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Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines Region VII-Central Visayas

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas


(DepEd Order 42, s 2016)

Teachers Name: Zena G. Laporre Quarter: 4

Subject and Grade Level: Media and Information Literacy- Grade 11 Week: 1

Most General Objective: Cite an example of an issue showing the power of media and
Essential information to affect change
cy - (MELC)
Specific Objectives:
a. Identify the opportunities and threats of Media and information.
b. Cite recent examples of the power of media and information to affect
c. Synthesize your answers by creating a mind map

Learning Quarter 2 Self-Learning Module Media and Information Literacy


A. Preparation

● Opening Prayer.

● Setting the classroom environment (arranging the chairs, checking if the classroom is
clean and orderly).

● Ensuring a safe learning environment for everyone. Giving of New Normal classroom

● Checking of attendance and uniform.

● Stating the objectives of the lesson.

● Activating Prior Knowledge:

B. Presentation (Day 1)
Activity 1.1 Pretest:
Directions: Using a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What composes of the New Media?
a. TV and radio c. Books and newspapers
b. Internet and Social Media d. AIs and robots
2. All are cybercrime offenses EXCEPT one:
a. Content-related offenses c. Copyright infringement
b. Computer-related offenses d. Profile stalking
3. Businesses will always be connecting with customers, both actual and potential ones, and
social media enable for a more fast and __________ mechanism.
a. Cost-efficient b. Hassle c. Amazing d. Challenging
Opportunities, Challenges, and The Power of Media and Information
4. This refers to the kind of education where students need not attend classes physically.
a. Modular b. Mobile Education c. Distance learning d. Summer class
5. The media assists the working of a __________ system through facilitating free speech
and unrestricted public debate .
a. Unfair b. Balanced c. Dictatorial d. Democratic
6. Refers to ABS-CBN’s citizen journalism arm.
a. Ipaglaban Mo! b. Bayan Mo Ipatrol Mo! c. It’s Showtime! d. TV Patrol
7. Media, as a vehicle of these targeted contents, brought about action and mobilization.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. Doubtful
8. Refers to using business and marketing techniques to encourage people in adopting
certain behaviors that would lead to better physical and mental health, and eventually to
wide-scale social change.
a. Social Marketing c. Promotions b. Business Marketing d. Protests
9. The soul of media.
a. Data b. Information c. Gadgets d. Internet Service Provider (ISP)
10. A cyber-attack that uses disguise email as a weapon.
a. cyber bullying b. human trafficking c. phishing d. fake news

Activity 1.2: Cartoon Analysis

Directions: Analyze the picture and answer the guide questions that follows. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answer.


1. Analysis: Probing Questions/ Guide Questions

Guide Questions:
1. What is the message in this cartoon?
2. Is the situation about media depicted in the cartoon true in the Philippines? Why or why
3. Does the cartoon show a challenge or opportunity for media and information? Why? 4.
What is the impact of media and information to your life?

C.Lesson Proper (Day 2)

Media power has become so potent nowadays that it can easily influence people positively
and/or negatively. We also live in a society that depends on the media as a source of
entertainment and information. Media like television enhances our knowledge by providing
access to information all over the world.

Media - refers to tools of mass communication consist of television, radio, newspapers,

magazines and internet such as: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google and other
Social Networking sites. Broadcasting, Advertising, Visual Representations, Pictures or
Images, Graphics, Videos, or even Movies are form of social media were people can use
and see.

Information - is the soul of media

Media and Information - show concrete relationship and create a sensitive impact on
people - possess power to provide information and interpretations, power to set agendas,
power to affect one's attitude and behavior, and power to educate its users. Media and
information can be very influential on society in both positive and negative ways. It creates a
significant impact to different aspects of our lives:

The Opportunities
POLITICAL (Politics and Governance)
- Brings politicians and parties closer to potential voters
- Allows politicians to communicate faster
- Posts messages to personal networks are multiplied when shared
- Enhances political coordination in the development of social economic policy

SOCIAL (Citizen Engagement and Social Change)

- Gives way to keep in touch with people
- Enables to share informative, fun and interesting content

ECONOMIC (Business and Marketing)

- Provides economic actors accurate and timely information to allocate resources

- Uses video- a compelling tool for educational representation

✓ Students’ project

✓ Teachers’ study pedagogy

✓ Researchers’ capture and examine how learning happened as they unfold

The Challenges

A cyber-attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. The goal is to trick the email recipient
into believing that the message is something they want or need — a request from their bank,
for instance, or a note from someone in their company — and to click a link or download an

Social media has made it very easy to spread information quickly. Because Facebook and
Twitter timelines move so quickly, viewers don’t often verify what they’ve seen. A great deal
of content is also spread through images and memes, which may or may not be based on
valid information.

Human Trafficking
The trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual
exploitation for the trafficker or others. This may encompass providing a spouse in the
context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and
ova removal.

Cyber Bullying
Cyberbullying is the use of technology to repeatedly and intentionally harass, hurt,
embarrass, humiliate, or intimidate another person.

D. Problem (Day 3)

1.The following are various platforms that provide people information. In your own
perception what is their specific functions? (To be answered orally)

1. Source: 2. Source:

3. Source: Source:


2.Read the article “BPI takes down almost 2,000 phishing sites since pandemic hit.”
(Attachment 1)

A. Answer the following guide questions. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.
• How can you tell if someone is phishing on your account?
• How did the BPI trace phishers? Narrate the incident.

3. Read the article on attachment 2 and complete the given task. (Full article found in the link
below you may also check it if you have an internet connection.)

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TASK: Cite specific ideas on the negative impact of fake news.

E. Generalization (Day 4)
Directions: Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of
1. The advancement of media and information brings society countless opportunities such as
2. However, along with these opportunities are risks and challenges such as ________
3. The media is considered a powerful catalyst in a way that ____________________

F. Evaluation (Day 4)

Embracing the dares and the opportunities of media and information is best done by
reflecting on how it exists in your life. The picture below has reflected a lot in the field of
media and information.

Directions: Write 5 reflective sentences about the picture. You may use the following
sentence starters or you may make your own. Write your answer in a separate answer sheet.

This made me think about…

I wonder why …
This picture is relevant because …
I can relate to this because …
I was reminded that …
I found myself wondering…

Posttest: Read carefully each statement. In a separate sheet of paper, write the complete
1. This refers to the kind of education where students need not attend classes physically.
a. Modular b. Mobile Education c. Distance learning d. Summer class
2. It establishes rapport between politicians and parties
a. Social b. Economic c. Education d. Political 3. The following are true about media
a. It only shows the positive dimension of an information.
b. It is influential in the society in a positive and negative way.
c. It shows concrete relationship.
d. it possesses power to provide information.
4. Television, radio, newspapers, and other means of popular communication are called
a. Chains b. High-tech politics c. Mass media d. Public relations
5. The goal is to deceive the e-mail recipient
a. Human trafficking b. Fake news c. Phishing d. Cyber bullying
6. Posting embarrassing picture and sharing private information are examples of: a.
Human trafficking b. phishing c. Cyberbullying d. Fake news
7. The following does not describe about media EXCEPT one
a. It provides little opportunities to improve life for all users
b. It has only positive effects on education, the working world and economic growth
c. Risks and threats are nowhere in the positive development of this field.
d. It has enormously increased the information resources available to people.
8. Humans are trade for the purpose of forced labor, sexual, slavery or commercial
sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others.
a. Cyber Bullying b. Human Trafficking c. Phishing d. Fake News
9. May not be based on valid information.
a. Cyber Bullying b. Human Trafficking c. Phishing d. Fake News
10. The repeated and intentional harassing, hurt, embarrass, humiliate a person with the
use of electronic communication technology.
a. Cyber Bullying b. Human Trafficking c. Phishing d. Fake News
G. Closing

“The power of social media is it forces necessary change.”

Erik Qualman


Submitted by:

Subject Teacher

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