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SoN Turn Example

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the battle of grunbach


The Austrian centre advances

up the hill, jaeger detachments
deployed as skirmishers.

T his a short article describing, in detail, a single turn

of a game of Soldiers of Napoleon.
We join the battle at the start of Turn 2 of the game.
So far, the French have been on the defensive, firing
cannons and sending out skirmishers but they haven’t
This game is a ‘Corps-sized’ battle, with both sides advanced too far. The Austrians have pushed forwards
commanding four brigades. It pits a French force verses in the centre to claim a hill and the grenadiers have also
an Austrian force, both using the 1813, War of the Sixth advanced on their right, driven some French reserve
Coalition, army lists. infantry out of the castle/monastery building and one
grenadier battalion now occupies that large building.
The French force consists of two infantry brigades, one
light cavalry brigade and the fourth Imperial Guard Dealing Action Cards
infantry brigade, off-table, in reserve. The French are Both players will receive a hand of Action Cards for the
deployed with the two infantry brigades on the left and turn, draw from the (well shuffled) Action Card deck.
right, with the cavalry on the far right and forwards of the The number of cards is 2 +1 card for each command
infantry. The Imperial Guard infantry are yet to arrive, but stand on the table. Both players currently have 3
when they do, they will deploy into the centre. command stands for their brigades (1 each) and a
divisional command stand (themselves), for 4 in all. So
The Austrian force is also two infantry brigades, the both players will be dealt 6 cards.
weakest on their left, the strongest in the centre. The This is the Austrian hand:
third deployed brigade is a ‘forward
deployed’ grenadier brigade, on
the right. The grenadiers would
usually be in reserve but have paid
extra points to be pushed into the
front line from the start. The fourth,
reserve, brigade is light cavalry, not
yet deployed and due to arrive in the
centre from turn 2 onwards.
This is the French hand: have to take it, as there is no save
against artillery fire (there is against
musketry). 1 point of Disruption is
added to the French battalion (on a
dice next to them).

For the fifth Order, the fusiliers

skirmish fire. There are two ‘modes’ of
firing, Skirmish and Volley. Skirmish
fire has longer range (20 paces not
10) and isn’t blocked by terrain and
LoS issues (the skirmishers move up).
The number of dice rolled is equal to the firing unit’s
Each Action Card can be used in one of three ways: Skirmish value, which for the jaegers is 2. So 2 dice. This
for Orders (the big number), for its Special Event or to is then modified by -1 dice because the target French
Rally (the bottom box). infantry battalion has it’s own light company deployed
(Voltigeurs are out counter-skirmishing). So, just 1 dice
Initiative is rolled To-hit. The regular fusilier’s musketry score is
The first play of the turn goes to the side with the 4+. The roll misses but, as rifle-armed jaegers, 1 dice per
initiative. Currently, this is the Austrians, with their can be re-rolled (that’s the bonus for rifles, a single re-
more aggressive battle plan. The Austrians will then play roll). The re-roll hits. The French may now make a single
the first card from their hand. Discipline test against the incoming musket fire. Their
Discipline value is 4+. The roll is failed and they take a
Austrian First Card point of Disruption from the jaeger’s rifle shots.
The Austrian commander begins by playing
a card for 5 Orders on his central infantry That is now 5 Orders all used, the Action Card is placed
brigade. This brigade (and only this brigade) on the discard pile and it is the French’s first play.
can now use these Orders. Orders allow
an infantry battalion, cavalry regiment or French First Card
artillery battery (a unit) to do something, like move, fire, The French start out by playing a card for
etc. It cost 1 Order for 1 unit to complete 1 action, for its Special Event, the ‘Reserve Redeploying’.
ever 10 paces away from its brigade command stand. So, This gives them a chance to choose a new
at 1-10 paces, it is 1 Order to do something. At 10- area for the reserve brigade to arrive and re-
20 paces it is 2 Orders. At 20-30 paces it is 3 Orders. roll which turn they might arrive on (sooner
Brigades that become widely dispersed are inefficient for the better). Happy with the Guard arriving in the centre,
using Orders. They tend to want to work together rather but so far on turn 5, they roll for which turn the reserves
than allow units to wander off too far. might become available. The result is now a 3, so an
urgent galloper has reached the Imperial Guard brigade
Being central to his brigade, the commander will give commander to tell him to hurry up his battalion’s march.
3 March orders to 3 fusilier regiments, 1 Bombard
order to his artillery battery and 1 Skirmish Fire order There is chance, after any Special Event, that the
to another fusilier battalion, with attached rifle-armed player will immediately get another go. On ‘Reserves
jaegers to do that firing. All the units are within 10 Redeploying’ this is 4+. They roll, pass and can play
paces of the command stand, so it’s 1 Order each for the immediately again.
full 5 used.
French Second Card
Each of the 3 marching fusilier battalions are infantry The next play is to give 4 Orders on the left
in ‘column of attack’ formation and so can move up to 6 infantry brigade. The 4 Orders are: first, a
paces. They do so advancing across the hill. Manoeuvre to deploy the light company and
more Voltigeurs come out from the veteran
Next, the 6 pdr artillery battery bombards. It picks a battalion holding the village and move
target (a French infantry battalion, in range, arc of fire towards the monastery which, at 19 paces away from
and line of sight). The battery is 2 guns so rolls 2 dice the French infantry’s main body, is just in Skirmish Fire
To-hit, which is then modified. The only modifier that range. They’ll now be able to harass the grenadiers in the
applies is that the battery is in ‘impeccable order’ (i.e it is monastery with Skirmish fire.
in Good Order and has no Disruption itself ), so +1 dice.
(in SoN modifiers change the number of dice rolled, not Second, the regular line battalion out front, under jaeger
the value needed). 3 dice, and round shot hits on a 5+. fire, will return Skirmish fire with their own Voltigeurs.
The bombardment scores 1 hit, and the French battalion The French regs are Skirmish 2, so roll 2 dice, but the
French infantry and guns
deployed to hold the village, at
the rear, the monastery, scene of
Turn 1 fighting.

jaegers are deployed from the target unit so -1 dice. The at the Austrians over on the hill. Both batteries are 8
Voltiguers roll 1 dice needing 4+, and hit. The Austrian pdrs of 2 guns and ‘impeccable’ (the Austrians haven’t
fusiliers fail their Discipline test of 4+ and so take a been able to fire at them yet). Both roll 3 dice To-hit,
point of Disruption from the Voltiguer’s fire. needing 5s. The first scores 1 point of Disruption on a
fusilier battalion. The second targets the Austrian 6 pdr
Third, another reserve infantry battalion, currently in artillery battery with counter-battery fire. This reduces
line of march formation having moved through the the To-hit dice by -2 (batteries and gunners are far hard
village streets, changes formation and are placed into to hit that blocks of men), leaving just 1 dice. The roll is
line formation, far better for fighting and very good for a 6, a hit, and the Austrian 6 pdr battery take a point of
Volley firing if the Austrians come within range. Disruption (significantly, they can no longer claim to be
‘impeccable’ and get the bonus dice when Bombarding).
Fourth Order and the brigade’s artillery battery
bombards. It targets an Austrian grenadier battalion Austrian Third Card
across the field and with 2 guns (so 2 dice) and is also The Austrians use the Special Event ‘Artillery
‘impeccable’, so +1 dice. It scores 2 hits (ouch!) and the Bombards’, as guns to the rear or flank fire
grenadiers have to take them, gaining 2 Disruption from onto this tabletop. They target the French
the accurate incoming round shot. regular battalion threatening the monastery
and, as per the event, roll 5 dice, scoring
Austrian Second Card 2 hits. So, that is 2 Disruption on the French line
The Austrian commander next chooses to battalion which is now at 4 Disruption on a 4 stand
take the Battlefield Objective card he has, unit… so in serious danger (if a unit ends a turn with
‘Take the High Ground’ and keep it. He can more Disruption that it has stands, it breaks and runs).
claim the objective later and already has his The chance of another play after the Special Event is 5+,
troops on the hill. This will all be resolved in the rolls fails and so it’s back to the French player.
the End Phase (see later).
French Fourth Card
French Third Card The French also use a Special Event, ‘Senior
They use 3 Orders on the right infantry Officer Arrives’. They roll a D6 and score
brigade. These 3 Orders will be for the a 3, the Corps Commander has arrived to
brigade’s two artillery batteries to Bombard, observe the field here – ‘Bonjour Marshal St
but as one battery is 14 paces from their Cyr’. The command stand model is placed
command stand, it costs 2 Orders to fire, on the tabletop, close to French table edge, his presence
using up all 3. The guns crash forth their round shot will give various small aids to the French. The chance of
another play after the Special Event is 3+, and is passed, Point to their total for forcing this Rally. Victory Points
the French player can go again. are what eventually wins the game (see later).

French - Pass To Rally, the battalions must resolve the following

The French player has 2 cards left, the Austrian’s have 3, steps in strict order. First, ‘Rally by Withdrawal’.
so, because they have less cards the French player has the The units takes a full withdrawal move backwards
option to Pass and allow the Austrians to play. They do, and automatically lose 1 point of Disruption (from 4
preserving their Action Cards for later. down to 3 for the regs, and from 2 down to 1 for the
reservists). Next, they ‘Rally to Colours’, rolling one
Austrian Fourth Card dice for each point of Disruption on the unit and any 6s
The Austrians use 4 Orders on their left remove a point. The line infantry roll 3 dice and scores
infantry brigade. The brigade’s Orders see no rallies, then 1 dice is rolled for the reserves and again,
three battalions (two fusilier, one landwher) not a 6. No Disruption is lost. Finally, the units may
advance, in lines, 4 paces. The fourth Order choose to ‘Take Casualties’. Each stand removed from
is on the brigade’s battery of two 12 pdr the unit reduces the unit’s Disruption by 2 points. The
guns. They fire at the distant, and inactive, French line infantry removes one stand, so now becoming a 3
light cavalry. They roll 2 dice, +1 for an ‘impeccable’ stand unit with 1 point of Disruption. The reserves don’t
battery, score 1 hit on the French hussars, so 1 point of ‘Take Casualties’ and remain a 4 stand unit with 1 point
Disruption is added to them. of Disruption.

French Fifth Card The two French battalions have been driven back with
With both sides with 2 Action Cards left, some losses but are still fighting.
the French must now play, they cannot Pass.
With Disruption building up on his left Austrian Fifth Card
infantry brigade, the French player decides The Austrian command uses 5 Orders on his
to Rally here. He uses the 5 card for its Rally, central infantry brigade again. The first two
allowing him to try and rally any ‘Militia, Trained, Orders are for Skirmish Fire, as two jaeger
Seasoned, Profession or Elite’ troops (so any unit, there detachments attack the French regulars again,
are 5 levels of troop quality). The brigade can Rally the both rolling 1 dice each (they are Skirmish
Trained, line infantry (those under jaeger and artillery 2, but the target’s Voltigeurs are deployed). They score
fire) and the Militia quality reserve infantry battalion. 2 hits though and the French fail their Discipline test
The Rally is +1 VP, so the Austrians gain +1 Victory and take them. They are now a 3 stands unit with 3

French light cavalry advance on

their right, about to splash over
the Grunbach.
Disruption, dangerously close to breaking and under the Austrian light cavalry can arrive from turn 2. With
serious pressure even though they just rallied. the divisional commander in charge here, the chance
of their timely arrival is a 4+ (it is better with a Corps
The third Order is for the brigade’s artillery battery, to commander or better again with the Army commander
Bombard. It targets the French artillery that hit it, with present). The roll is a 6! The Austrian uhlan, chevaux-
return fire, but with only one dice To-hit, misses. leger regiments and their horse battery are here and
can be deployed on their central table edge, ready for
The fourth Order sees a fusilier battalion currently in Orders next turn. Just in time to ride out and meet that
‘column of attack’ formation change formation in a ‘line’. threatening French cavalry.
All the better to defend their hill.
Second, are any command stands ‘At Risk’?. ‘At Risk’
The fifth Order is for the landwehr battalion, behind means they are within 10 paces of any enemy units. In
the fusiliers (but still within 10 paces of the command which case, there is chance they must evade the enemy.
stand), move up the hill behind, as the brigade’s reserve. No command stands are currently within 10 paces of
any enemy, so there is no chance of any commanders
The last part of any Orders sequence is for the brigade being ‘At Risk’ yet.
command stand itself to move. The commander
repositions himself on the hill, to keep his entire brigade Third, are any units broken? No units have yet gained
within 10 paces, and thus save Orders. more Disruption than they have stands, so no units
break, but the French line battalion with 3 Disruption
French Sixth Card and 3 stands means the Austrians gain +1 Victory Point
The French play 4 Orders on their light for them wavering. 1 more point of Disruption would
cavalry brigade. So far it hasn’t moved, but have seen them break.
it will now. The 4 Orders are all ‘March’
Orders to move as the three cavalry Fourth, claim Battlefield Objectives. The Austrians are
regiments (2 hussar, 1 chasseur) and their 4 holding, and now reveal, their ‘Take the High Ground’
pdr horse battery, still on limber, all move up at speed. objective card. They have units on the hill (which is
The command stand then moves up with them. The outside their deployment zone) and so gain D3+3
French cavalry are on the way, moving very fast, but Victory Points. They roll and get the maximum +6.
still in ‘column of march’ formations (which is quick, Morale is soaring, they have the high ground above the
but terrible for actual fighting). They’ll need to change French and hold the monastery. The French have no
formation soon. Battlefield Objectives to claim at the moment.

Austrian Sixth Card Fifth, roll for ‘How Goes the Day?’. This is a roll-off to
The Austrian commander doesn’t feel the see if either side have gained any significant advantage
need to Rally any brigades at the moment, on the rest of the battlefield (this tabletop isn’t it, the
and, as his central brigade had the last battle rages left and right as well). The roll-off uses
Orders, immediately giving them Orders 2D6 and is modified by a forces’ pre-game scouting,
again will incur a penalty for consecutive aggressive battle plan and commander’s competence.
Orders (pushing units like this gains them Disruption, The Austrians have +5, the French +4. The Austrians
so, at need, you can do it, but it costs). The commander roll 6, so score 11. The French roll 9, so score 13 and
elects to use his last card play on the infantry brigade on win, but not by enough, so there are no significant gains
the left, for 4 Orders. elsewhere on the battlefield (you need to double your
opponent’s score), but the French will have the initiative
With the enemy cavalry now moving up fast, the three and the first play next turn.
infantry battalions change formation and form square.
That will keep them safe from most cavalry charges. The Sixth, is it the end of the game? Has either side
last Order goes on the 12 pdr battery which Bombards accumulated enough Victory Points to reach the
again, with 3 dice and scores 1 hit and 1 more point of opposition army’s Break Point? The French Break Point
Disruption on the galloping hussars. is 31, and the Austrian VP total is now 14… so no. The
Austrian Break Point is 28, with the French having 2
That all the Action Cards played, so we move to the VPs, so also no – the battle will continue (it is only turn
turn’s End Phase. 2, some way to go, but the Austrians have started well).

End Phase Finally, deal cards for the next turn. The Austrian
This is the book-keeping and it is done in a set order. player will get 7 cards (2, +4 as all 4 brigades are now
present, +1 for the divisional commander = 7). The
First, are any reserve available? The French Imperial French will also get 7 cards (2, +3 brigades, +1 divisional
Guard will only arrive from turn 3, so not for them. But, commander, +1 Corps commander = 7). After dealing 7
cards each, turn 3 can start, with the French playing first.

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