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Quick Instructions
for initial start-up of

WARNING:This is a brief guide only. It does not give safety

information. Incorrect installation or operation of the drive
! could cause personal injury or equipment damage. Refer to
Unidrive 6 User Guide for essential safety information.

Power Wiring
DC Connections
*Thermal *Thermal
overload overload
protection Braking protection Braking
device Resistor device Resistor
(Sizes 2 & 3) (Size 1 only)


Sizes 2 and 3 Size 1 Internal

EMC filter

! For complete
wiring and fusing
3 2 1
instructions, refer to the
Unidrive 6 User Guide
*Thermal overload for

external braking resistor

to protect against fire AC Connections

risk.This must be wired PE L1 L2 L3 U V W

to interrupt the AC
supply in event of a fault Optional RFI
Optional line


L1 L2 L3
Supply Ground Mains Supply Optional ground connection

Heatsink mounted braking resistor

A resistor has been especially designed to be mounted within the
heatsink of the Unidrive 6 (sizes 1 and 2).The design of the
resistor is such that no thermal protection circuit is required, as the
device will fail safely under fault conditions. On Unidrive 6 sizes 1
and 2, the in built software overload protection is set up at default for
the designated heatsink mounted resistor. If an external brake resistor
is used, a thermal overload device is required, refer to User Guide.
NOTE The heatsink mounted resistor is suitable for applications with
a low level of regen energy only.

Control Wiring
Wire the Unidrive 6 control circuits in accordance
with drawing below.

Terminal Strips
Default Terminal Functions

Polarised signal

1 11

41 42

21 31

0 V Common 1 0V Common 21
24 V dc external supply input 2 24V dc 22
0V 23
3 0V Common
+10V dc
4 Dig. O/P At zero speed 24
reference 5 Reset 25
input 0V
Analog Input 2 7 RUN REVERSE 27
Analog Input 3 (Thermistor) 8 Local/Remote 28
Analog Output 1 (Speed) 9 Jog 29
Analog Output 2 (Torque) 10 0 V Common 30
0 V Common 11 DRIVE 31
Status Relay
Drive healthy } 423

Encoder Wiring
Closed Loop Vector

Encoder connector 15 way D-type
as standard on Unidrive 6

5 1
E 10 6


Terminal Connections Terminal Connections

1 A 5 Z
2 A\ 6 Z\
3 B 13 +V
4 B\ 14 0V

U V W Encoder connector for Unimotor
15 way D-type as standard on Unidrive 6

5 1
E 10 6

A A Terminal Connections
1 A
2 A\
3 B
4 B\
5 Z
• Z - Marker pulse is optional. 6 Z\
7 U
• Encoder screening 8 U\
connected to drive 0V and
encoder 0V. 9 V
10 V\
• Connections shown are for
11 W
default Quadrature
Incremental Encoder, for 12 W\
other encoder types please 13 +V
refer to User Guide. 14 0V
4 15 Th
Keypad & Display
Lower Display
Upper Display
Parameter value
Parameter number or trip code
or drive status
Mode (black) button
Control buttons changes between
Fwd/Rev (blue) button parameter edit and
Stop/Reset (red) button monitor mode
Start (green) button Joypad
Used to select a parameter
and change its value

Display Modes

Reset to Factory Defaults

Enter the appropriate value shown below into Pr 0.00 and
then press the button.
Lower Display Function
1233 Resets parameters to 50Hz supply default
1244 Resets parameters to 60Hz supply default

Open Loop Start-up
The Unidrive 6 default operating mode is Open Loop.
See Control Wiring diagram for default connections.

Before power-up
• The drive enable signal is not given (terminal 31)
• Run signal is not given (terminal 26)
• Motor is connected
Power-up the drive
• Drive displays ‘inh’
If the drive trips, see Trip Codes.

Enter motor nameplate details

• Motor rated frequency in Pr 0.47 (Hz)
• Motor rated current in Pr 0.46 (A)
• Motor rated speed in Pr 0.45 (rpm)
• Motor rated voltage in Pr 0.44 (V) -
check if or connection

Set maximum frequency

• Maximum frequency in Pr 0.02 (Hz)

Set acceleration/deceleration rates

• Acceleration rate in Pr 0.03 (s/100Hz)
• Deceleration rate in Pr 0.04 (s/100Hz) (If braking resistor
fitted, set Pr 0.15 = FAST. )

Open Loop Start-up continued
Unidrive 6 is able to perform either a stationary or a rotating
autotune.The motor must be at a standstill before an autotune is
enabled. A rotating autotune should be used whenever possible.

WARNING: A rotating autotune will cause the motor to

accelerate up to 2/3 base speed in the direction
! selected regardless of the reference provided. Once
complete the motor will coast to a stop.The run
signal must be removed before the drive can be made to run at
the required reference.The drive can be stopped at any time by
removing the run signal or removing the drive enable.

• A stationary autotune can be used when the motor is loaded

and it is not possible to remove the load from the motor
shaft. A stationary autotune does not measure the power
factor of the motor so the value on the motor nameplate
must be entered into Pr 0.43
• A rotating autotune should only be used if the motor is
unloaded or the load is uncoupled
To perform an autotune:
• Set Pr 0.40 = 1 for a stationary autotune or set Pr 0.40 = 2
for a rotating autotune
• Close the Drive Enable signal (terminal 31).The drive will
display ’rdY’
• Close the run signal (terminal 26 or 27).The lower display will
flash ’Auto’ and ’tunE’ alternatively, while the drive is
performing the autotune
• Wait for the drive to display ’rdY’ and for the motor to come
to a standstill
Remove the run signal from the drive.

• Drive is now ready to run

Closed Loop Start-up
See Control Wiring section for default connections.
Step Description Actions Display
Allow drive Go to Parameter 0.00 Upper = 0.00
operating Enter 1253 EUR M Lower = 1253
mode to be Enter 1254 USA
changed Finish Step M
Select Closed Go to Parameter 0.48 Upper = 0.48
Loop Vector Select CL.VECt M Lower = CL VECt
Operation Finish Step M

Before power-up
• Drive Enable signal is not given (terminal 31)
• Run signal is not given (terminal 26)
• Motor and encoder are connected
Power-up the drive
• Drive displays ‘inh’
If the drive trips, see Trip Codes.

Set motor feedback parameters

Incremental encoder basic set-up
• Drive encoder Lines Per Revolution in Pr 0.27
(set according to encoder)

Enter motor nameplate details

• Motor rated frequency in Pr 0.47 (Hz)
• Motor rated current in Pr 0.46 (A)
• Motor rated full load speed (base speed - slip speed)
in Pr 0.45 (rpm)
• Motor rated voltage in Pr 0.44 (V) - check if or connection

Set maximum speed

• Maximum speed in Pr 0.02 (rpm)

Closed Loop Start-up continued
Set acceleration/deceleration rates
• Acceleration rate in Pr 0.03 (s/1000rpm)
• Deceleration rate in Pr 0.04 (s/1000rpm) (If braking resistor
fitted, set Pr 0.15 = FAST.)

Unidrive 6 is able to perform either a stationary or a rotating
autotune.The motor must be at a standstill before an autotune is
enabled. A rotating autotune should be used wherever possible.

WARNING: A rotating autotune will cause the motor to

accelerate up to 2/3 base speed in the direction
! selected regardless of the reference provided. Once
complete the motor will coast to a stop.The run
signal must be removed before the drive can be made to run at
the required reference.The drive can be stopped at any time by
removing the run signal or removing the drive enable.

• A stationary autotune can be used when the motor is loaded

and it is not possible to remove the load from the motor
shaft. A stationary autotune does not measure the power
factor of the motor so the value on the motor nameplate
must be entered into Pr 0.43
• A rotating autotune should only be used if the motor is
unloaded or the load is uncoupled
To perform an autotune:
• Set Pr 0.40 = 1 for a stationary autotune or set Pr 0.40 = 2
for a rotating autotune
• Close the Drive Enable signal (terminal 31).The drive will
display ‘rdY’
• Close the run signal (terminal 26 or 27).The lower display
will flash ‘Auto’ and ‘tunE’ alternatively, while the drive is
performing the autotune.
• Wait for the drive to display ‘rdY’ and for the motor to come
to a standstill
Remove the run signal from the drive.
• Drive is now ready to run
Servo Start-up
See Control Wiring section for default connections.
Step Description Actions Display
Allow drive Go to Parameter 0.00 Upper = 0.00
operating Enter 1253 EUR M Lower = 1253
mode to be Enter 1254 USA
changed Finish Step M
Select Servo Go to Parameter 0.48 Upper = 0.48
Operation Select SErVO M Lower = SErVO
Finish Step M

Before power-up
• Drive Enable signal is not given (terminal 31)
• Run signal is not given (terminal 26)
• Motor is connected
• Encoder is connected
Power-up the drive
• Drive displays ‘inh’
If the drive trips, see Trip Codes.

Set motor feedback parameters

Incremental encoder basic set-up
• Drive encoder Pulses Per Revolution in Pr. 0.27
(set according to encoder)

Enter motor nameplate details

• Motor rated current in Pr 0.46 (A)
• Motor rated voltage in Pr 0.44 (V)
• Number of poles in Pr 0.42 (if Pr 0.42 is set to Auto, then the
number of poles is 6)

Set maximum speed

• Maximum speed in Pr 0.02 (rpm)

Servo Start-up continued
Set acceleration/deceleration rates
• Acceleration rate in Pr 0.03 (s/1000rpm)
• Deceleration rate in Pr 0.04 (s/1000rpm) (If braking resistor
fitted, set Pr 0.15 = FAST.)

The load must be removed from the shaft before an Autotune
is performed.

WARNING: The normal low speed test will rotate the

motor by up to 2 revolutions in the direction selected,
! regardless of the reference provided. Once complete
the motor will come to a standstill.The run signal
must be removed before the drive can be made to run at the
required reference.The drive can be stopped at any time by
removing the run signal or removing the Drive Enable.

To perform an autotune:
• Set Pr 0.40 = 2
• Close the run signal (terminal 26 or 27).
• Close the Drive Enable signal (terminal 31).The lower display
will flash ‘Auto’ and ‘tunE’ alternatively, while the drive is
performing the test.
• Wait for the drive to display ‘StoP’ and for the motor to
come to a standstill.
If the drive trips, see Trip Codes.
Remove the run signal from the drive.

• Drive is now ready to run

Display Messages
Status Messages
Upper Display Description
Auto tune Autotune in progress.
The autotune procedure has been initialised.
‘Auto’ and ‘tunE’ will flash alternatively
on the display.
dec Decelerating.The drive is decelerating
the motor.
inh Inhibit.The drive is inhibited and cannot be run.
The drive enable signal is not applied to
terminal 31 or Pr 6.15 is set to 0.
rdy Ready.The drive is ready to be run.
run Running.The drive is running.
stop Stop or holding zero speed.
The drive is holding zero speed.
trip Trip condition.The drive has tripped and is no
longer controlling the motor.The trip code
appears on the upper display.
OVLd Motor overload alarm.The motor I2t
accumulator in the drive has reached 75% of
the value at which the drive will be tripped and
the load on the drive is >100%.

Trip Codes
Lower Display Function
UU Undervoltage
OU Overvoltage
d iac Instantaneous Overcurrent
Et External Trip
It.AC Motor Overload
th Motor Overtemp or Thermistor circuit open
ph Input Power Phase Loss
Enc2 Encoder wire break Braking resistor trip
For other status messages and trip codes please
refer to User Guide.

Basic Parameters (Menu 0)

Basic Parameters (Menu 0) cont.

Drive reads all Programs all drive

parameters from parameters to the

Pr 0.30 = rEAD + Pr 0.30 = Prog +

Drive boots from the
Drive automatically
writes to the power up and
SMARTCARD automatically writes
when a parameter Auto to the SMARTCARD
save is performed Save Auto Save when a parameter
save is performed
Pr 0.30 = Auto + Pr 0.30 = boot +

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