Ibsaa MBA Articles Reviews
Ibsaa MBA Articles Reviews
Ibsaa MBA Articles Reviews
Regular Program
‘’Article Review on the Factors Influencing On Decision Making Skill of
Executives of Government Sector Service Organization In Jaffna District’’
Authors: Rathiranee Yogendrarajah
Instructor: (PHD)
Reviewed By: Ibsaa
Student Id/No: Pgp//14
Author’s: - Rathiranee Yogendrarajah (2011), Factors Influencing on Decision Making Skill of
Executives of Government Sector Service Organization in Jaffna District’’, Published on,
Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2430038
Summary of articles
The summary of this articles review goes to review the article done on the impact of the factors,
which influence the decision-making skill of executives of government organization in the jaffna
district. The authors was tried to addresses the influencing factors that are related to decision
making, and categorizes them under five captions: Personal factors, organizational factors, Social
factors, Environmental factors and behavioral factors. The authors were gathered the data from the
executives from top, middle and lower level in 15 Government Service organizations out of 55
under the Provincial Council in Jaffna District. A total number of fifty(50) Decision Making
Questionnaires (DMQ) were issued but thirty seven (37) responded. The major findings and results
of authors was discovered that the environmental factors and organizational factors have more
significant influence on decision making than the other factors that are personal, social and
behavioral factors.
This paper goes to review the article done on the impact of the factors, which influence the
decision-making skill of executives of government organization in the jaffna district. The authors
was tried to expressed the better problem solving and decision making by managers can greatly
improve an organizations profits and goals. The authors was tried to identify the managers do not
achieve much over 50% correct results in their decision making and problem solving (Norman
Edmund, 2009). The authors was tried to assess the various factors which influence decision
making at workplace. Just because one strategy works for a particular organization may not prove
to be equally effective for other organizations. A manager who is highly successful in making
decisions for one organization might be unsuccessful in another due to the factors influenced in
the decision-making. The various factors influence the decision making of Executives in the
Organization in different situation. The authors was tried to identify a problem in management is
defined as any unfavorable gap between an expected state of affairs and an actual state of affairs,
which call for a solution. In many organizations the decision taken by the executives fail to achieve,
the specific goals or solutions due to various reasons, which is the influencing factors, and many
government organizations expect these problems frequently by interference of several factors.
Objectives of the Articles Reviews:
The prime objectives of this articles reviews is to reviewed the impact of the factors which
influence the decision making skill of executives of government organization. Specifically the
authors was tried to assess following objectives to be achieved the study:
To what extent each of the factors affect the executives‟ decision-making skills in the
public organizations.
To find out at which level (top, middle, lower) they perform and what factors influencing
in each level.
2. The Evaluation of Theoretical Concept and Literature
The author critically assessed different theoretical grounds. In this particular research work many
related article and researches on the various factors which influence decision-making at work. The
authors was tried to identify, according to Kinsey the following are the factors influencing
managerial decision making
Preparation of Budget:- Budget may be allocated to various factors of production.
(Environmental factor)
Future Development:- Strategic plans are usually expected to have a significance future
prosperity of the organization. In case of absence of long-term commitment, the firm
cannot achieve future development. (Organizational factor)
Orientation:- Strategic planning should keep in view of the competition existing in the
market. Sometimes firms have to face non-price competition. (Social factor)
Factors of Environment:- There may external or internal that influence business. Buyers,
Suppliers, government and competitors are likely to react in accordance with changes in
environment. Thus, business also should act in the same passion. (Environmental factor)
Risk:- Strategic plans mostly face the problem of risk. Risk and uncertainty are two
important aspects, which cannot be expected by businessman (Personal factor)
The authors was tried to identify several important factors that influence decision-making.
significant factors include past experiences, a variety of cognitive biases, an escalation of
commitment and sunk outcomes, individual differences, including age and socioeconomic status,
and a belief in personal relevance. These things all affect the decision making process and the
decisions made. The study is powered by goal setting and expectancy theory developed by
different scholar on the factors that influence decision-making. These factors, including past
experience (Juliusson, Karlsson, & Gӓrling, 2005), cognitive biases (Stanovich & West, 2008),
age and individual differences (Bruin, Parker, & Fischoff, 2007), belief in personal relevance
(Acevedo, & Krueger, 2004), and an escalation of commitment, influence what choices people
make. Understanding the factors that influence decision-making process is important to
understanding what decisions are made. That is, the factors that influence the process may impact
the outcomes.
3. Research Methodology
In order to meet the objectives of the study and reach on conclusion about the title of the researcher,
the authors were developed the sample consisted of 37 respondents working in the Government
Organizations however the questionnaires were issued for fifty (50) respondents. This study was
thus based on the sample of the Executives (Top level, Middle level and lower level) from
Government Sector Service Organizations in Jaffna District. In Jaffna there are more than 55
Government Service Organizations of which 15 organizations have been selected 7 from piradesa
saba, 2 from education office, 1 from Jaffna Kachcheri, 5 from Divisional secretariat office, and
information collected from 37 respondents who were Top, Middle and Lower level executives.
Primary and Secondary data were used and the information was gathered by using Decision
Making Questionnaire (DMQ) which carried out structured, semi-structured and open-ended
4. The contribution of this articles works for our course
The contribution of this works is the better problem solving and decision making by managers can
greatly improve an organization’s profits and goals. In our courses, this works try to add how to
identify the organization’s behavior of the sector service organization and their decision-making.
This articles for also identify critical managerial decision making is the key to superior
performance at work and the better problem solving and decision making by managers can greatly
improve an organizations profits and goals. Additionally, how to identify the decision-making
skill of the executives and what are the factors that influence on their decision-making.
Implementing the decision, armed with a fallback plan and follow-up activities to check on the
implementation. Moreover, the decision-making process is one of the most important elements of
management in today’s organizations, mainly because it affects the success or failure of the entity.
In highly uncertain environment, knowledge of factors influencing the decision-making process is
This piece of writing reviewed the one author on the impact of the factors that influence the
decision-making skill of executives of government organization. The major conclusion of this
articles review is that when the executives take decisions in the government organizations, the
decisions are mostly affected by organizational and environmental factors. The author try to
identify the external and internal environmental factors such as the risk and uncertainty of the
environment affect the decisions taken by the Executives. The political interference is the
influencing factor in the Government Organizations. The Executives with the political opinion
other than public benefits take the decisions. The findings revealed that the environmental factors
and organizational factors have more significant influence on decision making than the other
factors that are personal, social and behavioural factors. As the environment in which we make
decisions becomes more complex both the opportunity and the corresponding responsibility of
making decisions increase. One of the vital characteristics of a good manager is the ability to make
decisions that direct and guide actions and resources in a planned direction. Individuals, families
and other groups can choose their own futures by making sound decisions and putting them into
action. Moreover, the paper finds out the influencing factors could be affected favorably or
unfavorably on decision making of the Executives in different situations, the favorable conditions
could be considered, and unfavorable factors should be ignored to lead better decisions.
6. Evaluation of the Article (Critique)
Strengths of the work
The study investigated on factors influencing on decision-making skill of executives of
government sector service organization in jaffna district. Which is very sensitive in a current
competitive working organization especially in developing country like African. This article
developed the appropriate theoretical and conceptual perspective that underlines the situated of
reading, writing, and meaning making in the social world. The finding of the study is also
consistent with the research objectives. Finally, the method of data analysis and the multiple
regression methods of the factors influencing on decision-making skill of executives was well
prepared. Besides, the sample size was obtained on all management levels, but most respondents
were from the top and middle level management, with an assumption that they would possess
accurate decision making skills.
Weakness of the work.
Even though this particular work has strong side, the following are some exhibited weaknesses.
In the articles the methods of sampling techniques, research design and methods of sample
selection is not clearly identify and expressed. In addition, the authors used small numbers of
sample size this makes difficulties to give generalization of the results. The weakness of this article
is the ways of this work preparation is not clearly and well organized. For example, the abstract of
this article is not have coherence and full meanings about the journals (which means start from
introduction to recommendations). The methods and the way of regression coefficients
interpretation in this article is not briefly explained. Lastly but not least the introduction of the
articles was not properly including all body of the study