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PMK T1 2024 - Group Report Structure and Marking Criteria

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 Help students to have knowledge about brand, its history, stories, marketing activities, its customers and
competitors in the market.

 Help students to use the theory learnt during the course to explain company’s marketing activities found.

Marking Criteria: Group report (20%)

Criteria Standard Mark/20

Understanding Nature Utilizes prior learning to generate insightful and critically reflective 2
of company, key analyses of the company's background and product through high-quality
services/products research.

Environment Analysis: Demonstrate highly comprehensive level of understanding 2

Macro/Micro environmental and market factors affecting marketing decisions.

SWOT analysis Demonstrates the creation of SWOT analysis that are well-supported, 3
insightful, and justified, showcasing excellence in utilizing research.

STDP Comprehensive understanding of segmenting markets, how company 4

identifies attractive segments, choose targeting strategies, and
strategically position products for competitive advantage.

Analysis of the marketing Consistently critical understanding and analysis of the company’s 4
mix (4Ps) marketing mix using relevant theory and data which was from credible
academic and/or practitioner sources.

Analyzing suggested Capable of generating insightful and critical reflections on new 2

enhancements, lessons approaches, major lessons learned, and conclusions. Thoroughly
learned, drawing elucidates potential measures to further enhance competitiveness. This
conclusions, and proposing section provides a comprehensive and integrated overview, aligning
further improvements. with state-of-the-art theories of consumer behavior.
Application of relevant Outstanding fusion of theory and practical application in marketing. 2
theory. Use relevant Selects appropriate sources, accurately identifies and acknowledges
sources and correct them in the APA referencing style.

Spelling and format. Demonstrates an outstanding quality of structure and presentation, 1

featuring excellent writing that reflects meticulous revision to eliminate
minor mistakes.

Marking Criteria: Presentation (5%)

Category Criteria Mark/5

The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and audience. 0.25

Presentation appropriately cites requisite number of references. 0.25

The introduction captures attention effectively, adeptly presents the problem, 2

and establishes a coherent framework for the remainder of the presentation.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic, showcasing extensive
knowledge and meeting the assignment requirements. Ensures consistency
across all sections of the group report. Concludes with a clear and evident
summary of the presentation
Answer questions in the Q&A section clearly, the answer has to satisfy the 0.5
person who raises the questions and the lecturer.

Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience and is appropriately 0.5
animated (e.g., gestures, moving around, etc.). Speaker uses a clear, audible
voice. Good language skills and pronunciation are used.

Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and not distracting. 0.5
Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits. 0.5

Present within 20 minutes. There will be a minus if the presentation is from 21-
25 minutes. Answer the question with 10 minutes

All presenters knew the information, participated equally, and helped each 0.5
Group other as needed.
1. Abstract/ Executive summary
2. Introduction: describe the company and product in Vietnam market (keep it brief and concise)
 Company description (ex: history, mission/ vision)
 Key Product description (ex: function, features, design, market share, brand awareness…) in
Vietnam market
3. External environment: This part covers the current situation of the company
 Macro environment: PESTEL
 Micro environment: identify all factors in Vietnam (focus on customers, competitors; other
factors can be put in the appendix)
4. SWOT analysis: use grid to identity strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of company in
the market.
5. STDP analysis
 Briefly describe the targeted segments that brand has used
 Explain why this segment was targeted by company
 Identify the targeting strategy used by the company
 What are competitive advantages of the products/brand
 How the company differentiate themselves from other competitors in terms of products,
service, image, channel etc.
Positioning: include positioning map, positioning statement
 Positioning map: to show how your brand compare to other competitors.
 What are attributes to used and why?
 Those chosen attributes could base on criteria that customers often consider when
purchasing a product. For instance, common attributes in positioning map could be: not only
price and quality, but also wide range of product, trendy, variety of functions, many flavors to
choose, widely distribute etc.
 Positioning statement
6. Marketing mix
 Product: research and collect your types of products and apply the concepts in Product
theory (like product lines, 3 products levels, etc.) to explain
 Price: research the brand pricing and apply the concepts in Price theory (ex: pricing strategy
etc.) to explain
 Place/ Distribution: research the brand’s place/ distribution and apply the concepts in Place
theory (ex: distribution strategy etc.) to explain
 Promotion: research the brand’s promotion and apply the concepts in Promotion theory (ex:
promotion strategy etc.) to explain
7. Conclusion
 Summarize what company is doing well and what is not doing well.
 Conclude the core issues that you have identified in the company and what needs
immediately address.
8. Reference
9. Appendix
 Any supporting analysis, diagrams, pictures etc. which add value to the main report should be
included in this part.
 Campaign review: evaluate as many as possible the ad campaigns in terms of:
o How does the campaign align with the positioning strategy of the company?
o In what ways does the campaign target the specific customer group?
o How does the campaign contribute to showcasing the uniqueness of its product?
o How successful is it in terms of creativity?
o How effectively does the campaign emphasize your competitive advantages to compete
with competitors?
o Why does the ad use this KOL/ influencer instead of others? Are the messages clear?
Does the key message take out? Etc.

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