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10 Year Head Prefect Speech

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10 Year

Head Prefect
Delivered by Stefan Cali (‘11)
10 Year Head Prefect Speech
Delivered by Stefan Cali (‘11)

Stefan commenced his schooling at Rostrevor in 2007 as a Year 8 student and during
his time with the College served in a range of leadership roles including Head Prefect
in 2011.

After finishing schooling, Stefan then went on to commence a Certificate 3 & 4 in

Fitness and Personal Training and commenced as a Personal Trainer in 2018. During
2020 and the COVID 19 Pandemic, Stefan made the bold move to start his own
business and launch ‘Coach Cali’ to assist those now living and working at home
without access to their normal gyms. ‘Coach Cali’ is an online workout community,
which initially started through Instagram videos and has now grown into a budding
online program and community.

Since becoming a Personal Trainer, Stefan has worked in the community, in aged care
and in private practice.

Good morning Princpal, special guests, staff, parents & students. My name is Stefan
Cali. I am a graduate of Rostrevor College’s Class of 2011. Before I commence my
speech this morning, I would like to acknowledge the land we stand on and the
original custodians of this land, the Kaurna People, both past, present and emerging.

It’s amazing that 10 years have passed since I was sitting in the exact same hall at the
exact same time listening to the Head Prefect of 2001. On that day, I was on stage
ready to give my induction speech after being elected Head Prefect for 2011 and if
there is one thing I remember from that day, it’s the juggling. Some teachers may or
may not remember that day, but I stood up in front of the entire school and juggled 3
juggling balls.

I won’t be juggling anything for you today as I’m sure I’d make a fool of myself if I
even tried, but I can honestly say that I haven’t stopped juggling though out my life
for the last 10 years; trying to juggle friendships, work, relationships, family, sports
and hobbies has been a very difficult task and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t dropped
a ball, because I have, MANY times. But the positive thing is that I am still here and
those times I dropped the ball have made me the man I am today.
10 Year Head Prefect Speech
Delivered by Stefan Cali (‘11)

In 10 years I have travelled, loved and lost but above all, I’ve lived. It’s amazing what
can happen in 10 years & the paths you’ll walk on. Some paths you’ll find yourself
on for the rest of your life while others may only be temporary. Some may be life-
long lessons while others may be an experience you desperately needed that help
propel you to the next level in your life. My life in the last 10 years has been nothing
short of the most incredible journey. So many places visited, so many people met
and so many lessons learnt, some harder than others.

Life in my last year of school was already made tough after I ruptured my Anterior
Cruciate Ligament roughly two weeks after giving my induction speech in 2011. Over
the last 10 years,

I’ve had a total four knee surgeries including two more knee reconstructions, with
one occurring less than six months ago. I’ve lost family & friends to sickness &
accidents. I’ve loved people who haven’t loved me back and been almost broke
with little more than a couple of dollars in my bank account. I’ve changed jobs more
times than the fingers on my hands and have “failed” many times over.

Just listening to that would make you think my last 10 years have been horrible, but
you’d be wrong. Without those experiences, I would not be the man I am today.
They have taught me lessons about myself, about how to be brave, strong, resilient
and faithful. These lessons are a necessity. They are challenging and build character.

But with all of the challenging parts, come exciting ones too. I’ve travelled Interstate
and overseas to play soccer. I’ve lived in Melbourne. I’ve experienced Christmas and
New Years’ in the concrete jungle, New York, and the crazy desert of Las Vegas. I’ve
started my own business. I bought a house with my partner and, less than a month
ago, I asked the woman of my dreams to marry me and she said yes (after she asked
if I was joking when I proposed).

If there is anything that life has taught me over the last decade it’s that if you want
something, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it, regardless if you have to go through
a barrage of misfortunes. This brings me onto the year 12s and College Prefects for
this year.
10 Year Head Prefect Speech
Delivered by Stefan Cali (‘11)

There will be times in the next year and beyond that will make you feel broken, tired
and stressed. It is vital you know that these times DON’T define you, rather they
make you. Take those opportunities as a chance to learn and grow. Feed off those
challenges and thrive in those times of uncertainty. As the saying goes, “tough times
make tough men” and as a former Rostrevor College student, I know that this school
has played a massive part in making me the tough, resilient man I am today.

In closing, I’d like to reflect on those two very famous Latin words beneath the
Rostrevor crest - Palma Merenti. Remember that the reward will ALWAYS go to
the one who earns it. You don’t DESERVE to be respected; you earn that. You also
don’t DESERVE to be trusted; you earn that too. Don’t go through life expecting
you deserve to be given all the answers, you need to earn those as well. Be patient,
humble & respectful - all of the values Rostrevor College taught me when I was a
student here many years ago.

Thank you

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