Programme Specification: MBA MBA (With Professional Experience)
Programme Specification: MBA MBA (With Professional Experience)
Programme Specification: MBA MBA (With Professional Experience)
MBA (with Professional Experience)
School: York Business School
Subject area: Business Management
Entry from academic year: 2024-25
in the month(s) of: September, February
Awarding institution: York St John University
Teaching institution: York St John University
Delivery location: York St John University
York St John University London Campus
Programme/s accredited by:
Exit awards: Postgraduate Certificate in Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Management
UCAS code / GTTR / other: Not applicable
Joint Honours combinations: Not applicable
QAA subject benchmark statement(s): Subject Benchmark Statement for Business Management (June
Master’s degree characteristics (September 2015)
Mode/s of study: Postgraduate periods of study 1 for full-time / part-time2
You will explore issues that have significant impact within organisations by working with others and building
on both personal individual experiences and comparing and contrasting with those of cohort members. You
will carry out projects and assignments designed to help you apply the theories, tools and techniques you
learn. Much of the learning is developed through the establishment of collaborative learning communities of
programme participants and tutors and you will become part of that community of learning. Your
You will develop a critical understanding of the issues relating to business and management, which will
enhance your ability to maximise individual and organisational potential. The MBA brings together relevant
contemporary academic theory and research with practical understanding of activities within organisations.
This will be developed by enabling you to share knowledge, relate this to theories developed from relevant
research, and learning by practical application. Through the development of an integrated and critically
aware understanding of management in the context of contemporary business issues, the programme
involves you in a demanding process of personal and professional development.
• Enables you to develop a sound understanding of the skills necessary to undertake a role in any
• Reflects the aspirations in the development of responsible and ethical managers
• Supports the development in the skills of leadership in order to operate effectively and competently
in an international context
• Assessment methods used to mirror organisational based activities
• Provides a supportive platform for critical reflection, through the application of academic theories to
your real work situations
• Participation in active and supportive forums drawing on practical expertise
• Excellent personal and academic support
• Opportunity to work in industry
Admissions criteria
You must meet the University’s general entry criteria for postgraduate study. In addition, you must have:
• A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, achieved at Class 2:2 or above, from an approved university or
• Current or recent work experience (within the last two years) appropriate to enable you to contribute
to the programme
If your first language is not English, you need to take an IELTS test or an equivalent qualification accepted
by the University (see
If you do not have traditional qualifications, you may be eligible for entry on the basis of Recognition of prior
learning (RPL). We also consider applications for entry with advanced standing.
Programme aim(s)
The overall aim of the programme is to develop your critical understanding and self -awareness of the
issues relating to business and management, so that you may develop your own leadership skills and
knowledge and develop both your individual and organisational potential. The programme aims to reflect
the aspirations in the development of responsible and ethical managers, supporting development in the
skills of leadership in order to operate effectively and competently in an international context.
• Develop critical awareness and understanding of business generally and specifically relating to
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• Develop the ability to connect theory with practice in creative and innovative ways and reflect upon
the learning involved as well as the outcomes
• Develop critical awareness and understanding of the role of managers within the context of
business sustainability, corporate social responsibility and ethics, helping you undertake effective
roles in business organisations as responsible managers
• Develop and enhance life-long learning skills and personal development in order to work with self -
direction and originality
Level 7
7.1 Demonstrate in-depth, specialist knowledge and mastery of techniques relevant to the study of
opportunities and challenges of business and management
7.2 Demonstrate an advanced and critical understanding of concepts, information and techniques
informed by knowledge at the forefront of the study of contemporary business issues within the
context of society
7.3 Demonstrate a systematic, integrated and critically aware understanding of business management,
leadership, and team working
7.4 Critically reflect and evaluate management, leadership and team working skills and take a proactive,
independent and self-reflective role in working and developing professional relationships with others
7.5 Formulate a critical awareness of current issues in business management informed by contemporary
research and practice
7.6 Demonstrate a deep knowledge and critical understanding of organisations, context and response to
changes in the global business environment
7.7 Extrapolate information critically and creatively utilising appropriate decision making techniques in
order to extract meaning and understanding, solve problems, and identify and evaluate options in a
world of uncertainty and imperfect information
7.8 Design, conduct, analyse and disseminate an extended independent piece of research or business-
related project from inception to completion
Programme structure
Module status
compulsory non-
or optional compensatable or
to take compensatable
Code Title C or O NC or X
MBB7004M Dynamic Perspectives on
7 1 20 C X
MBB7059M* Sustainable Business
MBB7005M Leading Innovation and Cultural
7 1 20 C X
MBB7060M* Change
MBB7006M Business Development and Value
7 1 20 C X
MBB7061M* Creation
MBB7007M 7 2 Global Business Strategy 20 C X
Accounting and Finance for Decision
MBB7008M 7 2 20 C X
MBB7009M 7 2 Marketing and Data Analytics 20 C X
MBB7010M 7 2-3 Capstone Project 60 C NC
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Module status
compulsory non-
or optional compensatable or
to take compensatable
Code Title C or O NC or X
MBB7004M Dynamic Perspectives on
7 1 1 20 C X
MBB7059M* Sustainable Business
MBB7005M Leading Innovation and Cultural
7 1 1 20 C X
MBB7060M* Change
MBB7006M Business Development and Value
7 1 2 20 C X
MBB7061M* Creation
MBB7007M 7 2 1 Global Business Strategy 20 C X
Accounting and Finance for
MBB7008M 7 2 2 20 C X
Decision Making
MBB7009M 7 2 2 Marketing and Data Analytics 20 C X
MBB7010M 7 2-3 2 Capstone Project 60 C NC
or optional compensatable or
to take compensatable
Code Title C or O NC or X
MBB7004M Dynamic Perspectives on
7 1 1 20 C X
MBB7059M* Sustainable Business
MBB7005M Leading Innovation and Cultural
7 1 1 20 C X
MBB7060M* Change
MBB7006M Business Development and Value
7 1 1 20 C X
MBB7061M* Creation
MBB7007M 7 2 1 Global Business Strategy 20 C X
Accounting and Finance for
MBB7008M 7 2 1 20 C X
Decision Making
MBB7009M 7 2 1 Marketing and Data Analytics 20 C X
MBB7011M 7 1-3 1-2 Business Consultancy Project 60 C NC
All modules are delivered utilising a range of teaching, learning and assessment strategies including
lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops and global café style learning activities. Each module has a Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) where you and other master’s level students will be encouraged to be involved
with online debate and collaborative approaches to learning.
Some participants may not have been engaged in formal education for some time, and may never have
studied social sciences at postgraduate level: support with study skills, conventions of academic analysis
and writing will be available for you from the start of the programme module and will continue throughout
your studies.
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All modules are assessed through a programme of work undertaken whilst studying for the award. A range
of assessment tools are used including presentations, critical essays, portfolios and reflective journals and
case study work. Each module tutor will provide opportunities for formative assessment feedback to inform
your work prior to submission.
You will receive detailed feedback on assessment to help you develop and continuously improve your
performance whilst on the programme. Advice will be provided in relation to development, further areas for
research and guidance on how to enhance your subject knowledge.
You will receive the opportunity for study support including academic writing and research skills to enhance
employability and career development in the field of business management.
Students on the MBA with Professional Experience are expected to engage in experiential activity lasting
the equivalent of an academic year. There are currently two options available for each UK campus:
York Campus
Work Placement
The placement is designed to address the demands of the business management profession and give you a
competitive edge when it comes to your career. The work placement will provide opportunities to apply
knowledge and skills learnt in the taught modules, enhance communication and interpersonal skills and
improve employment potential. The placement component is for an academic year in duration, which starts
after you have successfully completed the taught modules. During your placement, you will also work towards
and complete your Business Consultancy Project.
It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to secure their placement. The University will offer guidance and
support and recommend students to many of our partners that have expressed strong support and interest
in the programme.
The Venture Creation Lab utilises the University’s expertise to facilitate the development of entrepreneurial
skills and knowledge to foster the development of a new commercial opportunity.
The Venture Creation Lab will provide learners with the opportunity to implement and utilise the information
attained through the taught modules in a practical environment, enhance communication and interpersonal
skills and improve employment potential. Learners will be located in the Lab for a maximum of one academic
year, which will commence after successful completion of the taught modules. Learners will also base the
Business Consultancy Project on the commercial opportunity developed in the Lab.
London Campus
YSJU London offers support to those seeking professional experience, through tailored services provided by
our London Placement Team, such as career appointments, employer visits, career fairs in London and York
and access to exclusive jobsites. While there is no guarantee you will secure a placement, as this decision
sits entirely with employers, we can guarantee you will have access to professional experience through our
Enterprise Academy (EA).
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EA is our flagship entrepreneurship and leadership development programme, giving you the chance to design
and develop your business as well as yourself. The experience takes place over semester one and two, with
optional student consultancy projects designed to enhance employability occurring during the summer
International students on a Tier 4 visa will have a valid CAS for the course duration of two years, subject to
your meeting the UKVI’s standard requirements.
During the Year in Industry period, learners will complete the Business Consultancy Project which awards 60
credits of your qualification. The Year in Industry is only available to those students studying towards the
award on a full-time basis.
Any modules that must be passed for progression or award are indicated in the Programme Structure
section as non-compensatable.
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