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Q1 - LE - Science 7 - Lesson 6 - Week 6

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Lesson Exemplar Quarter 1


for Science 6
Lesson Exemplar for Science 7
Quarter 1: Lesson 6 (Week 6)
S.Y. 2024-2025

This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers participating in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum
during the School Year 2024-2025. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum content, standards, and lesson competencies. Any
unauthorized reproduction, distribution, modification, or utilization of this material beyond the designated scope is strictly prohibited and
may result in appropriate legal actions and disciplinary measures.

Borrowed content included in this material are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been made to locate
and obtain permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and development team do not
represent nor claim ownership over them.

Development Team

 Dr. Justina T. Lantajo (Leyte Normal University)

 Dr. Ma. Victoria D. Naboya (Leyte Normal University)

Revised and reviewed: PNU RITQ Team

Management Team
Philippine Normal University
Research Institute for Teacher
Quality SiMERR National
Research Centre

Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this material. For inquiries or feedback, please
write or call the Office of the Director of the Bureau of Learning Resources via telephone numbers (02) 8634-1072 and 8631-6922 or by
email at


A. Content The learners shall learn different standard units of measurement, organize collected data and identify the components
Standards of a solution.

B. Performance By the end of the quarter, the learners shall perform accurate measurements and organize collected data. They can also
Standards demonstrate an understanding of the role of solute and solvent in solutions and predict whether a given solute will
dissolve in a given solvent

C. Learning Learning Competency

Competencies The learners shall make accurate measurements using standard units for physical quantity, and organize the collected
and Objectives data when carrying out a scientific investigation and be able to identify the role of the solute and solvent in a solution.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learner shall be able to:
1. use the standard units of physical quantities.
2. make accurate measurements of physical quantities using measuring instruments.
3. organize data collected from investigation.
4. identify the components of a solution.

D. Content Standard Units of Physical Quantities

Measuring Physical Quantities
Organizing data
Components of a Solution

E. Integration Measurement can be integrated into various aspects across different subject areas in mathematics, science, social
studies, technical education, health and physical education.


● Frontiers of Science and Technology Diwa Scholastic Press Inc. Makati City, Philippines
● Set-up of Filtration (3D diagram).


A. Activating Prior DAY 1 ANSWER KEY:

Knowledge 1. Teaspoon
Give the meaning of the abbreviated unit of measure shown in Column A. The learners
2. Mililiter
will write their answers in Column B.
3. grams
Column A Column B 4. Centimeter


B. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose

Lesson Purpose Explain to the learners that the lesson is about making accurate measurements using
standard units for physical quantities.

Unlocking Content Vocabulary

The learners will be given a material to read. After reading, they will be asked to take
note of any unfamiliar words, terms, phrases, or sentences, as well as identify
confusing ones.

Note: A copy of the material is in the Attachment to Lesson Exemplar No. 7 Quarter 1
Science 7 (Week 7)

C. Developing and 1. Explicitation
Deepening Learners will be given reading material about how standard units are used in
Understanding measurement. After reading, they will be asked to answer the questions that follow.
Copy of the material is in the Attachment to Lesson Exemplar No. 7 Quarter 1 Science

2. Worked Example
Learners will be asked to read out and answer the following questions:
1. What is needed to show the accurate measurement of a given quantity?

2. What is the SI unit of mass? Temperature? Time?

3. What is the official system of units used in our country?

The teacher will analyze learners’ answers, give positive feedback/s, select the best
answer, and post the answers on the board for all learners to copy.

3. Lesson Activity
Learners will be asked to read out and answer the following questions:
1. Which is longer, 1000 km or 1000 mm? why?
2. Why did the Philippines adopt the SI units?
3. Why do we still use some of the English units such as feet, inches, and degree
Celsius in our daily measurements?

Teacher facilitates answering of the questions and post on the board the correct answer
for the learners to write down on their notebook.

D. Making 1. Learners’ Takeaways

Generalizations Learners will fill the empty boxes of the concept map with the right term/s through the
facilitation of the teacher. Learners may add new boxes to present a related idea. To
maximize the class time, the teacher shall prepare the concept map before the class

A copy of the reading material and the given data are in the Attachment to Lesson
Exemplar No. 7 Quarter 1 Science 7.

1. Reflection on Learning
Learners will be asked if the lesson today has helped them make accurate
measurements. If so, why? If not, what can be made better?


A. Evaluating Formative Assessment ANSWER KEY:

Learning Written Work:
Learners will answer a 5-item multiple choice test. 1. C Meters
2. B Liters
1. Which of the following units is used to measure length? 3. C Kilograms
A. Liters 4. B Seconds
B. Grams 5. B Celsius
C. Meters
D. Seconds

2. What is the appropriate unit to measure the volume of a liquid?

A. Kilograms
B. Liters
C. Meters
D. Newtons

3. If you want to measure the mass of an object, which unit would you use?
A. Centimeters
B. Liters
C. Kilograms
D. Celsius

4. Which unit would be best for measuring the time it takes to run a race?
A. Meters
B. Seconds
C. Kilograms
D. Liters

5.Which unit is used to measure the temperature of an object?

A. Grams
B. Celsius
C. Meters
D. Liters

Learners will be asked if the lesson today has helped them make accurate
measurement. If so, why? If not, what can be made better?

A. Activating Prior DAY 2 Teacher may collect some of

Knowledge the pictures and post it on
SHOW AND TELL the wall
Learners will present a picture of an object or a place and give its standard unit
of measure.

B. Establishing Lesson 1. Lesson Purpose Teacher will establish a link

Purpose Explain to the learners that the lesson will allow them to make actual between the use of
measurements using measuring devices with standard unit. standard units to the use of
actual measuring devices as
2. Unlocking Content Vocabulary lesson for the day.
The learners will be given material to read, and they will be asked to take note of
any unfamiliar words, terms, phrases, or sentences, as well as identify confusing ones.
The teacher will facilitate the discussion by asking the learners to give their insights A copy of the material is in
first on the unfamiliar terms, phrases, or sentences cited/identified from the reading the Attachment to Lesson
material. Then, the teacher will provide additional information/ knowledge on those Exemplar No. 7 Quarter1
identified terms, phrases, and sentences, when necessary. Science 7

C. Developing and 1. Explicitation
Deepening Learners will be given reading material about measurement. After reading, they will be The teacher takes note of
Understanding given time to clarify or ask questions. the questions or clarification
and provides additional
2. Worked Example information.
Learners will perform an activity titled: “Reading Between the Lines”
Objective: Note:
At the end of the activity, the learners will be able to make accurate measurements A copy of the material is
using standard units. in the Attachment to Lesson
A copy of the procedures is found in the Worksheet for Week 6 Activity No. 1 titled Exemplar No. 7 Quarter 1
“Reading Between the Lines” Science 7
After doing the Instructions in the Worksheet, learners will read the following
questions to the class and give their answer.

1. What is the least count of each of the measuring devices you used?

2. What quantities were measured?

3. What is the value of the quantity measured in each station?

4. From where did you base the unit in your measurements?

5. What unit is used in measuring volume of liquid? Of regular-shaped objects?

The teacher will analyze learners’ answers, give positive feedback/s or

clarification, select the best answer, and post the answers on the board for learners to

3. Lesson Activity
The learners will be asked to read out and answer the following questions: The teacher provides
6. What is the importance of knowing the least count? positive feedback/s on
learners’ answers and
7. How would you use a ruler if its zero line cannot be seen? provide additional
8. How do you measure the volume of irregularly shaped objects? information, if necessary.

D. Making Learners’ Takeaways
Generalizations The learners will be asked to give ideas that they learned from the day’s lesson.
Teacher clarifies answers, if needed.


A. Evaluating 1. Formative Assessment

Written Work:
Learners will answer a 5-item multiple choice test.
After the learners have taken the test, the teacher asks the learners if the lesson
helped them make measurements accurately? If so, how. If not, what can be improved
next time?

2. Homework
For advanced learners, you may consider extending the lesson by asking them to
give possible sources of errors in measurement. For lagging learners, give additional
exercises on reading measuring instruments with different scales or graduations.
B. Activating DAY 3
Learners shall perform accurate measurements using standard units for physical
quantity and organize the data collected from investigation.

C. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose

Lesson Purpose Explain to the learners that the lesson will help them analyze their data to come up
with an accurate conclusion or idea.

2. Unlocking Content Vocabulary

The learners will be given material to read, and they will be asked to take note of
any unfamiliar words, terms, phrases, or sentence, as well as identify confusing ones.
Measurement from measuring instruments and observations produces raw data. As
data usually measures several quantities in different objects, data tends to pile up.
When this happens, searching for data takes a longer time and becomes confusing.
Organizing the data helps us read and use it easily. It also reduces the loss of data and
errors. The teacher will facilitate the discussion by asking the learners to give their

insights about the material they have read. Then, the teacher will provide additional
information on the cited term, phrase, or sentences.

D. Developing and 1. Explicitation Note:

Deepening Learners will be given time to read the material. After reading, they will answer A copy of the reading
Understanding questions to facilitate further understanding of the ideas presented in the material. material and the given data
are in the Attachment to
2. Worked Example Lesson Exemplar No. 7
Learners will perform an activity entitled “Order in the Court!” Quarter 1 Science 7.

Objective: At the end of the activity, the learners will be able to organize data into a

A copy of the procedures is found in Worksheet for Week 6 Activity No. 2 titled
“Order in the Court!”

After doing the instructions in the worksheet, learners will read the following
questions to the class and give their answer.

1. What data organization tool is used to organize the given data?

2. Does each column contain one measured quantity?

3. Can the title still be improved? How?

3. Lesson Activity
The learners will be asked to read to the class following questions and answer them:

1. How will the table change if there are three trials in the measurement of mass of
each object? Volume?

2. How would the density be computed?

E. Making Learners’ Takeaways
Generalizations Learners will be asked to identify terms, phrases, or sentences from previous reading
that still need clarification.
Teacher asks other learners to share their understanding of the given term,
phrase, or sentence that still need clarification. If no learner volunteers, teacher
provides additional information.


A. Evaluating Formative Assessment Note:

Learning A copy of the given data
Performance Task: and the rubric is in
Learners will organize a given set of data. They will also be given a rubric to guide Attachment to Lesson
them in making a table. Exemplar No. 7 Quarter 1
Science 7

B. Activating Prior DAY 3

Knowledge The learners will identify and write down the measurement of each of the following ANSWER KEY:
1. 8.9 mL
2. 90 °F
3. 17 mL
4. 2.8 inches
5. 120 grams

C. Establishing Lesson 1. Lesson Purpose
Purpose The learners shall be able to differentiate solute from solvent.

2. Unlocking Content Vocabulary

1. Solute
Solute Soluble Insoluble
2. Solvent
Solution Solvent
3. Solution
4. Soluble
The learners will use the terms in the vocabulary box above to fill in the blanks. Each 5. Insoluble
term should be used once only. Then, they will write a sentence to show they
understood each term.

1. A/an is a substance that dissolves into a solvent.


2. A/an is a liquid in which a solute dissolve into.


3. A/an is a mixture of a solute dissolved in a solvent.


4. Sugar is in water.

5. Sand is in water.

D. Developing and 1. Explicitation
Understanding The learners will read a story and sing a song titled “Rain Rain Go Away”

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a sugar family lived in a small house in the
forest. When it was summertime, the three children were happy for they could play
outside. But during rainy seasons, they were all sad and just stared at the window and
sing: “Rain, Rain, Go Away, Rain, rain, go away”.

Come again another day,

All the children want to play,
Rain, rain, go away”. (3x)

2. Worked Example

1. Why do you think children are afraid to go out of their house during rainy days?

2. What will happen to the children if they go out of the house while raining? Why?

The learners will carry out an investigation about the components of a solution
using the following materials.
—1 teaspoon salt
—20 mL water

1. Measure 20 mL water.
2. Put 1 tsp of salt into the water. Observe what happens to salt.

1. What is formed when salt is added to water?

2. In a salt solution, which is the solute? Why?

3. In a salt solution, which is the solvent? Why?

4. What component of solution exists in greater amount?

3. Lesson Activity
The learners will define the terms “solute” and “solvent” in their own words. Then,
identify the solute and solvent for each of the following solutions.

1. Jane mixed some water and powdered juice to make a fruit drink.

2. Makky swished salt water in his mouth after he lost his tooth in a basketball game.

3. Jace put a rubbing alcohol on the grass stain that was on his sock.

4. Kyle added a little sugar to his tea because it tasted bitter

5. The tea from Irish’s teabag coloured the water as it brewed.

E. Making The learners will answer the flowchart which will be followed by sharing output.

Has this lesson helped you better understand the differences between solute and
solvent? If so, how?


A. Evaluating Learning 1. Formative Assessment

The learners will be given a set of questions which will serve as formative assessment
to evaluate their learning outcomes for the day’s lesson objectives and competencies.

Directions. Read each question carefully and write only the letter of the correct answer ANSWER KEY:
in a separate sheet of paper.
1. C) Seawater
1. Which is an example of a solution? 2. C) It is the component
A. Cooked flour of a solution in smaller
B. Marshmallow quantity.
C. Seawater 3. A) The juice powder will
D. Blood dissolve in water.
4. C) Water
2. The two components of a solution are solute and solvent. Which statement describes 5. C) Solvent
the solute?
A. It is the solid formed in a solution.
B. It is the liquid component of the solution.
C. It is the component of a solution in smaller quantity.
D. It is the component of a solution in bigger quantity.

3. Which happens if you mix juice powder with water?

A. The juice powder will dissolve in water.
B. The juice powder will form a layer.
C. The juice powder will not dissolve in water.
D. The juice powder will settle at the bottom of the water.

4. What is the solvent in a cup of milk?

A. sugar
B. milk powder
C. water
D. sugar and milk

5. In a solution, what do you call the substance in a larger amount?

A. salt
B. solute
C. solvent
D. sugar

2. Homework
The learners will be tasked to have an advance reading on properties of solution.

D. Teacher’s Note observations on

Remarks any of the following Effective Practices Problems Encountered

strategies explored

materials used

learner engagement/


E. Teacher’s Reflection guide or prompt can be on:

▪ principles behind the teaching
What principles and beliefs informed my lesson?
Why did I teach the lesson the way I did?

▪ students
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?

▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?


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