LLM Brochure
LLM Brochure
LLM Brochure
Laws (LL.M)
Law School
Our LL.M offers the students increased
understanding of local, regional and
international legal principles.
The Master of Laws at Strathmore Law School is The learning outcomes of the Master of Laws
an 18-month programme designed for programme are to:
experienced lawyers and legal practitioners who
wish to expand their knowledge and expertise 1. Critically assess and provide modern,
without interrupting their careers. The SLS LL.M innovative and adequate legal training to
offers the students first-rate increased confront complex situations in their line of
understanding of local, regional and international work at individual, institutional, national and
legal principles. Students may enroll for a general regional level.
LL.M or may choose to major in one of the five
thematic areas of law offered, namely, Intellectual 2. Acquire advanced specialist knowledge in
Property Law, International Criminal Law, emerging areas of the law with an in-depth
International Financial Law and Regulation and knowledge guided by the specific choices the
International Energy Law and Policy. candidates may make during their progression
within the LLM programme.
Through lectures taught predominantly by
international faculty members, case studies 3. Conduct independent academic research in
depicting actual problem cases in industry, the legal field and to make a contribution to
research and through group work amongst the development of the law that is relevant to
academic peers, the programme will aim to society.
provide students with the theoretical and practical
building blocks and conceptual tools necessary 4. Independently engage in academic discourse
for the more advanced tasks they will be called with peers from a diversity of legal
upon to tackle throughout the course. backgrounds.
Admission Requirements Participants Mix
• Holders of First Class or Upper Second Class Applicants include experienced lawyers, in-house
honors degree in Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from counsel, judges, government officials, legal
recognized universities. practitioners, policy makers and law school
• Holders of other related qualifications from graduates, with a minimum of two years’ working
recognized universities, considered by the experience. Admission is highly competitive and
Academic Council as equivalent to a First Class based on an all-inclusive assessment of the
or Upper Second Class honors degree in submitted application including prior academic
Bachelor of Laws (LL. B); or performance, recommendations, and work
• Holders of Lower Second Class degree in experience.
Bachelor of Laws (LL. B) plus postgraduate
diplomas or certificates, or with at least three
years relevant academic or professional Mode of Delivery
• Holders of a qualification equivalent to a The LL.M will be offered on Modular basis, which
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree or any similar involves participants attending classes for two
degree in the legal field, issued by a recognized weeks full-time after every quarter, over an
university. These may be admitted to the eighteen-month period.
Master’s degree only under exceptional
circumstances. The conditions under which In line with the needs of the students as experienced
they may be admitted will be determined by lawyers and legal practitioners, the primary focus of
the School Board, Board of Graduate Studies delivery is participant-centered learning. This type of
and approved by the Academic Council. learning is particularly suitable to this audience in
that it has its core ingredient in the combined
Note: Applicants with academic qualifications from experience of student participants.
foreign jurisdictions (outside Kenya) will be
required to provide a letter of recognition &
equation of qualifications from the Commission for
University Education (CUE).
Law School