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National Building CODES (2016) : Vastu Kala Academy, College of Architecture

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Vastu Kala Academy,

College Of Architecture


CODES (2016)
Riya Kumari
3rd year A

Shweta Kashyap
3rd year A

Kishan Sirohi
3rd year A

Vrinda Singhal


MAIN BUILDING-The plinth or any part of a building or outhouse shall be so located with respect to
the surrounding ground level that adequate drainage of the site is assured.
The height of the plinth shall be not less than 450 mm from the surrounding ground level.

INTERIOR COURTYARDS AND COVERED PARKING-Every interior courtyard shall be raised at

least 150 mm above the determining ground level and shall be satisfactorily drained.


Height- The height of all rooms for human habitation shall not be less than 2.75 m measured from
the surface of the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling (bottom of slab).
In the case of pitched roof, the average height of rooms shall not be less than 2.75 m. The
minimum clear head room under a beam, folded plates or eaves shall be 2.4 m. In the case of air
conditioned rooms, a height of not less than 2.4 m measured from the surface of the floor to the
lowest point of air conditioning duct or the false ceiling shall be provided.

Size- The area of habitable room shall not be less than 9.5 m2 , where there is only one room with
a minimum width of 2.4 m. Where there are two rooms, one of these shall not be less than 9.5 m2
and the other not less than 7.5 m2 , with a minimum width of 2.1 m

Height- The height of a kitchen measured from the surface of the floor to the lowest point in the
ceiling (bottom slab) shall not be less than 2.75 m, except for the portion to accommodate floor trap
of the upper floor.

Size-The area of a kitchen where separate dining area is provided, shall be not less than 5.0 m2
with a minimum width of 1.8 m. Where there is a separate store, the area of the kitchen may be
reduced to 4.5 m2

Other Requirements-
Every room to be used as kitchen shall have,
a) unless separately provided in a pantry, means for the washing of kitchen utensils
which shall lead directly or through a sink to a grated and trapped connection to the
waste pipe;
b) an impermeable floor;
c) a flue, if found necessary; and
d) a window or ventilator or opening of size not less than as specified in 20.1.1 subject
to increase in area of opening in accordance with 20.1.2.


Height- It shall have a minimum height of 2.2 m.

Size- The minimum size of the mezzanine floor, if it is to be used as a living room, shall
not be less than 9.5 m2 . The aggregate area of such mezzanine floor in a building
shall in no case exceed one-third the plinth area of the building.

Other Requirements-

A mezzanine floor may be permitted over a room or a compartment, provided,

a) it conform to the standard of living rooms as regards lighting and ventilation in case
the size of mezzanine floor is 9.5 m2 or more ;
b) it is so constructed as not to interfere under any circumstances with the ventilation of
the space over and under it;
c) such mezzanine floor is not subdivided into smaller compartments;
d) such mezzanine floor or any part of it shall not be used as a kitchen; and
e) in no case shall a mezzanine floor be closed so as to make it liable to be converted
into unventilated compartments.


Height- The height of a store room shall be not less than 2.2 m.
Size- The size of a store room, where provided in a residential building, shall be not
less than 3 m2

Parapet walls and handrails provided on the edges of roof terraces, balcony, Verandah,
etc, shall not be less than 1.0 m and not more than 1.2 m in height from the finished
floor level.
The size of cabins shall not be less than 3.0 m2 with a minimum width of 1.0 m. The clear passages within the
divided space of any floor shall not be less than 0.75 m and the distance from the farthest space in a cabin to any
exit shall not be more than 18.5 m.
In case the subdivided cabin does not derive direct lighting and ventilation from any open spaces/ mechanical
means, the maximum height of the cabin shall be 2.2 m.

The requirements of the boundary wall are given below:

a) Except with the special permission of the Authority, the maximum height of the compound wall shall be 1.5 m
above the centre line of the front street. Compound wall up to 2.4 m height may be permitted if the top 0.9 m is of
open type construction of a design to be approved by the Authority.

b) In the case of a corner plot, the height of the boundary wall shall be restricted to 0.75 m for a length of 10 m on
the front and side of the intersections and the balance height of 0.75 m, if required in accordance with (a) may be
made up of open type construction (through railings) and of design to be approved by the Authority.

c) However, the provisions of (a) and (b) are not applicable to boundary walls of jails. In industrial buildings, electric
substations, transformer stations, institutional buildings like sanitoria, hospitals, industrial buildings like workshops,
factories and educational buildings like schools, colleges, including hostels, and other uses of public utility
undertakings and strategically sensitive buildings, a height up to 2.4 m may be permitted by the Authority.

For all buildings above 15 m in height and in special occupancies, like educational, assembly, institutional,
industrial, storage, hazardous and mixed occupancies with any of the aforesaid occupancies having area more than
500 m2 on each floor, provision shall be made for an independent and ventilated meter (service) room, as per
requirements of electric (service) supply undertakings on the ground floor with direct access from outside for the
purpose of termination of electric supply from the licensee’s service and alternative supply cables. The door/doors
provided for the service room shall have fire resistance of not less than two hours

Minimum clear width-The following minimum width shall be provided for staircases for respective occupancies

a) Residential (A-2) : 1.00 m

NOTE For row housing with 2 storeys, the minimum width shall be 0.75 m.
b) Residential (A-1, A-3 and A-4) : 1.25 m
c) Residential hotel (A-5 and A-6) : 1.50 m
d) Assembly : 2.00 m

NOTE The width of stairs may be accepted to be 1.50 m in case of assembly occupancy having less than 150
persons e) Educational : 1.50 m
f) Institutional : 2.00 m
g) All other occupancies : 1.50 m

Minimum tread- The minimum width of tread without nosing shall be 300 mm. However, for one or two family
dwelling, it may be reduced to not less than 250 mm.

Maximum riser- The maximum height of riser shall be 150 mm. However, for one or two family dwelling, it may be
increased to not more than 190 mm.The number of risers shall be limited to 12 per flight.

The minimum head-room in a passage under the landing of a staircase shall be 2.2 m.
The minimum clear head-room in any staircase shall be 2.2 m.

Exit Requirements- All aspects of exit requirements for corridors, doors, staircases, ramps, etc, in respect of widths,
travel distance shall be as per Part 4 ’Fire and Life Safety’ of the Code.
A Basement or Cellar is the lower storey of a building, below or
partly below ground level.

The following uses shall be permitted in the basements:

a) Storage of household or other goods of ordinarily non-combustible
b) Strong rooms, bank cellars, etc;
c) Air conditioning equipment and other machines used for services and
utilities of the building; and
d) Parking spaces.

The Authority may also consider permitting mercantile occupancy as well as

institutional occupancy for medical, health care services involving radiation
facilities in the first basement subject to compliance of all requirements for fire

The basements can be permitted below the ground and beyond the building lines at
ground level subject to a clear minimum front margin of 4.5 m and side and rear
margins of 3 m, and further subject to non-habitable uses and provision for
mechanical ventilation and all safety provisions and drainage (see Fig. 11). However,
it is essential that the basement top slab below the external circulation at ground level
should be designed for fire fighting vehicular loads.


a) Every basement shall be in every part at least 2.4 m in height from the floor to the
underside of the roof slab or ceiling;

b) Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the basement. The ventilation

requirements shall be the same as required by the particular occupancy according to
byelaws. Any deficiency may be met by providing adequate mechanical ventilation in
the form of blowers, exhaust fans, air conditioning systems, etc;

c) The height of the ceiling of any basement shall be minimum 0.9 m and the
maximum, 1.2 m above the average surrounding ground level. However, in case of
parking, mercantile or business occupancy at ground floor, minimum height of the
ceiling of the basement maybe 0.3 m above the average surrounding ground level
subject to mechanical ventilation being provided.
Those car parking structures which are enclosed on all sides and on top, not
falling within the definition of open car parking and also those situated in the
basements shall be known as enclosed car parking structures.

a) All sprinklers in car parking shall be standard response type with minimum K-Factor of
80, area coverage of 9 m2

b) For basement car parking, compartmentation can be achieved, with fire barrier or with
water curtain nozzle (K-23) or with combination thereof. Automatic deluge system
comprising deluge valve, piping, nozzles, etc shall be used to zone the compartment in
case of water curtain system. In case of water curtain, existing water storage shall be
supplemented by water demand for water curtain nozzlesfor 60 min considering the
largest compartment perimeter out of all compartments of car parking in any of the

d) The watersupply for the water curtain nozzles shall be through independent electric
pump of adequate capacity (flow and head) with piping/riser for the watersupply to the

e) The water curtain shall be operated by the actuation of flow switch actuating sprinkler

f) All fire exit doorsfrom the car parking to exits shall be painted green and shall display
exit signage.


Discharge coefficient
These systems are widely used in residential
or corporate settings. Water Curtain systems The k-factor for a fire sprinkler is the discharge coefficient, or in normal
constitute a set of nozzles that mounted human terms just relates to the amount of water that is permitted through
radially are to diffuse water at high pressure the sprinkler.
during fire accidents. This system best
prevents the spread of fire across walls, The k-factor is dependent upon the diameter of the sprinkler - a low
windows, and ceiling thus preventing total
k-factor (such as K2.8) restricts the flow of water, while a larger k-factor
unwanted damage in the space.
(such as K22.4, K25.2, or K28.0) permit much more water to flow through.
K-factors were originally created to be multiples of the discharge of a K5.6
50 SQM IN AREA AND EACH SHOULD HAVE sprinkler. A K2.8 sprinkler, for example, is 50% discharge of a K5.6
VENTILATION STANDARDS sprinkler, while a K11.2 sprinkler is 200% of the discharge of a K5.6
Smoke Exhaust and Pressurization of Areas Below Ground
Each basementshall be separately ventilated. Vents with cross-sectional area
(aggregate) not less than 2.5 percent of the floor area spread evenly round the
perimeter of the basemen shall be provided in the form of grills, or breakable stall
board lights or pavement lights or by way of shafts.
Alternatively, a system of mechanical ventilation system may be provided with following
a) Mechanical ventilation system shall be designed to permit 12 air changes per hour in
case of fire or distress call.

Air changes per hour, abbreviated ACPH or ACH, or air change

rate is a measure of the air volume added to or removed from a
space (normally a room or house) divided by the volume of the

● Fans shall be fire rated, that is, 250°C for 120 min. b) In multi-level basements, independent air intake and smoke exhaust shafts (masonry or
reinforced concrete) for respective basement levels and compartments.
● Fans shall be adequately supported to enable operations
c) All supply air and exhaust air fans on respective levels shall be installed in fire resisting
● Power supply panels for the fans shall be located in fire safe room of 120 min. Exhaust fans at the respective levels shall be provided with back draft
zone to ensure continuity of power supply. damper connection to the common smoke exhaust shaft ensuring complete isolation and
compartmentation of floor isolation to eliminate spread of fire and smoke to the other

BASEMENT EXITS d) Smoke from any fire in the basementshall not obstruct any exit serving the ground and
upper floors of the building.

e) The smoke exhaust fans in the mechanical ventilation system shall be fire rated, that is,
a) Basement exits shall be sufficient to provide for the capacity of the 250°C for 120 min.
basement as determined. In no case shall there be less than two
independent basement exits.
f) The smoke ventilation of the basement car parking areas shall be through provision of
c) Where basement is used for car parking and also there is direct approach supply and exhaust air ducts duly installed with its supports and connected to supply air
from any occupancy above to the basement, door openings leading to the and exhaust fans
basement shall need to be protected with fire doors with 120 min fire rating,
except for exit discharge doors from the basements. g) Supply air shall not be less than 5 m from any exhaust discharge openings.
This Code covers the requirements for fire prevention, life safety in relation to fire and fire protection of buildings. This Code specifies
occupancy-wise classification, constructional aspects, egress requirements and protection features that are necessary to minimise
danger to life and property from fire.

Egress is another word for “exit”, and is used in

building code to refer to the means by which
somebody can exit a building. For example, a fire
escape is defined as a “means of egress” because
that's how somebody can get out of a building if
there was an emergency.

Dry Riser: An arrangement

of fire fighting within the
building by means of
vertical rising mains not
less than 100 mm internal
diameter with landing
valves on each
floor/landing, which is
normally dry but is capable
of being charged with water
usually by pumping from
fire service appliances.

Wet Riser An arrangement

for fire fighting within the
building by means of
vertical rising mains of not
less than 100 mm diameter
with landing valves on each
floor/landing for fire fighting
purposes and permanently
charged with water from a
pressurised supply.
Exit access, exit itself, and the
exit discharge are the three
primary constituents of Means of

.Mixed Occupancy: When any building is used for more than one Vertical opening:
type of occupancy in so far as fire safety is concerned, it shall conform In a building fire vertical openings like stairs and lift shafts acts as flues
to the requirements for the occupancies of higher hazard. Unless the or chimneys conveying flames hot gases and smoke vertically and
high hazard area is separated by separating walls of 4h rating, the serve as channels for easy spread to the upper levels. Hence, the
occupancies shall not be treated individually need for enclosure or protection of such vertical shafts to prevent fire
spread to other areas and floors served by them.


a) Gas based systems
Systems that use gaseous agents as fire suppression media, such as, all agents alternate to Halon gases, listed and approved for use by relevant Indian
Standards; other methods/types of gas based systems where their protection is equal to or better than what is suggested above for the type of application
subject to the acceptance of Authorities concerned may also fall under such systems.
b) Water based systems
Systems that use mainly water as fire fighting media such as hydrant system, sprinkler system, water spray system, foam system and water mist system.
1 Hydrant System - A distribution system having a
network of piping installed underground/ above ground
around and/or through inside of a building with internal
and/or external hydrants fitted with landing valves at
regular intervals according to the occupancy. The
distribution system is connected to water supply system
for firefighting.

2 Automatic Sprinkler System - A system of water

pipes fitted with sprinkler heads at suitable intervals and HYDRANT SYSTEM AUTOMATIC WATER SPRAY SYSTEM
heights and designed to actuate automatically, control
and extinguish a fire by the discharge of water.

3 Automatic Water Spray Systems - A special fixed

pipe system connected to a reliable source of fire
protection water supply and equipped with water spray
nozzles for specific water discharge and distribution over
the surface or area to be protected..

4 Water Mist Systems - A distribution system connected

to a pumping and water supply system that is equipped
with nozzles capable of delivering water mist to the
part/entire enclosure or area, intended to control,
suppress, or extinguish fire and is capable of meeting AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOAM PROTECTION SYSTEM
the specified performance requirements.

5 Foam Protection System Fire fighting - systems

where foam is made by mechanically mixing air with a
solution consisting of fresh water to which a foaming
agent (liquid concentrate) has been added. Firefighting
foam is a stable aggregation of small bubbles of density
lower than oil or water, and shows tenacious qualities for
covering horizontal surfaces. There are three types of
foam applications that is, low, medium and high
expansion foams depending upon the application.
A high rise building during construction shall be provided with the
following fire protection measures, which shall be maintained in good
working condition at all the times:
a) Dry riser of minimum 100 mm diameter pipe with hydrant outlets on the ● An exit may be a fire exit doorway; an internal staircase, exit passageway, external
floors constructed with a fire service inlet to boost the water in the dry riser doorway, external staircase and these having access to the street or to a Veranda or
and maintenance should be in accordance with good practice. to a refuge area or to the terrace or roof of a building Unless otherwise specified, lifts,
b) Drums of 2000 litre capacity filled with water with two fire buckets on each escalators, moving walks and revolving doors shall not be considered as exits and
floor; shall not constitute any part of the required exit.
c) A water storage tank of minimum 20,000 litre capacity, which may be used
for other construction purposes also. ● Doors in exits shall open in the direction of exit. Exit door shall not open
immediately upon a flight of stair and all such entries to the stair shall be through a
landing, so that such doors do not impede movement of people descending from a
AIR HANDLING UNIT (AHU) higher floor when fully opened.

From fire safety point of view, separate air handling units (AHU) for each ● For non-naturally ventilated areas, fire doors with 120 min fire resistance rating
floor shall be provided so as to avoid the hazards arising from spread of fire shall be provided and particularly at the entrance to lift lobby and stair well where a
and smoke through the air conditioning ducts , shall be separate from each funnel or flue effect may be created, inducing an upward spread of fire, to prevent
AHU to its floor and in no way shall interconnect with the duct. spread of fire and smoke.

An Air Handling Unit (AHU) is used to re-condition and circulate air as part of ● Unless otherwise specified, all the exits and exit passageways to exit discharge shall
a heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system. The basic function of the have a clear ceiling height of at least 2.4 m.
AHU is take in outside air, re-condition it and supply it as fresh air to a
building. All exhaust air is removed, which creates an acceptable indoor air ● All exits must lead to ground level in open space. People escaping from areas filled
quality. with fire and smoke will be all anxiety to reach open air where they can breath
normally and become tension-free at the earliest.


Fire command centre shall be on the entrance floor of the building
having direct access. The control room shall have the main fire alarm
panel with communication system (suitable public address system) to
aid floors and facilities for receiving the message from different floors.

a) Basement exits shall be sufficient to provide for the capacity of the

basement as determined. In no case shall there be less than two
independent basement exits.

c) Where basement is used for car parking and also there is direct
approach from any occupancy above to the basement, door openings
leading to the basement shall need to be protected with fire doors with
120 min fire rating, except for exit discharge doors from the basements.

Arrangement of exits
a) Exits shall be so located that the travel distance on the floors shall not exceed the distance given in Table 5.

b) Travel distance shall be measured from the most remote point within a storey or a mezzanine floor along the natural and
unobstructed path of horizontal or vertical egress travel to the door to an exit.

c) The dead end corridor length in exit access shall not exceed 6 m for educational, institutional and assembly occupancies.
For other occupancies, the same shall be 15 m

d) Exits shall be placed as remote from each other as possible and shall be arranged to provide direct access in separate
directions from any point in the area served.
● Openings in walls or floors which are necessary to be
provided to allow passages of all building services
like cables, electrical wirings, telephone cables,
plumbing pipes, etc, shall be protected by enclosure
in the form of ducts/shafts having a fire resistance not
less than 120 min.
● The space between the electrical cables/conduits and
the walls/slabs shall be filled in by a fire stop material
having fire resistance rating of not less than 120 min.
● NOTE : In the case of buildings where it is
necessary to lower or lift heavy machinery or goods
from one floor to the other, it may be necessary to
provide larger openings in the floor.
● Such openings shall be provided with removable
covers which shall have the same strength and fire
resistance as the floor.

Occupant Load: SPRINKLER DISTANCE should not be less than 1800 mm.

(a) Occupant load in a building or area is an important

factor for determination of the number of exits required
as well as for capacities of exits.

(b) The total capacity of the means of egress for any

storey, balcony or other occupied space shall be
sufficient for the occupant load thereof.

(c) For determining the exits required, the number of

persons within any floor area or the occupant load shall
be based on the actual number of occupants, but in no
case less than that specified in Table 20.


a) Every exit doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway or a horizontal

exit of a corridor or passageway providing continuous and protected means
of egress

b) No exit doorway shall be less than 1000 mm in width except assembly

buildings, where door width shall be not less than 2000 mm . Doorways shall
be not less than 2000 mm in height.

c) Exit doorways shall be operable from the side which they serve, without
the use of a key.

d) All fire rated doors and assembly shall be provided with certificate and
labels prominently indicating the manufacturers identification, door details 2.CORRIDORS AND PASSAGEWAYS
covering door type, serial/batch number, month and year of manufacture, fire
resistance rating, etc. The doors and assembly shall be certified with all
prescribed hardware such as hinges, locks, panic bars, door closer, and door a) Corridors and passageways shall be of width not less than the calculated
viewers. aggregate width of exit doorways leading from them in the direction of travel to the

e) Access controlled doors and electromagnetic doors shall fall under this b) In the case of buildings where there is a central corridor, which is part of exit
category. These shall meet the following requirements: access, the doors of rooms shall open inwards to permit smooth flow of traffic in the
1) Doors shall have fire rating as per the requirements at the location of corridor.
2) Activation of the building automatic sprinkler or fire detection system, if
provided, shall automatically unlock the doors in the direction of egress, and
the doors shall remain unlocked until the automatic sprinkler system or
fire-alarm system has been manually reset.
3) Loss of power to the part of the access control system that locks the doors
shall automatically unlock the doors in the direction of egress.

f) Turnstiles or similar devices that restrict travel to one direction or are used
to collect fares or admission charges shall not be placed so as to obstruct
any required means of egress unless door openings of required width are
available within 3 m thereof. Turnstiles or such similar devices shall also be
disengaged through automatic or manual intervention to allow egress in the
direction of exit.
4) No combustible material shall be used for decoration/wall panelling in the
All public buildings shall have a minimum of two staircases. All exit staircases shall
discharge, at the level of exit discharge, to the exit discharge, either,
5) The floor indication board, indicating the location/designated number of
a) directly, or
staircase, respective floor number and direction to exit discharge shall be
b) through an exit passageway, or
placed inside the staircase, on the wall nearest to the fire door. It shall be of
c) through a large lobby.
size not less than 300 mm × 200 mm.
6) Scissors type staircases and Curved stairs shall not be treated as part
means of egress. However, these may be used as part of exit access provided
The minimum width of tread without
the depth of tread is not less than 280 mm at a point 350 mm from the
nosing shall be minimum 300 mm for
narrower end of the tread and the smallest radius is not less than twice the
assembly, hotels, educational, institutio
stair width.
nal, business and other buildings. The
treads shall be constructed and
maintained in a manner to prevent slipping.
The maximum height of riser shall be 190 mm for staircase of residential
buildings(A-2) and 150 mm for other buildings. The number of risers shall be
limited to 12 per flight. The staircases may be internal staircases or external
For staircase design - 2R+T=600 formula is kept in mind.
The internal staircases may be constructed with an external wall, or otherwise,
The external staircases are the staircases provided on the external
and shall comply with the following:
wall/facade, and shall comply with the following:
a) All external stairs shall be directly connected to the ground.
a) Internal stairs shall be constructed of noncombustible materials throughout,
b) Entrance to the external stairs shall be separate and remote from the
and shall have fire resistant rating of minimum 120 min.
internal staircase.
b) A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft.
c) Where an external staircase is provided, it shall be ensured that the use of it
c) Exits shall not be used as a portion of a supply, return or exhaust air system
at the time of fire is not prejudiced by smoke and flame from openings(for
serving adjoining areas. Any opening(s) shall not be permitted in walls or in
example, windows, doors) in the external face of the building. Care shall be
doors, separating exits from adjoining areas.
taken to ensure that no external wall or window opening opens on to or close
d) No flue chimney, electromechanical equipment, air conditioning units, gas
to an external stair. If such openings exists within 3 m from an external
piping or electrical panels shall be allowed in the stairway.
staircase, they shall be protected with fire rated doors/window assemblies with
e) The following minimum width shall be provided for staircases for respective
rating of at least 60 min
occupancies: For mixed-use : 1.5m to 2 m
d) No external staircase, shall be inclined at an angle greater than 45° from the
f) A handrail shall be provided on one side of the staircase of width less than 1
500 mm, and on both sides of the staircase of width 1 500 mm and more.
g) External stairs shall have straight flight not less than 2000 mm wide.
g) The design of staircase shall also take into account the following:
h) Handrails, to be provided on both sides, shall be of a height not less than
1000 mm and not exceeding 1200 mm. There shall be provisions of balusters
1) The minimum headroom in a passage under the landing of a staircase and
with maximum gap of 150 mm.
under the staircase shall be 2.2 m
2) No living space, store or other fire risk shall open directly into staircases.
3) Lifts shall not open in staircase.
h) Every landing shall be not less than 1 500 mm long in the direction of travel.

j) Where the ramp is not part of an accessible route, the ramp landings shall not be
required to exceed 1250 mm in the direction of travel, provided that the ramp has a
straight run


a) The slope of a ramp shall not exceed 1 in 12 (8 percent).

b) Ramp(s) shall be surfaced with approved slip resistant materials that are securely
attached. No perforations are permissible on ramp floors.

c) Any changes in travel direction in ramp shall be preceded by landings of 1.5 m × 1.5 m

d) Ramps and intermediate landings shall continue with no decrease in width along the
direction of egress travel.

e) Outside ramps and landings shall be designed to minimise water accumulation on their

g) Ramps shall have landings located at the top, at the bottom, and at doors opening onto
the ramp.
Parking Details & Requirements
❖ Location of Parking
● The designated accessible parking spaces that serve a building shall be located as near as possible to the
main entrance, and the distance from the accessible parking
space to the main entrance shall not be more than 30 m. In case the access is through lift, the parking shall
be located within 30 m of the lift lobby.
● Kerb ramp from parking space to an adjacent higher pedestrian path shall be provided in accordance .
● Where indoor parking is provided, a suitable passenger lift or separated pedestrian ramp shall be installed
to provide access from the parked vehicle to the principal
entrance of the building or buildings served by the car parking.

❖ Car Park Entrance and Parking Controls

● The car park entrance shall have a height clearance of at least 2600 mm.
● If payment machine is provided, it shall provide all control at the height between 800 mm and 1 000 mm.
● Access to the machine shall be level along an accessible route and easy to operate. The machine shall be
located so that it does not create a hazard or barrier for persons with disabilities.

❖ Accessible Car Parking Space Dimensions and Surface Requirements

❖ The accessible car parking space shall meet the following requirements:
➔ The minimum width of the parking space for a car shall be 3 900 mm and the minimum length
shall be 5 400 mm. This minimum width includes the transfer area beside the car with a
minimum of 1 500 mm.
➔ Two accessible parking spaces with one shared transfer area are widely used and shall
have a minimum width of 6 300 mm.
➔ It shall have a firm, level surface without aeration slabs.
➔ Wherever possible, it shall be sheltered.
➔ The transfer zones, both on the side and the rear should have yellow or white cross-hatch
road markings

❖ Signage for Parking

● A vertical sign shall be provided, and to make it easily visible, the sign shall be at a
minimum height of 2 100 mm. This height is to ensure that the sign does not get hidden
behind large vehicles in the parking.
❖ Kerb Ramp from Parking Space to an Adjacent Higher Pedestrian Path
● The kerb ramp should be located in close proximity to the designated accessible parking area connecting the accessible path of travel to the main
entrance. The kerb ramp width should be a minimum of 1 000 mm .
● Kerb ramps shall have a slip- resistant surface.

❖ Approach to the Building

➔ The entry to the building shall be facilitated by the following:
● Space should be provided for passenger drop-off points for taxis,
public transport and also for large vehicles such as vans, etc, as
near as possible to the main accessible entrance.
● Vehicle drop-off areas should be a minimum of 9 000 mm in
length, have a minimum width of 3 600 mm and be served by a
kerb ramp.
● At least one accessible route leading to an accessible entrance of the
building shall be provided from the alighting and boarding point of taxi
stands and car park lots (see B-3) for people with disabilities.

❖ Access at Entrance and within the Building

➔ General Requirements ; Access to the building entrance shall be in accordance:
● A clear, firm and level landing of at least 1 800 mm × 1 800 mm shall be provided on either side of the entrance door.
● The width of the accessible entrance door shall not be less than 900 mm and the width of the corridors or passageways leading to and from
such access door shall not be less than 1 200 mm.
● In multi-storey buildings, the accessible entrance shall have an accessible route leading to the lifts.

❖ Internal Passages
● The minimum unobstructed width of corridors shall be 1 500 mm, with a preference for a width of 1 800 mm.
● Where less than 1 800mm wide, a corridor shall be provided with passing places, 1 800 mm wide and at least
1 800 mm in length at reasonable intervals. These dimensions shall be exclusive of handrails and any other
projections, for example portable fire extinguishers,notice boards, etc.
● Adequate circulation space, where a doorway exists, shall be provided
● Changes of direction within a corridor shall have a turning circle with a diameter of 1 500 mm or more, clear of
any obstruction..
● The minimum clear height of corridors shall be 2 100 mm.

● The term open parking structure specifies the degree to which the structures, exterior walls must
have openings.
● Parking structures that meet the definition of the term open parking structure provide sufficient
area in exterior walls to vent the products of combustion to a greater degree than an enclosed
parking structure.
● A parking structure having each parking level wall openings open to the atmosphere, for an area of
not less than 0.4 m2 for each linear metre of its exterior perimeter shall be construed as open
parking structure.
● Such openings shall be distributed over 40 percent of the building perimeter or uniformly over two
opposing sides. Interior wall lines shall be at least 20 percent open, with openings distributed to
provide ventilation, else, the structure shall be deemed as enclosed parking structures.

● NOTE : A car park located at the stilt level of a building (not open to sky) can be considered an
open or an unenclosed car park if any part of the car park is within 30 m of a permanent natural
ventilation opening and any one of the following is complied with towards the permanent natural
ventilation requirement:
i) 50 percent of the car park perimeter shall be open to permanent natural ventilation.
ii) At least 75 percent of the car park perimeter is having the 50 percent natural ventilation

● All stilt parking are required to be provided with sprinkler system where such buildings are
required to be sprinklered.
● Open parking structures are not required to be provided with compartmentation.
● Open car parking (open to sky) within building complex having fire hydrant system shall also need
to be protected with yard hydrant installation system in accordance with good practice


❖ Height Controls
a) Height of controls : 400 mm - 1 200 mm from floor level
b) Height for switches : 400 mm - 500 mm (power) ❖ Entrance/Exit Door
c) Height for switches : 800 mm - 1 200 mm (lights) a) Minimum width of entrance/ : 900 mm exit door
d) Height of door : 800 mm - 1 100 mm handles b) Minimum front approach : 600 mm doorways space
e) Opening controls for : 800 mm - 1 100 mm windows (see Fig. 44 and
f) Space required under : 350 mm deep the counter for c) Minimum latch side approach : 1 250 mm doorways
wheelchair footrest space

● No series of ramps should rise more than 2 000 mm in total. If this is the case, an alternative should be provided, for example a lift.
● The length of an end landing and an intermediate landing shall be not less than 1 500 mm. Where the ramp run changes direction, the minimum landing
dimensions shall be 1 500 mm × 1 500 mm.
● Ramps and landings not adjacent to a wall should have an edge protection in form of a 75 mm kerb. Guarding along ramps in pathway shall also meet the
requirements .

❖ Requirements for ramp for vehicles

● Ramp(s) shall be surfaced with approved slip resistant materials that are securely attached. No ● One way ramp of clear width of minimum 3.0 m and two
perforations are permissible on ramp floors. way ramp with clear width of minimum 6.0 m shall be
● Any changes in travel direction in ramp shall be preceded by landings of 1.5 m × 1.5 m size. provided for LMV.
● Ramps and intermediate landings shall continue with no decrease in width along the direction of ● One way ramp of clear width of minimum 4.5 m and two
egress travel. way ramp with clear width of minimum 9.0 m shall be
● Outside ramps and landings shall be designed to minimise water accumulation on their surfaces. provided for LCV.
● Ramps shall have landings located at the top, at the bottom, and at doors opening onto the ramp. ● One way ramp of clear width of minimum 6.0 m and two
way ramp with clear width of minimum 12.0 m shall be
● Every landing shall be not less than 1 500 mm long in the direction of travel.
provided for HMV.
● Where the ramp is not part of an accessible route, the ramp landings shall not be required to ● Ramp slope shall be maximum 1 in 8.
exceed 1250 mm in the direction of travel, provided that the ramp has a straight run ● After a 40 m length of continuousramp, a flatsurface of
minimum 6.0 m length shall preferably be provided (see
Fig. 8B).
● If podium is accessible to fire tender, minimum 7.5 m
wide ramp shall be required for fire engine access with
maximum slope of 1 in 10.

● Steps and staircases are intended as an alternative to lift access in buildings and shall be of adequate design to allow all persons, with or without a disability, to travel
safely and independently.
➔ Staircases shall comply with the following general requirements:
● The stairs landing shall be minimum 1 500 mm deep . In case of one or two family dwelling units,
it may be reduced to 1 200 mm.
● Steps shall be of a consistent height and depth throughout the staircase.
● Spiral stairs shall be avoided.
● Steps shall be of a consistent height and depth throughout the staircase.
● Projecting nosing and open stairs shall not be provided to minimize the risk of stumbling.

❖ Tactile Warning Blocks (TGSI) for Stairs

● Tactile ground surface indicators (warning type) shall be installed 300 mm before the beginning and 300 mm after the end of each flight of steps to aid people
with visual impairments.
● Tactile warning strips shall also be provided at landings.
● For landings leading to a floor or those enclosed by wall, railing or balustrade, tactile warning strips of 300 mm in width shall be provided; for those leading
to an open space or the entrance/exit of a building, the tactile warning strips shall be 600 mm in width.

❖ Levels, Grooves, Gratings and Manhole

● Passing over Different Levels and Grooves Vertical level changes up to 6 mm may not need
edge treatment. Changes in level between 6 mm and 12 mm shall be levelled off with a slope no
greater than 1:2. The edge shall be rounded off or bevelled.
● Gratings and Manholes Gratings and manholes should be avoided on walkways/ pathways. If
unavoidable, gratings shall have spaces not greater than 12 mm wide in one direction to prevent
a wheelchair from getting its casters caught in a drainage ditch or grating cover.
● Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSI) Tactile Guiding and Warning Blocks Tactile ground
surface indicators or tactile guiding and warning tiles/blocks aid blind and vision impaired
pedestrians negotiate the built environment, and shall be of the dimensions.
● Tactile guiding blocks indicate a correct path/ route to follow for a person with visual
impairment. It is recommended to install one/two rows of tactile guiding blocks along the entire
length of the proposed accessible route.
● Care shall be taken to ensure that there are no obstacles, such as trees, poles or uneven
surfaces, along the route traversed by the guiding blocks. Also, there shall be clear headroom of
at least 2 100 mm height above the tactile guiding blocks, free of protruding objects such as
overhanging tree branches and signage, along the entire length of the walk.
Installation of Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks
Escalators are desirable where the movement of people, in large numbers at a controlled rate in the minimum of space, is involved, for
example, railway stations, shopping centres/malls, airports, etc. These encourage people to circulate freely and conveniently
Based on Fig. 1, type and location of building, expected population, and the serving floor details are required to work on the preliminary traffic
analysis for escalators and moving walks.For normal peak periods, the recommended handling capacities for design purposes should be taken as
indicated in Table 1. The handling capacity of escalator also depends on the angle of inclination, speed, step widths and the areas at the
boarding and alighting levels
Escalators are typically used for short range of movement between adjacent
floors. They are usually situated in an obvious circulation path making it easy
for pedestrians to board them. Escalators and moving walks should only be
accessed from adjacent corridors/walkways, landing and lobby areas, where
people do not obstruct other pedestrian circulation routes. Space should be
available to accommodate queuing at the boarding point.

The area of this space is defined as a

distance between the handrails plus
160 mm, multiplied by a depth of 2.0 m
to 2.5 m, depending on the
configuration of escalator or moving
walk. Figure 2 illustrates the above
clause with option 1 being a 2.5 m
landing depth and option 2 being 2.0 m
landing depth. Where successive units
are installed, each successive escalator
or moving walk should have its own
individual unrestricted area.

There are few standard escalator arrangements as shown in Fig. 3. Type (a)
and Type (b) provide efficient circulation by providing the shortest transition
path and time from one escalator and the next. Type (b) requires
largerstructural opening than Type (a) and Type (c) and present users with a
higher risk of falling into the void. Type (c) is typical of a store asit allows the
store to lengthen the circulation route past goods for sale.This configuration
also takes up free space.

At least two flatsteps are provided for escalators speeds up to 0.5 m/s;
at least three flat steps for speeds above 0.5 m/s and up to 0.65 m/s for
escalator having rise more than 6 m; and at least four flat steps for
speeds above 0.65 m/s. In locations where it is anticipated that
escalators may be used by persons with impaired mobility or heavy
passenger traffic, additional flat steps should be considered
The location of escalators and moving walks should be considered in relation to the position of adjacent fire protected liftshafts and lobbies,staircases
and their associated areas of rescue assistance, as at the time of an emergency these become non-functional

Escalators shall not be considered as the accessible route. Persons with locomotor disability cannot use them. Hence a lift should also be installed
as an alternative accessible route.

Free Space for Users

The clear height above the steps of the escalator or pallets or belt of the moving walk at
all points shall be not less than 2.30 m .The clear height shall extend to the end of the
newel. NOTE The clear height of 2.30 m should also be applied to the unrestricted

● Lifts shall be provided in buildings more than six storeys or 20 m in height. Installation of lifts shall be carried out in conformity with the "Lift Act" and rules there
under, wherever they are in force.

❖ Lift Well and Lift Well Enclosures

● Lift well shall not be located above any room, passage or thoroughfare. However, when absolutely necessary, this can only be permissible with the prior
approval of the competent authority and in such case the following provisions shall be made: (a) The pit shall be sufficiently strong to withstand the
impact of the lift car with the rated load or the impact of the counterweight when either of these is descending at the rated speed or at governor tripping
(b) When there are three or fewer lift cars in a building, they may be located within the same lift well enclosure. When there are four lift cars, they shall
be divided in such a manner that at least two separate lift well enclosures are provided. When there are more than four lifts, not more than four lift cars
may be located within a single lift well enclosure..

❖ Landing Doors
● Every landing, where there is access from the landing to the lift car, shall be fitted with a landing door.
● In case of passenger lifts, solid sliding doors shall preferably be provided for buildings above six storeys or 20 m in height. Solid swing doors may also
be used where sliding space is not available parallel to the entrance door. Collapsible doors shall not be provided in case of buildings above eight
storeys or 26 m in height.

● Lift pits shall be of sound construction and shall be maintained in dry and clean condition. Where necessary, Provision shall be made for permanent drainage.
● Lift pits having depth more than 1.6 m shall be provided with a suitable descending arrangement to reach the lift pit.
● Light points shall be provided in all lift pits for facility of repair and maintenance works.
● In case of a group of two or more lift wells, arrangements shall be provided to allow inspection of a lift pit through the adjoining one.

❖ Wherever lift is required as per bye-laws, provision of at least one lift shall be made for the wheel chair user with the following cage dimensions of lift
recommended for passenger lift of 13 person’s capacity of NBC 2005, BIS. Section 4.9.3 Table no1-

❖ Desirable Lift size Clear internal width 1100 mm Clear internal depth 2000 mm Entrance door width 900 mm
a) A hand rail not less than 600mm long at 1000mm above floor level shall be fixed adjacent to the control panel.
b) The lift lobby shall be of an inside measurement of 1800 mm x 2000 mm or more.
c) The time of an automatically closing door should be minimum 5 seconds and the closing speed should not exceed 0.25 m/ sec.
d) The interior of the cage shall be provided with a device that audibly indicates the floor, the cage has reached indicates that the door of the cage of
entrance/exit is either open or closed.
e) Graphic/Braille signage, as per the Harmonized Guidelines, shall be provided in the lift lobby.
❖ MINIMUM PIT DEPTH , OVERHEAD HEIGHTS , AND ❖ Machine Room and Overhead Structures
MACHINE ROOMS SIZES ● The lift machine room shall only be used for housing lift
machinery, controller and other associated apparatus and
● This room shall also be reserved for exclusive use of lift
● The height of the machine room shall not be less than 2.30 m
throughout under the lifting beam (trolley beam) to allow any
portion of equipment to be accessible and removable for repair
and replacement.
● Machine room floor may be provided with a trap door. When
access to the machine room is provided through the trap door,
the size of the trap door shall not be less than 1.0 m x 1.0 m
otherwise it may be 0.5 m x 0.5 m.
● Trap doors shall be hinged, opening into the machine room, of
sound construction, balanced and tightly secured to minimize
noise travel.
❖ Hand rails shall be provided around trap door opening .
a)Where a machine room entrance is less than 1.5 m above or
below the adjacent floor or roof surface, a substantial
❖ RECOMMENDED DIMENSIONS OF PASSENGERS & SERVICE permanently attached ladder may be used.
LIFTS AND LIFT WELLS b) Where the machine room entrance is 1.5 m or more above or
below the adjacent floor or roof surface, access shall be provided
by means of standard stairs.
(c) Access to a machine room in a basement may be provided
from a corridor.
(d) Access to a machine room via the lift well shall be prohibited.
(e) Emergency exit shall be provided in case of large machine
room having four or more lifts.

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