Task 4 - Group 55
Task 4 - Group 55
Task 4 - Group 55
Group: 55
1. Course Information
Course Description:
This course is designed to help flight attendants prepare for a job interview in
an international airline. The focus of the course will be on developing fluency
and confidence in speaking and listening skills.
4. Learning Strategy
● Pair and group work: The student will work with classmates in pairs or
small groups to practice speaking and listening skills, to exchange
feedback, and to help each other improve.
● Practice exercises
Unit 3: Grammar and Pronunciation
● Practice exercises
Unit 4: Listening Comprehension
6. Course Content:
Week 1: Introduction to Interview Techniques
7. Teacher’s Support
● Initial assessment
● Additional resources
Course designed by: Johanna Beltrán Date of design: May 12th, 2023
Course Overview:
This course is designed to prepare students for a C1 English language exam,
with a focus on improving listening and writing skills. The course will cover
essential grammar rules, vocabulary, and test-taking strategies to enhance the
student's chances of success in the exam.
Learning purpose:
1. To improve the student's writing skills to meet the level required for the
C1 exam.
Learning outcomes:
1. Improve writing skills to meet the level required for the C1 exam.
2. Enhance listening skills to comprehend complex passages and
Learning strategies
These strategies will help the student learn effectively and efficiently by
providing a variety of approaches to learning, focusing on the most important
areas to improve, and giving the student ample opportunity to practice their
- Sentence Structure
- Context Clues
- Note-Taking Strategies
Bibliographic References:
- Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2006). Writing academic English (Vol. 4).
Pearson Longman.
Initial Moment:
The initial moment of the course will focus on introducing the student to
the C1 exam and the required language skills to pass the exam. The tutor will
conduct an assessment to determine the student's current level of English
proficiency and identify areas that need improvement. During this phase, the
tutor will establish clear learning objectives and provide the student with an
overview of the course materials, learning strategies, and evaluation methods.
The tutor will also discuss the student's goals and expectations for the course.
Intermediate Moment:
Final Moment:
The final moment of the course will focus on reviewing and consolidating
the student's learning to ensure that they are fully prepared for the C1 exam.
The tutor will provide the student with full-length practice exams to simulate the
real exam experience and evaluate the student's language proficiency. The
tutor will also provide feedback on the student's writing and listening skills,
grammar, and vocabulary, and work with the student to address any areas that
need improvement. The final moment of the course will conclude with a
comprehensive review of the course materials and evaluation methods to
ensure that the student is fully prepared to take the C1 exam.
Note: The course duration is six weeks. However, the course can be
adjusted according to the student's needs. Additional classes or course
modules can be added if necessary.
Teacher support: To develop the course activities, you will have the
support of a teacher or tutor. The options for this academic support are:
- Skype.
- WhatsApp group.
- Web conferences.
Table 3
1. Course Information
Course designed by: Juan Carlos Date of design: May 01, 2023
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with the best
methods so that he can express himself easily and quickly in all matters
concerning the future job he wants to obtain.
2. Learning Outcomes
4. Make a presentation of the company, its daily work, and any topic
related to interactive parks.
3. Learning Strategy
1. Vocabulary
Bibliographic References
-Artificial Intelligence
Bibliographic References
Initial Moment
In the first month of learning, the following will be taken into account:
-Tutor-student interaction,
Intermediate Moment
In the second month of learning, the following will be taken into account:
Final Moment
At the end of the course, the following will be taken into account:
6. Teacher`s Support
The student will have all the support of the teacher and the different
channels of interaction, such as:
- Web Conferences
- Accompaniment to fieldwork.
Table 4
1. Course Information:
Course type: One to One, course Course design by: Juan Pablo
adapted according to the learner's Tinjaca Huertas
needs in relation to what is to be
learned in the target language.
2. Course Description:
The course is designed in such a way as to learn about the target language
within the field of architecture in order to improve writing and reading skills
within the above-named field taking into account the vocabulary and grammar
of the language.
The learning purpose of the course focuses on improving writing and reading
skills within the field of architecture using the target language, which in this case
is English, where the improvement of skills will be sought by improving reading
comprehension, grammatical skills, and a greater knowledge of vocabulary
related to the field of study that is sought to learn in a specific language.
4. Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, the student will have the ability to:
- Clearly understand readings related to the field of architecture with the target
- Demonstrate reading skills with good pronunciation and fluency.
- Demonstrate good knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of the target
language within the field of architectural study.
- Write both sentences and texts using the vocabulary and grammatical rules
learned using the target language in relation to the field of study.
5. Learning Strategy:
The learning strategy focuses on using the target language as a base due to
the level that the student handles, which will help the student to have a better
adaptability when developing reading and writing skills, in addition to this
strategy will have readings and writings both in the native language and in the
target language to make a comparison in terms of grammar and pronunciation
which are the most important aspects of the skills that are sought to develop in
a specific field of study. The strategies are divided as follows:
- Activities based on the grammar translation method, developing reading
comprehension exercises such as open and multiple-choice questions, as well
as sentences related to the field of study using the same methodology.
- Use multimedia resources as a means to explain in a more creative and eye-
catching way in order to complement the explanatory speech and/or feedback
in case of doubts.
- Use of exercises to complement texts and sentences with the vocabulary
learned about the target language within the field of study to develop the
learner's writing and reading skills.
Unit 1: Introduction
- Student's personal introduction
- Demonstration of prior knowledge regarding the field of study with the target
- Spaces for demonstration of reading and writing skills with the native and
target language.
- Introduction of the educational process on teaching, activities and evaluations.
- Introduction to the use of writing and reading skills within the field of study.
Unit 2: Vocabulary in the field of study
- Introduction about the vocabulary used in the field of study.
- Use of explanatory videos with the target language on vocabulary related to
the field of study.
- Comparison between native language and target language on architecture-
related vocabulary.
- Translation and understanding activities through images.
Unit 3: Grammar in readings and sentences
- Explanation of the importance of grammar and reading comprehension, and
its difference between the native language and the target language.
- Activities on grammar and reading comprehension using the vocabulary
learned related to the field of architecture.
Unit 4: Reading comprehension and writing
- Development of reading and writing exercises focused on reading
comprehension and sentence completions.
- Reading comprehension practice and text development through sentences
with good use of grammatical rules.
Unit 5: Text development and comprehension assessments
- Text development activity with grammatical rules using vocabulary related to
- Development of reading comprehension exercises with open and multiple-
choice questions.
· Stouhi, Dima. "45 términos y conceptos de construcción en inglés
que todo arquitecto debería conocer" [45 Construction Terms &
Concepts All Architects Should Know] 26 jul 2018. ArchDaily México.
(Trad. Dejtiar, Fabian) Accedido el 13 May 2023.
construccion-en-ingles-que-todo-arquitecto-deberia-conocer ISSN
· ARQcoaching. (30 de julio de 2019). Inglés para arquitectos. [Archivo
de video]. Youtube.
· Como digo. (1 de julio de 2019). Vocabulario de Arquitectos en
inglés. [Archivo de video]. Youtube.
6. Course Contents and Bibliographic References
7. Grading and Assessments
Class #4 (July 16th, 2023): In this class we will perform the first
Translation and understanding activity of the course where the
activities student will perform physical
activities on translating words
already learned through multimedia
resources and images related to the
field of study.
Class #5: (July 21th, 2023): This class focuses on the theory
Explanation of the grammar and where the student will pay attention
reading comprehension importance to the explanation of the
importance of grammar and reading
comprehension taking into account
the vocabulary related to
Class #6: (July 23th, 2023): Activity This class will focus on the
about grammar and reading development activity where the
comprehension student will complete and develop
sentences and answer questions
about readings in both the
student's native language and the
target language.
Class #7: (July 28th, 2023): Taking into account the previous
Development of reading activities, the student will proceed
comprehension and writing to develop reading comprehension
activities with only the target and writing activities only with the
language. target language so that she can
adapt to exercises of this type that
will appear in the final exam of the
Class #8: (July 30th, 2023): Reading The class will focus on practice
comprehension practice and text where exercises will focus on
development through sentences answering open and closed
questions according to the
vocabulary and reading
comprehension skills learned, as
well as writing exercises where
texts will be developed from the
beginning with the vocabulary
Class #9: (August 5th, 2023): The first test that will be developed
First assessment in the session focuses on writing
skills where the student must
develop a text using the
grammatical rules and vocabulary
learned and according to this the
two texts to be developed will be
Item Explanation
Learning Strategy
A learning strategy is a specific approach or method
that learners use to enhance their learning and
improve their ability to acquire and retain new
knowledge or skills. These strategies can include a
variety of techniques and behaviors that learners
use to help them better understand and remember
new information, such as note-taking, summarizing,
outlining, visualization, repetition, and elaboration.
Effective learning strategies can help learners to:
Course Content
Course content refers to the specific topics,
concepts, and skills that will be covered in a
particular course. It is a detailed list of what learners
can expect to learn and what topics they will be
studying throughout the course. The purpose of
including course content in a syllabus is to give
learners a clear overview of the course and to help
them understand what they will be learning.
Teacher’s Support
Teacher's support is an essential component of a
syllabus, as it outlines the ways in which the teacher
will assist and support learners throughout the
course. The purpose of including teacher's support
in a syllabus is to provide learners with a clear
understanding of what they can expect from their
teacher in terms of guidance, feedback, and
Bibliographic References
Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). The syllabus. In English for Specific
Purposes (Cambridge Language Teaching Library, pp. 80-95). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511733031.013.