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Law and Conscience

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LAW AND CONSCIENCE concrete act that he is going to perform,

is in the process of performing, or has

Law – an ordinance of reason promulgated already completed.
for the common good by one who has charge - It specifies our “moral obligation in the
of the society. light of the natural law: it is the obligation
Types of Law to do what the individual, through the
workings of his conscience, knows to be a
 Eternal Law good he is called to do here and now.
- It is the Divine Wisdom of God which
oversees the common good and Kinds of Conscience
governs everything. 1. Right Conscience
- Eternal law is God’s plan to lead all - It refers to a conscience that judges
creation towards God’s eternal salvific truthfully regarding the moral quality
plan to be holy and blameless before of an act.
Him through Jesus Christ. - It tells us when something is a good
 Divine Law choice or a bad choice and that this
- It is the historical laws of Scripture decision is in agreement with what
given to us through God’s self- that thing actually is according to the
revelation. objective law.
- Divine law is divided into the Old Law 2. Erroneous Conscience
and the New Law, which correspond to - It fails to reach the truth, viewing as
the Old and New Testaments of the good an action that in reality is bad, or
Bible. vice versa.
 Natural Law - It judges something incorrectly, when
- It is the unchanging moral principle something is bad you think it is good
common to all human beings. and when it is good you think it is bad.
- An observable law relating to natural
phenomena. Types of Erroneous Conscience
 Civil Law
- The normative dispositions decreed by Perplexed – when confronted with two
state authorities with the purpose of alternative precepts, the agent is afraid of
promulgating and making explicit the choosing any of the alternatives.
demands of the natural moral law Lax – without sufficient evidence, the person
needed to make possible and regulate is inclined to judge a thing to be lawful, when
adequately the life of its citizens in the in reality; it is unlawful, slightly evil when
sphere of a politically organized actually it is gravely evil. When you see no
society. sin where there actually is sin.
 Ecclesiastical Law
- Give rise to an authentic moral Scrupulous – a conscience that judges that
obligation that will be more or less there is sin where there really is no sin, or
grave according to the gravity of the that judges that something is a mortal sin
matter. when it is only a venial sin.
- A set of rules that governs the beliefs
and practices of a particular church. Certain – convinced without any doubt that
an action is good or bad.
Doubtful – when you cannot choose
- A judgment of reason whereby the human between good and bad choices.
person recognizes the moral quality of a

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