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ENGLISH: 2011 (Solved)

1. Choose the correct answer:

a. Friends had conjectured that the bear would not
i. Remember her
ii. Love her
iii. Recognize her

Ans: iii. Recognize her

b. Megan first shared her secret with

i. Luke
ii. Her mother
iii. Claire

Ans: iii.Claire

c. Mr. Sappleton and his two brother-in-laws had been

i. Killed by a sniper
ii. Drowned in the river
iii. Engulged in the bog

Ans: iii. Engulged in the bog

d. Framton Nuttle began talking about his illness

i. To divert Mrs Sappleton’s attention
ii. Because he felt it would interest her
iii. As that was of prime interest in it

Ans: i.

e. Megan regarded her pregnancy as

i. An accident
ii. A planned result
iii. A great sin
Ans: i.

f. The narrator and her family would have liked to take off their coats but did not
do so, because
i. They were wearing more than usual clothes as they were escaping from their
ii. They were afraid of falling sick
iii. They would have to run any minute

Ans: i.

g. Maria Sharapova was very lonely in the United States as

i. Her friends were in Siberia
ii. Her mother was not there with her
iii. She did not know the language

Ans: ii.

2. State whether the following is statements are True or False:

a. The guide changed them extra because the writer’s parents were old and slow. (True)
b. Megan’s mother lectured her all the way to the doctor. (False)
c. Sharapova’s favorite dish is pan cakes with oranfes spread. (False)
d. Megan family decided to give her baby for adoption. (False)
e. The writers and her family were to Ovaros meet Anut Charlotte (False)
f. Bruno became paralyzed one day when he drank a gallon of engine oil. (False)
g. The writer was completely won over by the Bhandaris kindness. (True)
3. Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow:
a. “Then my son and I advised my wife and friends advised her too, to give to the zoo at

i. Who is ‘Baba’ referred to here?

Ans: Baba is referred to the sloth bear Bruno, the pet animal of Mrs Anderson. It is a
name given by her as the bear grow in size.
ii. Why was the author’s wife advised to give Baba to the zoo?

Ans: The author’s wife was advised to give Bruno to the zoo because he has grown
too big to be kept at home as a pet animal and that people worry that he might do
harm to the tenant’s children.

iii. How did the wife take their advice?

Ans: The wife took their advice by giving her consent to send Baba to the zoo
because that’s where he will be given better care.

b. “But they had a strange visitor one day.”

i. Who were they?

Ans: They were the Bhandari couple, the proprietor of the guest house.

ii. Who was the strange visitor?

Ans: The strange visitor was Mr. David

iii. How did they benefit from his visit?

Ans: The Bhandari couple benefitted from Mr David’s visit because he accepted to
teach their daughter, Promodini, who was deaf and dumb. Mr David having the same
impairment did his studies from abroad to teach to such physically challenged

c. “You shall have all you want, but get us across the frontier.”

i. Who said this and to whom?

Ans: it was said by Christine Arnothy’s father to the guide.

ii. Why did the speaker say so?

Ans: The speaker said so because the guide was complaining about their slow pace of
walking as Arnothy’s father could not see properly and stumble often times. The
father thus promise the guide the that he would pay any amount he asked for if lead
them across the frontier safely.

4. Answer the following (any two):

a. Who was Maria Sharapova? Where was she born? Why did she leave her
mother and the country of her birth to travel to the United States at the young
age of ten? What lesson did this enforced separation from her mother teach

Ans: Maria Sharapova is the winner of Wimbledon 2004 and gets the world number
one of Women Tennis in 2005. She is the daughter of a humble couple Yuri and

Sharapova was born in Siberia.

She had to leave her country for United States at the young age because she had to
train to become a tennis player.

Maria Sharapova’s initial two years in the United States taught her that excellence
and success in life comes to those who persevere and make sacrifices. It was the most
difficult years in her life without her mother, who stayed back in Siberia because of
visa restriction and her father not able meet her regularly because he had to work to
support her.

b. Where did the writer first observe Promodini? Why did he feel that he had
wronged the parents in trying to be friend with their daughter? What suggestion
did the winter make to parents to save Promodini from constant

Ans: Mr. Dhanda, the writer first observed Promodini hiding behind the settee while
talking to her parents over a cup of tea.

The writer felt that he had wronged the parents because in trying to befriend her, she
becomes embarrassed and self-conscious and darted out of the room. This act of
Promodini put her parents in an awkward situation and they apologetically confess
that she cannot hear nor speak. Mr Dhanda regrets that he should have been more
sensitive in his dealing with the child.

In order to save the Promodini and her parents from embarrassment , Mr Dhanda
advised the couple to type out information on piece of paper suggesting that their
daughter can neither speak nor hear and that it may embarrass her or hurt her if they
try to become friendly too quickly because she can understand nor reply to their
questions. This information should be passed on to any new guest who comes and
stay in the guest house.

5. Choose the correct meaning from the option:

a. List to this refrain

i. Listen to the music of the rain

ii. Listen to the mother

iii. Dream as it rains

Ans: i.

b. Bee-loud glade

i. a glade meant for bees

ii. glade will be alive with the humming of the bees

iii. the bees in the glade will disturb him

Ans: ii.

c. Desert sand of dead habit

i. life chained by fear

ii. Life chained by reasons

iii. Reasons are over shadowed by customs

Ans: iii.

d. It is the human earth that we defile

i. War has adverse effect on people everywhere

ii. We are worrying with each other

iii. We pollute the earth by killing each other

Ans: iii.

6. Supply the missing lines in the extracts

a. As I listen to the murmur.

Of the soft rain on the roof
Ans: Glide around my wakeful pillow,
With their praise or mild reproof,
b. I will rise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lopping with low sounds by the shore
Ans: While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
c. I’ve a balm for the bruised hearts, bother
Sleep for the aching
Ans: Says the warm wind, the west wind, full of birds' cries.

7. Read the extracts and answer the question that follow

a. “ where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls”?
i. What does the poet imply by “narrow domestic walls”?
Ans: By ‘narrow domestic walls’ the poet signifies the artificial or man-made
categorization/division based on the basis like religion, caste, creed, race, colour, language etc.
ii. What evils can be perpetrated by these walls?
Ans: By creating these walls human relations get affected and there comes the evils of
communalism, casteism, regionalism etc
b. “to survey her darling dreamers
Ere she left them till the dawn”
i. Who is the person being talked about?
Ans: These lines are taken from Rain on the Roof written by Coates Kinney. The person being
talked about in the lines is the poet’s mother.
ii. Does she really visit him?
Ans: No she didn’t visit him. It’s the memory of how the poet’s mother used to come and tuck
him in during the night before she goes to sleep.
iii. How does he remember her?
Ans: He remembers him as the most caring and loving person.

8. Answer any one of the following:

a. What kind of freedom does Tagore pray for his country and countrymen?
Ans: Rabindranath Tagore in his poem “Where the mind is without fear” prays for a country
where people are mentally free.
For Tagore, freedom of mind is more important than freedom of the body. Thus he urges God to
free his fellow countrymen from the bondage of fear so that they can raise their head high and
reveal pride in themselves and their motherland. He prays for a motherland that has freedom of
knowledge so that every citizens can do away from the bondage of ignorance. He does not want
the country to be divided into different groups based on ‘narrow domestic walls’ of casteism,
religion, tribalism, etc. he asks for a countrymen who can stand firm in truth and ceaselessly go
towards one goal. Perfection is what the poet wants for each of his fellow country to sought for
irrespective of one achieves it or not. The poet desires a country free from dead habits that curtail
the people from freedom of mind. A man who is physically chained by fear, ignorance, narrow-
mindedness, sloth, dead habits, and superstitions is not free in the real sense of the term. Unless
one gets rid of such mental bondage, he cannot contribute anything noteworthy to his country
and society. If people are from such negative elements, the poet believes that the country will
wake up to “heaven of freedom” where the minds will be guided by the heavenly father towards
sublime thoughts and actions.

9. Answer in 2or 3 sentences:

a. Why did Fernand hate Dantes? What strong emotion did he feel towards Dantes?
Ans: Fernand hated Dantes because Mercedes loved Dantes and not him. Fernand has full of
hatred and jealousy towards Dantes that he has to find a way to obliterate him from his plan of
getting Mercedes.
b. Did Albert and Eugiene wish to marry each other? Who planned their marriage? Why?
Ans: No, it is Fernand and Dangler, the fathers of Albert and Eugiene respectively that wanted
their children to get married. They wanted them to get married so that their relationship can
further be sustained.
C. What were the various steps followed by Dantes in discovering the treasure? What did
he do to ensure that others would not find the treasure?
Ans: Dantes after reaching the island of Monte Cristo started looking for the twentieth rock and
the small creek. When he finds the rock he makes an entrance into the cave by exploding the
rock with gunpowder. He then follows the step inside the cave and recall the words in the will
and look for the second cave as written in the will. On reaching the second he finds a large chest
full of gold.
He covered up the entrance with clay and pieces of rock and plant flowers and other vegetation
so that others will not find the treasure.
11. Rewrite the following as directed:
a. The fire has destroyed many valuable paintings. (change to passive voice)
Ans: Many valuable painting were destroyed by fire.
b. My hobby is to play the guitar. (using ‘ing’ form of the verb)
Ans: My hobby is playing the guitar
c. He said, “let’s go for a swim.” (Begin: he suggested)
Ans: He suggested to go for a swim
d. “Is Mr Chapter at home?” as Mr bose (change to passive voice)
Ans: Mr Bose asked whether Mr. Gupta is at home.
e. He said, “What a lovable baby!” (Begin: He exclaimed!)
Ans: He exclaimed what a lovable baby it was
f. Magician took pity on the mouse. He turned it into a cat.
(join the two sentences beginning with “Taking….)
Ans: Taking pity on the mouse, the magician turns it into a cat.
g. A cold fear gripped (Begin we were….)
Ans: We were gripped by a cold fear.
h. To see is to believe. ( Rewrite the using a gerund)
Ans: Seeing is believing

12. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

a. Besides clothes, I gave him money
b. the child fell from the roof
c. I shall return on his departure.
d. the rain water seeps into the ground.
e. Please put the shoes in the box.
f. He has the reputation of being a good teacher.

13. Make sentences: (any four)

a. First and foremost: As an athlete the first and foremost duty is to have disciplined life
b. The gift of the gab: The politician has the gift of the gab in convincing the people to vote for
c. Nip in the bud: One must nip the bad habits in the bud
d. Turn down: The teacher turned down the request of his students.

14. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Many people do not make use of their brains fully, and what you don’t make use of , as you
know, goes rusty. Many people need a kick, not in their pants, but in their can’ts. They need a
shakeup and wake up. Sometimes where pray for more brains without realizing that we have
enough brains that need to be developed.
The people who have put their brains to the fullest use have achieved great things, while there
are others who, through indifference and inactivity, have not made use of their intellect. “The
power which resides in every man,” says a philosopher, is not new in nature, and none but he
knows what that is he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.
a. If the people do not use of their brain fully, what will be the reaction in return?
Ans: If people do not make use of the brain, it will get rusty and the intellect will go wasted.
b. What does “shake up” and “wake up” mean with reference to the people’s brain?
Ans: Shake up means to use the brain to the fullest and come up with innovative ideas while
wake up means to realize the potential of one’s brain and utilize the ability.
c. Why do we pray for more brains?
Ans: we pray for more brains without realizing the fact that major portion of our brain remain
d. How can people accomplish great things in life?
Ans: People can achieve great things in life when one realize the fullt potential of the brain and
make use of it accordingly.
e. What happens to people who do not make use of their brains?
Ans: People who do not make use of the brain out of indifference or inactivity becomes dull and
waste their intellect.
f. How did the philosopher describe the power that resides in every man?
Ans: The philosopher describes the power that resides in every man as anything that is is not new
in nature, and none but he knows what that is he can do, nor does he know until he has tried

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