bucket names and the number of buckets are based upon Credit
Management system option settings.

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-21

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Calculations
Setup Column

Total Past Due Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su


Open Invoices Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_invoices_va sum of

Amount mmary lue amount_due_remaining on
open payment schedules
(installments) of all the

Open Invoices Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_invoices_co count of the open payments
Count mmary unt schedules (installments) of all
the Invoices

Open Debit Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_debit_mem sum of

Memos Amount mmary os_value amount_due_remaining on
open payment schedules
(installments) of all the Debit

Open Debit Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_debit_mem count of the open payments
Memos Count mmary os_count schedules (installments) of all
the Debit Memos

Open Deposits Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_deposits_va sum of

Amount mmary lue amount_due_remaining on
open payment schedules
(installments) of all the

Open Deposits Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_deposits_co count of the open payments
Count mmary unt schedules (installments) of all
the Deposits

Open Bills Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_bills_receiv sum of

Receivables mmary ables_value amount_due_remaining on
Amount open payment schedules
(installments) of all the Bills

Open Bills Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_bills_receiv count of the open payments
Receivables mmary ables_count schedules (installments) of all
Count the Bills Receivables

D-22 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Calculations
Setup Column

Open Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_chargeback sum of

Chargeback mmary _value amount_due_remaining on
Amount open payment schedules
(installments) of all the

Open Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_chargeback count of the open payments

Chargeback mmary _count schedules (installments) of all
Count the Chargebacks

Open Credit Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_credit_mem sum of

Memos Amount mmary os_value amount_due_remaining on
open payment schedules
(installments) of all the Credit

Open Credit Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su op_credit_mem count of the open payments
Memos Count mmary os_count schedules (installments) of all
the Credit Memos

Past Due Invoice Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su past_due_inv_ sum of the

Amount mmary value amount_due_remaining of
the open payments schedules
(installments) of all the

Past Due Invoice Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su past_due_inv_i count of the open payments
Count mmary nst_count schedules (installments) of all
the Invoices

Disputed Invoice Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su inv_amt_in_dis sum of the amount in dispute
Amount mmary pute on open payment schedules
(installments) of all the

Disputed Invoice Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su disputed_inv_c count of open payment

Count mmary ount schedules (installments) of all

Last Interest Yes Yes transaction type = 'Interest

Invoice Amount Invoice'

Oracle Credit Management Data Points D-23

Data Point Scorable? Checklist Source Table Source Calculations
Setup Column

Last interest Yes Yes transaction type = 'Interest

Invoice Count Invoice'

Interest Paid Yes Yes sum(amount_due_original -

where transaction type =
'Interest Invoice'

Last Interest No Yes transaction type = 'Interest

invoice Date Invoice'

Pending Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su pending_adj_v sum of the adjustment

Adjustments mmary alue amounts on all debit items

Last Dunning No Yes ar_trx_bal_su last_dunning_d Max. Corrrespondence_date

Letter Date mmary ate for

Receipts at risk Yes Yes ar_trx_bal_su receipts_at_risk sum of cash receipt amounts
amount mmary _value

Dunning letter No Yes ar_trx_bal_su dunning_count Count of Correspondence

count mmary type = 'DUNNING'

Related Topics
Oracle Credit Management Data Points, page D-1

D-24 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Additional Data Point PL/SQL Guidelines

This appendix describes guidelines for PL/SQL packages and functions that derive data
point values.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Guidelines for Deriving Data Point Values

Guidelines for Deriving Data Point Values

You can define your own data points for inclusion on credit checklists and scoring
models for credit analysis. When defining new data points, you can associate a PL/SQL
package and function to derive a value for that data point.
When coding the PL/SQL functions, follow these guidelines:
• The function cannot have parameters, or commit or rollback commands.

• The function must return either a VARCHAR2 or a NULL value.

• If a data point returns multiple values, populate the

OCM_DP_VALUES_TBL_TYPE table. The value must be Null.

• The function should include exceptions handling. For errors, include the error
message in the OUT variable. Workflow will use the message to send an
appropriate notification to the credit analyst.

• The function signature must match the coding examples below.

This is an example of a function that returns a single value:

Package Specifications:
FUNCTION get_data_points(
x_resultout OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
x_errormsg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return varchar2;
END ocm_data_points;

Additional Data Point PL/SQL Guidelines E-1

Package Body:

FUNCTION get_data_points(
x_resultout OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,

l_credit_classification varchar2(30);


x_resultout := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;

SELECT credit_classification
INTO l_credit_classification
FROM hz_customer_profiles
WHERE party_id = pg_ocm_add_dp_param_rec.p_party_id;

pg_ocm_add_dp_param_rec.P_data_point_value := l_credit_classification;

RETURN l_credit_classification;

l_credit_classification := NULL;
x_errormsg := sqlerrm;
END get_data_points;

END ocm_data_points;

E-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Credit Management API User Notes

This appendix describes public Oracle Credit Management APIs.

This appendix covers the following topics:
• Overview of Credit Management Public APIs
• Major Features
• API Usage

Overview of Credit Management Public APIs

This document outlines the specifications and the methodology for using the Credit
Management public APIs.
The Credit Management public APIs includes five APIs:
1. Create Credit Request API, page F-3

2. Update Credit Request API, page F-7

3. Withdraw Credit Request API, page F-8

4. Guarantor API, page F-9

5. Get External Decision API, page F-11

All APIs are PL/SQL APIs that create or update objects in the Credit Management
system based on the specified parameters. The APIs do not cause performance
degradation to the main flow calling the API.

Basic Business Needs

Products in the Oracle e-Business Suite use Oracle Credit Management as part of their
respective business flows to perform credit analyses on parties, accounts, or account
sites. For example, Oracle Order Management and Oracle Lease and Finance

Credit Management API User Notes F-1

Management are two such products.
In addition to entering the credit request (more formally known as the credit
application) from within Credit Management, e-Business Suite products might want to
trigger the creation of a credit request from their existing flows.
Specific requirements from each product also exist for handling the results (which are
the recommendations) of a credit analysis performed in Credit Management.
Some of these products might also want to perform custom processing if the
automation process of a credit request fails.
See: Credit Request Business Events, page C-1.

Before you begin ...

Initialization of ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL
Custom code that uses AR, OCM, or HZ APIs will set the ORG_ID via
dbms_application_info.set_client_info() and then call the APIs. The APIs in turn might
access either ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL, which initialize the global
variables that are used across Credit Management when the package is first called. Most
of these global variable values are organization dependent, and the first such call sets
the global variables based on the current ORG_ID.
If additional custom code then changes the ORG_ID via another call to
dbms_application_info.set_client_info(), then the ORG context changes, but the
ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL context does not.
In such cases, you should explicitly re-initialize the global variables by a call to these
two public procedures:
1. ARP_GLOBAL.INIT_GLOBAL: For setting public variables in ARP_GLOBAL.

2. ARP_STANDARD.INIT_STANDARD: For setting public variables in


Major Features
The major features of these public APIs are:
• Easy to administer and maintain the consumer product's processes.

• Credit Management has published business events.

• External systems can subscribe to the business events in Credit Management.

Related Topics
Credit Request Business Events, page C-1

F-2 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

API Usage

Create Credit Request API

The ar_cmgt_credit_request_api.create_credit_request routine is used to create a credit
request for initiating a credit review for a party, account, or account site.
This API routine has 4 output and 35 input parameters. The API returns the
credit_request_id of the credit request created in Credit Management as one of the
default output parameters. The following is the breakdown of the parameters:

Standard API parameters: 4
Credit Request parameters: 35

Standard API parameters: 3
Credit Request parameters: 1

Standard API Parameters

The following table lists standard API parameters that are common to all Credit
Request API routines.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Default Description


p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes Used to compare version numbers of

incoming calls to its current version
number. An unexpected error is raised if
version incompatibility exists. In the
current version of the API, you should pass
a value of 1.0 for this parameter.

p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 FND_API. Allows API callers to request that the API
G_FALSE executes initialization of the message list
on their behalf.

p_commit IN VARCHAR2 FND_API. Used by API callers to ask the API to

G_FALSE commit on their behalf.

Credit Management API User Notes F-3

Parameter Type Data-type Required Default Description

p_validation_lev IN VARCHAR2 FND_API. Currently, not for use.


x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 Represents the API overall return status.

The expected values are: --FND_API.

x_msg_count OUT NUMBER Number of messages in the API message


x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 Message in encoded format if


Create Credit Request API Parameters

The following table lists the parameters that are relevant to the Create Credit Request

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_application_num IN VARCHAR2 Application number on the credit request. This

ber (30) could be internally generated by a sequence based
on the setting in the Credit Management system

p_application_date IN DATE Date on the credit request.

p_requestor_type IN VARCHAR2 Requestor type. Valid values are EMPLOYEE or

(30) FND_USER.

p_requestor_id IN NUMBER HR PERSON_ID or FND_USER_ID, depending on

requestor type.

p_review_type IN VARCHAR2 'Review type' of the credit request. 'Review types'

(30) are created as AR lookups during Credit
Management setup.

F-4 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_credit_classificat IN VARCHAR2 'Credit classification' of the party/account/site that

ion (30) are created as AR lookups during Credit
Management setup.

p_requested_amou IN NUMBER Requested credit limit amount.


p_requested_curre IN VARCHAR2 Currency of the requested credit limit.

ncy (30)

p_trx_amount IN NUMBER Transaction amount.

p_trx_currency IN VARCHAR2 Transaction currency.


credit_type IN VARCHAR2 Type of credit request. Possible values are 'Term'

(30) and 'Trade'.

p_term_length IN NUMBER Term length specified as number of months.

Relevant for the credit_type 'Term'.

p_credit_check_rul IN NUMBER Identifier of the credit check rule defined in Order

e_id Management (OM-specific attribute).

p_credit_request_st IN VARCHAR2 Credit request status. Possible values are SAVE and
atus (30) SUBMIT.

p_party_id IN Party identifier.

p_cust_account_id IN NUMBER Customer account identifier.

p_cust_acct_site_id IN NUMBER Customer account site identifier.

p_contact_party_id IN NUMBER Party identifier for the credit contact.

p_site_use_id IN NUMBER Site use identifier.

p_notes IN VARCHAR2 Notes.


p_source_org_id IN NUMBER

Credit Management API User Notes F-5

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_source_user_id IN NUMBER

p_source_resp_id IN NUMBER

p_source_resp_app IN NUMBER

p_source_security_ IN NUMBER

p_source_name IN VARCHAR2 Source name on the credit request, which is used to

(30) identify the source product that initiated the credit

p_source_column1 IN VARCHAR2 Unique identifier of the entity for which the credit
(150) request was created.

p_source_column2 IN VARCHAR2 Unique identifier of the entity for which the credit
(150) request was created.

p_source_column3 IN VARCHAR2 Unique identifier of the entity for which the credit
(150) request was created.

p_credit_request_i OUT NUMBER Credit request identifier.


p_review_cycle IN VARCHAR2

p_case_folder_num IN VARCHAR2 Case folder number, which is used by the case

ber (30) folder generated by this credit request.

p_score_model_id IN NUMBER

p_parent_credit_re IN NUMBER Parent credit request ID


p_credit_request_t IN VARCHAR2 Credit request type. Derived from AR lookups


F-6 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_reco IN VARCHAR2 Recommendation name. Users can pass their own

recommendations. The recommendation must be a

Update Credit Request API

The ocm_credit_request_update_pub routine is used to update an existing credit
request for a party, account, or account site.

Standard API Parameters

To view the standard API parameters that are common to all Credit Request API
routines, see: Standard API Parameters, page F-3.

Update Credit Request API Parameters

The Update Credit Request API includes the p_credit_request_rec parameter of PL/SQL
record type, which shares parameters with the Create Credit Request API. See the table
that describes the shared parameters, page F-4.
The following table describes the parameters of p_credit_request_rec that are unique to
the Update Credit Request API.

Parameter Data-type

check_list_id NUMBER

credit_analyst_id NUMBER

case_folder_id NUMBER

stock_exchange VARCHAR2(50)

current_stock_price NUMBER

stock_currency VARCHAR2(30)

market_capitalization NUMBER

market_cap_monetary_unit VARCHAR2(15)

Credit Management API User Notes F-7

Parameter Data-type

pending_litigations NUMBER

bond_rating VARCHAR2(30)

legal_entity_name VARCHAR2(240)

entity_type VARCHAR2(30)

recommendation_name VARCHAR2(30)

attachment_flag VARCHAR2

status VARCHAR2

request_id NUMBER

Withdraw Credit Request API

The ocm_credit_req_withdraw_pub routine is used to withdraw an existing credit
request for a party, account, or account site.

Standard API Parameters

To view the standard API parameters that are common to all Credit Request API
routines, see: Standard API Parameters, page F-3.

Withdraw Credit Request API Parameters

The following table describes the parameters that are unique to the Withdraw Credit
Request API.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_credit_request_i IN NUMBER Credit request ID


p_withdrawl_reaso IN VARCHAR2 Withdrawal reason code. Derived from


F-8 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Guarantor API
The ocm_guarantor_pub routine is used to automatically submit a credit application for
a guarantor that is included on a credit application or in a case folder.

Standard API Parameters

To view the standard API parameters that are common to all Credit Request API
routines, see: Standard API Parameters, page F-3.

Guarantor API Parameters

The following table describes the parameters that are unique to the Guarantor API.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

x_guarantor_credit OUT VARCHAR2 Guarantor credit request ID


x_guarantor_applic IN OUT VARCHAR2 Guarantor application number


p_party_id IN NUMBER Party identifier

p_contact_party_id IN NUMBER Contact party identifier

p_parent_credit_re IN NUMBER Parent credit request identifier


p_currency IN VARCHAR2 Currency

p_guaranted_amo IN NUMBER Guarantee amount


p_funding_availabl IN DATE Funding available from date


p_funding_availabl IN DATE Funding available to date


p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER Case folder identifier

p_notes IN VARCHAR2 Notes

Credit Management API User Notes F-9

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_credit_classificat IN VARCHAR2 Credit classification of party, from AR lookups.

ion Defaulted as "GUARANTOR".

p_review_type IN VARCHAR2 Review type of party, from AR lookups. Defaulted


p_requestor_id IN NUMBER Requestor identifier

p_source_org_id IN NUMBER Source product organization identifier

p_source_user_id IN NUMBER Source product user ID

p_source_resp_id IN NUMBER Source product responsibility ID

p_source_appln_id IN NUMBER Source product application ID

p_source_security_ IN NUMBER Source product security group ID


p_source_name IN VARCHAR2 Source product name, derived from AR lookup


p_source_column1 IN VARCHAR2 Source product column 1, must be passed as source

product identifier

p_source_column2 IN VARCHAR2 Source product column 2, must be passed as source

product document number

p_source_column3 IN VARCHAR2 Source product column 3

p_credit_request_st IN VARCHAR2 Request status


p_review_cycle IN VARCHAR2 Review cycle

p_case_folder_num IN VARCHAR2 Case folder number


p_score_model_id IN NUMBER Scoring model ID

p_asset_class_code IN VARCHAR2 Asset class code

F-10 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_asset_type_code IN VARCHAR2 Asset type code

p_description IN VARCHAR2 Description

p_quantity IN NUMBER Quantity

p_uom_code IN VARCHAR2 Unit of measurement

p_reference_type IN VARCHAR2 Reference type

p_appraiser IN VARCHAR2 Appraiser name

p_appraiser_phone IN VARCHAR2 Appraiser phone

p_valuation IN NUMBER Valuation

p_valuation_metho IN VARCHAR2 Valuation method code


p_valuation_date IN DATE Valuation date

p_acquisition_date IN DATE Acquisition date

p_asset_identifier IN VARCHAR2 Asset identifier

Get External Decision API

The ocm_get_extrl_decsn_pub routine is used to bypass Credit Management's scoring
functionality and extract case folder contents for scoring by an external scoring engine.
This API consists of four procedures:
1. Get Score

2. Include Data Points

3. Get Recommendations

4. Submit Case Folder

Credit Management API User Notes F-11

API Parameters
The following table lists standard API parameters that are common to all four Get
External Decision procedures:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Default Description


p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes Used to compare version numbers of

incoming calls to its current version
number. An unexpected error is raised if
version incompatibility exists. In the
current version of the API, you should
pass a value of 1.0 for this parameter.

p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 FND_API. Allows API callers to request that the API
G_TRUE executes initialization of the message list
on their behalf.

p_commit IN VARCHAR2 Used by API callers to ask the API to

commit on their behalf.

p_validation_lev IN VARCHAR2 Currently, not for use.


x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 Represents the API overall return status.

The expected values are: --FND_API.

x_msg_count OUT NUMBER Number of messages in the API message


x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 Message in encoded format if


The following table lists the parameters for the Get Score API:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER Case folder identifier

F-12 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_score_model_id IN NUMBER Scoring model identifier

p_score IN NUMBER Score

The following table lists the parameters for the Include Data Points API:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER Case folder identifier

p_data_point_id IN data_point_i Array of data points to be included in case folders


The following table lists the parameters for the Get Recommendations API:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER Case folder identifier

p_recommendation IN VARCHAR2 Name of recommendation (defined as

s_type lookup type)

p_recommendation IN credit_recommendati List of recommendations to be included.

s_tbl on_tbl

The following table lists the parameters for the Submit Case Folder API:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description

p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER Case folder identifier

Exception Handling and Result Messages

The Credit Management APIs return three types of information to its calling programs:
• Overall status

Credit Management API User Notes F-13

• Messages describing the operations performed or errors encountered by the APIs

• Some output values that the API caller might want to use (this is different for
different API routines and is described in API Usage, page F-3)

Return Status
The return status (x_return_status) of the API informs the caller about the result of the
operation (or operations) performed by the API. The different possible values for an
API return status are:


• Unexpected error (FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR)

The following section describes the different values of return status and their meanings.
A success return status means that the API was able to perform all the operations
requested by its caller. A success return status may be accompanied by messages in the
API message list which will be informative.
An error return status means that the API failed to perform some or all of the operations
requested by its caller. An error return status is usually accompanied by messages
describing the error (or errors) and how to fix it.
In most cases, you should be able to take corrective action to fix regular, expected errors
such as missing attributes or invalid date ranges.
Unexpected error
An unexpected error status means that the API has encountered an error condition it
did not expect or could not handle. In this case, the API is unable to continue with its
regular processing. Examples of such errors are unrecoverable data consistency errors,
memory errors, and programming errors (such as attempting a division by zero).
In most cases, only system administrators or application developers can fix these
unexpected errors.

The APIs put result messages into a message list. Programs calling the APIs can then get
the messages from the list and process them by issuing them, loading them into a
database table, or writing them to a log file.
Messages are stored in an encoded format to let the API callers find message names
using the standard functions provided by the message dictionary. It also allows the

F-14 Oracle Credit Management User Guide

storing of these messages in database tables and reporting off these tables in different
The API message list must be initialized every time a program calls an API. API callers
can either call the message list utility function FND_MSG_PUB.Initialize or request that
the API do the initialization on their behalf by setting the p_init_msg_list parameter to
The program calling the API can retrieve messages from the message stack using the
existing FND API functions FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg and FND_MSG_PUB.Get.
Message Level Threshold
The message level threshold is stored in a profile option named
FND_API_MSG_LEVEL_THRESHOLD. This profile option can be updated at all levels
(site, application, or user). The API checks against this threshold before writing a
message to the API message list.

Credit Management API User Notes F-15


using, 4-18
A viewing attachments, 4-20
credit analysts
assigning to accounts, 2-12
Create Credit Request, F-3
assigning to a credit review, 4-2
Credit Request Creation, 4-2
defining, 2-1
Get External Decision, F-11
reassigning, 6-3
Guarantor, F-9
credit applications
Update Credit Request, F-7
collecting data, 4-4
Withdraw Credit Request, F-8
creating, 4-5
AR: Allow summary table refresh profile option,
entering data, 4-8
in-process applications, 4-7
AR: Credit Hierarchy Type profile option, A-3
saved applications, 4-7
AR: Default Credit Management Currency
submitting, 4-11
profile option, A-3
window reference, 4-6
Assign Customer Credit Classification program,
workflow, B-1
credit checklists
adding D&B data points, 3-9
to case folders, 4-20
collecting data, 4-3
to credit applications, 4-8
defining, 3-5
automation rules
for case folders, 4-4
assigning, 3-17
for credit applications, 4-3
defining, 3-17
credit data
analyzing, 4-16
collecting, 4-3
case folders credit hierarchies
adding analysis notes, 4-19 defining, 7-3
collecting data, 4-12 Credit Request Creation API, 4-2
credit checklists, 4-4 credit reviews
entering data, 4-15 analyzing credit data, 4-16
manually creating, 4-16 assigning an analyst, 4-2
refreshing data, 4-20 calculating scores, 4-18
retrieving, 4-14 collecting data, 4-3

credit applications, 4-3, 4-4 Oracle Approvals Management, B-1
credit summaries, 4-20 Oracle Lease and Finance Management
initiating, 4-2 integration, 5-3
overview of processing, 4-1 Oracle Loans
reassigning, 6-2 integration, 5-6
recommendations, 4-21 Oracle Order Management
scheduling periodic reviews, 4-24 credit usage rule sets, 7-1
Credit Scheduler, 2-12, 4-11 Oracle Trading Community Architecture
credit summaries D&B integration, 2-3, 3-9
viewing, 4-20 Relationship Manager, 7-3
credit usage rule sets, 7-1 overview, 1-1
Customer Profile Classes window, 2-12
customers P
updating profile classes, 2-12
Automation Rules, 3-17
D Checklists, 3-5
D&B Credit Analysis, 4-16
See Dun & Bradstreet Credit Summary, 4-20
data points, 3-2 Reassign Credit Reviews, 6-2
assigning scoring attributes, 3-10 scoring models, 3-9
assigning weights, 3-11 performance
Data Quality Management reviewing, 3-26
search, 4-5 Periodic Credit Review program, 4-24
setting up search, 2-3 Periodic Review Eligibility report, 4-26
days sales outstanding profile option categories
system option, 2-9 Credit Policies Management, A-2
Dun & Bradstreet description, A-1
adding data points to checklists, 3-9 overview, A-1
profile options
E AR: Allow summary table refresh, A-2
AR: Credit Hierarchy Type, A-3
E-Business Suite integration, 5-1
AR: Default Credit Management Currency, A-
descriptions, A-1
Get External Decision API, F-11 overview, A-1
Guarantor API, F-9 programs
Assign Customer Credit Classification, 2-12
L DQM Staging, 2-3
lookups, 2-10 Periodic Credit Review, 4-24
Reassign Credit Analyst, 6-3
analysis notes, 4-19 Reassign Credit Analyst Program, 6-3
Reassign Credit Reviews page, 6-2
defining, 3-20

defining for integrated applications, 5-1 window reference
implementing, 4-23 Applications, 4-6
making, 4-21 windows
setting up, 3-19 Customer Profile Classes, 2-12
relationships Withdraw Credit Request API, F-8
defining credit hierarchies, 7-3 workflows
reports Credit Management Application, B-1
Periodic Review Eligibility, 4-26 Credit Management Application activities, B-3
Resource Manager, 2-1 Credit Management Application setup, B-2
rules Credit Scheduler, 4-11
automation rules, 3-17
credit usage rule sets, 7-1

credit, 4-18
scoring models
assigning scoring attributes, 3-10
assigning weights, 3-11
automation rules, 3-17
defining, 3-9
setting up
Assign Customer Credit Classification
program, 2-12
assigning credit analysts, 2-12
automated review example, 3-23
automation rules, 3-17
Credit Management Application Workflow, B-
credit usage rule sets, 7-1
defining checklists, 3-5
defining credit analysts, 2-1
defining credit hierarchies, 7-3
defining scoring models, 3-9
lookups, 2-10
overview, 3-1
Reassign Credit Analyst program, 6-3
system options, 2-7
updating profiles, 2-12
system options, 2-7

Update Credit Request API, F-7


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