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3D Modeling Notes

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Assis!an z Professor,
Dep:. of MultimediaCommunication &Design
Central Insti tute of Technology ,
Kokra jh o1r, IHA 1bj ssam , In d ia.:.,.
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t;ou U/X ic c ~ 3D (!M'>' aviJ Sua-J:c~ M · G1'k. olki

tJfU-d lfJ ~()\ ~vi°dell 4re Jo~Qt'"' C1Md 6u6tPl4SJA'1 .:1u-rj,,.u,g,
NURE7 ~re ~J-c,d Jr»- (!.t;)t-wh---ut:16, fy~ 07eUI,/': 3.D /1;1-ms
ef 1k. .SmooHi.- a,,ilJ u1.tUl~/ l<A°hAH'. ef- 1k ~tfwe:> Mty ~to ~u-
6tnAt!./ .St,irf-eu~. NllRf3f .$u-rjt,.ce. !Jl'L ~te 4Jich!:J ti/JU U1 ll.i /,"e, ~t.,
~:'sdevr:/;/rt: frisWJc.llf!.d ic1t~ a.4'[J 1vtc:lu,jrf~/ du~n -•
if r y u / ~ OI)'"~ /4 UM ,PO~p,"1 4«rfoce /y;x Ut ?r'':::! ,!e.eJ,f-e,o (!4)"1.Shuc:.l 'f owr Stt~foce/J Nb'l?/3~ aMrJ tk"1 Ca/,fverf
to r''1/f}eJUQ.
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' a~ si"'jl)k. "e,IJ o!>fach U,, /k cS'o/ o/ ~~/Mu,,01-1 r -
--~'i17c .sud CJ./J ~Ube/J., s,,.aA.e'nv.l., <!O~, so ot-1. ,P,-,~,?v-e,3 OU-t.6e.a
fla--uds ~ ,PeJW fo- JD .c/..o/JeA,~'1e.e!alA. n-uJcP/y a; a.i:1)16~ of
NU~B? 1 ,P,rfu-cfflv-t4 -/o mdt9h /k,;r .s~. t.Je a.ho t1Aod//y NUl</35
j1YIHA-1h ~ tfu,,Wfl.!y ,l)Orh'on.s a/ ~'-r ~,,, bevel)~ tl.dtr~~s_., ar
iy klo di/fe-rt!Mf .si~ W>il;J ¼ J1ay4 Arlis(Uf ~lr?y-/4oia.

-• ~WJ./--ru~I- NUR/55- ~,o-- veQ· /hf #kL v:;,_ bcN:,./c ouflfi«. o-/ tii. 3'.D fom "ve..
t.9!sli Ir, a,n, -/2ucJ- U/J.l.. tJ.£ c.w-veo "-" °' /xvJ/s /,sr ~w,/2-w:h't, d'dd·
t>u.._.- NUR.8f ~u'1-c,~-

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cu(J_ .swrpceo ."

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dn,.~ -/ooh fol,U,(i) u. u:i. C ~ ~"'·
A.~ j~tArv.> A e:dl& N Ul<.Bf ~trw~ O\re B' jt_ >-S/ .sele~ !£i

Stfr~cen .sd., .sel~~ I,{,; desi~~ C-t..i~ve e::;,·43::J .f'~~e~

tit£ G:/J/. (_lA ')-- ye-, •

: A~ ~/LAW) fir c~'(t; Ntt.t:z-8.f, ~rfoc.el) ~'r~ U/d ,eY p'h/ .!le/e~ /k S1Atr-
~fa_f.eA sd., aw t/,.ii, S'ek~ LJ_q__ d(?S/ni;} .s~efe.c:.e ~~t:m 7e.Ptf-tAr~ ;fn1rn
p;_ ~utft>c te-1 uu..J,,u,, 5e/-.

A.~ jk- dl'\,&~ Nt--11<!;5- ~"J"~ce/J• cue & sele05

.$t.rj'11.ceA sef.,, .sdtt(:y hi. des,~ St,i+ce 8'-f& :J~¼e pa-m
/.Ii. t cl,'/ NLIP/3,9 sef .

Assistant Professor, .
Dept. of Mullirnedia Corrmt:n,ca:ion & Des,gn
Central Institute of Technology,
Kokrajhar. BTAD , Assam, Ind io.
', ~ //(,!{!P,{Ji Pd"_eff!?§OT, .
'Dept. of Mult1 med1a Cormriun~ifln & Design
c e ritr a l insti tu te of Tech no log y •
. , A lx~ l<fa jha r , BTAD . Assam , I ndia.
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foiuk are et .StftloolJ. e.urve. poi~$ CP-V- a'ej,~ .s,n.oolJ. ~urve •
&.j -lo c ~ SfYIOo-11, ~u..-vd Sv.1ac.t!4 •
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·~MAf-i~me ' 7.A
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