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Blücher Scenario Laichling 1809

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Blücher Scenario: Laichling, 21 April 1809.

“Davout’s Immortals”

This scenario is for two players, on a 24 x 16BW table (6’ X 4’ if using 1BW as 3”).


It is 21 April 1809 in the Danube valley, twelve days after Austria invaded Bavaria. The Franco-
Bavarian forces have recovered from their initial surprise and blunted the impetus of the Austrian
assault. The campaign is now in the balance. Battle eld intelligence on both sides has been
limited by the close terrain and fast pace of events. Today, Napoleon believes he is chasing the
main Austrian army back towards Landshut, while he has ordered Davout and Lefèbvre to mop up
the remnants of enemy units stranded south of Regensburg. Davout, however, is about to
discover that Napoleon has made a major miscalculation. Far from a few scattered battalions,
Davout has come up against a strong Austrian position, prepared for a stubborn defence.

The Map

The river is impassable except at Schierling.

1 square equals 4BW.

The north side of the table is heavily wooded. The whole area was hilly but for game purposes
hills are only shown where there are no woods. The top of the map is north.


Both sides have 3 MO per turn.


There are two objectives, both of which start the game under Austrian control. One objective
should be placed in the village of Ober-Laichling. The second objective should be placed in the
village of Ober-Sanding. If the French player controls both objectives at the end of an Austrian
turn, the game ends immediately with a French victory.

Set Up Areas

The Austrians set up rst.

IV Corps deploys anywhere in the yellow rectangle, facing west. Infantry may begin prepared. One
unit may also garrison Unter-Laichling.

The French set up second. III Corps may set up anywhere within the blue rectangle. Lefebvre’s
Corps sets up anywhere within the black rectangle.

Both sides will be testing for reinforcements. Reserve movement is not permitted in this scenario.

The game lasts for 26 turns. The French have the rst turn.

Rule amendment
Infantry units with the skirmishers trait (Sk) may use a simple move in woods. All other troop
types in woods must use the di cult move as per written rules. (Note that visibility in Woods
remains 1BW, so a unit may not charge an enemy that is over 1BW away. A unit moving through
woods towards an enemy unit must stop 1BW away. )

Orders of Battle

Playing units are marked in bold.

Unit Annotation
From left to right:
“Corps”; (historical title); unit description; elan; unit traits if present; artillery if attached; unit cost

Austria. 119 points, rising to 225 max. Army Morale 3, up to 6 when reinforced.
3 heavy artillery batteries 9
3 artillery batteries (allocated as below) 9
IV Corps: Field Marshal Lieutenant Furst von Rosenberg
Hero 5

Gill orbat

IV Position Artillery 1: 544322 Hvy

IV Position Artillery 2: 544322

Brigade von Stutterheim

S (GrR #12 Deutsch Banater) Veteran Grenz 6 sk 12
S (4th Vincent Chevauxlegers) Light Cavalry 6 10
S (10th Stipsicz Hussars) Light Cavalry 7 14

Field Marshal Lieutenant Furst Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Bartenstein

H (IR #8 Archduke Louis) Veteran Infantry 6 a 10
H (IR#22 Koburg) Veteran Infantry 6 10
H (IR#46 Chasteler) Veteran Infantry 6 10

Field Marshal Lieutenant von Sommariva

So (IR #9 Czartoryski ) Veteran Infantry 6 a 10
So (IR#55 Reuss-Greitz) Veteran Infantry 6 10
So (IR #44 Bellegarde) Veteran Infantry 6 10

Austrian reinforcements.

Reinforcements are handled di erently from the Blucher rules as written. Each group still has a
reinforcement factor but it is used di erently. Every turn, the controlling player rolls a number of
dice equal to its reinforcement factor. If the sum of the dice rolled is less than or equal to the
current turn number, the group arrives.

Austrian reinforcements on the day were haphazard, due, inter alia, to poor coordination between
Rosenberg and Hohenzollern, the commander of III Corps, and to the erratic interventions of
Archduke Charles and his sta . There are three Austrian reinforcement groups, each with its own
reinforcement factor and location. Note it is entirely possible that Group C, in particular, will not
arrive at all during the game.

Group A.
Destination: Any east table edge north of the yellow deployment box.
Factor: 2

III Corps detachment:

Brigade von Kayser
K (IR #7 Schroeder) Veteran Infantry 6 a 10
K (IR#56 Wendell Colloredo) Veteran Infantry 6 10
K (E.Karl Legion*) Conscript Infantry 6 c 9

Group B.
Destination: Any east table edge within the yellow deployment box.
Factor: 3

Brigade von Bieber

B (IR #20 Kaunitz) Veteran Infantry 6 10
B (IR#38 Wurttemberg) Veteran Infantry 6 10

Group C.
Destination: Any east table edge north of the yellow deployment box.
Factor: 4

Archduke Charles regiment

3 (IR#3 Archduke Charles) Veteran Infantry 6 10

NB IR#3 does not belong to a Corps and so always costs 2MO to mobilise.

Group D.
Destination: Any east table edge north of the yellow deployment box.
Factor: 6

1 Reserve Corps detachment: Brigade GM Siegenthal

Si (E.Albert and E.Franz) cuirassiers 7 Sh 15
Si (3 battalions) Grenadiers 7 Sh St 16
Si (3 battalions) Grenadiers 7 Sh St 16
France and Bavaria. 195 points, rising to 228 points. Army Morale 5, up to 6 when reinforced
6 artillery batteries (allocated as below) 12
III Corps: Mar chal Davout
Vigorous 15
III Corps artillery 544322
III Light Cavalry 6 10

2nd Division: G n ral de division Friant

2 (15th Light) Elite Infantry 7 sk 16
2 (33rd Line) Line Infantry 6 sk a 12
2 (48th Line) Line Infantry 6 sk 12
2 (108th Line) Line Infantry 6 sk 12
2 (111th Line) Line Infantry 6 sk 12

4th Division: G n ral de division St. Hilaire

4 (10th Light) Light Infantry 6 sk 12
4 (3rd Line) Line Infantry 6 sk a 12
4 (57th Line) Elite Infantry 7 sk 16
4 (72nd Line) Line Infantry 6 sk 12
4 (105th Line) Line Infantry 6 sk 12

Lefebvre’s provisional Corps

3rd Bavarian Division: Generallieutenant Deroi
3 (Vincenti) Allied Line 6 10
3 (Siebein) Allied Line 6 a 10
3 (Seydewitz) Allied Cavalry 6 10

French reinforcements

Reinforcements are handled di erently from the Blucher rules as written. Each group still has a
reinforcement factor but it is used di erently. Every turn, the controlling player rolls a number of
dice equal to its reinforcement factor. If the sum of the dice rolled is less than or equal to the
current turn number, the group arrives.

There are two groups of French reinforcements.

Group A.
Destination: Any west table edge within the black deployment box.
Factor: 3

French Reserve division: Demont@

D (1st) Provisional Brigade 5 sk 9
D (2nd) Provisional Brigade 5 sk 9

Group B.
Destination: Any west table edge within the black deployment box.
Factor: 5
L (St German) Cuirassiers 7 Sh 15

*This unit represents the 5th and 6th battalions of the Archduke Charles Legion. The 1st battalion
of the Legion had a good reputation and included ri e-armed light troops, but the rest of the
Legion was less well-regarded and as they were only recently recruited, I have treated them as
@ Demont’s Reserve division was only formed on 21 March, from the 4th battalions of Davout’s III
Corps regiments. I have penalised these units for their recent creation. However they still have the
skirmish trait and are not treated as conscripts.


F. Loraine Petre, Napoleon and the Archduke Charles, 1909. Reprint by Greenhill Books 1991.
James R. Arnold, Crisis on the Danube. Arms and Armour Press, 1990.
The Nafziger Collection,

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