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Dawadmi 700-Specs Vol1

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‫المملكت العربيت السعوديت‬


‫ إدارة اإلنشاء والصيانت‬- ‫وزارة الذفاع‬


Consulting Services for the Design of the Administrative, Service, and

Residential Buildings In Strategic Missile Units

‫تقذيم خذماث استشاريت لتصميم المباني واإلداريت الخذميت والسكنيت‬

‫بوحذاث قوة الصواريخ اإلستراتيجيت‬
PROJECT NO. J13-03500
700 ‫موقع دوادمى‬

Submittal No. B : IFT – Revision -00

DATE : April. 2014
Prepared By : NSMB (8556)
Checked By : NNTA (5275)

‫وزارة الدفاع‬
‫إدارة اإلنشاء والصيانة‬





Volume - 1







Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. A Index

MODA, J13-03500



Volume - 2















Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. B Index

MODA, J13-03500


09310 TILES
09680 CARPET



10431 SIGNS










Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. C Index

MODA, J13-03500
13052 SAUNA




Volume - 3



15100 VALVES
15453 PUMPS

Volume - 4




Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. D Index

MODA, J13-03500










Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. E Index

MODA, J13-03500




A. Administrative and procedural requirements for Field Engineering services,

including, but not limited to land survey work and Civil, Architectural, Mechanical
and Electrical Engineering Services.


A. Contractor shall engage a qualified land surveyor(s) to perform the required land
surveying services and verify the data used by the designer. The contractor shall be
responsible for the design adjustments, if any, based on that survey and those shall
be subject to approval of the Engineer.

B. The soil investigation carried out by the Owner/Designer is used for the basis of
design of the project. The contractor shall carry out a soil investigation through a
qualified Geotechnical Investigation agency approved by the Engineer. If findings of
that investigation conflict with those assumed by the Designer, then foundation
design shall be revised accordingly subject to approval of the Engineer.

C. Contractor shall engage professional Engineer(s) to perform the required

engineering services.

D. The engaged surveying and/or engineering team shall be approved by the



(Not Used)



A. Verify accuracy of layout information shown on the Drawings, in relation to the

property survey and existing benchmarks before proceeding to layout the Work.
Locate and protect existing benchmarks and control points. Preserve permanent
reference points during construction.

1. Do not change or relocate benchmarks or control points without prior written

approval from the Engineer. Promptly report lost or destroyed reference
points or requirements to relocate reference points because of necessary
changes in grade, location or conflicting construction.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01050-1 Field Engineering
MODA, J13-03500
2. Promptly replace lost or damaged project control points with prior approval
of the Engineer. Replacement of project control points shall be based on
original survey control points.

3. Establish and maintain the required number of permanent benchmarks on

the job site as directed by the Engineer. Benchmarks shall be located from
and referenced to data established from survey control points. Record
benchmark location, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record

B. Existing utilities and equipment:

1. The existence and location of underground and other utilities and

construction indicated in the Construction Documents as existing are not
guaranteed. Before beginning site work, investigate and verify the existence
and location of underground utilities and other construction and record this
information on the relevant plan.

2. Prior to construction, verify the location and invert elevation at points of

connection to sanitary sewer, storm drainage and water service piping.
Verify the location of electrical power and communication utilities for


A. General:

1. Working from lines and levels established by the property survey, establish
benchmarks and reference markers to set lines and levels at each story of
construction and elsewhere as needed to properly locate each element of
the Project. Calculate and measure required dimensions within indicated or
recognized tolerances. Drawings shall not be scaled to determine

B. Surveyor's Log:

1. Maintain a Surveyor's Log of control and other survey work. Surveyor's Log
shall be made available for the Engineer reference.

2. Record deviations from required lines and levels, and advise the Engineer
when deviations that exceed indicated or recognized tolerances are
detected. Contractor shall record on Project Record Drawings deviations
that are accepted and not corrected.

C. Site Works:

1. Locate and lay out works, fill and topsoil placement, slopes and invert
elevations by instrumentation and similar appropriate means.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01050-2 Field Engineering
MODA, J13-03500
2. Prior to Substantial Completion, prepare a final property survey showing
significant features (real property) for the Project. Include on the survey a
certification, signed by the Surveyor, to the effect that principal metes,
bounds, lines and levels of Project are accurately positioned as shown on


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01050-3 Field Engineering
MODA, J13-03500




A. References and Standards that are referred to throughout the Contract Documents
to establish the following:

1. Quality of a product.

2. Type of product and workmanship.

3. Methods for testing and reporting on the pertinent characteristics.

B. Where materials or workmanship are required by the Contract Documents to meet

or exceed the specifically named codes or standards, the Contractor shall be
responsible to provide materials and workmanship which meet or exceed the
specifically named code or standard.

C. Contractor shall be responsible to deliver to the Engineer and/or Construction

Manager documentation to prove that materials or workmanship, or both, meet or
exceed the requirements of the specifically named codes or standards. Such proof
shall be in the form of a certified report of tests conducted by an approved testing

D. If required by the Engineer Contractor shall be responsible to make available a copy

of codes and standards referred in drawings and specifications.

E. Specific naming of the codes or standards occurs on the Drawings and through the
Sections of Specifications.


A. The standard issued by the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization - SASO shall be
given preference over other standards.

B. New SASO standards issued before or after the commencement of the Project shall
be implemented by the contractor and shall replace the equivalent foreign


A. In procuring items used in this Work, the Contractor shall be responsible to verify
the requirements of the specifically named codes and standards and to verify that
the items procured for use in this Work meet or exceed the specified requirements.

B. The Construction Manager reserves the right to reject items incorporated into the
Work which fail to meet the specified minimum requirements.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01091-1 Reference Standards
MODA, J13-03500
C. Reference to recognized Codes and Standards shall be by the use of the
abbreviations listed. Reference to Codes and Standards shall not be limited to the
institutes listed herein:

AA Aluminum Association

AAMA Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ACI American Concrete Institute

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction

AISI American Iron and Steel Institute

AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Association

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ARI American Refrigeration Institute

ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning


ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

AWI American Welding Institute

AWPB American Wood Preservative Bureau

AWS American Welding Society

AWWA American Water Works Association, Inc.

BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association

BSI British Standards Institution

CITT International Telegraphic and Telephone Consultative Committee

CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute

DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung e. V.

EIA Electronics Industries Association

ICC International Code Council

IBC International Building Code

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01091-2 Reference Standards
MODA, J13-03500
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

ISO International Organization for Standardization

MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings


NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers

NEC National Electrical Code

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NPC National Plumbing Code

NSF National Sanitation Foundation

NTMA National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association

NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturers Association

PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute

PDI Plumbing and Drainage Institute

REA Rural Electrification Administration

SASO Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association,


UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.

UPC Uniform Plumbing Code

HCISS Higher Commission for Industrial Safety & Security

SSD Saudi Security Directives

References listed herein shall be deemed to include the latest edition or issue of
such standards.

D. Whenever there is conflict between the Drawings and/or the Specifications and the
Codes, the Contractor shall bring the conflict to the Construction Manager's
attention. The Engineer and/or Construction Manager shall then decide which shall

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01091-3 Reference Standards
MODA, J13-03500

(Not Used)


(Not Used)


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01091-4 Reference Standards
MODA, J13-03500




A. References.

B. Quality assurance.

C. Format.

D. Schedules.

E. Submittals.

F. Review and evaluation.

G. Updating schedules.

H. Distribution.


A. The Use of CPM in Construction - A Manual for General Contractors and the
Construction Industry, Washington, D.C., The Associated General Contractors of
America (AGC).

B. CPM in Construction Management - Project Management with CPM, O'Brien,

McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.


A. Scheduler: Contractor's personnel specializing in CPM scheduling with 5 years

minimum experience in scheduling construction work of complexity comparable
to this Project, and having use of computer facilities capable of delivering
detailed graphic printout within 24 hours of request.

B. Software: Latest version of Primavera Project Planer.


A. Listings: Reading from left to right, in ascending order for each activity. Identify
each activity with applicable specification section number.

B. Diagram Sheet Size: 600 mm high x 900 mm wide.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01123-1 Network Analysis Schedule
MODA, J13-03500
C. Scale and Spacing: To allow for notations and revisions.


A. Prepare network analysis diagrams and supporting mathematical analyses using

Critical Path Method, under concepts and methods outlined in AGC's "The Use of
CPM in Construction - A Manual for General Contractors and the Construction

B. Illustrate order and interdependence of activities and sequence of work; how start
of given activity depends on completion of preceding activities, and how
completion of activity may restrain start of subsequent activities.

C. Illustrate complete sequence of construction by activity, identifying work of

separate buildings and locations. Indicate dates for submittals and return of
submittals; dates for procurement and delivery of products; and dates for
installation and provision for testing. Include legend for symbols and
abbreviations used.

D. Mathematical Analysis: Tabulate each activity of detailed network diagrams,

using calendar dates, and identify for each activity:
1. Preceding and following event numbers.
2. Activity description.
3. Estimated duration of activity, in maximum 15-day intervals.
4. Earliest start date.
5. Earliest finish date.
6. Actual start date.
7. Actual finish date.
8. Latest start date.
9. Latest finish date.
10. Total and free float; accrue float time to Employer and to Employer's
11. Monetary value of activity.
12. Percentage of activity completed.
13. Responsibility.

E. Analysis Program: Capable of compiling monetary value of completed and

partially completed activities, of accepting revised completion dates, and
recomputation of scheduled dates and float.

F. Required Sorts: List activities in sorts or groups:

1. By preceding work item or event number from lowest to highest.
2. By longest float, then in order of early start.
3. By responsibility in order of earliest possible start date.
4. In order of latest allowable start dates.
5. In order of latest allowable finish dates.
6. Contractor's periodic payment request sorted by Bills of Quantities
7. Listing of basic input data generating report.

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01123-2 Network Analysis Schedule
MODA, J13-03500
8. Listing of activities on critical path.

G. Coordinate contents with Bills of Quantities.


A. Within 28 days after receiving the Notice to Proceed, submit complete CPM
network construction schedule (Programme) and mathematical analysis for the
duration of the Project. Include written certification that mechanical, electrical,
and equipments Subcontractors and Suppliers have reviewed and accepted
proposed schedule. Include supporting report containing:
1. A description of the methods which the Contractor intends to adopt for the
execution of the Works of each major activity.
2. Details showing the Contractor’s estimates of the number of each class of
Contractor’s Personnel and of each type of Contractor’s Equipment,
required on the Site for each activity.

B. Participate in review of CPM network construction schedule, mathematical

analysis and supporting report jointly with Engineer at any time the Engineer
requires so.

C. Within 14 days of receiving Engineer’s notes and comments resulting from their
review, or/and joint review, submit revised CPM network construction schedule,
mathematical analysis, and supporting report, taking into consideration
Engineer’s notes and comments.

D. Submit updated CPM network construction schedules, mathematical analysis

and supporting report every month and with each Application for Payment
Certificate. Comply with Engineer’s comments as described in article 1.6 D

E. Submit revised CPM network construction schedules, mathematical analysis and

supporting report at any time the Engineer and /or the Construction Manger gives
notice that the CPM network construction schedule fails to comply with the
Contract or is not consistent with the actual progress of work and the required
intensions and goals. Indicate revised methods to be adopted in order to
expedite progress and complete within the Time for Completion. Comply with the
time frame requirements of D above.

F. Submit one reproducible transparency, two opaque reproductions, and one soft
copy on a CD.

G. Submit under transmittal letter in a form agreed by Engineer.


A. Participate in joint review and evaluation of network diagrams and analysis with
Engineer at each submittal.

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01123-3 Network Analysis Schedule
MODA, J13-03500
B. Evaluate project status to determine work behind schedule and work ahead of

C. After review, revise network diagrams and analysis incorporating results of

review, and resubmit within 14 days.


A. Maintain schedules to record actual start and finish dates of completed activities.

B. Indicate progress of each activity to date of revision, with projected completion

date of each activity. Update diagrams to graphically depict current status of

C. Identify activities modified since previous submittal, major changes in Work, and
other identifiable changes.

D. Indicate changes required to maintain Time for Completion.

E. Submit sorts required to support recommended changes.

F. Prepare narrative report to define problem areas, anticipated delays, and impact
on schedule. Report corrective action taken or proposed and its effect including
effects of changes on schedules of separate contractors.


A. Following joint review, distribute copies of updated schedules to Contractor's

project site file, to Subcontractors, suppliers, Engineer, Employer, and other
concerned parties.

B. Instruct recipients to promptly report, in writing, problems anticipated by

projections shown in schedules.


Not Used.


Not Used.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01123-4 Network Analysis Schedule
MODA, J13-03500




A. Pre-construction Conference

A meeting will be scheduled by the PM at the site immediately prior to

construction mobilization. Representatives of the Owner, PM and Contractor, will
be present as required. Following are some of the items that will be discussed.

1. Procedures for maintaining record documents.

2. Owner 's requirements.

3. Construction facilities and controls.

4. Temporary utilities.

5. Security and housekeeping procedures.

6. Materials testing.

7. Services of Testing Agencies and Inspectors.

8. Requirements of start-up trades.

9. Building Layout.

10. Safety Program.

11. Use of the site and site coordination.

12. Other items as determined.


A. Weekly project coordination meetings and more frequent individual contractor job
progress meetings will be held at the job site by the PM for the purpose of
coordinating and expediting the Work in Progress. The PM shall arrange for,
notify initially all affected Contractors, establish an agenda, and conduct job
progress meetings as scheduled during the course of the Contract. Each
Contractor and major Subcontractor shall be represented at every such meeting
by his PM, Superintendent and other qualified main office personnel as required to
provide the necessary scheduling information and manpower commitments. The
job meeting shall be weekly unless otherwise scheduled by the PM. All decisions
by the PM at job meetings shall be binding on each Contractor affected whether or
not a representative of the Contractor is present at the job meeting.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 01200-1 Project Meetings

MODA, J13-03500
B. The duties of the Contractor’s PM, Superintendent, and Scheduler shall include
direction of all administrative and management requirements for the control of
time and cost. The Contractor’s PM and Superintendent shall be vested with the
power, authority, experience and confidence required to make binding decisions
for the Contractor.

C. Weekly progress meetings and more frequent job coordination meetings will be
held at the PM's conference room or other location directed by the PM. The
superintendent for each Contractor working on the site shall attend each such
meeting at the time designated by the PM.

D. A partial agenda follows:

1. Review of previous Meeting Minutes (Old Business)

2. Schedule:

a. Review of actual progress compared to contractor's project


b. Review of short interval schedule.

c. Review delivery dates for specific equipment and materials.

3. Shop Drawings and Samples:

a. Review the status of shop drawings and sample submittals.

b. Review of approved shop drawings affecting other trades.

4. Review of specific coordination or construction problems.

5. Review Items of General Conditions.

6. Weekly work requirements.

7. Safety.

8. Owner, PM and Contractor comments.

9. Other Business.

E. Special meetings may also be called at the discretion of the PM for the purpose of
coordinating specific information or resolving special problems related to Project
or Contractor.

F. The Contractor who has work in progress will be represented at the progress
meeting(s) by the PM or Field Superintendent.

G. The essence of the discussion of each meeting will be entered into the minutes
and copies will be furnished by the PM to all interested parties within three days.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 01200-2 Project Meetings

MODA, J13-03500




A. Administrative and procedural requirements for the preparation of Submittals

required in the performance of Work, including construction schedules, submittal
schedules, daily/monthly construction progress reports, shop drawings, product
data and samples.


A. Prepare a fully developed and cost loaded, horizontal bar chart type contractor's
construction schedule. Submit schedule within 21 days of the date established for -
Commencement of Work. Provide a separate time bar for each significant
construction activity. Provide a continuous vertical line to identify the first working
day of each week. Coordinate Contractor's construction schedule with the schedule
of values, list of subcontractors, submittal schedule, progress reports, payment
requests and other schedules. Contractor's Construction Schedule shall be subject
to approval of the Engineer.

B. Upon the request of the Engineer, Contractor shall submit a CPM schedule for the
Engineer review and approval.


A. Prepare a fully developed horizontal bar chart type material arrival schedule. The
procurement schedule shall identify the material's submittal, ordering and arrival
dates. Coordinate the procurement schedule with construction activities, submittal
schedule, payment requests and other schedules. Contractor's Procurement
Schedule shall be subject to approval of the Engineer.


A. After development and acceptance of the Contractor's construction schedule,

Contractor shall prepare schedule of submittals. Submit schedule within 10 days of
the date required for establishment of construction schedule.

Prepare schedule in chronological order, include submittals required during the first
90 days of construction including the necessary information (schedule dates for first
submittal, for resubmittal, for the Engineer final release or approval and submittal
category). Submittal Schedule shall be subject to approval of the Engineer.


A. Daily Construction Reports: Contractor shall prepare Daily Construction Reports

utilizing the form approved by the Engineer. The Daily Construction Report shall
include; date, duration of working hours, count of personnel at the site, machinery

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01300-1 Submittals
MODA, J13-03500
and equipment at the site, general weather conditions, work performed, deliveries of
material and equipment; special events, visitors, and inspections. Daily Construction
Report shall be submitted to the Engineer.

B. Monthly Work Progress Reports: At the end of each month or at such periods of
time as may be requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit a detailed
Monthly Work Progress Report utilizing the format approved by the Engineer.
Monthly Work Progress Reports shall be prepared in Arabic and English and shall
include a minimum of 25 photographs. Monthly Work Progress Report shall be
submitted to the Engineer as one original and 4 copies.


A. General:

1. Shop Drawings shall be submitted as newly prepared information, drawn to

accurate scale. Shop drawings shall be prepared using AutoCAD 2009
or latest AutoCAD version (*.DWG Format) available at the time
construction and shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. Shop
Drawings shall be highlighted, clouded, or otherwise marked to indicate
deviations from the Contract Documents. Contractor shall not reproduce
Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop
Drawings. Standard information prepared without specific reference to
Project will not be considered as Shop Drawings. Shop Drawings shall be
submitted to the Engineer utilizing the Transmittal Form provided by the

2. Shop Drawings shall include fabrication and installation drawings, setting-out

diagrams, equipment or material schedules, patterns, templates and similar

Shop Drawings shall include, but not limited to the following information:

- Dimensions
- Identification of products and materials included
- Compliance with specified standards
- Notation of coordination requirements
- Notation of dimensions established by field measurement
- Profiles and cross sections
- Materials and finishes

B. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns and similar full-size (A0) drawings, shop
drawings shall be submitted on full-size (A0) drawings or other sheet sizes as
required by the Engineer.

C. Initial Submittal: Submit 2 copies for the Engineer's review, the corrected one will be
returned to the Contractor.

D. Final Submittal: Submit 3 copies; submit 4 prints where required for maintenance
manuals. Two prints will be retained; the remainder will be returned. Do not use
shop drawings without an appropriate final stamp indicating action taken in
connection with construction.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01300-2 Submittals
MODA, J13-03500
E. Coordination Drawings: Coordination Drawings shall be submitted as required to
eliminate potential conflicts in use of space. Coordination Drawings shall indicate
the relationship and integration of different construction elements and/or pieces of
equipment that require careful coordination during fabrication or installation to fit in
the space provided.


A. General:

1. Collect Product Data into a single submittal for each element of construction
or system. Product data shall include printed information such as
manufacturer's installation instructions, catalog cuts, standard color charts,
roughing-in diagrams and templates, standard wiring diagrams and
performance curves, and operation and maintenance manuals. Where
Product Data must be specifically prepared because standard printed data is
not suitable for use, submit as Shop Drawings.

2. Each copy of Product Data shall be marked to indicate the applicable

choices and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on
several products, some of which are not required, mark copies to indicate
the applicable information.

B. Alternative Products: Specified manufacturers, materials, or products are indicative

of quality and standard required. Manufacturers and products, other than those
which are specified, will be considered only if the Contractor identifies his proposed
material or product substitutions and/or manufacturers' names at the time of tender.
Differences, including variation in the cost and/or schedule improvements to
affected work, between the Contractor's proposed substitution and that which is
specified shall be provided. Details of equality and difference, item by item, shall be
provided for each proposed substitute material, product, or manufacturer.

C. Submittals: Submit 2 copies of each required submittal, and 4 copies where

required for maintenance manuals. The Engineer shall retain one copy, and return
the other copies marked with action taken and corrections or modifications required.
Unless noncompliance with Contract Document provisions is observed, the
submittal may serve as the final submittal.


A. Contractor shall submit samples, as specified or as otherwise directed by The

Engineer for the review of kind, color, pattern and texture; for a final check of these
characteristics and there compatibility with other elements; and for a comparison of
these characteristics between the final submittal and the actual component as
delivered and installed.

B. Full-size, fully fabricated samples shaped and finished as specified and physically
identical with the material or product proposed, shall be submitted to the Engineer.
Samples shall include partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components,
cuts or containers of materials, color range sets, and swatches showing color,
texture and pattern.

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01300-3 Submittals
MODA, J13-03500
C. Samples shall be mounted, displayed, or packaged in the manner specified or as to
facilitate review of the qualities indicated.

D. Refer to other Specification Sections for requirements for samples illustrating

workmanship, fabrication, techniques, details of assembly, connections, operation
and similar construction characteristics.


A. During work progress and prior to acceptance of work, Contractor shall

submit As-Built Drawings for the Engineer review and approval. Drawings
shall be prepared using AutoCAD 14 or latest AutoCAD version (*.DWG

B. Approved As-Built Drawings shall be submitted including two sets full size
(A0) printed copies and two sets electronic copies on Compact Disk.
Electronic copies shall be properly labeled.

C. As-Built Drawings shall be properly signed, dated and numbered.


(Not Used)


(Not Used)


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01300-4 Submittals
MODA, J13-03500




A. Provide a comprehensive Quality Control Program to assure that engineering,

construction, materials, equipment and workmanship under this Contract are in
compliance with contract provisions, applicable laws, codes and standards, and
sound engineering and construction practices, unless specifically instructed
otherwise by the Engineer.

B. Quality Control program shall include, but not limited to, the following:

1. Provisions for review and certification by a responsible representative of

engineering, design and technical submittals to the Engineer under the terms
of the Contract.

2. Coordination of the Independent Testing Laboratory activities.

C. Prior to commencing work at Site, appoint Contractor Quality Control (CQC)

Manager supplemented as necessary by additional quality control personnel, who
shall be on site at all times during progress, with complete authority to take any
action necessary to ensure compliance with contract. CQC Manager shall report
directly to the Engineer. CQC Manager's responsibilities may delegated to the full-
time Site Manager.

D. Employ an Independent Testing Laboratory acceptable to the Engineer for

performing quality control testing (soils, concrete, precast concrete, steel structure,
masonry, asphalt and welding). As a minimum, laboratory shall meet the
Recommended Requirements for Independent Laboratory Qualifications, published
by the American Council of Independent Laboratories, the basic requirements of
ASTM E 329 - Standards of Recommended Practice and Testing Agencies for
Concrete and Steel as used in Construction; and shall be authorized to operate in
Saudi Arabia for on-site testing. Contractor (within 30 days of effective date of site
hand over) shall submit name, address and qualifications of the proposed
Independent Testing Laboratory along with evidence of authority to operate in Saudi
Arabia and qualifications of key laboratory personnel who will be responsible for the
services for the Engineer’s review and approval.


A. Provide 5 copies of the Quality Control Plan to the Engineer for approval within 30
calendar days after the effective date of Site Handover. Quality Control Plan shall
detail the procedures, instructions, and reports to be used to assure compliance
with quality provision of this Contract. Quality Plan shall also include CQC
organization chart, names and qualifications of personnel in quality control

B. Prior to submittal of Quality Control Plan for acceptance, Contractor shall meet with

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01400-1 Quality Control
MODA, J13-03500
the Engineer and discuss quality control requirements. Quality system including
forms to be used for recording the quality control operations, inspections, tests,
approvals, certifications, administration of the system, The Engineer surveillance,
and on site/off-site testing facilities shall be detailed during this meeting(s).

C. Unless specifically authorized by the Engineer, on-site constructions or off-site

fabrication shall not start until the acceptance of the Quality Control Plan. Work will
commence only after acceptance of the plan, or at least acceptance of that portion
of the plan applicable to the specific feature of work.


A. CQC Manager shall submit weekly CQC reports to The Engineer identifying prime
contractor and subcontractor(s) activities such as work accomplished, inspections
and tests conducted, results of inspection and tests, nature of defects found,
causes of rejection, and corrective actions taken together with the following

'On behalf of Contractor, I certify that this report is complete and correct, and
materials and equipment used, and work performed during this reporting period are
in compliance with Drawings and Specifications to the best of my knowledge,
except as noted above.'

This certification shall be signed for the Contractor, and by authorized CQC


A. Contractor shall not build upon or conceal any work containing uncorrected defects.
If deficiencies show that CQC Program is not adequate or does not produce desired
results, corrective actions in both Contractor Quality Control Program and Work will
be taken by Contractor. The Engineer may direct that changes be made in
Contractor Quality Control Program or organization, including but not limited to,
removal of unsatisfactory quality control representatives at any level.


A. Before delivery of materials and equipment, submit and approve by The Engineer
certified copies of reports of tests as required by Technical Specifications Sections,
Applicable Codes, and Standards on good engineering practice.

B. Unless the specific items provided were tested, test reports shall be accompanied
by manufacturer’s certificates certifying that material and equipment proposed to be
supplied is of the same type, quality, manufacturer, and as that tested.

C. Certifications shall be original, naming appropriate item of equipment or material,

specification, standards, or other document specified as controlling quality of that
item and shall have attached thereto certified copies of test data upon which
certifications are based. Certificates shall be signed by manufacturer's official
authorized to sign certificates of conformance or compliance.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

01400-2 Quality Control
MODA, J13-03500

A. Contractor Quality Control Plan implementation shall be subject to audit by The



A. Provide adequate and acceptable plant and calibrated equipment to perform the
required testing service.

B. Develop qualified procedures for all required tests.

C. Perform specified sampling and testing of materials and methods of construction.

1. Comply with specified sampling and testing standards.

2. Ascertain compliance of materials with requirements of Contract Documents.

D. Promptly notify CQC of observed irregularities or deficiencies of work or products.

E. Maintain accurate and complete records of all tests performed and promptly submit
the original and one copy of the certified test report to the Contractor, one copy to
The Engineer and one copy to Owner. Test report shall include the following as a

- Date issued
- Project title and number
- Testing laboratory name, address and telephone number
- Name and signature of laboratory inspector
- Date and time of sampling or inspection
- Record of temperature and weather conditions
- Date of test
- Identification of product and specification section
- Location of sample or test in the Project
- Type of inspection or test
- Results of test and all test data in compliance with Contract Documents
- Interpretation of test results, when requested by Owner

F. Provide access to facilities and records to the Engineer and/or Owner and at
reasonable times for the purpose of verifying qualifications of personnel, suitability
of equipment, adequacy of methods, analysis of results and reporting methods.

G. Prior to final payment, provide a tabulation of tests performed in connection with the
Construction Contract, including conforming, non-conforming, and repeated test
results. Tabulation(s) shall be certified as complete, and signed by authorized
representative of laboratory, and a copy shall be delivered to the Engineer.

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(Not Used)


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01400-4 Quality Control
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A. Contractor shall provide, erect, install, maintain, alter as necessary, and remove on
completion or when directed by the Engineer, temporary facilities and as described
in Project Documents and/or specified herein.


A. Contractor shall prepare and maintain such temporary roads as may be necessary
from the site to the nearest road and also within plot. Roads shall be positioned
strictly in accordance with the Engineer instructions and the Contractor shall reduce
or control any dust nuisance by spraying with water as directed.

B. Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the location and nature of the proposed access
routes to site and shall be responsible for preventing any damage whatsoever to
adjacent property and vegetation and keeping the access road free from debris at
all times.


A. General:

1. Contractor shall make his own provisions with prior approval of the
Engineer, or he shall perform necessary works required in conjunction with
Project Documents.

2. Contractor shall bear costs related to installation, connection, maintenance

and removal of all temporary services and consumption of water and
electricity during the entire duration of Project.

B. Temporary Water:

1. Contractor shall supply in sufficient quantity all necessary potable and other
water for construction purposes for other trades at a point within a
reasonable distance from buildings being constructed. Contractor shall
make arrangements and pay charges for water service installation,
maintenance, and removal thereof, and pay cost of water for other trades.

2. When permanent water supply and distribution system has been installed, it
may be used as the source of water for construction purposes, provided that
the Contractor obtains the written approval of the Engineer, and assumes
full responsibility for the entire water distribution system, and pays all cost of
operation and maintenance of the system.

3. Temporary pipe lines and connections from the permanent service line,
whether outside or within the building, but necessary for the use of the
Contractor and his subcontractors, shall be installed, protected and
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maintained at the expense of the Contractor.

4. At completion of the work or at such time as the Contractor makes use of

the permanent water supply installation, the temporary water service
equipment and piping shall be removed by Contractor at his own expense.

C. Temporary Electricity:

1. Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for a temporary electrical

service, pay all expenses in connection with the installation, operation and
removal thereof, and pay the costs of electricity consumed by all trades.

2. In event that site cannot be connected to a local electricity network or where

the available power is insufficient, Contractor shall make his own temporary
provision and maintain such temporary installation until permanent supply is
available and pay for expenses related in connection with such process.

3. A temporary lighting system shall be furnished, installed and maintained by

the Contractor as required to satisfy the minimum requirements for safety
and security. Temporary lighting system shall afford adequate general
illumination to all building areas. Adequate outdoor lighting shall be
provided to illuminate staging, trenches and the like to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, and general illumination throughout adequate for watchmen and
emergency personnel.

4. Temporary equipment and wiring for power and lighting shall be in

accordance with the applicable provisions of governing codes. Temporary
wiring shall be maintained in a safe manner and utilized so as not to
constitute a hazard to persons or property.

5. When the permanent electrical power/lighting systems are in an operating

condition, they may be used for temporary power and lighting for
construction purposes, provided that Contractor obtains written approval of
the Engineer and shall assume full responsibility for the entire power and
lighting systems, and pays for operation and maintenance of the systems.

6. At completion of construction work, or at such time as the Contractor makes

use of permanent electrical equipment and devices, temporary electricity
services shall be removed by the Contractor at his own expense.

D. Waste Disposal:

1. Contractor shall make such temporary provisions as may be required in

order to dispose of any chemicals, fuels, oils, greases, bituminous materials,
waste and soil waste and the like without causing pollution to either the site
or the environment.

2. Disposal of any materials, wastes, effluent, garbage, oil, grease, chemicals

and the like shall be in areas specified by the concerned local authority or
municipality proposed by Contractor and subject to approval of the

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MODA, J13-03500 And Controls
3. If any waste material is dumped in unauthorized areas, Contractor shall
remove material and restore areas to condition of adjacent undisturbed
area. If necessary, contaminated ground shall be excavated, disposed of as
directed by the Engineer, and replaced with suitable fill material, compacted,
and finished with topsoil at the expense of the Contractor.

E. Fire Protection:

1. Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate fire protection in the form of
barrels of water with buckets, fire bucket tanks, fire extinguishers, or other
effective means of extinguishing fire, ready for instant use, distributed
around the project and in and about temporary inflammable structures
during construction of the works. Gasoline and other flammable liquids shall
be stored in and dispensed from safety containers approved by the
Engineer and storage shall not be within buildings. Torch-cutting and
welding operations performed by Contractor shall have the approval of the
Engineer before such work is started and a chemical extinguisher is to be
available at location where such work is in progress. Contractor shall follow
instructions and specifications of the Civil Defense Department.

F. Telephone and Fax:

1. Contractor shall immediately after receiving the Letter of Acceptance, install

telephone system as mentioned in Clause 1.4 below including fax line for
the Engineer. In case of non-availability of telephone lines through STC, the
Contractor shall provide one mobile telephone for exclusive use of the

2. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of installation charges and

periodic billing for telephone and fax lines during construction period and up
to substantial hand-over.


A. General: Location, construction, operation, maintenance and removal of site offices,

storage facilities and other temporary buildings of all persons or parties within
perimeter of site, operating or associated as Sub-Contractors to Contractor shall be
subject to approval of Engineer. Contractor shall submit to Engineer, prior to
commencement of any temporary installations, plans showing proposed position of
site offices, storage and buildings of temporary nature.

B. Habitable rooms shall be properly insulated, having dust-sealed windows with sun
protection and insect screens, and shall be equipped with electric lights, air
conditioning and/or mechanical ventilation, supporting facilities, hot and cold water,
sewer and electrical facilities, and maintenance as required and to the satisfaction
of Engineer.

C. Engineer's Site Office

1. Contractor shall provide and maintain for entire duration of Project such
administrative and supporting facilities as required for the sole use of
Engineer and his staff. Building(s) shall be pre-fabricated or conventionally
constructed and all rooms shall be sufficiently dimensioned to include
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essential furnishings. Temporary offices shall be available for use not later
than one month after date of site handing over.

2. The Engineer's site office shall consist of at least the following:

- 6 Offices: Minimum 12 m² floor area each

- 1 Conference Room: Minimum 20 m² floor area
- 1 Reception Area: Minimum 9 m² floor area
- 1 Sample Room: Minimum 12 m² floor area
- 1 Storage: Minimum 9 m² floor area
- 1 Kitchen 6 m² floor area
- 3 Toilets/washroom to serve 20 persons

All rooms shall have minimum 2.45 m head. Construction shall be

approved by the Engineer prior to erection. Contractor shall provide water,
electricity, AC, telephone, drainage system and such supplies shall be
continuously furnished throughout construction period. Contractor shall be
responsible to provide adequate and sufficient services for Engineer and
his representatives including messenger/office boy acceptable to Engineer
in full time basis and shall keep the building in clean conditions. Contractor
shall supply to the satisfaction of Engineer the necessary office equipment
and furniture including telephone sets, fax machine, electrical typewriter
English and Arabic, desk calculators, advanced photocopy machine,
chairs, desks, tables, filing cabinets and other items as required.

3. Communication Facilities: Contractor shall provide each room with

telephone connection. Telephone system shall be provided with a small
PABX system with two outside lines and 10 extension and the required
number of telephone sets and a fax. machine. Installation shall be
maintained in good order.

4. Contractor shall furnish all offices to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and
supply offices with office supplies of adequate quantities as directed by
Engineer during entire project duration.

5. Contractor shall provide computer network complete with a server, 9 PC's

(minimum), LaserJet printer, A-4 size scanner and other required hardware
and cabling. Latest Microsoft Windows based software shall be provided
including AutoCAD, MS Office, MS Project, Lotus Notes and any other
software required for the project.

D. Contractor's Facilities

1. Contractor shall, for his own use, furnish and maintain suitable offices,
stores and auxiliary facilities on site. Contractor's office shall have computer
network similar to Engineer's office, along with telephone services. He shall
include for general use the following:

a. Sanitary Facilities: Toilets shall be provided and maintained on site or

as directed by Engineer. Toilets shall be individually partitioned and
enclosures provided with lockable doors.

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MODA, J13-03500 And Controls
b. First Aid Facilities: Contractor shall provide adequate first aid facilities
for joint use of his staff and Engineer and his personnel. They shall be
made available at no extra cost.

c. Vehicle Parking: Contractor shall provide car park shade structure for
10 Engineer/Owner's cars and 2 spaces for visitors' cars. Parking
shade structure shall be subject to approval of Engineer.

d. Sample Room: Contractor shall provide as directed by Engineer and

near his offices a sample room with appropriate shelving for the
storage of complete set of approved samples of Project. Contractor
shall make the necessary modifications to the room as directed by the

E. Labor Camps

1. A labor camp is not permitted on site.

2. Any labor camp or accommodation shall be provided for laborers off site and
is expected to be fully in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom; and the
Contractor shall be accountable and responsible for ensuring that labor laws
are complied with, and security and conduct of such men are lawful.

F. Temporary Signboards:

1. Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain on suitable supports at

entrances to site and as directed by Engineer, 2 signboards of minimum
size 6 x 3.5 m constructed to the Engineer's design and consisting of
softwood framing covered using marine quality plywood, primed and

2. Provide signboards with the necessary lighting. Signboard shall be lettered

in Arabic and English, giving name of Employer, name of Designer,
Engineer, Contractor and Sub-Contractors. Setting out of signboards, type
and sizes of lettering shall be approved by Engineer. Contractor shall clear
away signboards upon completion of Contract or when requested to do so
by the Engineer.


A. Contractor shall provide, install, maintain and remove a temporary fence around
site. Construct fence using hollow steel tubes conforming to ASTM A 36 and
corrugated galvanized sheet steel conforming to SDI Specifications. Sheet material
shall be structural quality, 22 gage thick conforming to of ASTM A 446, Grade C,
hot-dipped galvanized as per ASTM A 525, Class G-90. Size and shape of fence
shall be as approved by Engineer.

- Excavation shall be in compliance with the requirements of Sections 02200 -

- Concrete shall be in compliance with the requirements of Section 03300 -

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A. Contractor shall provide, install, maintain and remove material and personnel hoists
as required for normal use by all trades, and employ only skilled operators for them.
He shall provide necessary guards, signals, protective facilities, safety devices and
the like required for safe operation, provide suitable runways from hoists to each
floor level and roof, and remove all such facilities after they have served their
purpose or when directed by the Engineer.

B. Contractor shall also provide and maintain all temporary ladders, ramps, runways,
chutes, derricks, stairs, and similar items required for the proper execution of the
work and permit the use of such facilities by other contractors, subcontractors or
trades. Hoists and chutes shall be so constructed as to prevent damage, staining
or marring of permanent work.

C. No materials, rubbish or debris shall be permitted to drop free, but shall be removed
by use of material hoist and/or fully enclosed rubbish chute.

D. Where required, openings in slabs, walls and partitions shall be provided for
installing large pieces of equipment. Openings shall be closed and/or made good
after the equipment is in place. Structural modification, if required, shall be subject
to prior approval by the Engineer.


A. Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain all staging and scaffolding (exterior and
interior) for all trades for their use during the construction of the building. Staging
and scaffolding shall be of approved design, erected and removed by experienced
stage builders and shall have all accident prevention devices required by
government laws.

B. Such staging and scaffolding shall be erected in sufficient time and in a proper
sequence so as not to delay the works. Subcontractors shall schedule and
commence their work so that building progress is not delayed or obstructed once
staging and scaffolding becomes available.

C. The above facilities shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the
applicable requirements of Government Authorities and designed to comply with the
recommendations of the British Standards CP 97, Parts 1, 2 and 3, as applicable,
and be removed after they have served their purpose or when directed by the
Owner's Representative.


A. Contractor shall protect finished surfaces, including jambs and soffits of openings
used as passageways or through which materials are handled, against possible
damage resulting from the conduct of work by trades.

B. Adequate protective material shall be laid under all materials stored on finished
surfaces, and shall be laid before moving materials over finished areas.
Wheelbarrows used over such areas shall have rubber type wheels.

C. Finished surfaces, including factory-finished and job-finished items shall be clean

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and not marked upon handing over of building(s) to Owner. Contractor shall, without
extra compensation, re-finish such spaces where surfaces were proved to have
been inadequately protected, and which are damaged.

D. As soon as an area of flooring is finished, it shall be protected by the Contractor

from dirt and damage by covering as necessary with paper or by other approved

E. Waterproofed and roof surfaces shall not be subjected to traffic, nor be used for
storage of material. Where some activity must take place in order to carry out the
work, adequate protection, subject to approval by the Engineer shall be provided.


A. Contractor shall provide and maintain during the entire contract period all temporary
safety measures necessary for the protection of people, buildings, structures,
pavings, curbs, channels, fences and the like on the site or adjacent properties, and
he shall be solely responsible for any damage to life and property caused as a
result of not having taken adequate precautions against such damage.



A. General: Materials shall be new and approved by the Engineer, and must not
violate requirements of applicable codes and standards.



A. Maintain systems to assure continuous service.

B. Modify and extend systems as work progress requires.


A. Completely remove all temporary facilities, materials, services and equipment when
their use is no longer required.

B. Clean and repair damage caused by temporary installations or use of temporary


C. Restore permanent facilities used for temporary services to specified conditions.


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A. Products.

B. Transportation and handling.

C. Storage and protection.

D. Product options.

E. Substitutions.


A. Products: Means new material, machinery, components, equipment, fixtures, and

systems forming Work. Equipment shall be suitable for the altitude of the site.
Products do not include machinery and equipment used for preparation, fabrication,
conveying and erection of the Work. Products may also include existing materials or
components required for re-use.

B. Local Products: Priority shall be given to products manufactured in the Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia as long as they meet the reference standards and in conformance
with the Project Documents requirements.

C. Where applicable, use of materials and equipment removed from existing premises
shall not be permitted, unless otherwise indicated on Contract Documents.

D. For similar components, provide interchangeable components of same


E. Product List Schedule: Prepare a schedule showing products specified in a tabular

form acceptable to The Engineer. Product List Schedule shall include generic
names of products required, manufacturer's name and proprietary product names
for each item listed. Coordinate product list schedule with Construction Schedule
and Schedule of Submittals.

F. Product Selection:

1. Provide products complying with Contract Documents specific performances

indicated or specified, and which are recommended by manufacturer in writing
for the intended application.

2. Materials and equipment to be used in Work shall be best quality, standard

products of manufacturers and shall not show sign of defects or impurities.
Where available, provide standard products of types that have been produced
and used successfully in similar installations on other projects.

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01600-1 Materials and Equipment
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3. When matching of an established sample is required, The Engineer shall be
the final judge of whether proposed product by Contractor matches the
sample satisfactorily.

4. References made in the Specifications to approved manufacturers shall be

construed as establishing a standard of quality and not as a limitation to the


A. Transport and handle products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Inspect shipments to assure that products comply with the requirements,

undamaged and are correct in quantities.

C. Provide equipment and personnel as necessary to handle products by methods to

prevent soiling, disfigurement, or damage.


A. Provide secure storage for products, and protect stored products from pilferage,
vandalism, and other loss or damage. Store and secure products so as not to
present a safety hazard.

B. Store and protect products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with

seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather-tight, climate
controlled enclosures.

C. For exterior storage, fabricated products shall be placed on sloped supports,

located above ground.

D. Provide off-site storage and protection when site does not permit on-site storage or

E. Products subject to deterioration shall be covered with impervious sheet covering.

Ventilation of covered products shall be provided to avoid condensation damage.

F. Loose granular materials shall be stored on solid flat surfaces in a well-drained

area. Precautions shall be taken to prevent mixing with foreign matter.

G. Provide equipment and personnel to store products by methods to prevent soiling,

disfigurement, or damage.

H. Store products organized in such a way as to permit access for inspection.

Contractor shall periodically inspect stored products to assure that they are
undamaged and are being maintained under specified conditions.


A. Reference in Specifications to approved manufacturers and/or models shall be

construed as establishing a minimum quality for construction, style and materials
required for construction for the project and not as limiting of competition.

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01600-2 Materials and Equipment
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B. Products of equal quality or better than those specified shall be considered
acceptable subject to compliance with specification requirements, and Engineer’s

1. Products Specified by Reference Standards or by Description Only: Any

product meeting those standards or description may be furnished.

2. Products Specified by Naming one or More Manufacturers: Products of

named manufacturers and meeting specification requirements shall be
furnished; no options or substitutions shall be allowed.

3. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers with a Provision for

Substitutions (i.e. or approved equal): Submit a request for substitution for any
manufacturer not named complying with the requirements detailed herein.


A. Requests for Substitutions shall be in accordance with the General Conditions and
Section 01300 - SUBMITTALS of this Specification.

B. The Engineer's consideration of Contractor requests for Substitutions shall be

subject to the Construction Manager's review and approval. Construction Manager
shall have final approval authority over requests for Substitutions.

C. Substitutions may be considered when a product becomes unavailable through no

fault of the Contractor.

D. Contractor shall document each request with complete data substantiating

compliance of proposed Substitution with Contract Documents.

E. A request for product substitution constitutes a representation that the Contractor:

1. Has investigated proposed product and determined that it meets or exceeds

quality level of specified product.

2. Will provide same warranty for Substitution as for specified product.

3. Will coordinate installation of Substitution and make changes to other Work

which may be required for Work to be complete at no additional cost to

4. Waives claims for additional costs or time extension which may subsequently
become apparent.

F. Substitutions will not be considered when they are indicated or implied on shop
drawing or product data submittals, without separate written request, or when
acceptance will require revision to the Contract Documents.

G. Substitution Submittal Procedure:

1. Submit 4 copies of request for Substitution for consideration. Limit each

request to one proposed Substitution.

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01600-3 Materials and Equipment
MODA, J13-03500
2. Submit shop drawings, product data, and certified test results attesting to the
proposed product equivalence.

3. The Engineer will notify Contractor, within 2 weeks of receipt of a substitution

request and in writing, of his decision to accept or reject such a request.


A. Nameplates: Except for required labels and operating data, do not attach or imprint
manufacturer’s or producer’s nameplates or trademarks on exposed surfaces of
products that will be exposed to view in occupied spaces or on the exterior.

1. Labels: Locate required product labels and stamps on concealed surfaces or,
where required for observation after installation, on accessible surfaces that
are not conspicuous.

2. Equipment Nameplates: Provide permanent nameplate on each item of

service-connected or power-operated equipment. Locate on an easily
accessible surface that is inconspicuous in occupied space. The nameplate
shall contain following information: and other essential operating data:

a. Name of product and manufacturer.

b. Model and serial number.
c. Capacity.
d. Speed.
e. Rating.


A. Products/equipment requiring special tools for the installation as recommended by

the manufacturer shall be provided by the contractor.


(Not Used)


(Not Used)


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01600-4 Materials and Equipment
MODA, J13-03500




A. Project Closeout: Term used to describe certain collective project requirements,

indicating completion of Work that are to be fulfilled near end of Contract time in
preparation for final acceptance and occupancy of Work by Owner, as well as final
payment to the Contractor and normal termination of Contract.

B. Time of Closeout: Directly related to "Substantial Completion"; therefore, the time of

closeout may be a single time for individual elements of the work that have been
certified as substantially complete at different dates. This time variation, if any, shall
be applicable to the other provisions of this Section.


A. General: Complete the following before requesting the Handover Committee

inspection for certification of substantial completion, either for the entire work or for
portions of the Work.

1. In progress payment request that coincides with, or is the first request

following date of substantial completion is claimed, show either 100%
completion for portion of work claimed as "substantially complete", or list
incomplete items, the value of incomplete work, and reasons for Work being

2. Include supporting documentation for completion as indicated in this

contract documents.

B. Submit a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum.

C. Submit specific warranties, workmanship/maintenance bonds, maintenance

agreements, final certifications and similar documents.

D. Submit details of pending insurance changeover requirements.

E. Obtain and submit releases enabling the Owner's full, unrestricted use of the Work
and access to services and utilities. Where required, include occupancy permits,
operating certificates and similar releases.

F. Submit record drawings, maintenance manuals, final project photographs, damage

or settlement survey, property survey, and similar final record information.

G. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock of materials and similar physical items to the

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Project Close-out

MODA, J13-03500 Requirements
H. Make final change-over of locks and transmit keys to Owner. Advise Owner's
personnel of change-over in security provisions.

I. Complete start-up testing of systems, and instruction of the Owner's operating and
maintenance personnel. Discontinue or change over and remove temporary
facilities and services from the project site, along with construction tools and
facilities, mock-ups, and similar elements.

J. Complete final cleaning-up requirements, including touch-up painting of marred


K. Touch-up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes.

L. Inspection Procedures: Upon receipt of Contractor's request for inspection,

Handover Committee will either proceed with inspection or advice Contractor of
unfilled prerequisites.

1. Following initial inspection, Handover Committee will either prepare Certificate

of Substantial Completion, or will advise Contractor of work which must be
performed before certificate will be issued. Handover Committee will repeat
inspection when requested and when assured that work has been
substantially completed.

2. Results of the completed inspection will form the initial "Punch List" for final


A. General: Complete the following before requesting the Engineer final inspection for
certification of final acceptance, and final payment as required by the General
Conditions. List known exceptions, if any, in the request.

1. Submit the final payment request with final releases and supporting
documentation not previously submitted and accepted. Include certificates of
insurance for products and completed operations where required.

2. Submit an updated final statement, accounting for final additional changes to

the Contract Sum.

3. Submit a certified copy of the Engineer final Punch List of itemized work to be
completed or corrected, stating that each item has been completed or
otherwise resolved for acceptance and has been endorsed/dated by the

4. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and
similar data either as of the date of substantial completion, or else when the
Owner took possession of and responsibility for corresponding elements of
the work.

5. Submit Certificate of Payment, Zakat and Income.

B. Re-inspection Procedure: the Engineer shall re-inspect the Work upon receipt of the
Contractor's notice that the Work, including Punch List items resulting from earlier

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Project Close-out

MODA, J13-03500 Requirements
inspections, has been completed, except for these items whose completion has
been delayed because of circumstances that are acceptable to the Engineer.

1. Upon completion of re-inspection, the Engineer will either prepare a certificate

of completion of the Maintenance Period or will advise the Contractor of work
that is incomplete or of obligations that have not been fulfilled, but are
required for final acceptance.

2. If necessary, the re-inspection procedure will be repeated.


A. As-Built Drawings: Contractor shall prepare As-Built drawings from the record
drawings. Information shall be presented in the following form:

1. Electronic Files: As-Built drawings files shall be submitted to the Engineer.

Drawings shall be prepared using AutoCAD 14 or latest AutoCAD version
(*.DWG Format) as required by Engineer.

2. Reproducible Copies: All As-Built drawings and other Contract documents.

Copies of the As-Built drawings shall be submitted in accordance with

SECTION 01300 - SUBMITTALS for approval.

B. Specifications: Complete mark-up of Technical Specifications shall be submitted to

the Engineer before initial acceptance.

C. Record Product Data: During the progress of the work maintain one copy of each
product data submittal, and mark up significant variations as approved by the
Engineer in the actual work in comparison with the submitted information. Include
both variations from the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for
installation. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the work
which cannot otherwise be readily discerned at a later date by direct observation.
Note related change orders and mark-up of record drawings and specifications.
Upon completion of mark-up, submit complete set to the Engineer for record.

D. Record Sample Submittal: Immediately prior to the time(s) of initial completion, the
Engineer will meet with Contractor at site, and will determine which of the submitted
samples maintained by the Contractor during the progress of the work are to be
submitted to the Engineer for record purposes.

E. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Immediately prior to time(s) of initial completion,

complete miscellaneous records and place in good order, properly identified and
bound or filled, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to the Engineer for


A. Arrange for each Installation of work requiring continuing maintenance or operation

to meet with the operating personnel at the project site to provide basic instructions
needed for proper operation and maintenance of the entire work. Review
maintenance manuals, record documentation, tools, spare parts and materials,

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Project Close-out

MODA, J13-03500 Requirements
lubricants, fuels, identification system, control sequences, hazards, cleaning and
similar procedures and facilities. For operation equipment, demonstrate start-up,
shut-down, emergency operations, noise and vibration adjustments, safety,
economy/ efficiency adjustments, and similar operations. Review maintenance and
operations in relation with applicable guarantees, warranties, agreements to
maintain, bonds, and similar continuing commitments.

B. Contractor shall submit 2 sets of Operation and Maintenance data prior to final
inspection, size A-4 and/or A-3 text pages as applicable, bound in expandable
binders with durable covers.

C. Contractor shall prepare binder covers with printed title - OPERATION AND
MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS, title of project, and subject matter of binder
when multiple binders are required.

D. Language for Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Manuals shall be prepared in

Arabic and English. Where manufacturer's Arabic literature shall not be available,
Contractor shall be responsible for providing the Arabic translated manuals.

E. Binder contents shall be internally subdivided with permanent page dividers;

logically organized as described below, with tab titling clearly printed under
reinforced laminated plastic tabs.

F. Binder Contents: Contractor shall prepare a Table of Contents for each volume,
with each Product or system description identified.

G. Binder - Part 1: Directory, listing names, addresses, and telephone numbers of

Architect/Engineer, the Engineer, Contractor, subcontractors, and major equipment

H. Binder - Part 2: Operation instruction and maintenance manuals, arranged by

system and subdivided by Specification section.

For each category, identify names, addresses, and telephone numbers of

subcontractors and suppliers. Identify the following:

1. List of equipment.

2. Significant design criteria including performance data, dimensions, weights,

and capacities.

3. Parts list for each component.

4. Installation instructions.

5. Operating instructions.
6. Maintenance manuals and instructions for equipment and systems including
service manuals and wiring diagrams.

7. Maintenance instructions for finishes, including recommended cleaning

methods and materials and special precautions identifying detrimental agents.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Project Close-out

MODA, J13-03500 Requirements
I. Binder - Part 3: Project documents and certificates, including the following:

1. Shop drawings and product data.

2. Air and water balance reports.

3. Potable water system disinfection reports.

4. Elevator and dumbwaiter test reports and certifications.

5. Other certificates as specified.

6. Photocopies of warranties, guaranties, and bonds.

J. Contractor shall submit one copy of the completed binder volumes in the final form
30 days prior to final inspection at substantial completion. This copy will be returned
after final inspection, with the Engineer comments. Revise content of documents as
required prior to final submittal.

K. Within 10 days after final inspection, Contractor shall submit 2 copies of the final
revised binder volumes to the Engineer for hand-over to Owner.


A. Special cleaning for specific units of work is specified in the various technical

B. Provide final cleaning of the work at the time indicated, consisting of cleaning each
surface or unit of work to the normal "clean" condition expected for a first class
building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's
instructions for cleaning operations.

C. Materials used in cleaning of finished works and equipment shall not adversely
affect the finishing of those works and equipment and shall be as per
recommendations of the related manufacturer. Any works and equipment damaged
during cleaning operations shall be restored to their original quality.

D. Except as otherwise indicated or requested by the Owner, remove temporary

protective devices and facilities which were installed during the course of the work
to protect previously completed work during the remainder of the construction

E. The amount of dust resulting from cleaning operations shall be controlled to

prevent the spread of dust to other portions of the construction and to avoid
creation of a nuisance in the surrounding area. Use of water will not be permitted
when it will result in, or create, hazardous or objectionable conditions such as
flooding and pollution, and damage the finished works.

F. Comply with the safety standards and governing regulations for cleaning operations.
Do not burn waste materials at the site, nor bury debris or excess materials on the
property, nor discharge volatile or other harmful or dangerous materials into
drainage system. Remove waste materials from the site and dispose of in lawful

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Project Close-out

MODA, J13-03500 Requirements

A. Submit written warranties to the Engineer prior to the date certified for Substantial
Completion. If the Engineer certificate of Substantial Completion designates a
commencement date for warranties other than the date of Substantial Completion
for the Work, or a designated portion of the Work, submit written warranties upon
request of the Engineer. When a special warranty is required to be executed by the
Contractor, or the Contractor and a subcontractor, supplier or manufacturer,
prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready
for execution by the required parties. Submit a draft to the Owner through the
Engineer for approval prior to final execution. Refer to individual sections of Division
2 through 16 each specific content requirements, and particular requirements for
submittal of special warranties.

B. Form warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, commercial quality, durable 3-ring vinyl
covered loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and
sized to receive A-4 paper.


A. Where required by special guarantees, warranties, agreements to maintain,

workmanship bonds and similar continuing commitments, comply with requests to
participate in inspections at the end of each time period of such continuing


A. Upon product delivery, the Contractor shall:

1. Conduct tests and operational checks to ensure serviceability of property to be


2. Verify cleanliness and overall condition as acceptable.

3. Ensure that manufacturer's operations and maintenance manuals are

available for transfer.

4. Ensure that keys to rolling stock, buildings and equipment are ready for
turnover to the Owner.






Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Project Close-out

MODA, J13-03500 Requirements




A. Works required for Cavity Probing as indicated on Drawings, by Rotary or

Rotary Percussive Boring equipment including labor, equipment, probe
holes, backfilling of probe holes, sand/cement grout injection, in-site testing,
instrumentation and laboratory testing.


A. Geotechnical report.

B. ASTM C 494 Specification of Chemical Admixtures for Concrete

C. ASTM D 420 Investigations and Sampling Soil and Rock for Engineering


A. Comply with Section 01300 – SUBMITTALS.

B. Program of Works with dates of submission of reports.

C. Schedule of exploratory probe holes with their locations with coordinates

and list of tests.

D. Format for presenting test results.

E. Details of plant and equipment.


A. Engage the services of a recognized Independent Testing Laboratory with

proven experience in the field of works required, and whose personnel
have the necessary skills and experience, in the opinion of the Engineer, to
execute the works and analyze the results in accordance with the
specification. Furnish satisfactory written evidence of such experience to
the Engineer, when requested, prior to commencing the Works.

B. Perform cavity probing in areas below columns as specified/recommended

by the soil investigation report.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02020 - 1 Cavity probing

MODA, J13-03500


A. Mix composition for sand/cement grout.

1. Cement : 50 kg type V cement

2. Fine Sand : 25 kg or as required
3. Water/Cement ratio : 0.8
4. Chemical Additions
5. Fine aggregate can be added if necessary for the large cavities.



A. Length of Probe Holes: Measure length of the probe from the ground level
local to the probe hole which is referred to site datum.

B. Drilling shall be carried out using pneumatic special soil drilling equipment.
Holes diameter shall be 2 – 3 inches.

C. Drilling depth shall be 4 – 12 meters from the foundation level and shall not
be less than the double width of the isolated footing

D. Drill one hole under the center of each footing incase of the isolated

E. Incase of combined footings, drill one hole at each 10 meters length and in
depth equal 4 times the width of the footing under the level of the footing.
The minimum depth of the hole shall be 6 meters.

F. The penetration speed of the cavity probing shall be recorded every 20 cm

intervals starting from the ground level.

G. The occurrence of slump or cavities will be determined upon a sudden

increase of penetration speed. The slump zone shall be determined and
recorded in the hole drilling log sheet and in the final report.

H. Where cavities or slump are suspected to be present, carry out three (3)
(minimum) probes around the location at equal distances and around
perimeter of 1 m diameter circle its center is cavity area. Incase another
cavity found, probing shall be continued in the same method to determine
the extent of cavity/loose zones

I. Verticality of Probe Holes: Take care to drill the probe holes vertically and
assess and report the amount of drifts if any noticed.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02020 - 2 Cavity probing

MODA, J13-03500
J. Supervision and Interpretation: Provide a full-time supervisor (not a
member of the boring rig crew) to each drill in operation. The supervisor
shall identify and log the changes in strata as the fragments are brought to
the surface and report percentage and color of the flushing system returns.

K. Sample: Label and store at site one sample of the fragments from each of
the major strata identified in every probe until the Engineer agrees to their

Provide thick walled sampling tubes of not less than 35 mm internal

diameter and take samples, at least 150 mm long, where instructed by the
Engineer. Driving to be done by using the percussion mechanism of the
boring rig or by a monkey. Extrude samples immediately after recovery.

L. Backfilling Probe Holes: On receipt of instruction from the Engineer, backfill

all probe holes using cement slurry for the whole depth of the probe hole
unless otherwise agreed.


A. Insert the injection tube in hole inside plastic pipe to prevent loss of the
concrete inside the cavity.

B. Prepare the grout admixture as shown in clause 2.1 above.

C. Compressive Strength Tests: The strength of specimens tested after 3

days curing shall not be less than 4 kN/m2

D. Pump the cement grout using pumps. Pumping pressure shall not exceed 2
bars. Continue pumping until the hole is filled.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02020 - 3 Cavity probing

MODA, J13-03500




A. Demolition, removal and disposal of existing buildings, foundations, underground

structures, utilities, landscape items, pavements and other items as indicated on
Drawings and specified herein, in accordance with the Authorities having


A. Work includes demolition of building superstructures, foundations, underground

structures, utilities, landscape items, pavements and other items as required and
directed by the Engineer.

B. Removal of rubbish and debris from site on daily basis to avoid accumulation of
debris on site, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

C. Store materials that cannot be removed daily in areas specified by Engineer.

D. Removal and disposal of materials off site as specified and as directed by the

E. In the interest of conservation, salvage shall be pursued to the maximum extent

possible; salvaged items and materials shall be handed over owner.

F. Demolition and removal work shall not interfere with existing utilities and traffic on
roads, nor shall it interfere with the continuity of access or use of adjoining areas,
except as approved. When interference with existing utilities and traffic or continuity
of use of any area is required, a detailed work plan shall be furnished specified


A. Detailed drawings of temporary works, if required, and detailed sequence of

operations to ensure uninterrupted progress works on site.

B. Work Plan: Work plan shall include procedures proposed for the accomplishment
of the work. The procedures shall provide for safe conduct of the work, including
procedures and methods to provide necessary supports, lateral bracing and
shoring when required, careful removal and disposition of materials specified to
be salvaged, protection of property which is to remain undisturbed, coordination
with other work in progress, and timely disconnection and diversion of existing
utility services. The procedures shall include a detailed description of the
methods and equipment to be used for each operation, and the sequence of
operations. The work plan shall be furnished for the Engineer's review and approval
not less than twenty five (25) working days before starting the work.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Demolition

MODA, J13-03500 02060-1
C. When required, the necessary permits shall be completed by Contractor and
submitted for review and approval by the Engineer. When approved, schedule Work
to create the least interference and inconvenience to adjoining areas and public. At
all times public safety shall be protected.

D. No work shall proceed until the above submittals have been approved by the


A. The amount of dust resulting from demolition shall be controlled to prevent the
spread of dust to occupied portions of the construction site and to avoid creation
of a nuisance in the surrounding area. Use of water will not be permitted when it
will result in, or create, hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice,
flooding and pollution.


(Not Used)



A. Before beginning any demolition work, survey site carefully and examine Drawings
and Specifications to determine the extent of Work. Investigate the presence of
foundations and other underground structures as well as utilities required to be
demolished. Demolition and removal work shall be performed in a manner to
prevent damage to the remaining and adjoining structures, facilities and utilities
without jeopardizing their use or occupancy. Damage to adjoining structures,
facilities and utilities shall be repaired as approved by the Engineer.

B. During the demolition work the Contractor shall continuously evaluate the
condition of the structure being demolished and take immediate action to protect
all personnel working in and around the demolition site. No structural element will
be allowed to be left standing without sufficient bracing, shoring, or lateral support
to prevent collapse or failure while workmen remove debris or perform other work
in the immediate area.

C. Structural components that are designed and constructed to stand without lateral
support or shoring, and are determined to be in stable condition, may be allowed
to remain standing without additional bracing, shoring, of lateral support until
demolished. The Contractor shall ensure that no elements determined to be
unstable are left unsupported and shall be responsible for placing and securing
bracing, shoring, or lateral supports as may be required as a result of any cutting,
removal, or demolition work performed under this contract.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Demolition

MODA, J13-03500 02060-2
D. Provide temporary barricades and other forms of protection to protect personnel
and general public from injury due to demolition work as well as keeping non-
authorized public traffic off site during the project duration.

E. Protection of Existing Property: Before beginning any demolition work, the

Contractor shall survey the site and examine the drawings and specifications to
determine the extent of the work. The Contractor shall take necessary
precautions to avoid damage to existing items to remain in place, to be reused, or
to remain the property of the User; any damaged items shall be repaired or
replaced as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall coordinate the work
of this section with all other work and shall construct and maintain shoring,
bracing, and supports as required. The Contractor shall ensure that structural
elements are not overloaded and shall be responsible for increasing structural
supports or adding new supports as may be required as a result of any cutting,
removal, or demolition work performed under this contract.

F. Protect from damage existing finish work that is to remain in place and become
exposed during demolition operations. Protect floors with suitable coverings when

G. Remove protection at completion of work.


A. Conduct demolition and debris removal to ensure minimum interference with

adjacent occupied or used facilities.

B. Do not close, block or otherwise obstruct areas or used facilities without a written
authorization from Owner.

C. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by



A. Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against
damage during demolition operations. Do not interrupt utilities serving occupied or
used facilities, except when authorized in writing by Owner. Provide temporary
services during interruptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to Owner. Maintain
fire protection services during demolition operations.

B. Locate, identify and disconnect utility services that are not indicated to remain and
provide bypass connections to maintain continuity of services to occupied areas of


A. Perform demolition work in a systematic manner.

B. Use methods acceptable to Engineer to complete the required demolition, and in

accordance with approved demolition schedule and governing regulations.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Demolition

MODA, J13-03500 02060-3
C. Items to be removed, demolished or relocated shall as shown on drawings and as
approved by the Engineer.


A. Concrete, masonry, and other noncombustible materials, except concrete permitted

to remain in place, shall be disposed of in legal manner in the designated disposal
areas, off site.

B. Combustible materials shall also be disposed off site in a legal manner.

C. Debris and rubbish shall be removed from site. Debris shall be removed and
transported in a manner that prevents spillage on streets or adjacent areas. Local
regulations regarding hauling and disposal shall apply.


A. Amount of dust resulting from demolition shall be controlled to prevent spread of

dust to other portions of construction site and to avoid the creation of nuisance in
the surrounding area(s). Use of water will not be permitted when it will result in, or
create, hazardous or objectionable conditions such as flooding and pollution.


A. Use of burning at Project site for disposal of refuse and debris will not be permitted.


A. Use of explosives will not be permitted.


A. Upon completion of demolition work, remove tools, equipment, and demolished

materials from site and leave site in a clean condition.

B. Repair demolition performed in excess of that required. Return elements of

construction and surfaces to remain to condition existing prior to start operations.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Demolition

MODA, J13-03500 02060-4




A. Removal and disposal of vegetation, brush, rubbish, loose rocks, large stones and
metallic debris occurring within the areas to be cleared as well as removal of roots,
matted roots and organic materials to a depth of not less than 300 mm below
original surface level of ground or to natural rock elevation.

B. Removal and satisfactory disposal of any structure that obtrude, encroach upon, or
otherwise obstruct the Work indicated on Drawings.


A. Traffic: Conduct site clearing operations to ensure minimum interference with roads,
streets, walks and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not use facilities
without permission from the Engineer or authorities having jurisdiction.

B. Protection of Existing Improvements (If required): Provide protection as necessary

to prevent damage to existing improvements indicated to remain in place.

1. Protect improvements on adjoining properties and on Owner's property.

2. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to
parties having jurisdiction.


(Not Used)



A. General: Remove trees, shrubs, grass and other vegetation, improvements or

obstructions interfering with the execution of the new construction. Remove such
items elsewhere on site or premises as specifically indicated. Removal includes
digging out stumps and roots.

B. Clearing and Grubbing: Remove material to be grubbed, together with logs and
other organic or metallic debris not suitable for foundation purposes to a depth of
not less than 300 mm below the original surface level of the ground in areas
indicated to be grubbed and in areas indicated as construction areas under this
Contract, such as areas for buildings, and areas to be paved. Depressions made
by grubbing shall be filled with suitable material and compacted to make the surface
in conformance with the original adjacent surface of the ground.

C. Removal of Improvements: Remove existing above-grade and below-grade

improvements necessary to permit construction and other works as indicated on

Admin, Services and Residential Bldgs -

02110-1 Site Clearing


A. Transport waste materials and unsuitable topsoil materials to the designated spoil
areas and dispose of as directed by the Engineer at no extra cost.

B. Dust Control: Amount of dust resulting from demolition shall be controlled to prevent
the spread of dust to occupied portions of the construction site and to avoid creation
of a nuisance in the surrounding area. Use of water will not be permitted when it will
result in, or create, hazardous or objectionable conditions.


A. Use of burning at the Project Site for the disposal of refuse and debris shall not be


A. Use of explosives shall not be permitted.


Admin, Services and Residential Bldgs -

02110-2 Site Clearing




A. Excavation, filling, and compacting as well as site grading as shown on Drawings

and as specified herein.


A. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM D 422 Particle Size Analysis of Soils

ASTM D 698 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and

Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-lb (2.49-kg) Rammer and
12-inch (305-mm) Drop

ASTM D 1556 Density of Soil-in-Place by the Sand-Cone Method

ASTM D 1557 Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate

Mixtures Using 10-lb (4.54-kg) Rammer and 18-in. (457-mm)

ASTM D 2167 Density and Unit Weight of Soil-in-Place by the Rubber

Balloon Method

ASTM D 2216 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of

Soil, Rock and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures

ASTM D 2487 Classification of Soils For Engineering Purposes

ASTM D 2937 Density of Soil in Place by the Drive-Cylinder Method

ASTM D 4318 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils

ASTM D 4253 Maximum Index Density of Soils Using Vibratory Table

ASTM E 548 Standard Guide for General Criteria Used for Evaluating

B. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

AASHTO M 145 Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures For

Highway Construction Purposes

AASHTO M 147 Materials for Aggregate and Soil-Aggregate Subbase, Base

and Surface Courses

AASHTO T 180 Moisture-Density Relations of soils using a 10 lb (4.54 kg)

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02200-1 Earthwork
MODA, J13-03500
Rammer and an 18 inch (457 mm) Drop

AASHTO T 191 Test Method for In-Place Density of Compacted Base

Courses Containing Large Sizes of Coarse Aggregate

C. MOT Ministry of Transport, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

General Specification of Road and Bridge Construction


A. Test Reports (Excavating, Filling and Grading):

1. Submit copies of the following reports:

a. Test reports on soil material conforming to the requirements specified

under Quality Assurance.

b. Field density test reports.

c. One optimum moisture-density relationship curve for each type of soil to

be used for fill or backfill.

B. Excavations over 1.5 m in depth will be sheeted and shored. Submit drawings and
calculations for the design of the sheeting and shoring.


A. Codes and Standards: Perform excavation work in compliance with applicable

requirements of International Building Code (IBC) and other governing authorities,
codes and standards having jurisdiction.

B. Testing Services: Employ a qualified independent testing laboratory approved by

the Engineer to perform tests specified herein during earthwork operations as well
as the additional tests performed to determine the quality of work, if requested by
the Engineer at no extra cost. Perform each test in conformance with the following:

- Compaction Curve: Conform to ASTM D 1557

- Liquid Limit: Conform to ASTM D 4318
- Plastic Limit: Conform to ASTM D 4318
- In-Situ Moisture Content: Conform to ASTM D 2216
- Particle-Size Analysis: Conform to ASTM D 422
- Soil Classification: Conform to ASTM D 2487

C. Quality Testing Compliances: Based on reports of the testing and inspection, if the
subgrade, fill, or backfill does not meet the specified requirements these materials
shall be considered defective and shall be rejected. Excavate rejected materials and
provide new acceptable materials replacing the rejected materials and re-compact
the new materials as specified. Retest the re-compacted materials and repeat the
procedure as necessary until the specified compaction is obtained.

D. Recommendations of Report for Geo-Technical Studies for the Project shall be


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02200-2 Earthwork
MODA, J13-03500

A. Site Information: Data on indicated subsurface conditions are not intended as

representations or warranties of accuracy or continuity between soil bore holes. It
should be expressly understood that the Engineer would not be responsible for
interpretations or conclusions drawn therefrom by Contractor. Data are made
available for the convenience of Contractor. Additional test borings and other
exploratory operations may be made by Contractor at no cost to Owner.

B. Noise and Dust Control: Utilize reasonable and necessary means to abate dust, dirt
rising, and undue noise. Perform necessary sprinkling and wetting of construction
site to prevent dust from spreading.

C. Existing Utilities:

1. Locate existing underground utilities in areas of work. If utilities are to remain

in place, provide adequate means of protection during earthwork operations.

2. Should uncharted or incorrectly charted, piping or other utilities be

encountered during excavation; consult the corresponding utility company for
directions. Cooperate with the Engineer and utility companies in keeping the
respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to the
satisfaction of the authorized utility company.

D. Use of Explosives:

1. The use of explosives shall not be permitted.

E. Protection of Persons and Property:

1. Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with
warning lights. Operate warning lights as recommended by the authorities
having jurisdiction.

2. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from

damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout and
other hazards created by earthwork operations.

F. Existing Conditions: Prior to commencing work at site, verify agreement of existing

conditions with indicated conditions. Notify the Engineer in writing of discrepancies
found. Start of work without notification constitutes acceptance of conditions, with
no extra cost.



A. Backfill and Fill Materials:

1. Suitable Materials:

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02200-3 Earthwork
MODA, J13-03500
a. Materials classified according to ASTM D 2487 as GW, GP, GM, SM,
SW and SP, or a combination of these group symbols; free of rock or
gravel larger than 75 mm in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen
materials, vegetation, and other deleterious matter.

b. Roadways: Materials conforming to AASHTO M 145 Class A-1, A-2 or


2. Unsuitable Materials:

a. Materials conforming to ASTM D 2487 class CH, CL, MH, PT, OH and
OL, or a combination of these group symbols.

b. Unsatisfactory soils also include satisfactory soils not maintained

within 2 percent of optimum moisture content at time of compaction.

3. Fill materials shall be free of rock or gravel larger than 75 mm in any

dimension, debris, waste, organic material and other deleterious matter. The
fine content (silt and clay size particles passing US # 200 sieve which is
equivalent to a particle diameter of 75 micron) should be less than 15 % by
weight. Fill materials shall have a grading with 100% passing the 3/8 inch (9.5
mm) sieve. Follow the recommendations of Report for Geo-Technical Studies.

B. Acceptable Topsoil: Acceptable topsoil includes selectively excavated topsoil

material that is representative of local soils that produce heavy growths of crops,
grass, or other vegetation, and is reasonably free from underlying subsoil, clay
lumps, weeds, litter, brush, matted roots, toxic substances, or any material harmful
to plant growth or which would hinder grading, planting, or maintenance operations.
Topsoil shall not contain more than 5 percent by volume of stones or other such
objects larger than 25 mm in any dimension for field-seeded areas and 12 mm in
any dimension for lawn seeded areas.

C. Borrow Material: Where suitable materials are not available in sufficient quantities
from required excavations, approved materials shall be obtained from approved
sources outside the limits of project at the Contractor's expense. Borrow material
shall comply with the requirements specified for Backfill and Fill Materials. Borrow
material shall be subject to the Engineer's approval based on the test reports
performed as described herein.

D. Drainage Fill: Washed, narrowly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or

uncrushed gravel; ASTM D 448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 57; with 100
percent passing a 1-1/2- inch (38-mm) sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 8
(2.36-mm) sieve. Thickness of drainage layer shall be as shown on drawings.

E. Sub-Base Materials: AASHTO M 147 Grade B or MOT Grade B, naturally or

artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, crushed slag,
and natural or crushed sand.


A. Excavated materials shall not be used for fill under structures and pavements,
unless indicated otherwise in Geotechnical Report. Follow the recommendations of
Report for Geo-Technical Studies. Excavated materials may be used for general fill

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02200-4 Earthwork
MODA, J13-03500
after removing oversize stones, unless indicated otherwise in Geotechnical Report.



A. Excavate materials of whatever nature encountered to the lines and grades as

shown. Excavation includes removal and disposal of obstructions on ground
surface, underground structures and other materials encountered.

B. Unauthorized Excavation: Consists of the removal of materials beyond indicated

subgrade elevations or dimensions without specific direction of the Engineer.
Unauthorized excavation shall be at the Contractor's expense.

1. Under footings, foundation bases, or retaining walls, fill unauthorized

excavation by extending the indicated bottom elevation of the footing or base
to the excavation bottom without altering required top elevation.

2. Elsewhere, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as specified for

authorized excavations unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

C. Additional Excavation: When excavation has reached required subgrade elevations,

the Engineer will make an inspection of conditions.

1. If unsuitable bearing materials are encountered at the required subgrade

elevations, carry excavations deeper 300 mm and replace the excavated
material with specified sub-base materials and as directed by the Engineer.

2. In areas of unsuitable material (sabhka) where over excavating to 300 mm

does not remove the unsuitable bearing material, excavate down as required
and construct a working platform using specified sub-base materials for 300
mm in depth then use rockfill material. Bring backfill to 300 mm below the
finished subgrade shown on Drawings in layers not exceeding 200 mm in
depth. Continue backfilling to subgrade elevation or to final elevation using
specified backfill material as shown on Drawings.

D. Stability of Excavations: Slope sides of excavations to comply with the following:

1. Slopes of cuts in natural; 1:1

2. Slopes of compacted fill; 1-1/2:1

3. Slopes of uncompacted fill; 2:1

Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because of space restrictions or
stability of material excavated. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in a safe
condition until completion of backfilling.

E. Shoring and Bracing: Designing, providing and maintaining the suitable shoring and
bracing system that will support the loads imposed shall be the Contractor's
responsibility. Proposed shoring and bracing system shall be subject to approval of
the Engineer. Provide materials for shoring and bracing in good serviceable

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02200-5 Earthwork
MODA, J13-03500
condition. Contractor shall hire services of structural Engineer having adequate
experience in this field for the design of shoring and bracing system and shall be
subject to approval of the Engineer. Design of shoring system along with
calculations, shop drawings and materials specifications shall be submitted for
Engineer’s review and approval prior to starting the subsoil works.

1. Provide shoring system adequately anchored and braced to resist earth and
hydroscopic pressures.

2. Establish requirements for trench shoring and bracing to comply with safe
operating procedures.

3. Maintain shoring and bracing in excavations. Carry down shoring and bracing
as excavation progresses.

F. Dewatering: Provide adequate dewatering system in order to prevent surface water

and subsurface or ground water from flowing into excavations and from flooding
Project site and the surrounding area:

1. Designing, providing and maintaining comprehensive dewatering system

throughout excavation and backfilling works. Proposed dewatering system
shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. However, such approval shall not
relieve Contractor from his responsibility towards the dewatering system. In
case, Contractor's proposed dewatering system fails or does not perform
efficiently, Contractor shall immediately replace the system at no extra cost to

2. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent

softening of foundation bottoms, undercutting footings and soil changes
detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. Provide and maintain
pumps, well points, sumps, suction and discharge lines, and other dewatering
system components necessary to convey water away from excavations.
Dewatering system shall run 24 hours a day during excavation and backfilling
works. Contractor shall provide standby power generators for running the
dewatering system, non-stop, in case of power failures.

3. Convey water removed from excavations and rain water to collecting or

run-off areas, and eventually transport the water off site. Comply with the
requirements of Baladia and other local authorities having jurisdiction
regarding the safe disposal of water removed from excavations and rain
water. Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other
diversions outside excavation limits for each structure. Do not use trench
excavations as temporary drainage ditches.

G. Material Storage: Stockpile suitable excavated material until required for backfill or
fill. Locate and retain soil materials away from edge of excavations. Dispose off
excess soil material and waste materials.

H. Excavation for Structures:

1. Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance plus or minus

50 mm and extending a sufficient distance from footings and foundations to
permit placing and removal of concrete formwork, installation of services and

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MODA, J13-03500
other construction as well as for inspection.

2. In excavating for footings and foundations, take care not to disturb bottom of
excavation. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to
receive concrete.

I. Excavation for Trenches: Conform to the requirements of Section 02225 -



A. General: Place soil material in layers to the required subgrade elevations, for each
area classification listed below, using materials as specified above.

1. General Fill: Use satisfactory borrow material.

2. Under Structures: Use satisfactory borrow material.

3. Under Grassed Areas: Use satisfactory excavated or borrow material.

4. Under Walkways and Pavements: Use subbase material, satisfactory

excavated or borrow material, or a combination.

5. Under Steps: Use subbase material.

6. Under Building Slabs: Use drainage fill material.

7. Under Equipment: Use subbase materials where required over rock bearing
surface and for correction of unauthorized excavation. Shape excavation
bottom to fit bottom 90 degrees of cylinder.

8. Trenches for Piping and Conduits: Conform to the requirements of Section


B. Backfill excavations as promptly as work permits, but not until the completion of the

1. Acceptance of construction below finish grade including, where applicable,

dampproofing, water-proofing and perimeter insulation.

2. Inspection, testing, approval and recording locations of underground utilities

have been performed and recorded.

3. Removal of concrete formwork.

4. Removal of trash and debris from excavation.

5. Temporary horizontal bracing is in place on horizontally supported walls.


A. Ground Surface Preparation: Remove vegetation, debris, unsatisfactory soil

materials, obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to

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02200-7 Earthwork
MODA, J13-03500
placement of fills. Plow strip, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to
4 horizontal so that fill material will bond with existing surface to depth of 300 mm
and compact to required depth as directed by the Engineer.

B. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than 200 mm in loose depth for
material compacted by heavy compaction equipment and not more than 100 mm in
loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers.

C. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide optimum

moisture content. Compact each layer to required percentage of maximum dry
density or relative dry density for each area classification. Do not place backfill or fill
material on surfaces that are muddy.

D. Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures, piping, or conduit to
required elevations. Prevent wedging action of backfill against structures or
displacement of piping or conduit by carrying material uniformly around structure,
piping, or conduit to approximately same elevation in each lift.

E. Control soil and fill compaction, providing minimum percentage of density specified
for each area classification indicated below. Correct improperly compacted areas or
lifts as directed by the Engineer if soil density tests indicate inadequate compaction.

F. Percentage of Maximum Density Requirements: Compact soil to not less than the
following percentages of maximum density, in accordance with ASTM D 1557:

1. Under structures, building slabs and steps, and pavements, compact top 300
mm of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95 percent
maximum density.

2. Under lawn or unpaved areas, compact top 150 mm of subgrade and each
layer of backfill or fill material at 90 percent maximum density.

3. Under walkways, compact top 150 mm of subgrade and each layer of

backfill/fill material at 95 percent maximum density.

4. General Fill: Compact each layer of backfill or fill material at 90 percent

maximum density.

G. Moisture control: Where subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture

conditioned before compaction, uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade or
layer of soil material. Apply water in minimum quantity as necessary to prevent free
water from appearing on surface during or subsequent to compaction operations.
Moisture content shall be kept within 2 percent above or below the optimum as
determined by ASTM D 1557, Method-D.

H. Unless otherwise approved by The Engineer, heavy equipment for spreading and
compacting backfill shall not be operated closer to a wall less than a distance equal
to the height of the backfill above the top of footing; the area remaining shall be
compacted in layers not more than 150 mm in compacted thickness with power
driven hand tamper suitable for material being compacted.

I. Testing of Fill and Backfill: Frequency of field density tests in accordance with
ASTM D 1556 (Sand Cone Method) shall be as follows:

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02200-8 Earthwork
MODA, J13-03500
1. One test per 30 m² of underground pipe trench.

2. One test per 100 m² per lift under foundations.

3. One test per 200 m² per lift under paved areas.

4. The laboratory tests ASTM D 698 shall be carried out once for every 5 field
density tests.

J. Tolerance:

1. Pavements and Walks: Shape surfaces of areas under pavement and walks
to line, grade cross-section with finish surface not more than 20 mm above or
below the required subgrade elevation.

2. Under Building Slabs: Provide final grades within a tolerance of 12 mm when

tested in a 3 m straight edge.

3. Foundations: Finish surfaces on which footing shall be placed to within 25 mm

or below the required grades.

4. Landscaped Areas and Rough Grading: Finish all areas to within 50 mm

above or below the elevations, grades and cross-sections shown.


A. Placing: Place drainage fill material on prepared subgrade in layers of uniform

thickness, conforming to indicated cross-section and thickness. Maintain optimum
moisture content for compacting material during placement operations. When a
compacted drainage course is indicated to be 150 mm thick or less, place material
in a single layer. Where thickness of drainage course is indicated to be more than
150 mm, place material in equal layers, not more than 150 mm or less than 75 mm
thick for each layer when compacted.


A. Sub-Grade Preparation:

1. After completion of stripping or excavation operations, as applicable, scarify

and compact the natural sub-grade to lines, slopes and levels as shown on
the Drawings.

2. The top 300 mm of sub-grade shall be compacted to a minimum density of 95

percent. Density shall be measured in field in accordance with AASHTO T
191 and in the laboratory shall be determined according to AASHTO T 180.

B. Granular Sub-Base:

1. General: For granular sub-base; before placing and spreading operations are
started, verify that the sub-grade has been approved and satisfactorily
maintained and that it is to levels and of the material specified. Ruts or soft
yielding areas shall be filled and compacted to the required density.

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02200-9 Earthwork
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2. Placing and Compaction: Sub-base material shall be spread on the finished
sub-grade in uniform layer without segregation, to such loose depth that when
compacted the layer will have a thickness of maximum 200 mm. Material shall
be mixed with blade graders or other equipment until a uniform mixture is
obtained. Aggregate shall be within the specified moisture content limits when
compacting is started. Variations shall be corrected prior to or during
compacting by sprinkling or by aeration. The layer shall be compacted by
rolling with a 3-wheel power roller weighing 8 to 10 tons or an approved
pneumatic roller. Alternate blading and rolling shall be performed until
obtaining smooth, even and uniformly compacted finished top course.

C. Compacting shall not be less than 100 percent of maximum dry density in place for
access roads and 95 percent minimum for parking areas. Density shall be
measured in field according to AASHTO T 191 and in laboratory shall be
determined in accordance with AASHTO T 180. The C.B.R. value of the granular
sub-base course after compacting shall be more than 50 percent.

D. Testing Surface: Sub-base shall be true to established grade. Thickness shall not
be more or less than 10 mm from that required for the layer being constructed.
Surface shall not vary more than 10 mm in 3 m from true profile and cross-section.
Thickness of the granular sub-base shall be measured at intervals as directed by
the Engineer. Measurements shall be taken at various points through holes not less
than 75 mm in diameter.


A. Protection of Graded Areas:

1. Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash and
debris and provide temporary drainage as required.

2. Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted areas to

specified tolerances.

B. Reconditioning Compacted Areas: Where completed compacted areas are

disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather, scarify
surface, reshape and compact to required moisture and density prior to further
construction. Remove saturated or softened soil as directed by the Engineer.


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02200-10 Earthwork
MODA, J13-03500




A. Trench excavation.

B. Backfilling.

C. Removal and disposal of excess excavation materials as well as importing the

required bedding and fill materials if necessary.


A. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM D 698 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and

Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-lb (2.49-kg) Rammer
and 12-inch (305 mm) Drop

ASTM D 1556 Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone

ASTM D 1557 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and

Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-lb (4.54-kg) Rammer and
18-inch (457 mm) Drop

ASTM D 1559 Test Method for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous

Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus

ASTM D 2922 Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in

Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)

ASTM D 4253 Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils Using
Vibratory Table

ASTM D 4254 Test methods for Minimum Index Density of Soils and
Calculation of Relative Density


A. Submit test reports of backfilling materials and compaction showing compliance

with the requirements specified herein.

B. Submit field density test reports.

C. Submit one optimum moisture-density relationship curve for each type of soil to be
used for fill or backfill.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Trenching and Backfilling

MODA, J13-03500

A. Whenever the Engineer determines that excavation or fill on Owner's property

which was created by a Contractor and which is a hazard to life and limb, or
endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a roadway
or drainage channel, the responsible Contractor, upon receipt of a notice in writing
from the Engineer, shall within the period specified therein repair or eliminate at
his own expense such excavation or fill so as to eliminate the hazard occurring.


A. Bedding Material: Materials utilized for bedding under pipes in trenches.

B. Initial Backfill Material: Materials utilized for backfilling around pipes 150 mm
above the top of pipe.

C. Unsuitable Materials:

1. Materials including, but not limited to, silts or clays containing organic
materials, soils containing large amounts of roots, grasses, and other
vegetation, debris, decomposable materials or as identified by the

2. Materials consisting of gypsum, salt deposits, and clayey marl with

plasticity index in excess of 20.



A. Clean Sand:

1. Dune Sand containing only windblown material meeting the gradation

below; and/or

2. Soil material meeting the following gradation containing less than 3 percent
weight of organic material, marl or clay:

Sieve Size Percent Passing

1/4 inch (6.25 mm) 100
No. 10 (2.00 mm) 90 - 100
No. 200 (0.075 mm) 10 or less

B. Dune Sand: Wind-deposited sand consisting of relatively single-sized particles

generally passing the No. 16 sieve (1.18 mm) and containing less than 10 percent
soil particles passing No. 200 sieve (0.074 mm).

C. Marl: A wide variety of inorganic calcareous soil materials which may vary from
clay to gravel sizes and may include cobble and boulder sized pieces.

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MODA, J13-03500

A. Provide clean sand conforming to the gradation and requirements specified


B. Compact sand bedding to at least 70 percent relative density, or 95 percent

proctor density according to ASTM D 698 whichever is applicable and gives
greater density.

C. Determine maximum/minimum densities of a representative bedding sample

according to ASTM D 4253/ASTM D 4254 for all locations. Obtain field density in
accordance with ASTM D 1556, Sand-Cone Method.


A. Provide clean sand conforming to the gradation and the requirements specified

B. Compact clean sand to 70 percent relative density from the bottom of pipe to 150
mm above the top of pipe. Maximum lifts of 150 mm are recommended.


A. Provide marl or soil materials for backfill from 150 mm above the top of pipe to the
top of trench meeting the following requirements:

1. Not more than 3 percent organic or decomposable materials.

2. No debris.

3. A maximum particle size of 80 mm or one-half the lift thickness, whichever

is smaller.

4. Minimum compaction shall be in accordance with the following Table:

Highways with
Motor Vehicle
Non-Traffic Areas Heavy Truck
Traffic Areas
Non-Cohesive 65% relative 70% relative 85% relative
Soils (Sand) density* density* density*
Cohesive Soils 85% of maximum 95% of maximum 95% of maximum
density** density** density***

* Relative Density: Determined in accordance with ASTM D 4253 and ASTM

D 4254.

** Maximum Density: Determined in accordance with ASTM D 698.

*** Maximum Density: Determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557.

5. Compact backfill materials to densities specified in accordance with ASTM

D 4253 and ASTM D 4254 or ASTM D 698 whichever is applicable and
gives the greater density.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Trenching and Backfilling

MODA, J13-03500

A. Warning Tape: Metallic core polyethylene color-coded type, 150 mm wide, 100
micron thick, and labelled in Arabic and English alternately for the appropriate



A. Unclassified Excavation: Perform excavation as indicated on Drawings in whatever

material encountered.

B. Unsuitable Materials:

1. Excavate materials designated as unsuitable for use as fill by the Engineer

until suitable material is found.

2. Remove and dispose off site materials excavated during trenching, which
is unsuitable for backfill at no extra cost.


A. Excavate trenches to the width and depth required and establish the indicated
invert elevations.

B. Saw cut asphalt and concrete pavement providing a minimum of 100 mm beyond
the required trench including allowances for sheeting and other works, or to a total
width of 1 m, whichever is greater.

C. Trench Dewatering: Conform to the requirements of Section 02200 -

EARTHWORK. If trench dewatering is necessary, no construction shall start until
the approval of design of dewatering system by the Engineer. Dewatering systems
shall not discharge into existing sewers, completed sections of new sewers, or into
open surface areas. Trench bottom shall be dry before pipe installation. Cap the
end of pipes between shifts and weight the pipe to prevent floating.

D. Trench bottom shall be continuous, smooth, free of rocks, and to the lines and
grades shown on Drawings. Shape trench beds at joint locations to accommodate
the larger outside diameter of joint, so as to provide a continuous support for the
pipe. Trench contour shall not cause joint angular deflection or pipe bending
radius exceeding the Manufacturer's limit.

E. Depth of trench shall allow a minimum of 150 mm of sand bedding below the pipe.
Remove a minimum of 300 mm of unstable soil and replace with a minimum of
150 mm of crushed stone, maximum size of 38 mm (1-1/2 inch) and 150 mm of
sand on top of stone.
F. Sheeting or Shoring: Conform to the requirements of Section 02200 -

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MODA, J13-03500
G. Unless live loads, dead loads, pipe deflections, and pipe stresses are calculated
by a method acceptable to the Engineer to verify the adequacy of pipe with less
cover, and unless Manufacturer's recommendation require deeper burial, the
minimum cover over the top of pipe shall be as shown on Drawings and approved
by the Engineer.


A. Provide clean sand bedding, 150 mm thick for trench bottom. Tamp or Compact
sand bed to provide uniform bearing.


A. Place the initial backfilling materials in maximum lifts of 150 mm around pipes and
to 150 mm above the top of pipes.

B. Compact backfill to the corresponding densities specified above. Within 300 mm

of the pipe, backfill shall be hand tamped, or a board shall be used to protect pipe
damage from vibratory plate compactors.

C. Sheeting and Shoring:

1. Remove sheeting and shoring gradually as the backfill is placed. Fill voids
under and behind sheeting as sheeting is withdrawn.

2. Cut and leave sheeting in place, where in the opinion of the Company
Representative, damage to the pipe may occur.

D. Exceptions:

1. Backfill trenches with concrete where trench excavations pass within 450
mm of column or wall footings and that are carried below bottom of such
footings or that pass under wall footings. Place concrete to level of bottom
of adjacent footing. Backfill trenches after completion of tests and
inspections and the Engineer approval. Backfilling shall not damage or
displace piping systems.

2. Provide 100 mm thick concrete base slab support for piping or conduits
less than 750 mm below surface of roadways. After installation and testing
of piping or conduits, provide 100 mm thick encasement (sides and top) of
concrete prior to backfilling or placement of roadway subbase.


A. Test Method: To verify that the specified degree of compaction has been
achieved, perform in-place density tests by the nuclear method conforming to
ASTM D 1556 and ASTM D 2922.

B. Frequency: Perform compaction tests after the compaction of each lift of fill, at a
minimum rate of one in-place density test for every 50 linear meters of compacted
soil. Spacing between test locations shall be approximately equal.

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MODA, J13-03500
C. Extra Test: When test results fail to meet the established criteria for testing,
perform the remedial Work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Re-test the
repeated Work using same methods and procedures specified herein to confirm
achieving the required established criteria.


A. Place warning tape over utility lines in trenches and to the depths shown on


A. Asphalt Concrete Paving: Conform to the requirements of Section 02510 -


B. Pavement base course shall be of the same depth and material as the
original base course.

C. Prime edges of the existing pavement and base course.

D. Surface course shall be identical to the original surface course.

E. Roll the paved patch in both directions with a 5-ton roller so as to compact the
patch to 96 percent of Marshall density in accordance with ASTM D 1559.


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MODA, J13-03500




A. Soil treatment for termite control as specified herein.



SASO 392/1990 Regulations for Pesticides.


Relevant Regulations for Pesticides


A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical data and application instructions.


A. Submit written warranty certifying that applied soil poisoning treatment will prevent
infestation of the subterranean termites and that if subterranean termite activity is
discovered during warranty period, Contractor will re-treat soil and repair or replace
damage caused by termite infestation.

B. Provide warranty for a period of 10 years from the date of substantial handover,
signed by both, Manufacturer and Applicator.


A. Conform to the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for work,

including preparation of substrates and application.

B. Regulatory Requirements: Formulate and apply termiticides and termiticide devices

according to the EPA-Registered Label.

C. Engage a professional pest control operator, licensed in accordance with the

regulations of governing authorities for application of soil treatment solution.


A. Restrictions: Apply soil treatment solution after the completion of excavation, filling
and grading operations unless otherwise required in construction operations.

B. To insure penetration, do not apply soil treatment to excessively wet soils or during

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02285-1 Termite Control
MODA, J13-03500
inclement weather. Comply with handling and application instructions of the soil
toxicant manufacturer.



A. Soil Treatment Solution:

1. Termiticide active ingredient shall be Permethrin, with minimum percentage

of 36.8 percent or Bifenthrin 25.1% w/w and shall have EPA registration.

B. Application Rates and Method of Application: As recommended by the

manufacturer or his authorized applicator for the various locations and as approved
by the Engineer.

C. Apply soil treatment solution under slab on grade structures, under basement
structures, masonry foundations or grade beams, at expansion and control joints as
recommended by the manufacturer.

D. Use an emulsive concentrate termiticide for dilution with water, specifically

formulated to prevent infestation by termites. The solution shall consist of
Permethrin chemical elements and concentrations and shall be diluted as
recommended by the manufacturer. Other solutions may be used as recommended
by the Applicator and approved by the Engineer as well as local governing
authorities. Soil treatment solutions shall not be injurious to planting. Fuel oil will not
be permitted as a diluent.



A. Surface Preparation: Remove foreign matter which could decrease effectiveness of

treatment on areas to be treated. Loosen, rake, and level soil to be treated except
previously compacted areas under slabs and foundations. Termiticide may be
applied before placement of compacted fill under slabs, if recommended by


A. Application rates at the different locations specified herein shall be as

recommended by the Manufacturer at the to achieve horizontal and vertical barriers
against infestation.

B. Treat soil before concrete slabs are placed using either power sprayer or tank-type
garden sprayer and in accordance with the following:

1. Apply termiticide to soil in critical areas under slabs, including entire inside
perimeter inside of foundation walls, along both sides of interior partition
walls, around plumbing pipes and electric conduit penetrating slab and
around interior column footers.

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02285-2 Termite Control
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2. Apply termiticide as an overall treatment under slabs and attached slab

3. Apply termiticide along outside edges of the building. Dig a trench 150 mm
to 200 mm wide along the outside of foundation to a depth of not less than
300 mm. Mix chemical solution with the soil as it is being replaced in trench.

C. At Hollow Masonry Foundations or Grade Beams: Treat voids with termiticide by

pouring directly into the hollow spaces.

D. At Expansion Joints, Control Joints and Grade Areas: Apply termiticide to areas of
penetration through the slabs.

E. Reapply soil treatment solution to areas disturbed by subsequent excavation or

other construction activities following application.


A. Post signs in areas of application to warn workers that termiticide been applied.
Remove signs when areas are covered by other construction.


A. Reapply soil treatment solution to areas disturbed by subsequent excavation or

other construction activities following application.


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02285-3 Termite Control
MODA, J13-03500




A. The Work shall consist of the furnishing of materials, equipment and manpower
for construction of grouted riprap slope protection as shown on drawings and
specified herein.



SASO 142 Physical and Mechanical Testing Methods of Portland Cement.

SASO 143 Portland Cement, Ordinary and Rapid-Hardening

SASO 570 Sulphate Resistant Portland Cement.

SASO 378 Aggregates from Natural Sources for Concrete.



A. Stone grouted riprap shall consist of field stones furnished in broad flat shapes to
the maximum extent practicable. All stone shall be hard, sound, durable, highly
resistant to weathering and shall be suitable as protection material for the
intended purpose.

B. Samples of the stone material proposed for use in the Works shall be submitted
to the Engineer for approval prior to its use in the Work.

C. The minimum apparent specific gravity shall be 2.5 and the maximum absorption
shall be 6% when tested in accordance with AASHTO T85 - 85. The stone shall
have an abrasion loss not greater than 45% when tested in accordance with

D. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or directed by the Engineer, stones

for grouted riprap shall generally weigh between 10 and 50 kg with at least 60%
weighing more than 30 kg.

E. Mortar for grouted riprap shall of 1:3 cement: sand mortar by volume. Water
added shall be the least amount which will yield a mix of suitable consistency to
ensure proper mortaring of riprap. Sand and cement shall conform with the
relevant requirements of "Concrete and Concrete Mixes and Testing".

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

MODA, J13-03500
02333-1 Slope Protection

A. Geotextiles are mainly used as mineral filter that retains soil behind stone surface.
However, they also serve as transition between in-situ bottom soil and overlying
stone layer where they may provide dual value as reinforcement.

B. Two criteria must be met for filter performance. First, the filter must be sized by the
equivalent opening of sieve to retain the soil gradation behind it while passing the
pore water without a significant rise in head (uplift pressure), it must be selected to
ensure this performance, even when subjected to expected tensile strength in
fabric. Second, the geotextile and retained soil must be evaluated to assess the
danger of fine-sized particles migrating into the fabric, clogging the openings and
reducing permeability. Both of these gradations should be used to select the most
appropriate type of Geotextile. Contractor should submit specifications and samples
of his proposed Geotextile for Engineers approval. The required quality tests for
longitudinal and Transverse Tensile strengths, Elongation and Thickness should
also be conducted before using Geotextile at the site. In case tests results show
that Geotextile does not meet the specified requirements of Engineer another type
of Geotextile should be submitted for Engineers approval.


A. Three dimensional cellular honeycomb slope protection or erosion control mat

shall be manufactured from 100% polyester with alternate linking of semi-rigid
panels of needle punched chemically bonded nonwovens (300 GSM) to form
strong, durable, flexible and expandable honeycomb structure. When expanded
on site, it shall form a set of regular cells linked together providing dimensionally
stable and effective confinement for loose soil placed in each cell. Cell height
shall not be less than 100 mm and cell diameter around 350 mm. Each cell strip
shall have tensile strength of minimum 700 N.



A. Preparation of Slopes: The surfaces upon which grouted riprap is to be placed

shall be excavated and compacted to the required grades and lines and a footing
trench where specified, shall be excavated along the toe of the slopes, all as
shown on the Drawings or as directed. All footing trenches and prepared areas
shall be approved prior to placement of riprap or concrete. Subgrade or base
shall be firm or compacted as directed.

B. Lay geotextile below underlayer as shown on the drawings. All joints of geotextile
shall be overlaped as recommended by the manufacturer or as approved by the
Engineer. Stone shall be placed carefully to minimize disturbance to already
placed Geotextile.

C. Stones shall be placed so as to minimize voids. Larger stones shall be placed on

the lower levels of the slope.

D. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all stones for grouted riprap shall be
Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.
MODA, J13-03500
02333-2 Slope Protection
hand laid with the flat face upper most and parallel to the intended slope, starting
from the toe and progressing upwards. The stones shall be laid as a single layer
to form a relatively smooth surface.

E. The surfaces of the stones shall be cleaned of all adhering dirt and clay before
placing any mortar.

F. The spaces between the stones shall be filled with concrete mortar which shall be
vibrated, spaced, and rodded into place until the voids are completely filled to a
minimum depth of 50 mm from the face of the riprap. Excess material and
spillage shall be leaned from the front face of the riprap before hardening.

G. The mortared riprap shall be protected from the sum and kept moist for at least 3
days after completion of mortar placement.


A. Honeycomb fiber mat shall be spread over the slope before final layer of the soil
and secured in place temporarily by wooden stacks. All the cells shall be filled
with soil and compacted well as per manufacturer’s recommendations.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

MODA, J13-03500
02333-3 Slope Protection




A. Cast-in-place concrete walkways and driveways in site as shown on Drawings and

as specified herein.


A. SASO - Saudi Arabian Standard:

SASO 142 Physical and Mechanical Methods of Testing Portland Cement

SASO 143 Portland Cement Ordinary and Rapid Hardening

SASO 226 Methods for Sampling of Concrete Aggregates

SASO 570 Sulfate Resistant Portland Cement

SASO 1068 Ready Mixed Concrete

SASO 391 Methods of Sampling Fresh Concrete

SASO 874 Testing concrete: Method for determination of density of

compacted fresh concrete

B. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:

ASTM A 184 Fabricated Steel Bar or Rod Mats for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM A 185 Steel Welded Wire fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM C 31 Standard Method of Making and Curing Concrete Test -

Specimen in the field

ASTM C 33 Concrete Aggregates

ASTM C 39 Compressive Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders

ASTM C 94 Ready-Mixed Concrete

ASTM C 150 Portland Cement

ASTM C 171 Sheet Materials for curing Concrete

ASTM C 309 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02500-1 Concrete Walkways
MODA, J13-03500
ASTM D 1751 Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and
Structural Construction (Non-Extruding and Resilient
Bituminous Types)

ASTM D 1850 Concrete Joint Sealer, Cold-applied type

ASTM D 3569 Joint Sealant Hot-Poured Elastomeric, Jet Fuel Resistant type
for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

C. ACI - American Concrete Institute:

ACI 117 Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction Material

ACI 214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Compression Test

Results of Field Concrete

ACI 304 Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting,

and Placing Concrete

ACI 305 Hot Weather Concreting

ACI 308 Curing Concrete

D. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials:

AASHTO M 182 Burlap Cloth Made from Jute or Kenaf

E. Applicable requirements of this Specifications specified in the following Sections:

- Section 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK

- Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE


A. Refer to the applicable requirements of the following Sections of this Specifications:

- Section 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK

- Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE

B. Samples: Provide 900 mm square slab showing finish for concrete paving for
approval. Locate mock-up where directed. Provide finish on paved areas were
shown to match the approved sample mock-up. Retain mock-up protected from
damage and staining until completion, final curing, and acceptance of Work.
Remove mock-up(s) and dispose of before final completion of Work or when
directed by the Engineer.


A. Refer to the applicable requirements of the following Sections of this Specifications:

- Section 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK

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02500-2 Concrete Walkways
MODA, J13-03500
- Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE


A. Refer to the applicable requirements of the following Sections of these


- Section 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK

- Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE



A. Formwork: conform to Section 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK, unless specified


B. Reinforcement: Conform to Section 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT,

unless specified otherwise. Type and size shall be as shown on the Drawings.

C. Concrete: Conform to Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE unless

specified otherwise. Provide Class 30 concrete (30 MPa compressive strength at
28 days) using Type I cement modified with microsilica. Construct paving in
conformance with details shown on Drawings. Paving surfaces shall include broom,
tooled and smooth finishes, all as indicated on Drawings.

D. Brick for Edging and Banding: Conform to the requirements of Section 02515 -

E. Granite for Edging and Banding: Conform to the requirements of Section 02515 -

F. Vapor Barrier: Polyethylene sheets of thickness 10 mils and 150 mm overlapping

for areas under concrete.

G. Joint Filler: Asphalt saturated fiberboard conforming to ASTM D 1751.

H. Joint Sealant: Cold applied, pourable, polyurethane-based 2-component

elastomeric sealant conforming to ASTM C 920, Type M, Grade P, Class 25 or FS-
SS-S-200 or FS-SS-S-227 jet-fuel resistant.

I. Finish: Broom.



A. Construct subgrade true to grades and cross-sections shown on Drawings.

Excavation, backfill, fill and compaction shall conform to requirements specified in
Section 02200 - EARTHWORK. Check the compacted subgrade for grade and

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02500-3 Concrete Walkways
MODA, J13-03500
cross-section using template supported on side forms. Provide polyethylene vapor
barrier sheets with minimum 150 mm overlapping before placing reinforcement and


A. Formwork shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 03100 -

CONCRETE FORMWORK. Set forms to the required grades and lines, rigidly
braced and secured.

B. Check completed formwork for grade and alignment to the following tolerances:

1. Grade: Plus or minus 3 mm.

2. Alignment: Plus or minus 6 mm at any point and no more than 3 mm

deviation from a 3 meter straight edge.

C. Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent.


A. Locate, place, and support reinforcement in conformance with Section 03200 -



A. Conform to the requirements of Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE for

mixing, transportation and placing concrete and as specified herein.

B. Do not place concrete until sub-grade and forms have been checked for line and
grade. Provide polyethylene sheet vapor barrier over sub-grade before placing
reinforcement and concrete. Do not place concrete around structures or frames
until they have been brought to the required grade and alignment.

C. Place concrete in one course monolithic construction for the full width and depth of
walks, and in staggered and checkered manner.

D. Spread concrete as soon as it is deposited on the sub-grade using methods which

prevent segregation of the mix. Consolidate concrete along the face of forms and
adjacent to transverse joints with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint
assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Use square-faced shovels for hand
spreading and consolidation. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocation of
reinforcing and joint materials.

E. Strike-off fresh concrete and compact until a layer of mortar is brought to the
surface. Finish the surface to grade and cross section with a trowel smooth and/or
broom finish as required. Perform concrete finishing using machine or hand
method as approved by the Engineer. Broom transversely to the line of foot traffic.
If necessary, apply water to the surface immediately before brooming. Broom finish
shall match the approved sample.

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02500-4 Concrete Walkways
MODA, J13-03500
F. Unless indicated otherwise on the drawings, mark the surface of walks into
rectangles measuring not less than 1 m² not over 2 m², unless approved otherwise.
Use a scoring tool which leaves the edges rounded.

G. Concrete Curing: Conform to the requirements specified in Section 03300 - CAST-


H. Hot Weather Placing: Conform to the requirements specified in Section 03300 -



A. General:

1. Construct expansion, construction, isolation, and contraction joints true-to-

line with the face perpendicular to the surface of the walks.

2. Construct transverse joints at right angles to the pavement centerline,

unless otherwise indicated.

B. Contraction Joints:

1. Provide contraction joints, to section the walkway into areas as shown on

the drawings. Construct weakened-plane joints to a depth equal to at least
1/4 the walkway thickness, as follows:

a Tooled Joints: Form weakened-plane joints in the fresh concrete by

grooving the top portion of the slabs with a recommended cuttings
tool and finishing edges with a joiner.

b Saw Cut Joints: Saw cut to a width equal to 1/2 depth and fill with
joint sealant.

C. Construction Joints:

1. Place construction joints at the end of pours and at locations where

placement operations are stopped for a period of more than 1/2 hour, except
where such pours terminate at expansion joints.

2. Construct joints as shown on Drawings. Where not shown, use standard

metal keyway-section forms.

D. Expansion and Isolation Joints:

1. Provide 6 mm wide expansion joints at returns and intervals not greater than
9 m along the walkway, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings.

2. Provide pre-molded joint filler for expansion joints and isolation joints
abutting concrete paving and curbs, gutters, catch basins, manholes, inlets,
structures, walks, and other fixed objects.

3. Extend joint fillers full width and depth of the joint, and not less than 12 mm
or more than 25 mm below the finished pavement surface where joint sealer

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02500-5 Concrete Walkways
MODA, J13-03500
is indicated. If no joint sealer, place top of joint filler flush with finished
concrete surfaces.

4. Use joint fillers in one-piece lengths for the full width being placed wherever
possible. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint filler
sections together.

5. Protect the top edge of the joint filler during concrete placement with a metal
cap or other temporary material. Remove protection after both sides of joint
are placed.


A. Protect and cure finished concrete walks in conformance with the requirements of
Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE. Use moist-curing methods of initial
curing whenever possible. After removal of forms, extend curing to exposed edges.


A. Conform to the applicable requirements specified in Section 03300 - CAST-IN-



A. Repair or replace broken or defective walks as directed by the Engineer.

B. Protect the walks from damage until acceptance of the Work. Exclude pedestrian
traffic from walks for at least 14 days after placement.

C. Sweep concrete walkways and paving, and wash free of stains, discolorations, dirt,
and other foreign material.


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02500-6 Concrete Walkways
MODA, J13-03500




A. Providing asphalt concrete paving including placement and compaction as

shown on Drawings and as specified herein.


A. MOT Ministry of Transportation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

General Specification of Road and Bridge Construction

B. SASO – Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO 916 Sampling bituminous materials.

SASO 917 Penetration of asphaltic (Bituminous) materials.

SASO 918 Ductility of bituminous materials.

SASO 919 Solubility of bituminous materials in


SASO 920 Effect of heat and air on asphaltic materials

C. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation


AASHTO M 145 Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures

For Highway Construction Purposes

AASHTO M 147 Materials for Aggregate and Soil-Aggregate

Subbase, Base and Surface Courses

AASHTO T 11 Material Finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200) Sieve in


AASHTO T 27 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates

AASHTO T 44 Solubility Test for Bituminous Materials

AASHTO T 49 Penetration of Bituminous Materials

AASHTO T 51 Ductility of Bituminous Materials

AASHTO T 84 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregates

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 1 Asphalt Concrete Paving
AASHTO T 85 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse

AASHTO T 96 Resistance to Abrasion of Coarse Aggregate by Use

of the Los Angeles Machine

AASHTO T 104 Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate

of magnesium Sulfate

AASHTO T 112 Friable Particles in Aggregates

AASHTO T 176 Sand Equivalent Test

AASHTO T 180 Proctor Compaction Tests

AASHTO T 182 Coating and Stripping Test

AASHTO T 191 Field Density Determination

AASHTO T 193 California Bearing Ratio test

D. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM C 88 Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of

Sodium Sulfate of Magnesium Sulfate

ASTM C 117 Test Method for Material Finer than 0.075 mm (No.
200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing

ASTM C 127 Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of

Coarse Aggregates by Washing

ASTM C 131 Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of

Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and
Impact in the Los Angeles Machine

ASTM C 136 Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse


ASTM C 535 Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-

Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in
the Los Angeles Machine

ASTM D 75 Practice for Aggregate Sampling

ASTM D 140 Practice for Bituminous Material Sampling

ASTM D 242 Specification for Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving


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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 2 Asphalt Concrete Paving
ASTM D 448 Classification for Sizes of Aggregate for Road and
Bridge Construction

ASTM D 946 Specification for Penetration-Graded Asphalt Cement

for Use in Pavement Construction

ASTM D 977 Specifications for Emulsified Asphalt

ASTM D 995 Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed,

Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures

ASTM D 1188 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of
Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using
Paraffin-Coated Specimens

ASTM D 1556 Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the

Sand-Cone Method

ASTM D 1557 Test Method for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils,

and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-lb (4.5-kg)
Rammer and 18-inch (457-mm) Drop

ASTM D 1559 Test Method for Resistance to Plastic Flow of

Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus

ASTM D 1664 Test Method for Coating and Stripping of

Bitumen-Aggregate Mixtures

ASTM D 1883 Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of

Laboratory-Compacted Soils

ASTM D 2027 Specifications for Cutback Asphalt (Medium-Curing


ASTM D 2028 Specifications for Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-Curing


ASTM D 2041 Test Method for Theoretical Maximum Specific

Gravity and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures

ASTM D 2172 Test Methods for Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen

from Bituminous Paving Mixtures

ASTM D 2419 Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soil and
Fine Aggregate

ASTM D 2726 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted

Bituminous Mixtures Using Saturated Surface-Dry

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 3 Asphalt Concrete Paving
ASTM D 3515 Specifications for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous
Paving Mixtures

ASTM D 3549 Test Method for Thickness or Height of Bituminous

Paving Mixture Specimens

E. CRD - U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers

CRD-C 119 Method of Testing for Flat and Elongated Particles in

Coarse Aggregates

F. AI - Asphalt Institute

AI-MS 2 Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other

Hot-Mix Types


A. Samples: Materials and Bituminous Mixture.

B. Certificate of Compliance for Materials.

C. Test Reports.

D. In addition to the above, submit the following:

1. Job-Mix Formula.

2. Schedule

3. List of Plant and Equipment.

4. Detail and procedures of furnishing and delivering asphalt cement

from off-site plant.


A. Tests specified herein and additional tests as may be necessary to

determine the quality of the work will be performed by the Contractor using
an independent testing laboratory nominated by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer. Contractor shall restore areas where samples
have been taken so that such areas will conform to these specifications.



A. Sub-Grade:

1. Conform to the requirements specified in Section 02200 -


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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 4 Asphalt Concrete Paving
B. Granular Sub-Base (200 mm thick unless otherwise indicated on Drawings):

1. Conform to the requirements specified in Section 02200 -


C. Aggregates for Bituminous Base Course and Wearing Course:

1. Aggregates shall consist of coarse aggregates and fine aggregates,

and filler material, if required, all conforming to MOC Specifications
and the requirements specified herein. Aggregates shall consist of
crushed rock or crushed gravel, clean, hard, tough, durable, uniform
quality, and free from organic material.

2. Aggregates shall be obtained from an approved quarry and shall

consist of a mixture of all aggregate uniformly graded from coarse to

3. Combined aggregates shall conform to the following gradation

requirements when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 27 or
ASTM C 117 and ASTM C 136:

Percent Passing by Weight

Sieve Size Base Course Wearing Course

3/4" (19.05 mm) 100 None
1/2" (13 mm) 80 - 90 100
3/8" (9.5 mm) None 80 - 100
No.4 (4.75 mm) 48 - 62 55 - 75
No.10 (2 mm) 32 - 45 32 - 47
No.40 (0.425 mm) 16 - 26 16 - 26
No.80 (0.25 mm) 8 - 18 10 - 18
No.200 (0.075 mm) 4-8 4 - 10

Grading limits specified here are based on materials of uniform

specific gravity and shall be adjusted by the Engineer to compensate
for any variation in specific gravity of the individual sizes. The
grading may be varied by the Engineer of Marshall Tests to obtain
optimum stability and life of completed wearing course mix.

a. Processed aggregates shall consist of 100 percent crushed

stone of hard durable particles having two or more broken
faces, free from dirt and other objectionable matter, and
meeting the following physical requirements when tested in
accordance with ASTM C 117 and ASTM C 136:

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 5 Asphalt Concrete Paving
b. Plasticity Index: 3 Percent maximum as per AASHTO T 90 or
ASTM D 424

c. Sand Equivalent: 45 percent minimum as per AASHTO T


d. Loss of Sodium Sulfate (Soundness Test): 10 percent

maximum as per AASHTO T 104 or ASTM C 88

e. Loss of Magnesium Sulfate (Soundness Test): 12 percent

maximum as per AASHTO T 104 or ASTM C 88

f. Loss by Abrasion Test: 40 percent maximum as per

AASHTO T 96 or ASTM C 131 or ASTM C 535

g. Flat and Elongated Particles: 5 percent maximum as per


h. Friable Particles: 0.25 percent maximum as per AASHTO T


D. Asphalt Cement: Petroleum asphalt cement, Grade 60 - 70 penetration,

conforming to AASHTO M 20 or ASTM D 946.

E. Liquid Asphalt:

1. Prime Coat: Medium-curing cutback asphalt conforming to

AASHTO M 82, Grade MC-1 or ASTM D 2027, Grade MC-70.

2. Tack Coat: Rapid curing cutback asphalt conforming to AASHTO T

49, Grade RC-2 as well as ASTM D 2028, Grade RC-70.

F. Mineral Filler: Rock or slag dust, hydraulic cement, or other inert material
complying with AASHTO M 17 or ASTM D 242.

A. Job Mix:

1. A satisfactory job-mix formula shall be established for each mixture

used. Formula shall establish a single percentage of aggregate
passing each sieve size, a single percentage of bituminous material
to be added, and a single temperature at which the mixture is to be
delivered at the point of discharge. Procedures shall conform to
ASTM D 1559.

2. Combined mineral aggregates and asphalt shall conform to the

following composition limits by weight.

a. Total Mineral Aggregates (percent) : 92 - 96

b. Asphaltic Binder (percent) :4-8

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 6 Asphalt Concrete Paving
3. When tested according to ASTM D 1559 (75 blows each face) the
bituminous mixture shall conform to the following requirements.
Bituminous mixture properties shall be determined in accordance
with procedures contained in AI MS-2.

a. Stability (Marshall):

1) Base Course: 500 kg minimum

2) Wearing Course: 700 Kg minimum

b. Flow (millimeters):

1) Base Course: 2-5

2) Wearing Course: 2-4

c. Voids in total mix (percent):

1) Base Course: 3-7

2) Wearing Course: 3-5

d. Voids filled with Asphalt (percent):

1) Base Course: 60 - 75
2) Wearing Course: 70 - 80

e. Voids in mineral aggregate (percent):

1) Minimum 14 percent

f. Loss of Marshall stability by submerging specimens in water

at 60C for 24 hours as compared to stability measured after
submersion in water at 60C for 20 minutes in accordance
with MIL-STD-620A, Method 104:

1) Maximum of 25 percent

g. Aggregates shall not show evidence of stripping when tested

in accordance with ASTM D 1664. Coated area shall be
greater than 95 percent. Hydrated lime, Portland Cement or
an approved anti-stripping agent shall be used to reduce
asphalt stripping and loss of stability. Determine the most
effective additive which shall be approved by the Engineer
prior to use.

h. Dune sand added to the mixture shall not exceed 10 percent

of the total weight of the blended aggregate.

4. When tested in accordance with ASTM D 1560 the bituminous

mixture shall have a Stability of 37 or more.

B. Variations From Job Mix Based on the Results of Single Test: Variation from
the approved job mix shall not exceed the following:

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 7 Asphalt Concrete Paving
1. Aggregates Passing 4.75 mm (No. 4) and Larger: Plus or minus 7

2. Aggregates Passing 2 mm (No. 10), & 0.425 mm (No. 40): Plus

or minus 4 percent

3. Aggregates Passing 0.25 mm (No. 80) and 0.075 mm (No. 200):

Plus or minus 2 percent

4. Asphalt Content: Plus or minus 0.4 percent

5. Temperature Range: Plus or minus 11C

C. Select asphalt content so that the air voids will not fall below three percent
after allowance is made for job tolerance of plus or minus 0.4 percent.



A. Conform to Section 02200 - EARTHWORK.


A. Conform to Section 02200 - EARTHWORK.


A. Batching and Mixing: Mixing plants shall conform to ASTM D 995. Truck
scales shall be provided by Contractor.

1. Preparation of Asphalt Cement: Heat asphalt cement within a

temperature range of 135C to 163C at the time of mixing. All
material heated above 204C shall be rejected.

2. Preparation of Mineral Aggregate:

a. Heat and dry aggregates to a temperature after screening of

not more than 163C. If the aggregates contain sufficient
moisture to cause foaming in the mixture, or if their
temperature is in excess of 163C, they shall be rejected and
removed from the bins.

b. Immediately after heating, screen aggregates into at least

three sizes and convey into separate bins ready for batching
and mixing. Screening operation shall produce gradations of
heated and dried aggregates which are reasonably uniform
and result in the production of a mixture as specified.

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 8 Asphalt Concrete Paving
3. Preparation of Bituminous Mixture:

a. Introduce aggregates and asphalt cement into the mixture in

proportionate amount according to the job-mix formula. The
combined aggregate shall not contain more than one percent
moisture. The temperature of the asphalt shall be not less
than 32C below the temperature of aggregate at the time
the materials enter the mixer or pug mill.

b. Use the shortest mixing time that will produce a satisfactory

mixture. Use the procedure for determining the percentage
of coated particles described in ASTM D 2489. The mixing
times shall be set to achieve 95 percent of coated particles
for all mixtures.

c. For batch plants, dry mixing time, if necessary, shall not

exceed 10 seconds. Wet mixing time shall not exceed 50
seconds. For batch plants, wet mix timing shall begin at the
start of the asphalt introduction into the pug mill.


A. Proof roll prepared subbase surface to check for unstable areas and areas
requiring additional compaction.

B. Notify the Engineer of unsatisfactory conditions, if any. Do not start paving

work until deficient subbase areas have been corrected and are ready to
receive paving.

C. Prior to application of bituminous material, remove loose materials from the

underlying surface and clean such surface using approved mechanical
sweepers, blowers, and hand brooms.


A. General:

1. Prime Coat (MC-1): Apply liquid asphalt on previously constructed

subgrade, subbase, or base course at a rate from 0.65 l/m² to 1.75
l/m² as approved. Apply prime coat up to a line 200 mm outside the
edge of the pavement line.

2. Tack Coat (RC-2): Apply liquid asphalt on previously constructed

bituminous concrete surfaces (between layers) at a rate from 0.10 –
0.35 l/m2 as approved.

3. Temperature: Apply liquid asphalt at temperatures within the range

of 50C to 70C. Reject materials heated to temperatures above
108C until the material can be re-sampled and retested.

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 9 Asphalt Concrete Paving
B. Application:
1. Apply by approved pressure distributors. Spray nozzles and spray
bar shall be adjusted and frequently checked to ensure uniform
distribution. Stop spraying upon clogging or interference of any
nozzle, and take corrective measures before resuming.

2. Hand sprays will be approved only for priming small patches or

areas that cannot be primed by normal operation of the distributor.

3. Application at the junction of spreads shall not be in excess of the

specified amount. Squeegee excess from the surface and correct
skipped and deficient areas by means of approved hand sprayers.

4. Following application, the primed surface shall be allowed to cure not

less than 48 hours prior to placement of bituminous concrete mix.

5. Prior to application of tack coat, the surface shall be clean, free of

dust, dirt and other loose material. Tack coat shall be placed not
more than 4 hours prior to placement of next layer.


A. Underlying course shall be cleaned of loose and deleterious material using a

power sweeper and/or hand brooms. The mixture shall be laid only upon an
approved underlying course which is dry and in suitable condition, and when
weather conditions are determined to be favorable. A mixture shall not be
placed when the air temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat is
4C or lower, unless required by the Engineer. The Engineer may permit
work to continue during inclement weather only to provide for laying that
material which is in transit from the plant, provided the mixture is within the
temperature limits specified.

B. Deliver bituminous concrete to the paver at a temperature between 139C

and 163C. Do not use mixtures delivered to the paver at temperatures
outside this range.

C. Upon arrival, the mixture shall be dumped into an approved bituminous

paver and immediately spread to the width required. It shall be struck off in
a uniform layer of such depth that, when the work is completed, it will have
the required thickness and will conform to the grade and surface contour
required. Dumping material in a windrow and then placing the material in the
paver with loading equipment will not be permitted. Regulate the speed of
the paver to eliminate pulling and tearing of the bituminous mat.

D. Place the mixture in consecutive, adjacent strips with a minimum width of 3

m except where edge lanes require strips of lesser width. Unless otherwise
directed, begin placing along the centerline of crowned sections or on the
high side of areas with a one-way slope. After the first strip or width has
been compacted, the second width shall be placed, finished, and compacted
in the same manner as the first width. After the second strip has been
placed and rolled, a 5 m straightedge shall be placed across the longitudinal

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joint to determine if the surface conforms to grade and contour
requirements. If the grade and contour requirements are not as specified,
the strip shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory material in
sufficient quantity to meet the grade and contour requirements at the end of

E. Place bituminous concrete so that after rolling the nominal thickness of each
layer will not exceed 100 mm. The top layer shall not exceed 50 mm in

F. In areas where because of irregularities or unavoidable obstacles, the use of

mechanical spreading and finishing equipment is impractical, the mixture
may be hand spread as approved by the Engineer.

G. Joint: Make joints between old and new pavements, or between successive
days work, to ensure continuous bond between adjoining work. Construct
joints to have same texture, density and contact surfaces and apply tack


A. After spreading, compact mixture thoroughly and uniformly by rolling the

surface when the mixture has attained sufficient stability so that rolling does
not cause undue displacement, cracking, or shoving. The speed of the roller
shall, at all times, be slow enough to avoid displacement of the hot mixture.
Displacement occurring as a result of reversing the direction of the roller, or
from any other cause, shall be corrected at once.

B. Begin initial or breakdown rolling as soon as the bituminous concrete will

bear the roller without undue displacement. Roll longitudinally on the first
strip laid, rolling shall start in the center and continue toward either edge.
On subsequent strips, rolling shall start on the edge adjacent to previously
laid material and continue toward the opposite edge. Overlap successive
trips by at least one half the drum width. Alternate trips of the roller shall be
of different lengths.

C. To prevent adhesion of the mixture, moisten the roller drums with water; an
excess of water will not be permitted.

D. Follow initial or breakdown rolling by rolling with a pneumatic-tired roller.

Perform finish rolling with a tandem roller. Number and size of rollers shall
be selected to obtain the specified density.

E. Operate rollers continuously so that all areas of the pavement will receive
substantially equal compaction. Placing will be ordered to stop at any time
that proper rolling is not being performed.

F. Make surface tests to check conformity with the specified crown and grade
immediately after initial rolling. Correct any variation by the removal or
addition of materials and by continuous rolling. The finished surface shall not
vary by more than the specified tolerances. After the completion of final
rolling, retest the smoothness of the course. Immediately correct all humps

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 11 Asphalt Concrete Paving
or depressions exceeding the specified tolerances, as approved. Replace
the pavement where holes are made for test purposes.

G. In areas not accessible to the roller, the mixture shall be thoroughly

compacted with hot hand tampers. Any mixture which becomes loose and
broken, mixed with dirt, or in any way defective shall be removed and
replaced with fresh hot mixture and immediately compacted to conform to
the surrounding area. Skin patching will not be permitted.

H. Patching: Remove and replace paving areas mixed with foreign materials
and defective areas. Cut-out such areas and fill with fresh, hot asphalt
concrete. Compact by rolling to maximum surface density and smoothness.

I. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until
it has cooled and hardened. Erect barricades to protect paving from traffic
until mixture has cooled enough not to become marked.


A. Dimensional Tolerances:

1. Surfaces: Variation of the surface when tested with a 5 m

straightedge shall not exceed 6 mm when a straightedge is placed
parallel or at right angles to the centerline.

2. Elevations: Variations from grade line, elevations and cross sections

shall not exceed 13 mm above or 6 mm below the elevations shown.

3. Thickness: Variations in thickness shall not exceed a tolerance of

plus or minus 13 mm.

B. Test Sampling: For every 500 metric tones of asphaltic material produced,
the following tests will be performed by the Contractor through independent
testing laboratory.

1. For Plant Control:

a. Two hot bin gradations of aggregate sampled in accordance

with ASTM D 75.

b. Two sets of Marshall specimens prepared from hot asphaltic

mixture taken from truck.

c. Two asphalt content from hot asphaltic mixture taken from


d. Two sets of Hveem Stability specimens prepared from hot

asphaltic mixture taken from the truck.

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 12 Asphalt Concrete Paving
2. For Density and Thickness Control:

a. Four samples taken from in-place pavement and

representing 500 metric tones, except that no more than 24
samples shall be taken in any one day.

b. Samples for determining density and thickness may be taken

with either a coring machine or by cutting out a section with a
concrete saw. Core bored or cut holes shall be filled with
approved material and compacted to the required density.

c. Sampling frequency may be varied at the discretion of the


3. Additional tests, if required by the Engineer, additional tests shall be

carried out by the Contractor without any extra cost to the Owner.

C. Minimum Test Requirements: In case the work involves production of less

than 500 metric tones of asphaltic material per day, the following tests will
be performed by the Contractor through an independent testing laboratory.

1. For Plant Control:

a. One hot bin gradations of aggregate sampled in accordance

with ASTM D 75.

b. One sets of Marshall specimens prepared from hot asphaltic

mixture taken from truck.

c. One asphalt content from hot asphaltic mixture taken from


d. One sets of Hveem Stability specimens prepared from hot

asphaltic mixture taken from truck.

2. For Density and Thickness Control:

a. Four samples taken from in-place pavement each day.

Samples for determining density and thickness may be taken
with either a coring machine or by cutting out a section with a
concrete saw. Core bored or cut holes shall be filled with
approved material and compacted to the required density.

b. Sampling frequency may be varied at the discretion of the


3. Additional tests, if required by the Engineer, additional tests shall be

carried out by the Contractor without any extra cost to the Owner.

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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 13 Asphalt Concrete Paving
D. Testing: Tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of
the following:

1. Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate: AASHTO T 30.

2. Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixture: ASTM D 1559.

3. Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Paving Mixtures: ASTM D

2172, Method A or B, as required.

4. Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures: ASTM D


5. Thickness of In-Place Pavement: Determined by average caliper

measurement of samples in accordance with ASTM D 3459.

6. Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity of bituminous Paving

Mixtures: ASTM D 2041.

E. Acceptance:

1. A lot is defined as one-half day's production. Maximum size of a lot

will be about 500 metric tone.

2. Acceptance of the compacted pavement with respect to density shall

be based on the average of four laboratory density determinations
for each lot. Cores drilled from the pavement shall be used to test
the density of the layer by either ASTM D 1188 or ASTM D 2726, as
applicable. Each lot of the compacted pavement shall be accepted
when average density determinations are equal to or greater than 97
percent of the average density of the four laboratory-prepared
specimens with no single value less than 95 percent.

3. The location of sampling sites within a lot's placement area shall be

chosen on a random basis. At least 25 percent of the core samples
shall be obtained from joints. The same cores used to test the
density shall be used to measure the thickness of the pavement.


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MODA, J13-03500 02510 - 14 Asphalt Concrete Paving




A. Precast concrete paving units, concrete paving and the related setting
materials as indicated on Drawings and as specified herein.


A. SASO – Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO 1246/1997 Interlocking concrete paving blocks

SASO 1247/1997 Methods of test for interlocking concrete paving


SASO 1028 Methods of Test for Cement Tiles

SASO 1029 Cement Tiles

SASO 570 Sulfate Resistant Cement.

SASO 226 Methods of Sampling of Concrete Aggregates.

B. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:

ASTM C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates

ASTM C 144 Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar

ASTM C 150 Specification for Portland Cement

ASTM C 207 Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry


ASTM C 270 Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry

ASTM D 1751 Specification for Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete

Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding
and Resilient Bituminous Types)

C. Refer to the applicable Codes and Standards of the following Sections:

1. Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE.

2. Section 07900 - SEALANTS.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02515 - 1 Unit Pavers

MODA, J13-03500

A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical data for unit pavers including
test results and certificates showing that units conform to the specified

B. Samples: For initial selection of quality, color, finish and texture submit unit
paver samples showing full range of colors and textures available as well as
compliance with the specified requirements. Furnish samples made up of
full-size units.

C. Field Constructed Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for each type of unit pavers
and application required.


A. Comply with the applicable requirements specified in Division 2 -

SITEWORK and Division 3 - CONCRETE with respect to materials, tests,
quality assurance and workmanship.



A. Precast Concrete Interlocking Pavers: Units of a solid construction, shape

as indicated on Drawings and manufactured using 30 MPa portland cement
concrete under hydraulic pressing and high frequency vibration. Units shall
have minimum compressive strength 58 MPa and water absorption of
maximum 5 percent. Sizes of pavers shall be as indicated on Drawings.
Color and texture shall be as selected and approved by the Engineer.

B. Riyadh stone: Solid natural Riyadh stone for external paving and shall be 30
mm thick and laid to pattern shown on drawings, Comply with ASTM C568
- 10, size and texture as approved by Engineer..

C. Brick for Edging, Banding, Paving and Steps: Solid (uncored) light traffic
paving red brick complying with ASTM C 902 of Class MX, type I or BS
3921. Brick shall be manufactured from clay and shall be kiln dried at a
minimum temperature of 1075oC to produce dense pavers with average
crushing strength of minimum 55 MPa and less than 4.5 percent water
absorption by weight. Brick shall be deep red in color and hand selected
with permissible tolerance for individual brick conforming to ASTM
Designation C-90279-A or an equivalent BS Standard. Brick sizes shall be
as shown on Drawings.

D. Random Stones: Stone shall be natural local solid stones available in Abha
area. Provide stone of the highest density available for the particular type
selected, free from imperfections and shall have even texture. Obtain stone
from one source with consistent color range and texture throughout. Size of
stones shall be as shown on drawings.

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E. Granite for external paving shall be 30 mm thick and laid to pattern shown
on drawings, Comply with Section 09600 – STONE WORK.

F. Precast Concrete Mowing, Edging and Banding: Units of a solid concrete

construction manufactured using 30 MPa concrete under hydraulic pressing
and high frequency vibration. Concrete mowing shall comply with
requirements of Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE using type
V cement. Sizes and shape as indicated on Drawings.

G. Gravel Surfacing

1. Gravel mulch shall be crushed stone, clean and free from sand,
clay and refuse and shall be angular in shape, well graded as

Sieve/ Size Opening % Passing

50 mm 100 %
25 mm 50 %
10 mm 10 %

a. Gravel shall be made from stone collected and crushed

from site excavations or from off-site source, blended to
meet the above gradation.

2. Layer Thickness: Place the aggregate material on the underlying

course in layers of uniform thickness. When a compacted layer of
150 mm or less is specified, the material may be placed in a single
layer; when a compacted thickness of more than 150 mm is
required, no layer shall exceed 150 mm nor be less than 75 mm
when compacted.

H. Expansion Joint Filler: Asphalt saturated fiber board conforming ASTM D


I. Joint Sealant: Refer to Section 07900 - SEALANTS.


A. Ungrouted Mortarless Setting Materials:

1. Sand for Setting Beds: Fine aggregates complying with ASTM C 33.
2. Sand for Joints: Complying to ASTM C 144, with gradation for
unusual thin joints.

B. Mortar Application:

1. Aggregates: ASTM C 144.

2. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150.
3. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S.
4. Water: Clean and potable.

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MODA, J13-03500


A. Do not use paving units with excessive chips, cracks, voids, discolorations
or other defects which might be visible or cause staining to finished work.

B. Cut paving units with motor-driven saw equipment to provide clean, sharp,
unchipped edges. Cut units to provide pattern shown and to fit adjoining
work neatly. Use full units without cutting to maximum extent. Hammer
cutting is not acceptable.

C. Set paving units in patterns shown or approved by The Engineer and with
uniform joints of width as indicated on the Drawings. Expansion joints shall
be provided at returns and interface with other finishes in conformance with
the details shown on the Drawings. Provide 6 mm wide expansion joints at
intervals not greater than 12 meters.

D. Tolerances: Do not exceed 3 mm unit-to-unit offset from flush, or exceed a

tolerance of 3 mm in 600 mm and 6 mm in 3000 mm from level or slope as
indicated for finished surface of paving.


A. Install units in setting bed of 20 mm thick mortar with grouted joints as

shown on the drawings. Mortar mix for setting bed and grouting shall be
Type M complying with ASTM C 270, 1-3 cement-sand mortar and not more
than 1/4 part lime per part of cement.

B. Remove excess mortar promptly as work progresses. Lay paving units in

pattern shown with straight, uniform joints. Level surface to the elevations
shown. Strike joints down from the top surface of paving unit. Cure mortar
by maintaining in damp condition for 7 days. Brush dry mix cement sand
mortar into joints and lightly water upon completion ensuring there is no
shearing of mortar on the finished work.


A. Place concrete pavers on a sand bed of thickness as indicated on drawings.

Set paving units in the indicated patterns placing each paver as close as
possible to the adjacent pavers. Vibrate into position to even running levels
using plate vibrator capable of 1590 to 2272 kg compaction core. Sweep
fine sand over surface to fill joint irregularities after vibration. Surface of
pavement shall be true to levels and grades with a tolerance of 5 mm in 3 m.


A. Remove and replace paving units which are loose, chipped, broken, stained
or otherwise damaged, or if units do not match adjoining units as intended.
Provide new units to match adjoining units and install in same manner as

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MODA, J13-03500
original units with same joint treatment to eliminate evidence of replacement.

B. Pointing: During tooling of joints, completely fill all enlarge voids or holes
with mortar and grout. Point-up joints at sealant type joints to provide a
neat, uniform appearance, properly prepared for application of sealant.

C. Cleaning: Remove excess mortar or grout from the exposed surfaces then
wash and scrub clean.

D. Protect paving work from deterioration, discoloration or damage during

subsequent construction and until the final acceptance of work.


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MODA, J13-03500




A. Precast concrete curbs, wheel stoppers as indicated on Drawings.



SASO 1248 Precast Concrete Kerbs and Edgings

SASO 1249 Methods of Test for Precast Concrete Kerbs and Edgings

SASO 1252 Preparation of Concrete Specimens for Compressive

Strength Test

SASO 1253 Determination of the compressive strength of concrete


SASO 570 Sulfate Resistant Portland Cement

SASO 226 Methods for Sampling of Concrete Aggregates

B. Conform to the applicable requirements specified in Section 03300 - CAST-IN-



A. Shop drawings indicating all dimensions of modules proposed for use, including
composition of the various elements.

B. Copies of all test reports indicating mix components and test results in compliance
with specification requirements.

C. The Contractor shall submit samples of precast concrete curbs and stoppers for
approval of quality, color, finish and texture.


A. Conform to the applicable requirements of the following Divisions:

1. Division 2 - SITEWORK

2. Division 3 - CONCRETE

For the requirements of materials and workmanship, testing and quality


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Precast Concrete Curbs
MODA, J13-03500 02525-1


A. Materials used shall conform to the requirements of Section 03200 – CONCRETE


B. Precast Concrete Curbs:

1. Construction: Manufactured precast curbs conforming to SASO 1248 and

1249 fabricated of Class 30 concrete conforming to the requirements of
DIVISION 3 – CONCRETE using Type V Portland cement conforming to
SASO 143 or ASTM C 150.

2. Dimensions: As indicated on Drawings.

3. Fabrication: Concrete curbs shall be manufactured by hydraulic pressing in

an approved machine using concrete produced in a fully automatic
batching plant. Finished elements shall be of sound appearance with clean
planar faces, free from segregation, honeycombing, pits, broken corners
and other defects. Bullnoses and curved faces shall be of constant radius
with a smooth change from radius to plan face. Manufacturing tolerances
shall be 3 mm in any one dimension and end faces shall be truly
perpendicular to the base.

C. Precast Concrete Wheel Stoppers:

1. Construction: Manufactured from 30 MPa concrete using type I cement

conforming to the requirements of DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE. Size and
shape shall be as shown on the Drawings or as approved by the Engineer.
Provide the finished elements with sound appearance and clean planar
faces, free from segregation, honeycombing, pits, broken corners and
other defects.

2. Grout: As approved by the Engineer.

a. Construction: High strength, non-shrink cementitious grout, ready-

to-use, supplied in powder form and requires only on-site addition
of water to produce non-shrink grout of predictable performance.



A. Elements shall be set out to lines and grades as shown. Under no circumstances
shall levels be set by direct measurement.

B. Foundation shall be excavated to the grades and sections shown and fully
compacted and rolled to a smooth surface. Concrete shall not be placed until the
foundation has been approved.

C. Elements shall be laid either directly on a wet concrete base or on 1-3 cement-
sand mortar bed, 20 mm thick on a previously laid concrete base. Base shall be
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Precast Concrete Curbs
MODA, J13-03500 02525-2
constructed of Class 20 concrete conforming to the requirements of Section

D. After elements have been laid, continuous concrete backing shall be poured.
Backing concrete shall be of Class 20 conforming to the requirements of Section

E. Joints between curbs and paving tiles shall have a width of 4 mm, filled with 1-1
cement-sand mortar with one fifth hydrated lime and sufficient water to make the
mixture plastic and easily smoothed and finished.

F. A grooving tool shall be used to produce a smooth semi-circular groove not more
than 3 mm deep in all joints.

G. Precast Concrete Wheel Stoppers: Unless otherwise indicated on Drawings,

secure wheel stops to the asphalt concrete surfaces using 19 mm diameter
galvanized steel dowels embedded in precast units (minimum 2 dowels/unit).
Adjust length of dowels so as not to penetrate the precast double-tee structures.
Grout dowels using the approved cementitious grout.


A. Units shall be laid to the lines and grades shown on Drawings with a tolerance of
plus or minus 3 mm.


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Precast Concrete Curbs
MODA, J13-03500 02525-3




A. Paint and thermoplastic traffic markings for pavement as shown on Drawings and
as specified herein.


A. MOT - Ministry of Transportation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

MOT Standards for Road Safety Features

B. SASO – Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO 819/1994 Road marking paints.

SASO 929/1994 Paints and varnishes - Hot-applied thermoplastic road


SASO 943/1997 Paints and varnishes - Methods of testing glass beads for
road marking paints

SASO 944/1997 Glass beads for road marking paints

SASO 1482/1999 Ceramic road markers

SASO 1483/1999 Methods of test for ceramic road markers

C. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

AASHTO M 247 Glass Beads Used in Traffic Paint

AASHTO M 249 Thermoplastic Stripping Material, White and Yellow

D. ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials

ASTM D 1214 Sieve Analysis of Glass Spheres

E. FS - Federal Specification

FS TT-B-1325 Beads (Glass Spheres), Retro Reflective

FS TT-P-110 Paint, Traffic, Black (Non-Reflectorized)

FS TT-P-115 Paint, Traffic Highway, White and Yellow

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Pavement Marking

MODA, J13-03500

A. Copies of manufacturer's complete product specification, technical/performance

data, preparation and application instruction and maintenance and repair
recommendation for each type of material.

B. Certificate of compliance.

C. Samples of proposed thermoplastic material and glass beads with test reports in
accordance with requirements of MOT Standards for Road Safety Features.


A. Provide manufacturer's best quality trade sale materials. Container not displaying
manufacturer's product identification will not be acceptable.

B. Marking materials shall be specifically designed and formulated for pavement work
of types required and climate conditions applicable. Materials shall be produced by
the manufacturer regularly producing materials of the kinds required, and shall
have successful history proven by actual use of similar applications.


A. Marking materials and glass beads shall be supplied and delivered to the project
in manufacturer's original new and unopened containers, factory sealed and
labeled. The containers containing marking materials shall be sealed to preclude
contamination and shall have a capacity of not less than 25 kg nor more than 100
kg and each container shall be labeled to clearly identify the contents,
manufacturer, batch number and date of manufacture.

B. Containers of marking materials shall not be opened except for immediate use.
Materials older than the manufacturer's recommended or extended shelf life shall
not be used and shall be removed from the site.

C. Provide adequate storage facilities separate from storage of other building

materials. Store paint materials at a minimum ambient temperature of 7oC in a well
ventilated area. Also, follow manufacturer's written instructions regarding storage
and handling.



A. Pavement Markings: Material used for all traffic stripes and markings shall be
reflectorizing thermoplastic type complying with the requirements of SASO 819,
SASO 929, AASHTO 249 and MOT Standards. Marking materials shall comprise
of synthetic hydrocarbon thermoplastic resins, plasticizer, extenders, pigments,
aggregate, and pre-mixed reflectorizing glass beads; and shall have surface
applied glass beads to marking material at the time it is applied to the pavement.

B. Marking Material: Designed for dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mm,
exclusive of surface applied glass beads. Color of marking material shall be white
and yellow unless otherwise indicated on Drawings.

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MODA, J13-03500
C. Glass Beads: Reflective feature shall be provided by adding glass spheres to
surface of thermoplastic coating. Glass spheres (beads) shall be conform to
SASO 943 and AASHTO M 247 except as specified herein, and shall be capable
of reflectorizing the approved thermoplastic coating effectively. Beads shall be
transparent, reasonable spherical and colorless, and shall not impart color to the
thermoplastic. Bead sizes shall conform to the following gradation, as determined
by SASO 943 or ASTM D 1214:

Sieve Size Percent Passing

0.250 mm 100
0.212 mm 85 - 100
0.106 mm 15 - 55
0.063 mm 0 - 10



A. Time of Application: Allow at least 30 days curing time for new pavement surfaces
before applying paint.

B. Weather Limitations: Perform painting only when the existing surface is dry and
clean, when the pavement and air temperatures are above 4oC and below 50oC
and when, as determined by The Engineer, weather is not too windy, dusty, or
foggy for satisfactory painting.

C. Trial Painting: If required by the Engineer, paint a trial pavement strip of 45 m

length at an approved location. The trial shall demonstrate that the materials,
equipment, and application methods will provide specified results. Proceed with
work only after the methods established in the trial have been approved.

D. Layouts and Alignment: On sections of pavements where no previously applied

figures, markings, or stripes are available to serve as a guide, spot the layouts and
lines of proposed stripes in advance of the painting thermoplastic stripping. Space
control points to ensure the accurate location of all markings.

E. Equipment for Painting:

1. Equipment will be subject to approval of The Engineer, and shall include

apparatus for cleaning the existing surface, a mechanical marking
machine, and auxiliary hand-painting equipment.

2. Mechanical marker shall be an atomizing spray-type marking machine for

applying traffic paint and shall produce a film of uniform thickness at the
required coverage rate. Markings shall be of uniform cross-section, shall
have clear-cut edges without runs or spatters, and shall be within the
specified limits for straightness. When needed, furnish a reflective media
dispenser for attachment to the mechanical marker.

3. Provide adjustments on the sprayers of a single machine to paint the width

required, or furnish additional equipment.

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MODA, J13-03500
4. Hydrocarbon thermoplastic traffic strips shall be applied with an approved
extrusion machine capable of applying the thermoplastic to the required

F. Preparation of Surface:

1. Immediately before applying paint, clean the pavement by sweeping and

blowing as necessary to produce a dry surface free from substances such
as dirt, grease, oil, acid, laitance, and other substance which will reduce
bond between markers and the pavement. Scrub areas which cannot be
satisfactorily cleaned by brooming and blowing, as required, with a 10
percent solution by weight of trisodium phosphate in water or other
approved solution. After scrubbing, rinse the solution off and dry the
surface before painting or application of thermoplastic.

2. Obliterate to the satisfaction of the Engineer all temporary markings or

stripes which are to be abandoned or removed.

3. Spot the layouts and lines of proposed stripes on pavement in advance of

the paint application. Space control points to ensure accurate location of all

G. Application of Paint or Thermoplastic:

1. Apply markings in the locations shown and in conformance with the

dimensions, spacings, and colors shown, or as required. Do not apply
paint until the layouts, indicated alignment, and the condition of the existing
surface are approved.

2. Apply single stripes wholly on one side of longitudinal pavement joints.

Center double or multiple stripes over such joints.

3. Mix the paint in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions

and apply it to the surface of the pavement with the marking machine at its
original consistency without the addition of thinner. Use pneumatic spray
guns for hand application in areas where mobile paint applicator cannot be
used. Do not use brushes to apply paint.

4. When reflectorized markings are applied, distribute the reflective media to

the surface of the pigmented binder immediately, and imbed at the
required rate.

5. Make sure that the paint does not bleed excessively, curl, or discolor when
it is applied to bituminous surfaces.

6. When painting straight stripes, obliterate deviations in the edges

exceeding 13 mm in 15 m and correct the markings. The widths of the
markings shall be as indicated, within a tolerance of plus or minus five
percent. Perform painting or application of thermoplastic as approved.

7. Apply paint uniformly with suitable equipment at the rate of not less than
2.60 m²/l or more than 2.80 m²/l. Apply glass spheres at the rate of 1.2 kg/l
of paint.

8. Hydrocarbon thermoplastic strip shall be extruded to a finished thickness

of 2.3 mm by an approved extrusion machine. Glass beads shall be
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MODA, J13-03500
applied in accordance with the MOT standards.

H. Application of Beads:

1. For roadway pavement markings, the amount of beads (glass spheres) in

the finished paint shall contain not less than 0.5 kg/l nor more than 0.59

I. Protection of Markings: Protect fresh paint and markings while paint dries. Erect
satisfactory warning signs, flags or barricades, protective screens, and coverings
as required. Protect surfaces from disfiguration by spatter, spillage, or drippings of
paint, thermoplastic, or other materials.


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MODA, J13-03500




A. This Section includes the following:

1. Reflective Traffic Signs.


A. Legend: Characters, letters, numbers, and symbols including the border

appearing on the background on the sign face.

B. Sign Panel: The structural part of a sign made of assembled units or

sheet metal, including reflectorized material applied to the face and
bearing a legend, but excluding the supporting posts or structure.

C. Sign Supports: The posts, beams or trusses necessary to support the

sign panels shall be as shown on the drawings.


A. The following specifications and publications of the current issue in effect

on the date of the invitation or bids shall form a part of these
specifications to the extent specified herein.

1. Relevant Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Publications on Road

Safety Measures, Interim Signing Guidelines, Highway Design
Manual Vol. 4 Standard Drawings and Traffic Control for Work


A. Samples

1. The Contractor shall submit samples of all required materials for

approval of the Engineer before manufacture of the required traffic


A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who is an

authorized representative of the sign manufacturer and who has
completed installation of traffic signs similar in material, design, and extent
to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02581 - 1 Traffic signs

MODA, J13-03500
B. Source Limitations: Obtain traffic signs through one source from a single

C. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional

requirements of traffic signs.

1. Do not modify intended aesthetic effects, as judged solely by the

Engineer, except with Engineer's approval and only to the extent
needed to comply with performance requirements. Where
modifications are proposed, submit comprehensive explanatory
data to Engineer for review.


A. Delivery: Provide protective covering or crating as recommended by the

manufacturer to protect sign components and surfaces against damage
during transportation and delivery.

1. Coordinate delivery time so signs can be installed within 24 hours of

receipt at Project site.

B. Handle signs carefully to prevent breakage, surface abrasion, denting,

soiling, and other defects. Comply with the manufacturer's written
handling instructions for unloading components subject to damage.

1. Inspect sign components for damage on delivery.

2. Do not install damaged sign components.
3. Repair minor damage to signs, provided the finished repair is equal
in all respects to the original work and is approved by Engineer;
otherwise, remove and replace damaged sign components.


A. General Warranty: The special warranty specified in this Article shall not
deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under other
provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run
concurrent with, other warranties made by the Contractor under
requirements of the Contract Documents.

1. Warranty Period: 5 years.



A. General:

1. All types of traffic signs must conform to the samples at the Traffic
Department and meet the requirements of the Ministry of
Transportation (MOT). The Contractor will be deemed to have
inspected such samples and complied with the requirements prior

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MODA, J13-03500
to manufacture. Any signs not conforming to such samples shall
be rejected.

2. This work shall consist of furnishing and installing reflectorised

sign panels, sign supports, and sign support foundations as shown
on Drawings, in accordance with these specifications or as
directed and approved by the Engineer.

3. Sign designs, Color and Typefaces (Arabic and English): Shall be

as shown on Drawings and approved by the Engineer.

B. Steel Tubing: Cold formed steel tubing conforming to ASTM A500, Grade
B, hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication with a minimum of 2 oz. of
zinc/sq. ft. (610 g of zinc/sq.m) of surface area conforming to ASTM A

C. Aluminum Extrusions: Alloy and temper recommended by the aluminum

producer and finisher for the type of use and finished indicated, and with
at least the strength and durability properties specified in ASTM B 221M
for 6063-T5 alloy.

D. Stainless Steel:

1. Bar stock: Conform to ASTM A 276, Type 304.

2. Plates and Sheets: Conform to ASTM A 666, Type 304.
3. Pipes: Conform to ASTM A 312, Type 304.
4. Cables: Conform to ASTM

E. Bolts, Nuts and Anchor Rods: Galvanized, conforming to ASTM A 307,

A325 or A490 as necessary for design loads and connection details.

F. Concrete for Posts Foundation and Drawpits: Mix portland cement

complying with ASTM C 150, aggregates complying with ASTM C 33,
and clean water to obtain concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive
strength of 20 MPa. Refer to Section 03300 – CAST- IN- PLACE


A. Steel Posts: Minimum 3-mm thick, galvanized, seamless, circular steel

posts in length adequate for mounting method specified. Include post
caps, fillers, spacers, junction boxes, access panels, and related
accessories required for a complete installation.

1. Size: As approved by the Engineer based on a 1.5 factor of safety

against over-turning and a wind velocity of 120 kph.

2. Finish: Match sign panel face and approved by the Engineer

3. Post Mounting Methods:

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02581 - 3 Traffic signs

MODA, J13-03500
a. Provide sign posts of length required for installation with
flange or baseplate welded to bottom of post for fastening
to concrete foundation with anchor bolts. Provide holes in
baseplate for anchor bolts.

b. Provide sign posts of length required for permanent

installation by direct-burial mounting method.

B. Aluminum Posts: Minimum 3.2 mm thick, structural aluminum tubing

extruded from 6063-T5 alloy with vertical slots to engage sign panels.
Provide stop blocks in slots to hold panels in position, Include post caps,
fillers, junction boxes, access panels, and related accessories required for
complete installation.

1. Size: As approved by the Engineer based on a 1.5 factor of safety

against over-turning and a wind velocity of 120 kph.

2. Finish: Match sign panel face and approved by the Engineer.

3. Post Mounting Method:

a. Provide sign posts of length required for installation with

flange or baseplate welded to bottom of post for fastening
to concrete foundation with anchor bolts. Provide holes in
baseplate for anchor bolts.

b. Provide sign posts of length required for permanent

installation by direct-burial mounting method.

C. Stainless steel Posts: shall be fabricated of 3-mm thick stainless steel

type 304, conform to ASTM A 312 and ASTM A 666. Size shape and
finishes shall be shown on drawings.

D. Sign Panels: Provide smooth, even, level sign panel surfaces constructed
to remain flat under installed conditions within a tolerance of plus or minus
1.5 mm measured diagonally from corner to corner.

1. Plate Material: minimum 3.2 mm thick aluminum sheet, size 900

mm dia for circular and/or octagonal type and 600 x 600 mm for
square type. Sign shall be single side panel, highly reflective vinyl
film background and high intensity graphic cut out films.

2. Heavy duty galvanized steel pipe post, 76 mm dia. MS galvanized

pipe for post, breakaway steel plates, aluminum post cap, MS post
clamps and anchor rods, all as indicated on Drawings.

3. Sizes, Dimensions and Color: Varies. Refer to approved Shop

Drawings by the contractor.

4. Graphics and Texts: As shown on Drawings.

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MODA, J13-03500
5. Mounting Method: As shown on approved Shop Drawings
prepared by the contractor.



A. Furnish templates, anchor bolts, nuts, internal reinforcement, and other

items required to be set to concrete post foundations at proper time for


A. Unless otherwise noted, the location of the signs shown on drawings are
approximate and the exact location will be established by the Engineer in
the field.

B. It shall be responsibility of the Contractor to determine the location of any

underground electric cable, drainage structures, or utility lines in the
vicinity before beginning his work, and he shall conduct his work so as to
avoid damage to these installations. The Contractor shall contact the
concerned Government Authorities through the Engineer for assistance in
locating utilities, drainage structures, and other underground facilities that
have been installed during the construction of the Motorways. Any
damage caused by the Contractor's operation shall be repaired by him, at
his own expense, and to the satisfaction of the concerned Government
Authorities as well as the Engineer.

C. The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper elevation, offset, and
effective orientation of all traffic signs. They shall be erected so that the
face of the sign is vertical and at an angle of 93 degrees to the centreline
of the adjacent Motorway measured from the back tangent
counterclockwise. Signs on ramps or curves shall be oriented as indicated
on the drawings, or by the Engineer, to provide the most effective display
for both day and night. All signs shall be completed and installed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer at the time of acceptance of the work. Sign
faces shall be examined by the Engineer both during conditions of
daylight and darkness.

D. When so notified by the Engineer, the Contractor shall cover certain signs
to facilitate and control the operation of the project. The covering shall
consist of burlap dyed with a green waterproof dye and shall extend over
the edges of the sign and be fastened on the back. The Contractor shall
not use any type of adhesive tape on the face of the signs. Other methods
of covering may be considered if approved by the Engineer.

E. The Contractor shall replace, at his own expense, any sign or sign
support included in the Contract which is damaged from any cause
whatsoever, including traffic damage, prior to acceptance by the

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MODA, J13-03500

A. Foundations: All excavation required for footings, columns, wings, tie

beams and slabs, shall be done through whatever materials are
encountered, and to the dimensions and elevation shown on the drawings
or as established by the Engineer.

B. Footings for Ground-Mounted Signs: The stub posts to be imbedded in

drilled shaft foundations shall be set carefully in the foundation holes and
held vertically in place by an approved template before the concrete for
the foundation is placed. The forms and templates supporting the sign
posts shall not be removed until the concrete has aged a minimum of 24
hours. Springing or raking of posts to secure proper alignment will not be

C. All concrete work at sign foundation, including reinforcing steel, shall be in

accordance with Section 03300 – CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE. All
parts of the concrete foundations extending above the natural or finished
ground line shall be given a rubbed surface finish in accordance with
Concrete Section. The footings for ground-mounted signs shall not
extend more than 10 centimetres above the finished grade.

D. No structure or post shall be erected on a concrete foundation nor shall

any traffic sign be attached to a signpost embedded in concrete until the
concrete has aged at least seven days.

E. All backfilling and compaction shall be completed prior to the erection of

any sign on the structure.

F. Where enbankment protection or surfacing is removed for placing

foundations for traffic signs, it shall be replaced with like materials as
directed by the Engineer.


A. The length of the posts for each traffic sign shown on the drawings shall
be determined by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer before
ordering, in order to meet the existing field conditions and to conform with
sign-mounting heights shown on the drawings. After fabrication the post
and stub post shall be galvanized in accordance with "Specifications for
Zinc (Hot-Dipped Galvanized) Coating on Products Fabricated from
Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strips",
ASTM Designation A123. All fabrication shall be completed and ready for
assembly before galvanizing. No punching, drilling or cutting shall be
permitted after galvanizing. Any part of the pipe from which the
galvanizing has been damaged in fabrication, transit, or erection or when
bare metal is exposed shall be repaired by application of galvanizing
repair compounds approved by the Engineer.

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MODA, J13-03500

A. Sign panels shall be erected so that the bottom of the sign is as shown on
the drawings, or as directed by the Engineer.

B. Extruded panels shall be horizontal, unless specified otherwise, and the

panel faces shall be flush within commercial extrusion tolerances after
erection of the sign is completed.

C. The shank of the post clip bolts shall fit tightly against the post flange after
nuts are torqued tight. Use post clips on both sides of each post at the top
and bottom of the sign. Intermediate clips shall be placed on 30
centimetres maximum centres on each post and shall alternate left to right
on each post for sign panels less than 7 metres in width. For signs having
a width of 7 metres or greater, the intermediate clips shall be placed on
both sides of each post on 30 centimetres maximum centres.

D. Lock nuts on the 3/8 inch (9.5 millimetres) aluminum post clip bolts shall
be torqued to 373 kilogram-meters when using dry, clean, unlubricated


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MODA, J13-03500




A. Domestic potable and fire water distribution system from outside buildings and up
to interface point(s) with main line(s) as shown on Drawings.

B. Water distribution system shall include the following:

1. Pipes and pipe fittings.

2. Valves.
3. Piping Specialties.
4. Water Meter.
5. Fire Hydrant.
6. Miscellaneous materials related to the water distribution system.

C. Pumps related to the water distribution system shall be specified in Section 15453


A. SASO - Saudi Arabian Standards Organization:

SASO 14 Pipes for Potable Water of Unplasticized Plastic (UPVC)

SASO 15 Method of Testing of Pipes for Potable Water of

Unplasticized Plastic (UPVC)

SASO 237 Testing and calibration of domestic water meters

SASO 238 Domestic water meters

SASO 1178 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) pipes - for potable

water-supply-Extractability of lead and tin test method.
Method and specification

B. SBC - Saudi Building Code

SBC 701 Sanitary

C. ISO – International Organization for Standardization:

ISO 2531 Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings & Accessories for Pressure

D. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:

ASTM A 126 Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves,
Flanges, and Pipe Fittings

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MODA, J13-03500
ASTM A 193 Specification for Alloy-Steel and stainless Steel Bolting
Materials for High- Temperature Service

ASTM A 194 Specification for Carbon and Alloy-Steel Nuts for Bolts for
High-pressure and High- Temperature Service

ASTM B 62 Standard Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce

Metal Castings

ASTM B 584 Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General

ASTM D 1784 Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and

Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot- and
Cold-Water Compounds.

ASTM D 1785 Specifications for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe,
Schedules 40, 80, and 120

ASTM D 2467 Socket-Type (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipes Fittings,

Schedule 80

ASTM D 2564 Specifications for Solvents Cements for Poly (Vinyl

Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings

ASTM D 2672 Joints for IPS PVC Pipe Using Solvent Cement

ASTM D 2855 Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride)

(PVC) Pipes and Fittings

ASTM D 3139 Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric

ASTM F 436 Hardened Steel Washers

ASTM F 656 Primers for Use in Solvent-Cement Joints of Poly (Vinyl

Chloride) (PVC) Pipes and Fittings

E. ANSI - American National Standard Institute

ANSI B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

F. MSS - Manufacturers Standardization Society

MSS SP-70 Cast-Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends

MSS SP-71 Cast-Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded


MSS SP-80 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves

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MODA, J13-03500
G. WWA - American Water Works Association:

AWWA C651 Standard for Disinfecting of Water Mains

AWWA C700 Standard for Cold-Water Meters - Displacement Type

AWWA M23 PVC Pipe Design and Installation


A. Product and Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer's product and maintenance

data for the items specified herein.

B. Coordination Drawings: Prepare and submit coordination drawings for water

distribution piping.


A. Provide a written Guarantee covering the satisfactory operation of plumbing

installations for a period of one year from the date of acceptance. During this
period, repair providing new materials to replace defective work at no extra cost to
the Owner.


A. Storage, handling and transportation of pipes, fittings and adhesive shall be in

strict accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and

B. Do not remove valves/meters end protectors unless necessary for inspection; then
re-install for storage. Protect valves/meters from weather. Store valves/meters
indoors. If outdoor storage is necessary, support valves/meters off the ground or
pavement in watertight enclosures.
C. Rig valves/meters to avoid damage to exposed valve parts. Do not use hand
wheels and stems as lifting or rigging points.


A. Comply with the applicable requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) as
well as the Standards of ANSI and ASME referred to in this Section.

B. Single Source Manufacturer: Provide pipes, fittings and flanges for a particular
installation from a single source to avoid incompatibility due to intermixing of

C. Qualifications of Installer: Installer shall be recommended by the piping

manufacturer. Installer shall be subject to the Engineer approval.

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MODA, J13-03500


A. Unless indicated otherwise, water supply pipes and socket fittings outside building
shall be as follows:

1. Pipes: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) plastic pipes conforming to

Class -5 conforming to SASO 14 and 15.

2. Pipe Fittings: Socket-type unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) plastic

fittings conforming to ASTM D 2467, Class - 5.

3. Jointing System:

a. Welded joints using solvent cement conforming to ASTM D 2564

with primer conforming to ASTM F 656.


A. Refer to Section 15100 - VALVES:


A. Shall be of cast iron construction UL Listed, FM approved, complying with AWWA

C502, 6-inch wet barrel, traffic type. Hydrants shall have two 2-1/2 inch hose
nozzles and one having 4-1/2 inch bumper nozzle. Nozzles shall be American
National Standard Fire Hose Coupling Screw Thread in accordance with NFPA
1963, and conforming to the requirements of local Fire Department. Each inlet
shall have a plug and chain. Units shall be finished in UV resistant red polyester
coating, with words both in English and Arabic "FIRE HYDRANT" in raised letters
for above ground and epoxy coating for underground portion. Provide isolation
valves between hydrant and water mains.


A. General: Water meter design shall be in accordance with the regulations of the
Utility Company as well as the requirements of AWWA C700.

B. Type: Turbine flow water meter.

C. Measurement Unit: Cubic meter.

D. Environmental Conditions: Outdoor type, suitable for operating under the following

1. Relative Humidity:

- Minimum 0 percent.
- Maximum 100 percent (condensing).

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MODA, J13-03500
2. Temperature:

- Minimum 0 degrees C.
- Maximum 70 degrees C, exposed to direct sun radiation with no
internal heat source.

E. Water Meter Construction: Cast iron body shielded from magnetic fields with
flanged ends rated class 150 in accordance with ANSI B16.5. Rotary vane and
measuring mechanism shall be plastic. External body shall be provided with the
Manufacturer's standard high-quality corrosion proof coating.


A. Shall be constructed of high tensile ASTM A126, Class B cast iron with blow-off
connections and self-aligning cylindrical screens. Strainer shall be suitable for
horizontal and vertical installation. Below-off outlets are tapped FIPT. Stainless
steel screens shall be of standard sizes with perforations as approved. Strainers
shall be with flanged ends, epoxy coated, sizes as shown on drawings, pressure
rating similar to piping on site.

2.6 WATER TANK ( concrete):

A. Construction: Cast-in-place reinforced concrete; conforming to Section 03300 -

CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE; Class 30 with Type 1 Portland cement modified
with microsilica. Interior surfaces shall have waterproof lining complying with
Section 07100. Exterior surfaces shall have double layer, fully bonded, 4 + 3 mm
thick waterproofing membrane or approved equal and 3 mm thick protection
board, complying with Section 07100 - WATERPROOFING.

B. Size: As indicated on Drawings.

C. Chamber Cover/Frame: Conform to the requirements specified in Section 05500 -



A. Mechanical tilt non-mercury float level switch shall be suitable for level control
and alarm applications for water tanks. Float level switch shall be complete with
impact resistant ABS shell and neoprene jacketed sealed cable of required
length. Contacts shall be SPST, Normal Open or Normally Closed common with
N.O & N.C. Power rating shall be as required. Float level switch shall be
installed as per manufacturer’s written instructions.


A. Marker Tape: Detectable metallic core polyethylene tape color-coded, 150 mm

wide, 100 microns thick, and labeled in Arabic and English alternately for the
appropriate service.

B. Water Meter, Valves and Tie-In Points Chambers:

1. Construction: Cast-in-place reinforced concrete; conforming to Section

03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE; Class 30 with Type 1 Portland
cement modified with microsilica. Interior surfaces shall be coated with 2
coats (650 micron thick) coal tar epoxy. Exterior surfaces shall have single
Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02668-5 Water Distribution System
MODA, J13-03500
layer, fully bonded, 4 mm thick waterproofing membrane or approved equal
and 3 mm thick protection board, complying with Section 07100 -

2. Size: As indicated on Drawings.

3. Chamber Cover/Frame: Conform to the requirements specified in Section




A. Pipes and Pipe Fittings:

1. Examine visually pipes and pipe fittings for scratches, damages, cracks,
delaminations, crushing and weathering. Damaged pipes and pipe fittings
shall not be installed.

2. Clean pipes and pipe fittings prior to installation.

3. Discard adhesives and other piping materials that are beyond their stamped
expiry dates as well as leaking and opened containers.

B. Valves:

1. Examine valve interior through the end ports for cleanliness, freedom from
foreign matter, and corrosion. Remove special packing materials used to
prevent disc movement during shipping and handling.

2. Actuate valves through an open-close and close-open cycle. Examine

significant features as guides and seats made accessible by such actuation.

3. Examine mating flange faces for conditions that might cause leakage. Check
bolting for proper size, length, and material. Check gasket material for
proper size, material composition suitable for service, and freedom from
defects and damage.

4. Replace defective valves with new valves.


A. Trenching and bedding for underground piping shall conform to Section 02225 -

B. Dewatering: Dewatering, where required, shall conform to the requirements of

Section 02200 - EARTHWORK.

C. Pipelines Crossings under Roads: Conform to the requirements of Section 02225 -


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MODA, J13-03500

A. Installation - General:

1. Install pipes, fittings, and valves in accordance with the requirements of


2. Inspect pipes, fittings and valves for soundness and for imperfections of
coatings, wrappings and linings prior to installation.

3. Deflection at joints shall not exceed the maximum deflection recommended

by the pipe or coupling manufacturer for each type of joint and each size of

4. Blocking shall be permitted only where indicated.

5. Install temporary piping, valves, meters, gauges, and equipment required for
hydrostatic testing and disinfection in accordance with detailed approved
working drawings.

B. Anchorages and Buttresses:

1. Construct concrete anchorages and buttresses where indicated.

2. Harness valves and fittings that are not provided with an anchor, buttress or
restrained joint using steel rods and rod socket pipe clamps or by steel rods
and rod connectors connected to mechanical joint bolts as indicated.


A. Locate valves for easy access and provide separate supports where necessary.
Install valves in a position allowing full stem movement.

B. Install valves using flanged connections. Align flange surfaces parallel. Assemble
joints in accordance with the valve manufacturer's recommendations for gasketing
and bolting.


A. Hydrostatic Testing:

1. Underground piping to be tested shall be partially backfilled with joints

exposed during test unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

2. Protect exposed joints from direct sunlight during testing. Perform

hydrostatic testing so that temperature of the test water shall not exceed 40
degree C during the test period.

3. Provide temporary thrust resistance using wooden supports at changes of

direction prior to hydrostatic testing of assembled piping.

4. No adhesive-bonded piping shall be pressurized until joints have cured in

accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions.

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5. Conduct Hydrostatic tests in presence of the Engineer, and prior to coating
joints and disinfecting. Conduct hydrostatic tests after the associated
concrete works has set for a minimum of 7 days for standard concrete.

6. Place test pump on firm ground away from piping. Pump shall have a
calibrated and tagged relief valve set at 10 percent above the test pressure
or a maximum of 170 kPa above test pressure for pressure piping systems.

7. Use a calibrated and tagged pressure gauge of the proper range for testing
pressure piping systems.

8. Perform hydrostatic test using fresh water. Fill pipeline 24 hours prior to

9. Pressure test for the water distribution mains shall be 1035 kPa or 345 kPa
above the operating pressure, whichever is greater.

a. Test lines whose joints have been backfilled at the above mentioned
pressure test for 24 hours.

b. Test lines whose joints have not been backfilled at the above
mentioned pressure test for 4 hours.

B. Inspection:

1. Hydrostatic test diagrams and test procedures shall be prepared and made
available for inspection prior to conducting the test. The test diagrams and
procedures shall include limits of piping and equipment included in each
hydrostatic test, test pressure, test temperature, test flow, line flushing
requirements and safety precautions.

2. Examine exposed pipes, joints, fittings, valves, and hydrants for leakage
during hydrostatic testing.

3. For piping, replace leaking pipe, joints and fittings in accordance with the
requirements specified herein.

4. Repeat hydrostatic testing after the repair of defects until the system is
proved satisfactory.

5. Piping shall be satisfactory if there is no evidence of leakage or pressure

loss after the specified test period.

C. Repair Methods:

1. Conform to the requirements specified herein for the provision of new

materials required for replacement at the defected areas.

2. Conform to the manufacturer's recommendations for permanent and

temporary repairs of piping.

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A. After completion of hydrostatic tests, drain lines in an approved manner.

B. Remove temporary test piping and equipment that will no longer be required.

C. Field Coating: After completion of hydrostatic tests and before disinfecting, prime
or re-prime as required and provide a protective coating to uncoated metal
components of piping system, including joints, tie rods and harnesses as specified
herein, except exposed ends of steel pipes up to couplings shall be wrapped with
hot applied coal tar tape.

D. Water for testing and commissioning the pipes shall be provided by the
contractor at his own cost.


A. Trench backfilling shall conform to the requirements of Section 02225 -


B. Marker Tape: Install continuous, marker tape during backfilling of trench for
underground services. Locate tape 300 mm below finished grade.


A. General: Disinfection: Disinfect drinking water lines in accordance with AWWA

C651 before placing the lines in service.

B. Disinfection:

1. Flush the entire water system thoroughly and disinfect with chlorine before
placing the system in operation according to the procedures prescribed by
the authority having jurisdiction and/or described in the AWWA C651 or as
described below:

a. Fill the system or part thereof with a solution of water/chlorine

containing at least 50 parts per million of chlorine.

b. Isolate (valve off) the system or part thereof and allow to stand for 24

c. Drain the system or part thereof of previous solution. Refill with a

water/chlorine solution containing at least 200 parts per million of

d. Isolate the system or part thereof and allow to stand for 3 hours.

e. Following the allowed standing time, flush the system with clean,
potable water until chlorine does not remain in the water coming from
the system.

f. Submit water samples in sterile bottles to the authority having


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g. Repeat the procedure if the biological examination made by the
authority shows evidence of contamination.

h. Remove disinfection equipment and temporary piping after approval of

the disinfection tests.

i. Submit reports of cleaning and disinfecting activities.


A. Operating Tests: Following approval of disinfection, conduct operating tests in the

presence of the Engineer to verify that each valve is in proper working condition.


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MODA, J13-03500




A. Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant for brackish water (BWRO) as well as
related equipment, fittings and accessories.

B. The treated water is intended to be used as potable water for domestic and
irrigation use.


A. The Contractor shall submit the following for the approval of the Engineer:

1. Process calculations and design as necessary.

2. Hydraulic calculations and design.
3. Plant control logic.
4. Detailed submittals (Electrical and Mechanical) including builders work and
plant general arrangement as regards to civil, mechanical and electrical



A. Design of the proposed system shall be based on the following data:

 R.O Product flow rate: 818 m3/ day

 Permeate quality:  200 mg/ L as potable water
 Volume of water to be used for potable applications: 518 m3
 Blended water quality:  900 mg/ L
 Volume of water to be used for irrigation and WC flushing: 300-m3/ day

Blended water flow: 800 m / day
 Feed water design temperature: As required
 Feed water salinity: Well conditions.


A. The Permeated water will be filled into two storage tanks:

1. The first tank (Domestic water tank) will be filled in permeated water TDS
of 200 mg/ L, the flow capacity is 518 m3/ day.

2. The second tank (irrigation and WC flushing) will be filled in blended water
(RO permeate plus filtered raw water), TDS 900 mg/ L, the flow capacity is
800 m3/ day)

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02669-1 Water Treatment Plant
MODA, J13-03500
B. The system will consist of the following:

1. Raw water Filter Feed/ Backwash Pumps:

 No. Of pumps: Two (1 Duty/ I standby)

 Flow: As required
 Head: As required
 Material: 316 Stainless Steel (SS)
 Power: 230-380 V, 3 ph, 60 Hz

2. Pretreatment Chlorination Dosing System:

 Will consist of one (1) cross-linked polyethylene construction tank

with (1) electronic type diaphragm pump.
 Day Tank
 Capacity: As required
 Construction: Vertical Cross-linked polyethylene cylindrical tank
 Metering Pump
 Pump capacity: As required
 Pump pressure: No less than 5.5 bar
 Type: Electronic Diaphragm pump
 Pumps wetted part: PVC
 Power supply: 230V, 1 pH, 60 Hz
 Accessories:
 Inlet and outlet tubing
 Foot valve assembly
 Injection valve assembly
 Bleed valve assembly

3. Multimedia Filters:

 No. Of filters: Two

 Material: Fiberglass. The laminate outer shell shall be an epoxy
and fiberglass matrix. The filter shall be provided with inlet and
outlet distributor of plastic construction.
 Dimensions: As required
 Backwash initiation: Automatic
 Service flow: As required
 Piping material: Sch 80 PVC
 Filtration flow rate: 14-m3/ h/ m2
 Media: gravel, silica sand and anthracite.
 Control valve: Diaphragm valve.

4. Pretreatment Chlorination Dosing System:

 Will consist of one (1) cross-linked polyethylene construction tank

with (1) electronic type diaphragm pump
 Day Tank
 Capacity: as required
 Construction: Vertical Cross-linked polyethylene cylindrical tank
Metering Pump

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02669-2 Water Treatment Plant
MODA, J13-03500
 Pump capacity: As required
 Pump pressure: No less than 5.5 bar
 Type: Electronic Diaphragm pump
 Pumps wetted part: PVC
 Power supply: 230V, 1 pH, 60 Hz
 Accessories:
 Inlet and outlet tubing
 Foot valve assembly
 Injection valve assembly
 Bleed valve assembly
 Chemical mixer

5. Scale Inhibitor dosing system (Antiscalant Dosing System):

 Will consist of one (1) cross-linked polyethylene construction tank

with (1) electronic type diaphragm pump
 Day Tank
 Capacity: as required
 Construction: Vertical Cross-linked polyethylene cylindrical tank
 Metering Pump
 Pump capacity: As required
 Pump pressure: No less than 5.5 bar
 Type: Electronic Diaphragm pump; Pumps wetted part: PVC
 Power supply: 230V, 1 pH, 60 Hz
 Accessories:
 Inlet and outlet tubing
 Foot valve assembly
 Injection valve assembly
 Bleed valve assembly

6. De-chlorination Dosing system:

 Will consist of one (1) cross-linked polyethylene construction tank

with (1) electronic type diaphragm pump
 Day Tank
 Capacity: as required
 Construction: Vertical Cross-linked polyethylene cylindrical tank
 Metering Pump
 Pump capacity: As required
 Pump pressure: No less than 5.5 bar
 Type: Electronic Diaphragm pump
 Pumps wetted part: PVC
 Power supply: 230v, 1 pH, 60 HZ
 Accessories:
 Inlet and outlet tubing
 Foot valve assembly
 Injection valve assembly
 Bleed valve assembly
 Chemical mixer

7. Reverse Osmosis Unit: Will consist of the following:

 Cartridge filter

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02669-3 Water Treatment Plant
MODA, J13-03500
 No. Of filters: One
 Type:Sediment
 Housing material: PVC
 No. Of cartridges: As required
 Pore size: 5 micron
 Cartridge material: Polyethylene.
 High pressure pump
 No. Of pumps: As required
 Flow: As required
 Head: Minimum 14.3 bar
 Material: 316 SS
 Power: 230-380 V, 3 PH, and 60 Hz
 R.O Membrane Unit
 No.: As required
 Type: TFC
 Salt rejection: 99.5%
 Recovery: 65%
 Material: Polyamide.
 Staging: As required
 Pressure Vessel
 Design pressure: 17 bar
 No.: As required
 Material: FRP
 No. Of elements/ PV: As required.

8. Product Water Post Treatment

 pH Adjustment Dosing System: Will consist of a pH Controller,

transmitter, acid and base materials with pump and tanks

9. Blending Pump:

 Raw water shall be drawn from the break tank to the blended water
storage tank.
 The material and type of pump are as follows:
 No. Of pumps: Two (1 one Duty- 1 one standby)
 Flow: As required
 Head: Minimum 3 bar
 Material: 304 SS
 Power: 230V, 1 PH, 60 HZ
 Cartridge Filter
 No. Of filters: one
 Type: Sediment
 Housing material: PVC
 No. Of cartridge: As required
 Pore size: 5 micron
 Size of cartridge: as required
 Cartridge material: Polyethylene.

10. Flow meters

11. Post treatment systems

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02669-4 Water Treatment Plant
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12. Controls and instrumentation: Instrumentation shall include a control panel
constructed to IP 54 standards. Control power shall be 230V, 1 PH, 60 Hz.
Construction materials shall be of the highest quality obtainable for the

The following features will control the RO unit:

 Raw water tank level switches

 RO high pressure pump low pressure switch
 RO high pressure pump high pressure switch
 Permeate high conductivity switch
 Pre-treatment lock out
 Domestic product tank float control valve
 Irrigation product tank level switch
 High pressure pump overload.



A. Examine the area and conditions under which the RO unit is to be installed. Do not
proceed with the work until the correction of unsatisfactory conditions in a manner
acceptable to Engineer.

B. Installation shall be done in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s written


C. Piping Connections: Conform to the requirements of Section 15050 - BASIC


D. Wiring Methods: Conform to the requirements of Section 16050 - BASIC



A. Provide laboratory equipment for testing the quality of water as recommended by

plant manufacturer, including but not limited to following:

1. TDS Meter
2. PH & Chlorine Test Kit


A. Provide list of recommended spare parts for 1 year.


A. Scope of work shall include the following additional requirements:

1. Testing & Commissioning.

2. Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
3. Training of Personnel for Operation.

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02669-5 Water Treatment Plant
MODA, J13-03500

A. Submit manufacturer's test certificate, including test data to show that the RO unit
meet the required specifications and performance. Testing and commissioning
shall be done in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation in presence of


A. Check alignment, where necessary, realign shafts or motor and pumps within the
tolerances recommended by the manufacturer.

B. Star-Up: In accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions.

C. Cleaning: Clean factory-finished surfaces. Repair scratched surfaces with touch-up

paint of same material used for painting or coating.


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02669-6 Water Treatment Plant
MODA, J13-03500




A. Section includes providing labor materials, illumination, transportation, tools,

supplies, plant, equipment and appurtenances necessary for the complete
and satisfactory construction, development, testing and disinfection of
proposed water well to be located as near the proposed Sewage Treatment
Plant site as shown on Drawings and/or as directed by Engineer.


A. Local Conditions:

1. Verify local conditions affecting work by personal investigation and

neither information contained in this Section nor that derived from
maps or plans, or from the Owner or his authorized representative
shall relieve Contractor from any responsibility hereunder or from
fulfilling any and all of terms and requirements of Contract.

B. Boundaries of Work:

1. Owner shall provide land or rights-of-way for the work specified in

this Contract and make suitable provisions for ingress and egress,
and the Contractor shall not enter or occupy with men, tools,
equipment or material, any ground outside the property of the Owner
without the written consent of the owner of such property. The
Contractor shall conduct his work so as not to impede unnecessarily
any work being done by others on or adjacent to the site.


A. Provide the required drilling water, lighting and power, including necessary
water pumps, connections and installations for proper execution of work.


A. Protect structures, walks, pipelines, trees, shrubs, and lawns as well as

other existing facilities during the progress of work.

B. Remove from site drill cuttings, debris, and unused materials, and shall upon
the completion of the work restore the site as nearly as possible to its
original condition, including removal of access tracks and the replacement of
any facility or landscaping which has been damaged beyond restoration to
its original condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer and at no extra cost
to Owner.

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C. Conduct water pumped from well to a place approved by Engineer where it
will be possible to dispose the water without damage to property or creation
of a nuisance.

D. Provide the necessary security required for securing tools and equipment at
the jobsite.


A. Shop Drawings: All relevant details related to the construction well,

installation of equipment as well as the different operations involved in or
specified herein as requested by the Engineer.

B. Time Schedules: Prior to start of well construction submit a time flow

schedule/diagram showing each major operation including mobilization,
construction stages, well drilling, sinking of casing/screen, well development,
well testing and other operations as requested by the Engineer.

C. Tests, Reports and Certificates:

1. Submit tests, reports and certificates showing compliance of

materials used to the specified requirements.

2. Testing Results: Refer to PART 3 - EXECUTION of this Section.

D. List of Equipment: Submit list of equipment and machinery including types

and age of drilling rigs, generator accessories set, compressors, and
vehicles for the Engineer's review and approval.


A. Depth of deep well: Depth of well shall be as recommended by the Owner-

appointed Geo-Technical Specialist and as approved by the Engineer.

B. Permits, Certificates, Laws and Ordinances:

1. Procure permits, certificates and licenses required by law for the

execution of work at no extra cost to the Owner.

2. Comply with national or local laws, ordinances or rules and

regulations related to the performance of work.

C. Workmanship:

1. Employ only competent workmen for the execution of work. Work

shall be performed under the continuous direct supervision of an
experienced Well Driller satisfactory to the Engineer.

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D. Samples and Records:

1. Sampling of Formations: For any method used for borehole drilling

sampling procedure must provide that factions of penetrated strata
are present in sample.

2. Record drilling rate expressed in meters penetrated per actual

drilling time throughout the drilling operation. Actual drilling shall be
time being time with active drilling operation, excluding time for
replacement of drilling rods and bits, breakdown of drilling equipment
and similar non-active drilling operations.

3. Well Logging: If required by the Engineer, perform well logging by

using special approved equipment, such as the electric resistivity,
spontaneous potential flow, neutron gamma and gamma-gamma
logging equipment.

4. Record of Casing Pipe: Maintain an accurate record (as assembled)

of the order, number, type, size and length of individual pieces of
pipe, screens and liners installed in well.

5. Daily Reports: Prepare a daily report describing nature of penetrated

strata encountered, work done during each day, including items
accomplished, depth drilled, casing set, loss in drilling mud, mud
weight, mud viscosity, the water level in the well at the beginning and
end of each shift, and such other pertinent data as requested by
Engineer to record. Submit records once a week or at other time
intervals as requested by Engineer.

E. Water Quality Protection and Drilling Fluid:

1. Water Quality Precautions: Provide precautions as necessary or as

may be required permanently to prevent water having undesirable
bacteriological, physical and chemical characteristics from entering,
through the opening made in drilling the well, into the stratum from
which the well is to draw its supply. Provide the necessary
precautions during construction period to prevent contaminated
water, gasoline, and other deleterious substances from entering the
well either through openings or by seepage from the ground surface.

2. Corrective Work: In the event that the well becomes contaminated or

that water having undesirable physical or chemical characteristics
did enter the well due to negligence, perform such work or supply
casings, seals, sterilizing agents or other materials as may be
necessary to eliminate the contamination or exclude any undesirable
water in the well at no extra cost to Owner.

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MODA, J13-03500 Deep Well Pump
3. Drilling Fluid: Where a drilling fluid may be employed, the following
rules shall apply:

a. Only high grade bentonite Class A with additives, such as

Carbon Metal Cellulose or Aqua Polymer and approved by
Engineer shall be used in make-up of drilling fluid. Store
bentonite and additives adequate for the drilling of a well on
the well site prior to start of drilling of well.

b. Drilling fluid shall possess characteristics as are required to

adequately condition the walls of the hole to prevent caving
as drilling progresses and to remove the drill cuttings from
the hole. Provide on-site facilities for controlling the density,
viscosity and sand content of drilling fluid.

Facilities shall be approved by the Engineer prior to

commencement of drilling operation. Mud control shall be
made at the end of each work shift and further after each
addition of bentonite or additives and the results shall be

c. From the moment the drill bit has reached the water bearing
formation to be exploited the drilling mud shall be circulated
continuously to minimize seepage of drilling mud into the

d. Provide the required mud pump and construct the necessary

mud pits and channels. Upon completion of drilling, remove
drilling mud and cuttings from site and dispose off-site to the
areas designated for the purpose. Backfill mud pits with
clean earth and restore the ground surface to the original


A. Provide one year from date of substantial completion of well, covering

malfunctions or failures occurring, that can be traced to failure by Contractor
due to workmanship and/or materials. Contractor shall repair or replace
providing new materials the defected work at no extra cost to owner. New
materials shall comply to the requirements specified in this Section.



A. Well Casing: Assume full responsibility for any casing failure and correct any
failure as approved by the Engineer at no cost to Owner.

1. In the event casing failure cannot be corrected, replace casing with

material complying with the specifications of this Section, or if
necessary, better casing as approved by the Engineer at no extra

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MODA, J13-03500 Deep Well Pump
cost to Owner.

2. Joining of Well Casing: Propose a method suitable to withstand

earth stresses encountered and casing emplacement methods
employed. Method of joining well casing shall be subject to the
Engineer's approval. Correct any failure of joint connections or
replace the defected connections at no extra cost to Owner.

3. Minimum internal diameter of bore hole casing shall be 300 mm.

Casing material shall be of new stock.

B. Materials for Casing: Unless otherwise specified or approved by the

Engineer, casings to be used hereunder as part of the permanent well shall
be new clean, black iron pipes, having the following minimum thickness and

Diameter (inch) Inch 12 14

Minimum Wall Thickness Inch 0.375 0.375
Minimum Weight lb/ft 49.56 54.57

1. Manufactured weight tolerance is 10 percent over and 3.5 percent

under nominal weight.

2. Casings shall have either standard AP-1 screwed joints, or bevelled

ends for welded joints.

3. For rotary drilling application, a pilot well 8-10 inch approximately,

shall be drilled with subsequent reaming to the final well diameters.
Sampling and the required well logging shall be performed in the
pilot well prior to reaming.

C. Temporary Casings: Provide temporary casings as may be required for

construction convenience or expediency. Temporary casings shall only be
installed upon approval of Engineer. Such temporary casings intended for
construction purposes only shall be of such weight and design as necessary
to prevent entrance of sand and silt, to be reasonably water tight, and to
permit its installation without distortion or rapture to the depth and
dimension. Temporary casings shall be pulled out and shall remain the
property of the Contractor.

D. Drive Shoes: Use of appropriate drive shoes for driven permanent casings is
mandatory. They may not be required for shallow settings of temporary
casings in unconsolidated formations. Type and weight of drive shoe shall
be left to the discretion of Contractor but shall be subject to the Engineer's

E. Temporary Capping: At all times during progress of work, protect well in a

manner as to effectively prevent either tampering or entrance of foreign
matter into the well, and, upon its completion, provide and install a screwed
or flanged cap satisfactory to the Engineer.

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MODA, J13-03500 Deep Well Pump

A. General:

1. Provide stainless steel well screens as selected and approved by


2. Provide brochure, catalogues and relevant information on the well

screen proposed for the Engineer's review and selection.

3. Submit shop drawings, construction details and methods of

installation to the Engineer for review and approval.

4. Contractor shall assume responsibility for malfunction of screens

caused by inadequate installation procedure and shall undertake any
correction as approved by the Engineer at no extra cost for the
Owner. In the event that Contractor cannot correct a screen failure,
Contractor shall replace screen with material complying with the
Specifications of this contract at no extra cost for the Owner.

B. Type and Openings: Design and type of screen, materials and openings
shall be determined by the Engineer according to the results of study of
samples taken during drilling. Number and area of openings shall be such
that the expected yield of the well may be developed with a minimum loss of
head. Final size of openings shall be determined in accordance with the
analysis of data collected during drilling. Screens shall be fabricated so as to
ensure maximum yield of well and to prevent the clogging, encrustation and
shall be free from jagged edges and irregularities that may accelerate the
clogging or corrosion.

C. Strength: Screen shall have adequate strength to resist the external forces
that may be applied after it is installed and to minimize the likelihood of
damage during the installation. Screen must have no change of alignment at
any of its joints after installation.

D. Fittings, Packers, Coupling Joints and Seals: Manufacturer's standard

products, as recommended by screen manufacturer and as approved by


A. For unconsolidated sediments:

1. Gravel pack shall be made after the casing has been installed to the
full depth of well, and screen has been placed in proper position; a
wall of gravel shall be placed around the screen. Packing gravel
shall be in a way to avoid separation and bridging of gravel. Gravel
packing in drill mud-filled bore holes shall be done by reverse
circulation of drilling fluid.

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B. For consolidated sediments:

1. Where required, a gravel stabilizer shall be placed around the


C. Gravel Pack Materials:

1. Submit, during mobilization, samples of gravel pack, stating source

of material, quantities and available sizes, rate of delivery and other
relevant information for the Engineer's review and approval.

2. Gravel pack materials shall be clean, free from sand particles, with
well-rounded, water-worn, gravel that are smooth and graded,
consisting mostly of siliceous materials and as approved by the
Engineer. Annular chipping or roadstone must not be used as gravel
pack material.

3. Gravel shall be graded in accordance with the results of the analysis

of data collected during drilling and the grading shall be approved by
the Engineer before being placed.

4. Provide all material required to fill cave-ins and over excavation at no

extra cost.


A. Provide 2 deep well pumps for the proposed deep well complete with
discharge pipes, fittings, control valves, control panels, liquid level controls
and accessories complete and ready for use. provision of pumps shall
include supply, installation, testing and commission.

B. Deep Well Pump: Submersible type, centrifugal multi-stage design,

manufactured from stainless steel and direct coupled with a submersible
motor underneath pump. Impellers for pump shall be secured to pump shaft,
either by a spline or by split cones. Pump bearings shall be water-lubricated
rubber bearings fitted in the discharge and intermediate chambers. Pump
motor shall be of squirrel-cage induction type with a stainless steel can
operating the rotor from the windings and suitable for across the line
starting. Bearings in motor shall be water-lubricated. Pump motor shall be
capable of continuous operation underwater.

C. Pump Capacity and Head: As indicated on Drawings.

D. Liquid Level Control: Provide low liquid level electrodes to stop operation of
pumps when the water level inside falls down below the pump setting and
re-start pumps when water level rises to a pre-set level above the pump

E. Control Panel: Provide a control panel having the necessary features for
pump operation. Panel shall have a NEMA 3 weatherproof enclosure and
shall be dead front with separate removable inside panel to protect electrical

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MODA, J13-03500 Deep Well Pump
F. Submersible Cable:

1. Conductors: Cable shall be consist of 3 or more separate conductors

or a single cable assembly with three or more conductors. Stranding
shall meet the requirements of ASTM class designation standards
Class B on No. 10 and smaller cables and class C on no. 9 and
larger cable. Each conductor shall be insulated by synthetic rubber
or plastic insulation suitable for continuous immersion in water.
Where 3 or more single conductors are used, each must be
jacketed. Jacketing material must be oil-and-water resistant synthetic
rubber, metal, or other suitable mechanically protective material.
Cable shall have a sufficient conductor area to meet the minimum
requirement of the Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association
(IPCEA) code for operation in air.

2. Supports: Cables shall be suitably supported from the column at a

number of points adequate for the type of cable used with corrosion
resistant clamps.

3. Fittings: Cable fittings and terminals shall be watertight at the

pressure encountered in use.

4. Lengths: For each 15 m of setting, 300 mm of extra cable shall be

allowed to compensate for possible twist or sag of the cable during
installation; 3 m shall be provided beyond the surface plate.

5. Shielding: Electrical conductors shall be protected by a corrosion

resistant shield where they pass the pump bowls.

G. Surface Plate:

1. Surface plate (pump base) shall be rigid enough to support the entire
weight of the suspended parts when filled with water. Plate shall
provide suitable openings for power cable, well vent, and water level
indicators as required. Plate shall support discharge connection
furnished in a size adequate for the required flow rate and in a
pressure series consistent with the surface pressure to be delivered
by the pump.

H. Strainer:

1. Strainer shall have a net inlet area equal to at least 3 times impeller
area. Maximum unit opening shall not be more than 75 percent of
the minimum opening of the water passage through the bowl or

I. Discharge Pipe:

1. Provide discharge pipe in standard lengths connected by threaded

sleeve couplings. Sizes shall be as shown on Drawings. Discharge

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pipe shall be Black Iron, schedule 80 while couplings shall be extra
heavy weight.

J. Pump Bowls:

1. Pump bowl castings shall be free of blow holes, sand holes, and
other detrimental defects. Bowls shall be capable of withstanding a
hydrostatic pressure equal to twice the head at rated capacity or 1-
1/2 times the shutoff head, whichever is greater. Bowls may be
equipped with replaceable seal rings on the suction side of enclosed

K. Impellers:

1. Impellers shall be of the enclosed type, statically balanced.

L. Pump Motor Coupling:

1. Pump motor coupling shall be of a non-corrosive material and shall

be capable of transmitting the total torque and total thrust of the unit
in either direction.

M. Pump Components:

1. Provide submersible pump complete with the following components:

- Submersible pump
- Non-return valve
- Rising main or discharge pipe
- Supporting clamp or device
- 90 degree elbow
- Pressure gauge and drain cock
- 150 diameter gate valve and check valve
- Electrical supply cable
- Power supply cable for submersible motor
- Power supply cable for water level electrodes
- Storage tank water level control circuit
- Cable junction box
- Starter with motor protective and ammeter
- Water level monitoring device
- Conductance actuated liquid level controls



A. Test Requirements: Holes shall be constructed and casing and liners set
around, plumb and true to line as defined herein. Provide labor, tools and
equipment to demonstrate compliance with the requirements specified
herein and perform the tests described below to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. Tests for plumbness and alignment must be made after complete

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MODA, J13-03500 Deep Well Pump
construction of well and before acceptance. Additional tests, however, may
be required by Engineer during the performance of the work. No specific
payments shall be made by the Owner for making these tests.

B. Description of Test: Plumbness and alignment shall be determined by

lowering into the well to the depth of the lowest anticipated pump setting a
section of pipe 12 meter long or a dummy of the same length. Outer
diameter of pipe or dummy shall not be more than 10 mm smaller than the
inside diameter of that part of casing being tested. If a dummy is used, it
shall consist of a rigid spindle with 3 rings, each ring being 300 mm wide.

Rings shall be truly cylindrical and shall be spaced one at each end of the
dummy and one in the middle thereof. Spindle of dummy shall be rigid so
that it will maintain alignment of axes of the rings. Pipe or dummy shall hang
in the exact center of the top of the well casing and shall be suspended in its
exact center by a suitable cable line. Pipe or dummy is lowered 3 meters at
a time and should the cable line move off center of the well casing, direction
and distances is measured and recorded. This procedure shall continue until
the well has been checked to the desired depth.

C. Requirements for Plumbness and Alignment: Should the results of the test
for plumbness and alignment show that the pipe or dummy fails to move
freely throughout the length of the casing or hole to a depth of the lowest
anticipated pump setting and should the well vary from the vertical in excess
of two-thirds the smallest inside diameter of that part of the well being tested
or beyond the limitations of this test, the plumbness and alignment of the
well shall be corrected by Contractor at his own expense. Should Contractor
fail to correct such faulty alignment or plumbness, the Engineer may refuse
to accept the well.


A. Developing the Well: If not otherwise specified by the Engineer, provide the
necessary pumps, compressors, plungers, bailers jetting tools, electric
generators and other equipment which may be needed. Develop the well to
the maximum expected yield by methods as requested and approved by the

B. Removal of drilling fluid:

1. In case drilling fluid has been used, special care must be taken in
order to avoid permanent clogging of the aquifer by the drilling fluid.

2. Upon completion of drilling the hole to the desired diameter and

depth, installation of the string of casing and screens and gravel
packing must commence within 6 hours, and the installation must
take place as one continuous working operation.

3. Installation of gravel pack shall be completed by clear-pumping well

for drill mud and must be followed by injection and/or jetting through
slotted and screened portion of well within 6 hours with a

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polyphosphate solution to deflocculate the mud cake formed by the
drilling fluid on walls of drilled hole.

4. Concentration of polyphosphates shall be 3 percent by weight of the

quantity of water in the casing and gravel pack.

5. Injection of the polyphosphate solution shall immediately be followed

by swabbing for a minimum duration of 6 hours.

6. Solution shall stay in well for 24 hours before commencement of

further development.

7. Treatment with polyphosphate must be repeated if so required by

the Engineer.

C. Swabbing:

1. After the well construction is finished, commence developing the well

by swabbing using previously approved equipment.

2. Swabbing shall be done by approved surge plunger and started by

surging lightly and then increasing the force of the surge as the
development proceeds.

3. Continuous swabbing shall be done until there is no further evidence

of settlement of the gravel pack and/or until no more mud and fine
sand is washed out.

4. At regular intervals during and upon completion of this operation, the

well shall be cleaned of all accumulation of sediments to full original
depth of the well, this being the bottom of the sump pipe of lower end
of permeable strata (rocks). Quantity of sediments removed after
each surging operation, settlement intervals of gravel and the
quantity of gravel added shall be recorded in the drillers’ log. As the
gravel settles, more gravel shall be added.

5. Immediately after completing swabbing of the well, the Contractor

shall commence further development of the well by using approved
equipment to clear the well of all additional accumulation of mud,
sand and sediments.

6. The following methods of further development of the well may be

required by the Engineer:

a. Pumping: Development by pumping shall be performed by a

discharge of about 150 percent of the anticipated production

b. Surging with air: Compressor used shall be capable of

developing a maximum pressure of 150 psi. The proper
compressor capacity is about 10 m3 of free air for each m3 of
water at the anticipated pumping rate. Quantity of water

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being pumped at commencement of the development shall
be limited and gradually increased as the water clears. From
time to time, air compressor or pump shall be stopped and
water in the pump column allowed to flow back through the
perforations into the aquifer. The well may also be
backwashed up through the annular space (gravel-pack) by
back-washing with air compressor.

c. Jetting: A jetting tool with 2 or more nozzles shall be supplied

with water through a high pressure pump capable of
producing a jet velocity of 40 - 70 m/s. The development
should be carried out by slowly rotating the jetting tool and
gradually raising or lowering it in order to cover the entire
surface of the screen. At the same time as the high velocity
water jetting toll is in action, the well should be pumped with
a slightly larger discharge than the discharge from the jetting

Development by either of these methods shall be repeated

and continued until the well is thoroughly developed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. The well shall be able to
produce continuously a reasonable maximum capacity
based on the consideration of the thickness and the nature of
the water-bearing formation.

If during the development operations, there is any indication

of settlement of the gravel envelope, this should be recorded
and more gravel shall be added as needed and the
developing shall continue until the sand production has been
reduced to a value not in excess of that specified below.

Upon the completion of the development operations, the

Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Engineer that the bottom of the well is clear of all sand, mud
and other foreign materials.

6. Limits to Sand Turbidity: Exercise extreme care in performance of

work in order to prevent breakdown or caving-in of strata overlaying
from which the water is to be drawn. Develop, pump or bail the well
by such methods as may be approved by the Engineer until the
water pumped from the well is substantially free from sand and until
the water pumped from the well does not contain an amount of fine
material in excess of 2 mm per m3 during final test pumping. Provide
the necessary equipment to measure sand content at no extra cost
to Owner.


A. Grouting Material: To seal the top of the well, as directed by the Engineer
the annular space between the inner protective casing and the outer casing
or hole shall be filled with cement grout. Grouting may not be initiated before
the well testing is completed. Grout shall be a proportion of cement and the

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maximum quantity of water (not more than 20 l per 40 kg) required to give a
mixture of such consistency that it can be forced through the grout pipes.
The mixtures, method of mixing and consistency of grout shall be as
approved by the Engineer.

B. Provide the required cement required for grouting and other related work.
Portland Cement shall be type I in accordance with Section 03300 CAST-IN-
PLACE CONCRETE, unless otherwise approved by Engineer.

C. Placement of Grout: Method of placing of grout shall be approved by

Engineer prior to grout placement. No method shall be approved that does
not specify the forcing of grout from the bottom of the space to be grouted
towards the surface. A suitable cement retaining packer or plug approved by
the Engineer, shall be provided at the bottom of the inner casing so that
grout shall not leak through into the bottom of the well. The grouting shall be
done continuously and in a manner to ensure the complete filling of annular
space in one operation. No drilling operations or other work in the well shall
be permitted within 72 hours after the grouting of casings. If quick-setting
cement is used, this period may be reduced to 24 hours or as recommended
by the cement admixture manufacturer.

D. Grouting Liners: Where required, exterior liners for grouting shall be used.
Submit detailed drawings showing details of the methods to be used and
extent of lining for the Engineer's review and approval prior to field


A. Time of Tests:

1. If requested by Engineer, perform preliminary tests before and/or

while the well is drilled to the final depth in order to ascertain the
yield and drawdown of well.

2. After the well has been completely constructed and cleaned out and
the depth of the well accurately measured, immediately notify the
Engineer to that effect and prepare the necessary arrangements for
conducting pumping tests in order to ascertain the yield and the
drawdown of the completed well.

3. Where found necessary, Engineer may order the for additional

pumping or bailer tests during and after construction at no extra cost
to owner.

4. Equipment for testing shall be approved by Engineer.

B. Test Pump:

1. Capacity of pump shall be adequate for pumping with the required

discharge being a maximum 150 percent of the expected average or
as otherwise approved by the Engineer.

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2. Test pump and prime mover assembly shall be equipped with
satisfactory throttling device, so that the test discharge may be
reduced to the quantity define by the Engineer. Pumping unit shall
be completed with either a gas or diesel engine prime mover of
continuous stable power, controls and appurtenances, and shall be
capable of being operated without interruption for a period of
approximately 7 days with all fuel on site prior to starting.

3. Discharging Measurements: Discharges up to 20 l/s may be

measured by drum filling. Discharges in excess of 20 l/sec should be
recorded by means of a circular orifice weir or v-notch weir box.

C. Auxiliary Equipment: Provide, install and maintain equipment of size and

type as required and approved by Engineer. To measure depth of water
level in well, there must be left space between riser pipe and the casing so
that a 1-1/2" water level sounding pipe can be installed.

1. If required by Engineer, install this pipe to the depth of lowest

expected pumping water level and ensure that the electrical probe of
20 mm diameter glides inside the pipe to the water level without

D. Duration of the Tests:

1. If not otherwise specified by the Engineer, the preliminary test for

yield and drawdown should be performed for a minimum of 96
hours. A step-draw down pumping test with at least 4 steps each
with duration of one hour shall be performed.

2. Provide labor, pump, motive power, lubricating oil and other

necessary material, equipment, labor and supplies as required by
the Engineer. During pumping test operate the pumping unit in a
manner that the discharges required by Engineer are achieved. After
pumping tests are completed, the recovery of water level shall be
measured for such periods of time and with such a frequency as
directed by the Engineer.

3. Accidental interruptions during the pumping test shall render the

pumping test obsolete and a new pumping test must be performed
lasting for the required period of time at no extra cost to Owner. New
test must not be initiated prior to proper recovery of the water level.

4. After the completion of the final test, remove by bailing, sand

pumping, or other method any sand, stones or other foreign material
that may have been deposited in the well.

5. Engineer reserves the right to request the extension of the duration

of tests, or to make additional tests to obtain the rates specified

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A. Time of Disinfection: After well has been completely constructed and pump
tested, it shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign substances, including tools,
timbers, rope, debris of any kind, cement, oil, grease, and scum. Casing
pipe shall be thoroughly swabbed, using alkalis if necessary, to remove oil,
grease of joint dope. The well shall then be disinfected with a chlorine

B. Chlorine Solution for Disinfection: Solution shall have an amount of chlorine

that shall yield a minimum concentration of at least 50 mg/l of chlorine in all
parts of the well. Chlorine solution shall be applied and shall remain in the
well for a period of at least 2 hours.

C. Disinfection of the Test Pump: In the event that the test pump is to be
installed after the well has been disinfected, exterior parts of the test pump
coming in contact with the water shall be dubbed with a chlorine solution.

D. Disinfection of Non-Flowing Wells:

1. METHOD A: Where practical, the chlorine solution of standard

concentration used to disinfect the well should be prepared on the
surface in containers having a volume equal to at least twice the
volume of water contained in the well. This prepared solution should
then be rapidly discharged into the well, care being taken to flush the
walls of the well above the water level.

2. METHOD B: In lieu of using liquid chlorine solutions, a perforated

pipe container capped at both ends, containing a granular chlorine
compound, HTH or Perchloron, may be moved up and down in the
well by means of a weighted cable. The amount of compound
applied should be such as to provide the standard concentration.

E. Disinfection of Free Flowing Wells:

1. For a flowing well discharging at the surface, it is probable that no

disinfection shall be required. This should be checked by
bacteriological analysis as soon as possible but preferably not until
24 hours after completion of construction. Should the well prove
unsafe, a stock chlorine solution should be applied for a period of 1
hour so as to provide the standard concentration in the flowing
water, the point of application to be at or below the horizon
producing the free-flowing condition.

2. Application of the chlorine by means of solution from a pipe

container as described for non-flowing may also be used, for
disinfecting free-flowing wells.


A. At least one physical and chemical test, and one bacteriological test in a
laboratory acceptable to Engineer shall be performed on a sample of water

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MODA, J13-03500 Deep Well Pump
to be taken a few minutes after starting of, and also during well development
stage of construction, and finally on a water sample to be taken towards the
end of the Pumping Test for yield and drawdown. Results of tests shall be
submitted to Engineer.

B. Quality of well water shall at least comply with the minimum requirements as
specified for treated sewage effluent.


A. Well Cleaning: At the termination of well testing the test pump shall be
removed from well. Well shall be bailed clean to the total depth.

B. Pedestal: A permanent well cap shall be provided for each well after
completion of testing. The well must be provided with a capped 1-1/2” hole
on top for water level measurements.

C. Well Cap: Provide a permanent well cap for each well after the completion of
testing. Each cap shall have a capped hole, 1-1/2" diameter for water level

D. Site Clean Up: After completion of all construction and testing activities at
the well site, all equipment and residual materials shall be removed from
each site. Each site shall then as directed and to the satisfaction of the
Engineer be restored to a condition as nearly as possible to that which
existed before well drilling and testing activities commenced. This work shall
include, but not be limited to, restoration of fences and structures, removal of
drill cuttings, leveling of the disturbed ground surfaces, and replacement or
compensation for destroyed plants and landscaping.

E. Abandonment of the Well Caused by Fault of the Contractor: In case of

failure to sink the well to the depth specified or to such lesser depth as
ordered by the Engineer, or well to be abandoned because of loss of tools,
failure to withdraw temporary casing or for any other cause due to
Contractor's fault, Contractor shall remove the screen and casing and fill the
abandoned hole with clay or clay and concrete. The salvaged material
furnished by the Contractor shall remain his property. Payments shall then
be based on the accepted well only.


A. Scope of work shall include the following additional requirements:

1. O & M Manuals.

2. Spare parts for 1 year starting completion of maintenance period as

recommended be equipment manufacturer and approved by the

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A. Test Reports and Borehole Data: After completing the well construction and
the required tests, and before final payment is made, submit to the Engineer
borehole materials and at least 3 certified copies of the following reports:

1. Graphical Logs of Well:

- Total depth of the well

- Description of the strata encountered
- Water levels as encountered during drilling
- Sizes and lengths/specifications of casings installed
- Dates of start and completion of construction of well
- Locations and description of casing perforation and well
screen placement and the recommended setting of pump
- Locations of gravel, size of gravel and grout installed

2. Records of Development and Tests for Yield and Drawdown:

- Records such as discharge and drawdown during the

development together with the description of the methods of
- Well yield expressed as discharge and drawdown, dates and
duration of test(s)
- Step drawdown pumping test data
- Drawdown and recovery pumping test data
- Methods of measuring discharge and drawdown
- Specifications of test pump

3. Borehole Material: Provide actual samples of penetrated strata/rocks

properly packed and labeled in the approved type sample boxes
which are also properly labeled.

4. Shop Drawings and Time Flow: Chart: Produce detailed shop

drawings showing technical operations as test of plumbness and
alignment, method of screen production if required, and installation
of screens, method of gravel packing and grouting, arrangement for
well testing, measurements of water level and discharge as well as
drawings pertinent to well drilling and well construction operations.


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A. Storm water drainage system as shown on drawings and specified herein.


The publication listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced.
The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only.

A. SASO – Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO 1395 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes for

buried/drains and sewers

SASO 1396 Methods of testing unplasticized polyvinyl chloride

(uPVC) pipes for buried/drains and sewers

SASO 1397 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipe fittings

for buried/drains and sewers

SASO 1398 Methods of test for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride

(uPVC) pipe fittings for buried/drains and sewers

B. ASTM – American Society for Testing and Material

ASTM C 76M Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete

Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe

ASTM C 443 Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe

and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets

ASTM D 1557 Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using

Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/cu.ft. (2,700 kN-m/cu.m.)

ASTM D 2167 Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the

Rubber Balloon Method

ASTM D 2321 Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for

Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications

ASTM D 2466 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings,

Schedule 40

ASTM D 2564 Solvents Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)

Plastic Pipe and Fittings

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ASTM D 2855 Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Pipes and Fittings

ASTM D 3139 Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible

Elastomeric Seals

ASTM D 2922 Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by

Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)

ASTM D 3017 Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear

Methods (Shallow Depth)

ASTM D 3034 Type PSM Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe
and Fittings

ASTM D 3139 Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible

Elastomeric Seals

ASTM D 3212 Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using
Flexible Elastomeric Seals

ASTM F 477 Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe

ASTM F 679 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large-Diameter Plastic

Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings

ASTM F 794 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Profile Gravity Sewer

Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside


The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01300 – SUBMITTALS:

A. Shop-drawings and Printed copies of the manufacturer’s recommendations

for installation procedures of the material being placed, prior to installation.

B. Determination of Density: Certified copies of test reports demonstrating

conformance to applicable pipe specifications, before pipe is installed.


A. Delivery and Storage

1. Materials delivered to site shall be inspected for damage, unloaded,

and stored with a minimum of handling. Materials shall not be stored
directly on the ground. The inside of pipes and fittings shall be kept
free of dirt and debris. Gasket materials and plastic materials shall
be protected from exposure to the direct sunlight over extended

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B. Handling

1. Materials shall be handled in such a manner as to insure delivery to

the trench in sound, undamaged condition. Pipe shall be carried to
the trench, not dragged.



A. Pipe for culverts and storm drains shall be of the sizes indicated and shall
conform to the requirements specified.

B. PVC Pipe (up to 300 mm dia.): The pipe manufacturer’s resin certification
indicating the cell classification of PVC used to manufacture the pipe shall
be submitted prior to installation of the pipe
1. ASTM D 3034, Type PSM, maximum SDR 35, produced from PVC
certified by the compounder as meeting the requirements of ASTM
D 1784, minimum cell class 12454-B, SASO 1395 or 1397 Class 5.
2. Pipe Fittings: Socket-type and bell and spigot type unplasticized
polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) plastic fittings conforming to ASTM D 3034
or ASTM D 2466 or ASTM D 2467, or SASO standards, Class 5.

3. Jointing System:
a. Welded joints using solvent cement conforming to ASTM D
2564, for pipes less than 100 mm diameter.
b. Gasketed joints using elastomeric seals conforming to ASTM
F 477, for pipes of 100 mm and larger diameter.
C. All uPVC pipes exposed to sunlight shall be painted with water based latex
paint formulated for external or outdoor use.

D. Concrete Pipe And Fittings (above 300 mm dia.,)

1. Reinforced-Concrete Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM C 76M.

a. Bell-and-spigot ends and gasketed joints with

ASTM C 443M, rubber gaskets.
b. Class V, Wall A.


A. Concrete

1. Unless otherwise specified, concrete and reinforced concrete shall

conform to the requirements for 30 MPa concrete under Section
03300 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE. Expansion-joint filler
material shall conform to ASTM D 1751, or ASTM D 1752, or shall

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be resin-impregnated fiberboard conforming to the physical
requirements of ASTM D 1752.

B. Mortar

1. Mortar for connections to other drainage structures shall conform to

ASTM C 270, Type M. The quantity of water in the mixture shall be
sufficient to produce a stiff workable mortar but in no case shall
exceed 22.7 liters of water per sack of cement. Water shall be clean
and free of harmful acids, alkalis, and organic impurities. The mortar
shall be used within 30 minutes after the ingredients are mixed with
water. The joint shall be wiped clean and finished smooth. The
mortar head on the outside shall be protected from air and sun with
a proper covering until satisfactorily cured.

C. Precast Reinforced Concrete Manholes

1. Precast reinforced concrete manholes shall conform to ASTM C 478.

Joints between precast concrete risers and tops shall be full-bedded
in cement mortar and shall be smoothed to a uniform surface on
both interior and exterior of the structure shall be made with flexible
watertight, rubber-type gaskets meeting the requirements of
paragraph JOINTS.

D. Frame and Cover for Gratings

1. Frame and cover for gratings shall be cast gray iron, ASTM A 48,
Class 35B; cast ductile iron, ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Weight,
shape, size, and waterway openings for grates and curb inlets shall
be as indicated on plans

E. Joints

1. PVC Plastic Pipes

Joints shall be solvent cement or elastomeric gasket type in

accordance with the specification for the pipe and as recommended
by the pipe manufacturer.


A. Steel ladder shall be provided where the depth of the manhole exceeds 3.66
m. These ladders will be not less than 406 mm. in width, with 19 mm
diameter rungs spaced 305 mm apart. The two stringers shall be a
minimum 9.0 mm thick and 50.0 mm wide. Ladders and inserts shall be
galvanized after fabrication in conformance with ASTM A 123.


A. Concrete splash blocks used to connect exterior downspouts to the storm-

drainage system shall be of precast concrete conforming to Division 3 -

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CONCRETE using Type I Portland Cement with microsilica. Shape and
size shall be as recommended by precast manufacturer and as approved by




A. Excavation of trenches and for appurtenances and backfilling for culverts

and storm drains shall be in accordance with the applicable portions of
Section 02225 – TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING and Section 02200 –
EARTHWORK and the requirements specified below.

1. Trenching

The width of trenches at any point below the top of the pipe shall not
be greater than the outside diameter of the pipe plus 600 mm to
permit satisfactory jointing and thorough tamping of the bedding
material under and around the pipe. Sheeting and bracing where
required should be placed within the trench width as specified. Care
shall be taken not to over-excavate. Where trench widths are
exceeded, redesign with a resultant increase in cost of stronger pipe
or special installation procedures shall be necessary. Cost of this
redesign and increased cost of pipe or installation shall be borne by
the Contractor without additional cost to the User.

2. Removal of Rock

Rock in either ledge or boulder formation shall be replaced with

suitable materials to provide a compacted earth cushion having a
thickness between unremoved rock and the pipe of at least 200 mm
or 85 mm for each meter of fill over the tope of the pipe, whichever is
greater, but not more than three-fourths the nominal diameter of the
pipe. Where bell-and-spigot pipe is used, the cushion shall be
maintained under the bell as well as under the straight portion of the
pipe. Rock excavation shall be as specified and defined in Section

3. Removal of Unstable Material

Where wet or otherwise unstable soil incapable of properly

supporting the pipe, as determined by the Contracting Officer, is
unexpectedly encountered in the bottom of a trench, such material
shall be removed to the depth required and replaced to the proper
grade with select granular material, compacted as provided in
paragraph BACKFILLING. When removal of unstable material is
due to the fault or neglect of the Contractor in his performance of
shoring and sheeting, water removal, or other specified
requirements, such removal and replacement shall be performed at

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no additional cost to the government.


A. The bedding surface for the pipe shall provide a firm foundation of uniform
density throughout the entire length of the pipe.

1. Plastic Pipe

a. Bedding for PVC and PE pipe shall meet the requirements

of ASTM D 2321. Bedding, haunching, and initial backfill
shall be as per ASTM or USC standards.


A. Each pipe shall be carefully examined before being laid, and defective or
damaged pipe shall not be used. Plastic pipe shall be protected from
exposure to the direct sunlight prior to laying as needed to maintain
adequate pipe stiffness and meet installation deflection requirements.
Pipelines shall be laid to the grades and alignment indicated. Proper
facilities shall be provided for lowering sections of pipe into trenches. Lifting
lugs in vertically elongated metal pipe shall be placed in the same vertical
plan as the major axis of the pipe. Under no circumstances shall pipe be
laid in water, and no pipe shall be laid when trench conditions or weather
are unsuitable for such work. Diversion of drainage or dewatering of
trenches during construction shall be provided as necessary. Deflection of
installed plastic pipe shall not exceed 4.5 percent of the nominal inside
diameter. After backfilling has been completed, the Contractor shall perform
a deflection test on the entire length of installed plastic pipeline using a
mandrel or other suitable device. Any plastic pipe showing deflections in
excess of 4.5 percent shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s
expense. All pipe in place shall be inspected before backfilling, and those
pipes damaged during placement shall be removed and replaced.

1. PVC Pipe
Laying shall proceed upgrade with spigot ends of bell-and-spigot
pipe and tongue ends of tongue-and-groove pipe pointing in the
direction of the flow.

2. Jacking Pipe Through Fills

Methods of operation and installation for jacking pipe through fills
shall conform to requirements specified in Vol. I, Chapter 8 or AREA-


A. Manholes and Inlets

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1. Construction shall be of reinforced concrete, plain concrete, brick,
precast reinforced concrete, precast concrete segmental blocks,
prefabricated corrugated metal, or bituminous coated corrugated
metal, complete with frames and covers or gratings and with fixed
galvanized steel ladders where indicated.

B. Walls and Headwalls

1. Construction shall be as indicated.


A. Ladder shall be adequately anchored to the wall by means of steel inserts

spaced not more than 1850 mm vertically, and shall be so installed as to
provide at least 150 mm of space between the wall and the rungs. The wall
along the line of the ladder shall be vertical for its entire length.


A. Backfilling Pipe in Trenches

After the pipe has been properly bedded, selected material from
excavation or borrow, at a moisture content that will facilitate compaction,
shall be placed along both sides of pipe in layers not exceeding 150 mm
in compacted depth. The backfill shall be brought up evenly on both sides
of pipe for the full length of pipe. Care shall be taken to ensure thorough
compaction of the fill under the haunches of the pipe. Each layer shall
be thoroughly compacted with mechanical tampers or rammers. This
method of filling and compacting shall continue until the fill has reached
an elevation of at least 300 mm above the top of the pipe. The remainder
of the trench shall be backfilled and compacted by spreading and rolling
or compacted by mechanical rammers or tampers in layers not exceeding
200 millimeters. Tests for density will be made as necessary to insure
conformance to the compaction requirements specified elsewhere in this
paragraph. Where it is necessary in the opinion of the Contracting
Officer, any sheeting or portions of bracing used shall be left in place and
the contract will be adjusted accordingly. Untreated sheeting shall not be
left in place beneath structures or pavements.

B. Backfilling Pipe in Fill Sections

For pipe placed in fill sections, backfill material and the placement and
compaction procedures shall be as specified elsewhere in this paragraph.
The fill material shall be uniformly spread in layers longitudinally on both
sides of the pipe, not exceeding 150 mm in compacted depth, and shall
be compacted by rolling parallel with pipe or by mechanical tamping or
ramming. Prior to commencing normal filling operations, the crown width
of the fill at a height of 300 mm above the top of the pipe shall extend a
distance of not less than twice the outside pipe diameter on each side of
the pipe or 4 m, whichever is less. After the backfill has reached at least

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300 mm above the top of the pipe, the remainder of the fill shall be
placed and thoroughly compacted in layers not exceeding 200 mm.

C. Movement of Construction Machinery

In compacting by rolling or operating heavy equipment parallel with the

pipe, displacement of or injury to the pipe shall be avoided. Movement of
construction machinery over a culvert or storm drain at any stage of
construction shall be at the Contractor's risk. Any damaged pipe shall be
repaired or replaced.

D. Compaction

1. General

Cohesionless materials include gravels, gravel-sand mixtures,

sands, and gravelly sands. Cohesive materials include clayey and
silty gravels, gravel-silt mixtures, clayey and silty sands, sand-clay
mixtures, clays, silts, and very fine sands. When results of
compaction tests for moisture-density relations are recorded on
graphs, cohesionless soils will show straight lines or
reverse-shaped moisture-density curves, and cohesive soils will
show normal moisture-density curves.

2. Minimum Density

Backfill over and around the pipe and backfill around and adjacent
to drainage structures shall be compacted at the approved
moisture content to the following applicable minimum density
(densities) which will be determined as specified in this paragraph.

a. Under paved roads, streets, parking areas, and similar-use

pavements including adjacent shoulder areas, the density
shall be not less than 90 percent of maximum density for
cohesive material and 95 percent of maximum density for
cohesionless material, up to the elevation where
requirements for pavement subgrade materials and
compaction shall control.
b. Under unpaved or turfed traffic areas, density shall not be
less than 90 percent of maximum density for cohesive
material and 95 percent of maximum density for
cohesionless material.

c. Under nontraffic areas, density shall be not less than that

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of the surrounding material.

E. Determination of Density

1. Testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and performed

at no additional cost to the User. Testing shall be performed by an
approved commercial testing laboratory or by the Contractor
subject to approval. Tests shall be performed in sufficient number
to insure that specified density is being obtained. Laboratory tests
for moisture-density relations shall be made in accordance with
ASTM D 1557 except that mechanical tampers may be used
provided the results are correlated with those obtained with the
specified hand tamper. Field density tests shall be determined in
accordance with ASTM D 2167 or ASTM D 2922. When ASTM D
2922 is used, the calibration curves shall be checked and
adjusted, if necessary, using the sand cone method as described
in paragraph Calibration of the referenced publications. ASTM D
2922 results in a wet unit weight of soil and when using this
method ASTM D 3017 shall be used to determine the moisture
content of the soil. The calibration curves furnished with the
moisture gauges shall be checked along with density calibration
checks as described in ASTM D 3017 or ASTM D 2922. Test
results shall be furnished the Contracting Officer. The calibration
checks of both the density and moisture gauges shall be made at
the beginning of a job on each different type of material
encountered and at intervals as directed.


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A. Sewerage system outside buildings and up to interface points as shown on


B. Sewerage system shall include the following:

1. Pipes and pipe fittings.

2. Sewer manholes.

3. Lift Station as well as the related components including pumps and


4. Miscellaneous materials related to the sewerage system.


A. SASO – Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO-14 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) Pipes for Potable


SASO-15 Method of Testing of Pipes for Potable Water of

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC).

SASO 412 Method of Testing for Cast Iron Manhole Covers

SASO 413 Cast Iron Manhole Covers.

SASO 1395 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes for

buried/drains and sewers.

SASO 1396 Methods of testing unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC)

pipes for buried/drains and sewers.

SASO 1397 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipe fittings for

buried/drains and sewers.

SASO 1398 Methods of test for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC)

pipe fittings for buried/drains and sewers.

SASO 1014 Socket and spigot ductile cast iron pipes for pressure

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MODA, J13-03500
B. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:

ASTM A 193/A Alloy-Steel and stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-
Temperature Service

ASTM A 194/A Carbon and Alloy-Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-pressure
and High- Temperature Service

ASTM D 1784 Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and

Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot- and
Cold-Water Compounds.

ASTM D 1785 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80,
and 120

ASTM D 2466 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule


ASTM D 2467 Socket-Type (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipes Fittings,

Schedule 80

ASTM D 2564 Solvents Cements for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic

Pipe and Fittings

ASTM D 2855 Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl

Chloride) (PVC) Pipes and Fittings

ASTM D 3034 Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and

ASTM D 3139 Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric

ASTM F 436 Hardened Steel washers

ASTM F 477 Elastomeric Seals (Gasket) for Jointing Plastic Pipes

ASTM F 656 Primers for Use in Solvent-Cement Joints of Poly (Vinyl

Chloride) (PVC) Pipes and Fittings

C. ANSI - American National Standard Institute

ANSI B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

D. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers:

ASME A40.8 National Plumbing Code.

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A. Product and Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer's product and maintenance

data for piping materials, precast elements lift station and fiberglass manholes as
well as the related items.

B. Coordination Drawings: Prepare and submit coordination drawings for sanitary

sewerage piping including details for installation of manholes, lift station and other
items related to the sewerage system.


A. Provide a written Guarantee covering the satisfactory operation of plumbing

installations for a period of one year from the date of acceptance. During this
period, repair providing new materials to replace defective work at no extra cost to
the Owner.


A. Conform to manufacturer's recommendations for the handling, transportation and

storage of fiberglass manholes and precast elements as well as nesting,
denesting and stacking of pipes.


A. Comply with the applicable requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC),
International Plumbing Code, local utility authority requirements as well as the
Codes and Standards referred to in this Section.

B. Single Source Manufacturer: Provide pipes, fittings and piping specialties for a
particular installation from a single source to avoid incompatibility due to
intermixing of products.

C. Installer's Qualifications: Installer shall be subject to the Engineer's approval.



A. General:

1. Materials used for pipes and pipe fittings shall conform to Standards referred
to herein.

2. Provide pipes and pipe fittings for a particular installation from a single
source to avoid incompatibility due to inter-mixing of products.

3. For Gravity Sewers Underground: Provide uPVC pipes and pipe fittings,
Class - 5 and as indicated on Drawings.

4. For Force Mains:

a. Lift Station: Provide uPVC pipes and pipe fittings, Class - 5 and as

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indicated on Drawings.

B. uPVC Pipes and Pipe Fittings:

1. Pipes: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) plastic pipes conforming to

SASO 14 and 15 standards, Class as mentioned above.

2. Pipe Fittings: Socket-type and bell and spigot type unplasticized polyvinyl
chloride (uPVC) plastic fittings conforming to SASO standards, Class to
match that of pipe.

3. Jointing System:

a. Welded joints using solvent cement conforming to ASTM D 2564, for

pipes less than 100 mm diameter.

b. Gasketed joints using elastomeric seals conforming to ASTM F 477,

for pipes of 100 mm and larger diameter.

1). Washers: Conform to ASTM F 436.


A. Shall be precast concrete, designed according to ASTM C 890 for A-16

(ASSHTO HS20-44), heavy-traffic, structural loading; of depth, shape, and
dimensions indicated, with provision for sealant joints with bitumen.

1. Exterior Surfaces: Exterior surfaces shall be coated at factory with a 100%

solids coal-tar epoxy.

2. Interior Surfaces: Lining complying with 07100 - WATERPROOFING.

3. Manhole Cover and Frame: Conform to the requirements of SASO 412,

SASO 413, Gray cast iron casting, heavy duty, complying with ASTM A 48
and BS 497; Appendix A. Size shall be as shown on Drawings.


A. Underground lift station shall be constructed of reinforced concrete with waterproof

lining on all inside areas and double layer full tanking on outside walls and
foundation using waterproofing membrane complying with the requirements of
Section 07100 - WATERPROOFING. Waterproofing on exterior walls shall be
protected against soil with protection board. Reinforced concrete shall comply with
the requirements of Division 3 - CONCRETE. Concrete shall be of minimum 30
MPa compressive strength at 28 days. Size of lift station shall be as shown on
drawings. Lift station shall be provided with submersible sewage pumps with lifting
chains, access cover and ladder rungs.

B. Cover and Frame: Covers and frames shall be of gray cast iron casting, heavy
duty, all complying with ASTM A48 or BS 497, Appendix A. Type and size shall be
as shown on the drawings or selected by the Engineer. The words "SEWER" in
Arabic and English shall be cast in covers. Covers and frames shall be coated with
coal tar epoxy coating.

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MODA, J13-03500

A. General: Provide a for each lift station, factory-fabricated and tested automatic
sewage pumping system consisting of submersible sewage pumps with flush
valve, power and control panel as well as the required instrumentation to make
system operational.

B. Pumps shall be in accordance with the following requirements:

1. Provide submersible centrifugal sewage pumps; type, capacity and number

as indicated on Drawings.

2. Construction: Cast iron body and parts conforming to BS 1452 grade 14 or

equivalent standards, with aluminum lower bearing housing and stainless
steel 316 shaft, studs, nuts, screws and washers. Parts shall be rubber O-
rings, graphite/carbide upper mechanical shaft seal, as well as a
carbide/carbide lower mechanical shaft seal. Outer casing shall be primed
with PVC epoxy and then painted with black chloric rubber paint.

3. Cooling System: Built-in cooling system utilizing the pumped fluid to cool the
pump motor.

4. Junction Box: Fully sealed type, from the outside and from the motor, and
shall be suitable for sewage service.

5. Motor: Manufacturer's standard squirrel-cage type electric motor, designed

for driving centrifugal pumps. Motor shall be TEFC type with Class F
insulation with maximum operating temperature of not less than 55 degree
C. Power rating for motor shall be as indicated on Drawings.

6. Shaft and Shaft Seals: Stainless steel shaft with double shaft seals,
operating independently in an oil bath.

7. Impeller: Stainless steel 316, self-balancing, single vane type, clog free

C. Pump Controls

1. Control Principle: As indicated on Drawings and in accordance with the


a. Lead pump shall operate when the level of sewage reaches - PUMP
No.1 ON - level.

b. Lag pump shall operate when the level of sewage exceeds the
capacity of the lead pump, and reaches - PUMP No.2 ON - level.

c. Lead and lag pumps shall continue to operate. When the demand
decreases, below - PUMP No.2 ON - level the lag pump shall stop.
When the level reaches below - PUMP No.1 & 2 OFF - level, the lead
pump shall stop.

d. When level of sewage reach ALARM level, it shall initiate an alarm

bell in the control panel.

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MODA, J13-03500
2. Level Control System: Pump manufacturer's standard, bulb type level
regulator, having a shock-proof mercury switch inside that operates when
the regulator tilts and stops when the regulator straightens. Regulator shall
have a polypropylene casing with cables running to the control panel
sheathed with PVC compound.

3. Start Method: Pumps shall be designed to start by reduced voltage type


4. Control panel:

a. Construction: Enclosure shall be constructed of powder-enameled

steel sheets, 2 mm for the door and 1.75 for the housing. Panel shall
be suitable for outdoor installation in accordance with the
requirements of IEC IP-55. Panel shall have an outer security door
lockable with a separate key covering all control devices.

b. Panel shall be supplied with the following controls for each pump:

1). Stop/Start Push button: Non-illuminated type, NEMA type 4 or

equivalent complete with legend plate.

2). Selector Switch: 3-position selector with Hand-Off-Auto, non-

illuminated with swing handle, NEMA type 4 or equivalent,
complete with legend plate.

3). Indicating Light: NEMA type 4 or equivalent, and in Red and

Green colors.

4). High water alarm indicators.

5). Alarm bell and warning light located at the top of panel.


A. Mercury tilt float level switch shall be suitable for level control and alarm
applications for lift stations. Float level switch shall be complete with oil-resistant
cable of required length soldered to a stainless steel mercury capsule housed in
a polypropylene shell. Contacts shall be SPST, Normally Open or Normal
Closed. Power rating shall be as required. Float level switch shall be installed
as per manufacturer’s written instructions.


A. Marker Tape: Detectable polyethylene plastic tape with metallic core, color-coded,
150 mm wide, 100 microns thick, and labeled in Arabic and English alternately for
the appropriate service.

B. Anchor and Thrust Blocks:

1. Construction: Anchors and thrust blocks shall be of 20 MPa compressive

strength conforming to Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE,
using Type 1 cement modified with silica fume.

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MODA, J13-03500
2. Location and Bearing Areas of Thrust Block: Conform to the International
Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Standard IS-8-81
as required by the Uniform Plumbing Code, including tees, bends and valves
unless otherwise indicated on Drawings.

3. Trench Drain Grating: Medium duty cast iron with steel frame. Provide
manufacturer's standard corrosion protection coating for grating.



A. Products shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions

and recommendations.

B. Excavation for Sewer Manholes: Conform to the requirements of Section 02200 -


C. Dewatering: Dewatering shall conform to the requirements of Section 02200 -



A. Inspect products for damage immediately before installation. Damaged products

or products found to be not in accordance with the Specifications shall be rejected
and removed from site and replaced with the appropriate products. Repairs shall
not be undertaken without the Engineer review of the proposed action.


A. Trenching and bedding for underground piping shall conform to Section 02225 -

B. Pipelines Crossings under Roads: Conform to the requirements of Section 02225 -


C. Dewatering: Dewatering, where required, shall conform to the requirements of

Section 02200 - EARTHWORK.


A. Install piping at low point of system, true to grades and alignment indicated with
unbroken continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. Install
joints in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and
recommendations. Maintain swab or drag in line and pull past each joint as it is

B. Pipe Joints:

1. uPVC Pipes: Install joints in accordance with ASTM D 3212, ASTM D 2321
and manufacturer's written instructions.

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MODA, J13-03500
C. Plug open ends of pipe at the end of work in each area and at the end of each

D. Provide the required connections with extreme care to prevent debris from
entering sewer. Check the invert elevations to which connections are to be made.

E. Record of grade letters, survey invert elevations and manhole stations as well as
sewer locations shall be accurately maintained as construction proceeds.

F. Outside lines shall be built to grades and elevations shown. Stakes, grade boards,
cleats, nails, instruments, etc. shall be provided. Each pipeline shall be located
and staked in its entire length.


A. Excavation for lift stations shall conform to the requirements of Section 02200 -
EARTHWORK as well as the recommendations of manufacturer of precast units.

B. Dewatering: Dewatering, where required, shall conform to the requirements of

Section 02200 - EARTHWORK.

C. Pour concrete foundation in accordance with the requirements of Section 03300 -


D. Installation of Lift Stations: Install precast base units, risers and top in strict
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

E. Pumps: Examine area and conditions under which pumps are to be installed. Do
not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have corrected in a
manner acceptable to the Engineer. Installation shall be done in accordance with
applicable standards as well as the manufacturer's written instructions.

F. Wiring: Cables and wiring for power and control shall be in accordance with

G. Install frames and covers leveled with the finished grade level of the surrounding.


A. Testing of Gravity Sewers: Testing shall be carried out from manhole to manhole.
Branch sewers less than 10 m long connected to main sewer between manholes
shall be tested separately. Pipes and joints shall be watertight.

B. Testing of Sewer Piping:

1. Pipelines shall be tested hydraulically in sections during the course of

construction. Testing shall be applied to prove the structural soundness of
the various units in the line, including pipes, valves and various units in the
line, including pipes, valves and anchorages, and to prove water-tightness of
the line. Tests shall be applied to sections of pipeline not exceeding 1000 m
in length, or such lesser length may be required, and pipe joints shall be left
uncovered. Provide pumps, jacks, gauges, struts and apparatus necessary
for carrying out the tests. Provide certificates for all gauges issued for

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MODA, J13-03500
2. Before testing, anchoring of bends shall be complete and branch outlets
taking end thrust shall be properly stayed.

3. Test pressure shall be 30 kPa.

4. When testing, the pipeline shall be charged with water and all air released.
Care shall be taken during charging of mains to provide free outlets for air
and to prevent water hammer.

5. Pipeline shall then be kept under a nominal pressure for a period of 24 hours
to allow for absorption. Thereafter, for a period of two hours the amount of
water pumped during the period of test shall be measured and shall not
exceed a rate of 0.1 liter per millimeter nominal diameter of the sewer per
kilometer length of main per 30 kPa head for each 24 hours.

6. If the amount of make-up water in the 2-hour test exceeds the specified
quantity, the leaks shall be located and repaired and the test repeated.

7. Test on each section shall be repeated until the specified degree of water-
tightness has been obtained. Any additional tests required by the Engineer
shall be carried out by Contractor without any extra costs to Owner.

8. In addition to the tests in separate sections, on completion, the main shall be

tested in whole or in parts to the same pressure and by the same procedure
as that outlined for individual sections.

9. No erosion or silting shall be allowed to occur in water courses from the

discharge of test water.

C. Testing and commissioning of pump set motors and associated fittings shall be
carried out by the manufacturer's or supplier's field commissioning and testing


A. Trench backfilling shall conform to the requirements of Section 02225 -


B. Marker Tape: Install continuous, marker tape during backfilling of trench for
underground services. Locate tape 300 mm below finished grade.


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MODA, J13-03500




A. Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning sewage treatment

plant as shown on drawings and specified herein, complete with tanks,
equipment, pipework, controls, instrumentation, wiring and other related civil,
mechanical. electrical and instrumentation works.


A. Sewage treatment plant shall be supplied and installed by a specialized

Contractor approved by the Engineer.

B. Sewage treatment plant Contractor shall be fully responsible for design,

supply, installation, and testing and commissioning of complete sewage
treatment works from sewage lift station to treated effluent tanks (irrigation)
and irrigation pumps (both inclusive), and the equipment shelter as required.
The Contractor shall be responsible for civil, mechanical and electrical
(power, lighting, panel boards and controls) works for the proposed sewage
treatment facility. Contractor's design for all sewage treatment works
including equipment, lift station, tanks and equipment shelter shall be
subject to approval of the Engineer. Contractor shall follow the
recommendations of Soil Investigation Report (available with the Owner) for
the design of foundations for tanks, lift station and pump house or
equipment shelter. Capacity of sewage treatment plant shall be as shown on

C. Sewage treatment plant Contractor shall coordinate closely with other

Contractors for works and requirements affecting sewage treatment system.


A. MOWE - Ministry of Water and Electricity

Design Guidelines of Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Plants in the


B. SASO – Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO 1011 Black and hot-dipped galvanized steel pipes suitable for
SASO 1395 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes for
buried/drains and sewers.
SASO 1396 Methods of testing unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (u PVC)
pipes for buried/drains and sewers.

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MODA, J13-03500
SASO 1397 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (u PVC) pipe fittings for
buried/drains and sewers.
SASO 1398 Methods of test for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (u PVC)
pipe fittings for buried/drains and sewers.
SASO 412 Method of Testing for Cast Iron Manhole Covers

SASO 413 Cast Iron Manhole Covers.

C. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A 105/A Forgings, Carbon Steel, for Piping Components

ASTM A 106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature


ASTM A 193/A Alloy-Steel and stainless Steel Bolting Materials for

High- Temperature Service

ASTM A 194/A Carbon and Alloy-Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-
pressure and High- Temperature Service

ASTM A 570 Steel Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled, Structural


ASTM D 1785 Specifications for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic

Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120

ASTM D 2564 Specifications for Solvents Cements for Poly(Vinyl

Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings

D. ANSI - American National Standard Institute

ANSI B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings


A. Provision of sewage treatment plant shall include design, construction,

testing, commissioning, training of personnel by Contractor for all works as
mentioned in scope of work within the area, including the necessary
interface of services required for proper operation of the sewage treatment

B. Calculations and drawings for the proposed plant and associated

construction work shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and
approval. Manufacturing shall not start until the design has been approved
by the Engineer and proposed alterations have been agreed.

C. Design of sewage treatment plant shall be in accordance with the following:

1. Water Pollution Control Federation Manual of Practice No. 8

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MODA, J13-03500
2. ASCE Manual of Engineering Practice No.36

3. Or equivalent Codes and Standard approved by the Engineer.

4. Contractor shall make allowance for climatic and environmental

conditions of location with regard to treatment plant performance and
impact on surrounding areas.


A. The contractor shall prepare and submit the following for approval by the

1. All calculations used to design the system and size the equipment.
2. Submit/obtain statutory approval for Chlorine storage and handling
system if required.
3. Manufacturer’s standard drawings or catalog cuts for all necessary
pipe, valves, fittings, pumps and other equipments used for the
4. Electrical wiring diagrams and junction box details, detailing wiring
for power, signal, and control systems differentiating between
manufacturer installed wiring and field installed wiring.

B. Obtain documentation of the Saudi government requirements for effluent

discharge and irrigation water quality standards and documentation to
meet Ministry of Water and Electricity (MOWE) requirements.

C. Product and Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer’s product and

maintenance data for the items specified herein

D. Profile drawings of all underground piping and verify that all interferences,
required coverage, and road crossings have been addressed and


A. Sewage treatment plant and the related equipment specified herein shall be
guaranteed against defects for one year starting from the date of substantial
hand over.


A. Storage, handling and transportation of pipes, pumps, fittings, controls and

other equipments shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
written instructions and recommendations.

B. Provide protection against atmospheric corrosion while in transit and

during outdoor storage. Treat exposed finished and machined surfaces,
including bolts, with a heavy coat of rust inhibiting compound.

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MODA, J13-03500
C. Store equipment in a clean, dry location. Retain shipping flange protective
covers and protective coatings during storage.

D. Protect bearings, couplings, shafts, electrical parts and other sensitive

components against damage from sand, grit, water or other foreign matter
which could cause deterioration in storage


A. Comply with the applicable requirements of Ministry of Water and Electricity

(MOWE), WHO, SASO, Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) as well as the
Standards of ANSI and ASME referred to in this Section.

B. Meet the Regulatory Requirements: Comply with latest editions, revisions

or supplements of applicable Codes, Standards and local laws in effect on
the date of contract.

C. Take full responsibility for the design, delivery and installation of the
Sewage Treatment System meeting the performance requirements as
outlined in this specification.

D. Single Source Manufacturer: All the pumps, except for chlorine dosing
pumps, shall be from single manufacturer. Provide pipes, fittings and flanges
for a particular installation from a single source to avoid incompatibility due
to intermixing of products.

E. Qualifications of Installer: Employ specialized sub-contractor having at least

5 years successful experience in installation of similar system. The installer
shall be subject to approval of Engineer.



A. General:

1. Contractor shall design, supply, install, test and commission Sewage

Treatment Plant STP) as shown on drawings and as specified herein
complete with the interconnecting piping and electrical wiring, panel
boards, control panels and instrumentation.

2. The Contractor shall design the STP to meet the Treated Sewage
Effluent (TSE) standards for irrigation as per MOWE guidelines for
effluent water quality.

2. Sewage treatment plant shall comply with the requirements specified

herein as well as the relevant Sections of the Specifications.

3. All the pumps, except for chlorine dosing pumps, shall be from single

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02735 - 4 Sewage Treatment Plant

MODA, J13-03500
B. General Requirements:

1. The sewage treatment plant shall be designed for average daily flow
as indicated in the drawings. The treatment plant will be designed for
domestic sewage purification utilizing the Rotating Biological
Contactors (RBC).

2. The following is a list of the treatment units to be incorporated:

a. Odor control
b. Lift station/break tank with grinding submersible pumps.
c. Flow measurement system
d. Comminutor and bar screen
e. Aeration tank, settlement tank and sludge holding tank, chlorine
contact tank, sludge scrapper drive, scum box, baffle plates,
effluent weirs, trough, sludge return line, bridge walkway with
handrail and ladders.
f. Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC)
g. Lamella Separator
h. Aerator
i. Chlorination injection system
j. Feed and backwash pumps
k. Sand filter
l. Carbon filter
m. Irrigation tanks
n. Irrigation pumps
o. Control panel
p. Any other equipment necessary to complete the system

3. Performance: The system will be designed to treat the domestic

sewage wastewater. The influent waste water shall flow by gravity
into the main lift station. The raw sewage from the main lift station
shall be pumped to the treatment plant. The treated wastewater shall
be of quality suitable for irrigation of landscaped areas. The facility
shall be designed for following conditions:

a. Influent Quality : 250 mg/l BOD5

: 250 mg/l S.S
b. Average Secondary effluent quality : 20 mg/l BOD5
: 20 mg/l S.S
c. Average Tertiary effluent quality : 10 mg/l BOD5
: 10 mg/l S.S
i. pH Value : 6-8.5
ii. Grease and Oil : 5mg/l

4. The sewage water treatment plant shall include screening,

comminution, biological treatment process, secondary
sedimentation, tertiary treatment and disinfection.

5. All associated civil works.

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MODA, J13-03500
6. Any item not specifically described herein and required for complete
operation of the plant.

7. Consumables such as spare parts (for two years of operation)

8. Contractor shall provide water, power, chemicals, lubricants and fuel

during construction, commissioning and guarantee period.

9. The contractor shall be responsible for design, supply, delivery to

site, installation, testing supervision and commissioning of the
sewage treatment plant

C. Process Description

1. The raw sewage flow shall be discharged into batch tank/ lift station
through mechanical self-washing screen where it will be partially
aerated and then pumped to settlement tank. The settled water
shall overflow uniformly by gravity to serve the Rotating Biological
Contactors (RBC).

2. The water will flow through RBC basins of rotating discs, which are
half way immersed in the water and rotate at the rate of 4-5 rpm
inserting oxygen in the sewage and also picking other particles of
sewage up to the fresh air to gain more oxygen.

3. Then sewage will flow to Lamella Separator to separate the sludge

in a sludge pit and the clear water will flow by gravity to
disinfection tank.

4. A chemical mix of hypochlorite sodium or calcium is added for

disinfection of the effluent into the effluent line to the disinfection
contact tank.

5. The sludge with water which is saturated with oxygen will be

pumped on intervals to the sludge holding tank. The supernatant
from dewatering process will flow back to the batch tank

6. Water then will be pumped from the disinfection contact tank

through tertiary multimedia filters, where the remaining suspended
solids will be removed. The filters are backwashed automatically
with water from the chlorine contact tank. The backwash solids will
be returned to the batch tank through a decanter. The decanter
shall thicken the backwash water, where the supernatant is
returned back to the batch tank, while the thickened water shall be
pumped to the sludge holding tank.

7. The wasted sludge from the settlement tank will be collected in a

sludge holding tank in which further digestion of the sludge takes
place by means of air supplied by the same air blowers used for
aeration and air scouring tank. The digested sludge shall be hold
by trucks (by others).

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MODA, J13-03500
D. Rotating Bridge with Scraper and Accessories

1. A rotating half-bridge shall be constructed of suitable structural

aluminum, designed for a uniformly distributed life load of 500
kg/m² in addition to the operation requirements.

2. The bridge shall have an effective walkway of width not less than
750 mm, decked with approved open mesh type aluminum alloy
plates. Double aluminum tubular type hand-railing shall be fitted
to each side of the bridge which shall extend to the outer edge of a
diffusion drum. The bridge shall be supported by a central pivot
bearing carried by steel pipe to be fixed to the sludge hopper, as
shown on the drawings.

3. Bridge Material: Epoxy coated carbon steel.

E. Sludge Scrapers

1. From the bridge structure a series of hinged tubular arms descend

into the tank, each carrying a scraper blade.

2. Floor scrapers shall be in such position that the sludge is efficiently

scraped completely from the floor area into the central collecting
hopper during every revolution of the bridge and preventing any
built-up of sludge on the floor. Scrapers shall remain in contact
with the floor surfaces in spite of minor undulations.

3. Floor scraper blades shall be of stainless steel, fitted with

renewable rubber wearing strips of suitable cross section to be
supported at the blade edge by using of a stainless steel back up
plate. Provision shall be made in the design for adjusting the
rubber strips for wear. Floor scraper shall be provided with bottom
running wheels made of rubber or any other suitable material.
Adjustable stainless steel springs for squeezing shall be provided
for all blades and fastened with stainless steel bolts, washers and

F. Central Pivot

1. The bridge shall be supported at the center of the tank by a robust,

weather proof pivot bearing in conjunction with an arrangement
trunnion. The fixation of the central pivot shall make adequate
provision for the deflection of the bridge due to any irregularity of
the bridge support at the tank periphery. The bearing shall be fully
sealed against entry of dust, dirt and moisture.

2. The bridge shall be rotated by an adequately rated electric motor

coupled to a totally enclosed oil filled reduction gear unit of
approved manufacture, both mounted at the end of the bridge and
driving a solid polyurethane tired wheel on the peripheral wall of
the tank.

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MODA, J13-03500
3. The electric motor shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled, squirrel
cage, induction type suitable for electric supply 400 volt, 60 Hz
and IP55, weather proof and tropically insulated with class (F),
protected against sewage gases and showering, designed for
continuous running 24 hours per day. Starter, relays, fuses, etc.,
for the driving motor of the final sedimentation tank shall be
housed in a control panel.

G. Aerator

1. The submersible aerator suitable waste water treatment plant shall

be designed for very high oxygen transfer and to mix entrained
solids. Aerator shall be complete with following Characteristics:

a. Non-clog impellors.
b. Can operate in water depth of not less 10 m with
supplemental blower.
c. Powerful stirring and mixing capabilities for convectional
d. Compact shape.
e. Self aspiration of oxygen eliminating need for compressed
f. Low noise level.

H. Lamella Separator

1. Lamella separator consists of a poly-propylene outer housing with

a supporting framework made of stainless steel. The plates
assembly and the outflow gutters shall be made of special plastics.
The diameters of inlet and outlet shall be adjustable according to
wastewater to be treated. Aerator shall be complete with following

I. Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC)

1. The biological treatment shall use the Rotating Biological

Contactors (RBC).

2. Provide modular rotating biological contactors streams. Rotating

Biological Contactors (RCBs) usually consist of plastic vertical
disks mounted on a horizontal shaft that rotates, turning the media
in and out of the wastewater. The shafts are usually arranged in
the stages. Micro-organisms on the media oxidize the organic
wastewater constituents and should be designed to remove

3. Air drive systems must be capable of providing a positive method

to regulate the air supply. Flow controls and appropriate air system
balancing controls must be provided along each air header for
both air drive and supplemental air systems.

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MODA, J13-03500
4. The media used in rotors shall be a matrix of UV blocked high
density polyethylene sheets which are arranged to give a high
specific area per unit volume whilst offering large void spaces
(27mm dry). The cage shall be arranged in a series of radial
segments, any one of which can easily be removed and replaced if
necessary without the need to replace all the media.

5. A high quality seamless steel tubular shaft shall be used between

generously sized twin row spherical roller bearings. The drive shaft
shall be coated with an epoxy tar paint system. Motors shall be
Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) units protected to IP55. A
generously sized torque arm and support shall be provided.

J. Chlorine Dosing System

1. Chlorine dosing system tank shall be of polyethylene construction,

size and shape as shown on drawings, and shall be provided with
complete chlorine dosing system including chlorine dosing pumps
manufactured by REPUTABLE manufacturer; type and capacity as
shown on drawings. Pumps shall be with control panel provided in
weatherproof enclosure.

2. The Contractor shall be responsible in every respect for the

complete design, supply, installation, proper and fail-safe
functioning of the chlorination system. All items necessary for the
completeness of the system are deemed to be included even if not
specifically stated in the various documents. Sodium hypochlorite
dosing pumps shall either be centrifugal, multistage or
hydraulically activated double diaphragm type with liquid end
made of materials resistant to sodium hypochlorite complete with
manual stroke adjustment, rupture detectors, pulsation damper,
gauges, valves, etc.

3. The pH analyser shall consist of a sensor assembly and an

indicating transmitter. The system shall measure and indicate the
pH value of the process liquid.

4. Where chlorine solution is to be injected into a pipeline, an

injection pipe of material not affected by chlorine solution shall be
provided. Control of entire chlorination shall be performed from the
chlorination control panel to control the dosing of sodium

K. Filtration Equipment

1. The Pressure Sand Filter system shall be an automatic, reliable

and economical way to remove suspended solids from water and
wastewater. The High Rate Pressure Sand Filter system shall be
designed as a modular cells, parallel flow filter with pressure
differential sensing, automatic backwash. The basic system shall
be comprised of a skid, pressure vessels, valves, plumbing, and a
control panel. The filtration vessels shall be provided as vertical

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MODA, J13-03500
cylindrical vessels with top entry influent distribution header and
bottom exit effluent manifold with radial headers from a center
mounted hub. The filter vessels shall be rated for > 7 bars working
pressure with flanged connections and suitable heavy duty support

2. Filter: The filter shall be provided with a multimedia filtration with

support bed media. All filter media shall conform to the
requirements of AWWA B100. The media shall be free from
impurities of any kind including shale, mica, clay, loam, or
organics. ANTHRACITE (filtration media) (minimum depth 600
mm) The anthracite coal shall have an effective size between 1.0
mm and 1.1 mm, and a specific gravity of 1.4. SILICA SAND
(filtration media) (minimum depth 300 mm) The silica sand shall
have an effective size between 0.40 mm and 0.55mm, uniformity
coefficient less than or equal to 1.6 and a specific gravity of 2.55.
Ninety five percent shall be larger than or equal to 0.50mm. The
support media shall be a gravel or quartz consisting of 0.3 mm to
0.6 mm, hard, rounded stones with an average specific gravity of
not less than 2.65.

3. The filter shall be provided with a differential pressure sensor that

is pre-installed in the piping manifold. The sensor is a single set
point type that can be field adjusted. The sensor is provided in
NEMA 4 configuration.

L. Activated Carbon Odor Control System

1. Provide activated carbon odor control system, with adsorber

vessel and activated carbon media, support assembly, associated
ductwork, controls, and accessories conforming to Uniform
Building Code and Uniform Mechanical Code. The odor control
system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
installation instructions. The operation of odor control system shall
be controlled from a local odor control panel with panel equipment,
operational sequences, and indication/alarm functions.


A. Shall be manufacturer's standard suitable for the sewage treatment plant

operation. Control panel shall be installed in weatherproof polyester
enclosure with IP 55 protection.

B. The plant shall be controlled by “SCADA” system. The contractor shall hire
specialist company to submit their proposal to Consultant engineer review
and approval.


A. Piping:

1. Above Ground: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes and

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pipe fittings in accordance with the following requirements:

a. Pipes: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC), Schedule 80

pressure piping, all conforming to ASTM D 1785.

b. Pipe Fittings: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC),

Schedule 80 pressure piping, all conforming to ASTM D
1785, socket-type.

c. Jointing System: Welded joints for joining pipes and pipe

fittings using solvent cement conforming to ASTM D 2564.

2. Below Ground: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes and

pipe fittings in accordance with the following requirements:

a. Pipes: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC), Schedule 40

for gravity piping and Schedule 80 pressure piping, all
conforming to ASTM D 1785.

b. Pipe Fittings: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC),

Schedule 40 for gravity piping and Schedule 80 pressure
piping, all conforming to ASTM D 1785, socket-type.

c. Jointing System: Welded joints for joining pipes and pipe

fittings using solvent cement conforming to ASTM D 2564.

d. Painting for Above Ground Piping: All above ground piping

shall have enamel paint finish.

2.4. TANKS

A. Construction: Cast-in-place reinforced concrete; conforming to Section

03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE; Class 30 with Type 1 portland
cement modified with microsilica for underground concrete and Type 1
cement for above ground concrete. Interior surfaces shall have waterproof
lining complying with Section 07100. Exterior surfaces shall have double
layer, fully bonded, 4 + 3 mm thick waterproofing membrane and 3 mm thick
protection board, complying with Section 07100 - WATERPROOFING.

B. Size: As indicated on Drawings.

C. Chamber Cover/Frame and Ladders: Conform to the requirements specified

in Section 05500 - METAL FABRICATIONS.


A. Refer to Section 02730 – SEWERAGE SYSTEM

2.6. PUMPS

A. Pumps shall comply with requirements of Section 15453– PUMPS.

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A. Install materials and equipment in strict accordance with the requirements of

this Section and the written recommendations of the manufacturer as well as
the applicable Sections of the USA Hydraulic Institute Standards.

B. Installation shall be performed by workmen skilled in this type of work.

C. Provide electrical motor-driven equipment specified herein complete with

motors, motor starters, and controls. Provide motor starters with properly
sized thermal overload protection and other appurtenances necessary for
the motor control specified.


A. General: Provide clean water, appliances, consumable stores and sewage

necessary for the complete testing of the sewage treatment plant and

B. Sewage treatment plant shall be tested and commissioned to the complete

satisfaction of the Engineer.

C. Following completion of erection and cleaning of tanks, tanks shall be tested

for liquid-tightness by filling the tank to its overflow elevation. Any leaks
discovered by this test shall be corrected by the Contractor in accordance
tank manufacturer's written recommendation.

D. Prior to backfilling of any excavation, perform the hydraulic test for the piping
below. Sewage treatment plant shall be filled with water and kept filled for 2
days during which time it will be regularly inspected for loss of water and for
signs of leakage externally.

E. Test will be deemed to be passed if the Engineer is satisfied that there has
been no perceptible loss of water through leakage during this period.


A. General: Contractor shall supply standard laboratory equipment necessary

for day-to-day operation of the plant including chemicals for laboratory
analysis good for 3 months.

B. Laboratory equipment include the following as a minimum:

1. Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter with automatic temperature

2. Portable sewerage treatment plant laboratory equipment for carrying
out the following tests:

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02735 - 12 Sewage Treatment Plant

MODA, J13-03500
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Sludge Settlement
- Chlorine
- pH
- Temperature


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MODA, J13-03500




A. Furnishing and installing complete tennis courts, football fields, basketball courts
and handball courts, including all required lighting systems, equipment and chain
link fence and gates (where required), as indicated on Drawings and as specified


A. Work under this Section shall be executed by a Specialist Contractor with at least 5
years experience on projects of similar quality and size to that shown on Drawings
and specified herein.



A. Basketball courts, tennis courts, handball courts and football fields and equipment
shall conform to the International Standards and other authority governing each of
the sports herein specified and in accordance with the manufacturers’ written
instructions and recommendations.

B. Asphalt Concrete Base and Wearing Course: Asphalt concrete for outdoor athletic
court surfacing base and wearing course shall comply with the requirements of
Section 02510 - ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING. Provide minimum 50 mm thick
base and 30 mm wearing course over 150 mm thick compacted sub-base, unless
indicated otherwise on the drawings.

C. Sub-Base and Sub-Grade: Refer to Section 02200 - EARTHWORK.


A. Football Field: Shall consist of 50 mm thick clean, fine loose natural sand over
compacted sub-grade complying with requirements of Section 02200 –
EARTHWORK. Sand shall consist of hard and durable particles and shall be free
of organic materials and other deleterious substances.

1. The football court surfaces shall receive a manufacturer's standard 100%

acrylic turf surfacing system compatible with plant mix asphalt concrete
paving with thickness as per manufacturers' recommendations.

B. The track and court surfaces shall receive a manufacturer's standard 100% acrylic
surfacing system compatible with plant mix asphalt concrete paving, and containing
specially selected round silica sand. The manufacturer's standard five coats of two-
color system shall include texture coats and finish coats of not less than 2 mm thick,

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02790-2 Athletic Court Surfacing

MODA, J13-03500
as per manufacturers' recommendations.

C. Finish: The surface texture shall be orange peel texture with a matte finish, with
colors as selected by the Contracting Officer.

D. Slip Resistance: The surface coating employed shall contain non-slip fillers
designed to achieve the optimum compromise between foothold and ball-sport

E. Game Lines: Manufacturer's standard compounded, pigmented game-line marking

compositions containing the same material as surface coat. Court lines and area
markings shall be applied in internationally designated colors on the finished


A. Surface System: Poured-in-place, two-layer system with wearing course over

cushion course. Provide manufacturer's standard thickness for each layer as
required for overall thickness indicated, tested for impact attenuation according to
ASTM F 1292 and for accessibility according to ASTM F 1951.

1. Wearing Course: Formulation of EPDM rubber particles, with minimum of

20 percent and maximum of 26 percent of ethylene propylene-diene-
saturated polymethylene main chain along with other organic and inorganic

2. Cushion Course: Manufacturer's standard formulation of SBR particles

and polyurethane, site mixed and applied.

3. Binder: Weather-resistant, UV-stabilized, flexible, non-hardening, 100

percent solids polyurethane complying with requirements of authorities
having jurisdiction for nontoxic and low VOC content.

4. Critical Height: As indicated

5. Overall Thickness: As indicated.

6. Primer/Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard primer and weather-resistant,

moisture-cured polyurethane adhesive suitable for unit, substrate, and
location indicated.

7. Wearing Course Color(s): As indicated by manufacturer's designations.

B. Leveling and Patching Material: Portland cement-based grout or epoxy- or

polyurethane-based formulation suitable for exterior use and approved by
playground surface system manufacturer.



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MODA, J13-03500

A. Provide windscreen on all sides of chain link fence (full height) for tennis court.
Provide open mesh vinyl-coated polypropylene windscreen with 3-ply hems with
heavy vinyl insert and brass grommets on top and bottom sides.


A. Install court illumination system utilizing required wattage, 220V 60 Hz, playing
courts luminaires (metal halide) including conduits, wiring, controls and panel
boards. Provide minimum required lighting fixtures for each court, unless
recommended otherwise by playing court Contractor and approved by the
Contracting Officer. Lighting fixtures for outdoor courts shall be mounted on painted
galvanized structural steel lighting poles, size and height suitable for type of playing



A. Sub-grade shall be prepared, compacted, graded and well drained in compliance

with requirements of Section 02200 - EARTHWORK. All roots, sod and vegetation
shall be removed to a minimum depth of 300 mm.

B. Finished subgrade shall be smooth, trimmed, and shall not vary more than 12 mm
in 3000 mm from the required lines and grade.


A. Refer to Section 02200 - EARTHWORK.


A. Refer to Section 02510 - ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING.


A. The surfacing shall be installed by manufacturer's authorized workmen and in

accordance with the manufacturer's written recommendations.

B. Unless otherwise indicated on Drawings, playing lines shall be 50 mm wide and

shall be accurately located, dimensioned, marked and painted in accordance with
the official dimensions and sizes set forth by the rules and regulations of the athletic
organization or other authority whose standards will govern.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02790-4 Athletic Court Surfacing

MODA, J13-03500




A. Complete automatic irrigation system, piping and appurtenances as shown on

Drawings and as specified herein. Irrigation system shall be connected to the
existing system


A. SASO - Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO 14 Pipes for Potable Water of Unplasticized Plastic (uPVC)

SASO15 Method of Testing of Pipes for Potable Water of

Unplasticized Plastic (UPVC).

SASO 412 Method of Testing for Cast Iron Manhole Covers

SASO 413 Cast Iron Manhole Covers.

SASO 237 Methods of Testing for Water Meters

SASO 238 Water Meters

SASO 1238 General requirements for design, installation and evaluation

of trickle irrigation systems.

SASO 1244 Permanent sprinkler irrigation system – Part I: General

requirements for design, installation and operation.

SASO 1305 Centrifugal Pumps – General Requirements.

SASO 1306 Stationary sprinkler irrigation system – Part II: General

Requirements for Testing and Evaluation.

B. SBC - Saudi Building Code

SBC 701 Sanitary

C. ANSI - American National Standards Organization

ANSI A40.1M Gauge-Pressure Indicating Dial Type, Elastic Element


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D. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A 47 Malleable Iron Castings

ASTM A 48 Gray Iron Castings

ASTM D 636 Tensile Properties of Plastics

ASTM D 1784 Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and

Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds

ASTM D 1785 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40, 80 and

ASTM D 2287 Non-Rigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer and Copolymer Molding

and Extrusion Compounds

ASTM D 2467 Socket-Type (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipes Fittings,

Schedule 80

ASTM D 2564 Solvent Cement for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe
and Fittings.

ASTM D 2609 Plastic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipes

ASTM D 2672 Joints for IPS PVC Pipe Using Solvent Cement

ASTM D 2855 Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly(Vinyl Chloride)

(PVC) Pipes and Fittings

ASTM D 3139 Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric

ASTM F 656 Primers for Use in Solvent-Cement Joints of Poly (Vinyl

Chloride) (PVC) Pipes and Fittings

E. AWWA - American Water Works Association

AWWA C500 Gate Valves, 3-Inches through 48-Inches NPS, for Water
and Other Liquids

AWWA C506 Backflow Prevention Devices Reduced Pressure Principle

and Double Check Valve Types

AWWA C651 Standard for Disinfecting of Water Mains

AWWA C700 Standard for Cold-Water Meters; Displacement Type

AWWA M23 PVC Pipe Design and Installation

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02810-2 Irrigation System
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A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings which shall include detailed plans of the
system layout, complete pipe sizes and valves locations.

B. Installation and Testing: Submit schedule/program of installation and testing for

each phase of work.

C. Materials and Equipment Schedule: Submit complete materials and equipment

schedule which shall include catalog cuts, diagrams, drawings, and such other data
as may be required to demonstrate compliance with this Specifications.

D. Manufacturer Certifications: Materials delivered to site shall have Manufacturer's

Certification of Testing in accordance with the standards of ANSI, ASTM, AWWA
and SASO as appropriate.

E. Recommendations of the Manufacturer: Submit, as part of shop drawings,

manufacturer's written recommendations for each material to be used. Contractor
shall have a copy of manufacturer's instructions available on site at all times while
work is in progress, and shall follow these instructions unless authorized to deviate
by the Engineer.


A. Follow manufacturers written instructions regarding transportation, handling and

storage of various materials.

B. Protect uPVC pipes and fittings from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

C. Do not remove valves/meters end protectors unless necessary for inspection; then
re-install for storage. Protect valves/meters from weather. Store valves/meters
indoors. If outdoor storage is necessary, support valves/meters off the ground or
pavement in watertight enclosures.

D. Rig valves/meters to avoid damage to exposed valve parts. Do not use handwheels
and stems as lifting or rigging points.


A. Submit written guarantee signed by the manufacturer, and the contractor, agreeing
to replace defective material or workmanship within 1 year of date of substantial
handing over.


A. Comply with the applicable portions of Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and Basic
National Plumbing Code (BOCA).

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02810-3 Irrigation System
MODA, J13-03500


A. Pressure Main, Lateral Line and Bubbler

1. Pipes: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) plastic pipes conforming to

Class - 5 conforming to SASO 14 and 15.

2. Pipe Fittings: Socket-type unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) plastic

fittings conforming to ASTM D 2467, Class- 5.

3. Jointing System:

a. Welded joints using solvent cement conforming to ASTM D 2564 with

primer conforming to ASTM F 656.

B. Piping shall be marked with manufacturer's name, nominal pipe size, schedule or
class, pressure rating and date of extrusion.

C. Fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark, material designation and


A. General: As applicable for the particular device, rates of application and operating
pressure of bubblers and lawn sprinklers shall be as shown on drawings and as
specified herein.

B. Bubbler: Manufacturer's standard, pressure-compensating type (20 and 90 psi),

temper resisting, non-corrosive plastic and rubber construction, with inlet filter

1. For shrubs and ground covers, provide pressure-compensating bubblers, full

circle pattern with a flow rate of 0.25 GPM at 20 psi operating pressure.

2. For trees, provide pressure-compensating bubblers, full circle pattern with a

flow rate of 0.50 GPM at 20 psi operating pressure.


A. Valves shall be as specified in Section 15100 - VALVES.


A. Quick Coupling Valves: Low pressure loss type, with male or female threads.
Provide brass or bronze valves and covers. Valve body shall be 2-section type with
removable upper body and supplied with stainless steel spring loaded locking
covers. Valves shall be operated by insertion of a compatible hollow coupler key.
Valves shall be operated by a 90 turn in clockwise direction with reverse turn for
closure. Size of valve shall be as indicated on Drawings.

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02810-4 Irrigation System
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B. Electric Remote Control Valve: Non-pressure regulating type valves shall be used
for the bubbler system and pressure regulating type valves shall be used for the
lawn areas. Control valve shall have a brass body, bonnet construction, with CP
self-flushing nylon screen, pressure regulating range of 15-100 psi (+/- 5 psi),
Schrader valve on PRS module, fluid resistor, low power requirement, flow control
stem, manual open/close control; 24 Volt AC 50/60 cycle solenoid power
requirement; 200 psi operation rating. Connect remote control valves to irrigation
controller on site and coordinate time of operations as well as the necessary
adjustments. Size of valve shall be as indicated as indicated on Drawings.


A. Provide an independent station, multi-valve capacity, automatic sequencing

controller type, capable of automatic or manual operation of remote control/solenoid
valves over an individually variable time from 2 through 60 minutes (in 1 minute
increment); from 1 through 6 hours (in 1 hour increment) based on 14-day cycle for
every day starts for a 2-week period. Controller shall have the capability to operate
up to the number of stations indicated on Drawings.

B. Wiring from Controller to Valves: Conform to the requirements of Section 16050 -

BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS. Size and type of wiring cables shall be as
recommended by valve manufacturer.


A. As specified in Section 15100 - VALVES.


A. Marker tape shall be provided at minimum height of 300 mm above the buried
pipeline in a trench during backfilling. Detectable tape shall be 300 mm width, 100
micron nominal thickness and obtained from approved supplier. It shall be printed in
Arabic and English alternately with words CAUTION; BURIED IRRIGATION LINE.



A. Pipes and Pipe Fittings:

1. Examine visually pipes and pipe fittings for scratches, damages, cracks,
delaminations, crushing and weathering. Damaged pipes and pipe fittings
shall not be installed.

2. Clean pipes and pipe fittings prior to installation.

3. Discard adhesives and other piping materials that are beyond their stamped
expiry dates as well as leaking and opened containers.

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02810-5 Irrigation System
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B. Valves:

1. Examine valve interior through the end ports for cleanliness, freedom from
foreign matter, and corrosion. Remove special packing materials used to
prevent disc movement during shipping and handling.

2. Actuate valves through an open-close and close-open cycle. Examine

significant features as guides and seats made accessible by such actuation.

3. Examine mating flange faces for conditions that might cause leakage. Check
bolting for proper size, length, and material. Check gasket material for proper
size, material composition suitable for service, and freedom from defects and

4. Replace defective valves with new valves.


A. Trenching and bedding for underground piping shall conform to Section 02225 -

B. Dewatering: Dewatering, where required, shall conform to the requirements of

Section 02200 - EARTHWORK.

C. Pipelines Crossings under Roads: Conform to the requirements of Section 02225 -



A. Installation - General:

1. Install pipes, fittings, and valves in accordance with the requirements of


2. Inspect pipes, fittings and valves for soundness and for imperfections of
coatings, wrappings and linings prior to installation.

3. Deflection at joints shall not exceed the maximum deflection recommended by

the pipe or coupling manufacturer for each type of joint and each size of

4. Blocking shall be permitted only where indicated.

5. Install temporary piping, valves, meters, gauges, and equipment required for
hydrostatic testing and dis-infection in accordance with detailed approved
working drawings.


A. Locate valves for easy access and provide separate supports where necessary.
Install valves in a position allowing full stem movement.

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02810-6 Irrigation System
MODA, J13-03500
B. Install valves using flanged connections. Align flange surfaces parallel. Assemble
joints in accordance with the valve manufacturer's recommendations for gasketing
and bolting.


A. Hydrostatic Testing:

1. Underground piping to be tested shall be partially backfilled with joints

exposed during test unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

2. Protect exposed joints from direct sunlight during testing. Perform hydrostatic
testing so that the temperature of test water shall not exceed 40 degree C
during the test period.

3. Provide temporary thrust resistance using wooden supports at changes of

direction prior to hydrostatic testing of assembled piping.

4. No adhesive-bonded piping shall be pressurized until joints has cured in

accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions.

5. Conduct Hydrostatic tests in presence of the Engineer, and prior to coating

joints and disinfecting. Conduct hydrostatic tests after the associated concrete
works has set for a minimum of 7 days for standard concrete.

6. Place test pump on firm ground away from piping. Pump shall have a
calibrated and tagged relief valve set at 10 percent above the test pressure or
a maximum of 170 kPa above test pressure for pressure piping systems.

7. Use a calibrated and tagged pressure gauge of the proper range for testing
pressure piping systems.

8. Perform hydrostatic test using fresh water. Fill pipeline 24 hours prior to

9. Pressure test for the water distribution mains shall be 1035 kPa or 345 kPa
above the operating pressure, whichever is greater.

a. Test lines whose joints have been backfilled at the above mentioned
pressure test for 24 hours.

b. Test lines whose joints have not been backfilled at the above
mentioned pressure test for 4 hours.

B. Inspection:

1. Examine exposed pipes, joints, fittings, valves, and hydrants for leakage
during hydrostatic testing.

2. Replace leaking pipe, joints and fittings in accordance with the requirements
specified herein.

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02810-7 Irrigation System
MODA, J13-03500
3. Repeat hydrostatic testing after the repair of defects until the system is proved

4. Piping shall be satisfactory if there is no evidence of leakage or pressure loss

after the specified test period.

C. Repair Methods:

1. Conform to the requirements specified herein for the provision of new

materials required for replacement at the defected areas.

2. Conform to the manufacturer's recommendations for permanent and

temporary repairs of piping.


A. After completion of hydrostatic tests, drain lines in an approved manner.

B. Remove temporary test piping and equipment that will no longer be required.

C. Field Coating: After completion of hydrostatic tests and before disinfecting, prime or
re-prime as required and provide a protective coating to uncoated metal
components of piping system, including joints, tie rods and harnesses as specified
herein, except exposed ends of steel pipes up to couplings shall be wrapped with
hot applied coal tar tape.


A. Trench backfilling shall conform to the requirements of Section 02225 -


B. Marker Tape: Install continuous, marker tape during backfilling of trench for
underground services. Locate tape 300 mm below finished grade.


A. General: On completion of the system tests, the system is to be thoroughly flushed,

the velocity of water being at least 1 m/sec. Should the main water supply be
unavailable or inadequate for this purpose at the time of flushing, then a swab of
adequate size construction shall be used to remove all foreign matter in the
pipeline. This process shall continue until the pipeline is completely clean. Each
control valve shall be opened separately and the terminal systems also thoroughly
flushed with clean water.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

02810-8 Irrigation System
MODA, J13-03500




A. PVC-coated chain link fence framework, fabric and accessories.

B. Manual gates and related hardware.

C. Extension arms and other specified items.


A. SASO – Saudi Arabian Standard Organization

SASO 811 Chain Link Fences – Part 1: Requirements for materials,

workmanship and erection

B. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials.

AASHTO 181 Chain Link Fence

C. ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A 53 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc Coated (Galvanized)

Welded and Seamless, for Ordinary Uses.

ASTM A 116 Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric.

ASTM A 123 Zinc (Hot Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel

ASTM A 153 Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.

ASTM A 392 Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric.

ASTM A 428 Weight of Coating on Aluminum-Coated Iron or Steel


ASTM A 491 Aluminum-Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric.

ASTM A 569 Steel, Carbon (0.15 Maximum Percent), Hot-Rolled Sheet

and Strip Commercial Quality.

ASTM C 94 Ready-mixed Concrete.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Chain Link Fences

MODA, J13-03500
ASTM F 567 Installation of Chain-Link Fence.

ASTM F 573 Residential Zinc-Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric.

ASTM F 668 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Coated Steel Chain Link Fence

D. Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute (CLFMI) - Product Manual.


A. Fence Height: As indicated on Drawings.

B. Line Post Spacing: At intervals not exceeding 3 m.

C. Straining Post Spacing: At intervals not exceeding 60 m.


A. Shop Drawings: Indicate plan layout, spacing of components, post

foundation dimensions, hardware anchorage, and schedule of components.

B. Product Data: Provide data on fabric, posts, accessories, fittings and


C. Samples: Submit 2 samples of fence fabric, 150 x 150 mm in size

illustrating construction and color of finish.

D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate installation requirements,

post foundation anchor bolt templates, hardware and accessories.


A. Perform Work in accordance with CLFMI - Product Manual and

manufacturer's instructions.

B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the

products specified in this Section with minimum 3 years documented

C. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in installing the products

specified in this Section with minimum 3 years documented experience.
Installer shall be as recommended manufacturer and approved by the


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Chain Link Fences

MODA, J13-03500


A. Materials for fencing shall conform to SASO 811, AASHTO M 181 and to
the standards specified. All items of each type, such as posts, fabric, and
accessories shall be from the same manufactures and of the same size,
design, and materials except as otherwise shown and required.

B. All ferrous fence materials including wire fabric, all type of posts and other
accessories shall be coated with extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The
color of the vinyl coating shall be green.

C. Before PVC coating, all ferrous fence material, except wire fabric, shall be
galvanized with a minimum of 550 g of zinc per square meter. Wire fabric
shall be galvanized with a minimum of 52 g of zinc per square meter.

D. Wire Fabric: The chain link fence fabric conforming to ASTM A 392 Class I,
shall have 50 mm mesh of 3.76 mm core wire and 4.88 mm overall, and
twisted and barbed top and bottom selvages. The fabric shall be of width as
shown on the drawings.

E. Posts and Miscellaneous Metals:

1. Line posts shall be standard galvanized steel posts of not less than
50 mm outside diameter conforming to ASTM A 53, Schedule 40,
weighing not less than 5.44 kg/m, and section modules of 9190
mm³ minimum. Other shapes may be substituted provided that the
section modules is maintained or exceeded.

2. End, corner and pull posts shall be standard galvanized steel posts
of not less than 73 mm outside diameter conforming to ASTM A 53,
Schedule 40, weighing not less than 8.62 kg/m and section modulus
of 1744 mm³ minimum. Other shapes may be substituted provided
the section modulus is maintained or exceeded.

3. Straining posts shall be standard round steel conforming to ASTM A

120, Schedule 40, not less than 73 mm OD, galvanized after
manufacture, weighing not less than 8.62 kg/m and section
modulus of 1744 mm³ minimum.

4. Struts shall be standard round steel conforming to ASTM A 120,

Schedule 40, not less than 42 mm OD, galvanized after

5. Round bands (50 mm), End Caps, Fittings and Accessories:

Manufacturer’s standard products, conforming to F626, galvanized
to ASTM A123, ASTMA153 and BS 729. Sizes shall be suitable
with main fence frames.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Chain Link Fences

MODA, J13-03500
7. Post tops, and other fittings and hardware shall be of bonded vinyl
coated steel, malleable iron, or wrought iron.

8. Top and bottom tension wires between posts shall be at least 4.88
mm diameter extruded vinyl-coated galvanized steel with a
minimum breaking strength of 8 kN. Tie wire shall be 2.0 mm
diameter extruded vinyl-coated galvanized steel, conforming to
ASTM A112.

9. Stretcher bars shall be of vinyl coated steel, not less than 6 mm by

20 mm, and of lengths equal to the full height of the fabric to be

10. Bolts, nuts and other hardware shall be galvanized steel, coated
with PVC after assembly.

11. Horizontal truss braces shall be vinyl coated steel pipe at least 42.2
mm outside diameter weighing not less than 3.38 kg/m and with a
section modulus of 3851 mm³ minimum. Other steel shapes may be
substituted provided that the section modulus is equaled or
exceeded. Vinyl coated steel truss rods at least 10 mm diameter
with turn buckles shall be used for diagonal bracing.
F. Gates:

1. Swing gate frames as shown shall be bonded vinyl-coated

galvanized standard steel pipe of not less than 48.3 mm outside
diameter conforming to ASTM A 53, Schedule 40, weighing not less
than 4.05 kg/m and with a section modulus of 5340 mm³ minimum.
Joints to form a rigid frame. Cross-braces shall be vinyl-coated
galvanized steel rods, 10 mm in diameter as shown. Bonded vinyl-
coated steel or malleable iron hinges shall be not less than 75 mm

2. Latches for swing gates shall have padlock eyes and shall be the
forked or plunger-bar type, operated from each side of the gate.
Provide gate stops and keepers as required.

3. Guides, rollers, hinges, and track shall be the manufacturer's

standard of a type that will ensure that unauthorized persons cannot
readily detach gates.

4. Tie wire and stretcher bars as specified for other fencing herein.

G. Extension Arms:

1. Vinyl coated extension arms combined with post cap, three slots 45
degrees, for supporting three strands of barbed wire shall be of
galvanized steel with sufficient strength to withstand a weight of 90
kg applied at the outer strand of barbed wire. Size and shape shall
be as shown on the drawings.


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MODA, J13-03500
H. Barbed Wire:

1. Barbed wire shall be in accordance with ASTM A 121, Class I, all

PVC coated, and shall consist of three strands of 2.5 mm wire,
otherwise twisted with two-point 2.1 mm or heavier aluminum barbs
spaced not more than 75 mm apart.

I. Concrete for Foundations: In accordance with the requirements specified in

Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, Class 30.



A. Install framework, fabric, accessories and gates in accordance with

ANSI/ASTM F 567 and manufacturer's instructions.

B. Posts:

1. Line posts shall be spaced not more than 3 m apart, measured

parallel to the slope of the natural ground. Place posts vertical
except in unusual situations as determined by the Engineer where
posts shall be placed perpendicular to the slope of the ground.

2. Corner posts shall be installed where the change in direction is 15

degrees or more. Pull posts shall be placed not more than 180 m
apart in a straight run and where the line changes direction by 15
degrees or more.

3. Posts shall be placed vertically and aligned within a tolerance ratio

of 1 in 500. The top of posts shall be set to the required height, and
shall not be cut off.

C. Set posts in concrete footings with top of footing 50 mm above finish grade.
Slope top of concrete for water runoff.

D. Footing depth below finish grade: As indicated on Drawings.

E. Temporary guys or braces shall be installed as required to hold the posts in

position until the concrete has set sufficiently. Unless otherwise allowed,
material shall not be hung on the posts for the first seven days after placing
the concrete.

F. Braces: Provide braces, consisting of a horizontal pipe and a diagonal rod,

corner, pull and end post at mid-height of the fabric. The pipe shall extend
horizontally between corner, pull or end post and the adjacent line post. The
diagonal rod with a turnbuckle shall be not less than 10 mm in diameter,
and shall extend from the line post end of the horizontal pipe to the base of


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corner, pull or end post. Where fence lengths 90 m or longer at end corner,
pull or end posts, fit a second similar diagonal rod from the midpoint of the
corner, pull or end post to the top of the adjacent line post.

G. Tension wires shall be fastened by clips or tie wires to each corner, pull and
end post, and shall be drawn tight with turnbuckles. The bottom tension
wire shall be taut between posts, and not over 50 mm above the ground
surface except where special closures are required. High ground spots
shall be excavated, but depressions may not be filled in, if approved by the

H. Provide top rail through line post tops and splice with 150 mm long rail

I. Install center and bottom brace rail on corner gate leaves.

J. Place fabric on the outside of the posts. Stretch fabric between posts or at
intervals 30 m maximum, whichever is less.

K. Position bottom of fabric 50 mm above finished grade.

L. Fasten fabric to top rail, line posts, braces, and bottom tension wire with tie
wire at maximum 380 mm on centers.

M. Stretcher bars shall be attached to the fabric by clamps or other approved

mechanical means. One stretcher bar shall be provided pull and end post,
and two for each corner post. Sufficient clips shall be provided for attaching
the fabric and stretcher bars to posts at intervals not over 400 mm apart.

N. Install bottom tension wire stretched taut between terminal posts.

O. Plastic vertical slats shall be installed where shown on the drawings, and
shall comply with manufacturer's written instructions.


A. Maximum Variation from Plumb: 6 mm.

B. Maximum Offset from True Position: 25 mm.



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A. Provide labor, materials, equipment and services, and perform operations required
for installation of site furnishings and equipment and related work as indicated on
the drawings and specified herein.

B. Work Included: The work shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. Concrete Seats

2. Tree Grates.

3. Litter Bin

4. Cast Iron Decorative Bollards

C. Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1. Unit Pavers

2. Concrete

3. Painting


A. Product Data: Copies of manufacturer's latest published literature for materials

specified herein shall be submitted for approval, and approval obtained before
materials are delivered to the site.


A. Materials shall conform to the latest edition of reference specifications specified

herein and to applicable codes and requirements of local authorities having

B. Conflicting Requirements: In the event of conflict between pertinent codes and

regulations and the requirements of the referenced standards of these
specifications, the provisions of the more stringent shall govern.


A. Delivery and Storage: Materials delivered to site shall be inspected, unloaded and
stored with the minimum of handling. Do not store materials directly on the ground.
Keep materials free of dirt and debris.

B. Handling: Materials shall be transported in sound, undamaged condition. Materials

that are not to be installed immediately shall not be stored in the direct sunlight.
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A. Concrete Seats: Shall be constructed of cast in place reinforced concrete Class 30

to details shown on drawings. Provide solid wood slats. Wood for slats shall be kiln-
dried Purple Heart, Jatoba, or Ipe wood suitable for exterior use as indicated on
drawings. Comply with provisions of the following specifications:


- Section 07150 DAMPPROOFING

1. Profile and Dimensions: As shown on Drawings.

2. Finish: Granite cladding, flamed finish, size and type as indicated on


B. Tree/Palm Grating: Tree grates shall be cast iron castings conforming to ASTM A-
48, Class 35 or better. Tree grates shall be factory finished with one coat of
enamel prime and 3 coats enamel finish. Color shall be black unless noted

1. Tree grates shall be two-piece, 180 degree round, 1200 mm diameter

grating and opening in center shall be 600 mm as shown on Drawing.
Provide space for lighting fixtures where indicated on drawings.

2. Design and Configuration: As shown on drawings and approved by the


C. Litter Bin: Trash receptacle shall be fabricated with stainless steel body Conform to
ASTM A 666, Type 304, smooth finish and fiberglass receptacles cover. Bin shall
be properly marked as shown on drawings. Size shall be as shown on drawings.

H. Cast Iron Decorative Bollards:

1. Construction: Fabricate bollards using cast iron castings conforming to

ASTM A-48, Class 35.

2. Fixation: Cast Iron Base plate and bollard fixation shall be as approved by
the Engineer.

3. Finish: Painted, for all exposed surfaces in accordance with Section 09900 -

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MODA, J13-03500


A. Examine conditions at the job site where work of this section is to be performed to
insure proper arrangement and fit of the work. Start of work implies acceptance of
job site conditions.


A. Examine the Contract Drawings and specifications in order to insure the

completeness of the work required under this Section.

B. Verify and cooperate in the coordination and scheduling of the work of this Section
with the work of related trades, so as not to delay job progress.

C. Coordinate the work of this section with sections with respect to materials that have
to be pre-installed.


A. Refer to the drawings for each type of condition.

B. Install metal edging as per manufacturer's written instructions.


A. Repair or replace defective work as directed by the Project Manager.

B. Clean all work as required prior to final acceptance.


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MODA, J13-03500




A. This Section includes outdoor equipment for tennis, basketball, football pitch and



SASO 1415 Zinc coating on hot-dipped galvanized steel pipes.

SASO 1416 Testing methods of zinc coating on hot-dipped galvanized steel pipes

SASO 1459 Gymnastic equipment – Landing mats and surfaces for floor exercises
– Determination of resistance to slipping.

SASO 79 Aluminum and aluminum alloys for building purposes – Part 1 :

Rods/Bars, tubes and profiles.

SASO 80 Testing methods for aluminum and aluminum alloys products for
building purposes Part 1: Sheets, strips, bars and structural sections.

SASO 1011 Black and hot-dipped galvanized steel pies suitable for screwing

SASO 1012 Test methods of welded plain-end steel tubes and pipes for general

SASO 1013 Welded plain-end steel tubes and pipes for general use


A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details,
material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes.

B. Shop Drawings: For each type of athletic equipment, include materials, plans, eleva-
tions, sections, details, method of field assembly, connections, and installation
details. Indicate capacity and number of play activities.

C. Coordination Drawings: Layout plans and elevations drawn to scale and coordinating
equipment with athletic surface systems. Show athletic equipment locations, use
zones, fall heights and extent of protective surfacing.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02880-1 Outdoor Athletic Equipment

MODA, J13-03500
D. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts or 6-inch (150-mm) lengths
of actual units showing the full range of colors and textures available for components
with factory-applied color finishes.

E. Samples for Verification: For the following products, for each type of exposed finish
required, prepared on Samples of size indicated below and of same thickness and
material indicated for the Work. If finishes involve normal color and texture variations,
include sample sets showing the full range of variations expected. Architect reserves
the right to require additional Samples that show fabrication techniques,
workmanship, and design of athletic equipment.


A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who has specialized in installing

work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and who is
acceptable to manufacturer of athletic equipment and playing courts.



A. Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for
type of use and finish indicated and to comply with performance requirements for
structural aluminum; mill finish or decorative baked-enamel powder-coat finish.

1. Extruded Bars, Profiles, and Tubes: ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M).

a Tubing: Minimum yield strength of 35,000 lbf/sq. in. (241 MPa) and
minimum tensile strength of 38,000 lbf/sq. in. (262 MPa).

2. Cast Aluminum: ASTM B 179.

B. Steel: Comply with the following:

1. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M, hot-dip galvanized.

2. Steel Pipe: Standard-weight steel pipe complying with ASTM A 53 or electric-

resistance-welded pipe complying with ASTM A 135, with a minimum yield
strength of 30,000 lbf/sq. in. (205 MPa); hot-dip galvanized internally and

3. Steel Mechanical Tubing: Cold-rolled, electric-resistance-welded carbon or

alloy steel tubing complying with ASTM A 513 or steel tubing fabricated from
steel complying with ASTM A 569/A 569M and complying with the dimensional
tolerances in ASTM A 500; with a minimum yield strength of 40,000 lbf/sq. in.
(276 MPa) and a minimum tensile strength of 45,000 lbf/sq. in. (310 MPa);
zinc coated internally and externally.

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4. Steel Sheet: Commercial steel sheet complying with ASTM A 569/A 569M.

5. Galvanized Steel Sheet: Commercial steel sheet, hot-dip galvanized,

complying with ASTM A 653/A 653M for not less than G60 (Z180) coating
designation; mill phosphatized.

6. Perforated Metal: From steel sheet not less than 0.1196-inch (3.0-mm)
nominal thickness; manufacturer's standard perforation pattern.

7. Expanded Metal: From carbon-steel sheets, deburred after expansion, and

complying with ASTM F 1267 for 1/2 number 11.
8. Stainless-Steel Sheet: Type 304, complying with ASTM A 240/A 240M or
ASTM A 666; cold rolled and finished on exposed faces with No. 2B finish.


A. Tennis:

1. Tennis Net: Extra-strong 3.5 mm twine with 325 lb. break strength, complete with
2-ply polyester duck headband and fiberglass dowels.

2. Tennis Net Posts: 3" outside diameter, 11-gage steel with chrome plated gear
plate complete with welded lacing rods for securing net to post, chrome plated
handle, caps and other required accessories. Posts shall have acrylic urethane
finish, green color.

B. Football Pitch and Handball:

1. Goals: Vertical post, crossbar and portable unit base tubes shall be
constructed of 100 x 50 mm heavy duty steel tubing with integral net
attachment rod for lacing net to frame. Unit shall be finished in white baked
enamel coating. Provide heavy-duty white nylon, standard style backstays
and ground sleeves for seasonal removal of goals.

C. Basketball Units:

1. Basketball units shall be “center-strut” direct mount design for strength and
durability and furnished complete with support upright, fan aluminum backboard,
standard rim, net and hardware. Diameter of galvanized steel post shall be 113
mm with 1.50-m extension.


A. General: Provide sizes, strengths, thickness, wall thickness, and weights of

components as indicated but not less than required to comply with structural
performance and other requirements in ASTM F 1487. Factory drill components for
field assembly. Unnecessary holes in components, not required for field assembly,
are not permitted.

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MODA, J13-03500

A. Concrete Materials and Properties: Comply with requirements in Division 3 Section

"Cast-in-Place Concrete" to produce normal-weight, air-entrained concrete with a
minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi (20.7 MPa), 3-inch (75-mm)
slump, and 1-inch- (25-mm-) maximum size aggregate.


A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products"
for recommendations for applying and designating metal finishes.

B. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent

pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples.
Noticeable variations in the same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance
of other components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples
and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast.


A. Baked-Enamel Powder-Coat Finish: Manufacturer's standard, baked, polyester-

TGIC, powder-coat finish complying with finish manufacturer's written instructions for
surface preparation, including pretreatment, application, baking, and minimum dry film
thickness of more than 5 mils (0.127 mm).


A. Baked-Enamel Powder-Coat Finish: Manufacturer's standard, baked, polyester-

TGIC, powder-coat finish complying with finish manufacturer's written instructions for
surface preparation, including pretreatment, application, baking, and minimum dry film
thickness of more than 5 mils (0.127 mm).

B. PVC Finish: Manufacturer's standard, UV-stabilized, mold-resistant, slip-resistant,-

matte-textured, dipped or sprayed-on, PVC-plastisol finish, with flame retardant
added, complying with coating manufacturer's written instructions for pretreatment,
application, and minimum dry film thickness of 80 mils (2 mm).



A. Examine areas and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with
requirements for site clearing, earthwork, site surface and subgrade drainage, and
other conditions affecting performance.

B. Do not begin installation before final grading required for placing protective surfacing
is completed, unless otherwise permitted by Architect.

C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02880-4 Outdoor Athletic Equipment

MODA, J13-03500

A. Verify that athletic court layout and equipment locations comply with requirements for
each type and component of equipment.


A. General: Comply with manufacturer's written installation instructions, unless more

stringent requirements are indicated. Anchor athletic equipment securely, positioned
at locations and elevations indicated on Shop Drawings.

B. Post and Footing Excavation: Hand-excavate holes for posts and footings to
dimensions, profile, spacings, and in locations indicated on Drawings, in firm,
undisturbed or compacted subgrade soil. Level bearing surfaces with drainage fill to
required elevation.

C. Post Setting: Set main-frame equipment posts in concrete footing. Protect portion of
posts above footing from concrete splatter. Place concrete around posts and vibrate
or tamp for consolidation. Verify that posts are set plumb or at the correct angle and
are aligned and at the correct height and spacing. Hold posts in position during
placement and finishing operations until concrete is sufficiently cured.

D. Concrete Footings: Smooth top, and shape to shed water.


A. Arrange for athletic equipment manufacturer's technical personnel to inspect athletic

equipment and components during installation and at final completion.

B. Notify Contracting Officer 48 hours in advance of date and time of final inspection.


A. Adjust movable athletic equipment components to operate smoothly, easily, and

quietly, free from binding, warp, distortion, nonalignment, misplacement, disruption, or
malfunction, throughout entire operational range.


A. After completing athletic equipment installation, inspect components. Remove spots,

dirt, and debris. Repair damaged finishes to match original finish or replace


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. 02880-5 Outdoor Athletic Equipment

MODA, J13-03500




A. Landscaping work as shown on Drawings and as specified herein but shall not be
limited to the following:

1. Site Preparation to receive soil and plant materials.

2. Procurement, protection and importation of plant materials to site.

3. Propagation of plant materials.

4. Soil importation.

5. Soil preparation including soil ameliorants.

6. Finish grading of soil.

7. Installation of plant material, trees, shrubs, ground covers, climbers and

grass seeds.

8. Staking and guying of trees.

9. Protection, maintenance and guarantee as specified.

10. Watering during construction and maintenance period.

11. Providing all labor and materials incidental to the satisfactory completion of
the work, including clean up of the site.

B. Related Work Items: Refer to the applicable Sections of DIVISION 2 -



A. AAN - American Association of Nurserymen:

AAN Botanical Listing, Tagging and sizes.

B. ACJHN - American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature:

ACJHN Latest Edition of Standardized Plant Names.

C. ANSI - American National of Standards Institute:

Z60.1 American Standard for Nursery Stock

D. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:

ASTM C 136 Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Landscaping
MODA, J13-03500
E. AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists:

AOAC Official Methods of Analysis.

F. Royal Horticultural Society:

Dictionary of Gardening.


A. Laboratory Analysis: Testing laboratory analysis shall provide specific testings for
each item specified herein, expressed in rates and quantities as required.

B. Plant Certificates: Submit plant health and import certificates for review and

C. Plant Supplies: Submit details of sources of supply for trees, shrubs, ground
covers, climbers and grass seeds for review and approval. Make necessary
arrangements for the Engineer to inspect plant material at the nurseries.

D. Agricultural Soil and Red Sand Supplies: Submit details of supply and certificates
for each delivery of bulk material, including soil and sand, stating the source,
quantity, and type of material.

E. Furnish complete agricultural soil and sand suitability analysis from an approved
Independent Testing Laboratory at intervals as required by the Engineer for

F. Furnish the Client a certificate with each delivery of fertilizers and soil conditioners
in containers stating source, quantity and type of material, including
manufacturer's statement at testing that the material meets the requirements of
the specifications.

G. Miscellaneous Materials: Furnish samples of materials to be used in association

with the landscaping works.


A. Secure permission from the Engineer to store plants on Project site. Ensure that
planting materials are protected from damage by sun, wind and construction work.


A. Guarantee executed Work and materials for a period of one year after completion
of planting operations. Replace dying or unhealthy plants after conditions become

B. Plants used for replacement shall be of same kind and size as specified in Plant
List and shall be furnished, planted, and maintained as specified.
C. Approval and Rejection of Materials:

1. Selection of materials and execution of operations shown on Drawings and

Specifications are subject to the approval of the Engineer.

2. The Engineer shall have the right to reject material and work which in his
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opinion does not meet the requirements of Drawings and Specifications at
any stage of the operation.

D. Substitution of Materials: Before submitting bid, locate necessary materials called

for and make sure of their availability for use on job. Contract bids shall be based
upon providing specified materials, processes, and products identified in
Specifications and/or indicated on Drawings. Substitutes will be permitted only
upon submission of proof that specified plants are not obtainable and with
authorization of the Engineer. Written requests with nearest available size, variety
of plant and price adjustments, to be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior
ordering substitute(s).


A. Establish lines and levels necessary for the location and erection of landscape
construction, excavation, filling, and grading work. Verify site measurements with
Drawings, and assure the proper fitting of this portion of completed work. Changes
or compensation will not be allowed on account of differences between actual
measurements and the dimensions shown on Drawings, but any such differences
which may be found shall be submitted to the Engineer for adjustment before
proceeding with the work.

B. Provide watering equipment as required for the work at no extra cost to Owner
throughout the construction and maintenance period.

C. Provide and maintain substantial and adequate protection as may be required to

protect new and existing work and items of equipment and furnishings through the
entire duration of the work, to the full satisfaction of the Engineer.



A. Soil Mixture Materials:

1. Agricultural Soil:

a. Agricultural soil to be from an agricultural source outside the limits

of the Project and in compliance with the requirements specified

b. Soil shall have the same relative composition and structure, a

friable sandy loam character, and be free of roots, clods and
stones larger than 25 mm in greatest dimension, pockets of coarse
sand, noxious weeds, sticks, brush and other litter. Soil shall not
to be infested with plant disease organisms, nematodes or other
insects, and shall be free from all chemicals harmful to plant and
animal life.

c. Agriculture soil to meet the following requirements as approved by

soil analysis.

1) Salinity: Not more than 2 milli-mhos/cm as measured by the

saturation extract method.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Landscaping

MODA, J13-03500
2) Sodium Absorption Ratio: Not more than 5.

3) PH Value: From 5.5 to 7.5.

4) Boron Concentration in Saturation Extract: Not more than 1


5) Silt and Clay Content: Not more than 16 percent by weight.

6) A minimum of 90 percent by weight to pass a 2 mm round

hole sieve.

7) Permeability Rate: Minimum 13 mm/hour when tested in

accordance with ASTM D 2434 or other approved methods.

2. Red Sand:

a. Red sand to be from a source outside the limits of the project and
in compliance with the requirements specified herein.

b. Sand shall be free of roots, clods and stones larger than 25 mm in

greatest dimension, pockets of gravel, fine silt, noxious weeds,
sticks, brush and other litter and shall not be infested with plant
disease organisms, nematodes or other insects, and shall be free
from chemicals harmful to plant and animal life.

c. Red Sand Physical Characteristics:

1) Materials Passing a No. 10 Sieve: 100 percent.

2) Materials Passing a No. 35 Sieve: From 90 to 100 percent.

3) Materials Passing a No. 140 Sieve: From 0 to 10 percent.

4) Materials Passing a No. 270 Sieve: From 0 to 3 percent.

d. Red Sand Chemical Characteristics:

1) Salinity: Not exceeding 2 milli-mhos/cm as measured by the

saturation extract method.

2) Sodium Absorption Ratio: Not more than 5.

3) PH Value: From 5.5 to 7.5.

3. Water Retaining Polymer: Non-toxic, bio-degradable polyacrylamide co-

polymer which ameliorates the soil by its water storing capacity.

B. Organic Amendments:

1. Submit a written request for approval accompanied by a written report of a

testing agency registered by the governing authority for the agricultural
evaluation, which states that the proposed source complies with these
specifications. Amendments from sources including, but not limited to,
refuse, human or animal waste will be rejected.

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MODA, J13-03500
2. Organic amendments shall have a consistent composition, moderately
acidic, with substantial nitrogen content and low salinity. Amendments shall
be free of roots, clods and stones, noxious weeds, sticks, brush and other
litter and shall not be infested with nematodes or other insects or plant
disease organisms. Organic amendments shall be supplied to improve the
organic content of the soil.

3. Organic amendments shall meet the following additional requirements:

a. Physical Characteristics:

1) Material passing 9.51 mm sieve: 100 percent

2) Material passing 6.35 mm sieve: 90-100 percent

3) Material passing 2.38 mm sieve: 50-60 percent

4) Material passing 0.50 mm sieve: 0-10 percent

5) Bulk Density: 300 - 400 kg/m3

b. Chemical Characteristics:

1) Organic Matter: Greater than 85 percent

2) PH Value: 5 - 6.5

3) Salinity (ECe x 103): 0.5 - 2.0

4) Total Nitrogen: 0.9 - 2.0

5) Available Phosphorous: 100 - 500 ppm

6) CEC (meg/100 g): 80 - 120

7) Boron (Saturation extract): Less than 5 ppm

8) Sodium Absorption Ratio: Less than 2.0

C. Fertilizers:

1. Fertilizers shall be commercial, granulated type, uniform in composition,

dry and free flowing, and shall be delivered to the site in unopened
containers each bearing the manufacturer's name, guarantee, chemical
analysis, and weight.

2. Fertilizing materials shall be packaged, first grade, commercial quality

products identified as to source, type of material, weight, and
manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Fertilizing materials shall not contain
toxic ingredients or fillers harmful to human and animal life or plants.
Furnish a certificate of compliance stating that the materials used meet the
Specifications when required by the Engineer.

3. Fertilizers for Soil Mixes:

a. Slow release compound fertilizer which shall be incorporated in soil

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mix at a rate of 300 g per tree/plant conforming to following.

- N: 6.5 percent
- PoO5 (soluble): 11.5 percent
- PoO5 (insoluble): 33.2 percent
- K2O: 7 percent
- Mg: 11.8 percent

b. Controlled release fertilizer shall be organic resin coated complete

fertilizer with an analysis of 16-17-5+Fe and a release longevity of
12 - 14 months at 21oC soil temperature. Fertilizer planting tablets
shall be tightly compressed fertilizer chips forming planting tablets
and shall contain the following minimum percentages of plant food
by weight:

- Nitrogen: 12 - 20 percent
- Phosphoric acid: 8 - 10 percent
- Potash: 3 - 25 percent

c. Agricultural Grade Sulphur (S): 99 percent sulphur content with 100

percent passing a No. 16 mesh screen.

4. Fertilizer to be included, but not limited to, in the soil mix: Soil Sulphur,
Superphosphate, Ammonium Sulphate.


A. General:

1. Landscape planting materials shall conform to the applicable standards

and nomenclature of the American Standard for Nursery Stock and the
Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening.

2. Refer to the planting schedule and drawings for the complete list of
planting materials.

B. Trees, Plants and Ground Covers:

1. Trees, plants, and ground covers shall be nursery grown in accordance

with good horticultural practices, and grown under climatic conditions
similar to those in the locality of the Project for at least 2 years.

2. Trees shall be typical of their species or variety, with normal growth,

sound, healthy, vigorous, well-branched, and densely foliated. They shall
be free of diseases, insect pests, eggs or larvae and shall have a well-
developed root systems.

3. Trees shall have straight trunks with the leaders intact, undamaged and
uncut. Old abrasions and cuts shall be completely calloused over.

4. Standardized Plant Names: Names of the plants shown on the drawings

conform with the names given in American Joint Committee on
Horticultural Nomenclature (ACJHN) Latest Edition of Standardized Plant
Names. Plant species not listed therein shall conform to plant names
accepted in the trade and deliveries shall be accompanied by appropriate
patent certification.
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5. Plants to be Furnished: Furnish plant material in accordance with that
named on the Drawings. Replace plant material deviating from the correct
plants at no additional cost. The Engineer reserves the right to inspect
plants at place of growth, but such inspection shall not preclude the right of
rejection of the planting site before and/or after planting.

6. Quality and sizes: Furnish plants in conformance with the sizes required by
the Drawings. The size of the plants measured before pruning shall
conform to the measurements specified. Plants larger in size than those
indicated may be furnished with the approval of the Engineer, but at no
change to the contract price. For larger plants, the ball of earth or spread
of roots shall be proportional to the size of the plant.

7. Root Treatment: Immediately after digging, cover roots of bare root plants
with a thick coating of mud or puddling, or wrap in a wet straw, moss, or
other suitable packing material for protection until delivery.

8. Containerized plant material shall have been growing in their containers for
at least one year or sufficiently long enough to develop a root system
capable of holding the soil intact after the removal from the container.

9. Minimum Tree Ball Sizes And Shapes: Ball size shall be 300 mm diameter
for each 25 mm of trunk diameter measured 300 mm above the ground
line. Ball shapes shall be truncated cones; however, root growth structure
of designated species and local soil conditions may require variation.

10. Trees shall have neatly trimmed trunks with no frond shrubs or fibrous

11. Options: Plants may be furnished container grown instead of balled and
burlaped or bare root, provided size requirements are met and the plant
containers are proportional with sizes of plants to be furnished.

12. Substitutions: Plants or cultivars other than those named in the list of
plants to be furnished will not be accepted unless specifically approved in
writing by the Engineer.

13. Labels: Identify clearly shipments of plants. Durable and legible labels
stating correct names and sizes of plants shall be securely attached to
individual plants, bundles of like variety and size, as delivered to the site for
inspection and planting identification.

C. Grass: Type of grass shall be as indicated on Drawings.

D. Handling of Planting Materials:

1. Heavy balled plants shall be carefully handled to prevent cracked or

broken plant balls.

2. No plant shall be handled by or lifted by the stem or foliage.

3. Handle plants in such a manner as to avoid damage and protect roots from
drying at all times.

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MODA, J13-03500
4. The ball of balled and burlapped plants which cannot be planted
immediately upon delivery shall be covered with moist soil, mulch, or other
covering to protect from drying, wind and sun. Plants shall be watered as
necessary until planted.

5. Spray bare root or root balled plants with an acceptable trade anti-
desiccant spray at the nursery or grove prior to shipping.

E. Shipping of Planting Materials:

1. Notify the Engineer in advance of the time and mode of shipping.

2. Furnish copies of the required custom documents to the Engineer 14 days

prior to schedule shipment.

3. Plant materials shall be packed to provide adequate protection against

climatic and physical injuries during transit. Plants shall be securely
covered to prevent wind-whipping and drying.

4. Freight containers shall be carefully packed and adequately ventilated in

accordance with the plant requirements to prevent sweating of the plants
during transit. Shipments shall be given special attention to insure prompt
delivery to job site.

5. Plants shall be treated with required pesticides just prior to shipment or as

necessary to comply with local regulations.
6. The required inspection and transportation certificates will accompany
each shipment.

F. Delivery to the Planting Site:

1. Supplier shall notify the Engineer of the scheduled delivery dates 30 days
prior to the shipping date. Send 2 copies of an itemized plant material list
with the delivery notice to insure coordination of the required inspection at
the point of delivery. Once delivered, plants shall be cared for and
protected from damage and deterioration until they are planted at the
locations shown on the drawings. All the trees/shrubs and groundcover
material shown on the drawings shall be stored and maintained at the Site
Plant Nursery.

2. Plants shall be properly acclimatized to the local site conditions.


A. Tree Stakes: Provide tree stakes for supporting trees as shown on Drawings.

B. Tree Ties: Proprietary reinforced rubber or plastic, fully adjustable 600 x 25 mm

clinch type tree ties or plastic buffer through which the tie passes between the tree
and the stake.

C. Guy wires and Turnbuckles: Galvanized woven drawn steel wire attached to
galvanized turnbuckle assemblies.

D. Guy Wire Covers: To protect the tree against abrasion of the guy wire, flexible
reinforced rubber hose shall be threaded over the guy wire in the location where
the wire loops around the tree trunk and branches only.
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E. Guy Wire Markers: Guy wire shall be covered in 15 mm Schedule 40 white PVC
tubing up to 2 meters above ground level.

F. Anti-Desiccant: Emulsion-type, film forming agent designed to permit plant

transpiration, but retard excess loss of moisture.

G. Sub-Surface Drainage Gravel: Anti-capillary drainage layer shall be constructed of

12 - 20 mm nominal size angular gravel with no fines and shall have a minimum
thickness of 150 mm.

H. Gravel Mulch: Crushed limestone aggregate from off-site source, well graded,
clean, free of organic materials, and screened 10 - 30 mm size.

I. Filter Membrane: Spun-bonded polypropylene fabric manufactured by an

integrated process of fiber spinning and bonding and conforming to the following

- Weight: 136 g/m2

- Thickness: 0.49 mm
- Multi-Directional Test Strength: 100 N/m2
- Elongation at Break: 32 percent
- Pore Size: 120 micrometers

J. Irrigation Water: Water used for irrigation shall be analyzed by a registered

institution and the report of which shall be approved by the Engineer. Report shall
show conformance with the following standards:

- Maximum Total Dissolved Solids: 1,500 ppm

- Electrical Conductivity: 1.8 milli-moh/cm
- Maximum Ph: 8
- Maximum Temperature: 30oC
- Maximum Specific Intoxicity:
* Na: 200 ppm
* Cl: 350 ppm
* B: 0.75 ppm
* SO4: 750 ppm

K. Insecticide and Fungicide: Use insecticide and fungicide if any disease occurs.
Identify type of disease as well as the appropriate section of insecticide and
fungicide which shall be delivered in the manufacturer's containers and shall be
used according to insecticide manufacturer instructions. Materials used shall
strictly comply with applicable laws governing their use.

L. Tree Paint: Specifically formulated for the treatment of tree wounds or cut
branches, and shall be free of chemicals which may burn the live tissue of the

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Landscaping

MODA, J13-03500


A. General: The following soil mixes shall be used as appropriate.

1. Palm Tree Soil Mix: A two-part mix. Surround palm tree pruned root ball by
red sand with no additives. This encasement in red sand only shall be the
diameter of one and a half times the root ball in size. The rest of tree pit
shall be filled with a soil mix similar in composition to that of trees, shrubs
and ground cover.

2. Trees/Shrubs/Ground Cover Soil Mix:

- Agricultural Soil: 20 percent by volume

- Red Sand: 60 percent by volume
- Peat Moss: 20 percent by volume
- Water Retaining Polymer: 2 Kg/m3
- Fertilizer: As specified

3. Soil Mix for Lawn Areas: Soil mix for lawns of grass areas shall be as

- Agricultural soil: 30 percent by volume

- Red Sand: 70 percent by volume
- Water Retaining polymer: 2 kg/m3
- Fertilizer: As approved by the Engineer


A. Mix completely and compound the soil mix using approved mechanical methods
before placement in tree pits, shrubs and ground cover beds.

B. Add the approved fertilizers to the soil mix at a rate of 450 g/m3 unless otherwise
recommended by the Engineer. Provide additional slow release fertilizer tablets for
tree pits at a rate of 20 g per tree to be incorporated in the soil mix.

C. Planting bed shall consist of a soil mix over sub-surface drainage of crushed
aggregate or gravel which has been placed to the depth as shown on the

D. Provide filter membrane where specified with 300 mm overlapping between the
soil mix and the sub-surface drainage.

E. Place soil mix in 150 mm lifts, wetted, tamped to fill to finish grade as shown on
the drawings. After soil mix has been placed, rake to true lines, free from unsightly
variations, bumps, ridges or depressions.

F. Remove sticks, stones, roots and other objectionable materials from the soil which
might interfere with formation of finely graded seed bed.

G. No planting shall take place until the plant bed locations and lawn areas are
approved by the Engineer.

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MODA, J13-03500

A. Irrigation System: Utilize the installed automatic irrigation system and hoses from
the quick couplers for the Project. Furnish water hoses and other equipment
required for watering the plants.

B. Planting Season: Conduct planting operations under favorable weather conditions

during the season which is normally accepted in the locality.

C. Layout: Accomplish the ground layout for planting as approved by the Engineer
prior to any planting, and following completion of planting soil installation. Stake
location for individual plants, outline planting beds, and mark the location of plants
within a planting bed other than ground cover.

D. Planting Obstructions: Remove obstructions encountering excavation of planting

pits, such as loose rocks, boulders, or construction debris. Existing underground
utility lines, new or in use, shall not be disturbed. When such are encountered or
other obstructions appear that are greater in diameter than the diameter of the
planting pit being prepared, the position of the plant shall be shifted or relocated
as determined by the Engineer. No explosives will be used for the removal or rock
or other obstructions. Repair and/or replace damages to structures and/or utility
lines at no additional cost.

E. Excavation for Planting:

1. Size planting pits for trees as detailed. Increase pits accordingly in size as
required for larger trees.

2. For bare root trees and shrubs, make excavations at least 300 mm wider
than root spread and deep enough to allow for setting of roots on a layer of
compacted backfill and with collars set at same grade as in nursery.

3. For balled and burlaped trees and shrubs, make excavations at least half
again as wide the ball diameter and equal to the ball depth, plus applicable
allowance for setting of ball on a layer of compacted backfill.

4. For container grown stock, excavate as specified for balled and burlaped
stock, adjusted to size of container width and depth.

5. Mechanical diggers may be used in the excavation of tree pits, however,

the vertical sides of the pits, burnished to a hard smooth surface, shall be
scarified and/or fractured to eliminate the impervious walls.

6. Where substrate formation inhibit proper drainage, Provide trenches to

prevent water collecting in tree pits.

F. Filter Membrane:

1. Install filter membrane directly above the drainage layer ensuring the
membrane is laid out to minimize small filler pieces around the edges of
the planting area. Membrane shall overlap 150 mm and shall be stapled or
woven together at 300 mm intervals to ensure the membrane joint will not
be moved during backfilling.

2. Wrap up the planting pit sides with membrane providing excess above
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finished grade during backfilling. Once backfilling has been completed and
the finished soil levels achieved, trim the membrane neatly to the finished
soil level.

G. Backfilling:

1. After backfilling plant pit approximately 60 percent full, in 150 mm lifts, add
water and allow soil mix to settle. Add additional soil to finish grade.

2. After settlement, add additional planting mix required to bring pit to finish

3. Removal of containers and/or severing of the sides of plantable containers

shall be completed in a manner which will leave the balls of roots and soil
intact. Handling methods which result in ball damage will be sufficient
reason for rejection of the plant.

H. Setting Plants: Set plants in approved topsoil in pits as shown on the Drawings.
After initial watering and settlement, plants shall be at the same ground level
grade as the relative grade of the ground from which they are dug. Set plumb
upright growing trees and adjust shrubs and spreading type plants to produce their
natural form and profile.

I. Balled and Container Grown Plants:

1. Place a minimum of 100 mm of compacted topsoil mixture in the bottom of

the pit or to depth necessary to set the plant to required grade.

2. Place planting mixture around ball and carefully compacted to avoid injury
to ball and to fill voids.

3. Cut and remove burlap, rope, wire or other wrapping materials away from
the top of the ball and out of the pit. Do not remove burlap or ties from
sides or bottom of ball.

4. Remove plastic materials from the pit.

5. Cut off broken or frayed roots cleanly and treat the areas cut with the
approved tree paint.

J. Bare Root Plants: Roots of bare root plants shall be spread out and carefully
worked into root system. Broken of frayed roots shall be cut off prior to planting.

K. Relocating Plants:

1. The leaf fronds shall be substantially reduced in number leaving only the
20 youngest ones closest to the growing point.

2. Root ball shall be carefully and evenly excavated around the sides
gradually working underneath the root ball to the center of the tree. Slings
should be attached around the trunk of the tree and the weight taken up by
the crane prior to the final excavation below the root ball.

3. Once the root ball is free of the ground the crane shall lower the tree down
to ground level, care being taken not to damage the foliage. Spray fronds
with anti-desiccant spray. Tie up the fronds with hemp rope and the
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MODA, J13-03500
growing point wrapped in hessian from 1 m below the growing point to 1 m
above. Tie up the trunk cutting back any untidy leaf midrib stalks ensuring
the trunk is trimmed to an even state.

4. Move the tree to its new location. Immediately prior to planting, the roots
shall be inspected and cut back to the root ball leaving roots clean cut. Cut
away rotting or diseased roots and treat with tree paint.

5. Lift tree into position ensuring the root ball is planted 150 mm deeper than
originally grown with reference to proposed finished grade then surround
the root ball by red sand. Backfill the soil mix and the red sand to achieve
finished grade.

6. Install guy wires with wire markers, covers and turnbuckles, tighten and
position the tree to a balanced and vertical position.

L. Trees:

1. Plant trees in pits of diameters as indicated on the Drawings. Use the

specified soil mix as a backfill.

2. Water trees each day for the first 3 months.

M. Shrubs and Ground Covers:

1. Plant shrubs, ground covers and climbers in a prepared soil mix bed, 450
mm deep for shrubs and climbers and 300 mm deep for ground covers.

2. Plant shrubs and ground covers after planting the trees. Space as shown
on drawings, adjusting as necessary to evenly fill planting bed using
specific quantity of plants.

3. Final grade of beds shall be 50 mm below walkways and curbs.

4. No plants shall be taken from the nursery for planting until after the pits or
holes for the plants have been properly excavated, watered, and prepared
to receive the plant material.

N. Watering and Adjusting:

1. Water plants thoroughly after setting. During and immediately after

watering, adjust plants as necessary to ensure correct depth of planting,
vertical alignment and/or natural profile.

2. Firm soil around each plant as final adjustments are made. Form the
saucer required for holding mulch and water at this time.

3. Dispose excess soil resulting from planting excavation off the site or as
directed by the Engineer.

O. Pruning, Staking and Guying:

1. Pruning: To be limited to the minimum. To be used for removing broken

twigs and branches and to compensate for the loss of roots dying while
transplanting. Paint cuts of 19 mm in diameter using an approved tree
wound paint. Trimming performed in excess of, or contrary to, the
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requirements will not be acceptable, and the plant so pruned shall be
replaced with a new one.

2. Staking and Guying: Set trees plumb and brace rigidly in position. Tamp
soil mix solidly around ball prior to staking or guying. Complete Staking
and guying operations immediately after planting. Perform work in the
manner illustrated on Drawings. Care shall be taken to ensure that the
stake does not rub against any part of the tree or penetrate root ball. Nail
two galvanized clout nails to the stake to prevent slippage.

P. Mulching: Place gravel mulch, of the required thickness, planted areas and where

Q. Lawns/Grass Areas:

1. The soil mix shall be filled to 30 mm above finished hardscape (if adjacent)
to allow for settlement to be level with the top of hardscape. If greater
settlement occurs and the top of the soil is below the finished level of the
hardscape, the soil area shall be topped up to even grades blending in with
the adjacent areas ensuring a level finish with the paving.

2. The prepared soil-filled lawn area shall then be watered for 14 days at
normal lawn applications rates to ensure the soil is evenly watered.

3. Prior to seed application the soil shall be fumigated for the elimination of
weeds, seeds, insects and other noxious items. This fumigation shall be in
the form of methylbromide or equivalent. The Contractor shall submit a
work plan stating the chemicals, dosing and method of operation prior to

4. Fertilizer shall be applied and incorporated into the top surface of the soil.

5. The soil shall then be finally fine graded and compacted with a 136 Kg
water-filled roller to 80% weight compaction. Only after this grading is
completed and approved by the Owner's Representative will the Contractor
be permitted to sow the seed.

6. Seed Growing: Grass seed shall be sown at the rate recommended by

seed manufacturer, unless specified otherwise in the plant schedule. Seed
distribution shall be by mechanical method, or in small areas by hand, by
experienced workmen to ensure an even distribution of seed, hence
establishment. Once sown, the seed shall be lightly raked into the surface.
In areas with no existing shade, the Contractor may, at his discretion,
cover the soil surface with hessian to assist in germination. The area
should then be lightly and evenly irrigated to ensure wetting of the seed.

7. Roll area to smooth, evenly finish and compaction.

8. Soil surface to remain moist at all times during turf establishment period.
Any dry areas shall be replanted.

9. If hessian is used, the Contractor shall lift the hessian carefully to limit any
damage to the young grass shoots once established.

10. Re-sow or replant all bare areas at intervals necessary to establish a full
sward over the entire area.
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11. The first cutting of the young grass shall not take place until the average
length is 75 mm.

R. Lawn Establishment and Maintenance

1. Lawn establishment period to be approximately 90 days. This period will

be extended as necessary until an even sward is achieved.

2. At the time of first cutting and removal of grass cuttings, the grass sward
shall be closely inspected for the following:

a. Low Areas: The Owner’s Representative may require that the sod
be lifted in low areas, topsoil added and the sod be re-laid and
lightly rolled.

b. Disease: The sward shall be closely inspected for any insect

pests, fungus or other biological organism attack, and treated as

c. Fertilizer: The sward color and growth habit should be inspected

and a light application of fertilizer given to promote more even

d. Watering: Water application to consist of deep wetting 3 times per

week during early morning hours for warm month periods and 1-2
times per week during cool months. Adjust irrigation control timing
accordingly to avoid frequent, light applications and daytime

3. Once established and the lawn is a continuous green sward, it should be

cut as necessary when the average length of the sward is 75 mm, cutting
down to 30% with the clippings being removed immediately after cutting;
the precise number of cuts depending on growth rate.

S. Maintenance, Guarantee and Replacement:

1. Maintain landscape planting for one full calendar year after completion of
the Project. Replace providing new materials similar in specifications to
the damaged or dead plants or area of planting judged by the Engineer to
be dead or damaged through lack of maintenance or otherwise
unsatisfactory within this period at no additional cost to the Owner.

2. Maintenance includes watering, weeding, mulching, cultivating, tightening

or replacing stakes, firming in and pruning. Re-plant a minimum quantity of
spare plant materials of all species specified in this Project. Occasional site
visit of a horticultural specialist shall be the responsibility of the Contractor
during the warranty period.

3. Whenever possible, watering will be done at night to minimize evaporation

and burning of plants. Do not over-water or allow water to fall on walks,
streets, building or other structures.

4. Supplemental Fertilizing: At bi-monthly intervals after planting (starting 1

month after planting), trees, shrubs, ground covers and climbers shall
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MODA, J13-03500
receive supplementary fertilizer applied at the following rates:

- Trees over 50 mm caliper: 45 g each

- Trees under 50 mm caliper: 23 g each
- Shrubs/Ground Covers and Climbers: 23 g each

5. Apply supplemental fertilizer at a distance not closer than 150 mm to

trunks of trees or shrubs. Wash off immediately any fertilizer on the foliage
of plants. Water fertilized areas in sufficient quantity to wet entire root
structure of plants.

6. Herbicides and Pesticides: If it proves necessary to use herbicides or

pesticides, submit a schedule of materials to be used containing the
constituent chemical, manufacturer application rate, application method
and application interval to the Engineer for approval.

7. Stake, Tree Tie and Hessian Removal: Prior to maintenance handover,

inspect stakes, tree ties and hessian wrapping and remove materials that
are no longer required to support healthy plant growth. Adjust or remove
materials that are to be left in place as necessary to ensure proper plant

8. Maintenance Handover: Contact the Engineer 45 days prior to the end of

the maintenance period and provide the opportunity for the Owner's
personnel to familiarize themselves with the landscaping maintenance

9. Submit monthly maintenance reports to the Engineer indicating nature and

extent of maintenance work performed, including watering, cultivation,
spraying and fertilizing, as well as plant losses and dates of replacement.


A. Upon the completion of construction, and before final acceptance, broom-clean

hard surfaced areas within the contract limits. Remove tools, surplus materials,
and equipment as well as debris and leave the site in a neat and acceptable
condition meeting the approval of the Engineer.


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MODA, J13-03500




A. Formwork for cast-in-place concrete as indicated on Drawings and as specified



A. ACI - American Concrete Institute:

ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings

ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete

ACI 347 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork (ANSI A145.1)

B. APA - American Plywood Association:

APA High Density Overlaid Concrete Form, Class 1

APA Structural 1, Exterior Quality, Class 1

APA Plastic Overlaid Plywood Forms

C. ANSI - American National Standard Institute:

A199.1 Construction and Industrial Plywood


A. Product's Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for

proprietary materials and items as required, including form coatings, manufactured
form systems, ties and accessories.

B. Detail Shop Drawings: Submit data on sequence of the concrete placement,

location of construction joints, camber details, bearing values of the soils supporting
false-work under wet and dry conditions, the anticipated settlements as well as
false-work release sequence.


A. Design, construct, erect, support, brace, maintain and remove forms according to
ACI 318, Parts 1, 2, and 3 requirements as well as ACI 347 requirements for loads,
lateral pressure and allowable stresses; in addition to other design parameters such
as wind loads.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03100-1 Concrete Formworks
MODA, J13-03500
1. Construction: Construct formwork so that cast concrete surfaces will
conform to the requirements of ACI 301, Chapter 4, Paragraph 4.3

2. Hydraulic Pressure: Maximum allowable deflection of forming surfaces from

concrete pressure will be length/360 between supports.

3. Provide surveys as required to check the lines and levels of the completed
formwork for exposed concrete before concrete is placed. Make the
required corrections or adjustments to formwork to correct deviations which
exceed the specified tolerances.

4. Check formwork during concrete placement to ensure forms, shores, false-

work, ties and other features have not been unduly disturbed by concrete
placement methods or equipment. Report in writing to the Engineer
deviations from the allowable tolerances.



A. Concrete Formwork:

1. Unless otherwise specified construct formwork of plywood, metal,

metal-framed plywood-faced or other panel type materials acceptable to
Engineer to provide continuous, straight, smooth surfaces. Provide
formwork in the largest practice sizes to minimize number of joints and to
conform to joint system indicated on Drawings. Provide form material with
sufficient thickness to withstand pressure of newly placed concrete without
bow or deflection. Provide wood forms of minimum thickness of 16 mm.

2. Use overlaid plywood complying with U.S. Product Standard PS-1, A-C or B-
B High Density Overlaid Concrete Form, Class 1.

B. Forms of Unexposed Finish Concrete: Provide forms of plywood, lumber, metal or

glass-fiber reinforced plastic or other acceptable material.

C. Form Ties:

1. Provide factory-fabricated, adjustable-length, removable or snap-off metal

form ties, designed to prevent form deflection and to prevent spalling
concrete surfaces upon removal. Use Plastic cone type, with threaded steel
rod. For water tanks or other water retaining structures use watertight form
ties as recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Unless otherwise indicated, provide ties so that portion remaining within

concrete after removal of exterior parts is at least 38 mm from the outer
concrete surface. Provide form ties which will not leave a hole larger than 25
mm diameter in the concrete surface.

3. Form ties fabricated on Project Site and wire ties are not acceptable.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03100-2 Concrete Formworks
MODA, J13-03500
D. Form Release: Non-staining, non-reactive, rust-preventive guaranteed not to affect
bond of subsequent surface applications to concrete.


A. Design, erect, support, brace and maintain formwork to safely support vertical and
lateral loads applied, until such loads can be supported by the concrete structure.
Carry vertical and lateral loads to ground by formwork system and in-place
construction that has attained adequate strength for the purpose. Design and
construct formwork of concrete members and structures to correct size, shape,
alignment, elevation and position.

B. Design form and false-work to include assumed value of live load, dead load, weight
of moving equipment operated on formwork, concrete mix, height of concrete drop,
vibrator frequency, ambient temperature, foundation pressures, stresses, lateral
stability and other factors pertinent to safety of structure during construction.

C. Design formwork to be readily removable without impact, shock or damage to

cast-in-place concrete surfaces and adjacent materials.

D. Provide formwork sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of cement paste during

concrete placement. Solidly butt joints and provide back-up material at joints as
required to prevent leakage and fins.

E. Design forms according to ACI 318, Parts 1, 2, and 3 requirements as well as ACI
347 requirements for loads, lateral pressure, and allowable stresses; in addition to
other design parameters.



A. Examine substrate and conditions under which concrete formwork is to be

performed. Correct any unsatisfactory conditions. Proceed with the work after
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the


A. General:

1. Construct forms complying with ACI 347, to sizes, shapes, lines and
dimensions indicated and required to obtain accurate alignment, location,
grades, level and plumb work in the finished structures. Provide for
openings, offsets, sinkages, keyways, recesses, moldings, rustication,
reglets, chamfers, blocking, screed, bulkheads, anchorages, inserts, and
other features required. Use selected materials to obtain the required

2. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against

concrete surfaces. Provide crush plates or wrecking plates where stripping

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03100-3 Concrete Formworks
MODA, J13-03500
may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces
where the slope is too steep to place concrete with bottom forms only. Kerf
wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like, to prevent
swelling and assure ease of removal.

3. Provide temporary openings where interior area of formwork is inaccessible

for cleanout, inspection before concrete placement and placement of
concrete. Securely brace temporary closures and set tightly to forms to
prevent loss of concrete mortar. Locate temporary openings in forms at
inconspicuous locations.

4. Form intersecting planes to provide true, clean-out corners, with edge grain
of plywood not exposed as form for concrete.

B. False-work:

1. Erect false-work and support, brace and maintain it to safely support

vertical, lateral and asymmetrical loads applied until such loads can be
supported by in-place concrete structures. Construct false-work so that
adjustments can be made for take-up and settlement.

2. Provide wedges, jacks or camber strips to facilitate vertical adjustment.

Inspect false-work and formwork during and after concrete placement
operations to determine abnormal deflection or signs of failure and make
necessary adjustments to produce work of required dimensions.

3. Provide shores and struts with positive means of adjustment capable of

taking up formwork settlement during concrete placing operations, using
wedges or jacks or a combination thereof. Provide trussed supports when
adequate foundations for shores cannot be secured.

4. Support form facing materials by structural members spaced sufficiently

close to prevent deflection. Fit forms placed in successive units for
continuous surfaces to an accurate alignment, free from irregularities and
within allowable tolerances. Provide camber in formwork as required for
anticipated deflections due to weight and pressures of fresh concrete and
construction loads for long span members without intermediate supports.

5. Provide temporary openings in wall forms and at other locations necessary

to permit inspection and clean-out.

C. Forms for Exposed Concrete:

1. Drill forms to suit ties used and to prevent leakage of concrete mortar
around tie holes. Do not splinter forms by driving ties through improperly
prepared holes.

2. Do not use metal cover plates for patching holes or defect in forms.

3. Provide sharp, clean corners at intersecting planes, without visible edges or

offsets. Back joints with extra studs or girts to maintain true, square

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03100-4 Concrete Formworks
MODA, J13-03500
4. Use extra studs and bracing as required to prevent bowing of forms
between studs and to avoid bowed appearance in concrete. Do not use
narrow strips of form material which will produce bow.

5. Assemble forms in a way to be readily removed without damage to exposed

concrete surfaces.

6. Form moldings shapes, recesses and projections with smooth finish

materials and install in forms with sealed joints to prevent displacement.

D. Corner Treatment:

1. Form exposed corners to produce square, smooth, solid, unbroken lines,

except as otherwise indicated.

2. Provide chambers for surfaces where indicated on Drawings.

3. Unless otherwise indicated, form chamfers using wood strips 19 x 19 mm;

accurately formed and surfaced to produce uniformly straight lines and tight
edge joints. Extend terminal edges to required limit and miter chamfer strips
at changes in direction.

E. Control Joints: Locate control joints where indicated or as directed. Refer to

Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE for control and construction joints

F. Provisions for Other Trades: Provide openings in concrete formwork to

accommodate work of other trades. Determine size and location of openings,
recesses and chases required for such work. Accurately place and securely support
built-in items into forms.

G. Cleaning and Tightening: Thoroughly clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive
concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt or other debris just before concrete
placement. Re-tighten forms immediately after concrete placement as required to
eliminate mortar leaks.


A. Coat form contact surfaces with form-coating compound before placing the
reinforcement. Provide form-coating compounds that will not bond with, stain, nor
adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatment of
concrete surfaces requiring bond or adhesion nor impede the wetting of surfaces to
be cured with water or curing compounds. Do not allow excess form coating
material to accumulate in the forms or to come into contact with surfaces against
which fresh concrete will be placed. Apply in compliance with manufacturer's

B. Coat steel forms with a non-staining, rust-preventive form oil or otherwise protect
against rusting. Rust-stained steel formwork is not acceptable.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03100-5 Concrete Formworks
MODA, J13-03500

A. General: Set and build into the work anchorage devices and other embedded items
required for other work that is attached to, or supported by, cast-in-place concrete.
Use setting drawings, diagrams, instructions and directions provided by the
suppliers of these items to be attached thereto.

B. Edge Forms and Screed Strips for Slabs: Set edge forms or bulkheads and
intermediate screed strips for slabs to obtain required elevations and contours in the
finished slab surface. Provide and secure units to support types of screed required.

C. Metal Inserts:

1. Provide metal inserts for anchorage of materials or equipment to concrete

construction, as required for the work.

2. Provide adjustable wedge inserts of malleable cast iron, complete with bolts,
nuts and washers; 19 mm bolt size unless otherwise indicated.

3. Provide threaded inserts of malleable cast iron, furnish complete with

full-depth bolts; 19 mm bolt size, unless otherwise indicated.

4. Provide box-out sections in concrete work as required for installation of

equipment or other work.

5. Coordinate location of all required embedded weld plates and other items for
attachment of precast concrete to cast-in-place concrete.


A. Shore floor directly under slab being placed so that loads from construction above
will safely transfer directly to these shores. Space out shoring below this level in
such a manner that no member will be excessively loaded or will induce tensile
stress in concrete members where no reinforcing steel is provided. Extend shores
beyond minimum if required to ensure the proper distribution of loads and the safety
of all concrete members.

B. Remove shores and reshore in a planned sequence to avoid damage to partially

cured concrete, and to assure that the structure supported is not subjected to
impact or loading eccentricities. Locate and provide adequate reshoring to safely
support the work.


A. Formwork not supporting concrete, such as sides of beams, columns, walls, and
similar parts of the work (vertical faces) may be removed not less than 24 hours
after placing concrete provided that concrete is sufficiently hard and will not be
damaged by form removal operations, and provided that curing and protection
operations are maintained.

B. Formwork supporting weight of concrete, such as slabs and other structural

elements must remain in place for the time period shown in ACI 347, Section

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03100-6 Concrete Formworks
MODA, J13-03500 (assuming design live load is less than dead load) and until concrete has
attained design minimum 28 day compressive strength determined by field-cured
specimens as defined below. Do not remove forms until the approval has been
obtained from the Engineer.

C. Determine potential compressive strength of in-place concrete by testing field-cured

specimens representative of the concrete location of members, as specified in

D. Form facing material may be removed not less than 4 days after placement,
provided shores and other vertical supports have been arranged to permit removal
of form facing material without loosening or disturbing shores and supports and
provided that concrete has achieved adequate compressive strength to safely
support the load.

E. Removal of Forms:

1. Use necessary means and precautions to protect workmen, passer-by, the

installed work and material of other trades and complete safety of structure.

2. Cut nails as well as form ties off flush leaving surfaces smooth and clean.

3. Remove metal spreader ties on exposed concrete by removing or snapping

off inside the wall surfaces and pointing up and rubbing the resulting
pockets to match surrounding surfaces.

4. Flush holes resulting from spreader rods and sleeve nuts, using water, and
solidly pack throughout the wall thickness with cement grout applied under
pressure by means of grouting gun; grout shall be one part cement to 2-1/2
parts sand; apply grout immediately after removing forms.


A. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused in the work. Split, frayed,
delaminated or otherwise damage form facing material will not be acceptable.
Apply new form coating compound material to concrete contact surfaces as
specified for new formwork.

B. When forms are extended for successive concrete placement thoroughly clean
surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close all joints. Align and
secure joints to avoid offsets. Do not use patched forms for exposed concrete


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03100-7 Concrete Formworks
MODA, J13-03500




A. Steel reinforcement for cast-in-place concrete as indicated on Drawings and as

specified herein.


A. SASO - Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO 2 Steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

SASO 107 Tensile testing of steel.

SASO 223 Methods of test for steel fabric for concrete reinforcement

SASO 224 Steel fabric for reinforcement of concrete

SASO 690 Methods of test for steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete

B. ACI - American Concrete Institute

ACI 315 Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement

ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete

C. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A 82 Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM A 184 Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats, for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM A 185 Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM A 497 Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric, for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM A 615 Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

D. CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute

CRSI MSP-1 Manual of Standard Practice Placing Reinforcing Bars, Chapter 3

E. AWS - American Welding Society

AWS D12.1 Structural Welding Code

AWS D12.4 Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03200-1 Concrete Reinforcement
MODA, J13-03500

A. Mill Certificates: Submit steel producer's certificates of mill tests for reinforcing steel.
Mill certificates will indicate chemical and physical properties of steel bars, including
records of tensile and bend tests from Independent Testing Agency.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication, bending and placement of
concrete reinforcement. Comply with ACI 315 - Manual of Standard Practice for
Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures showing bars, arrangements and
assemblies as required for fabrication and placement. Include special
reinforcement required at openings through concrete structures.


A. Deliver reinforcement to site bundled, tagged and marked. Use metal tags
indicating bar sizes, lengths and other information corresponding to markings
shown on placement diagrams.

B. Store concrete reinforcement materials at site off the ground and in covered storage
sheds to prevent damage, rust and accumulation of dirt or deleterious materials.



A. General: Reinforcing bars shall be free of loose or flaky rust and mill scale or
coating, including any other substance that would reduce or destroy bond with

B. Reinforcing Bars: Conform to SASO 2; or ASTM A 615 including supplementary

requirement S1; or ASTM A 706. Use Grade 60 (fy = 420 MPa) deformed bars,
unless otherwise indicated on Drawings.

C. Steel Tie Wire: Conform to ASTM A 82 plain cold-drawn steel, (fy = 465 MPa).

D. Welded Wire Fabric: Conform to SASO 224 or ASTM A 185, (fy = 500 MPa).

E. Supports for Reinforcement: Bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for
spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcement in place.

1. Use wire bar type conforming to the recommendations of CRSI or precast

concrete type supports, and as approved by the Engineer, unless otherwise
indicated. Do not use wood, brick, and other unacceptable materials.

2. For exposed concrete surfaces, where legs of supports are in contact with
forms, provide supports with plastic spacers.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03200-2 Concrete Reinforcement
MODA, J13-03500

A. General:

1. Fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to required shapes and dimensions,

with fabrication tolerances complying with ACI 315.

2. Reinforcement shall be bent cold unless otherwise permitted by the


3. In case of fabricating errors, do not re-bend or straighten reinforcement in a

manner that will injure or weaken the material.

B. Unacceptable Materials: Reinforcement with any of the following defects will not be
permitted in the work:

1. Bar lengths, depths and bends exceeding specified fabrication tolerances.

2. Bends or kinks not indicated on Drawings or final shop Drawings.

3. Bars with reduced cross-section due to excessive rusting or other cause.

4. Bars with surfaces having rust, rust scale or loose mill scale or contaminated
with dirt, earth, paints, oils or other deleterious material.



A. Examine substrate as well as the conditions under which concrete reinforcement

shall be installed and correct any unsatisfactory conditions. Proceed with the work
after correcting unsatisfactory conditions in an acceptable manner to the Engineer.


A. Comply with the specified codes and standards, and Concrete Reinforcing
Institute recommended practice for placing reinforcing bars, for details and
methods of reinforcement placement and supports, and as herein specified.

B. Clean reinforcement to remove rust, rust scale and loose mill scale, dirt, earth,
paints, oils or other deleterious material.

C. Position, support and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork

construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by
chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required.

D. Place reinforcement to obtain the minimum coverage for concrete protection.

Arrange, space and securely tie bars and bar supports together with 1.6 mm
annealed wire to hold reinforcement accurately in position during concrete
placement operations. Set wire ties so that ends are directed away from exposed

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03200-3 Concrete Reinforcement
MODA, J13-03500
concrete surfaces.

E. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining pieces as
indicated but at least one full mesh and lace splices with 1.6 mm annealed wire.
Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps.

F. Provide sufficient numbers of supports and of strength to carry reinforcement. Do

not place reinforcing bars more than 50 mm beyond the last leg of any continuous
bar support. Do not use supports as bases for runways for concrete conveying
equipment and similar construction loads.

G. Splices: Provide reinforcement splices by lapping ends, placing bars in contact, and
tightly wire tying. Comply with requirements on Drawings for location and lap of
splices or, if no requirements are shown or indicated, with ACI 318 for minimum lap
of spliced bars.

H. Protect reinforcement when not being worked and until placement of concrete by
covering with polyethylene or similar impermeable sheeting.

I. No welding of reinforcement shall be permitted.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03200-4 Concrete Reinforcement
MODA, J13-03500




A. Establishing general criteria for materials and mixes of cast-in-place concrete as

indicated on Drawings.

B. Cast-in-place concrete including slab on grade as indicated on Drawings and as

specified herein.

C. Expansion and contraction joints and water stops for cast-in-place concrete works.


A. SASO - Saudi Arabian Standard Organization

SASO 142 Physical and Mechanical Methods of Testing Portland Cement

SASO 143 Portland Cement Ordinary and Rapid Hardening

SASO 226 Methods for Sampling of Concrete Aggregates

SASO 227 Methods of Testing of "Test Sieves"

SASO 229 Perforated test sieves

SASO 230 Test sieving

SASO 249 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 1: Sieve Analysis

SASO 250 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 2: Determination of

organic impurities in natural sand

SASO 251 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 3: Determination of

impact strength for coarse aggregate

SASO 254 Methods of testing plastic conduits and fittings for electrical

SASO 278 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 4: Determination of

percentage of clay, silt and fines in natural aggregates

SASO 279 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 5: Determination of

coarse aggregates resistance to abrasion by Los Angeles machine

SASO 378 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete.

SASO 379 Consistency test for fresh concrete – Part 1: Slump test.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
SASO 391 Methods of sampling fresh concrete.

SASO 570 Sulphate Resistant Portland Cement

SASO 805 Mineral aggregates and sands – Determination of soundness

SASO 806 Mineral aggregates and sands – Determination of chlorides and


SASO 872 Testing concrete: Compacting factor test.

SASO 873 Testing concrete: Method for determining of vebe time.

SASO 874 Testing concrete: Method for determination of density of

compacted fresh concrete.

SASO 875 Testing concrete: Methods for determination of air content of fresh

SASO 701 Potable Water – Non Bottled

SASO 1068 Ready-mixed Concrete

SASO 1252 Preparation of concrete specimens for compressive strength test

SASO 1253 Determination of the compressive strength of concrete specimens

SASO 1580 Lightweight Aggregates for concrete

B. ACI - American Concrete Institute

ACI 117 Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction Material

ACI 211 Recommended Practice for Selecting Normal and Heavyweight


ACI 214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Compression Test Results

of Field Concrete

ACI 301 Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings

ACI 302 Recommended Practice for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction

ACI 304 Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and

Placing Concrete

ACI 305 Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting

ACI 308 Curing Concrete

ACI 309 Recommended Practice for Consolidation of Concrete

ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
ACI SP-66 ACI Detailing Manual

C. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM C 31 Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the field

ASTM C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates

ASTM C 39 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete


ASTM C 42 Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed
Beams of Concrete

ASTM C 88 Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium

sulphate or Magnesium Sulphate

ASTM C 123 Test Method for Lightweight Pieces in Aggregates

ASTM C 138 Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield and Air Content (Gravimetric) of

ASTM C 142 Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates

ASTM C 143 Test Method for Slump of Portland Cement Concrete

ASTM C 150 Specification for Portland Cement

ASTM C 156 Test Method for Water Retention by Concrete Curing Materials

ASTM C 171 Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete

ASTM C 173 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the
Volumetric Method

ASTM C 231 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the
Pressure Method

ASTM C 260 Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete

ASTM C 309 Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing


ASTM C 494 Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete

ASTM C 535 Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-Size Coarse

Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine

ASTM C 618 Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for
Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
ASTM C 685 Specification for Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and
Continuous Mixing

ASTM C 881 Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding System for Concrete

ASTM D 75 Practice for Sampling Aggregates

ASTM D 1190 Specification for Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot-Poured Elastic Type

ASTM D 1191 Methods of Testing Concrete Joint Sealers

ASTM D 1751 Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete
Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient
Bituminous Types)

ASTM D 1752 Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion
Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction

ASTM E 11 Specification for Wire Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes

ASTM E 96 Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials

ASTM E 154 Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth
Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover

D. CRD - US Army Corps of Engineers

CRD-C 119 Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate

CRD-C 120 Flat and Elongated Particles in Fine Aggregate

CRD-C 400 Requirements for Water for Use in Mixing or Curing Concrete

CRD-C 513 Rubber Waterstops

CRD-C 572 Poly-Vinyl-Chloride Waterstops

CRD-C 589 Sampling and Testing Expansive Grouts

E. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

AASHTO M 182 Burlap Cloth Made from Jute or Kenaf


A. Detailed Drawings and Shop Drawings.

B. Design Analysis and Calculations: Where provision of design is specified in

Contract Documents.

C. Product's Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications with application and

installation instructions for proprietary materials and items including fusion bonded
epoxy coated reinforcing bars, admixtures, bonding agents, waterstops, joint

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
systems, chemical floor hardeners, coal tar epoxy paint, poly-vinyl-chloride liner,
polyethylene vapor barrier and dry shake finish materials.

D. Samples: Submit samples of materials as specified and as otherwise may be

requested by the Engineer, including names, sources and description as required.

E. Laboratory Test Reports: Submit copies of laboratory test reports for concrete
materials and mix design tests or other certificates for concrete.

F. Material Certificates: Material certificates shall be signed by material manufacturer

and the Contractor, certifying that each material item meets or exceeds the
specified requirements.

G. Grout to be exposed to or in contact with soil and/or groundwater, substantiating

suitability for specified environmental conditions.

H. Concrete mix design.

I. Placement Schedule: Prepare a placement schedule and submit to the Engineer

for review prior to start of concrete placement operations.

J. Methods of furnishing and delivering concrete in hot weather.


A. Cement: Upon delivery at site of work, store cement separately in dry, weathertight,
properly ventilated structures, with adequate provision for prevention of absorption
of moisture.

B. Aggregates: Store aggregates in a manner to assure good drainage, to preclude

inclusion of foreign matter, and to preserve the gradation. Protect fine aggregate
from wind-caused segregation.

C. Admixtures: Store admixtures at temperatures and under conditions recommended

by the manufacturer. Protect each type of admixtures from contamination and
intermingling with other materials as well as other admixtures.

D. Water: Store and transport in a manner to prevent heating of water.

E. Coal Tar Epoxy Paint: Packaging, labeling, delivering, and storing shall be in
accordance with manufacturer's published instructions and recommendations.

F. Polyethylene Vapor Barrier: Protect vapor barrier from exposure to sunlight and
according to the manufacturer's published instructions.


A. Samples and Testing: Perform tests specified herein by an independent testing

laboratory meeting the requirements of ASTM E 329 and approved by the Engineer.
Provide testing and laboratory services at no cost to the Owner.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
B. Cement: Submit certified copies of laboratory test reports furnished by cement
manufacturer for each lot of cement including test data, results and certification
using sampling and testing procedures that are in conformance with the Contract

Sampled cement shall be tested as required by the Engineer. No cement shall be

used until test results are satisfactory. Cement that has been stored for more than
four months after being tested shall be retested before use. Cement found
unsatisfactory under test shall be immediately removed from site.

C. Aggregates: Conform to ASTM D 75. Use no aggregates until the Engineer

approves test results.

D. Water: Potable complying with SASO 701 or ASTM C 94 or in conformance with

the requirements of the local authorities having jurisdiction.

E. Admixtures: Sampling and testing of admixtures used in concrete mix shall be in

accordance with ASTM C 494. No admixture shall be used until test results are

F. Slump: Conform to SASO 379 or ASTM C 143 and shall be performed in field under
the Engineer's supervision.

G. Certificates of material properties and compliance with specified requirements may

be submitted in lieu of testing, when acceptable to the Engineer. Certificate of
compliance must be signed by the material producer and the Contractor.

H. Workmanship:

1. Repair concrete work not conforming to the specified requirements,

including strength, tolerances and finishes.

2. Correct deficient concrete as directed by the Engineer at no cost to Owner.

When the results of strength tests of specimens shows failure to meet the
specification requirements or where there is other evidence that quality of concrete
is below requirements, core boring tests shall be made in conformance with ASTM
C 42 and ACI 318.

If deficient, a structural analysis shall be made followed by a load test, where

applicable at no cost to Owner. Evaluation of results shall conform to ACI 318,
Chapter 4.



A. Portland Cement: Types indicated herein shall comply with ASTM C 150 or SASO
143. Content of tricalcium aluminate (C3A) shall not exceed 12% in Type I cement.

1. Provide concrete using Type I cement modified with pozzolan or silica fume
(microsilica) or approved equal. Silica fume, a pozzolanic material shall

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
consist of more than 90% silicon dioxide and shall be added to concrete mix
at rates recommended by silica fume Manufacturer and as approved by the
Engineer, but not less than 8% of cement content for each type of concrete.

2. Use only one brand of cement for each required type throughout the project,
unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

3. Cement acceptance: Based on manufacturer's mill certificate certifying that

furnished cement conforms to physical and chemical requirements of SASO
142 or ASTM C 150. The Engineer reserves the right, however, to sample
and conduct such tests on cement as deemed necessary for compliance
with Specification.

B. Water: Water for washing aggregate, mixing and curing concrete shall be potable
complying with SASO 701 or ASTM C 94 and free from injurious amounts of oil,
acid, salt, alkali, organic matter, or other deleterious substances.

C. Aggregates: SASO 378 or ASTM C 33 and as specified herein:

1. Supply aggregates from a source approved by the Engineer and capable of

supplying a sufficient quantity for the entire contract.

2. Maximum aggregate size:

a. For Suspended Slabs, Beams, Girders, Walls and Columns: 20 mm


b. For Footings, Thickened Slabs, and Slab on Grade: 40 mm


D. Fine Aggregates:

1. Fine aggregates: Natural sand or manufactured sand or a combination of

the two with a composition of clean, hard, durable spherical or cubical

2. Limit the salt content of fine aggregate so as not to exceed limitations set

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete

Chlorides (NaCl) 0.06 0.05 0.13
Sulphates (SO3) 0.04 0.50 4.00

Shaded areas include maximum percentage of salts in cement, water, and in other
mix constituents of concrete.

3. Limit deleterious substances in fine aggregate to the amounts shown in





Clay Lumps and Friable Particles 3

Material Fiber less than 75 micron, No. 200 3

Lightweight Particles (determined in
accordance with ASTM C 123) 0.50

Total of deleterious materials shall not exceed 3 percent of the weight of aggregate.

3. Grading of fine aggregate shall be within the limits shown in Table 4 -


E. Coarse Aggregates:

1. Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed or uncrushed gravel, crushed

stone or a combination of the two, and shall be composed of clean, hard,
uncoated particles.

2. Salt content of coarse aggregate shall not exceed the limitations as set out

3. Deleterious substances shall be limited in the coarse aggregate to the

amounts shown below in Table 3 - ALLOWABLE DELETERIOUS

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete


OF CONCRETE PARTICLES (%) MICRON** (%) 500 100/500
Slab subject to traffic
abrasion, floors, 1.00 1.00 0.25
sidewalks & pavements
Other classes of 0.28
3.00 2.00 40
** ASTM Sieve No. 200

4. Coarse aggregate grading shall be set within the limits shown in Table 4 -



ASTM SIEVE (mm) Percentage Passing (by Mass)

Grading A Grading B
50 100 -
38.1 90 - 100 100
19 65 - 85 90 - 100
9.5 35 - 60 55 - 70
4.75 25 - 45 35 - 55
2.36 22 - 40 30 - 45
1.18 18 - 38 25 - 42
0.16 15 - 33 22 - 38
0.30 6 - 17 10 - 20
0.15 0-6 0-8
75 micron 0-2 0-2


A. Concrete Admixtures:

1. Use admixtures complying with ASTM C 494 Types A, B, D, F or G provided

that they are included in mix design and subject to the Engineer's approval.
Admixtures containing calcium chloride ions or other ions producing
deleterious effect shall not be permitted.

2. Compatibility of admixtures with the brand of cement being used shall be

determined by testing samples at temperatures at which materials will be

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
used and over a period of time representative of the proposed mixing and
delivery period. Test shall demonstrate that the admixture used shall not
cause either short or long term deficiencies in the quality and durability of
the concrete.

B. Joint Materials and Bearing Pads:

1. Preformed Joint Filler Strips: Provide bituminous fiber joint filler strips
manufactured from asphalt-saturated cellulosic fibers and compounded into
compressible non-extruding board conforming to ASTM D 1751, thickness
and width as shown on Drawings. Joint filler shall be preformed expansion
joint filler board recommended for joints in concrete, masonry and paving.

2. Joint Sealing Compound: Two-component polyurethane elastomeric

compound complying with the requirements of Section 07900 - SEALANTS
unless indicated otherwise.

3. Where required, provide Neoprene bearing pads of durometer hardness:

Grade 60.

C. Waterstops:

1. Flat, dumbbell or center bulb type waterstops shall be of high quality poly-
vinyl-chloride granules. PVC waterstops size shall be as recommended by
manufacturer for the intended application, unless otherwise shown on
Drawings, with minimum 10 mm thickness and not less than 150 mm width.
Only butt joints may be made on site using manufacturer's equipment and in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Junction pieces must be
factory made by manufacturer. PVC waterstops shall have a 100 percent
solids content, 13.7 MN/m tensile strength and 285 percent elongation at
break with a minimum tear resistance 75 kN/m. Waterstops shall have
excellent resistance to sewage, dilute acids and alkalis. Materials shall
comply with the requirements of CRD-C 572 or equivalent.

D. Vapor Barrier:

1. Polyethylene sheeting conforming to ASTM D 4397, minimum 200 microns

thick having a vapor permeance rating not exceeding 0.063 perms, and
shall be laid with 300 mm overlapping.

E. Bonding Agents:

1. Chemical Bonding Agent: Film-forming, freeze-thaw resistant compound

suitable for brush or spray application.

2. Epoxy-Resin Bonding Agent: A two-component, mineral filled, epoxy-

polysulphide polymer.

F. Concrete Curing Materials:

1. Absorptive Cover: Conform to AASHTO M 182, Class 3; burlap cloth made

from jute or kenaf and with a minimum density of 290 gm/m².

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
2. Moisture-Retaining Cover: Provide one of the following in compliance with
ASTM C 171:

a. Waterproof paper.
b. Polyethylene film.
c. White burlap-polyethylene sheet.

3. Liquid Curing Compound: Conform to ASTM C 309, Type 1. Material for

use on slabs to which topping is to be bonded shall be a degrading type
which shall not inhibit the bond between topping and slab. When non-
pigmented compound is used, it shall contain a fugitive dye. Aqueous
solution of sodium silicate with non-acid penetrating agent, reacting
chemically with free lime in concrete to form a hard, non-dusting surface.

G. Floor Finish Material:

1. Chemical Floor Hardener: Colorless aqueous solution containing a blend of

magnesium flourosilicate and zinc flourosilicate combined with a wetting
agent, containing not less than 240 g of flourosilicate per liter. Apply to
exposed concrete slabs, not indicated or scheduled to receive subsequent


A. Water-cement ratios listed in the following table are maximums; cement contents
and compressive strengths are minimums. There shall be no increase in water-
cement ratio or reduction in cement content based upon attainment of compressive
strengths higher than those specified.



MINIMUM CEMENT CONTENT (Kg/m3) 250 360 400
- 100 mm SLUMP


A. If the fine aggregate conforms to SASO 378 or ASTM C 33, the mix design shall
be in accordance with ACI 301. If the fine aggregate does not conform to SASO
378 or ASTM C 33, the mix design shall be based upon trial mixes. Trial mixes
shall be proportioned under the supervision of the Engineer. Mix design shall be
initiated within two months after award of Contract and shall include at least the

1. For each specified cement content and the maximum water-cement ratio,
develop curves comparing slump to percentage of fine aggregate ratios.
Select fine to coarse aggregate ratios to produce mixtures ranging from

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
excess fine aggregate to excess coarse aggregate with insufficient mortar
to fill the voids. Optimum fine to coarse aggregate ratio shall be the one at
which the higher slumps are produced for the specified water-cement
ratio. Record and plot the combined aggregate gradations to reflect limits
of acceptable and unacceptable combinations of ingredients. Further
testing shall be done at fine to coarse aggregate ratios that will produce
adequate workability for the construction for which the mixture is being
used while maintaining the lowest possible water-cement ratio.

2. Develop curves of water-cement ratio versus compressive strength for at

least five water-cement ratios.

3. Develop curves comparing compressive strength data from at least five

different cement contents ranging from 20 MPa to 30 MPa 28-days
cylinder strength for each optimum aggregate ratio and the aggregate
ratio judged most workable for general casting.

4. For the mixes judged appropriate for construction, prepare strength gain
curves for 3, 5, 7, 14, 28, and 56-day strengths.

5. Provide cement chemical and physical test results for different types of
cement used.

6. For each trial batch, record the following:

a. Weight and absolute volumes of proposed mixtures. Express

aggregate weights in saturated-surface-dry condition.

b. Slump.

c. Individual aggregate gradations and calculated mixture combined

aggregate grading.

d. Temperatures.

e. Wet and dry densities.

f. Aggregate moisture contents.

g. Water-cement ratio corrected for aggregate absorption.

h. Test specimen curing procedures.

i. Compressive strength at each age.

7. Slump Limits:

a. Proportion and design mixes to result in concrete slump at the

point of placement as follows:

1) Sloping Surfaces: 75 mm maximum slump.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
2) Reinforced Foundation Systems: 50 mm minimum, and 75
mm maximum slump.

3) Other Concrete: 100 mm maximum slump.

b. Slump of concrete with super-plasticizer shall not exceed 250 mm.



A. Concrete may be mixed at batch plants or it may be transit mixed as specified

herein. Batch plants must comply with the requirement of ACI 304, with sufficient
capacity to produce concrete of the qualities specified in quantities required to
meet construction schedules. Plant facilities are subject to testing, laboratory
inspection as well as approval by the Engineer. Quantities by weight of concrete
ingredients, measured separately for each batch with date, time, and mix number
shall be recorded.

B. Truck Mixers: When a truck mixer is used to complete mixing of central plant
batched materials, water shall be added at mixing speed before completion of
mixing. Retempering of concrete will not be permitted. Each truck shall carry a
ticket stamped by time clock to show date and time the loading of each truck was
completed. Trucks shall meet the requirements specified in ACI 304.

C. Job site mixing will not be permitted.

D. Ready-Mix Concrete:

1. Comply with the requirements of SASO 1068 or ASTM C 94, as specified

herein, provided the quantity, rate of delivery and unrestricted progress of
work permitted, in accordance with placement schedule. During hot
weather, and/or under conditions contributing to rapid setting of concrete,
a shorter mixing time than specified in ASTM C 94 may be required, as
specified below. Proposed changes in mixing procedures other than
herein specified, must be accepted by the Engineer before


A. Before placing concrete, inspect and complete the formwork installation,

reinforcing steel, and securely install all required inserts, anchors, sleeves,
conduits and other items specified under other sections to be embedded or cast-

B. Where concrete is placed on ground or sub-course, the foundation upon which

concrete is placed shall be clean, damp, and free from standing or running water.
Prior to placing concrete, the earth foundation shall have been satisfactorily
compacted and all subgrades approved by the Engineer prior to placing concrete.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
C. Soil at bottom of foundation systems are subject to testing for soil bearing value
by the testing laboratory, as directed by the Engineer. Place concrete
immediately after approval of foundation excavations.

D. Coordinate the installation of joint materials and moisture barriers with placement
of forms and reinforcing steel.

E. Polyethylene vapor barrier shall be placed between concrete blinding and

concrete footing leaving extra width on both sides which shall then be tucked up
to wrap the concrete footing after the form removal.


A. General: Place concrete in compliance with the practices and recommendations

of ACI 301 and ACI 304 and as specified herein:

1. Deliver concrete from central plant to the place of final deposit in a

continuous manner and without segregation or loss of ingredients.
Suspend placing when the sun, heat, wind, or lack of facilities prevent
proper finishing and curing of the concrete. Place concrete in the forms or
excavation as close as possible in final position, in uniform, approximately
horizontal layers, not over 600 mm deep unless otherwise directed.

Do not drop concrete freely for more than 1.5 m, nor allow it to drop freely
through congested rebarring areas which could cause segregation.

This drop distance may be increased by the Engineer at his discretion

where it can be shown by Contractor that a greater drop will not result in
segregation. Tremies or other approved means shall be employed to
eliminate segregation. Conduits and pipes shall not be embedded in
concrete unless specifically indicated or specified. Do not place concrete
in any form until forms have been inspected by the Engineer and
permission has been given to proceed.

2. Do not use concrete which becomes non-plastic and unworkable, or does

not meet the required quality control limits or which has been
contaminated by foreign materials. Do not use retempered concrete.
Remove rejected concrete from the project site and dispose of it off site at
no extra cost to Owner.

B. Transportation Time Interval:

1. Concrete mixed in central plant and transported by non-agitating

equipment shall be placed in the forms within 30 minutes. Concrete
transported in truck mixers or truck agitators shall be delivered to the site
and placed in the forms within 60 minutes. This time limitation may be
increased by the Engineer at his discretion when additional super-
plasticizer is added to the concrete mix so as to retard the initial set for
greater periods. In no case will additional water be added to the mix
(tempering) after the concrete leaves the batching plant.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
C. Conveying Concrete:

1. Concrete may be conveyed by chute, conveyor, or pump if so approved by

the Engineer. Aluminum chutes or pipelines shall not be used for
conveying concrete. Approvals will not be given for chutes or conveyors
requiring changes in the concrete design mix for desired operation.
Conveying equipment shall be cleaned when not in use.

2. Chutes and Conveyors: Chutes shall be rounded in cross section, rigid in

construction, protected from overflow and slopes not exceeding one
vertical to three horizontal. Conveyors shall be designed to operate
assuring uniform flow of concrete without segregation of ingredients, loss
of mortar, or change in slump.

3. Pumps: Placing concrete by pumping methods shall conform with ACI 301
Chapter 8. Operate and maintain pumps so that a continuous stream of
concrete is delivered into the forms without air pockets, segregation, or
change in slump exceeding 5 cm. Use pumps which can pump mixes as
designed. Mixes shall not be adjusted to accommodate smaller pumps.

D. Placing Concrete into Forms:

1. Deposit concrete in the forms for horizontal slabs in horizontal layers not
deeper than 60 mm unless additional thickness is permitted by the
Engineer, and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. Where
placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceding
layer is still plastic to avoid cold joints.

2. Consolidate concrete placed in forms with mechanical vibrating equipment

supplemented by hand-spading, rodding or tamping. Use equipment and
procedures for consolidation of concrete in accordance with the
recommended practices of ACI 309, to suit the type of concrete and
project conditions. Vibration of forms and reinforcements will not be

3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside of forms. Insert and

withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations not farther than
the visible effectiveness of the machine. Place vibrators to rapidly
penetrate the layer of concrete and at least 150 mm into the preceding
layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun
to set. At each insertion, limit the duration of vibration to the time
necessary to consolidate the concrete and complete embedment of
reinforcement and other embedded items without causing segregation of
the mix.

4. In order to allow for shrinkage or settlement, at least 2 hours shall elapse

after placing concrete in walls, columns or stems of deep T-beams before
depositing concrete in girders, beams and slabs supported thereof, unless
otherwise specified or shown on the plans.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
5. Place concrete in girders, slabs and shallow T-beam construction in one
continuous operation for each span, unless otherwise detailed. Deposit
concrete uniformly for the full length of the span then bring up evenly in
horizontal layers.

6. Place concrete in columns in one continuous operation to the bottom of

the deepest super structure member framed over the column.

7. No concrete shall be placed in the super-structure until the column forms

have been stripped sufficiently to determine the character of the concrete
in the columns. Loads of superstructure shall not be allowed to come upon
abutments, piers brackets and column bents until they have been in place
at least 7 days, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer.

8. Maximum vertical drop in placing concrete shall not exceed 1.5 m.

E. Placing Concrete Slabs:

1. Deposit and consolidate concrete slabs in a continuous operation, within

the limits of construction joints, until the placing of a panel or section is

2. Maintain reinforcing steel in the proper position continuously during

concrete placement operations.

3. Consolidate concrete during placing operations using mechanical vibrating

equipment, so that concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement
and other embedded items and into corners.

4. Consolidate concrete placed in beams and girders of supported slabs, and

against bulkheads of slabs on ground, as specified for formed concrete
structures. Consolidate concrete in the remainder of slabs by vibrating
bridge screed, roller pipe screed, or other acceptable methods. Limit the
time of vibrating consolidation to prevent bringing an excess of fine
aggregate to the surface.

5. Bring slab surfaces to the correct level with a straightedge and strike off.
Use bull floats to smooth the surface, leaving it free of humps or hollows.
Do not sprinkle water on plastic surfaces. Do not disturb slab surfaces
prior to finishing operations.

F. Bonding:

1. Roughen surfaces of set concrete at all joints, except where bonding is

obtained by use of a concrete bonding agent, and clean surfaces of
laitance, coatings, loose particles, and foreign matter. Roughen surfaces
in a manner to expose bonded aggregate uniformly and do not leave
laitance, loose particles of aggregate, or damaged concrete at the surface.

2. Prepare for bonding of fresh concrete to new concrete that has set but is
not fully cured, as follows:

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
a. At joints between footings and walls or columns, and between walls
or columns and beams or slabs they support, and elsewhere
unless otherwise specified herein, dampen, but do not saturate,
roughen and clean surface of set concrete immediately before
placing fresh concrete.

b. At joints in exposed work: At vertical joints in walls; at joints in

girders, beams, supported slabs and other structural members;
and at joints designed to contain liquids, dampen, but do not
saturate, the roughened and cleaned surface of set concrete and
apply a liberal coating of neat cement grout.

c. Use cement grout consisting of equal parts Portland cement and

fine aggregate by weight and not more than 24 liters of water per
sack of cement. Apply with a stiff broom or brush to a minimum
thickness of 2 mm. Deposit fresh concrete before cement grout
has attained its initial set.

d. In lieu of neat cement grout, bonding may be a commercial

bonding agent. Apply to cleaned concrete surfaces in accordance
with the printed instruction of the bonding material manufacturer.

e. Prepare for bonding of fresh concrete to fully-cured hardened

concrete by using an epoxy-resin bonding agent as follows:

1) Handle and store epoxy-resin adhesive binder in

compliance with the manufacturer's printed instructions,
including safety precautions.

2) Mix the epoxy-resin adhesive binder in the proportions

recommended by the manufacturer, carefully following
directions for safety of personnel.

3) Before depositing fresh concrete, thoroughly roughen and

clean hardened concrete surfaces and coat with epoxy-
resin grout not less than 2 mm thick. Place fresh concrete
while the epoxy-resin material is still tacky, without
removing the in-place grout coat, and as directed by the
epoxy-resin manufacturer.

G. Cold-Weather Placement:

1. Comply with ACI 306.1 and as follows. Protect concrete work from
physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost,
freezing actions, or low temperatures.

2. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 4 deg C,

uniformly heat water and aggregates before mixing to obtain a concrete
mixture temperature of not less than 10 deg C and not more than 32
deg C at point of placement.

3, Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not

place concrete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen
Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place
MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
4. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze
agents or chemical accelerators, unless otherwise specified and approved
in mix designs.

H. Hot Weather Placing:

1. Unless otherwise approved, concreting shall be considered Hot Weather

Concreting, as defined by ACI 305, and shall be in accordance with the
recommended practice of ACI 305. Ample water supply, hoses, and
foggers shall be available at all concrete placements.

2. At the time of placement, the temperature of the concrete shall not

exceed 32C. Concrete exceeding the specified temperature shall be
rejected and dumped at a designated disposal area.

3. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature at time

of placement below 32C. Mixing water may be chilled, or chopped ice
may be used to control the concrete temperature provided the water
equivalent of the ice is calculated to the total amount of mixing water. Ice
shall be completely melted prior to completion of mixing of concrete.

4. Reinforcing steel and forms shall be protected from direct sunrays and
shall be cooled with water immediately before concrete placing so that
the concrete temperature specified can be maintained.

5. The temperature of the concrete shall be determined immediately before


6. Provide means to limit the temperature rise of mass concrete to reduce

undesirable thermal stresses and cracking. Such means shall include
limitation of rate of placement, placement of concrete during cool
weather, precooling concrete ingredients, artificial cooling, or other
approved methods.


A. Construction Joints:

1. Clean surface of concrete construction joints and remove laitance.

2. Immediately before new concrete is placed, wet construction joints and

remove standing water.

3. Locate construction joints in floors within the middle third of spans of

slabs, beams and girders. Joints in girders shall be offset a minimum
distance of two times the width of intersecting beams.

4. Place beams, girders and haunches monolithically as a part of a slab

system, unless otherwise required.

5. Beams, girders or slabs supported by columns or walls shall not be cast or

erected until concrete in the vertical support members is no longer plastic.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
6. Locate and install construction joints so as not to impair strength and
appearance of the structure, as acceptable to the Engineer. Locate
construction joints, if required, as follows:

a. In walls, at top of footings; at top of slabs on ground, at top and

bottom of door and window openings or as required to conform to
the architectural details and as directed by the Engineer; and at the
underside of the deepest beam or girder framing into wall.

b. In columns, at the top of footing and at the underside of the

deepest beam or girder framing into the column.

c. Place wall construction joints at 18 m maximum, and wall control

joints at 6 m maximum.

B. Expansion Joints:

1. Provide expansion joints to permit both horizontal and vertical differential

movements. Place expansion joints at locations shown on the Drawings.

2. Reinforcement or other embedded metal items bonded to the concrete

(except dowels in floors bonded only on one side of joints) shall not be

3. Place premoulded joint filler at locations shown on Drawings, follow

manufacturer installation details.

C. Waterstops:

1. Provide waterstops in construction joints. Install waterstops to form a

continuous diaphragm in joint. Make provisions to support and protect
waterstops during progress of work. Fabricate field joints in waterstops in
accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Protect waterstop
material from damage where it protrudes from any joints.

D. Isolation Joint in Slab-on-Grade:

1. Provide isolation joints in slab-on-grade at points of contact between slabs

and vertical surfaces and elsewhere as indicated.

E. Control Joints in Slab-on-Grade:

1. Provide control joints in slab-on-grade to form panels or pattern. Use

inserts, 6 mm wide by 1/5 to 1/4 of slab depth or 1/10 to 1/8 of slab depth
with bottom crack inducer. Joints may be saw cut or crack inducers may
be used in conjunction with sawing.

2. Form control joints by inserting a premolded hardboard or fiberboard strip

into the fresh concrete until the top surface of the strip is flush with slab
surface. After concrete curing for at least 7 days, remove inserts and
clean groove of loose debris. Apply joint sealant material in the manner
recommended by the manufacturer.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete

A. Rough Form Finish:

1. As-cast rough form finish is permitted for formed concrete surfaces that
are to be concealed in the finish work or by other construction, unless
otherwise indicated.

B. Smooth Form Finish:

1. Provide as-cast smooth form finish for formed concrete surfaces that are
to be exposed to view, or that are to be covered with a coating material
applied directly to the concrete, or a covering material bonded to the
concrete such as waterproofing, dampproofing, painting, or other similar

2. Produce smooth form finish by selecting form material to impart a smooth,

hard, uniform texture and arranging them orderly and symmetrical with a
minimum of seams. Repair and patch defective areas with all fins or other
projections completely removed and smoothed.

C. Related Unformed Surfaces:

1. At tops of walls, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed surfaces

occurring adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with a
texture matching the adjacent formed surfaces. Continue the final surface
treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across the adjacent unformed
surfaces, unless otherwise indicated.


A. Finished floor and roof slab surfaces shall be true plane surfaces with no
deviation in excess of 3 mm when tested with a 3 m straightedge. Surfaces shall
be pitched to drain.

1. Steel Trowelled (Hand) Finish: Slabs shall be screeded and floated with
straightedges to bring the surface to the required finish level with no
coarse aggregate visible. Concrete while still green but sufficiently
hardened to bear a man's weight without deep imprint, shall be wood
floated to a true, even plane. Floor surfaces, after the surface moisture
has disappeared, shall be steel trawled to a smooth, even, dense finish
free from blemishes including trowel marks. Steel trowelled finish shall be
provided for resilient flooring, thin-set ceramic tile, carpeting, where liquid
waterproofing is to be applied, and where no other finish is specified.

2. Power Machine Finish: In lieu of hand finishing, an approved power

finishing machine may be used. The preparation of surfaces for finishing
by machine shall be in general as herein before specified for hand
finishing. Finished surfaces shall be free of machine marks, ridges, or
other blemishes.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
3. Rough Slab Finish: Tamp concrete to force aggregates away from
surface, then screed with a straightedge to produce a uniform surface.
Rough slab finish surfaces shall be provided for ceramic tile except thin-
set installation, quarry tile, floor toppings, insulation, built-up roofing,
travertine, precast pavers with waterproof membrane, or terrazzo.

4. Broom Finish: Concrete shall be screeded and floated to the required

finish level with no coarse aggregate visible. While concrete is still green,
steel or wood trowel to an even, smooth finish and then broom with a fiber
bristle brush in a direction transverse to that of the main traffic. Broom
finish surfaces shall be provided for driveways and ramps and all exterior
slabs, and walks not otherwise shown or specified. Finishing shall comply
with the requirements of ACI 345, Chapter 10.


A. General:

1. Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive hot
temperature, and maintain without drying at a relatively constant
temperature for the period of time necessary for hydration of the cement
and proper hardening of the concrete.

2. Start curing procedures as soon as free moisture has disappeared from

concrete surface. Continue curing for at least 7 days in accordance with
ACI 301 procedures. Avoid rapid drying at the end of final curing period.

B. Curing Methods:

1. Perform curing of concrete by moist curing, or by moisture-retaining cover

curing, by membrane curing, or by combination thereof, as specified

a. For curing, use only water that is free of impurities which could
etch or discolor exposed, natural concrete surfaces.

b. Provide moisture curing by any of the following:

1) Keeping the surface of the concrete continuously wet by

covering it with water.

2) Continuous water-fog spray.

3) Covering the concrete surface with the specified absorptive

cover, thoroughly saturating the cover with water, and
keeping the absorptive cover continuously wet. Place
absorptive cover so as to provide coverage of the concrete
surfaces and edges, with a 100 mm lap over adjacent
absorptive covers.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
2. Provide moisture-cover curing as follows:

a. Cover the concrete surfaces with the specified moisture-retaining

cover for curing concrete, placed in the widest practicable width
with sides and ends lapped at least 76 mm and sealed by
waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears
during the curing period using cover material and waterproof tape.

3. Provide liquid curing-hardening compound as follows:

a. Apply to horizontal surfaces when concrete is dry to touch by

means of power spray, or hair broom in accordance with
manufacturer's directions.

b. Apply to vertical surfaces immediately after forms are stripped and

where form coating other than oils have been used, in accordance
with manufacturer's directions.
C. Curing Formed Surfaces:

1. Cure formed concrete surfaces, including the undersides of girders,

beams, supported slabs and other similar surfaces by moist curing with
the forms in place for the full curing period or until forms are removed. If
forms are removed, continue curing by methods specified above, as

D. Curing Unformed Surfaces:

1. Initially cure unformed surfaces, such as slabs, floor topping, and other flat
surfaces by moist curing, whenever possible.

2. Final cure unformed surfaces, unless otherwise specified by any of the

methods specified above, as applicable.

3. Final cure concrete surfaces to receive finish flooring by use of moisture-

retaining cover, unless otherwise acceptable to the Engineer.

E. Temperature of Concrete during Curing:

1. When the atmospheric temperature is 26 degrees C. and above or during

other climatic conditions which will cause too rapid drying of the concrete,
make arrangements before the start of concrete placing for the installation
of wind breaks or moisture-retaining covering. Protect the concrete
continuously for the concrete curing method. Provide hot weather
protection complying with the requirements of ACI 305.

2. Maintain concrete temperature as uniformly as possible, and protect from

rapid atmospheric temperature changes. Avoid temperature changes in
concrete which exceed 2 degrees C in any one hour and 10 degrees C in
any 24-hour period.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
F. Protection for Mechanical Injury:

1. During the curing period, protect concrete from damaging mechanical

disturbances, including load stresses, heavy shock, excessive vibration,
and from damage caused by rain or flowing water. Protect all finished
concrete surfaces from damage by subsequent construction operations.


A. Miscellaneous materials in connection with concrete construction shall, where

practicable, be placed and secured in position when the concrete is placed.
These materials include but are not limited to:

1. Anchors and anchor bolts.

2. Frames or edging.

3. Hanger, inserts and metal ties.

4. Door bucks.

5. Pipe supports and pipes passing through walls.

6. Pipe sleeves, conduits and drains.

7. Flashing reglets.

8. Masonry dovetail anchor slots.

B. Anchor bolts for machines shall be set to templates.

1. Bolts shall be plumbed carefully.

2. Location and elevation checked with instrument.

3. Held in position rigidly to prevent displacement while concrete is being


C. Place embedded items prior to concreting.

D. Position embedded items accurately and provide supports against displacement.

E. Aluminum shall not be embedded in concrete except where aluminum is protected

from direct contact with the concrete.


A. Reinforced Masonry: Provide concrete grout for reinforced masonry lintels and
bond beams. Maintain the accurate location of reinforcing steel during concrete

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
B. Filling-In: Fill-in holes and openings left in concrete structures for the passage of
work by other trades, unless otherwise shown or directed, after the work of other
trades is in place. Mix place and cure concrete as herein specified, to blend with
in-place construction. Provide all other miscellaneous concrete filling shown or
required to complete the work.

C. Curbs: Provide monolithic finish to interior curbs by stripping forms while concrete
is still green and steel-trowelling surfaces to a hard, dense finish with corners,
intersections, and terminations slightly rounded.

D. Equipment Bases and Foundations: Provide machine and equipment bases and
foundations. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment to template at correct
elevations, complying with certified diagrams or templates of the manufacturer
furnishing the machines and equipment.


A. Patching Defective Areas:

1. Repair and patch defective areas with cement mortar immediately after
removal of forms, but only when directed by the Engineer.

2. Cut out honeycomb, rock pockets, voids over 12 mm diameter, and holes
left by tie rods and bolts, down to solid concrete but in no case, to a depth
of less than 25 mm. Make edges of cuts perpendicular to the concrete
surface. Before placing the cement mortar, thoroughly clean, dampen with
water, and brush-coat area to be patched with neat cement grout.
Proprietary patching compounds may be used when acceptable to the

3. For exposed to public view surfaces, blend white Portland cement and
standard Portland cement so that when dry, the patching mortar will match
the color of the surrounding concrete. Provide test areas at inconspicuous
location to verify mixture and color match before proceeding with the
patching. Compact mortar in place and strike off slightly higher than the
surrounding surface.

4. Fill holes extending through concrete by means of a plunger-type gun or

other suitable device from the least exposed face, using a flush stop held
at the exposed face to ensure complete filling.

B. Repair of Formed Surfaces:

1. Repair exposed-to-view formed concrete surfaces, where possible, that

contain defects which adversely affect the appearance of the finish.
Remove and replace the concrete having defective surfaces if the defects
cannot be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

2. Surface defects, as such, include color and texture irregularities, cracks,

spalls, air bubbles, honeycomb, rock pockets, and holes left by the rods
and bolts; fins and other projections on the surface; and stains and other
discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
3. Repair concealed formed concrete surfaces, when possible, that contain
defects that adversely affect the durability of the concrete. If defects
cannot be repaired, remove and replace the concrete having defective

At watertight structures, cracks shall be repaired using flexible grout

injection (polyurethane or approved equal).

Surface defects include cracks and surface deficiencies which penetrates

to reinforcement or completely through non-reinforced sections,
honeycomb, rock pockets, holes left by tie rods and bolts and spalls.

C. Repair of Unformed Surfaces:

1. Test unformed surfaces, such as monolithic slabs, for smoothness and to

verify surface plane to the tolerances specified for each surface and finish.
Correct low and high areas as herein specified.

2. Test unformed surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope, in addition to

smoothness, using a template having the required slope. Correct high
and low areas as specified herein.

3. Repair finish unformed surfaces that contain defects which adversely

affect the durability of the concrete. Surface defects, as such, including
crazing, cracks which penetrate to the reinforcement or completely
through non-reinforced sections regardless of width, spalling, pop-outs,
honeycomb, rock pockets, and other objectionable conditions.
4. Correct high areas in unformed surfaces by grinding after the concrete has
cured sufficiently so that repairs can be made without damage to adjacent

5. Correct low areas in unformed surfaces during, or immediately after

completion of surface finishing operations by cutting out the low areas and
replacing with fresh concrete. Proprietary patching compounds may be
used when acceptable to the Engineer.

6. Repair defective areas, except random cracks and single holes not
exceeding 25 mm diameter, by cutting out and replacing with fresh
concrete. Remove defective areas to sound concrete with clean, square
cuts, and expose reinforcing steel with at least 19 mm clearance all
around. Dampen all concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete
and brush with a neat cement grout coating, or use concrete bonding

7. Place patching concrete before grout takes its initial set. Mix patching
concrete of the same materials to provide concrete of the same type or
class as the original adjacent concrete. Place, compact and finish as
required to blend with adjacent finished concrete. Cure in the same
manner as adjacent concrete.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
8. Repair isolated random cracks and single holes not over 25 mm in
diameter by the dry-pack method. Groove the top of cracks, and cut out
holes to sound concrete and clean of dust, dirt and loose particles.
Dampen all cleaned concrete surfaces and brush with a neat grout
coating. Place dry pack before the cement grout takes its initial set. Mix
dry pack, consisting of one part Portland cement to 2-1/2 parts fine
aggregate passing a No. 16 mesh sieve, using only enough water as
required for handling and placing. Compact dry-pack mixture in place and
finish to match adjacent concrete. Keep patched areas continuously moist
for not less than 72 hours.

9. Repair methods not specified above may be used, subject to the

acceptance of the Engineer.


A. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency

approved by Engineer to sample materials, perform tests, and submit test reports
during concrete placement according to requirements specified herein.

B. Quality Control Testing During Construction:

1. Sampling Fresh Concrete: Conform to ASTM C 172, except modified for

slump to comply with ASTM C 94.
2. Slump: Conform to SASO 379 or ASTM C 143; one test for each concrete
load at point of placement and one for each set of compressive strength
test specimens.

3. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 1064; one test hourly when air

temperature is 5oC.and below and when 30oC and above, and one test for
each set of compressive strength test specimen.

4. Compressive Strength Tests: ASTM C 39/ASTM C 31; cast and cure one
set of 6 standard cylinders for each 20 m3 or fraction thereof, of each mix
design placed in any one day or for each 100 m2 of surface area placed; 2
specimens tested after 7 days, 3 specimens tested after 28 days, and one
specimen retained in reserve for later testing if required. Additional test
specimens may be cast for construction progress control and form

a. When the strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent

of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate current
operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and
curing the in-place concrete.

5. Testing laboratory shall report test results in writing to the Engineer, and
Ready-Mix supplier on the same day that tests are made. Reports of
compressive strength tests shall contain Project identification name and
number, date of concrete placement, name of Contractor, name of
concrete supplier and truck number, name of concrete testing service,
concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in the structure, design
compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials,
compressive breaking strength and type of break for both 7-day tests and

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
28-day tests.

C. Additional Tests:

1. The testing service will make additional tests of in-place concrete when
test results indicate the specified concrete strengths and characteristics
have not been attained in the structure, as directed by the Engineer. The
testing service shall conduct tests to determine the strength and
characteristics of the in-place concrete by compression tests on cured
cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by load testing specified in ACI
318, or other acceptable non-destructive testing methods, as directed.

D. Evaluation of Quality Control Tests:

1. Do not use concrete delivered to the final point of placement which has
slump outside the specified values.

2. Strength of each concrete mix will be satisfactory if every average of any

three consecutive compressive-strength tests equals or exceeds specified
compressive strength and no compressive-strength test value falls below
specified compressive strength by more than 3.4 MPa.

a. Strength tests of specimen cured under field conditions may be

required by the Engineer to check the adequacy of curing and
protecting of the concrete placed. Specimens shall be molded by
field quality control laboratory at the same time and from the same
samples as the laboratory-cured specimens.

b. Provide improved means and procedures for protecting concrete

when the 28-day compressive strength of field-cured cylinders is
less than 85% of companion laboratory-cured cylinders.

c. When laboratory-cured cylinder strengths are higher than the

minimum required compressive strength, field-cured cylinder
strengths need not exceed the minimum required compressive
strength by more than 3.4 MPa even though criterion is not met.

d. If individual test of laboratory-cured specimens produce strengths

more than 3.4 MPa below the required minimum compressive
strength, or if tests of field-cured cylinders indicate the deficiencies
in protection and curing, provide additional measures to assure
that the load-bearing capacity of the structure is not jeopardized. If
the likelihood of low-strength concrete is confirmed and
computations indicate the load-bearing capacity may have been
significantly reduced, tests of cores drilled from the area in
question may be required.

e. If the compressive strength tests fail to meet the minimum

requirements specified, the concrete represented by such tests will
be considered deficient in strength and subject to correction at no
extra cost to the Owner.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Cast-in-Place

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete




A. Hollow Core Slab Units.

B. Miscellaneous materials: Grout packing, connection and supporting devices, and

bearing pads.


A. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:

B. ACI - American Concrete Institute:

C. AWS - American Welding Society:

D. PCI - Prestressed Concrete Institute:


A. Design precast-prestressed elements to support superimposed dead loads and

live loads as indicated on Drawings.

B. Maximum Allowable Deflection: Conform to the allowable deflections of the

Uniform Building Code - UBC.

C. Design members exposed to the weather to provide for movement of components

without damage, failure of joint seals, undue stress on fasteners, or other
detrimental effects when subject to seasonal or cyclic day/night temperature

D. Design system to accommodate construction tolerances, deflection of other

building structural members, and clearances of intended openings.

E. Calculate structural properties of framing members in accordance with ACI 301

and ACI 318.



A. Type: Plant fabricated precast, prestressed concrete units with open, hollow
cores running the full length of the slab units.

B. Furnish units free of voids and honeycombs.

C. Provide standard finish to precast concrete units.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03410-1 Structural Precast Concrete
MODA, J13-03500
D. Reinforce units to resist transportation and erection stresses.

E. Include cast-in weld plates where required.

F. Coordinate with other trades for installation of cast-in items.

G. Provide headers of cast-in-place concrete or structural-steel shapes for openings

larger than one slab width according to hollow-core slab unit fabricator's written

H. Provide 2 hours fire rated units where indicated on drawings.


A. Bars:

1. Reinforcing Steel Bars: SASO 2 or ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed

steel bars.

2. Low-Alloy Steel reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 706.

B. Wire: Plain, cold-drawn steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 82.

C. Deformed Steel Wire: ASTM A496.

D. Plain Steel Welded Wire Fabric: Conform to SASO 224 or ASTM A 185,
fabricated from steel wire into flat sheets.

E. Deformed Steel Welded Wire Fabric: Conform to ASTM A 497, flat sheet.


A. Prestressing Tensioning Steel Tendons: Uncoated, 7-wire stress-relieved strand

complying with ASTM A 416, Grade 270K unless otherwise required for member

B. Strands similar to above, but having size and ultimate strength of wires increased
so that ultimate strength of strands is increased by 15 percent, or strand with
increased strength but with fewer number of wires per strand, may be used at the
manufacturer's option.


A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or Type III, of same type, brand, and

A. Normal-Weight Aggregates: Except as modified by PCI MNL 116, ASTM C 33.

B. Water: Potable; free from deleterious material that may affect color stability,
setting, or strength of concrete and complying with chemical limits of
PCI MNL 116.

C. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260, certified by manufacturer to be

compatible with other required admixtures.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03410-2 Structural Precast Concrete
MODA, J13-03500
D. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type A.

E. Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type B.

F. Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type D.

G. Plasticizing Admixture: ASTM C 1017.


A. Connection Materials:

1. Connection materials include anchors, inserts and shall be in accordance

with the following:

 Steel Plates: Structural quality, hot-rolled carbon steel, ASTM A

283, Grade C.

 Steel Shapes: ASTM A 36.

 Anchor Bolts: ASTM A 307, low-carbon steel bolts, regular

hexagon nuts and carbon steel washers.

 High-Strength Threaded Fasteners: Heavy hexagon structural

bolts, Heavy hexagon bolts, and hardened washers complying with
ASTM A 324.

2. Finish: Connection materials shall be hot-dipped galvanized in

accordance with ASTM A 153.

B. Bearing pads:

1. Elastomeric Pads: Vulcanized, neoprene elastomeric compound, molded

to size or cut from a molded sheet. Surface hardness 50 - 60 shore A

C. Welding Electrodes: Conform to AWS Standards

D. Grout and Packing Materials:

1. Cement Grout: Portland cement, ASTM C 150, Type I, and clean natural
sand, ASTM C 404. Mix at a ratio of 1 part cement 3 parts of sand by
volume, with minimum water required for placement and hydration.

2. Metallic Shrinkage-Resistant Grout: Pre-mixed factory-packaged ferrous

aggregate grouting compound.

3. Non-Metallic Shrinkage-Resistant Grout: Pre-mixed, non-metallic, non

corrosive, non-staining product containing selected silica sands, Portland
cement, shrinkage compensating agents, and plasticizing and water
reducing agents.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03410-3 Structural Precast Concrete
MODA, J13-03500
E. Structural Screed: Provide a structural screed topping as indicated on Drawings;
concrete mix design and materials shall be in accordance with Section 03300 -


A. Prepare design mix for each type of concrete required.

B. Produce standard weight concrete consisting of specified Portland cement,

aggregates, admixtures and water to produce the following properties:

1. 28-Day Compressive Strength: Minimum of 35 MPa (Cylinder).

2. Strength at Transfer: Minimum compressive strength of 33.5 MPa


3. Use of calcium chloride, chloride ions shall not be permitted.

C. Submit mix design to Engineer for approval 2 weeks prior to start of precast unit
production. Mix may be adjusted for materials proportions, weather, or other

D. Admixtures: Use amounts recommended by the admixture manufacturer for

climatic conditions prevailing at time of placing. Adjust quantities as required to
maintain quality control.


A. Fabrication procedure shall be in general compliance with to PCI MNL-116.

B. Fabrication tolerances shall comply with PCI MNL-116

C. Maintain plant records and quality control program during production of precast
members. Make records available upon request.

D. Ensure reinforcing steel, anchors, inserts, plates, angles, and other cast-in items
are embedded and located as indicated on approved shop drawings.

E. Tension reinforcement tendons as required to achieve design load criteria.

F. Provide required openings with a dimension larger than 250 mm and embed
accessories provided by other trades at indicated locations.

G. Exposed Ends at Stressing Tendons: Fill recess with non-shrink grout, trowel


A. Ensure exposed-to-view finish surfaces of precast concrete members are uniform

in color and appearance.

B. Cure members under identical conditions to develop required concrete quality,

and minimize appearance blemishes such as non-uniformity, staining, or surface

C. Finish members in accordance with PCI MNL-16 and as follows:

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.
03410-4 Structural Precast Concrete
MODA, J13-03500
1. Architectural Finish: Surface holes or bubbles over 6 mm filled with
matching cementitious paste, fins or protrusions removed and surface
ground smooth.


A. Conform to PCI MNL-16.

B. Maximum Variation From Nominal Dimension: 25 mm.

C. Maximum Variation From Intended Camber: 15 mm.

D. Maximum Out of Square: 3 mm per 3 m,


E. Maximum Misalignment of Anchors, Inserts, Openings: 3 mm.

F. Maximum Bowing of Members: Length of Bow/360.



A. Examine substrates and conditions for compliance with requirements for

installation tolerances, true and level bearing surfaces, and other conditions
affecting performance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected.


A. Bearing Pads: Install bearing pads as precast concrete units are being erected.
Set pads on true, level, and uniform bearing surfaces and maintain in correct
position until precast concrete units are placed.

B. Install precast structural concrete. Shore and brace precast concrete units to
maintain location, stability, and alignment until permanent connections are

C. Welding: Perform welding in compliance with AWS D1.1 and AWS D1.4, with
qualified welders.

1. Protect precast concrete units and bearing pads from damage by field
welding or cutting operations and provide noncombustible shields as

2. Repair damaged metal surfaces by cleaning and applying a coat of

galvanized repair paint to galvanized surfaces.

D. Fasteners: Do not use drilled or powder-actuated fasteners for attaching

accessory items to precast, prestressed concrete units unless approved by

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03410-5 Structural Precast Concrete
MODA, J13-03500
E. Erection Tolerances: Install precast concrete units level, plumb, square, and true,
without exceeding the recommended erection tolerances in PCI MNL 127,
"Recommended Practice for Erection of Precast Concrete."

F. Grouting Connections and Joints: After precast concrete units have been placed
and secured, grout open spaces at keyways, connections, and joints as follows:

1. Provide forms or other approved method to retain grout in place until hard
enough to support itself. Pack spaces with stiff grout material, tamping
until voids are completely filled. Place grout to finish smooth, level, and
plumb with adjacent concrete surfaces. Keep grouted joints damp for not
less than 24 hours after initial set. Promptly remove grout material from
exposed surfaces before it hardens.


A. Testing: Owner will engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency
to perform field tests and inspections.

B. Field welds and connections using high-strength bolts will be subject to tests and

C. Testing agency will report test results promptly and in writing to Contractor and

D. Remove and replace work that does not comply with specified requirements.

E. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to

determine compliance of corrected work with specified requirements.


A. Clean exposed surfaces of precast concrete units after erection to remove weld
marks, other markings, dirt, and stains.

1. Wash and rinse according to precast concrete fabricator's written

recommendations. Protect other work from staining or damage due to
cleaning operations.

2. Do not use cleaning materials or processes that could change the

appearance of exposed concrete finishes.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds.

03410-6 Structural Precast Concrete
MODA, J13-03500




A. Architectural precast concrete units for exterior walls of the building as indicated on

B. Miscellaneous Materials: Support devices, anchors, attachments, pedestals,

bearing pads and other materials related to Work.


A. SASO – Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

SASO 142 Physical and Mechanical Testing Methods of Portland Cement

SASO 143 Portland Cement, Ordinary and Rapid - Hardening

SASO 226 Methods for Sampling of Concrete Aggregates

SASO 227 Methods of Testing of "Test Sieves"

SASO 230 Test Sieving

SASO 226 Methods for sampling of concrete aggregates

SASO 249 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 1: Sieve Analysis

SASO 250 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 2: Determination of

organic impurities in natural sand.

SASO 251 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 3: Determination of

impact strength for coarse aggregate.

SASO 278 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 4: Determination of

percentage of clay, silt and fines in natural aggregates.

SASO 279 Methods of test for concrete aggregate Part 5: Determination of

coarse aggregate resistance to abrasion by Los Angeles machine.

SASO 378 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete.

SASO 379 Consistency test for fresh concrete – Part 1: Slump test.

SASO 391 Methods of sampling fresh concrete.

SASO 1068 Ready-mixed Concrete

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
SASO 805 Mineral aggregates and sands – Determination of soundness
SASO 806 Mineral aggregates and sands – Determination of chlorides and

SASO 872 Testing concrete: Compacting factor test.

SASO 873 Testing concrete: Method for determining of vebe time.

SASO 874 Testing concrete: Method for determination of density of compacted

fresh concrete.

SASO 875 Testing concrete: Methods for determination of air content of fresh

SASO 701 Potable Water – Non Bottled

SASO 1052 Preparation of concrete specimens for compressive strength test.

SASO 1053 Determination of concrete specimens for compressive strength


SASO 570 Sulphate Resistant Portland Cement

SASO 2 Steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

ASO 107 Tensile testing of steel.

SASO 223 Methods of test for steel fabric for concrete reinforcement

SASO 224 Steel fabric for reinforcement of concrete

SASO 690 Methods of test for steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete

SASO 39 Mechanical testing of welded joints

B. ACI - American Concrete Institute:

ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete

ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete

C. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:

ASTM A 36 - Specification for Structural Steel

ASTM A 185- Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete

ASTM A 307 - Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile

ASTM A 615- Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
ASTM A 666- Specification for Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and
Flat Bar for Structural Applications

ASTM C 31 - Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the

ASTM C 33 - Specification for Concrete Aggregates

ASTM C 150 - Specification for Portland Cement

ASTM C 260 - Specification for Air-Entertaining Admixtures for Concrete

ASTM C 330 - Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete

D. AWS - American Welding Society:

ANSI/AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel

ANSI/AWS D1.4 - Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel

E. PCI - Prestressed Concrete Institute:

PCI Manual For Structural Design of Architectural Precast Concrete

PCI MNL-117 - Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Architectural
Precast Concrete Products

PCI MNL-120 - Design Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete

PCI MNL-123 - Manual on Design of Connections for Precast Prestressed Concrete


A. Design elements to withstand design loads as calculated in accordance with the

Uniform Building Code - UBC and erection forces. Calculate structural properties of
elements in accordance with ACI 318.

B. Design elements to accommodate construction tolerances, and clearances of

intended openings.

C. Design component connections to accommodate thermal movement. Provide

adjustment to accommodate misalignment of structure(s) without unit distortion or


A. Shop Drawings: Indicate layout, unit locations, configuration, unit identification

marks, reinforcement, support items, location of lifting devices, dimensions,
openings, and relationship to adjacent materials. Provide erection drawings for

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
B. Samples: Submit 2 panels, 600 x 600 mm in size illustrating surface finish, color
and texture.

C. Submit samples of embedded items, anchorages, gasketing and sealants, and

other attachments and accessories specified. Linear samples shall be minimum 600
mm long.

D. Design Analysis and Calculations for precast concrete elements and their


A. General:

1. Design precast concrete elements and connections prepared through a

registered Professional Engineer meeting requirements of fabrication,
stripping, handling, storage, and erection operations as well as complying
with the Contract Documents for structural requirements and architectural
finish. Origin of registration and professional background of the Professional
Engineer shall be subject to acceptance by the Engineer.

2. Design shall conform to latest edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC),
the Architectural Concrete Institute (ACI-318 Building Code Requirements
for Reinforced Concrete) and the Manual for quality Control for Plants and
Production of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI).

B. Structural Performance Criteria:

1. Loads:

a. Self-weight of precast element including integral finishes.

b. Wind loads based on the latest edition of UBC for a basic wind
speed and wind exposure as shown on structural drawings.

c. Temperature variations of 25o C.

d. Seismic loads shall be in accordance with the latest edition of UBC,

Zone as shown on structural drawings.

2. Loading Combinations:

a. Individual self-weight of precast elements for conditions of handling

and erection.

b. After erection, consider the self-weight + wind load; self-weight +

thermal load; self-weight + wind + thermal load. A one-third increase
in stress is allowed for loading conditions which include self-weight +
wind + thermal load. No stress increase is allowed for self-weight +
wind, or self-weight + thermal load.

c. Seismic loads shall be substituted for wind in above equations.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
C. Added Reinforcing: Design shall provide necessary added reinforcing and
connections so that handling during fabrication, transportation, and erection will not
damaged or crack the precast elements.

D. Deviation: Proposed design deviating from Contract Documents shall be approved

in writing by the Engineer prior to the commencement of precast elements

E. Connections: Drawings must indicate location of connections and acceptable

methods for attachment. Alternative methods shall be subject to approval.
Compliance with drawings shall not eliminate submittal of engineering requirements.
Detail permanent connections for precast elements and support by design
calculations. Design and calculations shall be subject to approval of the Engineer.


A. Perform Work in accordance with PCI MNL-116, PCI MNL-123, PCI MNL-120, PCI
Manual for Structural Design of Architectural Precast Concrete, and ACI 318.

B. Welding: Perform welding in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/AWS D1.1.

C. Maintain one copy of each document on site.

D. Independent Testing Laboratory: Contractor shall hire the services of Independent

Testing Laboratory, subject to approval of the Engineer, to carry out testing and
quality control of precast elements during fabrication and arrival at site. Approved
testing agency shall submit report to the Engineer for quality assurance of all
precast elements prior to installation.


A. Fabricator: Company specializing in performing the work of this Section with

minimum 5 years of documented experience.

B. Design elements under direct supervision of a Professional Structural Engineer

experienced and licensed in design of this work.

C. Welder Qualifications: Welders shall be qualified within previous year in accordance

with ANSI/AWS D1.1 and ANSI/AWS D1.4.


A. Provide full size mockup of precast elements.

B. Mockup elements shall include all construction details as shown on approved shop

C. Locate mockup where directed by the Engineer. Mockup may not remain as part of
the Work.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete

A. Handle precast elements to position, consistent with their shape and design. Lift
and support only from support points.

B. Lifting or Handling Equipment: Capable of maintaining elements during

manufacture, storage, transportation, erection, and in position for fastening.

C. Blocking and Lateral Support during Transport and Storage: Provide temporary
lateral support to prevent bowing and warping.

D. Protect elements to prevent staining, shipping, or spalling of concrete.

E. Mark elements with date of production in location not visible to view when in final
position in structure.



A. General:

1. Design Responsibility: Architectural precast elements Manufacturer shall

provide the design of each element as well as the related works in
accordance with the requirements specified above.

2. Design Approval: Design, analysis and calculations as well as proposed

design deviation from the requirements specified above shall be reviewed
and approved by the Engineer prior to production of units.

3. Shape and Size of Elements: As indicated on Drawings.

4. Surface Finishes: Fair-faced, sandblasted or as indicated on Drawings for

the different areas and shall match the approved sample and/or mock-up.

5. Pigment or Coloring Agent: Where required, coloring technique shall be as

recommended by Manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. Coloring
agent shall be free from materials harmful to concrete and reinforcement,
resistant to alkalis and fade due to ultra-violet rays. Color shall be as shown
on Drawings.

B. Precast Elements:

1. Precast Wall Panels: Reinforced concrete solid precast wall panels shall
be of sizes as shown on Drawings, and constructed of Class 35 concrete
conforming to Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE. Minimum
overall thickness for each pre-insulated panels shall be as indicated on
Drawings including 40 mm thick extruded polystyrene insulation provided
as sandwich layer. Panels shall have a sand blasted finish for all exterior
exposed surfaces and a smooth finish for interior surfaces.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
2. Precast Cladding for Columns: Reinforced concrete solid precast cladding
panels shall be of sizes as shown on Drawings, and constructed of Class
35 concrete conforming to Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE.
Minimum thickness for cladding panels shall be as recommended by
precast manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer on detailed shop
drawings. Cladding panels shall have a sand blasted finish for all exposed

3. Precast panels shall be connected using galvanized steel fixings as

recommended by precast manufacturers and approved by Engineer. Sizes
shall be as per approved shop drawings.

C. Concrete Materials:

1. Portland Cement: Type I conforming to SSA 143 and as defined in ASTM C


2. Aggregates: ASTM C 33 for normal aggregates and ASTM C 330 for

lightweight aggregate.

3. Water: Potable, free from foreign materials in amounts harmful to concrete

and embedded steel.

4. Admixtures: Determined by precast fabricator as appropriate to design

requirements and PCI MNL-116.

a. Air-Entraining Admixtures: Conform to the requirements of ASTM C


b. Water Reducing, Retarding, and Accelerating Admixtures: Conform

to ASTM C 494

D. Reinforcing Materials:

1. Bars:

a. Reinforcing Steel Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed steel


b. Low-Alloy Steel reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 706.

2. Wire: Plain, cold-drawn steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 82.

3. Wire Fabric:

a. Welded Wire Fabric: Conform to ASTM A 185.

b. Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric: Conform to ASTM A 497


A. Support devices: Connecting and support materials include anchors, inserts and
shall be in accordance with the following:

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
1. Steel Plates: Structural quality, hot-rolled carbon steel, ASTM A 283, Grade

2. Steel Shapes: ASTM A 36.

3. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A 307, low-carbon steel bolts, regular hexagon nuts
and carbon steel washers.

4. High-Strength Threaded Fasteners: Heavy hexagon structural bolts, Heavy

hexagon bolts, and hardened washers complying with ASTM A 324.

5. Finish: Provide hot-dipped galvanized finish in accordance with ASTM A 153

for all connection materials.

B. Bearing Pads: Vulcanized type, neoprene elastomeric compound, molded to size or

cut from a molded sheet. Surface hardness 50 - 60 shore A durometer.

C. Welding Electrodes: Conform to AWS Standards

2.3 MIX

A. Concrete: Minimum compressive strength shall be 35 MPa after 28 day strength

unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.


A. Fabrication procedure to conform to PCI MNL-117.

B. Maintain plant records and quality control program during production of precast
elements. Make records available upon request.

C. Use rigid molds, constructed to maintain precast unit uniform in shape, size and

D. Maintain consistent quality during manufacture.

E. Fabricate support devices, plates, angles, items fit to steel framing members,
inserts, bolts, and accessories to permit initial placement and final attachment.

F. Embed reinforcing steel, anchors, inserts plates, angles, and other cast-in items as
indicated on shop drawings.

G. Locate hoisting devices to permit removal after erection.

H. Cure elements to develop concrete quality, and to minimize appearance blemishes

such as non-uniformity, staining, or surface cracking.

I. Minor patching in plant is acceptable, providing structural adequacy and

appearance of elements is not impaired.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete
A. Maximum Out of Square: 3 mm in 3 m, non-cumulative.

B. Variation From Dimensions Indicated on Shop Drawings: Plus or minus 3 mm.

C. Maximum Misalignment of Anchors and Inserts: 3 mm.

D. Maximum Bowing of Elements: Length of bow/360.



A. Verify site conditions. Ensure that erection conditions are satisfactory. Check slopes
and levels required for proper installation.

B. Verify that building structure, anchors and devices are ready to receive the Work of
this Section.

C. Provide for erection procedures and induced loads during erection. Maintain
temporary bracing in place until final support is provided.

D. Provide necessary hoisting equipment.


A. Erect elements without damage to shape or finish. Replace or repair damaged


B. Erect elements level and plumb within allowable tolerances.

C. Align and maintain uniform horizontal and vertical joints as erection progresses.

D. Where required, fasten and/or weld elements in place. Perform welding in

accordance with AWS D1.1.

E. Touch-up field welds and scratched or damaged galvanized surfaces.


A. Maximum Variation from Plane of Location: 2 mm/m and 3 mm in 30 m,


B. Maximum Offset from True Alignment Between Two Connecting Elements: 6 mm.

C. Joint Tolerance: Plus or minus 6 mm.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete

A. Adjust elements so that joint dimensions are within tolerances.

B. Protect elements from damage.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Architectural Precast

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete




A. Design, fabrication, furnishing, and installation of architectural precast glass fiber

reinforced concrete units as indicated on Drawings.

B. Supports, anchors, and attachments related to the installation of GRC units.


A. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:

ASTM A 36 - Specification for Structural Steel

ASTM A 27 - Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Applications

ASTM A 47 - Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings

ASTM A 153 - Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware

ASTM A 307 - Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile

ASTM A 325 - Specification for High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints

ASTM A 666 - Specification for Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and
Flat Bar for Structural Applications

ASTM A 780 - Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip

ASTM C 144 - Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar

ASTM C 150 - Specification for Portland Cement

ASTM C 260 - Specification for Air-Entertaining Admixtures for Concrete

ASTM C 494 - Specification Chemical Admixtures for Concrete

ASTM C 618 - Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Pozzolan for use as a
Mineral Admixture in Portland cement Concrete

B. AWS - American Welding Society:

ANSI/AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel

ANSI/AWS D1.4 - Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Glass Fiber Reinforced

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete - GRC
C. PCI - Prestressed Concrete Institute:

PCI - Recommended Practice for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Panels.

PCI MNL-117 - Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Architectural
Precast Concrete Products.


A. Shop Drawings: Provide complete erection drawings showing the Units elevations
and sections with complete details, dimensions and finishes showing the following:

- Joint and connection details

- Lifting and erection inserts
- Location and details of hardware attached to structure
- Other items sprayed in panels
- Description of loose, cast-in, and field-applied hardware

B. Test Reports: Submit two copies of test board reports.

C. Design Calculations: Submit complete design calculations for GRC elements and
connections, including loads used in design. Include creep shrinkage, deflections,
temperature variations, stress and expansion requirements. Review of calculation
by the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of complete responsibility of design.


A. Design Responsibility: Design GRC frames by a registered professional Engineer

employed or retained by panel Manufacturer, in accordance with procedures in
Prestressed Concrete Institute - PCI, Recommended Practice for Glass Fiber
Reinforced Concrete Panels.

B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer with a demonstrated capability to

produce GRC products of quality and scope required for this Project, and actively
involved in the production of GRC for at least 5 years.


A. After samples are accepted by the Engineer for color and texture, produce full-scale
unit meeting design requirements as follows:

1. Retain job mock-up on site as standard of quality for GRC panel work, when
accepted by the Engineer.

2. Incorporate mock-up into work in location acceptable to the Engineer.

3. Prior to commencement of manufacture, submit 300 mm long samples

representative of finished exposed face showing typical range of color and
texture, and of appropriate thickness.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Glass Fiber Reinforced

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete - GRC


A. Provide GRC elements consisting of the following materials:

1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I. For surfaces exposed to view in

finished structure, use same brand, type, and source of supply throughout
GRC production.

2. Sand: ASTM C 144, or other acceptable material with successful use in

GRC production and shall all pass through No. 20 sieve also match sand
aggregate samples on file with the Engineer.

3. Water: Potable, free from deleterious matter that may interfere with color,
setting, or strength of GRC.

4. Admixtures: ASTM C 260, ASTM C 494, or ASTM C 618; at Manufacturer's

option. Do not use admixtures which contain more than 0.1 percent chlorine

5. Glass Fiber: Special alkali resistant glass fiber designed for compatibility
with aggressive alkaline environment of Portland cement base composites.

B. Anchors, Inserts and Sub-Systems:

1. Carbon Steel Anchors: ASTM A 36.

2. Stainless steel Anchors: ASTM A 66, Type 302/304.

3. Malleable Steel Castings: ASTM A 47, grade as required.

4. Carbon Steel Castings: ASTM A 27, grade 60 - 30.

5. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A 307 or ASTM A 325.

6. Galvanized Finish for Carbon Steel Anchors: ASTM A 153, hot-dipped after

7. Threaded Anchors Finish: Electro-deposited zinc or cadmium coated.

8. Touch-up galvanized surfaces damaged by welding procedures in

accordance with ASTM A 780.

C. Mixes: Combine Portland cement, glass fibers, sand and selected admixtures,
combined in proper proportions to meet design requirements.


A. Forms: Construct of rigid materials that will result in finished products conforming to
profiles, dimensions, and tolerances indicated. Use form release agent compatible
with architectural finish and joint sealants.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Glass Fiber Reinforced

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete - GRC
B. Proportioning and Mixing: Carefully measure amounts of mix constituents to
achieve desired mix proportions also meter glass fiber and cement slurry to spray
head at rates to achieve desired mix proportion and glass content required. Check
in accordance with standard procedures as recommended by PCI.

C. Hand Spray Application: Use only trained applicators.

D. Spray mist coat consisting of matrix without fibers onto forms, if required. Do not
exceed 0.8 mm thickness to prevent an un-reinforced surface.

E. Proceed with spray-up of main body before mist coat has set, using procedures
which produce a uniform thickness and distribution of glass fibers and matrix.

F. Consolidate applied materials by rolling or other technique to achieve complete

encapsulation of fibers and compaction.

G. Control thickness by using pin-gauge or other acceptable method. Make a minimum

of two thickness measurements per each 1/2 m2 (squared meter) of panel surface
with not less than three measurements per panel.

H. Perform hand-forming of intricate details, incorporation of formers or in-fill materials,

and over-spraying before material has taken initial set to insure complete bonding.

I. Inserts/Embedments: Properly embed inserts in built-up homogenous GRC bosses

to develop their strength. Place rigid embedded items bonded to GRC so as not to
create undesirable restraint to volume changes.

Note: Inserts and anchor devices (where required) that shall be exposed to view at
the front of the GRC shall be stainless steel.


A. Dimensional Tolerances: Manufacture units so that each frame complies with

dimensional tolerances as follows:

1. Finished Units: Overall height and width of units measured at face adjacent
to form.

a. 3 m or under: Plus or minus 3 mm

b. Over 3 m: Plus or minus 3 mm per each 3 m

2. Skin Thickness: Plus 6 mm, minus 0.

3. Side Return Thickness: Plus 9 mm, minus 0.

4. Panel Depth: Plus 9 mm, minus 3 mm.

5. Angular deviation of plane of side mould: 0.8 mm per 75 mm depth or 1.5

mm total, whichever is greater.

6. Variation from Square or Designated Skew (difference in length of two

diagonal measurements): 3 mm per 1.8 meters or 6 mm total, whichever is

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Glass Fiber Reinforced

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete - GRC

7. Length and width of block-outs and openings within one unit: Plus or minus
6 mm.

B. Position Tolerances: For sprayed-in items, measured from datum line locations as

1. Insert bolts/Pipe Sleeves: Plus or minus 9 mm.

2. Blockouts: Plus or minus 6 mm.

3. Flashing Reglets (at the edge of panel): Plus or minus 6 mm.

4. Reglets for glazing gaskets: Plus or minus 3 mm.

C. Finishes: Exposed face of frames to match the submitted samples previously

approved by the Engineer. Joint marks, grain, or other obvious defects on face of
frame will not be acceptable.

D. Cover: Provide embedded anchors, inserts, and other sprayed-in items with
sufficient anchorage and embedment to suit design requirements.

E. Curing: Employ initial curing method which will ensure sufficient strength for
removing units from form. After initial curing, remove panel from form and place in a
controlled curing environments. Keep the frame units continuously moist for
minimum 7 days in accordance with Manufacturer's standard curing practice.
Maintain a temperature between 16 degree C and 42 degree C during this period.

F. Frame Unit Identification: Mark each GRC frame unit to correspond to identification
mark on shop drawings for panel identification. Mark each GRC frame unit.



A. Contractor Responsibility: Provide building lines, center and grades in sufficient

detail to allow installation of GRC units. Provide true, level bearing surfaces. Provide
for accurate placement and alignments of anchor bolts, plates, or dowels on

B. Erector Responsibility: Prior to installation of units, check job site dimensions

affecting erection of GRC units. Bring to Contractor's attention any discrepancy is
between design dimensions and field dimensions which could adversely affect
installation. If discrepancies do exist, do not proceed until correct or until installation
requirements are modified as acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Protection: Provide adequate barricades, warning lights or signs to safeguard traffic

in immediate area of hoisting and handling operations.

Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Glass Fiber Reinforced

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete - GRC
B. Setting: Lift GRC units at lifting points established by Manufacturer. Set GRC units
level, plumb and square within allowable tolerances.

C. Supports and Bracing: Provide temporary supports and bracing as required to

maintain position, stability and alignment as units are being permanently connected.

D. Fastening: Fasten GRC units in place by bolting or welding, as indicated on erection


E. Tolerances of Erected Units: Maintain erection tolerances for locating GRC units as

1. Face width of joint shall be as follows:

a. Panel dimension 3 m or less: Plus or minus 4 mm

b. Panel dimension 3 m to 6 m: Plus or minus 6 mm.

c. Panel dimension over 6 meter: Plus 6 mm or minus 8 mm.

2. Warpage: Maximum permissible warpage of one corner out of plane; 3 mm

total after installation.

3. Bowing: Not over L/360, where (L) is panel length.


A. General: Patching will be permitted provided structural adequacy of unit and

appearance are not impaired, as acceptable to the Engineer.

B. Patching Mix: Match color and texture of GRC unit. Blend and mix materials so that
cured patching blends with adjacent surfaces and are not evident when viewed from
a distance of 2 m.


A. General: Perform cleaning procedures as recommended by the GRC Manufacturer.

B. Clean solid GRC surfaces with detergent and water, using soft fiber brushes and
sponges, and thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

C. Use care to prevent damage to GRC surfaces and to adjacent materials.


Administrative, Service & Residential Blgds. Glass Fiber Reinforced

MODA, J13-03500 Concrete - GRC

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