E24 - PT#033.0905
E24 - PT#033.0905
E24 - PT#033.0905
We know conveyor.
E24™ motors come with a built-in 22.0 inch or 72.0 inch connection cable, The control board contains four (4) LED feedback indicators. These LEDs
depending on the motor selected. Do not disassemble this cable. If the are often useful in diagnosing various wiring and connection problems. If
cable becomes damaged and on-site repairs are required, refer to the power is connected there will always be at least one LED illuminated or
following wiring sequence from pin one (1) on the left through pin eight (8) flashing. When no LED is illuminated, there is no power.
on the right. • One (1) Red Fuse LED
CABLE This LED is off under normal circumstances. It illuminates
CAUTION: Use of extension CONNECTOR constantly if the 15 amp replaceable fuse is blown and power is
cables may cause permanent (CABLE applied with the proper polarity. The 15 amp fuse on the board is
damage and will void the CONECTOR not user-accesible. If the blown fuse LED is illuminated, return
product warrant. ENCHUFE) the board to your Integrator for analysis or repair.
• One (1) Red Fault LED
Motor connection cable must ITEM 1 This LED is off under normal circumstances. If a problem is
be oriented as shown. (8-PIN MOTOR detected, it provides one of the following five signals:
CONNECTOR) • One (1) flash in 4 seconds: The board has a hardware problem.
Return it to your supplier.
• Two (2) flashes in 4 seconds: The input voltage is too high.
DC POWER INPUT HEADER Reduce the voltage.
A 2-pin Phoenix PT1.2/2-PVH-3.5 plug is supplied. The Hytrol 3.0 card • Three (3) flashes in 4 seconds: The input voltage is too low.
operates off of a +22 to +28 Volt DC power supply. The control reads the Increase the voltage.
configuration switches only when the unit is powering up. Make the power • Four (4) flashes in 4 seconds: There is a problem with the motor
connection only after all other connections have been made. cable or connection. Check to see that the cable is not damaged
and that all of the wires are secure. If the cable has been cut or
Pin: Signal: CAUTION: Power must be applied the wires disconnected refer to the Motor Connection Header.
1 +22 to +28 Volts DC with the proper polarity to avoid • Five (5) flashes in 4 seconds: Control over temperature.
potentially damaging the controller. • Six (6) flashes in 4 seconds: Extreme over current.
2 DC Ground • Constantly ON: The motor is stalled or the sensor is continuously
blocked. Check for mechanical obstructions.
NOTE: When adjacent zones are operating from separate power supplies • One (1) Amber Motor Current Limiting LED
you should connect their DC grounds. However, do not connect the positive • Four flashes in 4 seconds: Components on the board have
voltage wires from separate power supplies together. overheated and the circuit is limiting the power to the motor
to about half (50%) of normal. This problem will correct itself
OPTIONAL INPUT-OUTPUT (I/O) CONNECTION when the board has cooled adequately. Check for mechanical
HEADER Pin: Description: • Constantly ON: Motor current is at the maximum allowed and is
A 5-pin Phoenix PT1.5/5-PVH-3.5 plug
1 Run (Input) being electronically limited. Check for mechanical obstructions.
is supplied. If these I/O connections are
• Flickering: If the motor starts under significant load, the current
not being used, leave the connector in 2 Reverse (Input) may be limited briefly causing the LED to flicker. If the LED
place to avoid accidentally shorting the
3 Analog Input + flickers constantly, this is an indication that the motor is operating
at its upper limit and may never reach the full speed. This is not a
NOTE: All inputs and outputs except 4 Running (Output) cause for concern and no corrective action is required.
analog are PNP only and are active at 5 DC Ground • One (1) Green Power LED
+18 VDC or higher • Constantly ON: Power is properly applied as long as the fuse
is not blown.
This M8 connector is already configured for use with the Hytrol EZLogic®
The cover can help reduce the severity of damage to the controller from
foreign objects.
This component is for mounting the control assembly to the conveyor frame CAUTION: Removal of the cover will void the warranty. The cover does not
using two 1/4 inch, or 0.25 in, bolts while keeping the controller cooler. make the controller waterproof or dustproof.
Mount the control in a location where the motor cable reaches the connection header without putting strain on
the cable connector or the header.
Identify the proper direction of rotation for the motor shaft in order to move objects from the upstream (entry)
end of the conveyor towards the downstream (exit) end of the conveyor. The direction of rotation is defined
5. SELECT THE ROTATION when viewed from the back side of the motor with the shaft extending away from the viewer.
• For clockwise rotation, set SW1-1 to the ON position.
• For counter-clockwise rotation, set SW1-1 to the OFF position.
PNP Run Input: This connection is OR’ed with Hytrol EZLogic® input. When either is active the motor will run.
PNP Reverse Input: When this input is active and either the PNP Run input or the EZLogic® input is active, the
motor will run in the opposite direction from the setting on SW1-1.
PNP Running Output: This output is active when either the PNP Run input or the EZLogic® input is active,
regardless of the condition of the PNP Reverse input.
Analog +(0-10VDC) Input: This input may be used to override the speed set by switches SW2-1 through
(OPTIONAL) • If the input is below 0.5 VDC, the speed defaults to that set by the switches.
Note: The voltage drop across the return cable will cause the set voltage to vary.
• If the input is 9.0 VDC or higher, the speed will be the maximum speed for the motor type.
• If in the range of 0.5 to 9.0 VDC, the speed will be proportional to the input within the full speed
range of the motor selected.
Unlike the switches, this input is dynamic and may be changed while the motors are operating.
Note: This input is referenced to the DC ground connected to pin 2 on the Power Input Connector.
DC Ground: This point is common to the DC ground on pin 2 of the Power Input Connector, should it be
required for reference.
We know conveyor.
For more information, please contact your local Hytrol Integration Partner.