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MSC Accounting & Finance in Southampton University

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Programme Specification 2019/20

3656 MSc Accounting and Finance

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes
that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if s/he takes full advantage of
the learning opportunities that are provided.

Awarding Institution University of Southampton

Teaching Institution University of Southampton
Mode of study Full time
Duration in years 1 full year (12 months) following standard progression
for a FT student
Accreditation Details Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), AIA
(Association of International Accountants)
Final Award Master of Science
Name of Award Accounting and Finance
Interim Exit Awards Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma
FHEQ Level of Final Award 7
QAA Subject Benchmark or other external QAA Benchmark statement in business and
reference management
Programme Leader Dr Oliver Marnet
Date Specification was Written 09/06/2014
Date Programme was validated 31/07/2014
Date specification last updated 27/4/2018

Programme overview
The MSc in Accounting and Finance programme aims to provide students with the knowledge and understanding
of accounting and finance at an advanced level and therefore will build on their prior knowledge and/or
experience in the subject area. The programme content will provide a blend of theoretical, research and practice
led content that will enable students to develop deeper conceptual and theoretically-informed perspectives of
accounting and financial practices in organisations and in the wider contexts in which these practices operate.
The programme reflects the general educational aims of the Business School, according to which all programmes
of study enable students to become competent and reflective practitioners in their chosen field, promote critical
and evaluative thinking, and develop an understanding of the risks and uncertainties characterising the
contemporary business environment.

Your contact hours will vary depending on your module/option choices. Full information about contact hours is
provided in individual module profiles.

The programme is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), which is an
internationally recognised award of excellence in business education.

Learning and teaching

Students will gain an understanding of theoretical ideas and technical methods through a combination of
lectures, discussion classes and seminars, individual and group practical exercises, case studies and directed
reading. These different methods ensure that knowledge and understanding is achieved at the level expected of a
Masters’ graduate

A range of individual and team assessments is used in the programme, e.g. individual written examination, class
tests, essays, group activities, presentations, to ensure that participants meet the different learning outcomes.

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Programme Specification 2019/20
3656 MSc Accounting and Finance
Educational aims of the programme
The aims of the programme are to:

• Enable you to contribute effectively to the improvement of financial information systems by giving you an
appreciation and critical understanding of the broad accounting and financial issues involved.
• Equip you with an adequate knowledge of the techniques required to enable you to evaluate and make
informed managerial decisions on accounting and financial issues.
• Enable you to critically evaluate ideas and techniques in accounting and finance.
• Develop your generic skills and help to prepare you for your future and/or current career.

Programme learning outcomes

A. Knowledge and understanding

Having successfully completed this programme you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding
A1. The theoretical approaches and contemporary issues in financial accounting, management accounting and
A2. The ability to evaluate and apply the core technical methods of accounting and finance in practical
situations with varying complexity;
A3. The principal current research issues in financial accounting, management accounting, and finance;
A4. The area of accounting or finance, and apply this by undertaking an original research project.

Teaching and learning methods

You will gain an understanding of theoretical ideas and technical methods through a combination of lectures,
discussion classes and seminars, individual and group practical exercises, case studies and directed reading.
Course content is kept up to date as members of teaching staff maintain a range of links with the accounting
profession, external organisations and academia, and the programme content is regularly reviewed and updated.
If you successfully complete the taught part of the programme, you are required for the award of the Master’s
degree to undertake an individual research project under the supervision of an appropriate member of academic
staff. As part of the research project, you will write a dissertation of about 15,000 words putting your research
into the context of the existing literature in the area of your project and setting out the results of your research.

Assessment methods
Your learning will be assessed through a combination of coursework, some of which is undertaken on an
individual basis and some in groups, and examinations. Coursework may take the form of essays, analysis of
practical problems and cases, discussion of readings, objective (multiple-choice) tests, computer-based
assessment and other forms. Some coursework (in particular individual and group class presentations) may be
partly assessed by your fellow students. You will receive structured feedback in respect of coursework. Your
research project, which is required for the MSc award, is assessed entirely on the basis of the dissertation.

B. Subject specific intellectual and research skills

Having successfully completed this programme you will be able to:

B1. analyse and evaluate company accounts and the uses to which these are put;
B2. evaluate the use of accounting information for making business decisions and for planning and control
B3. think analytically, reflectively, creatively and logically, drawing on useful approaches developed in the core
disciplines of accounting and finance;
B4. apply the principles of finance to evaluate investment and financing decisions;
B5. think analytically, reflectively, creatively and logically, drawing on useful approaches developed in the core
disciplines of accounting and finance and (depending on the choice of options) various cognate disciplines
such as taxation and corporate governance.

Teaching and learning methods

You will develop your analytical, reflective, logical and creative intellectual skills in modules through written
assignments and class presentations, some of which will be based around practical problems requiring the
application of both quantitative and qualitative tools of analysis, while others will address more theoretical
issues. You will be expected to apply practical methods of accounting and finance, including relevant research
methods, and to demonstrate your ability to analyse an issue in a critical, logical and reflective manner as part of
your research project.

Assessment Methods
Your ability to apply the skills you have developed is assessed through examinations and coursework and as well
as through the research project.
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C. Transferable and generic skills

Having successfully completed this programme you will be able to:

C1. collect and critically evaluate qualitative and quantitative information;

C2. communicate ideas and arguments fluently and effectively in a variety of written formats;
C3. communicate ideas and arguments orally and through formal presentations;
C4. work effectively in groups and recognise problems associated with group working;
C5. manage your time effectively;
C6. use computing and IT resources effectively;
C7. use library and other resources effectively, and apply bibliographical skills.

The research project involves a high level of creativity, and requires you to collect, analyse and critically evaluate
information from a range of sources and to communicate the results of your research effectively through the
dissertation. In many cases, you will develop negotiating skills in gaining access to relevant information (for
example, through liaising with external organisations).

Teaching and learning methods

You will develop some or all of the above skills on all taught modules. Research skills relevant to the research
project are developed on the MANG6322 module “Foundations of Research in Accounting & Finance”, and also
through the process of supervision as you undertake your research project.

Assessment methods
Your ability to work effectively as a member of a group will be assessed through the output of group work
(usually a presentation but in some cases a written report). Both examinations and written coursework require
you to produce concise and well-structured analysis of theoretical and practical issues and problems. Your oral
communication skills will be assessed by fellow students as well as by teachers. Your ability to obtain and
analyse information, in particular using library and IT resources, as part of your research project will be reflected
in the quality of your dissertation.

Programme structure

Typical course content

The programme content is covered in eight 7.5 ECTS (15 CATS) taught modules spread over two semesters.
Seven of the modules are either core or compulsory. In the first semester, you can select one module from a
choice of four Option modules. In the second semester, the research methods module will be closely associated
to the development of the research proposal, which will typically form the basis of your dissertation in the
summer period.

Where optional modules have been specified, the following is an indicative list of available optional modules,
which are subject to change each academic year. Please note in some instances modules have limited spaces

Programme details

The programme is taken full-time over a period of twelve months. In the first nine months, divided into two
semesters of 15 weeks, you will follow 52.5 ECTS (105 CATS) Core/Compulsory taught modules. In addition you
will select an Option module to the value of 7.5 ECTS (15 CATS) from the following list (Semester 1). These
Option modules enable you to be exposed to a more focused area of accounting or finance and may assist you in
terms of thinking about a potential dissertation topic.

In the latter part of the second semester you will study for your research project leading to the dissertation
submission (MANG6095).

A flexible and inclusive approach to learning and teaching will enable any student who meets the entry
requirements to access the curriculum and demonstrate achievement of all the intended learning outcomes.

Summary structure of the programme

See Appendix 3

Assessment mapping

See Appendix 2

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Additional costs

Students are responsible for meeting the cost of essential textbooks, and of producing such essays, assignments,
laboratory reports and dissertations as are required to fulfil the academic requirements for each programme
of study. Costs that students registered for this programme typically also have to pay for are included in
Appendix 4.
Progression requirements

The programme follows the University’s regulations for Progression, Determination and Classification of
Results: Standalone Masters programmes as set out in the University Calendar.

Intermediate exit points

You will be eligible for an interim exit award if you complete part of the programme but not all of it, as follows:

Qualification Minimum overall credit in Minimum ECTS/CATS required at level

ECTS /CATS of award
Postgraduate Diploma at least 60/120 45/90
Postgraduate Certificate at least 30/60 20/40

Support for student learning

There are facilities and services to support your learning some of which are accessible to students across the
University and some of which will be geared more particularly to students in your particular Faculty or discipline

The University provides:

• library resources, including e-books, on-line journals and databases, which are comprehensive and up-to-
date; together with assistance from Library staff to enable you to make the best use of these resources
• high speed access to online electronic learning resources on the Internet from dedicated PC Workstations
onsite and from your own devices; laptops, smartphones and tablet PCs via the Eduroam wireless network.
There is a wide range of application software available from the Student Public Workstations.
• computer accounts which will connect you to a number of learning technologies for example, the Blackboard
virtual learning environment (which facilitates online learning and access to specific learning resources)
• standard ICT tools such as Email, secure filestore and calendars.
• access to key information through the MySouthampton Student Mobile Portal which delivers timetables,
Module information, Locations, Tutor details, Library account, bus timetables etc. while you are on the move.
• IT support through a comprehensive website, telephone and online ticketed support and a dedicated
helpdesk in the Hartley Library.
• Enabling Services offering support services and resources via a triage model to access crisis management,
mental health support and counselling.
• assessment and support (including specialist IT support) facilities if you have a disability, long term health
problem or Specific Learning Difficulty (e.g. dyslexia)
• the Student Services Centre (SSC) to assist you with a range of general enquiries including financial matters,
accommodation, exams, graduation, student visas, ID cards
• Career Destinations, advising on job search, applications, interviews, paid work, volunteering and internship
opportunities and getting the most out of your extra-curricular activities alongside your degree programme
when writing your CV
• Other support that includes health services (GPs), chaplaincy (for all faiths) and ‘out of hours’ support for
students in Halls (18.00-08.00)
• A Centre for Language Study, providing assistance in the development of English language and study skills
for non-native speakers.

The Union Southampton provides:

• an academic student representation system, consisting of Course Representatives, Academic Presidents,

Faculty Officers and the Vice-President Education; Union Southampton provides training and support for all
these representatives, whose role is to represent students’ views to the University.
• opportunities for extracurricular activities and volunteering
• an Advice Centre offering free and confidential advice including support if you need to make an academic
• Support for student peer-to-peer groups, such as Nightline.

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Associated with your programme you will be able to access:

• A dedicated study skills development induction programme for new entrants in their first week, including a
library tour.
• A Personal Academic Tutor
• A Senior Tutor
• Programme handbooks
• Module support material (increasingly in electronic form).

Methods for evaluating the quality of teaching and learning

You will have the opportunity to have your say on the quality of the programme in the following ways:

• Completing student evaluation surveys for each module of the programme

• Acting as a student representative on various committees, e.g. Staff: Student Liaison Committees, Faculty
Programmes Committee OR providing comments to your student representative to feedback on your behalf.
• Serving as a student representative on Faculty Scrutiny Groups for programme validation
• Taking part in programme validation meetings by joining a panel of students to meet with the Faculty
Scrutiny Group

The ways in which the quality of your programme is checked, both inside and outside the University, are:

• Regular module and programme reports which are monitored by the Faculty
• Programme validation, normally every five years.
• External examiners, who produce an annual report
• A national Research Assessment Exercise (our research activity contributes directly to the quality of your
learning experience)
• Higher Education Review by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
• The Business School has a Learning and Teaching Co-ordinator who is responsible for developing staff
teaching skills. All members of teaching staff are observed at least once each year by a colleague, to provide
constructive feedback and share good practice.

Career opportunities
The typical career destinations for holders of the MSc Accounting and Finance will be in the private sector
including banks, financial institutions and accounting/consulting firms.

External Examiner(s) for the programme

Name: Professor Aziz Jaafar Institution: Bangor University

Students must not contact External Examiner(s) directly, and external examiners have been advised to refer any
such communications back to the University. Students should raise any general queries about the assessment
and examination process for the programme with their Course Representative, for consideration through Staff:
Student Liaison Committee in the first instance, and Student representatives on Staff: Student Liaison
Committees will have the opportunity to consider external examiners’ reports as part of the University’s quality
assurance process. External examiners do not have a direct role in determining results for individual students,
and students wishing to discuss their own performance in assessment should contact their personal tutor in the
first instance.

Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the
learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if s/he
takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information can be
found in the programme handbook (or other appropriate guide) or online at

As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our programmes to ensure quality

enhancement and to manage our resources. As a result, this programme may be revised during a
student’s period of registration; however, any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the
student should receive the educational service expected. Please read our Disclaimer to see why, when and
how changes may be made to a student’s programme.

Programmes and major changes to programmes are approved through the University’s programme
validation process which is described in the University’s Quality handbook.

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Revision History

1. Validation Approved by Faculty Programme Board on 17 September 2014.

2. Transferred to new template Sept 2014
3. Transferred to new template August 2015
4. Transferred to new template 27/02/17
5. Removed Admissions information 27/4/2018
6. Learning Outcomes Grammar reviewed in relation to University template 27/4/2018

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Appendix: 1

3656 MSc Accounting and Finance learning outcomes mapping document

Core = (Cr), Optional Core = (OCr), Compulsory = (Cm)

Knowledge and Subject Specific Intellectual

Code Module Title Transferable and Generic Skills
Understanding skills
A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

MANG6026 Management Accounting 1 (Cr) X X X X X X X X X X X

MANG6027 Management Accounting 2 (Cm) X X X X X X X X X X X X X

MANG6030 Financial Accounting 1 (Cr) X X X X X X X X X X X

MANG6031 Financial Accounting 2 (Cm) X X X X X X X X X X X X

MANG6028 Corporate Finance (Cm) X X X X X X X X X X X X

MANG6029 Equity Markets (Cm) X X X X X X X X X X

Foundations of Research in Accounting & X

MANG6322 X X X X X X X X X
Finance (Cr)

MANG6223 Financial Reporting & Markets X X X X X X X X X X X X

MANG6025 International Accounting & Taxation X X X X X X X X X X X X X

MANG6319 International Corporate Governance X X X X X X X X X X X

MANG6095 Dissertation (Cr) X X X X X X X X X X X

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Appendix 2

3656 MSc Accounting and Finance assessment mapping document

Core = (Cr), Optional Core = (OCr), Compulsory = (Cm)

Module Title Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3

MANG6026 Management Accounting 1 (Cr) Group Coursework (2,000 words) 30% Exam (130 minutes) 70%

MANG6027 Management Accounting 2 (Cm) Group Coursework (3,000 words) 30% Exam (2 hours) 70%

MANG6030 Financial Accounting 1 (Cr) Exam (3 hours) 100%

MANG6031 Financial Accounting 2 (Cm) Assignment (1,500 words) 30% Exam (2 hours) 70%

MANG6028 Corporate Finance (Cm) Group Assignment (3,000 words) 30% Exam (2 hours) 70%

MANG6029 Equity Markets (Cm) Group Essay (4,000 words) 30% Exam (2 hours) 70%

Foundations of Research in Group Presentation of One Academic Research Proposal (2,000-

MANG6322 Essay (1,000-1,200 words) 25%
Accounting & Finance (Cr) Research Paper (15-20 minutes) 25% 2,500 words) 50%

MANG6223 Financial Reporting & Markets Assignment (2,000 words) 20% Exam (2 hours) 80%

MANG6025 International Accounting & Taxation Group Presentation (20 minutes) 30% Exam (2 hours) 70%

MANG6319 International Corporate Governance Group Essay (3,000 words) 50% Exam (2 hours) 50%

MANG6095 Dissertation (Cr) Dissertation (15,000 words) 100%

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Appendix 3

3656 MSc Accounting and Finance programme structure

Students must choose ONE Option module totalling 7.5 ECTS/15 CATS in Semester 1.

Semester 1 Semester 2
Core, Core,
Modules ECTS CATS Compulsory or Modules ECTS CATS Compulsory
Option or Option

MANG6026 Management Accounting 1 7.5 15 Core MANG6027 Management Accounting 2 7.5 15 Compulsory

MANG6030 Financial Accounting 1 7.5 15 Core MANG6031 Financial Accounting 2 7.5 15 Compulsory

MANG6322 Foundations of Research in Accounting &

MANG6029 Equity Markets 7.5 15 Compulsory 7.5 15 Core

MANG6025 International Accounting & Taxation 7.5 15 Option MANG6095 Dissertation 30 60 Core

MANG6223 Financial Reporting & Markets 7.5 15 Option MANG6028 Corporate Finance 7.5 15 Compulsory

MANG6319 International Corporate Governance 7.5 15 Option

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Appendix 4:

3656 MSc Accounting and Finance additional costs

Students are responsible for meeting the cost of essential textbooks, and of producing such essays,
assignments, laboratory reports and dissertations as are required to fulfil the academic requirements for each
programme of study. In addition to this, students registered for this programme typically also have to pay for
the items listed in the table below.

In some cases you will be able to choose modules (which may have different costs associated with that module)
which will change the overall cost of a programme to you. Details of such costs will be listed in the Module
Profile. Please also ensure you read the section on additional costs in the University’s Fees, Charges and
Expenses Regulations in the University Calendar available at


Approved Candidates may use calculators in the examination room only as
Calculators specified by the University and as permitted by the rubric of
individual examination papers. The University approved models are
Casio FX-570 and Casio FX-85GT Plus. These may be purchased
from any source and no longer need to carry the University logo.

Stationery You will be expected to provide your own day-to-day stationary

items, e.g. pens, pencils, notebooks, etc.). Any specialist stationery
items will be specified under the Additional Costs tab of the
relevant module profile.

Textbooks Where a module specifies core texts these should generally be

available on the reserve list in the library. However due to demand,
students may prefer to buy their own copies. These can be
purchased from any source.

Some modules suggest reading texts as optional background

reading. The library may hold copies of such texts, or alternatively
you may wish to purchase your own copies. Although not essential
reading, you may benefit from the additional reading materials for
the module.

Printing and In most cases, written coursework such as essays; projects;

Photocopying dissertations are submitted online and by hard copy. The costs of
Costs printing a hard copy for submission of such coursework will be the
responsibility of the student.

The cost of photocopying will also be the responsibility of the

student. A list of the University printing costs can be found here:

Fieldwork: Any costs related to the dissertation research are covered by the
logistical student.

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Appendix 5

3656 MSc Accounting and Finance accreditation details

Start End Type of BODY PROF PAPER AWARDED ON Minimum

Date Date PSRB mark
Jan-17 Dec- Accountancy AIA Module A, Paper 1 Passing course - all
19 Financial Accounting core/compulsory modules
1 plus optional modules up
to 90ECTS/180CATS
Jan-17 Dec- Accountancy AIA Module A, Paper 2 Passing course - all
19 Business Economics core/compulsory modules
plus optional modules up
to 90ECTS/180CATS
Jan-17 Dec- Accountancy AIA Module A, Paper 3 Passing course - all
19 Management core/compulsory modules
Accounting 1 plus optional modules up
to 90ECTS/180CATS
Jan-17 Dec- Accountancy AIA Module B, Paper 4 Passing course - all
19 Law core/compulsory modules
plus optional modules up
to 90ECTS/180CATS
Jan-17 Dec- Accountancy AIA Module B, Paper 5 Passing course - all
19 Auditing and Taxation core/compulsory modules
plus optional modules up
to 90ECTS/180CATS
Jan-17 Dec- Accountancy AIA Module B, Paper 6 Passing course - all
19 Information core/compulsory modules
Processing plus optional modules up
to 90ECTS/180CATS
Jan-17 Dec- Accountancy AIA Module C, Paper 8 Passing course - all
19 Company Law core/compulsory modules
plus optional modules up
to 90ECTS/180CATS
Jan-17 Dec- Accountancy AIA Module D, Paper 10 Passing course - all
19 Business core/compulsory modules
Management plus optional modules up
to 90ECTS/180CATS

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