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1.1 Organization Profile

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IGSLABS Technologies has a rich background in Software Development and continues its entire attention on achieving transcending excellence in the Development and Maintenance of Software Projects and Products in Many Areas. Some of them are ERP, Banking,

Manufacturing, Insurance and Laying Emphasis on the Multimedia Projects. These projects are prevalent and have been distributed and implemented for clients world over. Major software Development Park at Kodambakkam , Chennai, India.


Elucidating the Aborigines of the Company, IGSLABS Technologies, was initially dotcom IT Jobs Consultancy.

After stabilizing the IGSLABS Products, Mr. P. Sivakumar M.C.A started giving Counseling Services in the name of IGSLABS Agency, privately handled several Projects for leading Companies like Alstom, MRL and Spencers. DSEL has confronted challenges and rooted itself has a niche player in the Multimedia and the Business Software Segment. The Level of performed has been exemplary leaving it to nothing than the best of benchmark. . IGSLABS boasts skillful professionals with expertise in delivering the high quality software solutions in rapid client schedules.

The indispensable factors, which give DSEL the competitive advantages over others in the market may be slated as : Performance Pioneering efforts Client satisfaction Innovative concepts Constant Evaluations Improvisation Cost Effectiveness

Comparison Mission Statement To help customer optimize their investments in information technology, to help them gain a competitive edge in the market place.

Quality policy To help our stock holders by regularly reviewing and improving our process.

Infrastructure Nested in an area with built-in area of 2,400 sq.ft. The park has encountered itself with computing resources that include from IBM. Besides, it also houses HP/9000, Sun Sparch, DEC Alpha System and over 500 IBM PS/VP nodes over a Heterogeneous Fiber Optic Network. Operating system is used varied from MVS and Aix through OS/400 and OS/2 to SOLARIS, UNIX and Windows with range of RDBMS, Languages and Case tools.

Major Functions / Activities at IGSLABS Only a few years ago, the World Wide Web was a very design unfriendly place. But with the advent of Images, Web Pages have become Interactive. This inter-activity is still limited. In its endeavor to make the Internet more Interactive Exciting, IGSLABS Technologies has set up the Internet Team.


The main aim of this Integration of sound signature in graphical password authentication system which provides a graphical password system with a supportive sound signature to increase the remembrance of the password is discussed.

In the past few years a click-based graphical password scheme called Cued Click Points (CCP) is presented. In this system a password consists of sequence of some images in which user can select one click-point per image. In addition user is asked to select a sound signature corresponding to each click point this sound signature will be used to help the user in recalling the click point on an image. System showed very good Performance in terms of speed, accuracy, and ease of use. Users preferred CCP to Pass Points, saying that selecting and remembering only one point per image was easier and sound signature helps considerably in recalling the click points.

Mostly user select password that is predictable. This happens with both graphical and text based passwords. Users tend to choose memorable password, unfortunately it means that the passwords tend to follow predictable patterns that are easier for attackers to guess.




1.4.1 Create User profile Vector(master) While registration of user information, the user id, sound frequency or time and tolerance are getting for creating master vector. Master vector - (User ID, Sound Signature frequency, Tolerance)

1.4.2 Create Detailed Vector To create detailed vector user has to select sequence of images and clicks on each image at click points of his choice. Profile vector is created. Detailed Vector - (Image, Click Points)

1.4.3 Compare User Profile/login Vector: Enters User ID and select one sound frequency or time which he want to be played at login time, a tolerance value is also selected with will decide that the user is legitimate or an imposter. Users preferred CCP to Pass Points, saying that selecting and remembering only one point per image was easier and sound signature helps considerably in recalling the click points.


2.1 INTRODUCTION System analysis is a problem solving activity that requires intensive communication between the system and developer. System analysis evolves methods or techniques of problem solving or decision making. This stage involves study of existing system and interacting with users, which determines user requirements and their expectation of the proposed system. It is concerned with becoming aware of the problem, identifying relevant variables, analyzing and synthesizing the various factors and determining and optimum or at least a satisfactory solution of action. This project is analyzed by comparing the existing system and the way we can overcome those disadvantages.


The Existing Eye Blink Monitoring Based Mouse Navigation System uses different devices were used in HCI (e.g. infrared cameras, sensors, microphones) we used an off-the-shelf webcam that affords a moderate resolution and frame rate as the capturing device in order to make the ability of using the program affordable for all individuals.


The proposed Eye Blink Monitoring Based Mouse Navigation is to present an algorithm that distinguishes true eye blinks from involuntary ones, detects and tracks the desired facial features precisely, and fast enough to be applied in real-time. In detection mode the eyes and nose tip were located accurately when the following conditions were fulfilled.

The face is not rotated more than 5 around the axis that passes from the nose tip (as long as the eyes fall in sectors S1 and S3 of the SSR filter). The face is not rotated more than 30 around the axis that passes from the neck (profile view). Wearing glasses does not affect our detection process. As for different scales it is best to get about 35 cm close to the webcam, because when the face is a bit far from the screen the program may detect a false positive especially when the background is jammed (crowded).

Facial features (nose tip and eyes) are detected and tracked in real-time to Use their actions as mouse events. The coordinates and movement of the nose tip in the live video feed are translated to become the coordinates and movement of the mouse pointer on the users screen. The left/right eye blinks fire left/right mouse click events. The only external device that the user needs is a webcam that feeds the Program with the video stream.


A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a project's viability. The results of this study are used to make a decision whether to proceed with the project, or table it. If it indeed leads to a project being approved, it will - before the real work of the proposed project starts - be used to ascertain the likelihood of the project's success.

2.2.1 Economical & Financial Feasibility

This involves questions such as whether the firm can afford to build the system, whether its benefits should substantially exceed its costs, and whether the project has higher priority and profits than other projects that might use the same resources. This also includes whether the project is in the condition to fulfill all the eligibility criteria and the responsibility of both sides in case there are two parties involved in performing any project.

2.2.2 Technical Feasibility

This involves questions such as whether the technology needed for the system exists, how difficult it will be to build, and whether the firm has enough experience using that technology. The assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements in terms of Input, Output, Fields, Programs, and Procedures. This can be qualified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, etc, In order to give an introduction to the technical system.

2.2.3 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is a test of feasibility that will check whether the systems are working when it is developed and installed in place of the existing system. The Proposed system is beneficial only if it can be turned into information system that will meet the organization's operational requirements.


Processor Speed RAM Hard Disk Drive Monitor Keyboard Mouse Web Cam

: : : : : : : :

Pentium III 2.53GHz 1 GB 40 GB 15 Color Logitech 104 Keys Logitech Logitech


Operating system Development IDE Web Cam

: : : :

Windows XP Professional Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2005 NetBeans 5.5 Logitech(RGB Mode with 30 Frame)


Java was developed at Sun Microsystems. Work on Java originally began with the goal of creating a platform-independent language and operating system for consumer electronics. The original intent was to use C++, but as work progressed in this direction, the Java developers realized that creating their own language rather than extending C++ would better serve them. The effort toward consumer electronics led the Java team, then known as First Person, Inc., toward developing hardware and software for the delivery of video-on-demand with TimeWarner.

Java is both a programming language and an environment for executing programs written in the Java language. Unlike traditional compilers, which convert source code into machine-level instructions, the Java compiler translates Java source code into instructions that are interpreted by the runtime Java Virtual Machine. So, unlike languages like C and C++, on which Java is based, Java is an interpreted language. Although most of the current excitement and anticipated use of Java are related to the Internet and the World Wide Web in particular, Java did not begin as an Internet project.

The creators of Java at Sun Microsystems have defined the Java language as "a simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral, portable, highperformance, multithreaded, and dynamic language." Well, they managed to fit all of the important 1990s buzzwords into one sentence, but we need to look more closely at Java to see if they managed to fit all of these concepts into one language.



The simplicity of Java is enhanced by its similarities to C and C++. Because many of today's current programmers, especially those likely to consider using Java, are experienced in at least C and probably C++, Java is instantly familiar to these programmers. Java has simplified C++ programming by both adding features beyond those found in C++ and by removing some of the features that make C++ a complicated and difficult language to master. Java is simple because it consists of only three primitive data types-numbers, boolean types, and arrays. Everything else in Java is a class. For example, strings are true objects, not just arrays of characters. Similarly, arrays in the Java language are first-class objects, not just memory allocations and runtime representations.


Java is object-oriented. In fact, in the mid-1990s, it's hard to imagine someone developing a new language and declaring it the greatest new thing without it being objectoriented. In its approach to object-orientation, Java follows more closely along the lines of languages such as Smalltalk than C++. Except for its primitive data types, everything in Java is an object.

Java classes are comprised of methods and variables. Class methods are the functions that an object of the class can respond to. Class variables are the data that define the state of an object. In Java, methods and variables can be declared as private, protected, or public. Private methods and variables are not accessible outside of the class. Protected members are accessible to subclasses of the class, but not to other classes. Finally, public methods and variables are accessible to any class.



Java facilitates the building of distributed applications by a collection of classes for use in networked applications. By using Java's URL (Uniform Resource Locator) class, an application can easily access a remote server. Classes also are provided for establishing socket-level connections.


The designers of Java anticipated that it would be used to solve some very complex programming problems. Writing a distributed, multithreaded program that can run on a variety of operating systems with a variety of processors is not a simple task. To do it successfully, you need all the help your programming language can offer you. With this in mind, Java was created as a strongly typed language.


Swing is the new GUI Toolkit, which partly replaces that Java AWT toolkit. Only partly, because Swing uses some fundamental mechanisms of the AWT, like the event handling. Basically, Swing uses the platform independent AWT features, and the AWT top level windows to get access to the native GUI system. The most important things to know about Swing are that:

All of the components are lightweight; they are not platform-native widgets.


The components (subclass of the JComponent class) are drawn by delegate. Much more customizable.can change border, text alignment, or add image to almost any control.can customize how minor features are drawn.can separate internal representation from visual appearance.

Pluggable look and feel can change look and feel at runtime, or design own look and feel. Many miscellaneous new features. Double-buffering built in, tool tips, dockable tool bars, keyboard accelerators, custom cursors, etc.

2.5.4 Java Media Framework Details

Java Media Framework (JMF) provides a unified architecture and messaging protocol for managing the acquisition, processing, and delivery of time-based media data. JMF is designed to support most standard media content types, such as MPEG, QuickTime, and WAV. JMF enables the programmers to develop java programs to present time-based media. JMF 2.0 is designed to:

Ease programming. Support capturing media data. Enable the development of media streaming and conferencing applications in Java Enable advanced developers and technology providers to implement custom solutions based on the existing API and easily integrate new features with the existing framework.

Provide access to raw media data.

By exploiting the advantages of the Java platform, JMF delivers the promise of Write Once, run anywhere to developers who want to use media such as audio and video in their Java programs. JMF provides a common cross-platform Java API for accessing underlying media


frameworks. JMF implementations can leverage the capabilities of the underlying operating system, while developers can easily create portable Java programs that feature time-based media by writing to the JMF API.

The RTP APIs in JMF 2.0 support the reception and transmission of RTP streams and address the needs of application developers who want to use RTP to implement media streaming and conferencing applications. The JMF 2.0 API is being jointly designed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and IBM Corporation.




Design is the phase that indicates the final system. It is the solution, the translation of requirements into two ways of meeting them. The system analysis has given an excellent background for designing the system. In this phase the following elements are designed namely dataflow, inputs, outputs and procedures.


Input Design plays a vital role in the life cycle of software development, it requires very careful attention of developers. The input deign is to feed data to the application as accurate as possible. So inputs are supposed to be designed effectively so that the errors occurring while feeding are minimized.

Input design is the process of converting the user created input into a computer based format. The goal of the input design is to make the data entry logical and free from error. The error is in the input are controlled by the input design.



Fig 3.2.1: GUI Interface Form


The output of the project has been designed in a user friendly manner such that any person can handle the required form. The system has the capability to generate the required forms to the customers when they select the menu.

Fig 3.3.1: Enable Visual Display



A Data Flow diagram, shortly termed as DFD, has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the design phase that functionally decomposes the requirement specifications down to the lowest level of details. The DFD is also known as Data Flow Graph or Bubble Chart.

The Data flow diagram is explained as the separate levels indicating the individual complexity in the each level of the system and gives a details explanation in the further levels that are following them.

In this project there are 3 main Flow diagrams are shown. The first one is the Data flow diagram for Face tracking. The second flow is for the eyes detection and the third flow is for the Nose detection



Video Frame

Face Candidate

Find Eyes

Verify With SVM

Extract BTE Template

Find Nose

Extract ROI

Video Frame Overlayed With Eyes and Nose

Locate Nose Bridge Point

Fig 3.4.1: Level 0 Data Flow Diagram For Face Detection



Video Frame Eye Localization

Extract ROI Face Candidate Page Extract BTE Find Eyes Candidate

Verify With SVM

Detect Eye Brows

Detect Eye Blinks

Fig: 3.4.2Level 1 Data Flow Diagram for Eye Detection



Video Frame

Detect Nose Tip

Locate NBP

Face Candidate Page

Extract The ROI Find Nose Candidate

Verify with SSR Filter

Calculate Horizontal Profile

Track the Nose Movement

Fig: 3.4.3 Level 2 Data Flow Diagram For Nose Detection



The aim of any software is to create bug free reliable and secure system that provides solutions to user requirements. The implementation of newly designed package is important in a successful new system.

Testing is an important and critical stage in software development. It accounts for the largest percentage of technical effort in the software development process. It place a critical role in the determining the quality and reliability of an application. Testing phase in the software development life cycle validates the code against functional specification


4.1.1 Unit Testing

This is the first level of testing. In this different modules are tested against the specifications produced during the design of the module. During the testing the number of arguments is compared to input parameters, matching of parameter and arguments etc.



Unit Testing

4.1.2 Efficiency Testing

In efficiency testing it can test the throughput of the System It responses time of the system and Online Disk Storage. And it tests the primary memory required by the system.

4.1.3 Error Handling Routines

In this the error handling description the error description are intelligent or understandable. And the error recovery is also smooth. In this all handling routines are tested and executed at least ones.



Once the system has been designed, the next step is to convert the designed one in to actual code, so as to satisfy the user requirements as excepted. If the system is approved to be error free it can be implemented

When the initial design was done for the system, the department was consulted for acceptance of the design so that further proceedings of the system development can be carried on. After the development of the system, a demonstration was given to them about working of the system. The aim of the system illustration was to identify any malfunctioning of the system.

Implementation includes proper training to end-users. The implemented software should be maintained for prolonged running of the software.

Initially the system was run parallel with manual system. The system has been tested with data and has proved to be error-free and user-friendly. Training was given to end -user about the software and its features.

It is highly unlikely, according to industry statistics that the implementation will occur without obstacles. Remember that changing the way people work and behave can be challenging. There can be resistance for a variety of reasons. Conducting a performance analysis highlights the problem areas. Creating a training program that is available anywhere and anytime gives the flexibility required. If the training plan is composed of a single session prior to the software use, learners may forget how to do tasks before they have a chance to practice them.


The anytime, anywhere capabilities of eLearning can make a training program more effective. Employees can take the modules that they need, and practice until mastery is achieved. It is up to management to remove barriers to performance. Performance analysis shows what the barriers are: rewards, consequences, tools or workflow. With the barriers to performance removed and the program to develop skills in place, performance can be accelerated.

There is the potential for sub-optimal to be costly over the course of a year. The anywhere, anytime capability of eLearning will give you a powerful tool to address performance deficiencies as they are identified. This eliminates the potential loss of one to two hours as per employee in e-learning essential software tasks.

Large software implementation and upgrade projects are the nightmare of many corporate boardrooms. Choosing among the many available vendors is difficult because industry sales are experts at promising whatever it takes to get the contract while leaving the details of implementation of others.


5.1 System Architecture:

Video Frame

Face Detection

Finding Face Candidates

Eye Localization

Extract BTE Templates

Find Eyes Candidates

Verify with SVM

Detect the Eyebrows

Detect the Eye Blinks

Refine Nose Tip Location

Refine BTE Template

Track The Nose

Video Frame Overlayed with Eyes and nose loc

Fig 5.1.1 System Architecture




Eye Blink Monitoring Based Mouse Navigation System using HCI to compensate people who have hand disabilities that prevent them from using the mouse by designing an application that uses facial features (nose tip and eyes) to interact with the computer. The webcam used here that feeds the program with the video stream. Once the video stream is fed into the program, the system detects the eye and nose coordinates. Eyes are used to simulate mouse clicks, so the user can fire their events as he blinks and nose is used for the movement of the cursor. While different devices were used in HCI (e.g. infrared cameras, sensors, Microphones) we use an off-the-shelf webcam that affords a moderate resolution and frame rate as the capturing device in order to make the ability of using the program affordable for all individuals where in the system can be used as mouse and mouse control for the user interaction with the computer.


In future, this project can be enhanced by including various other services and applications such as

Feature works may include improving the tracking robustness against lighting conditions. By using more sophisticated and expensive capturing devices such as infrared cameras that can operate in absence of light and give more accurate tracking results.


Adding the double left click (detecting the double left eye blink) and the drag mode (enabling/disabling with the right eye blink) functionalities. Adding voice commands to launch the program, start the detection process, and to enable/disable controlling the mouse with the face.
























Vision-Based Eye Blink Monitoring System for Human-Computer Interfacing (Aleksandra

Krlak, and Pawe Strumio, Member, IEEE Institute of Electronics, Technical University, Lodz, Poland.

Automatic Eyewinks Interpretation System Using Face Orientation Recognition For HumanMachine Interface Mamatha M. N.* Dr. S. Ramachandran.** Assistant professor S. J. B. Institute of technology Department of Instrumentation Department of ECE B.M.S. College of Engineering Bangalore. Real-time eye blink detection with GPU-based SIFT tracking MarcLalonde, David Byrns, Langis Gagnon, Normand Teasdale, Denis Laurendeau R&D Dept., CRIM, 550 Sherbrooke West, Suite 100, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3A 1B9 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Laval University.

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