CH 9
CH 9
CH 9
A. 1. Ottamthulal 2. Dastangoi 3. Yakshagaana
B. Please accept any appropriate response.
F. Mr Nuttel moved to the countryside because he had a nervous disposition. He thought that
would take him away from all the excitement and the peace and quiet would help calm his
nerves. No, the move probably did not help because the excitement at the Sappletons would
have given him quite a scare.
2. collision 6. comprehension 7. snarl 8. tragedy
1. acquaintance 3. ailment 4. twilight 5. discounting
H. 1. a. conscience b. conscious
2. a. complemented b. complimented
3. a. infer b. imply
4. a. imminent b. eminent
5. a. bemused b. amused
6. a. allusion b. illusion
7. a. ghostly b. ghastly
I. 1. Mr Nuttel’s sister gave him letters of introduction because he didn’t know anyone there.
2. Vera entertained Mr Nuttel while her aunt was busy.
3. Mrs Sappleton’s eyes lit up when she saw her husband and brothers at a distance.
4. As soon as Mr Nuttel saw the men he ran out of the house.
5. When they saw Mr Nuttel run away the Sappletons were puzzled.
J. 1. Unless we reach the station on time, we will not be able to catch the train.
2. This is the place where my brother is building a new house.
3. She leant to speak Spanish while she was in Cuba.
4. I was rushing back home when I saw my teacher at the bus stop.
5. Nadia went back to her village because she wanted to work there.
A. 1. c, d 2. a 3. a, b 4. a, b, c 5. b
B. 2. compilation, –ation 5. rewritten, –en 8. personalized, –ized
3. publication, –cation 6. collection, –ion 9. narrating, –ing
4. retelling, –ing 7. commentary, –ary 10. resemblance, –ance
C. 1. Philip Pullman’s collection includes some well-known stories, like ‘Cinderella’ and
‘Rumpelstiltskin’ and some stories which are not as well known. All these stories are
favourites of Philip Pullman.
2. The stories in this collection have been rewritten by Philip Pullman. In some places, he
offers a sudden twist in the tale.
3. Please accept any appropriate response. Suggestion:
I would tell my friend that the book contained stories rewritten by Philip Pullman, a
well-known children’s author. I would also tell my friend that the stories are followed by
a short history of their origins. The sudden twists in the stories would be another reason to
buy the book.
A. –ary: imaginary, visionary
–al: accidental, approval
be–: belittle, beget
en–: engulf, enlighten
B. 1. hemisphere 2. acceptable 3. development 4. acceptance 5. treatment
C. 1. e 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. f 6. a
D. 1. clean, whistle 3. dry, dust 5. slippery, eel
2. different, chalk and cheese 4. quiet, church mice 6. bold, brass
A. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d
B. Please accept any appropriate response. Suggestions:
1. Unless the plan changes drastically, we will be able to join you on the hiking holiday.
2. If you do not score at least thirty per cent, you cannot take the test again.
3. Geetika would have come today, if it hadn’t rained.
4. Since the strike is on a Sunday, he will not miss school.
5. Even when the family is not home, the gates are open.
C. 1. a. Unless you learn to work as a team, you cannot win.
b. If you learn to work as a team, you have a chance at winning.
2. a. Unless we vote, we cannot make changes in the government.
b. If we want to make a difference to the way the country is run, we must vote.
3. a. Unless they finish their homework, they cannot go out to play.
b. If they want to play, they must finish their homework.
4. a. Unless we learn to save money, we will never be able to plan for the future.
b. If we want a secure future, we must learn to save money.