T Q,,,mtu.r : NDF-.C
T Q,,,mtu.r : NDF-.C
T Q,,,mtu.r : NDF-.C
1/V1£J> - JEMf.005"
Ron. NO.' 04
Jufto111.: 4/4 B•Tect... C5f.rA
~"'rtt.tA To :
P. VffJa Ma h~/,\Jay f<ao Sir
,-\:sst:. itof •,
'J)epr- of' Medah7c.J £,,,~("fr.. .
,1,.-t i<; • /(o ca{(i:-d ' Reduc(n'J bak_,,c, ,, (Y)ert,od 71,e diMl,i,sl,"J
V" k.. 0 r 'Y>CJ.C V" (' i,<; M Ct ( t, ?, ea.tu.. ..i~ .ft.,, eo.-1.1 '-I' o..Jcf • 'J f-·
d ep w ;a fr, ,., ,,p,dly ,n /1,.., '/' tU'J 'I e~ r .<'.l "-d ,ea.I e.,,_ im ~ 1o...,7 .
hQ..tt O, -Jo c-Jer>Ve'C ~ c, I(' (Y)U( C,... cihL9- t "'')
of ( ( L'\,'\ e> Af- h-0 I(_ Va. Lue f~ :latl'"n fJ\ f.. ck p1 ('Claitov'\ , 1hi:-ru~f O fl:. \ - JHr
)( ~ 1 - (c:,/ C )'IN
N :- tst:rn,,a.ted .J,1/t' o{ :;{J....t. l"YY).[.l...1ne ~~ ';Je~(-
3, ~.·""kt':1 4t')d N"',e.~ o d:
rV\ t"hts rn{th od o.. dep/f'c ,aftovz -fund eOf-to.l ;{r, "tt,..e o.ct-u.o.1 10{<
A'I f t-.~ v alu e of- ::t"-'. 0-i<:.,<;et le, ef.+fm~led for eac! 'teat. 71H1
CtrY>Otlrl r r~ t'n ve.t. tc d el.J. ew'1 eJ,_,tL otC. eJ... -J/..o..r, t°vi -/4 &t~ ~ ne~ I{
./r<;.~lf- , anJ :i~ f111 ter e{t will be C?aJ..flet:4 l1r ·1w -lc.tl'\d . '11rie re /.c ,e,
C\ri'JQu nl o~ o.nnuo..l cl ep\CCta1rn ri r,itue, - fh~ ' tV'\1.l"'r t ~t cainr-cl ?>J'\ --/C,~
pa!.1· i,11ve{/f'()c-nt~.
lt·7t:nnuit-~ method :
1111 ·tiir, (Y')(((.,,,o{i , --rhe int~Y<'~r ~t l~Cl"J'-"d
<.ve,'1 ~ea9. 01"1 --H,~ boo~ Va l1.1t", buJ ·fhe "<cue o, dPpra ~al.:on '1'€tna..ms
Cc,n<;tctr'\t-· -re,~ ench lJf'a9.. . 1he -fbyrt,ula. U,(<"'c{ -rn1 caJ.c.uJaJ~"J t~ "Ca..1-e ~
cl ep <c L f a.ttoY) ~.
't>~ [cc~e)"'_sJ[1=!_1~)]
[ 1 ~ ( 1 ·He. )N]
ea.9Ln ed io da..te.
1he ~Zn~c~ +und rt;ethod 0-l"ld 0.t)nw 1Cf tneH,od C\.re c:;f,f\tl~ ~
nC\fur~ Qr>d Dpaa.ti.o"'- t')(rept with Of/'ie' b(J..f,'< d,·{f~y~nc(". JI'\ -f(~
~I" k.tf'J -Curd rnet-~od ' -the ~Mourd.: or depn~ eo...~ ri r1,-wened ~h
,~ ~-1
5,oar ya.,L{:, -t--he
dh ~,~ rneti-iod -fh~
JIA_e t'"J bo..l.a.V'I ~
✓ fDIVl f-ff ()1 'ti ·na1
Cocr a_,,..c/ ,ye rY'O-t n
{ 1n,(, ("( vrr f' a b(t" /I'd Qt <' ik .'f,, ·f/..rr mPft.od • 1h,-
C - S
C Ott pe'1 un·d ::-
~. o, 0riLK Lt fs ~~cl-ect in pn:iducc:
~) :r~ad eqt.AaCJ
ts) Ql,~ole(c~nce_,,
eciuirrrrnt .
d) [>ep1ectallAJ1A. clt.Lf' --lo dtf~'fied fY"Ut f'\t--ena." c~ and n e.t~d--:
;tft_e -t~Y~t lOOO kM "lt.Lr'll"'llr'lj , and 1heh eve.9..., '5000 KM "'1Ur) f'll v .
"'fUt\Y\lr)o .
4- · J:x.c~fx:rntS{~ a~r~ ~000 kM. ,u.n r'ilf\J OY"\d 9:J on·
Tb- -fnt~e. in5f-ruc°CwlA~ c»..e not -f0Clowe3d beca.we of ne;led-,
and p,optR- maifit-ena.nce ~ not c!ont> QI, ,yeenmmended by-
o/ -lt...e ve~Jclc-_ m~ be!. 'reduced
) Y\ Ol.cl eqµ.a.C.Lj 'Te~uc..t"t-0111 tn
e~n if- tXY\'/ eqµipme/1\f- 0
o I -fii,'r've .
iri staU dftc• o{ moie [~ laJ.. \,¥ pran k , 'lhll u. whol- u er,lt rd
mac tJ n ~
(--:a.c iv /::e
I • i h.e () th~ e H ( h~o/
1-t'1.e ei~t-c. r.J DnL >
E>rok Vo1ue :
Th t~ r~ dt!J6e Yer1c..e be. -twee"'
•1 p~tnO-.A
r e_ P, {'t e o.n d --, 01al
r:-xrcl ca/J-iif·. 'T~ -ftt('cic; ,..~cvti1e ~ -fo, o.cev-t[~tton o{ -(~ -fi-xed o.~\e~,
,~v.Ch a.t Qa,i cl • he.tilde~ , e0vu.ip rnenf· iftta1 ~ i-o be lLCed Cvt\ dnd
<!I -(\)(.eel (0-pttti
{)\Jl\ °'-'f tJ) -fo. q !o"'J pe"-LQi u /<l"l)LJ-1() a\
'· La.ncl
' ,~Lulciv¥j Ot"\C"I OtF-..e, rr,S-fctllcit'orn
~. towei etr-d e\c-ch re <;uprl~ ,,,stat~arr-tol/4
4 r,.:A1 e,A._. f'u,r,pt cxnd d ,o...,, ra.
1 I, /./1 ,-,JJ it'
" . M"- ct...i e, y ) Mo..lt,.,Jt:,.I 1-ia ,.,c{l,;,{J £~~pm e;Jr
( t ♦ofc
't --A<"'f i'1,tl'\ IS h" fI Vi''
~ f'l frnk
· cap~h,.._t f<. 0r)e oF - the_ trnpo1to.nt- -fadu, of- f>\Odttc.t'oy\.
dt pla <tl C\ &-h-n le J ,c. '10 Ie U"> 'lai \ ln;f pod u di VI tJ Ee c,,o ml~
develo 1,n'Y'fll- '& nof PJ~(t {,tt' wd "ouJ- "1~<>. rrat.tnJ o.nd
t.,H cnj cf- rnact--;n~'\~ J (ol')5,ttuct..or, o& tH~Olt--'U)V\ W Oi/L.f. ,
- (;.e,: 0 f'dv , IT)ote mm f-n V C'. -ti, be emp [o 'if c/ whe r, ( ap j;,j
1--.a.~ -to be. t,Aed -ro~ p!ocluetnJ -fc.u..ffie'I uooch 'U-x.u we See.
~ i t-\e emp l~j"()e n t--- e0 ppo 11:-t.tf)Llteg W{ 1l tr\t.9..ea-t e ld-d{_
l V\ C - , ~ e f~ oy>~Tti r -lo rrrv..Tw Vl , a}- ct. ~ ,~ p uJ a:b..o V\ ::rot..n
-{4!~-r -H1an rA.e mcA-e£tie.. fvi C.ap•JN hrrr4lo\/1 , Jt--- 11,_~
1 r\ I
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➔ p,.,olt,t- rdien f<evenue >Totaf Vo~Ja/;te (ort- + Tott,.[ h~ed Cost-
➔ £5.,-ea,/:: - even It>oivd- l,,..j'hen Revenue ::- Toto.I V().9..'ia.bt.e corf.- + To1N Fitf'd
-:+ Lo(r ~ Total Va!J.._,o..ble Toh,J r,Mrd
- l,0~tti rc~venu.e Co!f- -I- Cofl--
• A<; ~ ~own in abov~ o/~k I ci¢.,t ' -lhe po tf'\,t cif Lvl-uct -iota./ ;;;_rd
anl'I Va..ifabte cosff ~t e01;Ltaf •l-r, LCJ(o.l 'Y'evenur-1 lS t."owa ~
-llv brea/<-eVff\. J>t1,'n!-- -At 1'4e 6reak.-eveV\ poi'rAt, a bur(tit{,r rlo~'>
nor Mat.e o. p10-lc.f- C)( IO:S~. Th-eJ.efofe, -1:fie bfeo.1<.-even poc;..f- ~
"n 0 ... /ort '' poi¥"1t-·
4- rntecpoftov,
") . Main t enoncc
G Rt"c..o"ds "<esea.~c~ ct.V\d a.udtl-.
f. pro (.)..f...-erY>ef\ t-; ~ mai"1t ':J Coric. e1 n e cl ~ (C..,.. -f&t ~ h ~t,rij of-
~" son"tl • ·H. e '"''Jl,..f people , ';'Vl ~ ,- rri jt,.t plo.c~ ) o..t ft...e
() ~I,} t,;.,..e · ll.,t -fuN.L.,, deo.h ~u.tic"1l~ ~ .<;"-< l
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- {Y)r' L°t "( (' U.tl~flY)ef\( - , <:,ell"c(ro,') o._nd p1aur0rnt'
• B~vetq;:me'n f p&i fat 'i,,. t fo ·/r,, t' -lra~ntJ af)("/ <"Clt1cci(it,r, c,( : Qt,....,.
hf,,rerl pn~onnr( , IAt1U.. o~rcdt' bu, trlinr , eU rcf(vt" ( omrnunicc.f r..'1(1
riNc1..Y\6 k. ~ piot"Ooic,;n ond
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• CoMee n~ct.lu:,vt. d l'alr lUtf?.
/ ''reMLLn nQ.~on. w-C:H~ er(') ~a. !.L~ u.pon ~uc h a ct{ vrtre, 1:1-! J oh
I E'Va.1u. j,o " , wu Je .st t,,, l'Y) , r<)o r, e t 0-'> J ;r,an hV e J o.ncl -/i,, r m.r 7Jf-
/ €' M() I o J ('Y)e'V\ t .
I· I<u. o ,dt , .,-.,,_s.,.~d, 1M d a.udi. f-- Me --t k,. ---f,, ,.,,,J 'Y' o'-f o (-- aµ,"/;,,,,.
--fu" c:t;_,, "J' • J?ccc o< ci - ke e pZ"'J is ne c e,,s,<,a,,, J bed. h .fa, ex e ,cl.s ,;, J
Con ho ( over ~Y<:.onrid a._cttVt~te( °'-"cl -fot dol'nJ '"'re$ea3Lck..
-furd cd 1(A ~
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