Guideline ENG Final
Guideline ENG Final
Guideline ENG Final
For a successful reconstruction assistance in Afghanistan, the fundamental issue of how to achieve the
reconstruction and restoration of Afghanistan independently and robustly is extremely important. From
this point of view, in Afghanistan, where more than 80% of the population lives in rural areas and 60% of the
working population is engaged in agriculture and livestock breeding, possibilities and measures for agricultural
development cannot be ignored.
Rural areas in Afghanistan are generally self-sufficient, have strong autonomy as social and economic units,
based on the spirit of common support, converging on Islam. In order to achieve stability of life and the
country, it is essential to strengthen the independence and resilience of rural societies. Since Afghanistan
is classified among the arid or semi-arid regions and rainfed agriculture is unstable, the development and
effective utilization of water resources and building of sustainable agriculture based on irrigation are the key to
reconstruction and restoration of Afghanistan.
However, even after more than 20 years of reconstruction assistance supported by the international community,
the lives of people of Afghanistan have not been sufficiently improved, due to the instability and security
throughout most of the country.
On the other hand, even under these circumstances, the irrigation project by PMS (Peace [ Japan] Medical
Services), which was led by Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, has produced remarkable outcomes, resulting in improving
the livelihood of local residents in the project area. It can be said that it is an effective model of success in
irrigation projects in Afghanistan. PMS produces simple and practical effects of flood control and water
utilization, which maximize the use of local resources, and enable the operation and maintenance of facilities
to be effectively performed by the local community in the project area. PMS also fostered community
ownership, by practicing project activities based on deep understanding and respect for the local community
and mutual trust. In difficult social and political situations, much of the success of the irrigation project owes
to the charisma and indomitable fighting spirit of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, which has also earned the trust of local
residents. There is no doubt that these community-respecting techniques and processes underpin the success
of PMS irrigation projects. These guidelines were created based on the idea that such fruits should be widely
disseminated throughout Afghanistan.
JICA began discussions with Dr. Tetsu Nakamura on the preparation of these guidelines since around middle
of the year 2018, and the task required conducting some continuous and intensive studies. We planned a closer
discussion about the knowledge, experience, and philosophy of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, regarding the PMS
irrigation project, the ingenuity of flood control and water utilization techniques, and the fostering and respect
for ownership by the local community, in order to reflect all these values in the guidelines. Unfortunately, on
December 4, 2019, Dr. Tetsu Nakamura was shot to death in Jalalabad. However, even with such obstacle, in
collaboration with the Peshawar-kai which is an international non-governmental organization to support Dr.
Tetsu Nakamura's activities, the PMS, and the Afghan government officials, we are very pleased that the "PMS
Method Irrigation Project Guidelines" have been completed timely. We would like to express sincere gratitude
to all those involved in creating the guidelines.
We hope, in the future, all stakeholders, including the central government, local governments, local
communities and residents, will work hard and cooperate toward the stability and prosperity of the local
community by utilizing the guidelines to demonstrate the power of teamwork. This is in line with the approach
February, 2021
Director General,
South Asia Department
Japan International Cooperation Agency
On the 4th of December, 2019, Dr. Tetsu Nakamura was gunned down by unknown assailants. Even now, I can
hear his voice telling me, "We must continue this project. Dr. Nakamura, who was a doctor, decided to build
irrigation canals because he believed that medical treatment was not enough to keep people alive in Afghanistan
and that securing water and food was essential.
He said, "Water does not distinguish between good and bad people," emphasizing reconciliation rather than
confrontation. He created irrigation canals in accordance with the conditions of Afghanistan. After 16 years
of trial and error, he completed ten weirs around the Kunar River including Marwarid I and II Canals, and
finally established the standard design of the PMS intake system. When Dr. Nakamura told us, "My successor
is the irrigation canal," he meant, I presume, that if the people of Afghanistan need it, it will be passed on from
generation to generation.
The standard design that Dr. Nakamura has arrived at in his "Green Ground Project" is based on the traditional
Japanese method inherited from 300 years ago and the method used in Afghanistan. The tradition has been
passed on to the present while changing, and has been revived by the people in contact with the nature of
Afghanistan. The Afghans practiced these techniques in the field using the materials they had at hand, and
developed by themselves in accordance with their own culture. Finally standing at the starting line of the
dissemination of the PMS Method Irrigation Project across the country, those who have inherited the idea of
Dr. Nakamura in Japan and Afghanistan have completed this PMS Method Irrigation Project Guidelines in
dialogue with Dr. Nakamura in our minds. This is the result of the collaboration between Japanese and Afghan
people. I hope that this Guidelines will support the lives of people suffering from drought in Afghanistan and
will be passed on from generation to generation.
Dr. Nakamura has pointed out that critical climate changes such as drought are manifesting in the most
vulnerable areas as a result of global warming. This is why he emphasized having deep insight into nature and
dealing with it in harmony as the basis of the PMS philosophy. We must have reverence for natural order and
avoid construction projects, such as large dams, that attempt to control nature. We make minimal changes to
the flow and topography of the river to install a PMS oblique weir, and then take a small amount of water from
the weir and return it to the river after it has served for farming in the community. This is the irrigation model
that Dr. Nakamura worked out aiming to restore green land and spread the benefits of water widely and equally.
Global warming is a natural reaction caused by human economic activities, and it will take a very long time
for it to stop. Even in the midst of it, however, we must respect humanity, find the blessings of nature, and seek
practical ways to live in peace.
We expect that this Guidelines will be revised in the future with new findings through actual practices in many
specific projects. Nevertheless, the unchanging spirit will be inherited in the technology that reconciles with
nature. Dr. Nakamura describes it concretely as follows.
(1) To be able to tackle a problem with the simplest device possible.
(2) It should not cost a lot of money.
(3) Any community person with a certain level of knowledge can do the work.
(4) Use materials that are readily available and bring in as few non-local materials as possible.
(5) If damaged, local people should be able to repair it.
(6) You cannot cheat water. Be as honest as water.
February, 2021
No part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted without written permission from the publisher.
Dr. Tetsu Nakamura and PMS have carried out many irrigation projects in the Lower Kunar river basin of
the Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan, supplying water to 16,500 ha of irrigated areas as of 2020,
supporting the livelihood of 650,000 people, and contributing to the repatriation of refugees and former
soldiers, their incorporation into village societies and the improvement of their livelihoods. These PMS
method irrigation project guidelines summarize the processes, technologies, experiences / knowledge and
lessons learned from the existing PMS irrigation projects. The guidelines target mainly engineers, planners and
decision-makers involved in irrigation projects, and present process of dialogue with the beneficiaries, as well
as technical information needed for planning, design, construction, maintenance, and irrigated agricultural
technology of sustainable irrigation projects, suitable for Afghan conditions and Afghan communities. Their
purpose is to contribute to the sustainable development of Afghanistan's communities and irrigated agriculture.
As shown in Figure 1, the concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project Guidelines is to promote sustainable
irrigation projects, suitable for Afghanistan, by understanding and practicing the PMS method irrigation
project accurately, by developing the method through its actual application and continuous innovation, and by
disseminating it.
Promotion of sustainable irrigation projects suitable for Afghanistan which enable the
operation and maintenance of the local community
▶Study the advantages of the PMS method irrigation project from its
characteristics and differences from other projects
the PMS method
▶Learn from the knowledge, experience, and lessons that PMS has gained
irrigation project through trial and error
▶Study the problems faced by PMS and how PMS solved them
A PMS method irrigation project is an irrigation project in which water is directly drawn from rivers and
conducted to farmlands. As shown in Figure 1.3, the PMS method irrigation system is composed of intake
weir, sand flushing ditch, intake gate, steep gradient main irrigation canal, sand basin (regulating pond), main
irrigation canal, main drainage canal, reservoir, siphon, flood crossing bridge, dike (along the river), and stone
spur dikes (within the river flow). The PMS method irrigation project is a simple and practical irrigation
project which matches the natural conditions of the region and is based on the operation and maintenance
by the community beneficiaries themselves. The project implementation entities/persons respect the local
communities and their governance system, and aim to develop the capacity of beneficiary farmers. Beneficiary
farmers learn the basic civil engineering techniques of the PMS method irrigation project though the projects,
and become able to operate and maintain facilities by themselves.
*1 Also known as sediment trap.
*2 In Afghanistan, the word "levee" is often applied instead of the word "dike", but in this guideline, it will be unified to the word "dike" hereafter.
Function of Oblique Weir ; By damming the river water and raising the
water level on the upstream side, water intake during drought season will be
❶ easier. By extending the weir diagonally, the overflow water depth is lowered,
the tractive force is reduced, and the weir is less likely to be broken.
②Sand Flushing Ditch
10 summary
⑤Sand Basin
80cm lower
Secondary Selection:
Desktop + Field survey
Natural Conditions (Infrastructural)
Land Irrigation Construction
water materials
Possibility of securing land Possibility to stably take in Availability and access to
with high crop the required amount of construction materials
productivity irrigation water such as boulders
Final Selection:
Field survey
Socio-Economic Conditions (Non-Infrastructural)
Farmers' Farmers
Local community organizational
situation situation
Most important thing
• Is the community willing to implement a PMS method irrigation project?
•Is the community willing to properly operate and maintain irrigation facilities?
•Does the community have that ability?
•Be sure to go to the site and check the history and current situation through
interviews with farmers.
•Let the local people talk.
12 summary
Fixed flow
River at the back channel for flood
Stable single sandbar
moderately wide river area
Figure 4 Suitable Site for Oblique Weir with Boulders in PMS Method Irrigation Project
2.2 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with
The PMS method irrigation project is based on the formulation of the basic concept of the project through
dialogues and discussions with the local communities. The project implementation entities/persons
should understand the true needs of farmers, based on dialogue and consultation, in order to formulate the
basic concept of the PMS method irrigation project, which can meet those needs. Specifically, the project
implementation entities/persons discuss the contents of Table 1 and the role of the local community, to build
consensus and formulate the basic concept.
The contents of the basic concept are: 1) irrigation beneficiary area with balanced water distribution, 2)
expected project results, 3) estimated indicative project cost, annual maintenance cost and estimated indicative
project implementation and duration period, 4) consensus building on land acquisition and sufficient
compensation, 5) study and discussion / coordination related to the impact on the surrounding area, 6)
residents participation in construction projects and in operation/maintenance of irrigation facilities, 7)
ensuring security and safety management in the project, 8) construction of water wheels and demonstration
farm as ancillary projects.
Rivers are constantly changing, phenomena such as floods and droughts occur, and river topography
fluctuates. Before planning and implementing a PMS method irrigation project, it is first necessary to study the
characteristics of the river which will serve as the water source. To construct irrigation facilities which can stably
take water from the river during both floods and droughts and to properly operate and maintain them, it is
necessary to first know the river conditions during floods and droughts.
The river conditions which should be comprehended in the PMS method irrigation project and the method
of grasping them are as summarized in Table 2. Firstly, the existing information is collected, organized, and
analysed. Then, interviews and observations are conducted on site, to understand the river conditions. Finally,
river surveys for planning and designing the facilities are conducted. In situations where there is not enough
14 summary
Irrigation facilities need to be planned and designed to ensure a stable supply of irrigation water against floods,
droughts, sediment depositions, etc. The PMS method irrigation facilities consist of irrigation facilities and
flood control facilities.
Table 3 Advantage of Boulder Oblique Weir in the PMS Method Irrigation Project to Conventional Intake Weir
Conventional Intake Weir (Simple groin) Boulder Oblique Weir in PMS Method Irrigation Project
water way
Oblique weir
Scouring of Inflow of weir
opposite bank flooding
Scouring Sand Double
Without flushing flush board method
gate ditch intake gate
steep gradient main
Simple groin irrigation canal
Difficulty in taking water
due to the riverbed
Main canal
Drainage sliding Sand basin
by overflow drainage gate (Regulating pond)
Drainage canal Drainage canal Flush board-type
Water supply transmission gate
Main canal
16 summary
0 1.0 2.0km
Intake Mouth
Lower Shigi
Figure 5 Sample of Layout for PMS Method Irrigation Facilities (Irrigation Facilities and Flood Control Facilities)
18 summary
Flood control facilities in the PMS method irrigation project are constructed by combining embankments
along the river and stone spur dikes within river flow.
Wicker Works
Design Flood Water Level Slope Slope Gradient
(Recorded Highest Water) Gradient 1:1.5 ↓Drain Ditch
The embankment material
Flood Water Level is sandy soil based on local
in Average Year
Slope Gradient surplus soil.
Drought Water Level 1:1.5
in Averagce Year
Figure 6 Standard Cross Section of Dike for the PMS Method Irrigation Project
Width 10m
River Flow after
Installation of
Spur Dike
River Flow
Installation of 25∼100m
Spur Dike
Installation Interval
20 summary
6.1 Implementation System and Implementation Process of PMS Method Irrigation Project
It is expected that the Afghan government will become the project implementation entity/person using donors
or the government's own funds, and will implement and disseminate the PMS method irrigation project under
the project implementation system shown in Figure 8. The project implementation entity/person, together
with the "PMS Method Irrigation Project Advisory Team", formulates the basic concept in consultation
with the local community. Then, together with the Consultant who undertakes the consultant contract, in
collaboration with the beneficiary farmers, facility planning and design, project implementation planning and
construction supervision are carried out. During the facility planning process, it is necessary to discuss with
the residents, to attain information about matters, such as confirming the availability of land for acquisition
and settling the agreement on the contents of the planning and design. The construction company which
undertakes the construction contract employs neighboring residents to carry out the construction work. The
project implementation system will be maintained even after the construction is completed, and the operation
and maintenance of irrigation facilities by the water users association (WUA) or irrigation association (IA)
will be supported for a certain period of time by the Contractor. As for the project cost, indirect costs for
maintaining the corporate activities of consultants and construction companies and related expenses are
expected, in addition to the direct construction costs, and contingency costs need always to be secured to
prepare for unforeseen circumstances during construction and during the support period thereafter.
PMS Method Consultation
Consultancy contract,
Irrigation Project agreement Maintenance and
Advisory Team management
Consultant Contractor
Planning/design Construction works
Bidding management Supervision Capacity
Construction development
management Reporting Operation and
Capacity development maintenance
Operation and
22 summary
The continuous operation and maintenance after construction is extremely important in the PMS method
irrigation project. Normal facility operation includes operation of flush boards on structures such as intake
weirs, and facility maintenance includes daily inspections, canal cleaning and dredging. After floods, irrigation
facilities should be carefully inspected and all possible damages repaired. Water distribution should be reviewed
in the event of unexpected drought, and distribution facilities should be restored accordingly. In other words,
after the construction of irrigation facilities, the residents themselves must operate and maintain the irrigation
facilities. It is important to contribute and cooperate to improve and continue sustainable and beneficial
irrigated agriculture according to the local situation, after the PMS irrigation facilities are constructed. By
maintaining fair and proper water distribution and through continuous inspection and improving of the
irrigation facilities, if any damage or malfunction is detected, the systems can fully and sustainably perform
their designed functions. In particular, regular sediment dredging in the irrigation canal is important to secure
the required amount of irrigation water.
From this perspective, based on the current situation of water governance in the local community, the
project implementation entities/persons or the government and the local community discuss and agree on
their respective roles and responsibilities in the operation and maintenance of irrigation facilities which are
clarified. Table 4 shows the basic roles and responsibilities of each organization for each necessary operation /
maintenance works. In principle, the normal operation and maintenance of irrigation facilities is carried out
by the beneficiary farmers, and efforts are made to maintain the functions of sustainable facilities. The project
Table 4 Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders in the Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Facilities
Project implementation
Operation and WUA or IA by Mirab
entities/persons or
Maintenance Work Beneficiary Farmers (water manager)
Operation of Irrigation Facilities - Intake Gate Operation and Water Distribution (Water Users’ Expense)
Water Allocation Plan • Formulation - • Support
Intake gate operation and • Pay mirabs • Intake gate operation and • Uunderstanding the
equitable water distribution • Proper on-farm water proper water distribution operational situation
management (Chapter 8)
Measuring and monitoring • Measuring the water level
water level and intake amount and intake amount
• Monitoring proper water
Response to extreme situations • Consensus building on • Implementing water • Joint discussion on
water distribution rules distribution rules during water distribution rules
during drought drought during drought
• Proper on-farm water • Response to floods • Response to floods
management (Chapter 8)
Maintenance of Irrigation Facilities (Water Users’ Expense)
Maintenance Plan • Formulation - • Support
(Irrigation facilities) • Implementation of repair • Inspection/ Observation • Understanding the
• Daily maintenance and work • Daily cleaning situation of
regular simple repairs • Regular cleaning • Regular cleaning maintenance activities
(participation in Hashar) (participation in Hashar) • Observation
(River channels)
• Regular survey
• Understanding rivers and
sandbars situation
Large-Scale Repair of Irrigation Facilities (Project implementation entities/persons’ or Government’s Expense)
(Irrigation facilities) • Ensuring of budget
• Repair of gabion at joint of • Inspection/
the weir Observation
• Repair of the weir and • Understanding of field
downstream erosion situation
• Repair of dike and • Implementing large-
revetment works • Labor Participation in repair work scale repairs,
restorations, and river
(River channels)
• Sandbar protection
• Implementing as a new
• River bank protection
PMS method irrigation
• Excavation and dredging
project if restoration is
for ensuring division of
river channel
Note: Shura and RBC arbitrate mainly to resolve water disputes. Shura is customary arbitration, while RBC is arbitration based on the
water law. Shura convenes Hashar.
24 summary
While the technology for constructing irrigation facilities that convey water to irrigated areas which require
water is very important, we must not forget the importance of irrigated agricultural technology for the efficient
use of water to produce crops. In the existing PMS irrigation project area, various issues have been found to
impact irrigated agricultural technology, and they have been improved one by one. Among these, sustainable
technologies related to irrigated agricultural technology are introduced. In the future, similar problems may
occur in irrigation projects in each region where PMS system projects are implemented, and it is necessary to
utilize the technologies shown here to improve the problems at an early stage and improve productivity.
This irrigation method has a high water saving effect because it irrigates only near the crop roots. In addition,
since only the top of the ridge is irrigated, the roots can grow healthily due to the improved drainage conditions.
Figure 9 New Method of Irrigation on Ridges in the Existing PMS Irrigation Project That is Effective
(irrigation methods that make wide ridges and supply water to the center of ridges)
Photo 3 Soil Fertility is Improved by Applying Nitrogen to the Soil by Mixed Cropping of Maze and Beans.
*? Low pH values (<5.5) indicate acidic soils, while high pH (>8) indicate alkaline soils. Soils with pH in between are best for crop or pasture
26 summary
SUMMARY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.1 Launching of a PMS Method Irrigation Project …………………………………………………………………………… 62
2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project …………………………………………………… 62
2.2.5 | Final Selection - Selection Based on Important Socio-Economic Conditions of Local Communities …………… 74
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with Farmers ……… 76
2.3.1 | Basic Policy for Formulating the Basic Concept Through Dialogue and Discussion with Local
Communities ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 77
2.3.2 | Consensus Building with Local Communities and the Basic Concept ……………………………………… 77
2.3.10 | Construction of Water Wheels, and Demonstration Farm as Ancillary Projects ………………………… 88
3.6.1 | Setting of Design Drought Discharge and Design Drought Water Level ……………………………………134
3.6.2 | Setting of Design Flood Discharge and Design Flood Water Level …………………………………………135
3.6.3 | Setup of Design Sediment Transport Volume and Design Sediment Particles Size ……………………136
3.6.4 | Estimation of Hydraulic Parameters of Rivers by Non-Uniform Flow Calculation …………………………136
5.1 Layout Planning and Design Process of Flood Control Facilities ………………………………………………………218
5.1.1 | Layout Planning of Flood Control Facilities …………………………………………………………………………218
5.1.2 | Design Process for Flood Control Facilities …………………………………………………………………………219
5.2 Dike Design ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………219
5.2.1 | Basic Design Policy of Dikes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 219
7.1 Establishment of Organizations and Institutions Related to Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation
Facilities …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………284
7.1.1 | Basic Concept of Operation and Maintenance of PMS Irrigation Facilities…………………………………284
7.1.2 | Understanding of the Current Situation of Organizations that Carry Out Operation and Maintenance
(Community Water Governance) ………………………………………………………………………………………284
7.1.3 | Understanding of Current Situations of Water Governance in Basins or Regions ………………………286
7.1.4 | Formation and Strengthening of Organizations that Implement Operation and Maintenance ………287
7.1.5 | Establishment of Institutions, Roles and Responsibilities of Organizations that Carry Out Operation
and Maintenance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………289
7.1.6 | Ensuring Funds for Operation and Maintenance …………………………………………………………………291
Text Block
2-5 Achievement of the Existing PMS Irrigation Project (Created based on the text by Dr. Tetsu Nakamura) ……………… 82
2-6 Assumption of Economic Outcomes of the Existing PMS Irrigation Projects (Created based on the text by Dr.
Tetsu Nakamura) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 83
(1) TECHNICAL TERMINOLOGY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 334
(2) REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 342
Photo 1.1 Irrigation Facilities Using Locally Procured Natural Materials (Mainly Stone Materials) ……………………………………… 55
Photo 1.2 Kama Weir in Afghanistan and Yamada Weir in Japan ………………………………………………………………………………… 55
Table 1.1 Comparison Between the PMS Method Irrigation System and the Conventional Irrigation System ……………………… 56
Table 2.1 Classification of Stones ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 71
Table 2.2 Discussions, Agreements and Allocation of Roles between Project Implementation Entities/Persons and Local
Communities ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 78
Table 2.3 Specifications and Construction Costs of Existing PMS Irrigation Projects ……………………………………………………… 83
Table 3.1 River Conditions to be Comprehended and How to Grasp Them…………………………………………………………………… 93
Table 3.2 River Channel Categories and Characteristics …………………………………………………………………………………………… 97
Table 3.3 Methods and Utilization of Interviews Survey with Residents …………………………………………………………………… 105
Table 3.4 Example of Interview Survey Form with Residents …………………………………………………………………………………… 106
Table 3.5 Viewpoints for Observing and Measuring River Channel Conditions ………………………………………………………… 107
Table 3.6 Viewpoints and Methods for Observing and Measuring River Flow Conditions (Water Level, Flow Velocity, Discharge,
etc.) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 114
Table 3.7 General Values of Roughness Coefficient ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 117
Table 3.8 Irrigation Facility applied Sediment Transport Volume and Sediment Particles Size and Design Method ……………… 136
Table 4.1 Comparison of the Intake Weir Types …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 149
Table 4.2 Comparison between the Boulder Oblique Weir and Conventional Intake Facilities ……………………………………… 150
Table 4.3 Types of the Intake Gate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 169
Table 4.4 General Relations between the Height and Thickness of the Gate Pier when the Span Width is 1.5m ………………… 173
Table 4.5 Types of Sand Flushing Ditch ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 176
Table 4.6 Types of the Main Irrigation Canal ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 181
Table 4.7 Specifications of Gabion applied in the PMS Method Irrigation Project ……………………………………………………… 187
Table 4.8 List of Vegetation Works Frequently Applied ………………………………………………………………………………………… 191
Table 4.9 Sand Basin (Regulating Pond) Types ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 193
Table 4.10 Sand Sinking Speed …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 196
Table 4.11 Reservoir Types ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 203
Table 4.12 Countermeasure for Flush Flood and Debris Flow from Slope …………………………………………………………………… 205
Table 5.1 Comparison of Dike Revetment Types ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 221
Table 5.2 Design Flood Discharge, Freeboard and Dike Crown Width ……………………………………………………………………… 226
Length Time
mm millimeter (s) s, sec second (s)
cm centimeter (s) min minute (s)
m meter (s) h, her hour (s)
km kilometer (s) d, day day (s)
y, yr year (s)
Area Volume
mm² square millimeter (s) cm³ cubic centimeter (s)
cm² square centimeter (s) m³ cubic meter (s)
m² square meter (s) l, ltr liter (s)
km² square kilometer (s) MCM million cubic meter (s)
ha hectare (s)
jerib 1jerib =0.2ha
Weight Speed/Velocity
mg milligram
g, gr gram (s) cm/s centimeter per second
kg kilogram (s) m/s meter per second
ton ton (s) km/h kilometer per hour
Currency Equivalents
(Exchange Rate)
US$1.00 = AFN 77.02 (JICA rate as of February 2021)
US$1.00 = JPY 103.90 (JICA rate as of February 2021)
AFN 1= JPY 1.35 (JICA rate as of February 2021)
(Land Area)
1jerib = 2,000m2
1.1 Background
Rural communities in Afghanistan are suffering from the scarcity of water, which in turn results in hunger. They
are exhausted, due to the recurring wars and natural disasters which continued for over 40 years. Farmlands have
become dry, and people in the local communities are unable to resume their traditional lives. Furthermore, in
irrigated agriculture, due to the lengthening of drought trends, changes in snowmelt patterns, frequent flood
damages as the result of climate changes in the recent years, and the inadequate operation and maintenance
of irrigation facilities, the traditional watering methods have become ineffective. This was particularly evident
during the worst drought4) in about 40 years which peaked in the year 2000, causing tremendous damages
all over Afghanistan. Approximately 12 million people, or about half of the population, were affected by the
drought and approximately 5 million people suffered from starvation. This drought tendency has continued to
present days.
In response to the situation, the Peace ( Japan) Medical Services (hereinafter referred to as the PMS ), an
international non - government organization (NGO), launched the Green Ground Project in 2002 in
Afghanistan, and started construction of irrigation canals in 2003. By 2020, the irrigation of 16,500 ha in
Behsud, Sheiwa, and Kama districts in the Nangarhar province was underway, and the PMS planned to support
the livelihood of 650,000 people, aiming to achieve effective irrigation by supporting the development of
irrigation facilities in all three districts. The first project, the Marwarid Irrigation Project, started in 2003 and
was completed in 2010, with the irrigation of 3,000 hectares of farmland including section of the Gamberi
Desert, to support the livelihood of farming communities. It is also estimated that some 150,000 refugees
have returned to the area. From 2010 to 2012, an irrigation facility was constructed on the Kabul River to
supply irrigation water to 60 - 70% of the cultivated land around the Kabul River in the Behsud district of the
Nangarhar province. In the watershed of the Kunar River, which has more rapid and frequent floods compared
to Kabul River, irrigation facilities were constructed in the Kama district during 2008 - 2012, Kashkot in
the Sheiwa district during 2012-2014, and Miran in the Behsud district during 2014 - 2016 period. Stable
agriculture has been achieved by supplying sufficient irrigation water to the lower Kunar River and the Behsud
district along the left bank of Kabul River. Based on their experience with implementing irrigation projects
(including trial experimental plots for about 20 years), PMS has succeeded in developing a model of the PMS
Method Irrigation Project , which include integrated irrigation and flood control facilities starting with intake
weirs and gates, through main irrigation canals, regulating ponds, up to drainage canals.
These PMS activities and irrigation projects have received peace awards, such as the Ramon Magsaysay Award
(Peace and International Understanding) in 2003 and the Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement
Award from the Japan Society of Civil Engineers in 2018. Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who had led the existing PMS
irrigation project, was awarded Honorary Citizenship of Afghanistan, the Ghazi Mir Masjedi Khan High
State Medal, and he also received an Islam Commendation from the Ulama (religious leader) of the Nangarhar
province in Afghanistan.
Data Collection Survey on Agriculture and Rural Development in Afghanistan, conducted by JICA from
2017 5), and a previous study 6) list the following results of evaluation of the technology and achievements of the
existing PMS irrigation project:
1) Clarification of technical relevance of irrigation facilities;
2) Positive impact on local socio-economy by sufficient supply of irrigation water; and
3) Positive economic and social impact by the irrigation project process and improvement of awareness and
1.1 Background 43
The PMS Method Irrigation Project Guidelines mainly target engineers, planners and decision-makers
involved in irrigation projects. It aims to contribute to sustainable development of irrigated agriculture for
Afghanistan s communities by presenting the philosophy of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, process of dialogue with
the beneficiaries, and technical information needed for planning, design, construction, maintenance, and
irrigated agricultural technology of sustainable irrigation projects, suitable for Afghan conditions and Afghan
In order to achieve this purpose, the Guidelines state that the basic policy is to respect the independent
development of local communities, their ownership of the project and to enable them to operate and maintain
sustainable irrigation facilities for a period of 100 years, and the optimal form and the most suitable irrigation
technology for Afghan conditions. With the Guidelines, it is hoped that the local and central government
officials and technical staff, as well as people in the local communities, decision-makers and those involved
in aid, will rekindle with the initiative, ingenuity and commitment to go through for the recovery and
rehabilitation of Afghanistan, which was Dr. Tetsu Nakamura key objective.
As shown in Figure 1.1, the concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project Guidelines is to place importance
on the need of local communities, and to promote sustainable irrigation projects suitable for Afghanistan, by
understanding and practicing the PMS method irrigation project properly, by developing the method through
its actual application and continuous innovation, and by disseminating the PMS method irrigation project
across the entire country of Afghanistan.
▶Study the advantages of the PMS method irrigation project from its
characteristics and differences from other projects
the PMS method
▶Learn from the knowledge, experience, and lessons that PMS has gained
irrigation project through trial and error
▶Study the problems faced by PMS and how PMS solved them
The Guidelines summarize the experience, knowledge and lessons learned from the existing PMS irrigation
project in the Lower Kunar river basin of the Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan. The existing PMS
irrigation project is based on local technology, adapted to the characteristics of the Kunar River and its
basin. However, the process of collaboration with the stakeholders, the ideas and techniques in planning /
designing and construction / maintenance of irrigation facilities can be applied universally in Afghanistan. The
application of the PMS method to other areas where natural conditions and river conditions are different is also
possible. The Guidelines show both the universal specifications of the PMS method irrigation system structures
which are not affected by natural and river conditions, as well as the specifications based on the local rivers and
natural characteristics. It also lists the points to take note of, including some restrictions to strictly keep to. In
other words, the Guidelines summarize the contents necessary for the local communities to follow, such as:
• to obtain the knowledge to properly carry out the PMS method irrigation projects in various areas,
• to actually discuss the method with the residents,
• to plan and design irrigation and flood control facilities, and
• to construct, manage and maintain the facilities by themselves.
The Guidelines mainly describe the distinctive technology of the PMS method irrigation project which plans,
constructs and maintains with participation of the local communities. For the technical contents required for
general planning, design, construction, maintenance of irrigation projects and public involvement, refer to the
existing policies / guidelines and manuals. The Guidelines provide a list of reference documents, and briefly
introduce some of them.
Furthermore, through continuous observation, feedback, and analysis in the areas to which the PMS method
irrigation project is applied, it is hoped that the knowledge and experience gained in each area will be utilized to
update the method to more appropriate ones for continuous improved application.
1.2 Purpose of the Guidelines - 1.3 Concept and Contents of the Guidelines 45
As shown in Figure 1.2, the Guidelines consist of eight Chapters corresponding to: the overview of the
Guidelines, the basic concept building based on discussions with the residents, the river conditions survey,
planning and design of irrigation and flood control facilities, constructing and managing the PMS method
irrigation project, and operation and maintenance of the project facilities. Finally, the improvement of irrigated
agricultural technology under the PMS method irrigation project is described in the last Chapter.
Chapter 1 presents the background, purpose, concept, composition and targets for better understanding of the
PMS Method Irrigation Project Guidelines . Then, through presenting the overall picture of the PMS method
irrigation project and applying basic civil engineering techniques, the characteristics of the PMS method
irrigation project are elaborated, and the expected results of the irrigation project are presented. In addition,
the contents of each chapter of the Guidelines are briefly introduced, along with the goals, activities to be
implemented and contents to be decided at each stage of the PMS method irrigation project.
Chapter 2 explains the philosophy and the policy approach for developing the basic concept of the PMS
method irrigation project and for building a consensus, while working with the communities in the beneficiary
and surrounding areas, with respect to their governance system. This Chapter shows how the project s target
area and the area under control of the beneficiaries (irrigation land area) are determined, the approximate
amount of irrigation water is calculated, and the main irrigation canal route as well as the intake site, as along
with the weir location are roughly determined. The possible sources of construction materials such as stones
and embankment materials are also studied and compared, and the approximate project cost and project
development period are also estimated. These surveys involve consultations, interviews and exchanges of
opinions with the local residents and government engineers, based on the existing data and the results of river
surveys described in Chapter 3.
Chapter 3 describes the survey methods for rivers and river basins, which are necessary for planning and design
of the irrigation and flood control facilities of a PMS method irrigation project. This Chapter consists of the
following sections:
• Survey Methods Using Existing Information
• How to assess the impact of river structure construction on future flow conditions and channels.
• How to assess the impact of irrigation water intake on downstream water use.
works, for deciding on the location of the places where flooding and severe erosion is likely to occur.
• Methods to grasp the flood water level and discharge required for planning and designing flood control
• Methods of grasping river flow conditions and discharges and water levels during floods and droughts,
which are necessary for location selection, planning and designing of intake weirs and intake gates.
• Survey methods of riverbed material and grasping river sediment load, which is necessary for planning
and designing of sand flushing ditch of intake weir, steep gradient of the main irrigation canal and sand
basins (sediment trap).
• River Survey Methods
• Methods of measuring the longitudinal profile and cross sections of rivers, required to calculate the
design sediment transport volume and sediment particles size, required for designing irrigation facility.
Chapter 4 presents the methods of irrigation facilities layout planning, design specifications and detailed
design of structures. The outline process of the layout plan is as follows:
• The location of the intake is set according to the conditions of the alternative compared sites, selected as
in Chapter 2, along with the route of the steep gradient main irrigation canal are set in consideration of
topographical conditions, workability, and the size of the controlled land area.
• The sand basins and regulating ponds are placed at the junction of the existing irrigation canals and the new
main irrigation canals. The layout of drainage canals for flushing sediment and evacuation of excess water
discharges are located.
• The layout route of the main irrigation canal is arranged so as to connect the sand basin to the regulating
pond at the starting point of the existing irrigation canal.
• The layout route of the drainage canals for prevention of waterlogging is decided in respect of layout of
beneficiary farmland and topographical elevations of control area.
• The reservoir, the siphon and the flood passing bridge are installed at the location where flash flood flows
and debris flow cross the irrigation canal.
Next, the main specifications of each irrigation facility are planned and designed as follows:
• The layout designs of the intake weir, intake gate, and sand flushing ditch are decided in consideration of the
shape of the streamway and the stability of the riverbanks and sandbars.
• The elevations of the top of the intake weir and intake gate opening, and of the intake gate bottom/floor will
ensure stable water intakes during both flood and drought periods.
• The layout designs of steep gradient main irrigation canals as well as main irrigation canals are designed in
* In Afghanistan, the word "levee" is often applied instead of the word "dike", but in these guidelines, it will be unified to the word "dike" hereafter.
Chapter 5 presents the methods of layout planning, design specification and detailed structural design of flood
control facilities. The layout planning is structured as follows:
• The layout plan of the flood protection dikes is determined in consideration of the ground elevation. Where
the ground elevation is lower than the design high water level of the river, flood dikes are planned in order
to contain the flooded area and to protect the fields of the beneficiaries as well as the main irrigation canals
along the river from flooding.
• The layout plan of stone spur dikes is designed for the purpose of stabilizing the streamway and preventing
riverbank scour.
Next, the design specifications are as follows:
• For the layout plan design of flood dikes, the aim is to minimize private land acquisition as much as possible.
The longitudinal profile and cross section are designed in such a way that the freeboard above design flood
water level ensures dike safety and prevents overtopping.
• The layout plan design as well as the length and the installation interval of stone spur dikes are all set in
consideration of the design high (and low) water levels and the width of the river.
Finally, the detailed dimensions of each flood control facility, structural specifications of main civil works,
foundation works and appurtenant and ancillary facilities, are all specified in the design documents.
Chapter 6 describes the construction supervision and construction procedures for irrigation facilities,
including flood control facilities. Construction supervision includes construction implementation
arrangements, procurement of materials and equipment necessary for the construction, securing of labor force
and training of labor personnel, security and safety measures during construction, control of construction
schedule, quality control and cost management of the construction works.
• Construction material procurement section describes the methods of procuring materials such as boulders,
reinforcing bars, cement, aggregate, earth and sand, bricks, and gabion iron mesh wires necessary for facility
• Construction equipment procurement section describes how to procure heavy construction equipment
such as dump trucks, backhoes, bulldozers, and compaction rollers, all of which are necessary for facility
• The construction implementation arrangement at the building sites, organizational structure, group
formation, and number of people in the construction implementation are described.
• Security measures and safety management, security measures and safety management training, in
Chapter 7 presents the operation and maintenance of irrigation facilities. The PMS method irrigation project
aims to maintain sustainable irrigation facilities with farmers as the main actors. This Chapter describes the
procedures for confirming and establishing an organizational structure for operation and maintenance, for
formulating and operating regulations of fair and appropriate water distribution and use, and for carrying out
daily, routine and occasional large-scale maintenance works including repairs and restorations.
Chapter 8 presents ways to improve irrigated agricultural technologies for more productive irrigation. It
explores the problems of irrigated agricultural technologies observed in the existing PMS irrigation project and
proposes useful technologies for improvement. The main sections are as follows:
• Establishment of demonstration farm for technical extension
• On-farm water management
• Cultivation technology
• Soil improvement technology
The Guidelines target all those who want to learn about the PMS method irrigation project, but necessary
contents and levels of learning differ depending on objectives of each Guidelines user. Therefore, the
Guidelines were prepared in two different versions corresponding to the assumed users as follows:
• PMS Method Irrigation Project Guidelines for Planners and Engineers
This is the main part of the guidelines. It explains the philosophy and technical contents for appropriately
disseminating the PMS method irrigation project, aiming at appropriate application, on each user s own
judgement, of the PMS method irrigation project at the location where the application is planned.
• PMS Method Irrigation Project Guidelines for Stakeholders and Decision-Makers
This is the summary of the guidelines. It is a compilation of key points of the PMS method irrigation
project for stakeholders and decision-makers. It clearly explains the philosophy and project contents for
disseminating the PMS method irrigation project. In addition, it is written in such a way that stakeholders
can understand the effects and impacts of the PMS method irrigation project.
In addition, the following brochure and video have been created to encourage understanding of the
• Brochure for Easy Understanding of the PMS Method Irrigation Project:
The main target users of this brochure are the decision-makers, donors, local residents and other
stakeholders. The PMS method irrigation project is introduced in such a way as to encourage people to
read the guidelines and implement them. To make it easier for the general public to understand the PMS
Intake gate
Steep Gradient
Main Irrigation
The intake water from
intake gate is conveyed Road
to the sand basin. Rock
Mainstream From the intake gate
to the main irrigation canal
Sand Basin/
Regulating Pond
The sediment that has
flowed in together with Oblique Weir and Intake Gate
the intake water is s tored The oblique weir raises the river water to secure the intake
and discharged. water level. The intake gate extracts the irrigation water, and
The amount of water sent conveys to the main irrigation canal.
to the existing irrigation
canal is adjusted.
Function of Oblique Weir ; By damming the river water and raising the
water level on the upstream side, water intake during drought season will be
❶ easier. By extending the weir diagonally, the overflow water depth is lowered,
the tractive force is reduced, and the weir is less likely to be broken.
②Sand Flushing Ditch
⑤Sand Basin
80cm lower
Technology Community
(Chap. 8)
Figure 1.5 Procedures of the PMS Method Irrigation Project Which Emphasize Local Initiatives2)
Weir Using Stone Material Irrigation Canal Using Stone Material Irrigation Canal Using Soil Cement
Photo 1.1 Irrigation Facilities Using Locally Procured Natural Materials (Mainly Stone Materials)1)
The PMS method irrigation system has the characteristics shown in Table 1.1, compared to the conventional
irrigation systems which are implemented in Afghanistan. The most distinctive structure among them is
the oblique intake weir with boulders. A typical example of this is the Marwarid-Kashkot continuous Weir
or Kama Weir constructed on the Kunar River. The model for this weir was the Yamada Weir, which is an
old oblique weir of masonry on the Chikugo River in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. The Marwarid-Kashkot
continuous Weir and Kama weir are made of cobbles and boulders, which are abundant locally, combining old
Japanese wisdom and the materials and masonry techniques of farmers of Afghanistan. With this weir, it was
possible to create the irrigation system that would allow stable water intake during the drought season without
being destroyed during the flood season.
Photo 1.2 Kama Weir in Afghanistan (Left) and Yamada Weir in Japan(Right)1)
Scouring of of Inflow
Inflow of of
opposite bank
bank flooding
Sand Sand Double Double Scouring
flushing flushflush
flushing board
board method
method Without
Schematic ditchditch intake
intake gategate Gate
Diagram SteepSteep gradient
gradient mainmain
irrigation canal
canal Simple
Simple Groin
Difficulty in taking
in taking water
duedue to the
to the riverbed
MainMain canal
Sliding Sand basin Drainage
drainage gategate Sand
drainage basin
(Regulating pond)
by overflow
(Regulating pond) by overflow
Drainage Flushboard-type
canal Flushboard-type
Drainage canal Drainage
Drainage canal
transmission gategate Water Supply
Water Supply
Main canal
Main canal Canal
main irrigation
irrigation canal
1.6.3 | Economic and Social Outcomes of the Existing PMS Irrigation Project
The existing PMS irrigation project has stabilized and recovered the irrigated farmlands which had been
deserted. The project further constructed drainage canals on the part of the irrigated farmlands which had
become wetland, reclaimed new irrigated farmlands, increased agricultural production, ensured people s
livelihood, and finally turned the land which had been deserted into green land by implementing vegetation
covered waterway protection and planting trees along canals. It also impacted micro-climate in the area by
contributing to the reduction of local temperatures and sandstorm damages (see Photo 1.3).
The JICA Data Collection Survey on Agriculture and Rural Development in Afghanistan of 2018, the
questionnaire survey aimed to compare the rural living conditions before and after the existing PMS irrigation
project, shows that a stable supply of irrigation water can achieve positive economic and social outcomes
including the improvement of living standards. Figure 1.6 shows these economic outcomes (direct effects)
and social outcomes (ripple effects). The existing PMS irrigation project provided employment opportunities
for villagers and returnees as workers and craftsmen during the construction stage and enabled the refugees to
2008: Gamberi Desert before the project 2009: After construction of the main
irrigation canal
Agricultural Production
Expansion of Refugees
Expansion of Farmland
Area, Significant Increase of Dietary Improvement
Cropping Intensity,
Productivity Improvement Decrease of
Engel Coefficient
Increase of Livestock Improvement of School
Rearing Number Enrollment Rate
Increase of More people going
Household Income to hospitals
Figure 1.6 Economic and Social Outcomes of the Existing PMS Irrigation Project5)
After the completion of the PMS method irrigation project, the farmers responsible for operation and
maintenance of the facilities should command the techniques for gabion works, wicker works, soil cement
How did the existing PMS irrigation project start?
Aiming at saving as many lives as possible, PMS focused on water and food prior to medical treatment, along
with building trust with the community.
Dr. Tetsu Nakamura (Former Executive Director of PMS) was assigned to the Peshawar Mission Hospital
in Pakistan in 1984 to work on leprosy treatment, and in 1986 he launched the medical team ALS (the name
later changed to PMS) composed of Afghans. At that time PMS began full-scale medical services for Afghan
refugees, but PMS also started mobile medical care in Afghanistan. In 1991, PMS opened its first clinic for
Afghanistan in the eastern part of Afghanistan. In 2000, when drought became severe all over Afghanistan,
it became clear that an urgent issue was to secure clean drinking water. In parallel with its medical activities,
PMS drilled 1,600 wells for drinking water and 13 wells for irrigation. In 2001, PMS also distributed food to
270,000 Afghans under the danger of air raids. Even if clinics are constructed, with doctors assigned, people
cannot survive without drinking water and irrigation water. As the drought progressed, the importance
of "one irrigation canal rather than 100 clinics" became recognized, and PMS launched the Green Ground
Project in 2002 for restoration of cultivated land in Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan. The project
aimed to provide what the local people needed, which is, "a life/ home in the village, where they can spend
time with their family and eat three meals a day." PMS has been promoting their irrigation projects since
Through those project and support activities, Dr. Tetsu Nakamura and project staffs of PMS have built
mutual trust for delivering aid within the local communities.
How do you decide the target area for irrigation projects?
It is important to walk around the area, get to know the vicinity, and it is also very important to listen to the
voices of the people in the area.
Initially, primary selection of multiple contender sites for a PMS method irrigation project area are
performed, at a request of the local communities. Next, as the secondary selection, the areas suitable for
application of the PMS method irrigation project are selected from the viewpoint of natural conditions: such
as the features of rivers, soil and topography. As the final selection, the target area is selected in respect of the
majority of the farmers and the situation with the local communities, such as security situation and existence
of farmers’ organizations.
How do you talk to irrigation beneficiary communities and create a basic concept?
Do you know the past condition of the target area of the irrigation project?
Can you tell us about the current situation of the area?
Who are the local people?
What is your role in the community?
The emphasis is on: (1) knowing the history of local communities; (2) understanding the current situation
of local communities; and (3) confirming the willingness of local communities for engagement. In this way,
the project implementation entities/persons will understand the current situation of the area, recognize the
roles of project implementation entities/persons and the local community, and build basic project concepts
during the discussions. A PMS method irrigation project is not just a civil engineering endeavor which
constructs irrigation facilities. One has to keep in mind that it is a multifaceted regional restoration project
for economy, society, education, and hygiene which will support the lives of the people who reside there over
5, 10, 50, and 100 years.
The above is explained further in the following sections.
Before launching the PMS method irrigation project, the project area should first be selected. Following that,
the process of creating the basic concept takes place, in consultation with the farmers in the selected area. This
aims to establish local ownership and contribute to the independent local development of durable irrigation
Area Selection
Desktop Study
Interview with farmers
Desktop Study
2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project
2.2.1 | Basic Policy of Area Selection
The existing PMS irrigation project in Nangarhar, which aimed for recovering local communities and make
farmers self-sufficient, started with lands they requested. Dr. Tetsu Nakamura reported that he started the PMS
irrigation project as he aimed that:
…the local people wanted ‘to be able to have three meals a day and to live with families in their homelands’."
In other words, the essential feature of the PMS irrigation project is to meet the needs of local people from the
very start. Considering this backdrop, the basic policy for selecting the target area of the irrigation project is set
Prioritizing lands at request from the local community
As shown in the Table, it is estimated that more than half of the decline in agricultural production is due
to unstable water supply in cultivated lands along large rivers. It is a result of those lands being hit both by
droughts and sudden floods throughout the year. Even if the cultivated lands look like a green area, they
are often barren wetlands, or low productivity land harvested on a whim. This is why PMS emphasizes
water intake regulation function towards stable irrigation.
(Source: Green Ground Project, p. 36)
2.1 Launching of a PMS Method Irrigation Project - 2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project 63
Secondary Selection:
Desktop + Field survey
Final Selection:
Field survey
2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project 65
(2) Possibility of Securing Irrigation Water - The River Condition Suitable for the PMS Method
Irrigation Project
1) Prerequisite in Rivers
As a prerequisite for securing irrigation water, river flow and water quality should be confirmed. If water
has been taken from a river in the past, it should be deemed that there is no problem with the amount
and quality of the river water. However, in a new irrigation area or when water has not been taken
from the river in the past, it is to be examined, after coordinating with the parties concerned, that (a) a
sufficient amount of water with necessary water quality can be secured in the river throughout the year,
that (b) intake does not affect the opposite banks, upstream and downstream, and that (c) there are no
other major issues. The Kunar River, which has been the water source of the existing PMS irrigation
projects, has larger flows of water, compared to most other river basins. This is especially important to
emphasize when introducing the PMS method irrigation project in small and medium sized rivers in
Afghanistan which tend to have insufficient amount of water available. In addition, problems on the
opposite banks upstream/downstream can get worse, where the year-to-year fluctuation rate in the
amount of water in rivers becomes larger than the average flow. Therefore, even if the average amount of
upstream and downstream distribution is sufficient, the adverse effect on water use is large in some cases.
Chapter 3 described in detail how to check river flow and water quality. A detailed assessment of whether
a river has sufficient water volumes can be performed by comparing the river discharge and the required
irrigation water volume examined in Subsection 2.3.3. If it is determined that the river discharge is
sufficient for extracting required irrigation water volumes, the river is considered highly applicable and
being in a situation similar to the Kunar River which has been targeted for the existing PMS irrigation
project as shown in the following Text Block 2-2. If that is the case, the applicability is roughly judged
from the similarity of discharge conditions.
The Kunar River, which is the water source of the existing PMS irrigation project, has a catchment area
of about 26,000 ㎢ and its source is in a mountainous area of over 4,500m in altitude. As the gently
melting snow recharge groundwater, river flow does not dry up even in winter. In addition, there are river
channels with stable sandbars and streamway where it is possible to construct irrigation facilities which
can withstand summer floods.
The main features of the Kunar River Basin are: (1) The river is large with a catchment area of several
thousand to tens of thousands of square kilometers (㎢); (2) The water source is in a mountainous area
of over 4,500 m in altitude where snow remains even in summer; and (3) The existence of stable sandbars,
streamway and river channels with bedrock, etc. These are the main factors of river aspects for the success
of the PMS irrigation project.
On the other hand, the Kunar River is a torrent river, and there are many places where the riverbed
fluctuates greatly. It also has characteristics that are unsuitable for river intake, such as large fluctuations
in river water level in summer and winter. However, it has been proved in the existing PMS irrigation
projects that these characteristics can be overcome when the above three features are secured. In
• Basin area: Approximately 26,000 ㎢
• Topographical conditions: A range of mountains of around 4000 to 7000m in altitude. The snow line
is over 4,500m.
• River classification: Rapid river. The riverbed fluctuates drastically. Existence of stable sandbars and
• Hydrological conditions: Snowfalls in winter and Kunar River overlooking the Hindu Kush
melting snow from glaciers supply river water. The Mountains: Rapid River
Summer 40 ㎜ 32℃ 1,200 ㎥/s -Winter snow and glaciers perform a "water storage
Winter 140 ㎜ 10℃ 110 ㎥/s -Snowmelt begins around March and peaks in early July
-The annual water level fluctuation at the intake is about
Annual 180 ㎜ 22℃ 470 ㎥/s 2m, and the water level fluctuation is severe.
Monthly average
60 1200
Monthly average precipitation discharge
50 1000
Precipitation (mm)
Discharge (m3/s)
40 800
30 600
20 400
10 200
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5
Month Month
Kunar River Hydrological Characteristics (Downstream of Pul i kama Station) 2)
2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project 67
Example 2) River
Fixed flow
channel Bedrock
for flood
whether downstream
Stable diversion will
sandbar decrease due to
water intake
2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project 69
The Shogawa River, a first-class river that flows through Toyama Prefecture in Japan, used to have 12
intakes. These irrigation water facilities were constructed by arranging stones and trees in the river to
convey water into the intake, but they broke each time flood occurred, making it difficult to take in
water. In addition, the conflict between upstream and downstream was serious, and the conflict over
irrigation water was repeated during droughts. Since 1796, there have been many talks about integrated
operation, but it was not realized due to the opposition of upstream irrigation water users. Construction
of the Komaki Dam started upstream in 1925, and there was a risk that sediment would stop and the
riverbed would drop, making water intake difficult. Therefore, the Shogawa Goguchi Dam (integrated
operation) was completed in 1940, and stable irrigation was carried out.
In the Marwarid II irrigation canal, the intakes (the orange-colored squares in the below figure) that had
been taken from the river by each of Kachara, Koti, Taran, Bera, etc. were combined into one at the most
upstream point (The ● in the below figure).
0 1 2㎞
Intake Mouth
Lower Shigi
ミラーン Bela Main Irrigation Canal
Existing Intake Mouth
Existing Farmland
New Restored Farmland
Cobblestones Boulders
Photo 2.1 Images of Cobblestones and Boulders
2) Confirmation of Availability
The availability of boulders as construction material should be checked by the following methods:
• Interviews with farmers: The location of boulders can be confirmed from farmers familiar with the
local situation.
• Locating places where debris flow down, and valleys where heavy floods flow down: Locations of debris
flow in the past are checked since boulders that have rolled down from mountains tend to accumulate
at the exits where flash floods flow.
• Grasping the geology: Since boulders are likely to exist where sedimentary rocks spread, locations of
sedimentary rocks are checked based on the USGS Geologic map.
2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project 71
If boulders are not available, use of gabions (stone-filled wire mesh cages) is considered in rivers with gentle
slope and low bed load (see Photo 2.3). Experiences in the existing PMS irrigation projects found that the use of
large cobblestones is effective in reducing the amount of precious boulders (see Photo 2.4).
When collecting boulders from a river, it should be kept in mind that the place of collection may be eroded
and washed away by future floods. Therefore, the appropriate quarrying place is selected where there will be no
problem even if the sandbar is washed away. The sandbar at the Marwarid I Weir was washed away in 2010, and a
probable cause was that a large amount of boulders, which had been quarried from the sandbar as shown in
Eroded riverbed opposite
Photo 2.5 Riverbed materials often seen after a torrent Photo 2.6 A case where a sandbar from which boulders
has passed were collected was washed away by a flood (Marwarid
Ⅰ Weir)
2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project 73
(2) Grasping Farmers’ Situation to Confirm the Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture in Terms of
Farmers’ Motivation and Cultivation Techniques
It is important to clarify and confirm the conditions under which farmers are able to continue their farming
practices after the construction of irrigation facilities. The incentives for them to continue depend on the
area to be irrigated. Therefore, after clarifying the issues at each possible site, based on the following survey
contents, likely measures for the issues are to be discussed to select areas with high project continuity.
In order to select a highly sustainable irrigation target area, confirm the target farmers' willingness and needs
for irrigated agriculture with the possibility of improving their livelihood as an incentive for irrigation. For
confirmation, the information on the following elements should be collected and analyzed:
1) Are the target farmers self-employed and the owners of their farmland?
It is generally understood that self-owned farmlands give the farmers high motivation to improve their
production and livelihood. Therefore, one should investigate whether the farmers participating in the
project own their farmland.
2.2 Selection of Area Suitable for the PMS Method Irrigation Project 75
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through
Discussion with Farmers
The project implementation entities/persons should understand the true needs of farmers based on dialogue
and consultation, in order to formulate the basic concept of the PMS method irrigation project which can meet
those needs. After the provincial and central governments approve the construction of irrigation facilities, the
budget is ensured and the construction started. The procedure onwards is as follows:
1) Planning of basic concept through dialogue with farmers: Implemented mainly by the Government in
collaboration with farmers.
2) Formulation of the basic concept and approval of the project: Government-led, partly under contract
between Government and Consultant. Explain the final basic concept to the beneficiary farmers and revise
it as necessary to finalize it.
3) Financing from international donors: ADB (Asian Development Bank), EC (European Commission),
JICA ( Japan International Cooperation Agency), WB (World Bank), etc.
4) Implementation of planning, design, bid management, and construction management: Implemented
under a contract between the Government and a Consultant.
2.3.1 | Basic Policy for Formulating the Basic Concept Through Dialogue and Discussion with
Local Communities
Since the number of diarrhea patients increased rapidly due to the drinking water shortage caused by the
drought in 2000, PMS started a water source securing project, focused on well drilling from June 2000 as part of
its medical project, and in 2001 carried out food-distribution project within the "Fund for Life" in Afganistan
initiative. After that, in 2002, as the "Fund for Life / Phase 2 Plan" continued, aiming at increase of food
production, the "Green Ground Project" was launched. It was an irrigation project for promoting multifaceted
agricultural production including cereals, potatoes, vegetables, orchard trees, livestock, beekeeping and others.
PMS emphasized requirement of meeting local needs without competing with the United Nations or other
foreign organizations, by negotiating directly with the Afghan government and discussing and cooperating
with the local Shura and Jirga (autonomous organization of senior residents). In other words, for the purpose of
reconstruction of rural societies and self sufficiency of farmers suffering from drought, plans were formulated to
decide on target areas, project period and project contents.
Initially, PMS utilized such irrigation water sources as Karezes, Jui (a stream drawn from highlands), and
irrigation wells. However, the groundwater levels dropped, and irrigation using groundwater was becoming
inconceivable. In 2003, PMS started construction of irrigation canals including weir construction, aiming at
stable water intake from rivers, and has been developing long-term reconstruction projects expecting rural
reconstruction from drought damage and the return of many refugee farmers. As a result, by 2019, they
accomplished irrigation of 16,500 hectares of farmlands benefitting approx. 650, 000 people.
In this way, PMS learned to set their project concept flexibly according to the needs and circumstances of local
communities. As a result, the reconstruction of local rural communities and self sufficiency of farmers was
achieved. Therefore, the PMS method irrigation project is based on the formulation of the basic concept of the
project through dialogues and discussions with the local communities.
2.3.2 | Consensus Building with Local Communities and the Basic Concept
This Chapter shows what to discuss and how to reach an agreement with the local communities in formulating
the basic concept of the PMS method irrigation project. In the process of building consensus with the local
communities, an agreement document is made and recorded. A list and contact information of stakeholders in
the local communities is made to secure a state of constant contact with the local communities. The following
are key steps in this process:
1) Understanding of the history and current situation of the local communities. (See Subsection 2.2.5).
2) Introduction of the PMS method irrigation project: The PMS method irrigation project should be
explained using brochures and videos for dissemination. It has to be explained that the project is community
led and there is a strong necessity of ownership (awareness and attitude to maintain irrigation facilities as
their own) by local communities, which is a distinctive characteristic of the PMS method irrigation project.
In other words, it should be explained that irrigation facilities are maintained and operated by the local
3) Explanation of the draft basic concept to the local communities including the following items, and
revision of the concept while incorporating the opinions of local communities. (Details are described in the
following sections.)
• Irrigation beneficiary area.
• Project effects.
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with Farmers 77
Allocation of Roles
Contents of Project Implementation Entities / Local Communities
Discussions and Persons Self-governing body (Community
Agreements (Central and Local Government, etc.) Development Council /Shura/Jirga)
Association (Water Users’ Association/
Irrigation Association), etc.
-Outline presentation of irrigation beneficiary -Confirmation and adjustment of irrigation
Irrigation beneficiary areas beneficiary areas
area, project effects, -Presentation of expected project effects -Confirmation of expected project effects
estimated project cost,
maintenance cost, -Presentation of estimated project cost and -Confirmation of estimated project cost and
project period maintenance cost maintenance cost
-Presentation of project period -Confirmation of project period
Land acquisition
-Coordination with each farmer based on laws
(irrigation facilities: main -Presentation of necessary land, etc.
and local customs
irrigation canal route, etc.)
Impact on the -Risk acceptance decisions and coordination
-Presentation of assumed risks
surrounding area (risks) with affected communities
-Request for participation in construction
-Adjustment of labor supply by farmers, etc.
labor by paying wages
-Confirmation of intention to acquire basic
-Presentation of capacity development
civil engineering techniques
program for basic civil engineering techniques
Residents participation -Confirmation of intention to improve
-Presentation of capacity development
in construction projects operation and maintenance ability
program related to operation and maintenance
and operation and -Implementation adjustment / confirmation of
-Presentation of allocation of roles for
maintenance of operation and maintenance activities after the
operation and maintenance of irrigation
irrigation facilities irrigation facility construction
facilities between residents and project
-Formulation of operation and maintenance
implementation entities/persons
plans and ensuring securing of budget by
-Presentation of large-scale repair plan and
ensuring of budget
-Requests to ensure local security by local -Adjustment and presentation of security
communities measures
Security and safety
-Confirmation of safety measures for -Confirmation of safety measures for
construction projects construction projects
(2) Rough Estimation of Irrigation Beneficiary Range, Land Area and Required Irrigation Water
1) Irrigation beneficiary range and land area
If the irrigation beneficiary area cannot be clearly determined, an interview on the current situation
and past situation of irrigated agriculture is conducted, and the extent of the irrigation beneficiary area
is estimated. When interviewing residents, one should take note that irrigated areas in the past may
have become uncertain due to the years of confusion and disasters, and that the methods of measuring
length and area may differ depending on the village or region. If so, the irrigation beneficiary area shall
be calculated from satellite and topographic maps firstly considering the elevation. Following that,
the extent of the irrigation beneficiary area should be clearly indicated in consultation with the local
communities. Finally these should be confirmed locally, together, and agreed upon. In addition, there is
a possibility that some families may be absent as refugees and displaced persons, and their farmland and
houses should be carefully checked. If necessary, Shura and Jirga should make necessary arrangements, in
order to minimize the problems that may arise if and when families who have left the area as refugees or
displaced persons return after the irrigation facility is constructed.
2) Required irrigation water volume and intake amount
The required amount of irrigation water should be estimated by analyzing the hydrological and
meteorological conditions, geology and soil texture of the target area, and by conducting interview on
the crop varieties in the irrigation beneficiary area and the planting condition in the field. To estimate
the required irrigation water amount accurately, FAO documents 6),7) are referred to. In this case, the
required irrigation water amount is calculated from the reference evapotranspiration, effective rainfall,
irrigation efficiency, and by comparing crop varieties and cropping patterns. On the other hand, in
order to quickly and easily develop initial estimates of the required amount of irrigation water, refer to
the correlation between the area of irrigation beneficiary land and the amount of irrigation water in the
existing PMS irrigation project farmland downstream of the Kunar River Basin where wheat is cultivated
in winter and rice in summer (Figure 2.3.1).
Ten percent of the required amount of irrigation water should be added as a reserve to take water with a
margin, considering future increase in water demand, the amount of water drained from the sand basin
for drainage and to envisage climate change impact. The idea is to return the excess to the river. After the
required water intake is determined, it is confirmed that the river flow of the water source (see Subsection
2.2.4) is sufficiently large compared to the required water intake. If the river flow of the target river is
insufficient or not large enough compared to the required water intake, consideration is given to the
reduction of the required irrigation water amount by reducing the irrigation beneficiary area or changing
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with Farmers 79
Winter Summer
10.0 10.0
Estimated Intake Water (m /s)
Figure 2.4 Correlation between Irrigated Area and Intake Water in Existing PMS Irrigation Projects2)
difference Distance:L2
Slope:1.5‰ Elevation
Distance:L2 difference
Elevation at the starting point of Slope:1.0‰
the existing canal network Elevation at irrigation
beneficiary area
Eleva tion difference at the intake site and the starting point of the existing canal network (m) >0.0015 x L1
Elevation difference at the starting point of the existing canal network and irrigation beneficiary area (m) >0.001 x L2
Figure 2.5 Relationship between Water Intake Site and the Irrigation Beneficiary Area2)
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with Farmers 81
PMS achieved for stable irrigation by 2020 in the areas shown in the table below. The information in
the table is about intake weirs constructed by PMS based on (1) the land area calculated with satellite
map, and (2) the number of households in each village in the basin based on the interview with the water
gatekeeper. These numbers were consistent with the impression of PMS.
The irrigated arable land area of weirs/main canals and the cultivated arable land area of the entire county
do not match because of the overlapping water systems. The total of the county cultivated arable land is
close to the actual situation. Even in the existing arable lands, there are many areas where productivity
had not increased due to unstable water supply and the occasional flood damage. Currently there are
many areas where double and triple cropping became possible with stable irrigation.
Accurate grasp of demographics is difficult in Afghanistan. This is because (1) difficulty keeping accurate
records, and (2) population migration freely occurs between the Kashkot area of Kama and Sheiwa
Districts and the northwestern autonomous region of Pakistan where virtually no border exists. The
movement may be seasonal or due to political turmoil, but the main reason is that they cannot live
on farming in the area and escape in search of jobs. In fact, explosive increase in population has been
observed when stable irrigation is achieved. Therefore, as far as eastern Afghanistan is concerned, a
considerable number of so-called Afghan refugees may reasonably be called as economic refugees or
environmental refugees due to drought strikes.
Table: Achievements of the Existing PMS Irrigation Project 1)
The Green Ground Project states that the expenses will be recovered in 2 to 3 years based on the yield of
wheat, and the effect will continue every year. Due to issues such as distribution and maintenance costs,
it does not go as calculated, but it is a great investment. In addition, if it contributes to the stability of
public security and the reduction of illness, it will lead to the reduction of a huge public burden. If food
prices fall due to increased production, farmers nominal income and GDP will fall, but since they are
domestic consumption (self-sufficiency), they will be able to eat for the time being, and people s lives will
be stable.
The reasons why the facility construction cost of the existing PMS irrigation projects is so low are listed
below. (Note that if a PMS method irrigation project is to be implemented by the government in the future,
the construction cost per unit area may increase by about 20% due to the following reasons and price
escalation due to economic development in Afghanistan.)
• Most of the construction materials required for irrigation facility construction such as boulders are
obtained directly in the vicinity of the construction site.
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with Farmers 83
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with Farmers 85
(1) Hydraulic Impact on Upstream and Downstream, Opposite Bank, and Other Sectors
By conducting an interview survey with the community, the situation of ethnic/village conflicts can be
understood. The effects and the situation worsening can be predicted, and measures can be taken to prevent
the situation from worsening, from the following viewpoints:
• It should be checked whether irrigation water intake by the PMS method irrigation project will affect
various water use on the downstream of the river. If there is a significant impact, consultations with the
affected community are conducted, in order to coordinate actions and reach an agreement.
• It should also be necessary to evaluate the river flow condition on the upstream/downstream/opposite
bank area and the impact on existing structures due to the construction of new intake weirs and flood
control works such as dikes and spur dikes. Any effects to the flow and conditions should be explained
to and coordinated with representatives of villages in the affected upstream/downstream/opposite
bank areas, and countermeasures are to be considered. In particular, one should be aware that the
opposite bank may be eroded after the installation of spur dikes. Also, one should be aware that if a weir
is constructed in a location where the river flow heads toward the opposite bank, the negative impact
on the opposite bank may be increased.
• The possibility of wetlands creation due to release of the surplus irrigation water is confirmed with
topography check and interview on the downstream area of the irrigation target area. If there is a risk of
wetlands creation, the water utilization plan should be re-examined, or the necessity of drainage canal
construction is assessed.
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with Farmers 87
2.3 Formulation of Basic Concept of the PMS Method Irrigation Project through Discussion with Farmers 89
Before starting a PMS method irrigation project, from what point of view do we need to
know the water source river?
Before planning and implementing a PMS method irrigation project, it is first necessary to study the
characteristics of the river which will serve as the water source. Rivers are constantly changing, and
phenomena such as floods and droughts occur. To construct irrigation facilities that can stably take water
from the river during both floods and droughts and to properly operate and maintain them, it is necessary
to first know the river conditions during floods and droughts. Therefore, existing data, information and
documents related to the target river basin and river channels are collected and studied. Interviews and
observations are locally conducted, and river surveys are also conducted for the planning and designing of
irrigation facilities. It is further essential to genuinely visit the site and observe it. Through these activities,
the specific conditions of the target river are confirmed as follows:
• Check river channel movement (stable streamway, flow direction, riverbed fluctuation) and sand
bar fluctuations (stable sand bar, erosion/sedimentation), and recognize a location where water can
be easily taken.
• Observe the river flow condition during floods and droughts, and identify locations where floods
are likely to occur, in particular where the flood force is likely to be concentrated and estimate how
much water can be extracted for irrigation purpose during droughts.
• Understand the water level, velocity and discharge of the river during flood and drought in order
to prevent overtopping and facility destruction due to floods and to allow irrigation water to be
extracted even during droughts.
The series of survey methods necessary for understanding these river conditions are explained in the
following pages.
Before global warming effects became evident in river basins of Afghanistan, where rivers originate from
mountains below 4,500 m in altitude, snowfalls near the summit did not disappear even in summer, snowmelt
gradually recharged groundwater during spring, and rivers and groundwater at the foot of mountains remained
moist and saturated even in winter (during the drought period). Farmers used such river water and groundwater
as water source to irrigate farmlands by traditional irrigation facilities such as Jui (small irrigation canals from
small and medium-sized rivers) and Karez (underground drain which conveys water from ground canals to
the surface). However, since the 1990s, global warming has become remarkable, and snow cover regularly
disappears in summer, causing precipitation to flow all at once without underground being recharged. As a
result, some rivers run out of water in summer, groundwater level dropped significantly, and water intake by Jui
and Karez became difficult, which has in turn become a matter of life and death for the farmers (See Figure 3.1).
The only way to deal with these problems was to deepen and restore the Karez, or construct dams/reservoirs.
When these measures are not possible, farmers have to focus on agriculture at a certain period during the year.
On the other hand, in large river basins headed by mountains with elevations above 4,500 m, the snowline does
not disappear in summer and a certain amount of water still flows in rivers during winter. In these situations,
irrigation water can still be taken at the gate. The snowline gradually rises in summer (the flood season) and the
melting snow result in flows into rivers. However, due to the impact of global warming, the snowline suddenly
rises in summer, and sudden snowmelts can cause serious floods. Therefore, when targeting large rivers as water
sources, it has become an important issue to anticipate and minimize flood damage, while still ensuring a stable
water intake.
In order to safely and stably take the necessary irrigation water from the rivers during both flood season and
drought season, it is necessary to have an intake weir which raises the water level of the river, and an intake gate.
To protect these structures and farmlands from floods, levees, revetments, and flood control works are also
necessary. Such irrigation facilities and flood control facilities are constructed in river channels or adjacent to
rivers. Therefore, in order to plan and design safe and stable structures, it is essential to understand the river
conditions during flood and drought periods. In addition, when a structure is constructed in the river, the
river flow on the left and right banks upstream and downstream of the structure will be affected, and the river
conditions will change. Furthermore, when water is extracted from rivers, flow conditions downstream change.
The decrease of discharge especially in winter may in turn affect downstream water use.
Based on the above, the river conditions which should be comprehended in the PMS method irrigation project
and the method of grasping them are as summarized in Table 3.1. Firstly, the existing information is collected,
organized, and analyzed. Then, interviews and observations are conducted on-site, to understand the river
conditions. Finally, river surveys for planning and designing the facilities are conducted. When conducting the
above observations and surveys, it is important to consider the ways to utilize the obtained information and
data, for planning, designing, constructing and maintaining the irrigation projects.
3.1 Why Should We Understand the River Conditions? - 3.1 Why Should We Understand the River Conditions? 93
Mountain foot villages Big river
Underground stream Floods > Extremely
decreases Well low water level
Water level lowers
Figure 3.1 Water Cycle in River Basins After Severe Climate Change in Afghanistan3)
Marwarid Ⅱ
0 3km
Example of Annual Fluctuation Figure of River Flow
Figure 3.3 Example of River Flow Yearbook and Changes in Water Level
and Discharge of Rivers Over a Year 10)
0.9999 0.999 0.99 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.02 0.05 0.001 0.000
Return Period
Probability year
1.0 1.1 2 5 10 50 100 500 1000
Discharge in ㎥/s
Drought Discharge
0.9999 0.999 0.99 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.02 0.05 0.001 0.000
Figure 3.6 Estimation of Probabilistic Drought Discharge 2)
(5) Impacts of New River Structures on River Channels and River Flows
When river structures, such as intake weir and spur dikes are constructed, they affect riverbanks and river
flows, more or less, somewhere on the left/right banks, or upstream/downstream stretches. Therefore, the
situation related to the following structures, river channels and landside areas located on the left and right
banks, upstream and downstream of the PMS method irrigation facility planned site are understood and
arranged in advance:
• Existing or planned river structures (irrigation facilities, intake gates, spur dikes, dikes, revetment
works, etc.).
Planned Drought Discharge
Weir① Design intake amount 5 ㎥/s
Weir② Design intake amount 5 ㎥/s
Figure 3.7 Assessment of Impacts of New Water Intake on Downstream Water Use2)
Residents living near the target area often know the river condition during floods and droughts. Therefore,
interview survey with residents is conducted to collect and organize various river information useful for the
PMS method irrigation project, such as river water levels and depth of fluctuations, flow and water levels during
floods and droughts, and flood inundation situations.
Interview survey target Vicinity of beneficially irrigation areas and planned construction sites for intake weirs, intake gates, flood
area control facilities, etc.
Target persons for Village heads, elders, Mirabs, WUA (IA) representatives, residents, boatmen, etc. who are
interview survey familiar with past and present local and river conditions
• Be sure to go to the site and interview at the site and write the results of the interviews in the answer
Recording methods • Record the latitude and longitude of the interviewed sites and river survey sites with GPS, etc.
• Take photos or draw diagrams to keep a record that allow you to check the local situation and what
of interview survey you interviewed. In particular, be sure to record photos and figures of water levels, traces of erosion,
and changes in river channels and sandbars due to past floods.
• It is also necessary to obtain photos of river conditions, floods and droughts that the interviewee has.
Interview survey items Detailed items Utilization methods
Annual fluctuations of rivers, water level, discharge, Understanding the water level required for facility
and water quality during floods and droughts design and selecting water intake sites
Understanding the ease of water intake such as the
Location and stability of river channels, fluctuations
River conditions stability of river channels and sandbars, and
in sandbars, sedimentation and scouring situation
selecting water intake sites
Recent changes in precipitation, temperature,
Understanding the impact of climate change
floods, droughts (frequency, scale, timing, etc.)
Understanding the flood water level required for
Flood date, river water level at the time of flood
facility design
Flood inundation location, inundation extent
Flood situation Confirming the need for dikes and spur dikes by
(area, latitude / longitude coordinates, ratio),
grasping the flood situation
inundation depth, inundation duration
Damage situation etc. Understanding the flood damage situation
Drought date, water level, location, stability of river Understanding the drought water level required for
during drought facility design
Drought situation
Affected extent (area, latitude / longitude
Understanding the drought damage situation
coordinates, ratio), damage situation, etc.
Existing structures and Existing structures and river use situation on the Examining the impact of new facility construction
upstream and downstream / left and right banks of
water intake situation new river structures and water intake, and selecting water intake sites
Information such as river water level, flow velocity and discharge, are required in order to plan and design
a sustainable and stable PMS method irrigation project which can prevent overtopping and destruction of
facilities due to flooding and which can allow sufficient water intake even in low water. In Afghanistan at
present, there is often insufficient information on these river conditions. Therefore, it is particularly important
to observe and grasp the river conditions on site. Rivers are constantly changing, and it is necessary to visit the
site on a regular basis and grasp the situation in order to understand these changes. In particular, it is important
for the person in charge of the project to visit and observe the river and flow conditions both during floods and
Table 3.5 Viewpoints for Observing and Measuring River Channel Conditions 2)
Flood Drought
-Where is the flood likely to occur? -Where can water be taken stably?
-Where are flood flows gathering and erosion likely to occur? -Search for stable streamway from the transition history of
-How will the sandbar change? streamway and the direction of flow
-How will the river channel change? -Search for stable sandbars and sedimentary zones based on
the historical transition of riverbeds and sandbars.
・Observe from a high place and take an aerial view of the site. Understand the whole picture. Build a tower, if there is no high place.
•Grasp and record in a plane. Record the streamway, river meander, bedrock location, low low-lying areas, etc. while referring
to the above local photograph.
flood pathway
floodplain or double-row 2㎞
farmland low-lying area
low-lying area 3㎞ Kachara
bedrock bedrock
lower Shigi Location of
top right photo
(2) Observation and Organization of Overtopping and Inundated Areas during Floods
The river topography shown in bold font below is observed, and the places where floods are likely to occur
are confirmed while keeping in mind the relationship between river topography and erosion, overtopping,
inundation, and damage due to floods. Those places are marked on a map and the local characteristics
are noted and recorded in photos or sketches. Such information can be effectively used for planning and
designing flood control works such as levees and spur dikes.
• In places where the river is narrow, it becomes difficult for the river to flow downstream, and the upstream
Photo 3.4 Area Expected to be Flooded Under the Existing Flood Control Facilities1)
Joint between weir
and sandbar
sedimentation weirⅡ
Joint between weir
and sandbar
800 Increase in water depth
600 (shape change that
friction velocity
0.01 0.02 0.040.06 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 10.0
The method of analysis of river channel stability and scouring conditions, using various hydraulic
parameters is shown in the Appendix, which is referred to for more detailed riverbed change analysis.
Table 3.6 Viewpoints and Methods for Observing and Measuring River Flow Conditions
(Water Level, Flow Velocity, Discharge, etc.) 2)
-The water level at the -Check the water level record at the -Determine the height of the
time of the maximum exposed rocks dike and the height of the intake
past flood and the -Perform fixed-location measurements gate
Flood water level during the of water levels throughout the year to -Determine the height of the
flood every year understand changes in river water weir
-Overflow water level levels during floods and droughts
Water in past floods -Continue water level measurement by
Level establishing an observation system
-The water level at the
during and after the project
time of the maximum
drought and the water
level during the
drought season every
-Flow velocity along -Visually observe the places where the -Estimate the energy of flood
river water paths, river flow velocity is fast flow working on river facilities
banks and dikes (shallows) and the places where the -Estimate the river flow velocity
flow velocity is slow (pools) from the relationship between
Flow qualitatively. the average particle size and the
Velocity -Simply measure flow velocity at critical flow velocity
various river flows throughout the year
using float
-Investigate the average particle size of
boulders at the river
-Maximum flood -Observe water level, flow velocity, flow -Multiply the flowing cross-
discharge width, and water depth throughout sectional area (= flowing width x
Flood -Flood discharge every the year, and simply measure. water depth) by the flow
year, flow width, water velocity, and grasp the estimated
depth discharge at various seasons.
Discharge -Minimum drought
-Discharge during the
drought season every
year, flow width, water
-Observe bedload, -Measure bedload rolling on the -Determine the capacity of the
suspended load and riverbed sand basin from the sediment
wash load -Measure suspended load and wash transport volume
Sediment -Observe the color of load by sampling river water -Check water quality
Transport river water -Observe the color of river water -From the color and temperature
Volume -Observe odor, visually or by drawing water into a of the river water, it may be
and Water foaming, water white bucket. possible to estimate whether the
Quality temperature, etc. -Check if there is a cause of water cause of the flood is snowmelt
pollution (big cities, factories, etc.) in (light gray and cold) or rainfall
the upstream area or in the vicinity. (brown, etc.) from the
experiences of local residents.
When a flood occurs, it is necessary to visit the site as possible and observe the river flow conditions with
your own eyes. At that time, it is required to pay sufficient attention to safety. The river flow condition of the
flood is recorded as shown in Photo 3.5, and its characteristics are comprehended and recorded in a record
(3) Basic Formula for Grasping River Flow Conditions: Manning’s Formula
As a general rule, the flow velocity and discharge of a river are calculated from the following Manning s
Manning s formula: …………………………………………………………(3.1)
Q = A×V ………………………………………………………………………………(3.2)
Where, Q: discharge (㎥/s)
V: flow velocity(m/s)
n: roughness coefficient (see Table 3.7)
A: cross section of flowing area (㎡)
R: hydraulic radius (m)(=A/S)
S: wetted perimeter (m)
I: riverbed slope
Velocity (V)
(4) Observation and Measurement of River Water Level and Utilization of Results
The water level at the time of the past maximum flood and the annual flood can be grasped from the existing
hydrological data, the experience of local residents, and the past flood marks on the rocks (see Text Block
3-2). Annual fluctuations in river water level can be grasped from river observation and measurement
records (see Text Block 3-2). Using this information, the heights of the dike and intake gate are determined
with some freeboard (see Photo 3.6).
In addition, the minimum water level during the drought season can be grasped from the existing
hydrological data and interview with local residents. Utilizing this, the weir height and the base elevation
of the intake gate are determined, so that the required amount of water can be extracted with extra amount
even during the drought season.
Photo 3.6 Relationship between Water Level During Floods and Height of Top of Intake Gate1)
Grasp the marks of past water levels engraved Interview the boatman who is familiar with the
on the rock local situation
5 Aug.
15 Aug.
20 Aug.
25 Aug.
30 Aug.
4 Sep.
9 Sep.
14 Sep.
19 Sep.
24 Sep.
29 Sep.
4 Oct.
9 Oct.
14 Oct.
19 Oct.
24 Oct.
29 Oct.
3 Nov.
8 Nov.
13 Nov.
18 Nov.
23 Nov.
28 Nov.
3 Dec.
8 Dec.
13 Dec.
18 Dec.
23 Dec.
28 Dec.
1 Jan.
6 Jan.
11 Jan.
16 Jan.
21 Jan.
26 Jan.
31 Jan.
5 Feb.
10 Feb.
15 Feb.
20 Feb.
25 Feb.
2 Mar.
7 Mar.
12 Mar.
17 Mar.
22 Mar.
27 Mar.
1 Apr.
6 Apr.
11 Apr.
16 Apr.
21 Apr.
26 Apr.
1 May.
7 May.
12 May.
17 May.
22 May.
27 May.
1 Jun.
6 Jun.
11 Jun.
16 Jun.
21 Jun.
26 Jun.
1 Jul.
6 Jul.
11 Jul.
16 Jul.
21 Jul.
26 Jul.
31 Jul.
10 Aug.
Feb 2015 Feb 2015 early - mid Jul 2015 heatwave Jul,
completion torrential rain, Aug torrential rain
of channel flood at the Kabul river
early - mid Jul 2015 heatwave Jul, Aug torrential rain
Jan 2017
sand flushing ditch blockage May-Dec 2016 abnormal small amount of rainfall
level in summ er tends to be low after 2014, and especially in 2018 (red line),
the water level in summer is low and the water level fluctuation is large.
Figure: How to Check River Water Level Fluctuations and Water Depth1)
Simple Method of Measuring Depth such as Water Depth and Scour Depth1)
Leveling 2)
Figure 3.11 Examples of Measuring Distance, Depth and leveling by Simple Surveying
Length of
measurment interval
Iwagaki s Formula: Empirical formula related to the relationship between friction velocity and the critical
particle size for sediment movement. 2), see 14)
Where, V: flow velocity (m/s), R: hydraulic radius (m), g: gravitational acceleration (m/s2), I: riverbed
gradient, n: roughness coefficient, U* : Friction velocity, U*c: friction velocity at the critical particle size for
sediment movement, dc: the critical particle size for sediment movement (m)
At a riverbed where boulders are spread, the average particle size (or typical particle size) is measured by
measuring the three sizes of the average boulders at the riverbed, which are the length, width, and height. shown
in Figure 3.15. By the riverbed material survey, it is necessary to confirm that the flood flow has certainly flowed
at the riverbed, and that it is not a place where debris flow flows, artificial excavation takes place, or stones are
being dumped. A more detailed method of riverbed material survey is shown in Subsection 3.5.1.
70.00 y = 18.102x1.4991
R² = 1
critical particle size:D (mm)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
flow velocity:V (m/s)
Figure 3.14 Relationship between Critical Particle Size and Flow Velocity2)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
流速:V (m/s)
major diameter a
medium diameter b
minor diameter c
r=(a×b×c)1/3 r: average particle size (m)
Figure 3.15 Calculation Method of Average Particle Size of Boulders 1),2)
Text Block 3-3: Estimation of Flow Velocity based on Observation of Riverbed Materials
(Words of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura) It is well known that the flow velocity of a river can be estimated
fairly accurately by the size of the boulders in the river. When constructing revetments and weirs, we
always measure the size of the stone, estimate the flow velocity, and adopt a method that matches
the velocity. Heavy stones remain and light stones are washed away. In the Kunar River, the riverbed
generally has a thick layer of boulders just below the thin sand layer on the surface, and those with a
large particle size in proportion to the flow velocity (bed load) are exposed. According to a textbook,
the rapid flow of 3 to 5 m/s had passed. In this case, the size of the stone is 25 cm to 75 cm.
The methods of the detailed riverbed material survey, the cross-sectional survey, the profile survey and the
topographic survey of rivers which are required for planning, designing and construction of the PMS method
irrigation facilities are described below. Contemporary survey methods are also introduced.
size of gravel
greater than the maximum particle
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Volumetric Method
Sieve Analysis • The area grid method collects and analyzes 100 stones at
the intersection of the frames. It is accurate when it is
necessary to grasp the plane distribution or when the
particle size is large, and it is possible to grasp the local
change in surface particle size. The size of the surface grid
is about 1 m to 2 m on each side, and the grid spacing is
about the size of the maximum particle size.
• The line grid method collects and analyzes 100 stones on
a straight line at regular intervals (intervals of the
maximum particle size). It requires the fewest tools and is
also advanced in terms of random sampling of riverbed
• The volumetric method is applied to sandy riverbeds
with small particle size, and the riverbed material pit with
dimensions of 0.5 m in length × 0.5 m in width × 0.3 m
in depth is collected from a depth of 30 cm below the
surface. After collecting the riverbed materials, a sieving
test is conducted.
Accumulation Rate
0 2 4 8 16 32 63 128 256 512 1024
Grain Size (mm)
Figure 3.19 Riverbed Material Survey Results 2)
Right bank
io n
e r fl ow d
R iv
sandbar Raft ←Wire
(2 people
on board) 1. Install props to fix the wire on one bank of the river
Echo sounder ←prop and on the sandbar.
(Depth measurement) 2. Move the raft along the wire and measure the
coordinates and water depths at the change point
of the riverbed. The coordinates measure the
↑Fixing the
position of the raft using a total station. The water
base by masonry depth is measured and recorded with an echo
Left bank 3. Obtain the cross-sectional distance from the
coordinate data measured by the total station, and
obtain the depth of the riverbed from the water
Total station depth data of the echo sounder. Draw a cross section
(Measurement of
coordinates at the raft) by drawing the horizontal distance and water depth
with C AD.
4. Complete the river cross-sectional view by connect-
ing the cross-sectional view of the running water
section and the cross-sectional view of the river
channel without running water.
ground elevation [m]
580 0.24%
570 0.30%
1/333 0.28%
560 1/357
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Distance [m]
Figure 3.23 Example of Profile Drawing 15)
Drone 2) ADCP16)
Photo 3.8 Contemporary Hydrological Measurement
3.6 Setting Basic Information for Irrigation Facility Plan and Design
(Water Levels, Discharges, Sediment Particles Size and Sediment Transport Volume)
The design methods for irrigation facilities and flood control facilities are explained in Chapters 4 and 5. In
order to design irrigation facilities, it is necessary to set the following design conditions of rivers:
• Design conditions for intake weirs/intake gates: 1) Design drought discharge/Design drought water
level; 2) Design flood discharge/Design flood water level;
• Design conditions for steep gradient main irrigation canals/sand basins, main irrigation canals/ reservoirs,
etc.: 1) Information on sediment transport volume and sediment particle size;
• Design conditions for dikes/stone spur dikes: 1) Design flood discharge/design flood water level.
3.6.1 | Setting of Design Drought Discharge and Design Drought Water Level
These settings aim to ensure that the required amount of intake water can be extracted even during drought. For
the purpose of planning of irrigation facilities, the expected drought scale is decided first.
In the PMS method irrigation project as shown in the graph of river water level fluctuations in Column 3-2, the
annual water level and discharge fluctuations in the river at the weir are observed and the minimum drought
water level during the drought season (winter) is estimated. This water level is verified by interview survey. In
Afghanistan, there are many rivers for which water sources are snowmelt, and the baseflow occurs during the
drought season (winter), which is the time of the minimum drought water level. It is considered that there is no
significant difference in the water level from year to year. Therefore, it is considered that there is no large error
3.6.2 | Setting of Design Flood Discharge and Design Flood Water Level
The design flood discharge/design flood water level is the flood discharge/flood water level targeted when
planning the safety of river structures such as dikes and spur dikes. In the PMS method irrigation project, the
design flood water level is determined by observing or by interviewing residents on the mark of the highest
flood water level at the time of flood during the past period.
The design flood discharge is the discharge corresponding to the design flood water level. The probability
scale of the design flood discharge is grasped. As with the setting of the design drought discharge, it is reset as
necessary by considering the design points to keep in mind. The design flood water level is calculated by the
method shown in the profile design of the dike in Chapter 5, 5.2.3 (2), in order to consider its impact to the
There are two methods for setting the design flood water level and design discharge: one is to refer to the
observed water level and the mark of water level, and the other is to calculate it. In the existing PMS irrigation
project, the design flood water level is based on the observed water level in the past, also considering the
effects of climate change in Afghanistan. There is some uncertainty with the calculation method, due to the
data quality and quantity, and the insufficient human resources capable to calculate. However, when the
design discharge is decided, it is still necessary to calculate it, as precise as possible and make a comprehensive
judgment (cross check) by referring to various methods through interviews. The method by calculation is to
determine the target return period, set the discharge of the target return period as the design discharge from
the probability evaluation at the hydrological observation station, and calculate the water level by the uniform/
non-uniform flow calculation under the condition with the weir from the discharge (calculation from the
observation station site to the weir site) as the design water level.
3.6 Setting Basic Information for Irrigation Facility Plan and Design 135
Design Specifications
No. for PMS Irrigation Design Methods
・When the design flood discharge flows down the river channel, the sediment particle
size that flow from the upstream of the intake weir and deposit on the back of the weir
Design of sand flushing is calculated from the relationship between the flow velocity and the critical particle
1 ditch (width and slope) at size for movement.
the intake weir ・ Set the width and bottom slope of the sand flushing ditch using the Manning s formula
so that the velocity can be secured to discharge sediment with a particle size that is
expected to deposit at the back of the weir.
・Set the cross section (width / depth) of the steep gradiemt main irrigation canal so
that the flow velocity can be secured and the suspended load contained in the water
Cross section and slope of taken from the river does not deposit even when the amount of irrigation water flows
2 steep gradiemt main down during the drought season.
irrigation canal ・Check whether the sand with the particle size obtained by the particle size survey is
washed away without any problem at the flow velocity of the steep gradiemt main
irrigation canal and no sediment deposition occurs.
・Set the shape of the sand basin where the sand conveyed from the steep gradiemt
main irrigation canal to the sand basin can deposit. Set a shape that can secure an
appropriate surface loading rate and moving velocity that allow sand of the target
particle size to deposit.
3 Shape of sandbasin
・Estimate the sediment volume from the concentration of suspended load contained
in the intake water. Set an appropriate sand basin capacity and the number of sand
basin installation sites considering the maintenance frequency such as dredging of the
sand basin.
3.6 Setting Basic Information for Irrigation Facility Plan and Design 137
How should irrigation facilities be planned and designed?
The irrigation facilities and the flood control facilities are the two main components of the facilities that will
be implemented in the irrigation project. Irrigation facilities include intake weir, sand flushing ditch, intake
gate, steep gradient main irrigation canal, sand basin, main irrigation canal, siphon or flood crossing bridge,
reservoir and main drainage canal. By combining these facilities, the PMS method irrigation facilities are
planned and designed to meet the following conditions:
• To secure a sufficient amount of irrigation water stably, even during drought season.
• To have all facilities function stably when anticipated flooding occurs, and to minimize facility damage
even when flooding exceeds the envisaged scale.
• To avoid failure of water intake and conveyance to the intake gate and main irrigation canal due to
• To give full consideration to the social environment in the process of acquiring land for the main irrigation
canal, planning for reservoir and sand basin, and in distributing water.
• To keep economic construction with good workability in mind when planning the facility location
avoiding rock excavation and large-scale excavation/land reclamation work as much as possible.
• To ensure that local residents can operate, maintain and manage the facilities sustainably.
Each intake facility is designed as follows, with a structure to facilitate maintenance and management by local
residents using locally procurable boulders, bricks, timber, iron plates/ annealing wires, cement and soil.
• For the intake weir, the size of stones comprising the weir body is properly dimensioned, wings
are fully protected and the weir height is minimized to prevent being swept away. Moreover, to
maintain the intake water level and the water depth of the main irrigation canal even during
drought season, the weir height is secured to ensure sufficient amount of irrigation water reaches
the irrigation beneficiary area.
• For the sand flushing ditch, a cross-sectional area and flow velocity allowing sediments to be
discharged are secured to avoid the area upstream of the intake weir from being buried by
• For the intake gate, its function of taking and adjusting the amount of water required for irrigation
with a stable structure against water pressure from the river and sediment load is ensured.
• The cross-sectional shape and revetment structures of the steep gradient main irrigation canal and
main irrigation canal shall be stable against the inner hydraulic pressure and external earth pressure
by securing a certain flow velocity and ensuring no sediments are deposited in the canal.
• The sand basin structure shall ensure that deposited sediments can be easily discharged. (sand
drainage canal, sand drain gate)
• Since constructing the reservoir involves large-scale embankment works, the stability of reservoir
embankment is secured by taking seepage water countermeasures including the application of silty
cray on the internal slope surface of the reservoir as fully treating the foundation.
• A certain flow velocity is secured in the siphon to prevent sands from accumulating in the canal,
and a safe underground culvert structure against the vertical load and earth pressure shall be
provided. The flood crossing bridge shall be secured the width for flowing down the flood water.
• The main drainage canal is capable of promptly discharging excessive water from the irrigation
beneficiary areas to the river. Such like the main irrigation canal, the cross-sectional shape and
revetment structures shall secure the stable condition against the internal water pressure and
external earth pressure.
Connecting regulating pondⅡ Regulating PondⅠ
0 1.0 2.0km ponds at the shortest (Sand Basin)
distance Drainage
canal2 Intake
Lower Shigi
Installation in an
intersection between Regulating
existing canal and the pondⅢ Drainage Installation in an intersec-
new main irrigation canal canal1 tion between existing
canal and the new main
Drainage irrigation canal
Dike+Stone Spur Dike Existing Farmland
Regulating Steep Gradient New Restored
pondⅣ Main Irrigation Canal Farmland
Figure 4.2 Examples of Layout Planning for the Intake Sites, Sand Basin
and Main Irrigation/Drainage Canal2)
Transmission Irrigation
diversion Drainage Drain gate gate
channel Canal
Drain gate
Here, Q: flow rate (㎥/s), V: flow velocity (m/s), n: roughness coefficient, A: cross-section area (㎡), R:
hydraulic radius (m) (R=A/S), S: wetted perimeter (m), I: riverbed gradient
・Topographic Survey result ・Based on the conditions of the intake gate ground elevation and the
intake weir crest height, cross-sections of intake weir and intake gate,
sand flushing ditch and spillway are designed.
Figure 4.5 How to Consider to Select the Plane Type for the Intake Weir 2)
(2) Comparison between the Boulder Oblique Weir and Concrete-fixed Weir/Sluicegate Weir
The type of the intake weir combining a fixed weir with a reinforced concrete and sluice gate is adopted in
many countries and usually constructed at right angles to downstream direction. The common features
of the intake weir and boulder oblique weir and their applicability to Afghanistan are shown in Table 4.1,
suggesting that the boulder oblique weir remains suitable in Afghanistan.
il lw
Sp Fixed weir
ditch Spillway Fixed weir
Sand flushing
ditch Spillway
・The weir is provided diagonally to the flow ・A fixed weir and sluice gate are provided to
direction and will have a convex shape toward traverse the river and raise the water level.
Features the upstream. ・Since it is usually constructed at right angles to
・The weir body is constructed by piling up the river flow, it shall be a solid concrete
boulders on the riverbed and reinforcing the structure to withstand the flow velocity.
wings with boulders and cobblestones.
・The weir is provided diagonally to the river ・It can withstand the flow energy thanks to the
flow so that flow energy can be reduced. concrete structure.
・The weir body also functions as a training ・The concrete structure needs comparatively
Merits dike wall, smoothly conveying river water into little maintenance and management.
the intake.
・The construction is relatively affordable.
・Easy for local residents to maintain and ・Maintenance and challenging for local residents.
Applicability ・It is a structure applying stone materials which
to Afghanistan are abundant in many regions.
・There are many PMS method irrigation project
Table 4.2 Comparison between the Boulder Oblique Weir and Conventional Intake Facilities 2)
Boulder Oblique Weir
Conventional Intake Weir (Simple groin)
in PMS Method Irrigation Project
(3) (1)
(2) (4) (4)
:Scouring part :Simple groin : Scouring protection :Boulder oblique weir
Issues Countermeasure
・ There is concern about possibility of washout or ・Flood diversion channel is secured by dividing the river
(1) destruction of the weir itself. channel by sand bar.
(1) ・Curved full-width weir reduces unit width overflow
・ It is difficult to secure the water intake level because discharge.
(2) the weir body is broken due to riverbed decline by
scouring at the tip of the groin. ・The entire width and gentle gradient of weir body from the
(2) riverbank to the sandbar prevents scouring at the immedi-
・River water route moves due to opposite side bank ately downstream tip of the weir and secures the intake
(3) scouring, and the water cannot flow into the intake water level.
・The strong flows from sand flushing ditch, flood spillway
(4) ・ There is no function to adjust intake water amount and overflow from top of the weir are collected in the center
at the intake mouth. downstream of the curved weir to offset the flow energy and
prevent scouring on the opposite side bank.
・Flood flows directly into the irrigation canal.
・There is a lot of sediment inflow into the irrigation ・The intake water amount can be adjusted manually with the
(5) canal. (4) double flush board method at intake gate and sand flushing
・There is no sand settling function for the extracted ditch.
water, and there is a lot of sediment accumulation in
the main irrigation canal. ・Flush board method prevents flood flow from flowing into
the irrigation canal.
・Extracting overflown water above the flush board can
(5) prevent the inflow of sediment to the main irrigation canal.
・Sediment inflow and deposition in the main irrigation
canal can be prevented by providing a sand flushing ditch
and a sand basin.
- Intake weir plane design: The axis direction of weir body is provided at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees
diagonal to the river flow.
The weir width is twice to three times of river width and in convex shape
to the upstream direction.
- Intake weir profile design: The weir height is around two meters or lower.
The apron gradient and weir height are set as 2.0% or lower.
- Intake weir cross-sectional The intake weir crest elevation is set at around 0.5 to 0.8 m higher than the
design: base elevation of intake gate.
The base elevation of intake gate follows the design drought water level.
The base elevation of sand flushing ditch is around 0.7 to 1.0 m lower than
the intake gate elevation.
The secured width of spillway is 10 to 20 m and depth is around 1m.
- Intake weir structural design: The size of boulders comprising the intake weir body is 0.5 to 2.0 m.
River flow
River width Weir crest
Weir width
Sand flushing (overflow length)
Intake gate
Weir length
- Protection of wings and Abutments (wings) are protected using boulders. The weir foundation
Weir crest
foundations of the weir body: shall be embedded
t below the riverbed.
n gra Weir height
Intake gate
Weir length
Weir crest
d ien
n gra Weir height
A pro
200m +0.10m
Proposed location +0.02m
of the weir River channel
+0.06m 900m
Sand bar 1 +0.58m
ck Bedrock distribution
184m Ro
147m B1
-0.75m Location Alignment
-0m Location 1
-1.35m Intake gate of weir
flushing ditch
-1.5m Location 2 Sediment
Sand bar 2
Sand deposition line
River channel 150m
Location 3
0m=base level of intake gate
Sand bar 3 Low water channel
Figure 4.8 Example for Setting the Location of the Boulder Oblique Weir 4)
Those matters to be noted when constructing an intake weir in a river channel with unstable flow reference the
Miran intake weir as shown in Column 4-1. In the Miran intake weir location, the original main channel was
blocked by sedimentation and the riverbank eroded by the other newly formed main channel. The intake had to
be relocated several times due to changing river channels, which made it difficult to define a proper location. In
such cases, the following measures allow the intake weir to be provided where the main channel is fixed to some
• A stone spur dike is constructed at the river curved part along the newly formed main channel.
• Former main channel blocked by sedimentation is dredged and recovered to control the water flow into
the current main channel.
• A boulder oblique weir with sand bars between the former and current main channels as its wings is
constructed by reinforcing the wings and integrating sand bars and weirs.
As above, the intake weir can be provided in those instable river channels by preventing riverbank erosion, fixing
the current main channel, stabilizing sand bars and fixing the intake.
The whole plane diagram of the Miran Weir and surrounding protection as planned under the above policy are
shown in Figure 4.9.
Starting point of
continuous di ke Kunar River
1000m 1600m
Intake ⇒ 1400m
Irrigation main canal
❹ Kunar River
❶ ❸
Miran main
Design dike line irrigation canal
R=70m ∼150m
Flow control by spillway
Width: 10 to 20 m
∼45 °
Bed protection
Apron for (scouring prevention)
(3) Layout Design of the Intake Gate and Incidental Facilities for the Boulder Oblique Weir
Intake facilities comprise an intake weir and intake gate while a sand flushing ditch, spillway and weir wings
protection are also provided in the boulder oblique weir as incidental facilities. The layout of these intake
gate and incidental facilities is as follows:
• The intake gate will be located on the riverbank connecting to the boulder oblique weir abutment. The
weir crest functions as a training wall conveying the river water into the intake gate.
• The sand flushing ditch is provided on a part of the weir body adjacent to the intake gate located on the
riverbank connecting to the boulder oblique weir abutment, discharging soils accumulated upstream of
the intake weir to prevent sediments from flowing into the intake gate. Moreover, a flush board of the
sand flushing ditch is provided at an abnormally low water level to secure the water level of the intake gate.
Accordingly, the sand flushing ditch also serves as a movable weir.
• A spillway is provided at around the top of the convex-shaped boulder oblique weir gathering flows of the
spillway and sand flushing ditch into the center of the river channel to set off their force. The spillway is 10
to 20 m width and at least 1 m depth. The flow of the sand flushing ditch is directed to the river center.
• To control the intake amount at the intake gate in the case of abnormal drought and discharge sediments
at the sand flushing ditch, movable flush boards shall be provided at the gate pier. Accordingly, the gate
pier and foundations of the intake gate and sand flushing ditch are constructed by reinforced concrete to
firmly fix them in place.
Hydraulic jump
River flow
Kama Weir I viewed from downstream: Marwarid Weir II viewed from upstream:
February/25/2019 January/3/2018
Kama Weir I viewed from downstream: Marwarid Weir II viewed from upstream:
April/26/2019 May/5/2019
4.2.4 | Basic Specification Design for Intake Weir and Intake Gate
The first basic specifications to be determined when designing the intake weir and intake gate are the base
elevation of intake gate, weir crest elevation and weir overflow level (see Figure 4.12). The following basic
specifications adopted in past PMS method irrigation projects can be referenced. However, as a general rule,
the base elevation of intake gate is set to a design drought water level based on the lowest level during a winter
season (see Chapter 3) and shall remain unchanged until further notice.
• Base elevation of intake weir (as a general rule, the design drought water level): 0.7 to 1.0 m higher than the
current riverbed height and 0.5 to 0.8 m lower than the weir height
• Intake weir height (weir crest elevation): 1.2 to 1.8 m higher than the current riverbed elevation
• Overflow water depth at the intake weir (the overflow level is the design intake level of the intake gate): 0.5
to 1.5 m
These basic specifications for intake weir and intake gate are determined by the following process of trial and
error based on the elevation difference with the irrigation beneficiary area and the design water level of the
standard cross-section of main irrigation canal (see Figure 4.13):
1) The design drought water level of the river is determined as the intake gate base elevation.
2) The weir height is assumed to be between 1.2 to 1.8 m, referencing the existing PMS irrigation project.
3) The design drought (design intake) water level at the intake gate is determined as the overflow level when
design drought water is discharged in the weir. The overflow water depth is calculated by the following
overflow formula as reference:
Overflow formula ……………………………………………… (4.2) 2), see 5)
Here, Q: overflow amount, C: overflow coefficient (around 0.35 when completely overflowing),
B: overflow length, H: overflow water depth and g: gravitational acceleration (g=9.81)
4) Based on the intake gate base elevation, design drought intake water level and elevation of irrigation
beneficiary area as determined, the gradient, standard cross-section and design water level of the main
irrigation canal are assumed by which the required irrigation water can be discharged.
5) Assuming that the main irrigation canal is constructed with the gradient and standard cross-section as
above, the need for land acquisition is considered and the workability and construction costs analyzed by
calculating the quantity of works, including embankment and excavation, to consider the validity of the
gradient and standard cross-section assumed.
6) In case if they are insufficient, the weir height and overflow level are reconsidered reverting to process 2).
For example, when making the canal width narrower than the assumed standard cross-section, the design
drought water level at the intake gate is increased by raising the weir height or increasing the overflow
water depth.
7) Combination of basic specifications and gradient and standard cross-section of main irrigation canal is
considered continuously until reaching their optimum balance.
8) When finding the optimum combination, their values are determined eventually as the basic
specifications for intake weir and intake gate and gradients and the standard cross-section of the main
irrigation canal.
Land acquisition, NO
economic efficiency
Figure 4.13 Process of Setting Basic Specifications for Intake Weir and Intake Gate 2)
Depth of embedment:
1 m or more
Figure 4.15 Profile Design of the Boulder Oblique Weir: an image for considering weir length 2)
(3) Protection of the Boulder Oblique Weir Part Attaching to Riverbanks and Sand Bars
As shown in Figure 4.16, when a solid weir body constructed by boulders is placed on soft gravel and soil,
gaps between them are scoured, resulting in significant erosion. Accordingly, the parts to which the intake
weir wing and river banks/sand bars are attached shall be as long as possible to ensure stability of the weir
body wings.
Weir body
Weir body
Intake is impossible Canal
due to the degradation
of water level.
Intake water level cannot be secured with sand bar Intake water level can be secured
erosion and water level degradation. without sand bar erosion.
Figure 4.16 Scouring of the Boulder Oblique Weir Parts attached to River Banks/Sand Bars 3)
To protect all the sand bars supporting the intake weir body wings, gabion grid connection or needle-like
fascine works methods applying fascine works in gabion works shall be applied, as shown in Photo 4.5 and
Figure 4.17. However, considering workability and applicability to rivers with high flow velocity like the Kunar
River in mind, cobblestone filling in the boulder frame method is established as the ultimate form of sand
bar protection as shown in Figure 4.18, whereby all sides are surrounded by boulders and cobblestones are filled
Photo 4.4 Foot Protection Works in the Sand Bar Photo 4.5 Gabion Grid Connection in the Foot
(Kama Weir I) 1) Protection Works (Kama Weir II) )1)
To ta l c u ttin g s a r e 6 0 -7 0 .
Gabion 2.0×2.0×0.6m
Gabion 2.0×2.0×0.6m
3 .0 m
Figure 4.17 Example of Needle-like Fascine Works
2.0m 2.0m
All sides are surrounded by
boulders and the inside is
filled with cobblestones.
Figure 4.18 Example of a Method of Cobblestones filled inside the Boulder Frame 1)
(4) Confirmation of the Stability of Stone Materials Comprising the Boulder Oblique Weir
In a narrowing river channel and with the weir body and apron at a steep slope, flow accelerates and its
impact on the weir body intensifies. Since the boulder oblique weir body comprises masonry and boulders,
Here, vc: critical flow (m/s), hc: critical water depth (m), g: gravitational acceleration (m/s2), q: unit width
discharge (㎥/s/m) (q = design flood water discharge / weir width)
Figure 4.19 shows the water surface profile when the river flow goes from a gentle to a steep slope, then
reverts back to the channel at a gentle gradient. The flow becomes torrential at a critical level from the
normal flow, then reverts to normal after a hydraulic jump. During flow shift from normal to torrential, the
critical flow occurring marks the boundary point between normal and torrential flows. The flow velocity
and water depth at this moment collectively constitute the critical flow and critical water velocity. The
phenomenon at this boundary point can be shown as Fr =1 using the following Froude number (Fr):
Here, v: average flow velocity (m), g: gravitational acceleration (m/s2), h: water depth (m)
Flow exceeding the critical water depth (Fr =1) is a normal flow ( Fr <1) while a shallower flow is
torrential (Fr >1). The normal flow is gentle and involves water table fluctuation being transmitted from
downstream to upstream. The torrential flow involves great force and water table fluctuation that is not
transmitted from downstream to upstream.
Figure 4.19 River Flow : Normal Flow, Critical Flow, Torrential Flow, Hydraulic Jump and Returning to the
Normal Flow 2)
Here, v: average flow velocity (m), n: roughness length, R(=A/S): hydraulic radius (m), A: discharge area
(㎡), S: wetted perimeter (m), I: riverbed gradient
c) Calculation of flow velocity at the area immediately downstream of the weir apron
i. Design water discharge used for the stability analysis of boulders composing the weir body is calculated
by the following formulas (4.6)(4.7) to judge whether the water overflowing the weir is a complete or
submerged overflow. In the case of complete overflow with the deigned flood water discharge, the water
flow is set as the designed water discharge. In the case of submerged overflow with the designed flood
water discharge, the maximum water flow to become a complete overflow (the river flow meeting hc + D =
h2) is set by the following formulas (4.6)(4.7) as the designed water discharge.
Here, hc: critical water depth (m), D: drop height (m), h2: uniform flow water depth downstream (m), Q:
water discharge (㎥/s), n: roughness coefficient of the river channel, I: riverbed gradient of the channel
ii. Calculation of the flow velocity in the area downstream of the apron (v1a)
The flow velocity in the area immediately downstream of the weir apron is calculated by the following
formula of energy conservation, while the water depth at the edge of the downstream part of the apron
(h1a) is calculated using the following formula and taking frictional damage of the apron slope surface
into consideration. The greater the water flow and the greater the drop between the area upstream and
downstream of the weir, the higher the flow velocity.
To achieve φ = ψ in the above two formulas, the water depth at the edge of the downstream portion of the apron
(h1a) is calculated from the critical water depth at the weir crest and the flow velocity (v1a) can be calculated
using the following formula (4.10):
Here, Z1: weir height, h1: critical water depth (m), Q: water flow (㎥/s), A1: flow-section area (㎡), A1a:
flow-section area at a low gradient (㎡), n1: roughness coefficient of the river channel, n1a: roughness
coefficient at a low gradient, R1: hydraulic radius of the channel (m), R1a: hydraulic radius at a low
gradient (m), l: weir length (m), h1a: water depth in the downstream of the apron (m), v1a: flow velocity in
the downstream of the apron (m/s)
d) Calculation of the stable stone size
The highest flow velocity among the aforementioned critical flow velocity around the weir crest, in the weir
apron part and at the overflow water depth (the area immediately downstream of the weir apron) is applied
as design flow velocity to calculate the required stone size corresponding to the design flow velocity using
the following formula of stability examination model for stone masonry with low integrity . When the
weir apron gradient is low and the Froude number is , Fr no torrential flow, critical water depth or critical
flow velocity apply. In this case, the required stone size is calculated using the flow velocity of normal flow in
the weir apron part.
e) Stability examination model for stone masonry with low integrity
Earth and water pressures will be major causes of destruction when the slope gradient exceeds 1:1.5 while the
fluid force will be a major destruction cause when the gradient is lower than 1:1.5. Since the boulder oblique
weir comprising stone masonry using natural boulders has a low gradient, the stone masonry is destroyed
by the tractive force, rather than the yield strength exerted from the rear by earth pressure. Accordingly, the
stability of the boulder oblique weir shall be considered using the following stability examination model
for stone masonry with low integrity .
For stone masonry with low integrity with adjacent members, the key is whether the critical tractive force of
all stone material exceeds the tractive force of the river and remains stable.
Treat as a single unit
Figure 4.20 The Stability Examination Model for Stone Masonry with Low Integrity in which the
Tractive Force of the River Causes Destruction2), see 7)
The stability of stone materials used for the boulder oblique weir is examined using the following basic
formulas. These formulas are used to calculate the stone size applied in riprap works, determining the relation
between the representative flow velocity V0 and the stone size, since the tractive force exerted on the stone
Here, Dm: average particle shape of stones (m), V0 : representative flow velocity (m/s), : stone density
(kgf・s2/m4)【kg/㎥】, : gravitational acceleration (m/s2), : water density (kgf・s2/m4)【kg/㎥】: is
usually around 2.65, E1: experimental coefficient showing the turbulence intensity (usually, E1=1.2), φ:
internal friction angle in water of stone materials (around 38°for natural stones while around 41°for
crushed stones)
(3) Basic Policy for Designing an Intake Gate with Double Flush Board Method
According to the result of works in the PMS method irrigation project, the specifications of the double
flush board method are shown as follows. As for the span width per intake gate and specifications of flush
boards, the existing PMS irrigation project shall constitute the standard benchmark design, taking the
yield strength of flush board against the water pressure into account. Meanwhile, the intake gate height,
number of gates, interval between the first stage and second stage flush boards and the foundation depth are
determined according to their regional conditions, such as design flood discharge, design high water level,
required irrigation water and foundation ground in the target region. The items and details for the intake
gate design are described as follows. Figure 4.22 to Figure 4.24 show an example design drawing of the
double flush board method.
- Cross-sectional design of the The height of the intake gate shall be 3.0 to 4.0 m from the base elevation.
intake gate: The span width and number of gates shall be the width 1.5 m x 4 gates as
- Profile design of the intake The distance between the first stage and second stage columns of the
gate: intake gates shall be secured the interval of 6.5 to 8.0 m.
- Flush board design: The Himalayan cedar and other Pinaceae boards are applied.
Flush board length: 1.7m, height: 20cm, thickness: 5cm, steel plates 4 mm
thick are provided on one side of the board as reinforcement.
both sides as reinforcement.
F.L -800
F.L 0.00
1 1
Gate4 Gate3 Gate2 Gate1
Span width
Main canal
Figure 4.22 Example Plane Drawing of the Double Flush Board Method Intake Gate 3)
L.W.L 0.70 RC concrete
F.L 0.00
1000 400
RC concrete
Plain concrete
Boulder layer
Figure 4.23 Example Cross-sectional Drawing of the Double Flush Board Method Intake Gate 3)
Distance between the first
gate and second gate RC concrete
F.L 0.00
1000 400
F.L -400
RC concrete
Figure 4.24 Example Profile Diagram of the Double Flush Board Method Intake Gate 3)
(4) Cross-sectional Design of the Intake Gate (height, span width and the number of gates)
In the PMS method irrigation project, the intake weir is kept lower to minimize flood damage and this
explains why the overall width of the intake gate is wider. The standard span width per intake gate shall be
1.5 m considering the yield strength of flush board against the water pressure. This span width is determined
by deducting the ditch width of 10 cm on the left and right sides of the standard flush board length of 1.7 m
(see 4.2.5 (6) below). The number of spans is determined considering the width of the main irrigation canal
as examined in 4.3.3 Standard cross-sectional design of main irrigation canal , The intake gate height shall
be secured the height obtained by adding the freeboard shown in Table 5.2 of Chapter 5 to the design flood
water level.
Figure 4.25 Double Flush Board Method Controls the Water Pressure on the First Board 2)
Installation of a sedimentation pool in the area below the immediately upstream of the intake gate
A sedimentation pool of 0.7 to 1.0 m depth is provided below the area immediately upstream of the intake gate
to control the sand inflow into the main irrigation canal and promote sand discharge from the sand flushing
ditch of the intake weir as shown in Figure 4.26.
0.7∼1.0m 河床高
Figure 4.26 Sedimentation Pool Provided below the Area Immediately Upstream of the Intake Gate 2)
The original flush board applied with the double flush board method was only structured by the
board 1.7 m length, 20 cm height and 5 cm thickness, which did not work successfully due to
buoyancy. Accordingly, a 2.5 mm-thickness iron plate was placed on the board and butyl rubber
and rubber sponge were applied to a part attached to another board to ensure sealability. However,
these rubber materials easily peeled off, exacerbating the leakage. Eventually, the board was shaved
in a straightforward manner at the processing factory stage to ensure sealability between the boards.
This method was then successfully applied to intake facilities in Sheiwa and Kama. (a report from Dr.
Nakamura: received on April 7, 2010)
Photo 5cm-thickness iron plate is put in place Photo Charkha hoists the board, which lifts up
and a hook is welded. A hook at the end of boulders when digging a well. This is traditional
the rope is hooked and the board is lifted by a engineering of Afghanistan. 1)
hoisting device. 1)
Table 4.4 General Relations between the Height and Thickness of the Gate Pier when the Span Width is 1.5m 2)
2.0m 0.53m
2.5m 0.59m
3.0m 0.65m
3.5m 0.71m
4.0m 0.77m
Here, tp: gate pier thickness (m), Dp: gate pier height (m), Bt: span width (m)
(2) Sand Flushing Method: Sand Flushing Ditch containing “Partially Movable Weir” leveraging Manual
Double Flush Boards
In the PMS method irrigation project, a sand flushing ditch is installed as a piece of ancillary equipment
for the intake weir with the following functions: 1) discharging bedload flowing toward the intake gate to
the downstream side of the weir to reduce the sedimentation below the intake gate and sediment flowing
into the intake gate, and 2) functioning as a partially movable weir which secures the intake water level by
closing the sand flushing ditch when drought water levels are abnormally low. In other words, the sand
flushing ditch of the intake weir in the PMS method irrigation project shall also function as a partially
movable weir . This ditch is installed by cutting off part of the intake weir constructed near the intake
gate, comprising a reinforced concrete channel, gate pier, double flush boards and hoisting equipment. The
board thickness, height and material specifications shall be the same as those of the flush boards applied
in the double flush board method intake gate. The flush board operation involves the use of a Charkha - a
traditional tool in Afghanistan used for hoisting a rope when digging a well. To fully perform its function
as a partially movable weir in the PMS method irrigation project, the sand flushing ditch also serving as a
Partially movable weir by manual double flush boards Partially movable weir by electrically operated steel
(applied as a PMS method irrigation facility) gate (adopted in many countries)
Intake gate
RC concrete
F.L -850
RC concrete
Plain concrete
Boulder layer
Formula for the critical particle size for sediment movement : ……………(4.15) 2), see 11)
Iwagaki s formula (see Chapter 3): the critical particle size for sediment movement is determined by an
empirical formula concerning the relation between the critical friction velocity and critical particle size for
sediment movement.
Here: V: flow velocity (m/s), R: hydraulic radius (m), g: gravitational acceleration (m/s2), I: riverbed
gradient, n: roughness coefficient, U*c : critical friction velocity
(5) Cross-sectional Design of the Sand Flushing Ditch (span width and the number of gates)
The span width of the sand flushing ditch shall allow flush boards to withstand the water and earth pressures
from upstream and flush away any accumulated gravel. The span width design is basically the same design
as the double flush board method intake gate. In terms of dimensions, the flush board is 1.7 m length, 20
cm height and 5 cm thickness with a span width of 1.5 m for the intake gate (see 4.3.5 (4)) while the sand
flushing ditch is 2.2 m length, 20 cm height and 5 cm thickness with a span width of 2.0 m. The span width
of the sand flushing ditch is secured to exceed that of the intake gate. This is because it may become difficult
to achieve sufficient flow velocity to flush away accumulated gravel, since the smaller span width at the sand
flushing ditch will cause the hydraulic radius to decline: R=(A/S) (A: flow section, S: wetted perimeter)
resulting in a smaller flow velocity and causing the flow velocity determined by the Manning equation to
decline. As the height of the sand flushing ditch (around 1.5 m) is lower than the intake gate (3.5 to 4.0 m),
the flush board of the ditch is subject to less water and earth pressure than the intake gate, hence the span
can be widened.
Further, the base elevation of the ditch bottom has the same height consecutively with the sedimentation
pool apron in the area immediately upstream of the ditch and is almost equivalent in height to the current
Sufficient sand flushing gates are secured to ensure the flushing volume at the ditch, even at the designed
drought water discharge in the target river. The target flow rate in the sand flushing ditch is determined by
the designed drought water discharge - flow rate in the spillway while the number of flushing gates are
determined by the target flow rate in the ditch ÷ flow rate per gate .
The flow rate per gate can be calculated from the cross-section and vertical gradient (as described later) of
the sand flushing ditch using the Manning equation. Photo 4.7 shows the sand flushing ditch with double
flush boards.
(7) Design of the Gate Pier, Flush Board, and Foundation of the Sand Flushing Ditch
The same design method as shown in 4.2.6 Design of Intake Gate is applied for the gate pier, flush board
and foundation of the sand flushing ditch.
[Consideration of canal specifications in the specific
・Since the water level rises in a partial section with a moderate
・Profile and cross-sectional gradient, the cross-sectional dimension is reviewed by calculating the
design water level.
designs of the main ・Countermeasures are designed to prevent scouring of the canal bed in
irrigation canal a partial section with a steepspecifications
[Consideration of canal in the specific
・Since the water level rises in a partial section with a moderate
・Profile and cross-sectional gradient, the cross-sectional dimension is reviewed by calculating the
[Design of ancillary
design water level. facilities]
designs of the main ・Installation
・Countermeasuresof a water wheel istoplanned
are designed prevent in a placeofalong
scouring the main
the canal bed in
irrigation canal irrigation canal where the ground elevation
a partial section with a steep gradient. is too high to convey the
・Vegetation works are designed, including a windbreak, erosion
control forest and debris flow control other than wicker works for
[Design the gabionfacilities]
of ancillary works in the main canal.
・Installation of a water wheel is planned in a place along the main
irrigation canal where the ground elevation is too high to convey the
・Vegetation works Endare designed, including a windbreak, erosion
control forest and debris flow control other than wicker works for
reinforcing the gabion works in the main canal.2)
Figure 4.31 Design Process for the Main Irrigation Canal
The canal with a gabion revetment combined with The canal with concrete lining
wicker works and a bottom lined with soil cement (adopted in many countries)
(applied as a PMS method irrigation facility)
- Main irrigation canal The side bank of the main irrigation canal comprises a gabion and wicker
structure: works. The canal bed structure is lined with soil cement.
- Roughness coefficient of the A roughness coefficient of n=0.012 to 0.013 is adopted.
main irrigation canal:
- Main irrigation canal Steep gradient main irrigation canal: I=0.001 to 0.0015(1/1000 to 1/670)
gradient: Main irrigation canal: I=0.0006 to 0.001(1/1,670 to 1/1,000)
- Main irrigation canal section: Main irrigation canal bed width: 4.0 to 5.0 m width
Main irrigation canal depth: 1.6 to 2.0 m depth
- Design water depth of the At the minimum irrigation discharge (LWL) 0.4 to 0.6 m (2.5 to 6.0 ㎥/s)
main irrigation canal :
(Design water discharge) At the maximum irrigation discharge (HWL) 0.7 to 0.9 m (5.5 to 11.0
Figure 4.32 Example Cross-sectional Drawing of the Main Irrigation Canal 2), see 3)
Since ため、
rock excavation involves
traversing mountains, a linear route
cannot be applied.
Satellite view of the main irrigation canal route in the Marwarid WeirⅠ
Topographic view of the main irrigation canal route in the Marwarid WeirⅠ
Figure 4.33 Setting the Main Irrigation Canal Route along the Contour Line 2)
Oblique weir
Sand flushing
irriga Steep gra
cana dient main gate
l i=0.0
Drain of
Drain gate
Drain of
Figure 4.34 Example Profile Drawing of the Steep Gradient Main Irrigation Canal 2), see 3)
structure water gate main canal bridge main canal reservoir 2nd gate canal joint total
length 12 188 10 150 40 9.6 24.5 434.1 m
incline 0.0025 0.0015 plain level 0.0063 0.0045 0.0020
vertical drop 0.030 0.527 0.120 0.060 0.110 0.847m
Figure 4.35 Example Profile Drawing of a Steep Gradient Main Irrigation Canal 1)
Photo 4.8 Example Gabion Works and Wicker Works in the Main Irrigation Canal 1)
Annealing wires forming the gabion to be applied have an external frame of 4 mm and a net part of 3 mm,
galvanized, soft, handmade, and available in Afghanistan and its neighbouring countries. Each hexagonal
side of the mesh shall be twisted three times to ensure it will not come loose easily, even if a single part is
torn. Table 4.7 shows the specifications of the gabion. Photo 4.9 shows the production process of the gabion
frame, and Photo 4.10 shows the photo of the annealing wires.
Table 4.7 Specifications of Gabion applied in the PMS Method Irrigation Project 3)
Mesh Gabion
Height Width Length Capacity Stones filled Total unit weight
diameter weight
As for wicker works, 10 to 12 wickers, 40 to 80 cm length and 15 to 20 mm in diameter are planted per 1 ㎡
as shown in Photo 4.11. They are densely planted, remain short as shrubs, and widely rooted. Thin roots are
divided like a small web and fill the gap between stones in the gabion, fixing the stone materials and making
the gabion steady. Photo 4.12 shows the situation 3 months after the planting.
Photo 4.11 Planting Wickers in Plots 1) Photo 4.12 Wicker Works Three Months after Planting 1)
(2) Reinforcement of the Canal Bed Surface for Main Irrigation Canal (soil cement lining)
A soil cement lining 30 cm or more thickness is applied on the main irrigation canal bed in the PMS
method irrigation project to reinforce and control seepage, ensuring that the water flow capacity of the main
irrigation canal remains constant, considering that the lining is not easily removed by the flow of water.
Although the cement composition depends on the nature of the ground, proper fixation can be achieved at
150 to 200 kg/㎥ on the gravel ground, 200 kg/㎥ with silty clay on the canal bed and 100 kg/㎥ with silty
clay in the canal corner. Since the canal bed portion requires more strength like a floor slab to some extent,
the amount of cement composition is larger than that of the canal corner portion. When the ground in the
canal foundation is soft, the soft soil is replaced with quality soil containing the proper amount of sand and
clay and a soil cement lining is applied following sufficient compacting. The situations of soil cement lining
are shown in Photo 4.13 and Photo 4.14.
The foundation surface of main irrigation canal may be dropped out by piping under the canal bed caused
by water flowing in from external parts as well as water seeping from the canal bed. Such external water may
be caused by water seeping into the canal side due to the rise in the water level in the main irrigation canal
along the river, rainwater seeping into the canal bed from the slope surface in the canal side, if applicable,
or leakage from the adjacent regulating pond. When such external water seepage is expected, the main
irrigation canal bed foundation shall be carefully treated. In addition to the infiltration of water, as shown in
Photo 4.15, there are cases where the irrigation canal bed collapses due to improper foundation conditions,
so confirmation before construction work is required.
Photo 4.15 Collapse of Canal Bed due to Improper Foundation Condition
(3) Erosion of Gabion Revetment of the Main Irrigation Canal and Stability Against Back-earth Pressure
The gabion revetment of main irrigation canal shall not be eroded by the flow and shall remain stable against
the back-earth pressure causing falling (rotation), sliding and ground bearing. The gabion revetment of the
main irrigation canal in the PMS method irrigation project ensures structural stability as follows:
• Stability to withstand erosion of the revetment for main irrigation canal: the flow velocity within the
Flash flood control by a Eucalyptus plantation zone Tamarisk applied as a windbreak in a desert
Figure 4.37 Design Process for the Sand Basin (Regulating Pond) 2)
The stone masonry and gabion revetment method Placing concrete on all sides
with a concrete sand drain canal on the basin bottom (adopted in many countries)
(applied as a PMS method irrigation facility)
East West
transmission transmission
gate gate
Drain gate
Drain gate
Bridge Transmission gate
lanes Diversion gate Drain gate gates
RC concrete
RC concrete
RC concrete
RC concrete
RC concrete
RC concrete
Plain concrete
Boulder layer
Figure 4.41 Example Profile Drawing of the Drain Gate 3)
2-2 Gate
RC concrete
RC concrete
RC concrete
RC concrete
Plain concrete
Plain concrete
Boulder layer
Boulder layer
Figure 4.42 Example Front View Drawing of the Drain Gate 3)
RC concrete
RC concrete
RC concrete
RC concrete
Plain concrete
Plain concrete Plain concrete
Boulder layer Boulder layer
Plain concrete
Boulder layer Boulder layer
Here, L: sand basin length (m), K: coefficient (safety ratio) K=1.5 to 2.0, H: valid water depth (m), U:
sinking speed of sand to be removed (cm/s), V: average flow velocity in the basin (cm/s)
………………………………………………………… (4.18) 2)
………………………………………………………………………… (4.19) 2)
Here, V: daily sedimentation volume (㎥/day), d: sand concentration (g/ℓ), Qi: intake discharge
amount (㎥/s), Qd: drain discharge amount (㎥/s), F: dredging frequency (day), A: sand basin area (㎡),
unit sedimentation weight: 1900g/㎥, sedimentation depth: 0.5m
As shown in the above formulas, the higher the sand concentration and intake discharge amount, the
more the sedimentation volume increases. Accordingly, the dredging frequency becomes more. In
addition, the larger the sand basin area is, the less the dredging frequency.
Main drainage
Main drainage
Drain canal
Regulating Gap from -0.8m
pond basinfrom
Regulating Gap bottom
27m pond -0.8m
basin bottom
Lining area -0.7m
Main Slope:
Lining (15㎝/10m)
area -0.7m
10m Slope:0.015 (15㎝/10m) -0.6m
irrigation 10m -0.6m
2.0m 0.25m
2.0m FL+0.0m
0.4m FL-0.4m
0.4m FL-1.2m
Transmission Drain gate
gate Drain gate
Profile schematic drawing of the sand basin (regulating pond)
Figure 4.44 Plane and Profile Schematic Drawings of the Sand Basin 3)
The sand basin in the Miran project applied the following specifications described on Green
Ground Project . According to the record of existing PMS irrigation project, the sedimentation
volume in the sand basin in summer in Miran was 450 ㎥ per week, requiring weekly dredging works,
while dredging works in winter were required every two months.
As above, dredging volume on flood period is around 20% of the sand basin capacity (=450/2,160)
and the sand depth around 40 cm (=450/(27x40)).
In this case, the sand concentration is presumed as follows:
When the daily sedimentation volume as = 450÷7= 64.3㎥/day and the unit sand weight as 1,900g/
㎥, drainage volume from drain gate as 1.53㎥/s (opening height of drain gate is 30cm), the sand
weight is
64.3㎥/day x 1,900g/㎥ = 122,143g
Here, the sand concentration is presumed as:
122,143g x 1,000g / ((4㎥/s−1.53㎥/s) x 60s x 60min x 24hr x 1000ℓ)= 0.57 g/ℓ
Drain Transmission
gate gate
Photo 4.17 Concrete Sand Drain Canal at the Bottom of the Sand Basin and Drain Gate 3)
H h1
Drain gate
Photo 4.18 Drain Gate Outlet of the Sand Basin and Drain Gate Outflow from the Sand Basin 1)
h1 =2m
h2 H
Figure 4.46 Process for Designing the Reservoir, Siphon and other Facilities 2)
4.5.2 | Type and Design Policy for the Reservoir, Siphon, and other Facilities
(1) Type for the Reservoir, Siphon, and other Facilities
The reservoir comprises a dike embankment, blanket works, works to protect the external slope of the dike,
drain works and crown protection works, etc. Although the reservoir may be a concrete structure, the earth
dike is the standard in the PMS method irrigation project. The embankment of the reservoir is constructed
by proper quality sandy soil with local surplus soil. The water cut-off applying cohesive soils is provided on
internal dike slope surface of the reservoir. The external dike slope is protected by vegetation and drainage
treatment of rainwater and seepage water is applied by laying permeable gravel.
The earth dike is affordable and needs no solid foundational ground compared with a concrete structure.
Since the relevant materials are available in Afghanistan, local residents are fully capable of maintaining and
managing the facility. Since the siphon and flood crossing bridge are exposed to earth and water pressures
and vertical loads, they need a rigid structure, usually concrete. Accordingly, a concrete structure shall also
be adopted in the PMS method irrigation project. Table 4.11 shows a comparison of the types of reservoir.
15 m
280m 100∼120m
Table 4.12 Countermeasure for Flush Flood and Debris Flow from Slope 2)
- In case the main irrigation canal crosses a river or wadi with a relatively gentle slope
Siphon of a large basin area. And in case the water level of the flash flood is conspicuously
high and a dike embankment is required along the main irrigation canal.
Flood Crossing - In case the scale of the flash flood and debris flow is small and the width of them is
Bridge limited.
• The slope line of the dike embankment in the reservoir is set as it connects interchanging points between
the revetment crest of the canal and the mountain ridge, and those surrounded by the earth dike and valley
constitute the reservoir area. The area and capacity of the reservoir shall be maximized.
• The section where the siphon or flood crossing bridge is installed is determined by checking the target
area and situation of the valleys and slopes where flash flood and debris flow down via satellite images or
getting feedback from local residents, and further by anticipating the scale of flash flood and debris flow in
future to ensure they will not affect the main irrigation canal. If the flash flood and debris flow directions
are distributed over a wide-ranging area, a training dike wall comprising an embankment and gabion
on the mountain side is installed to gather the flash flood and debris flow. After the examination of the
training dike, the section to install a siphon or flood crossing bridge is determined.
Figure 4.49 Reservoir Installation at the Foot of the Mountain (Marwarid WeirⅠ) 2)
Flood from
the slope
Photo 4.19 The Siphon (under construction) and Flood Crossing Bridge Crossing the Flood Area 1)
5 to 8 m deep
Side ditch
Soft layer is replaced to quality soil
Leakage occurs in reservoirs because the bottom of the reservoir is higher than ground level and the
water depth is deeper than in canals.
・The water in the reservoir permeates and flows through the dike as seepage water.
・When the water level is high, the water presents on the ground surface as leakage by infiltrating
into the dike.
・When the ground is sandy, the water passes under the dike and flows out (boiling).
・In the case of a dike embankment, these water paths create a hollow through which water flows
like a pipe (piping) .
・Accordingly, there is a need to construct a dike in a dessert valley covered by thick layers of sand.
From the above, the following construction methods of the reservoir shall be considered:
1) Cover the area inside the reservoir dike with materials impervious to water, such as silt clay
(blanket works).
2) Lower the seepage line by making the dike body as thick as possible.
3) The external dike wall is reinforced by stone walls and tree planting and seepage water discharging
ports are installed in the lower part of the gravel layer (drain works).
4) The top of the dike (crown) is covered in thick gravel to prevent rainwater from weakening the dike
5) In the case the foundation ground is covered with a thick layer of sand, it shall be replaced with
proper quality soil containing an appropriate amount of clay, based on local surplus soil.
The above measures generally lead the satisfactory results. Since the seepage water volume is actually
difficult to estimate, it is important to consider how to treat seepage water while monitoring the
situation after the construction works.
Here, H: siphon head loss (m), i: hydraulic gradient to the flow velocity in the siphon underground pipe,
L: siphon underground pipe length (m), g : gravitational acceleration (= 9.81m/s2), α: 50 to 80mm, β:
1.5 as the standard.
Siphon head
River or Canal
pipe Vertical Shaft
Figure 4.52 Structure and Water Level of the Siphon 2), see 16)
Figure 4.53 Flood Crossing Bridge Installation in the Flood Crossing Point 2)
Flood direction
Flood flow
canal flow
Cross-sectional drawing Profile drawing
Note: The width of the flood crossing bridge was originally planned to be 30m or more, but due to land acquisition issues, it could only be widened to 18m.
Photo 4.20 Connection Point of the Slab of the Flood Crossing Bridge to the Ground 1)
4.6.2 | Type and Design Policy for the Main Drainage Canal
(1) Main Drainage Canal Type
The main drainage canal is planned as a drainage block in the irrigation beneficiary area connecting with
the drainage destination river. The main drainage canal is composed of gabions, wicker works and canal bed
lining like the main irrigation canal, but for the purpose of quicker drainage, a U-shaped canal is applied.
The U-shaped ditch can be installed by crane hanging and precast concrete canal is adopted considering
the efficient workability. The main drainage canal is smaller scale than the main irrigation canal and its
establishment using precast materials offers superior workability and economic efficiency. In addition, since
the U-shaped ditch can be constructed in Afghanistan, local residents are fully capable of maintaining and
managing the facility.
- Canal structure of main drainage canal: Depending on the site condition, appropriate works such as
U-shaped canal, stone masonry, gabion works and wicker
works should be applied.
- Cross-section of main drainage canal: Upper width of main drainage canal: around 2.0 m (in case of
precast U-shaped canal)
Bottom width of main drainage canal: around 1.2 m (in case of
precast U-shaped canal)
Depth of main drainage canal: around 2.0 m (in case of precast
U-shaped canal)
- Profile of main drainage canal: I=0.0015 to 0.0040(1/667 to 1/250)
100㎝ Stone
masonry masonry
30㎝ 120㎝ 30㎝
Concrete slab Concrete slab
Soil cement 25∼30㎝
100㎝ 110㎝
Sand and
gravel 60∼70㎝
Existing drainage
S1 Marwarid Canal Sheiwa Canal 1
Flood Route Q3
Q2 Sheiwa
Sheiwa Canal 2
Gamberi Desert
Sheiwa Canal 3
Gamberi Desert
Shigi Canal 1
arm Chokrey
Shigi Siphon
Marwarid Main Irrigation
Canal and Gamberi
Main Drainage Canal N
Shigi Extension Koti
the Kunar Road
1.0 ㎞
1.0 ㎞
Figure 4.57 Example Connection between the New Drainage Block and Existing Drainage Network
(Marwarid Weir)3), 4)
(2) Standard Cross-sectional and Profile Design of the Main Drainage Canal
The vertical gradient and standard cross-section of the main drainage canal are secured, which allow the
design drainage water to be discharged. The profile design and standard cross-sectional design of the main
drainage canal shall be as follows:
• The design drainage discharge is calculated as the value adding the rainwater drainage discharge to
excessive irrigation water required from the intake water amount. However, given extremely low
calculation accuracy, it is determined by the actual drainage measured discharge, as a general rule.
(3) Structural Design of the Main Drainage Canal (in case of precast U-shaped canal)
The standard cross-section of the U-shaped main drainage canal is shown in Figure 4.56. The structural
design of the main drainage canal shall be as follows:
• According to the past record of existing PMS irrigation project, considering the crane hanging and
workability for installation, a precast concrete U-shaped canal, specifying approximately 660 kg weight,
120 cm width and 100 cm height constitutes the standard U-shaped canal. However, according to the
design drainage discharge, proper canal materials corresponding to the site condition shall be applied. The
production is relatively straightforward, as it is manufactured at a PMS workshop on the Gamberi farm.
• The foundation of the U-shaped canal is formed by replacing soft ground with gravel.
• The main drainage canal is formed by multiple cross-sections comprising precast concrete U-shaped
canals, set stone masonry and gabion revetment. Since each structure is separated, the back of the
structure shall be backfilled and compacted carefully without any looseness.
• Since the U-shaped canal in the lowest part receives upper wet stone masonry and gabion revetment
loading and back-earth pressure, it shall secure a reinforced concrete member thickness and bar
arrangement structure capable of withstanding this loading. Photo 4.21 shows the situation of U-shaped
precast concrete construction.
• Given the wet stone masonry piled up at a steep gradient of 1:0.1 and upper gabion loadings, the stone
masonry shall be a wet stone masonry structure using cement to secure revetment stability. The height
of the gabion works at the top part is adjusted according to rear ground elevation. Photo 4.22 shows the
upper part earth retaining wall of the main drainage canal.
Photo 4.21 Laying the Precast Concrete U-shaped Photo 4.22 Upper Earth Retaining Wall of the Main
canal 1) Drainage Canal 1)
Figure 4.58 Stone Masonry for a Small Canal Wall3) Photo 4.23 Example Stone Masonry
for a Small Canal Wall 3)
How Should Flood Control Facilities be Planned and Designed?
Irrigation more widely consists of two main components, irrigation facilities and flood control facilities. This
chapter deals with the planning and design methods applied in flood control facilities. The purpose of flood
control facilities in the PMS method irrigation project is to protect irrigation facilities from flooding, rather
than flood control of the river. Combining dikes and stone spur dikes, the PMS method irrigation project is
planned and designed to meet the following conditions.
• The dikes are planned to protect farmlands, residential areas, and irrigation canals along the river
from flooding at or below plan level.
• Assuming flooding and dike breaching due to floods beyond plan level, the sections where dikes are
installed are minimized. As a general rule, the plan provides escape routes for flood water, without
installing dikes on both the left and right banks in order to prevent the flood water level from rising
• Areas behind the dikes (inland areas) that have flooded in the past will be used based on the
assumption that they will experience flooding beyond plan level and are therefore not used for
residential purposes.
• Stone spur dikes are planned to prevent scouring of dikes and river banks and to play a role in
stabilizing the main channel of the river.
• The plan adopts semi-overflow nontransparent stone spur dikes based on the need to prevent river
bank erosion and ensure the resistance of the spur dikes themselves against the water flow.
• Stone spur dikes require continuous monitoring of damage and erosion to the surrounding area.
They are planned to facilitate maintenance, including the resupply of gabions and boulders.
• The plan takes into consideration the social environment of the area, such as land acquisition
following the installation of the dikes and the impact on the opposite bank due to changes in the
flow of the river following the installation of the spur dikes.
With a structure that is easy for local residents to maintain and that utilizes boulders, cobble, soil, vegetation,
and gabion wire that can be procured locally, flood control facilities are designed as follows.
• The dikes are arranged in a smooth alignment along the main channel, avoiding existing facilities in
the inland area as much as possible.
• The profile of the crown of the dike is set by adding the freeboard according to the flow rate at the
design flood water level.
• The standard cross section of the dikes shall be the slope gradient and shape required to ensure the
stability of the dikes.
• Revetments of dike are designed by calculating the boulder diameters that will not be washed away
or eroded by the flow of the river.
• Vegetation works and drainage works are also considered as ancillary facilities for the dikes.
• The shape (width, height, and gradient) of the stone spur dikes is designed based on conditions
such as river width, river alignment and design flood water level.
• As with the dike revetments, the foundation and main body of the stone spur dikes are designed by
calculating the diameter of boulders that will not be washed away or eroded by the flow of the river.
• When designing dikes and stone spur dikes, it shall be designed so as not to narrow the width of the
river channel so that it does not obstruct the flow of water in the river.
The following pages give commentary on the above contents:
Intake Mouth
0 1 2.0km Drainage
Lower Shigi Drainage
Canal 1
Erosion Risk Area
Erosion Risk Area Canal 3 Legend
Behsud District Existing
Dike+Stone Spur Dike
Farmland 凡例
Steep Gradient 堤防+石出
Drainage Main Irrigation Canal New Restored
Miran Canal 4 Farmland 急勾配主幹
Bela Main Drainage Canal
Flood Plain or 主幹用水路
Sand Basin,
Regulating Pond Linguoid Sand Bar 主幹排水
Existing Flood-damaged 沈砂池、調
Irrigation Canal Area 既存用水
New Diversion Canal
Figure 5.1 Example of the Layout of Irrigation Facilities, Dikes, and Stone Spur Dikes 2)
・Information on farmlands,
houses, and existing facilities
・Shape of river channel Plane design of dikes
・Design flood water level
・Information on flood zones (5.2.3)
5.1 Layout Planning and Design Process of Flood Control Facilities - 5.2 Dike Design 219
Boulder/Gabion Works
Concrete (Block) Lining
Item (Adopted by the PMS Method Irrigation
(adopted in many countries)
Wicker Works
Design Flood Water Level Slope Slope Gradient
(Recorded Highest Water) Gradient 1:1.5 ↓Drain Ditch
The embankment material
Flood Water Level is sandy soil based on local
in Average Year
Slope Gradient surplus soil.
Drought Water Level 1:1.5
in Averagce Year
Figure 5.4 Standard Cross Section of the Kunar River Dike / Revetment in the Existing PMS Irrigation Project
(Example of a Dike in the Behsud District) 2), see 3)
Normal dike
② time break point
② Flood control (retarding basin effect): Duringp en break flooding,
o ee
② flood water is temporarily allowed to olpflow
inland area from
eevn break the
openings to the inland areas toinland
control vnee
o e
inland area leve
At the time
the time
of flood
At the time
of flood
③ 本川
③ Returning floodwater to the river channel:本川 Flood water
that was retained during the flood or 支 if本 川 dike breaches
upstream is returned to the river
open霞堤 channel.
levee 支 a
ibut ry
After the Inland water and tributary drainage:
open霞堤levee Drains
支 tr川
ry tributary
flowing into the opening and drains inland ibwater.
u t
floodthe open霞堤levee a ry
After the
1) The range of hydraulic calculation is from a few hundred meters downstream of the proposed intake weir
location to the section where the flood control facility will be provided upstream of the weir location.
The date required for hydraulic calculations includes the river cross section survey data and design flood
discharge data obtained in Chapter 3.
2) Next, the downstream end water level, a condition for hydraulic calculations is set. The downstream
end water level is set at a point where the water level is stable several hundred meters downstream of the
intake weir point. After setting the starting point, the starting water level applying the Manning equation
is calculated based on the riverbed gradient at the set starting point and other information. If the design
flood discharge overflows from the intake weir and meets the conditions for a complete overflow shown in
Chapter 4 (4.2.5 (4) c) Calculation Method of Flow Velocity Immediately Downstream of Weir Apron Works),
the overflow formula indicated in Chapter 4 (4.2.4 Design of Basic Specifications of Intake Weir and Intake
Gate) will be applied to find the overflow water level at the top of the intake weir. Hydraulic calculations
may also be performed applying that water level as the starting water level at the weir station.
3) Hydraulic calculations are performed under the above conditions of the starting water level. The water
surface profile is analyzed, and the design flood water level is set for each station (Sta. No) at regular
intervals. While hydraulic calculations generally use non-uniform flow calculation, if the river cross
section is generally constant and the changes in the cross section are limited, uniform flow calculation can
be applied. In addition, if it is necessary to estimate the channel storage effect (flood regulation) during
flooding, unsteady flow calculation is applied.
The design dike height is determined by adding the freeboard to the water surface profile from above 3). For
the freeboard, the values indicated in Table 5.2 according to the design flood discharge is referred.
Design flood discharge (㎥/s) Freeboard (m) Dike Crown Width (m)
Less than 200 0.6 3
200–499 0.8 3
500–1,999 1.0 4
2,000–4,999 1.2 5
5,000–9,999 1.5 6
10,000 or more 2.0 7
If the inland area elevation is higher than the design flood water level, the freeboard can be reduced to 0.6 m.
4) A longitudinal profile based on the above information is created. In principle, a) design dike height
gradient, b) design dike height, c) ground elevation, d) design flood water level, e) distance, etc. are
indicated on the dike profile. In addition, the locations of major structures in the longitudinal direction
of the river such as intake weirs, intake gates, and the confluence of tributaries are clearly indicated. See
Figure 5.9.
t a ke
Design Dike
Ground Elavation(m)
(google earth)
Ground Elavation(m)
(Survey Data)
Design Flood
Photo 5.1 Stone Pitching on a Continuous Dike, Small Berm, and the Upper Slope of the Small Berm 2)
• Foot protection works that employs not just boulders but a combination of boulders and gabion
works is applied on the dikes along the river side as shown in Photo 5.2. There are two types of gabion
works̶1 m wide x 2 m long x 1 m thick, and 1 m wide x 2 m long x 0.6 m thick̶and multiple
gabions are connected and installed.
• On the river side, willow trees, etc. are densely planted in the gravel on the slope of the dike at a density
of about 4–5 trees/m2 (vegetation works) to reduce the velocity during flooding and reinforce the
revetment to prevent the dike from collapsing. However, in the case of planting trees on the river side,
the installation of vegetations with thick long roots should be avoided because it causes water piping
formulation inside the bank embankment
• On the land side, eucalyptus and shisham trees are planted at a density of about 1 tree/㎡ to slow
down floodwater (dikes with tree belts). However, tree roots growing inside the dike weaken the
embankment. Planting trees on an embankment that is higher than the ground elevation of inland side
should be avoided. An example of strengthening the embankment by planting tree is shown in Figure
1 tree/㎡
• Dike crowns shall be utilized as access roads and maintenance roads. Dike crowns shall have a width of
two lanes, or about 8 m or more, so that construction vehicles can pass in both directions as shown in
Photo 5.3
After determining the shape of the dike based on the above considerations, a specific dike structure
is examined. In addition, as water inside the dike leads to it weakening, separate structural studies are
considered and drawings created, such as drainage at the bottom of the dike slope foot to quickly drain
water, and a structure of the part where the floodgate and the embankment are connected to each other.
where, Dm: Average particle size of boulder (cobble) (m), V0: Characteristic flow velocity (m/s), ρs :
Stone density (kgf・s2/m4) , : Gravitational acceleration (m / s2) , ρw : Water density (kgf・s2/m4), ρs /ρw:
Generally about 2.65, E1: Experimental coefficient indicating the strength of turbulence (Generally 1.2).
The above formula is obtained for riprap on a horizontal plane. When riprap is installed on a slope with a slope
angle θ, the slope correction factor K obtained from the following formula is calculated for the particle size
Dm , Let the multiplied K•Dm be the size of the boulder (cobble).
where, Φ: Internal friction angle in water stone material (about 38°for natural stone and 41°for
crushed stone), and θ: Slope angle.
In a curved river channel, the flow velocity is increased by the free vortex generated inside and the forced
vortex generated at the outer downstream end as shown in Figure 5.11. The flow velocity is further increased
by erosion in the outer bank of the curved part. Therefore, the design flow velocity used for the stability
where, Vo : Design flow velocity of revetment (m/s), Vm : Average flow velocity of the river channel
(m/s), α: Correction factor due to the plane curvature and cross section of the river channel, B : River
channel width (m), r : Radius of curvature (m), Hd : Design depth (m), ∆Z : Maximum scouring depth
on outer bank of the curved part (m) (Calculated as the difference between the average riverbed elevation
and the deepest riverbed elevation. See Figure 5.12.)
Intermediate Point
(Increased Factor by Deep Scouring)
(Reduced Factor by Free Vortex)
Sc crea
ou sed
(Increased Factor by Free Vortex) g a Fact
nd or
Fo y by
rce D
radius of curvature : r
d V ee
ort p
ne er
an at
Ch w W
Figure 5.11 Flow Velocity Correction in Curved Waterways (Rivers) 2), see 5)
Straight river
channel Curved river
(2) Structural type of stone spur dikes (Overflow type, semi-overflow type, non-overflow type)
The structural types of spur dikes include overflow types, semi-overflow types, and non-overflow types.
Their characteristics are as shown in Table 5.4. The standard design of spur dikes in the PMS method
irrigation project shall be a semi-overflow type, which offers intermediate functions of overflow and non-
overflow types. A semi-overflow type stone spur dike has the following characteristics.
• It has a moderate hydraulic jump effect. In addition to the sedimentation effect on the installation part
of the upward spur dike, it exerts an appropriate reduction in the force of water and prevents river bank
• As the impact of the force of water on the spur dike structure is slightly smaller than that of a non-
overflow type spur dike, the structural burden on the dike itself is reduced. On the other hand, over
time, partial damage and erosion occur, meaning monitoring and maintenance are necessary.
Table 5.4 Structural Types of Spur Dike
Overflow type spur dike Semi-overflow type spur dike Non-overflow type spur dike
(Standard design in the PMS
method irrigation project)
Structure - Low spur dike height; - Medium spur dike height; - Relatively high spur dike height;
underwater during small and overflows when the flood level is does not go underwater except in
medium-sized floods high and flow rate and/or force of cases of high floods
water is large - Applied in areas with rapid flows
The structural type of spur dikes can be further classified into transparent types and nontransparent types. The
characteristics of these are shown in Table 5.5. Composed of boulders, the stone spur dikes in the PMS method
irrigation project are nontransparent. Therefore, the stone spur dikes in the PMS method irrigation project̶
based on their structural characteristics̶are considered semi-overflow, nontransparent types.
Table 5.5 Characteristics of Transparent and Nontransparent Spur Dikes
Right-angle spur dike Upward spur dike (Standard Downward spur dike
design in the PMS method
irrigation project)
Characteristics - Oriented at a right angle to the - Angled upstream - Angled downstream
current - Sedimentation occurs near the dike - Sediment deposits occur
- Sedimentation occurs near the (river bank) near the end of the spur
center of the spur dike - Scouring occurs toward the center dike
- Scouring occurs near the end of of the river channel at the end of - Scouring occurs near the
the spur dike the spur dike dike (river bank)
- Does not significantly alter the - The current turns towards the - The current turns towards
direction of the current center of the river the dike (revetment)
Features - The shortest spur dike - Ideal for stabilizing revetments and - The force of water at the
lengthwise; low construction forming new dike (river bank) end of the spur dike is
costs alignment small; the scouring at the
- The force of water at the end of - Sediment is likely to occur end is relatively small
the spur dike is not intense, immediately downstream of the
meaning erosion at the end is root of the spur dike; the dike
limited revetment is less likely to be eroded
Due diligence - As sedimentation occurs away - Long spur dike length; high - Long spur dike length; high
points from the dike (river bank), the construction costs construction costs
effect of preventing erosion of - The force of water at the end of the - Due to the hydraulic jump
the dike (river bank) is low. spur dike is intense, and significant effect and overflow water at
scouring is likely to occur at the end the tip of the stone spur dike,
scouring occurs at
downstream section from the
root of the spur dike.
River Bank
Vertical Upward Downward
Flow Direction Erosion
Figure 5.14 Installation Direction of Spur Dikes and Their Scouring and Sedimentation Characteristics2),(see 7)
L-shaped Kunar River 15-20m
Foot protection spur dike
with boulders
Berm・Traffic Wicker works 5m
Tree planting 8m
Table 5.7 Design Policy and Specifications for Stone Spur Dikes 2)
River Flow after
Installation of
Spur Dike
River Flow
Installation of 25∼100m
Spur Dike
Installation Interval
Bank Length
slope 1V:1.5H
Figure 5.16 Example of a Stone Spur Dike Plane View 3)
Bank Length
slope 1V:1.5H
Crown width
slope 1V:1.5H
Crown width
Downward Upward
The following is an example of the calculation of the assumed scouring depth at the spur dike near the Miran
weir in the existing PMS irrigation project. As the spur dike is installed at an angle of 5–15°in the upstream
direction, according to Figure 5.19, Zs/q2/3=1.57. As a result, it is assumed that a scouring of about 3.5 m
will be applied around the spur dike in the following calculation. It will be necessary to resupply the stones
on a regular basis, so stones are stockpiled in some places.
Figure 5.20 Resupply of Boulders by Continuous Observation and Application of Gabions 1), 3)
What should be considered in construction supervision and construction works of PMS
method irrigation facilities?
The construction of PMS method irrigation facilities requires boulders and cobblestones for construction of
oblique weir, stone spur dike and annealing wires. Meanwhile, other materials for gabion works applies for
the revetment of main irrigation canals, as well as cement, reinforcing bars and other general construction
materials. Dump trucks, backhoes and other heavy machines are also needed and should be prepared
Construction works also require manpower and for PMS method irrigation projects, the cooperation of
beneficiary farmers is particularly crucial. Cooperation on the part of elderly council or local chiefs is also
required to obtain understanding. The PMS method irrigation project involves in constructing irrigation
facilities of a certain quality while ensuring the security and safety of local residents. It is also a project
to develop the capacity of local residents via construction works to enhance their technical capacity and
nurture candidates tasked with maintaining and managing irrigation facilities in the future.
By conducting above, the project needs to ensure the quality of PMS method irrigation facilities, manage the
work progress and revise design drawings as needed to prepare shop drawings. Proper budget management is
also important.
The following pages give commentary on the above contents: The following pages give commentary on the
above contents:
Technical Manager
Construction Supervisor, Accounting
Staff, Procurement Staff
Site Office
Site Chief
Clerical Staff,
Table 6.1 The Number of Personnel Allocated and Construction Costs in Existing PMS Irrigation Projects 1)
Preparation Works
Oblique Weir Works
Sand bar reinforcement, Opposite
side bank revetment works
Oblique weir works (spillway side)
Oblique weir works (intake mouth
Intake Gate Works*2
Foundation works
Main body works
Figure 6.3 Example of Work Execution Process for PMS Method Irrigation Project 2)
- Collapse of the canal bed due to insufficient confirmation of the foundation ground. There was no
foundation. It is a site where there were as many as 60 people. The human eye is easily fooled by its
- One of the factors underpinning work is the morale and patience of hundreds of laborers and
- Workers shall be technically regarded as workmen so that they are not seen as amateur groups as
was previously the case.
- The collective group under the work has become a unit of ability, playing a key role in the region
that transcends blood and regional bonds.
- While division of labor is necessary, the
same workman handles everything:
reinforcing bar processing, form
preparation, assembly works, gabion
production and concrete placement.
- When a machine fails, use a shovel.
When a shovel is broken, use hands.
When a vehicle stops, you can walk. This
is the PMS style.
Photo 6.3 Coffer Dike(Cutoff Wall, KamaⅠ) 1) Photo 6.4 Temporary Irrigation waterway (Miran) 1)
Oblique Weir
, 105m
(6) Sand-flushing Ditch
Intake Gate
, (1)
Note: Numbers in parentheses correspond to those of each construction process as shown in the photos in Figure 6.5.
Figure 6.4 The Whole Site Image of Intake Weir and Intake Gate (Kama Weir Ⅱ Project) 1)
(1) Preparation works: determine the longitudinal location (2) Preparation works: determine the horizontal location of
of the intake weir/gate. (Kama Weir I) the intake weir/gate. (Kama Weir I)
(3) Opposite bank reinforcement/revetment works: the (4) Temporary works: construct a round temporary coffer
intake weir wing on the opposite bank (attachment part to dike surrounding the proposed intake weir, sand flushing
sandbar) is reinforced in advance. (Kama Weir I) ditch and sedimentation pool. (Marwarid Weir II)
(7) Removing temporary works: after constructing intake (8) Main civil works of intake weir: establish the intake weir body
gate and sand flushing ditch, remove temporary coffer dike by piling up boulders from both side banks. (Kama Weir I)
and conduct water into the coffered area. (Kama Weir I)
(9) Install a spillway when the water level is low during (10) Completion of boulder oblique weir: water can be
drought season.(Kama Weir Ⅱ) stably drawn by increasing the water level at the intake
weir. (Kama Weir I)
(11) Checking the performance of equipment works: check the (12) Construction is completed. (Kama WeirⅡ)
performance of the double flush boards and lift-up equipment
of intake gate and sand flushing ditch. (Kashkot Weir)
Figure 6.5 Construction Procedures of Intake Weir and Intake Gate 1)
⑹ ⑴,⑶,⑷,⑸
:Construction direction
:River flow direction
:Construction direction
:River flow direction
(- 4)(5)
Note: Numbers in parentheses correspond to those of each construction process below.
Figure 6.7 Construction Process Location for Intake Gate 2)
(6) Sedimentation Pool Part Between the Intake Gate and Sand Flushing Ditch
- The intake gate and sand flushing ditch are
connected via the reinforced concrete
revetment as an integrated structure.
- The revetment shape between the intake
gate and sand flushing ditch shall be smooth
and curved against the water flow.
- A sedimentation pool is installed upstream
of the sand flushing ditch with a reinforced
concrete lining to prevent the foundations of
the gate pier and sand flushing ditch from
being eroded.
- Sedimentation pool are encouraged to drain
by making a gradient on the sand flushing
ditch side.
(- 5)
(6) Formulation of Apron Works and Downstream Bed Protection Works of the Sand Flushing Ditch
- Bed protection in the downstream of apron
is installed until the same place as the
downstream end line of the apron of the
intake weir.
When supervising reservoir construction, the following shall be noted. Here, the construction location for each
process is shown in Figure 6.9 and the explanation used by photos image showing the construction of reservoir
in the existing PMS irrigation project.
Blanket Works
Seepage Line
(3) 7m
(4) 15 m
Reservoir Dike
280m 100∼120m
Photo 6.26 Heavy Machines, Dump Trucks and Workers in the Dike
Embankment (Marwarid Main Irrigation Canal Q2 Reservoir) 1)
:May 6, 2009
When supervising main irrigation canal construction and wicker works, the following shall be noted. Here,
the construction location for each process is shown in Figure 6.10 and the explanation used by photos image
showing the construction of main irrigation canal in the existing PMS irrigation project.
5 Wrickers/m
(8) (10) 0.25
(9) 0.25 1.0
unit (m)
Gabion 5.5 (5)
(6) 0.6
1.0×0.6 1.0×0.6
5.0 (3) 1.6
1.0×1.0 1.0×1.0 1.0
(2)Soil Cement Layer 0.3
Soil Cement Layer Seepage Line
6.4 Construction Supervision of the Main Irrigation Canal and Wicker Works 267
Photo 6.33 Filling Soil Cement in the Canal Bed Corner of Main Irrigation
Canal (MarwaridⅡMain Irrigation Canal) 1) :December 24, 2016
6.4 Construction Supervision of the Main Irrigation Canal and Wicker Works 269
(8) Preparation for Wicker Works along the Main Irrigation Canal
- Compartments are formed every 1 meter in
the mixed soil of silt and sand backfilled in
the back of the gabion revetment in the
canal by the same way as the ridges on the
- By forming a compartment, the poured
water remains in the compartment.
Photo 6.41 Irrigation Canal and Stone Spur Dike on the revetment
(Marwarid Main Irrigation Canal, FG Section) 1) :March 24, 2008
6.4 Construction Supervision of the Main Irrigation Canal and Wicker Works 271
a) An example of the main irrigation canal: from one and a half to three years after the construction
One and a half years after construction, wickers along the Three and half years after construction, the mulberry trees
main irrigation canal (upper step) grow to 1.0 to 1.5 m in grow to 2 to 2.5 m in height and are rooted. Wickers grow to
height. Mulberry trees on the second and third steps have just around 4m. As of April 9, 2009.
been transplanted with young trees. As of April 28, 2007.
b) An example of the embankment canal section: during constuction and four years later
The canal on the embankment is under construction. The same location four years after construction.
Bedrock and wetlands are shown on the left and right sides, As of May 10, 2009.
respectively. As of February 27, 2005.
When supervising siphon construction, the following shall be noted. Here, the design example is shown in
Figure 6.11 and the explanation used by photos image showing the construction of siphon in the existing PMS
irrigation project.
Plain View
5000 18000 5000
400 600
upstream downstream
siphon tube (1)
600 400
upstream(4) downstream
natural riverbed
When supervising sand basin construction, the following shall be noted. Here, the construction location for
each process is shown in Figure 6.12 and the explanation used by photos image showing the construction of
sand basin in the existing PMS irrigation project.
Main drainage
Drain gate
Note: Numbers in parentheses correspond to those of each construction process below. 0.25m
2), see 3)
2.0m Figure 6.12 Construction Process Location for Sand Basin
In supervising drainage canal construction, the following shall be noted. Though the structure of the main
drainage canal is veried by the site condition, here, a design example of U-shaped canal is shown in Figure 6.13
and the explanation used by photo images showing the construction of main drainage canal in the existing
PMS irrigation project.
Gabion 60㎝ 蛇籠
100㎝ Stone
masonry masonry
30㎝ 120㎝ 30㎝
Concrete slab Concrete slab
Soil cement 25∼30㎝
Figure 6.13 Design Example of U-shaped Main Drainage Canal 2), see 3)
Photo 6.51 Earth Retaining on the Upper Part of the Main Drainage
Canal (Gamberi Main Drainage Canal)1) :September 28, 2017
In supervising dike/stone spur dike construction, the following shall be noted. Here, the construction location
for each process is shown in Figure 6.14 and the explanation used by photos image showing the construction of
dike/spur dike in the existing PMS irrigation project.
Wicker Works
Design Flood Water Level Slope Gradient
(Recorded Highest Water) Gradient 1:1.5 ↓Drain Ditch
Flood Water Level 1:1.5
in Average Year
Drought Water Level
in Averagce Year Slope Gradient
Installation Interval
75° 25∼100m
Photo 6.58 River Flow at Installation Section of Stone Spur Dikes at the
Curved Part Where Erosion is Most Intense (Miran)1) :April 20, 2015
How are Proper Operation and Maintenance of PMS Irrigation Facilities achieved?
The existing PMS irrigation facilities constructed under the leadership of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura materialized
through trial and error, based on 20 years of experience in irrigation projects, and they demonstrated to be
suitable for Afghanistan as completed irrigation facilities.
However, in situations where information and data related to river floods and droughts are limited and
where projects are carried out based on short-term on-site observations and measurements, continuous
inspection after construction is extremely important. For example, after floods, irrigation facilities should
be carefully inspected and all possible damages repaired. Water distribution should be reviewed in the event
of unexpected drought, and distribution facilities should be restored accordingly. In other words, after
the construction of irrigation facilities, the residents themselves must operate and maintain the irrigation
facilities. It is important to maintain and improve irrigation facilities by the local community. It is important
to contribute and cooperate to improve and continue sustainable and beneficial irrigated agriculture
according to the local situation, after the PMS irrigation facilities are constructed. By maintaining fair and
proper water distribution and through continuous inspection and improving of the irrigation facilities, if any
damage or malfunction is detected, the systems can fully and sustainably perform their designed functions.
This chapter describes the operation and maintenance of the PMS irrigation facilities, organization and
institutions for operation and maintenance, operation of irrigation facilities (intake gate operation, water
distribution) and maintenance of irrigation facilities.
In the organization and institutions, firstly the current situation of water management in the area is
comprehended. The types of operation and maintenance works for irrigation facilities are sorted out, and
the roles of beneficiary farmers and project implementation entities/persons (related government agencies)
are clarified, all aiming to reach an agreement. The Chapter also describes ensuring availability of funds for
operation and maintenance. A clear allocation of roles is set. In particular, the residents (beneficiaries) play
an active role in the daily operation and maintenance of irrigation facilities. Maintenance and management
also require large amounts of funds for situations such as large-scale disaster recovery. In such a case, project
implementation entities/persons are responsible for its implementation.
Regarding the operation of irrigation water distribution facilities, the response to normal requirements
and extreme situations, such as floods and droughts, are considered separately, and a fair and proper
method of water distribution is formulated. Water distribution and disaster response are considered in
advance, implemented when the situation requires and continuously improved. It is necessary for the
beneficiary farmers to take the initiative, and for the project implementation entities/persons to respect the
elected consensus building by the beneficiary farmers, and to support their activities for three years after
Regarding maintenance of irrigation facilities, it is necessary to understand that the existing PMS irrigation
facilities experienced improvements made through repeated trial and error experiments. The kinds of
irrigation facility demolition, changes in river channels, repair/restoration details, etc., are recorded for
future maintenance activities with an aim of improved reconstruction (build back better). In addition to
displaying contents of daily maintenance of irrigation facilities and regular simple repairs, this Chapter also
shows the main types of damages of PMS irrigation facilities experienced so far, and how to deal with them
for large-scale disaster recovery.
The activities are explained further in the following sections.
7.1.2 | Understanding of the Current Situation of Organizations that Carry Out Operation and
Maintenance (Community Water Governance)
The organization which will operate and maintain the irrigation facilities is generally the water users
association (WUA) or the irrigation association (IA). If these have not been established, the traditional
organization Shura of villages and districts, or the community development council (CDC) established under
the National Solidarity Program (NSP), should operate and maintain the irrigation facilities together with the
Mirabs (water manager) in some cases. The roles of these organizations and Mirabs are summarized in Table 7.1.
In the target area of the PMS method irrigation project, it is necessary to investigate the kinds of organization
shown in Table 7.1, which is responsible for operation and maintenance of the existing irrigation
facilities. Following that, the current situation of operation and maintenance done by the organizations is
comprehended. For example, it should be confirmed whether the organizations responsible for operation
and maintenance of the facilities are based on tradition and customs (such as Shura), whether Hashars
(voluntarily cooperation in agriculture and social services) is carried out in the community, and whether the
farmers work together in harvesting and canal cleaning work. In addition, there may be a possibility that
a legal organization (WUA or IA) is introduced based on the Water Law4) enacted in February 2009 for
operation and maintenance, or a new organization has been formed based on the Water Law revised in Early
2020. Furthermore, it should be investigated whether both of these organizations exist. Therefore, the first step
in forming a sustainable organization is to investigate and clarify the form of organization already in place,
responsible for the operation and maintenance of the irrigation facilities and the actual situation in the project
7.1 Establishment of Organizations and Institutions Related to Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Facilities 285
Organizations Roles
NWARA plays a leading role in water resources management. Water resources facilities such as
dams, intake facilities, weirs and large irrigation canals have been developed by NWARA in the
past. Based on the new water law, in addition to the management of water resources facilities
developed by NWARA, the management of facilities developed by other agencies such as small
waterways and riverbank protection works will be gradually taken over by NWARA.
National Water Affairs At the basin level, the River Basin Agency (RBA) and at the sub basin level (corresponding to the
Regulation Authority provincial level), the sub-river basin agency (Sub-RBA) play the role of a subordinate organization
• Estimates the availability of water resources.
• Allocates water to various sectors.
• Plans, designs, constructs and maintains water resources development facilities, including
irrigation and other water uses.
MAIL is responsible for crops and irrigation water. Irrigation water management is essential for
selecting optimu crops and reducing the impact of droughts and floods on farmers' livelihoods.
Therefore, MAIL was involved in irrigation projects that included the design, operation and
maintenance of a number of irrigation canals.
Ministry of Agriculture, At the provincial level, the District Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock office (DAIL) plays the
Irrigation and Livestock role of a subordinate organization of MAIL.
• Calculates crop water requirement and advises farmers, based on the availability of water
• Improves farmers' capacities from the perspective of efficient water use.
• Cooperates with NWARA on the distribution of irrigation water in each river basin.
MRRD was in charge of designing and implementing of development projects such as irrigation
facilities in rural areas based on NSP. However, the new water law requires all ministries to hand
over water resource development projects to NWARA.
Ministry of Rural The Provincial Regional Rehabilitation and Development (PRRDD) at the provincial level, the
Rehabilitation and District Development Council (DDA) at the district level, and the Community Development
Development (MRRD) Council (CDC) at the village level are subordinate organizations of the MRRD.
• Monitors the project through the CDC.
• Ensures funds and budgets for rural development and coordinates with NWARA on irrigation
development and riverbank protection for small projects.
River Basin Council Composed of various water users, including government and non-governmental stakeholders, and
(RBC) advises on water allocation implementation, national water strategy, and conflict resolution.
Established under the RBC to advise on water allocation, national water strategy and conflict
Sub River Basin Council resolution.
(SRBC) Its responsibilities are similar to RBC, but limited to matters related to each sub-basin.
Small scale
MAIL level irrigation
license /
WUA or IA Dispute resolution DAIL Water rights projects
(Farmers) (Official) monitoring /
manage (Under
water, etc. payroll NWARA establishment)
Mirab (bashi)/
Traditional Chakbashi
Shura for
Dispute resolution district/village
7.1 Establishment of Organizations and Institutions Related to Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Facilities 287
Mirab Farmers members Mirab Chakbashi
If there is no mirab or if a vulnerable mirab system exists, PMS operates the gate using PMS funds
for five years after the completion of the project, and conducts training on gate operation to the
"gatekeeper" who continues to operate the gates.
In the case of the Marwarid II irrigation canal constructed under the existing PMS irrigation
project, a WUA or IA did not exist, a new WUA has be being established. In terms of the Marwarid
I irrigation canal, although WUA has established, it is not fully functional yet in 2021 because the
irrigation canal passes through multiple villages and the situation is complicated.
Photo: Meeting of Local Residents for Regular Dredging (Marwarid Ⅰ Irrigation Canal) 1)
7.1 Establishment of Organizations and Institutions Related to Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Facilities 289
Table 7.3 Roles and Responsibilities of Organizations in the Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Facilities 2)
Project implementation
Operation and WUA or IA by Mirab
entities/persons or
Maintenance Work Beneficiary Farmers (water manager)
Operation of Irrigation Facilities - Intake Gate Operation and Water Distribution (Water Users’ Expense)
Water Allocation Plan • Formulation - • Support
Intake gate operation and • Pay mirabs • Intake gate operation and • Uunderstanding the
equitable water distribution • Proper on-farm water proper water distribution operational situation
management (Chapter 8)
Measuring and monitoring • Measuring the water level
water level and intake amount and intake amount
• Monitoring proper water
Response to extreme situations • Consensus building on • Implementing water • Joint discussion on
water distribution rules distribution rules during water distribution rules
during drought drought during drought
• Proper on-farm water • Response to floods • Response to floods
management (Chapter 8)
Maintenance of Irrigation Facilities (Water Users’ Expense)
Maintenance Plan • Formulation - • Support
(Irrigation facilities) • Implementation of repair • Inspection/ Observation • Understanding the
• Daily maintenance and work • Daily cleaning situation of
regular simple repairs • Regular cleaning • Regular cleaning maintenance activities
(participation in Hashar) (participation in Hashar) • Observation
(River channels)
• Regular survey
• Understanding rivers and
sandbars situation
Large-Scale Repair of Irrigation Facilities (Project implementation entities/persons’ or Government’s Expense)
(Irrigation facilities) • Ensuring of budget
• Repair of gabion at joint of • Inspection/
the weir Observation
• Repair of the weir and • Understanding of field
downstream erosion situation
• Repair of dike and • Implementing large-
revetment works • Labor Participation in repair work scale repairs,
restorations, and river
(River channels)
• Sandbar protection
• Implementing as a new
• River bank protection
PMS method irrigation
• Excavation and dredging
project if restoration is
for ensuring division of
river channel
Note: Shura and RBC arbitrate mainly to resolve water disputes. Shura is customary arbitration, while RBC is arbitration based on the
water law. Shura convenes Hashar.
Text Block 7-2: Example of Cost Burden of Farmers in the Operation and Maintenance of
Irrigation Facilities of the Existing PMS Irrigation Project
In accordance with the irrigated area, the farmers themselves can pay the cost in cash or in kind
directly to the Mirab as compensation. In the case of the existing PMS irrigated areas at the Kunar
River Basin, farmers give 35 kg/ha of wheat and 17.5 kg/ha of rice, or 35 kg/ha of wheat and 17.5 kg/
ha of maize (corn) to the Mirab per year. According to a survey carried out by JICA in the northern
and north-eastern regions5), the compensation to Mirab is about 1/80 of the beneficiary farmer's
harvest, and the compensation to the Chakbashi, which is responsible for water distribution in a
village, is from 3,000 to 4,000 Afg per month or 400 kg of wheat per year, depending on the region.
(2) Ensuring Funds for Large-Scale Repairs, Restorations and River Construction Work by Project
implementation entities/persons or the Government
The cost for large-scale repair/renovation work on irrigation facilities and the necessary river works are
extremely difficult for beneficiary farmers to bear, so that the project implementation entities/persons or the
government take the responsibility from the viewpoint of enabling sustainability of the irrigation project.
For example, restoration work for large-scale damage to weirs and dikes caused by floods, etc., has to be
dealt with, promptly and necessary to complete the work before next planting season. Therefore, the project
implementation entities/persons or the government must prepare a mechanism to ensure a budget, such as a
contingency budget, that can handle emergency restoration works.
7.1 Establishment of Organizations and Institutions Related to Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Facilities 291
(1) Relationship between Operation of the First Row Flush Boards and Water Intake Amount
The amount of intake water which will completely overflow the first row flush boards can be calculated by
the following overflow formula:
……………………………………………………………… (7.1) 2), see 6)
Here; Q: overflow (water intake amount); C: overflow coefficient (= 0.35 in case of complete overflow);
B: overflow width; H1 : overflow depth; g: gravitational acceleration (= 9.81m/s2)
By using this overflow formula, the amount of water intake at various overflow depths can be calculated,
and the relationship between the overflow depth and the amount of water intake is as illustrated in
Figure 7.4. From this figure, the overflow depth of the first row of weir plates required to obtain a certain
amount of water intake can be obtained. On the other hand, the height of the first row of flush boards
can be determined by subtracting this overflow water depth of the first row of weir plates from the river
water level that overflows the intake weir when the flush boards is operated.
Figure 7.3 Image of Water Surface during Water Intake at the Double Flush Board Type of
Intake Gate (Complete Overflow) 2)
Relation between Overflow Depth and Intake Amount at Intake
Relation between Overflow Depth and Intake Amount at Intake
Gate (1.5m width x 4 spans)
1.2 Gate (1.5m width x 4 spans)
: 𝐻1(m)
Depth: 𝐻1(m)
0 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00
0.00 2.00
Intake 4.00 6.00
Amount :Q(㎥/s) 8.00 10.00
Intake Amount :Q(㎥/s)
Figure 7.4 Relationship between Overflow Depth at the First Row of Flush Board and the Water Intake Amount
in the Double Flush Board Type of Intake Gate 2)
Photo 7.1 Double Flush Board Type of Intake Gate. Overflow Water Falls Stepwise. 1)
Figure 7.5 Image of Water Surface Shape at the Time of Water Intake at Double Flush Board Type of Intake
Gate (Submerged Overflow) 2)
(3) Understanding the Relationship between Overflow Depth and Water Intake Amount by Water
Supply Test
After the construction of irrigation facilities, a water supply test is conducted to test for possible defects in
the facilities. At that time, the relationship between the overflow depth and the amount of water intake is
measured, and the amount of water intake at various overflow depths throughout the year is also measured.
An example of a water supply test at the Marwarid II Intake Gate (width 1.5m x 4 gates) is shown below (See
page 116 of the Afghan Green Ground Project in detail). The water depth from the base elevation of the
intake gate, D, is measured at a certain river water level. Then, the number of flush boards of the intake gate is
changed one by one, and the changes in the overflow depth and the amount of water intake is measured. The
overflow depth at the top of the flush board decreases by 20 cm each time the flush board is increased one by
In the downstream main irrigation canal, the water depth (irrigation canal cross-sectional area), dn, and
the flow velocity, v, is measured to calculate the water intake amount (dn × w × vn), and the relationship
between the overflow depth and the water intake amount obtained is organized as shown in the following
table. This results in a graph as in Figure 7.4.
3 boards
D D -0.6 d1 w v₁ d₁×w d₁×w×v₁
2 boards Main
D D -0.4 d₂ w v₂ d₂×w d₂×w×v₂
(40㎝) Irrigation
1 board 20∼40m
D D -0.2 d₃ w v₃ d₃×w d₃×w×v₃
(20㎝) point
D -40cm
2 stage D 20cm
Flush Board 20cm
D -20cm
3 stage D
no flush D D
In principle, the operation of the double flush board type of intake gate is performed using the relationship
between the overflow depth and the measured value of the intake amount. From the graph of overflow depth
and intake amount, the amount of overflow depth that is required for the amount of water to be taken is
confirmed, and the top height of the flush board is determined from the river water level. Then, the required
number of flush boards are installed, so as to have the required top height of the flush board. The height of the
second row of flush board should be carefully checked, so that submerged overflow at the first row does not
7.2.4 | Operation of Intake Gates, Sand Flushing Ditches, Drainage Gates, Transmission Gates
and Distribution Gates
Intake gates, sand flushing ditches, drainage gates, transmission gates and distribution gates are operated in
accordance with the established operating rules and operating method principles. When in operation, the
operational situation such as the number of flush boards installed at each gate, the gate opening, the water
level on the upstream and the downstream sides, and the overflow depth are recorded together with the date
and time. Furthermore, for the intake gate, the river water level (intake level) and the water level in the main
irrigation canal are measured and recorded daily, and the amount of water intake is calculated, in order to
check whether the appropriate amount of water is taken. Changes in the river water level are summarized and
compared to the same period in the past, and used as basic information for proper water intake gate operation
in the future.
In addition, by monitoring results obtained from daily operations, the validity of the operation rules of the
intake gates and the operation principles of the sand flushing ditches, drainage gates, transmission gates and
distribution gates is verified, and the operation rules and operation principles are continuously improved.
Drainage gate
Large-scale repairs and structures restorations are technically and financially difficult for the WUA or IA.
Examples of such works are repairs of scouring weir abutment, foot protection works of dikes, dike bodies
and revetment works, as well as protecting and stabilizing sandbars and securing river channel streamway
(See Table 7.3). In principle, large-scale repairs and restorations are carried out at the expense of the project
implementation entities/persons or the government, and beneficiary farmers utilize their PMS basic civil
engineering techniques to devote their labor to the repairs and restoration works.
Post-flood facility inspections are extremely important since damages to irrigation facilities that require large-
scale repair and restoration are mainly caused by floods, larger than expected. By referring to the report of Dr.
Tetsu Nakamura1), examples of typical destruction types which require large-scale repairs and restorations in
PMS method irrigation facilities and countermeasures are as shown in the photos below.
The existing PMS irrigation facilities have been repeatedly damaged and improved, through trial and error.
Finally, they have reached the present shape. While understanding these past experiences, the destruction form
of irrigation facilities, the changed situations of river channels, and the contents of repairs and restorations have
been organized and recorded. Based on the concept of better reconstruction (build back better), the records
are utilized for maintenance activities. In addition, it has become standard practice to stockpile construction
materials such as stones and gabions in the vicinity of the facilities for future emergency response.
intake gate
KamaⅠweir (joint of old sandbar)
torrential flow
generated by scouring
Photo 7.6 Scouring of Sandbar due to Floods1) Photo 7.7 Restoration of Sandbar by Gabion Works 1)
(2) Scouring at the Downstream Part of Intake Weir and at the End of Sand Flushing Ditch
Due to the movement and scouring of boulders by flood flow, additional boulders were put into the
scouring section. In the boulders /oblique weir, steps are made from the top of the weir to the apron where
measures are taken to reduce the water force (raise the front edge of the weir). If the boulders are washed out
due to occurrence of strong current and riverbed scour at the downstream part of the weir and the end of the
sand flushing ditch, it is necessary to reinforce them by replenishing the boulders.
Projected flow
Photo 7.8 Ingenuity to Reduce the Warter Force Photo 7.9 Repair Work of Riverbed Scouring due
from the Top of the Weir to Torrents at the Ends of Apron and Sand Flushing
Ditch 1)
7.4 Large-Scale Repair and Restoration of Irrigation Facilities - Typical Destruction Patterns and Countermeasures 303
Photo 7.10 Riverbank Erosion Due to Flood Flow 1) Photo 7.11 Reinforcement of Riverbanks and
Correction of Streamway by Installing Spur Dikes 1)
Due to the flood in June 2013, the bank protection collapsed over 140m in the Behsud area on the
opposite bank of the Kama I weir. Since the material of the lower part of the dike on the back of the
root consolidation was weak, it collapsed due to the flow generated on the back side of the stone of
the root consolidation. The depth of scouring was 3-5 m. For the repair, the amount of boulder was
carried by 560 dump trucks.
scouring and
collapsed line
In the floods of July 2015, in the Miran area, PMS worked all night to stop erosion and raise it.
Where the "buried spur dikes" were effective, no erosion was observed. The residents were panicking
due to anxiety of overflowing. The dike raising work of about 60 to 80 cm was carried out, and the
atmosphere calmed down.
When responding to a disaster, it is highly appreciated that the situation where staffs take the
initiative in patrols and ideas, and work despite holidays. With this, the technology will be obtained
later, even if it is a little wrong.
Immediately before the emergency work, a part of the Prevention work of erosion by boulders was carried
top of the dike was Flooded. The work was carried out throughout the night. Currently, the entire top of
out desperately. July 17, 2015 7:30 pm the dike is being raised. July 20, 2015
7.4 Large-Scale Repair and Restoration of Irrigation Facilities - Typical Destruction Patterns and Countermeasures 305
Weir with boulders
Outline of Construction of Miran Weir Embedded area of gabion
(October 20 I5- March 20 I6) or boulders
River excavauon area
Sediment dredging
sandbar Sand flushing ditch
spill way
Front of sandbar line
Miran intake
sediment dredging
Photo 7.12 River Channel Excavation and Sediment Dredging at Miran Weir
Photo 7.13 Destruction of Main Irrigation Canal Due Photo 7.14 Damage Caused by a Flush Flood and a
to a Flush Flood and a Debris Flow Debris Flow 1)
Photo 7.15 Extention Work of the Above Flood Passing Bridge (Left) and After Completion (Right)
7.4 Large-Scale Repair and Restoration of Irrigation Facilities - Typical Destruction Patterns and Countermeasures 307
In the night from July 31st to August 1st, 2020, there was a local heavy rainfall in the mountainous
area of the Laghman Province, which is adjacent to the Nangarhar Province, and flash floods and
debris flows flowed into the valley of the Marwarid irrigation canal. Resident properties and fields in
the valley were damaged. The irrigation canal with a total length of about 1.8 km and two siphons
of 30 m and 40 m length were completely filled with boulders and debris. The PMS started the
survey on August 2. Since it is the time when water is needed for rice and maize, restoration work
was carried out immediately, with the aim of resuming water supply as soon as possible. Water supply
was resumed on the 10th. The restoration work even during holidays encouraged the villagers who
were disappointed by the loss of their houses and fields. One of the reasons why PMS was able to
start water supply at an early stage is that the roles of gabion and willow branch on both walls of the
irrigation canal were firm. When the sediment was scraped out from the buried irrigation canal, both
walls of the irrigation canal were not damaged much and firmly formed the body of the irrigation
canal. In addition, no one had lived at the time of construction in the area which became the flood
way. However, as the fields had expanded, people gradually had begun to live. As a result, they were
damaged during the flood. Therefore, it is necessary to promise with a region that they will not live on
the flood way.
In this Chapter, the establishment of demonstration farm for technical extension, water management
technology, cultivation technology, and soil improvement technology are described.
A demonstration farm for technical extension is established for the purpose of efficient disseminating of
cultivation technologies in irrigated agriculture, and the outputs of the PMS method irrigation project are
ensured for agricultural workers who have little experience in crop cultivation.
In terms of the water management technology, proper water use in irrigated fields is an important issue
to prevent waterlogged damages and improve crop productivity. If proper water use is known, fair water
distribution based on it is possible, and it contributes to water saving. The useful technologies for that are
explained for agricultural workers who have little experience in crop cultivation.
In terms of the cultivation technology, the effective technologies which solve the problems of cultivation
and enable sustainable crop farming are compiled. In particular, crop rotation, shading culture, alley
cropping, sowing technology, nursery production, etc. are effective cultivation technologies which have been
demonstrated in the PMS demonstration farms and can be carried out using local materials.
In terms of the soil improvement technology, the countermeasures for maintaining crop productivity of
farmland are soil improvement technology, soil analysis for appropriate soil management, and improving soil
fertility with leguminous crops cultivation, etc.
The migrants and repatriated refugees in the existing PMS irrigation project areas are farmers with little
cultivation experience, and their productivity is relatively low. To improve the existing situation, it is essential
to extend cultivation techniques. Although there are currently agricultural extension workers, there is a lack of
facilities that can effectively disseminate the technology. Therefore, the purpose is to establish a demonstration
farm and efficiently extend cultivation technology.
(1) Issue
A rural social survey conducted in 2018 to evaluate PMS irrigation projects showed low crop productivity
on irrigated farmland. The main cause is improper irrigation methods. MAIL has several extension workers
in each county, but at present there is insufficient technical extension services to the villages, and farmers
have very few opportunities to learn crop cultivation techniques. Therefore, a major problem to be solved
in irrigation projects is low yield of crops due to lack of experience of farmers, and it is a problem to extend
irrigation farming technology suitable for the area and extend it to farmers.
(2) Countermeasure
In order to improve the lack of experience of farmers, it is recommend to establish demonstration farm
by irrigation project area for technical extension. The demonstration farm will be established mainly by
the DAIL, WUA and IA during the project period and after the project period, WUA or IA will play a
central role in operating the farm independently, and DAIL will play a main role in technical extension.
Coordinate with related organizations to contribute to the agricultural research center for extension. It will
be established in a place where the target farmers can easily visit and will be the center of technical extension.
The main contents of the exhibition technology are as follows:
• Water-saving technology by appropriate irrigation methods.
• Prevention of soil degradation and pest control by crop rotation.
• Pest control by mixed cropping.
• Vegetable cultivation in summer by shading.
• Maintaining soil fertility by mixed cropping with legumes.
Proper water use in irrigated fields is an important issue to prevent waterlogged damage and improve crop
productivity. In addition, if proper water use is clarified, fair water distribution based on it is possible. This
section describes methods of water distribution based on the amount of water required for each crop and the
appropriate water management of irrigated fields to ensure fair and proper water use.
Q/3 Q/3 Q/3
Block 1 Block 2 Block 3
Block 1 Block 2 Block 3
Adjust the opening of the diversion work and distribute the Fully open and close the diversion work, and allocate the required
required amount to each block in the field amount to each block in the field at a fixed time.
1) Water distribution by flow rate 2) Water distribution by time
Figure 8.1 Irrigation Water Distribution Method 2)
If a large amount of water is taken in the upstream block of the irrigation canal, water may become insufficient
in the downstream block. This tendency becomes stronger especially during droughts. To prevent such
unfair distribution of water, a fixed amount of water intake or water intake time is ensured with mutual the
understanding and respect of farmers concerned. In addition, it is necessary to promote the effective use
of water (reduction of invalid water intake, effective use of rainfall, etc.) and the rationalization of water
distribution (appropriate response to fluctuations in water demand, stable water distribution throughout the
irrigation period, etc.).
A major issue in the irrigation water distribution is the use of large amounts of water by paddy rice cultivation as
explained in Subsection 8.3.5.
8.1 Establishment of Demonstration Farm for Technical Extension - 8.2 On-Farm Water Management 311
・ It is difficult to control
percolation loss and runoff loss,
・ High labor saving
so it is important to set the
section length.
1 ) Irrigation Site Setting 2)Formation of Ridges 3)Leveling the Soil Surface of Each
Figure 8.2 Flood Irrigation Construction Procedure (Outline) 2), see 3)
純灌漑深度 : 5.0cm
Net irrigation depth: 5.0cm
a:120 b:1.2 a:90 b:0.9 a:45 b:0.45
differen: : 0.9cm Maximum length of ridge to be createda : : 90m
Maximum length of ridge to be createda : 125m
a:170 b:1.7 a:125 b:1.25 a:60 b:0.6
純灌漑深度 : 5.0cm
Net irrigation depth: 5.0cm
a:130 b:2.6 a:110 b:2.2 a:60 b:1.2
differen: : 2.2cm Maximum length of ridge to be createda : 110m
0.2% Net irrigation depth: 7.5cm Maximum Flow Rate:2.5ℓ
difference : 3.0cm a:180 b:3.6 a:150 b:3.0 a:95 b:1.9
Maximum length of ridge to be createda : 150m
純灌漑深度 : 5.0cm
Net irrigation depth: 5.0cm
a:150 b:4.5 a:130 b:3.9 a:75 b:2.25
differen: : 3.9cm Maximum length of ridge to be created : 130m
0.3% Net irrigation depth: 7.5cm Maximum Flow Rate:2.0ℓ
純灌漑深度 : 5.0cm
Net irrigation depth: 5.0cm
a:150 b:7.5 a:130 b:6.5 a:75 b:3.75
differen: 6.5cm
Maximum length of ridge to be created : 130m
0.5% Net irrigation depth: 7.5cm Maximum Flow Rate:1.2ℓ
Figure 8.3 Ridge Slope, Maximum Flow Rate and Maximum Length Corresponding to Field Texture
and Net Irrigation Depth 2), see 3)
At present, various problems regarding crop cultivation are occurring in the existing PMS project area. This
section summarizes effective technologies for sustainable crop cultivation to solve these problems. In particular,
techniques proven in PMS fields or techniques that are feasible and effective with local materials.
(2) Countermeasure
Crop rotation and companion crop are ways to stabilize crop production while reducing the amount of
pesticides and fertilizers applied. Crop rotation is a method of growing different types of crops in a cycle, the
purpose is to prevent diseases, insects control, nutritional balance and improve soil structure. Basic rotation
is leaf vegetables, fruit vegetables, root vegetables and legumes as shown in following Table.
Companion crop is the planting of different vegetables in proximity for pest control, providing habitat for
beneficial creatures and balancing nutrients in the soil.
(2) Countermeasure
It is effective to use a sowing machine or a sowing tool to uniformly spread small seeds. Photo 8.2 shows the
sowing machine used to sow large seeds such as peanuts, corn and beans, and the hand seeder used to sow
small seeds such as sesame seeds. As a simple method, there is also a method of using a PET bottle.
Hand seeder using PET bottles (hole size is adjusted according to seed size)
According to IRRI in Myanmar, rice yields are 25% higher in mechanical sowing than in manual sowing.
Following photos show the field seeding by tools shown in Photo 8.4. Seed is evenly sown in the field.
(2) Countermeasure
As a method of mitigating the influence of sunlight, there are shade culture such as alley cropping and use of
shading net.
1) Alley Cropping
As shown in Photo 8.5, alley cropping is a method of planting perennial crops such as fruit trees in rows
and cultivating the crops between them. The planted fruit trees create a shade to improve microclimate
such as suppress evapotranspiration, maintain soil moisture for a long time, and create a suitable
environment for crop growth. As a result, it is possible to minimize damage of crop growth due to high
temperature and improve crop production especially in summer. It also has the effect of decreasing soil
By introducing alley cropping to irrigated farmland, it is possible to diversify the crops cultivated in the
summer and stabilize the income of small-scale farmers (1 ha or less). The existing PMS irrigation project
is currently planting wheat, vegetables and alfalfa between fruits trees.
2) Shading Net
Shading culture is a method of using shade nets to create shade and grow crops. Shading net is expected
to reduce the light intensity and temperature as well as maintaining soil moisture, so with the shading
net that can provide suitable conditions for crop growth. Accordingly, the use of shading net in high
temperature area is expected to increase the yield.
Cultivation using a horticultural shading net (Case in Iran) Cultivation using ordinary net (Case in Mauritania)
(2) Countermeasure
In the PMS method irrigation project, measures used to be taken to prevent becoming wetlands by
improving drainage channels considering that the irrigation canal and the drainage canal were integrated.
Here, measure by practical and economical methods such as raised bed cultivation is shown.
Raised beds allow excess water to drain out of the surface soil. In general, when growing upland crops in
fields with poor drainage and high moisture, raised bed cultivation is effective to prevent waterlogging. For
this reason, it has been widely applied to crop cultivation in wetlands around the world. It seems that raised
bed cultivation is effective as one temporary solution even in wetland fields of PMS project area. (See photo
Proper water use at the upstream is important to prevent moisture damage, and the method is shown in
Section 8.2.
Raised Bed
Swamp(or a place
where water is
pooled such as a lake)
(2) Countermeasure
Rice cultivation in existing PMS project areas is said to be relatively profitable. In irrigated fields in arid
areas, paddy rice is cultivated as part of the crop rotation system to avoid salt accumulation in soil. The rice
cultivation has the advantage that accumulated salts can be leached out on a regular bases. On the other
hand, rice cultivation in sandy soil also has disadvantages such as reducing soil fertility by leaching, and
water logging and salt accumulation in the surrounding area.
As measures to mitigate this negative function, avoiding continuous cropping of paddy, cultivating
leguminous crops after paddy cultivation to enrich nitrogen in soil and applying organic fertilizer, etc. can be
The water amount obtained by the irrigation project is a limited and valuable resource. In order to distribute
the irrigation water fairly in the beneficiary area, the rice cultivation area should set rule to manage paddy
cultivated area etc. If farmers want to grow rice, it is necessary to consider the introduction of upland rice
variety that require relatively little water.
For example, there is NERICA rice (abbreviation for New Rice for Africa), which JICA is promoting in
Africa. NERICA rice is a upland rice variety developed in 1994 by crossing high-yielding Asian rice with
African rice that is resistant to diseases and weeds.
(2) Countermeasure
Neri doko(Kneading bed) is the traditional method to prepare nursery in Japan. This technique is very
effective in areas where plastic pots are difficult to obtain. Kneading bed is a technique that mixes soil and
fertilizer well with water, removes excess water once, cuts it into block-shaped lumps (size varies depending
on the crop), and puts seeds in it to make a nursery.
Figure 8.8 shows how to prepare the kneading bed. In Japan, plastic pots are currently used for nursery
production, but in the days when there were no plastic pots, this technique called kneading bed was
commonly used. Even in Afghanistan, if it is difficult to obtain the pots, it is possible to produce nursery by
utilizing the technology shown in Figure 8.8.
③ Make an 8 cm
Make an 8 cm
Wait 4-5 hours until the soil bed
can be cut with a knife
④ square with a knife.
square with a knife.
Wait 4-5 hours until the soil bed
can be cut with a knife
③ ③ Make an 8 cm
square withan
a knife.
Wait 4-5 hours untilhours
Wait 4-5
can be cutcan
the soil bed
until the soil bed ④ ④
Make 8 cm
square with a knife.
bea cut
with a knife
Make an 8Make
cm an 8 cm
square with a knife.
square with a knife.
⑤ ⑤ ⑥ ⑥
Make aMake
hole in the middle
a hole of the square
in the middle and putand put
of the square After sowing the seeds,
two seeds
two in eachinhole.
seeds each hole. After sowing the seeds, a net a net
cover the soilthe
cover firmly
soil firmly
and cover
cover with
⑤ ⑥
a net etc.
a net etc.
Make a hole in the middle of the square and put ⑥
a hole in the
seeds middle
in each of the square and put
hole. After sowing the seeds, a net
two seeds in each hole. After
cover the soilsowing
firmly the seeds, a net
and cover with the soil firmly
⑤ Make aMakehole a hole and cover with Afghanistan is dry,
Afghanistan is dry,
⑥ aSowing
a net etc. so when
Sowing net etc. sothewhen surface
the surface
⑤a hole in theput
and putand2 seeds 2 seeds
completed is dry, spinkle enoughenough
Make middle of the square and put
two seeds in each hole. After ⑥completed
sowing the seeds, water to
is dry, spinkle
moisten a net
cover the soil firmly water to moisten
Make a hole in the middle of the square and put sowing the seeds, the surface.
Afterwith the surface. a net
two seeds in each hole. and cover
Make a hole a net cover
etc. the soil firmly Afghanistan is dry,
⑤ ⑤ and putand
Make a hole Sowing and cover with so when Afghanistan
the surfaceis dry,
⑥ completed
2 seeds
put 2 seeds ⑥aSowing
net etc.
so when
is dry, spinkle
is moisten
the surface
dry, spinkle enough
Make a hole in the
Make middle
a hole of the
in the square
middle and
of the put and put
square After sowing the seeds,the seeds, water to
two seedstwoin each
in each hole. After sowing water
the surface. to moisten
a net a net
cover the cover
soil firmly
the soil firmly the surface.
Make a hole and coverandwithcover with Afghanistan is dry,
and put 2 seeds a net Sowing
etc. a net etc. so when the surface
Make a hole completed is dry,Afghanistan
spinkle enough is dry,
and put 2 seeds Sowing waterso to when
moistenthe surface
completed is dry, spinkle enough
the surface.
⑦ ⑦ the
Once seedlings
Once have grown
the seedlings Seedling
have grown Seedling ⑧ Dig⑧ hole athole
Dig intervals suitable
at intervals water
for each
suitable forcrop toand
each moisten
crop and
to some
Make asome
hole thin outthin
extent, theout the to plantto plant transplant nursery.
transplant nursery.Afghanistan the issurface.
Afghanistan is dry,
seedings Make a hole
in eachinblock
put 2 and
seeds eachto one.
block Sowing Sowing so when the so surface
when the surface
put 2 seeds
completedcompleted is dry, spinkle enough
is dry, spinkle enough
water to moisten
water to moisten
⑦ Once the seedlings have grown ⑧ Dig⑧
to ⑦
Seedling hole at intervals suitable for each
the surface. the crop and
some thethin
extent, seedlings
out thehave grown
to plantSeedling Dig hole at intervals suitable forsurface.
each crop and
to some extent, thin out the to plant transplant nursery.
seedings in each block to one. transplant nursery.
seedings in each block to one.
span span
⑦ At the time
Once the seedlings
are taken
haveof transplonting,
of transplonting,
with the
the seedlings
soil the
for soil for ⑧ Dig hole at intervals suitable for each crop 50∼60cm
50∼60cm and
to some extent, thinareout taken
the out together to with
seedings the
in each
to someSince
each block,
one. grown
transplanted Seedling
to the field.
and transplanted to the field. ⑧ Dig hole at intervals suitable for each crop and
transplant nursery.
Sincesoil theisout theis moderately
soil to plant
solidified, solidified, transplant nursery.
seedings in each
there is there block
no need is no to
to need one.
worry todamaging
worry damagingthe the span
roots 50cm 50cm
At theduring
time transplantation.
during transplantation.
transplonting, the seedlings 50∼60cm
⑦ Once⑦ the Once
the have At
the time
out have
with the soil
grown the seedlings
Seedling ⑧ ⑧
Dig hole at intervals
Dig hole atsuitable for
intervals each
suitable crop
for and
each 50∼60cm
crop and
to some extent,
to somethin
extent, the
block, and
thin out thetogether
to plant withfield.
to the the soil for
totoplant transplanttransplant
nursery. nursery.
seedings in each block
seedings Since each
to one.
in each soilblock,
block and
is moderately transplanted
to one. solidified, the field.
there is Since
no need theto soil
worry Figure
is damaging 8.8the
moderately Preparation
solidified, of Kneading Bed 2)
is no need to worry damaging the 50cm span
roots during
At the time
transplonting, the seedlings
transplantation. 50cm 50∼60cm
are taken out together with the soil for
At theand
each block, timetransplanted
of transplonting, to thethe seedlings
field. 50∼60cm
Since arethe taken
soil isout together with
moderately the soil for
there iseach block,toand
no need worrytransplanted
damagingtothe the field.
Since transplantation.
roots during the soil is moderately solidified, 50cm 8.3 Cultivation
span 327
At the time oftherethe istime
Attransplonting,no of
need thetoseedlings
worry damaging
transplonting, the
the seedlings 50cm 50∼60cm 50∼60cm
are taken out roots duringout
taken transplantation.
with the soilwith
together for the soil for
each block, andeachtransplanted to the field. to the field.
block, and transplanted
Since the soil Since is themoderately solidified, solidified,
soil is moderately
there is no need
there to is worry
no need damaging
to worrythe damaging the
roots during roots
during transplantation. 50cm 50cm
英-入稿!.indd 327 2021/06/07 18:20
8.4 Soil Improvement Technology
The soils in the study area are characterize by sandy and high pH. Such soils are fragile and very difficult to
manage. In addition, there are few data on local soil. Soil analysis needs to be carried out in the future to
improve the situation. This section presents techniques such as improving surface texture, the need for soil
analysis for proper soil management, and improving fertility.
(2) Countermeasure
In order to easily find texture of the lower soil layer in farmland, the soil is sampled using a soil auger and
exam texture by layer. The method can easily estimate the presence of silty and clayey layers. Figure 8.9 shows
a soil profile survey using a soil auger.
The soil texture of the collected soil samples can be estimated texture by feeling of fingers at the site. If done
correctly, the soil texture can be estimate very accurately.
Soil texture can be estimated by how the soil feels when operated by, and is estimated by the shape of the soil
when the soil is moistened and kneaded between the thumb and index finger, as shown in Table 8.4.
The sandy topsoil can be improved by checking the soil texture of the soil collected by the soil auger and, if
silt or clay soil is confirmed in the lower layer, applying it to the sandy surface layer by top dressing.
Method in Field
(2) Countermeasure
Calcareous soils are widely distributed in Afghanistan. These two parameters are especially important
factors for soil management. Table 8.5 shows cause and countermeasures for fluctuation in pH and EC
values. It is very important for soil management to measure these indicators regularly and apply the results
for soil management such as fertilizer application.
The measured pH and EC should record in a table such as Table 8.6. Base on the data, what kind of soil
management is desirable for each farmland is examined. Regarding cultivation techniques that have been
Low EC Optimum range High EC
Cause:High calcium Cause:Large amount of Cause:Excessive fertilizer, salt
concentration Countermeasure: ammonium nitrogen accumulation Countermeasure:
Appling potentially acidic Countermeasure:Avoid fertilizer Desalting (flooding, cleaning crops, etc.),
High pH fertilizer such as ammonium contain calcium, Applying deep plowing, fertilizer-free cultivation,
sulphate. (Avoid fertilizers physiologically acid fertilizer. fertilizer application of slow-release
containing sulfate in paddy (Avoid fertilizers containing sulfate in fertilizer, etc.
field) paddy field)
Cause:Lack of fertilizer Optimum range Cause:Excessive nitrate nitrogen
Countermeasure:Proper pH: 5.5 – 7.0 Countermeasure: Reduced fertilizer, deep
fertilization EC: 0.4 – 1.0 plowing, desalting, organic fertilizer
Cause:Lack of fertilizer Cause:High proportion of nitrate Cause:Excessive nitrogen
Countermeasures: Application nitrogen Countermeasure:Nitrogen leaching,
Low pH of liming material and organic Countermeasure:Application of desalting
fertilizer liming material and proper
Year Month Date Place pH EC Records of fertilizer and crop etc. Remarks
Capability Class -I : Class 1 soils have few limitations that restrict their use.
Capability Class - II : Class 2 soils have moderate limitations that reduce the choice of plants or that
require moderate conservation practices.
Capability Class - III : Class 3 soils have severe limitations that reduce the choice of plants or that require
special conservation practices, or both.
Capability Class - IV : Class 4 soils have very severe limitations that reduce the choice of plants or that
require very careful management, or both.
Capability Class - V : Class 5 soils are subject to little or no erosion but have other limitations,
impractical to remove, that restrict their use mainly to pasture, rangeland, forestland, or wildlife habitat.
Capability Class -VI : Class 6 soils have severe limitations that make them generally unsuitable for
cultivation and that restrict their use mainly to pasture, rangeland, forestland, or wildlife habitat.
Capability Class - VII : Class 7 soils have very severe limitations that make them unsuitable for cultivation
and that restrict their use mainly to grazing, forestland, or wildlife habitat.
Capability Class - VIII : Class 8 soils and miscellaneous areas have limitations that preclude commercial
plant production and that restrict their use to recreational purposes, wildlife habitat, watershed, or esthetic
In case of irrigation project, class I-III are selected as economically feasible areas because the project should
select land where high profitability can be expected in order for the settlers to repay the construction costs.
(2) Countermeasure
Legume is called a natural mini-nitrogen manufacturing factory and growing these crops play a vital
role in increasing nitrogen in soil. The carryover of N derived from legume grown is also important.
Therefore, introducing leguminous crops in crop rotation is essential for reducing the nitrogen (N)
fertilizer requirement for crop production. Crop rotation including legumes fixes nitrogen, diversifies crop
production systems and improves soil fertility. It is desirable to include legumes in planting systems such as
It has been recognized that nitrogen fixative amount by root nodule bacteria is significant amount, soybean
is 57-94Kg / ha and clover is 104-220Kg / ha. However, there is a possibility that there are no effective root
nodule bacteria depending on the land. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the presence or absence of nodules
on the roots of the legumes being grown. If the legumes have no root nodules, the root nodule bacteria must be
inoculated into the field.
alluvial fan The area where a river flows from the mountains to the plains.
apron The floor made of boulders or concrete to protect it from scouring by a torrent.
apron works A concrete or boulders floor installed on the downstream side of the structure.
It is one of the riverbed material survey methods in which the thread is put in a grid at intervals of the
area grid method maximum gravel diameter on the riverbed at the representative point, and the gravel below the intersection of
the thread is sampled.
backhoe A kind of construction machine suitable for excavation at a place lower than the ground surface.
bank An embankment made from a small amount of soil. Dike.
base elevation The height of the lowest surface that serves as a standard when setting the height of a structure.
basin irrigation It is a type of irrigation system in which water slowly flows along the surface of cultivated land, wets the
ground, and penetrates into the ground.
bearing capacity The amount of force that the ground can support.
bed protection works Groundsill. A method to protect the riverbed with boulders and/or concrete, reducing the gradient of the
original riverbed and preventing from scouring.
bedload Relatively heavy gravel that moves near the riverbed due to the running water of the river.
bending stress
intensity The stress that occurs in the cross section when a bending moment is applied.
beneficiary irrigation
area A farm land that benefits from the irrigation water.
berm As the dike becomes taller, the length of the slope becomes longer. In order to maintain the stability of the
slope, a horizontal small stage called "berm" is provided.
blanket works A method using impermeable materials to coat the slope of the embankment on the reservoir side to reduce
the seepage water to the inside of the embankment.
boiling A phenomenon in which the bottom of the excavation trench is destroyed by water entrainment.
border irrigation An irrigation method in which the field is divided into strips that allow water to flow in from the top of the
boulder Gravel with the particle size of 300mm or more.
boulder oblique weir A structure in which stones are piled up diagonally against the flow of water to guide the flow into the
irrigation channel.
butyl rubber A type of synthetic rubber.
cadastral map A drawing that shows the rough position and shape of land.
cadastral survey map An official drawing that describes the exact area, shape, positional relationship with the adjacent land, the
position of the boundary and so on.
canal along foot of A waterway constructed near the foot of an embankment to drain rainwater in a place where the ground is
dike low.
charkha A tool used traditionally in Afghanistan to wind and pull up and down ropes.
clayey soil Soil with a clay content of 50% or more that is not suitable for cultivation.
clear water Clear water that flows out from the ground and between rocks.
compaction The method of applying compressive force to soil to increase its density.
concrete pitching The method of placing concrete with an average thickness of 5cm to 10cm for the purpose of preventing
scouring, weed prevention, and fire prevention on slopes.
control unit A type of electronic control unit.
critical flow Flow velocity at the inflection point between the normal flow and the torrential flow.
debris flow A phenomenon in which stones and sand on the hillside are swept to the downstream at once due to heavy
design draught water
discharge The lowest discharge amount at the river during the dry season (winter) in the year.
A structure that is built to stop water flooding onto a low area, such as farmland and residential area.
dike In Afghanistan, the word "levee" is often applied instead of the word "dike". On the other hand, this guideline
applies "dike" as the word to describe this structure.
dike revetment A wall that protects the entire surface of the embankment from the streamway.
dike shoulder The part above the intersection of the slope and the flat ground at the crown of a dike.
dike slope of land
side The slope on the landside of a dike.
drain gate A structure where sediment in the reservoir or sand basin is allowed to be discharged with the water, e.g., sand
drain gate.
drain works Ditches that collect water that have infiltrated the embankment to the foot of slope in land side, in order to
allow the collected water drain out naturally from the embankment.
drainage canal A waterway for returning excess irrigation water to the river.
drainage network The network of all the streams and water bodies that are feeding water to the river.
dredging A civil work in which sediment is removed from the bottom of a harbor, river or canal.
drip irrigation An irrigation system that uses facilities such as distribution pipes and tubes to supply irrigation water to the
soil surface and root area slowly and directly.
drop works Bed sill with a drop or slump.
dry season The period of the year when the river discharge amount is low.
earth pressure The soil pressure applied to the structure.
earth works Construction works such as digging, hauling, filling, and compacting soil.
effective rainfall The amount of rainfall that directly flows out except the rainfall which penetrates into the ground.
equipment works Construction related to the facilities in buildings, such as machinery, electricity, water supply and drainage, air
conditioning, gas, communication and so on.
excavation Digging the ground, sediment and rocks.
existing ground
elevation Elevation of existing ground.
existing riverbed
elevation Elevation of the existing riverbed.
fascine revetment A method for retaining soil to prevent the collapse of a slope by planting a wall of twigs. Used for the
protection of sandbars in the PMS method.
fascine works A kind of foot protection works using natural materials.
flash flood A sudden flood of water caused by heavy rain or landslide.
flexibility Bending so that it responds to stress.
float Floating rod or device for measuring flow velocity.
flood control Facilities consisting mainly of dikes and spur dikes to protect irrigation beneficiary areas, irrigation facilities,
facilities residential houses, etc., from floods.
flood irrigation A method of irrigation in which the entire cultivated land like a paddy field is flooded with irrigation water.
flood prone area Area of land susceptible to flooding during floods.
flood season The period of the year when the river discharge amount is high.
floor slab A concrete floor that supports the weight of people and things.
Flow regime is the flow condition in a river or the characteristics of river flow throughout the year, such as
flow regime water level, flow velocity, etc.. The indicators are high water flow, average water flow, low waterflow and
drought water flow.
flush board A plate installed on a gate pillar to adjust the amount of water at an intake gate or sand flushing ditch.
focus irrigation It is a system that supplies water at low pressure through a network of pipes which supply water to individual
foot of slope in land
side The point where the slope of an embankment changes to the ground on the side of inland area.
foot protection
works A method that prevents scouring of riverbed in-front of revetment.
forced vortex In fluid mechanics, this is a kind of vortex which receives external force in order to rotate.
foreman The head of the workers or work force for each type of work.
foundation works Structures that transfer and support the load acting from the superstructure to the ground.
free vortex Defined in fluid mechanics as a kind of vortex which does not receive external force.
freeboard The height that allows for a suitable margin above the highwater level by considering abnormal floods and
waves for determining the height of the embankment.
friction velocity The magnitude of friction that a flow receives from the surface of an object and expressed in terms of velocity.
Froude number A dimensionless number that represents the ratio of fluid inertial force and gravity.
furrow irrigation It is a type of irrigation system in which water flows in furrows provided or excavated in a field.
gabion mattress One of the methods of gabion works.
gabion works A type of works in which boulders are packed in a basket made of iron wire or bamboo. Mainly used for
revetments of irrigation canals.
gate pier Pier of the intake gate.
gentle slope river A river that flows slowly.
groin A dike built out into the river from the river bank.
guard of flood gate The role of guarding the flood gates.
Hashar A community collaboration project for cleaning and repairing roads and canals.
head The mechanical energy per unit weight of water expressed as the height of the water column.
head loss The water head lost due to frictional resistance and bending of the running water.
heading-up A phenomenon in which water level is raised when a weir is installed in a river.
high embankment An embankment with a height of 15m or more.
highest recorded
flood level The highest water level observed in the past.
inverted siphon A duct, as part of a canal, installed under the crossing point with a flood path or a drainage channel. Canal
water can easly flow through it due to the water level difference between upstream and downstream.
irrigation The method of watering or supplying irrigation water to crops and plants in an area of land through pipes or
irrigation facilities Facilities for supplying irrigation water to farmlands.
irrigation water The sum of the net amount of water consumed in farmlands and the amount of loss in the irrigation canal.
Karez (Qanat) Water-use facilities found in arid regions such as Western Asia and Northern Africa. An underground tunnel
for irrigation used in dry zones.
land acquisition Expropriation or use of land when needed for public utilization.
land classification
map A map or figure that grades the appropriateness of utilization of the land unit for various land uses.
land reclamation Work to retrieve or recover submerged land and change its purpose.
A structure that is built to stop water flooding onto a low area, such as farmland and residential area.
The explanation in the word "dike" shall also be referred to.
It is one of the riverbed material survey methods adopted when investigation by the area grid method is
line grid method unsuitable, such as riverbed with a large rock which exceeds 1m. A straight line is marked with a tape measure
on the riverbed at intervals of more than the maximum particle size, and gravel below the line is sampled.
lining works A method covering the canal bed or corner by soil cement, etc.
loam Kind of soil which contains suitable amounts of sand and clay, easy to cultivate and suitable for all crops.
main irrigation canal A waterway that leads water to the farmland.
Manning equation A formula for calculating the flow velocity and flow rate in a waterway.
manual sliding
method A structure of the manual sliding method is a kind of structure that is opened and closed by sliding it manually.
non-uniform flow
calculation A method of calculating water level and velocity in rivers where the shape of the channel changes.
oblique weir A type of intake weir of which body is partly or entirely in a diagonal shape. Its intake mouth is located at the
most downstream side.
A discontinuous embankment with an opening in a section of the embankment so that the upstream and
open levee downstream embankments are doubled. In case of flood, the levee has the effect of reducing the amount of
discharge flowing to the downstream.
piping A phenomenon in which fine particles in the soil are washed out by the seepage flow of groundwater, forming
pipe-shaped water channels in the soil and discharging coarse particles.
plane alignment Linear that represents a combination of flat lines and curves.
PMS Method
irrigation facilities Irrigation facilities planned and designed applying the PMS method.
precast concrete A premolded construction part with concrete brought to the site where they are assembled and installed.
preparation works As preparation before carrying out the main construction works, it refers to the construction, installation and
processing of necessary equipment, and removal of obstacles.
profile The shape which can be seen when the riverbed is cut vertically from downstream to upstream.
profile and cross
section Meaning "along" and "across" a river flow.
profile survey A survey that measures the ground height along a river to create a vertical section.
radius of curvature Radius of a circle in which the curve is approximated.
reference crop
evaporation ratio Evapotranspiration when sufficient water is supplied to the reference crop.
regulating pond A pond having the role of temporarily storing and dividing the water in the main irrigation canal and then
adjusting the flow discharge rate.
reinforcement works Reinforcing bars arranged according to the blueprint in the reinforced concrete construction work.
particle diameter Average particle size that represents the particle group, i.e., 60% value of particle size distribution curve.
required irrigation
water Water requirement for irrigation.
revetment works Facilities installed on slopes, steps and bank slopes of dikes to prevent and protect dikes and riverbanks from
being scoured by running water and collapsing.
riffles and pools Riffle is the place where the flow is fast and the depth is shallow in a river while Pool is the place where the flow
is gentle and the depth is deep around the riffle.
riprap Stones thrown to form a foundation or to weaken the flow velocity during civil engineering work.
riprap works A method using ripraps for foot protection of dikes or construction of weirs without filling their gaps.
riverbank The slope between the water surface and ground surface.
river bank erosion Phenomenon where the riverbank is eroded by running water.
river basin The area where rainfall or snowfall flows into the river. Summits of mountains are the boundaries of river
river bed material Sediments at the bottom of a river.
river channel The river channel is the place where water flows in a river or the part where water flows safely. Also refers to
the topography of rivers, etc.
riverside area River side area of a dike.
rock crib A kind of traditional river construction method used for water flow control.
rolling compaction The method of compacting the soil using a roller or rammer.
rotative irrigation Method of irrigation during drought. The irrigation area is divided into areas, and each area is irrigated in turn
or rotationally for a limited time.
sand mat method An about 1.5m layer of sand and clay is laid to replace soft ground before constructing an embankment above
sandbank Topography where sediments from the upstream are deposited in the river.
scouring Phenomenon of soil or sediment being washed out of the riverbank, the shore or the riverbed due to waves and
running water.
section modulus A value that represents the cross-sectional performance.
sediment Sand, stones or mud carried by water flow.
sediment discharge The amount of sediment that moves due to the water flow.
analysis It is one of the riverbed material survey methods. Grain size is measured with the sinking speed by gravity.
sedimentation pool Space for collecting mud at the bottom of a vertical shaft.
seepage line The line indicating the range where river water penetrates the bank.
seepage water River water and rainwater that infiltrate levees and soil.
Semi-overflow type
spur dike A spur dike structure where river water flows over it when water level rises.
shearing stress
intensity The force generated inside an object that shifts the object.
shrubification The height of trees is remained not more than 2-3 meters by not growing the trunk due to densely planted.
silt Silt is a kind of clastic which is smaller than sand and rougher than clay.
simple groin A simple straight embankment or dike protruding from one side bank of a river.
single sand bar A sandbar where the water flows in a straight line, with the ripple and pool appearing alternately in a vertical
direction without forming multiple rows.
siphon A water pipe installed under an obstacle when a waterway crosses the obstacle such as a river or a road.
slope gradient The gradient of the slope. It is expressed by the ratio of the length of bottom and height.
soil cement A mixture of local soil and cement for the purpose of soil improvement such as soil stabilization.
soil draw-out A phenomenon in which soil leaks out at the back.
soil for dike
embankment Soil used to build an embankment.
spray irrigation A method of irrigation in which pressurized water is sprayed from a nozzle to make it rainy or atomized.
spread foundation The concrete base that supports the weight of a building.
sprinkler irrigation A method in which pressurized water is ejected in the form of raindrops from sprinklers attached at regular
intervals, and water is sprayed on the soil surface.
steep gradient main
irrigation canal A waterway that leads to the sedimentation basin without depositing the sediment on the waterway.
stone masonry A method of stacking only stones without using concrete or mortar.
stone pitching In civil works, stones and cement are put on the surface of the embankment and riverbed in order to protect
them from erosion.
surface irrigation By surface irrigation, water slowly flows along the surface of cultivated land according to gravity, wets the
ground and penetrates into the ground, e.g., furrow irrigation, border irrigation and basin irrigation.
surface loading An index showing the capability of the settling tank.
suspended load Sediment particles which settle slowly enough to be carried in flowing water. These particles are generally fine
sand smaller than 0.2mm.
Coffer dike (Cutoff Temporary structure made for the purpose of temporarily blocking a part of the flow path to ensure
wall) protection of the foundation works of structures constructed in water.
temporary works Works related to temporary facilities/equipment that are provided to facilitate the construction work.
the PMS Method A series of projects for planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of irrigation system
Irrigation Project consisting of PMS method irrigation facilities.
the PMS Method
Irrigation Project Guidelines for disseminating PMS method irrigation projects.
torrential flow Flow with a Froude number greater than 1.
tractive force Power to move sand and gravel on the riverbed.
training dike wall An embankment for the purpose of directing an unstable water flow to a particular direction.
transparent type A type of spur dike with slits to let water flow through.
unsteady flow
calculation A method of calculating chronic changes in longitudinal river discharge, water level and flow velocity.
unsupported When digging the ground, this method does not carry out any construction work to prevent the collapse of
excavation surrounding soil and to allow continuous digging works.
unwinding Laying out sand, gravels and boulders as layers from a dump truck on site.
uplift pressure The component of the force acting on an object in a fluid, the direction of which is perpendicular to the flow
(from bottom to top).
vegetation works The method to prevent erosion by surface water and preserve the natural environment by planting.
It is a standard method of riverbed material survey or the method of sampling gravel of 0.5m to 1.0m in depth
volumetric method of the riverbed and 0.5m in width and length after removing the surface sand and pebbles with thickness of 0.1
to 0.2 m.
wash load It is the portion of sediment that is carried by fluid flow and does not settle. It consists of the finest particles,
about 0.1 to 0.2mm or less.
water colliding front The part where a strong river flow hits the river bank, mostly where the river is curved.
water distribution The act of distributing water to water users.
water diversion gate Gate for water diversion to distribute irrigation water and domestic water.
water transmission
gate Water supply gate provided in the sand basin.
water users'
association A public union established to carry out irrigation, drainage and civil engineering projects in the community.
water wheel A water wheel provided with buckets that extracts water from running water.
waterlogging Damage caused by excessive soil moisture in crops.
weir crest The highest part of a weir.
weir height Height of the weir from the riverbed to the weir crest.
weir length Length of the weir from upstream to downstream.
weir width Width of the weir from left side to right side.
wet stone masonry A method of stacking stones using concrete and mortar.
Yamada Weir A stone-pitched weir on the Chikugo River in Japan. It is implemented diagonally against the flow of water in
order to guide the water to the irrigation canal. It is a model of PMS method weirs.
Young's modulus A kind of index that represents the hardness of a material.
Chapter 1
1) PMS, Peshawar-kai, Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd.
2) JICA Survey Team.
3) Dr. Tetsu Nakamura (2018). The Afghan Green Ground Project. Peace (Japan) Medical Services & Peshawar-kai.
4) Mohammad Musa Alami, Ehsanullah Hayat, Gokmen Tayfur (2017). Proposing a Popular Method for Meteorological
Drought Monitoring in the Kabul River Basin Afghanistan, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and
Science, Vol -4, Issue-6, June 2017.
5) JICA (2018). Data Collection Survey on Agriculture and Rural Development in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
6) Kenji Nagata (2016). Water Resources and Irrigation Policy in Afghanistan:Ownership of Local Societies as a Key to
Reconstruction, International Journal of Social Science Studies Vol. 4, No. 4; April 2016.
Chapter 2
1) PMS, Peshawar-kai, Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd.
2) JICA Survey Team.
3) Dr. Tetsu Nakamura (2018). The Afghan Green Ground Project. Peace (Japan) Medical Services & Peshawar-kai.
4) Toayama Prefecture in Japan. <
5) The Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism / Water and Disaster Management Bureau (2014).
Technical Criteria for River Works: Practical Guide for Survey.
6) FAO (1989). IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENT Training manual No. 4.
7) FAO (1998). Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements.
8) It is probable that Dr. Tetsu Nakamura used the construction cost obtained by multiplying the facility construction cost per
unit irrigated area of USD 1,000 per hectare by the irrigated area as a guideline for the facility construction cost when special
construction is not included.
9) Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2007). The Environment Law Official Gazette No. 912, January 2007.
10) Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (2016). National
Comprehensive Agriculture Development Priority Program 2016-2020, August 2016.
Chapter 3
1) PMS, Peshawar-kai, Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd.
2) JICA Survey Team.
3) Dr. Tetsu Nakamura (2018). The Afghan Green Ground Project. Peace (Japan) Medical Services & Peshawar-kai.
4) USGS. <>
5) USGS. <>
6) The Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism / Water and Disaster Management Bureau (2014).
Technical Criteria for River Works: Practical Guide for Survey Chapter 4 River channel characteristic survey.
7) JICA (2019). Project for Capacity Enhancement on Hydro-Meteorological Information Management in the Ministry of
Energy and Water in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
8) World Bank. < >
9) USGS. <>
10) NWARA.
11) According to the experience of the 2010 flood in the existing PMS irrigation project, there was great flood damage in the
Behsud side which is the opposite bank of the bedrock of the Kama weir, the Kashkot side which is the opposite bank of the
bedrock of the Marwarid-Kashkot weir, and the Koti/Taran village which is the opposite bank of the bedrock of the Marwarid
II weir.
12) The Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering (2002). Guide for the river channel planning study. Sankaido.
13) Japan River Association (1997). Ministry of Construction Draft Technical Criteria for River Works: Practical Guide for
Survey. Sankaido.
14) Hydraulic Engineering Committee / The Collection of Hydraulic Formulas Editorial Subcommittee (2018). The Collection
of Hydraulic Formulas. The Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
15) JICA (2018). Data Collection Survey on Agriculture and Rural Development in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
16) IRDP.
17) Google Earth
18) The Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering (2007). Mechanics Design Method of Revetment. Sankaido.
Chapter 4
1) PMS, Peshawar-kai, Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd.
Chapter 5
1) PMS, Peshawar-kai, Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd.
2) JICA Survey Team.
3) Dr. Tetsu Nakamura (2018). The Afghan Green Ground Project. Peace (Japan) Medical Services & Peshawar-kai.
4) The Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering (2000). Cabinet Order concerning Structural Standards for River
Management Facilities, etc. Japan River Association.
5) The Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering (2007). Mechanics Design Method of Revetment. Sankaido.
6) U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (1970). Hydraulic design Criteria, Chart 712-4.
7) Koichi Yamamoto (1996). Nihon no Suisei (Spur Dikes in Japan). Sankaido.
8) The Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Chapter 6
1) PMS, Peshawar-kai, Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd.
2) JICA Survey Team.
3) Dr. Tetsu Nakamura (2018). The Afghan Green Ground Project. Peace (Japan) Medical Services & Peshawar-kai.
Chapter 7
1) PMS, Peshawar-kai, Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd.
2) JICA Survey Team.
3) Dr. Tetsu Nakamura (2018). The Afghan Green Ground Project. Peace (Japan) Medical Services & Peshawar-kai.
4) Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2020). Water Management Affairs Law.
5) JICA (2009). Data collection survey on agriculture sector in northern and northeastern provinces of Afghanistan.
6) The Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism / Water and Disaster Management Bureau (2014).
Technical Criteria for River Works: Practical Guide for Survey.
Chapter 8
1) PMS, Peshawar-kai, Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd.
2) JICA Survey Team.
3) FAO (1989). IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENT Training manual No. 4.
Weir Width Fixed weir: 280m (total width of Kashkot side: 505m) Fixed weir: 200m Total 200m (Fixed weir part: 180m, sand flush: 20m)
Water head difference on Low water level Water head difference on Low water level Water head difference on Low water level
season: 2.2m season: 1.2m season: 2.2m
Height from Intake Gate
0.6m 0.5m 0.75m
Intake Weir
Crest of weir slope : EL+551.080m ∼551.310m Crest of weir slope : EL+549.740m ∼550.070m
Elevation of the facility −
Foot of weir slope : EL+549.780m ∼550.030m Foot of weir slope : EL+547.540m ∼548.210m
Type Construction by boulder Construction by boulder Partial movable weir of manual flush boards
Width, Span Width 2.0m x 5 span Width 2.5m, Single span Width 2.0m x 4 span
Sand Flushing Ditch
Gate Width, Span Width 1.3m x 3 span Width 1.45m x 3 span Width 1.5m x 4 span
Height 4.0m (include upper slab thickness 0.3 m) 3.5m (include upper slab thickness 0.3 m) 4.0m (include upper slab thickness 0.3 m)
Intake Volume Winter 2.0 2.2 4.0
(m3/s) Summer 4.0 4.4 7.0
Intake Gate
Others − − −
Note: This table shows the information as of March 2018. shows the typical specification. shows constant condition regardless of the site condition.
Revetment Height Gabion mattress 1.8m Excavation without timbering (about 2m) Gabion mattress 1.6m
Main Irrigation Canal
Depth 2m 2m
Sand Basin
EL+555.003m EL+554.180m
Dike Height −
Dike and
1.049m height from landside ground elevation 1.445m height from landside ground elevation
Crest Width − 8.439m 8.116m
Dike Width − 15.033m 18.759m
River side: 1:3.01 River side: 1:2.92
Slope Gradient −
Land side: 1:2.68 Land side: 1:2.47
176.010m (main channel part) 289.308m (main channel part)
River Width −
1711.155m (include flood plain) 2264.856m (include flood plain)
Natural Condition
Note: This table shows the information as of March 2018. shows the typical specification. shows constant condition regardless of the site condition.
5B 15B
2B 6B
Riverbank erosion
B B River width
r Curve radius
a) Alternate Bars b) Double Row Bars c) Bars at Curve
Figure 1 Classifications of Sandbar 2) ,see 12)
500 B HL d B/HL H L /d
1000 Sample Case:
186.4 1.94 0.091 96 21
500 B HL d B/HL H L /d
→Classified as a double-row sandbar
double-row bars 186.4 1.94 0.091 96 21
→Classified as a double-row sandbar
50 double-row bars
alternate bars
alternate bars
10 small-scale riverbed configuration - semi-alternate sandbars
1 small-scale riverbed configuration
50 100 - semi-alternate
500 1000 sandbars
5000 10000
50 100 500 1000 5000 10000
B: river width (m), HL: water depth during the f lood of average annual maximum discharge (The average annual maximum
discharge is the average discharge of each year's maximum discharge.) (m), d: representative particle size of riverbed material (m)
Figure 3 Classifications of Occurrence of Sandbar 2), see 12
The scour depth has a value obtained from the actual cross section and a value estimated from hydraulic parameters by non uniform
flow calculation as shown below. The value obtained from the cross section is the state at the time of survey. The values of hydraulic
parameters are based on research results. For example, if the scouring depth obtained from the cross section is smaller than the
scouring depth obtained from hydraulic parameters, the scouring depth can be deepened; that is, the sandbar can be raised or the
deepest riverbed can be lowered (scouring). In this way, the riverbed fluctuation situation can be analyzed.
The planar shape of the river channel is unique to each segment, and scouring can be evaluated by the method shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Evaluation Method of Scouring for Segments and River Channel Shape 2) , see 18)
(Single) Curved River Evaluation by ratio of curve radius and river width (γ/B) using Figure 6.
ΔZ: scouring depth (m) (difference between the average riverbed height and the deepest riverbed height), Hs: sandbar wave height
(m) (estimated from the figure below)
B HL d B/HL HL/d H s /H L H s
186.4 1.94 0.091 96 21 3.6 6.99
HL /d−5~20
〇 5~10
3.0 〇
〇 HL /d≒50 ▲ 30~40
〇 〇〇 〇 □ 40~60
〇 〇
●〇〇 〇〇
● ■ 60~100
〇 △〇 〇
〇 〇 〇 〇
〇 〇〇 △ □ HL : water depth during the flood of average annual
〇 △ △
〇〇 〇 〇 〇 maximum discharge (m)
〇 〇 ●
2.0 ■ 〇
■ Hs: sandbar wave height (m)
△ △ B: river width
〇 △
□ ▲
■ HL /d<100
〇● ●△ d: representative particle size of riverbed material
〇 ●〇〇 〇△ □ (m)
〇△ 〇 〇 〇
〇〇 〇● 〇 □
〇 〇〇
τ* : dimensionless tractive force (=u*/(s ・g・d))
〇 ●△〇〇 u* : friction velocity (=g ・H L・I) 0.5
1.0 〇 〇 〇〇●▲
s: underwater specific gravity of riverbed material
〇 ▲
〇 〇 〇
〇 〇〇 (≒1.65 )
〇 □ g: acceleration of gravity
〇 △
HL/d=100 I: energy gradient (Riverbed gradient can be
〇 △ ●
△● ●
HL/d=200 substituted for segment 1 and 2 (partial) .)
0 〇〇〇
HL/ d=300
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 B/HL
Relationship between H/HL and B/HL
(However , τ* is in the range of 0.03 to 0.4)
Figure 5 Chart for Estimating Hs from Hydraulic Parameter 2) , see 18)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 88
r: curve radius, B: river width, Hmax: maximum water depth at the scouring during the f lood of average annual maximum discharge at curve,
Hmaxs: maximum water depth at the scouring during the f lood of average annual maximum discharge at straight river channel estimated from
Formula 1
Figure 6 Evaluation of Scouring in Curved and Meandering River Channel 2) , see 18)
pathway of entry of flood
Figure 1.1.1 The Stability Examination Model for Stone Masonry with Low Integrity in which the Tractive
Force of the River Causes Destruction
(3)Calculation Condition
Overflow Discharge Volume: Q=1200m3/s
Weir Width: W=105m
Weir Height: h=0.91m
Weir Length: l=30.7m
…………………………………………………………………………… (1)
…………………………………………………………………………… (2)
To achieve φ=ψ in the above two formulas, the water depth at the edge of the downstream portion of the apron (h1a) is calculated
from the critical water depth at the weir crest and the flow velocity (v1a) can be calculated using the following formula (3):
……………………………………………………………………………………………………… (3)
Here, weir height: Z1=0.91m, critical water depth: h1=2.37m, unit width water discharge: q=11.43m3/s, flow section area: A1
=2.37m2 (area in unit width), hydraulic radius: R1≒h1=2.37m (Approximate by water depth), roughness coefficient: n1=0.035,
Therefore, when φ = ψ, the water level at the immediately downstream end of the weir apron (h1a) is h1a = 1.5m.
Flow velocity at the area immediately downstream of the weir apron : v1a = q/h1a = 11.43/1.5 = 7.62m/s
Among the above a), b), and c), the flow velocity v1a = 7.62 m/s at the immediate downstream part of the weir apron where the flow
velocity is highest is applied as the representative flow velocity.
Correction coefficient by curve of the river alignment:α = 1+B/2r = 1.05
Here, river width: B=105m, radius of curvature of the river channel : r = 1km
Design flow velocity : Vo = α*v1a = 1.05*7.62 = 8.00m/s
a) Bending
Bending stress intensity :σ= M/Z ≦ fb × Cf
σ : Bending stress intensity (N / mm2) = M/Z
M : Maximum bending moment (N・mm) = w × L2/8
Z : Section modulus (mm3) = b × h2/6
fb: Allowable bending stress intensity (N / mm2)
(Wood : 28.2N/mm2, Steel plate : 140N/mm2, Synthetic stress intensity : 36.5N/mm2)
Cf : Dimensional effect factor = (300/h)1/9
W: Water pressure per unit length of flush board (N / mm)
L : Length of flush board=1700mm
B : Thickness of flush board=50mm
H : Height of flush board=200mm
b) Shearing
Shearing stress intensity:τ= 1.5 ×Q/A ≦ fs
τ : Shearing stress intensity (N / mm2) = 1.5×Q/A
Q : Maximum shear force (N) = w×L/2
A : Cross-sectional area (mm2) = b×h
Fs : Allowable shear stress intensity (N / mm2)
c) Deflection
Deflection: δ×2 ≦ L/250 (Allowable deflection)
δ: Deflection (mm) = 5・w・L4/384・E・I
I : Moment of inertia (mm4) = b×h3/12
E:Young's modulus (N / mm2)
Formula for the critical particle size for sediment movement: ………………………………………………… (2)
Iwagaki s formula (see Chapter 3): the critical particle size for sediment movement is determined by an empirical formula
concerning the relation between the critical friction velocity and critical particle size for sediment movement.
Here: V: flow velocity (m/s), R: hydraulic radius (m), g: gravitational acceleration (m/s2), I: riverbed gradient, n: roughness
coefficient, U*c: critical friction velocity
The following is an example calculation of the critical particle size of sediment movement at the time of flood discharge Q =
From the results of the riverbed material survey, it is known that the representative particle size is about 3cm or more. Therefore, the
critical particle for sediment movement is calculated as follows applying the formula of U*2=80.9d.
From the above, gravel smaller than this particle size may be washed away during floods and deposited behind the intake weir.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1)
Here, H: siphon head loss (m), i: hydraulic gradient to the flow velocity in the siphon underground pipe, L: siphon underground
pipe length (m), g: gravitational acceleration (=9.81m/s2), α: 50 to 80mm, β: 1.5 as the standard.
Vertical Shaft
pipe Underground pipe Sedimentation
From the above, the actual flow velocity is calculated in some cases of cross sectional area of inverted siphon. Based on the formula of
Q=AV, it is calculated as follows:
□1.1×1.1 : V= q/A = 2.0 / (1.1×1.1) = 1.653m/s
□1.2×1.2 : V= q/A = 2.0 / (1.2×1.2) = 1.389m/s
□1.25×1.25 : V= q/A = 2.0 / (1.25×1.25) = 1.280m/s
□1.3×1.3 : V= q/A = 2.0 / (1.3×1.3) = 1.183m/s
Therefore, it is appropriate to set the cross sectional area of the inverted siphon to about □ 1.25 x 1.25.
From the following Manning formula,
Sand basin
Drain gate
h 1 =2m
H h1