Response With Exhibits FINAL
Response With Exhibits FINAL
Response With Exhibits FINAL
Respondent Jamin Darcy requests that the Temporary Civil Stalking Injunction issued via Ex
Parte Order in Case no. 240600056 be lifted and the petition be dismissed.
1. Petitioner Jamin Darcy responds to the Verified Petition for Stalking Injuction with
States for the purposes of investigative research and journalism where the Hamblin
5. Respondents live in Spring City, and operate two businesses, Horseshoe
6. Petitioner has never entered Horseshoe Mountain Pottery, nor has he ever
7. Petitioner has explicitly warned his subscribers and others to abstain from directly
in Paragraph 40, which explicitly states that the Petitioner “encourag[ed] his acolytes
to never “directly contact or harass any alleged member of the [Church of Satan].”
8. In fact, the Respondents’ own Petition rebuts its own contentions on multiple
committed to working through the legal process in the hopes that this
process will yield a righteous outcome for David Lee Hamblin’s deeds, adn
for the deeds of his accomplices.” This flies in the face of the Respondents’
either through the law or outside of it when the institutions of the law are
given that the credibility of those institutions rests in part on the strict
when they are in fact consistent with the heritage of our republic, given the reality
that our nation was founded in part in response to tyrannical laws perceived as
10. Laws have limits, and those who apply or enforce the law are accordingly bound
within those limits by individual liberty, the breach of which is well-established as the
grounds for rebellion against tyrannical authority or the illegitimate and abusive
11. Petitioner has never phoned, texted, emailed, or otherwise contacted the
property directy, indirectly, or through a third party by any action, method, device, or
13. Petitioner has never approached or confronted either of the Respondents, and
nor has he appeared at their residence, nor has he entered property owned, leased,
14. Petitioner has never sent material by any means to the individual for the purpose
employment with the intent that the object be delivered to the Respondents.
16. Petitioner never used a computer, the Internet, text messaging or any other
electronic means to commit an act that would fall within the course of conduct of the
17. Petitioner did text Respondent’s adult daughter Zina Bennion to inquire about
the Hamblin allegations, in order to ascertain whether or not she would corroborate
18. Zina Bennion did not respond to the text, and Petitioner did not attempt to
19. In fact, there was no confirmation to indicate the number Petitioner texted was in
20. Writing about criminal allegations against the Respondents does not rise to the
21. In fact, writing about the criminal allegations against the Respondents is part of
the legitimate businss purpose of Investigations in Ritual Abuse, and therefore the
22. Reaching out to a potential victim of the Respondents, as Petitioner did when he
attempted to text Zina Bennion, does not rise to the level of violating the statute
23. If the Respondents and their counse Caleb Proulx, who is also the boyfriend of
their daughter Zina Bennion, had bothered to read the statute and familiarize
themselves with its plain language, they would have reallized that the Petitioner’s
24. Caleb Proulx did attempt to contact various individuals from the Petitioner’s
family and those individuals immediately informed the Petitioner of his efforts.
25. Those individuals declined to aid Caleb Proulx and the Respondents in their
quest to quash Investigations in Ritual Abuse’s coverage of the Hamblin case and
their alleged roles in the Church of Satan, the group they purportedly belonged to
26. Respondents Joseph Wood Bennion and Lee Patricia Udall Bennion are
allegedly accomplices of David Lee Bennion in “The Group” or “The Church of Satan”
from the 2012 to 2014 criminal investigation conducted by the Provo Police
27. Those Victims Statements and other materials were passed on to the
2014, when the Utah County Attorney’s Office moved to dismiss the charges without
prejudice due to claimed difficulties in obtaining and turning over discovery items to
the defense.
28. David Lee Hamblin was recorded by the Provo Police Department apologizing to
29. The Victims Statements refer to the Petitioners more that 130 times over the first
four Victims Statements, and there are four other Victims Statements, making eight
in total.
30. Petitioners are, after David Lee Hamblin and his ex-wife Roselle Stevenson, the
31. According to the Victims Statements, Joe Bennion’s name within the Church of
Satan is Solomon.1
32. The Church of Satan is said to be comprised of “different groups who varied in
some practices,” but who “generally followed the High Councils [of the Church of
Satan] or at least had a common desire for secrecy and protection for Satanic
33. Members of the Church of Satan publicly belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints, and worship Lucifer, who they believe to be the rightful heir of
God’s throne.3
34. The membership commonly inverts LDS ordinances and temple rites in order to
worship and glorify Lucifer, and they have evolved a complex methodology of
conditioning their children and members that involves ritualized physical, sexual, and
mental abuse.
Victim’s Statement #2, pg. 44; Victim’s Statement #1, pg. 41.
Victim’s Statement #2, pg. 1.
Victim’s Statement #1, pg. 1.
35. Petitioners are explicitly named as members of the Church of Satan by Rachel,
36. Petitioners are explicitly accused of criminal activity including child rape, sodomy
of a child, battery, and murder. These activities spanned the late Eighties and the
Nineties before David Lee Hamblin and his wife Roselle Stevenson began their
37. The earliest instance of abuse involving Petitioner Joseph Wood Bennion
Hamblin’s Victim Statement #1, in which she recounted being gagged and
38. Rachel Hamblin alleged that Joe Bennion was “The Punisher” for the Spring City
Church of Satan Council founded by her father David Lee Hamblin, and in this
capacity he punished and murdered those members who violated the group’s rules.5
39. During this instance of abuse, Joe Bennion forced Rachel to perform oral sex on
40. Rachel Hamblin was between seven and nine years of age during the alleged
41. During a 1996 instance of abuse, Joe Bennion, along with other members of the
Church of Satan, as well as members of James Dee Harmston’s True and Living
Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days (TLC), obtained entry after-hours
42. The purpose of accessing the Manti Temple was to conduct marriage sealings to
underaged girls in the Church of Satan and the polygamist TLC group, as well as
Victim’s Statement #1, pp. 22-23.
Victim’s Statement #1, pg. 22; pg. 33; pg. 48;
Victim’s Statement #1, pg. 22.
Victim’s Statement #2, pp. 43-44.
43. During one of the sealings, Respondent Joseph Wood Bennion allegedly was
sealed to one of the underage girls, whose name is redacted in the Victim’s
44. At the conclusion of the sealing ordinance, Joseph Wood Bennion allegedly
raped the girl he was sealed to as she was held down on the altar by Lee Bennion.10
45. Rachel Lee Hamblin was then raped on top of the same altar by unidentified
46. There are dozens of other instances of alleged abuse against the Respondents,
which Petitioner does not include in this Motion for the purposes of brevity. These
instances are compiled in the Victims Statements, and the Petitioner’s Index of those
47. Additionally, not a single child of those adults named in the Hamblin Victims
Statement has stepped forward to deny the allegations against their parents.
48. This includes the three daughters of the Respondents, Louisa, Zina, and Adah
Lee Bennion.
49. Despite the fact that the Provo Police Department recorded David Lee Hamblin
apologizing to his daughter for raping her, the criminal case against Hamblin was
50. Hamblin was found by clear and convincing evidence to have sexually abused
51. Hamblin also admitted to forcing his minor daughters to ingest peyote during
52. The sufficiency of the allegations and the evidence against David Lee Hamblin
and his alleged accomplices was never put before a criminal jury.
Provo Police Department Police Report 2012000485, pp. 22-24, attached as Exhibit F.
Hamblin v. Hamblin, Case No. 994400557 DA, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order
Regarding Custody, Parent-Time, and Related Matters, October 24, 2003, pp. 11-14, Paragraphs 49-
Hamblin at 6, Paragraphs 16-17.
53. In the years that followed, the Department of Homeland Security and the Utah
County Sheriffs Office continued the investigation into the Church of Satan and
related groups.
54. Two victims, Emily Sheets and Tobias Schroeder, brought allegations and David
Lee Hamblin which are the subject of the current criminal cases against Hamblin in
56. Respondent Joseph Wood Bennion recommended David Lee Hamblin to Tobias
Schroeder’s father, and Tobias was allegedly molested by David Lee Hamblin during
therapy sessions.
57. David Lee Hamblin lost his license to practice psychology after admitting to
engaging in sexual contact with his patients, and attempting to persuade his patients
58. Two adult female patients who were sexually abused by David Lee Hamblin
Day to Die, which was produced by Terri Holland and Paul Larson, the latter of
60. At 16 minutes into the film, Respondent Joseph Wood Bennion says that “Every
time I heard the word shame or guilt spoken, I began to get really sick.”16
61. The ceremonies in Chasing a Good Day to Die utilized peyote, a Schedule I
substance under the Controlled Substances Act, as well as the Utah Controlled
Substance Act.
Hamblin at 9, Paragraphs 38-39, cf. Stipulation and Order, DOPL, October 20, 2000.
Hamblin at 10, Paragraph 40.
Chasing a Good Day to Die, available at:
63. The Hamblin Victims Statements place Respondents Joseph Wood Bennion and
Lee Bennion in peyote ceremonies with David Lee Hamblin and James Warren
Flaming Eagle Mooney, and the Hamblin sisters allege that the Respondents were
present during ceremonies where they were forced to ingest peyote and submit to
sexual abuse.
64. Katie Hamblin described the peyote ceremonies in the Hamblin residence in
Provo during 1998-1999: “This was a common occurrence—but not just with James
who raped me upwards of 15 times that school year, but with Joe Bennion and
many other friends of David's. Ann Gregerson raped me during these times, as did
Linda Mooney, Lynn Witesides and others. 1 was brought into meetings like this very
often—sometimes daily but at least 2-3x/week while 1 lived in Provo. 1 didn't have
to go to all of them, but they made me go to many. We learned about STDs in school
and it was this time of my life 1 was most terrified of contracting an STD, partly
because Rosie wasn't monitoring me as much as she had when 1 lived with her.”17
66. In order to obtain a temple recommends, Respondents would have lied about
their drug use and their affiliating with an apostate religious group.
67. This would be consistent with the alleged behavior of Respondents as outlined
by the Hamblin sisters, who claimed that members of the Church of Satan publicly
maintained membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints while
secretly maintaining membership in the Church of Satan, and lying about their
68. Respondent’s own admission of illicit drug use, and his participation in
Victim Statement 3, Experience 107, pg. 131.
Gordon B. Hinckley, “The Scourge of Illicit Drugs,” Ensign, Nov 1989, 48.
Boyd K. Packer, “Revelation in a Changing World,” Ensign, Nov 1989, 14.
Russell M. Nelson, “Addiction or Freedom,” New Era, September 1989, 4.
Saint named James Mooney, who had re-styled himself as a Native American
peyote and his involvement with the Oklevueha Native American Church founded by
Mooney, who retained David Lee Hamblin as his spokesperson and protege.
70. The documentary in question is posted on YouTube, and any member of the
71. The fact that Respondent’s appearance in the video is corroborative of the
allegations made by the Hamblin sisters with regards to the use of peyote in
ceremonies run by James Mooney is the reason Respondent has never filed a
Bennion details his childhood arrest for arson, and says that playing with fire is fun.21
73. He also refers to his kiln as a “kill,” which is exactly how the Hamblin sisters
74. Again, no illegal stalking was necessary, because Respondent Joseph Wood
75. Respondents also divulged numerous other corroborative facts on their social
media accounts, which were public, thereby removing any necessity to engage in
any sort of subterfuge or deceit in order to obtain information through covert means.
76. Respondents, by and through their counsel, Caleb Proulx, included facts which
The Potter’s Meal, Revisited, available at:
The Potter’s Meal, Revisited, availabe at:
77. The obvious motive for doing so was to obtain a stalking injunction by
78. Examples of this are found in Exhibit V, which is recounted in Paragraph 49,
where Petitioner’s remarks about possibly moving to Utah and obtaining a piece of
land with clear lines of sight for his rifles is misconstrued, because nowhere in the
quote does Petitioner reference the Respondents, or talk about going to the
79. In Paragraph 50, Respondents use bold face type to highlight Petitioner’s
comment that he is “armed to the teeth and willing to kill and die for this.” They do
not highlight the preceding sentence, which clearly contextualizes the remark as
pertaining to the possiblity that Church of Satan members or their allies might come
after the Petitioner in order to harm him. This takes the highlighted portion from a
80. The more obvious motive for the Respondents’ efforts is to disarm Petitioner, as
the Temporary Civil Stalking Injunction contains the following words within it: “It may
be a federal crime for you to have possess, transport, ship, or receive any firearm or
81. The obvious implication is clear: the ex parte order, which Petitioner had no
opportunity to potentially make further spurious filings at the federal level regarding
82. This is despite the fact that the Respondents can show no threats involving
firearms or any other weapons, or any other illegal threats by Petitioner directed at
them personally.
83. In Paragraph 53, Respondents again highlight the portions of a quote that they
believe will buttress their contention that Petitioner has somehow threatened them,
while leaving the relevant portion that undermines their claim un-highlighted: “I am
currently committed to working through the legal process in the hopes that this
process will yield a righteous outcome for David Lee Hamblin’s deeds, and for the
85. Respondents resort to changing the font in their petition, so that they can
highlight the portions that they selectively excerpt to paint the Petitioner in negative
light, while making the portions that rebut their misrepresentations harder to read.
86. Respondents include multiple references to Petitioner’s work with private clients,
even though such facts have nothing to do with the central allegation that Petitioner
87. In Paragraph 74, Respondents allege that Andi Pitcher Davis owns the former
husband Mark owns the property, and she is not in any position to tell the Petitioner
or anyone else who they can and cannot contact on that property because she is not
the owner, a tenant, or anyone with legal authority over the property in question.
88. Respondents knew or should have known this prior to including a deceptive
allegation in their petition for a stalking injunction, as a simple property search with
the Sanpete County Recorder would have clarified that Andi Pitcher Davis did not
own the property. It would appear that the Respondents instead decided to willfully
deceive the court, or that their counsel did not perform any due diligence beyond
89. The fact that David Lee Hamblin’s former home is across the street from
that they occupy for the purposes of defining stalking under the statutory language.
This basic reality seems to elude Respondents and their counsel, who appear to
argue that a visit to a location across the street from a property they formerly owned
constitutes stalking, when the plain language of the statute-as well as a common
90. Tellingly, Respondents make no allegation that Petitioner has ever visited their
current residence or place of business, or any other location that they own, lease, or
occupy. This is because they have no proof that the Petitioner ever engaged in that
91. The inclusion of Respondents’ single text message to Zina Bennion is also
child “who regularly resided in the household within the prior six months.” 76-5-
106.5(1)(iii). Zina Bennion is not listed as a Petitioner on the Verified Petition, and a
signle text message to which she did not respond is not grounds for a stalking
92. Respondents appear to believe they can vicariously impute a violation of the
statute to any single instance of communication to an adult child who lives outside
of their home, even when that adult child is likely the victim of their abuse if the
Hamblin sisters are telling the truth and therefore a possible source for any
immediate family by virtue of regular residence within their home over the prior six
93. The hagiographic recitation of facts in the section headlined as “Other Relevant
has no bearing at all on the central allegation of stalking, or the relevant elements of
the stalking statute. The awards received by the Respondents, and the duration of
instances they claim, which include Lee Bennion’s gallerist in Salt Lake City
informing her and her husband that the gallery has received phone calls complaining
about the gallery carrying the art of a Church of Satan member, or the egging of
95. By the Respondents’ own admission, “none of the individuals who have
harassed the Petitioners have explicitly indicated whether they are affiliated with or
96. The reality is that the Hamblin Victims Statements and police reports naming the
Respondents as perpetrators have been circulating on the Internet for over two years,
and they have been covered by multiple other journalists, bloggers, and podcasters.
97. The Respondents cannot distinguish the coverage of others from that of the
Investigations in Ritual Abuse and the alleged harassment and threatening conduct
98. Respondents offer only their speculation and supposition to draw an inference or
a link between the Petitioner’s writing and podcast appearances and their purported
harassment and emotional distress, the former of which they offer no exhibits in
support of and the latter of which is bereft of a single affidavit or record from a
99. The Respondents simply make bald assertions of a connection between the
Petitioner’s writing and their claimed distress and the instances of harassment,
100. The Petitioner and the Court are left to simply accept the self-interested
assertions and claims of the Respondents, who have every interest in suppressing
the allegations of their involvement in a satanic cult that allegedly trafficked, raped,
and murdered children and adults over at least a twenty year period.
101. The Respondents have every reason to lie, distort, and misrepresent their
alleged suffering, given the public admission of Joseph Wood Bennion that he did in
fact participate in peyote ceremonies at a time when the possession and use of
102. Additionally, the federal exemption for religious use of peyote only applied to
from the criminal penalties for possessing peyote and belonging to a group,
Oklevueha Native American Church, whose founder James Warren Mooney was
103. Respondents can show no single instance of behavior by Petitioner that would
constitute stalking under the plain language of the statute, or any instance of
conduct that would not fit under the exemption within 76-5-106.5(6)(a)(ii), which
104. The Respondents do not deny the allegations made by the Hamblin sisters or
stalking injunction, just as they do not deny the allegations made by any other
victims. The Respondents have never sought injunctive relief against Rachel, Eliza,
and Katherine Hamblin. The Respondents have never sued Rachel, Eliza, and
Katherine Hamblin for defamation, and they have never sued the Petitioner for
105. The Respondents do not accuse the Petitioner of defamation, because doing
so would open the door to civil litigation, where they would be vigorously and
106. In short, the Respondents and their counsel misled the court at every turn in
their Verified Petition in an attempt to utilize the stalking statute to quash journalistic
coverage and free speech they did not like, while never once denying the following:
Nick Nelson, Medicine Man, Daily Herald, May 22, 2005, available at:
Mooney eventually entered into a Settlement Agreement with the U.S. Attorneys Office in which he
agreed that he would not possess or use peyote in any form, or distribute or facilitate the distribution of
peyote to others, or seek to acquire peyote from any authorized or unauthorized source. Settlement
Agreement, Case No. 2:05 CR 410 TS, February 22, 2006.
a) That they were members of the group described by Rachel, Eliza, and
Katherine Hamblin;
b) that they engaged in the criminal conduct alleged by Rachel, Eliza, and
Katherine Hamblin;
c) that they were involved in the abuse of Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine
d) and that they were and are members of a group that designated itself as
Petition of the Respondents, and they are listed in the next section.
108. In Paragraph 29 of their Verified Petition, the Respondents alleged that the
Petitioner’s “conduct goes beyond mere “investigation” and he seeks to harass and
109. The Respondents then list specific quotes that they contend support their
110. Not a single listed item would constitute stalking or any other criminal form of
behavior. Respondents do not deny the voluminous allegations against them, they
do not dispute the veracity of those allegations in their Verified Petitions; instead,
they apparently argue that any further examination of those allegations constitutes
30’s inclusion of “We want to make the offenders uncomfortable. They’ll make
of this quote makes it clear that they see themselves as offenders for the purpose of
this quote’s inclusion in their Verified Petition. Again, they never deny the
substantive allegations against them; nor do they specify which, if any, of the
112. Respondents appear to believe that Petitioner’s stated goal of seeing “as many
losses” is stalking, when in fact, the general goal of any reasonable person is to see
prison for their criminal activities and suffer civil penalties for their abuse and murder
of children.25
113. In Paragraph 32, Respondents cite Petitioner’s invitation for people interested
furtherance of stalking the Respondents, when the specific quote does not reference
the Respondents nor does it invite anyone to contact, approach, confront, send
material to, place or deliver an object to, or directly or indirectly follow, monitor,
114. In short, the Respondents and their counsels selective excerpt and quote the
Petitioner throughout their Verified Petition without ever drawing any connection
Verified Petition, Paragraph 31.
between the specific conduct cited as stalking as defined by the statute and their
115. The Respondents cite the efforts of Petitioner to train laymen in investigative
when the specific instances cited do not reference Respondents Joseph Wood
116. The Respondents remove the context of certain quotes, including in Paragraph
38, when they say that the Petitioner “states his belief that the members of the CS
“have to reaffirm their commitment to Satan via ordinances”; this means that “the
117. Petitioner does not instruct the readers to go conduct surveillance, or to engage
in any course of activity that would bring them into proximity with Respondents or
the other alleged members of the Church of Satan, precisely because Petitioner
118. Respondents’ own Petition notes this in Paragraph 40, which explicitly states
that the Petitioner “encourag[ed] his acolytes to never “directly contact or harass any
criminal groups such as the Church of Satan were outlined to assist in building
evidence for criminal and civil cases, the former of which would require such
information to determine where crimes occurred, and the latter of which would
require such information in order to collect assets to satisfy civil judgments against
those who rape and murder children and adults as part of an organized criminal
120. The Petitioner’s contention that “the simplest way to exert pressure on CS
members is for them to be aware that they are under scrutiny” is removed from its
context of scrutinizing criminal actors in order to deter them from committing further
criminal acts, and the scrutiny involved never once involved monitoring, observing,
any other alleged CS member, which is why the Respondents’ Verified Petition is
bereft of a single cited instance where Petitioner instructed his trainees to engage in
such behavior.
121. At the risk of being redundant, Respondents’ own Petition notes this in
Paragraph 40, which explicitly states that the Petitioner “encourag[ed] his acolytes to
never “directly contact or harass any alleged member of the [Church of Satan].”
122. The Petitioner’s encouragement of trainees utilizing what they can use “to
123. When Petitioner texted Zina Bennion via text message, for example, he
contacted her as a possible victim of her parents, the Respondents, because Zina
and their alleged accomplices awareness of his Substack stems from sources who
told him that Respondent Joseph Wood Bennion claimed he knew who the
Respondent was in 2022 and 2023, while also falsely claiming that Petitioner had
been excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
125. Additionally, one source alleged that Respondent Joseph Wood Bennion had
walked into a local coffee shop, bragging that he had a gun and anyone who
threatened his family would end up dead. If anyone threatened Respondent’s family
with imminent physical harm, he would be well within his rights to defend himself
and his family with lethal force, but the Petitioner never threatened Respondent
Joseph Wood Bennion or his wife Lee Bennion with anything other than criminal and
civil culpability for their alleged conduct, and Petitioner did not do so through any
direct contact with either of the Respondents, or indirectly through third parties.
126. In fact, Petitioner has never met or talked to or communicated with the
Respondents in any way, a fact that their Verified Petition fails to explicitly stipulate
as it insinuates and alleges that Petitioner’s legal acts within a journalistic and
matter of law and fact those actions do not constitute of violation of any criminal or
civil statute, which is why the Respondents resorted to an ex parte order instead of
127. The context in which Petitioner noted Respondent Joseph Wood Bennion’s
birthday stems directly from the Hamblin Victims Statements, where Rachel, Eliza,
and Katherine Hamblin allege that members of the Church of Satan are required to
punishments awaited us. The elders made a big deal about having
for adults, friends would hold these parties for each other and
Victim Statement #2, pg. 29.
128. This context provides an adequate justification for Respondents’ neighbors in
Spring City to keep an eye out for unusally large gatherings or activities around the
129. The locations publicized on Substack were the locations of alleged crimes, and
activities, those addresses were relevant. Again, the Respondents make no effort to
deny the veracity of the allegations against them, either with a blanket denial and an
assertion of defamation, or with any specific rebuttal of the claims made by their
130. At no point do Respondents cite a single instance where the Petitioner instructs
other alleged perpetrator, but they do cite Petitioner’s admonishment that his
readers and trainees should “never directly contact or harass any alleged member of
131. In essence, the Respondents’ own Verified Petition undercuts the central
contention that the Petitioner engaged in stalking with the actual words of the
Petitioner that explicitly state that his readers and trainees should not contact or
harass the Respondents or any other alleged member of the Church of Satan.
132. Only by selectively excerpting quotes by the Petitioner, misleading the Court as
the context of those quotes, and through outright deceit do the Respondents
manage to make their case that they have been stalked or harassed, but by their
own admission they cannot connect a single harassing phone call to their gallerist or
133. As a matter of law and fact, the Verified Petition utterly fails to establish that the
stalking, harassment, or defamation. In fact, the Respondents do not allege that the
Petitioner ever defamed them at all. They do not deny their alleged membership in
the Church of Satan, their commission of alleged criminal acts, or their alleged
beliefs and practices consistent with the allegations made by Rachel, Eliza, and
Katherine Hamblin, nor do they submit any affidavits in support of their position from
their adult children denying the allegations of their membership, and their
participation in criminal physical and sexual abuse of children and adults, up to and
including murder.
stalking is simple enough: if the allegations made by Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine
Hamblin and covered by Investigations in Ritual Abuse are false, the Respondents
might have a basis for their purported emotional distress commensurate with the
135. If the allegations are true, and the Respondents are instead concerned with the
potential criminal and civil culpability they face if the Petitioner and his supporters
136. Petitioner recognizes that murderers and child rapists suffer a great deal of
emotional distress at the prospect of facing exposure, including civil and criminal
culpability, but murderers and rapists are not the class of individual-the reasonable
137. Petitioner also recognizes that the Respondents are free to worship Lucifer or
any other god of their choosing due to the guarantees of religious freedom enshrined
in the First Amendment, but there is no interpretation of religious liberty that extends
to beliefs that lead to the practice of ritualized child rape, torture, and murder.
138. Any reasonable person would agree with the position that religious liberty does
not encompass ritualized abuse and murder, and any reasonable person would
agree that those who perpetrate such acts are not immune from the emotional
private individuals.
139. Additionally, the Petitioner is well within his religious liberties as a member of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in opposing the continued
membership of those individuals who advocate for apostate positions on sexual
morality, or who engage in criminal conduct including child rape, torture, and murder.
140. Petitioner has every right to advise his Church leaders of the allegations against
their likely violation of any number of Church doctrines and commandments for
were stalking, the Church would be unable to engage in any former of discipline
141. The Respondents have had two years to make their case against the Hamblin
sisters by rebutting the specific allegations made with facts and evidence to show
that the sisters are lying about timelines, locations, dates, specific details, and any
other items. In those two years, the Respondents have offered not a scintilla of
evidence to rebut the allegations against them. In their Verified Petition, they offer
nothing in the way of a rebuttal to those allegations, or even a denial of the veracity
of the allegations.
142. Instead, they have resorted to filing a 35 page Verified Petition For Stalking
Injunction, the contents of which debunk the Respondents’ claims that the Petitioner
ever engaged in a course of action that would constitute stalking as defined by 76-5-
106.5, and their own cited examples of Petitioner’s Substack writing not only refute
the allegation of stalking, but also fit within the exception of 76-5-106.5(6)(ii), which
which he covers allegations contained with police reports and victims statements
from the Hamblin criminal case in 2012 to 2014, and on the Substack and in
supporters from contacting or harassing any alleged member of the Church of Satan.
143. In fact, the Petitioner has explicitly stated that he does not contact or harass or
confront the alleged perpetrators of sex crimes precisely because doing so would be
unsafe, given the violent nature of many perpetrators, despite the fact that the
144. The context of Petitioner’s so-called “extreme” statements pertaining to the use
attack him on his land or in his day to day life, or if they attempted to harm his family
or his property. This is entirely legal, and not at all inappropriate to express.
business, their residence, or any other location for the purpose of confronting them
or engaging in illegal conduct, and the reason is simple: the Petitioner never made
such a statement.
145. The Respondents filed a frivolous Petition seeking relief for a non-existent
threat, and to protect themselves against a course of behavior that never happened,
likely for the purpose of deterring and intimidating Petitioner from engaging in
146. Their inept understanding of the plain language of the stalking statute is
execution of the Verified Petition, which contains within it exculpatory quotes that
clearly establish the Petitioner never stalked the Respondents and explicitly
reputation as individuals who leveraged their membership in their Church and their
147. It is not that the Respondents are particularly competent or adroit at evading
persuading them to participate in illicit activity via peyote ceremonies and other acts,
which are illegal under criminal code and prohibited by the clear doctrine of their
Church, which the Respondents clearly disagree with on a fundamental level based
on their endorsement of same sex marriage, the use of illicit drugs, and their
association with apostate religious groups, even as they remain members in order to
avail themselves of the penumbral covering of status as active Latter Day Saints in
148. No reasonable person would look at the Verified Petition for a Stalking
Injunction and see as anything other than an attempt to mislead the Court, by
149. In simple terms, the Respondents have wasted the Court’s time and resources,
parte temporary injunction, which took time and resources away from the core
purpose of the Petitioner’s efforts: to uncover the truth about what the Church of
150. The fact that the Court granted the relief requested is absurd on its face, given
the reality that the Petition contained every bit of exculpatory evidence within itself
151. As a matter of fact and law, the Verified Petition did not establish that stalking
had occurred, or even that it was likely to occur, as a result of the Petitioner’s acts.
152. The Verified Petition did establish that the Respondents and their counsel were
willing to resort to deceit and misrepresentation to obtain relief from legal acts,
which were transmogrified into stalking through selective and misleading quotes and
illogical arguments, even as the Respondents managed to refute their own position
by including explicit statements and admissions which established that the Petitioner
had not stalked them and had not encouraged anyone else to stalk them.
153. Petitioner’s actions do not constitute stalking under 76-5-106.5, his actions are
exempted (6)(a)(ii) of the same statute as a legitimate business purpose, and his
154. Respondent’s claim of stalking is clearly debunked by their own Verified
Petition, and should never have been granted. Specifically, the Respondents admit
the following:
no police reports to substantiate their claims, and they admit that “none of
the individuals who have harassed the Petitioners have explicitly indicated
d) Respondents have not shown that Petitioner alone would bear sole or
exclusive responsibility for such acts, given that the allegations against
e) The only proof that the Respondents presented was the Petitioner’s explicit
the Church of Satan, which completely disproves their assertion that the
f) Respondents claim that they have suffered emotional distress, but they
substantiate their claims, nor have they connected that emotional distress
they refute any of the specific accusations as false in their Verified Petition.
h) Respondents have not sued Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine Hamblin for
defamation; moreover, they have not sued the Petitioner for defamation.
i) Respondents’ children submitted no affidavits denying or disputing the
allegations made by Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine Hamblin, nor did the
occultists were encouraged to patronize and even purchase wares from the
Respondent’s business. Ridicule and censure are not stalking, and they
are protected speech under the First Amendment, and this is a long-settled
actually Jerry Falwell, and it is the same here: the AI videos were clearly
Available at:
satirical, and obviously not Joseph Wood Bennion. Additionally, the
HeyGen AI and clearly stipulated that the videos were derived from
headshots and did not consist of actual remarks or conduct on the part of
is, his ignorance and incompetence do not suffice as a justification for his
device, or means, nor did they demonstrate that the Petitioner approached
p) Respondents did not-and cannot-show that the single text to Zina Bennion
information about the Respondents, and even if it was, if the text occurred
in the course of business as part of an effort to cover the Hamblin case and
q) Respondents lied to the Court about the ownership of the former Hamblin
home in Spring City located at 95 S 400 E, and they knew or should have
known that Andi Pitcher Davis was not the legal owner, which gives rise to
the possibility that they deliberately lied to the court in order to make it
legal or factual basis. The fact that they were successful in obtaining a
Based on the foregoing the Petitioner respectfully requests that the ex-parte stalking
injunction be lifted immediately, expunged from the record entirely, and that appropriate
sanctions be entered against the Respondents and their Counsel, Caleb Proulx. Petitioner
requests that the Court determine if the Respondents’ assertions in their Verified Petition
rise to a violation of U.C.A. 78B-18a-101 et. al., in that the assertions were intentional
misrepresentations intended to obtain injunctive relief the Respondents were not legally
entitled to, and would never have received, had they not knowingly misrepresented both the
facts and the law in their Verified Petition. Petitioner further requests criminal referrals to the
appropriate prosecuting agency if the Court finds that the Respondents violated U.C.A. 78B-
18a-101 et. al., as well as referral to the bar for disciplinary proceedings against
Respondents’ counsel Caleb Proulx, whose filing was frivolous, dishonest, and completely
Petitioner also seeks injunctive relief barring the Respondents from further dishonest
efforts to obtain injunctive relief for non-existent stalking threats and all other matters the
Respondents may attempt to mislead this and other Courts about in the future. Petitioner
requests that the injunction be final and permanent in order to prevent further frivolous filings
by the Respondents, and Petitioner requests any other relief that is equitable and just under
I declare under criminal penalty of the State of Utah that the foregoing factual
assertions contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or belief. I
acknowledge that I may be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor if I knowingly make a false
written statement in an unsworn declaration.
LDS Church of Satan Members
Aidukatis, Nelson and Julie- VS1 pg.30, VS2 pg. 136, VS3 pg.
Allen, Mike and Rebecca -VS2 pg. 14, 15, 42, 43, VS3 pg. 12-13,
VS4 pg. 30-31, 60-61,
Allred- VS1 pg. 24
Allred, Bobette- VS1 pg. 3, 46,
Allred, Hugh (“therapy”) - VS2 pg. 130, 131
Allred, Jeff- VS1 pg. 45,
Allred, Linda- VS1 pg. 3, 46,
Anderson, -VS2 pg. 37, 39,
Anderson, Agnes (Richard Anderson’s mother)- VS3 pg. 81,
Anderson, Gerrit and Carol- VS3 pg. 59, 142-43, VS4 pg. 20-24,
42-43, 59-60, 72,
Anderson, Nathan- VS3 pg. 142-43, VS4 pg. 19-21, 24, 45-46
Arrington, James and Lisa- VS2 pg. 130, VS3 pg. 11, 12-13, 35,
38-39, 46-47, 123-24, VS4 pg. 32, 37,
Baird, Dr.- VS3 pg. 92,
Bennion, Joe and Lee-VS1 pg. 3, pg. 5, 7, 13, 24, 25, 29, 36, 40,
44, 45, 48,49, 51,VS2 pg. 16, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 42,
43, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 78, 82,
83,87, 90, 104, 108, 111, 112, 115, 116, 120, 121, 124, 134, 135,
136, 139, VS3 pg. 7, 8, 21, 26,39-40, 43-44, 50-51, 53-54, 61, 63,
66, 79, 88-91, 95-96, 98-100, 111-112, 114-15, 118-20, 122-128,
129-41, 144-45, 148-50, VS4 pg. 4, 32-35. 42, 53-54, 57, 59-63,
67-68, 70-71, 76-78
Paxman, Shirley and Monroe -VS2 pg. 69, VS4 pg. 57,
Peacock, Ella (artist and neighbor in Spring City)- VS1 pg. 46,
Peel, Dale- VS3 pg. 89,
Pratley, “Sister” and Husband (unnamed and in 14th Ward)- VS3
pg. 32
“Richard and Robert- VS1 pg. 14, 30, VS2 pg. 39, 41, 100
(Richard as High Council Peacemaker), 106
“Renee”- VS pg. 37, 43,
Rosie- VS1 pg. 15
Rytting, Lysa- VS1 pg. 9,
“Sara” (Lee Bennion’s sister and Nola Sullivan’s daughter in law)-
VS2 pg. 21, 37, ]
Schroder- VS2 pg. 120,
Schulte, Mike and Paula- VS2 pg. 18, 21, 37, 42, 43, 51, 82, 104,
139, VS3 pg. 99, 124, 129-30, VS4 pg. 63-64,
Schulte, Tom- VS3 pg. 125,
“Shawnee”-VS2 pg. 23, VS3 pg. 89,
Sheepdog- VS4 pg. 3,
Sheets, David and Deborah- VS1 pg. 30, VS2 pg. 14, 22, 42, 51.
104, VS3 pg. 12-13, 89, 99, 123-124, VS4 pg. 34, 59-61,
Sheranne aka ShaRane (Former Spring City client of DLH?)- VS2
pg. 126, VS3 pg. 5,
Smith, Joseph Alvin- VS2 pg. 49,
Staples, Julie Mitton- VS2 pg. 63, 91
Stevens, Kim and Craig- VS3 pg. 142, VS4 pg. 44,
Sullivan, Clyde and Nola-VS1 pg. 15, 30, 36, 47, 48, VS2 pg. 21,
37, 86, 126, 136, VS3 pg. 5, 33, 57-59, 81, 142-43, VS4 pg. 24-26,
59-60, 69, 72,
Sullivan, Michael and Christine (Nola’s son and daughter in law)-
VS2 pg. 22
Susan (possibly Suki)- VS2 pg. 139,
“The Three Graces”- VS2 pg. 73,
Tom- VS2 pg. 116,
Turkish man- VS4 pg. 37,
Tuttle, Tim and Krii (Hamblin)- VS1 pg. 38, VS3 pg. 20, 21, 109-
110, 149-50, 57,
Uncle Craig- VS1 pg. 16
Uncle Greg-VS1 pg. 16, pg. 20, 26,
Van Wagenen, Norman and Cindy (Belle’s son and daughter in
law)- VS2 pg. 14, 21,
Walker, Ellen-VS1 pg. 7, VS2 pg. 19, VS4 pg. 72,
Waltons- VS3 pg. 89,
Warner, Terry- VS3 pg. 130
Watson, Andy (art teacher in VS3)- VS3 pg. 34
Whitesides, Lynn VS2 pg. 14, 66, 139, VS3 pg. 26, 131-32, 144-46,
VS4 pg. 63, 77,
Wilkinson (Redacted, unnamed friend of one of the victims in
VS3)-VS3 pg. 35,
Wilson, Daryl- VS4 pg. 69,
Wilson, David- VS4 pg. 69,
Wolf, Alyssa-VS2 pg. 57, VS3 pg. 26, 131-32
Yorgason, Josh and Melanie-VS2 pg. 91, 102 (Melanie Yorgason
is Peacemaker in her family),