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AMSTERDAM 130 1 011 402 110 001

ADELAIDE 130 1 011 402 100 001

Enjoy it.

Operating and installation instructions

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14 13 12 11 10 9

1 button 8 button (Eject) (Amsterdam 130 only)

Unlock the detachable control panel Eject a CD
2 MENU button 9 USB socket
Short press: Call up/close menu : Front AUX-IN socket
Long press: Start scan function
; Keys 1 - 6
3 On/Off button
Short press: Switch on car sound system < Infrared receiver
In operation: Mute car sound system (Mute) = SRC button
Long press: Switch off car sound system Select memory bank or audio source
In the menu: Change menu level
> DIS button
In Fast-Browse mode: Confirm selection
Short press: Switch display
4 Volume control Long press: Switch display brightness
In the menu: Select menu item, change
? SD card slot (Adelaide 130 only)
Access only with detached control panel
In Fast-Browse mode: Select folder and track
5 CD tray (Amsterdam 130 only)
6 Display
7 / button
In the menu: Select menu item, change
setting 15
Radio mode: Start seek tuning
MP3/WMA mode: Change to next/previous
/ button
In the menu: Change menu level
Radio mode: Adjust the stations
Other operating modes: Track selection

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Safety notes ...................................................... 4 Fast searching ...........................................................11

Symbols used .............................................................. 4 Interrupting playback ............................................11
Road safety .................................................................. 4 Scanning all tracks ..................................................11
General safety notes ................................................. 4 Playing tracks in random order ..........................11
Declaration of conformity ...................................... 5 Repeatedly playing individual tracks or
directories ..................................................................11
Cleaning notes .................................................. 5
Switching display.....................................................12
Disposal notes................................................... 5 Browse mode ............................................................12
Scope of delivery .............................................. 5 External audio sources ................................... 13
Optional equipment Front AUX-IN socket................................................13
(not part of the scope of delivery) ....................... 5
Sound settings ................................................ 13
Placing the device in operation ....................... 5
Calling and exiting the "AUDIO" menu ............13
Attaching/detaching the control panel ............ 5
Making settings in the "AUDIO" menu.............13
Setting the reception area ..................................... 6
Switching on/off ........................................................ 6 User settings ................................................... 14
Volume .......................................................................... 6 Calling the user menu and selecting
a menu.........................................................................14
Display brightness..................................................... 6
Making settings in the "TUNER" menu ............15
Switching demo mode on/off............................... 7
Making settings in the "DISPLAY" menu .........16
Traffic information ............................................ 7 Making settings in the "VOLUME" menu ........16
Radio mode ....................................................... 7 Making settings in the "CLOCK" menu ............17
RDS.................................................................................. 7 Making settings in the "VARIOUS" menu ........17
Changing to radio mode or selecting Factory settings .............................................. 18
a memory bank .......................................................... 7
Tuning into a station ................................................ 8 Useful information ......................................... 19
Storing stations or calling stored stations ........ 8 Warranty .....................................................................19
Scanning stations ...................................................... 8 Service .........................................................................19
Storing stations automatically Technical data ................................................. 19
(Travelstore) ................................................................. 8
Installation instructions ................................ 20
Switching display....................................................... 9
CD/MP3/WMA mode......................................... 9
Basic information ....................................................... 9
Changing to CD/MP3/WMA mode ...................... 9
Inserting/ejecting a CD
(Amsterdam 130 only) ...........................................10
Connecting/removing a USB data carrier .......10
Inserting/removing the memory card
(Adelaide 130 only) .................................................10
Selecting tracks ........................................................11
Selecting a folder
(only in MP3/WMA mode) ....................................11

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Safety notes

Safety notes Road safety

The car sound system was manufactured accord- Observe the following notes about road safety:
ing to the state of the art and established safety • Use your device in such a way that you can
guidelines. Even so, dangers may occur if you do always safely control your vehicle. In case of
not observe the safety notes in these instructions. doubt, stop at a suitable location and operate
These instructions contain important informa- your device while the vehicle is standing.
tion to easily and safely install and operate the car • Remove or attach the control panel only
sound system. while the vehicle is standing.
• Read these instructions carefully and com- • Always listen at a moderate volume to pro-
pletely before using the car sound system. tect your hearing and to be able to hear acous-
• Keep the instructions at a location so that they tic warning signals (e. g. police sirens). During
are always accessible to all users. mute phases (e. g. when changing the audio
source), changing the volume is not audible.
• Always pass on the car sound system to third
Do not increase the volume during this mute
parties together with these instructions.
In addition, observe the instructions of the devices
used in conjunction with this car sound system. General safety notes
Observe the following notes to protect yourself
Symbols used against injuries:
These instructions employ the following symbols:
• Do not modify or open the device. The device
DANGER! contains a Class 1 laser that can cause injuries
Warns about injuries to your eyes (Amsterdam 130 only).
• Do not increase the volume during mute
phases, e. g. when changing the audio source.
CAUTION! Changing the volume is not audible during a
Warns about damaging the CD drive mute phase.

Use as directed
DANGER! This car sound system is intended for installation
Warns about high volume and operation in a vehicle with 12 V vehicle sys-
tem voltage and must be installed in a DIN slot.
Observe the performance limits in the technical
The CE mark confirms the compliance
data. Repairs and installation, if necessary, should
with EU directives.
be performed by a specialist.

쏅 Identifies a sequencing step Installation instructions

You may only install the car sound system your-
• Identifies a listing
self if you are experienced in installing car sound
systems and are very familiar with the electrical
system of the vehicle. For this purpose, observe
the installation instructions at the end of these

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Safety notes | Cleaning notes | Disposal notes | Scope of delivery | Placing the device in operation

Declaration of conformity Placing the device in operation

The Blaupunkt Europe GmbH declares that the
car sound system complies with the basic require- Attention
ments and the other relevant regulations of the Transport securing screws
directive 2004/108/EC. (Amsterdam 130 only)
The declaration of conformity can be found on the Before the startup of the car sound system, ensure
Internet under that the transport securing screws are removed
(see the chapter "Installation instructions").
Cleaning notes
Solvents, cleaning and scouring agents as well as
dashboard spray and plastics care product may
Attaching/detaching the control
contain ingredients that will damage the surface panel
of the car sound system. The car sound system is equipped with a detach-
• Use only a dry or slightly moistened cloth for able control panel (release panel) to protect your
cleaning the car sound system. equipment against theft. In the delivery state,
• If necessary, clean the contacts of the control the control panel is in the supplied case. To start
panel regularly using a soft cloth moistened operating the radio after installation, you must
with cleaning alcohol. first attach the control panel (see the section
"Attaching the control panel" in this chapter).
Always take the control panel with you when leav-
Disposal notes ing the vehicle. The car sound system is worthless
Do not dispose of your old unit in the house- to a thief without this control panel.
hold trash!
Use the return and collection systems available to Caution
dispose of the old device. Damage to the control panel
Never drop the control panel.
Scope of delivery Transport the control panel so that it is protected
The scope of delivery includes: against impacts and the contacts cannot become
1 Car sound system dirty.
1 Operating/installation instructions Do not expose the control panel to direct sunlight
1 Case for the control panel or another heat source.
1 Support frame Avoid direct skin contact with the control panel's
electrical contacts.
1 Antenna connection adapter
2 Disassembly tools
Attaching the control panel
Optional equipment 쏅 Push the control panel into the bracket at the
right edge of the device.
(not part of the scope of delivery)
쏅 Push the control panel carefully into the left
Use only accessories approved by Blaupunkt.
bracket until it clicks into place.
Information is available from your Blaupunkt
specialised dealer or on the Internet under

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Placing the device in operation

Removing the control panel Switching on/off via vehicle ignition

쏅 Press the button 1 to unlock the control The car sound system will switch off/on simulta-
panel. neously with the ignition if the device is correctly
The left side of the control panel detaches connected to the vehicle's ignition as shown in the
from the device and is secured by the bracket installation instructions and you did not switch
against falling out. the device off by pressing the On/Off button 3.
쏅 Move the control panel slightly to the left
until it disengages from the right bracket.
쏅 Carefully remove the control panel from the Adjusting the volume
left bracket. You can adjust the volume in steps from 0 (off ) to
Note: 50 (maximum).
The car sound system automatically switches 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change the
off as soon as the control panel is removed. volume.
Setting the reception area If a telephone is connected with the car sound
This car sound system is designed for operation in system as described in the installation instruc-
different regions with different frequency ranges tions, the car sound system is muted in case
and station technologies. The factory default of of a phone call. During muting, the display
the reception area is "EUROPE". In addition, the shows "TELEPHONE".
reception areas "ASIA", "USA", "S-AMERICA" and
"THAILAND" are available. Muting the car sound system (Mute)
쏅 Briefly press the On/Off button 3 to mute
Note: the car sound system or to reactivate the pre-
If you operate the car sound system outside of vious volume.
Europe, you may first have to set a suitable re-
ception area in the user menu (see the chap- During muting, the display shows "MUTE".
ter "User settings", section "Making settings in
the "TUNER" menu", menu item "AREA"). Display brightness
You can manually switch the display brightness
Switching on/off between daytime mode and night-time mode or
switch automatically with the driving lights of the
Switching on/off with the On/Off button vehicle.
쏅 For switch-on, press the On/Off button 3. Notes:
The car sound system switches on. • The manual or automatic switching of the
쏅 To switch off the device, press and hold down display brightness is selected in the user
the On/Off button 3 for longer than 2 sec- menu (see the chapter "User settings",
onds. section "Making settings in the "DISPLAY"
The car sound system switches off. menu", menu item "DIM MODE").
• The display brightness can be adjusted
Note: separately for day and night (see the chap-
If you switch on the car sound system while ter "User settings", section "Making set-
the vehicle ignition is switched off, it auto- tings in the "DISPLAY" menu", menu items
matically switches off after 1 hour to preserve "DIM DAY" and "DIM NIGHT".
the vehicle battery.
쏅 Press the DIS button > for approx. 2 seconds
to manually switch the display brightness.

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Placing the device in operation | Traffic information | Radio mode

Switching demo mode on/off Radio mode

The demo mode shows the functions of the car
sound system as scrolling text on the display. By RDS
pressing any button, the demo mode is interrupt- Many FM stations broadcast an RDS (Radio Data
ed and you can operate the device. System) signal in addition to their programme
The demo mode can be switched on and off in the in the reception area "EUROPE" that allows the
user menu (see the chapter "User settings", section following additional functions:
"Making settings in the "VARIOUS" menu", menu • The station name is shown on the display.
item "DEMO MODE"). • The car sound system recognises traffic an-
nouncements and news broadcasts and can
Traffic information automatically switch them through in other
In the reception area "EUROPE", an FM station can operating modes (e. g. in CD mode).
identify traffic reports by means of an RDS signal. • Alternate frequency: If RDS is activated, the car
If priority for traffic reports is switched on, a traf- sound system automatically selects the best
fic report is automatically switched through, even receivable frequency for the station that is cur-
if the car sound system is currently not in radio rently set.
mode. • Regional: At certain times, some radio sta-
If priority is switched on, the display shows the tions divide their programme into regional
traffic jam symbol ( ). "TRAFFIC" is displayed programmes providing different content. If
during a switched-through traffic announcement. the REGIONAL function is activated, the car
sound system changes only to those alternate
The priority is activated and deactivated in the
frequencies on which the same regional pro-
user menu (see the chapter "User settings", sec-
gramme is being broadcast.
tion "Making settings in the "TUNER" menu", menu
item "TRAFFIC"). The functions RDS and REGIONAL are activated
and deactivated in the user menu (see the chap-
Notes: ter "User settings", section "Making settings in
• The volume is increased for the duration the "TUNER" menu", menu items "RDS AF" and
of the switched-through traffic announce- "REGIONAL").
ment. You can adjust the minimum volume
for traffic announcements (see the chapter Changing to radio mode or selecting
"User settings", section "Making settings a memory bank
in the "VOLUME" menu", menu item "TA
VOLUME"). 쏅 Press the SRC button = repeatedly until the
desired memory bank is displayed:
• To cancel a switched-through traffic an-
nouncement, press the SRC button =. FM1 씮 FM2 씮 FMT
• Up to 6 stations can be stored in each
memory bank.
• Memory banks can be activated or deacti-
vated via the user menu (see the chapter
"User settings", section "Making settings in
the "TUNER" menu", menu item "BANDS"
(band selection)). Deactivated memory
banks are skipped during the source selec-
tion with the SRC button =

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Radio mode

Tuning into a station Scanning receivable stations

There are various ways of tuning into a station: 쏅 Press the MENU button 2 for approx. 2 sec-
onds to start scanning.
Tuning into stations manually During the scan, the display alternately dis-
쏅 Briefly press the / button 7 once or plays "SCAN" and the current frequency as
several times to change the frequency in in- well as memory bank or station name.
crements, or long to quickly change the fre- 쏅 Briefly press the MENU button 2 to con-
quency. tinue listening to the station that is currently
Starting station seek tuning being received.
쏅 Briefly press the / button 7 to start sta- Scanning stored stations
tion seek tuning. 쏅 Press the / button 7 for approx. 2 sec-
The radio tunes into the next receivable onds to start scanning.
station. During the scan, the display shows the mem-
Notes: ory location and the current frequency or sta-
• For the reception area "EUROPE": If the tion name.
priority for traffic information is activated 쏅 Briefly press the / button 7 to continue
( ), only traffic information stations are listening to the station that is currently being
tuned into. scanned.
• The sensitivity of seek tuning can be ad-
justed (see the chapter "User settings", Storing stations automatically
section "Making settings in the "TUNER" (Travelstore)
menu", menu item "SEEK SENS"). With Travelstore, you can automatically search for
and store the 6 FM stations offering the strongest
Storing stations or calling stored reception in the region in the FMT memory bank.
stations Any previously stored stations in this memory
쏅 Select the desired memory bank. bank are deleted in the process.
쏅 If necessary, set the desired station. 쏅 Press the SRC button = for approx. 2 sec-
쏅 Press the station button 1 - 6 ; for approx.
2 seconds to store the current station under The tuner starts the automatic station seek
the button. tuning; the display shows "FM TSTORE". After
the storing is completed, the radio plays the
- or - station at memory location 1 of the FMT level.
쏅 Briefly press the station button 1 - 6 ; to call
up the stored station. Notes:
• For the reception area "EUROPE": If the
Scanning stations priority for traffic information is switched
on ( ), only traffic information stations
With the scan function, you can scan either every are stored.
receivable station or the stored stations of the cur-
rent waveband. • If the FMT memory bank is deactivated
(see the chapter "User settings", section
Note: "Making settings in the "TUNER" menu",
You can adjust the scan time for each sta- menu item "BANDS" (band selection)), it is
tion (see the chapter "User settings", section automatically reactivated if you initiate the
"Making settings in the "VARIOUS" menu", Travelstore function.
menu item "SCAN TIME").
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Radio mode | CD/MP3/WMA mode

Switching display • CD formats: CD-R/RW, Ø: 12 cm

쏅 Press the DIS button > to toggle between • CD data formats: ISO 9669 Level 1 and 2, Joliet
these displays: • CD burn speed: Max. 16x (recommended)
• USB format/file system: Mass storage device /
Display Meaning FAT16/32
ABCDEF Station name • Memory card file system: FAT16/32
FM1 102.90 Memory bank/frequency • File extension of audio files:
or or – .MP3 for MP3 files
P1 102.90 Memory location/frequency – .WMA for WMA files
FM1 18:30 Memory bank/time • WMA files only without Digital Rights Manage-
or or ment (DRM) and created with Windows Media
P1 18:30 Memory location/time Player version 8 or later
• MP3 ID3 tags: Version 1 and 2
CD/MP3/WMA mode • Bitrate for creating audio files:
– MP3: 32 to 320 kbps
Basic information – WMA: 32 to 192 kbps
Amsterdam 130: • Maximum number of files and directories: Up
This car sound system can be used to play audio to 20,000 entries depending on the data struc-
CDs (CDDA) and CD-R/RWs with audio, MP3 or ture
WMA files as well as MP3 or WMA files on USB data
carriers. Changing to CD/MP3/WMA mode
Adelaide 130: 쏅 Press the SRC button = repeatedly until the
This car sound system can be used to play MP3 or desired audio source is displayed:
WMA files on USB data carriers and SD(HC)/MMC • "CD" (Amsterdam 130 only): Inserted CD
memory cards.
• "SD(HC)" (Adelaide 130 only): Inserted
Notes: memory card
• To ensure proper functioning, use only CDs • "USB": Connected USB data carrier
with the Compact-Disc logo.
• "AUX": Connected external audio source
• Blaupunkt cannot guarantee the flawless
function of copy-protected CDs and all Notes:
CD blanks, USB data carriers and memory • The respective audio source can be select-
cards available on the market. ed only if a corresponding CD is inserted or
a corresponding device is connected.
Note the following information when preparing
an MP3/WMA data carrier: • If the car sound system first has to read
the data of a connected device or data car-
• Naming of tracks and directories:
rier before the playback, the display shows
– Max. 32 characters without the file exten- "READING". The duration of the reading
sion ".mp3" or ".wma" (the use of more depends on the data volume and design of
characters reduces the number of tracks the device or data carrier. If the device or
and folders that the car sound system can data carrier is defective or the transferred
recognise) data cannot be played back, a correspond-
– No umlauts or special characters ing message appears on the display (e. g.

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CD/MP3/WMA mode

Inserting/ejecting a CD Connecting/removing a USB data

(Amsterdam 130 only) carrier
Inserting a CD Connecting a USB data carrier
쏅 Switch off the car sound system so that the
Risk of severe damage to the CD data carrier will be correctly registered.
쏅 Pull the protective cap of the USB socket 9
Noncircular contoured CDs (shape CDs) to the front until it moves out of the socket
and CDs with a diameter of 8 cm (mini CDs) must and fold it down.
not be used.
쏅 Connect the USB data carrier.
We accept no responsibility for any damage to the
쏅 Turn on the car sound system.
CD drive that may occur as a result of the use of
unsuitable CDs. If the USB data carrier is initially selected as
audio source, the data are read first.
Note: Notes:
You must not hinder or assist the drive as it • If the connected USB data carrier cannot
automatically draws in the CD. be seen, "USB ERROR" is briefly displayed.
쏅 Insert the CD with its printed side up into the • The time required for reading in the data
CD tray 5 until you feel a slight resistance. depends on the design and size of the USB
The drive automatically draws in the CD and data carrier.
checks its data. Afterwards, the playback
Removing a USB data carrier
starts in CD or MP3 mode.
쏅 Switch off the car sound system so that the
Note: data carrier will be correctly unregistered.
If the inserted CD cannot be played back, "CD 쏅 Disconnect the USB data carrier.
ERROR" is briefly displayed and the CD is au-
tomatically ejected after approx. 2 seconds. 쏅 Close the protective cap of the USB socket 9.

Ejecting a CD Inserting/removing the memory card

Note: (Adelaide 130 only)
You must not hinder or assist the drive as it
Inserting the memory card
ejects the CD.
쏅 Detach the control panel.
쏅 Press the button 8 to eject an inserted
CD. 쏅 Insert the memory card with its labelled side
up and its contacts first into the card slot ?
Notes: until it clicks into place.
• If a CD is ejected and not removed, the 쏅 Attach the control panel.
drive will automatically draw it back in
again after approx. 10 seconds. After switch-on, the device automatically
selects the inserted memory card as audio
• You can also eject CDs while the car sound source. The data of the memory card are be-
system is switched off or whilst another au- ing read. Afterwards, the playback starts in
dio source is activated. MP3 mode.

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CD/MP3/WMA mode

Notes: Note:
• If the inserted memory card cannot be The scan time can be adjusted (see the chap-
played, "SD ERROR" is briefly displayed. ter "User settings", section "Making settings
• The time required for reading the card in the "VARIOUS" menu", menu item "SCAN
depends on the design and size of the TIME").
memory card.
Playing tracks in random order
Removing the memory card 쏅 Press the 4 MIX button ; to change among
쏅 Detach the control panel. the playback modes:
쏅 Push on the memory card until it disengages.
Operation Display Meaning
쏅 Pull the memory card out of the card slot ?.
CD* MIX ALL Mixing tracks
쏅 Attach the control panel.
Mixing tracks of
MP3/ the current folder
Selecting tracks
WMA Mixing tracks of
쏅 Press the / button 7 briefly to change MIX ALL
the data carrier
to the previous/next track.
Gen. MIX OFF Regular playback
If the current track plays longer than 3 sec- * Amsterdam 130 only
onds, pressing 7 once restarts the track. If the MIX function is switched on, the icon
MIX (mix all tracks) or MIX (mix tracks of
Selecting a folder current folder) is shown on the display.
(only in MP3/WMA mode)
Repeatedly playing individual tracks
쏅 Press the / button 7 briefly to change
to the previous/next folder. or directories
쏅 Press the 3 RPT button ; to change among
Fast searching the playback modes:
쏅 Press and hold down the / button 7 Operation Display Meaning
until the desired position has been reached.
CD* RPT TRACK Repeating tracks
Interrupting playback RPT TRACK Repeating tracks
쏅 Press the 2 button ; to interrupt the WMA Repeating
playback ("PAUSE") or to continue it. folders
Gen. RPT OFF Regular playback
Scanning all tracks * Amsterdam 130 only
The scan function scans all available tracks.
If the RPT function is switched on, the icon
쏅 Press the MENU button 2 for approx. 2 sec- (repeat tracks) or (repeat
onds to start the scan, or briefly to continue folders) is shown on the display.
playing the currently scanned track.

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CD/MP3/WMA mode

Switching display Notes:

쏅 Press the DIS button > once or several times • The first folder is displayed only if the
to switch among these displays: browse mode has been called for the first
time after inserting or connecting the data
Opera- Display Meaning carrier. Afterwards, the current folder is
tion displayed whenever the browse mode is
Track number called.
T01 00:15 • You can exit the browse mode at any time
and playing time
Track number by pressing the 1 button ;.
CD* T01 03:37 쏅 Press the / button 7 once or several
and duration
Track number times or hold the button pressed to select a
T01 18:30 different folder.
and time
FILE File name 쏅 Press the button 7 to display the tracks of
the selected folder.
FOLDER Folder name
The first track of the folder is shown on the
SONG Track name** display.
ARTIST Artist**
MP3/ ALBUM Album name** Pressing the button 7 returns you to the
WMA PLAY 00:15 Playing time folder list.
TOTAL03:37 Track duration 쏅 Press the / button 7 once or several
CLOCK18:30 Time times or hold the button pressed to select a
different track.
ALL INFO All information
as scrolling text 쏅 Press the button 7 to play the track.
* Amsterdam 130 only The playback starts. You are exiting the
browse mode.
** Track name, artist and album name must be
stored as ID3 tag to be able to display them. Fast browsing
Fast browsing enables faster access to tracks. In-
Browse mode stead of the arrow keys 7, you use the volume
In Browse mode, you can directly search for and control 4 and the On/Off button 3 to select
select a certain track on the MP3/WMA data carrier and confirm list entries:
without interrupting the current playback.
Function Browse Fast browse
Calling the browse mode mode mode
쏅 Press the 1 button ; to call up the browse Selecting Volume
mode. / 7
entries in lists control 4
The icon flashes on the display. In addition, Confirming On/off
the icon (folder) or icon (track) appears. 7
entries button 3
The first or current folder on the data carrier is
Return to the
being displayed. 7 7
higher level

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CD/MP3/WMA mode | External audio sources | Sound settings

Fast browsing is switched on or off in the user Calling and exiting the "AUDIO"
menu (see the chapter "User settings", section menu
"Making settings in the "VARIOUS" menu", menu
item "BROWSE"). 쏅 Briefly press the MENU 2 button to open
the user menu.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the "AUDIO"
With activated fast browsing, you cannot menu item is selected.
change the volume in browse mode or mute
the car sound system. To do so, first exit the 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to open the
browse mode by pressing the button 1 ; "AUDIO" menu.
or starting the track playback. 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired
menu item is selected.
External audio sources 쏅 Perform the setting (see the next section).
쏅 Briefly press the MENU button 2 to exit the
Front AUX-IN socket menu.

Danger! Notes:
• The menu is automatically exited approx.
Increased risk of injury from 16 seconds after the last button activation
connector. and you are returned to the display of the
In case of an accident, the protruding connector current audio source.
in the front AUX-IN socket may cause injuries. The • In the menu, you can press the button
use of straight plugs or adapters leads to an in- 7 in each case to return to the higher
creased risk of injury. menu level.
For this reason, it is recommended to use angled • The menu does not allow changing the
jack plugs. volume or muting (Mute) the car sound
As soon as an external audio source, such as a
portable MP3 player is connected to the front Making settings in the "AUDIO"
AUX-IN socket :, it can be selected with the SRC
button =. "AUX" then appears on the display. menu
Sound settings Bass level. Settings: –7 to +7.
The following sound settings can be changed in 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
the "AUDIO" menu: setting.
• Adjusting bass and treble 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired
• Setting the left/right volume distribution level is set.
(Balance) or front/rear (Fader)
• Adjusting the increase of bass at low volume TREBLE
(X-Bass) Treble. Settings: –7 to +7.
• Selecting a sound profile (Presets) 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
• Adjusting the time delay for switching in an setting.
external amplifier 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired
level is set.

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Sound settings | User settings

BALANCE User settings

Left/right volume distribution. Settings: L9 (left)
to R9 (right). Calling the user menu and selecting
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the a menu
쏅 Briefly press the MENU 2 button to open
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired the user menu.
volume distribution is set.
In the user menu, the user settings can be found in
FADER the following menus:
Front/rear volume distribution. Settings: R9 (rear) • TUNER
to F9 (front). • AUDIO (see chapter "Sound settings")
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the • DISPLAY
setting. • VOLUME
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired • CLOCK
volume distribution is set. • VARIOUS
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired
menu is selected.
Increase of bass at low volume. Settings: ON, OFF.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to open the
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the selected menu.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- menu item is selected.
tween the settings.
쏅 Perform the setting (see the following sec-
PRESETS tions).
Selecting equalizer presettings. Settings: POP, 쏅 Briefly press the MENU button 2 to exit the
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the Notes:
setting. • The menu is automatically exited approx.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- 16 seconds after the last button activation
tween the settings. and you are returned to the display of the
current audio source.
• In the menu, you can press the button
Setting the delay with which a connect amplifier 7 in each case to return to the higher
is switched in. Settings: 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5 seconds menu level.
and OFF (no delay).
• The menu does not allow changing the
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the volume or muting (Mute) the car sound
setting. system.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired
delay is set.

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User settings

Making settings in the "TUNER" SEEK SENS

menu Setting the sensitivity of station seek tuning. Set-
tings: LOW, HIGH.
TRAFFIC (traffic information) 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
(only for reception area EUROPE) setting.
Switching priority for traffic announcements on or
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be-
off. Settings: ON, OFF.
tween the settings.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
setting. RDS AF
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- Switching the RDS function on or off. Settings: ON,
tween the settings. OFF.
If priority is switched on for traffic information, the 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
display shows the icon . setting.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be-
BANDS (band selection) tween the settings.
Activating or deactivating memory banks. Memo-
ry banks that can be deactivated: FM2, FMT. Note:
If the reception area "ASIA", "USA", "S-AMERICA"
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to open the
or "THAILAND" is selected, RDS is automati-
cally switched off. The station name continues
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 until the desired to be shown on the display.
memory bank is displayed.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the AREA (reception area)
setting. Select the reception area for the radio reception.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to toggle be-
tween the settings ON (activate memory
bank) and OFF (deactivate memory bank). 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to open the
Deactivated memory banks are skipped during
the source selection with the SRC button =. 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be-
tween the reception areas.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to select a recep-
If a memory bank is deactivated, the stations
tion area.
stored in this memory bank are retained.
The display shows "PRESS > TO CONFIRM".
REGIONAL 쏅 Press the button 7 to confirm the
(only for reception area EUROPE) selected reception area.
Switching REGIONAL function on or off. Settings:
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be-
tween the settings.

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User settings

Making settings in the "DISPLAY" Making settings in the "VOLUME"

menu menu
Select automatic or manual switching of the dis- Setting the power-on volume. Settings: 1 – 50.
play brightness for day or night. Settings: AUTO 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
(display brightness is automatically switched by setting.
switching the driving lights on or off ), MAN (dis-
play brightness can be switched manually). 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to set the desired
power-on volume.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
setting. LAST VOL
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- If you select the setting LAST VOL, every time you
tween the settings. switch on the radio, the volume level that was set
Automatic switching of the display brightness is the last time you switched the radio off is activated
possible only If your car sound system is installed again. Settings: ON, OFF.
as described in the installation instructions and
your vehicle features the corresponding connec- Danger!
tion. High volume
DIM DAY/DIM NIGHT The power-on volume can be unex-
pectedly high if the LAST VOL setting is selected
Setting the display brightness for the day (DIM and a high volume was set the last time the radio
DAY) or the night (DIM NIGHT). Settings: 1 – 16. was switched off.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the Always set the device to a moderate volume.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to set the desired 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
display brightness. setting.
SCROLL 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be-
Select the display of scrolling text (e. g. when tween the settings.
displaying MP3 file names) either as single display TA VOLUME (traffic announcement volume)
or continued display. Settings: 1X (single display), (only for reception area EUROPE)
ON (continued display).
Setting the minimum volume for traffic announce-
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the ments. Settings: 1 – 50.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- setting.
tween the settings.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to set the volume.

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User settings


Switching the confirmation beep on or off. Set- Setting the time.
tings: ON, OFF. 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
Note: setting.
When storing radio stations, a confirma- 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 counterclockwise
tion beep sounds even if the OFF setting is to set the hours.
selected. 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 clockwise to set
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the the minutes.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- When you set the time in 12-hour mode
tween the settings. (MODE 12H), an "A" is displayed before the
time for the time before noon or a "P" for the
Making settings in the "CLOCK" time after noon.
Making settings in the "VARIOUS"
Switch the permanent display of the time on or off.
Settings: ON, OFF. DEMO MODE
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the Switching the demo mode on or off. Settings:
setting. ON, OFF.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
tween the settings. setting.
If the permanent display of the time is switched 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be-
on, the time is shown on the display. The display tween the settings.
of the respective audio source is shown only after In demo mode, the features of the radio are shown
pressing a button. Approximately 16 seconds after as scrolling text on the display.
the button is pressed last, the time is displayed
again. BROWSE
Switching fast track selection in browse mode on
or off using the volume control 4 and the On/Off
Selecting the 12 or 24-hour time. Settings: 12, 24. button 3. Settings: ON, OFF.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the 쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the
setting. setting.
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- 쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be-
tween the settings. tween the settings.

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User settings | Factory settings

SCAN TIME Factory settings

Setting the scan time in seconds. Settings:
Important factory settings in the user menu:
4/8/12/16/60 seconds.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to change the Menu item Factory setting
setting. AREA EUROPE
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be- FM2 / FMT ON
tween the settings.
SWC (Steering Wheel Control configuration) REGIONAL* OFF
Configuring the buttons of a connected steering TRAFFIC* OFF
wheel control.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to open the
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to change be-
tween the functions. BEEP ON
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to select a func- BROWSE ON
쏅 Press the corresponding button on the steer- DIM MODE MAN
ing wheel control for approx. 1 second to pro- HOUR MODE 24H
gram the button with the selected function.
VERSION * Only in reception area "EUROPE"
Displaying the version of the CPU and software of
In the user menu, you can restore the original
the radio.
factory settings of the car sound system (see the
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3 to open the chapter "User settings", section "Making settings
menu. in the "VARIOUS" menu", menu item "NORMSET").
쏅 Turn the volume control 4 to toggle be-
tween the display of the version number of
CPU (P) and software (E).

Restoring the original factory settings of the car
sound system.
쏅 Press the On/Off button 3.
The display shows "PRESS > TO CONFIRM".
쏅 Press the button 7 to confirm the reset-
The car sound system switches off and is re-
set to the factory settings. If a CD has been
inserted in the CD drive, the car sound system
automatically switches on again (Amsterdam
130 only).

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Useful information | Technical data

Useful information CD (Amsterdam 130 only)

Frequency range: 20 – 20,000 Hz
Warranty Pre-amp out
We provide a manufacturer's warranty for prod- 2 channels: 2V
ucts bought within the European Union. For de-
vices purchased outside the European Union, the Input sensitivity
warranty terms issued by our respective responsi- Front AUX-IN: 300 mV / 10 kΩ
ble domestic agency are valid. The warranty terms
can be called up from Dimensions and weight
W x H x D (incl. antenna connection adapter):
Service Amsterdam 130: 178 x 52 x 170 mm
In some countries, Blaupunkt offers a repair and
Adelaide 130: 178 x 52 x 116 mm
pick-up service.
Information about the availability of this service in Weight:
your country can be found at
Amsterdam 130: approx. 1.55 kg
If you want to take advantage of this service, you
Adelaide 130: approx. 0.79 kg
may request a pick-up service for your car sound
system via the Internet.

Technical data
Voltage supply
Operating voltage: 10.5 – 14.4 V

Current consumption
In operation: < 10 A
10 sec. after switch-off: < 3.5 mA
Output power: 4 x 22 watts sine
at 14.4 V at 4 ohms.
4 x 50 watts max. power

Wavebands in Europe/Asia/Thailand:
FM: 87.5 – 108 MHz

Wavebands in the US:

FM: 87.7 – 107.9 MHz

Wavebands in South America:

FM: 87.5 – 107.9 MHz

FM frequency response: 30 – 15,000 Hz

Subject to changes

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Installation instructions

Installation instructions
Safety instructions
When carrying out installation work and
making connections please observe the following
safety instructions:
• Disconnect the negative terminal of the bat-
tery! When doing so, please observe the vehi-
cle manufacturer’s safety instructions.
• Make sure you do not damage vehicle compo-
nents when drilling any holes.
• The cross sections of the positive and negative
cables must not be less than 1.5 mm².
• Do not connect the vehicle’s plug connec-
tors to the radio!
You can obtain the adapter cable required
for your vehicle type from any BLAUPUNKT
• Depending on the model, your vehicle may
differ from the description provided here. We
accept no responsibility for any damages due
to incorrect installation or connection or for
any consequential damages.
If the information provided here is not suita-
ble for your specific installation requirements,
please contact your Blaupunkt dealer, your ve-
hicle manufacturer or our telephone hotline.
When installing an amplifier, you must first con-
nect the device earth connections before con-
necting the plugs for the line-out jacks.
Earth connection of external devices may not
be connected to earth of car sound system

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Installation instructions

Supplied mounting hardware Available as an optional accessory

7 607 621 …

Installation kits

7 608 … …

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Installation instructions

1. 4.
Steering wheel
remote control


2. Amsterdam 130 only


Preamp out
(2 channels)





0° - 30°

+/– 10°

+/– 10°

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Installation instructions

6. Removal








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Installation instructions

1 NC 1 Speaker out RR+
2 Telephone Mute 2 Speaker out RR–
3 NC 3 Speaker out RF+
4 Permanent +12V 4 Speaker out RF–
5 Auto antenna* 5 Speaker out LF+
6 Illumination 6 Speaker out LF–
7 Kl.15/Ignition 7 Speaker out LR+
8 Ground 8 Speaker out LR–

* Switched power supply +12 V / max. 150 mA



1 35 Kl. 15 +12V

6 8
2 4

Telephone Mute

4 ohms
4 ohms
4 ohms
4 ohms +12V

Subject to changes!
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Please keep the filled-in radio pass in a safe place!

This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution of such
technology outside of this product is prohibited without a license from Microsoft.
© 2013 All rights reserved by Blaupunkt. This material may be reproduced, copied or distributed for
personal use only.
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Name: ......................................................................................................................

1 011 402 _ _ _ 001

Serial no.: BP ...............................................................................................................

Blaupunkt Europe GmbH

Robert-Bosch-Straße 200
D-31139 Hildesheim


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