California Building Code
California Building Code
California Building Code
LIGHT, VENTILATION AND SANITATION Section 1203.1 General. For the purpose of determining the light or ventilation required by this section, any room may be considered as a portion of an adjoining room when one-half of the area of the common wall is open and unobstructed and provides an opening of not less than one-tenth of the floor area of the interior room or twenty-five square feet, whichever is greater. Exterior openings for natural light or ventilation required by this section shall open directly onto a street or public alley or a yard or court located on the same lot as the building. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the porch: A. Abuts a street, yard or court; and B. Has a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet; and C. Has the longer side at least sixty-five percent open and unobstructed. 2. Skylights. Section 1203.2 Light. Guest rooms and habitable rooms within a dwelling unit or congregate residence shall be provided with natural light by means of exterior glazed openings with an area not less than one-tenth of the floor area of such rooms with a minimum of ten square feet. Section 1203.3 Ventilation. Guest rooms and habitable rooms within a dwelling unit or congregate residence shall be provided with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with an area of not less than one-twentieth of the floor area of such rooms with a minimum of five square feet. 13
In lieu of required exterior openings for natural ventilation, a mechanical ventilating system may be provided. Such system shall be capable of providing two air changes per hour in all habitable rooms. All bathrooms, water closet compartments, and similar rooms shall be provided with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with an area not less than one-twentieth of the floor area of such rooms with a minimum of 1 1/2 square feet. In lieu of required exterior openings for natural ventilation in bathrooms containing a bathtub or shower or combination thereof, and similar rooms, a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside capable of providing five air changes per hour shall be provided. The point of discharge of exhaust air shall be at least three feet from any opening into an occupied portion of the building. Bathrooms that contain only a water closet or lavatory or combination thereof, and similar rooms may be ventilated with an approved mechanical recirculating fan or similar device designed to remove odors from the air. CEILING HEIGHTS (CBC 310.6.1) Habitable rooms or areas except kitchens must have a ceiling height of at least 7'6". Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of at least 7'0", measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling. If a room has a sloping ceiling, at least half the area of that room must have the prescribed ceiling height. No portion of the room measuring less than five feet from the finished floor to the finished ceiling can be included in figuring the minimum area. If a room has a furred-down ceiling, the required minimum ceiling height is required in two-thirds of the area, but in no case may the height of the furred ceiling be less than 7'0". FLOOR AREA (CBC 310.6.2) Dwelling units and congregate residences shall have at least one room which is at least 120 square feet in area. Other habitable rooms, except kitchens, must have a minimum area of at least 70 square feet. WIDTH (CBC 310.6.3) No habitable room, other than a kitchen, may be less than seven feet in any dimension. Alcoves and entryways having dimensions less than seven feet are allowed within rooms, but cannot be included when calculating the minimum area of the room. SMOKE DETECTORS (CBC 310.9.1) 1. General. Dwelling units, congregate residences and hotel or lodging house guest rooms that are used for sleeping purposes shall be provided with smoke detectors. Detectors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. 2. Additions, alterations or repairs to Group R Occupancies. When the valuation of an addition, alteration or repair to a Group R Occupancy exceeds $1,000 and a permit is required, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing Group R Occupancies, smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with Subsections 3, 4 and 5 of this Section. 3. Power Source. In new construction, required smoke detectors shall receive their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring is served from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. The detector shall emit a signal when the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnect switch other than those required for overcurrent protection. Smoke detectors may be solely battery operated when installed in existing buildings; or in buildings without commercial power; or in buildings which undergo alterations, repairs or additions regulated by Subsection 2 of this Section. 4. Location within dwelling units. In dwelling units, a detector shall be installed in each sleeping room and at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each separate sleeping area. When the dwelling unit has more than one story and in dwellings with basements, a detector shall be installed on each story and in 14
the basement. In dwelling units where a story or basement is split into two or more levels, the smoke detector shall be installed on the upper level, except that when the lower level contains a sleeping area, a detector shall be installed on each level. When sleeping rooms are on an upper level, the detector shall be placed at the ceiling of the upper level in close proximity to the stairway. In dwelling units where the ceiling height of a room open to the hallway serving the bedrooms exceeds that of the hallway by twenty-four inches or more, smoke detectors shall be installed in the hallway and in the adjacent room. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling unit in which they are located. HEATING (CBC 310.11) All habitable rooms in a dwelling unit must be provided with heating facilities that are capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit at a point three feet above the floor. ATTACHED GARAGES [CBC 302, 312.4) A fire separation is required between a residence and an attached garage. It may be vertical or horizontal or both or of whatever form may be required to completely separate the residence and the garage. Where any part of the separation is horizontal, any walls or columns which support the horizontal portion must also be protected. Protected walls must have 5/8" type X gypsum wallboard on the garage side of the wall. Ceilings framed at 24" o.. must have two layers of 5/8" type X wallboard, but those framed at 16" o.. only need one layer. Resilient channel (RC channel) may be installed @ 16" o.. perpendicular to 24" o.. ceiling framing and covered with one layer of 5/8" type X wallboard. Any door between the house and the garage must be selfclosing and be a 20-minute rated and labeled door or a minimum 1 3/8" thick, solid wood door. Where selfclosing hinges are used, a minimum of two self-closing hinges are required. A door from a sleeping room may not open directly into a garage. ATTACHED CARPORTS (CBC 302.1 Exception 3) An occupancy separation need not be provided between a residence and a carport having no enclosed uses above, provided the carport is entirely open on two or more sides. DETACHED GARAGES AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS Any structure less than three feet from a property line must have a one hour fire wall along that side and no openings (windows, doors, etc.) are permitted in this wall. An open sided carport or trellis must therefore be a minimum of three feet from a property line to the face of its supports. One hour construction in this situation usually means 5/8 inch type X gypsum wallboard attached to the exterior side of the wall studs with exterior weather protection applied over the gypsum board or 7/8 thick plaster exterior wall covering. Detached structures must be a minimum of six feet from any other structure. This distance is measured from face of support to face of support. Roof overhangs are permitted to extend into a yard to a minimum of two feet from property line or four feet from adjacent structure walls. Bear in mind that both the City Planning and Building Divisions criteria are considered when deciding how close one may build to a property line. Building setback lines may require greater distances from property lines than California Building Code regulations require.
STAIRWAYS AND LANDINGS (CBC 1003.3.3) Private stairways shall be a minimum of thirty-six inches wide. Trim and handrails may not encroach into this minimum width by more than 3 1/2 inches. The maximum rise of each step is eight inches; the minimum rise is four inches. The minimum run is nine inches. The largest tread width or riser height in any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch.
Every stairway must have a headroom clearance of not less than 6'8" measured vertically from the plane of the tread nosing to the soffit above at all points. Enclosed useable space under stairs must be protected on the enclosed side by 5/8" type X gypsum wallboard. Landings must have a width and a dimension measured in the direction of travel not less than the width of the stairway. Doors in the fully open position shall not reduce a required dimension by more than 7 inches. All exterior doors shall have a landing immediately on the exterior side. These landings shall be as wide as the door and a minimum of 36 inches in the direction of travel. These landings must be no more than 8 inches below the interior floor level. If the door swings out over the landing this dimension is 1 inch maximum. An interior door at the top of a flight of stairs need not have a landing at the top of the stairs, provided the door swings away from the stairs.
HANDRAILS (CBC 1003.3.3.6) The intent of a handrail is to provide a handgrip for people using a stairway. Stairways which serve an individual dwelling unit must have a handrail on one side if they have four risers or more. Such stairways with fewer than four risers are not required to have handrails. Handrails projecting from a wall shall have not less than 1 1/2 inches between the wall and handrail. Handrails must be placed between thirty-four and thirty-eight inches above the nosing of the stair treads. Ends must be returned or have rounded terminations or bends. The handgrip portion of handrails shall not be less than 1 1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. The handgrip portion of handrails shall have a smooth surface with no sharp corners.
GUARDRAILS (CBC 509) The intent of a guardrail is to prevent people, particularly small children, from falling off the edge of a horizontal standing surface. Open sides of floor openings, stairways, landings, ramps, balconies, or porches, which are more than 30 inches above grade or the floor below shall be protected by a guardrail. The top of residential guardrails must be at least 36 inches above the upper standing surface. Guardrails must have intermediate rails or an ornamental pattern placed in such a manner that a sphere four inches in diameter cannot pass through. The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail at the open side of a stairway may be of such size that a sphere 6 inches in diameter cannot pass through.
SILL PLATES Studs shall have full bearing on a plate or sill not less than 2 inches in nominal thickness and having a width not less than that of the wall studs. Exterior wall sill plates bearing on concrete must be pressure treated lumber. Foundation plates or wall sills bearing on concrete foundations shall be bolted to the foundation with a minimum of 5/8 x 10 inch steel bolts embedded at least 7 inches into the concrete. Bolts must not be spaced over 6 feet apart. A minimum of two bolts are required per piece. Bolts must be located no more than 12 inches and no less than 3 1/2 inches from each end of each piece. Each bolt must have a 2" x 2" x 3/16" plate washer under the nut. STUDS The size, height and spacing of studs shall be in accordance with Table 23-IV-B. Studs shall be placed with their wide dimension perpendicular to the wall. At least three studs need to be installed at each corner of an exterior wall.
TOP PLATES Bearing and exterior wall studs shall be capped with a double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and intersections with other walls. End joints in double top plates must be offset by at least 4 feet. WALL BRACING The traditional method of using let-in diagonal braces is no longer allowed in earthquake zone 4, which includes the City of San Bruno. This applies to metal diagonal braces as well as wood. The only method of wall bracing now allowed (other than an engineered design) is Braced Wall Panels. Braced Wall Panels: Braced Wall Panels are solid wall sections with no openings. They are similar to shear panels, but they need not be designed by an engineer for a particular location. The CBC lists 7 types of Panels which can be used in our earthquake zone. The most commonly used are: Wood structural panel sheathing, minimum 5/16" on 16" o.. studs and minimum 3/8" on 24" o.. studs. This term includes not only plywood, but OSB and similar products. Nailing is 6" o.. at edges and 12" o.. in the field.
Three-coat stucco on studs 16" o.. Braced Wall Panels must be at least 48" wide, except that gypsum wallboard Panels must be 96" wide if applied to one side of the wall, and 48" wide if applied to both sides. They must extend from the floor to the ceiling, or if there is no ceiling, to the roof. All vertical joints of Braced Wall Panels must be on studs and all horizontal joints must be blocked. The bottoms of Braced Wall Panels must be attached in the following manner: Wood Floor: Bottom plates of the panels should be nailed to floor framing with 3 16d nails every 16". This usually requires putting extra joists or blocking in the floor frame to provide backing for the interior panels. Slab Floor or Foundation: Bottom plates of panels in exterior walls must be attached to the slab or foundation with anchor bolts. Interior panels must be attached with anchor bolts or with 3" shots placed 6" and 10" from each end, plus 18" o.. The shots must be a type which are listed for this use. The tops of Braced Wall Panels must be attached to the floor above if there is one, to the ceiling, or if the building has no ceiling, such as a garage, the tops of the Panels must extend up to the roof. Each Braced Wall Panel must be shown on the plans with an indication of which type it is, and with enough dimensioning to show that it meets the location requirements described under Braced Wall Lines below. Alternate Braced Wall Panels: An Alternate Braced Wall Panel may be substituted for any Braced Wall Panel in the first story. The requirements are as follows: 1) Minimum width is 32" and maximum height is 10'. 2) Each Alternate Panel must be supported directly on a foundation or on a floor supported directly on a foundation. Cripple walls are not permitted below Alternate Panels. 3) Minimum 3/8" plywood sheathing, all edges attached to framing or blocking, with 8d @ 6" o.. at edges and 12" o.. in the field. For the first story of a two-story building, the plywood must be on both sides of the Alternate Panel. 4) Each Alternate Panel must have 2 - 1/2 x 10 anchor bolts at 1/4 points of the Panel. For the first story of a two-story building, there must be 3 such anchor bolts at 1/5 points. 5) A holdown rated for at least 1800 pounds uplift must be installed at each end of the Alternate Panel in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. For the first story of a two-story building, the uplift rating must be at least 3000 pounds. 6) The entire Braced Wall Line (see below) containing the Alternate Panel must have a continuous foundation with at least 2 continuous #4 rebars. Braced Wall Lines: Braced Wall Lines consist of a series of Braced Wall Panels. In order for a wall line to be considered a Braced Wall Line, it must have Braced Wall Panels no more than 8' from each end and no more than 25' to throughout the entire length of the wall line. These panels must be in line or offset from each other no more than 4'. In addition, Braced Wall Lines supporting 1 floor above must have total panel length of at least 25% of the building length parallel to the Wall Line. If the Braced Wall Panels consist of gypsum wallboard applied to one side of the wall, the required percentage must be doubled. There are no requirements for the wall between the panels, in fact there need not be any wall between the panels. A Braced Wall Line can consist only of the required Braced Wall Panels, located as described above, with the bottoms properly attached to the floor or foundation, and the tops attached to the floor above, the ceiling, or the roof. All non-engineered buildings must have Braced Wall Lines throughout, running in both directions (front to back and side to side). The maximum distance between parallel Braced Wall Lines in the City of San Bruno (it varies with wind and seismic zones) is 25'. The exception is that the house can have one room with a maximum 34 23
between braced wall panels. That room is limited under this exception to 900 square feet. Therefore, generally, the building must be divided into boxes which are no more than 25' in either direction, and each side of each box must be a Braced Wall Line or part of a Braced Wall Line. Remember that, if these bracing requirements are too restrictive for the design you prefer, you may submit plans with the bracing designed by a California licensed architect or engineer. Unusually Shaped Buildings: This term is used in the 1998 California Building Code to describe wood-framed buildings which require engineering. It includes a list of conditions which automatically put a building into that category. Laterally unsupported edges of floors and roofs are one of the above-mentioned conditions. Generally, all edges of floors and roofs must be laterally supported by Braced Wall Lines. This becomes an issue in floors with open edges such as balconies and mezzanines, and in open roofed structures such as patios and carports. An exception is made for floors and roofs which extend no more than 6' beyond a supporting Braced Wall Line. It also becomes an issue with cantilevered roofs, whether trusses or rafters, where the roof is not directly connected to the top of the Braced Wall Line, and therefore not laterally supported by it. This latter situation can be remedied by extending the Braced Wall Panels past the ceiling up to the roof. This involves building the panels around the ceiling framing or trusses. Angles between Braced Wall Lines other than 90 degrees is another condition which automatically requires engineering. CRIPPLE WALLS Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less in size than the studding above, or shall be framed of solid blocking. When exceeding four feet in height, such walls shall be framed of studs having the size required for an additional story. Such walls having a stud height exceeding fourteen inches shall be braced in accordance with Table 23-IV-C-2. Solid blocking or plywood sheathing may be used to brace cripple walls having a stud height of fourteen inches or less. Remember that methods #1 and #7 cannot be used to brace cripple walls in seismic zone 4.
STRUCTURAL WOOD PANEL WALL SHEATHING Nails or other approved fasteners shall be driven flush but shall not fracture the surface of the structural wood panel. Nails shall be placed not less than 3/8" in from the panel edge, shall be spaced not more than six inches on center along panel edge bearings, and shall be firmly driven into the framing members. Some shearwalls required tighter nail spacing. Framing members or blocking shall be provided at the edges of all sheets in Braced Wall Panels and shearwalls. 24
CUTS, NOTCHES AND BORED HOLES FOR PIPING Where plumbing, heating or other pipes are run through the top or bottom plates of walls and these plates are cut partially or totally through, they must have a 1 1/2" wide 16 gauge metal tie fastened across them with six 16d nails on each side of the opening. Studs in exterior walls and bearing walls must not be cut or notched more than 25 percent of their width (i.e., 7/8" for 2 x 4's or 1 3/8" for 2 x 6's). Cutting or notching up to forty percent of stud width is permitted in non-bearing partitions. A bored hole not exceeding forty percent of the stud width (i.e., 1 3/8" for a 2 x 4 or 2 1/4" for a 2 x 6) may be made in any stud provided the edge of the hole is no nearer to the face of the stud than 5/8". If holes up to sixty percent of the width of the stud are made, the wall studs must be doubled, and no more than two successive studs can be bored. Holes up to sixty percent of the stud width can be made in non-bearing walls without doubling (i.e., 2 1/8" for a 2 x 4, and 3 1/4" for a 2 x 6). FIRE BLOCKS Fire blocking is required in all stud walls at ceilings and floor levels. The vertical distance between blocking shall not exceed ten feet. It is also required where a ceiling is below the top plate of the wall such as soffit ceilings, and around the edges of tubs and showers on wood floors. Holes for pipes that pass from one floor level to another or into an attic space must have the openings firestopped with non-combustible material. Where insulation batts are used as fireblocking between studs, they must be stapled in place. Fire blocks must be a minimum of 2X nominal thickness or 23/32 plywood with joints backed with 23/32 plywood, or gypsum board, mineral wool, or other non-combustible material securely fastened in place.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CEILING JOISTS -- 10# LL + 5# DL BASED ON TABLE 23-IV-J-3 12" o.. 2x4 Standard DF 2x4 Stud DF 2x4 #2 DF 2x4 #1 DF 2x4 SS DF 2x6 #2 DF 2x6 #1 DF 2x6 SS DF 2x8 #2 DF 2x8 #1 DF 2x8 SS DF 2x10 #2 DF N/A 10 7" 12 5" 12 8" 13 2" 19 6" 19 11" 20 8" 25 8" 26 0" 26 0" 26 0" 16" o.. N/A 9 4" 11 3" 11 6" 11 11" 17 8" 18 1" 18 9" 23 4" 23 10" 24 8" 26 0" 19.2" o.. N/A 8 5" 10 7" 10 10" 11 3" 16 4" 17 0" 17 8" 21 6" 22 5" 23 3" 26 0" 24" o.. N/A N/A 9 10" 10 0" 10 5" 14 9" 15 9" 16 4" 19 6" 19 11" 21 7" 26 0"
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RAFTERS -- 20# LL + 10# DL BASED ON TABLE 23-IV-R-1 12" o.. 2x4 Standard DF 2x4 Stud DF 2x4 #2 DF 2x4 #1 DF 2x4 SS DF 2x6 #2 DF 2x6 #1 DF 2x6 SS DF 2x8 #2 DF 2x8 #1 DF 2x8 SS DF 2x10 #2 DF 2x10 #1 DF 2x10 SS DF 6 11" 7 10" 10 9" 10 9" 11 4" 15 11" 16 11" 17 10" 19 6" 20 11" 23 7" 23 11" 25 10" 26 0" 16" o.. 6 0" 6 9" 9 4" 9 10" 10 4" 13 9" 14 8" 16 3" 16 10" 18 1" 21 5" 20 8" 22 4" 26 0" 19.2" o.. 5 5" 6 2" 8 6" 9 0" 9 8" 12 7" 13 4" 15 2" 15 5" 16 7" 20 0" 18 11" 20 5" 25 0" 24" o.. 4 11" 5 6" 7 7" 8 0" 9 0" 11 3" 11 11" 14 2" 13 9" 14 10" 18 4" 16 11" 18 3" 22 4"
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RAFTERS -- 20# LL + 15# DL BASED ON TABLE 23-IV-R-3 12" o.. 2x4 Standard DF 2x4 Stud DF 2x4 #2 DF 2x4 #1 DF 2x4 SS DF 2x6 #2 DF 2x6 #1 DF 2x6 SS DF 2x8 #2 DF 2x8 #1 DF 2x8 SS DF 2x10 #2 DF 2x10 #1 DF 2x10 SS DF 6 5" 7 3" 9 11" 10 6" 11 4" 14 8 15 8" 17 10" 18 0" 19 5" 23 6" 22 1" 23 11" 26 0" 16" o.. 5 6" 6 3" 8 7" 9 1" 10 3" 12 9" 13 7" 16 1" 15 7" 16 9" 20 9" 19 2" 20 8" 25 4" 19.2" o.. 5 1" 5 9" 7 10" 8 4" 9 9" 11 7" 12 4" 14 8" 14 3" 15 4" 19 0" 17 6" 18 11" 23 1" 24" o.. 4 6" 5 1" 7 0" 7 5" 9 0" 10 5" 11 1" 13 2" 12 9" 13 8" 17 0" 15 8" 16 11" 20 8"
FLOOR GIRDERS -- 40# LL + 10# DL Floor loads only - roof or ceiling loads need additional support 4x6 #2 DF DF 4 o.. 4 6" o.. 5 o.. 5 6" o.. 6 o.. 6 6" o.. 7 o.. 7 6" o.. 8 o.. 9 o.. 10 o.. 12 o.. 8 2" 7 8" 7 3" 6 11" 6 8" 6 5" 6 2" 5 11" 5 9" 5 5" 5 2" 4 8" 10 9" 10 1" 9 7" 9 2" 8 9" 8 5" 8 1" 7 10" 7 7" 7 2" 6 9" 6 2" 13 2" 12 5" 11 9" 11 3" 10 9" 10 4" 9 11" 9 7" 9 4" 8 9" 8 4" 7 7" 15 4" 14 6" 13 9" 13 1" 12 6" 12 0" 11 7" 11 2" 10 10 10 3" 9 8" 8 10" 4x8 #2 DF 4x10 #2 DF 4x12 #2
DRYWALL GENERAL Drywall (sheetrock) is the interior finish most commonly used in residential construction. The following guidelines pertain to its application. Gypsum wallboard shall not be installed until weather protection for the installation is provided. When practical, wallboard should be applied first to the ceilings, and then to walls. Sheets should be brought into contact but not forced into place. Spaces between sheets should not exceed 1/4" and tapered edges should be placed next to each other when possible. Cutouts for electrical outlets, pipes, fixtures or other small openings should be cut out neatly with a maximum clearance of 1/4". If there are any gaps exceeding 1/4", they must be filled with taping compound and drywall tape. NAILING Nails should be driven so that the head is in a small dimple formed by the last blow of the hammer. Take care not to fracture the board when nailing. Fractures of the wallboard caused by over driving must be corrected by additional nailing. Nails must be between 3/8" and 1" from the edges, and nails on adjacent edges should be opposite each other. If you are using the single nailing system, the nails should be spaced 7" on center on the ceilings and 8" on center on the walls. The double nailing system is also permitted. Groups of two nails 2 - 2 1/2" apart are spaced 12" on center in this system. Approved screws may also be used to apply wallboard. Screws must be placed 3/8" from the end or edges of the board and spaced 12" on center. Screws must be used for fastening wallboard at pocket doors. Fasteners at the top and bottom plates of vertical assemblies, or the edges and ends of horizontal assemblies perpendicular to supports, and at the wall line may be omitted except on shear-resisting elements or fire resistive assemblies. All edges of Braced Wall Panels and firewalls must be nailed to framing. CORNERS All metal reinforced corners must fit snugly against wallboard and should be nailed approximately 12" on center. All "L" edge metal trim should be nailed every 6". Paperback corner bead is acceptable if installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. DRYWALL IN SHOWER ENCLOSURES Water-resistant drywall may be used as backing for tile on shower walls, but it cant be put on ceilings unless the framing is no more than 12" o.. DRYWALL IN FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION There are two areas in residential construction where one-hour fire resistive construction is required. One area is the wall separating an attached garage from the living area, and the other is enclosed useable space (walls and ceilings) under a stairway. A typical one-hour firewall is constructed as follows: 5/8" type "X" gypsum wallboard is nailed 7" on center to studs spaced 16" on center and at all edges. All gaps and penetrations must be taped or fire-caulked.
RECOMMENDED FASTENERS FOR DRYWALL 3/8" thick drywall: 5d cement-coated box nail, or 1 3/8" drywall nail 1/2" thick drywall: 5d cement coated box nail, or 1 5/8" drywall nail 5/8" thick drywall: 6d cement-coated box nail, or 1 7/8" drywall nail Screws shall be long enough for the full-diameter portion to penetrate into wood framing not less than 5/8 inch and through metal framing not less than 1/4 inch.