Syllabus (Grad Practicum Cnu)
Syllabus (Grad Practicum Cnu)
Syllabus (Grad Practicum Cnu)
Graduate Practicum
March 4 – April 15
Welcome to CNU's Graduate Practicum course. This 6 week course, offered by the
Language Education Center, is designed to help graduate students and future teachers
develop the core skills of listening and speaking in English. This class will focus on the
following topics: Warm-ups and wrap-ups, Teacher Talk, Lesson Planning, Learner
Styles and Corrective Feedback.
Students will be responsible for planning and presenting six 15 minute presentations on
some or all of these subjects. Classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday. For more
information on this course, and other courses offered by the LEC, please see the website
(links above), or talk to Crystle or Melissa for more information.
Requirements: In order to benefit fully from this course, students will be expected to do
the following: