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English 2013

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English: 2013 (Solved)

1. Choose the right answer:

a. Mr. Framton Nuttle arrived in Mrs. Sappleton’s house on:

i. September Afternoon ii. An October Afternoon iii. A November Afternoon

Ans: ii. An October Afternoon

b. As soon as Megan saw the Doctor, she

i. Did not like him ii. Felt Comfortable iii. Confined in him

Ans: i. Did not like him

c. When Bruno was away at the Zoo, the author had preserved his baby which was:

i. A piece of wood ii. A gnarled stump iii. A small branch of a mango tree

Ans: ii. A gnarled stump

d. Christine Arnothy’s parents were not able to follow the guide at his pace because:

i. They were old ii. They were afraid iii. They wore heavy clothing

Ans: i. They were old

e. The strange visitor to the Bhandari’s guest house was:

i. Mr.Dhanda ii. Mr. Chaman Nahal iii. Mr. David

Ans: iii. Mr. David

f. Maria Sharapova bagged the women’s singles crown at the:

i. US open ii. French open iii. Wimbledon

Ans: iii. Wimbledon

g. Megan’s mother was:

i. A teacher ii. An estate agent iii. A social worker

Ans: ii. An estate agent

2. State whether the following statements are true or false:

a. “Bertie, why do you bound?” was sung by Mr. Sappleton. (False)

b. Promodini was very happy in the Company of David because they were of the same age.

c. Mr. Framton’s sister doubted his cure in the rural retreat because he would be moping there.

d. The curator of the zoo was a kind hearted man and consented to give Bruno back to the author
and his wife. (False)

e. Maria Sharapova speaks with a pronounced Russian accent. (False)

f. The dog was brutally kicked off by an elderly man when he had managed to hoist himself up
into the lower step of the train. (True)

g. Megan’s mother thought that Megan would be an evil influence on her sister Ellie. (True)

3. Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow:

a. “Sorry” she said, “I was just trying to cheer you up. Make a joke…… you know”

i. Who was making a joke?

Ans: Claire was making a joke

ii. What was the joke?

Ans: Claire told that Megan was eating double the normal food.

iii. What kind of a person did the speaker prove to be?

Ans: Claire proved to be a false friend.

b. “An island was made for Baba”

i. Who is Baba?

Ans: Baba is a sloth bear.

ii. Who made the island?

Ans: The writer made the island for Baba in his compound with the help of the coolies.

iii. Describe the Island

Ans: The Island built for Baba was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide and it was surrounded
by a dry pit six feet wide and seven feet deep. It is within the writer’s compound.

c. “I discovered that the place exactly corresponded to the details described”

i. Who does I refer to?

Ans: I refers to Mr. Dhanda.

ii. What was the place?

Ans: Mr. & Mrs. Bhandari’s guest was the place.

iii. How did the place correspond to the details described?

Ans: Mr. and Mrs. Bhandari’s Guest House was centrally located and it was close to the post
office, market and bus stand yet isolated from common din.


a. Why did Mr. Nuttle visit the countryside? Narrate the story Vera told him about her
aunt and the story she told her aunt about Mr. Nuttle.

Ans: Mr. Nuttle visited the countryside because he had been suffering from nerves problem and
his doctor had advised to take a complete rest, and he was to avoid physical exertion and was not
to be mentally excited.
Vera narrated that three years ago Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and her two brothers had gone
out for their day’s shooting. But they never came back and their bodies were not found. Mrs.
Sappleton refused to accept that they were dead and she thought that they will return home
someday through the window and therefore she kept the window open all the time.

Vera told her aunt that Mr. Nuttle Framton had a horror of dogs as he was once hunted by dogs
in a cemetery on the banks of the Ganges and he had spent the night in a newly dug grave. When
he saw the spaniel following the hunter party he was horrified and that was the reason why he
left without saying a word of goodbye.

b. How did author acquire Bruno? What did he eat and drink? Describe the accident that
befell Bruno at the author’s house.

Ans: Bruno was found from the sugarcane fields in Mysore. One of Author’s friends had killed
Bruno’s mother and Bruno was captured.

Bruno ate vegetables, sweets, fruits, meat, bread, rice nuts etc. He drank milk, lime juice,
buttermilk, beer and everything that was offered to him.

There were two accidents that occurred at the author’s house: in the first instance Bruno ate
Barium carbonate kept by the author to kill. Bruno became paralyzed and regained his after the
vet injected antidote. In the second instance, Bruno drank a gallon of engine oil which the writer
used against termites.

c. “How complicated it is to take one’s ticket on the train”! what did the narrator think so?
Where did the narrator and her family go after getting down from the train? Describe the
ordeals the family has to face before they reached Austria?

Ans: To take ticket on a moving train is difficult because the conductor has to write in
interleaved block while the train keeps jolting and jerking.

After they get down from the train, the author and his family went across a dark street and
reached upon a house, which is the resident of the guide who is supposed to lead them through
the border.
The police patrol was in alert keeping a strict vigil on unusual movements in the border area. If
people were got moving out in the border area they were dealt with harsh punishment. The
frontier area is damp and slippery because of the thick vegetation. The author and his family has
to cautiously plan their track and obey to every instruction given by the guide.

d. “Her talent, unwavering desire to succeed and readiness to sacrifice have lifted her to the
top of the world.” Who is she? What is her father? What is her dream? What were the
sacrifices and hardships she had to suffer to reach the top of the world? What effect did
this have on her?

Ans: She is Maria Sharapova. She has a talent in the game of Tennis. Her dream is to become
the number one in the game of Tennis.

At the young age of nine she has to forego the comfort of growing up in her country because she
had to leave for America to get admitted in one of the Tennis institute. She has to take of herself
in the new country because her father has to work to support her fees and could not visit her
often while her mother had come much later because her visa was rejected. In the institute she go
through many instances of bullying where she was ordered to clean and tidy the rooms.

But all these suffering and difficulties did not deter her from reaching the goal. Instead it made
her to be strong and determined and steadfastly hold onto her dream.


5. Choose the correct meaning from the option given below:

a. Where the knowledge is free:

i. a place where education is free

ii. Education should be given without payment

iii. Everyone should have the right to education

Ans: iii. Everyone should have the right to education

b. Take arm against each other

i. Holding hands together

ii. Warring with each other

iii. Brotherhood of man

Ans: ii. Warring with each other

c. And white is the May

i. the month of May is white

ii. The Hawthorn flowers blossoming in May

iii. White is the name of May

Ans: ii. The Hawthorn flowers blossoming in May

d. Veils of morning

i. Mist hides the bright light of morning

ii. A cloth covers the morning light

iii. The morning is hidden by the light

Ans: i. Mist hides the bright light of morning

6. Supply the missing line in the extracts:

a. Nine bean-rows will I have there……………………………

Ans: A hive for the honey bee

b. …………………………. Has an echo in the heart.

Ans: Every tinkle on the shingles

c. The land our brothers walk upon……………………………

Ans: Is earth like this, in which we shall lie.

7. Read the extracts and answer the following questions that follow:

a. “A serene, angelic pair!....

Glide around my wakeful pillow

i. Who is the pair being talked about?

Ans: The brother and sister of the poet.

ii. How does the poet imagine them?

Ans: The poet imagines her sister to be like an angel with waving wings and hair. While the
brother to be a handsome boy with sparkling eyes.

iii. What is meant by wakeful pillow?

Ans: Wakeful pillow the poet is still awake lying on his bed.

b. “They, too, aware of Sun and air and water are fed by peaceful harvests, by wars’s long
winter starved”

i. Who are they in these lines?

Ans: They are the people in the world.

ii. How are people in the world affected by peace and war ?

Ans: If there is peace people have ample time to work and in turn they good harvest. But if there
is war people have no time to work because they are engaged in fighting. Consequently there is
less food to fed themselves and there come starvation.

8. Answer any one of the following:

a. Describe how William Butler is trying to escape a world ridden by tension and anxiety in
his “Lake Isle of Innisfree”?
Ans: William Butler Yeats wants to be away from the hustle bustle life of the city and settle
himself by the lake of Innisfree where can have peace and solitude. He is sick of following the
routine of modernity full of tension and anxiety. Once in the lake he will build a cabin made of
clay and reeds and enjoy the charm and beauty of nature. He would listen to the bees, the song
of the cricket in the morning, the batting of the linnet’s wing in the evening, the sparkling light of
the stars at night and sleep away with the sound of the sea waves.

Like a rustic dweller, he desires to plant rows of beans near his cabin and enjoy a tranquil
moment alone in the lap of nature. Amidst the nature he will finally find peace for peace does not
come quickly to man. Only when man is in union with nature does he find peace in a slow pace
like the dropping of morning dew.

b. Describe Tagore’s vision of India?

Ans: Tagore dreams of a country where people live freely with dignity and self-respect. He
believes freedom of mind is more important than physical freedom. Thus he urges God to free
his fellow countrymen from the bondage of fear so that they can raise their head high and reveal
pride in themselves and their motherland. He prays for a motherland that has freedom of
knowledge so that every citizens can do away from the bondage of ignorance. He does not want
the country to be divided into different groups based on ‘narrow domestic walls’ of casteism,
religion, tribalism, etc. he asks for a countrymen who can stand firm in truth and ceaselessly go
towards one goal. Perfection is what the poet wants for each of his fellow country to sought for
irrespective of one achieves it or not. The poet desires a country free from dead habits that curtail
the people from freedom of mind. A man who is physically chained by fear, ignorance, narrow-
mindedness, sloth, dead habits, and superstitions is not free in the real sense of the term. Unless
one gets rid of such mental bondage, he cannot contribute anything noteworthy to his country
and society. If people are from such negative elements, the poet believes that the country will
wake up to “heaven of freedom” where the minds will be guided by the heavenly father towards
sublime thoughts and actions.

C. How is Coates Kinney’s mind affected by the rain? What are the memories that he
recalls? What does the poet mean by “naught in Art’s Bravuras”?
Ans: The rain falling on the roof evokes a nostalgic mood in the mind of the poet. It takes him
back to the days of his childhood. He remembers his sweet mother who inspects and tends to
each and every of her children and tucks them to bed during the night. This she does every night
before she goes to sleep. The poet remembers her mother as the most caring and lovable person.
The poet also recalls his angelic sister with her wings and waving hair and his bright eyed

Amidst the memory of his family, a thought of a girl suddenly comes into his mind. This girl is
the poet’s beloved who did not reciprocate his love. The poet remembers that to love her was
such a joy that it almost felt like pain. The memory of this girl hastens his heartbeat and causes
his pulse to vibrate in rhythm with the patter of the rain.

By the line the poet means that none of the musical sound or note in the world can produce such
a musical sound as the one produced by the rain drops falling on the roof.


9. Answer in two or three sentnences:

a. What changes in Dr Lanyon’s appearance shocked Utterson?

Ans: The rosy man had grown pale he was older and balder and his eyes testified some deep
seated terror in the mind thus this changes in Dr. Lanyon’s appearance shocked Mr. Utterson.

(b) Describe the contents found in the cupboard marked E.

Ans: The contents found in the cupboard marked E are: Some powders, a phial and a paper book
which he was to carry back to his house exactly as it stood

(c) Describe the ugly sinister building and its shabby door.

Ans: The building had two storeys without a window. There was a door in the ground floor and a
discoloured wall on the upper. The building seemed to have been neglected for long. It was
shabby and the door neither had any bell nor knocker. The panels were scratched.

(a) Why did Mr Utterson desire to see the face of Mr. Hyde? Describe the efforts he took to
see him? How was Mr Hyde rude to Utterson in the course of their conversations?

Ans: Mr Utterson became curious to know the details of Mr Hyde after the incident of the door
and his curiosity was heightened when there is a mention of Mr Hyde in the will of Dr Jekyll. He
wanted to see the face of Mr Hyde for the safety of his friend, Dr Jekyll.

Mr Utterson with the intention of knowing more about the person, he waited regularly at all
possible hours by the door. He continues doing this until he meets the man, Mr Hyde.

Mr Hyde was taken aback on seeing Mr Utterson on the door. And when Mr Utterson asks Mr
Hyde to show his face, he reluctantly shows his face and asks Utterson how he knows about him.
Mr Utterson asks if Hyde would let him in but he rudely refuses saying that Dr Jekyll is not at

b. Who was Sir Danvers Carew? Who murdered Sir Danvers and who witnessed his brutal
murder? Describe the incident. What did the police find at the site of the murder?

Ans: Sir Danvers Carew was a member of the British Parliament. He was murdered by Mr Hyde.
The incident was witnessed by a maid-servant living alone in a house near the crime scene.

The maid saw two gentlemen coming along the lane from opposite directions. The first one with
is an old gentleman while the second one short and distorted figure is in his middle age. As they
walk each other the old gentleman polite asked the other gentleman but the short man in anger
shouted and started waving the cane stick he was carrying. In the next instant, the man beat the
old gentleman to the ground as he lashed his sticks incessantly. Seeing the ferocious nature of the
man and the ugly incident, the maid fainted.

The police discovered: half of the cane stick used in beating the old gentleman, a purse, a gold
watch, a sealed and stamped envelope bearing the name and address of Mr Utterson on the site.


11. Rewrite the following as directed:

a. The farmer said to me, “ It was very hot yesterday”.(Begin: The farmer told……….)

Ans: The farmer told me that it was very hot the previous day.

b. My brother told me that he was afraid, I would miss the train.

(Begin: My brother said to me…………)

Ans: My brother said to me, “ I am afraid you will miss the train”.
c. The girls sang a song in chorus. They went to their homes.

(Join the two sentences using a gerund)

Ans: Singing a song in chorus, the girls went to their homes.

d. To speak the truth is to love God. (Rewrite using a gerund)

Ans: Speaking the truth is loving God

e. We thought over the problem.(Change to passive voice)

Ans: The problem was thought over by us.

f. George said to Tom, “Where do you live”?(Begin: George asked…….)

Ans: George asked Tom where did he live.

g. We know him. (Begin: He is……..)

Ans: He is known to us.

h. “Alas! I have lost my only son, “said the lady.( Begin the lady exclaimed……)

Ans: The lady exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost her only son.

12. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

a. We go to school on foot.

b. I perfectly agree with you on this point.

c. The police is inquiring into the matter.

d. The old man leaned against wall.

e. My uncle lives by writing book

f. The Education Minister presided over the function.

13. Make sentences with the following idioms:

a. Part and parcel: Problems are part and parcel of life.

b. Through thick and thin: He stood by me through thick and thin.

c. At sixes and sevens: The room is lying at sixes and sevens.

d. A bed of roses: Life is not a bed of roses.

e. At the eleventh hour: He reached the examination hall at the eleventh hour.

f. Scot free: The criminal got away scot free.

g. Hue and cry: Children are raising a lot of hue and cry.

14. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

As daylight can be seen through very small holes, so little things will define a
person’s character. Indeed character consists in little acts, well and honorably performed.
One of the most important tests of character is the manner in which we conduct ourselves
towards others. A graceful behavior towards superiors, inferiors and equals, is a constant
source of pleasure. It pleases others, because it indicates respect for their personality; but
more than that it gives tenfold more pleasure to ourselves. Gentleness in society is
compared to the silent influence of light which gives colour to all nature and it is far more
powerful than any force and far more fruitful.

a. What shows our character best?

Ans: Little things show our character best.

b. Wha does character consist of?

Ans: Character consists of doing little acts that performed well and honourably.

c. Give one of the most important tests of character?

Ans: The most important test of character is the manner in which we conduct ourselves towards

d. What is good about graceful behaviour?

Ans: The good about graceful behavior is the constant source of pleasure.

e. Which quality is constant source of pleasure to all?

Ans: A graceful behavior towards superiors, inferiors and equals is a constant source of pleasure
to all. It pleases others as well as it gives tenfold pleasure to ourselves.

f. What is gentleness in society compared to?

Ans: Gentleness in society is compared to the silent influence of light which gives colour to all.


a. as the Principal of a school, you are arranging a historical tour to Delhi. Write a notice to
be put up in the school notice board informing the students of the details of the trip, total
cost of the trip, last date for submission of names etc.

Ans: Notice

This is an information for all the students that a study tour to Delhi has been arranged by
the school authority during the coming winter break. Interested students are asked to submit their
names along with a sum of Rs 3000 to their respective class teacher on or before 15 of October
2016. As been proposed the tour will be a week-long event where the students will get to see the
Red Fort, Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, Raj Bhavan and other important place in the national capital.
All are requested to be a part of this tour if possible.

b. For Sale : Alto k10 of 2014 in tip top condition at Rs 300000 (three lakhs) with A/C and
music system fully loaded. The prize however is negotiable for the interested person. It has well
modified seat and new tyres with first class alloy. Interested person contact in this number

5. Write an essay on:

a. Science exhibition

Ans: Recently an exhibition was held in our town. It was not so big and grand as the recent any
metro city fair, yet it was remarkable in its own way. It was a very modest show nevertheless it
was represented and well attended. It was organized by the district authorities to encourage the
introduction of cottage industries in villages. The district collector, RDO and the local leaders
took a keen interest and put up a very good show. Never before had we realized that our village
possessed such as vast scope for the development of cottage industries. We all felt that a vast
heap of wealth was lying unused in villages.

The exhibition was held in the vast grounds of the banks of the river Cauvery. A temporary fence
was erected on all sides and temporary stalls were built to accommodate exhibits of different
articles. It exhibitions lasted for about a week and were attended by thousands of people. Buying
and selling worth thousands of rupees was done. The district authorities were pleased with its

First there were agricultural exhibits which the farmers had displayed. There were vegetables of
all kinds and sizes. One farmer had a peculiar pumpkin which was praised by everybody. I was
surprised to see a plum with resembled a red apple. There was also exhibited fine specimen of
cereals which attracted much attention. There were also remarkable specimens of carrots and
radish, sweet potatoes and tomatoes of different tastes and colors. Specimens of local pottery and
tableware were also exhibited. There were pots made by rustic artisans. We saw apples, oranges,
tomatoes, almonds, raisins and cardamoms of such fine shapes and colours that we could hardly
distinguish them from Th real ones. The different shade of color was so beautifully laid that they
deceived even the sharpest eye. They received praise from all and the artist that made them was
awarded a gold medal.
There were textile products manufactured by local weavers. Their delicacy of texture and finest
of finish astonished us beyond any measure. We saw a piece of silk cloth which could beat in
shimmer even the finest silk of China or Japan. The muslin made by a local weaver was so light
and fine that it appeared as if it were a relic of the ancient Dacca art.

Besides these, a blacksmith had put models of an airplane and a rocket launcher which were
highly appreciated. A carpenter had deployed a beautiful radio set and a goldsmith had made a
wonderful golden idol of the lord Krishna.

The exhibition was a success in every way. The local authorities were able to collect nearly Rs. 2
Crores on the occasion. It was decided that the amount be sent in awarding pries for the bet
exhibitors.The need for organizing such exhibitions in our village and towns is greet at present.
Local cottage industries can be given an impetus if such exhibitions are orgnaised from time to
time. Local skill is not deficient and if property used can add greatly to the wealth of India.

b. Your Favourite Festival

A Festival is the celebration of life. Festivals bring joy and love to the masses. India is the land
of festivals. Festivals are nothing but expression of one’s gratitude, joy, appreciation and love.
As different communities belonging to different religions live here many festivals are being

Christmas is my favorite festival. It is a festival for the Christians however celebrated by the
people of other religions all across the world. It is an ancient festival being celebrated for years
in winter season. It falls every year on 25th of December. It is celebrated on the birth anniversary
of the Jesus Christ. There is a big tradition of distributing gifts at mid night of the Christmas by
the Santa Claus to everyone in the family members. Santa comes in the night to everyone house
and give gifts to all especially funny gifts to the children. Children eagerly wait for this day and
Santa’s gifts. They ask their parents that when Santa would come and finally their wait become
over in the mid night at 12 pm with lots of gifts. On Christmas Eve, my sister and I put stockings
beside our beds, and my parents secretly put some gifts inside the stockings. I will also put gifts
secretly under the pillows of my parents to surprise them.
All the houses and churches are cleaned, white washed and decorated with lots of colourful light,
sceneries, candles, flowers, and other decorative things. Everyone get together (whether they are
poor or rich) and enjoy this festival with lots of activities. People make a Christmas tree at this
day in the mid of their home. They decorate it with electric lights, gifts items, balloons, colourful
flowers, toys, green leaves and other materials. Christmas tree looks very attractive and
beautiful. People invite their friends, relatives and neighbours to join the celebration in front of
the Christmas tree. People get together, dance, sing, distribute gifts, and enjoy eating delicious
dinner. There is also tradition of giving gifts like sweets, chocolates, greeting cards, Christmas
trees, decorative things, etc to the family members, friends, relatives and neighbours. People start
preparations in the beginning of the month with big passion. Everyone enjoy a Christmas holiday
by singing, dancing, party, and meeting with each other.

However the most important of this celebration is to remember how Jesus Christ came on earth
to save us from our sins and damnation. If there is no Christmas then there is no life after death
and Christianity would have no meaning. Therefore for enjoyment as well as for spiritual aspect,
Christmas is my favorite festival.

c. Your Aim in Life

For becoming a successful man, one should have a certain aim in one's life. A man without aim
is like a rudderless ship in a stormy sea. The aim of an individual should be noble and good to
shape his career in the later part of life. Without a right or aim right choice of profession the
problem of bread cannot be solved. As an individual, I have certain needs to fulfill but
simultaneously I have an aim to serve my countrymen. The best service I can render to my
countrymen is by becoming an efficient teacher.

Some dream to become educationists, while for others politics holds great attraction. A few are
lured to pursue their career in anti-social activities. There are people who have a craze to become
poets, writers and novelists. It is true to say, different people have different choices.

I am not a highly ambitious man. I am modest by nature. I do not want to be a multi-millionaire.

The profession of teaching has been very attractive to me. This has been my childhood dream.
The sole aim of my life is to serve the society to become a good citizen. To me teaching appears
to be the best way to serve the society. I belong to the lower middle class of society. Naturally, I
have to face several difficulties in my life. The difficulties encountered during the journey of my
life made me realise that lack of education is the biggest problem to which I will devote my life
to spread literacy to every nook and corner of society so as to remove the darkness of illiteracy.
It is a shame that one-fourth of our population still do not know how to read and write even after
over six decades of independence. In terms of women education, the picture is all the more
gloomy. Unless we are educated we cannot make all around progress.

I would be particularly sensitive to the needs of the weaker sections of society. I would work
hard to bring change in their lives. When this section of society is educated, we will have a
totally different society. There will be no superstitions when they will be educated. I will always
be available to attend their queries whatever arise. I will arrange extra classes for those who find
it difficult to keep pace with the regular class.

I am fully aware that I’ll have to face lots of hardships. A teacher’s life is hard. He does not
command the respect he deserves. This profession is looked down upon as of a lowly status. A
teacher’s life is full of drudgery. I will not be concerned for the earnings. I will try my best to
make the students good citizens. I will help them in broadening their outlook. I’ll groom their
personality and shape their characters. I’ll try to inculcate in them good moral values. So that
India have good citizens to take it on the path of progress and prosperity in which everyone has a
dignified life full of equality of opportunities. According to great educationist and our former
president Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, “Teachers are the custodians of the highest values.”

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