(국제정치경제 #22181)
Course Description
This course will enable students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world cases,
particularly in the context of economic globalization. A key part of the class will involve
evaluating the effectiveness of open trade policies in light of the growing uncertainty
surrounding their benefits. Prior knowledge of economic theory is not essential; however,
staying informed about current global events through regular reading of a reputable
newspaper is expected.
Learning Goals
1. Students will develop critical analytical skills necessary to understand and analyze
how politics, economics, and other social considerations interact and affect
policymaking in an increasingly integrated global economy.
2. Students will gain a deeper understanding of contemporary issues, including: U.S.-
China trade conflict, global financial and economic crises, the rise of global supply
chains, and anti-globalization backlash.
Reading Materials
Course Requirements
You are expected to attend lectures. They will not be recorded, and the midterm and final
exams will be largely based on material introduced in class.
There will be two short quizzes in class during Week 4 and Week 12. They will consist
solely of multiple-choice questions.
The midterm exam is scheduled for April 24th (Wednesday) during regular class hours,
from 3:30 to 4:45 pm. It will cover topics from Week 1 to Week 7. It will include defining
vocabulary and concepts, as well as short essay questions that you can answer in either
Korean or English.
The final exam is scheduled for June 14th (Friday) during regular class hours, from 3:30 to
4:45 pm. It will cover topics from Week 9 to Week 14. Similar to the midterm, it will include
defining vocabulary and concepts, as well as short essay questions that you can answer in
either Korean or English.
96-100% = A+ 75-79% = C+
92-95% = A 72-74% = C
90-91% = A- 70-71% = C-
86-89% = B+ 65-69% = D+
82-85% = B 60-64% = D
80-81% = B- 55-59% = D-
<55% = F
Makeup Policy
Special Accommodations
1 3/6 Intro and the Basics of Global Monetary and Financial System
3/8 Rodrik, Dani. 2011. The Globalization Paradox: Why Global Markets,
States, and Democracy Can't Coexist. Oxford; New York: Oxford
University Press. Chapters 1 (“Of Markets and States: Globalization
in History’s Mirror”) and 7 (“Financial Globalization Follies”)
Week Date Assignments and Readings
Week Date Assignments and Readings
Scheve, Kenneth and Matthew Slaughter. 2001. “What Determines
Individual Trade-Policy Preferences?” Journal of International
Economics, 54(2): 267-92
8 4/24 MIDTERM
9 5/1 Non-Tariff Barriers / Challenges Facing the WTO
Day) Kono, Daniel. 2006. “Optimal Obfuscation: Democracy and Trade
Policy Transparency.” American Political Science Review, 100 (3):
5/3 369-84.
Week Date Assignments and Readings
Part III: Contemporary Issues
Week Date Assignments and Readings
15 6/12 Final Exam Review Session / Final Exam