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2012 10 31 Special Investigations and Products Kirton McConkie, LDS Church Sex Abuse Cases

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Case Invest.

Abbreviated Summary Status / Resolution
Details Begun Conclude
Stake President 30 Oct 2012 10/31 /12 - The stake president denies any
- has been accused
ofsexually touching a
inappropriate conduct. He is mystified by the

allegation. We will stay close to this one with
young girl at the school
where he teaches. There
is some indication that this
may receive media

is accused of 22 Oct 2012 10/31 /12 - has returned home. The

sexua y a using disciplinary council held in the mission determined
8-year-old - . no action would be taken. The home stake
president is also not inclined to take any action.
Leaders are working with the victim' s family. We
continue to monitor this one.

an illegal 22 Aug 2012 28 Aug 2012 10/31 /12 - Part of his sentence is 50 hours of
Ien mIss1onary, was 28 Aug 2012 18 Sep 2012 community service. The Mission President would
arrested and released for 26 Oct 2012 like that to happen at the Deseret Industries.
misdemeanor battery. He Deseret Industries have told the MP that they
had a physical cannot do this. Any objection to our seeing if we
confrontation with a man. can help to work this out?

Elder fondled a 30 Oct 2012 10/31 /12 - Elder confessed to touching the
young gir over her girl in the genital area over her clothing. Our only
clothing. source of information is Elder _ _The event

happened over 6 months ago~ not sure the
girl knew what he was doing. - · s companion

was meeting with the girl·s tatherprivately to
prepare him for his baptism interview. This
meeting went long when the father disclosed that
he had committed a murder. We are trying to
confirm if the family was baptized. We have
alerted the ALC. The Elder has been sent home
for ecclesiastical reasons--in addition to this he
confessed stealing fast offerings (he was serving
as the branch clerk) and money from the mission.
We will leave this one with the ALC.

Wednesday~ 31 October, 2012 Attorney Work Product - Privileged and Confidential Page 1
Perpetrator/ Victim Invest. Invest.
Abbreviated Summary Status / Resolution
Church Unit Begun Conclude
was sexually 30 Oct2012 10/31 / 12 - This may be heading to litigation for the
abused at scout camp in
1979. The perpetrator
was a non-member camp
Scouts. This matter has been getting some local
press attention with the release of the IV files.
- is upset with the way the Stake President

staff member. This file at the time handled the matter. BSA refused to
was recently released with give the family the name of the offender. -
the BSA IV files. believes that the Church knew who the offender
was, but his current leaders have explained that
leaders did not know. Media coverage has not
mentioned the Church.

,a 26 Sep 2012 10/31 /1 2 - While this claim is clearly barred,

former Indian Placement - has demanded $8.3 million. We plan to tell
student, claims he was him if he is interested in a reasonable sum, in the
physically and sexually
abused by the father and
older brother in the home
we can talk. We have confirmed with •
$10,000 range, to pay for some counseling then

that th is is the course he recommends.

where he was placed. He If he is interested, we resolve this. If he is not, we
has th reatened legal will invite him to retain a lawyer and file a claim.
action against the Church He claims that there are lawyers in touch with him,
and given a demand letter which we do not doubt. Concerns?

to Branch President-

Elder confessed to 30 Oct 2012 10/31 /12 - The missionary department is reluctant
sexting with a 15 year old to send this Elder home to - where he may
girl in prior to face prosecution for a felony. His conduct is
his mission. The girl sent clearly unlawful in _ , and his Stake President
him nude photos. would have a duty to report. The Elder also
recently confessed to kissing and some touching
with a 15 year old girl in the mission field . It is
clear that the Elder needs to go home. Direction?

Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 Attorney Work Product - Privileged and Confidential Page2

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