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PDCA Cycle


Coca Cola

Submitted to:
Prof. Mr Hakeem-Ur-Rehman

Submitted by:
Usman Yousaf
ID: c101105

Ensuring the safety and always been at the core of linked to the success of our quality programs and ingredients and materials package our products. They manufacturing, bottling and beverages. quality of our products has our business and is directly Company. Our safety and protocols focus on the we use to create and also regulate the distribution of our

The Coca-Cola Company is a global company with some of the world's most widely recognized brands, the Coca-Cola business in Pakistan has completed its 50 years of operation. The beverages are produced locally, employing Pakistani citizens. And their product range and marketing reflects Pakistani tastes and lifestyles, and they are deeply involved in the life of the local communities in which they operate History The Coca-Cola Company began operating in Pakistan in 1953. Benjamin H. Oehlert Junior, former senior vice president of The Coca-Cola Company, served as United States Ambassador to Pakistan from 1967 to 1969. Brands Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite 3g,Kinely,Minute Maid .

Total Quality Management

Total quality management or TQM is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes. TQM functions on the premise that the quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone who is involved with the creation or consumption of the products or services offered by an organization. In other words, TQM capitalizes on the involvement of management, workforce, suppliers, and even customers, in order to meet or exceed customer expectations. Considering the practices of TQM as discussed in six empirical studies, Cua, McKone, and Schroeder (2001) identified

the nine common TQM practices as cross-functional product design, process management, supplier quality management, customer involvement, information and feedback, committed leadership, strategic planning, cross-functional training, and employee involvement.

PDCA Cycle
PDCA (plandocheckact) is an iterat ive four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products. It is also known as the Deming circle/ cycle/ wheel, S hewhart cycle, control circle/cycle, or plan dostudyact (PDSA).

Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the expected output (the target or goals). By establishing output expectations, the completeness and accuracy of the specification is also a part of the targeted improvement. When possible it starts on a small scale to test possible effects.

Implement the plan, execute the process, and make the product. Collect data for charting and analysis in the following "CHECK" and "ACT" steps.

Study the actual results (measured and collected in "DO" above) and compare against the expected results (targets or goals from the "PLAN") to ascertain any differences. Charting data can make this much easier to see trends over several PDCA cycles and in order to convert the collected data into information. Information is what you need for the next step "ACT"


Act is defined as Requesting corrective actions on significant differences between actual and planned results. Analyse the differences to determine their root causes. Determine where to apply changes that will include improvement of the process or product. When a pass through these four

The implementation of PDCA-Cycle

The Coca-Cola Management System (TCCMS): TCCMS is there integrated quality management program, which holds all of their operations system wide to the same standards for production and distribution of their beverages. With TCCMS, it is ensured that: The understanding of quality becomes a state of corporate culture, All management systems are integrated and are executed in cooperation, Senior management within each task unit plays an active role in quality management, Work focused on precautions is carried out as a management tool, Standard reporting principles are formed, Easy access is provided to consumer and stakeholder expectations in developing new products and services, Problem solving methods and tools are defined for ensuring continuous development. How The Coca-Cola Management System Works TCCMS works through a pyramid model. Each one of the three main faades of the pyramid (Quality, Safety and Environment) consists of four layers, namely The Commitment, Policy, Audit and Control. The Commitment: The Coca-Cola System is committed to being beneficial and providing innovation contributions to all stakeholders within its sphere of influence.

Policy: Policies relating to the environment, safety and quality are located on the three faades of the pyramid. Audit: Control and compliance to regulations so as to ensure performance is assured within the management system. Control: The regular control of the entire performance is obligatory for each one of the three faades. In the Quality faade of the pyramid, in accordance with the Quality Management System Standard the management system is in compliance with the principles of the ISO Standard 9001:2000. The duties and responsibilities of business units: Under the scope of the process, all business units are responsible for: determining, applying and maintaining a quality management system, determining and reporting a goal related to the system, and also developing this in accordance with the requirements of the standard, ensuring that the work plan and goals are understood by all employees, ensuring that continuous development with regard to the application of the goals is achieved, forming a Quality Guide, providing necessary records and documents, implementing a documented syllabus on Supply, Contractor and Supply Management, implementing a documented syllabus in order to be able to ensure the compliance of all materials, products and services with requirements, preventing the misuse of brand name materials and products preventing the use and distribution of inappropriate materials and products, and in the case of the determination of inaptitude the implementation of a documented syllabus to counteract the current and potential effects of such inaptitude,

implementing a documented design and development control syllabus in the case that design and development activities are carried out, developing and implementing a Case Management and Crisis Solution syllabus in order to prevent any harm from coming to the consumers, assets, image and the TCCC trademarks, determining and improving skills necessary for the safe and effective practicing of the work for every position and employee, implementing a syllabus for the measuring and analyzing of customer satisfaction, implementing an inspection syllabus for monitoring compliance with the Quality Management System Standard, other TCCC requirements, goal evaluation, the effectiveness of the application and quality system, implementing a syllabus for monitoring consumer communication, continuous improvement of the quality management system by using corrective and preventive measures, forming a team empower

Documentation: y To stay current with new regulations, industry best practices and marketplace conditions, they consistently reassess the relevance of there product safety and quality guidelines in TCCMS. y Due to the increased awareness of the importance of food safety, not only in manufacturing but also throughout the entire supply chain, they are refining there requirements to further ensure that TCCMS embodies the most recent and stringent manufacturing processes. That is why TCCMS is documented regularly with every upcoming requirement either from customer or others. y Customer requirements and specifications are written hence documented and are continually checked for products.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is also established to define controls over the documents.

Management Responsibility 1. Management Commitment y The company believes it is very important to promote quality through leadership commitment and involvement. y Sessions are conducted regularly to communicate the requirements of not only customers but of statutory and regulatory authorities as well to the departments. y y Through SOPs and checklists they ensure establishment of measurable objectives. Staff meetings are held with employees to discuss different issues concerning customer requirements & feedback, continuous improvement and measurable objectives etc. 2. Customer focus: y Quality compliance throughout the Coca-Cola system is verified by periodic onsite audits conducted by The Coca-Cola Company and, in some cases, third-parties. 3. Quality Policy: y Coca Colas mission statement is prepared in accordance with its quality policy. So Quality management becomes mission of Coca Cola. y The company makes sure that its mission statement is communicated among all department personnel as printed mission statement copies are posted on the walls. The Quality Policy is:
y y y

The Symbol of Quality Customer and Consumer Satisfaction Responsible Citizen of the World

Quality Assurances Of A Billion The Coca-Cola They say: For us, Quality is more than just something we taste or see or measure. It shows in our every action. We relentlessly strive to exceed the world's ever-changing expectations because keeping our Quality promise in the marketplace is our highest business objective and our enduring obligation. Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches.

Consumers across the globe choose there brand of refreshment more than a billion times every day. Planning: y y after the formulation of measurable objectives Every person of the department is informed of where he could find the objectives, procedures, work instructions and checklists related to his department. y Inputs are taken from all stakeholders to ensure personnel participation and acknowledge them about any changes. Responsibility, Authority & Communication: y The company ensures that the responsibilities and authorities are defined, established and communicated to all staff through TCCMS. y It also ensures that every personnel have the current organizational chart of his department. y The company ensures internal communication through memos, emails, cell phone, and meetings. y y Feedback from the staff is taken in issues to ensure improvement. Department management system is discussed on monthly basis.

Management Review y To ensure suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the management system, departments are reviewed on quarterly basis. y y Management ensures that the work plan and goals are understood by all employees, They ensures that continuous development with regard to the application of the goals is achieved, y They guide their departments by forming a Quality Guide.

Resource Management Human Resource They have granted the Prize for Human Respect. y y HR Department helps other departments in carrying out contingency plans. They are ranked 5th among the best workplaces of the past 7 years. y Their intra-corporate employment is 57%.

Awareness and Training y A total of 967 hours environmental training was given to each department manager. y y They carried out a total training of 48.2 hours/person. We will achieve the targeted number of employees with the Fit for the Future Academy Trainings. y Work Environment y y They were ranked 5th among the best workplaces of the past 7 years. They have prepared the Workplace Rights Policy. Which is implemented through.

The company has safety manuals that has data disaster response plan.

Product Realization Planning for Realization Process: y When developing a new product, the company identifies objectives, documented procedures, resource needs, verification, validation, monitoring and test activities and keeps records as a proof of meeting customer requirements. y Ownership of the documents is defined and the personnel from every department know where to find these documents. Customer Related Processes: Identify Customers Requirements: y Customer expectations are determined through survey questionnaires and customer feedback as a way of gaining the customer requirements. Customer Communication: y Customers are given the companys email address as well as contact number for communicating their problems. y y All customer feedback and complaints are documented. By solving the problems of the customer the company can improve and records can provide an evidence for it. Design and Development y In the first step designing process is completed and documented keeping in mind the customer needs and quality standard requirements. y y y After getting the plans every department comes with action state. Cheek is made throughout the process so that goals could be achieved. The whole procedure is reviewed and corrective measures are taken to ensure continuous improvement of the company.


Measurement, Analysis & Improvement

Audit: Control and compliance to regulations so as to ensure performance is assured within the Management system. Control: The regular control of the entire performance is obligatory for each one of the three faades. In the Quality faade of the pyramid, in accordance with the Quality Management System Standard the management system is in compliance with the principles of the ISO Standard 9001:2000. Corrective & Preventive Action y The departments not only assess the non-conformities and take corrective actions against them but they also take preventive action against potential nonconformities and keep a check for them as well. y The departments review the nonconformities and determine and implement the actions needed. y y Records are maintained of all actions taken. The departments also review the results of corrective and preventive actions taken.

Continual Improvement y As the departments are provided with the information i.e. meeting the specified requirements, so fulfilling these requirements and aiming to achieve higher goals along with the monitoring and controlling of activities makes the company to continually improve itself.


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