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Maximize Your Practice Time With A Grid

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T hank you for the opportunity to repre-

sent all of the fine California communi-

ty college coaches at the 2002 AFCA
yard working area for each of your position
coaches to call “home.” In it’s simplest
form, think about how much time each of
Maximize Your Practice
Time With a “Grid”
national convention. The purpose of this your coaches use collectively just to say ,
presentation will be to introduce a teaching “OK, you line up here and you line up
modality we use at Reedley College to here,” etc. When we transition from warm
maximize our individual and cross group ups to individual “gridwork,” each player
periods. runs to their little corner of the “grid!”
I will use the installation of a basic Vertical and horizontal lines are already
Power play as an example of how the posi- created for you for drill set up.
tion coaches here at Reedley College
might introduce and/or maintain one of the
Diagram 2
most basic plays in our offense. Again, the Each cell
is 5 yds x
emphasis will be on how we use the grid as 5 yds.
a teaching tool rather than the power play
itself. Below is a diagram of the power play
with the player rules following.
Total grid
Diagram 1 size is 15 x
15 yds.

Let’s use the Down Block Right skill for

the offensive line as a first example. With
the offensive line coach standing in the
middle of this “grid” cutout, four pairs of
offensive linemen are working on a “pull
start” left at “three o’clock”. Each offensive
lineman preloads his right foot and pushes
off with a left foot “recovery step” (shaded).
The beauty of this “grid” teaching tool is
Michael White
Skill Position Blocking
that both the player and the coach can use
Assignments for Power the vertical and horizontal lines as refer-
President, California
ence points for this step. There’s no more
Community College Football
• PSWR: (Z) Stalk MDM Outside “your step is too long”, or “you stepped in
Coaches Association
• BSWR: (X) Cutoff (punch and pivot) the bucket”. Instead, we simply say “check
• FB: (or A replacement) Fire block EMLOS it out”, which means the player can look
Head Coach
• QB: Reverse Pivot on midline, 2nd step down at his left foot and expect to see it
adjusting to H.O. finish with roll passaction. parallel with the horizontal line of the “grid”
Reedley College
Know your opposite key! while his heel has cleared the vertical line
• TB: Ball carrier. Drop step (from I) to for width.
Reedley, Calif.
midline and insert yourself in the “cheeks.” On a second command, the player will
Favor the down block,shy away from the fire take another step to re-establish his base
block. and find the horizontal line splitting his
crotch. We believe that this visual land-
Offensive Line Blocking Rules for mark allows our players to understand
Power how important the first two steps are in the
• PST: Read Down game of football. After having said that,
• PSG: Read Down we finish each drill with a third or final
• OC: Away command of “finish”, which tells the offen-
• BSG: “Sycle” pull, eyeballing PSILB from 1st sive lineman in our example to accelerate
step to last. his feet through the next vertical line. The
• BST: Inside Set to MDM backside bag holder releases the player once his
• TE: (playside) Read down heels cross this “finish line” with the word
Each position coach has an assigned When first teaching a skill, we obviously
“grid” to be used as “home base” for his have each pair of players work one at a
players. The “grid “ is simply nine five-yard time. If we are in a maintenance mode, the
cells created by painting lines parallel to coach simply turns to each pair to set them
one of your sidelines at five yard spacing. off, making short “word picture” coaching
What you end up with is a 15-yard by15- points. He then turns to the adjacent pair

• Proceedings • 79th AFCA Convention • 2002 •

doing the same, and so on. When he see the vertical line appear in the crotch of inside-out block under which the ball carri-
returns to the original pair, the players were this backside tackle. er will run. The drill ends with the “break”
to have rotated and are ready to go again. On the second command we again lose
Diagram 6
Diagram three depicts the next offen- ground (shaded) and maintain our inside
sive line skill inherent in the power play, relationship to the defender with the line
the Sickle Pull. In this grid cutout, two still in our crotch. As the third command is
players (it may be more) align with their given and the inside foot is planted, we ask
respective right foot in the junction of the the tackle to “shot-put” the defensive line-
grid. The left foot is preloaded (shaded) man up the field with his right (inside) hand.
and the first “recovery” step with the right He steps four, pivots just as a shot putter
foot is simply a pull start at 3:00 p.m. We would do in the ring and on the fifth com-
Diagram 3 Diagram 5
command by the bag-holder as the block-
er’s heels have crossed the corner oppo-
site his starting point (Diagram 6).
As the ball carrier, the tailbacks work in
the other direction on the same grid work-
ing on their tracks. When the coach turns
his attention to this group and gives the first
command, each player will take a drop step
emphasize the width of this step and mand of “finish” we will accelerate the bag with his right foot (non-shaded) and on the
want to see the heel of the right foot well and finish crossing the horizontal line five second command a lead step in the same
past the vertical landmark. yards behind the start point (Diagram 5). direction with the left foot. This second step
We “eyeball” the play side inside line- Once the offensive line coach and his should be on or near the vertical line as we
backer from this step to finish. Steps two players become comfortable with the “grid- ask the ball carrier to begin to establish
and three are for depth as we coach our work” for the power play, imagine a setting their track to the hole.
linemen to keep their toes “east and west” where all three are taught at once! With the While there are no linemen in this drill,
until they plant off the instep of the third coach positioned where he can see those we ask the ball carrier to visualize the
step and square their shoulders to the hole. vital “first two steps of football,” you may “cheeks” he will see as he receives the ball.
The guard should be about two yards from have the Down Block Right skill at one cor- We ask the tailback to “insert himself”
the horizontal line (LOS) at the top of this ner, across from that, the Inside Set for the between the inside butt cheek of the full-
path. On the fourth command the guard is backside tackles and working in the other back’s lead block and the outside butt
square to the hole and begins to re-estab- direction, on the opposite side of the “grid” cheek of the sickle pulling guard. We
lish his pad level on the backer. As is are the guards working their Sycle Pull skill. preach patience because most ball carriers
always the case, “finish” is the last com- The coach centers himself within the “grid,” lose this relationship and end up ahead of
mand and the guard accelerates through makes quick “word picture” coaching points the pulling guard or outside of the fullback.
the hole, “covering” the linebacker. “Break” and turns from skill to skill. Within a 10- On the fifth command of “finish,” the ball
again releases the guard from the drill after minute period a lot of quality work can get carrier has received the imagined hand off
“duckwalking” past the next horizontal line done! But again, both the offensive player and “presses the line of scrimmage,” mak-
five yards ahead. The coach and bag hold- and the bag holder must appreciate their ing one solid move on the bag. (We may
er can vary the tempo and defensive reac- starting points on the “grid” in order to also include a “sniper” behind the bag. This
tion as the offensive lineman becomes pro- maintain their relationship to the landmarks “sniper” makes one aggressive attempt to
ficient with the “sickle” pull skill. created by the “grid”. knock the ball out of the ball-carrier’s
The third and final offensive line skill During the same “gridwork” period, the hands, thus adding a ball security element
necessary to run the power play is the runningback coach and his players have to this drill.)
Inside Set. Here, two pairs of linemen work sprinted to their respective “grid” and with The football is not added to the running
to “kick start the motorcycle” on the first the command “Fire Block Right” each play- back “gridwork” until the quarterback coach
er steps into a junction with his right foot. has spent time on his respective grid work-
Diagram 4
Bag holders align “catty corner” from the Diagram 7
blocker some three yards away. On the first
command the blocker pushes off the left
foot and recovers with a fire step right. The
right heel should be in the adjacent corner
at a 40-degree angle with the chest on the
thigh and his head, shoulders, hips and
knees in the same direction. The second
step re-establishes his base as he “stomps
command (non-shaded foot). We want to the inside foot” of the bag holder. This is the

• Proceedings • 79th AFCA Convention • 2002 •

ing the hand-off footwork. Again, we go “Brett Farve” roll pass action. He should carry
without a football first, in the belief that out this fake, avoiding the bag holder, past the Diagram 9
many a drill is “screwed up” by the football! original line of scrimmage (Diagram 8).
It is important to note here that the quarter- Finally, the wide receiver coach has his
backs will always start one yard off the hor- players positioned on their “grid” during the
izontal line and with the vertical line split- same period working on the STALK and
ting their crotch. This represents the posi- CUTOFF BLOCKS. In one direction, he
tion the quarterback takes relative to the may have the flankers working in pairs with
center has he takes the hand up from the a good stance and first step start on the
line of scrimmage. command. Steps two, three, four, and five
In the Power play, the quarterback pre- are first verses “air” as we teach “fast feet
loads his play-side foot and pivots to reverse off the line of scrimmage.” We then incor-
Diagram 10
out on the first command. The imaginary ball porate the bag holder who retreats, then
is “stabbed” into the quarterback’s belly on plants and drives to the ball. (On occasion
this turn and on the second command he we have the bag holder just continue to
continues to work away from the line of scrim- retreat, coaching the wide receiver to react
mage with the vertical line in his crotch (non- by running him off.)
shaded). We tell the quarterback to “check We explain that the timing of the block is
out” this step when he over-rotates across the much more critical than it’s ferocity! We don’t
vertical line, explaining that he cuts off the want to have to block the defender forever,
vision of the ball carrier when he does so. The but instead block him when the ball carrier the safety to prevent a clipping penalty, finish-
third command is the adjustment step to the arrives. The defender himself will tell you this ing with the blocker’s heels crossing the next
ball carrier that may vary slightly from tailback with his reaction. Once recognizing the plant vertical line (Diagrams 9 and 10).
to tailback. and drive reaction however, we ask out wide It is not until all of the position coaches
The ball is now extended on this step as receivers to “stop when he stops and slough have “coached up” this “gridwork” that we
the fourth step continues past the ball carrier off 2-3 steps, gaining leverage. We say, come together as quarterbacks and running-
and the quarterback’s empty hands are “block a number!” If we want inside leverage, backs on one grid, or quarterbacks, running-
“pocketed” away from the defense for decep- we block the inside number and visa versa. backs and offensive linemen on a “grid.” We
tion purposes. The “finish” command tells the As the play-side flankers work the Stalk, will again go without a ball for the first few
quarterback to continue with the flow for a the split ends work the backside Cutoff in reps, until the coaching staff is happy with
pairs. The first step is a Pull Start, crossing the basic skills involved with our Power play.
Diagram 8 the vertical line for width. Steps two and We then progress into working as many play-
three continue on this path behind the line of ers as possible on several grids and then
scrimmage. This is the same path we take finally verses bags and a scout defense.
when cracking the second level, so there is Thank you on behalf of Reedley
some carryover for our players. College and the California Community
On the fifth command of “finish,” the receiv- College Football Coaches Association for
er continues to climb up the field, meeting the this tremendous experience. Please feel
bag-holder, who represents the safety. We free to contact me at (559) 638-0369 if
obviously want to get “across the bough” of you have any questions or comments.

NCAA Rule Regarding Tobacco Products

NCAA Bylaw 11.1.7 Use of Tobacco Products. The use of tobacco products is pro-
hibited by all game personnel (e.g., coaches, trainers, managers, and game officials)
in all sports during practice and competition.

Uniform penalties (as determined by the applicable rules-making committees and

sports committees with rules-making responsibilities) shall be established for such

(Adopted: 1/11/94 effective 8/1/94; Revised: 1/10/95, 1/14/97 effective 8/1/97.)

• Proceedings • 79th AFCA Convention • 2002 •

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• Proceedings • 79th AFCA Convention • 2002 •

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