Introduction To Law
Introduction To Law
Introduction To Law
GENERAL DIVISIONS OF LAW. 2. Sanction – the sanction of divine law lies in the
assurance of certain rewards and punishments in
Law may be divided into 2 general groups: the present life or in the life to come.
1) Law (in the strict legal sense) which is
promulgated and enforced by the state. ▪ Natural Law
2) Law (in the non-legal sense) which is not - May be defined as the divine inspiration in
promulgated and enforced by the state man of the sense of justice, fairness, and
righteousness, not by divine revelation or
Note: the first refers to what is known as the state formal promulgation, but by internal
law while the second includes divide law, natural dictates of reason alone.
law, moral law, and physical law. 1. Binding force – natural law is ever present and
binding on all men everywhere and at all times.
State law, divine law, natural law, and moral law - There is in every man a basic understanding of right
are comprised in the definition of law as a rule of and wrong based on an understanding of the
action. They apply to men as rational beings only. fundamental standard or criterion of good and evil.
Physical law – operates on all things, including In other words, there are some acts or conduct
men, without regard to the latter’s use of their will which man knows in his heart and his conscience,
power and intelligence. It is called law only not by theorizing, but by the dictates of his moral
figuratively speaking. nature, are simply good or bad or evil.
▪ Divine Law Thus, we know that killing for the sake of killing or
- Is the law of religion and faith which stealing for the sake of stealing is bad or evil
concerns itself with the concept of sin (as because it is contrary to what we believe is just,
contrasted with crime) and salvation. fair, or righteous.
1) It is a rule of conduct. – Law tells us what
shall be done and what shall not be done.
As a rule of human conduct, law takes
cognizance of external acts only.
2) It is obligatory – law is considered a positive
command imposing a duty to obey and
involving a sanction which forces
3) It is promulgated by legitimate authority. –
in a democratic country, like the Philippines,
the legitimate or competent authority is the
legislature. Under the constitution, law
called “ statutes” are enacted by congress
which is the name of the legislative branch
of our government; local government units
are also empowered to enact ordinances
which have the binding forces of laws;
4) It is of common observance and benefit. –
laws us intended by a man to serve man. It