Agilent 8890 Specification
Agilent 8890 Specification
Agilent 8890 Specification
Chromatographic performance*
• Retention time repeatability <0.008 % or <0.0008 minutes
• Area repeatability <0.5 % RSD
The Agilent 8890 GC is a state-of-the-art gas chromatograph that provides superior
performance for all applications.
Key to its performance is the use of advanced electronic pneumatic control (EPC)
modules and high-performance GC oven temperature control, which lead to
extremely precise retention time reproducibility, the basis for all chromatographic
The 8890 7-inch capacitive touchscreen interface provides real-time access to
instrument status, configuration, and flowpath information. A signal plot confirms
that analyses are running as intended. Additional tabs provide quick access to key
functions such as editing method parameters, diagnostics, maintenance, logs, and
help screens.
The Browser Interface is the most extensive interface to the 8890 GC’s intelligence
and mobile access features. Optimized for a 10-inch tablet, the Browser Interface
can be used on tablets or a PC. Now you can view setup information, troubleshoot
problems, check for leaks (autonomous hands-free), backflush columns, pause
and start sample runs, and manage method development. GC performance can be
monitored by automatically evaluating blanks using advanced onboard analytical
The 8890 has expanded configuration capabilities, where up to two inlets and four
detectors can be installed and operated simultaneously. Six GC column smart keys
and three USB ports are provided.
Agilent proprietary Capillary Flow Technology provides a new dimension in
chromatography with reliable, leak‑free, in-oven capillary connections that stand up
to repeated GC oven cycling over time. The 8890 GC has enhanced hardware to
extend Capillary Flow capabilities, and enhanced data system software to simplify
setup and operation of backflush techniques. Programmable eco-friendly Sleep
Mode reduces power and gas consumption during periods of inactivity, while Wake
Mode readies the system for high-throughput operation.
* Using 8890 with EPC (splitless), ALS, and Agilent Data System for the analysis of
tetradecane (2 ng on column). Results may vary with other samples and conditions.
Agilent GC systems are known for • Atmospheric pressure and Column oven
their reliability, ruggedness, and long temperature compensation
life. The 8890 EPC is based on Agilent is standard, so results do not • Dimensions: 28 × 31 × 16 cm.
6th generation microchannel‑based change, even when the laboratory Accommodates up to two
EPC architecture. Unique to Agilent, environment does. 105 m × 0.530 mm id capillary
this design protects against gas • Serial port interface for columns, or two 10-ft glass packed
contaminants such as particulates, Remote Advisor columns (9 in. coil diameter,
water, and oils, and provides significant 1/4 in. od), or two 20-ft stainless
improvements in reliability and longevity • Easy access to Maintenance and steel packed columns (1/8 in. od)
over earlier generation GC designs. The Service modes from touchscreen
and Browser Interface • Operating temperature range
Agilent 10-year use guarantee provides suitable for all columns and
greater assurance for a low-cost of • Autonomous (hands-free) leak tests chromatographic separations.
ownership throughout the GC’s life. • Automatic Liquid Sampling is fully Ambient temperature +4 to 450 °C
integrated into mainframe control • With LN2 cryogenic cooling:
System capabilities • Setpoint and automation control –80 to 450 °C
• Supports simultaneously: can be done from the local user • With CO2 cryogenic cooling:
interface, or Browser Interface, or a –40 to 450 °C
• Two inlets
networked data system. Clock-time
• Four detectors programming can be initiated from • Temperature setpoint resolution:
• Four detector signals the local user interface or Browser 0.1 °C
• State-of-the-art detector electronics Interface to initiate events (on/off, • Supports 20 oven ramps with
and the full-range digital data path method start, and so forth). 21 plateaus. Negative ramps are
enable peaks to be quantified over • A run time deviation log is created allowed.
the entire dynamic range of the for each analysis to ensure that all • Maximum achievable temperature
detector (107 for the FID) in a single method parameters were achieved ramp rate: 120 °C/min (120 V units
run. and maintained. are limited to 75 °C/min, see Table 1)
• Full EPC is available for all inlets • A full array of traditional gas • Maximum run time: 999.99 minutes
and detectors. Control range and sampling and column switching (16.7 hours)
resolution are optimized for the valves are available • Oven cool down (22 °C ambient)
specific inlet or detector module. • 550 timed events 450 to 50 °C in 4.0 minutes
• Up to eight EPC modules can be • Display of all GC and ALS (3.5 minutes with oven insert
installed, providing control of up to setpoints at the touchscreen, accessory)
19 channels of EPC. Browser Interface, or data system • Ambient rejection: <0.01 °C per 1 °C
• Pressure setpoint and contol • Context-sensitive online help
precision to 0.001 psi provides more
retention time locking precision for
Table 1. Typical 8890 GC oven ramp rates.
low-pressure applications.
• EPC with capillary columns provides Fast ramp rates** (°C/min)
Temperature 120 V Oven* rates
four column flow control modes: range (°C) (°C/min) Dual-channel Single-channel***
constant pressure, ramped pressure 50 to 70 75 120 120
300 to 450 20 35 65
Electronic Pneumatics * NTP = 25 °C and 1 atmosphere • Electronic septum purge flow control
• Detector modules: to eliminate ghost peaks.
Control (EPC) Accuracy: <±3 mL/min NTP or 7 % of • Total flow setting range:
• Compensation for barometric setpoint, 0 to 500 mL/min N2,
pressure and ambient temperature Repeatability: <±0.35 % of setpoint 0 to 1,250 mL/min H2 or He
changes is standard. 0 to 200 mL/min argon/methane
• Pressure has typical control
Inlets • Turn-top inlet sealing system is built
of ±0.001 psi for the range of • Maximum of two inlets installed in standard with each 8890 S/SL
0 to 150 psi. Pressure setpoints may inlet for quick, easy injector liner
• EPC compensated for atmospheric changes.
be adjusted in increments of 0.001
pressure and temperature variation
for the range 0.000 to 99.999 psi, • Optional inert S/SL inlet includes a
and 0.01 for the range 100.00 to • Inlets available: chemical deactivation process for
150.00 psi. • Packed purged injection port the weldment and weldment insert.
• The user may select pressure units (PPIP)
of psi, kPa, or bar • Standard and Inert Flow Path MMI
• Pressure/flow ramps: three Split/Splitless capillary inlets • Provides the flexibility of a standard
maximum. (S/SL) Agilent split/splitless inlet, combined
• Carrier and makeup gas settings • Multimode inlet (MMI) with temperature‑programmable
selectable for He, H2, N2, and • Temperature-programmable cool capability, enabling large‑volume
argon/methane on-column (PCOC) injections. Also supports cool
injections for improved signal
• Flow or pressure setpoints for each • Programmable temperature
inlet or detector parameter with vaporizer (PTV)
both the 8890 local user interface, • Temperature control: LN2 (to
• Volatiles inlet (VI)
Browser Interface, or Agilent Data –160 °C), LCO2 (to –70 °C), air
System cooling (to ambient +10 °C with
S/SL oven temperature <50 °C) (due
• Constant flow mode is available
• Suitable for all capillary columns to high consumption, air cooling
when capillary column dimensions
(50 to 530 µm id) with cylinders is not advised).
are entered into the 8890
Temperature programming of up to
• Split/Splitless, Multimode, VI, and • Split ratios up to 7,500:1 to avoid
10 ramps at up to 900 °C/min.
PTV inlets have flow sensors for the column overload. Setting split ratios
Maximum temperature: 450 °C
control of split ratio (particularly low split ratios) is
limited by column parameters and • Injection modes:
• Inlet modules
control of system flows (particularly • Hot or cold split/splitless
• Pressure sensors: low system flows). • Pulsed split/splitless
Accuracy: <±2 % full scale,
• Splitless mode for trace analysis. • Solvent vent
Repeatability: <±0.05 psi,
Pressure-pulsed splitless is easily
Temperature coefficient: • Direct
accessible for best performance.
<±0.01 psi/°C,
• Maximum temperature: 400 °C • Suitable for all capillary columns
Drift: <±0.1 psi/6 months
(50 to 530 µm)
• Flow sensors: • EPC available in two pressure
ranges: 0 to 100 psig (0 to 680 kPa) • EPC pressure range (psig):
Accuracy: <±5 % depending on
for best control for columns 0 to 100 psig
carrier gas,
Repeatability: <±0.35 % of ≥0.200 mm diameter; 0 to 150 psig • Split ratio: up to 7,500:1 to avoid
setpoint, for columns <0.200 mm diameter column overload. Setting split ratios
Temperature coefficient • Gas saver mode to reduce gas (particularly low split ratios) is
<±0.20 mL/min (NTP)* per °C for consumption without compromising limited by column parameters and
He or H2; <±0.05 mL/min NTP per performance. control of system flows (particularly
°C for N2 or Ar/CH4. low system flows).
• Splitless mode for trace analysis. PPIP VI
Pressure pulsed splitless is
easily accessible for improved • Direct injection onto packed and • Very low volume (32 µL) interface
performance. wide-bore capillary columns. suitable for gas or prevaporized
• Electronic septum purge flow control • Electronic flow/pressure control: samples. Recommended for use
0 to 100 psig pressure range, with headspace, purge and trap, or
• Compatible with Merlin Microseal thermal desorption samplers.
septum 0.0 to 200.0 mL/min flow range.
Ranges are chosen to provide • Three modes for optimized sample
• Setup of parameters facilitated optimum performance over normal introduction: split (up to 100:1 split
with Agilent Solvent Elimination packed column setpoint ranges. ratio), splitless, and direct.
• Electronic septum purge flow control • Optimized EPC (H2 or He carrier,
• Total flow setting range: 0.00 to 100 psig pressure control,
0 to 500 mL/min N2 • 400 °C maximum operating
temperature 0.0 to 100 mL/min flow control)
0 to 1,250 ml/min H2 or He
0 to 200 mL/min argon/methane • Adapters included for 1/8-in. packed • Electronic septum purge flow control
• Turn-top inlet sealing system is columns and 0.530-mm capillary • Treated flowpath provides inert
built-in standard with each 8890 columns surface for minimum component
Multimode inlet for quick, easy adsorption
injector liner changes PTV • Maximum temperature: 400 °C
• Supports hot/cold split and splitless
PCOC modes as well as large-volume Detectors
• Direct injection onto cool capillary injections. • Up to four detectors may be installed
column ensures quantitative sample • Temperature control: either LN2 (to and operated simultaneously.
transfer with no thermal degradation –160 °C) or LCO2 (to –65 °C) cooling. • Electronic pneumatics control and
• Automatic liquid injection supported Temperature programming of up electronic on/off for all detector
directly onto columns ≥0.250 mm id to three ramps at up to 720 °C/min. gases
Maximum temperature: 450 °C.
• Maximum temperature: 450 °C. • EPC compensated for atmospheric
Temperature programming in three • EPC pressure range: 0 to 100 psig pressure and temperature variation
ramps or tracking oven. Subambient • Split ratio up to 7,500:1. Setting split
control to –40 °C is optional. ratios (particularly low split ratios) is Detectors available
• Electronic pressure control range: limited by column parameters and Flame ionization detector (FID)
0 to 100 psig control of system flows (particularly • Responds to most organic
low system flows). compounds
• Electronic septum purge flow control
• Electronic septum purge flow control • Minimum detectable level (for
• Optional solvent vapor exit for
• Choice of Gerstel septumless head tridecane): <1.2 pg C/s
large‑volume injections
or Merlin Microseal septum head • Linear dynamic range: >107 (±10 %).
• Electronically controlled, inert,
• 450 °C maximum operating Full-range digital data path enables
three-way valve allows solvent
temperature peaks to be quantified over the entire
107 concentration range in a single
• Includes software for method • Total flow setting range:
optimization 0 to 500 mL/min N2
0 to 200 mL/min argon/methane • Data rates up to 1,000 Hz
• Preassembled retention 0 to 1,250 mL/min H2 or He accommodate peaks as narrow as
gaps/vent line/analytical column 5 msec at half height.
for easy installation
• Standard electronic pneumatic Electron capture detector • Standard EPC for three gases:
control for three gases: • A very sensitive detector for • Air: 0 to 200 mL/min
• Air: 0 to 800 mL/min electrophilic compounds such as
• H2: 0 to 30 mL/min
halogenated organic compounds.
• H2 : 0 to 100 mL/min • Make-up gas: 0 to 100 mL/min
• Minimum detectable level:
• Make-up gas (N2 or He): • Available for capillary columns only,
<3.8 fg/mL lindane at standard
0 to 100 mL/min with adapters available
checkout conditions.
• Available in two versions: capillary • 400 °C maximum operating
• Proprietary signal linearization.
and column-optimized. 1/8 in. and temperature
Linear dynamic range: >5 × 104 with
1/4 in. adapters will be available
• Flameout detection and automatic Flame photometric detector (FPD)+
• Data acquisition rate: up to 50 Hz (Plus)
• Uses β emission of <15 mCi 63Ni as • Newly designed single-wavelength
• 450 °C maximum operating
the electron source FPD, or dual-wavelength flame
photometric detector (DFPD)—a
• Unique micro-cell design minimizes
Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) sensitive, specific detector to
contamination and optimizes
• Universal detector that responds to sulfur- or phosphorus-containing
all compounds, excluding the carrier compounds.
• 400 °C maximum operating
gas • MDL: <45 fg P/s, <2.5 pg S/s with
• Minimum detectable level: methylparathion
• Standard EPC makeup gas types:
400 pg tridecane/mL with He carrier. • Dynamic range: >103 S, 104 P with
argon/5 % methane or nitrogen;
(This value may be affected by methylparathion
0 to 150 mL/min
laboratory environment). • Selectivity: 106 g S/g C, 106 g P/g C
• The 8890 GC can accommodate a
• Linear dynamic range: >10 ±5 %
• Data acquisition rate: up to 200 Hz
third detector, as the micro-ECD is
• Unique fluidic switching design located on the left side of the GC. • Standard EPC for three gases:
provides rapid stabilization from
turn-on, low-drift performance. Nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD) • Air: 0 to 200 mL/min
• A detector specific to nitrogen- or • H2: 0 to 250 mL/min
• Signal polarity can be
phosphorus-containing compounds.
run‑programmed for components • Make-up gas: 0 to 130 mL/min
having higher thermal conductivity • NPD available: Blos (glass) bead
• Available in single- or
than the carrier gas. offering:
dual-wavelength versions.
• Maximum temperature: 400 °C • Longer lifetime
• 400 °C maximum operating
• Standard EPC for two gases (He, H2, • More stable operation during the temperature
or N2 matched to carrier gas type) bead’s lifetime
• Can be mounted as AUX1 detector
• Make-up gas: 0 to 12 mL/min • MDL: <0.08 pg N/s, <0.01 pg P/s
with azobenzene/malathion/ SCD (Model 8355)
• Reference gas: 0 to 100 mL/min
octadecane mixture • Highest sensitivity and selectivity for
• The 8890 GC can accommodate a sulfur-containing compounds
• Dynamic range: >105 N, >105 P with
third detector.
azobenzene/malathion mixture • MDL: Typical <0.5 pg/s, dimethyl
sulfide in toluene
• Selectivity: 25,000 to 1 g N/g C,
200,000 to 1 g P/g C with • Linear dynamic range: >104
azobenzene/malathion/octadecane • Selectivity: >2 × 107 g S/g C
• Data acquisition rate: up to1,000 Hz
NCD (Model 8255) Auxiliary EPC devices • Second channel:
• High selectivity for • Pressure control
nitrogen‑containing compounds The 8890 GC has four positions for
auxiliary EPC devices located on the • Psig (gauge) and psia (absolute)
• MDL: <3 pg N/s, in both N and pressure control
back of the GC. Each position can be
nitrosamine modes, 25 ppm N as
any combination of auxiliary EPC or • Forward pressure or back
nitrobenzene in toluene
pneumatics control module. Two of the pressure regulated
• Linear dynamic range: >104 positions also accommodate detectors. • PCM can be located in either/both
• Selectivity: >2 × 107 g N/g C Note: The communication for a third inlet EPC positions, and any auxiliary
(selectivity in nitrosamine mode is detector such as a TCD or ECD EPC position on the back of the 8890 GC
matrix-dependent) module (located on the left side of the • Maximum of four PCMs/PSDs per
See Agilent Sulfur Chemiluminescence GC) interfaces through one of these GC
Detector and Nitrogen auxiliary EPC module positions. If a third
Chemiluminescence Detector detector (TCD or ECD) is installed, one of Pneumatics Switching Device (PSD)
Specification Guide for additional these auxiliary positions is taken. Two of • EPC compensated for atmospheric
information regarding performance these positions are also compatible with pressure and temperature variation
and physical and environmental a top-mounted or side-mounted detector. when connected to a user-defined
specifications. capillary column
Auxiliary EPC module
• The PSD is a pneumatic module
Mass spectrometers • Three channels of pressure control
specifically designed for backflush
See specifications for: • EPC compensated for atmospheric
• First channel: same as PCM;
• 5977 Series MSD pressure and temperature variation
engineered bleed restrictor built in
when connected to a user-defined
• 7000 triple quadrupole GC/MS
capillary column
• 7010 Series triple quadrupole Capillary Flow Technology
• Psig (gauge) and psia (absolute)
pressure control The Agilent proprietary Capillary Flow
• 7250 Q-TOF Technology provides devices with
• Forward pressure regulated
reliable, leak-free, in-oven capillary
Other detectors • Maximum of three auxiliary EPC connections to help analyze complex
Specialized detectors are available modules per GC samples and provide gains in
through Agilent Channel Partners
Pneumatics Control Module (PCM) productivity. Devices feature:
including: atomic emission, Pulsed Flame
Photometric (PFPD), Photoionization • Two channels for operation • Photolithographic chemical milling
(PID), Electrolytic Conductivity (ELCD), for low-dead-volume flow pathways
• EPC compensated for atmospheric
Halogen Specific (XSD), Oxygenate pressure and temperature variation • Diffusion bonding to form a single
Flame Ionization (O-FID), and Pulsed when connected to a user-defined flow plate
Discharge Helium Ionization (PDHID) capillary column • "Credit card" profile for fast thermal
• First channel: response
• Pressure or flow control • Projection-welded connections for
leak-tight fittings
• Psig (gauge) and psia (absolute)
pressure control • Deactivation of all internal surfaces
in the sample path for inertness
• Forward pressure regulated
All of the following purged Capillary Flow
devices require one channel from an
auxiliary EPC, PCM, or PSD module.
Purged capillary flow devices, such
as the Deans switch, purged effluent
splitters, and purged ultimate unions
introduce an additional flow into the The 8890 GC firmware has been Data communications
sample stream. For detectors that optimized for backflush operation:
operate at low flow rates, such as • Displays positive and negative flows • LAN
the MSD and TCD, some decrease in • Two analog output channels (1-V
sensitivity will occur. • Inlet/outlet pressures settable to the
limits of the controlling EPC devices and 10-V output available) as
Deans switch standard
• EPC can be introduced at any
Deans switching provides additional column or restrictor connection • Remote start/stop
selectivity using two-dimensional GC • Touchscreen control of the Agilent
• Capillary flow configuration of up to
analysis. Peaks of interest that may be Automatic Liquid Sampler (ALS)
six columns/restrictors
coeluting on one column are diverted
Backflush Wizard software works with • Binary-coded decimal input for a
to a separate column of different
Agilent CDS to provide a step-by-step stream selection valve
stationary phase. This technique can
also reduce maintenance costs by procedure for configuring the backflush • Serial port interface for Remote
having troublesome solvents or other hardware and column plumbing. The Advisor
components bypass detectors or chromatogram must have three well
columns. separated peaks. See Backflush brochure Maintenance and support
for additional system requirements.
Purged effluent splitters services
A three-way purged effluent splitter Automated sample • Integrated early maintenance
sends column effluent to three detectors,
even an MSD. More information can be
injectors and samplers counters allows planned
maintenance, and helps eliminate
obtained in a single run to help locate • The 7693A ALS interface on unnecessary downtime.
target peaks in unknowns. A two-way the 8890 provides power and • Instrument events or shutdowns
purged effluent splitter version is also communications for up to two displayed on keyboard display or
available. 7693A automatic injectors, one Data System
automatic sampler tray, and one
Backflush • Remote diagnostics
heater/mixer/bar code reader.
An Agilent Purged Ultimate Union or Injectors and tray install easily • Performance verification services
any of the above purged Capillary without the need for alignment.
Flow devices also provides the ability • Easy parts identification and
to backflush. An auxiliary EPC or PCM • Agilent PAL Injector on 8890. part number finder software
can be used for backflushing, but a Specialized software controls (standalone software, does not
PSD module is preferred. By reversing available on OpenLab CDS require Agilent CDS)
column flow immediately after the last ChemStation and EzChrom editions,
compound of interest has eluted, you can MassHunter, and MSD Productivity Environmental conditions
eliminate long bake-out times for highly ChemStation.
• Ambient operating temperature:
retained (or high-boiling) contaminants, • The 7650A ALS interface on 15 to 35 °C
thereby shortening cycle times and the 8890 provides power and
protecting the column and detector. As communications for one 7650 • Ambient operating humidity:
backflush occurs after peaks of interest automatic injector. It is also 5 to 90 % (noncondensing)
have eluted, the chromatographic compatible with one additional • Storage extremes: –40 to 70 °C
method for peaks of interest does 7693A mounted on the back inlet. • Power requirements
not need to change. Backflush is The injector installs easily without
available when the column is attached • Line voltage:
the need for alignment.
to a split/splitless, Volatiles interface, 120/200/220/230/240 Volts
Multimode, or PTV inlet. ±10 % of nominal
• Frequency: 50/60 Hz ±5 %
Safety and regulatory Other specifications References
certifications • Height: 49 cm (19.2 in.) 1. A Guide to Interpreting
• Width: 58 cm (22.9 in.) with EPC Detector Specifications
Conforms to the following safety
inlet and detectors; 68 cm (26.8 in.) for Gas Chromatography.
with detector as TCD or with certain Agilent Technologies, publication
• Canadian Standards Association number 5989‑3423EN.
valving options mounted on the left
(CSA) C22.2 No. 60101-1
side of the GC 2. The Importance of Area and
• Nationally Recognized Test Retention Time Precision
• Depth: 51 cm (20.2 in.)
Laboratory (NRTL): ANSI/UL 61010-1 in Gas Chromatography.
• Typical weight: 49 kg (108 lb) Agilent Technologies, publication
• International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC): 61010-1, • Four internal 24-volt connections number 5989-3425EN.
60101‑2-010, 60101-2-081 (up to 150 mA)
• EuroNorm (EN): 61010-1 • Two external 24-volt connections
(up to 150 mA)
Conforms to the following regulations on
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and • Two on/off contact closures
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI): (48 V, 250 mA max)
• CISPR 11/EN 55011: Group 1, Class A • 550 Timed events through a data
• IEC/EN 61326-1
• Support for up to 10 valves:
• Valves 1 to 4, 12 V DC, 13 watt in
• This ISM device complies with
a heated valve box
Canadian ICES-001. Cet appareil ISM
est conforme à la norme NMB-001 • Valves 5 and 6, 24 V DC, 100 mA
du Canada. unheated, for low power valve
• Designed and manufactured under
a quality system registered to • Valves 7 and 8, externally
ISO 9001; Declaration of Conformity powered as a remote event from
available. separate contact closure
• This product complies with the • Independent heated zones, not
EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, and including oven: Eight (two inlets,
conforms to EN 50581. three detectors, and three auxillary).
Third/fourth detector can use any
available zone from inlet or auxillary
• Maximum operating temperatures
for auxiliary zones: 400 °C
• Six column ID ports
• Three USB ports