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Chapter 3. The Optimal Capital Budget: The Investment Opportunity Schedule (IOS)

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Chapter 3.

The Optimal Capital Budget

Up this point, we have discussed some of the issues regarding a firms cost of capital and capital budgeting decisions. In the process, we have looked at some of the techniques a financial manager can use in identifying the cost of various forms of capital and choosing projects that are profitable to the firm. Based on our earlier discussions, we know there is a significant relationship between a firms cost of capital and capital budgeting decisions. In order to decide whether a project is desirable, a financial manager uses the cost of capital the firm faces to determine the projects net present value; or compare the projects IRR with the cost of capital. In addition, we also know that the cost of capital a firm faces might not be constant (i.e. the firms MCC schedule might experience several break points). In that case, how does a firm decide what is the appropriate cost of capital? And how does it decide the optimal budget it needs for project investments? In order to answer those questions, we need to first look at a firms investment opportunity schedule (IOS). The Investment Opportunity Schedule (IOS) The concept behind the IOS is very similar to that of the MCC schedule. The MCC schedule represents the cost of capital faced by the firm (ranking from the cheapest to the most expensive) while the IOS represents the projects that are available to the firm (ranking from the most desirable to the least desirable). In order to construct the IOS, the firm needs to first estimate the IRR of each of the project it is considering. Once that is accomplished, the financial manager can plot the IOS, which is a chart of the IRRs of the firms projects arranged from the highest IRR to the lowest IRR. Example: Microsoft is interested in five independent projects, and the financial information regarding those projects is presented in the following table. Year Initial Cost IRR Payback Project 1 $250,000 34.54% 2.21 Project 2 $100,000 39.03% 1.50 Project 3 $100,000 33.87% 1.83 Project 4 $120,000 14.28% 3.50 Project 5 $200,000 16.41% 4.33

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-1

Using the IRR information above, we can arrange the projects from the highest IRR to the lowest IRR as follows: Projects 2, 1, 3, 5 and 4. This information is used to plot the Microsofts IOS and it is depicted below. IRR
39.03% 34.54% 33.87%

16.41% 14.28%






New Capital

From the IOS above, we know that if Microsoft decides to undertake all five projects, it will need an investment budget of $770,000. However, Microsoft does not know if this is advisable because it does not know if all the projects will be able to generate a high enough return (i.e. IRR) to cover the cost of raising the new capital. In order to make the correct decisions, Microsoft needs to combine its IOS with its MCC schedule to determine which project it should undertake and which project it should reject. Combining the MCC and IOS Schedules A financial manager will continue to accept project as long as the marginal return generated by the project is higher than the marginal cost the firm needs to pay to finance it. The financial manager will stop accepting projects once the marginal return generated by the project is exactly offset by the marginal cost faced by the firm. This is the point where the IOS and MCC schedule of the firm intersects. The intersection point indicates the marginal cost of capital faced by the firm. In other words, the cost the firm will have to pay if it decides to raise one additional dollar. This is usually the rate the firm uses to evaluate its average risk projects (i.e. finding the NPVs). The marginal cost of capital a firm faced depends on the availability of projects. If the firm has fewer available projects, the IOS will shift to the left and the firm will face a lower marginal cost.

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-2

Whereas an increase in available projects will shift the IOS to the right, and this will raise the marginal cost. The following graph shows the MCC schedule and IOS of a particular firm. The IOS indicates that the firm faces five potential projects, and its MCC schedule indicates the firm will experience a break point (most probably when it exhausts its retained earnings). From the graph below, we know from the intersection of the firms IOS and MCC schedule that the marginal cost of capital for the firm is 15.5%. The firm will use this marginal cost of capital to pick its projects. From our earlier discussion, we know a firm will pick a project only if its IRR is greater than its cost of capital. In this particular case, the firm will pick projects A, B and C (and rejects projects D and E). In addition, we know the optimal capital budget for the firm is $150 million.
WACC A=18% B=17% C=16% 15.5% D=14% E=13% IOS MCC


Amount of Financing

Example: The financial manager of Surf the Net, Inc. (STN) is planning next years capital budget. STN expects its net income to be $2,700,000 next year, and its payout ratio is 30%. The companys earnings and dividends are growing at a constant rate of 8%; the last dividend, D0 , was $1.00; and the current equilibrium stock price is $16. STN can raise up to $1,800,000 of debt at 11% before-tax cost, the next $1,800,000 will cost 12%, and all debt after $3,600,000 will cost 13%. If STN issues new common stock, a 12% underwriting cost will be incurred. STN can sell the first $200,000 of new common stock at the current market price, but to sell any additional new stock, STN must lower the price to $14. STN is at its optimal capital structure, which is 60% debt and 40% equity, and the firms marginal federal-plus-state tax rate is 40%. STN has the following independent, indivisible, and equally risky investment opportunities: Project Cost IRR (%)

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-3

A B C D What is STNs optimal capital budget?

$3,200,000 1,300,000 1,750,000 450,000

13.0 10.7 12.0 11.2

The first thing we need to determine is STNs MCC schedule. In order to do that, we will follow the 3-step procedure. First, we will identify the different break points in the MCC schedule. In this scenario, there will be 4 break points in the MCC schedule. Break Point 1: When the firm exhausts its retained earnings and issues new common stocks. We will let T1 represents the total amount of capital STN can raise without exhausting its retained earnings. We know that STN is expecting a net income of $2,700,000 and it is planning on retaining 70% of it (since the payout ratio is 30%). As a result, we know the following:
R etained earnings = 0.7 2,700 ,000 =$1,890 ,000

Since we know 40% of T1 comes from the retained earnings, it is true that:
0.4 T1 = 1,890 ,000 T1 = 1890000 = $4,725 ,000 0.4

From the above calculation, we know STN can raise up to $4,725,000 in capital without exhausting its retained earnings. Break Point 2: When STN has to go from issuing 11% debt to issuing 12% debt. We know STN can raise a total of $1,800,000 with 11% debt. We will let
T2 be the total amount of capital STN can raise with the help of issuing

11% debt. Since STN raises its capital with 60% debt, we know the following:
0.6 T2 = 1,800 ,000 T2 = 1800000 = $3,000 ,000 0.6

STN can raise up to $3,000,000 in capital with the help of issuing only 11% debt. Break Point 3: When STN has to go from issuing 12% debt to issuing 13% debt. We know STN can raise the first $1,800,000 with 11% debt and the next

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-4

$1,800,000 with $12% debt. In other words, STN can raise a total of $3,600,000 using only 11% and 12% debt. We will let T3 represents the maximum amount of capital it can raise with the help of only 11% and 12% debt. We know the following is true:
0.6T3 = 3,600 ,000 T3 = 3600000 = $6,000 ,000 0 .6

From the above, we know that STN can raise up to $6,000,000 in capital with the help of issuing only 11% and 12% debt. Break Point 4: When STN has to lower the price of its new stock from $16 to $14 per share. It is important to remember that when a firm lowers its stock price, it represents a rise in its cost of new common stock because it is not getting as much money from each share of new common stock as it can before. We will let T4 be the maximum amount of capital STN can raise without lowering its new stock price to $14 per share. STN can raise a total of $200,000 and keep its new stock price at $16. However, it is important to remember that the $16 stock is not the only equity used to help raise T4 . STN has already exhausted $1,890,000 of retained earnings before issuing new common stocks. Hence the amount of equity in T4 is $2,090,000 (=$1,890,000+$200,000). As a result, we know the following is true:
0.4 T4 = $2,090 ,000 T4 = 2090000 = $5,225 ,000 0. 4

From the above calculation, we know that STN can raise up to $5,225,000 in capital with the help of using only retained earnings and $16 stocks. The break points we have discovered are not in the correct order. The following table summarizes the break points: Events Leading to the Break Points 1. Exhausting all the retained earnings 2. Going from 12% debt to 14% debt 3. Going from 12% debt to 14% debt 4. Lowering price of new common stocks from $8.59 to $7.63 Break Points $4,725,000 3,000,000 6,000,000 5,225,000

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-5

Using the table above as the guideline, we can break the MCC schedule into 5 intervals. It is important that we identify the types of capital use in each interval. Interval 1 2 3 4 5 Instruments Used Retained earnings and 11% debt Retained earnings and 12% debt $16 common stocks and 12% debt $14 common stocks and 12% debt $14 common stocks and 13% debt Break Point $3,000,000 4,725,000 5,225,000 6,000,000

Before we proceed with plotting the MCC schedule, we need to first determine the cost of each type of capital used. We are given the different costs of debt, so we need to solve only for the cost of retained earnings and the cost of new common stock. (1) Cost of retained earnings

rre =

D1 1 (1 + 0.08) +g = + 0.08 = 0.1475 = 14 .75% P0 16

(2) Cost of new common stock when the price is $16

rs =

D1 1 (1 + 0.08) +g = + 0.08 = 0.1567 = 15.67% P0 (1 F ) 16(1 0.12)

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-6

(3) Cost of new common stock when the price is $14

rs =

D1 1 (1 + 0.08) +g = + 0.08 = 0.1677 = 16 .77% P0 (1 F ) 14 (1 0.12 )

Now we can determine the WACC for each of the interval, and the table below shows the results: Interval 1 2 3 4 5 WACC 9.86% 10.22% 10.58% 11.02% 11.39% Break Point $3,000,000 4,725,000 5,225,000 6,000,000

We can easily plot STNs MCC schedule with the information we got. Now we need to plot the IOS. It is important to remember to rank the projects according to their IRR. In this situation, the ranking is projects A, C, D and B. IRR, WACC (%) A
13.0 12.0 11.39 11.02 10.58 10.22 9.86 11.2 10.7


3,200,000 4,950,000 5,400,000 6,700,000 3,000,000 4,725,000 5,225,000 6,000,000

New Capital

The graph above indicates that STN should invest only in projects A, C and D. In this case, we know STNs optimal budget is $5,400,000. There are two additional issues we need to discuss regarding a firms choice of investment projects: (i) choosing between mutually exclusive projects, (ii) evaluating marginal projects, and (iii) risk adjustment.
Bus 441: Corporate Finance Chapter 3-7

(i) Choosing between mutually exclusive projects When a firm is faced with two mutually exclusive projects, it will have two IOS schedules. Similarly, three mutually exclusive projects will lead to three IOS schedules. When we plot the IOS schedules using the IRRs of the projects, we cannot simply pick the mutually exclusive project with the highest IRR. A firm is interested more in maximizing its value, and this can only be done by choosing the project with the highest NPV rather than the highest IRR. If you remember from our earlier discussion on capital budgeting decisions, a higher IRR does not always translate into higher NPV for a project. In order to pick the right project, the firm needs to find the NPVs of the mutually exclusive projects. However, this cannot be done without knowing the marginal cost of capital. The firm needs the MCC schedule to determine the marginal cost of capital (for each IOS schedule). Once the marginal cost is determined, the firm can find the NPV for each mutually exclusive project. The one with the highest NPV will be chosen. (ii) Evaluating marginal project So far, we have encountered projects with IRR either above the MCC or below the MCC. In situations like this, it is very easy for the financial manager to make the decisions: accept projects that have IRRs above the marginal cost of capital and reject projects that have IRRs below the marginal cost of capital. This situation is depicted in Scenario 1 in the following graph. In this particular situation, the firm will accept Projects A and B, and reject Projects C and D. However, what should the financial manager do if part of the project has an IRR above the marginal cost of capital but the rest of it below the marginal cost? This situation is depicted in Scenario 2 in the following graph. In this particular situation, part of Project C has an IRR higher than the marginal cost of capital and part of it has an IRR below the marginal cost of capital. If Project C is divisible (i.e. the firm can invest in all or parts of the project), then the firm will invest only in the portion of Project C that has an IRR above the marginal cost of capital.

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-8


IRR, WACC A B C D New Capital New Capital Scenario 2

Scenario 1

What if the project is not divisible? In that case, should it be rejected? The answer depends on the projects average cost. We will illustrate that with an example. Example: Suppose the marginal project considered by Microsoft has an IRR of 12%. We know that the project has an initial cost of $100,000. The first $60,000 of the project can be finance at a cost of 10%, and the last $40,000 at a cost of 14%. Should the project be accepted? We need to determine the average cost for financing the marginal project.
60000 40000 Average cost = 0.1 + 0.14 = 0.116 = 11 .6% 100000 100000

Since the average cost of the project is below that of the IRR, the project should be chosen. (iii) Risk adjustment So far, we have assumed that all the projects have the same level of risk. However, this is not true in the real world. In a later chapter, we will discuss the technique for adjusting for different risk level among the projects by adjusting the cost of capital. We can also adjust for the risk level by adjusting the IOS schedule (i.e. the IRR of the projects). Projects with above average risk will have a certain percentage points deducted from their IRRs while projects with below average risk will have a certain percentage point added to their IRRs.

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-9

Capital Rationing Our discussion so far has assumed that the firm invests in projects with IRR greater than its cost of capital. This implicitly assumes that the firm does not have an investment budget. In other words, it has an infinite amount of money to invest. However, in many situations, a firm will set a certain amount for its investment budget that is insufficient to undertake all the available profitable projects. This is known as capital rationing. There are many reasons why there is capital rationing: (1) A firm is unwilling to use external funding (i.e. debt and common stock) and rely solely on retained earnings. This is because the managers feel that using debt makes the firm riskier and using common stocks dilute their controlling power. (2) A firm might have a shortage of resources such that additional projects would not be properly managed. (3) A firm limits the investment budget to control the expansion rate so that it will not be overextended. There are two general types of capital rationing faced by a financial manager: soft capital rationing and hard capital rationing. Soft capital rationing is the type of capital rationing we have discussed earlier, i.e. the limit on the capital budget is adopted (or imposed) by the management for reasons cited above. On the other hand, hard capital rationing is a situation where the financial manager is unable to raise any capital for a project under any circumstances. This is a very unique situation, and financial manager usually faces hard capital rationing when the firm faces severe financial difficulties (possibly bankruptcy) or he/she is prohibited to do so due to some preexisting contractual agreements (such as those contained in a bond covenant). How does a financial manager makes capital budgeting decisions facing a (soft) capital rationing? In our earlier discussions, we know that when a financial manager faces no capital rationing, his/her goal is to maximize the value of the firm. However, with capital rationing, the goal of the manager is to maximize the value of the firm within the investment budget constraint. In other words, he/she will try to invest in projects that will bring the highest overall NPV (as a group) the budget can support. Example: Microsoft has set an investment budget of $400,000 for the next quarter for its Internet division. It is able to raise capital at a cost of 10% and it is considering in investing in the following projects:

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-10

Project 1 2 3 4 5

Cost $100,000 250,000 50,000 150,000 200,000

NPV $36,000 110,000 25,000 120,000 130,000

IRR 12% 14% 10% 13% 11%

Since the cost of capital is 10%, all the 5 projects are acceptable. However, Microsoft cannot invest in all of them due to its investment budget. The 5 projects cost a total of $750,000, which exceeds the investment budget of $400,000. Microsoft can pick different combination of projects that are affordable (with the capital rationing). The combination of projects 1, 2 and 3 is one possibility, and the combination of projects 1, 3 and 5 is another possibility. In this case, Microsoft needs to figure out the different combinations of projects that it can afford, and pick the one with the highest NPV. In this particular example, the financial manager has an easy job of determining the appropriate combination of projects that is affordable and brings in the highest value. However, in most situations a firm faces more than 5 projects. As the number of available project increases, the number of combinations also increases. As a result, a firm needs to use a computer to figure out what is the best combination using linear programming. From the above discussion, we know that a large number of available projects make capital budgeting decision very difficult when the firm is facing capital rationing. There are other factors that make capital budgeting decisions under capital rationing even more difficult: (i) projects with different risk level and (ii) multiple time constraints.

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-11

(i) Projects with different risk level At this point in time, computer software has not been developed to handle projects with different risk levels. It is possible for the managers to factor the risk level in their computation with a small number of projects. However, when the number increases, they need to use a computer to find the best combination, but the computer software cannot handle different risk level. (ii) Multiple time constraints When the managers face an investment budget that is set for several periods, the actions taken in the first period will affect the actions taken in the subsequent periods. Similarly, actions taken in the second period will affect the actions taken in other periods. This is because the projects undertaken will generate cash flows that the managers can use to finance other projects. Other factors affecting the optimal capital budget So far, we have discussed how a firm determines its optimal capital budget by looking at its IOS and MCC schedules. In addition, we have also discussed briefly how a firms optimal capital budget will be influenced when it faces capital rationing. There are other factors that will also affect a firms optimal budget: (i) earnings growth, (ii) project maturity, and (iii) strategic considerations. (i) Earnings growth If you recalled from our earlier discussions on the valuation of common stocks and determination of the cost of common equity (using the dividend growth model), we have mentioned that shareholders expect a certain growth rate in dividends (which is tied to the growth rate of a firms earnings). As a result, a financial manager sometimes needs to pick less superior projects that will meet this short-term goal. We will illustrate this with the following example. Example: The CFO of Morning Glory, Inc. is presented with two potential projects, A and B, with the following financial information: 0 -$100,000 -$100,000 1 $30,000 -$40,000 2 $30,000 $60,000 3 $25,000 $60,000 4 $25,000 $60,000 5 $20,000 $60,000

Project A Project B

Suppose the firm is facing a cost of capital of 10%. In that case, we know the NPVs of Projects A and B will be $342.75 and $36,538.12, respectively. If the two projects are independent, then both projects will be accepted (assuming that the firm faces no capital rationing). On the other

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-12

hand, if they are mutually exclusive, then Project B will be chosen because it has a much higher NPV. However, if we look at the very immediate future after undertaking the project(s) (i.e. time 1), we know that Project A will lead to an increase in cash flow (and possibly an increase in earnings) while Project B will lead to a decrease in cash flow (and possibly a decrease in earnings). As a result, Project B will lead to a drop in earnings growth initially (because of the negative cash flow at time 1), and this is not going to make the shareholders happy (even though the situation improves later on in the life of the project). In this case, the shareholders will require a higher return on the firms stocks, which translates into a higher cost of common equity for the firm. Facing the pressure of a rising cost of common equity, the financial manager will opt for Project A rather than Project B. We know that ultimately Project B will bring in a much higher value to the firm than Project A, why would the shareholders not want the financial manager to pick Project B? That is because there is asymmetric information between the shareholders and the management. Technically, the shareholders are the owners of the firm, but most of them do not pay attention to the operations of the firm. In other words, the shareholders do not really have much information about the firm. In addition, there are certain types of inside information (such as the projected cash flows of all the projects under review) that are available only to the management and not the shareholders. As a result, shareholders usually make decisions without having the same set of information the management has. (ii) Project maturity We know interest rate has a term structure, i.e. interest rates (or yields) are affected by the term (or life) of the assets or loans. In addition, we know the most common relationship between interest rate and term to maturity is a positive one (i.e. an upward sloping yield curve). In other words, it is cheaper to borrow short term than it is to borrow long term. This will have an impact on the financial managers financing decision depending on the life of the project. The economic life of a project is not always a clear-cut indication of whether a financial manager should use short-term or long-term financing. This depends on whether the management has made a long-term commitment to the project, i.e. renewing a project with short economic life when it comes due. Examples of long-term commitment on projects with short economic life include cash registers (at a retail store like K-Mart), utensils (at a restaurant), etc. When a financial manager makes a long-term commitment, he/she will borrow at the long-term interest rate even though the project has a short economic life.

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-13

(iii) Strategic considerations Even though certain projects might not generate a positive NPV for the firm, the management still approves those projects because they might help the firm gain certain technological expertise (and they are mostly R&D projects). For example, GE might be working on a project to create a robot that will sweep the floor based on voice commands. The firm can probably find a cleaning crew that will do a better job (and at a much lower cost) than the robot, but this project will help GE gain technical knowledge on robotics and voice command systems, which might prove invaluable in future GE projects (and products).

Bus 441: Corporate Finance

Chapter 3-14

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