Iterative Division
Iterative Division
Iterative Division
Instructor: Shantanu Dutt Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Chicago
Division Basics
Radix division is essentially a trial-and-error process, in which the next quotient bit is chosen from Example:
Binary division is much simpler, since the next quotient bit is either a 0 or 1 depending on whether the partial remainder is less than or greater than/equal to the divisor, respectively Integer division: Given 2 integers the dividend and the divisor, we want to obtain an integer quotient and an integer remainder , s.t.
the divisor,
Start subtraction of from left most position of subtraction every iteration Pencil-paper division example:
for next
Instead of shifting the divisor right by 1 bit, the partial remainder can be shifted left by one bit Example:
Division Handling
are 0s:
Note that is stored as a 4-bit # (0010) in the computer. The type of manual adjustment done in the above example of converting 4-bit subtractions into 2-bit ones (in general, -bit subtractions to -bit ones, where ) is not possible in a computer
Division Handling Problem with Two ways to tackle the problem: Method 1: Shift to the left by division for steps for an integer Example:
Method 2: Augment to the left by bits that are all 0s. Perform division for steps for an integer and more steps for a FP Example:
Division A Caveat
Example for needing an extra bit to the left of the dividend to catch a 1 on a shift left (required when originally has more bits than (e.g., dividing an 8-bit number by a 6-bit one):
Thus need an extra bit in AC is to catch a 1 out of AC when the MSBs of the partial remainder and are both 1s but
The adder/subtracter thus also needs to be bits; see block diagram of divider given next. NOTE: The extra bit is never required when both and have the same
number of bits to start with (this does not count the added later to ).
Divisor V M
C out 1 17
1. To compute , store in the register, in the register and 0 in AC (Accumulator), and 0 in (holds the quotient bit before the shift and are -bit left). Note that is an -bit register, while ones, with 0s initially in their th bits. Repeat the following steps times: 2. Shift AC-Q-T register combination left 1 bit (initially, this has the effect of adding on 0s to the left of the dividend) (subtract divisor from -bit partial remainder 3. Perform )
" $ # % & ' % % ( & & ' (
4. If the result is negative, set , otherwise set 5. If the result of step 2 is negative, restore the old value of AC by doing
$ $ % & % &
NOTE: Notice similarity between hardware for A&S multiplication and division. The same hardware with additional control can be used for both purposes.
Non-restoring division algorithm: An extra addition step is needed in the previous algorithm to restore the old value of when the result of a subtraction is negative. This step is eliminated in non-restoring division:
1. Same initialization as before. Repeat the following steps times: 2. Shift AC-Q-T register combination left 1 bit 3. If current Q[0] is 0 and this is not the 1st iteration then perform else perform 4. If the result is negative, set , otherwise set
% & % & % & % & $ $
0 0
This works because: Let be the contents of register AC-Q at the beginning of the th iteration. After a SHL and subtraction, is computed. ) is -ve, restoration and then anIn restoring division: If this result (
) is
th iteration we perform a SHL to get -ve, we do not restore but in the and then add to get . This gives us the same result in AC-Q as in restoring division, and based on this same result we determine the next bit of the quotient. Thus non-restoring division will give us the same quotient as restoring division, though faster. Thus non-restoring division works correctly since restoring division is correct.
0 1
There are no simple division algorithms for 2s complement #s unlike the case for multiplication This is primarily due to the difculty in selecting the quotient bits in such a way that it has tthe correct +ve or -ve 2s complement representation Thus the approach generally followed is to negate a -ve or , perform division and then negate the quotient if only one of or was -ve A more efcient division algorithm for 2s complement #s is the SRT method (for Sweeney, Robertson and Tocher, its inventors); see Ref. text # 1 (Hennesey and Patterson) for this algorithm if interested