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Community Med Q.Bank

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Chapter 1-Health and disease


 1. Describe the concept "Natural history of disease" with the help of a schematic diagram. Mention the levels of
prevention and modes of intervention
 2. Define health. Explain dimension and indicatiors of health
 3. Define health and explain various determinant


 1. Determinents of health
 2. Sources of health information
 3. Levels of prevention


 1.Social security

Chapter2- Epidemiology, definition and scope. Principles of Epidemiology and Epidemiology methods

10 Marks

 1.Define epidemiology mention the principles and uses

 2.Define epidemiology. Mention it's scope principles and methods used in infectious diseases
 3.Define epidemiology. Explain disease prevention and control add a note on modes of disease transmission
 4.Define epidemiology. Mention the principles of epidemiology. Define various epidemiological studies
 5.what is screening? Explain objectives and types of screening
 6.Elements of cohort study? Mentiom the main difference between care control and cohort study

5 Marks

 1.Epidemic
 2.Uses of epidemiology
 3.Hazards of immunization
 4.Define screening and it's uses
 5.Uses and types of screening
 6.Incidence and prevalence
 7.Uses of epidemiology
 8.Indirect modes of transmission

3 Marks

 1.Cohort study
 2.Case study
 3.Quarantine
 4.cold chain
 5.pandemic
 6.Case fatality Rate
 7.uses of Descrptive epidermology
 8.epidermiology

Chapter 3:epidemiology of communicable diseases

No 10 marks
5 marks

 1.Types of communication
 2.epidemic
 3.Hospital acquired infections
 4.Risk factors for stroke
 5.barriers in communication
 6.classification of carriers
 7.Risk factors for obesity
 8.prevention of hypertension
 9.classical dengu fever
 10.epidermiology of rehumatic heart disease
 11.explain different modes of transmission of diseases

3 Marks

 1.Epidemic
 2.Complications of diabetes
 3.Warning signals of cancer
 4.Zoonoses . Write it's complications
 5.Window period in HIV
 6.Avoidable blindness
 7.BCG vaccine
 8.Risk factors for obesity
 9.Risk factors for coronary heart disease
 10.Control of typhoid fever
 11.Mode of transmission of rabies
 12.Universal barrier precautions
 13.Risk factors for cancer of the cervix
 14.Street and fixed viruses


10 Marks

 1.Describe the various health problems of the aged. Suggest remedial measures.

5 Marks

 1.Health problems of the aged

 2.Job description of multipurpose health worker- females
 3.What are the health problems faced by pregnant and lactating women ?
 4.Role of international labour organization (ILO)
 5.Critical path method
 6.PQLI(physical quality of life index)
 7.Record linkage

No 3 Marks


10 Marks

 1.Describe various health programmes. Explain national tuberculosis programme

 2.Enumerate the national health programs. Explain national leprosy eradication programme
 3.Explain in detail various types of health programmes in india. Write about methods used in control of AIDS and its

5 Marks

 1.World Health Organization

 2.Causes of blindness in india
 3.Prevention of HIV/AIDS
 4.Child Health Programmes
 5.Functions of WHO
 6.National family welfare programme
 7.Iodine deficiency disorders

3 Marks

 1.WHO definition of health and its spiritual dimension

 2.Deformities in Leprosy
 3.Mention various components under Reproductive and Child health programmes
 4.Warning signals of CANCER
 5.Cardinal features of leprosy
 6.Window period in HIV
 7.Causes of blindness in India
 8.Iodine deficiency disorder
 9.Mention any four risk factors for breast cancer
 10.DOTS


10 Marks

 1.List the various contraceptive methods. Explain any 1 in detail.

 2.Define demography Explain the demographic cycle. Add a note on Couple Protection Rate
 3.Define family planning Describe the various contraceptive methods

5 marks

 1.Classification of carriers
 2.Explain the side effects and complications of intra uterine devices
 3.Define fertility Explain various factors affecting fertility
 4.Intra uterine contraceptive devices
 5.National family welfare programme
 6.Demographic cycle
 7.Barrier methods of family planning

3 Marks

 1.National family welfare programme

 2.Broken family
 3.Case fatality rate
 4.No scalpel vesectomy

Chapter 7 - preventive medicine in obstrics pediatrics and geriatrics


 1.Describe the various health problem of aged. Suggest remedial measures

 2.Enumerate maternal & child health problems. Explain various social welfare programmee for women & child
 3.Define infant mortality rate (IMR). Mention various factors responsible and measurrs taken from pteventing IMR
 4.Define maternal mortality rate. Write in brief preventive & social measures to reduce the same
 5.Define maternal mortality rate. Write a note on antenatal and postnatal care

5 Marks

 1.Explain in detail various social welfare programmee for women and children
 2.What are the health problems faced by pregnant and lactating women
 3.causesof maternal mortality**
 4.National family welfare programmee
 5.Postnatal care
 6.Child health progmmes
 7.preventive & social measurrs to reduce maternal mortality
 8.Case-control study

3 Marks

 1.Objectives of post natal care

 2.Define maternal mortality
 3.Essential new born care
 4.Dietary needs of pregnant women

 5.National family welfare programmee

 6.Importance of nutrition during pregnancy
 7.Indications of MCH services
 8.child abuse
 9.Mention the various components under RCH programme


10 marks

 1.Enumerate nutritional disorders in india. Write in brief epidemiology and prevention of protein energy malnutrition***

5 marks

 1.MMR vaccination
 2.Explain in detail about various community nutrition programmes**
 3.Balance diet
 4.BCG vaccine
 5.Nutrional problems in public health

3 marks

 1.Organophosphorus poisoning
 2.Meals on wheels
 3.Protein metabolism
 4.Composition of ORS
 5.Food fortification*
 6.Mention the 3 methods of diet survey
 7.Classification of food**
 8.Balance diet
 9.Vitamin A prophylaxis**
 10.What do mean by bitot's spot
 11.Signs of vitamin c deficiency
 12.Complication of diabetes
 13.Occult filarias


No 10 marks

5 marks

 1.Pnumoconiosis
 2.Droplet infection
 3.Mosquito control measures
 4.Water borne disease

3 marks

 1.Fluridation of water
 2.Residual chlorine
 3.Man made malaria
 4.What is role of food and agriculture organization
 5.Incineration
 6.List the diseases transmitted through mosquito
 7.Sources of pollution
 8.Methods of waste disposal
 9.Crude death Rate


No 10 marks and 3 marks

5 marks

 1.Define biochemical waste. Mention the various treatment and disposal technologies for health care waste*
 2.Source of hospital wastes*
 3.Color codes used in hospital waste management*
 4.Health hazards to industrialization


No 10 marks

5 marks

 1.Disaster management***
 2.Explain in detail about disaster management, it's impact and response on the society
 3.monitoring and surveillance

3 marks

 1.Types of surveillance in malaria

 2.Passive surveillance
 3.Write any 4 roles of ford foundation
 4.Define drug abuse & drug dependence*
 5.Triage in disaster management
 6.Diagram of disaster cycle
 7.Aedes Aegypti Index
 8.Types of Rehabilitation**


10 Marks

 1.Classify occupational disease. Explain measures for health protection from occupational hazards

5 Marks

 1.Prevention of occupational diseases

 2.Remedial benefits under ESI act
 3.Occupational hazards, it's disease and prevention
 4.Medical benefits under the ESI act

3 Marks

1.Define ergonomics

2.Ford Foundation


10 Marks

 1.Classify mental illness. Explain role of pt in prevention and management of mental retardation
 2.Explain in detail the characteristics of a mentally healthy person. Enumerate in detail the types, causes and prevention
of mental illness

5 Marks

 1.Role of pt in treating persons with mental retardation

 2.Explain the role of pt in various mental health problems

3 Marks

1.Drug abuse

2.Define drug, drug abuse and drug dependence.


10 Marks

 1.What are the contents and principles of health education

5 Marks

 1.Approches to health education

 2.Health education components
 3.Models of health education
 4.Explain concepts aims and objective of health education in detail
 5.Principles of health education

3 Marks

1.Odd ratio

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