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You are a project manager on a site where work for 3 K.M. Long tunnel has been undertaken. The site is remote and takes about 2 days travel to nearest town. Supervisors, Technicians & skilled workers are engaged in dangerous / hazardous work. Absenteeism due to sickness quarrels, drinking are adding to less output of work and chances of accident on site are increasing. Management has urged to do something so that time target can be achieved. Discuss how will you tackle the problem and increase the output of work.

INTRODUCTION Planning for a project in a remote area involves lot of planning and strategies. The basic job of a project manager is not only to complete project in time but also to finish it with the best of the available resources, management of men, machines and material in safe and economic manner by optimum utilizing the installed capacities and under all adverse conditions. Planning for a tunnel in remote area involves very careful planning for the following

The availability of raw material and its transportation and storage Regular supply and all logistics Power arrangement at the project site as tunnel making involves lot of heavy equipment and thus need heavy power need Alternate arrangement of raw material supply, skilled and semiskilled manpower, their staying as such project period would be in few years. Welfare and medical arrangement for the people working at site

Personnel Relation is man boss relations that comes in to being through employment. Thus designation status in the organization, role to be played, responsibility, pay scales, authority and working conditions are all part of the contract for employment. Industrial relations are the collective and the formal relations between the workers and management and study of these relations as they pertain to condition of work and employment. Human relations are those relationships in an organization which come in to which come in to being based on individual interests and consideration other than personnel. These are formal and informal relationship at work. Formal group may include task teams or committees and informal groups occur when individuals come together around common interests. The recognition that any organized enterprise is a social arrangement made up of many social units within it and with a complex of interacting attitudes, pressures and conflicts has been helpful to both theorists and practicing managers. Many problems in managing human resources stem from group behavior patterns, attitude and desires, some of which arise from a company or from a group, but many coming from peoples backgrounds. A group is more than a collection of individuals, rather through their interactions, new forces and new properties are collected that creates the need to be identified and studied in them. The goals may pertain to specific tasks, but it may also mean that the people share common concerns, value or ideology. The focus on groups in an organization has a number of characteristics. First, group members share one or more common goals, such as the goals of product group to develop, manufacture and market a new product. Second, characteristics of groups is that they normally the require interaction and communication among members. It is impossible to coordinate the efforts of groups members without communication. Third, members within a group assume various roles. There are number of other sociological characteristics of groups that must be recognized. Group develops norms, which refer to expected behavior of members belonging to the group. If individuals deviate from the norm, pressure is exerted to make them confirm. This can be functional when, for example, a person who frequently shows up late for work is admonished by other group members, but there also are situations in which group may be dysfunctional. Ambitious and highly motivated employees may be pressed to produce in congruence with generally accepted norms rather than according to their abilities thus communication will differ when it is channeled through one key member or when communication flows freely among all the group members. One can hardly consider having a number of people as a team when each member communicates only with the boss; team work requires open communication among all members. Effective group interactions may also affect motivation. Group members participating in setting objectives may become committed to the achievements or group goals. Also leadership must be seen in the context or group process. In short, an understanding of group is important for carrying out all managerial functions particularly the function of leading. Groups are fact of organized and un-organized life. It is important for a project manager to know how they work and to use them in an effective and efficient manner in situations that favour group actions and team work.

Various temporary services required at the site are briefly described below: (A) Water supply Water supply is essential at sites. For large construction site, tube wells may be bored which could be later used on a permanent basis. Water supply is required for industrial and drinking purposes. Industrial water supply is required for rock drilling, pile driving, feed water for boiler plant and transporting materials by pipe line etc. Drinking water supply is required for the work areas, office, canteen etc. To obtain water supply connections, the contractor or project manager has to apply to the public Health Engineering Department stating the purpose and quantity of water required. (b) Electricity connection It is required for both large as well as small projects. In order to obtain an electricity connection, the contractor or project manager has to apply to the Electricity Board / Department stating the quantity of electricity required and the place where the transformer is to be installed. From the transformer, the contractor has to make his own arrangement for supply of power to various locations on the site. Incase of non-availability of electricity, diesel generators of high capacity, depending upon the project need, should be used with the provision of regular supply and storage of diesel. (c) Repair and construction Yards Such type of yards is essential for repair and maintenance of equipment and machinery and as a working area for bar benders, carpenters, welders etc. These yards are set up on the construction site for smooth and unobstructed construction activity. (d) Material Stores Such stores are usually constructed with brick walls G.I. sheet roofing. Sheets are preferred for roofing purpose because of their high reusability. The stores are used for the storage of cement, electrical materials, hardware, paints, tools, spare parts, stationery etc. Sometimes A.C. sheets are also used for roofing purposes. (e) Approach and Service Roads Approach and service roads are provided for trucks to transport construction material such as sand, aggregate, cement etc. to the site. These roads are usually provided on the construction site. In large projects, these roads may also run through the construction site so that material may be dumped at the required locations avoiding re-handling / shifting of materials. (f) Sewerage and sanitation Arrangements Appropriate sewerage and sanitation arrangement are essential at all work sites. Adequate arrangement should be made for the disposal of sewage to some suitable place.


Site office Depending on the size and nature of the project, an office is established for technical and supporting staff. For large projects, the site office of the Executive Engineer, assistant Engineer and other staff is constructed for coordination, supervision and control of the construction activity. A project conference / display room is also provided for large projects. Site offices are temporary structures provided with G.I or A.C sheet roofing.


Labour hutments For medium and large projects, temporary huts are constructed with brick masonry in lean cement or mud mortar and G.I sheet roofing to provide shelter for laborers. These huts should be located away from the construction activity zone for safety reasons. Cooking fuel should also be provided for the families staying at project site. Crche for their children is also required for the complete dedicated involvement of the project. (i) Toilets Temporary toilets are provided for the laborers while maintaining proper hygiene, water and sewage facilities. Welfare & Medical Proper welfare and medical unit is also required for the families putting up at the project site at the remote area with the onsite RMP male and female doctor. Safety measures The various types of occupational accident in the construction industry are Exposure in the environmental conditions like temperature or contact with potential harmful substances like dust etc. Contact with electric current Over exertion, stressed body movements Falling from height or at same level including slipping Caught in machine or material Rubbed or abraded by an object like machinery or materials or temporary and permanent structures Power vehicles accidents. Balanced health and safety policy should include the following Safe and healthy working conditions for workers at construction site. Training of employees, workers regularly. To comply with safety codes, laws and regulations for the protection of health, safety and environment. Safety instruments and materials must be used during construction. Sick workers should not be employed. Children should also be not employed at construction site. Unnecessary persons should be allowed at the construction site. Enforcing contractor, management to employ all safety precautions, safety codes before execution of the project. Regular medical check-up of the workers Application of systematic training programs




ROLE OF THE PROJECT MANGER The project manager is responsible for coordinating and integrating activities across multiple functional lines. In order to do this, the project manager needs strong communicative and interpersonal skills, must become familiar with the operations of each line organization and should have a general knowledge of the technology (unless he is managing R & D activities, in which case a command of technology is more important than a general understanding). But more than anything

else, he must be able to understand the behavior of various formal and informal groups in the organization, particularly the informal ones. To a large extent his success depends on the use of informal groups' behavior. A Manager performs three types of roles. The interpersonal roles arise directly from authority and refer to the relationship between the manager and others. By virtue of the formal position, the manager has a figurehead role as a symbol of the organization. Most of the time spent as a figurehead is on ceremonial duties such as greeting a touring class of students or taking an important customer to lunch. The second interpersonal role is called the leader role. In this role the manager uses his or her influence to motivate and encourage subordinates to accomplish organizational objectives. In the third type of interpersonal role the manager undertakes a liaison role. This role recognizes that managers often spend more time interacting with others outside their unit than they do working with their own superiors and subordinates.

MOTIVATING TECHNIQUES Project managers must motivate individuals by appealing to their desires to fulfill their needs. Of course, the motivation techniques process should not be making promises that the project manager knows cannot be met. Project managers must motivate by providing; A feeling of pride or satisfaction for ones ego Security of opportunity Security of approval Security of advancement, if possible Security of promotion, if possible Security of recognition A means for doing a better job, not a means to keep a job Desire to excel Concern about the quality

Understanding professional needs is an important factor in helping people realizes their true potential. Such needs include:

Interesting and challenging work Professionally stimulating work environment Professional growth Overall leadership (ability to lead) Tangible rewards Technical expertise (within the team) Management assistance in problem solving Clearly defined objectives Proper management control Job security Senior management support Good interpersonal relations Proper planning Clear role definition Open communications A minimum of changes

Motivating employees so that they feel secure on the job is not easy, especially since a project has a finite lifetime. Specific methods for producing security in a project environment include: Letting the people know why they are, where they are. Making the individuals feel that they belong where they are. Placing individuals in positions for which they are properly trained. Letting the employees know how their efforts fit into the big picture.

Since project managers cannot motivate by promising material gains, they must appeal to each persons pride. The guidelines for proper motivation are: Adopt a positive attitude. Do not criticize management. Do not make promises that cannot be kept.

Circulate customer reports. Give each person the attention he requires.

There are several ways of motivating project personnel. Some effective ways include: Giving assignments that provide challenges. Clearly defining performance expectations. Giving proper criticism as well as credit. Giving honest appraisals Providing a good working atmosphere Developing a team attitude Providing a proper direction (even if Theory Y) HYGEINE FACTORS Project managers must identify series of factor in the work situation of individuals that is influencing their attitudes & performance and whose intensity and duration affected their work behavior. Hygiene factor is one of the factors that affect the individual performance. Hygiene factor in the job, when adequate, had negative effect on employees attitudes. However, when present, they had no positive effect. This meant that the provision of good pay and employment conditions were absolutely necessary to attract good people to the company. However, it would be false to expect that having provided these things, employees would give their very best efforts. Hygiene factors are something that have to be provided and without which no person worth his while will join the organization. Hygiene factors are necessary to create motivation but are powerless by themselves. This mean that if hygiene factors are absent in a job, employs will not feel motivated. But the techniques of motivation will not work if pay and employment conditions are not adequate. The lesson for management is that if you do not expect motivated work force. However, if you provide hygiene factors it can ensure you in certain circumstances that a job gets done in the quantitative sense. But if you are looking for quality, desire to excel, concern for economy , care of the materials and equipments, then you need to create a motivating environment and this is what Herzberg called management. Herzberg's research proved that people will strive to achieve 'hygiene' needs because they are unhappy without them, but once satisfied the effect soon wears off - satisfaction is temporary. Then as now, poorly managed organizations fail to understand that people are not 'motivated' by addressing 'hygiene' needs. People are only truly motivated by enabling them to reach for and satisfy the factors that Herzberg identified as real motivators, such as achievement, advancement, development, etc., which represent a far deeper level of meaning and fulfillment.

Examples of Herzberg's 'hygiene' needs (or maintenance factors) in the workplace are: Providing a proper direction (even if Theory Y) Policy Relationship with supervisor. Work conditions. Salary Company car Status Security Relationship with subordinates Personal life


Leadership is a process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in efforts towards goal achievement in a given situation. In essence, leadership involves accomplishing goals with and through people.

Plans strategies and programmed moving towards the predetermined objectives.

Secures facilities and infrastructure needed by the group to function effectively for a goal achievement.

Teaches basic skills of doing a job, group behavior for acting as a team member and conforming to group strategies.

Establish friendly atmosphere within which people can work together without fear, anxiety or insecurity.

Helps individuals to taste success, seek excellence, and accept discipline.


In an economy characterized by unemployment, good salary can always draw people to the organization but having drawn good people to the organization, to make them give their best is something which money alone cannot do. It is then the task of the management to provide leadership and create an environment in the organization where in the goals of managers and those of employees become identical, something which is characterized by we feeling. Four things are important to function as a mangers as per Herzberg. 1. Treating people as individuals, not as foreman, mechanic, peon, typist etc. 2. Giving due respect to them as dignified human beings who like to be respected for their worth.
3. Involving them in taking decisions that affect their careers and lives. 4. Giving them a feeling, through involvement and training, that they were becoming

experts of their own professions/occupations and that staying with the company was contributing to their career development.

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