Digital Logic Design Jan 2023
Digital Logic Design Jan 2023
Digital Logic Design Jan 2023
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Code No: R203104Q R20 SET - 1
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Code No: R203104Q R20 SET - 2
Code No: R203104Q R20 SET - 2
9. a) Explain the designing steps to convert Mealy machine to Moore [7M]
b) Explain the capabilities and limitations of Finite State Machine. [7M]
10. a) Explain the Mealy and Moore Machines with neat figures. [7M]
b) Design a finite state machine which can detect the sequence [7M]
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Code No: R203104Q R20 SET - 3
Code No: R203104Q R20 SET - 3
9. a) What is a Finite State Machine? Explain the capabilities and [7M]
limitations of Finite State Machine?
b) Explain the differences between Mealy and Moore Machine? [7M]
10. a) Design a finite state machine which can detect the sequence [7M]
b) Explain the designing steps to convert Moore machine to Mealy [7M]
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Code No: R203104Q R20 SET - 4
Code No: R203104Q R20 SET - 4
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