1. Read the short text below about the complementarity of personalities.
2. Wait for your instructor to assign you with a pro (agree) or con (disagree) role.
3. Read the discussion topics and prepare to share your thoughts when prompted by your instructor.
Complementarity of Personalities
There have been many studies and models developed in recent years, both academic and related to
corporate practice, that agree on the basic idea of the existence of certain basic universal behavioral traits.
The fact that those have been universally recognized, setting aside the preference for any system or any kind
of ranking of them, shows that they are all common to humanity as a race and can therefore be adapted by
any individual.
Each person may value one way of acting more highly than another, but they can recognize them all. On
most occasions, one is hardly conscious of how one is acting or the values that underpin that particular way
of behaving. The greatest challenge in personality development lies in becoming conscious of the pattern
that our behavior follows, discovering why people act in a certain way, of the positives and the negatives of
this particular way of behaving, so that people can go on to reconcile this, firstly, with themselves and then
with other equally valid ways.
However, in the changing world in which we live, the environment is constantly changing and a particular
form of behavior that may be appropriate at one moment may be inappropriate the next moment (and, of
course, may be appropriate again the moment after that). From an objective point of view, none of them is
better or worse than the other; they are good or bad according to how they are used in their concrete
application to a specific situation.
Diversity provides people with an excellent instrument for acquiring new resources and competencies, to
complete themselves with those around them, and to help them grow as people. Growing as a person is not
simply learning a few best practices as a guidebook for all occasions, but rather choosing all the best
practices possible, understanding how they work, and integrating them into one’s personalities. Growing as
a person is about moving from a situation of reacting instinctively in the same way in the majority of
situations to being able to react consciously having meditated on the different ways in which people can
react to different situations using the behaviors they have acquired. Growing as a person means ceasing to
act as an individual guided by unconscious impulses of gender, culture, and personality, and acting like a
human being who is aware of all the instruments at his or her disposal and knowing how to use them in any
situation that arises.
De Anca, C. & Vasquez, A. (2007). Managing diversity in the global organization: Creating new business values. Palgrave Macmillan.
Discussion Topics:
Topic 1. Pro: It is important to understand the diversity between personalities. It is important to reconcile or
merge them.
Con: It is not important to understand the diversity between personalities. It is not important to
reconcile or merge them.
Topic 2. Pro: I agree with the popular saying “Not everyone is good at everything, but everyone is good at
Con: I do not agree with the popular saying “Not everyone is good at everything, but everyone is good
at something”.