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Assignment Idm 11

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ASSIGNMENT NICMAR/CODE OFFFICE 1. Course No 2. Course title 3. Assignment No 4. Date of dispatch 5.

Last date of receipt of Assignment at CODE office : : : : : IDM 11 Management in Organisations 01

ASSIGNMENT Your company has bagged a lucrative contract to construct a housing colony for an industrial group to be located in western Maharashtra in a coastal belt. You as a project manager have been asked by the company to evolve organisation structure with following conditions. i. ii. Organisation should be as lean and thin as possible with bare minimum of personnel on company roll up to junior level. All supervisors to down below will be temporary for project duration only to be recruited locally from 100km radius.

Suggest and discuss an organisation structure denoting responsibility, authority, communication control for all facets of construction work and management functions as visualised by you. Housing colony consists of 10 bungalows for senior executives, 20 apartments in 5 buildings, 100 dwellings for white collar workers and 300 dwellings for blue collar workers. Colony will have market and entertainment complex.

SCOPE OF WORK This project includes construction of a housing colony for an industrial group in Western Maharashtra in a coastal belt. There are main aspects to be studied in the course of project are organisation structure their responsibilities & communication flow. As the matter of fact is that Supervisors can be recruited from the local nearby adjoining areas thus the following problems will be minimised: The problem of providing accommodations to supervisors will be solved to an extent because their residence is located in nearby localities so they can easily up-down. As for the convence of supervisors company can provide cab facility and can charge them. According to the workloads company can alter the strength of workers.

The availability of materials will be easy as most of the material can be made available from the nearby locality and the supply of materials can also be ensured. The housing colony for the industrial group can be divided into three Blocks plus a Commercial Mall: Executive Class Bungalows Economy Class Apartments Economically Weaker Class Apartments EXECUTIVE CLASS BUNGALOWS: These include 50 high class bungalows each comprising built up area of 1000 sq.m. designed according to the lifestyle of high class executives and their families.

ECONOMY CLASS APARTMENTS: These apartments include 100 Economy class residences for White Collar Workers. Each apartment has a built up area of 250 sq.m. and are designed according to the basic requirements of these workers and their families.

ECONOMICALLY WEAKER CLASS APARTMENTS: These apartments include 300 Economically Weaker Class residences for Blue Collar Workers. Each apartment has a built up area of 150 sq.m. and are designed according to the basic requirements of these workers and their families. COMMERCIAL MALL: The society will also have an entertainment centre for these people which will comprise of Shopping Centre, a Multiplex, few departmental Stores etc.

FUNCTIONS: The responsibility of the manager is to provide an useful structure for the Higher Authorities of the company. The basic functions of a Manager are: Planning Organising Staffing Leading Controlling

All these functions are explained below step by step. PLANNING: Planning involves selecting the missions and objectives as well as the actions to achieve them. It requires decision making, which means choosing a future course of action from present alternatives. Planning and controlling are closely interrelated. There are many types of plans, such as missions or purposes, objectives or goals, strategies, policies, procedure, rules, programme and budget. After bagging this large scale project a integrated planning is required to complete this project successfully. Phase wise planning plays a important role to achieve target successfully, financially that is also best option. Entire project will be sub divided in to sub project and also it will be further subdivided zone wise to facilitate work. Short range plan must be co-ordinate with long period plan.

Based on the following functions the organisation chart of the company can be seen as below:













From the above organisational structure chart we can see the breakdown of the management in the organisation. Any project is controlled and managed by the Project Manger. The orders of Project Manager are executed by Sr. Project Engineers and Jn. Project Engineers. The rolls and responsibilities of the following staff members are as follows: PROJECT MANAGER: The project manager is the team leader. The project manager should have clear idea about all the process that takes place in the project. He should influence the team to achieve the desired goals He should be able to identify the delay in Project if occurred and should be able to rectify it. He is responsible and liable to answer at level management of the firm and to the clients.

To coordinate the entire construction work on site and with the company office. To direct and control the construction work on site. To employ work force, hire machinery, engage sub contractors and material suppliers with or without reference to H.O depending on the sizes of the project, policy of firm, distance from H.O and also his standing within the firm. To organize, direct and control men working under him. To constantly check the progress of work in order to avoid delay in construction work. To call periodical joint meetings of several key personnel working at the site to review progress and to issue instruction for speeding up work if required. The achievement of these project objectives is closely linked with the skill, effectiveness and efficiency of the project management team, and how it is organized for conducting its operations. The Project Manager can access the functionality, work force, workers productivity of the project through following points: Workers required = Work quantity X Workers' productivity Standards/ Completion Period Workers' Productivity Standards = Workers output norms X production efficiency factor Workers' productivity standard is defined as the effort in man-days or manhours needed for accomplishing a unit quantity of work, while working efficiently but allowing for normal delays and wastage. Work quantity of the activity involved is expressed in standard work units.

Completion period is taken as working days or hours planned or earmarked to accomplish the task. Workers production norms are expressed in man-days or man hours, category wise required for accomplishing the unit work. Production efficiency factor is the multiplier used to convert production norms into productivity standards expected under job condition at the site. In this basic equation for determining manpower, the quantity of work to be performed can be accurately estimated from the construction drawings and specifications. If the work is to be completed within the stipulated period, the variable in assessment of workers' requirement is the productivity standard. PROJECT COORDINATOR: The function of a project control manager is to regularise the work flow in the project. He forms a planning department under which all the essentials of the project are been maintained and recorded. The project control manager being the head of the planning department has to keep up the above mentioned functions. He is assisted by:

The Project Coordinator is assisted by: SCHEDULERS: Prepares the work flow for a project. DOCUMENT CONTROLLERS: Maintains all the records of the project

COST SPECIALISTS: Analyse the day to day change in field of construction financially and run the project economically. DESIGN CONSULTANT: The design manager makes the plan and designs each and every single member of a structure that will come in the project. As for the residential project, he needs to prepare the layout of the entire colony with specification of every single apartment and bungalow allocated as per the specification proposed by the clients. He prepares the drawings which provide all the essentials for the structure.

The Design Consultant is assisted by his following subordinates: QC INSPECTOR: He takes care in examining the quality of the all the products from reinforcement, concrete to a completed building. SAFETY INSPECTORS: He assures the safe working condition prevails on the site. He makes sure that all the workers are following the basic safety norms. Thus he assures that the risk factors on the site are minimized and a safe working environment prevails.

CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: He is the head of the execution department.

The main function of the execution department is to execute the orders received from the planning department. The most active post in the organisation is the construction manager since he decides upon the plans proposed on assumed working conditions and executes them under the actual working conditions. He has a team consisting of engineers and his sub ordinates for various works in the field. Now finally the evolved Organisation Structure can be seen as follows in tabular form: S.No 1 Designation Project Manager Qualification and Experience Min 15 years exp in the field of construction Min 10 years of exp in the field of construction Min 10 years of exp in the field of construction Min 5 years of exp in the field of construction Min 10 years of exp in the field of construction Min 10 years of exp in the field of construction Min 10 years of exp in the field of quality & control Min 5 years of exp in the field of safety Min 10 years of exp in the field of construction No. 1 Remarks Head of the project and nominated by Board of Directors Recommended by Project Manager Responsible for work flow at site Responsible for maintaining records of project Responsible for running project economically Responsible for planning and design of project Ensures Quality Control at site Responsible for safe working environment at site Responsible for construction

2 3 4

Project Coordinator Schedulers Document Controller Cost Specialist

1 1 1

Design Consultant

7 8

QC Inspector Safety Inspector

1 1

Senior Engineer


Junior Engineers

Min 3 years of exp in the field of construction Min 5-20 years of experience in the field of construction


Foreman & Supervisor


according to designs Responsible for assisting senior engineer Responsible for site work

The number of technical officials The number of skilled labours The number of Semi skilled labours The number of unskilled labours

: 33 : 50 : 100

(may vary on demand) (may vary on demand) vary on demand)

: 300 (may

INPUT/COMMUNICATION REQUIRMENT & FLOW: COMMUNICATION: Communication is important for the internal functioning of the organization and for interaction with external environment. Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver, with the information being understood by the receiver. The receiver decodes the messages and gains an understanding of what the sender wants to communicate. Thus in turn may results in some changes or action.

PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATION: Communication is essential for the internal functioning of enterprise because it integrates the managerial function. Especially communication is required: To establish and determine the goals of an enterprise To develop plans for their achievement To organize human and other resources in the most effective and efficient way. To select develop and apprise members of the organization To lead, direct and motivate and create a climate in which people want to contribute In an organization managers should have the information necessary for doing a good job. The information may flow not only upward or downward in the organization structure but also horizontally or diagonally. Communication can be in written form, but more information is communicated orally. In addition people communicate through gesture and facial expression.

Barriers and breakdowns in the communication process hinder communication. Recognizing these barriers and listening facilitate not only understanding but also managing. Electronic media can improve communication as by teleconferencing and application of computers, two of many approaches to handling the increasing amount of information in organizations and coping with the trend of globalization.

As discussed above the breakdown in an organisation can be categorized precisely under four departments namely, i. ii. iii. iv. Planning & Infrastructure department, Finance department, Quality department and Execution department.

The functions of all the above departments are explained elaborately below PLANNING & INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT: The Planning team would work on the Layout, Town Planning and Connectivity. The Infrastructure team would ensure that the basic infrastructure like Water and Electricity is made available to the units. The intention to club these two divisions is based on logical interpretation of the basic tenets on which the two teams work. A coordinative effort between these two divisions will ensure that that the product is ready for the execution team to deliver.

FINANCE DEPARTMENT: The team will work around the year to ensure that the required cash flows are maintained and also to ensure that the work doesnt get affected due to the inherent issues of managing the project. Employees in the Manager level will ensure that all the required books are to do the book keeping and also execute the plans of the General Managers. The General Managers are to ensure that the plans are made keeping in mind the vision and direction set by the Project Manager.

QUALITY DEPARTMENT: The Quality Team will have a structure as follows: Quality Control plays a very vital role in a project. Hence, it would be critical to have a Quality team member involved in every critical aspect of the project. A team member would be involved in the Planning and Infrastructure, one team member in Architecture and one in Execution. A team member of the cadre of an AGM would ensure that the Managers who look after the individual portfolios execute the plans according to the vision and direction of the Program Manager.

EXECUTION DEPARTMENT: The primary thing that has to be realized is that execution is a very critical team for the success of the organization.

This team has to be closely monitored and should also be given enough flexibility to allow intelligent deviations from the plan and also should be flexible enough to incorporate the changing conditions in the environment.

CONCLUSION The task of organizing the information in the construction field is not difficult due to the nonexistence of a national classification system with a general consensus, nor is there national norm for the classification and organization of this information. As a solution to this problem, the structure of the existing (hierarchical and facets) classifications was approached and the choice was made for the classification by facets.

The structure proposed for the organization of the knowledge based on the Document, Processes, Elements and Basic Materials trees for a small building company has enabled the relation to be made among Materials, Services and Suppliers. A real example was used based on the quality documents obtained from one company. Later, other documents used by the company may be included. This will allow for the registration of experiences.

The organized and integrated knowledge originated from a classification structure can work as a professional habilitation /updating tool, capable of integrating the knowledge of the area under consideration. Moreover, it can contribute to the strengthening of the technical history of the company and work as a channel to disseminate this knowledge to its collaborators.

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