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AVT - Senior Executive Management Program

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The program is designed for senior executives to reflect, renew and recharge through modules on leadership, innovation, communication and social media. It includes a study tour to Boston to learn new ways of thinking.

Modules cover topics like communication, innovation, authentic leadership, social media, change management, innovation and board management.

Modules taught in the study tour to Boston include reflecting, renewing, recharging, learning in an innovative environment and learning new ways of thinking to solve cases and challenges.


This program is designed with the successful senior
manager in mind. The program builds upon the proven
track record of experienced managers by inviting them
on a structured journey of self reection, learning and
The program enables the participants to expand their own
leadership skills and those of others along with capturing
current best practices in management, innovation,
communication, social media and board management.
Communication, Innovation and Change
Authentic Ieadership 8 Selt Development
Social Media and Change Management
Social Media and Managing Grovth and Pisk
1he Board Game
Authentic Ieadership.
1vo day visit to Harvard Business School.
One day at the Global Design and Innovation company,
Continuum, vhere the participants vill vork in a creative
and innovative environment and learn new ways of thinking
to solve cases and challenges.
One Day Sightseeing in Boston (optional,.
May 11 Communication, Innovation and Change
June 5-8 Authentic Leadership & Self Development
Sep 14 Social Media and Change Management
Oct 19 Social Media and Managing Growth and Risk
Nov 23 Innovation
Dec 12 The Board Game
1he Senior Lxecutive Management Program at AV1
Business School is an intensive six module program that
covers cutting edge key topics in current leadership
It is a combination ot classroom sessions, a study tour to
Harvard and company visits. All courses are taught by
internationally experienced faculty who use the case learning
method developed by Harvard Business School.
10th : Welcome by Nina B. Pung.
1eam Lxercises by Mark Patterson
11th : Case Study in Communication,
Innovation and Change by Marianne 1ottegaard
5th : 1ravel to Boston.
Dinner at 1he lnn at Harvard
6th : 1our Harvard Business School.
Iunch at Harvard laculty Club and lecture
7th : Case Study in Authentic Ieadership 8 Selt development
by Protessor Iaura Morgan Poberts
8th : lield trip to Continuum and 1our Boston.
Peturn to CPH.

14th : Social Media by acob Botter. Case Study in
Change Management by Associate Protessor Nils Pandrup
19th : Social Media Workshop and Work Paper by acob Botter.
Panel on the topic Change Management and Ieadership
vith Danish top executives
23rd : Case Study in Innovation by guest lecturer
Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg
12th : 1he Board Game.
Board Game Simulation, Mark Patterson.
The Teaching Method from Harvard
In delivering the Senior Lxecutive Management
Program, AV1 protessors use the Case Iearning
Method developed by Harvard.
Deadline for Application:
1he deadline tor the Senior Lxecutive
Management Program is April 16, 2012, and
must include the applicant`s CV.
1otal price DKK 69.900 (ex. VA1,, vhich
includes all teaching materials and cases from
Harvard Business School Publishing, the study
tour to Boston, MA, LSA. llights, room and
board in connection with the study tour are
included in the price.
For further inquiries please contact:
Nina Rung-Hoch
Global Director
AVT Business School
Sankt Ann Plads 11, 1
DK-1230 Copenhagen K
(43, 7020 8828
Mark Patterson
Mark Patterson is an expert on strategy and has developed several advanced business simulation programs completed by
more than 3000 executives all over Lurope. He is a keynote speaker at international conterences and congresses, and advisor
to several companies in the areas ot strategy and business development. Mark Patterson is a guest lecturer at universities and
business schools in Denmark and abroad, and at Poskilde Lniversity. He is aliated Master in Lxperience Management in
the Department ot Communication, Business and Intormation 1echnology at Poskilde Lniversity as a member ot the Master`s
program advisory board. Mark Patterson has contributed to the book Lxperience Ieadership in Practice and von several
nominations and awards within the elds of creativity and innovation.
Laura Morgan Roberts
As a Protessor ot Organizational Behavior, Iaura has served on the taculties ot Harvard Business School, Lniversity ot
Michigan, Wharton School, Simmons School ot Management, and Georgia State Lniversity. She has published books and
several articles as vell as Harvard Business cases. At AV1 Business School Iaura teaches Ieadership courses and is responsible tor
the Personal Ieadership Development on our MBA program.
Iaura`s vork guides people in aligning their personal and protessional lives by cultivating more positive identities that renect
their best selt. She tacilitates the process ot discovering the Penected Best-Selt by developing strengths, cratting careers and
relationships that arm contributions, and by learning about, trom, and across dimensions ot dierence. Iaura helps people to
unlock the pathways by which they can become extraordinary by discovering their own and others potential to create value.
Marianne Toftegaard Poulsen, MBA
Marianne has a very strong background as a management consultant. She is currently holding a position as Director Lurope
at SPI International, an independent, nonprott Calitornia based research institute. Betore this position she vas Director ot
Innovation Center Denmark in Silicon Valley. She has vorked in a large number ot countries in Lurope, the Middle Last, the
lar Last as vell as in the LS. Has lived and vorked in Brussels, Prague, Sota, Minneapolis, Houston, Palo Alto, Hamburg,
Copenhagen and Aarhus.
Nils Randrup, MBA
Nils Pandrup is Associate Protessor in Marketing and Strategy and has taught at business schools like Lmory Lniversitys
Goizueta Business School, Georgia 1ech, and Copenhagen Business School since 1992. Besides being an author ot 4 MBA level
text books, he primarily vorks as a Management Consulting tor companies in LSA and Lurope, vhich enable him to bring a
special real-vorld experience into the class room. Nils has vorked tor and vith market leading companies such as Coca-Cola,
MAN, Lnilever, WPP, Procter 8 Gamble, Aston Promentor, Siemens, Nestle, Kellogg`s, Maersk, Lnilever, ABB, Carlsberg,
Kratt, Coloplast, Polex, Pernod Picard, and HP vithin the areas ot MarketingSales, Strategy, Iean Six Sigma (Operational
Lxcellence,, and Management 1raining. Nils has since 1998 also been used as a personal advisor by a number ot C-level
Jacob Btter
acob is tounding partner ot Wemind and a leading expert on social media, business strategy and the involvement ot people.
He is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker vith inquisitive and provocative opinions. acob vorks vith concept
development and has the nal responsibility for Wemind products and services.
Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg
1homas Wedell-Wedellsborg is the coauthor (vith Paddy Miller, ot 1he Innovation Architect, a torthcoming Harvard Business
Press book on the art ot driving innovation in regular organizations. He has advised companies such as Abbott Iaboratories,
Ptzer, oost and M1V Lurope and has engaged managers in nearly all parts ot the globe, including China, India, Pussia,
Singapore, Britain, lrance, the Lnited States and his native country, Denmark. Mr. Wedell-Wedellsborg is also a guest lecturer
at ILSL Business School in Barcelona and Nev York, and his research has been published in the linancial 1imes, in leading
Scandinavian research journals and in the journal ot the American Management Association. Prior to his business career, Mr.
Wedell-Wedellsborg served tor tour years as an ocer and intantry platoon commander vith the Danish Poyal Guards.

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